In nritUh Honduras. British Honduras is a crown colony, and of It 80,000 population there an abont BOO whites, mainly English, Then is an American colony of about SO poopla at Toledo engaged in sugar growing and mm making, They are mainly from Kentuoky, and It is a prosperous colony. The country Is healthful for a tropical country, and there has not been a case of yellow fever in several years. The prin cipal product is mahogany( and It rill be years before the forests are exhausted. Great quantities of logwood are also shipped to Europe. We ship onlybv nanas and plantains to the United States, shipping last year 723,000 bunches of ba nanas to Now Orleans. The great prob lem with us la labor, and we Import na tives from the West Indies. We need immigration, and Sir Alfred Maloney, the governor, is a very pro gressive man and is doing muoh to bring us to the notloe of the world. We have no railroads beyond a tramway drawn by males, penetrating the plantations for about six miles. There is not a tele graph instrument or line In the pro vinos and only a short telephone line between government buildings. We have no money of our own, but use the silver of surrounding republics, which is so de preciated that $8 In American money is equal to 3.00 of tha money In use. In terview In Washington 8tar. The V&lveraftl Language of Chemlitrj. In looking over the regents' questions In advanced chemistry Professor Arey pointed out that "dloxld" was spelled without the final "o," commonly used, and saldt "All over tho world chemists are dropping the useless e in snob, words as end with 'de' or 'no.' In fact, chem ists are approaching nearer to a universal language than any other men." Roches ter Post-Express. Abeentmlnded, bat Valuable, "That clerk of yours,'' sharply remon strated the customer, "sold me a pound and a half of butter yesterday for three) pounds." "llo'a a little careless sometimes,'' said the grocer blandly, "but you mustn't mind that It's only his weigh." Chi cago Tribune. Spare tho Songsters. It is not right to slay without good reason; it la doubly wrong to kill a bird during the breeding season. Slay the oyster patty if you must slay something It Can be replooed but let the feath ered Patti llvo in peace. Outing. On account of extremely dry air and a large percentage of olear days, moisture. is evaporated almost as soon as It falls in Wyoming. Thus nothing can be suc cessfully grown without Irrigation, ex cept In a few favored places. The largest bell in the world Is In the Kremlin, Moscow. Its height is 81 feet it inches) its circumference, 07 feet 4 inches. Its weight is estimated at 418,772 hundredweights. The first savings bank was instituted at Berne In Switzerland in 1787. It was Intended f of .servants only. In 1703 an other was opened at Basel for persons of any class. Colonel John B. Mosby, the famous ex Confederate, is practicing law in San Francisco. He is nearly 60 years old, but stands straight as an arrow and Is full of vigor, Pronounce In English fashion the names of foreign places or persons whioh have become augUolxed, as Paris, Vienna, Na poleon. CAUSE FOR HAPP1BESS. one of Albany X. Y.. Vest Known Oltlxens tfpeaka In Words of Frail. live you reader, ever suffered from any urin ary trouble, Kidney Complaint, or Stone in the Bladder or Kidney? If not you never need to is nature has caused me sign 01 pain in tne back, highly colored or thick Urine, online s leaving a tedment afte rstandlng to warn you of theaonroachlngdaiursrandltyouwlll use Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy at once yon wil1 destroy thsie symptoms aud restore yourself to a healthy being. Mr. ltobert A. Male of Al bany, N, Y speaks of how ke suffered wit b fitone In the Bladder for ten years and submltt ed to the operation byhisphy (elan ot crush ing ana removing wi iwnv, wuicn mwm reap pear as they always will when removt-d thai way. his auenuou was aiiauy can 10 ur. ien nedy's FavorlU KeinsJy, which be used, and It dissolved the form at ton of the new stone and Ills atlenttou was dually call to Dr. Ken entirely heated and cured hint and has no reai pearance of the troubles since. This Is but one oi inouianuB ui csviri inuarn raiuiuo jiriuvuy u&t curea iuu micu mid auvi!H Speech Restored. For Urt years I suffered with pain anddls charge of the throat, hacking eough, fronta bsadacbs, weak eyes, Ac, at times t could not talk abovo a whuperi lost weight continually, and not able to work I was treared by the best physicians ta the covnty, but received no relief, Alter giving up all hopes 1 was recommended to use a bottle of uayers' MagQetlo Catarrh Uure Aftee using It for four weeks my sdeech return, ed. All symptoms of catarrh have disappeared and"! fesl like a different person," Mrs. Ellas Hand werk, Elk Kick, HoiuersctCo., fa. The above ts one of the many testimonials we have recslved this week, and we will pabllsh every two weeks additional persons bavlug been cured by oar marvelous medicine. Try a bottle and be cured at once. Mayers' prog Co., Oakland, Md, For sale by Ur- O. T. Horn. Mayers' Magnetic Oatarrh Cure Is the only medicine used by vapor Inhalation, and guaranteed ty your druggist. PROF. ALEXANDER BOUDROU DlBOOVKKKIl Or Bmlrou'i Hlracalou Remedies Liberal UUtled PtaislcUBS Knaior Thu As being ths OreaiotM Mwroverv ol the '(HiUtecuia wbn used In accordaseetoiannic- llOUal, tu uiTMM .Iff avo-raiu. in.... able. UipbtheriB Aun- SNmncliltl. . ' eouge." IU 1UOKS, the result ot auuvtroke ipley "d iimMuf1 amea 'rrl to their BstUraVtCOB,llnn Ui.l.. blp aud bona disease rurrd. Kheumatlsm sviauca, ueuraiKi. nngutsiuisraseoi ta Sia neyi, liver complaint, dysentery, and so-callt! seaitalssaseamvutlrely cura by pure medl ftLe of mv own nreoalnsr. uOurlog nine years uvr persons have had these medlrlues and