T7 'r 7 iTht ! (T nth on JBm Jltli oruti. sob afBisraara la a specialty at our Job Printing Office in Snyder's block, east side of the Lehigh ilridge. Envelopes, Note and Letter Paper, Phamplets, Order Books, Vouchers, Tags and all kinds of Pio Nlc, Horse and Sate LIUls. We do all work neatly, obeaply and cleanly. Do you need anything In this line! then call nnd see us, or write us a postal card and we will be at jour service. a , T T 1 -I ,.1 M mi hDn mi ntliftr un n ibikoi uuuumwvu ....... '"rf ........ newspaper printed InTjarbon county, con sequently It Is the best medium for adver Users. Our news columns sparkle with the ocoutrenoes of the day olern, spicy, Interesting, bright and Independent. Our editorials are original and will be worth reading ou account of their spirit wkloh Is Independent of outside dictation. Our prloe is one dollar a year. Just you I ry It "INDEPENDENT" "LIVE AND LET LIVE.' VOL XXI. No. 37 Lohighton, Carbon County, Ponna. July 29 L893 $1.00 a Year in Advano HAVE YOU READ THE AD VDCATE THIS WEEK? THE LARGEST $100 PAPER IN THE COUNTY. an. i w- mr -mr - i ,r w- ni r r -rr rr nfc dtt t n h m lniri i sYrv. w ri w w ar w v bv "odt CgfO ' KSJ OHIliHIALCHEAPOTSTOIlE A There arc no middle men in cur Bhoe business ; we buy from first hands and thereby save at least 25 per cent which the buy er gets the benefit of. TVe rep resent the largest shoe manufac turer in the East, and have the exclusive sale of their entire line for this section, from the baby's to the ladies' finest shoes, from youths' to men's finest shoes. For price, workmanship, style, quality and fit they are un equaled. Lawn Tennis Shoes are lower than elsewhere. Outing and Negligee Shirts and Boys' Shirt Waists in all the latest colorings the prices have been very low to move them quickly. One of the finest assortment of suspenders ever shown has been placed on sale at prices teat will astonish. Ladies', Misses and Children's Hosiery, all the latest styles, in cluding red and tan. Handkerchiefs for everybody, from lc. to the finest silk. Mourning Handkerchiefs for ladies and gentlemen. A liargam 1 1 dozen bpoois of Cotton for 10 cents. -. J. T. NUSBAUM. run o,,v,. wtno.. uuu.u bh. .j. Lehlghton..Ta. .Revolting Triple Tragedy in a I Pittsburg Tenement. v -1 WIFE AND TWO CHILDREN KILLED. NEWSY OCCURRENCES. LOCAL MATTEIlg OF MOllK OU L.KSS IMI'OKTAXCn. Th Ilnsband and rn'her Dr.iV In the What II Occured In tide CUT Muring tlm Week Pertinently Kpttomlied by Oor Hper-lal Reporter. See the Majestlo bicycle at Zero's. Reduced from 125 to (33. For a thoroughly first class bicycle bolls of HI. victim will. . Heavy at niako It n point to see the Majos- nmtnr. end Then Tried to Mid III Orlm by Incendiarism. Pittsudro. July 87. A terrible triple traa-edv took'Dlace during the early bourn ef the morning In a ramshackle brick ton-1 proyement, ement on Oak alley, near the beau ru tlo at Kern's, An awning in front of the resi dences of Samuel R. Gllham and A. W- Raudenbush ou First street Is an Im PERSONAL MENTION. A Heap Rhot Camera Catches Those Who Come and Oo .AlnongyThelr Friend In Lively lhtgliton. . . Henry Oeis, of Easton, w as a visit or in town on last Saturday. Frank 8 mmel and Bert Horn spent last Sunday ut Slatlngton. .Henry Stuber,formerly of town but now of Bangor, Is home on a rlslt. F. A. 3rueneberg, of New York City, was a visitor In town Sunday. .T. J. Nusbaum, one of Lanstord's popular merchants, was In town Sun. TTerl UnrnKatt nt lTaeKA flfirmnmr. lJ'&":rK. Ur.ITof Tobias" Duss, of town, children, aged 6 and 9 year respectively, died last week at the ripe old age of died, and the husband and rattier is unaer go years, lie was a jcliool teacher anu arrest. . tanu-ht at one rtlace for sixty years. The family consisted of four children I . , , , , , " andtheparenU. A boy 8 years old and a j after teaching for a period of fifty le-weexs-oia infant were uninjureu oj l years uu was gruuieu n peusiuu uy iu their father, bat were left In the building Government. after It bad been tec on ore. me ismiiy hlay. has occnpled the miserable quarters about I -Shlloh'a Cure, the great Cough " a b nvE ry N C H I N G . A Morderer Taken, front Jail end f!ngd ky m Mob. Dxsvin, July ST. Not since Denver was small frontier Tillage and lynching par tie were ef common occurrence has the elty eiperlonced anything like what took plao last night. On Tuesday eyening an Italian saloon keeper, named A rata most brutally murdered an inoffensive old man named Ughtfoot, ponndlng hit head lata allly wltbaehtlr, slashing him with a knife and finally ending hit helnout crime by firing two thott through tbt old man's body. Arata was Immediately arretted an locked np la tht county Jail, which It lo cated In the very heart of tbt city and one at the flout and boost secure ttruoturet of the kind In the west. All dty long the silliest continued to dlsouu tbt onme, and last night a crowd of 15,000 gathered at tbt Jail. Tht doort wtre battered down, and despite tbt heroic efforts of tht sheriff and hla;mn Arata wat taken from tht jail and hung to trt and shot by tht mob. tilt Silt la Bteelvar' Stand. HiW York. July SA Tht World tayti Tht Sri Railroad company today went tat tie hand at reoelytrt. Judge La sombt, f the Uaittd Bute! circuit court, named Jeha King and J. O. McCulIough. Thty gart U00,0 bonds, with D. O. Mills and J. Lowber Welsh, of Philadelphia, a turttltt. Within the last few weeks the Boating debt of tht Erie became tmpoa tlblt of rtnawal, and In order not to tacrl fie tbt best Interest of the company It was decided to place tbt road tq receiver' hands and prttarri the system Intact. Fdlng tbe EtaDsry Miner. DiaTXB,Colo.,July 27, Thirty-fly hun drd hungry ptoplt wer fed with bread, ami and milk yttterdar by the mission. Tht list of 11 man I Increasing a tht minsrs oomt In from tbt camp. It ha bttn planned by the unemployed men that a thousand wonld march to tht governor' effls and demand free transportation east, but they wert dissuaded from doing so by tht effarU of Bert. Myron Reed and Thomat TJaitlL A train load r men wert snipped ttttwara last nignt. three rear. Quarrels bare been to fro- and Croup Cure, is in great demand quent that the neighbors gave them little Pocket size contains twenty-five doses attention. At 11 o'clock at night tbe orj,y Children love It, Sold by n.nal nola waa heard until 3 o'clock In Druggists. tht morning. George Bmaus, the husband Hurl's uiorer IWot will purify your and ratber, ran to a neignoor t nouse, ana Blood, clear your Complexion, regulate id :!T:.' .i Jour bowels and make vour head clear Into tbt upper room. The neighbor ran to as a bell. 23oand50o. the hontt, stumbling over tne body or I i go to Al, Martin's liquor store at