The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, July 08, 1893, Image 1

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    mm win
- Is a soeolalty at our Job Printing Offlo
In Snyder's Block, east side of the Lehigh
' Bridge. Envelopes, Note and Letter Paper,
Phamplets, Order Dooks, Vouchers, Tags'
and all kinds of Plo Nlo, Horse and Bale
Bills. We do all work neatly, cheaply and
cleanly. Do you need anything In this
Duet then call and see ns, or write ns a
postal card ana we will be at yor serrloe.
Has 11 larger circulation thah any other
newspaper printed In Carbon oouuty, con
sequently it la the best medium for adver
.ilsers. Our news columns sparkle with
theooouirenoesof the day olern, spicy,
Interesting, bright and Independent. Our
editorials are original and will be worth
reading on account of their Spirit which
Is Independent of outside dictation. Our
prlco is one dollar a year. JuBt you 1 ry it
- . . .
$1.00 a Year in Advano f
VOL XXI. No. 34
Lehighton, Carbon County, Ponnn. July 8 1893
Mattari of Interoat from All Orer
the Oommonwealth,
at our place excells all past ex
hibita. Our assortment will
astonish the public, ns will the
pricrs. We buy these, as other
goods, by the case, which gives
us staples never seen by small
dealers. Case coods, means
1500 to 2000 yards ol a kind,
that's 40 to 50 different styles
and shades. You can readily
see that our competitors are not
m it.
Sun Umbrellas and Para
sols in all the newest colorings,
at prices away down.
Fans 1 Fans 1 The assort.
ment this season is exception
ally beautiful. Kemember," the
prices are cut comparing them
.1 i
wnu lasi season.
Ladies' and Misses' Black
and Colored Silk Mitts.
Ladies' Belts all the newest
things out
Plitt Street, between South and rium Htreets,
Leblxhton. Fa.
Crimes end C.saalll.s or Er.ry Char-
aet.r Se.S by News Oathorere (
th. Different Localities and Oarefally
FAListNOTOif. Julr 8. Bucks connty li
all agog orer the assault upou Miss Han
nah Cbarlee toy ate masxsd men. ins as
sault, as It Is described, rlraled la brutal
ity and ferocity the worst ot the outrages
by wbltecapa In the western states. Miss
Obarlss was employed as a domestic 1n the
house ot Frank Warrington, at this place.
Sha rented a room at the bouse ef Frank
Umstead, at Fallslngton, which she oceu-
riled on the night fire masked men broke
oto ber apartment, and after disrobing
bar tbey beat ber with a blaoksnake whip
and subjected her to eren greater outrage,
indignity and torture. After the beating
Miss Uhariee was corerea wnn suo coa
tents of a can of oil, them- smeared with
lampblack from head to foot and tbor
nnohlr covered with feathers. liar com
panion, Jamas M. Neal, waa oarrled out
Into the road and also badlr beaten by tba
masked men. when Mlaa Cbarles was able
to leare her room aba swore out warrants
and the following influential man were ar
retted and placed under 1500 ball to appear
at court to answer the charge ot compile
llT In the assault! Charles Klooknsr. a
well known farmer) ueorge uisnop, toe
village blacksmlthi Charles Wolpert, tha
Fallslngton wheelwright, and Frank Um
stead. Tha fifth man ot the assailing party
Miss Charles has been nnable to identity
Sad Aeeldent to Pleasure Seekers.
Philadelphia. Julr S. The weather re
mained perfect throughout thle memorable
Columbian Fourth of July. The feature
of the erenlng'a celebration was a mag
nlfleent dlsnlar ol nreworu rrom uirara
avenue bridge in Falrmount park, whloh
waa witnessed by an enormous gathering
of people. It was In connection with thle
ditnlav that tba onlr fatality of the day
occurred. A aemcK usea m erecting
the temporary frame for the flreworka fell
In the afternoon Into a crowd ef people
watching the work. A woman and two
children were pinioned under It. Hundreds
rushed to tbelr rescue, utile Albert Held,
enwag, aged ? years, wastakenoutorushed
to death. The woman and the other child
were not seriously hurt.
What Has Occured in this Cltr Uarlnc the
Week rertlnently Kpllomtied by Our
fiperlal Reporter.
Fine teams for all purposes at the
South End Livery.
All kinds of books and fine station
ery at Luckenbach's, Mauch Chunk.
Window and door screens at J- L.
Full line of Ingrain and Brnssols
oarpets at llenry Bchwartz'B,
Roger's Root Beer Extract Tba
Just make it a point to see David
Ebbcrt when you want a team for Dusl
ness or pleasure. Lowest prloes.
The original Root Beer Extract Is
1 lasers.
Great variety of rubber hoso for
sale at lowest prices at uabers.
Big reduction In baby coaches at
J. Li. Gabels.
Pure Paris Green at lowest price
at Qabel's.
Fob Bali. First class Dwelling
ITnttRA nn Third street. Lehighton.
Apply to W. P. Long.
Fca Sale. In Jamestown a lot
54x203 feet Apply to W. P. Long,
L. J. Hausman, of Third street, will
more his family to Allentown, where
they will in the future reside
See the Majestio bicycle at Corn's.
Reduced from S125 to $83.
A pretty new two seated carriage
has boon addod to the stock ot Sell &
Co's South End Livery.
For a thoroughly first olass bicycle
at $35 make it a point to see the Majos
tic at Zern's.
David Harding of Mahoning street
boasts of a bee that made four swarms
in three weeks. This Is said to be very
unusual occassion.
The First National Bank has do
clareda three por oont. semi-annual
dividend, payable on and after the HHh
George Buck of Union Hill has se
cured judgment against J, Walck ot
Millport, in Beltz's First street court.
Clare Fatzinger has succeeded
A Baap Shot Camera Catches Those Who!
Come and Oo Amonl Their InlSI-Itr II AlTKnlNClS linlP.FLY KI'ITO
Lively I.hlf.htoo, MIZKII.
. .Miss Dora Campbell is home on a
Visit from Lansford. I The UoIoks of the Week Inlerleaded With
. Henry Bpohnhelmer and wife, ot I rersonai Mentione,
The Death or Mntchl.r and Dreher llrluas
About A Hustle for Their Shoes A (jl.nee at tha Yield.
The death of the late Congressman
William Mutohler followed -by the
demise ot he late Judge Samuel
Stokes Dreher, both of this district,
the former of the Eighth Congression
al District comprising the eounties'of
Northampton, Monroe, Carbon and
Plko, and the latter of the Twenty-first
Judicial District comprising the
counties of Carbon aud Monroe bring
about a complication of political possl-
Tlier Splendid Kahlblt. of Meat I'lodneta
at Ilia World's Fair. Home Statistics
of the Company's Business In 1BS-S.
