The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, July 22, 1893, Image 1

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    Wk &&eaf ft .,
Has a larger circulation thaavany otar
newspaper printed In Oarbon oeuuty, ottu
eequently It la the beat medium foradver v -Users.
Our news oolumus sparkle with
the ooouirenoea of the day olerh, splay,
Interesting, bright and Independent. Our
editorials are original and will be worth
reading on account of tholr spirit wWch
Is Independent of outside dictation. Oat
price Is one dollar a year. Just you trr It
" - Is a specialty at onr Job Printing Ofiloe
lu Snyder's Block, east eldest the Lehigh
Bridge. Envelopes, Note and Letter l'aper,
r. I'hamplets, Order Books, Vouehers, Tags
and all kinds of l'lo Nlc, Horse and Sale
Bills. We do all work neatly, cheaply and
. cleanly. Do you need anything lu this
llnet then onll and see us, or Write us a
pTSMal card and we will be at your senrlo.
VOL XXI. No. 36
LohigJhton, Ct trbon Oonnty, Fenna. July 22 L893
$1.00 a Year in Advano
A Big Gut!
Everybody knows that when
we cut it is in favor of the pub
lic. Call at the store and see
what we have cut now.
We will mention n few of the
noteworthy cuts. The Zephyr
Dress Ginghams that were sold
this season at 12 J cents a yard
are cut down to only 10 cents a
yard. Plaid Suitings that were
selling this season at 7 cents a
yard and considered a bargain
at that price the cut price is
5 cents a. yard. None of the
above goods can be found in this
section at the former price much
lies the latter.
Mualins, Sheetings, Tickings,
Cheviots, Denims, Prints, c-c,
you will find wonderful cuts in
.the price of the above goods,
Crashes from 3J cents a yard
np to 14 cents a yard.
Outing Flannels from 6 cents
a yard upwards.
Cream and Pink Eiderdown
also an elegant assortment of
Figured Eiderdown.
You will find bargains in our
store at all times.
Fhst Street, between Boutn sad riuin Streets,
Lehlghton, Pa.
Friday, Jolt 14.
The execution ot the nine Choctaw pris
oners at Muskwego, I. T., hai "been sus
pended until Aug. .
By a wreak on the West Shore road at
Newburgh, N. Y seren passengers were
killed. Switchman Donohue, charged with
ths resDonslblllty.U held for manslaughter.
Rolfs N., with a record of .); a full
brother to the great nelson, valued atsiu,.
000 and owned br the Oakland Stock farm,
dropped dead at Saginaw. Mich., while be
ing worked on the track.
Dr. Henry C. W. Meyer was arrested at
Detroit. Mich., on a charge of murder. It
Is alleged that he, aided by his wife, has
poisoned no less than seven persons for the
purpose of securing life insurance. He
was uut to new xorz ror mai.
Saturday, July 15.
A cyclone at Stillwater, Minn., carried
some sheds Into Lake St. Croix. William
Anes and Samuel Slmonson, who wsre ac
WDIK .USUI 11.11
Near Palhamvllle. N. Y.. two men who
were DghUng on the railroad track, and
wao refused to need (Be warning wnisue.
wsre mat over ana killed.
Two stokers an ths North German Lloyd
ataamshlp Spree, whloh arrived In New
York yesterday, died In mtdooean from the
intense beat In the firs rooms.
The report that all work on ths Nic
aragua canal had been stopped on account
ef lack ef funds Is officially denied by ex
Benator Warner Miller, president ot the
Monday, Jnty IT.
Rear Admiral Earl English, United
Btatea nary, retired, died at wasnuigton,
aged 69.
General Aleiandro Rod rl sues Arias, gor.
arnor general of Cuba, died at Havana ef
typhus malaria.
Michael Snow and Rlonard Marshall
wsre klllad by an explosion of fireworks at
an Italian plcnla In Chicago.
A severe thunderstorm BWSDt over Camp
Douglass, Wis., killing two soldiers and
seriously Injuring tour others.
A rallraad train In Spain Jumped the
tracks and went ever a high precipice,
killing six and Injuring thirty passengers.
The last eoen Sunder at the World's
fair, known aa "Heroes' day," netted
(30,000 for the fund for th relief ot rami
ilea karat t by the fatal fire sf the 10th Insi.
Tiesdsr. ir
Bishop Badne, of the Roman Catholic
shurch ot Quebec Canada, Is dead,
A train sn the Grand Trunk railway ran
into a street car at Ohlcago, killing three
and Injuring several others.
Mrs. T. II. Stevens, wife of Rear Admiral
Bursas, retired, died near Silver Springs,
W4-, wbsre she wax spending the summer
Cor her health.
It la said that the action of the treasury
officials In voluntarily paying out gold la
aetUement ot clearing house balances,
rather than currency, Is to compel the
banks to disgorge boarded gold In ei
change tor currency iney neeo,
Wednesday, Jalr 1.
Thirty business buildings In London,
Bag., were destroyed Dy nre, oausing
loss of over BT,wu,oua,
It is announced that Attorney General
fllnav olll u annalBtait ta tbs vaaant iu
fiaeratarv Lamont haa leased what
known aa the Wood House next to Sena.
(for Brloe'a house) la Washington.
In an address at New York Comptroller
of the Curreuoy Eckels said that a finan
cial panlo In this country Is an impossi
bility, Vharsdsy, Jalr SO,
J, T Calhoun haa Just been appointed
soetrnester at Kendal Creek, Pa.
Rear Admiral Mslanoton Smith, TJ. S,
N , died at Green Bay, Wis., aged U rears;
attar two days' Illness.
A Chicago cable oar Jumped the track,
and the grtpman and several passengers
Were Injured, the former fatally.
Delegates representing 348,000 eoa1
miners, are In session In Qlrmlqgh.sin,
fog , to consider the proposal of the mine
owneis to reduce wages.
The lateet statistical returns from Rio
i Janeiro. Brasll. aire ths population of
aai city as i,u,u, ai which only a small
Bumoer relatively are roreurners.
A. their llUterikai Dad.
AnaniTaV. Jalr Ml Colonel C. C. Jonti,
Jr., bUtorUn of atorgla, died ntr ol
Brig kt'e dlMftM, tvgl l
t$r In tew wprdq wp deolrp tp call
t3T to yoiir notloe a yery Important;
t3a.faot. It is this. We hays as
y large and flue aline of general
store gooda aa you will t)nd any
tSf where. Come and see us, let us
abPF yoq our Roods and tel I ypu Jti
what our prices are. We delivered
(4 the purchaser. Dqn"fc pay hlK
prices but oome and soe us JJ
I V . - 11,1 w
First stmt, Op. Reund Jlouea.