Mrs. Bmaus at the door. Just then tmokt m,,i, i, i,iI,i, i ... and flame burst from the upper windows. . , ,,r,..i. When tht flrtmea arrived they picked np Kood Rre Whiskey for 11J0 per gallon, tht body of tht woman. She wat still Fenstermsphor'a celebrated joe breathing, bat died in a rtw moment. cream for sale at Bretney's, opposite The firemen found blood spattered oyer nnnr rtnnon it th. floor, fnrnltur and walls of the down Opera Houso. it stairs room. In the room up stairs thsy .Howard Mutoler's majority in the found blood marks eytrywhtre. The three wards lu this town was 128. Mr. Mushier Ms many warm persona dow. when they noticed something heavy friends in Ixshlghton, I nit. They reached Into tht slit and pulled Phillip Mause, for some time past out th body of a child. Th body was a resident of this town, Is once more a zri&v&t&xz elF,h1 !,av,lD8 rrd tot,,,, etalrt and tht burning ttok thrown out of City of Brothel ly IVive this Wf ek. He tht window. Tbt men wtrt horrified to bos employment in Cramp's big shtp set the black and charred body of auother yards thlld under tht bed. The baby was sound ' ' Ir aaletp In Its cradle. The flames were toon John It. Koons, of town, will haye exftagulihed. charge of tho refreshment car which On tht floor wert two hammers oorered accompanies the Odd Fellows exour- yrV'po? riilr? ?d n SatUrd foot of the floor. Theroomwatlnterrlblt The clyjl engineers went over 7th disorder, showing that a desperate battlt street laat Monday to establish a grade X2f S'TT,:,:".DB""" ror tnat new'J' fen thoroughfare, wnnM InfllAt. Hu,t the man and ilf. barf Ihe town OOUncll t ft Special fought, and tkat he knocked her to tbt meeting on Saturday eyening granted floor with a house hammer weighing about the Long Distance Telephone Co., tbe apound. It It thought h. used th(s until rieht to lona,B lhpn, . r.z ' " vuvi ry alley, tht bandit flew off and then procured a heavy "machinist hammer. After the mother received her death blow the father killed his daughters, aged 6 and 9 yean respectively. lie had struck them several blowe evtr thtlr heads with tht George Selple,of Allentown, father of our esteemed townsman Dr. w. Q M. Seiple, died at hs residence in Al heavy hammer. Every blow tank deep lentown, on last Saturday, Juterrnent. Into their brains, trashing their head, was marie nn WarinnKl.n rtT7io?;r , t Godfrey Franco ignited, hoping thereby t ooncea) thp ter- "r some time past hftd b,een,wqrllng rTblt ortma fop the Valley company at Weatherlr. .Jtli 7w5'..e,MpS? ,Utel 18 back hom has reopenpd his that hi father had tilled hi mother. ,,,!,,, v,nn ' 1 u,,,, Joseph Hess has rjurcbaand tbn PlIERanrjRQ. Va,. July ST. James A. I Wash. Heilman pronerty on Brldce !l vcf,trli,1f C".pI" EmZl' streot ln the w"l- The property Chetterfleld, while driving toward Chee- , .,, , . . . ,,, Ur stopped ate watering trough just be- ' very nicely located and, will niakes, yond the city llmlu to water theft horse, very pleasant home for the genial Joe wnen a wina squan came up very suauen 1 ana nls Xamlly, ly. A tret wtt blown down and ttruck botb men, at wtu at tbe team. Jonet' skull was crashed and be died toon after. DUIon'a lnlurlet art not terlous. but pain fill. The borse wat instantly tinea. Five Killed In a Collision. Wlt-CH, W. Ta., July ST. Thsre wat a year end tollltlpn between a freight and patstnger train an tht Norfolk and West, ro railroad, about a milt from this tlty. at a tbarp curve. John Frsnkman, a braktman on tht Daaatngtr train, was nn der tht patstnger ear whtn tht freight struck It and he waa killed. Four un known men who were beating their way s th Bret box oar back of tbt tender were f i9 aiHMf. flta Pova nt Crossing. Uobbow, O., Jnly 97. Mrs. W, It, Clem nt, of tht Southern road, and Miss Julia B. Frier, wtrt struck by a Miami train walls driving aerott tht traoka. Mrs. Tvatr1! skull was fractured and her spine Injured. Mrs. Clement's thigh wat broken aadbtr fact badly out. Sat It ovtr 0 and Ltr lnturlt will Drobablr reeult fatally. lira. traer Is her daughter, i4, ueugus mi oe savaiiy aurs. Tkroo Boraed to a Orlsp. MOBOAJniLD. kr.. July 84. A terrible wreck occurred on th Ohio Y,lleyraH toad, twp milt from thl( fjty. freight train qo. fie, consisting of tnglnt andVt' frebjbt cars, loaded with through freight, lyert dished and afterward burned. Three live were loet Robert Taadora, engineer, Frank Thrtlkeld, fireman, and Marlon, Davit, heail brakero". Th!r ttflfllet wtre Buraecj to a crisp. Tervlfle Towder Bsploelan, lTmrTIvonOK, Ind., Julyti Sohaeffer A Ochaeffer't powder house exploded at 3 e'eloek yetttrday afternoon. Homer Houtholder and Hugh Hsrvev were booting with a rifle, when a bulltt n tend a window. Doth men wtre blown clear acrost tbe little river and thelrbodlea lorn to pieces. Houses ware wrecked all around anil several persons wtn Injured. The County Commissioners should look to It that the floor of the Lehigh bridge be repaired. It Is In a bad con. ditlop, At Qettysburgh on last Sunday Mr. Howard Mutchler's majority ln Carbon county Is 782. ile has n ma jority in the district of 4500. ON THE RAILROAD. ItlrtF MKXTtOM OTA WKM'1 I.O- INOS ON T1IK It AIL. ..Mrs. W. B. Schafer.ofShamokln.ls visiting Thco. Scbafer and family ou Bankway. W.J. Rltter,tho genial proprietor of the Royal Palace Cafe, circled at Allen town, Wednesday. Mrs A. B. Bird, of Newark, N. J, Is visiting her son Dr. F. I. Smith, ou First street. W. W. Morthlmer, of New York City, spent a.fow hous In town on last Thursday evening with his parents. Calytu Helntzleman, one of East Peon's popular and pleasant young men, called on us Wednesday morn ing. .. Mrs. Mamie Smith and daughter Jennie and son Lewis are guests of H. Morthlmer and family on north First street. Misses Mamie uFrllzlnger, of this town and Miss Carrie Reed, of Maucb Chunk, are spending a fow weeks nt Allentown with friends, .Qeorgo Harleman, of Reading, who at one time was a resident here, was calling on old friends Tuesday.George is selling cigars for a Reading manufactory, ,, Mrs. George Buss, of Plttston, Is the guest of Tobias Buss and family on north Second street, while her hus band, who Is adjutant of the .Ninth Reg't N. G., is In aamp with his regi ment at Berwick. Short Faraaraplit That Will be ol Interest to the Railroad Itors. t The mortgage made by the Dela ware Susquehanna ilc Schuylkill Rail, road Co, for $500,000 to the Trust Company of America seoured, by the railroad and rolling slock, Ac, of the conipauy, was placed oq record at tbe court bouse In Pottsvllle on Frl ay t Notices have been Issued by the Dopartment.of internal AOlars to all the incorporated railroad, canal, tele graph and telephone companies doing buslnesaln the State ordering