The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, July 29, 1893, Image 2

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Ds qnamt tUj!on I ebber did bear
Is de lltrlo-i ob de abnotUck.
A-lookla fey somet,hlQ he ntbberan fln
An ft leabln oat Ood an olo Nick
II tttbber hM knocked at do DlbU do
Nr wep' 1d ds sinner In need;
H don b'ltere nntUn In do hwiben or de yarthe
ExcapUn wat bJs ere had edl
Ds qnarwt Uflon I ebber did hear
It de llfftQn ob de abnoettck.
lie hain't like do lamps dat de rlrgini hab,
Cats he carn't show de littlest wlckl
lie nebber bee ent on de ntfneri' beneh
Ker tlitened tr der Spirit's call
An de onllest pre achln ho ebber has dan
Is, "I donH know nutUn at aliT
X5 qnafeet 15 (ion I ebber did boar
la de 'Uylon of de abnostlok,
Fer he gvta no yarns In search) n aronn
Ter holp out de touts dat Is sick I
He's a etndrln nowj bat, ro' mln tny word,
HeUl drap tfn de troaptl wall;
Ef his hnartdon thnmp at the Jedfment tramp.
Den I don' know natttn at alii
William IL Harne In Harper! Weekly.
It'a SO yean stare that time. I whs a
light hearted boy then a boy of 10. I
lived in Paris, and I studied Art Being
an artist, I always spelled Art with a
capital A, I hare other things to think
of besides Art now. I have to think of
painting what the pnbliowlll bny. I
have to mako it pay 1 hare made it
Bat it la not about myself I want to
talk; It la of Orson of Orson the Hir
sute, Orson the Unrelenting, Orson the
Hater of Art. Of course Ida name
wasn't Orson. His real name was
Joblnard, and he lived at the corner of
the line de l'Ancienno Oomedie, did this
uncompromising grocer, this well to do
Eaau of the Quartier Latin, this man
who hated Art, artists, and, above all,
Art students with a peculiar ferocity.
Alcibiade Joblnard had reason to dis
like Art students. They had a nasty
way of getting into his debt, but Jobl
nard took tho bull by the horns he gave
no more credit.
"Ma foil" he would say, with a super
cilious sneer, "Credit is dead, my good
young sir. Ho doesn't live here any long
er. He la dead and burled."
And then one had to go empty away.
It had been so handy in the good old
daya just to run into Jobinaxd's for
whatever one wanted, and well, "stick
it up." You soe, yon could get an entire
meal at Johinord's, one of those little
sham boneless hamB; they've quite
enough on them for four. Tinned pro
visions in inexhaustible variety, wines
from 73 centimes upward, liquors, des
sert, even In the shape of cheeses of all
sorts, almonds and raisins, grapes and
peaches. It was excessively convenient.
When one was bnrd up, one dealt with
Joblnard, and It was put down to tho ac
count. When one was in funds, one
dined and breakfasted at a restaurant
and left Jobinard's severely alone.
Bntnow all was changed. MUo. Am
enaidewasan uncommonly pretty girl,
and we were all desperately head over
heels In love with her. By "we" I moan
the Art students, but of all the Art stu
dents that were desperately in love with
Mile, Amenaide, Daburon, tho sculptor,
was the most demonstrative. Joblnard
hated Daburon with a deadly hatred be
cause Daburon never oxpended more
than 10 centimes at a time. It was the
society of Mllo. Amenaide that Daburon
hungered for, and he got it because he
was entitled to It, being a purchaser.
Mile. Amenaide was Jobinard's cash
ier. It was a large shop, and there were
several assistants, but all moneys were
paid to Mile. Amenaide, the cashier, who
aat In a glass box underneath the great
chiming clock.
Daburon, the sculptor, would enter
the shop, nod In a cavalier manner to
Joblnard, as though he were the very
dust beneath his feet; then he would
look at Mile. Amenaide, raise his hat
with his right hand, place his left upon
his heart and make her a low bow; then
he would pretend to blow her a kiss
from the tips of his fingers, as though he
were a clrcns rider; then ho would take
up a box of matches or some other pe
culiarly inexpensive article.
"Have the kindness to wrap that np
carefully for me in paper," he would re
mark in a patronizing manner. Then he
would march up to Mile. Amenaide with
the air of an Alexander you conld al
most hear the tune of "Bee the Conquer
ing Hero Comes" playing as you saw him
do It He would pay his 10 centimes
and whisper some compliment into the
ear of Mile. Amenaide. Then he wonld
receive his purchase from the hand of M.
Joblnard In a magnificent and con
descending manner. Then he would
strike a ridiculous attitude of exagger
ated admiration and stare at the un
happy grocer as though he wore one of
the seven wonders of tho world.
"What a bust!" or "What arms!" or
"What muscularity I" he would say, and
then be would heave a sigh and swagger
out of the shop.
Joblnard, who was a particularly ugly,
thickset, hairy little man, used at first
rather to resent these references to his
personal advantages. His four assist
ants and his cashier would titter, and
Joblnard used to blush, but at length
the poor fellow fell into the snare laid
for him by the villain Daburon.
He got to believe himself the perfect
type of manly beauty. When a French
man has once come to this conclusion,
there is no folly of which he is not ready
to be guilty.
The fact is, Daburon had passed the
word round. The Art students, male
and female, invariably stared apprecia
tively at the little, hairy, thickset Jo
blnard aa though he wero the glass of
fashion and the mold of form. Joblnard
now began to give himself airs. He
swaggered about the shop, he exhibited
himself iu the doorway, he posed and at
titudinized all day long, ami then we be
gan to make it rather warm for Jobl
nard. "Ah, M. Joblnard, If you were only a
poor man, what a thing it would be for
Artl Ah, if we only had you to sit to us
in the nude. Wo are going to do Ajax
defying the lightning next week. What
an Ajax you would make, Jobinardr
"You really ought to sacrifice yourself
in the Interests of Art," another would
remark. "You'd ruin tho professional
model. You would indeed."
"Gentlemen, gentlemen," Joblnard
would reply, his hairy, baboonlike faoe
grinning with delight, "a too benevolent
heaven has made me the man I am," and
then he struck an attitude.
"What legs!" we all cried in a sort of
"Ah, M. Joblnard," I said pleadingly,
"if you would only permit us to photo
raph your lower extremities."
"Never, gentlemen, ueverP replied the
Infatuated Joblnard; "I care nothing for
Art Besides, it would be almost Inde
cent! I could never look Into a print
chop without coming faoe to face with
the evidences of my too fatal beauty."
