lloa Unror circulation than any other Is a specialty at our Job Printing Uttlc in Sayder's Block, east side of the Lehigh Bridge, Envelopes, Note and Letter Paper, Pharuplets, Order Books, Vouchers, Tags and all kinds of Flo NIo, Horse and Bale Bills. We do all work neatly, cheaply and cleanly. Do you need anything In this " line? then call nod see us, or write us postal card and we will be at your serrtoe. uewspaper printed tn Carbou oountr, con sequently It Is the best medium foradver Users. Our news columns sparkle with theooouireneesof the day clem, spicy, Interesting, bright and Independent. Our editorials are original and will be worth reading on aooount of their spirit which Is Independent of outside dlotatlon. Out price Is one dollar a year. Justyoutry It moon "INDEPENDBNT"-"LIVE AND LET LIVE." Lohighton, Carbon County, Ponna."Jnly 15 L893 $1.00 a Year1 in Ad vane VOL XXI. No. 35 aJ - HAVE YOU READ THE ADVOCATE THIS WEEK ? THE LARGEST $100 PAPER IN THE COUNTY. URlUHHAL CHKAPCiSHSTQRK I THE TROUBLE IN BRAZIL Big Gut! Admiral Wandellcollc Joins the Revolutionists. HOSTILITIES LIKELY TO END SOON Everybody knows that when we cut it is in favor of the pub lic. Call at the store and see what we have cut now. 1NEWSY OCCURRENCES. PERSONAL MENTION. SECRET SOCIETY DOINGS. Socletr T ld-lllte of Interest to the Mem beri of the Fraternity. The Dratlllaa People Already D.li Tire ( the gtrlle-The Iffec! t the Troable e Seme Idnee of BeeUess Id Thle Oenntry. New Tout July 12. Private advice from Bio Grmnde do SuL Brazil. lost re- . . . . . i . . i - ... .. r v celred Here connrm in new. vna We will mention a lew oi tne w..,k.ik iu toined his fortune, to nnfaafArthv Ml to Tim Zeiihvr that, of the revolutionist and further nlnrrhnmo tW wprp ".old that he had ocouplod the bar which Dress Oinsnams that were soia lt(idit0 toUo4 Uk, upoa th, lhorM ot this BeaSOll at 12 J Cents a yard .,hloh th town u,ltotd, and that the are cut down to on y to cents a town wa. leoutea. i ,7 wri. Plaid SuitinLthat were "VtX tlX. Selling this Season at 7 Cents a taming pollUoal new. with a rigorous o.n- at ,owest pr,oeg t aabePg. I . xs .. tr, ii.l.l... rl.n. WhA fcOUAt. MATTKItft OF MOItK OB MtSS " v , . ., , IMPOIITANCK. Co tne and flo Among Their Friends In 1" Lively leMcMoa. . . n , . . ...I. nt. i.nrlnr (ha .... Koiiomiied by onrl . .MlssesOertleand Carrie Strausa.ofl Secret societies in need of paraphe Special iteponere. Bayre, were guests of Miss Agnes nulla, flags, bauners, uniforms, etc., Fine teams for all purposes at the Strauss during this week. should consult H. V. Morthlmer, Jr., South End Livery. ..Mr. and Mrs. MufHy.of Bayre, yisit- who represents one of the largest firms All kinds of books and fine Btatlon- ed Key. Strauss and family this week, and Importers, manufacturers and ery at Luckenbaoh's, Mauch Chunk. ..Mr. Muflly and Misses Gertie, dealers In this country before ptirohas. Window and door screens at J. it. Carrie ana Agnes otrauss yisiieujNr. ingoisewnere. (label's. and Mrs. Strauss at Laury's on the 4th The following newly elected ofllo Full Hue of Ingrain and Brussels of July they had a pleasant time. ers of Wahnetah Castle, 351 K. O. E. of carpets at Henry Schwartz's. . .Insuranoe agent, W. Peun Long Mauch Chunk, were installed by dls- Raser's Root Beer Extraot The left this week for Lewtstown where he trlct Grand Chief II. V. Morthlmer, Jr., Purest. is engaged rewriting insurance rates, and staff, last Friday evening, Just make It a point to see David . . Mrs. Thos. E. Morthlmer, and son Fast Chief II. Busacker, Ebbert when you want a team for bust- Tom, are visiting relatives and friends ness or pleasure. Lowest prices. at Kreldersvllle, this week. The original Root Beer Extract is Miss Agnes JStiauss, of town, and Raser's. MIssos Gertie and Carrie Strauss, of Great variety of rubber hose for Sayre visited some of their friends at WEISSPORT AND AROUND. SPICY HAPPKnlNUS IIItlKPI.Y KI'lTU. HIZKU. Noble Chief A. Foucher, Vice Chief Fred. Frelman, High Prelst-II. J. Warncke, Venerable Hermit John Freuudt, Master of Records N. S. Bradley, Allentown.on Wednesday. IT IS IIOWAItll MUTCH LKK. Tlie Democratic Conference Deeldee on II I la eelte Couf rrntonel Candidate. Howard Mutchler was nominated as the Democratic candidate for congress to suoceed his late honored father nt I Th" ""'"a "'the Week iutrlaiie.l with the eighth district congressional con-1 rertonal Mentions, vention held at the Hotel Wyandotte, I A handsome new picket fence is nu BethlehemTuesday morntng.Ile recelv-1 Improvement to the Reuben Zlmmer- ed the five votes of Northamptlon, the man's Union-Hill property, thr. ot Pike, and the three of Carbon. Oar lolly young friend Richard eleven In agalnsta three votes given WoodtTng Is jubilant oyer the arrival to Dr. Shull of Monroe, by Monroe's ' a bright baby boy. conferrees. The election was at onoc Genial Ed Monler spent a few days made uuaulmousby hearty cheering this week with Reading friends. The convention was held iu the Mrs. Henry Bowman, of Bowman's, women's parlor at the hotel. Besides I the guest of Levi Harlemau and wifo the conferrees there were, present sevo- on Union Hill, ral hundred prominent democrats I Mrs. Charlotte Horn aud Min. front all over the district, who took Manna Leopold spent Mouday with great Interest In the proceedings. 