them to file ln tho department on or before August 31 next a report of their opera tions and affairs for the fiscal year end ing June 30 last t Surveyors are again at work on a new branch of theJCentral Railroad, which Is to be built from Perth Amboy to Uouud Brook. The new road, ac cording to the best information, will run on the east side of the Rarltan River, and will not pass through New Bruuswlck. The Central will thus be able to compete with the Lehigh Valley, for whom they have no friend ship now that the Reading combine Is broken. X A number bt Reading Railroad offi cers, inoludlng James Donnely, Geo. uaneman, Uicnard Caffrey, Leonard Goodwin, A. Morrson and Chief of De tectlves O'Brien, wont over the Penn sylvania, Poughkeepale &. Boston road on Friday last In private car No. 351, This was the final tour of Inspection before the Reading will rollnqulsh the .Rev.8,tlbblta and wife, of CollegeJjfiun9,ivanl, Ponkeepsie A Boston Vat Xrsbnt pArittrl VI yitn tr. Asbubt Pabk. N. J.. July 87. A goodly Hunsloker and wife and danghter. number of oottagen and hotel guests met Lollle, Amandes Dehl, James Esoh and uen ana iormeu.vuemsei.ii.ro poo jxew iRg Lj2zU, Hnnsloker all of town a crew t lUKivui nu,i(is mtvibiiuu , t.t , who object It It to tupprest pound nth- were rldln" on a 00acl. when the Ing tlpnf tbt New Jersey coast resort, horses became frlghtendat a trolley Tht ntw association will employ legs) car and they were "all thrown to the teion u luroe lue owner 01 tuo LJ ujiu. , , ., i ,, , i,t..i.. ,.!..,. Th. n.w? ground and more or less Injured claim that tht sounds spoil all tht hook air special meeting ol tbe Le tnd lint Ashing along tht ooast. I hlghton school board onMonday even- tt.,.rt.d p..,, ror,.,... in Chi..-.. lunOeorge W. Morthlmer, of the first Cbicaoo. July ST.-It is currently r- ward ""HI alpo,ed a sphoql dtreotpy, to. ported that tbe Chicago Trust and Sav- nil the vacancy caused by tbe restena- Ings bank and ttversl other banks ln the tlon of Daniel Wleand who this week P7forVe4urltK U wm ld 1 moyedwltU W, family to MauchChunk, imooth confluence man has disposed of so. Au out house on the Klelntop pro. eurltlet of different banks to the amount perty caught fire ln some mysterious ?K"t?r t. hour on Sunday night been discovered. Jack Walters, who was on ha way home from work, luokly seen tiie "S"Hri - ,j"nr- i smoKe ana riamea anil mrAthnn ami KastPb-, j'a., July Zt. -Complete r- . .i.. ' . ,k. tr.l.ktl. ...ln,..l Hl "'"'""K oo,,uo VUMIIBKOHUl, irlct thow that Howard Mutohler, Demo- ..Jnie Miller of First street la crat, was elected to congress over Frank jublllant over tua arrival of a ten neeaer. jiepuoiican, uyoeariy,J. jner pound baby boy at his home. The vara si m 1 at rr tl rtAllasti thnn a Fl exit I : w little stranger Is as fat as butter and wat a largtr vote polled thnn was at first Indicated by the return. Northampton county gives Mutchler 2,0m majority; Monroe, m; oarbon, lenkewir Four Tonne Ladles Drowned. BiLTIUonc. July So. Maggie Taylor, as lively as a cricket. -FPU SAtx.-The Royal Palace Cafe, ouoofthebebt saloop and restaurant stanas in town Is offered for sale' Lulu Johnson. Marian Smith and Nellie I Satisfactory reasous aiven for selllnir nWairrnheVS river, by tht oapsuing pi a small boat (---.. Twp young meu, who cunVplitttl tbt tall- James Dunbar, a fifteen year old log party, saveu luemsei ves, one by cling Ing to the upturned boat, tbe other by swimming atbon TerrlOe Fowder Ciplosion q Cbln. Npw Yoill, Juf if - peter J,ackton,the colored pugilist, arrived by tht tteamer Yeutonlo yeeterday. He eaya be will light l-proeii aaywnere tnat tne latter may se Ifjct, pfoyldtd that t It north ol Mason Cud DUoa's line. Oaarantln Attlnst rfapUs. COKSTAVTIVOPI-C July 97. A flvt du qutranllnt has beta declared against a: Teasel arriving from Naples Lehigbton boy attempted to jump on a last moving freight train at Cherry. ford last Tuesday s,nd w onqef the wpeeie. lie lost one leg and is now ln Saw Fhakcisco July au. -Advice from 8t. Luke's Hospital, South Bethlehem. Hong Kong g ye details of a terrible ex- t,. i i.,v' ti t . plosion at thi giyeromfnt pol.r mtga- "e is n brother to the boy who was tine at Canton on June 91, which killed drowned lu theCarbonCounty Inproye- many persons, ininrmg ovet sw people i ment Company's dam last summer. no wrecking l.uuu noils -Jamea Xanrlar. . Hfto.r, . Two children Killed by Fall. rourin street, ooy, Kiueaa blaok snake Mijkcik, Ind Jnly ST. The two chll-1 down near Gelsel's old brewery in dren of William Caynor, north of here, a boy and rtl.l.l,RjlvH mi. nt - t. . mow and wert Inwtautl'y killed Botjj e The snake fa now ln possession of 'bis their backs were brokcq 1 broterEd who has It bottled, In olobbpl. . . . i . i iur. deume vt iiuams. or rTanKiin tllliea oy t-fn,niii rie.n. I . . ' , 1 1. 1 t i-f TtimuoND. Va.. Julv 37 -l)urii, the' "ho Is a nurse In the Ilomeopathlo pre'valenp of a thunder storm In flq- Hospital, Washington, P.Q. will a.ecept the which we find vory Interesting. Rollln Wilbur Lodge of R. R. T, of Tine, r-a., were visitors ln town over Sunday. Rev. Stibbltz was a former resident here being pastor of the Re formed congregation previous to Rev, J. AWln Reber. Old friends were much pleased to see them .Mrs. Nicholas Eslln and horestlm- able daugEler Miss Annie, of Phlla tielphia, are guests of John Hank and and family ou first stecet It will be re mcmberedthat tbe husband of this Iftdy Plot wth a very traglo death at the Valley railroad depot some months ago, ..Landlord Ed Uonter, of Weatherly was In town on Tuesday and iound time fo drop in and see us and have his name placed on our subscription list He Is just home from Chicago and informs as that the report circulated that be bad eloped with a Lehlghton tnablen Is basefy false, ..While at Philadelphia last week in oompany with Hon. W. F. Blery and W.O.Miller we called at the U. S, Mint and closed digits with Oarpt. Wehr, of Summit Hill, and Obas. Mao D.aplel, of Welssport, both of whom nil lucrative position in that lnstltu tlon. IFe found the Capt. a genial as yore, while "Old Reciprocity" was in bis elements For the courtcsle ex. tending by th$se, gentlemen the trio are unaer on ligations, Two of our former residents whom everybody was delighted to see, were In town Saturday and Sunday, they were Albert Dollenmayer and his sister Mrs. Charles G. Taylor, After leaving her0 ptlQut fourteen years ago Albert enlisted in the U, S, Army and was stationed In the Northwest; after his term of service expired he drifted back to Minneapolis, Minn., and became con. nected with the Tribune of tha,t city as a reporter and did good work. At the present time he is the Washington Si.C.,) correspondent for