Matters of Interest from All Over
the Commonwealth,
Crimes and Casualties ef F.eery Char
acter Sent by the News Oetheriire of
the Different Localities and Carefully
mnntsnmtn. Jnlv 18. A friend of the
f amlly-in this city says that Annie Krelder,
whose parents and four brothers and sis
ters were murueream uasoia iiwi hit,
will probably lose her mind. She Is now
at har urandfather'a. near Kllsabethtown,
and her condition Is pitiable. She haa slept
little since the tragedy, and cannot eat.
The attending physician Is of theoplnlon
that she will not recover, ana it sneuoes,
that her mind will be shattered. A brother
of the murdered man, who lives at tone
wago, Lancaster county, left for Dakota to
annarlntand the harvesting of the crop and
the sale of the property for the benefit of
the surviving children, it is Deneveu now
that the reason Bomberger did not kill
Annie and the two little ones was because
his ammunition was exhausted.
A ripe In Ills Abdomen.
Rkadiko. July 19. William Abraham,
ao.M u vaara. son of Auaust Abraham,
u taken to the Reading hospital with an
Inch and a quarter pipe sticking In his ab
domen. While at work In the pipe mill of
the Reading Iron company the pipe, which
comes from the machine red hot, caught
In his clothlna and began boring Into bis
body, he being pinned between it and a
wan. The pipe entered ma aouomen sev
eral Inches before help came and the ma-
chine was stopped. The pipe was subse
quently taken out by meant of an opera
tion. The noy's conamon is cmicai.
Lehle-h Valler Employes Will Appeal,
WiLxxsninnz. Pa.. July II. A secret
meeting was held yesterday afternoon In
the armorv here by the grievance commit
tee and many of the employee of the Le
high Valley ttaiiroaa company, vice
President Voorheea' letter was again dis
cussed and reports were read from com
tnlttees on the Geneva, Ithaca and sayre
railroad, a branch of the Lehigh Valley.
It is learned that the men have decided to
send another committee to oonfer with
the Reading officials and endeavor to have
them reconsider their action before taking
any further steps.
Railroad Improvemente Suspended,
Lancaster, July 80. Orders Issued
from Pennsylvania railroad headquarters
to Assistant Engineer Prltchett, who Is In
charge of the extensive Improvements on
the line between I'hllaaelpnia ana iinrris
burg. resulted in the suspension of all
work, except at Mountvllle. This action
was entirely unexpected by the contrac
tors, who have been given no reason for
the suspension. A thousand men are thus
thrown out of employment, most of them
Doing Italians.
Meisonger Bos on Strike.
Wilkesbarre. July 10. The messenger
boys of the Plstriot Telegraph company,
with headquarters at the Western Union
Telegrs-ph ofllce, are out onaitrike bt-
cnust tLey were anted to work twelve
hours and a hnlf a dr, Instead of twelve
hoan, as heretofore, without an Increase
of pay. The strikers raised quite a rutn-
Sus at the ofllce of the company,, and are
eternal ntsd not to return to work unless
an Increase Is awarded them, as they get
only 13 a week.
Fatal Acet(tnt lu a Tpnnel.
PlTTSBUrta. Julr 17. Enjrlne 139. of the
Pittsburg and Western road, ran Into a
mass of stone at the mouth of tunnel No.
J, near UnderallH station, completely
wrecking the engine and six cars and
fatally Injuring Engineer Frank I Jul ley.
Fireman John O'Neill, of ths eame train,
and Engineer Charles Angell, of west.
bound train No. 8. were both badly hurt.
The roof of the tunnel had caved In, de
posltlng many-ions of rook on the track.
A Wife's Salt Action Her Uaibind.
ITAbrisburo. July 10. Francis Leon
ChrlsmAn, her husband and ber fPrmr
manager. Is defendant In a suit Instituted,
by Marie Decca, the famous ljrrjo artist, to
recover property In this city, whtoh she
alleges was bought by Cbrlsman In bl
own name with her funds. Chris man dr
nles all this, and Interesting developments
are expected. Divorce proceedings will
probably follow.
Dvo11dj Chart Against Han end XV Urn,
WlLKEiBlRKX, Pa., July Jfl, Charles
McGulra and wife, foreman and forewo
man at the lace factory In this olty, werg
committed to the county prison without
ball. The former was charged with com
mitting rape upon a girl named Katie
Kelly, aged 15 years, his wife assisting him
In forcing the oiime. The details of the
pase are the most horrible on record.
A Yflr Tawyv Dead.
niRRiSBURa. Julr IT. Hamilton Al-
rlcks, the neator of the Pauphla county
bar, and the oldest surviving member ot
the Pennsylvania legislature, died at his
home In this city, aged 87 years. He was
a member ot the last constitutional con
vention and a prominent lawyer, having
practffed Q6re for nrty years.
Thontrlit Her Hutbktnd nnveler.
Ledakox, July iW. ilrs. Charles Hps-
sey thought nbe beard a burglar ascend
ing the stairway leading to hsr room, and,
being of a nervous disposition, shf lumped
from the second story wludow to the side.
walk, sustaining severe Injuries, Instead
of a burglar, It was her husband.
Thre Met.rstraater.
Washington, July 19. Only three
fourth class Pennsylvania postmasters
were uppoiuled yesterday, They were as
; follows: LllHaa R. Smith, Kramer, Baft
der county i K. It- Kaeden, (summit bta-
tlou, bcnuyiKiu county x, il. x, ityae.
Stat Kdneatlonat Btep at the Talr.
lUltitiBBDiu., July 10. The big map
showing the educational Institutions of
the state was nnlshed and shipped from
the department of Internal affairs to the
World's fair tnis weex. u is n Dy e ice
In size and contains US square feet o
Salrardt Rrnid a Mew Trial.
Caqusle. Julv 17. A new trial was re
fused Charles Halyards, the burglar, who
in May last wah convicted or tbe murder
of Policeman (ieorge Martin, of this city!
and Judge bodler sentenced him to be
WnntjlTanla nemoratle Seeletr,
lUuitlhDuiOi. July 19. The eiecutlve
committee of the Pennsylvania Democratle
society met at the Bolton House and de
cidwl upon Sept, 5 aa the date for the
meeting of the general assembly at Allen
Storm Is Now Jndao
lUuwsnmto. Julr IT. Governor Pattl-
son has appoluted ex-Cong res man John
a. Buirm, ox btroudsburg, to the uarbon
Monroe uencu.
A lllark.iullh's T.rrlbl. Nulrlds.
Parrtneos. N j juu ao William
Wilson, M) years old, committed suicide
yesterday afternoon by Jumping head fore
most from the top ot a sauU'duno quarry
to the Valley of the Rocks, a distance oj
Ofeet Whea ploUwl up his body was In
a shapeless mass. He leaves a wife and
two children. Temporary Insanity caused,
ror''! t' Show SIu.S Clu...
ClilOAoo, July 2a Judge MeConnell re
fused to grant au Inluucilon rstralilug
tee exposition autnontlea from removing
Porhett from Midway Plalsanee. This set
tles the matter, aud Uuruatt will have tq
lrt Ills M.r. Four Mllll.ns.