1ev J. 8. Newhart aud family at The meeting was to have taken place at luuchUhuuk, Mutchler and of Samuel S.Dreher lwlllll, iiiinml. last Friday after. ra"iu8uiuuuniuiiuunumiiimi noon lorwarded to the committee of ..... .....II J... .I- frl.....,.t..w4 F.B.4W ' ' nmmnvuu BL rjihinu niw KUHWOr Ui li.. .1 interest. To try to open up a way demHUds ut tu trainmen, enstneerai for the adjustmeut of the dlttlcultles orakemeu aud others along the uiw of uud to bring about a long and much tll8 LoUlgU Valley division. Ua de-1 deblred peace a meeting was held at cunou to uav wnut ma uociaiou was.l UlerKorKxohequerrreaweltireoht no o'clock. At that hour the assem- Elwood Phlfer, of Phlfer'a Uoruer. the County Sett on last Friday, out wiu ne tnouunc everytnuui wetua, tr a ti t j i nr I.. lee 1 . l . . i i i I IIH sul.iMf Mdlnrv. I tiM IiimI. liu.il i4.k4Mi A GLORIOUS DEMOCRACY. ON THE RAILROAD. The Kieer end Klotf Paction llarmonlse. The Leaders and Their Followers Klie and are Happy Ateln," Mntchler Oete the Oontereee. Peace, gentle, quiet peace onue more DUIKF HICMTIOM UFA WRRK'S lit INUS UN TI1K HAIL. Short Paragraphs That Will be ot Illamt to the ltallroad Bore. t Eugtue 310 on the return trlpThnra- torriUodDemooracy In Carbon county. nn,t fF0'"' tu be a tuu-UeUgeil ties- For almost or quite three long years ""7 i iTiTEriir nfts und dissension and it looked very mnoh yeuow.jitct uest wnue ptcuug tmw- If tl.M ivflrinRtiannir nt 1nmnnnuv lBmt. 0carr t0) vw M Iq this county was a tUlnfC of the past ISu1? h ??SI5! ?;m- .... . .ii.. it tir I " a . . i I . 1 1 I o T I, w I " ' yartland considered a bargain eorihlB. jm, th. head -Big reduction In baby coaches at ..a. U Campbell and Moses Houser, Keeper ot Exchequer-Edwin Wey- blage at the hotel Included the dele- who 's an expert with the brush Is a Joseph 8. Fisher, Esq, was chairman, I I,i,:.a,.iStai?r ra.i'iiarl le eu.4 : l ia Commenting on thli dtspateri i tni o. ,. .nT.n.inn. uw nltl..n. .r. henmaviir. L.tM a ,i.u , r..i .iJnmlwin u ir..ji... ,.. Unrl II. S. Itlnkor. ... aM,pfArr. This IV t ").'.UK"UBUI' 01 .tu"uu ntthnt nrica the cut mice is L,T.T. 2s .hm Z w Mni rV J. L. Gabel'a. A ran l n vnrrl None of the marked that he ooneldered this the begin- Pure Paris Green at lowest prloe hn town Thursday. , j! rJ : .,! nU?"L ,nd- .i, hv. at Gabel's. Mrs. W. A. PeUr and daughter buoy 6"'"," r '3; fLiaMySiS -Fot, SAt..-Flrst class Dwelling Miss Gertie, spent a few days this week accuou ni. iuc iuiuii eoatroll ttt prortne. tot It Is lmponlble House on Third street, Lehighton. with friends at Mahanoy City. gates and visitors from Carbon alone. I new painter In H, R. Kreidler's popular I Blnker, was secretary. This tuovanousuiewo, ou as Ui iv. tueat less the latter. ts oftt tn Rio Grande excoot throngh I i .. t i nrr " I. . -no har irhleh . - . -- , , Dennis Rex, one of the solid cltl- Fes Silk. Iu Jamestown a lot Izens of Lizard Creek, was In town on I Sir Herald Herbert Hare, The rest arriyed soon after on the 10 carriage works. meeting did no harm even if it did more regular uouia. Worthy Chamberlain Otto Schrunk o'clock Lehigh Valley train. H. R. Kreidier drives a handsome "o good. The sltuatlou was talked xhe present ruauageiuout uf Uwj Esquire Daniel Smith, Time sped on, conferences aud con- bay horso, bIx years old, that is OYOr iu KU earnest way and finally Dr. Heading is eugagaU lu uuuouig Uij First Guardsman E. H. Gross, sultatlon were numerous. The North "aid to possess considerable speed- Latham, of Weatherly, moved that It 0i"J?JJ$ Second uuarasman uenry itotnite, ampton delegates were all the time The animal is a beauty. ue tne sense ot tue meeting mat Hon, ueeu uuuuue auil unoiuorruadiaaDuiiU The following omoera or unaaen impatient for the meeting to be held.l Oscar Baeger keeps right along wu Urulg Ue eudoised for Judgeand to be turuwu up. it w tne x'euueyiyrrl . m i - rrV T . ! I, . .i v. i,.rn JUUSlins, oneetinga, iit-ntiifeo. JJ",,J TtM.u"il f,t n to dUpoe- Mx253 feet Apply to W. P. Long, Friday looking well after a late serious Iluetten Castle, 310, K. G. E, of town Then a startling rumor prevailed the hustling notwithstanding that the tuat Michael Cassidy be given Carbon's ougnaeep-ie ami iiostou, wmcn Uiieviota, wniiuin, seei him, ror ney uave no piiove Lemgnton, Illness. were instauoa oy oistnoi uranu uniei assemblage. It was known from the weather is hotter than hot. Tuesday "16 oonterees loruongresa. rue j . z - -.T"-"" '. Zxuns urni. :il c. nnlavriil ..iito in here, but a mw roes down In a launea , . ... . , . . , ..... , I,, v r-..i,i. t, nn,t ctu . . I v.- .., j.j . , ' , ... . .,. ...j ...n.n. "" "' "i ' """"J " vuu wiu uuu " ' . elimala to oDtaln of Incsomlng veeel I -Knuiii.i u.. .. , u, weaver, wuo uas jusi uoou i u. y. muiuu,i ueginningtnat air, MUtcnier was to oe umuouou a car ioaa or deorgta " " noana,,, the price of the above goods. - . ' . . T.,.. .f l,ml. .....la ice I with flam hut which way to steer. Ot street. made postmaster at Sltler's was In Wednesday evening; Mru no n.i will be aUowetl or wiu A BOOU lu men Xvawu uuwrc ir i. th. .), j m.j.n. Tiaut Hhler Iharles Klrnj. Praahps from 3i cants a Vara want Ugoaown. . 25 at the Lehigh Coal ilarawara n iroinfn., Woble Uhier-unaries ue untoU cents a yard. tJZ "wriii St u l. toi Co., Limited, north First street. tnat tbe name 0 the offloe htMj Rl80 I a :.J IVannrn tnatiMiili I nln nn1ra fnn Ifl ftl A f h A T I K -1 A - im.f oVUU Viaej wuuh; ot 1 vimm vinuiv v i UCOI) VUMliCtJ OUtl4Vto'ie Outing flannels irom O cents 7" OT'r lM 'UD'' high Coal & Hardware Co., Limited, eltz, a yard upwards. Duemese la o m . ... , . i. - , i through London. There le not muon uuuuru.iD..., .Profs. Thomas and C. V. Klelntop I left Thursday for a bloycle trip to I , i j I doubt that the proTlncee of Bahla aai See the Majestic bicycle at Zern's. 1 Reading, Harrtsburg and Gettysburg. Cream and Pink ElderdOWll . Pemambuoo are bhtad th.moy.mentand . They will be gone two weeks. also an elegant assortment Of JJJJSlJ," ,bI, malnuui kU support of For a thoroughly first olass bicycle ..Mrs. O. Alexander, of Philadelphia r iarureil JSlueruOWn. uovernor uaeuuo, wnonoiae oia pueiuou iat85 make It a point to see tue MBJes- is eujuyiog pieasaut tisii oi a lew 6 Illegally owing to federal support It-l at Zern,a weekg wlth H V- Morthlmer, Sr., and -YOU Will find bargains in our dyk'Xu la m..or of. deal." -I go to M. Martin's liquor store at family on First street store at all times. Noble Chief Charles Vloe Chief John Klpp, High Priest W. F. Hell, Venerable Hermit John E. Seldle, Sir Herald Gns Knnow, Worthy Chamberlain Chas. Schafer Worthy Bard John Kreldaweis, Esquire George Sandherra, First Guardsman Joseph Folk, Second Guardsmen 0. Ockenhouse. rumor was that an watermelons and in two days there withdrawn and the meeting adjourned tu riZ de to Induce the wasn't a single one left. without apparently accompliihing mauage auu cuutrui luo uitalra o tuJ The dwelling house of DarldWnl-lr.BU7 Kdi though perhaps It is safe to Keumug Cuuipauy, those bavins oon ' . I. .. . - ' I ... . . . . ..... . , I ,i.H .. ..i..l ltntirln nth MnnM. tn nnnnnrf nitl.., lOOatOil ill Wnlnlravllln n.n. Aa A l. I bay IUUC me UronOSlllOU LUeU maOC DV 1 uuvoo ' vav.wmw ........ .., - "7T("J . , . ., . ..,- miraoie juugiueul aud toreetg: (77, Vi i5 , t.vory wen wiouor ot tue oompauy the nominee. The elfort was being made Pike delegates to swing round and join J. T. NUSBATJM. rh it .Street, between South anil Plum streets, v'Lehlxhton. Pa. MAY BE MORE TROUBLE Shull. of Monroe, orllornbeck. of Pike Are reoently. It was fully Insured 1 These six. It was stated, would then be Misses Tillie and Emma Snyder lu oehalf of the Esser people gave way cuUSU lor uuugraimialum. Ine iwopi joined with two of Carbou's delegates two of our moBt accomplished young to mut!u thinking aud ultimately of tuia vicinity, wuu kuow Air. ilamd with X of a vote each, thua aggregat- jaa'e. "e sojourning with Reading I""- " lU0 ae. .t huu.uot lug a yoto 01 j against luutcuier, "" ttuu altesluu uUlluy, but tor hte ouM-l mis story was aeciueaiy embarrass- neuoeu uoyer was taking heme a, I "o,uu uouiereBs ob uiviuea oe- bervatisui auu loug experience, In tl,l loadof lm ll.o ntl.o k.. v.. ..ii I tweou tiliaxkey aud Casaidv. that the aecially with the coal matters' uouaecG ti,o-, n n. M..,ti . I frnm 11,0 j . ...,-i. j ileleirate nliu-.tinn nlrliir. tnit mm. "d wilu tms region. 1'hey feel that hd . ,. . , , 1. , 1 1 ...u.,u.. uu uw ui uiouiliiuu UD. w, "MuuuuitDuaMUieUttUniKGU T 1 , . , 1 .S?liil&??i "eft.". 'V"r '"? legates did not seem alarmed. Sena- right leg. mittee aud state delegates be divided "T.' " "'r, " JV'.r"? "J The CommereUl Cabls Company has Mauch Chunk for my whiskey I aet I ..Milt Hunslcker, of Freeland was satnrdar IntArvlanlna their mlltical tor Laubaoh, smooth and bland, was J. W. Heller was dolnn business In evenly throughout the county. At (rM,i.,,ra. iVnare a man-H rM.ilS notlSedtradereUtbUelty that owing to .R wh . friends. omnipresent. The rest of the North- New York this week. "y rato when the regular annual aud sound judgement are cdmblntS lSnTHo7taP -FoSAli;.-AFairbank's Standard ..Joseph. Rennet and wife ot Paoker Annie Helntaleman, of Allentown, ampton delegation seemed to Tiave an Rev. S, T. Leopold aud daughter I unty meetiug was called to order with lo"K experience lu his pursuitsj onntry coula not be receiveu. Later tne i o .,. .t.i0 t. i was tho onest of friends In this section ....u , .tLr in... . Vr m..,i. f. v.- i.. auch a maumust suooeed Inhie uudert Weetern union rerarnea aererai uieu uw i natiorm ocaie, capacity uuw puuuus i i "-j - i j,.r!,w. . .n T.n.t WpaV i aumiug iaiiu iu uiui uuu &ab iu iue . " nwuwnu, were visitors at me Dr. I ' ''"uu" "J taking if euccess be possible" I UXAIin ultKKK VALLEY, Apply toW.M.Eapsher, Mauch Chunk, town with Richard Kooqs ramuy, Over the French Shore Question New Foundland. la natohea for .the same reason. JJVn.tCiib. or II. V. Morthlmer. Jr., Lehighton. Lad received four bailneu moeaagee from I Fenstermacher's celebrated tee Braxll during the day. uanages in oral- cream for sale at Bretney's, opposite ZrJ.t. tZ?SZ Opera House. it There are only two or three firms In thle Watches at E. H. Hold's, Mauch city doing business direct with Bio Uramle I Chunk, aoaui. ,, I during the past week. I ..... ... . ... . n josepn wenranu wne,oi westreuu, conference room. John J. O'Brien Andrews residence on Monday. chairman, the court roomln the Valley A uia cockinci MAIN. Further private adrlooe are expeotod to night. The Ooeoe aaA Intpleweate on a rreseh Teeeel Betas leleed at It, J ohm. Xhveateae Serlooe Oomplteatlone. Si. Joaa, N. P., July 18. Thle ooloay ia threateaed with more aerloue compuca- tlona arltlaa out of the French Shore oueetloa. The French flaieblp, Nalada, Xdmlral Slaauraalz, arrived here on Sun day to partial pate la the anniversary ot the sUhUehmeat at the French Republlo ou were among the guests who spent last I a"0- James x oiumearn, of Mauoh iue memoers oi tne rJvaugelical puul" jjiouuu uuua, was jamueu ,unu, xowu.hiu redacotuee. Sunday with A. F. otelgerwalt. tjnunlc, am likewise. Tne rest of the onnaay sonooi (tiowman) win picnla ,m ul ww, mue out, oi every ten At a weeiluK ot the Bnk TowotUlp icBoosl Mesdamea Eokert and Trexler. both I delegates were scattered and men were 1 next Wednesday ut Pine Run. oi wnom expected to witness a repetl-1 euani ou Saturday these teachers were i!ju I ... 1 1 . .... 1 1.... n .T..1 1 1 I . .... ... . . ii . . .. 1,1 - ....... .1 1 ... 1 . Ii if r.r. .1 1 .1 rl.., . . a n . .. . . . uiA.iouujnu.i..D .ufiiuK a uvuKuuu. T. ttinD in ffmiin. at rhMttB .nu rnnn nu (mnirrnrii flrjt ih. n. . uuu ui uhd. uisvikhiu. uuiurniuM. ................, ina Di.u uoiween uaine vmcaeae i - r, n ... .... . - "f'o u. .. . .. . . - . iiniirvniirii "l ocioca aeuaior u.uuu., k tue uirectors or ttiel"" Princlniil-John J. 0'lonnelL ten. tu. II 1'rlmary K1U Mclluth, to. O " MascleCsnaluui, TltUSOKOW. and the Main a Praw, The cooking main for $500 a side 120.00 suits to order at S15.0Q bet- seven battles, between No. 6 und Sum The Lateit Uet Is Not Large Oae. Wismstaioii, Julp IS. The toUl nura- sojouru at the C. II. Nimson resldenoe, wltbniram Ko?b andiamily11 SundaT as chairman of the local, county com- schools In securing so able and offlcl- Uud tho character of the people's party luterutiw.mee Bou"r. I .j ..j mittee. sailed the conference to order, eut a principal as Prof. Traub. nf nt again to be dragged to the dust A Primary Margaret Mcshee, . i ..... ....... i una any lust weua uuxwu reuuesieu I ... ... ' ij . ... . n I t u,, . ,.... ... ter BUitsto order at J20, worth 28, we mit mil sports wmon toolc place near hisservant boy to pick up a chew of Uart, of Plk e, moved and Herman, of tarryvme. The primary teacher Is atm trampiea upon, uenerous con will save you a pile ot money oy getting mmiuru rnuay, enuea in a araw. tobacco wmcu uuzzara spat on tuel iNortnampton, seconaeaa