that paper, rs. Taylor resides ln San Franclsoo, Ualn where ner husband la engaged in the banking business. Both werede Ighted with their visit to the scenes of their youth and the memory of It will no doubt live forever, Ibe Flreman'Vconventlon. The fourteenth annual convention of the State Firemen's Association will be held at Butler (rfim September 19 to 22 inclusive, The grand tournament will take place on Friday, the 22d. The following races will take place Free tor all hose race, open to the world, first prize, 1150; second, prlfe, tioj inira pnje meaner contests first prize 8100; second prise, $50. Hose races, 30 first prise f25 second prize, Hook and ladder raoes, 135 first prize, IIS second prize. Hub races, $50 first prize, $23 second prize, Drill prize, 150 first prise, 125 second prize. The largest uniformed oompany in line will receive $50 and the finest urdtortnefl company In line will be awaked $25. July 31 tThe Central Railroad of New Jersey paid Its employes their last month's salary ln gold. The event Is one worthy of note and is supposed to have been done by the company to. establish little confidence among people who may have thought from reading the the papers that the finances of the country were a little shaky. There is abundance of gold yet to he had and no one need fret on that soore. Stan. dard. r. a farmer residing Frauktln township, the other day that! PllV'n tot t"u town, will, be "rep M'loluofTh.'y': measured a full five feet In length, resented by Frank Welnland, who prevaleno ot a tnunaer storm in r m- iiotpimi, vt ftsmngfon, u.y. willa.ee yann county Miss Rose Mayq, a (laugh- the edltPr's thank for a copy of .VuntWu -nnua,r.portorthatl.tltutYouwb ..... i. biiif we Uud vorv interesting. ttantly killed. AVALP'S EAGLE STORE. (3T Iua few words we desire to call tST to your notice a very important t. fact It la this. We have as 1ST large aud flue a Hue of general t, store goods as you will find any. rar where. Come and see us, let us bpw you our goods and tel I you Jli wba,t our prloe are. We deliver goods anywhere promptly and3 without extra oharge whatever to the purchaser. Dont pay big J&l price bp,t come aqd toe us U Robert Walp, First street. Op. Round nootet. Ctioleea InereaslH' In Hoseeir. Moscow. July T. There Is an average pi ten new oases ot cholera ana six aer from th du lu thU city dally Spaaa lielri Meet. ItlinifO. Julv ST. Atjout alitvcertant. rep'rcsentlpg the heirs ot John George this town, will hold a grand festival aud danse in Laury'a Hall, Welssport, some lime iiunng next montb. The editor of this paper and Ex pressman Al. Hagerman had the pleas ure of angling for "white cbubbs" and pang, deceaajd, t Germany. atUnded a BhootinB "green headers"up at Normal lUVVMUlI VUI Wi trt MWUtfUll VIM I , ( . 1 , , eadby f resident Henneas to th effect olJ"'"" " "" v"o wniern hat tht ororjertv had been located and the flowing through Valentine Neumover's rill recorded. The vajuehf the property ian(j. We were fortuuate; enough to pull In 10 fair sized fish and missing a carries lpet, oeenptatt Inlaced. half dozen frogs. IVrally" bes a pleas LTSroIlT. July ST. Mr. and Mr Joel autlv located nlace and it it oommon fc?fafu'iaX'l, n"r property that he aud Judge Seldle own almost all of Normal Square. His butcher shop is equipped with water power ana au convenences. MUs Savilla Faust, one of Lehigh ton's most estimable youqg !udtes,gaye a aeiignttul party at ber borne on Moo day evening In honor of Mr. Pranels Rehrig. Tbe guests Indulged ln the usual amusements and at a late hour partook of a snmptuous repast- Those present were: Mlteee Sarah Sehuler, Ulnnle Moultbrop, Lillian Monlthrop, Nora ttboadt, Sallle Ifaupt, Cora Kud er, Hattie OeMgus and Ueasr. A. O. IWrtbotomev, Ofairle M. Rex, Charles Frcwuian, Owar Shultt, BdwlnO. Ohl, Harvey Trainer, Fred W. Rex and f rauoU rtatbrig. Carrie and Mrs. A. P. Snyder, were vu thtlr way to tht Blut tnountalp to plikj huokleberrlee. when the boi n thlad ana Bpset the ttrrlegt Tbt four octupanti were thrown out and all more or lea In- lured. Heavy Daw -ult Aselnslthf IL.dlag. ' llABiusHuna, July 37. Mr. Sarah II. 11. rr. widow of the laU David 8. Ilerr, ha brought suit for damage against the f'bil itlplila aud Reading Railroad company n the sum of t&,u00 for' tht lost of ber .u.ban.l, oho waa killed Oct. 24, IKVa, In yht toeident at : .anayuuk. Pontts an tu.usitr LAVCAiTaa. July IfT.-Ahfam N. Casael, Of MarlHt. ibe oUtst surviving ti-mta ber of the IrgLUiwe of I'eurulTasIa, died, tfi or For lb last fifty lean k ba lieatt a leading business mta 1f MarietiA, and aad large lumber la tereet who (lasbeen elected, a delegate, Uepry Hanwart? anq 'v, Webster Ulanss, mem bersof tPonipany,wlU also attend the convention. tlesolutlona or Condolence. The following preamble aud resolu' tlons were unanimously adopted at regular session Qnaden Huetteu Castle No. 81(5, K-Q held, pn Wednesday evening, July a. Whereas, It bas pleased the Supreme Chief of th Universe to call trotn our midst UroUisr ueorse Heuirrer i y wbose aeain utlsl-asuenas lost an honored rovuber and lb laiull a kind uu hi.iiii uiuuBuu .uu t.iiwr, uiri.iwo II. I, Hvkrui in, wane we non lu uoinuie subinl&klon la Ine Divine W1U that ua taken our UroUler from us, we nevertriles,s sUeerely Kkkolvku. 'lhat ID their hour of sore arrlle. tlon we eitend to the family our suievre aud heartlelt sympathy, comiueudloa Ibem for con tolatioo to Hun who "doeth all tlilpgs aelL' ItKaoLVKO. That eur charter be draped for a period ol thirty dais, trat these resolutions be ureau ou me recoras, luai a copy oe ssui lo be bereaved famllv and tiuit tli-w lie iiufallAhM, in ,u v-aroyu .utuHW. 78Q. WEISSPORT AND AROUND. SPKV HAI'I'llnlKUS IIIIII;flY El'ITK. MI7.KI1. FIIOU. I'AItltYVlLLK. From the M. O. Times. William Iilose was at Ashfleld on Saturday Mrs. T. J. Weston Is confined to her room, 111. Horace W. Roborts visited his par. ants at Allentown on Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Uartman visited friends at Slatlngton Friday. James D. Klstler and wife-nf Alien. iuwu, were lu rowu on Hunaay. Jacob Smith, ot East Mauch Chunk. visited old acquaintances in tqwn on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Miller attend ed the funeral of a relative at Port Clinton on Thursday. Mr. aud Mrs. Nathan Snyder, of 131k jreeic, visited tnolr son, 'Squire II, D, BnyrJer, on Sunday. T. w. Pettlt. accompanied by his son Mjtster Harold, visited his parents at Pottsvllle on Sunday Robert Bamford, of Nesquehonlng, visited bis parents, Mr. and Mrs Wm, Bamford, on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hardcastle. of South iaston,were the guests of Parry. vine relatives on Snndav. Mr. and. Mrs. Thompson, of