are living wltueitei cl thdir worth. I will not to luto nrac-llesi mv- sW, being over tMears of age, will sell my medicines only. I have two iiulneut physicians cuuuuected with me to attend to calling at the iviiuruum ut mn aw 11 rruuircu, TKHT1MONIAI.H. Front tttlck Uarke, fHILAUKLTlf I A. ADfll t. US! Frofessor Boudrou Dear Blr Allow ine to seuayoumysiuceretnanasior the guod tbat your medliu done me and you can publish this It-Iter It you choose, for the benefit or me luaMrsrs, in which I will state 1 bad my hand cruiued coupllug the ears, aud doriorrd aw sat shu wai m UUSpillll aUOUl lI WKI1I, and IUV baud beeatUAkil twnlliin iul InA imiua. tluu taking Place, mua of the doctors thought I would have to get tuy baud amputated to ave luv life, but 1 was told by one of my frleudsto 8o to tro(. boudrou'i otnee, and gtt some of bia ledl.'ln for It, and that he kuew U would save uy band. T 1 went there and trot the medlfine. md in i. weeks the swelllug all weni down, aud 1 bad the um ol my Hngers. Tbeutwent to work, aud coualdsr rnyaelf e)l, aud earuestly roromiurud thereakedytoall afflicted like me. There I uotblng In the world like It to deatrov blood polsou. reduce swelling, aaulhllaW pain, reator lug action lu the uerves. and clrculaUou In the utooa , mere is noining w eomptvra to il Bespecifully youra, PATKliMK HIIHKH. ITM Nt 9th Ht., Fhtladelphia, Fa. From JaMpii Klrhner. IS Ninth Hfrt. ftiiljit.liiLla ! Flease allow m to add uy Iratimouy to your twenty years, the last time tt was so bad that ustTmB urvu iuu9tucr uiire limes auriD waa oca rasi i tar fiuir luantn- ha.J lit si trrv h of doctors but was stll pining away, with V Ite loor. aud reat tudu ul ovr nm. 1U il 111 Uupted to go out, but could not stand the sun, iuld ofteu drop dowu bile attemutlug to walk the case was considered a very bad one; It Inclined to run oo coDsrtLliiii ui tha hruJii then recommended to Frof. Boudrou's iuedUlo and I made out to got to his oToce. 1727 N toth sueet, aud 1 got the medicine and in three wwaaiiiuet waaaaie to ue oui aud tentliui my buslaess, though oae of my hors dlett tU woaotlue from the bead, while 1 stood and am able to attend to tmlnwis now. hauks (oUud Alinlshty aud toFrof. ttoudrou't uitHll tlne, which 1 will recommend forever lo any poor sufferer as 1 was would be pleawnl to bavv auy uue caii auu tee me mr lurvuer iniormatiou, jOHKfll KIKKKR ORcea&d Laboratory open dally fiomi a. te s p. at. OaU or w rite to ALKXANtlKK bIHlIIKOU, Ml Nortblrn'hStreel. dec 10. ti ly. FhlUdelphta, Fa, Deua a cent sump lor valuable book. WANTED SALESMEN, iliht ipeclsl vsrlHlM ti ottw tMth tu truHe suU urusmefiUli. sad evutivlUhl only by im. w. U.V uHuintsiIwi ur eaUrr, give eieuM4v Sua scvuxs uuioe tut rtutjr. Hit Bbotskbs. KurMirata, KgetwMer, H. V. FUGACE8 ANNI. Oh. mr Ion, mr qwn of atey, The light of youth Is fne. Thy betray tresses father gray. IDT kit una are waa. hr ratr lh are wan. Will thy tras eyes alter yes And their nuptial smfie forget Oh, mr lore, will Time deeehre. Will h wither true lore sot Thar Is mors In lavs, ballere. Than too silly nations anowi Mora la Ion, whoa bloom is dead, Than tho rae wnalh rooad his heed. Ob, my lore, and tt then need Harbor wfien tbs aorta wtods blewi If thy tendei footprints bleed On the flints among the snow, Love will ralso a aheltored cot. Where the los blast eoUrs not. Oh. mr true lore, we are wise When snow whitens on onr land Underneath the cloudy skies We will travel hand In hand, Blnoo wt hare not far to go Tu our reet beyond the snow, Lord de Tabley. Individual Freedom. There is grew tor Individual freedom In Great Britain and her colonies than In America. For Instance, every Sunday small knots of men may be seen In the principal London parks, giving expres sion to the most varied sentiments on matters political, social and religious, and language painful to the great major ity of the people is constantly being used. No restriction It ever placed on such ex presalons of opinion, so long as they ere uttered on sites designated by the police, where there can be no obstruction to traffic or danger of Intimidation being exercised. In America, however, no meetings of any kind are permitted In these open spaces. in usntral park, New York, no one may even pick np a leaf without danger of fine or Imprisonment. Ho one may walk on the gross nnless he is playing a gams. I barely escaped arrest for walk ing on the carriage drive. The 'police march about with their batons cat often swinging them and appear to re gard themselves more as the masters than the servants of the people. Earl of Jleath in Nineteenth Century. The lanmt cnt stones in the world u In the Temple of the San ftt Bnalbeo. H&nr are more than 60 feet long, SO feet DTo&d and of unknown depth. Perspiration of the feet U a shm of good circulation, bnt perception of It la rign of YUlgv.ty. lieatneae la a sure cure. DKCIDEDLY SHAKY. ' tIaw tnftnv rsmdlri there art, which merely rellere without uprootlnKdUaase. The cevrract wiiu ftieriinfc meuicines wiucu ucu iuiiiip afford. notoDly enhances the dignity o! the former, but vet-vices to emphasize the roily ot emDlnvlniT half-war measure! when thorouah once are available. A marked Instance of this it the enecttOD tne one nana. 01 nusienor stomach Bitters In case ol chills and lever and bilious remittent, ana on inaoinsr 01 ordinary remedies 1a nlaladles of this type. Br ths Bitters malarial complaint In every stage, and of the most malignant type, are completely con uerea ana lose meir nom upon me lyniem. shv riir-iv. If ever, dlslodired br the ordi nary resources of medicine althoqgb their symptoms may unquestionably be mitigated through such means. The same holds Rood "of Indigestion, biliousness, klduey complaint, rheu matism. nervousness, and debtlltty. By the Bitters they are cured when remedies fait No woman has entered the Convent of St. Catherine, on Mt. Sinai. 