TmuwAXiiA.'N. V.. July SW. Mrs. Con
rad Yeilhaiu, of Itila eity, has fallen heir
m H.ouj.Km Her uncle died lu India,
leavlug MU.UUU,OW Ut he dtllded a,moug
lSs-( onr.MuiMt I.a.
Austin ti . Julr !Ul Hen. John Han-
coek. one ui Texas' mosi prut&lneiit Jur?
lsts, ami uaee a turlutier of cougresa Injiq
)lls stat. dir.; ,i bs Itune pear this city.
llit.l 4 bulvra a bear)!,
OaRlui,. ii.u jo TUe UtIMih staaioef
flkte Jat-an MarMillea, arrived here
wish rtsoaai - buard, and was ordered in
ir .iiUTANCK. 1
Wliat Hae Occored lu tills Cltv Dnrlna the
Week I'ertlnenlly Bpllomlieii ox u
Special ltetwners.
See the Majestic blcyclo nt Zorn's.
Reduced from 8125 to 133.
For a thoroiiglily flrst class bicycle
nt 133 make it n point to see the Mnjes-
tlo at Zern's.
I ao to M. Mtirtln's liquor 'store nt
Mauch Chunk for my whiskey I Ret
good Rye Whiskey forll.TO per gallon.
Fenstermncher's celebrated ico
cream for sale nt Dretney's, opposite
Opera House. . "
The best Ice cream is Fenster
macher's. For sale at T. J. Bretney's
Daniel Weiand this week moved
his family to Mauch Chunk where they
will make their future home.
Countv Superintendent A. S.
Beiscl, of Lnnsford, It is said, has
leased the oozy Horn residence on
north First street, and will shortly
take possession. We extend a hearty
welcome to the superintendent and his
One day last weok Merchant
Tailor T. D. Claus9, wife aud the
genial T. Web. were huckelborrylng on
the mountains In Mahoning when they
killed four immense blank snakes, but
notdeterred by this they plokodlB
quarts ofthe luscious berry.
Goorge Klpp, ot Lehlghton, who
has been working at the uptown bak
ery has returned h,Qm,o again. Slating,
ton News,
George Selgfrld, of East Mauch
Chunk, was killed betweeu one and
two o'clock Wednesday morning on the
Valley road at the south end of the
Fackerton yard. Selgfrld was em
ployed on the r od 03 n brakemau. lie
was run over while sitting on the
tracks and bis body was cut Info mi
unrecognizable mass.
M. O. Ilrlan, of town, nud A. P.
Berlin, of Slatlngton, have purchased
the Weiss farm lu Franklin and will
cut the same np Into building lots.
A speotal meeting of council was
held on Monday evening when It was
decided to open 7tb street.
"Billy" Gazelle, of Jnmestowu. Is
out again after six weeks Illness with
typhoid fever.
John II. Koons on Monday moved
into his new building between Kutz's
algar store and the Carbon House,
The structure is two stories high with
a handsome front and convenient in
ternal arrangements and altogether
makes a splendid place for n first-class
liquor store. Mr, Koons has boen in
in town but a few months yet in that
short time ho has built up a large and
prosperous bsiness.
The Lehigh Stove Foundry re.
sumedToperatlons on Wednesday after
an Idleness ot two weeks,
The quarterly statement of the
First National Bank, of this town,
shows: Individual deposits, $118,407.30.
undivided profits, 810,375.14; surplus',
812,000. The First National Is one of
the strongest and best managed finan
cial institutions in the Valley.
George Kemerer, for n long time a
resident of Jamestown, a suburb of
this town, died on Monday after an
Illness of some weeks with typhoid
fever. Interment will be made on
Saturday afternoon, at 13o o'clock)
Gnaden Iluetten Castle, No. 310, K. G.
E., aud the B. of L. F., of wblch be
was a member will attend In a body.
Deceased was a fireman on the Valley
and bad many friends among the rail
road boys,
When it comes to feats in the
gastromonlo line no town lu the pio
turesque Lehigh Valley can beat
Lehlghton. The ability of 'Mantles
Mertz in this line has long been a
matter In national - history, aud now
comes these jolly young men whq have
made tuem.elves famous by eating a
big bunoh of big banannas: Harry
Ohl, Wilson Xander, Billy linger,
Amandes Rehrig and Harry Laufer,
The bunch contained ICQ fine ripe
banannas and it dont take a mathema
tician to figure oqt the capacity of each.
T, Webster Clauss and Henry
Schwartz will see tne World's Colum
btan Exhibition, at Chioago during the
month of Beptember,
The Jr. O. U. A. M. band of Slating
ton treated Lehlghton lovers of good
muslo to a delightful concert at the
Exchange Hotel on last Saturday
evening, following which the band
seranaded Mr. John Seaboldt and fatu
lly, Mr. Joseph Obert and family and
others, The loader of this popular or.
ganlzatlon is Prof. George Payson, of
Massachusltts. Although but a young
man be possesses the element that
make good Instruetlors, a (act fully
exemplified in the excellence ofthe Jr.
band. All the selections rendered were
ot the very highest order. We con
gratulate Slatlngton on having what
every town should have a Urst-clas
Miss Clare Kuntz entertained the
members ot the Harmonla Social to
gether with these young people, Fred
Kuntz, ot Conygham; Clias. Bowman,
Slatlngton; Quint Arner, Franklin; Ira
Seldel, Normal Square; Ella Laury
Weissport; MUses Nan Bchuler and
Dlekenson, of towp, at the palatial
residence of Mr. aud Mrs. B. J. Kuntz.
on tbe corner ot Second and Alum
streets last Friday eveniug. The
usual games and amusements were
pleasantly Indulged in and at a late
hour the pleasures were capped with a
sumptuous supper served out ou the
lawn which was lighted with numerous
eleutrlo lights and Chinese lanterns.
Frve Tail Iloolte.
State Superintendent of Publto In
structlon N.C. Schaeifer on Saturday
said that the new tree text book law
goes into effect at once, says the Har
ri.burg Patriot. He has rendered a
decision that it Is the duty ot the direc
tors to make provision for furnishings
and equipping the the aohoola with the
text books aud supplies generally
needed by the pupils for daily use in
th school, suoh as slate penoils, paper
pens, Ink, tablet, eto; that while it Is
no doubt wise to urge pupils to use the
books in their possesion fur the pur
pose of leaaeniug the Immediate out
lay ot mousy, they cannot be compell
ed to use their own books, aud that in
all the required braucbea of study
books, are to be provided by the direc
tors aud fur all trade ot the public
aoboolb including the high MjhuuL
Sllot Cfimerft CtcIw- Thou VTItoiJ
. . 7l
nnii tio nmuiig ineir rientiiv nil
James , EMtoa TO. her i
ou Saturday. C1
j I
A1 UHKeruinu,
... t,-vm... A.r.. " 1 ' r
. . Ed Brannlx, of Phltadelp
b guest of Lehlghton friends ovei
. John Hlokey, of Philadelphia, wes
tbo guest of John McLaughlin last
. . Liveryman Tom Sell did business
at Allentown on Friday.