Philadel delphla, nre spending their vacation with the latter s parents,Mr. and Mrs, Henry Bidder. Walter Bamford, ot Nesquehonlng who has been on quite an extended vacation, tbe guest of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. WlU(an V, Anthony, re turned home on Friday. Children's Pay servloes were held In the Evangelical Church on Sunday evening, AU elaborate programme was, prepared aud successfully carried out, relleotlng great credit to all who participated. William B. Anthony, one ot tUh town's most prominent and intelligent citizens, will be a randldate.before tho next Republican County Convention for the office of County Commissioner. It elected, be will make a very capabl olllclal, r. r. Hsu. fit?. krMO. Cms. bcxara. j Committee. Fob SAt-e. First cla Owelltug House on Tttlrd street, Lehigbton. Apply tq W. P. Long. loe eream freezers at Gabel'a First street A good 10 (nob Lawn Mawer fgr tS-Sfi at the Lehigh Coal& Ha,rdwre Co, Linilted, north, First street, Qran Cradles for WO at the Le high Ooal 4 Hardware Op Limited, north First street. Window and door sereeos at J. L, Qabel, Big reductton in lutby coaiihes at J. L. Uab4. Pure Parts Ureew at lowest prloe at Usbel's- LIZAItll UIIEKK VALLKV, Robert II. Glnder, of Allenfown, wa visiting relatives Budfrld fere on cJunday. G. E, Andreas Is making preparations to build a new bouse, Miles Ecktrt and wife, of Allentown, pent Sunday very pleasantly at tbe residence of O.H. Nlmson. Chas, Rehrig and wife, attended divine services at Bowmanstown on Sunday. John Glnder and wife, of Packertoo, were visiting In this section oq S.UU day. Reuben Rebrtg and wife, aooom panled by Maurice Romlg and wife, of Bowmanstown were tbe guests ot Adam Iterger a on Sunday. Mrs. Bartbold Zeizer. of Mauoh Chunk accompanied by her three children were In the Valley on ifpn day. The employees of the Pennsylvani Ocbre and Paint Con had pay day on weanesaay. Joseph Freeby killed a rattle snake that measured five feet in length. Q. B Andreas and Mtsa Finnnla Rebrlg, daughter of Chas, B. Rehrig, were Joined q tbe holy bonds otmatrl. mony on Saturday, Rey. A. Iiartholo mew tied tbe knot. O. A. Goth, of Lehigbton, has the oontraet to paint the Pennrrille church. Lots nf hurkieberry parties are en joying themselves every day along tbe Blue Mountain in picking the delici ous berry. Mrs. Wilson Zellner.of Slatlngton, was visiting relatives and friends in tht Valley during the week. The lining of the Week lliterleaded Willi Personal Blentlon. Mrs. Joel Heydt, of Ashley, Is the guest of friends here. Mrs. Harry McMullen, of New York City, Is visiting her mother Mrs Henry Mertz. Tillls Saegcr, the accomodating salesman with Runts- Co., excur sloued to Gettysburg last Sunday Harleman & Hongen have the the contract to supply the bridge timber for a structure across the river at Mauch Chunk now build ing by the Mauch Chunk Electric Rail, way Company. Ourgeulal friend Robert Hongen had tho Index finger on his left hand badly lasceratea with a circular saw at Dauielsvlllethe other day. Rev. Longacre, the new pastor of the Lutherau congregation, was form ally ordained In School Uallon last Sunday evening. A. F. Snyder was looking up his washing machine business lu Allen town, Bethlehem and Easton last Tues pays Aaron shipped over COO washers so far this month. John Heller and wife, Miss Agnes Messlnger, Mrs. Helleu and Ed Boyer attended the camp meeting at Catu. sauqua on Tuesday. Merchant Robert Anthony did business at the County Sent on Tuesday. Work has boCTi" commenced on the erection of the foundation walls for the Franklin shoe Tactory, It Is ex pected that that the building, will be will bejeompleted and equipped, ready for operation by October 1. J. Frank Snyder, a prosperous Mountain Top merchant, was lu town on Friday. Mrs. Alice Curtis is home from a pleasant visit to New York friends. The genial George Kresge did bust ness at Slatlngton'thls week. Frank Laury and Lee Wills, of town Julius Remmel of Mauch Chunk, spent part of this week on a fishing ex cursion to Tunkhannock, Pa. We regret to note that Wilbur Marsh has suffered a 1 elapse and Is now in a serious condltlqn. The public school building Is being equipped with two large hot air heat Miss Roth, of Allentown Is visiting Miss Ella Laury. Miss Eva Dechant, a trained nurse In the University of Pa- Hospital at Philadelphia, spent a fewjlays ln town this week with many frlendr. A. F. Snyder claims he has a piano coming ln, which will lay anything ln the Lehigh Valley In the shade, for tone, quality and finish, and will be able to sell it for $175 less than tbe same piano Is sold for ln Easton, Those present from a distance were Jacob Brong and family, ot Mountain Top; Mrs. Foist and daughters and Mr. Herble, Mrs. Win. Graver, George B. Henry and wife and Mrs. Isabel Markley, of Wllkesbarre. WEODED ISBANO QHiVEB. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Graver, East Welssport on Thursday of last week was happily cousumated the marriage of their estimable daughter Miss Lulu to Mr. Wm. F. Esrang. The wedding ceremony was performed by Rev. Miller, pastor ot tbe Evangelical congregation, ln the presence of many frtenda of the contracting parties. The. bride was handsomely attired in a fashionable costume ot cream swans- down trimmed elegantly with duchess lace and the groom wore black. Miss Lucy Romlg attended as bridesmaid aud Mr, Thomas Arner was best man, The wedding party assembled in the spacious parlor ot the residence to the entrancing strains of the "Fairy Wedding March" as rendered by Mr. Wm. Whitehead, Jr. The Interior of the room had been most beautifully decorated with fragrant flowers and evergreen by Miss Llllie Musselman Harry Gra.ver aud Mart Miller, and when the ceremony was performed the happy young couple stood directly under a pretty arch, following the ceremony a reception was held when Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Esrang received the warm congratulations of their friends and tbe guests partook ot a sumptuous ly prepared supper. The presents re celved were numsrqqs. useful and costly. William M. Rapsher, who represents the Twenty second Senatorial district, consisting ot Carbon, Monroe and Pike counties, was boru In Northampton comity, Peuusylvaula, April 23, 1813. Uls futher was a laborer and resided ln Car bon county at the date ot his death, when the subject ot this sketoh was nine years of age, Tbe early education ot Mr. Rap sher waa obtained ln the eommou schools of his native county aud later at Albiou College, Michigan, but before he had co.nprted his studies tho war for the suppression of tho rebellion broke out, aud ut the ago ot eighteen years young Rapsher enlisted in company E, Sixth regiment Michigan volunteers, for three years as a private, and participated with Ilia regiment ln ail of the principal bat tles of the army of the Department ot the Gulf At the expiration of his term of ei.llstmeut, uud while still in the field at Port liudsou, Loulsuula, he re-enlisted ami served for oue Tour aud four mouths longer, or until the close of the war. 