The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, July 29, 1893, Image 3

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    Lik Old Ttmo RehoeUnaster.
An oKUttme schoolmaster in rcrrasyl
Tnnla bad. been, a earpentw in his youth,
with, a tasle for book, and bad finally
settled down ns teacher of tuovUlage
lie never punished boy or girl. Hii
succeeded in keeptn his pupil interest
ed in their work. There was perfect
order in his roliool nnd apparently no
discipline. Ho was known to he an
bolltionist who had frequently con
cealed rnnawny neffroes In the garret of
Ms school. Sometimes denounced by
Tillage politicians as n fanatic, he was
ordinarily laughed at as an eccentric
But his boys never challenged his au
thority. They learned n little Latin and
G reek and a good deal about duty, honor
and Justice.
Tho tld man's eyes used to Mnre be
neath his wig when he spoke of the need
of courageous, honest men in public life.
Two of his boys hem forgot his burn
ing words. Ono was a general in the
civil war and A political leader of com
manding Influence. The other was con
spicuous for Integrity at a period of low
Irabilo morality.
Thackeray onco said that it was better
for a boy to have the middle place in the
form and a rood thrashing now and then
than to bo tho cock of the school. His
Idea was that conceit ought to be knocked
out of boys. Dut brutality is not good
training. It hardens the heart and par
alyzes sensibility. Youth's Companion.
Icnorance About Meet
"Tho business of a retail butcher will
make tho blcirest liar of a man of any
thinir on earth. Do von know thatr"
asked Thomas Tracy, the Union market
Tho man could not say that ho knew
It, and so Mr. Tracy explained his state
ment, saying: "Well, you see a retail
butcher cannot carry a very largo stock,
but ho must plcoso all his customers. A
man comes In and wants a steak 'fresh
as possible, from beef not more than SS4
hours killed,'
"The butcher eays all right and cuts
the steak from a 43-hour beef. Then
fellow comes along and wants a 00-hour
steak. Ho gets one from tho samo beef,
and so it goes, even down to the old Eng
lishman who wants ono a week or two
weeks old that has becomo mellow,
That Is cut from a part of the quarter
that has been braised in handling, or if
It has not it is no trick at all to bruise
it a little."
"But do not these people catch on to
tho fact that they have been humbug-
"Not a bit of it. Why, nine people out
of ten don't know a raw steak from o
piece of roast." St. Louis Republic
nnoilroltjrtm'nao's rean.
Oneofthesubliincst effects in nature
is occasionally seen by thoso who climb
the tall and isolated peaks of the Rocky
mountains in Colorado. Tho dryness of
Um air and tho strong heat of tho alter-
noon sun cause n rapid evaporation from
the brooks, springs and snowbanks on
the mountain sides, and this moisture.
rising on tho warmer air, condenses as it
reaches the cooler, thinner atmosphere
about tho mountain top. lhe traveler,
Inoldnir down, sees "clouds literally lorm-
ing below him and growing thick and
black every instant, so that as they
reached his level tliey roll skyward and
in huge masses of vapor that eclipse the
view and bury him in darkness. Light-
nine occasionally leans from the clouds,
and a monntnln top Is a particularly bod
nlaco to bo in at such a time. Tho stone
sicmal service station on Pike's peak has
been nearly wrecked by lightning more
than once. Hew Yorn sun.
An Od'l rom of Courtship.
Mr. Mortimer Monties, the artist, trav
eling In (ho east in search of subjects; has
come upon a carious form of courtship.
8ketohing one day in Burmah, he no
ticed a man a little distance oir glaring
fiercely straight ahead of him at some
object he could not see from his position.
The man sat with the same filed glaro
the whole afternoon and was at it again
next mo-nlng. Mr. Menpes had the cu
riosity to ask an English visitor what it
meant. The reply was, "Oh, ho is In
loveP And it was explained that this
was their method of courtship.
The obiect of the man s attentive gaze
was a girl inn neighboring bazaar. When
vounir man falls In love, ne lias to seat
htaieelf at n certain distance from his
adored ono and watt for her to do the
rest. If she looks in his direction once
or twice on tho first or Beoond day, he Is
wildly cnoonrafted, and If on the third
daysho nods to him and smiles It is
time to go to tho parents with reference
to the marriage settlements. lionaon
Tbe Medical Profession.
Every new treatment, every fresh
drug, every medicine that is discovered
Is ono more drop from the great ocean
of knowledge segregated that we may
study it for tho benefit of niannina. in
It thero are good and evil, but if we ap
proach it with reverent earnestness and
stndv that we may know wo can assure
ourselves that we nro helping on the
groat sclenctf to which we have devoted
our lives. This is reward enough, and
this reward shall surely come to tho
nhvslclan who will work. The amelio
ration of the physical ills of man is the
end and aim of our most come proles
slon. and It Is pleasant to remember that
oven the enthusiasts aid in the great
work by their devotion to their fads.-
Cyrus Edson, SI. 11., in north American
A Tribute to American News paper Women.
Mme. HvacintheLoyson has been tell
ing a representative of the Pall Mall Ga
eette her impressions of America. She
expressed much pleasure in having met
many lady reporters, who did their work
solendidly ana auaea tue cnarin 01 iem-
Inlnlty to journalism. "I think," she
ebserved, "it would have boon Impos
sible to have brongbt the republic of the
United States to tho successful position
It holds today without this woman's in
fluence. In America sho has proved her
self to bo th" real help.
Unw manv remedies there are which merely
relieve without unrootlnjr disease. The contract
with sterling medicines which snch palllstlves
anora. not mux t-uiuwiccs mo uisimj w iur
former, but services to emphasl7e the folly of
emnlnvlnir tmlf.wav measures when thorouch
once are available. A marked Instance of this
is I lie onset, on ine one nana. 01 iiusieuer a
Nromach Hitters In case of chills and fever and
bilious remittent, and on the other of ordinary
remedies in maiaaies 01 uus i)pe. iy mr
Hitters malarial cnmpulnt la every stage, and
of the most malignant type, are completely con-
lierea ana lose meir iiuiu ,i,n lud ,iirni,
-hpv nrn rarely. If ever, dislodged nv the ordi
nary resource! of medicine althoiiKli their
avmntnm mnv tmnitestlnnahlv be inltlirated
tliroimh such means. The same holdsRood .of
Aa Modest Sensitive Women Generally do.