motion tnat I ura miner, tne estimable daugh- 3 a uu " your measure taken for a suit or panU The first go waa between Q 2, both black floor. Theboy kicked it away. This Harry J Steele be chairman. He was ter of the pastor of the Evamrelinal the people called loudly for peaoe and Mr. church. I narmony, anu tne will oi itne peopio NEW POSTMASTERS APPOINTED rm'u,x"1' Lt,' Sr place, as we need room and have reds, A. the end of ninety minutes a by a unanimous Vote! to dispose of the goods. Call at once draw was deolared, both birds being mBU of'hi8 character. Steele made an appropriate little - The teachers in Franklin's Inde- Pr9TUe1- frtitcipal Janiea llojle, aos. I Filmary Katie Doyle, Int. J Miss Rom Sweeney w&sappolnted lor the a Ur of fourth clae. poetmastere appointed at the One Price Star Clothing Hall, too weak to do any exeoutlon. The Geocge Balliet and John Bachmau 8Pe6Ch thanking the conference for pendeut Distriot are: at the new school " seemed like old time Democracy e",!"," are KboXm """-H to-doy waa 09, ot which 29 ware to fill ya- Mauch Chunk, Jamestown cook had a wing broken In killed a blaok snake measuring live the honor. A majority ot the confer- principal, Prof. Wanuemaker. of with discord and factional feeling . I M A O J I ... - I It mi . a. 1 l.imi a i caucles caused by resignations and dtsih. I Tha best Ice cream Is Fenster. thud fly. feet on Sunday. ence were In the room, but Ave or six Monroe county. 55: grammar. It.imlo burled. That invincible, staunch and Amoag the appointments were tne toiiow- . , For sale at T. J. Bretnev'a In the second-5.12 Jamestown Put twoert Kenrig.or Jlanomng, is a new were sim in the corridors holdlne con. Oswald. $37: lutermediata. Mar Whlfo. "eo""18 democrat, L Stiles, of mgi n. A t.J.. n'.ntr., i f) Vunreckten.' I nt P.. II. Hold's Mauch Chunk. a pyle. The latter was knooked out In Ur uasM mMvacTr that the chairman BDoolnt a Allentown. $33: Union Hill; r.Hnnln.1 chairman, and he was elected without Friday sen and aleo to ajrange the recent peansvllle; R U, Cooley, HannlUlCen- Headquarters for watches at ri II 20 tnluutea. Jamestown's blinker pyle JSrUlV. dlflUuHy evet the French ehor. I tr.; C. ...Avery, Uaeungs: Jotm ereca- Hohl's. Mauch Chunk. and the Hill's blaok red. 5-2. entered I nochbsrs helser la am dri eolla bueket, un des I the conference. J?lmTaaanUtU.oi m5Su ! NorTVoS: Q a MorriVon, Snsld. -The subject of a special discourse for the third .battle. The Hill bird KaM Charman Steele responded by choos- -The festival of the Jr. O.U.A.M. with the re-unlted party aud hoped fmpTemeata U the British steamet Harlow Castlsi J. W. Phillips, West Monroe. by Rev. Miller of the Evangelical died a slow death In five minutes; 5 2s bumbi, doi duni So Telt "is i a bUsei ii8 the senator and Mr. Hart, of Pike In Laury's hall Is In full blast and you lQal " meauI a o""uanoe oi uemo. to Boone stay,- rennnjiTau..- They refused to pay amies mereon, h. v. i mar. uniivai!,; "mon. si slana kliiner mi gested that the chairman appoint a Allentown, $33; Union Hill: principal. Rinnan, and he was elected without l.l0nbd rr wasLTbM Arn"-. 37; primary, Miss opposition. Mr. Cassidy took the chair i ieuinger, weatherly, 935, I wytoww. mtusu.i iuny piousou t1.imtng that Frenchmen's goods were exempt, sue newionuuiauu uui.iuiubu. aalaed the goods for noa-paymsnt ot du tie and sold them at auction. Th French Admiral yesterday had a eoarerenoe with the Governor and the ex ecutive oouuou, and demanded the return of the goods. Tbe uovernor rerosea ana ee gave win aa'noierVvley- J. 11 1 rew more mlnute3 Ped. It was win kick yourself for the balanoe of lu " 'uiuro. .. t t a-...., rinm. -me voice oi tne unristian-iuiaeavor I against a nyie. in ten minutes tne nu naaca e asr oucs un aar arm, iors wosser wnisperea tnat tne riae ueieeates wan- yuur iue ir you aont attend tn-nitrhti ieliv Station: 3. W. Moyoment to the Churoh." All are cook had crowed his last orow: .& Sh?ft.?fte.!i& got a or Saturday nlaht. Tho mmmMinn. nated E. H. Rauch, O. A. Brlnton, Conoordvllli fntd! J. J. UulflrltV. Mclnroy, Nllee VaUeyj S. P. HbstU(. cordially Invited to be present, Orwlni M. U. FlnsthwaiU. West Middle- . sex; Q. G Walker, Wheatland. New Jereey-8. J. UUek Mlltoa. Me Chances Will he Made. Nxw Toar, July IB. The Southern noml- JKA.NE3VILLK, Princlpal-l". J. KeUy, aoo. Primary Annie Mullixan, IU. USVISTON. Prliitipal-J. J. Breslln. acs. A I'tlmarj-Sophla Breslln, $10. B " Susie Whalen. Iio. 11KAVKH MIAIKIW. iTlaclpal-H. J. SUulIer, ia. A I'tlmary-Mary Brady, jto. II ' Colla O'Uonnell, l. C " Husle Uole, w. Attention, Teachers. The regular five weeks teachers' aes answer. None arrlvuf at that anur, ae noisun lit anchor and left the port, refaslng to attend a dinner arranged la Us honor and a ball today. The British flagship, Cleopatra, Commo dore Curson llpwe, also came here to re- eetv uu rtalada and teauer aer proper Clauss and were next thrown Into the pit, and. It SMilM? In. Mr. hall is beautifully decorated and there u' w' Morthlmer for secretaries, and Greatest watoh sale ever held in only took Summit Hill's Jap ten minu-senler ol do lares mlttle harae carry. Uar ....mi ir.i.1. ir....... . . . a j. .t . iieizernucstM o.s nocn a qaie ize mom rour ,r -i. ,. uuu uuuuiy i. tu. A. ..um. d, unuuj. i mo w jUb Hiuu iwuw luq ouu. I uouge Uim MOlel, un eucDdt aa glsna kllllieT I wuuiud, noin niiAj.ukou miivwitoo, I wuio uul sua neip Otron I I ill in, ,rn..t.,n wii jj-.