1100 yeaas. pnUKKRNNGHS. or the LigOOlt HABIT, uurd as uome in xen i y oj wminu terluK Dr. Haines Golden Specific llUUiwiiicu iti a k nana ui urrii a iui ss- fee or tea, or In food, without the knowledge of tliA nutlent. It is absolutely harmless, andwlll effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether iue patient is a iiiuuentws umiKor ur u wwuvue wreck. It has been given In thousands of cases, and In every instance a perfect cure has follow ed. It never fails. The system ouce Impreg nated witn me speciDC, il oecomcs an uuer im posilblllty tor the liquor appetite to exist. Cures . ..dress the (Iolden Hpkcivio Co.. IBS Kace Street, Clnclnuatl, Ohio. Oct. l.-iy. Crime Buooeeds by sudden despatch honest counsels gain vigor by delay. DER9ERYINO PRAISlS. This remetlT Is becoming ao welt known and so popular as to need no special men tion. All who have ased Electric Uittrrs sing the same sodk of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it Is guarnn teed to do all that Is claimed. Electric liitters wilt cure all diseases of the Liver aud Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Bolls, bait Kheum and other affections caused by impure bioou. tmi urive iiaiaria from the system aud prevent as well as cure all Malarial fevers. For cure of lleadacue. Constipation and Indigestion tsy Electric liitters Entire satisfaction Guaranteed, or money refunded Price 60 els- and $1.00 per bottle at itebers Drug btore, L.euigh ton. and 11 1 fry's Drug Store. VYeissport. Don't be afraid to do your duty, no matter who throws mud at you. Good complexion, eood blood and healthy liver secuted by occasionally usIdj wrunis inaian "tgstspis rim. No man is fit to lead who has not the courage to stand alone. USE DANA'S 8ARSAPARILLA, "THE KIND THAT CUKES. Nolhloe so dlitresslne as a hacking Comb. Nothing so foolish as to suffer from It. Nothing so dangerous 11 allowed lo continue. One Afinute Comb Cure gives Imaiedlsle roller. 1. L. Thomas. The richest people are those who have the fewest wauta. If von can afford to be annoyed bv lick beadsdache and constipation, don't use UeWltl's LUtle Early Hlsers ror these little pills will cure them. T. D. Tbomts, uruggest. It mar bo that the rich man tu tor meut had a great many Lioe things Bald about him pu Ms tombstone. Mr. Van FelLEdltor of the Craig Uo Meteor, went to a dm store at Hillsdale Iowa, and asked the physician In attend ane. lo give him a dose of smethlng for cholera merbui and looseness of ten hovels Heesvs! I felt so much better the next morning that 1 concluded to call on lbs physician and get him lo Bx toe up a susdIi of the medlclue, I was surprised when he usnued me a Dome ol Uhamber Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, lis sale be prescribed It regular, is lo his Practice and found It the best he could gel or prepare. I can testify to Its efficiency in mi case at all events." For sals by There Is a transoent power in ex amnio. We reform others unoonsol ouly when we walk uprightly. HOWS THIS. ss mercury will snrrly destroy the sense ol smell will completely deraOKe the whule sy urui huhi rnicrioit ll t nrouu lua raucous sur faces. Mucb articles should never be used ex cept on preacripiloas f roui reputable physicians, aatb.dawair.tner will Uo Is lea IiMU to tie uuu j tu iKMsiuiy urrirtf iroui ineio. iuui Catarrh fur, uiauiirutjir.! hv V. J n hnv A Oo, lolmlo, il, contain, no mercury, aud Is taken Internally, acting- directly upon ihe blood ami uioeous surface, of the sisWiu. la butlug Hall's (KUarrli Cure be sura yuu get the genuine. It Is takrn Interoally and is made In Toledo, Ohio, by V J tibtmey a, Co. Testimonials tree, tar-Bout by druggists, price Tse per bottle. About the only time some people speak well ot otho people, la after they are dead and buried. (leorge Band used to take to sewlug so soothe her nerves when excited by writing. One Word ileU-rHM II "nrfotlAn WerefclloDaWllls WlUh Itaul Halve. cures obstinate tores, burns, skin diseases aim is a well-Known curs lor piles. T. 1. Thomas. If you are tired sad never hunirv. Hood's Saraanarllls will nsaks you leal strong and won, auu give yuu a iieaiiy appetite. I am an old man and have been a cou st ant suffeisr with catarrh far the last years. I am entirely cured by i he use of Ely's Cream. Halm. It It strange that so simple a remedy will ears such o stubborn disease. Henry Hillings. U.H.l'euilou Ally, Wasbluglou.D C, I suffered far mere that tea jsart wlto that dreadful disease catarrh, sad used every available medicine thai was rpevoi mended lo me. I cannot thank sou enough for tbs relief which Ely's Cream Ualui has afforded use. Emauuel Uevert. H lnnekt, L.I. ,N.Y. The German em peri or reeeutly Is sued an order aiptliwt offieen ot the nrniv nalno lU. ..I. i - pUU, Jw4rx aiul orZmtuU lu Jimt woo, w,k uesa NOISE IN A Bia CITY, PROGnESS FROM BARBARISM MAY BE MEASURED BY NOISE. Tfc. nifher the Clvllltstlon the Greets she Peelr. Per tee Nolle The Efforts of City Anthorltlee of.Todey Are Directed Toward RdoelDC It. There always cornea a portod in the history of a progressive community whea adeatro to keep down noise begins to show Itself. In tho primitive stages of culture the savage, the barbarian ana the semlbarbaflan the passion for noise is always strong. All savages and bar barians lore to make all the row they can. Thoir joy and sorrow both express themselves In yells, walls and shouts and the beating and blowing of loud re sounding Instruments, more eepeolally the drum and the horn. The noiao of primitive aarage warfare almost equals that of the (rtinpowder engagements of modern arms, although tt was, as we might say, almost wholly manual or vocal. The din of a barbarian