To all such woman who from some func
tional derangement or weakness need ad
vice, we wouia say mat j-mviu jvvu
nedv. nnnnf the best known chvalclani
In New York State who has had a lareo ex
parlence In curing diseases peciillaa lo
women offers bis well-known Favorite
Jlemedv to them. It will cure yon of ner
vous slak headache, backache, splncache,
hlnatlnir. Internal heat, or scalding urines
If you haveuterlno catarrh, suppressed or
nalnful ocrlods. lnresular menstruation
lencoirhoea. If yon have a tired ache at
the top of the head back of the neck, and
ham of the brain, or any of the many at
tending evils that are present lo female
complaints, you should take Dr, David
ifhnnmly's Favorite Kemedv. made
RondoutN. Y for It will dispel those
thed looks restore ana strengtnen tue ner
ynns system, and cure the most complicat
ed of feminine sickness. If iou value
good health, you use Dr. Xcunedj's Favo
rite Itemeuy.
indigestion, biliousness, klduey complaint, rheu
maiisin. nervousness, aim ueumiiy. j
hitters they are cured when remedies fall
The farmer in Japan who Ives ten
acres of land is looked upon as a mo
vtireti at uome mien unys u j numim -trl,itf
llr. Il.ln flolri.n HdavIIIc.
It can be clven In a srlass of beer, a cup of cof
fee or tea. or In food, without the knowledceof
me pillienu 11 IS uusuiuieiy iiaruuens, au'i win
eltect a permanent and speedy cure, whether
the patient Is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic
w recK. it nas neen given in tnousanus oi cases,
and In every instance a perfect cure has follow
ed. It never fails. The system once Imureii
nated with the specific. It becomes an titter Im
possibility for the liquor appetite to exist. Uures
ininranteed. 18 page book of particulars free.
Address the (Ioldkiv Sfkcivio Co., lSSKace
Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. uct. . i y.
One halt the population of Minne
sota and the Dakotos is foreign born
Specimen Cases.
S.T. Cltffotr. New Cas-e! Wis., was
troubled with Neuralgia and Rheumatism,
his Stomach was discordeied, bis Liver
was anectec to an alarming decree, ap
petite fell away, and be was terribly re
duced in nesu ana itrengu. miee Domes
of Electric Bitters cured Dim
Ddwarb Shephere. liarrishurg, 111., had
a running sore on tin leg ot eight years'
standing. Used three nomas of Eiectrii
U Iters and Sevan boxes of llucklen'
Arnica Salve, and his leg Is sound and
wellJohn Speaker, Catawba, 0 had five
large Feyer sorts on his leg, doctors said
lis was Incurable. One botlle Elcclrl
Dltters and one box llucklen's Arnica
salve cured him entire. Sold by Itcber
uchlcnton. and Wert's welssport.
Mayers Maanetlo Catarrh (Jure Is used by
aimr Inhalation and Is the only medicine of
themarkju By inhalation the medicine Is not
poured Into the stomach and theuce sent wand
ering through the si stem. But by Inhalation
' the medicine Is applied directly IP the deceased
organ and the only way to reach the affected
parts in the nose. Every bottle Is guaranteed,
by the druggist. Price tl per bottle. Guaran
teed to cure, For sale by all druggists.
Our advertised agents and all druggists are
Instructed to return the money to ant one ho
fails to bo cured by Majcrs' Magnetic Catarrh
Cure. Vrlce one dollar for i mouths' treatment
This Is aa) lug a great deal, but It lias never tail
ed. For sale by druggists or address.
Mu)ers' Drug Co.,
Oakland, Md.
( Ono-tblrd of the people who go mad
are said to recover their senses.
England is suffering severely from
tbo effects of a contracted currency,
Nothing Is more destructive of beaut;
than a bad complexion, and uolnlng
more certain lo secure a good one than the
use of Wright's Indian vegetable Fills.
From nolso and bustle far away.
Hard work my time ttepltrtag,
II-1 happily 1 spent eaoh day, ,r
Content and health erjorltwl p
The iiusls did sine and so did I '
As I trudged o'er eaeh acre, t
1 nevel'Luevf jvhat 't was to sigh
Till I saw 1!hmt Half r.
At church I met her, fair and neat.
One Bntiday In hot weather.
VHIi love I found my heart did beat.
And we sang psalms together.
When rbnreh was over, out she walked,
But I did overtake her.
Determined I should not be balked,
I spoke to Deteey Ilaker.
Her manners were genteel and cool.
And In ber conversation
I found she had just left boarding school
And finished her education.
Yet love mado me speak out quite free.
Bald It "I've many an acre.
Will you give me your company?"
aid lieu
"I won't,"
letaey Ilaker,
All wf entreaties wcr la vain
And I tr&a rorred to lears ner. j
I nurtf red a mot Intense pain,
For lore brought on a fever f
The doctor rame, he smelt M env
With a long faro like a Quaker.
Bald he to me, "Where lies tout painf
Hald I. "In Betsex Daler.M
Becauso I was not hod enough t
II o dosod me and he pilled me, -f
And if I had taken half hla stuff TJ
I think It would liftve killed roe
Bo I put an end to all the fctrlfe
Betwixt Mm and the undertaker.
And what do you think did aave my IUV ?
Whjr.tlMtuchtsof Defter Baker,
1 then again to Betsey went.
Once more with lore attacked her.
But meantime she had got acquaint
With a ramping, mad play actor.
If the would Itavo him, he did ear,
A lady he would make her. J
He gammoned her to run away.
So I lost Bcteey Baker.
Boston Transcript
Mme. Lonfourcade, the wife of an
army officer during tho French revolu
tion, was applied to by tho wife of on
other officer to afford concealment for
her husband.