From that day Jobinard ceased to
wear his professional apron. '
It was about a week after this that
Daburon, I and another man presented
ourselves at Jobinard's establUhiheut
We raised our haU to Joblnard' as one
man, we smiled, and then we bowed.
The hairy little grocer seemed consid
erably astonished at our performance.
"M. Jobinard," said Daburon, who was
our spokesman, "you see before you a
deputation of three, representing the Art
students of Paris, aoine 500 in number.
We have oome to beg a favor. We know,
alasl too well, that it would be absolute
ly impossible to induce a man of your
position in society to sit to us; but, M,
Jobinard, a man pomwaiag the lower
extremities of a Hercules, a Faraese
Hereulea, M. Jobinard and I need hard
ly remind you thut Beroulw waa a demi
god baa bt duties as well aa hi priv
ileges. ThoMmagiilScentlower extrem
ities of hi. are not hie own they belong
to the public.
"Such lower extremities as yours,
monsieur, are nut for an age, bat fer all
time. They most be handed down in
marble to posterity. The lags uf Jobi
nard must become a household word la
Art To refuse our request, monsieor.
would be a exiiae. You would retain
the oopyright uf your own legs of coune.
They would be multiplied in plaster of
paru aad become a marketable oomuiod
Ity over the whule world ttui-h
laaeLMM these, "eald Da boron, reapml
faOy prodding and tutting the unfor
rbte Jubiiutrd, "uiuat uut be loet to
anutio w orM What a bicnpa, what
flaUtd. my frtouyi" he cuuyajua
"What magnificent development tt tne
The wretched Jobinard, blown out
with pride, seemed like tho frog in the
fable, ready to buret. And then he
proudly drew up the leg of his nether
garment to the knee and exhibited a
muscular brown limb as hairy as that of
an ape,
"You will not refuse usf we cried In
"You will not dare to refuse us,"added
Daburon. '
"Gentlemen, I yieldl I seo that Art
cannot get on without me. Wlien would
you like to begin?" said poor Joblnard.
"Tomorrow at noon," answered Daburon-
as he shook bonds with the little
grocer reverentially, and then we took
our leavo.
Next day a long procession filed Into
the shop.
"This way, gentlemen, thlaway.if you
please," said M. Joblnard as he Indicated
the way to his back yard.
We must have been at least SO. Every
body brought something; there wero four
sacks of plaster, Borne paving stones, bits
of broken iron, bricks, and enough ma
terial to have walled up Jobinard alive.
A great mass of moist plaster was pre
pared, the limbs that hod become nec
essary to the world of Art were denuded
of their covering and placed in tho moist
moss, thon large quantities of tho liquid
plaster was poured on them, then the
scraps of old iron, the bars, the paving
stones and tho bricks wero carefully in
serted and built up Into the still soft
mass which was at least a yard high and
a yard thick.
"Don't move, dear M. Joblnard," cried
Daburon, "the plaster is about to set
We shall return in half an hour, by
which time the molds will be com
plete." M. Joblnard, seated in tho center of
his back yard, bolt upright, bowed to
each of us as we passed out
In about a quarter of an hour Jobl
nard began to feel distinctly uncomfort
able. "The molds seem getting terri
bly heavy," he said to one of his assist
ants, who kept him company, "They
seem on firo, and I can't move."
At that moment the procession, headed
by Daburon, filed once more into the
"It's getting painful, gentlemen," said
Jobinard. "I feel as though I were be
ing turned to stone."
"Try and bear it bravely. Nothing is
attained in this world, dear monsieur,
without a certain amount of physical
suffering. It will be set as hard as mar
ble in a few minutes. Wo will obtain
the necessary appliances for your re
lease at once, Jobinard. Remain per
fectly quiet till our return," said Dabu
ron rather suavely.
And then we each of us kissed our fin
ger tips solemnly to poor Joblnard, and
we filed out once more. It was the last
day of the term at the Art school, and we
were all off for our holidays.
For two hours Jobinard waited for us
In an agony of fear; then he sent for a
stonemason, who dug him out. They
had to get the plaster off with a ham
mer. We had, by the direction of the
Demon Daburon, omitted to oil the
shapely limbs of our viotlm.
Poor Joblnard! Tlt-Blts.
The English Mala. Prerogative.
"My English maid," says a housekeep
er, "is amusingly tenacious of her rights
and her limitations alike. If a friend of
hers rings at the front door, Bayle is
furious at the presumption. If he goes
to the kitchen door, she is equally vexed.
She regards the side door as her preroga
tive and demands a summons from
thence." Philadelphia Press.
Stan. Hard I-ot.
Allto I often wish I were a man. Don't
Winnie Indeed I don't. Do you sup
pose I want to be at the beck and call of
every wnma I Inwwfc .TVn'V
At All Event. It I. Very heir to Men of Antecedents
It seems rather curious to recall the
fact that very little more than 100 years
ago the Paclflo waa regarded as a Span
ish lake. That nation claimed It on the
strength of Balboa's discovery in 1510
and Insisted that it should be regarded
as a mare clausum. This will bear com
parison with the claim recently made
to a like effect by the United States in
regard to the northern part of the same
ocean, called Bearing sea.
When Blr Francis Drake circumnavi
gated tho globe his sailing across these
waters was seriously resented by Spain,
which demanded restitution to her of the
plunder which he took, but Queen Eliza
beth made a haughty reply. Not long
before the close of the last century the
Spanish crown again began to mako a
fuss because its monopoly of the Pacific
was Infringed on. It ordered the com
mandant of San Francisco to seize the
Columbia, the first vessel that carried
the American flag around Cape Horn.
In 1780 two Spanish men-of-war seized
several English fur traders on the north
west coast, and war was very nearly the
It is odd that the Bpaniards, though
discoverers of new lands and waters,
wore among tho poorest navigators of
their time. After coming upon the
Solomon islands they could not find
them again, and tbey were lost for 160
years. The water supply of their galleons
was not kept in casks, but in big earthen
jars. As It was impossible to provide a
sufficient supply for a six months' voy
age on board of a ship carrying 400 or
600 people, they always took to sea great
numbers of mats. Whenever it rained,
the mats wero epread"to catch the drops,
which were drained off Into Jars through
split bamboos. The mortality from
scurvy on long trips was f rightful.