'iAfter tbe wur Mr. Rapshor returned to his native state and engaged In. tne can ing of school teacher, and taught lu the public schools of Carbon county for four years and meauwUUe studied law with theluw firm of Messrs. Albright Jt Bertolette at Mauch Chunk, Carbon couuty, where be concluded to reside. In 1871. having comnleted his urn atnrlloa. be was admitted to bructico before the Carbon couuty courts and at once acquired a lucrative practice. Mr. Rapsher has, since attaining his majority, taken great iutercst lu politics, and bas at l3vr" S(feQXPyV6K ttTaHswlKtVQtnHKBI Hta? BtH v.uvv .w.tuiuu 11m uiojviii.j. in.pu Hlon, .uuv.uuv ... .v, ...... . different times served his nartv in tbe tiusltlons of school director aud council man, and was elected district attorney of Carbou county in 188U. In 1877 he was elected and served as one ot the representatives trom Carbou county tn the lower house of the Legislature. He subsequently resumed bis practice ot law In his adopted county, and lu 1887, lu the Uemotrutlo State Convention vof that year, was strongly urged for a place ou tbe btate Supreme Court bench. Mr. Rapsher has decided literary tastes uud is a writer of much force. He con tributes frequently to tbe columns of the North American Review and many other of the stanrlnrrl vnnnfltlloa nf tboHnv. timl Mr Articles nn the leiral. nolitt- cal and social questions of the hour are readable and iustructive. Iu the fall election of 1800 Mr. Rapsher was elected Senator, aud is serving the last two years of his four years' term. Senator Rapshtr does not generally take much pan iu cuscussion in tho senate, but when occasion uemanas snows nimseii to be a ready and r-nvlnnlncr holintap tin Innlr n nrnmlnnnt tinrt in snatalnluir the Governor ln the extraordinary session of the Senate convened In October, icki. uu committee worlc be nas been assigned to tne elections, judicial Ap portionment. Judiciary iipoI .lndlclurv HriM-lal. Pabllc Prlntlue and Retrench ment and Reform committees. From tbe Oillcial Documents. PUIt I'BESIUENT JUIM1K. To the Editor or the Advocate: I beg leave to call attention to a few facts. The editor of the Monroe Demo crat ot last week's issue lu commenting upon an article lu the Maucb Cbuuk Daily Times, has this to say: "The Governor is charged with having betrayed the people ot Carbou county by appointing Hon. John 1). Storm as badly as when permitted the Reading combination and deal to exist. Such raving is futile. In tbe Reading deal was the Lehigh Valley It. It if the doal was such a menace to the prosperity of our neighboring counties, should the Governor be oondemned for not appointing the Lehigh Valley's counsel (Mr. Craig) as Judge of the Courts. Would this not have been heaping 'betrayal upon betrayal f The Monroe Democrat leads me to think that our former townsman Hon. W. M. Rapsher should be elected Judge next November, to fill tbe vacancy because he is free and unbiassed In such matters. In this connection I think it is important to call attention to what somo ot tbe newspapers said about Senator Rapsher a few years ago when his friends pressed him for the nomina tion for Judge of the Supreme Court. The Hazleton Plain Speaker said! "The press throughout the state has com mented very favorably on the qualifications and ability of the gentleman in questlou. lie has had an experience ot twenty years in nls profession and not a Heck is visible upon his escut cbeon and a proud boast his friends make for mm is that in nearly a quarter ot a century never nas ne represented a corporation." Tbe Philadelphia Times said: "Mr. RaDsher Is admitted well enulpped for the responsible position named and his nomination Is strongly urged." The Bellefonte Watchman said: "ifr. RaDsher is a lawyer of high legal at tainments; he Is qualified according to Democratic! qualifications for suoh a position, which means that he is versed in the law, able, bus Judicial capacity equal to any requirements of the place, and knows what tbe people intended when thoy adopted tbe present Constitution." The Carbon Advocate said: "Hon. W. M. RaDsher received sixty votes for Judge of the Supreme Court at the Allentown Convention last week; standing lourtu on tne urat Dauot witn xnompson, Arnold aud MCleau leauiug, mere were ln all eight active candidates balloted for ln the Convention." This was more than a mere compliment. Let Mr. RaDsher our former townsman by all means have a solid support from his old home to succeed the late Judge Dreher. He is the right man and he can win. A RAILROADER. Lehlghton, July 25th, 1893. lteolntlou of Itesoect. The following preamble and resolu tlons Were unanimously passed at a regular session of Carbon Castle, No. Ill, K. G. K., held Monday evening. July at. Whereas, It has pleased the Supreme Ualef ol 1 ne i. Diverse 10 eau iroiu our niiasi w tue neavemiy uasiie, iiroiuer UMBraou 11. liont, bv whose death this (Jastle lias lost an hniiore,f Member and the town roeoocteaomseo, there lore tie It JlKsoLVsn. inat wnue we Dow in meeK sun ilsshm to the Olrl&e ruling- that lias taken our xot&er Iroiu us. we nevertnelets slnrrlv mourn uis uraiu Rnriai.VEIl. That In lltfa. the sad hour ot their .TJUl(w) we eitend to Uai hereaveTjrtla uvea our nearuen tyiniatuur anu eonjefteaa theau tor eoasoUUua ta Ifhu who "doeUi an Uvea our heartfelt syinii mew ipr e thlnas welL1 KiMOtYKi). That our charter be draped lor period ol thirty daye ftATLvnThat these resolutions beeslr4 upou the reeerds ot the Castle, and ituwt they b H. V. UoRTulass. Jr.. 1 uuwiaiiMie, tizooa F. I'ETTIT, 1AMK u. nniiKT, The best tee eream 1 Feuster maeber1. For sale at T. J. Kretuty' Fob 8auc In Jamestown a lot UxttS feet Apply to v. P. Long, Lsblghtou. Wednesday, Jaly SO, Dr. John llae, th noted Arctic explerer. uioa in ixmaon. Joelah Quinsy, ajslttant secretary of ute, intend to resign In tht near future By explosions lu a dynamite factory near Havre, franco, nine workmen lost their live. It I tald that at the present ratio 75,000 pensioners granted under th tot of Junt ST, lew, vrlll be suspended. Marshal Alexander Uamll, of Ashta bula, u waa fatally that by two burg. Ian whoa he w pursuing. Cashier Loeaax, ot the First National hank of Veruou, Tex., wbltti failed ou Sat. ordey, committed suicide by shooting hlia teir ytsteruay. Tknrtdey, July ST, Edward T. McLaughlin, a Yale univer sity