Mme. Loufonrcade lived a short die-
treco of tlio thit'i lie nmtgtvy Bt 1Mt"bo
cnuio ebt..'(J .it the trrrvf lleron girl
and acounod lir nf dpri-ivir- ,g j1ilni ift
imprf-wh -vu- amm atp ngthened Into
conrictioi. ! Mmio. 7 x)ufouronde nnd
theotVr eervimte, arj the whole affair
ended in the relewo0f the prisoners and
the arrwt of For chetttv, who was her
self marched ol. to prison, where she
After tho sV idl.,, had cone Cnntaln
liayprgnn retr.rnod to tho mansion to as-
surt Mme. Lonfonroade of his safety
andthen sort off to mnlto his escape from
uus country, whloli lie accomplished and
lived to rV turn at the end of the Itelgn
of Terror1 .Exchange.
AWlent anil Modern IHicllsIl Onns.
Notion's shin, tho Victory, was de-
slgne1 to carry 104 guns, consisting of
ttti, yi ami Vi iionnders, ranged on her
upAcr, main, middle and lower decks.
Shrj was also armed with n few 08-pound-
er; carronoAi9s. lhe weight of her one
broadside of single shotted guns was
1,101 pounds, which was considered pro
digious In thoso days. In the account of
the battle of Trafalgar, In which action
this shlfi played so prominent a nart. the
broadside that she poured Into the
French Bacentnnre is described as ter
rific, dismounting 20 of her adversary's
guns and. killing and wounding' no less
tnan 4UO-ot ner officers Bnd men.
Compare this with our guns of the
present day, when a single cun of tli3
Nile or Trafalgar throws a projectile
100 pounds heavier than the whole
broadside of the Victory, while one of
our 101-ton guns discharges a projectile
weighing no less than 1,800 pounds! It
may bo of interest to know tha( while
only 823 pounds of powder were ex
pended in tho discharge of a broadside
from tho victory as much as 8,000
pounds weight of powder is consumed
In firing the broadside of tho Victoria or
the Sans Pareil, two of our modern iron
clads! Good Words.
'"I iti
The Problem of the Cradle,
Ever since the world began mothers
tance from the city of Lyons. 8he had ha.J n wking cradles and singing
four servants, and the main difficulty , Diablo.. From time immemorial tho
provided tho officer could reach her Probl1T8.,1!ae ,6'ri What n
StHn ltnnt. Mm te. I,. do with baby? mere can we put
dwelling without discovery, was how
best to guard the Bccret from them.
it so that it will be safe?
How can wo
It was finally decided thatoneoit the manaee ? 8ccn...,i. '2 intervals of
females should be taken into her confi- e anu tranquillity? uow can we still
denco and that the officer, who was a ts cries and whines? How can we teach
rather effeminate looking man, should U to fttl" In ,a w,ord' '?ow ucaI,we
come disguised in female attire and be etnanciitato ourselves from the absorbing
passed off aa a cousin of Fonchette. tyranny of these sweet babes, our off-
So ranchette, a rawer pretty girl, was , ., ,,, . .
made acquolnVed with everything. flnons which have been in-
ri.i.ii r , t,i. vented by the solicitude, the. incennlty
ancelndnetlme. disiulsedasawoian. and the instinct of mothers have takeni
and so well did he look and play his rotm , cr "?,1Ies' 'eadln?
.f i,.(i, ... t .r.t strings and gocarts. Tho variety of
- . i,.tnn trr.H M
, r t. . description of tbera would form, tier-
incur as little risk as possible, ho pre- haps, a curious chap er In the history of
tended to bo greatly fatigued by his nazS dome5tl onomy.-Har-
journey, and was, soon after his arrival, 8 ua3ax
shown to a private room on the upper a nu orj.wl.ii wit.
floor, which ho did not leave again for A 6trikm(? commentary was recently
a week, it being given out that he was mbya Russian Jew on the judicial
corruption which sustains his country.
Ho passed the law courts in one of the
cities of his empire and noticed a fine
statue placed in front of the building.
"Whom does this statue represent?
he inquired of n passerby. "Why, Jus
tice, of coutfcI" "How sad," exclaimed
the Jew, "that justice should be relegat
ed to tho outside of the edifice and be nl-
these inventions is considerable, and a
My Health is Solid
As a dask's feet In the mud, thanks to Hocd'i
lanaearilla. I was formerly in a wretched
condition, with Orarel
andJtsisllccsllaB, 1
paid one physlelan 43
for attendants and itsdW
clnel, whleh no re
UeL I gare up hope of
ever being well, and Just
walked about to ssts
fsmcral expenses,
would star on mr stom-
aeh. I began to take Hood's BarsaparUla and
found It did me good. Bo I kept on till I have
taken fourteen bottles and I am perfectly
ear 4. All sytaptoms of graTel hsredlisp
peared and I hare no indigestion. Fiiedk.
Eabktbcd, 04 Bo. Carpenter St, Chicago, III.
Hoocf 8 Pills cure all ltrer tilt, btllousncia.
Jaundloe, lndleeitlon, sick headache, a Co.
TflN. IVlltiA.. at thfi rlrMfl of htth.M. .Inlv
TiOatm and Discounts.. ta
Overrt rn ft $, secured and unsecured... 1U OT
U. M. Honds to ecuro circulation 20,000 po
Siochs, secuiltles, etc M3M 60
iura irniDHimrofureaerve aenM 6,423 38
Due from oilier National Uanks 6.ftf9 a
Hanklnc home, furniture, and flsttireii ham 011
Current exiwnses and taxes paid 331 CO
1 rem m 11 1 uu j. o, iHiutis,. ...... ... X,4UU W
Fiactlomtl paper currency, ntckels,nnd
wins wji
ie 10 010 nn
lieiml tender notes 12,040 00
Itedemption fuml with U. 8. Treasurer
(5 iwr cent, clrtulatlon) 000 00
Total WI ,444.17
apttal stock paid In 7S0 00
Hurniuftind J2,ooo 00
IJnilivldM profits ioTI t
National mnk notes outstanding it,noo Ou
Dividends unj-ald , 2,514 00
Individual drpmlts subject tocneek.... 148.407 90
Cashier's checks outstanding coi oj
Due to other National Rinks 4,t-90 S3
Due to HtAte J tanks and I tankers 4,767 76
Liabilities other than those above
siaicu 00
Total $:s 1,4 4177
I. J no. T. Semmel. trashier of the ntovi.iim(ii
llauk.dosolemnly swear that the above statement
Is tme to tho best of iny knowledge and belief.