funeral, too. waa. and is something appalling. The practice of hiring- mourners to make a loud lament on such occasions has come down almost to our own time among Itie uemo Irish. AJ1 African travelers describe the noise of little merrymaking In an African village as something whlc no civilized man easily forgets. Those who have passed an evening at n Chinese theater have probably never hi their wildest dreams thought it possible to produce plays with musical accompani ments of such awful shrillness and In tensity, In fact, it Is hardly on exaggeration to say that the progress of a race in civ ilization may be marked by a steady re duction In the volume of sound which It produces in connection with Its deaths, births, marriages, f casta, merrymak ings, its wars and peaces, trade, com merce and manufactures. The more cul ture of all kinds it acquires the less noise it produoea. There is no surer sign, in fact, of an upward movement of the tribal soul than tho appearanoe of a de sire to get along with lees uproar. When its leading men begin to ask themselves whether this or that could not safely be done with fewer yells or smaller drums, it shows that it is becoming self conscious and Is feeling tha throbs of a new life. After this comes a change tu tha charac ter ot the musical instruments, a general lowering of the tones of the voice, the substitution at funerals of the silent tear for the half maniacal "keen," and the exaction of silence in military drill. In cities this mental and moral growth. is of oourse displayed in the repression of street ories, of street music, of all noises made for mere amusement, such as beating of drums, and blowing ot horns, and purposeless and persistent shouting ana yelling. These are but rudimentary steps, and we have already taken them in New York. The next and most Important one, the reduction of the noise made by the ordinary and legiti mate street trafflo, we are only begin ning. Ita importance baa been recog nised In the modern world pan pftvu with the increasing interest la sad car. forpublla hygiene. There is no modern city health board. and indeed no modern city doctor, who is not well aware of the evil effects of incessant noise in the vast and increas ing multitudes who in all the great dtiee now live, one might say, try tneu wits, but, more accurately, by their nerves. The amount of mental operations which require silence, or at all events an ap proach to silence, for their healthfulnet in cities like New York, London or Paris, carried on by merchants, brokers. bankers, bookkeepers, preachers, profess ors, architects, designers, engravers, painters, students, judges, lawyers, ed itors, ministers, is something enormous and grows with all our material growth. The performance of this work In the midst of tremendous uproar of any kind of course greatly increases the expendi ture of vital force which accomnasice all mental exsrtioc Consequently the reduction of city noise is now one of the most Important elements In all city re forms. In New York we have aa yet only made a beginning on it by the introduc tion or tno asphalt pavement, but this Is being rapidly extended and must pro duce a marked effect in sound reduction before long. What this pavement does to lessen nodes in ths streets in which it exists everybody who has passed along them or uvea on taem Knows. It maces conversation in cabs or carriages and ta rooms facing on the street comfortable and makes sleep in summer nights with open windows an easy possibility facts which are really a complete answer to all the complaints of elipperiness. Hotter tar that on occasional horse should come down than that ths serves of thousands of hardworking men and women should be continuously set on edge by clatter which is all the more wearinszor bourn intermittent. InLoa' don the hard grinding, soul penetrating noise of the New York stone pavement has been suppressed, or rather has been largely converted Into a subdued, con tinuous roar or boom by means of wood. asphalt and macadam, and though horses fall much on them all humanity gains. ew xork fost. A Tribute to Floneh ta view of the fact that more than half the women who drive, and the men, too, for that matter, know really nothing of the art and have no sympathy or feeling tor the horse other than as a pleasant means of locomotion, it U really to be wondered at that more accidents do not happen. That they do not, I am ot the opinion, should be put down to a kind Provldanoe, and that the noble animals In very many instances know more than thoir drivers, Buffalo News. diving aa Impetus. "Don't you think her presence will give "go" to our partyr "Yes. Every one will leave as soon aa she oomes la." Kate Field's Washing- Da TTaa e MobUaaaai by Katur-a. Dont tell me now that men are callous and selfish when the woman Is an old one, for I wont believe it. We were hurrying to catch the ele vated train when a poor old Irish woman stopped, and directly in the way of all other would be passengers endeavored to readjust strap that had slipped from toe package ana was carrying. Her hands were cold, and she seemed unable to loosen the buckle, when a good looking man came up ana seeing her dif ficulty laid his own packages down on the platform while be asked: "Can't you manage ltf Here, let me do It for you.' Of course "time and tide" and ele vated trains wait tor no man, and we rolled away from the station just as he had completed his self Imposed task, We saw him pick up his bundles and walk toward the waiting room to gel warm for the wind waa cold never seeming to regret the train be had mhued for doing a kindness for "some one' motherf I found myself hoping that his wife, if he ha4 one, would not scold him for com. in home late, Oh, the world is full of charity tt ws only stop