- lh avtAi2 Chunk Jewelry Store. tUe uixth sco Ss were handled, 5?: SJ deserve your bt L ?n Bhark? J nominated The members of the QermanU Jamestown a black red and the IHU a ner noch un seoimt w uUa aih iiuue inocttt, ties vualifled as (oliowe: Cardou. John patronage and you will have full cansfi Jua 1 rlc ana beuator iupsner ior i v na nriimnTa atm tnav wttra uiivftTnn. i - Durllnjf,J.T, Mulherin; Monroe, B. F A petition Is belu circulated to The followluff committee on resolu- t Ti Ctl,U T IT ttlll.' nut a BtnniA tl. A t . . I Tlfirirt WMH MnTWiinT.Arl I rSr.llHS. M. A, I tvte 1 nirT XUtlsV M US y swuvuva a i , m .. . a ass I a . m .1 1 Unr-i rv t n lna nnni.nl Jl,1a I V nt y-. ! west e an I i -r 1 l. 1 Ml.o-ela.klh..v.nln,for a lUll and S.t..uhlp n",." w-iu-j" .lL. ,, Z " "Zl .... VruZZ 7 ""f.r" : Science and Art ot Teaching wlU b i itk.nnii.i niMiinff me lob utiidui nuiai. buhuh luh untuu mHUUBrivai. Kb iv iia.f3B- I luh hvuuiiu ur uiu iu uth hiiuiit.bh i .uniuie. t . -L . luuuiaiiu; iuuuruu. i . i . - i'vu.iuu la uvuiv f-ir.'iiinrnn mi ...... n . , , uoneyiaiauM, jeewruay ..". barre next weeit are : utto uittmar, Jamestown lost the figtrt, i-lkasant cornkk Jtorey, unas. u. tjtaoies, d. u. uiu; put a stop to tne excessive and un- """" fiiuki.i. ungu.., JosiitiA MltXEK, A. B contract aad agreement otlast year came w o.i.nki . wnk.lm n.mlh.rrl inih....th. i..ik.. I ' Vnrthnmntnn. P. ir Inl.nnt, ir .T. 1 necessary hlnwln nt i 1 Snyder. J. VV. Maloy. J. S. Fisher. J. T. I fi TKmnii n ftVI.-Lt .tu or th. monev Ed. ZUler and others. Uound hlrda were entered-Bummlt UlasFyenna Gombert, ot Mauch I steel. Geo. F. Herman. P. J. Myers, whistles on the Lehtoh Vallvril,,i Mulhearn, H. Kolser, Fred Schmidt. Juub24,-w3 lnstructo.ri marxet, no onangea win oe maue m ue nrry jsotnstine, wm.MtonQiasana I llllLa pyleand Jamestown, a gray. itjuuua, is npeumug uer vuubuou witu james tsmun: fine, Jos. j.tiart,dames Thom Ti nr t , " """'" r n LuttTl. ti. at.t of rtu month Jm69 x. alj of lively Uhighton, are This was an Importa-t fight. To her parents pear this plaoa. s. Dale, G. E. Horton. Tl j. . I A resolution was presentea anal I nnT Jr1 tor the holding of the delegate Second Heavy Itounlon. eelV U nauoa ana tenuer uei yiv. i auociauon cioaea on iue am oi uu uiuuuu .. . . . ,. ,. , S . Mtao courtesies. Th Cleopatra' ofttosra are Luid the report the different commit- In Jail at Mauoh Chunk, for theft, win It would give Jamestown the purse 1 "M The annual reunion of the Secoaa Indlnant at th action of th French ad. Bdnl, who threatened all sort ot terrible things. Admiral Alacnoruslx tut gone to Bt. Jlarr to resort to the Governor, and taeaa he will aall to the rrench shore. teas were read. The amount of robbery runs up to and for Summit Hill It would end In a I lhunk. . ..,, .... v.ti,... $G0uor700. WloholM and Kex have draw and save their taOQ. It waa a parents IT ...... T..1 . ie II. n. Pmn. both served a term in jail. hurricane fleht and in ten minutes the I Teacher bell appeared before the Montreal Preeby- Frank Dlmpke died at his home qn I Jamestown cook was completely knook-1 Prti l-h!gh tMtr vesterdav. to answar the charge of I th tviriisit- nf Thirii nnri rVtfll brreaaatfc.il.., ..4 V. M.1.lnM Ju u I old friends ZZZ - A . .. I . .... ... 1 w waa we. - V CU UUli lUUo (UaftlUet m UlBrl LUr 4.11 D I hXSTl.w W- otaom. main.' Considerable money changed d Sunday, Mr. w.uu.o u.cUUUu, u.ouuu oiiouaei viassiay aauressea me meet ace of 70 venra. lr,l.rn,t .. v...v.j -, - - . ... , . ., io. X , was spending Sunday with her ing, saying: "The logic of .events shows t Biff Creek m, T r ,7?" nominating convention ou the Monday ' ' t , IntheValley. that the sentiment of this conference and a famllr nf ai m .,' m,.,.... following, Sept.lth. ,l,.te(h. ooh in i. M.D. Hardlnger, of Lynn- Ua to nominate Howard Mutchler for survive. le Stiles moved that the chair ap- county, was visiting hi, congress. So that the nomination may Norninl R,, I ?n ' f?8!."' ?i. fil!.e attend. Send name and addrea. to u vue vaiiey un oaturuay i da unatmous anu tnat no mav hnvAttiAi It la believed the matter will result in eoaalderable frlottoa, and possibly an out break when the (wo waishipa neet. Khe af ardered Krledere Laid to Best. Luaaitaa. Fa.. July ID. The bodies f itanlsl B. Krleder. wile and four . nt .m,.,o Li- r 'isn wurjiioiu Bt wis mitten mon. Uwh Rirrmrf to. to th student or uueeaa universi(y, wwihw ni i uauua ou tne nguts. ins rwauyisiiii tf- rvwr. .,u. i(l.uovuiu., i uuvo iubv ho iiuiuiuaLu i di... y pPft.i. n j vrti. w i I I Kingston. A committee was then ap- I made on ktouday ia the Catholio Ceme I straight spur was used. Several Potts- th thof July at Mauoh Chuuk, and Mr. Mutchler unanimously by ao. w V " , 1,0 J. W. Maloy presented this resolu-1 Chupa pointed to draft a libel against bint ae- . TWialem Mass was held In the .m. .-. in ....a.1 .e Glen Onoko and had a very enjoyable Lumrikn." ra,.i.n Rtt. . ?scr6 " " recant waduate tlou which was adopted. Resolved, Committees cording to th. law, or th church. tv-v r-. irom the Lutheran theological semi- That Michael Cassidy. A. J. Dnrllug. parties will a... .h. r...i... win b. sa.t. I rt-i.. i. i,. c it 1 1 '- . I rtriiii. Q.v,..iy., f.ii-i. .!,. .. ,..,....'. I nary at Fhiladelphia. He Is a forcible. Frank fihnrko. n,l T..T. Mulhnnrn ro. Nusbaum. - - iu. uniumt. v. i.u. u.Mu.ai.ui . I. . , kuHv..w. ...... .u...j .v.v .w. I eiusie L MAUUM1NO, Oaddo.L T., July ia.-aevernor Jom. Sunday school will plonip In Llqde'r UldrsB. U vicmn OI aiiuuerer ainn au mumw uuine aiu.r Btv.uu.uiii I .. ,,.(.i i - w.,i.. I llombtrget. atDando, N. p., arrived yee- .peclal special aeaalon or the eonncll, in-j-H-vyn.,.n- .-rtr ?- v. Mrs. tTanols Uebw, of Statlngton u, iVi ljeejie nuw esvuv auu l WAUVU, v I hlUrvBa Ut4 vtotlau of Uuidsnr Albert kai r turned 'rtanS.8 aMtehvK He W N -The Full term ot the Normal Instl rtrparinSi. Mr." HraJoha It. iy. thsy wlll be shot or h'e will call out oi". "RWB VPHua; parts unknown. L. L. Gelger and family were wu., rAt.Mntl .... . . I .. .. ... . I Dartlculara to Lew. C. Fnanot. vrntconl honor of having had no vote cast a , m" V.L.;.!. .7 1'M",r"e te election otHoere and county com- - : -- --..wu6,c.Uu..s ni vuis i mittee men. it was agreed to. I ud UiMKl Ice Creaui. for picnic, festivals aaJ do well to oonsolt O.laj Welssnort. when they bus 10 spouea we intent oimr.i;as- t.o.i --,.i. . . ' . . I, .. .. ...1 sldy's motion. The roll call then -'ne anu present Carbon county In the con- " cream, ue sens a most excou- ferday at Hlaabethtewa, ttU county, ao-I regard to the s(i(t(qg' pt 'be alne con Iday, I was vlsitlud her narents last week. the developed II votes for Mutchler and F mafu b8tS " 'riend8 lre-dT gressioual conference