John T. Be mm f.i. Cashier.
SubbCrlhed and sworn to before ma Hits iflt h
day of July, 193.
Cobb ect Attest j
A.J. Dl'blinci, V Directors,
1'. J. It 1ST I.Kit-
July 20th. 1A03.
Drug :: Store
The German Emperor recently
sued an order against odlcors of his
army using sIhkIo eyeglasee.
Nothing so dlslresslnz as a hacking
Cough. Nothing so foolish as to stiller
from It. Nothing so dangerous if allowed
to continue. One .Minute Cutwh Cure Rives
Immediate relief. I . 1. I nomas.
mBOOVKltlili OF
Biairou's Miraculons Remedies.
Liberal Minded I'hyslcUns KndorseTbem
As being tho dreateht
Dtstovery ol the ,.,,
Fosimecu.e whenrJIfr.
ttAim. In dliteaitfta litre-
totttre aoalltftd Jncurl
ma, bronchitis, oaUrrli-
MirMlllOU Of tllO IllRM.
tlsrMKult Ot 8(llistrnkt.
uiKMty &"d liniDs par
a restorva tu their
h HUH . Ml
nip ana uona uimuh(i u, nm
S. uttrii. neural Rla. Ilrteht dlwu ve th
nej-',llvercHnplalit,dysentory, an so-called
siKnmHtHvse ore enureiy curcu uy ure meal
one of mvown oreiulne.
n Our In it ulue iears uver Ifl.OOn nersons have
luv.1 these nud trlues and an Ilvinx witnesses
vi ineir wunu. i win nui ru mio praciK- my
self. I.mIhl' uver 74 Viara nt hisi? saMI nlt miv
inedli-lnes ouiy. 1 havcrtwo viulnent phymcUus
ronunet-ted with lite to atUiAd to calftiME at the
(viuriiutvi ui i. bo sick ii nmuireu.
From rairlck Iturke.
rMIUiainiAf April B, UVl.
rafi-SMrItoudruUsiear Sir Allow me to
nemi tu iuy itm-ertTIiaincs lor the kood that
uur luedti'tite Ooue met aud you can
lunlUh Hit Mter 11 )uu vhooae. for the benefit
ol Uiti sutTerers. In which I will statu 1 lud my
umih! crushed coupling the earn, aud doctored
lur it, aud was lu the hospital about six weeks,
and tuy Ivaud lieoame so swulitfn, ami IntUitiata
tiun Uklnif Ihw. some ot the dot-tors tuouifUl 1
Mould have io net mj hand auiuuiaUHl to mku
uy life, but 1 was told by oim ol uTv frljinU in
to lo frof. llouurou s omee, aud get soiuu ol his
im-Ul inefort4u4Uta;luikuwltuuld sake
tiu hand.
I went there a;nt got the lnedlelne, and In to
weeks the swelllnit alt went doHu.and 1 had the
use ot luy Humeri. 'Itteu I went U work, ami
the remedy to all alHieted like ine. There is
uuihlng In the world like It to destroy blood
io! sou. reduce swelllnir. annihilate ualn. restor-
luaactW lu the uerves, aud ulreuutlou luthe
uioou , mere is iwiiiiug to out h pare to it.
In the little viUaKO of OUyton, lud..
there are eight men whose united
eight is 2000 pounds.
If you can afford to be annovod b
Ick headadache and constloallun. don't
use DeWitt's LittU F.rlv lliiers for these
little pins win euro mem. 1. u. 1 nomas
A recent luventlou Is a triple per
which rules the three Hues of a cash
column qt one strogo.
lteeueolfiillv vours.
' IliTllFlV lllIIHID
3 n. win ot., (uiiaueiiipia,
From Joseph Klrkner.
U Ninth (inert. JfiHaUt-lotiia. 1'a-
Flease allow ree to add ioy teetluuHiy to your
as bed fast for lour mouths; had tlie very Uest
ot doctor Uut was sWU piuliur away, witbap-
, ana srwu
go out, but
i drepdowu bile aUeaiuilnu ti
tUr-o was eiMiiaiMi y ba4 oas; R was
Uumted to go out, but oould uot stand the sun.
ne lie ioQr, and great elu all nvw lue. Ai-
IMl oou
ded m
kUeei, UN i got toe imwiuiBe ana It, three
IhcIIimmI to ruu imi oougeMlou of the bfaJu. was
uteu reciitiuHti u iu i tui imuurou s UUMIIOI
ami I made oul ta ot to his offliw, 1TH7 N II
tsWHsfb oae of un horse iIUhT
wetdisUsael wasaWe to be out aad teiutlui
in v thiMiarb oite ol uit huraM ilt.J
the lueaoUme from the UfsW. while 1 siond
Mr. Van Telu Editor of the CialzMo.
Mc,eor went to a drug store at Hillsdale
Iowa, and asked the physician In attend
ance to give him a dose of something for
cholera morbus and looseness of ten bowels
He sas: I felt so much better the next
Diornins that I coucluded to call on the and K;t him to fix rae up a
supply of the menllclue, 1 waa surprised
when he handed rue a bottle of Chamber
lalus Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy, lie sale he prescribed H reeu'ar
Is In hit practice aud found H the best he
could eel or prepare. I- can testify lo Its
efficiency in my case at an events." roi
sate by
About the only time some neonle
apeak well of othe people, is aftvr they
nru uunti i,uu uimou.
aulte ill.
At the end of the time mentioned Borne
eight or ten soldiers made their appear
ance at the mansion and demanded the
person of Captain Lavenrne,
'If you think there is any Bach Individ
ual under this roof, you can make your
search," replica Mme. Iioufourcade.
