MUSIC WITH MEALS. On Baspeet In Whlth Oklahoma Motel Rn Are Vp lo Il.te. L -Li.1 11 '"fl 1LJ IlK Feet .nAT.rtaptn. A observing business man, who has i bad oocaalon to patronli. at one time ot i another nearly every restaurant in the Tha hotel of Oklahoma to last fall t Z " "ZTiL1 wCTo iew una tar between, Having tnea , ' ji nl. 1.- eventl with little tat isf action, a rwrtv of hungry "tenderf eet" wan directed bj a commercial traveler to n llttlo place on a corner. The commercial man said It did not look inviting, hut It waa clean. That vraa an Inducement the party had not heard ot in that section, and It turned In for .upper. The dining room waa one in which the family-lived. A folding bed stood in one corner. An old time bureau was opposite. A box stovi was in the way, and about It wvrt several old fashioned rockers. A few family pictures hung from the wall, with the old, old motto, Invoking the blessing of the powers celestial on the household. The party asked for suppol and was told to bo seated until the moo! was prepared. Two girls, delicate and with tnnoh weariness in their faces, spread the table, When the meal wot brought on, they simply said, "flapper h ready" and disappeared. The party gathered about the meal, and it was agreeably disappointing. While it was beingdevoured that is the best word to use, even at this distance from the table tho two girls camo intc the room, accompanied by their mother, woman whoso hair was white and 'rhose face was a study. There must have been a time when she was beauti ful. They came in as if they had boon billed for the occasion. They wont tc one corner of the room, and then tht party discovered that thero was one of those old time in elod eons In an out ot thi way place. Tho mother took her place at the keys, and as the mournful molo dies responded to her touch the dangh ters sang, "Nearer My God to Thoo,' "Nellie Gray," and then "Lorona." Think of "Lorena" on a melodoon -In Oklahoma! The party having finished supper, one of them paid the bill, and then the muslo ceased. It was a Ques tion which no on at that party wasovei able to agree upon, or they hod not ur. to last accounts. Was the intiBlo of thai night for the purpose of entertainment tr to forestall the possibility of dupli cating any of tho orders? CUlcng Tribune. Friendships of Snake Thero is a certain coolness almost tc be called a positive want of cordlnllt) between snakes and human beings. More, the snake is never a social favor ite among the animals called lower. No body makes on Intimate friend of a snake. Popular natural' history baoki are filled and running oyer with anec dotes of varying eleganoo and mendac ity, sotting forth extraordinary direc tion and co-operation between a oat and a mouse, a horse and a hen, a pig; and o cockroach, a camel and a lobster, a cow ana a wneeinarrow ana so on, but tueri Is never a snake in ono of these quaint alliances. Snakes do not do that sort o thing, and tho anecdote designer's linsg InatloQ has, not yet risen tooths feat oJ compelling them, although tne stimului of competition may soon cause n. The cose most nearly approaching oaf of friendship between roan and enaltc known fo toe U the cose of Tyrrell, th zoasnaktkeepcr,and his "Ioldly worms. 