at the Wyon- "tide at the low price of 85 ceuta pej gneata of Aaron Gombert on Batnrday. three for Shull. who had never been . , . " dotte Hotel, Uethlehem, and that eaeh Kao'- Uon't rorget to see him. Bw Aaron Drelsbach purchased, a flue placed In nomlnailon. the Monroe dele- wi - o ln . uaTe three-fourth of one vote. horse from Lewis HajUmau, of Pack, gates simply calling out his name. On nd ry.in. Ti ,-.i mormn,( George lser presented thU resolu- Fouad, a sum of money. The owns! ertoa. motion of Messrs. Stables and Morey, uu"'"uluc- "e welcome. Hon which was adopted: Resolved, can have tbe sane by calling on B. Ii The gendel Sunday sohool will have who had voted against Mr. Mutchler. . . ,rlena'' of B- Peters, of That it bo the sense of this meeting Culton, proving property aud paylfi Y.Uq- revee ! HrlU some flne tnusio on Saturday evening ,hu ,t 1 an organ dedication ln school house on his nomination was made unanimous ' '"-ubuip, persisi m .urging mat Aiioneai iassiay ue oonuuuea as i for this notice. VMmon, July WThe state Pe- when the famous Jr. O, U. A. M, band 0o6an Q Coney Island and Atlan- Sunday afternoon. Favorable speakers Chairman Steele appointed Senator ,n" "8U " "ua Bo' gentleman for county cnairman nuring the ensuing tWeder. parent. Mr. and Mr. Joha II. lijt they will b. shot or he will call out " "t" vw vh sv ttvvt j tute will open next Monday. User, of Mouat Jy, townsklp, from every member of his mlltti to aoconiplUh ?tore, A band of Gypsies were camping .irX'hTtlr: Sr i rtZW . .. ..:r.r.rDT:. . Frederick's grove this week. (he atalloa was aurrouaaeo, oy sj sreat pertinent officials are pawling or the N- f siatlngton will give one of their TCA01IKR8 EXAUKfATIOlf. 1 eurbuQ County Teachers Bxauunatieii held s tollows. ! Hndsondale, for Packer Township, July . llockuorL fnr Ttlilffh lml T . . ... Tnnn.kj! Angust 1. 1 ureu,,?ra.uU,su. - fh .,,,,- k..U -rr .:r,.r:". associate judge against JnrtToBt... year. 1 , Xfehate VTe, a War, Oae, ffi . ih, of u.. brig 71 ."""""7" J" 'ZJr' TL" "? W K,0t. ' ttUh 7" '""X u." ""t. rT""". " of Nor,al R.,.r ll.P... ' It. .s H,M.,I n l,nl,l ,. nmlnr. . f. t t..i. i a Tk. u.,.. r,t rv.m. I Il...m. ..n, u.ni. i.r..M t th. ... "i "v.. ,u chunk. ' I " . ..vu. i Hart a committee to notny ur. Aiutcu-1 . , . uu . imuoo mona. 'attUnn-ta oommltUe. eontlnued Wet ful Vnldemlc of yellow fever there for veranda at the Exohange Hotel. This imu,.,nm,,lhl A large walnut tree opposite A. J. ier of his nom.'n ttlon and reauest his I accountant in Snyder's popular lug convention In Mauch Chuuk. Hods ......... T....,..l.n nf nianu Q nf t.i I ... .t Hiirh r.ruir.M .. t.u.11 I n. ...... 1. ...... .n., ..... ........... .11.. I.. .. .. . flnmhAWB ttAti.a wa. tilAion nun .... 1 , . . Itazaar. for ROnid TARN liA ns a I Tn? lEKH.nrinV. I hock ..u.m.. -. -"--rr,---T,- valley attended the County nieetln?! i presence in tne oonierence room, as : ----- - , Home Kale mil. mis tuause oanoeroi ue yeceiyeu iron, tne yon.u ar u.w. .m lnB on. Df the very best in the state ... ' " Wednesday evening. Itv, mu( i,.,.i,t i ti,. i... I teacher, lie is a quiet, unpretentious The Uemocraoy of Carbon, having year mK no mention or tne epwetaio. i-. . : ... . . .uj, m - - ,.. "" ..m . ., . r, J . ... iiuml,!.) .nn,..i nuiinint.iinlii. ...i.K.;:.:.. ....v....,..,. -"v.rzK" .r""'.1. - - j pr your tx.3 on or befo uu unuu wi eujuy luvnre irvtiv, I 1.,.. oo.v. n, ..... . ... See our 110.00 watches, there was I k.r. I sonooi house ou July lltu. He would 1 nrt,iv h. ,Mrau it,. m..iin. on unquestionable autnonty tnat Attor-i,., ..I, ., '""r.."w i, - ........... ... . n.r Qeneral MUstoury u at the service ot "-""-"""-" ' ....... John llnmmal and family ami Mrs I " as luuowa; - .-tv. .1 Auxmt a. ttf'Td ri: rrl3iKn the P""wthey dldatthesprlng M?CUL.E. E u u J WffiZ&'S; ei to ttaUKSj r..ir;'iLroTronhT Insane at Will he H U a candidal, for Attorney 1.' ""1 "lA " Tr gunuay. . "" . '.Tu. ," . K T, "V"-,' ""S TO ... ..JPH '' fraaUlnTowosWP, AH tal ImTTw. .iiij iiii rti.hiutiu f General '7..v'" IT mts p v-n -tc liarriaon Muler has again aeoured I Normal Beh.ol araduates. uouor oi your nominating me ia re-1 k"uiu worn, unsureaay uea com- --. " ....u Wwnerevmvha failed with llabUlUes of yenerat he bought a suit of underwear, at ... '.. ... . mu. ,!, . " ... ! tn,i.ji.Mrfi. n. menrwHnn H. l.iMin kii. ,, k cratlo party, and that there Is now a stony Creek School, for Pena Forest Ti boov,wu. j- " i ap jioa.iioB so, in vr.l"T I 'i0o tic -A f.,nn-in t,i. 1 7 Z? ' iii"b'"' - " " ; . , ,7. ' . I . . . . .. 1 union or tne otaies anu an attaenmeut i 'ut. .hsw i; BUMtlon of Irlah reDreaentatlon at West. mlnsser. The dlacnaslon wae a very heated one and aoue angry words were pokR befort It wa drawn to a close. Contractor Anwec Ooee to She Wall, PnuDSLMU. July 11. - Frederick J. Asweg, of thle city, th coatractor for the 1 1 T0".,rr' ' K1(Wet Townshlj and Hut Bit L,.TnL?.."' -FT. h6re. Wa9. ?Ud BPP,aU8- .HowB :r.Ml " .,...T!A Corner, for SUhonla. T,.W D 1" w iw win m otuuoi n Mutchler had never looked so lm- ;"; ", " B r" government is again Democratic, and I it is saia tnat ne will nave a solid sup- that the overwhelming majority given Asnneut, lor Kait renn Township. Aatwt ti fjtfmplete the Mjluntaod other con, nam Juty 18.-Tufu Colleie' U to uuu "Tgt IHia. '"?WI w tween Nf Mahoning and Lehighton School has closed another successful the honor Is mingled, with sadness be- one Btory high and 32x80 feet In dimen- to the flag such as has never before All applicants must be examined in the) al WW ? 50lyPa4- ' uVe a sclentiac and maau.1 tralillni uuloustom prftoeeded tq piit off th.? 1 (Qr t(,e next four years. year. The graduates from hereabouts cause of the welau ohoy drcumsUnces slons aud be looated on a site donated existed In our unparalleled history, trlct In which they inteud to teach. SoeerHi 1..., ITT 1 T, . , ... . . . , ...T' "4 11A lnj 1 ....... . t. .. ....... ... . . . ... . . , I . I... .... . I. I .X . . ........1 Hf .V. nil.. .... h. .... ...... ... .... . J n.,,.. ecnooi tor eiuuenie oi uoiu e-v.w vh tH"Mt i nn.F z mn..nnin aKn .njl a.n JimR 1I. ng nf P nun . wMeli created thevacancy. If my I tree uy ur. Andrews on the hill hank " iu..u.c. . ... I " .!.