and look for ttl New York Herald, for Weary Feel, "My old colored cook," said a woman recently, 'keeps a pad of her own man ufacture always before the kitchen sink. It Is made of several pteoea of old carpet tacked toiretW with strong thread, ths whole being made over and renewed quite frequently. When I asked her ths other day why she kept the rather un sightly rug on her neat linoleum covered Boor, she explained that it was a great rest to her feet to stand off the unyield ing floor. "And whan my attention was thus called to it I could see that it must be, sad the idea was worth handing around. I have beard aaleswomen and men, ! e4 oa ti wooden floor, itfT ooadiUon woaW U Alcohol a. m Food. And now a word about nlnohnl. nf all the substances that enter into the dietary of man that nro used for stimula tion, to check wa to and promote repair, none is superior to nlnohol. So great ! its recoustrr.ri.ive power that strict speaking it must bo classed ni a ft. , Whenever tho tKm ere of llf afo w nnl.i be the cutlw whatever It ii.nv. i.iu 'ml ranks tint among remedies to clnx k it Like opinm, it is sowl if lrx :vti n . and baneful if abnocd. ft Is w i!r necessary to say much, fi, '4 .,n cohol. II is too well know u w all uf it, to need inuclfcoinuioni, md I b.Zl tv ., fine myself to speaking; i f I'. i n . r wik inally by thoso who never lasted tt be fore a physician preecribtil it tor some, disease. Alcohol is nudueBtlOiiatiTv par ciccl- lenco a food adjunct in the seroro fonm of fever where nutriment is urgently rc quired to keep up life, but Where tho di gestive organs have lost their assimila tive function, Hero, as louir as the actual waMo is compensated for, alcohol does good. Be yond that it is worse than useless. Un fortunately Bncll restricted dosa-n dixr not satisfy tho careless doctor' of easy conscience. Uo gives it by the oft re peated tublcspooufuls witheut stopping to discover uai me result wished for lias been attained in tuu slower, fuller pulse and stronger heart. Hundreds nnd hundreds of men and women In all walks of society contracted their tlpplliiB habit by rcpirding us uu restrictcd the advice of their phyidcinns that wine or stimulants of some kind nre necessary for them to take. The advie In Itself Is justifiable, but the lack of re striction la culpablo. And bo thoba poor. deluded convalescents go on taking stim ulants, which they find not only agreea ble, but desirable, until thev become slaves to drink. New York Herald. An Apparent rnrmloz. "I had always been tancht that cold contracts and heat expands." said Har old Harwell, "but I have had an ex perience that ts different. In my oflkv use Incandescent limits, uud on mv desk I have an upright bulb, with a standard. The shade was broken on It, and I placed it ou top of the desk in a comer between the wall nnd a cabinet of pigeonholos. The other morning on entering the office I hung my derby haj on Oils bulb. Later on I went into an adjoining room, which was dark, and needing some light pushed the button in the wall that set tho electric lamps aflame. The lights (..ivo the place such a cheerful ii-vct, it being a stormy day outside, that 1 did not turn them off. At noon, when 1 was going out to lunch, 1 reached for my hat, and it wus baked. "The incandescent lamp, which had been aglow all the while, had made it very hot, aud tho leather band was so drawn and contracted that I couldn't get ray hat on my head. It simply sat on tho top of my cranium like thoso tiny nats that variety comedians sometimes wear. I held it on as best I could tuid went out. The wind caught and carried it long enough to give it u thorough cool ing, it was long before the band re laxed and the hat was all right again, no faros fitting my head was concerned. If that wasn't u first class case of heat contracting and cold expanding, IM like to know what contraction and expuusion ore."--8t. Louis Globe-Democrat, Doll Hoys and Mechanical Ability. Qreat has always boon the comfort that the parents of lioys dull at their books have had in thinking that they would probably be particularly bright In soma other direction. If there was anv doubt about it, the fact could alwa s be provea Dy stones oi artists, writers and muaicians, who have been thought dull ards at school. But mechanical genius and dullness at books do not, it is said, go hand in hand. The director of a large western school of manual training says of such couch: "As a rule, such a boy tolls to show marked ability ot any tort. A boy who comes to us with a passion for machinery, who cannot be kept away from engines, the r.ittlo of cogs and the snapping of bolta, never gets beyond a sort of morbid, simple curiosity to 'see the wheels go round.' He develops no curiosity nor the ability to do good, ac curate work. His book work Is of a very similar chnructer." New York Post. Planet Shadows. There is no doubt tliat some of the most brilliant planots, such as Venus and Jupiter, are callable of casting distinct snouows, as may be seen any tine even ing in the tropics. Not long ago M. L. Guiot observed that Jupiter threw a dis tinct shadow ot his watch upon a wall, and that he was able to read a newspa per by the light, M, Mo) e also finds that Mars is able to cost a shadow, but a mucl fainter one lhan Jupiter. He wus also able to count tho number of words in n newspaper placed lu the light of the planet entering by n window, but ho could not read them. Exchange. Two Recent Inventions. The varied trend of men's minds is well illustrated by the recent invention of two policeman's billies, one of which contains knife blades that shoot out from the Interior if the prisoner grasps the in strument, while. the other is fitted with a rubber cap to prevent the Infliction of unnecessary pain. President Angell