13ut then tho friendship Is mostly oji Tyrrell's side, and, moroovom, Tyrrell ii rather moro than human, as fjpy one wui oamu wuq sees mm, uang uots con strictora around his neck. Of com? one of ten hears of boys making pets ol common uigllsn snakes, but a lay not. a human creature at all, JIo Is t kind of harpy. Arthur Morrison la Btrand Magazine. if aver occur alnelr upon n bill of fare, "You can bo reasonably sure," ho sntd the other day, "that when, youeee 'liver and bacon' set down'atnonii the edible you will not havo to-look far do discover that you can also obtain a 'chicken liver omelet.' Perhaps this 'will explain," he added cynically.? ".why-it Is that so oftej the' liver of the first dish acperfrsla small triangular pieces in the pmekt" Tho gentleman might have transferred bis observances Slso to-certain up town restaurants which cater to the "swell" members of society. It's dollars to dough nuts that in at least one-half of those which boastjrf thoir fine cooking, when ever terrapin a la Maryland or Philadel phia or any other style is to be had. it will require but Uttlo uiging to obtain fried pigs' foot Pigs' feet and diamond bock terrapin do not closely ronemb'le one another m their, natural state, but what a difference when thoy are stewed, either separately or together, with Madeira wine and vnri orts concomitants! jn epicure euly.cen detect the subterfuge by the slightly larger bones of tho pig's trotters. New York Hernia. A WORDJOJOMEN. From One Who Suffered, BcoTTSViiut, Pa., March 18th, 1602. Dn. David Kennedy, ii. ii Hint From a crowlnz cltl. I sullerftl with female trouble or weakness peculiar to my sex, 1 doctored with several different physicians, hut found no relief, Wasao reduced in strength and flesh, that I weighed but CSllis. Ichanced to learn ottlie won derful cures nr. David Kennedy's Mrs, Corn. Bouton. Favorite neineuy was performing, anu ineu li. ine iirav botlleiirodnced marked Improvement After taking five bottles, I was almost a well women and weighed 121 lbs. just think of if mt buffeu- INU BISTERS," such a gnin In weight and better la health than I ever was. it la nw ilfstrn tn tell ever? woman in the world who suffers from any of the complaints common to our sex, of the benefit and cure to be derived from the uu of Or. Kennedy's favorite item edy, Mbs. damn Boutok. If you have chronlo weakness, bearing &om, nlu,ln ontarrh. wimm-iwd Of HalOIM Period. suspicious ETOwthft. dippowdto tumor or cancer, or hemorrhage, suffer from patoful or Imrular menstruation. feucorrbcBa, or irregular monthly sickness, falling ot the womo or cuauae l ii Dr. Davkl Kennedy's Favorite Kemrdv lathe only ht-Ip f or iou J It hat curedthousADda when -a up In despair, good gained by lialntt lh 1 j. l'rloo, 11 a botUe, aul fire cau it g Itemed J. nod hMftlth sod lone Konneuj's naronM vl3J Ji, YOU'D BETTER CHERISH HIM. )1ir art h tut bind wbo tu tretty, Tbra tix bmbwid who re wltt, Them are kuabtuida who In pvbUo it m BtnU ing m th morai ThnrB ,r hoibndi who htuJthr. lTier fcr htubunrlt who r welthyt But the roU aofftllc huaband wU, hi nrei ft ben bornl Boms for ttrvngth of loro an noted. Who are retUr t o dtTotsd That whener their wires ar absent thej an lonecome ana roriornt And while now and then rou'll find one WtuoH a fair Ir irood and alnd onn. Tetthe real atxtfeno htitband oh, Le'g nerei recveen Dorni Bo the onuin who H matod To the man who mar be rated Am pretty fair should oherl&h him forever and a flay. For the real anjrslto creature. Perfect, oalte. In arerr feature. He has nerer been dlsoorered, and he wont be. sotueyeay. Cincinnati Commercial OaeeUe. Seroapaloui Dr. Peabodf. According to Dr. Ed wacd Everett Halo, tho late Dr. Andrew Poabedj', while looking over flotno topers e dkyt di covered that . ho waa $40,000 rtelier than he had been the rear before. Thereupon he wrote to the aeeossors of Cambridge and directed