Alum street, Sundayed at Mauch Miss Margaret Rambo and sister,
Chunk. I have retured to Reading after a sojourn
..Mrs. Frank Welnland and family, here of some weeks.
of Second street, are visiting relatives The Welssport school boa rd will
at Albums, Lehigh county. elect teachers at their regular meet-
. . Charles ,Kuegler,ot Sandy Run, Is lug this Friday evening.
a guest at the home of ex-burgess David Olewlne age 29 of Long Run
lteiohard, on Third streot. who was killed at l'ackerton on last.
. .AI Strauss, superintendent of the Friday was buried Sunday afternoon
oar shops at Sayre, Fa., was iu town on the funeral being the largest ever wit- bilitles that make interesting nnd
Saturday, the guest of Cashier John T. nessed in this place. Rev. J. H. Kuder, amusing study while the circus goes on.
Bernmel. of Lehighton and Rev. Kershner, of For instance In Northampton oouuty
. .Charles Bowman, of Slatlngton, is Parryville officiated. A wife and two the deud congressman's many friends
the guest of G. C. Clauss. ohlldren survive. haro already rallied around Howard
..Prof. F. K.Berndt and family, of I U.S. Koons is homo from West Mutchler, the able and brilliant editor
Kutztown spent a few days this week Chester where he is on the faculty of ot the Easton Express, the most In-
with M. Hellman on Third street. I the State Normal School. Mr. Koons flueutlal Deniocratlo dally newspaper
Jolly Press Koons, of Allentown also devotes some of his time to read- iu the interior of Pennsylvania, and
was here this week, the guest of his ling law. He Is one of our most prom-1 the sou of the late lamented Wm.
brother John U. inent young men. Mutchler. Northampton's bright ex-
t-o XT n Ttt.n ,1 . 1 1 aHA I f I on fll... ITnn oA.,.na4 I Til e t wt rtf Hln.nA. II 1.. II 11. ,1
. . . l .1.. Wa WIIMI UU . I. .It II I O.U m.M W.W.U k J UIWIU.J. U.IUU1UUU.IIU.UUI . ... . . . . .
i i . . i 1 1 v . 'I me wonas rair nas orounui loseiuer
dujujiu oujuuru ul oorerai nwibiuiuuAijui,, uu oabuiuajr uiiqi h ui mo m v uvsi. ueuuu I Innamerable attractions which displayed
among llloomsbure friends. pleasant visit to the family of Saulre man who was snoken of for this oosi- as thev are In the beautiful and commodl-
..We had a pleasant oall on theUh J.S. Miller. tion giving way to Howard Mutchler as ,u. Du"lni, "ecieu ior me purpose in
from Tnos. Rehrlg, seoretary of the William Hottenstine gave bail in did the distinguished Senator Laubacb. I ,ti0n the world saw, Sncb an aggregation
Uahonlng township sohool board. Squire Miller's court' IV'ednesday and others in Northampton who were I of of 'art scientific Inven-
x iriAtman Tj.n.1. w i . a I momlno- ii nnnwnr nhirun nf Unt.iiir tn on .hio tmnn.i.nt I tlona. articles of commerce ana oiner iruits
Henry George, Jovial Hazletoulans, sault and battery preferred by his ofllce with credit If not with the dls- progXthaUractlve
were the guests uf genial Otta Dittmar wi'e- - tingUished ability 'of the late Congress- ais and educational to every visitor capable
ou the 4th. Levi Fogel and wlfo spent last Sun- man, who was the ablest member of I of appreciating the valuable lessons to be
. .The genial Engineer Ed Freeman, day lu Towam.nstng with friends. the fifty-third house-a leader among cS,1, art, d,err
ot Sayre, Pa., was In town this week Walter Dalton, of Philadelphia, men, brainy, forceful and a " diplomat olace of'human activity have contributed
nlnntno- .IIHtii with his mum. I for some time nast with 'the Carbon without a nnnr. Nnrt lmmiitnn nnmilT to make tha Worlds Columbian Knwsl-
Ed looks well and is getting along fine-' County Improvement Co., has resigned will do itself bonor and perpetuate the " "' ttrKve' features of
ly In Sayre. ana nis successor is uscar uemieman. name or a great statesman by urging the area! aerlcnltural deDartment Is tbe re
. .Mlaa Mnttlo slinrlln nf Allnntmvn J. W. Hover, a student in Scliuvl- as his suocessor a sen wha iinsaesifiM I matkable exhibit i f Swlf I and Company,
spent Snnday at home with her parents, kill Semenary Frederioksbnrg, Pa., is energy, sagacity, aboye aU ability and "h0,e '' ?m?'f "'l?.,
..Miss Mary Lentz an estimable spending his vacation at home. that broad understanding that goes to the display It Is a matter of surprise that
young lady of town was n visitor at Al- These persons have been elected make up successful legislators. Mr. anything so commonplace a a meat ex-
lentown over Snnday. teachers in the Franklin Independent Mutchler has been in politic ot his "gmS? U on" e Sfloor of
.. Bert Darling ot New Haven Conn., distrist, Profs. Wannemaker, Arner, county for ten years and is known at tbe building and in section D. The cent
Is spending a brief vacation In town Mary Whitehead, Mamie Oswald and home and throughout the state as a rat figure of tbe display Is a full sized ro
wlth his parents. Daisy Horn. sagacious politician without possessing f ''WI h ' "ISn
..Mr. George Hottenstein of Trenton. Hon. W. F. Btery, Douglas Arner, or exercising the dirty little tricks ol ;,n.Lllu be'loncs to the refrlnerator
N. J.; Miss Welgus, of Philadelphia and Charles Arner, Oscar Arner, John the ward heeler or "stool pigeon." can In use by theflrmfortransportlmpro-
Creat Damaa-a ky Hall la the Schuylkill
niADIKO. July . This city waa .visited
by a hailstorm yesterday afternoon which
tnr Afatructlveness ecllDsed ail previous
storms of the klud stnee 1SC6. Tha storm
originated about three miles west ot Read
ing, and covered a width of about four
miles. Shortly before S o'clock a black
cloud appeared In the western horizon and
mn..d eastward ranldlv. Twenty minutes
later the etreeta of tba city were covered
with hall and water, and the toy sewers
became choked, being entirely too amall
toearrvoH even one-tenth of the water.
Grain, corn, oats, flower gardens, grapea
nit other fruits were etrlnoed off like
leaves. Tbe vineyards on Mount Penn
are completely ruined and tha- ownera da
not expect to obtain more than 5 per cent,
ot tke crop. Many of these vlneyarde cov
ered acres, and there la nothing left but
tbe vlna,
Tha atones were the else of hickory nuts.
and fell so rapidly that pedestrtsus in this
cltr were driven from tbe sidewalks.
treat car horse became unmanageable
from the pelting hall, and the driven were
compelled to stop the cars and seek shelter
because of the ball striking them on tba
hands. In the southern and northeastern
part of tha olty many cellars were flooded,
and In some Instances the water rushed
tbiough buildings, ruining carpets, etc.
The downnour was terrible, and nothing
of tba kind bat ever been experienced In
tbe recollection ot tbe oldest Inhabitants.