. . Robert Lentz is home from a few
weeks interestingly spent at the
World's Fair, Chicago.
..Mrs. Ott Dltmar, of Bankwny ot
tcudeded the funeral of a relatlvo at
Hazleton on last Friday.
..Harry llolford of Wilkesbarre, a
former Lehlghton man was here over
Frank Bemmel, of Allentown, was
here over Sunday.
.MrsO. F. Acker and son George
are spending a few days In .Mahoning
Valley with friends.
. .Miss Annie Beck, of Beckville, Is
the guest of Mrs. J. Alviti Reber on Se
cond street.
.Mrs. Moore and sons Ray and
James ore the guests of M. T. Trxler
and family.
Moses Ileilman, ono ot this town's
staunch cltizons, was nt Allentown on
..William and Henry Wclnland, of
New York City, are guests of Frank nnd
Charles Welnland in this plane.
..Miss Paulina Schmidt, an accom
plished young lady, who has been
vlsltlnt the MissesLeluhards ouSecond
street, retnrned to her home In Phila
delphia on Thursday.
. .Mrs. Joseph Feist, son and dough,
ter, of Wilkesbarre, spent a week pleas
antly with Samuel Seller and family,
on First street,
..Mrs. M. O. Brian and family are
sojourning with friends near Berwlcki
on the Susquehanna river for a week
or more.
..Guy Crawford nnd wife, of Now
York Olty, are guests at the residence
of Hon. A. J. Burling ou First street.
. . Elmer Reed nnd Theodore Fenuer
neenmpauied by Misses Annie Rauden
hush and Laura Miller spent last Sun
day nt Saylors Lak.e.
, . Miss Maggie Qlbson, of Nesque
honlng, returned to her home ou Mou
day after a pleasant visit to Miss
Jennie Zink.
., Elmer Yearsley, a popular Phila
delphia yoqng man, is the guest of C-
Willlam Kreluler, tills week.
..Miss Vina Alexander, ot Philadel,
phla Is vislttug Mrs. II, V. Morthimer,
North First street.
..The gentlemen members of the
Harmonla Social will give a special
meeting to the ladles ot the club at
Selberllng's famous hostlery at Stem-
lersville this Friday evening,
, .Mlnehost Drumbore ofthe popular
Carbon House entertained his many
friends at a grand turtle soup on Fri
day evening lost put up in the usual
delectable manner as always character-
ixes the culinary work at this host
Following out a usual pleasant
custom the following young gentle
men are camping out for n few weeks
at Saylors Lake, Monroe county.
Granville Olauss and Charles Hauki
of town; Quint Arner, of Franklin, nnd
Charles Bowman of Slatlngton. The
bpys" wont fully equipped for an ex
cellout time,
The genial Ed Eritzinger spent last
Saturday at Chain Dam,
Charles Washburne, of Soranton, Is
visiting relatives In this neighbor
Mrs. Virginia Bennet and daughter
Bertha spent a week visiting relatives
at Parryyille.
Jackson Everltt ot Lehlghton occu:
pled the pulpit In the M, E, Church
pu lost Sunday evening.
Miss F.rltzlnger of Franklin town
ship, Is the guest of Miss Annie Re
maley on the Hill,
Mrs. Oliver Follweller, of Lehigh
ton, is visiting her parents Mr. and
Mrs. Leopold Meyers.
The coal trade haa a blue outlook,
Four days a week Is the order of bust
ness that confronts the railroader.
Mr. and Mrs. Jno.Kresge lost an Inter
estlng ohlld by death on last Saturday
morning, we In behalf of the commun
lty extend sympathy In their hour Of
There was a game of Base Ball play,
ed In Dolan'a Park on last Frday after
noon. Clerks vs. clerks, the score vrm
5 to 3. Wynmeyer gave a, few instrup-.
Hons as how the National game should
he played,
There was a house warming on the
Hill on last Saturday night and the
light fantastic toe was tripped until al
most 13 o'olook; the amusement broke
up pleasantly,each one admitted having
a joyous time a number ot Lehlghton
people were present.
Ex postmaster MoPauiel and Jno
F. lller Were, at Parry vllle ou last
Ba H -day angling after the finny tribe
they were not very suoueesrui naving
caught no Ush.
LandlotdEv9ritt. J.Sujderwere
out driving the other morning and
while descending the Mauph Chunk
hill towards Lehlghton one end ot the
Strap became detatabed from the body
the horse beoame frightened and
started oif at a breakneck speed; the
occupants were thrown out of the
Vehicle, but suffered no Injuries, no.
rnore than being covered with dust.
The horse was stopped at Riegel's.
Thai young gents' social club, of
this place, "took In" the forests of Long
Run one night recently, but au over
dose ot rain .topped their merry-making
as far at out-door sport was con
cerned; however, the boys were well
acquainted In that section and were
given shelter at Hotel Albright,
Mrs. John Carriogtou and son, of
SanFransloo, Cat. are the gueaU of W.
Ijua Stiles and wife. The ladv's hus
band U the Rev. John Carrlngtou who
is doing Missionary work in the land of
bloody conflict between the French and
the natives la his headquarters. ,
Fi Sale. -In Jamestown a lot
WiJil feet. Apply to W. P. Long,
Hoclelr Tld-lllU of lntetftft to tlie Warn
bere of the rraternltr.
Norman Commandery, 135, Knights
of Malta, of town, received ten appll.
uttnuus iur memoersuip on Tuesday
membership on Tuesday
evening and the prospects are that they
will have as many more next week.
' Secret societies in need of paraphi
lia flora l.onnnm lr
BUOU--consult H. V. Morthimer, Jr.,
Md 7mr?D60f n
dealers in this coCV.f1" ,Bnd
lug elsewhere. ""e purchas-
A. D. Wilkin, Esq.,otv
Council No. 412, of Pittsburg ""TV
Robert W. Craue, of Southwork CtfS.
cil 114 of Phlladelphia,two of the most
popular members ot the Jr. O. U. A.
Al., In th State, are candidates for
oillce at the coming session of the
StatoCouucll whloh convenes at Johns
town on September 19. The former is
candidate for National Represents
tlve, ond the latter for Btate Vice
Councillor. Both gentlemen should
receive the recognition and united
support of every member lu the state,
as they can be relied on to exert every
honest effort In the advancement of
tbo principles of the order. Their
canvass so far has beeu with the. great
est success and their election Is practi
cally conceeded. Mr.WUkln Is a promt,
ncnt attorney ot the Smoky City and
has served the order faithfully en the
Law Committee, likewise Mf. Crane
has been of great servloe to the organi
zation. In and around Philadelphia. He
has served on the Finance Committee
for some years. The middle district
has no candidates for these offices and
the membership would do well to. sup
port? these men.