thctn to hicrenAO his tax till. Tho-waste of a groat city might easily food Its desperate poverty. We waste our cool aad our smoke, our gas and our water, our food and our refuse. What we want is more forethought In times of ' comparative prosperity. Exchange. A Stand o K Cholly How often does your tailor send in his hill? Fweddie Every week. ChoUy QroclouA. You dnt get clothes that often, do you? x Fweddie No, ana neyether does the tailor pet Ms money, Detrtt Preo Press. COMPLETKLY CPKOOTED, How many rametl.ei there are lilch merely relievo without uprooting disease. The contract ltli sterling medicines which siym palliatives afford, not only enhances tho dlfl.tty of the former, but services to emptmslre the folly ot employing half-way measures when thorough once are available. A marked Instance of tlih the effect, on the one hand, ot Hottetter's Stomach Bitters In pane of chills and fever and bilious remittent, and on the other of ordinary remedies In maladies of this type, Ily tks Bitters malarial complaint in every stage, and ot tho most malignant type, are completely con miprru sna ioso ineir noia upon ine lyKieni, They are rarelv. If ever, dhlodewt by the ordi nary rcKOiirrrS " mii'uii-in uuuttuii mrir svinntamii nuv unmiefttlonabtv be mltlirateil through such means. The same holds good ot inatgemon, uni'iusness, Kiuuey complaint, rueu matlim. nervoujnes, and debilltty, By tho 11 1 Iters they are cured when remedhfi; No woman has entered the Convent of St. Catherine, on Mt Sinai. 1100 yeaas. JJU-.J I)UDNKKNNKRS,ar th I.HjU(rt HAItlT, terlntc Ir. llalneB lo1dm Bpeclllr. fee or tea. or In food, without the knowledge of the patient. It is absolutely harmless, and will ftiert a nennanent and soepav cure, w the patient Is a moderate drinker or au alcohollg vtrecK. it lias neen given in uioiisauusoi entfi, and In every instance a perfect cure has follow ed. it never fails. The svHtem once tinprfc nated with the itecinc. it tWoine an utter Ira- poBsiDijuy lor vne liquor uitpeiiie iu tviiti, vurrs S Idres the (Jouikk Spkcikio Co., iha icacq Btrt-et, ClnclnuatVOlrio. Uct. I ' L 'I Crime succeeds by sudden despatch honest counsels gain vigor by delay. Subscrlba for this paper only 01. Torpid Livers, the cause of auiaerous oilier aliments, are made iiesilhr and vigorous bv the use of V. right's Iadlan Vegetable rilli. The right side Is always the strong est bide, no matter how weak it looks. M Kit IT WINS. This remedy ts becomlnc so well known and so popular as lo need no special men lion, au wno nave asea cieciric uiurrs sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exK and it Is euarnn- teed to do all that Is claimed. Electric Hitters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kldnevs. will remove FimDles. Dolls. bait Ktieum and other affections caused by Impure blood. H 111 brlve Malaria from the system anil prevent as well as cure all Malarial fevers. For cure of Headache, Constipation and Indigestion tsy Electric Hitters Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded Prlco 10 els and $1.00 per bottle at Itebers Drug Store, Lehigh ton, ana in errs urug more, weissporu Don't bo afraid to do your duty, no matter who throws mud at-you. No man is fit to lead who hits not tho courage to stand alone. USE DANA'S SAItSA?AUILI.A, THE KIND THAT CUKES. A LUCKY RUSSIAN. PROF. ALEXANDER BODDROU niscovKiiim or Bafldrou's Miraculous Remedies. Liberal Minded Physicians1 Kndorte Them As lieingthe 9reatct JMicovery of the Age. HoHlthe cure wheiiumsj In accordance toiuirnc toture i"d Incur .hi. Il tihthorlB Ati.' ma,hroncUltis, catarrh lite re"" Huiuiru s.iU.i..iyand in..).. allied riUrtHl to tUir tiaturahondltlon. Hiiln hip and bone dliease cured KlieumatlKiu Sciatica, neuralgia, Hrlght's disease of the kld-l ne i, liver couipUInt, dysentery, aud so-called eeart uUease art) euUrely cur4 by pur nitnil utie u my iiwu prt'iu i1tig, uDurlUKiilnevers over persons huve hal tliftoniedtiliiei and are living witnesses c ttn-lr worth. 