When the servants were called toceth-
"'i1 lJ'!. 1 to" excluded from admission with-
1 T.-TXr tlTnm ln."-llahhl Adler In FortnlShtly Be-
"Well, wench, did yon tell the trnth wiir SnUe a Harmful
or not? If you did, It's all right with A great many farmers, particularly in
yon, ana yon neean v oo Bcarca; yon Mew Jersey and Pennsylvania, enconr-
aian r, u a my noneBi opinion yon 11 soon ace the presence of snakes In their neieh
be a head shorter." borhood on the theory that thev destrov
"Whot is thls'r" cried Mme. Lonfonr- vermin. Naturalists are now ncrr-ed
cade. In astonishment. they do injury ly devouring toads and
"Well, I don't carol" sold Fonchette, frogs, those animals being more Indus
assuming nn impudent manner, "It's trions destroyers of vermin than the
time ine araiocrais was put aown ana shaito
maae to Know tnai otner people is as The Sailor. Oot Seciuiiun.
good as them. I heard there was a re- v, im wi,on full rtrm-A rnnn
ward of a thousand francs offered for I Mri,f ln Hnf rrn. itnrtfnnl
this man, who's dared to come here and pnt jnt0 Boston harbor and dropped
pass himself off as a female, and I thought anchor off the Charlestown nnvy yard
I'd just as good a right to tho money as one toe aay, Tho ntt ord at that time
. 7: .vi i i . was as much an object of wonder and
" Antlf or tbia you have sold your soul," Oration a, the gallant New York or
groaned her mistress. ton toJa and sUor8 flocked
.P05t,cme,Byre"?i?us 111111 ov" aboard her in great numbers. Hcrcap-
met eneu r uucue. --x .uoly more oi t ta 0bliglhg man, made every effort
ti" teeSlSn than you think. thftt fils visitors were well cared
Religion's been swept away by ft decree, and uy ho att.
an,.h?M1. ,, ,v er party over the ship. At the mess
"That's all true, girl, chimed in the ourlon,
onicer an empaauo oatu. " 4mtotltol)erthafk IWltaroljlit
while we're talking tho man may ge ow the lon theirmeols. That
rheMmrtios was before tal,le9 m toara the
F There wos'no resistance made by the vessels of war, and when the mess cloth
mistress ana nertemnea servants, and "zi ,, V T ,1.1 . .
in a very short time nlleept Fonchette L The sailors did notmrnd this at first,
,J..a r,.t. but after a time it became irksome.
"Now, girl," said the officer, with a They came to the conclusion that their
, ttj,n ,, . privacy was being interfered with, and
sweet female cousin." so findly they decided to put a stop to
Captain Lavergne meantime was not nest. tlm0 the captain took a
entirely ignorant of his peril. From his jarty aown to enow mem aa nappy
window he had seen the approach of the famUy as " I 3 trib.ute to, 1,er man
nit. ...i ri,i,ii ft,., an old Bait, the acknowledged leader,
were in quest of himself. His apartment reached for ncerta n bowl. This was the.
was so situated that he could not go sjgnal, and forthwith o dozen snnbnrned,
down stairs and escape without being brawny arms vrere stretched forward to
secn by some of the servants. He was ward wlf ta,me towl, and a Uvely
alarmed, and his mind became active to tussle for possession emmed. The cap
devise some tneans of defense or escape, tata. stood aghast. Such unseemly con
ir,. 1,11 in t,(. u i,r.,i.n ,,i inn.i. dnct paralyzed him, but before beconld
ed pistols, and his fir4 ide.i was to bar- recover there was an apparently vicious
ricade bis door and sdl hh life as dearly "ecrap- King on, and before his visitors
as possible, but in looking about the too. This was too much for him, and
apartment he noticed tho Breplace and afterword the sailors partook of thelr
dlscovered that tho chimney was large luuiinnunwiMwu ""w
enough to admit his person. lie could
see the light at the top, and It occunmd I As to lat.rv
to him that perhaps he might escopo, a contemporary speaks of a "new
and he resolved to make the trial. kind of interviewing," where tho inter
Taking his pistols with him, Captain viewer in tbo course of pumping his vio
Lavergne hurriedly pushed his way up tim has the opportunity of airing bis
the chimney. With tho view of gettlnir own oninions. We had unrmrmed that
pn, the roof, hut when he had ascended this was the hasip principle of the inten
some eight or ten feet he dlhcorered to view. Wo hod been given to under
hie agreeable surprise that there was a stand that the opinions of the victim
kind of recess, euih as were sometimes 1 were the lost things to enter the mind of
lert in oia rasniouwi emmneys ror ine the Interviewer. Boston Transcript,
purpose of opening (mother line when-
ever It might 1 wanted, large enough The orientals, who have long mado
tu cuucttu mm tnim uio ww t iuy one i rise ot basket ware, seem to have solved
DtT Spring is Coming-
Use Thomas' Extract
Sarsaprilla, To Purify
lhe Blood 150 Doses for
$1.00. Quality Guaranteed.
Opposite the Park,
We pen np business for the sassen
with on assorlment of goods always In de
mand during the warm months of the year.
Of course we continue to keep In slock
and sell all kinds of BulLniNn lUmiwjuiE
t the lowest prices. Yon will find It to
your advantage to have us )UQle prices to
you on this line of goods.
We have Pretty, Neat, Bljllsh and Sub-
stainiisi iiAnT t-oAcnEs irom fO.ou ana
upward. Come and tee them.
flare you a lawn f If you have don't
fall to call and see what we have In the
Lawh Moweii line. We have Vivo Dif
ferent Slakes. The Trice, well, that Is as
low as the lowest for a good, first-class ar
ticle. Come and see us when jou make
up sonr mind to buy.
3 ire have well-made Exrnitss Waooks
that will stand the knocking about that
the boys give them. We have them at
S cents, and they are good, neat&slrone.
The posky-specky Fly days will soon be
here, liefore they oome guard your house
with good, well-made Door and Window
Screens. We have a big, good anil cheap
assortment as these goods.
Hammock. Days are coming on apace
You will want to know where to hnv. Let
ns give you a pointer. We have them foi
site, uimeana see them. Look at the
quality and then let us tell you the prices.
Toilet Pai-eh. We have It and of
course we have It to sell. Come here aud
look at It. e sell It by the roll or by the
case at very low prices.
Screen Wire for fence purposes or for
chicken coops. We have 60 rolls.
These are only a fe articles of the very
many that we have. Come and see lis
when you want to buy. Wo show coods
with pleasure and when von make nnr.
chases they are delivered promptly.
"Just now, ns nil innovation,
wo nro oilcring our customers 9
beautiful book Slicpp's Pho
tographs of the World, with
every Forty Dollar Purchase.