Cortez, after the conquest of Mexico,
fitted out threo small ships to sail to the
Moluccas and re-enforce the Spaniards
there. They were scattered by a tem
pest, and two of them were lost. One of
these Is imagined to have been the strange
vessel which was wrecked on the rocks
of Hawaii at about the same time as
nearly as can be reckoned. According
to tradition, only the captain and his sis
ter were saved. The natives received
them kindly and gave them food. They
Intermarried with the Hawallans and be
came the progenitors of certain well
known families of chiefs.
In early times the control of land on
the Hawaiian Islands was held by the
ruling chief s, who reserved what portions
they pleased for their own use and di
vided the rest among the leading men
subject to them. The position of the
latter was analogous to that of the bar
ons of European feudalism. They fur
nished supplies to their sovereign and in
case of war were expected to take the
field with what fighting men their estates
could furnish. These barons held almost
despotic sway over their domains, appor
tioning the territory which they eon
trolled among their followers, according
to the whim of the moment or the de
mands of the policy. Every time a new
chief came into power there was a fresh
distribution of lands, Thut the country
was always full of people who were-dls-possessed
and homeless. Kamehameha
HI overturned this system by granting
to bis people a bill of rights which made
their tenure of the soil permanent
Washington Btar.
BMlfnlBg From th llllltla.
There are ways of getting out of the
national guard before one's time Is up,
and it la not always necessary to acquire
a chronlo illness or remove from the state
or become a oonvict to find those ways.
A young man who recently Joined the
guard applied for dismissal at the end of
hi sixth week of service. He did not
give his reasons, but the officers learned
that he wanted to get out because his
best girl bad told him that uniform was
not becoming to him, ne was dropped
from the rolls with dixaying suddeuneas.
New York Bun.
XJka Blam... Twin.
The Nankin correspondent of a Shang
hai paper says. "A Tianwaat man came
to this city, bringing with bira a remark
able freak of nature in the shape of his
two sous, at- 1 8 year. The boy a were
aliJtx in Inn- nil form, bat tbey are oon
nectsd wttu inch other by apieoeof flekh
as thick aa a miiu'a arm and Joined to
gether J oat Uluw the waist, making the
tains stand face to faoe. Tbe twiaa
a ear foil .atqnn t liv ap lfTl t"
America'. National Xll.h.
Marion Harland once upon n time In
the course of a foreign journey chanced
to be dilating upon tho cosmopolitan
tasto of the American who would eat
haggis In Scotland, roast beef in Eng
land, bologna In its city, macaroni In
Italy and frogs' legs In Franoo. "And
what," said n famous traveler who over
heard the monologue, "is the national
dish of the United Stotosr Mrs. Ter
hune always laughs, but ruefully, when
she repeats this anecdote. "I thought,'
she says, "of telling him turkey. But
they cook that better in Franco than in
America. I thought of mlnco pie, but
that is English as well as Yankee. At
length I replied, with an assumption of
ease and pride that I was far from feel
Ing, 'Baked beans and buckwheat cakes.'
I was well aware that my interlocutor
had experienced both thosa dishes, and I
was not surprised that his solo comment
should be, 'Fancy!' In an Involuntary
tone of shocked surprise." Philadelphia
Where nose. Grow,
For many centuries tho growing of
roses ror mo mnnuracturo or perfume
has been an important industry in many
In tho south of Franco and in Algeria
rose culture Is conducted upon a large
scale. Shiraz, in Persia, and Qhazipur,
in- India, have long been Important cen
ters ol tno industry, and so has Medine-tel-Fayoam,
in Egvpt But, most noted
of all, yielding tho largest quantity and
tne nnest quality, is Kazanuk, In eastern
uumelia tno valley of roses.
This lovely valley lies on the southern
slope of the Balkans, sheltered by their
towering eiacs irom tne com nortn
winds, and is tho center of a distriot
which yields on an nverago nearly 4,000
pounds avoirdupois of ntlarof rosos, rep
resenting a commercial valnoof (180,000.
New York Tribune.
Tho Vses of Mot Water.
Speaking of hot water, it is wonderful
how many good purposes it serves. A
compress of linen wrung out of hot salt
and water end applied to tho chest, cov
ered entirely aud closely with flannel to
prevent the taking of cold, will case pain
and do away with tho irritation which
culminates iu frequent coughing. Hot
water at tho back of tho neck and be
hind tho can will euro that nervous
weariness rind hysteria which overcome
ono after a hard day's work, not water
taken internally before, u meal is an old
to digestion Philadelphia Times.
To Get at the Farts.
Recardlng nooil's Sariaparllla, ask the
people who taice tuts medicine, or read tne
testfmoulall often nnhlisheil In this tunpr.
They will certainly convince you that
Hood's Sarsaparllla possesses uneqnallep
merit anu mat iiooa's cures.
Hood's Pills are ronstlnrtton hv rpstnr.
In the peristaltic action of t be alimentary
can- uey are tne nest lamuv cathar
tic. Tho snowfall In tho Rocky Mountain
along the line of the Cauadian Pnclllo
Rail way during the past winter was
thirty years
Little vegetable healh producers. De
ll'ltt's Little Early Hlters cure malarious
disorders and segulate the stomach and
bowels, which prevents headache and
dlzzlress T. D. Thomas, Drugclst
Tho ksngaroo readily leaps from six
ty to seventy rfaet! Tno loncest ro
corded leap of a horso Is thirty soyon
l!'e could not Improve the quality if
Eald double the price. DeWltt's Witch
lazle Salve Is the best Salve that experi
ence can proauco, or tnat money can uu)
i nomas, -irugsisu
The centre of population in tho Uui
ted States moves westward about t
yard every twenty-four hours.
A third set of natural teeth haacome
to bles9 Mrs Joeu Smith of Kingston,
Luuauo, iier ago is w.
Isi'orance of the merits of DoWltt's
LittU Early Risers Is a misfortune. These
little pill, regulate th eliyer, cure headache
ayspepsia uau ureatu. constipation and
-illlousness, T. D. Thomas, -Drngelst,
At the bottom of the ocean the tem
perature remalus unchanged through!
uui iuo yeur.
llurklen. Arnica Halve.
The best salve In the world lor Cuts, Bruises,
Sores. Ulrc rs, Salt Illieum, Kevrr Sores, Tetter.
Chapped Hands, chilblains Comes, and all skin
Emplkms, and positively cures Hies, or no pay
equlred. It Is Ruaraiiteeil to irle perfect sun
taction, or money refunded. Price 23 cents per
Welssport. '
OfIA Ultinrfl font nf nlflOa lll Incn nn
much boat as six square feet of twelve
iuuu urica wail.