At Rovertford trains were delayed
twenty minutes by tbe tracka being
flooded. A nassenser train sot into the
etorm at Phoaniivllle and remained In It
until It waa near Fottstown Tha storm is
described ae terrlflo and the hall pelting
tbe roots of tbe care caused cult a panlo
among tbe passengers Tbe storm was ac
companied by thunder and lightning.
South ot Reading, especially along the
Schuylkill valley, the destruction to crops
very ereat. Tne wheat, rre and oata
crops not yet Cut have been leveled to the
ground and many of the fields were
At Blrdsboro hall fell to the depth ot
three Inches, and In soma places waa piled
un tA a denth of nearly a foot.
It Is believed that the damage In the
Schuylkill valley will reach many thou
sands of dollars. The glass of the hoi
houses In this city and la tbe track ot tha
storm ware shattered and thousands ot
young plants ruined. Tha beautiful
cowers aud olanta which ware lust setout
by the Reading company at the Reading
etatlou were cut to ptrcee The Reading
forge, on North Eighth street, was flooded
to a depth ol four feet, and the Urea had
to be drawn aud tne woras suui uowu.
Bis Wife Hailed Alive.
Wbiti Havik, July a. One year ago
Charles lloger and Miss Dessle Leader, of
Morrisons, were married auu to an ap
pearancea lived happily. Tha young will
died euddculv in tha early part of June,
since which time theetrange actlona of the
bereaved husband attracted the notice ol
bla frlcudt. He refused to believe that kit
wife was dead, and kept up aoonttanl
earch In the hope of finding her. To sat
isfy tbe busbaud's mind tha grave was
enened on Saturday. After removing she
coffin lid they were horrified to find that
tka poor woman had been burled alive. A
strange feature ot the clrountetaneaa Is
that Boger haa aiuce become rational and
to aU appearances has recovered his senses.
CoBgroMtaeu lu(shUr4a So vfltl ttaa.
llAlimeuuiU), Julj . A successor to the
lata Congressman Mutchler will be ehosen
an Julr 2. Governor Fattlaon having Is
sued wrlu to the sheriffs of tba counties
la the district renreeented br Mm filing
that day for the election. Ur. Mutehler's
eon Howard haa decided to make a fight for
the Democratic congressional nomination.
Sfalpalaa Coal br CaoaU
Voht Clintov. July e. More coal Is be
ing shipped by the Bohujiklll caaal this
Meson than for many prertoua yeare. A
larize number of boats are being loaded
for points In New Jersey and New York,
and all Indications point to a vary brisk
boauae; saawtn
A tVsr. Seale Adooted,
PiTTBBDHO. July 8. After tha wage eon-1 Will Graver as message boy at Western
ference adjourned on Friday -night the Union Telegraph offleo. Will Graver
worxmen nem a secres ana ja a salesman In Uulton's store,
agreed upon 4 acala that would be , ,, , ,
aatlsfaotorV to the manufacture. Ow Ed Zern has sold five bioyoles during-
to the lateness of tha hour it was ing the past week to young men In this
impossible to get word to the manufac neighborhood.
turers and the workmen In time te pre- m ,n . . ,, ,
vent the shut down o? tha mills. Tbe new -Town council met in monthly as
scale, as agreed upon by tbe manufaotu- sembly on Monday evening. Members
rers and the Amalgamated Association, Is I all present but M. O. Kuntz and J, F.
p.r,n .uu .u .". MoaitUrop. The following bills were
U per cent, reduction la the , T ... .. .
nartmenta. All the manufacturers have ordered paid: Lehighton Water Co.,
signed this scale. $262.50; Wm. Frltzlnger, distributing
A Ilecklass Shooter Arrested. circulars, 75a; Carbon Co. Imp. Co.,
M,tD.C" lihts.Wl.48. Total amount of receipts
city, was' committed to the Carbon oouuty '3-1l-
Jail charged with recklessly shooting off a Henry Schwartz,our popular young
revolver and mortally wounding tbe wife furniture dealer, has latd a fine flag
rum stone pavement in front of hi, big
alon party spending a week In Mauch furniture establishment on First street
Chunk, and while bis party was returning Restauranter P. F. Clark has pur-
from a visit to the burning mine, near ohased from s. Koch the building
Summit II 11, he discharged eeveral shots ,. .. , "
from his revolver, one "ot which hit the on First street, opposite the Park, now
woman, who was by the roadside, and In- occupied by him as a saloon.
Dieting a dangerous wound. I The hustling proprietor of the
Accidentally shot His playmate. American House, Amandes Ktstler, Is
3lllbi.inu,U... ,ull 1 uv 1- n.,,nH 1. II. 1 1 1 ,
1.1 .... Vt. CV...rT.. .1 B"-""J. moio. no USS lUrVUCr 1IU
tbls place, waa seriously anot oy Aiuerti s-.. uu. uu uunu rirsi
Adams, an lutimate associate, aged II street, by the erection ot a veranda to
yeare. young Adams nad a CT caiioer re- the f of hu buiiuin
voiver, wuiou uo aupuuscu was nutiuaucu, i n , ,
and, when bo met ScUeffer. he pointed It I -George Dreher, of Second street,
at blm and aaid: "laok out; i am going to ijb ciuim in naving me largest mule
shoot vou.". A moment later there waa a In rarhnn nnimtv If to t,ani.t
;Thr.uyI0,,fghhttt hhlg,h(a?1 th,e
Tbs ball took a downward course and stable had to bo enlarged in order to
lodged In his neck. Young ScbaeHer Ilea allow bis royal highness to get In and
in a critical couumou i ou.
. J',",;-?" . .v. -Water rents are now dne and nay-
postmaatera Just appointed are tbe follow! aole uefor the 15th at the oQlce of
Ing in rennsyivaniai M. iu uottcrer, oecretary Howard Heaboldt,
BechUlsvllle; Levi Berger, Ilomville; a J. MIsb Martha. h . im.1,1. ..,v.
Mi 1 Tl....l.. TJ r TT71.I V II t " , -w.. uuuau
phur, W. M. Kitchen, Ellmsport; Robert tor of Drake Lonf la tnB proud pos-
McKIssick, Eucim; u. a. rooie, ueneyai sessor ot a nanasome piano just pur
H. E. Lingo, Guy's Mills; a. T. Powers, chased from that well-known aud re
nydetownt Matthew Butler, New Athens; 1Ifthl ,ipr.iP a F d,j,, . ,ri,
Isaac Shlpman, Mengue; H. a Long. lla"le dealer, A. r. Snyder, of Weiss
Rohersburg; A. M. Scranton, RlcevUle; P0"- Aaron Is selling many Instru
Mrs. Mary A. Booiell, Six Points. meats ot first-class make and saving
A Domieidh purchasers piles of money, Don't
.SJti'tflSS?. 'ot Aaronwhenyou make upyonr
Pennsylvania railroad contractors, waa mind to bny.
shot and Instantly killed on the county A. F. Snyder shinned a n nnturo
river bridge Dy Samuel un aooui mid- organ to Bear Creek MoPhall pltin0
night. Coon was immediately arrested. , ,,.. ' , , " 1 .