We woultl like very much to
explain this to vou Will you
plensa call.
Bed Room Suites,
Parlor Suites,
Dining Boom Furniture,
Book Pases,
Hnll Racks,
Handsome Carpets.
among the ijoods we
sell at very low prices.
Honry Miller,
Window and Door Frames,
Doors, Shutters,
window rashes,
Mouldings, Brackets
All Klsfls of Bressefl Mer
Shingles, Pailings,
Hemlock Lumber, &c.,&c.
Very Lowest Prices.
For the Prettiest Jewolry and the
Best Watches, Clocks and Silverware
the people of Carbon county must
come lo our store. We not only have
the goods but we sell them at prices
that are low and perhaps a llttla lower
than the same goods can be bonsht for
elsewhere. We are not selling shoddy
stuff for the best because we don't
believe In misrepresentation. Our
motto Is "cood honest cowls at the
very lowest prices." Before vou buy
elsewhere we would be pleased to have
you call and see us.
Fine Cigars,
Stationery, Dolls, etc.
We carry In our usual full and com
plete line all the above goods at the
very lowest prices. Make It a point
to call and see us when you need any
thing In our lino and we are confident
that It will pay you cash returns for
your trouble.
O. H. Nusbaum,
Brk'se Street. .... Welssport, Pa.
u iwroury will surely detfroy tii wnu ol
timellaiidcomiiletaly tlrranxe the whota )
Iem hUu MiUrlox Ii t!trtuh Ute moouwa ur
f moi. rtwli arlleuM nitouUl uever be umxI tx
ceitt oa iwwNrliAlonfl from mutable nhytloUni.
iw Mm (Umnge tbty da 1 tea lokl to lb
t'HUrrh Cure, mtnufature"1 by Y. J fl beney &
f'o, TQknlq, ii, OMitftJit iw iuretir aiul u
aud ntutxKit MifliMsi ol t&e yrin. In Iwyhtc
Mitiri Catarrh Cure 1m ture vou t Hiss iHinuli
iiwiaxeu inteiiuiiiy ami u inwie m Towdo,
ix? r-um Uy unuurittw. pnoe too yr uoiue.
There la a traiifioent Ttnwor In ns.
ample. Wo reform others uuonusci
ousiy wiieu wo waiic uprightly.
Oeqrge Band used to take to sewing
so soothe her nervos when excited by
One word describes It "Mtfin
Wa rsffrr Ui OeWlIU Witah ll..i u.i...
cures obstinate sores, burns, sklu diseases
ana is a wen xuowq cure lor pl!. I', u.
lookine up from below
ITutUv'mti .a bito it. he breathed a
little moro freely, though, etui with a
good deal of nervous apprehension. He
feared that in coming np he had shaken
down a sufficient quantity of soot to be
tray his manner of escape and give a
clew to hla place ol retreat, uut a
clance downward at his clothes con
vinced him that he had little, to be
If you do, you want a good
fit, Latest Style and First.
Clas iKorkmanship.
Leave yoiir order with Froy
You want a perfect lit. You
want good Goods. You want
a well made and stylish look
ing garment.
Leave your order with Frey
DRUGS, pure
MEDICINES, genuine and best
SOAPS, 'arge line and cheap.
WIlTES,Enod for medicinal use
CIGARS, t'"5 oest made.
For the present we will carry
a full line of samples of season
able goods from which you can
seleet. Our prices will be the
very lowest, and in all cases we
will guarantee satisfaction. We
solicit your patronage
Op. the hound House. - - North First Btree L
SFECTACLES. !n extensive
and increasing trade.
antee satisfaction
I guar
to every
completely the problem of combining
use and beauty in such articles, and the
best of such things as made are those
that follow the lines long ago established
by tho Asiatics or by our own Indiana.
Central Drug Storo
Dr. C. T.
I am an old man and have been a eon
stant sufferer wlili nalarrh far the last
loin. I am aatlMly wired by lb use ol
Elf's Craaia Balm. It ts suing that so
simple a rriuedj will cure suru o stubborn
ditoOJO. lltfcur Blllllius. U-H-IVtuLui
and atuaUataalVHHl WbiuliMasuow. Tui.k. , i t v
to (ioJ Alwlalar and to iro(. Moudrou'a uwl. , ,,, , "a1""'"-1"
iiw. Ulch 1 will rwuaiMttl torever u, auy I suffered for more that tan years who
MMjr uilereru 1 WH.WMH btj ttteawMl to luve I Till .ll&u Mt.,.K m..A i
' " uiZSkVS!,i' ,uUm'Mi"''-1 sverr vllatW mdicTne that was nous.
iosEl lJ KIKKKK men.l lo m. I cannot Ibaiik oa awl liorfrofu iuu iiour7 a. ni ;"n for the nlkf whleii Kly's Crxau,
tu a p. ui. usji or wnie to inn n ariuruvu . juaanoei uayafs.
ITS? Nerlli Iru'hHIrwr,
ii-c l. "s iy. i'luuuitipiii., i"u The (ierman emperior reoently Ii,
ttfiMlSMHstjaMst'ir'-'iMi'''- biiwI an .r,Ui aiuuat oUtooni of the
l I"' Umiiib Miwh. vynrlaKSM.
In tha Ul Mltisss uf t layiuu lud i-
th,. is-. iu- uniuKi s w,rrtT.t7i,;,T,rrl ,"3;',"; v u. bt
W IhtUmKui)M. tilaUi, jewelry and ..rnauiruU. nut crUUf.. uijurod. He now tiMwd
lu Jauan woueu work a staved re rulna ttwsda and huniuiUr stub
Uas ball U (.us Uuiiwa. which caut , UsK IUN VH HAKf,AI-AHIf.l.A. it. w.t through tho ahruboory.
fluunb without atrlks. ' TUK KIND 1 UA T t UlUto." 1 rLZ.M. tnaUyi
A use Is made of ribbed glass on the
New York Central and Hndson Kiver
railroad where the windows of some
ctafjiTta am l rrlaircul nrfiara tViatr 1uV
S vrf t h i 1,1 ot on unpleasant subjects.
ments were uot badly soiled, and he
tould not perceive dirt enough below to
sttract attention.
lie bad not Ions to wait before be
beard the soldiern enter the room, led by
the treachero 1 girl.