Tlia wlml frnm Ilia KnrlU I.!a. .1. ....
and keen, and bad effects of colds are seeu.
wuo iuiuuio ijuugu L-ure so sale and sine,
will quickly perform a -vonderous cure. T.
A i, , . . ,
au.wua,jU man una IJiyeUllHl Fill
rlectrlcal apparatus for automatically
wiuuiut, V ClOCK,
All th.t kn.,1.
can do to produce a perfect pill, has been
employed in making Do. Hill's Utile Earlv
Risers. The result Is a .peciflc for sick
headache, biliousness and constipation.
AH the talk In the world will not con
7,'.?c? S? ,0 fln'ckly as one trial or De
Wilt's Witch Hazel Salve for tcalds.burns.
brutes, skin affections and piles.
Make your mistakes all teach you
Subscribo for the Advocate.
ThnMar,1VM..lnnnl L. i .. 1 1
United States,
Now Try This.
Tf will .t VAn nn.ui ,
j.. j f. . .uu V" sureiv
do job good, If you have Cough, Cold,
or any trouble-with Throat, Chest 01
Lun, Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consnmntlon. fVnh ri.i.
teed to give relief, or miner wH e psij
ha fir ti? ....... t ri -i - Kr?
Inst ti a im ji i "Jnppo tound It
, --- ........ huu us use naa a
speedy and perfec trecovei y. Try a sample
If t i icarn ior your-
-- j- fcwu mmii ii is. i risi
bottles free at Keber's LbIbton and
fl 00 ""Se size ouc. and
Too many folks are flu o talk aud ba
Cholera Infantum has lust Its terrors
since its Introduction of t-bauilrlajn't
Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Ilemedy.
iVti-k,. ll.( un1 1 . . 1 ...
. ...... 1 1 ..j,.. . ,g u3ru anu lue ireaj.
ment as directed with eaeh dottle Is follow
, - .um (.-mam, Air.A. n . trailers,
a prominent merchant at VYallerabure. Ill
7. . w "' UJ w3 oi cnoioru
ti ieei olha ,t,aMe hid failed
- ...iih H ou low tuai ne seemea
almost deyond the aid of hnnian hande or
u, u .ueuieine,- an anu oucent Dot
tles for tale by
. A carpenter by the name of M.S.Powert
fell from the roof of a doom In East Dea
lerloui piln of the wrUt, which be cure!
l-vlwo ui iuaniueriin'8 sun
liilm fin va It ls -.- t, .
co,thim0oVent.:For..leby,' "
The RVftrRCA VfirtT vnln. II A .
to crop of Great Britain to a8ft,000,UX).
Tha iT)A!nftriA nMnA liri.iA. ty
at Yi.iiin ttrtn fwr l. .
qqq wuuir apiOt-
A ex.l. 11 .1 .
Uwrougbly aterlllaad after use, is a re!
oot invention of two English phys
T t id ""-"- 1 l.n . I ,.
,-- ; "jf -ju, uiu iue nails
of the right hand grow faster than
'"U- Ul tilt) IBIU
the 1812 war fund.
Th T,r,. 1 .J...
--, .-jj.sui-u luuuunai -Uwel.tacr.
U-mpanyof Loudon, EnaUud. ha. 1
"oman never loMa faith bt a man
who troaU bar wall.
lie Witt's Wltcl, Uami Hae mrm ,,,,
Ie Witt's Wltcb KAMI Halve cute. Uurui
lie Witt's itch Haul sal cr- am
Hilt is 11, 1 aaive cutm I
You have noticed
that some houses always seem to need
repainting i they look dingy, ruited,
faded. Others always look bright!
clean, freah. The owner of the. first
"economises" with "cheap" mixed
paints, etc.) the second palnf with
Strictly Pure
The first spends three times as ranch
for paint in five years, and hit build
ings never look as well.
Almost everybody knows that good
paint can only be had by using strictly
pure White Lead, The difficulty is
lack of care in selecting it. The fol
lowing brands are strictly pure White
Lead. "Old Dutch" proceaa; they are
standard and well known citabllahed
by the test of years t
"Atlantic" "Bradley"
"Brooklyn" "Jewett "
For any eolor (other than white) tint
the Strictly Pure White Lead with
National Lead Company's Pure White
Lead Tinting Colors, and you will hare
the best paint that it it possible to put
on a building.
For sl by th. most dealers In
paint, everywhere.
If you ar. solos to p.lnt, It will rey yon
to send to us for a book contalnlQg Informa
tion that may .av. you many a dollar It
will only cost you a postal card to do .0.
1 Broad Wavy. Niw Toit
would say that before you
Like your wagon to the shop for
repairs look over the painting 1
did last year, see whether I
use inferior Paint and Varnish.
Then compare prices, also in
the purchase of a new one, Buy
of a Carriage Man ! And buy
where you get the same article
for, Oh ! so much less money,
for my place is noted for that,
namely, to sell cheaper than
any other, because I sell for the
ready stuff you see.
Now Spring and Summer
Goods mean more with us
than the same words mean
from other dealers. Why f
Because alt the goods we
have on our counters and
shelves are new there is
no lost year's stock of poods
brushed up and piled up to
deceive tho buyer. Wo In
tend to merit your patron
- age by honest, fair and
square doallng and we want
you to coma and fee what
we hare In
New Dress Woods
at very Low Prices.
Groceiies & Provisions,
of the best quality and at tliolowpsl prlres.
Choice Flour and Feed.
Fresh Country Produce.
H'ashing Machines & Tl'ringers
of tho best makes at low prices.
11'e have a Roomv. PlpAsaiit rRts.r...
electric lighted. Come and aee us
Beo.H. Enzian,
North First Street, Lehighton,
Office Couirr noes- Duildiho,
Maucii CnuaK, Ta.
All business promptly attended to.
E. W. CLAUSS, - Proprietor,
Ol'P. L. V. DEPOT.
Excellent accommodation for txrininent
anu transient custom, 'rue liar is ttocaed
wltn Finest Liquors and Clears.
Practical Horse Shoer and Blactsmllti,
All kinds of work In Ibla line eircnted
promptly and at tne most reasonable prices,
ralronace solicited and satisfaction guar
anteed. Stop on Noiitii STBKsrr, above
tne uaroon iiouae.
EallmatPt on All Kinds of nulMtnes
cheerfully furnished.
All Kind of Building Material
at vtar i-ovntrr r rices.
Wow's Old wand.