So many rumoraara afloat tbat It Is lm- Gaston; a New England Piano to
possible to say whether the shooting was Drake Long, Lehighton. All of tbe
an accident or a murder. above were delivered last week. You
t,1.'. . Mrf. . nnX". ".!5r moner you buy of Snyder.
,i,ni in is. ri.Uw.r. The associate membership of the
ing yesterday afternoon. The victims are I Lehighton Orchestra now numbers
jerry jnoaie, agea ; Milton nammei seventy, with the prospect of an In
were diving from boate and were selted I the orchestra and Its members de-
wlth cramps. Gents's body haa not been serve hearty commendation on their
recovered, efforts to give tbls town a flrst-olass
xe,r,r,,-rw. vi. wmi. im.. i. musical organization,
BwaUra oreek yesterday James Craig, Inemembers of Zlon's Reformed
Pennsylvania railroad freight clerk, waa and of Trinity Lutheran Sunday
fjST"8"!"1'.1: Cr; "hools will picnic - at Glen Onoko on
eicarwKl tha tame fata whlla a.ttemntlnfi' to Thurstlay, the 20th Instant,
lescue Craig. Did you see that handsome six
Fatal Eaploslon of Oaa.
Miss App, of Catosnuqua, are guests of "Hooker'' Fohl, James FollwoUer Iu our county of Carbon we are not uuc" 10 Pn J J'u,..0?,"'
J.F.Uottensteln nnd family ou Sec- and Wllloughby Adams were atNes- without our patriots willing to run SJ arpuinly "slX It a rollectlon of
and Leather building on the main floor
and al the foot of the south stairs. This
exhibit consists ot elegant samples of hides
aud sklna, as nice as were evet exposed to
public view. 1 wo Dcauiuui uie uxe Liar
ham steers, stuffed, form a principal at
traction here.
Ibe fifth exhibit ef the Company It In
Society Tld.Rlte of luteroet to th. Mens
hers of tha fraternity.
Secret societies in neodof parsphe-
nallo, flags, banners, uniforms, eta,
sheuld consult II. V. Morthlmer, Jr,
who represents one of tke largest Arms
and Importers, manufacturers and
dealers In this country before pnrchas
ing elsewhere.
The following officers of Lizard
Creek Counoll 032, were Installed by
District Deputy Uelntzlman, ou last
Friday evening at East Penn:
Jr. P. 0. G. E. Andrews
O L-rles Ruch
V. C-Pierce Kolb
ReaSey Charles Glnder
Assistant Asa Young
F. S-Charles Rehrlg
Treasurer Jonas Kolp
Inside Ssntlnel Milton Bchoppel
Outside Sentinel Nathan German ;
Trustee James D, Balllet
Rep. to State Council E. S. Hetutzl.
At their meeting on Thursday even-
thfl Mauufactures and Liberal Arts build-1 In
- a-uas, syuviw uvvr tsuu VUIVI1CU VIUVUII WA
Ing, In the balcony and in sectlou D. It r. ,., nn mi v. n vv a xi
Is a flue display ot products of Le8 Council, 101, Jr. O. U. A.M,
Swift's pharmaceutical laboratory, con- were installed by District Deputy Jo
elsllag chiefly of the famous silver scale Bennett;
Jr. P. C, Joseph Relnbetmer.
Councillor, Ed Frltzlnger.
Vice Councillor, Charles Frautr.
Asst Seo'y Harvey Trainer.
Iteo. Seo'y., David McCormlo.
Financial Beoretary, H.P. Hoatz.
Treasurer, Henry A. Nicholas,
Conductor, Horry Qeggus.
Warden, George Strohm.
Inside Sentinel, David Auaue.
Outside Sentinel, Wm. Augue.
Trustee, Frank Acker.
Representative to State Council at
peosln and preparations as powdered and
scale pancreatin; articles, wnicu are recog
nized bv Dhtslcians and drucgltts as pos
sessing most valuable medictnalpropertlea.
Ihls exhibit like each of the others. Is
creditable to tbe company and a promi
nent attraction to visitors. No person
who passes thtouh the balconies of tha
mammotnouiiding should tail to examine
this exhibit of medicinal products. Tbe
were manufactured under the direct
supervision of au experienced analtlcal
chemist, ana thousands of people can tes
tify to tbeir remedical qualities
Aside from the namber, completeness
and beauty of tha ijwlfl exhibits it is
worthy of note tbat they unlike hundreds
nf Mhg.. F...I. . Iks. D.ul.l.
edlltne. When the Kalr was opened tbe Johnstown in September, W.J. Hsber-
firtt day of May S wilt and Cempany were I ling.
there represented DYitneir exnio . wi n The following newly elected offloers
readluets for the eyes of visitors. Tbls Is K Carbon Castle, No. Ill, KG E, ot
lust what mleht have been expected of a I town, were Installed bv District Grand
firm whose business methods always In- Chief II V. Morthlmer, Jr.. and stall
(Mini anar'i artil nrnru nt n (tfc. I
Th. buslnme of this rrraat mmnanv la so n Monday evening;
important a part of tbe history of Chicago Past Chief C. D. Fritz.
ond street quehonlng last Sunday where they the chance of malting the nomination f resn meats such as would delight the
..Mr, and Mrs. App and son George were the guests of Tom Watklns. for this office. First comes Frank eyes of an epicure,
of Catasatquo, were guests of W. G. William Knecht, some years ago a Sharkey, Esq., of Mauch Chunk, one frelh'beXpo'k "h mutton. et&. sus-
Anthony and family on Second street resident here, but now of South Beth- of the brightest attorneys at the Bar pended from the ceiling are distributed
orer Sunday. lehem, circulated In town on Saturday, aud a Democrat with a character that through tbe car as to form a symmetrical
. .Our old friend Mablon Jfothstlne, -Our young friend Quint Arner is can not bo impugned, a liberal oltlisn, JJlJ, caSntlSeTo
of EgTDt, acoomnanied bv Itarvev home from Mlllersvllle State Normal broad minded and patrioticintelllo-ont. inside this car tbat tke temDerature is
Troxell, of Plalnfleld, N. J- were callers School from whloh splendid institution capable and the possessor of those In- keP' 'rom 35 10 ,40 ,Th? c" ,'J ,
at our office lost week. of learning he has just graduated with valuable qualities that constitute the '."trans'L OuWde he car
,. Miss Pauline Smith, of Philadelphia tne most, aistiuguisnea nonors. makeup of good men. Then comns are numerous simple packages of lard, oil
i tw. xtiBana if 1 I I TTnn ri.oeM 1 dried beef. hams, bacon.karreled Dork and
Soph.! Leonard, on Third .17. """" v ' klteTesmaTwlthont a hlswho 'tlTll
I r v., lV.c--o-wll n s-a At. A Jt ov,a11 va, a 1 - n x i it .1 1 til a I . . ,
..Miss Sophia Lelnhard has returned " o uuuureu in loot witn maroon unique and tne exnioit as a wuoio uoes
from Philadelphia, where she has beon n eW Wee R0 0ropS Rre uuty 8 thre conferees. It was the credit to tne great company wnose outi-
aolournlnrr for some time- Hha waa on. condition and look promising, thanks year' Buckalew was nominated and It hn-.hf ".'nlrw of th. .am. hnlld.