proietaor, Is dead. Tht execution of tht nine condemned Choc tows bas bm ratpontd from Aug i to dept. . Thetnat Jordan and Jobs Olaea wer drowned la vfc Ukt at Cbtotgo by the ve vw MAIIONINQ. Lewis Miller was visiting in Lehigh county over Sunday. Rav. Alvln Reber, of Lehlghton, fill. ed the pulpit of St. John's Churoh last Sunday mornlug. Stephen Fenstermacher and wife, and II. F. Neumeyer aud wife were to Gettysburg on Sunday. A surprise party ln honor of Mrs. Kate Notbsteln was held on Monday evening. O. P. Freyman spent Sunday with his father. Rev. W. II. Strauss will conduct Eng lish-servlces in Bt John's Church next Sunday morning. The teachers' examination for this township will be held August 7th. The appointment of teachers will be made on the day. On Saturday a party from the Valley made atrip to what is known as the "Bake Oven," on the top of the Bine Mountain. Last Saturday Miss Emma Wehr and William Frantz were married. The young couple have the best wishes of their friends for a long and prosperous Journey through life. A festival for the benefit ot the building fund of St John's church will be held at the church this Satur day afternoon and evening July the 20tlu TBACIIKltS- EXAMINATION. The Carbon County Teachers Examinations will he held as follows. lludsoudale, for Packer Township. July 31. ltoekDorL lor Lehleh and Laiman Towii.liln. August!. Taunerv. fur Kidder Townshlv and Bast Hide AuKuet 3, Iteaaant Uoruer. for aLihoumir Townshln. August I. Ashfleld, for East Peon Township. August 8. Millport, for l4wer Towaiueoitng Township aujjim v. &!em!f rsvtua Baboo!, for ITriiier Towaraemloir Tow ushlp, AUKUSt 10. Furnaee School, for Franldln Townshln. Aiur. ust II. Stony Creek HehooL tor l'enn Forest Town ship, August tt. All aPreleaAts HHiftt be tsaBUeed In tbe die- trVH In which they intend Ui teaeh. No eertlo. ate will be granted to aoy person under slx- een years of age. Kxamlnattous beglu at balf- patttlAhL I) I rector art heartily Invited bi attend the exawttatboii. A. S. Belt!, Oo. tkiot Second Ueavy ltennlon. The annual reunion of the Second Peuna.Vet Heavy Artillery (112th P. V.) will be held at Watsontowu, Pa, August 36th and 30th, 1800. All sur vivors of the regiment are requested to attend. Send name and address for particulars to Lew. C. Fotmot, Watson town, Pa. Ice Creaui SSe l'er Gallon. Ploulo and festival committees will find It to their advantage to buy loe oream from B. K. Culton, Lehigbton, who sells the very beat article at tne low price ot 89 oonts per gallon Private families supplied at 11.00 per gallon packed and delivered. When you need loe eream dont fall to eall and see Culton. IN A yew LINES. Short Squib ln aud Arround Carbon County Dished Up for Our Headers. T.F.Brennan.of Summit Hill, aged B7 years, died last Thursdoy. Inter ment was made at Miuersvllle Schuyl kill county. An addition to be added to the Jeanesvllle M, E. church to enlarge Its seating capacity. This move Is ren dered necessary on account of the largely increased congregation. The structure when completed will cost about 11800. C. II, Kuelly, of Conyng. ham, Is the contractor. John II. Wallaesu, of Weatherly some time ago lost his tongue by necessary surgical operation and yet he talks quite well using his Hps and a full Bet of -teeth. Of course he can not pronounce such sounds as the "u" or "a" and yet he can be readily under stood ln conversation. No partiual of the tongue remains nor even a scar to be seen. The wages of the employeos at the round house In Weatherly, and those on the coal dumps have been- reduced from tl,2T to 75 cents per day. The reduction has cause considerable dls- sadlsfaction and already a number of the men bare quit. Weatherly public school opon on the first Monday In September. Dr.Twedle of Weatherly, will be a Republican candidate for associate judge. Detentive Isaacs, of this county. Tuesday arrested Martin Henry, traveling salesman, ut Lebanon, on a criminal charge preferred by Aunio Gallagher, ot Maucb Chunk. He en tered bail for his appearance at court The new iron bridge which has been in course of construction at Audenried for use by the Lehigh Traction Com- pany was completed Tuesday. One side Is a driveway whllo the other will be used tor the track. J. Milton Staulfer,of Carbon couuty, has been drawn to serve as a petit Juror at the U. S, Court at Phila delphia, opeuiug August 2L John Mulhearu, an old resldeut ot Beaver Meadow Is dead. For the past two years he bas been confined to his home through iuilruiity. H lmmt grated from Ireland to Mauob Chunk forty years ago. Conrad Strohl died very suddenly Tuesday mornlug at 3 o'clock. He was well the day before aud worked all day. He complained of not feeling well about 8 o'clock and from that time until he died grew rapidly worse. Mrs. Strohl waa not at home at his death she be lug away on a visit at her daugh ters at Trachsvllle. Diseased was well and favorably known having lived lu Weatherly the past 13 years he leaves a widow and S children, a daughter married and a sou 13 years old at home, SECRET SOCIETY DOINGS. Society Tld-llU of Interest I the Mem bereortbe fraternity, Secret societies In need of paraphs nalla, Uags, banners, uniforms, eto, should consult 11. V. Morthlmer, Jr., who represents oue of the largest firms and Importers, manufacturers and dealers In this country before purchas ing elsewhere, Mt. Pisgah Council, No. 123, Junior Order United Atuerloau Mechanics, ot Maucb Chunk' will celebrate Its uil anniversary by a banquet at the Man sion House uu the ot Thursday August 17th. II. W. Scheetz, J. C. San del, Al. V. Beers, Usorge W. Wllsou aud W. A. Winkler are the committee that have tbe aUlalrin charge. The P. O. S. of A. state convention will be held ut Chester, ooninieuoiug August 22, uud promises to be the largest lu the history of tbe order lu this state. From the reports already ln It is estimated the order has al ready passed the GO.UUO membership mark during the past year, aud State President Mast bas been highly com plimented upon bis successful ad ministration, which sbows an luorease of over 2,0U) members during tbe yeas State Treusuer Uutitb aud State sec IVeoud will be oaudtuates for re-election A number ot "braves" traveled the '.Haymaker's" road road at Welssport ou Ust Tuesday at the regular meet lug of Polio Poco Tribe of Red Men. Delegations were present from East Mauoh Chunk aud Parry ville. t ollow ing the meetlug u big lunch was spread lu Laury'a hail. Those who were pre sent to enjoy the hopiballhy of the "Indians" speak tf having had a very pleasant time. Ths 18th anniversary of the Intro ductlon of the Order ot the Knights of tbe Goldeu Eagle into Pennsylvania will be celebrated by uu entertainment by