We handle all tlio Daily and
Weekly Newspapers, Periodi
cals,Magazines(Fashion Rooks
and Story Papers, and we
Deliver them promptly at your
store, residence or office. Do
you get a parwr 1 If not please
try us. Besides the news bureau
we have a fine assortment of
Cigars. Tobacco. ConfectifirT.
tToi-. AQ-.Tujai Fancy m
At the very Lowest Cash Prices.
ice Cream!
We bavo a ooay parlor and ytll treat
you ooiiiiaoiuly. i1ae oall.
ttloaa'a OUt SUad, - -' .Plrat btraot
fSan mr uc m tm an
f -Win I I VIS: lREMEfS8EilWEa
ij U4 M Oi lammaSm XStr nememBoroar-Atv.ifU.
1 125?" J DottMe CMoridiTof Gold Tablets
'Tilt ' At- m -1' r (imlrA fnrTOIIAPCO lit fmm II toll dit-rti. PATftvtlv htrm
iOm cnnHenortuLit. , m i mmy tmptri
v-ibo u i .'-iiv. vt uu in rjiuniuni
m-. - n 'MnpTTIlTy
ii .. i uii'i iiiuili iiuiil
-rcr otir SPECIAL
' r tlnU'itPi'enllo'ffrn
i i i iiiniBrnn.'y nimii voiun Jiniy give inriu up.
-'' d )ampMotcf ttlmonlalafreii,find shall
ror 1 r..i i titir nf t.iin hfthllJi In mr.imnnli iv.
1 1
t.n .tho imve LHMm ourea
. Al.TS .ro or wile
, (I vuu, by rt'turntnaiu
ll 'iau'
J2 ' -i ii
.it .:.ino i nd ildrwMtilatnlT.ttrde
i 1. 1 im uT'i tot Tobacco,
IT V ' nSCulVRD tqto purchasing
. tri i- tin nan iriiiiisi tiro
J, XJ-J JtJCJ X a3 8I1U lUKO UU UUltf.
TIauufiolur4 only by
omo cnniCAL co,
t.r.1 a Cjfpdjrlock,
i :r,lA. Ohio.
..'.T.i t jt:ta
rise, j&t
I h.avr
two irftci -
i t tit amtN.
Wall Papers,
please you,
G. a gs-otih:-
A. Sell & Co.,
lleaof Oira llcuse, lieu Uh-U
rjtiu fir utl I'lir.KUM hlto! out at very
Ittj uoiublaj frica)..
ay-ri.KAsiiuivti uj a (Jali.
5 IS 'MSC i
We have a Very Large Assortment of
Ws have only first-class milliners aud
goods wueu pronusea. uoux ior,?. to oome uuu see us ueioro you uuy.
Miss Alvenia Graver,
Grand Central Hotel,
837 Hamilton St., AUentown
1 Krrm to JJ A, M.
OBee Hours ! " I to t r. h.
I " 7 to a r. u,
TraetlM ImlWd to dUaaws ol Ike
Eye.Ear, Nose & Throat
KjALtt.lUfraUunofUieKytM or tbe adju.t-
NO OFFICK HOUim on Meodar tuul TuwUy.
at BAttTOK, Swan Hotel, Tukbdayb.
THrplHwe Ursihl Deutnt Hotel.
Henry DrumborOrProp'r,
The Orboo Houm liu bu rrnovavUnt and
DiproTed lbrougbut; U ! eladrte UgtW! uu4
wAl viLil.t(-Hl. aud li anuiii-r the BloUL. lu
puDue is toiaeiuMi. iimi acwnmoiuiiwui tur
permAcmit atwl tran&lfit omtton.. OturuM very
iDotrt. IIiia IJfluora.Frah lUwratMl Purtnr
Aud Good Cttfaut , for sa1 t tUe Mar. '
JUBfl 10. Wi-A-l
W. M. Rapsher,
First door abOTe tbe MatiuUeu Ilouw,
8aJ KiUt atwl OoUettoa Agency. Will Ikiy
xbA bU l!eai BatMf . Ouhwjmosm imhUJit door.
LtJlfastKMiA proutpuv nude. 84UlBg KO-tUmi ol
fedfiti sptiewtf. Uy be eommattA I
ICQtilUb and GVrmAn notr. a-Ti
F. I. SMITH, D. D. S.,
Offioe oiiposlta taa Onera Houae.
Rank Street, iehfjhton, Pa.
Killing aad naaiac artUclal demur, a jMlal
tr. ljueal mtli.!,-. uaed.
Uu UmluUun aadTyUa ruartrl WITH
urPICB HOUIUI -Froas . - . Ui IS in , froa,
1 p as., to I a. as , Craw w , u . in la ttaa i,n i,nuu
JI e. Hour. at H.iWIiMilrih very iUuit.
iw U-rl
r - -..,
and i
-i -iiMtlfftitlontifl t" riwx
n In nmp or t4'it)rcotTco without tbe knowl-
j iop -..lumufc ur ciiwiii in R low aayi.
ITiM3T,l' cftn tflcitrffi at home, and with
UULLl oaiftnyinori on tno part or
tru frrotiFB of Liquor or Mor
uy laeuaeoi onr j ablktb,
by all FinsT-CLAsa
package o;
lour y d
JJurphluE or
in dic
and from
from ten to
ttnd ninnktwl
Ol your Tabltita
TnR OniO CnrmCAL
ior ti-wi wortr T)i your 'iauieiior onnci?o iiaiuu i rweiroa
them all rlsrht atid.althoiiirli 1 waa bothn Limrv Hinokfr and chew nr.
they did tho work In less than thrcodnys. 1 run cured.
Truly youra, AlATUKW JOlIN&ON.I'.O.rxlS.
' PtTTfrnnitnif.
The Onto Pitrwical Co. ! Oemtliimen i It frlrra mo Dlcasurn to ftrMink a
Won! tit hi nine fnr voiir Tablet . ht
conn tan I drinker, but after uslnff your
and will not touch llnuor of anv kind. 1
yuu, ui uruvr im uuw iue euro was h.'-uuuuv.
OnioCnEMiCAbOo: Qrbtlemek: Tour Tablets havo performed anil rnt?ir. in mycaso.
iiyd Mioriililne, h'noderniioallv. foracven
ttgeaof your Table w, and without any effort
yVnurosB nil C JrurB to
61, 03 and OS
nen'lun UiL. wwr.)
All tho New and Pretty
Fancies in NE 77
Can be found in
tit our stores in
Weissport and Lshighton.
Wc ccrtnitily never hiul-sucli
a Big Assortment before.
Bo sure to Come and
See Us.