oompanled by Miss Paallne Schmidt to tho refre8uInK showers lately. Is said that "Bob" Klotz could tell ing are two other smaller exhibits of ths
. , ... .. ... I A. II. Glnder snent Sunrlar rerv Rnma funnv filnH.. nr thn.. rt.i-a ,f i.a I Swift Comnaav. One is a display of but-
wno win spenu a jew weeKB in town. .-, ... ... :tl.-7i," , " ,: TT 7. " . Terlr.. and neutral lard, arranuci most
Mrs. Howard Seaboldt a "1";
nd Nnlllo nf Third atroat worn vlolt ' 1 "" w-o.ur i. im vuuuijr airiCtlOD in a une group Ul exHluiu uy
ana eiiie,oi intra street, were visit Bovrmttu aocompanled by their families Chairman of the Democratic party and other parties. The other exhibit Is com
ing relatives In Lehigh county lost were the esU of Charles Ruch on Is also a member of tho state executive Posed of hoofs, horns, bones and fertllli.
tbat whatever Is wrlttcu ot one must
necessarily inclnde a Portion of tha other.
For years past their operations have been
ateadllv lncreuinc and tnelr neid eniaro
ing until now they are known all over tbe
clvlllted world. Their dressed meets and
olbei products have a reputation that
none other can excell and few can equal.
Their immense establishment at tbe Union
Stock lards Eire employment to thou
sands of persons, sua constitute a most
conspicious zeature 01 t;nicago a maHu
facturlnc Industries. Besides their home
plant they also bare large establishment al
St. Leuls, Kansas City and South
An iDDroxImate estimate of the magnl
tudeot their business may be obtained
from the f oliowine statistical tutements.
.Miss Maud, tbe estimable daughter
Inn n-,.tr!a! nn, IhmHi.F . tn nmnl
committee. Ho served this connty in Une appearance. Iu this exhibit there Is
-William B. Rehrlg aud wife accom-1 the state legislature In the decade of also a large cabinet of beautiful aud useful
or Mr. ana Mrs. tu. u.wueatiey, is hv w. Mnfinr. nn articles manufactured from bones and
.,l - . . , . I , 1 r I I, . r i ll .... I I
u t" T." nilck and family, of Lehighton, enjoyed Over in Monroe John B. Storm who "AZt "JZAS."
imatowu. miss wneattey uoma very .i. ,u. tt, ii : , . ... .u. ... , ., ... . r.:.""'VI. " T" X .1
.iui ui ui. , a uuiiu.ruiuv ueat, part, or U1S time articles vuus prouureu, wiucu is auuiuer
responsible position with a large firm Bowmttnstown on Sunaay. slnce the uh of last Maroh watoh, evidence of the educational character of
in Anuurn,!,, x. I t..i i r 1 1 n .1 1 -, n 1., . . . . 1 tbe World s r air.
11. n..i.m..... .irrui.-nii. . .7 . 7 .. ,. .pf..u. u. oimo Another exhibit ot swllt and uompany
Mr. Daniel Saeger, of Kroldlorsvllle, town, spent Sunday In the valley with kind under the 1. i..i .1 th. .nnth .nd of th shoo
visiteu inos. iu. xnonnimer ana lamuy his many friends and acquaintances. looms np as a candidate. Storm is a
on Bankway, Monday. Mrs. Thomas Andreas was a guest patriot of the flrst water who has never
Mrs. Henry Kennel, of Lehighton, st Adam Berger's on Sunday, I been known to refuse an offloe of an v
has been visiting during, the week at G. E. Andreas and Adam Berger, kind. He served a term in Congress While a thunder stonn passed over
Noble Chief G. F. Pettlt.
Vice Chlef-J. O. Ebbert.
High Priest-T. 0. Catell.
Venerable Hermit Dildtne Snyder.
Sirlleiald C. J. Mantz.
Master of Recards C. W. Bower.
Clerk of Exchequer R. P. Peters.
Keeper of Exchequer M. T. Trexler.
Ensign-U. W. Smith.
Esquire Joseph Chatmau.
Second Guardsman W. B. Anthony.
Trustees-H. II. PoUrs, W. B. An
theny, H. V. Morthlmer, Jr.
t After twenty-seven years of active
For ths vcar endlnc Dec. 31. 1892, the I ur.t n..tin,,a. uu.inA xt. r.u..i
total sales of the company wers more than I . . . , '
tonnjin onn.ti,. r.nmn.n. .i.n.htered 1.. BUed his position as agent for the
180,03 cattle, 1.013.C27 sheep, 1,1M,602 Lehigh Valley Railroad, at Slating-
bogs, and manufactured and disposed of ton.
the yrobucts therefrom. Among these P T Wnr,. . . K.
oroduct.were S.S38.0S9 pounds of glue, p-J- "rgusttn. who for a number
30 672 tons of fertilisers, 2.50o,(H2 pounds of years has held tbe position of olalm
of neatafoot oil. S3.088.3St pounds of oleo act. for tha Lehlirh valla nd Phllo.l.
oil, S!,039,Ot pounds of wool, 7,000,017 hi. & ReaJi,,,. R r, Ca na. on Rat
bounds of butterlne, S3,:ioc,52J pounds of yD'a lteaaJn8 " ! f, was on.Bat
larj, urday appointed to his old position as
The ComoiuT Is represented In Le- station agent at Shenandoah, and the
blgbton and vicinity by the Lebigbton former office abolished. This action
Beef Co.. Otto Dittmar, superintendent, U1 save the i.iir,ir.tirimn.r...
whe sells Its goods to dealers and tuouen j, . ,, V ,
Ucated here only a short time Is already The office of car distributer was also
enjoying a large patroaage, resultant on abolished.
toe merits Ol iu yanuas ,,; ITh Central f relirht atotlon
at Audenrled, is to be greatly enlarg
ed. Thomas S. Slnax, of Mauch Chunk.
has charge of tbe work and the tram
the home of her husband's parents, proprietor of the Center Housed took a during Cleveland's flrst term. Dr. this town on Monday lightning struck
Mr. and Mrs. John Kennel, on Second trip up the valley to Snyder's Hotel, at Schull, of the same county is also tho dwelling house of Mr.Fred.Kem-
street Afr. Henry Kennel will also West Penn, on Sunday. mentioned. Shull had a term In the eler living on First Street in this town(
spend Sunday at the home nf his Leon German was visiting at Slat- State Senate soma jrears ago. H happened about the dinner hour
parents. Slatlngton News. lngton en Sunday. pike will likely push forward Mr. when all were at home, but fortunately
mi.,. ii..u. t.i, i..i The Ice cream festival at Harrison Unrnhnnir
gentlemen of Phllsjlelphia were the Q6rman's was largely attended. gulshed citizen andto let thepeople wrecked considerably. The damage is 'two complete novels during the twelve bfroiTears post so efficiently Ailed the
guests of Germanla baugertmnd. ou Nathan Kolb bought a fine trotting know that It is alive, as it were. oovered by insurance. months; ono each week. office f principal of the FraokrUl.