Miss Alice Glnder. an estimable ladr
of this place, was visiting relatives and
friends at Lehlghton, Weatherly arrd
White Haven during the past tew
William Andreas and famllr.of Bow.
manstowu. were guests of friends in
the valley last Sunday.
Jacob Walters, of Lehlehton. snent
last Sunday with friends here.
Harrison German has moved his
portable steam thrashing machine on
tbe farm of Joseph Obert in Mahouing.
Misses Cora and Casrle Bemer. of
Sayre, were guests of George Berger.
int Bull? tatvs there Is no man in
the vailey between the Lehigh and
Schuylkill rivers nor lu Carbon county
that can whip him
W, E. Bevan. of Mauch Chunk, was
here last Saturday Interviewing our
school directors in refrence to the luj
troduction of new text books In oar
public schools.
Maurice Romlg. ot Bowmanstown.
was hero on Sunday.
A. F. Stelcerwalt has the contract to
haul stones for the rebuilding of the
ParryvlUe dam.
John Rehrig Is excavating for the
foundation walls of a new house.
Levi Nothstlne and wife werelraests
of Joseph Frltzlnger on Sunday.
John Rehrig and Maurice Bowman
attended divine servloes at Big Creek
on Sunday.
Mister Drooker Dar Fat Bully hut
dar aunt Kate shun fersprocha en neir
frock tzu kofa on da Iechta pinchta,un
wile ar net howa hut wolla. dos de lelt
es onsflinna sutta, hut ar en queerer
walkganuma for dar aunt den frock
tzu briuga. ut lecnt wooh a morrya
we de aunt uf castonna is hut bv links
en brechtrlch ar butzamon for era door
gastonna, un wor in weibs klater ga
uresbeo. uar outzamon wor run tzut
tala un lumba gamocht, we dar dar Fat
Bully de butzmaner ols mocht, un hut
owver en schaner neier browner, dip.
pie dannlsher (rock on gaharta. De
aunt hut wole gawlst dos dar Bullv
den butzamon for era door hut,because
ar hut era den frock brlnga wolla, dos
de leit es netous llnna sutta. De aunt
war free ut, un hut deu butzamon ga
strlbt, un hut dar butzermon gasch
wlndt ferhrent dos de lelt esjiet ous
tinna 6Ulta. uar 1 at uuuy nut aw en
butzamon for si door casteldt. for de
llet glawa mocha ar net des det gadoo.
uar uuuy nui gaoanxed danawalk
kent ar de dreckloh arwert weidder uf
oneru lelt poko.
Mrs. lAvbi Ilerhamer Dead.
On Tuesday moraine, last after au III
ness of only twelve days, Lavlna wife of
George W. Dcrbamer, died at her home oa
iron street, ueceased was born In Ibe
year law. in tbe town of Batb. North-
amnton county. In 1840 she was married
t, George Derhamer and nine children
were turn to idem of wnicn number eicnt
I .. - n 117 Tl . -1. - if 1, '
Butiiic, jji. " . at vcitvuun, mis, ,,1'J.
amnony anq Mrs. vnas. Harding, of
town; Henry Derkamer and Mrs. Jacob
Long, ot Allectown; Joseph Derbamer,
rtniaueipniai uv rus uernamer and Mrs. D.
II. Notbsteln. Bethlehem. Interment will
be nude at 1.30 o'clock Friday afternoon.
ueceaseu wit a goou and laitniui wile,
kind mother and good neighbor and
many relatives abd mends gileve tier
Tbe Carbon Couutr Teachers Bxamloatloas
will De Debt as lollows.
Hiidsoudale, for Pucker Township, July si
RoeknorL for Leliiith and I aiium Towivthln.
August 1,
Tannery, for Kidder Tawiuhlv and East Hide
Pleasant Corner, for Mahanlnir Towuihlo
Auaui, t.
AslineM. lor Kast f enn Township, Anzust
AllltDOrt. for fjmer TowmniMiHlnir Tnwn.hln
Ktemlersrtlle 8hool. for UDDer Toa-alaensloir
Furuaee Hetool, for Franklin Township, Aus
Blonv Creek Hehool. for Penn Forest Town
ship, August tl
All ayetlleaata iHMfrt bo etamlaed la tne dls
trlet In hleh they intend to teaeh. No oerUn.
call IU be granted to any person under all-
een years ot axe. Kianilnatons begin at halt-
past eight Directors are heartily invited to
atteud the eianunatleas.
A. & Belsel, Oo. Supt.
Cheap and (oHl tea Oreaua.
Committees for pionio, festivals and
parties will do well to oonsult O. II.
Nusbaum, Velssport, when they buy
Ice oream. He sells a most excellent
article at the low price ot 85 cents per
gallon. Dont forget to gee him? 8w
Will It. lorn August I. '03.
. Dr. Jos. Bowers, the reliable specia 1-
let whose headquarters have been at
the Weissport House for some months,
J now lu Chioago. Ue will return
August 1.
Oltlt Wanted.
Good girls are wanted at tho Lehigh.
ton. Hosiery Milt Apply at onee a,t
tbe mill,
Edwin Singalnger is on tbe slek list.
Herman Miller and wife, of Paokerton
were tbe gueet of Wm. Senslnger on
Anthonv Ondler and wife, ot Mauoh
Chunk, apeut Sunday with Johu Man
gold and wife.
for a week paat.
Ileinorral.are Cautioned to Vol.-A Ills-Irlc-t
tiev.r ltepresented by si
Maecu Chdnk, CiBtioN Co., July 17th
To the Demooiaov or Carbon Co:
On Tuesday, Jnly 25, 1610, a special
election will be held to elect a member
of Congress from this Congressional
District, to serve the unexpired term
of Hon. William Mutchler, deceased.
Tho Democratic Congressional Con
ference met at South Bethlehem, last
Tuesday, nnd nominated Howard
Mutchler, of Easton, as our candidate
It Is now the duty of eyery Bemocrat
in this county to attond the election
on Tuesday July25, and cast his vote
for Howard Mutchler ViV nmn-
crats, should be proud of our Congres
tional district. It has the best Demo
cratic mstory of Buy district in the
vuieu Biaios. it nas never, since the
ncnf Thomas Jefferson, been repre-
Sn' mak'iSr dU,rlct in tn8 Unl
r.tSLJS4 Proud boast. .This
The Democracy 6? ,K "fINTi,NE(?'
Iinn ui .ViL4 oId Tenth
y wlieu we should bo', "'r
in Conaress hv a nmnirPres.e.nt:
time Is now. The country la frit. . T?at
th? verge of a financial criif
There is widespread distrust and bus?
ness depression. In middle of sum
mer when the ooal business should be
booming, the daily papers Inform us
that the coal mines are to work but
four days per week. This deplorable
state of affairs is directly traceable to
the d strust caused by the vlolous
financial legislation of the Republican
party. Our President, Grover Cleve
land has now called Congress together
to remedy the evil and restore tho
conntry to a sound financial basis.