For the next few months the
great question of interior decor
ation and House painting will
be the leading consideration ol
property owners. Let us make
a suggestion for you. You wnnt
the work done right; we can do
it for you at reasonable figures,
or wo will sell you the wnll
paper and decorations. Come
and see ; let us talk the matter
over and we know that wo can
wo do the very best work and deliver
iiorae-iirown ivurserystocK.ew rront Biiar
ltuc h stem. HaUry and x iMMwes iuld,
AV.&T. Smith Co. "fKy?
HatMlubwd IMS. O-t of tb lAru4U olieu Kl
UwHIirCil aiul bet-kiHMn Nnrt)i u tne
United (Slates
Soidol's Bakery,
lira Slwwt, Ul.titilon, you will always Dud
Frel.staivd Uest
Uye, Wheat and Vionna Bread
Fruab livery iiay. Our VlwinM htciul cm mot
be VarelvtfuJly solicit your iiatron
&a. Waun for tlie Wagon.
Seidel's Vienna liakery,
Opn. Oborft, FI116T ST., LEI1IU1I10N. PA
It Will
una lou lj
Are you all run down? Scott 's Emul
sion of Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil
and Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda
will build you up and put flesh on you
and give you a good appetite.
Sarttls Kar yton ear Concha,
Calila, Gociawptien, SanraU arid
11 Aoaamlc and Watttar Dbaautaa.
PrwvoflU wuttst; in cJUUru. -I-humi
a. iwilalabl. u nHk. Ctouly
lb BMUlaew Plat nd by Beau
Iwwna, O-aailata, Mr Yina. kUd tr
ail btuffUU.
hn mnat
from persons
who havo boon
curod by tho uso of
Hill s Tablets.
Tnr. Onto Chemical Co.t
iikr hih: i naTo own neing your
caro for tobacco habit, and (mind it wtiHld
what von claim for It I umiI ten conta
of thoitronretchftwln(r inbntrn.inr.
one ly (lie clfrnrut or 1 would nmoko
lortV nltwi of tolmrm. lliivn rlinwiul
for twnntv-llTt- fpurn. ntirl Inn tinclcnirni.
cured mow. 1 havenudcnlre for It.
U. M. JAYLOKL), LcpIIp, Mich,
Donna Pfhrt. N. V.
CO.OCWTLEMKrf : Soma tlum airn t nrnt
V eon was atronalv rildlfted toth iinnnf
Tablets but threo daya ha quit drinking,
hare, waited four month teforu wrlMnar
lours truly
yetira. anu havo bfeu, mitwi
) lit1 II1P of
on my part. VV .
Opora Z',3C... I.',. .' 'Oj , .
M. J. HarfzeiL
Whips, Fly Netts, Robes
Anil ovcrytlilng olse usually kopt In a
urM, ciass sioro or tins kiiui.
Of nil kiuiln ntteniloil to nently, cheap
ly mm promptly. Hpocini attenllon
pnlil to tlio lunuufiictiire of llnnioas
to order.
Robfc. N. Anthony,
(Successor to J. F. Rex, East Weissport.)
Fnrnitnre, Ejour & Feed.
at tlie Im est Trices.
Give ns n call. No troublo to show
Walp'a old stand, First street,
for the Best Goods.
Plumbers & Tinsmiths,
From Tlifap Ilhnlts lo Finn GUI and
Presseil Papers. A loo. Fells and Ingsalns,
will. Ilandsouio Krelzos.
Window Shades
rcadj lo lianj;, or put up to onler.
Paint, Oil, Varnish,
Glass. Bruin's. Palntlni; and PADer
Ilanslng, bv coinpetHeiil vnrkiiien sent lo
any part of tli county
HniikR. Ktnt Inncrv nn.l Vnnov
, - j - j
Goods, always a larirc stock n
61 Broadway, Mauch Chunk.
JAWFCll, tlie barker, opposite the Oira
Iloose. cut. hair, shares aud does every
Uilogln nrsMU usltle Drop in ami see him.
dosed on Hundavs. Toilet Artleles (or sale.
STUl.lIKH SUA V1K11 8AION. opioslte Die
Auvoimtk orrict, la lieadi)iwrir. for
shaviuK.halreuttiua aud shampooliiir. rartieu
larattoulion paid tnrfwttlnir l.idlea liania and
Ulilldreu's llalr. Toilet articles or sale. Tluoke
damn. Call.
W O. rAMPIIELL, over th. Canal Bridge, Baal
- Wel&sMirt, i uu ball, shaves and .luinpoos
In llyle
Seiul lO cents La itampi to
U tar pueMEO, iMWlll auitd 10U 8111
iilt., laii H) lot ol wall patxir, aod
ftimrtotft Itutructlou book. P Q C C
notv to i'rr, rnLU
1W 4Lm . Gold l'aiwr Sr.. llandMMiW UnM
tHor rktvn, lutoe. iwrpkce. Alluur jim
To see Nurse 7 Stock. We grow alt the best
Iwttt variUf s, ufd and new, ritplat-e all stork
tbat dli. and
aaLuv iir rutin
1 K
aaUi 'if rutiimV
;iiarunwt aiuDdacuoo.
uu paid itiiaiiUiu wart, wnu
(or term. H
tucbtfr. N
IirororaU.d iwa
E-UblUliwI ll'IA.
A F.llnw CountryTnan neserlpea the Rpe
eles A Creature Tliat Manlreat. III.
Contempt of I!verythlnic rorelgn nn Ev
ery roa.lble Occasion.
There Is nothing of which, as nn Eng
lishman who has sjient mnch of his life
la foreign lands. I nm more heartily
uhauiexl than the British rail on his
travels, anil I would llko to UVi this op
portunity to warn snch roailors us way
not hate Itpul ocraston toTl-it Uiiropo
that my countrymen ero not nil built ou
the same lines ns our traveling cad, and
that tho latter must not under nny clr
tmmstances bo regarded In the light of a
lyplcal Briton,
Generally speaking, the traveling end
belongs to tho middle classes, althonghl
am forced to admit that I haTo met quite
a number of his kind who bore names
that flguro In the pages of Durke. Tlie
manifestations of his caddishness are
prompted in n great measure by patriot
Ism of nn nggressivo nnd offensive typo
which Involves contempt for everything
that does not happen to be English.
In no other conntry of the world, novo
perhaps in China, havo I found snch an
undisguised contempt for tho foreigner
as in England. Tlie people there aro
Brmly convinced that everything alien
Is necessarily bad; that foreign opinion
Is not worth considering, and that when
dealing with foreigners they nre under
no obligation to oliserve the convention
al rules Of life which govern their Inter
course with their follow countrymen.