"1 1 . i i . .. . ..... .. ... .1 iPhtnt. nf It nn luiulra u nAV unit huihnnl. h.. Iia.n nliutliul In.V. n
Bn,l0n loot, Hln, rnnllm.n W "oioo wu , Question of who shall lintlin Tba nations lllrthdav was cale. .r-..--. ..... -rr, , -"""
Rndonhan.nn.Thn.T. P.ll, JJ -John Rehrlg and his grandmother, next President Judse is also attractino- brated with exercises snoroorlate forl?J; ..S7't,V?.,.TjTlL J?f.M borough of Lansford
Something unique even inthese days hng has already been arranged. The
New York monthly ot homo and gen- of tn yst lucrea-.e In freight entffla
eral reading. mere,
The nronosltlon Is to send the
Magazine one year for one dollar, the! frlnclpal of Lansford Schools.
regular subscription price; and in ad- Prof. I. K. Wltmer, who foranum-
3T Iua few words we desire to cal
(9 to your notice a very Important
fca fact It Is thla. We have as
UT large and fine a line of general
CTa. store gooda as you will find airy-
UT where. Come and see us, let us
show you our goods and tel 1 you r1
What our prices are. We dellver"
goods anywhere promptly aud"
without extra charge whatever Jtl
to the purchaser. Dont pay big j
prices but come and aoe us Jt
Rolbert Walp
Pint stmt, Op. Roand Hottasa.
Roth, Chos. Barters, of A. L. Sohutte 4 of Bowmanstown, made a pleasure trip considerable attention and in this suoh an event. In the morning wo had
Co.; John Farelle, chief engineer of Boro8s 1116 Bl" Mountain into Lehigh county Senator W. M. Rapsher and a civlo parade in whloh many of the
Prospect Brewing Co.; Richard A. DOU"1' uu oaiuruay. tt0n. AUen Uruig are spoken of. Over seoret Organizations participated fol.
Ilentz, of Phlla Packing and Provision Messrs. Oliver and Harry Ruch and In Monroe It lstho feeling that John lowed by base ball games and a fautas-
Co.; Thomas J, Groome, Dyer Cooper 'aUles, of Allentown, are visiting B. Storm should aspire for the honor, tlo parade In the evening. Later on
and John W. Edmundson. The gentle- 1 valley this week. Storm is very close to Governor Pattl- In the evening wo had a grand display
men returned to their homes In the city wmniy superintendent neisei nas son, and It Is tho talk that Chairman of fire-works from the rocks. Mixed
at CUM p. m., delighted with their ylslt designated Aug. 8 as examination, day Cassidy, who is also close to the Execu- with this was the usual amount of
and loud in their praises of the hoBpl- tor applicants ror teacner s ceruueates. tlve, is to urge the appointment of drunkenness for many can not get
tality shown them. I The examination will take place at the I Storm and In turn secure Monroe's over this day without getting boozy.
rennsvuie tscnooi uouse. conferees for Congress. It Is not at Messrs. Grant Searfass aud Frank
Second Heary It.nnlon. Wm, Ilelntzleman and wife were all likely that Carbon county ueonlel Younu both. It seems, tired of slnc-la
The annual reunion of the Second visiting in Mahoning Valley on Sunday, want to see their privileges "swapped" blessedness entered the bonds of wed-
Penna.Vet, Heavy Artillery (112th P. I Adam Stranse, the contractor, of I off In this manner by designing poll, look on Saturday evening. Tbe former
V.) will be held at Watsontorm, Pa, rottsviue, was in valley last week look- ticlans aud the game may be blocked, with Miss Nora Fink, tho lattor with
August 28th and 20tb, 1803. All sur- 'ntT 'or stones to be used In the erection This trick is looked upon as a direct Miss Jennie. Gearhort. All the con
vivors of the regiment are requested to of now court house at Mauch insult .to Rapsher and Craig, two of our trading parties are from town.
iwu, owumuuii auu nuuruau tor i v i iuub. uiaLmuutoueu ieiiow citizens, ana i xue nuoKieoerry reason opened
particulars to Lew. O. Fosnot, Watson- The glorious Fourth of July passed there is a loud expression of sentiment last week, and already Mr Cassler. the
town, Pa. off very quietly In the valley. against it It Is only right that suoh veteran shlnner. Is sending large lots
practices should be condemned In the to Newark. New York, Philadelphia
norsnest. terms aua tnose wno attempt jjuffalo and others points where there
LfetioetTwo tloraes.
A Hold Thle!.
octave orcran for SRO nn oaav imwmiinta
Huntingdon. July &. An explosion of I. in ...i.. .c ...
.n.,,r,l.tth.R.r.ttnlfnrd.nnntr. w lr luuuia. uiuers gel
furtiace, which blew off the bell and ,or tha o goods. My fifty dollar
slightly Injured tbe etack. Ell Leonard, organ has two full set of rseds; 10 stops,
the filler, was so badly burned that be Sells everywhere for 00. It Is a beauty
rllswl annn 1 1 e Tha lias will t-narh as.rVttlt
i.ooa A. r Hnyder, Wessport.
Una Ituulnc B.e.rd Lowend. oworvm lire.., uave JUSl reCelVea k
Cosar.July . The Crosby hose run. half car load of terra ootta nioe. whlsh
nlnx team of this city lowered tbe world's they are selling at very low nrl.
record for 800 yada at Bradford by mak. Th' ,',' Jl.P ,!t:
Ing tne cutanea la wjt eeconos. Their , Z , ' '"""i
former record ot W J-S seconds was held I tour luc pipe, eight cents per foot
by the Everett hose, of Boulder, Colo. I go to M. Martin's liquor store at
Th. liome for p..r Hatea. Uauch Chunk for my whlakey I get
RIAPINO, July ft. The Pennsylvania Bo. . ,,. . ' K"
,u. fn,,. th.TWfm.t k "J Huisaey ior einiu per gallon.
here thla afternoon, with 125 persons pres-1 Lewis Drelbelbles andUIss Florence
cot The boms for deaf mutea, it wu de- Koons, two of Leltlghtau's most estim
l4d.?hall be located la this cty. W able young people were quietly wed
w," r.IT,,r,.M '. CVS! C"""I- furnished residence that they will oo-
a negro, feloniously assaulted alS-year-old oup7 Dn Se00ni1 street In the presence
daughter of Andrew Lobb, a farmer, and onlJ of close relatives. Rev. O. W.
rrUlcaL8"1 J11" Th,,'l'COBdlu,J Dnugan, pastor of the M. E. Church,
E.t...i.. cn.a.rr.n.o i. r.iroiie. uun-i.iou. xue young coupie nave tne
FxTitoUA. July -A Are broke out at 1 well wishes and hearty congratulations
'clock In tbe morning la the Kllry bltwk, I of their many friends.