It is our imperative duty as Democrats
to do all in our power to help him ac
complish thlsputrlotin work and in no
way can we hold up his hand better
than by sending from this district a
Democrat pledged to support him (as
onr candidate Is) in establishing a
sound financial condition. The Re
publicans have nominated as their
candidate Frank Rceder, the charman
of the Republican Stufn rir,i(i
and they ore making a desperate en'
uto.ui iu tjicui mm. xney are depend
ing on Democratic apathy. We must
not neglect our duty to our party and
to our country. Let every Democrat
go to the polls on Tuesday, July 23
and vote. Be sure you get every other
Democrat lu your district to vote.
ueuiocrais ot uaruon, do vour duty!
uelp maintain the clnrnna nnu.
record of this Congressional district.
Keinember, get every Democratic voter
to vote,
To tue Editor or tat Advocate:
As you have already referred to lion.
W. M. RaDsher aa a buHhIiTa n.i ....i
equipped candidate forPresident Judge
of the -43d Judicial District, I desire to
say that your suggestion meets with
neany approval nere in his former
home. lie wastbeonlvmHnmenilr,no,i
for the Judsesbln in lfiDO uho,, i, ,)
ciuieu m ue a candidate from this
county. It seems to his friends here
mat ne is more available now than he
was at that time. Ue is too well known
to renulre an elabnrata snW ir
has faithfully served the State in the
oeuaie uuamDer, in tne House of Re
presentatives, as District Attorney and
upon the field of battle for the preser
vation of the Unleu.
Every position of trust to which he
has ever been elected, he filled with
ability and credit. l-et- i.c m
Judge for all the people regardless of
classes ana conditions free from
corporation and monopolistic in
fluences. Let SenatorRapsher's friends
speaic rignt out and make themselves
felt. The masses of f lie nmiA u-in
iwwiuruiiu. MANY VOTERS.
Lehlghton, July 19, 1893.
We have been acquainted with Hon
W. M, Rapsher for over 'JO years, and
firmly believe that should be be sa
fortunate as to win the Judgeship of
this district that he would 1111 the
position with dignity aud ability,
While Senator Rapsher has not an
nounced himself for the position, there
appears to be a strong sentiment grow
ing up In his favor. Let the people
Lehlxhtou Toughs Make Nlgbt Illde.ns
With Their Depredations, They
Are la Jail.
Looking ut the ruins the day after
the general impression was that a gang
ot wild west cow boys had paid Lehigh
ton a visit on last Thursday night, and
yet all the mlsoheif was done by two
yonng fellows not yet out of their
teens. They were Robert Blank nnd
William Peters, the latter youth hav
ing only recently been released from
the Northampton eounty jail where he
had been serving time (or theft. These
depredations consisted of breaking a
large show window in Frautz's jewelry
store on Bankway and stealing mouth
organs and collar buttous, the damage
being about (Hi at Millhouse's cigar
store another show window was smash
ed lu, cigars aud tobacco were taken
and tbe loss is about (8; on Seooud
street they broke a large plate glass In
the show windows at Mrs. Fenster.
macher's store and took a few small
articles, and the damage will amount
to t'0; at tbe Cathol(o church several
windows vre broken; at the residence
q Scuaobe a new screen deor was cut
to pieces; at A, W. Horn's several Danes
of glass were broken; at Eugineer New.
hart's stones were thrown against the
house and into the rooms where sick
people were confined; stones were
thrown against the residence of Rev
Souer; M. T. Trexler'a residence was
bombarded; the gate at the Presby
terian church was thrown in the street)
the gate at Philip Milter's residence
was looked with a L. V. chain "and
bolt; cinders were thrown Into Joe
Gilbert a yard; Dr. Deloamp had
window brokeu,
The next day ChUf Police William
Weldaw commenced looking up clews
and succeeded In nailing his men'
Richard MUlhouse then swore Out
warrant and both Peters and Blank
were arrested and taken to the oouuty
prison in John Uauk'a wagon.
Sjttiopd Heavy ltauulon.
Tbe annual reunion of the Seooud
Feona. Vet. Heavy Artillery (U2tb P.
V.) will be held at WaUontowp, Pa.
August 3eth nod atb, 1888. All sur
vivor of the regiment are requested to
attend, Send name and addrea for
nartioulara to Lew. C. Foaoot, Wataon
town, Pa.
A good 10 inch Lawn Mower for
KL8T at the Lehigh Coal & Hardware
- Co., Limited, north Firtt street.
-drain Cradle for $3.00 at the Le
- Hardware Co., LlmUed,
north Pint street.
il'ICV IIAI'PnlNtlS ItltlKI'I.V KflTIl-
TlieDoliioo of the Week lnlerlntilr.1 Willi
I'ersonal Mentlnns,
Peter Bile and wife, and James
Ruch aud wife, of Stemtom, were vlsi
tors at Chas. Laury's over Sunday.
Leo Wills and son Clyde wore at
Allentown on Tuesday.
-William Uiery, of Stemton, was in
town over Sunday, visitlug his sou,
Hon, W. F. Ulery. The senior gentle
man formerly resided here at one time
being the proprietor of the WelsMport
Planing Mill. He is a Democrat of the
old school and though 72 years of ugu
is still In good health.
The pleasant aud alfable 'Squire
Austin Boyer will leave for the Windy
City during the last days of August.
J. Meredith, of Rosollo, N. J. was a
visitor in town over Sunday.
Uriah Fatzlnger and Miss Clara
Whitehead were wedded on Monday at
Catnsauqua. Many friends tender
warm congratulations.
Miss Lilllo Laury, of Mauch Chunk
visiting Bt Nathan Snyder's rest-
81-ie of tho east side.
Uobvse Arner and wife, nf Tlni.
manstown, speDt Ust SundaT Tery
pleasantly Hb n. F. Peter and family
on the east8ld. -
Samuel Schneck. nf iwiininiii,,
was In town for a fewlnnrami MmW
and found time to tell hir6mis that
his brother Levi who Is enjoyed at
Slatlngton, has travellod 28,8W).miios
in going to and from'his work In the
last elxteen years.
Bonoville Drehcr was rldlnirn mnln
bare baok up tho tow path the other
day when the animal stumbled and fell
with Bennevllle under him. Besides
being badly bruised he sustained a
fractured arm.
Rev. Jos. Werner and wife, of
i-otistown, were guests of many friends
town this week.
Musio dealer Phillips la comnlet.
ing arrangements for the erection of a
large muslo house on , the Lehlghton
side of the Lehigh river bridge. The
Building will be two stories high and
20x40 feet In dimensions.