1 will not go Into practice my self, being over ft rant ol age; Hill sell m inedlclnen only. 1 have two eiuiuciit iitiymcliis t-ounuecttrd with me to attend to cilljug at lliv reiiiteiivwi of the sick tlmmlred. TKHTlMONlAlX. From 1'alrlrk llurke. I'lllLAUKLflllA, April C, lBI. Frofesvir Iltaudrouitear bir Allow me to gr-ml )ou ty sincere thauus lor the gmul that lour meillt'lne done iue( and ynii cau publUh this letter If you choose, for the benetu ol Hie tuflerera. In wfilrh 1 will state t had my baud tTUHheilcountliui the cars, and doctored lor it, and was In the hoHiiltal about six weeks. uuu hit uaim ueoHiii?sonHoiifi), aim inu4miu;i- Nothlng so distressing as a hack In c Cough. Nothing so foolish as to suffer from It. Nothing so dangeroas if allowed to continue. One Jinute Couth Cure gives Immediate relief. T. D. Thomas. who Tho richest people are those havo the fewest wants. If von can afford to be amoved by sick heart ad ache and constipation, don't use DeWitt's Little Early lllsers for these httlo pills will cure them. T. D. Tbouias, Druggest. It mav bo that the rich man in tor ment had a great mnny i.i things said about mm ou uls tomutiMe. Jnst vs sure as hot weithw comes their will be more or less bowel complaint in this vicinity. Every parson and esneclaley families ought lo nave come reliable mels ina at hand (or instant use in case It 'ill needed. 23 or 60 cent of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Itemeby is just what vou ought to have and all that vou would um, even for the most severe and dangerous caes. It is the test, the inest reliable and succensful trcatmen known and is pleasant to take. For salt at Hlerv's Welssport, and Keber's Lehlghe There in a t run fc cent power in ox ample. Wo reform othvs unconseij ouly when we walk uprightly. Iiou Uklug nlaoe, some of the doctors tliougltt 1 II 1 Witt UH4l llV go U I'rof. lioud rou's omce, and get some of his would have lo get my hud ammiUted lo tmve my Hie, bin i was old n one oi my (rleads to lA. Ktlll eft At III' ()f lltat uiedl. Ine for It, and that he knew It would save niv hand. 1 went then and got the medicine, and In two weeks ttm swelling all wrut down, aud I had the la il inv lliikfura. 'I'lion I wnt L wairlc. and tuuster iuMlf wtH. and earnestly r worn mend he remedy to all amictd like me. there Is uuumitf in iuv wuriti line u la uelroy oimNi noiwu. reduce iwrlUuic. amillilUtu tulo. rtMUr- liitfactlou In the nerves, and cireuUlhui tuthe viuuu , uirre is ihiliiiiik vu compare 10 1U llvsiecllully jours, I'ATIUCK nUUKK. ITOJN.tttllBt., 1'h II i a, I'fl. From Joseph Klrfcner. is Nlutli hlret. flilUdelubta. lfl I'eaaa14wiuetaai1dni testimony to our list. iia lug ueen suniiruva uuee limes uunni ttteiiti ruri. IIih iitnt lime It was so bad that was bed fat lor four months; had the very best oi uocurs out was stiu pe ii iKtor, ami s lent tiled to gooul WOUl lliei- J uc lined ss mercury will surely destroy the sense of ii y hi ML tin (aces. Much articles should ntvrr be uvtt ex mfll mid conihletelv iini Hiirn riurriii) away, with ait- pe Ue iKtor, and great ialu liitiiLetl In iris miT. luit muiIiI would often drou dow it