MulS: Kr babM'th. -Th!.?.Va.Qeel,c1 Beh-l
railroad track, to tbe Oriental hotel and will noiu meir annual umidren's-day
Pittsburg and Washington railroad depot. I net-vices next Sunday evening Julr 0th
and on Main atreet from the corner above , pyesbyUrlan Chnroh. An Interest.
Mi-si lnhtm'i tiAMtil tha nnrna af A . 1 "
.tr..t. ineludlnu tw.otv tnuinu. ing programme Is on hand aud a good
placea. uwing to a water ping being I time antioipaieu, ounuay rtouoot u.ia
pen near where the flre eUrted It wu lm, U. M. Preaching services 1CUW A. M, by
possible to utilise the waUi worka. The R children's Dav servlM.
htm waa aotleo nnder control br the ef- K,T- "h"- t-nuuren s uay services
forte of the bucket brigade. Tbe loss on " -10 P-M. Welcome all,
all bulldlnij. aud ooutenu la estimated a Qn the occasion of her birthday
.... .
I anniversary on last Saturday relatives
and friends of Mrs. J. F. Hottenstine
T.B.Snyder,ofWestPenn,dealerin Last Saturday evening, a colored to perpetrate them bfl emphatically
r , - - -1 oecome closer to tne people as an in- .noitt most of the summer ou
death last Saturday evenlntt. The team on the new court house at Mauoh ,,,, .n,i . .,,.... , k modern epeut most ot "
new court, nouse at mauon Ullnl,iA r,rlrll.-n,l. ,i,,t,,t t v, ' 7 ...,...i.i. 1....1.
. ... .. . . I m 1 . 1 ... . , ,ol .- . mnunuun eugaseu m vuu.
maao a journey to Lomguton aunnj f -"a .ru. wr u ,w, u shirked by Intelligent citizen. . , .ithe mother thus aided by
the day, and were taken sick shortly at that place, and tore from Mrs. M.r. Ga OTOasIoB8 the IntelUgent 0 o te" rns mor,
after returning home, and died wltbln rill of Scranton, a passenger, her silver p60PiohaTe -sat down" on the tricks threo or f our cnuuren otteu
an hour of eaoh other. chatlalne, purse, watch and other orua-f .. j . M Pr o
I nnntlalno niirco ur.tnh .nil nflt.r nrriu. I .... ........
. --' I or tne uosses ana tne indications are I ... w n Ttv-t u making nreu-
ments. He then escaped. The con- th, ,h , H ,, ttraln u. Mr. W. B. Lovat Is ma-in prop
Attentloo. Teachers. ditcto r teleuranhed to DetecUve Bals- . . T , 7 . , arutlons for raising auomer umiuu
The rerraUr Hv. w.v. .h.r.' ... 1 . T el eRraPIloa 10 "e,ecUT.e u,ls" men up front who can bo depended on ",., th one recently
slonwlU open at Falrview Academy, ?he mg hUe O 3. 1 T l' S down! This will undoubtedly
nmdh--,ivi!in. p.. Mn,u, ji in T laa ne . m0.ralD? wnue ,J- lu the fullest sense of the word ond I ... , ,,.., ,rfitv fnrthe dls-
AUlnstructlon'wlllbegiventU.vlew eloquence on
to prepare teachers for their work. ,y In a Taeant partofour friend and Uacber
,r.w..w w. avvM.u "v I Riirw, and ins reiinw cantured ruu i . i . . . i
tfivou. nlacedinJalL The watoh and other! i. ...i... -a t . ..,Mti..(y at th ijUtiuLton Hchool UairU
VV'P. KrSit r A M ' articles were found by Benner. At LK tTI j , - , , " ou Ust Monday erenlns these teaehers ero
June 2J.-w3 instructors bearing before Squire Boyle on Men- ,,',,, . ,,n , 1J ,.f V"..". 7ru"
aav ne w&s re-commiuea lo awaiLi nn . .. .a 1 nr,n...r eu-itai-f.onnA K.(iriv. ma.
in ,u iuu?riuouiM ,.u. win.. .
llat.h.llliis lias's. 1 a Mfht.
"t""M',-",ffi. SSf fromCatasauqua. Phliad'elphla, Tren-
waa' seriously Injured by llteber Mace, ton, N. J, aud town tendered her a
lately a member or tne oiuu.wne had teen pleasant surprise. During the erenlng
diaeoargeu ior incompetency aca ae-1 were indulged tn at a Ute hour
Maike knocked Mm down. Mac returned dolootable supper was served.
tba attack, knocked Marke down, and. Fob Silx. A Palrbank'a Standard
trio. IJo. of I trial.
a run line 01 single auq uouuie nar
I and Democrats should push his claims
nnss.wlna.flr, n.lti. .wAHt nd .nm.l . xv i .,iiini. v.. with a unanimity that wlU bring suo
mer blankets. Ao. for soring trade at cess. Let sober, honest Judgment pre
vejy reasonable prices at Milton Florv's m, w tr ifrin ni mil- vaU and CarbcdM.111 be on top.
neiaapurr,! -. u turned from the Grand Old Normal
after successfully passing the Junior
Found, a sum of money. The owner
examinations, to spend tbe summer
Send ten oents silver or twelve
sod jear Seoouoary-K. Alios Moots.
1st your Becondary Irene KensterraalKr,M
imd year Primary xurtha lair!,
SHl year rnmary lAWba It.hthE, els.
lvt vear Prtniary Mrs. Oatell, all
l st rear Primal i-VUn Ault, aja.
The election to 111 the vacancy In Ibe wound
ary scblwlil take rithla filday evening.
The Old nuaden lluttau C.lo.Urr
, , I vacation at home. There are eighty
Culton, proving pro'pert id V" hSIM .".Posnves '1 d tothe Lc
frTrthia nntlno. . eighty-throe in the junior was. ,n,rm,H,, .",.... 1,?, hlghton Cemetery and Is not to be
A good 1Q Inch Lawn Mower for I Senior Class by Qulnton D. Arner, of
fBatthe Lehigh Coal & Hardware WelssporT, and In the Junior Cm by
Carbon county is represented in thestr()ttQullj6 HoUl Prices Cab Fares used as a publlo buryinagrouud. The
Co Limited, north First street
Tbe "Famine Feet" at the rooms
of the Germanla Sstrgerbund ou the
4th was a very enjoyable affair,
Grain Cradles for 83.00 at the Le
high Coal A Hardware Co., Limited,
north First street
Trexler. the popular carriage deal.
sr. delivered a hand oru trottlug buggy
to Lossos Bros, of Tamaqua thla week.
frriTtottoTtirtlZ riatfurm Sle ca.ty OKX, pound. A. F Snyder, sell, standard
i.ut.i.-i.u.i. wen brought, but Mac sub- Apply to W. M. Rapaher, MauohCbunk. Inoti rubber boss for 8o per foot. He
I paid tbe coat sad was pormtttad lor 1L V. Morthiaier. Jr.. Lsbtahton.
te leave tor ids home M wasnif .tea.
bat oheaper grades too.