Michael Farren, of Lehlghton.
ceme near being a victim of careless
ness at the Central crossing on last
rlday morning. An early morning
passenger train stopping at the station
had pulled below the guard gates
when Mike started across the tracks
with bis two horse team when for some
unknown cause the train backed into
ws wagon the prompt action of the
engineer alona savlug a serious
The Reformed church edifice is
undergoing many Internal improve
ments. The old gallery bos been torn
out and a floor will be placed In the
building making it two stories high.
The basement will be used for Sunday
scuool purposes and the second floor
will be for church services. The 1m.
provements making will agregate at
least 8300, but when completed will be
to the pleasure of the congregation.
Tbe new edifice in which St, Paul's
Lutheran congregation of this town
will worship, will be located on White
street, opposite the old Andrew Graver
homestead. It will be built on
modern plan and have tne conveniences
necessary In a ohureh building. The
structure will be one stury fifty feet
deep with a large and roomy annex for
Sunday school purposes. The new
pastor, Rev. Longacre, of Normal
Square, a recent graduate from the
Lutheran Theological Scminery at
Philadelphia, will be ordained ou next
Sunday. There are three churches In
his charge, at North Weissport, Big
Creek and this town. The services of
ordaination will be held as follows:
at JMorth Weissport, Sunday morning
Ulg L'reek, Sunday afternoon; Weiss
port, Sunday evening. Revs, Walker.
and Nagcl, of Allentown and Revs
Bauer and Strauss, of Lehlghton will
omclate at the services.
Last Thursday afternooH a verr
pretty wedding was comsummated on
White street at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. X. O. Oswald when the nuptial
knot was tied suiting Mlso Standa M..
their pleasant and estimable daughter
to J. Peter Kemerle, of Manch Chunk.
Rev. H. Franklin Schlagel, of Free-
mausburg, officiated. The ceremony
was performed In the parlor, which
was beautifully decorated, the con
tract lug parties standing under a pretty
nrcb. The wedding maroh was render
ed by Mrs. H. F. Schlegel of Freemans-
burg. The bride's maid was Miss
Sallle Whitehead, and the best man
was Mr. Thomas Johnston, of Mauoh
Chunk. The ceremony was peayTormed
In tbe presenoe ot 140 guests who were
also present at the reception and par
took ot a most delectable supper. The
young couple have the well wiabea ot
many friends. The "Strotter" also
adds bis hope that tbeir lives mar be
free from trouble and that all their
cares jnay be but UTTLE oxk.
-The Jr. O. a. A, M festival was a
success la every particular, large
crowds being present during the three
evenings. The interior of the hall was
beautifully decorated with bright
oolorod buutlng and Chinese lanterns'
The ladles who assisted in making tho
affair a success were Mrs. Angellne
Oroot, Mlases Sallle Whitehead, Tillie
Delbert, Emma Boyer aud Mrs. Robt
Graver who looked after the lunch'
counter; at ths toe oream stand these
youbg ladies held forth; Mlasea Llllle
Musselman, Ella Rapp, Annie Soolleld
Mamie Werley and Mr. Martin Miller;
at the cake stand were Misses Mary
Christie and Mamie Smith; at tbo
oandy oouptar Mlssea Eva Romlg and
UaaleNothsteln did the honors. Tbe
law won't allow us to publish the
names ot the successful contestants.
The committee on arrangements
Meters. Ike Bartholomew, Riobard
Chritte, Milt Set Mr, Robert Oravr
and Wm. Whitehead deserve munh
wedlt far the bard work they did to.
make tbe affair a suoeea.
Big reduction in baby coauhet. at
J. L. Oabel'a.
Pure Paris Green at lowest prion
at Uabel's.
- For Sale. -First class Dwelling
House on Third street, Lehlghton.
Apply to W. P. Long.
Ioe cream freeaere at ('kl'vl' First
at root.
Short Bqulbs In and Arronml Carbon
Connty Dished Dp for Unr Headers.
John Dougherty died at Audenrled
'rlday morning at the good old age ot
97 years. Ue came to America fifty
years ago. He leaves two children, one
son Michael lives at Audenrled and
tbe daughter, Miss Kate Urogan, lives
at Drifton. The funeral took place on
Sunday morning,
Complaint Is made of an East Penn
farmer who had two kegs ot beer on
tup while ho was harvesting his grain
last woek. It is said that the beverage
proved to too much for the hands and
they all turned lu and had a jamboree
the effects of which basset the people
r quiet old Lizard Creek gossiping
ui they Meyer did before.
The Jeanesvllle aud Yorktown
collierlcH nre reported to return to the
three days work each week. For the
past two months they have been work
ing steady nnd at present there are
numbers of empty cars on the sidings.
At tliero meetings 'on Sunday the St
Aiovsius T. A. 11. Society of Audenrled
aud the Young Men's Catholic T. A. B.
Society of Jeanosville decided not to
send delegates to the fifth quarterly
convention of tho fourth district ot the
bcruutou C.T. A, U. which will bo held
in Freeland next Sunday.
Authony McMoniglo, a youth aged 13
Tears, attomptcd to board a moving
coal train at Audenried on Saturday
at about 0 o'clock and fell underneath.
His left arm and right leg were crush
ed nnd left thigh fractured. As a
moans of savlug hU lifo his arm was
amputated but. he could not survive
tlie operation and died nt 2 o'clock
the next morning.
Tho new borough bulldlnir lu
erly --will, when complete, be one which
will be a credit to the citizens of that
prosperous town and will be equipped
for a station house and flro department
It U a brick structure of a fair size
with the lower floor used for a fire
engine, hose cart, and quarters for the
volunteer fire company, with a lockup
m tne rear, un the second story the
council chambers will be- arranged.
The fire company Is a young organize
tion which has not yet boon in exis
tence n year, and when fully equipped
ror service may number among the
most efficient companies In this state,
as their service at the recent fire prov
ed. According to the Scran tou Times
workmen of Coxo Baothers & Co.,
while driving a tnnnel through Buck
Mountain, near Beaver Meadow Col
llary to drain n slope of water, struck
a fine vein of coal 4 feet thick and re
markably free from Impurities. Orders
haye promptly boen givon to open up
gangways. The find is regarded as
very-timely and means renewed em
ployment to muny Workmen under
ground, Harry Sweeny on Urn World's Fair.
A correspondent In that exoellent
newspaper, the Freeland Tribune, of
last Thursdy says this of a young man
who Is a native of this town:
"I met Harry E. Sweeney, of Drifton
the other evening. Ho had just re
turned from the World's fair and was
enthusiastic In his praise ot the great
exposition. Mr. Sweeney tells me ht
will likely take another trip to Chicago
about October, and I believe that
month is one of the best to visit the
fair. The report of -exhorbltant prices
for living and slght-seeiDg that have
made so many people timid of ventur
ing ou Jour to -the White City nre
uottruo. Tbe rates for meats and
lodging are no higher than in any
other city and lu some Instances a
great deal lower. Mr. S. says two fel
lows can leave here together, speud a
week In Chicago, live as good as they
do at home, see everything that Is
worth seeing and unless they tpend
their money injudiciously it will not
cost them a cent more than $45 apiece.',
Christian Kmleavor Ateetlne;,
The Keystone League of Christian
Endeavor connected with Kbanezer
Evangelical Church will hold its
regular monthly business meeting on
on Sunday eveniug. At 7. 30 o'clock
the regular st rvice of song and prayor
will commence utter which the presl
dent will take ohargo of the meeting
and call for the reports ot committees.