of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals prefers the Utter. Boston Transcrint. Tbe Bade Chemist. A ohembt was called up at 1 o'clock the other morning by tha HnKinjr ef the night bell. On opening the door he found a damsel, who told him that she was go ing to a picnio tnat morning ana was out of rouge. The prudent druggist turned her oft with the assurance that he hadn't the stock to cover a cheek like hers. Figaro. k nuchted Hope. Teddy Vandsrchump, a young society man, has been paying his addresses to Hits Hose uonaciipper oi Maniarm ave nue. His visits have been very frequent of late, and last night Tommy, Miss Rose's yonmrer brother, saldt "You ought to come and see us every evening, Ur. Vanderohump.' "Why, Tommy?" "Because it makes Sister Rose so hap py to have you go away you ought not to miss an svening." They missed Teddy tor the rest of that evening. Texas curings. The War Is Over. A Well-known Sol dier! Correspondent and Journil Itt Makes a Disclosure. cool rlbu ted her thoutanda of brave oldlern to the war. and no tate bear) a bt Usr rttcurU In that respect than It doe. In literature It U rapidly acquiring an enviable plare In war and literature Holomun i ewe 11, well known aa a writer aa "Hot." baa won an honorable poaltion. Dur log the late war he waw a member of Co. M, td. N. Y. Cavalry and of the 13th Indiana In fantry Volunteers. Regarding an Important circumstance he write aa follows: "iteveral of us old veterans here are using Dr. Miles' UesUiratlve Nervine. Heart Cure aud Nerve and Liver fills, ail of them giving sDteaaia eamiaruaa, is sack we nave ut Infaet, we have net er imriavr with thorn. Of used remedies that compare with them. tne fills we must say tuey are tne oest i- blnatlon of the qusllU. itnulred In a prep aratlou of their nature We have uoae hut words of praise for them. we ni are the outgrowth of a new prlacipie In dk-ltu). und tune up the sysutu wouder- We ay to alt try these. YeeU. Marlon. Iu4., faXeVaUl Vfsirhjl TttasM MKetsMlUta aVM aUkM Lv sail dfUlTClsatS a DualUve C: 1 I' vMLkrum A VETERANMERDICT. lit. aliUe tfedfciU Oo uarauiee, sur sent uirwi uj vu Elkhart, lud . oil re- A Veteran's Story Irar. Jeecaai saeaa SMerleti, an old soldier, MJ B. lasta at, N. T, City, writes us volun tarily, ta 1803, at the batUa ef fair Oaks, ht was strltktn with tyaitiaU fever, sad after a long struggle la hospitals, lasting sev eral yaare, was die. aaerlek. "s with CaweaaaalUss. Doetart said both lungs wsrt sffeoted sad ht teuu aet Uvt lofic, tnfi a eueie uriod kin try flood's Sir .sparine. Before Tie had isnsa one ooiue nis ooutn Deran tq gsi loose, 4 nlgm irlil sweats and less. Ue it now la good healtk id oordUIlr recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla Sa rQrftl blood Btiriner and Mtdft. eiptcUlly to lilt eomdes In the O. A. ft. HOOD'S PlLLt fetal m4; Md arc iiw Net la mpotiUn, troportloA and ppwrue. ADMINISTRATORS SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, ETC. The underslsrued. AdmlnlstrAtora nf the Estate of ELIZABETH MOVElt, deceased, late of the Borough of Le hlghton, Carbon County, Pa., will sell at publlo sale, on the premises, in said uorougn, ou SATURDAY, JULY lDth, A. D. 1803, at ONE o'clook P. ML the following valuable Real Estate, to wit: All that certain Lot nr nlpcn nt IaiiiI. altnala In the Borough ot Lehlgbton, Oarbon County, Pa., bounded land described as follows, con taining on Pine ttreet. In front UNE HUN IlItED and T1UHTV-ONB FKES, and eitendlng lu depth otlliatHldth by. parallel lines at right anirles TWO UUNDItEtf and TEN FKKT to a certain Alley between land of Jodss hauinan and lteuben uunslcker, bounded on the east by rine street, on the south by a certain Alley in. ald Alley betweeu land ot Jeoat Ilauman and lteuben uunslcker, and north bv lot No, 10, It embracing Lot Ne. 11, 12 and 12H In the addi tion to the Borough plot of the Borough of ;ore- Liehlghton made by neuben Uunslcker. lt No. II rnntalns a TWfl-HTmtV VSIUV Dwelling House is feet by 24 reel with a One Story Trame Kitchen attached. Lot No. 12 pontalns a TWItSTnBV Vrma DwelllngHouse 20 feet By 21 (oet Ith a two-story Frame Kitchen attached. Terms of sale one-third eash. nnnrhtrrt In bIt months aud the remaining one-third In one yeal At the same time and place will he sold some Personal Property such as Household Furniture danieli a. iiEiiir, DAVID N. LEIBY, Administrators of the said Elizabeth tu'oyer, deo'd. June 10, TO-ta THOMAS' Drug :: Store FIRST STRKF.T, LEI1IOI1TON, PA, DOT Spring is Coming Use Thomas' Extract Sarsaprilla, To Purify The Blood 150 Doses for $1.00. Quality Guaran teed Henry Miller, LEHIGHTON, PLANING - MILL. MANUFACTURER OF Window and Door Frames, Doors, Shutters, window fashes, Mouldings, Bracketa AND DKALKK IN All Kinds of Dressed Mer Hhingles, Pailings, Hemlock Lumber, &c.,&c, Very Lowest Prices. DRUGS, pure MEDICINES, genuine and best SOAPS, large l'ne and cheap. WINES.ROod for medicinal use CIGARS, tne best made. SPECTACLES, n extensive and increasing trade. I guar antee satisfaction customer. to every PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded. at tub Central Drug Store, Dr. 0. T. HORN. Stoves, Tinware. Heaters and Ranges In Great Variety at Samuel Graver's Popular Store, Bank Street. I Roofing and Spouting a special tv Move renmra mrmaheri - - - i on abort notice Iteaeonahle) AND KISTLER CORNER SECOND & ALUM Bts. M.gfen Want everybody in Leliigbton to buy at their store because they have not only an ex cellently assorted line of fine Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions, Boots, Shoes, &.,c but because their prices are low er than these goods can be bought for elsewhere in fown. We show goods with pleas ure, quote prices and deliver all purchases. Don't forget, but call and see us. KRUM and KISTLER. CAM'S