The result of all this is that no people
are more juBtly obhorrod abroad than
tho ordinary Briton on his travels, and
even tho well bred Englishman seeks by
every means In his power to get out of
the way of this greatest of nil abomina
tions, tho tourist cad.
From tho very moment that ho leaves
England and sets foot on a foreign
shore tha cad apparently casts to tho
winds nil sense of decency and consid
eration for the feelings of those with
whom ho is brought in contact. Eng
lishmen, and, I may odd, English women,
of the end species da not seem to havo
the slightest consideration for their sur
roundings when abroad in the matter of
dress; their ono dollght would appear to bo
to endeavor to offend tho susceptibilities
of 'tho foreigners with whom they ore
brought In contact either by the Inade
quacy or elso by tho exaggerated and
equally lnapproprioto magnincenco of
their attire.
Another form of caddishness on tho
part of tho traveling Briton Is tho bru
tality nnd unvarnished character of his
criticism of everything nnd everybody
that ho sees nf ter leaving homo. Indeed
ono Is often tempted to nsk why he
should havo Quitted His natlvo shores.
seeing that ho is so determined to find
everything bad and abhorrent that is
foreign. Ho ridicules the language, he
ridicules the accent, tho appearance, the
manners and tho dress of all those whom
ho encounters abroad not quietly and
nnobtrnelvitly, but In the most offensive
and public way, without tho slightest
Idea of concealment. If he meets an
American, ho is quite as ready as not to
inform him that he speaks English with
a nasal twang, totally oblivious of his
own vulgar cockney accent, while to the
Uennan he will expatiate on tho alleged
lack of cleanliness of tho Teutonic race.
To the Frenchman he will address what
he considers to be delicate banter on-the
traditional fondness of the Gallic race
for frogs and snails.
As for removing his hat when some re
ligions or funeral procession passes
through tho street ol a continental town,
he would scorn the idea. I havo met the
British cad traveling In India, -where he
distinguishes himself by refusing to con
form with the local prejudices and cus
toms of tho highly civilized natives.
whom he amiably refers to, even to their
faces, as "ruggers," and In Japan, wnere
he does not hesitate to tramp with his
muddy boots over tha dainty mats on
which tbe natives both sleep and eat,
have known one of them to cheerfully
volunteer to a high bred and courteous
Japanesanobletaanwholnan ill advised
moment had been induced to entertain
him the information that he was '
tounded by the lock of morality and pro
priety" 01 tno women ol tne JL,and of tho
Hlslng Bun.
Thero Is nothing that I should like so
much as for some clever New York re
porter to get hold of one of these travel
lug British cads on his way home, and to
draw him. The mero record of the In.
terviow would furnish a far more graphlo
illustration and portrayal of the creature
than anything that I could write. The
worst of the matter is that travel does
not eeem to In any way improve the
creature. Ho starts out from homo with
the preconceived determination of find
ing everything foreign "beastly" I use
Ills own favorite expression. Looking
at everything In a Jaundiced and preju
diced manner, he goes back moro con'
vlnced than ever that everything that he
has seen out of England is "beastly,'' an
opinion which lis docs not hesitate to
express everywhere and on every occa-
lion in tne most forcible manner.
Nor la ho deterred therefrom, by any
courtesies which no may havg received
while on his travels, nor by any hospi
tality of which he may have been the ob
ject. Un tne contrary, his entertainer,
no matter how generous or how kind.
will probably constitute a theme of rid
oule and will be subjected not to por
trayal, but to coarse and vulgar carica
ture for the merrimont of the friends of
the British traveling cad, Now York
Karypt'a fcacred llird.
The ibis, thesucrod bird of Egypt,, is
not peculiar to that country, but is found
in considerable numbers iu the south, in
Florida especially. In St. Augustine and
Other coast towns it is no unusual thing
to see an ibis perched pn the ridge polo
of a house or stablo or stalking solemnly
about a yard, for the bird Is easily tamed
and aooma to bo fond of human com
pHuy. St. Louis Republic,
Mourning- Hapcr,
Mourning paper la a satire in Itself. It
wears tho deepest prwelblii black margin
for the first six uiontha, say. Then It
grows a little narrower. la that a sign
that yon aro not mourmug so much aa
you were during the tint half year?
Next yearit is narrower still. Thegrlef
is greatly mitigated. Tne third year it
is a mere rtreak. Your sorrow does not
amount to much nu.vl The next year
the black border liaa entirely dUap
peiiuJ. Does that mean that you have
forgotten your U-feaTeiniutf Hint would
be tne logical interpretation, and yet in
the case of how many whnee stationery
has gooo through this diimiueluutf per
spective to the vanishing lioiut tlie sor
row has been even more bitter afbpr
years perhaps than it waa at &("& Bos
ton Transcript.
Starboard and LrlMMnl.
The ItaJUns ilrivl "rturboard" from
querta bonla, "tbia aid," and "'larboard"
from cjuella borila, whioli luearui "that
auto." Abbreviated tbtaie two phrases
appear as sra uorua awl la Uardu. TbMr
1. lose rxewublanco oarued ao raaiir lala
lakes that tbe admiralty ordered the
larboard" lo be discontinued and "iwrt"
I "Ubatituted. "Port" for "larboard" Is
.aid to be drat used iu Arthur Pitt's
"Voyagee" in 15B0. Puiuwlelplila Frew.
Twiiiims p f.ti.
"Vaa Wither bum aa uuffrtoiiate n
mark at Sautter's wedding yUnbtr."
"What did he seyr
"Congratulatud him dh thtreaeure he
kad won, and erery ono but Van knows
, tiauuwriuarriwl her for her iu uuey."
1 Truth.
I . ti 1
I A .w Blraat Car llraka.
1 An atteupt la U in made in Knglaad
1 . .... 1.. .1
1 W miliae HSV iicwcr atwu. wu w hn Ul-
I pUcation of thai bralctia to train oars, tp
i aa to render ai 1 iu ri.tartiiiK the car.
! X apriag k olutrii. .1, whtuh can be rv-
leased and will atari tbe rar without the
aid of the bonxw A furw ard, aud nut a
rectal umwhui ul. la at uut-t ivi u U tlie
wheels, bat ite at-in tan In- rvverM-d ir
caae of pred .w-h im t-i wrTUaniuf
-triiU at iuuotiouja. A taial id wrverml
1 2-luUu haa beea (iseu to the apuatatga
I with aatiafactory reeulla. Mew Yurfc
Xelaa;raiiL ,
iSS !