almost every Castle-iu tho State, ou October 1st. Grand Chief F, A, Harris bos issued a circular of Instructions to the Castles. Reading Castle, No. I'J, K. G. &, of Reading, is uow the largest Castle In the Order, haying at the last report 107 members. They admitted Hi candi dates during tbe post six months. MAUCH G'uUNK. Frank, the 20 year old son ot David Arner, of East Mauch Chunk, Is dead from a disoase that is salt! to have been glanders. It is the theory that the disease was communicated to him from horses which he had been attend ing. The cases of glanders attacking meu is very rare, but in all cases fatal. -Miss Lizzie Sendel who has been at Weatherly for some time past is back homo, General Win. Lilly Is gradually re covering from his late serious illness aud his friends hope now that he will be able to take his seat tn the next Congress and do some active work. Daniel Seellnger and his wife, an aged German couple, who, resided ln cui Aiaucu ununk, are both dead. Mr. Seellnger departed this lit at 1230 o'clock p. m. ou Saturday, after an Illness of two weeks of dropsy, and the wife died during Monday night of para lysis of which she has been a sufferer for the past three years. The former was aged seveuty-nine years, and tbiee mouths, and the later seventy-nine years, one month aud twenty-three day. Cheap nnd Uood Ice Cream. Committees for pionlc, festivals aud parties will do well to consult 0. 11. Nutbaum, Wettsport, when tbey buy tee eream. He sell a most exoelleot article at tbe low price of 80 cento per gallon, uoiii forget to see mm. Hwry WHght, tbt mmut ei ths Phil. tdeipU Bktll slab, will U Berried la tbt fall tat, Kew Yk lady ieo and Oilu Metidoaa. tratw oerform- no, M dlttauo of twenty feet in a Cfet cage theater aud were probably fatally ta-jurod. WIIl Iteturn Aua-ust 1. 3. Dr. Joe. Ilowere. th reliable snnoial Ut wbttse headquarters have been at ute w was port uouae for tome uouln, la now iu Chicago. ile will return August 1. (Hrl treated. Good girts are wauled at tbe Lebbih ton Hosiery Mill Apply at onoe al tb mill. rrlday, August x. Dr. W. P. Dauxer, specialist ln the treatment or au diseases or eye, ear, nose and tnroat wiil be at the Ex ubaiige Hotel, on Friday, August 34. for Bale, J. F. BUeubonr offers for sale obeap his 3 year old Irou gray mare. Safe and reliable. Also a full set single name aud a good buggy. tf. WUXNOT OOf World's Fair Elcaralon at Half Bates Via lteadlna lull Ttoad Itoute. Whatever reasons mar haveevl.ta tnr m. lrtiadUutfyiSKOiu-totbo Workl'a Fair have uccu uiuuij iciuoveu uy lue action ol tn I all roads in urovldluir excursion, at ra, n inn. u Ui place the tnp u Uhicatto within the reach ui ccijuvuj. ib is conceueu moreover that ueexpvuseofa stay lu Chicago Is now no greater Ulan tut cost of a vutl, to any other large illy. Keasonaliltf prices prerah, and UU wiui the reduction lu railway fares, wlU euabl the masses to enjoy the beheats ol the greatess Luiui.iuu luatcarui uascverseea, Tne Jteadlnir tuilruad announce a kHm of excurslousvlnlta Lehigh Valley Une toctltcaao al the rate of a slugle tare fer the rouud triu. " wi. iidue ui a ucxet SIIJIO trom Mew turk, 10.76 from rhuadeluhla, and cor resoundingly low figures trotn ether points to Uie neadtua U)sveiu. itieUcaxlaaregoud only uu tue Heading Dl.leiu, Ihe Uckels are good uulyou the designated excertlon trains, wmcu are appointed to sun on Angust 1st, Tth and tvth. the return jouruey may tie made at auy time within leu uays ol tho date ol suiting. Ihere will be no change of cars lictweeu Aew aorx or rhlladelphia and Chicago, aud the uallu will couslat of mat class uay coachra ouly, with all tho corulona and cvuvenlenct ueccssary for a long trip, Uu the days sbuve meutloned tbe special ex cursion trams m leave New loikallls a. u. aud rutUueiphia at t.oua. in., stopping at tht several Juucuou points where conuecUous art made It win au parts of the twading sysleua. fersona contemplating Joining these excursions should vuusutt Ui hoarest Heading Ktilfhart 1 . waet Agent for the details as to train conuec Uous ana rales. It is, perhaps, heedless to nld anything oon cerulug the auracUous and advantages of the Heading "ricenlc laihlgh Valley iioute." lu ptelureiMiuenes ts as widely reuowued as it geueral exeelleuce of couslructlon, euutp, meut aud liuuageuient tlld'Suiuuier N'oveltlee In Ladle' Slats. rlalu or elaborate, a toilette can hardly be come a .success wluioul as aecouanylog bat whlcuwlllharuioulxeaudaddto tt the indis pensable naUbiug touch- but Uie selection of the latter Isausooleid of oouslderable study, lor one must beafln mind the circumstance for which a evatuinc la luletute and aecerdlng ly choose tue most appropriate head-gear. Uue iuu.1 also euusult the possrblliues of one's purse and most Impurtaut ol alUoue Is coinpcuod t remain meanwhile wlthlu the popular bonoda rle ol the latest st les. wtieu we come to the UvUer, however, what a bewildering embarrass ment ui riches oouuuut us! forth cbelet may extend from the puis tailor toque to tbe eom dilcatod gardtfu ut made ol tomo sheer material in oluer words, It may luotode the wluae range ot uiUliuers' ereaUou. delicate tuned straws, poems ol bices aud flowers or ef material similar to uuuot the costume, tensla vaulting cape; t'asluo bonnets and tbe Inhnaus variety el brmal hat, oue ot the sharactertv Uo leature ot the tieUoweU Fashion Journals is that they generally represent a bat of tbe lalest lasbKMi with eath costume, lor the doublt poi pose oigi, tog miuiuery uovetue aud ef ihhimui( ui. luiiiueie reiaiiou bet telleoe auu tne bead-gear. 'Xh most ! vi iiiese reeuieu siagaaiuos are l-a rans," "laru Album ol tashiou," The French aoo aioue. iu illuetrattbg tbe loilmate relaltou between auu tne head-gear. 'Xh most popular Moue d be formr vwueuettabudi,aear,oria eeuts a copy. "Ibe French Uresauker'1 u sxoo per aniHim, or w oenis a ropy. LA alode" eosu ouiystwayear. or 1 cerus a eonv. and I ln- teudeU to booome the home tasbiou Journal par eieelleuoe. It you are unable to procure any ot thee uiagaxluee atyoar ueasdealvr.do not ac cept auy tubsMlole, but apply dareetly to Messrs. A. MclKjweU a, Oo lint nth btreel, New tork. Pull Hue ot Ingrain aud lirussel oarpets at lleury Boowarta'g. Just make it a point to see David Bbbert when you want a team for bual uesa or pleasure. Lowest prloe O rest variety ot rubber bote tor ale at lowest prion at Gabel't. Have tosuu for all purpoaee at the South Bod LI vary. All ktssdt of book and One Italian -ery at Ixickenbacii'a, Mauch Cbuuk. aV PsiWrfffE fww air WSw- JlPJOiuxeiy Pure A oream of tartar baking powder. Highest of U la leavening strength. LaiBST UNITgD SraTM fsOVIlKaSaT OOD fttVOST. Royal Baking Powder Co , 106 Wall St, N V.