-. I...... w mJnJ toi tli ins Btausaa I J I .J I .11-.1 41.. j ,1 . ; ' " 1 t " . . . .7 ' . ." I n . . : I IlMnrtm. T Bosica, old girl burglar eod. thief, plead feareon. 1 5? .4 , , bot" A.J. Balliet and I. E. Seldlo, of Vale Saegersvllle. The News, tn lt4 aooonnt shall be my chief aim to servr you asldireotors are,president and manager, that wise and considerate sUfokman, attend the examlnatloas. Btae-yeat old glr burglar ,b4, thief, pleaded, u preoi .;,ut. is th. DoroheeUr court yestaidsy I " T ifuiuoon and orUsred ocaroept,td ,t I Ir4 Cefrldae Take laddenty 111, the Btat Prtaufy llchooj n 1-aim.sr. qae I The. next tuornlog he diaoovered his are at home for vacation. I of commencement sa,yi faithfully as did my predecessor. It I Geo. II. Laury; vice president, Dr. Grover Cleveland. His past ability is I I . I. 4.1.. 41... 4.. . . . . - . . 1 4. ,. 1 .1. I I ... I . ettu lUBU'llo suiiiwi m iu s.ua 4 . 1 . .. , . . ... 1 T nt ...... 1 ti 1. 1 41. . .mm. . nu.Me.MUt h m.lnrf Annrflv.. kHT'-.tu ... T.hn n Xllll... I BUiuuieub Kurciuie ui miuie buwvbb. idox, July II I.ord Coleridge, WNlv.. . I -o uhh. iui wui... u. oi, onw. uui.iu nmuo- v., .wv-.w w..- t As he left a f nil treasury a Drosuer- Justlne ot KndUnd, w Ukeo sud- mmj! John' Church will be held lnthebase- Inja.n to the manor bprn, and his In- cuss any ot the public questions which treasurer, Prauk lanry; directors, naUon, and unsullied national usniy 111 yeeveruBi aii.ruouo vu nw - ' - - " ' mentor the churoh ln about four I uuenoe is always ror good. He used ta I confront tne nation, ueitsumcientio "' nruer, aiutou ornery, k. j.i honor when his first term of office ex- Taatl Aasisea. The court wae adjourned, do you know bargains If you see them, t. 11.. xt..t, ri,.,ir i,.. i U.. tl,t I .n. in nllr. ..v. lh tho Hontreu. Henr Millar .t w a rtlred. so we may nniifldentlv hotw he v.... .w. n..a. asotailstiniwailSBUllsrnwniat . . I rAKiHAnt. nf PutRui.n.14 whora l,n ... I llAmwrnlln r,Rrtv unA lht 1 ninAnt In tintver. The Canitnl KlAnlr nf tha ITnm. ( A. S UtlMl, Vo, 8UEt. . fttaia Pflmai! fok ay patently Tr lt'l Uteres.! ta th chief yioseMiaa. Sul.tA.a at tile Molhei's Heme, VV t.. I , Q VnilBtun.SUBI. old Aiuust Ludwia oommltted ul- rtB.MaK. N. J.. Julr IS. Peter A. Km. iClothlng Hall, ilauoh Chunk where eide hy hanging blmt.lt at hie mother's bury .a ' well known resident of Weet I you can buy boy's suits from 00 oents W. Sf V7muititII iiml Ttr.VIn 1 n 1. ... .. I... k.m. I.. V,...t.fl.M I .a"1' l.1.: ' ' yeevemay, w..t.. u. min iu.nuu.hi:j oyer repeavea sauuree w get wora. l'CKKRTUN, I CatAaauqua, I graduated troq the piblio aohools inlplyethe administration of President 1 pany Is $10,000 divided Into 400'ahareaLf his present term t'luDcr4 in uztt, eicells uir othr lsuo et t Diaeuluemlhe auinlxr of IU atALlofituifi' irui rpwr mo uuttBieni ui vn iirri- om.t4-.buU.rs, m tlie iutrrestol IU ouufeuUtf son adminlnt ration by the completloujin it overnow.Dxmunnaioii9byimousabitj Utcr&rr NoU. j Tli Hildsuiuruer Uuamonaliun. the, trt Bt ti qisw prltfo!lH cents per cj7. thotiyb Diseuluemlhe auinlxr of IU aiAllasw I Un Vr-onW Plnt-Af mnA XI lea Haiti. " 7 I UV "HV. r'r "V. uu 1mTC n 7 T "11 nir. & mftrnhant. THa vniinvmtn whn ruvilllv m In hl mifnrtA tn rAntnrA th emnlnrment to 25 or lift htinAa tfnmXIf 1UC iIUlDV OI UUU UUIULUtiail. ' ' I 1 UnnnBa nf Ior-ri.llla njaa..' a. n., r 1 . - , , ... -e- j -- a , . . " , . .itSrS.il.. tortl' 1 S0""'" wemr 'T V oTrei. Uvea h.r4 on UtTsundav has acquired much, esteem among the currency of this country to a sound - . - S JiSv ?f ? lAer a wk ooount1of balldlD'' VV- Call at of sorpjalltes wlU teach at a .ood aaUry and stable basis." ty..,h..iy luiird., Kiii-t .ifM", 4..!! .........Jtl Wxt..r, i Sophie UIU,?. Mr. Uuthler had spobeu Inabrok. John .V Momu. of Weatherly. while 1"' ..RS.. Sft a;;,.7:. ;7u: .noe .t Lee Stile, and wife. !.. 8. Miller, of Sae- ?a Toloe. was nottrag!c. r o ' i?hhii wiu - -7T r r,",i r,V11 ii j . i w nii n i w I HrHTH"i wuu oonniT. ra., w a it was Datnetio. Men man m me "ou w UUMW,n ' iiw . .,.4 ,an aw A Ml Hi Ti. I KU1 Ml Tllll I aalfliax nnri ualfa l'allu)av A B-m nrl nnn I miB. k II glUH V-. XAVJllUVkk Ut4 lieOU 1 . "... I . ' .. . - . -!.. l I a i ta a . I Shh rli "r 1 " 1 " ".I".. . .AT'""J "r nnnnnod tn th. hn,,.. in, .I,. ... . antduate of th, high Kh.ol at Iblgh. roor tnougut oi mj . wowuiera ratner. .tor oars wmcu uaa oeen ew.icnea upon . If. r 1 .T trvvu, Kuantuvoeu. ui, niauu ito I 7 .7 ""T.TT"" " " tnn. Bh hu tjinuht t .InH.n In IS.r AlloriirugKlluu wltu ui. emuuou iue tu, track where he was Standing. The .,.......,., T..I.. oUlclal test on any railroad ln the weeks throtwh.Hln.esa. I . - speaker, with bowed head' said: -Agala, .rB .m- tn.h.- !,., ,,. -nM I mi I I i l . b . r-. i I . ..-4, . AiFS AGLE STORE. s a.titioUit. N. Y.. July li Tb uniteq otate toy omy fiw,uu. uuri luenouoot ooarumet.on last uatur- ,.. ;... i k. ty .w word, we desire tocall ,7'; op eah utovemeut y t, b,u neighborhood at HO per month. Th, i to your notice a yery important lKttS XmcTL wWpU speoia guarantee, as leotcdi but M'.et weP haPfe"3 & subject Of Mr. Heberllng "What Are Bjfacf. V t W IWJ tr .a, nd flna a lne Of general 4 Agea u..i"" ate . way, t x I ..... . , nlaa I down stairs he was forced to hold art fin. y, ii k I Prompto receptipn. He aoun reoovered t right (jig eqaanimity Ut th, faoe of tne num- " . ...... m.. . . I PnnaHKasreia. rl. x.. duly It. J tints "ur " wulfia. .ho hat carried on th. arocrv prf" when. Come and see ue, let us I butlneee for ti yeara, il lss( nlfht, s ahow ypu ourgopda andtell you Jti I? Vfat oir prlC(S are, W dllyer poad anjrwber, promptly and" without extra chars whatever ta th purobaser. Dont pay big ,jt prl bat com, and o u Jti jrat street, Qp. Round House. store n.potllers Last Tlt (Hs)h n'...i. K.b. Julr le Holt county Inuik hat failed. H eUWnttnt. U M yet obtaltUlUe. Weather foreeaet, wairikotojc. D. C July IX-yur New enylend. Oenerally talr veataer, southerly winds tocomlua varUUe. For taturn New York, Eaatara PennsyU ..nu. New Jersey. Delswara and Uarrlaadi .......... i ! . f.tr. BouthBtir wlnde ealftln te ... ..luw ' 1 V ta tor Western New Tork and Westers yen Sllvanil ralsV exoeol pOtsltae lhrat local thowett la Ux ree-toa. warmer, eouweni I Frwicots Coppre, Win. Dean MoweUs, tUbsbh U802. 