Blliousnces, Dyspepsia.
I Indigostlon. Dlncnoos of ,
I tho l'... dnoyo, Torpid Liver
itnoumatiBm, Dlzzino3a,
Sick Hoadacho, Loss of
tior3 nnd SkinDisoasos.
rd: . 2IC. tor i!..U, tyuiEucjUu,
Cf.11, 'JiMii a Sirllnlri. It
Sold by W. P lllnry.
Blck Btu-Aehe ud relter all tha trooblw Itifif
flftnt to kbtUooi tktof th ritatn.moU $J
XIuom, Kanft, Drowslaes. DUtnM after
uUif, rata In tlie Bide. Ac, White their taotl
fesustaUe luceeu hts beea tlvnrn In cuing
Ileiaichft. yet OaiWg Littlo Urer Ffflfl trs
qiullr T&labl In Oonatlpatton. caring utl pro
Tenting thUannoylBR eomplaint.wbllo ther also
Ht-t and regulate the boiraU. Erea U U-cj only
?Artthey would be almot t pr.oe.Ms tothoMwba
aiftrfroratbUdlatTMilngoompIalnt) butforto
trbooncetryLbemwlll find thetro little piliiTftltt
bte In ro many vtyi that they will not ba wll-ill-vgtodoirltbOQtthem.
Dat after allele). bea4
fifths ban of loratwy IItm that hereto when
I we make or great boa t. Our pUJa core It Whila
I othera do not,
' Carter'i Little Llrer Fffli are rery train and
very eaiy to take. One or two rill miikAa doavv
Thty are trictly vegetable and do not gripe or
parce, but by their gentle action -pleaae ail wM
metbem. XnTliUat2atentit Are for $1 60U
bj draggUU ererywhero. or tent by mall.
Sclcntldo American
Aflenoy top
ror nirormaiion ma rree liandbonk wrlta to
Oldest baroaa for aMnrlnir In Anerloa.
Krery pstant taken out by u. 1. bronabt befora
Irbfl bobllo bj anotloa glTen rroo ot obarga Id tbe
lareest cfnmTetlon of any' dentlfle neper tn the
world. Splendidly lllostraiUjd. ho UilflMireDi
man should be without It, WectlrI3,00
yenrt tl-MniX months. Addrera MDNN A CX)
ruBUBatita, 301 U rood way, lew York City.
best Tnn ironr.n.
mUa0ih.M -ro boat, of anyolher brand. Not,
CSactad by b.t. UTOIdV TJI E U EJV UI E.
To Whom It May Concerm,
My wire IJIlle Hover has this day loft my bed
and board without lust caune or prmocattoo,
All verftous are hereby cautioned not to trnst ur
harbor heron my account 01 1 will tiny nobllU
rontracu-d briar. MOKKS 1H lY Kit,
July Till 1S83 fackprtou, Va.
To Wtora It May Concern
All persons are hereby cautioned net to bar
bor or trust my wife SUSANNA HROWN, after
thin date, as 1 will not pay any debts contracted
hv her. une navmir left inv ImkI mist tmnrri uiih
out Just cauno or provocation.
. , V. H. nnowN.
July 6, H3 Jw. East Welssi-ort, la.
Ileal Estate i
llv vlrtim nf nn rirdpr tit tht nmhim' n.i.rt
of Cjtrbon county, there will t exposed to
PuMlcs&ia on the premises, in Franklin Twu.
Carbon county Ptt.,011
IsoatONKoVlock p, m., th following Uet
JfVStfJJf1 KeUtcUte the propr rty of JOHW
(I. FKKY, dee'd to-wlt. A 11 tnat cenalu THACT
OK :JIKUK OK LANK, situate In Franklin
described as follows, UkwH: liepinuluc M
stone thence by land of William Kemerer north
86H decrees, east 31 torches to a stone , the nee
by the same south 18 degrees, east 11 peiches to
abtoneithenceby tho same borlli M deiirees,
east 26 perches lo a stone, thence by laud of
Paul lluck north 13 I t decrees, east U perches
toawhlteoAktreettliem-e by the same north
20H decrees, east 43 perches to a stone, thence
by the same north deuces, east 34 p- rchos
tn a stone , thence laud Lite of J. nnd 1). Intr y.
Houth ss decrees, west C3 terches to a pine
knot; tlience by the aame MHJtlt 4 decrees, west
63 perrhes to the pUc of beginning, coiiUilnlng
1UWII' D. -L-iriKHl Fil iniV. l'J-.. IWinni1il anil
and l'J) perches, strict measure. Hie Improve
mem t hereon oonilst of a TWtl-HTOUY
liAru and other necessary outbuildings,
'terms and Cal.lidltl.Uaa ulll l at dm
and of sale, by AL HTIN i Kit
Jul. liiii, iti Aditiliiirfratur
Tbe limlfri'CTeJ la the sclllnc tsent for
all klmls ot It.palra tot Hie CIIAMI'ION
also tliR WmiJ-LKV UOWJSIt ami
lilNDKli. Tbwe lUnalr, can beliadai
sliorli notlro anil at ter; licasoiiaUe 1'rlcrj
by oalllne ou ur ariMlln. to
Aflmini-trator's Notice.
Eatale of ELIZA I1ETI1 MOYEIi Ulr ,f
Lf Ulsl.lou lloruuch. Carbon rounu, 1'a ,
All nemoni IrHleMrd to said ealale are
rerjiiestml to malie imneiliaie panii'tt
and iliose haTiut: Irsal rliiilus aealntt ii
same alll nrraent entHiul dHav in Drotar
onler for arltleinent lo Haniel A. I.euiy.
New Tripoli, AdmlnWirai irs
Ij-bleli rmmtT. I'a Jnni- 8, aids
A popular question before the
people Ju.t now Fihbiug
Tackle, this l purtloularly so
with tboee who find a pleasure
in anitlliiif far the finny tribe
Wliere to set tbe beat taokel h
alee a perplexing (iitet u.u t -.
yon but not U ua, for we bare
It right bare the very lieat at
tbe loweet prloee tbe same
prloee perhapH aa you iy fur a
article elaewbere. We want yuo
to oome aud examine our nw
line of 1'ihlmiK Taokel, liefure
I yuu go elKea, berc for we know
that we t-an sive you luuuev
1 Tb I- eliut j.'ii iirit.
ni wan -jm r-
Oome and see uu
BIERY, The Druggibt