These reports will all be In writing ex
cept the one which will be by chart.
By these means the Society expeuts to
show what oau be done lu Chatstian
work. All are invited.
Celuiubiis lloui Head.
After an illness with blood poisoning
dating back almost four years Colum
bus II. Horn, son of the late J. A. nnd
Carollue Horn, died on Monduy morn
ing last at halt, pakt eight o'olook at
the home of his sister, Mrs. Al Clanss
on north Second street. Deceased
was born iu Mahoning township on tho
8th day of August, 1857. By trade he
was a tailor aud for a long time work
ed foe Clauss Bros. Some years ago
he succeeded Al Clauss as proprietor
of the Mansion House whloh business
he was forced to give up a few years
ago on aooount of illeea. He had many
friends who mouru his early death.
Interment will be made Friday after-
noon from the Reformed church. Rev,
Reber' Bartholomew and Derr will out
olate at the lost sad rites.
Carbon Castle, No. Ill, K. O. R, aud
Teutonla Veretn, will attend the tuner-
al in a body,
lea Cream 8So 1'er Gallon.
Pionio aud festival committee will
find it to their advautage to buy ioe
oream from B. IC Culton, Lehlghton,
who sells the very best artUIeatthe
low price of 8ft cents per g&Ilou,
Private famillea supplied at $1j00 per
gallon packed and delivered. When
you need ire oream dont fall to call
and see Culton.
Friday, Ancust SS.
Dr. W. F. Danser, stlalist iu tbe
treatment of all dlaaMa ot eye, ear,
nose and throat will lie at the Ex
change Hotel, on Friday, August IM.
Window and door screens at J. L.
Full line of Ingrain and Brussels
carpets at Henry Schwartz '
Just make it a point to see David
Eubtrt when you want a team for buni
neas or pleasure. Lowest price.
Great variety of rubber buae
bale at lowest priutn, at UalwiV
iiiitur Mttxrio.f urA wkkrvs io-
Short 1'ararraphs That Will be ol Interest
to tbe JtallroaJ Doye.
Seventy five men were put to work
at the Reading Railroad repair shops at
Reading owing to the Increase In repair
work, and the removal of work to Read
Ing, which was formerly done at other
t'l'he case against Grand Chief P. M.
Arthur, of the Brotherhood of Locomo.
tiye Eaglneers, for 1200,000, feralleged
encouragement of the recent strike on
the Ann Arber road, at Toledo, will be
put ou trial lu that city, on Sept, 18th.
The statement of thePhlladephla &
Reading Rail Road Relief Association
for the month of June. 1833, shows pay.
ments nggregatlnglB,471.80, There was
paid on account ot deaths $0000; on ac
count of aocldent disablements 13981,
aud on account of sick disablements
$4480.80. The total number of coses re
ported In tho month was 550. There
were thirteen death claims paid five of
tbe deaths resulting from aocldent and
eight from natural causes.
t George L. liouser, forwarding agent
at Coxton, has been appointed as gene
ral freight and coal forwarding agent
of the Lehigh-Vailey Railroad, ills
jurisdiction will extend from Jersey
City to Buffalo.
t The news comes from New York
that President Harris, of the Reading,
intends to call to account the presi
dents of other roads for not restricting
the production of coal in the anthra
cite regions. A Philadelphia dispatch
says .that If President Harris' reqaest
is not compiled wltb, the Reading will
at ouce make a eat In the prices of
John n, BTonsi jg juuaH.
Uo Was ApiNthited by Oovernor FaUlsoa
Lait (Saturday.
Last Saturday Hon. John B. Storm,
of Stroudsburg, was nppointed presl.
dent judge ot the Carbon-Monroe
district to succeed the late lamented
Judge Dreher. Mr. Storm had been at
Hartlsburg for a tew days prior to hli
appointment and his elevation was
therefore not a surprise.
John B. Storm was born In Monroe
county lu 1838. He graduated at Dick
inson College lu 1801, and two years
later was admitted to the bar la
Stroudsburg. At the same time he
was made County Superintendent of
Public Schools, and filled that position
seven years. In 1870 he was nominated
for Congress after an exoltlng struggle
and atthat time served four years In
tbe House.
Mr. Storm again appeared In the
House lu 1882, having been nominated
in 1882 over Charles R. Buokalew after
two days ballotlngs. He again served
four years, but was succeeded in 1887
by Ex Senator Buekalew. Mr. Storm
was again ambitious for Congressional
honors and contemplated making a
fight for tbe late Congressman William
Mutchler's seat, but sentiment In the
district was so strongly in favor of Mr.
Mutchler's sen that he abandoned the
contest, beiag assured ofthe appoint
ment to the Judgeship.
Wants Freymau Jndce.
Our Democratic friends seem to be
taking considerable interest in the
Judge matter. Why shsuld our Re
publican f rieuds not do as muoht Many
of our friends in this county have ex-
pressed a willingness to have Wm. G.
Freynian, Esq., of the Bar of Mancb
Chunk, to represent the Republicans
of Monroe on the Judge ticket. What
say our Carbon county friends to the
proposition? Mr.Freyman la said to
be a worthy man and able lawyer. Let
us show our colors on this question,
for there may be luck lu tt Stronds
burg Jeffersonlan.
For Sale,
J. F. Eiscuhour offers for sale cheap
kls 3 year old Iron gray mare. Safe
and reliable. Also a full set single
harness and n good buggy. tt.
Fine teams for all purposes at the
South End Livery.
All kinds of books and fine station
ery at Luckcnbach'E, Mauch Chunk.
Of North Kldder, Carboa oonnty.
tv Subjeet to Democratic Rules.
He Speaks both Engllsb.and Herman.
Of Aquashlcola, Carbon county.
XST Subject to Democratic norotnatfnt: Itales
Of Normal Square, Carbon connty.
tsar Subject to Ueuiorretle Ilules.
Of Mauch Chunk, Carbon county.
ftr Habjeet tq Democratic Rules.
JonN o'donnell.
Of East Mauoh Chunk, Carbon County.
Vtr Bubjeet to Dasneeratle Rules.
Of Franklin Township, Carbon Couuty.
tVCaibJaet to DeuKMratk Rales.
Ot Lehlghton, Carben ooiintp.
tVSublect to FMuoerstlc rales.
Tahiti er.
A oream ot tartar baking powder.
Highest of all in leavening strength.
' Laimt Uhitid Status GoVKBHiiun
i ouoRepoxi
for JlOTal Baking Powder Co..
i,m ail bt , N it