Hal heesciedr exclaimed tha latter
In alarm,
Tha officer sworn some terrible oaths
and fiercely demanded which way,
"Either uu the chimney or Into some
other part of the house," said Fonchette.
"He waa here a few minutes ago."
'Qrdek, men, fly about, he's not up
here," cried the officer, looking up the
chimney. "Two of yon run out and see
If he's on the roof, and the rest ransack
tha house! If we don't find him, we'll
burn H down!"
A hurried search was apparently made
ot the room they were In, and then Cap
tain Lavtrune beartl-tho soldiers in dif
ferent part of the house o nlag and
banging doors, thouttug an' cursing.
He felt his tJVnatloq now to bo very em
its) indeed, tor should the house be
fired ho feared there might be no eucape
(or him. AfUr awhib) the noise and tu
mult subsided, and every moment he
was lu tretnbllnir emaciation ot hearing
or seing something to Indicate that tha
building waa on Ere. and ha now re
solved to make another bold effort (or
bis life. He reasoned that those sent
ou table to see it he waa on the roof had
alraady rejoitwd tbo others, and he now
resolved to gain tha roof, and If heoould
do to undiscovered to venture s) leap
aaooog tbo thick shrubbery at tha rear
of tha inaoslou.
In Um oonn of two or three naiauUa
this thtngaraiu feat waa snoot ai fully exe
cuted, and C antata Larwiroe found tuu-
morti on tha ground owasda
Heaters and
In Great Variety at
Samuel Graveb'p
f opular Store, Bank Street,
Roofing and Spouting a special
ty Move repairs furnished
on short notice
V 1 htnjr appeal so strongly to s mthi"
ii.ui a her dsutfbUsr Jlt butldirjg lutvo
l.ik-i. Piilluwlnat &n 1d&(mib: "Our
i.lUtor Blum be. now U ycutni of
It. rrtDlJ iifTlVC'MHI WIU1 DUrt UUblltMsa, UUU
l Mitbe euure ueor ir riui rm.
r fritu stcaoal na avbnaua Uec
u VI
lo kt'p
. .Irlvn Imi for &n lnvihli nuutlv
'.j uUslbtiMi batd that turriblt aHUTiiou.
' niitttjployodpitjrMlclana, but sbw received
,. mviu from iht'ia. Tbe ttri of Amnwt
,0 'cbud I'Ut 7ft pouuda, a&d slUuuPb she
1 1 tatoo ou'y tbrutt buttle of Ner ine sOM
t uulu loipouuda; tier mr aud
uu-. 01 m ma aan win ij
a-, r 1. t jr'ii. liar ppui K fcUll'OU.U uu !, ,
I., U Hr MII.NcrlnaiulmmtrIiti..r. .I,ft
A n my bro'licr rw niuiiil. a Ui r,m OOUgUt IOr
dy I n ,J uu filiti In iMteul luwll- 'i . '"' i,
d ut ui Llm. but a a Ut ' . 1 t WlOl
suf-fii.. Ji TL BulWk. BtUlliton. N V
Dr Hllm' Bwvurllv NerrUMUmild y 4I
drussbuoa a nwlilvv siukuiIm. or m ut
dlrcl by th DrMlln U wiicti Co.. I. kburl.
lad. oa iwalpt ol tfc-, H lor hutUo, Jj
IxmUm for IB. usMi uropuW. 11 U uua tlv .iy
trow truai oplatm at dauavroua oxua.
Want everybody in Lehighton
to buy at their st-ire because
tlioy havo not only an tx
, tiellently assorted line
of fine
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Boots, Shoes, &.,c
but because their prices are low
tnan tneee goods can be
; lor elsewhere in town,
show goods with pleas
ure, quote trices and deliver
all purchases. Don't forget,
but cull and see us.
"Corner Store"
Oranps, Lemons, Bananas, Mi,
Apples, Cillery, Cranes,
Grapes, Table Raisins, Confec-
tians. Fancy Bastels. Queens
ware, and a fill line of Nice
Lowest prices, good treatment,
prompt delivery
Call and See Us.
Corner Store,
Dress Goods
In the rerr Kcatest Styles
and at the Lowest Prices at
E. f T. Snyder's,
Fine Dress Goods,
That can't be matched In this
town or county fori Style .
Quality or Trice
See Our Goods Before
Yon Buy.
Green Groceries
Frank Loibenimth's
where also can be found a
Fine Line of line Groceries,
Fruits, Candies, Green Vege
tables In soason, io ..lilt every
Lowest Prices. Prompt atten
tion and good goods.
If yon want to be In time and In pc cket ,
liooj mines go qulcalT,and procrasunat
Ins purchasers have only themselves to '
blame. If they are compelled to be con-'
tent with second class choices. Come
quickly to our large Carpet and Curtain j
Display at
Allentown. Pa-
Apr 1- 3u
Freight, Bammne awl Parcels
John F. Hottenstein.
Careful atteotlan paid to the Delivery of
Freight, Baggage and Pamela to all parts
of town at the lowest prion. A .share of
public pationage Is respectfully solicited.
I3rraave orders at Sweeny's, Koch's
or LeibeoKutb's.
OrriOB-IIorlaelMr'a II look, oppoaite the
. tue vtuiay itouse.
Tti Lc4Ullug Itturat Id tha (htcti
Oil AS. A. IHlWJUAN.l'rMj.,
Thl Popular ltataurMil luu (mmmi thoroticbt
rvAtacd BDd rwIurnUluNl, aud the KisnU tM.-com-otodisllatti
m Lm Kipeftor Usi IbvIUum chrc-
tar All Um dcUviu'lv ot the stma trvMl
imMlertl- rat. Thv Uar u suiip3d with none
but Uu btt bnuitl ui WIium, Uuuur, Al
Olgm, etc.