Opposite the'Pnrk, LEHIGHTON, PA. We Ouen im business fm- ftia Mlmn With an assortment nf fronds ll... In ,1a. msnd during the warm montht of the year. Of courts we continue lokeep In stock and tell all kinds of llL'ir.niNo IlAiiDWAns as me lowosi prices. You will find It to yonr advantage to hava us nnnta nrlees is. you on this line of goods. We have Tretty, Heat, Stylish and Sub ttalnllal llanr Coaches from M.00 and upward. Come and tee them. tlave you a lawn t If you have don't fall to call and tee what w have In the Laws Mowkii line. We have Klve Dif ferent Makes. The Trice, well, that Is as .11 V; lowest lor a good, first-class ar ticle. Come and sen 11s when von maVo up your mind to buy. DWe.'have well-ma3e ExrnEss Waooks that will stand tho knocking abont that the boys give them. We have them at 75 cents, and they are good, neat A ttrong. The pesky-specky Fly days will soon be here, llefore thev nmiA rnaril vour linns with good, well-made Doob and Window Screens. We haye a big, good and cheap assortment as these goods. IIamuock Days aro coming on apace You will want to know where to buy. Let ut give vou a pointer. We have them foi sile. Come and see them. Look at the quality and then let ui tell you the prices. Toilet Paper. We have It and of course we have It to sell. Come here aud IPOkatlt. e sell It by the roll or by the ease at very low prices. Screen Wire for fence purposes or for chicken coops. We haye 60 rolls. These are only a few articles of tbs yery many that we have. Come and see us when you want to buy. We show goods with pleasnre and when yon mako pur chase! they are delivered promptly. usbauiit For the Prettiest Jewelry and the Beat Watches, Clocks and Silverware the people of Carbon county must come to our store. We not only have the'joods but we sell them at ptlces that are low and perhaps a Utile lower than the same goods can be bought for elsewhere. We are not selling shoddy staff for the best because we don't believe In misrepresentation. Our motto Is "eood honest goods at the very lowest prices." Before you buy elsewhere we wonld be pleased to have you call and tee us. Confectionery, Fine Cigars, Stationery, Dolls, etc. We cany In our usual full and com plete line all the above goods at the very lowest prices. Make 11 a point to call and see us when you need any. thing In onr line and we are confident that It will pay you cash returns far your trouble. C, H, Nusbauxn, Bridge Street, . - . Welssport, Pa, DO YOU WEAR PANTS? If you do, you want a good ht, Latest Style and First. Class FPorkmanship. Leave your order with Frey DO YOU WEAR A COAT? You want a perfect lit. You want good Goods. You want a well made and stylish look ing garment. Leave your order with Frey For the present we will carry a lull line ol samples ot season able goods from which you can seleet. Our prices will -be the very lowest, and in all cases we will guarantee satisfaction. We solicit your patronage H. L. FREY AMERICAN HOUSE Op. the Hound House. North First Street. U jouwsDt to be In Urns and In picket Good things go quickly, and procrastinat ing; purchasers hava onl themselves to blame, If thej are compelled to be con tent with second class choices. Came oulckly to onr large Carpet and Onrtaln uispiay ai 801 HAMILTON STREET, AUentown. ra- Apr I- 3in HAVE YOUR Freiibt. Baiiiap anfl Paresis DELIVERED AT John F. Hottenstein. Careful attention paid to the Delivery of Freight, Baggage and Parcels to all parts of town at the lowest prices. & share of public pationage is respectfully solicited. jyl,eave orders at Sweeny's, Koch's or i.eioenEuin s. F. P. HETL, Ton TUB CEI.EDHATEn 9 a, n a. a us o 3 SEWING MACHINES Orrtcc-IIorlacher's IJlock, opposite the iuu vuuey xiousq. Tha leading HastanraDt In tha Xhlch OIHCLE CAPE LION II ALL IlUILUINn, cZr.. ALLljNTOWN, CHAB. A. HOWMAN, Prup, Tills Popular UastauraDt has been Ihorouttily recited and returnUbed, and the seoeral arconi. luodalloaa are ol a superior aad InTtUoxcliarac ter. All the delicacies ol tue aeasou servod at moderate ratea. The bar Is supplied Willi uciue but the beet brands ot Wines. Uuuois. Ab Ladles' Dining; Itooio lo the Hear iti,fiiii.ii.wTa? Kemerer AND SWARTZ, Just now, as nn innovatiou, we nre offering our customers a beautiful book tSliepp's l'ho tographs of tho World, with evory Forty Dollar Purchase. We would like very much to explain this to yon VVill you pleaso call. Bed Room Suites, Parlor Suites, Dining Boom Furniture, i Book Pases, Hall Racks, Handsome Carpets. Are among the goods we sell at very low prices. i Kemerer AND SWARTZ, GO TO SWEENY "Corner Store" Oranees, Lemons, Bananas, Nuts; Apples, Celery, Oralis, Grapes, Table Raisiis, Confec tions, Fancy Bastels, Qaeens- ware, and a fall line of Nice Groceries. Lowest prices, good treatment, prompt delivery Call and See Us. Corner Store, LEHIGHTON PA. SPIIINQ AND BUMMEIi Dress Goods In the Terr Neatest Styles and at the Lowest Trices at E. JET: Snyder's. Fine Dress Goods, That can't be matched In this town or county fori Style Quality or Trice See Our Goods Before Yon Buy. BUY YOUR Green Groceries AT . Frank Leibenguth's NORTH TIItST 8TREET, where also can be fouuil a Fine One of Fine Groceries, Fruits, Caudles, Green Vege tables in season, 4o ., i Itbevery Lowest Prices. Prompt attau tlon and eood goods. Og-CALL AND SEE US. TREXLEfi He lias the Reputation nnd he intends to keep it by continu ing to manufacture and sell the best in his line at the low est living prices. Buyers ot Wagons, Carriages, Carts. Want to remember this and see mo before buying elsewhere. TO THE LADIES OF LEUIOBTON. I take pleasure In announ. cutg to you that MISS. 8. O. WIIEATLEY, holds the Agency for ray Uoods. Hhe will be pleased to recelie your orders at her residence. First street. or will call upon you In