Sophie Klefer, of Mauch ChuLk, and
W. H. Krlll, of Millport The tcUl at
tendance for the summer session was
QfiOstudenU. Tbls shows what pro
gross the sohool Is making whloh Is
undoubtedly due to tha ability ot Dr.
K. Oram Lyte, tbe PrlnoipaL
Cheap aad Good Ico Cr..ut.
Committees for pleolo, festivals and
rutrttesiwUi do well to consult C. II.
Nusbaum, Vetsspart, whw tbey boy
leeerekm. He sell a moat excellent
artlole at the low prloe of 86 oents per
gallon, usbt rorgei to see mm. sw
Restaurant Rates, etc. Describes the LeUgi,ton Cemetery contemplate tbe
h nU how to kSiD outof hem'TM. oorly Improvement of the gtounds. All
KSh?,i0,Wn.?. ZfL- .TPil burials therein must hereafter be made
visitor to the wludy city will be sent by w,lh the UM,ct ol f'l?"1:
man pom imiu ou receipt 01 ieo oeuiH
ollwo. na. rro&lt'o nAna In .4n 1.1
Ura I I J 4.v..4lr.l AWMMltA.. .111
P. O. rol,D N. V. Unvon TC'fi
riease mention this paper. " ,"7 "ISTirt TC
Inn, nu nf Oft nutf, Mnn
-Dont be deoelved. Buy only tbe PrlvaU families supplied at IUX) nor
genuine wash machine. All our wash- gallon packed and delivered. When
era are guaranteed and bear the Van- yu need loo oream dont foil to mil
devrlft Co's guarantee. There are lots "uu
of Imitations In the market. A. F. -Ioe oream freeser. at Gabol'. l-ir-t
Bnyaer, wetssport. I street woaU- fnr flftv-rwri WAeks. and lu I . ...
addition you get the magazine once a t n salary ot WOO b moatu. Muchw
montb, for twelve months, all for one eret is expressed by the residents of
dollar. It Is an olfer which the publish- Frackrille at tbe departure of the pro-
era can ontyauuruvu uiaae him to- fessor who Bfter mu h ubor
tldent expectation of getting a aun- . , , ,
drod thousand now subscribers. PIao6l schools on a footing equal
Among the authors In the coming te any lu Eastern Pennsylvania.-.-series
are, Wllkte Collins, Walter Tamaqua Courier.
it.....e i niir,.t ii.nnr'..ll lln
Florence Marryut, Authony Trollope, s.l.rl.t lncroaeed.
lope, A. Conau Doyle, MissBraddon, T( a.inn.i ,,, ln th irf.
Coptaln Marryat, Miss Thaokeryauel ,;reu' c., ,nKes u h "u"e
Jules Verne. It you wish to take advau- 01 thePresldentlsl postmasters through
tage of this unusual opportunity send out the country have been announced
one dollar for Stafford's Magazine one Rt tho Post Offleo Departmant There)
andyou were a reat many changes In P.nnsyl-
novels lone eocu week) waicn yau are mo nu uui isw
to receive during the year will be sent ceptlons, being Increased. Amsng
you by return mail. Itomlt by P.O. them are the following:
Order, registered lettle or express. .
Address 11. station! rumisner, I Freland erjoti ilia
btatrord s Magazine, I rotuvui. asce s,ee
P.O. Box 2201. New fork. N.!cJ,.cl,u,k J-' R
Please mention this paper. XtIZ."":::""::',::::::. t'jtoe iSe
wuaesoarre sjuou 2.WQ
utuo veo tjuo
Wendell Phillips' Pow.r. KflHt: MS
The writer heard Wendell Phillips tk"' 1 '"".iin"'iil'Ji Vi,i, ' .
speech lasted he was almost aslioroed of th,re re 2a rhe aggregate salaries
himself for being white instead ot cop- ' 'as' 7r amounted to MOL300; this
per colored. Ono secret of tba power Of year they amount to 1327,100, Tba
Phillip with an andlenoswas that he, receipts last year amounted to 45,101,-
was always aenmte, ceruua m iue awv u-ji.7;i; this year they reach 5,45&083 91 .
ments and position. If ha had prtvately ... '
doubts about a course or a policy, he tkaoiikks'kxamination.
never exhibited them when on the plat- The Carboa County Teachers Eiaiuiaattosi
form. He very well knew that there Is "IU be held a. follows.
nothing an audience lues so utuema ...... u.u.u,,i,
speaker as indecision and beating about Au&t1? r rt UtnM Tohl.
tha bush. There was no hwiness la Tannery, for KldderTo.ruhlrandKaat Bid.
what he said. His subject stood out be- Auguet s.
fore his hearers as clearly cut as a cameo. Anu?K"t rnfr. ' Mabonlnu Tormsttip,
-Charles Dudley Warner ln Harper's. ' To...m a ... .
MIllDort, for Lower Towmm.n.inir Tnwn.hln
Th. Mlol.t.r AarMd. I Acrusl S, '
During the war an Ohio minister was I Stemlersvliio 8ebool, for Upper TowaHenslar
an Ohio river boat at Portsmouth. At I suwy Oreek School, tor fonn Forest Tosm-
the first landing below, the mat "turned ip. August is.
loose" at the deckhands. He cursed AJ1 applicants must be examined la tbe dls-
thelr eyes, their hearts, their lnbbery 'Tlr'.'t1""1 10 "" Koet,na-
fLt ihdr larlness their whole line of eto1s iranted to any person under alt-
tnLtJ a 5? th. t hn,,, 7l Mn of A(t. Kiaml nations becln at baU-
V7i.'T telshL nirectorsar. bearl.t, !.,.d t.
17, iwi. -i. s, l't' I attend the eiauilnauoas.
to the shocked minister with th query!
"Don't this beat heur
"Yes, sir, I'm afraid it does." And
the good man retired to bis cabin. Cleve
land Plain Dealer,
A. S. Belsel, Uo Soul.
Exportmeote TVIlh Derabl. VTooda.
In some tests made with small aqaares
ot various woods burled one Inch In th
ground, tbe following results were ob
tained: Birch and aspen decayed ln
three years; willow and horse chestnut
In four years; maple and red beech In Ave
years; elm, ash, hornbeam and Lorn.
Lardy poplar in seven years) oak, Scotch
fir, Weymouth rino and sllrer fir decay
ed to a depth of halt an Inch Inaovto
years; larch. Juniper and arbor vitas
were) uninjured at the expiration of th
seven yeam-iSdoago Times,
Remember tW proper ulUvatien and
use ot the voirts not oaly add to its beau
ty, bat prevent It from becoming prt
njaturely eld, worn and nocked.
saV LZfiffftit S
A cream of tartar baking powder.
Highest of all ln learcnlng strength.
Latskt Unites Statbh Dorrs!; mr
coo IlEroaT.
Royal Baking Powder Co.,
100 Wall 8t, N. Y.