' S' 11 "Si f -T
Hundred and SeYBnly-Three Thn?-and Tr tifM& r.nil Rfly Dollars,
In valuable Prosonto to bo Glvon At ay In Return for
mmammamrmrwrnwril wwmmm
1 ,1 SB stem rnxDiso r.wtn om.i watche 3i,esoeo
6.77C fine iMrortTEn rnKtnt cfh 'H.awiri, moikx ody,
11LACK ENAMEL. TlUiiMi.;o.-,, i :. N7.i"U ACItKOHATIO... 3875 (K
' ltXIKET KNIVES " 3,10000
115.500 rtotxED aobD WAica riiAtua noTAr.Y telescope tootii
1 1 o.avu i.1(;Kli W.TMOO
1 1 0.500 LAIUJE rirm'UP" (Hx7lncl") IN ELEVKN COLOUS,for framing.
' noadvertlslnKon tliem .V. ". 8(CT M
201,030 PRIZES, AMOUNTING TO $173,260 00
The aboTe articles will he dlstrlbufed, hy ronnllcw, amonc parties vrbo ebew 8PBATi
1IEAD Plus Tobacco, aud return to us lue TIN TAOH taken tberefrom.
We will distribute 320 of these prsreti In this rannty as follows I
To THE PA11TV sendlnic ns the sreatest number of BFEAtt HEAD
TAOS from tills county ,ri will give. 1 GOLD WATCH.
To the FIVE PARTIES seudlns- in the next greatest number of
SPEAR 1IK.VD TAOS, we will give to each, 1 UI'EIIA UUABB....5 OrERA GLAB3E5.
To the TWENTY PARTIES seodlliR ns the next greatest number
of BPEAIl HEAD TAGS, we will give to each 1 POCKET
To the ONE HUNCHED PARTIES sending us tbe next greatest
number of SI'EAR HEAD TAOS, we wilt rive to eacb 1
To the ONE HUNDRED PARTIES sending us the next greatest
number of SPEAR HEAD TAG, we wttl give to each 1
Total Number of Prises for tbls Sonnty, 230.
CAUTION. No Tairs will be received before January let, 139L nor after February 1st,
I8M. Each package containing tags roust be marked plainly with Kameot Sender, Town,
County, State, and Number of Tags in each package. All charges- on packages must be
READ. SPEAR HEAD possesses more qualities nf Intrinsic value than any other
plug tobacco produced. It Is the sweetest, the toughest, the rlchL NPEAR USAO ll
absolutely, positively and distinctively dlrrerent in flavor from nny other plug tobacco.
A trksl will convince the mnt skeptical of this fact. It is the largest seller of any similar
shepa and style on earth, which proves that It has caught the popular tnte nnd pleases tbe
people. Try It, and participate In the contest for prizes. Peoihat a TIN TAJ fs on every
10 cent piece of SPEAR HEAD you buy. Heud In tlie tags, no matter how small tu
Quantity. Very sincerely,
A list of the people obtaining then prizes In this county will be published In thlg
paper immediately after February 1st, 181)4. ,
and Heaters,
nnd nil kinds ol TINWAR fit Lowest Prices at
Opposite the Round House, Zehighton,
He lias the Reputation and he
intends to keep it by continu
ing to manufacture and sell
the best in his lino at the low
est living- prices. - Buyers ol
Want to remember this nnd see
me before buying elsewhere.
I take pleasure in announ
cing to you that
holds the Agaocy for my
uoods. Hoe will be plased
to reeelya your orders at
hex residence. First sues,
or will call unoo yon In
varson. oo request to do so
we trust tue laaiea win
take advantage of this uo-
port unity u purchase a genuine MAD A JK
OKUWOLU ( OK8BT. Made In vartow
st i lea a v eo gths. Also Physical Culuue
F. W. Weil Co.,
1031-1033 Linden St., Allentown.
Wood Mantels.
Eire-Place Furniture,
F. W. WEIL & CO.,
Has it ever occurred to you that you can buy just as cheap ii not
cheaper here than you can buy in the city 1 It is a solid FA CI
Apples and Potatoes
Are arriving daily in car load lots and are being sold at tho very
lowest prices to retailers
Sold and delivered ut and frequently way below city prices.
Wholesale Couiuiission Dealer, East Welssport. Pa
i - j i
TPe desire to call the attention of Farmers to our Complete
iStock of Farming Implements, we have the largest assortment
found anywhere outside of the Implement depots' outside of the
large cities. We have over 50 diiii rent Plows to select from,
Our Stock of Cultivators Spring Tooth Harrows, Hay Rakes,
&c, is complete, wc have a full line of Repairs forthe Syracuse,
Wiard, Miller, Hnmburg, Conyingham, Keystone, Oliver, iFug
ner and South Bend Plows. IFe have a largo lot of Binder
Twine which will bo sold low
Come and examine our Stock and cet oar prices heforo buying elsewliero, we are
sure we can pfease you. We have on hand all sizes of Terra Cotta I'lpes, Cement
Sand and Hoofing Slate. We make a Specialty of putting up Electric Hall Bells and
Ilurclar Alarms. Our Stock of ilullduis Hardware, Taints and Oils is complete and
we earnestly soil :lt your patronage.
Lehigh Goal & Hardware Co.,
rJ. First mt.9 licliig-htoii.
0 W KUjHTZ & CO.
Lots of Fine New Gooods.
All Kinds of Fishing Tackle Very Cheap.
Come and see us. We are stocked with a large assortment of
the things you need.
April JS I).
rcTvnzo .urs rumn
ffiik. otbtTlf u Mit
UU. Ms rUBMtht
UU r nurt avMss
si sUa rvati
niAkf i!ta lrttit
1 j mi nun- wllbsMil hlllf.
0 U4Uc UU,
SuCtasor to N- Siirter. FrMIu tmz Mill Wetssptrt-fPa..
IlealtM toa that thev are prepared at snort notloe to furnish bids and estimates
on all kinds of ltonch A Dressed Lumber, Doors, bashes, Ac., together with Vino In
terior Decorations in Oak, Walnut, C'beirv or I'lae, at the verv lowest prices, consistent
with jrood work and first class material, e earoeetlj solicit jour patronage and
guarantee in letuin u give satisfaction lo ever particular.
D. I,. DAVIS. Manacer.
fx ax. iait Jtre eo ,
uo. aia. i Va
Airuj 1
Baa. juuruss. M wsnsa st, hnt Yurav rncetec