person, eu request to do so We trust the ladles will take advantage af this on portuolti tr to purchase a genuine U ADA JE UKISWOLD COliSET. Made In various styles au engtha. Also l'liyslcal Culture rr eUts. JtfAIJAUK UKIMYOL.U. L EWIS' 98 LYE rswixzxo txo runrxD TM tntt kz4 rati T y mklsa, l' iilt I octuff Lr. It Ulii Am iwwdnr ucl ickil Uiua Wits. lMsMTsVb IkL lb Ct)BWkliU tu- ftlwsjta WaVjjlt . Will rult lis Wt MrfuBsXl Htvr4 Busip in mlautsM wlUittsjit mIIIbb. It la (la sVsit tot&MMas ! MpsBIa, aiaiuISJCHUf MQSSk, mown VwUag laoiUsM, JaIsUs lrH t, CresAa" or'bA&C AND SAVE THE TAGS. Cna Hundred and Seventy-Hires Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars, $373,250.00 In valuablo Proacnts to bo Clvon Avay In Return for SPEAR HEAD TAGS. 1 ,1 65 STCJt WINDINO PLUIN OOLP WATCHES WJU0 09 ' BLACK ENAMl'l. TltlMMINfM, CirAItANTEKD ACHBOMAT10. Mtt M 23,100 IMPORTED OKHMAN UUCKUOnN HANDLE, FOUH BLADED ' 1DCKKT KNIVES . , 28,100 00 11 6, GOO noi.i.F.n oow) watch chaum hotaby telebcopk tooth P1UKH. (7,750 SO 1 16, GOO LARGE riCTUHFS (14x23 Inches) IN ELEVEN COLOIIB, f er f ramlnr, ' no advertising on them .7. M,7 OP 261,030 PRIZCO, AMOUNTING TO $173,260' 00 The shore articles will be distributed, by rontstlea, amorc parties who she BPEAS HEAD Plug Tobacon, and return So us the TIN TAUH taken tberefrom. We will distribute 220 ot these prizes In this ronnty as follows I To THE PARTY sending ns the trrftWt number of SrEAR HEAD TAOS from thle couuty we will give.. 1 GOLD WATCH. To the FIVE PARTIES sndlns m the next ftrralMt nnraber ot SPEAR HEAD TAOS, vrt will giro totiarb, I OPERA OLABS....S OPERA GLASSES, To the TWENTY PARTIES sending us the uett greatest number of RPEAR HEAD TAGS, we will give to each 1 POCKET KNIFE 7 ' , 20 POCKET KOTVEB- To the ONE HUNDRED PRTim sending ue the next greatest number of HPKAR HEAD TAGS, we will rive to each 1 ROLLED GOLD WATCH CTI ARM TOOTH PICK 180 TOOTH PICKS To the ONE HUNDRED PARTIES sending us the next greatest number of HPKAR I1KAH TACK, wo will give to each 1 I4AIIUE PICTURE IN ELEVEN COLORS 100 PICTUBSa. Total Knmber or Prises rbr Hits County, 330. CAUTION. No Tags will bo received before January 1st, KM, nor site r Tehroar 1st, I85t Eacb package ooDlalalnc tacrs must lie marked plainly with Name of fleuder. Town, County. State, and Number of lags In each p&ckago. All charges oa packages must be prepaid. READ. SPEAR HEAD possewea more qnalltlfs of Intrinelc value than auv other plug tobacco produced. It Is ihf sweetest, the loiighert, tho rlbtv.1. fill'RAU atCAts la absolutely, positively andtlleflnetlvoly dlnerent. In flavor from any other plug tobacco. A trtel will convince tho most ..keptlral of this fuct. Ills the Isrrest seller of any similar sbapsj and style on eartb. which proves thst It has canght the popular ami pleases tha people. Try It, and parttclpiito In tho contest for prizes. Bee (hut a TIN TAG1 Is on every lo cent piece ot SPEAK HEAD you buy. Kend In the tigs, uo matter how small ths quantity. Very 6lnrert ly, THE P. J. 80RQ COMPANY, MlDDLETOXfir, OniQ. A list of the people ohtalnlng these prizes In this county will he published in this psper immediately after February lstr 1811. DON'T SEND MI TAGS CEF0.1l JANUJHI I, ISM. anges. loves and Heaters, and all kinds ol TINWAR13 at Lowest Price at W. S. KUHNS, Opposite the Round House, Zehighton, F. W. Weil Co, 1031-1033 Linden St., Allentowu. HEADQUARTERS FOR Wood Mantels. Eire-Place Furniture, GRILLE WORK, TILING - - TILING K2 BUY OF THE MAKER. -Sff F. Wv WEIL & CO., Has it ever occurred to you tliat you can buy just at cheap it not cheaper here than you can buy in the city 1 It is a solid FAC1 Apples and Potatoes Are arriving daily in car load lots and are being sold at the very lowest prices to retailers CoMt feclionery, Wish, &sfee89 FRUITS, NUTS, AND CIGARS, Sold and delivered ut and frequently way below city prises. Wholesale Con.tuiss.on Dealer, East Welssport, Pa ITe desire to call the attention of Farmers to our Complete ytonk of Farming Implements, we have the largest assortment found anywheie outside of the Implement depots outside of the large cities. We have over 50 difft rent Plows to select from. Our Stock of Cultivators Spring Tooth Harrows, Hay Rakes, &c is complete, we have a full line of Repairs lbrthe Syracuse, Wiard, Miller, Hamburg, Conyingham, Keystone, Oliver, TTag ner and South Bend Plows. We have a large lot of Binder Twine which will bo sold low. Come and examine oar Stock and get our prices before bujlnz elsenhero, we art sura we can pfeasa you. We hata on band all sizes of Terra Cotta Pipes. Cement Sand and Roofing. Slate. We make a Specialty of putties up Electric Hall Bells and liurelar Alarms. Our Stock of nulldine Hard ware. Palms and Oils is complete aad we earnestly your patronage. Lehigh Goal & SJ. First St., 0 W KUiTZ & CG. Lots of Fine New Gooods. All Kinds of Fishing Tackle Very Cheap. Come and see us. We are stocked with a large assortment of the things you need, CONTRACTORS THE CARBON CO. IMPROVEMENT CO., Limited, Successor to H- Sniier. Frill Planinjr Mill. Weissport-'PL Desires to say that thsr are prepared at short notice to furnish bids and esllmaus on all kinds of Kougu Dressed Lumber, Doors, Sashes, Ac, together with Kins In terior Decorations In Oak, Walnut, Cherry or Pine, at tbs very lowest prices, consistent wilb good work and first-class material. We earnestly solicit your palronsgt and guarantee in tetuin to clrs satisfaction In every particular. CAUTION COUNTY IMPROVEMENT COMPANY. ! CCWTE b Hardware Lchiffliton. & BUILDER D. Is. DAVIS, Manager. cetpt of wlc, ft peT UuU. all Ule. all noti LtlM SO, ,aio aelUiat aw.y" ae ariiaiM fc4 s Hi i. I Air xxo co.( prs oivpata iay possjuveiyouBtl pytaws aoc uanf emus urujs. Apn: ly. ueo, sse, qui, e aiirll il