11,1s, father is Daniel 0. Heber, Cleveland my cordial support and es- at ftB per share. The factory will give RtsoLVin, That the administration of BhtnSiS? it itXniirtosKa,"fS our btate gorernmeut by our Demo A. Janvier, uoiouei Tinman, Ayjnes Kepjatw . . . . . .. ... I. nil 1 1 T T ... . , t'u . T. . ur. . f.w .! ,k. n... has elicited the applantia of every p,n, ii by zmous Mt:u, furuUh xt $ ma biased mind. Ilia nnloipeaoliable uuu ieiiur atul atnung ih utisis wiio nh.p-Mfir M r 111 nnilAftvnrti nf null. llibatO to the 119 IIItUlraUBUS bdOrtxiUJ i cnaracter, nis rum enaearore oi puo- lumi. Reiuimrt. Feuu luuautH siuTeiiH, tUuoler, Filler, UtMlU .nd Ftanuj fha iiildsUiiuiQflr number ia latendtMl to at t. RpsohVED. That w, approve ofthe &'?&jffl&li . bu.Birau.B. wufu v. rtj u . i uao uj . r..ii,ini nnentntM. in i.u uu etra iulm . the President, to the end that wise be aa 4f ance upon Its predoresson. UteraJ legislation may restore oonfldence to nr known reuntty. bejnxratiskrtj " I BfOUllvultiU. 1 1U&L1K you. 1 Clin DDL bar I II. . " , ,, . at. . uuntriau IU UPMI i9 UI1UX A um I. UKWM same Anything more."It was a mauly speech, escape, plnnlug him between the hum. the eountry and prosperity to the uum forward as ate leading uacutut tTB delivered iu a manly style, aua ir pers. lie was nomuiy mutilated m ,,!.T,D t,, ,hIa Contrressional Howard Mutchler realizes the resnonsl tl, i r h. .inm. nri ji.j .i 1ilf0.LTED' ii?". il75.D?.e7fi0R7f urriiuje -iruti v.n, I,.,. ... . . t ..I nistnet ua auuereu a great iu iu lut We Hera KYir.-' and Ulan Mlllrr'. j!j C.i ",,77 .7 i5r... : most instauHT. lie was 3a years of death or tne lion. William MUtcnier. aura that they were tbebest, at H. U. I The pretty realdenoo of W. Sandherr "IllustraU." They were evoused from ton wil Tooi admirend rasoect hlih e and alugle. He was a member of oounael, ability and . experleuce Hohl'ath, Mauoh Chunk Jeweler other t rapidly neartng completion, reading. as they did his father. Wheu be gatKjOdge 100, U. of It, It, Trainmen, of Jewelers will ask you S0.0Q (qr tfea aame Lewis Kinsel, of Philadelphia, is u, hl Mm , d , down stairs he was forced to hold an fin. MttUoh Chunk. Ue had been working 1"PU' i " i,... n . .t... santly remembered here as a brtght n. MVanlmltv fii tha i.a UHaTol "da d6llhtful companion, erous aud pordlal congratulations be were conveyed to Burn. 4 O'Nelll'suu- X.'SK wasM.la WhChunkou last Monday. Iwhll.her. .h, mad. her home ".th Ujelved k.ng houselul. tutoy. and. next meeting at Mllford l'ike County; , " " Htn.,rr!Li it J.. ii "in wh. of John Dempsey. Harry Kuowlea aud Normal Ia'ttUuU.llaii.Bad. I.. . i , 1. . t . ' . .... twin ..... .. .. .. .... I ..1- I,......, ... A . y' .,4 . IV. -7- luoumwn units up. oeuawr uiu- , ... . mn.". u. ww .uv.vwu 444 formal Institute at Normal Square, bad, and Aasemblymau Zullck left Im- a black casket and bent tobls home at the 1WX) teacher of tb seoond year aeoondary Lewis Snyder and wife, returned Dr. and Ur.Selple oa South, at. . ........ .4 . . .. . .. .. . .. . m n.1 I h fin, n nn I u af Mnnil.. fmm . ..... L I ' vhmvi . e wunimi a...- w. 1-- . :: , - 4 - bubool Director Daniel Wleand, who vUit at Oberryvllle. naa aervea the people or tms town w. V. llrodbead has nnrobased the laiiniuuy in mi position ror some jjoyer house, Itlsadalsy. reopened on Monday July 10. 1833 In mediately for Harrtsburg to notify the at Weatherly Sunday on years, tendered his resignation and JohnDolan is oonftnad to hla home L,. K,.n- nh.i i.imi.. t. r7 Ueoretaryof the oommiiwelth of the V. ...V7 ?un(laJr ou , move bis faml y Wth, ,ufflDJ tttia b,oken M 1mm s,ri That functionary must, u'u vauey tram. County Seat where he ha business Ubusll he reoelved by falling from a a W: 8 . r ? "'r? ue4 !n charge of the fourteen dare before an e.eotlonaioUfy " lUteresu. nharrw trtu. . - UU.tyVH UVUI. B.44 .4t44UU4UV4l Biwuui. um tow whu prcuouo yt i tne oou tv oommteaionertt to prepare I .mutation and It la iia.lral.la that, sll 1 ticket and booths. As the electiou will rr ale. I Ilioh nrlsea knoakod out nf alohl I t..-t .'I. t. ...... be held on July 35.Wednsday waa the J. V. RUenhour offers for aale oh.anll.v t. low orlcaa . are oiyarT-LT I ' . . : last day. The eleotlon will bi held ao. bis 3 year old Iron gray mare, rlafel watches. B our greatest of all bar- VVW i J?t,on, nua 0Q0- wws oprdlng to tbe Baker ballot law and and reliable. Also a full set aloglel gains for (1000 full Jeweled, at K. II I Amanda E. llalllet ha charge ot the eleotloi booth unit be planed at eaoti harnew and a good buggy. tf. Ulohl'e, Mauoh Chunk Jewelry Store. I primary aud Intumedlatf woyk. I iUug plaoe tn tb four oounties. tfloe tylae of llartieee. A full Hue of single aud doublo hur neaa. wlpa,flp nets, aweat pads, sum mer blanket,, itt,"for spring trade at very reasonable prleoa at ulltatt Flary's Weteport, Pa. tf tl(B VUUUB.4, f.1, 11 1 , T BUU .4M....UW were especially needed In this crisis ot our history. ttEsoLvxp, t'uat we approve or tne public service, ot our Senator, Hon. w. M. Rapsber, and oar representative Hon. W. . Uiery. ItxeoLVEo, That the Democracy of Carbon, girding ou Its full armor of faith will preseut a united front to our adyereary,and force a complete victory at our enwlug county election. loe Croam aa for Clallt, Picnic and festival committees will flud it tu their advantage to buy ice eream from II. K. Cultou, Lehighton, who Bella the very beat article at the low prioe of B6 cent, per gallon. Private families supplied at IL00 per gallon packed and delivered. When you need lea eream dent fall to oaU and ae, Culton. JltStofirfeftr Pur(T Aoream of tartar baking ptexk Highest of all In leavening atreoett LXTOIT UalTBU Si STBS IjUiUXKig OUO RXFUBT. Royal BsJdng Powder Oa ,. 100 Wall St., N