w hl1eatenitlnK to walk was was Iclne i.i ii I ii UsJll llll alliT I At- but could uot UMi thekun. w as coosldered a ery tad to nui on congestion of tti aud 1 made out to got to his ottlee, 171 N. loih street, aud 1 got the medicine aud In three weeks time I was able to be out and tending to my business, though on of my horses died in the meant line from the head, while I sUmhI It. and am able to attend to buslueits now, Thanks to Hod AlmltUty atidtofrof. Houdrou's ntedl rliiM. tt,hlrti 1 ulll ruMitiiiMiifl fanvtr to aov poor sufferer as 1 was,wiukl be uImum! to hare iu) uus vn " irr wo mr mi hkx iinut iiiamvu, jOstl'H Office and Aboratary otu dally fioiu 7 a, oi, WU, Ml. VJAU tH HI AUKXANliKK IHllipllOU, ITU Kurth rnuililitrMkt. dec 10, Vily. IttlhuMotna, I'a. Beud t oeut Wmp for vatuaMe book. IUIW'8 THIS. leraiure the whole svs ttthroush the mucous sur- A. S. Ruben old, XAiM Hons BANK BTRKHT. LKIIIQIITON. tlUiuutralB, 0wa4ilalatwlwlwiiTOimat utSos (UH-WtUiNJMluy ol wok Ht. adJiM. 1U.KNIOWS. iLtuautrJ'a. ciit oil inMcrl)liun. (mm reftuUbt. lito.k'l&m. s. the lUinaue t.ey Hill Uo U ten Iul M th. g-ihxlymi Mi..bly ttrilve from tlifiii lLiH' I'lurrli (ilrtt, maniiutured by Pi J C hvnfey d uo, rolv4lOt if. oouuiiii. no mercury, hiiu is Ukeu iDtcroally, aetluy illntMly Ulmn Die blood imI tmioMi. Kurfare of Uio . bU-iii. In buvtng Ujtu ntumrrii liure oe mrr ioukvi iii soiuii. It ts ukril lotoriwlly und Is nude hi lolrdo. t)hlo, by K J t'tiriif y & Co. Ytitliuiooliils f rf, ir-rtrtld by driwclsts. price T5e wr bottle, Aliaut the only time some people sjieak well of othe people, u niter titer are ueuu uuu unnuit. Goome Sattil usoilto take t. kewine so soothe her nerves wbou ex.ltwl ly wrlthiK. Cue word descrlbo. It "nerfpollon W refer lo DeWliti Wltau lUiel KsWe. cure, obsllniile sore., burn., akin disease. ana is a well-mown cure for piles. I . 1) I nomas The overage yearly value of the pota to crop of Great Urltaiu lu 85a0ua,000. The luluteauoe of tue Whit House at Washington oot the ponutry ll'Jfy ooa hypolermlo syritiRe that cau be thorntiKhly stitrlllawl after umi, is a re eottt Invention of two Rnallah physist atts. It Is aserteil by some that the nails ot the right band grow faster than thoae of the left, airs. Simons of Sotlaville, Or., Is over 100 years) eld ami draws a pension trout the 1812 war fund. The Uertuan ecueflor recently Is sued an order agaltiht otUuars ot the army usltuc single eysylnaisa. Europe oou.uweni about DtUfiOOfiOO worth of gold aud silver yearly foe plate, jewelry aud oruaatrnU. In tho heart of tho Ural mountains, which divide Siberia from Rnssla, stand the lor gout sheet iron works In the tuil Torse. Owned and managed by the Rus sian government, thoy constitute an en tire city and are fortifier like a fort agulmt the rcet ot the worl X Ituasian shoot iron, as every oni knows, Is thn (strongest and best pro dnced by my notion, and the process oi its tnaoufacrrtro Is joalousry guarded by the aatboriflos. Ono wiw enter tin servtoe of the company never again soes the outside world. He given tip every thing freedom, family, friends, all for tbe sum, of a few pitiful rubles a month delivered whore he chooses. lie ts then lq the works, but he might as well be in his grave. Hot a word can bo obtalnod concerning him, and should he live M years after entering tbe, service or die the noxt day not oven his family would be the wiser, unless the stoppage of the monthly stipend revealed the fate of the loan. Once tn awhile one tries to es- wpei not often, however, for they ore always fcnnght and always shot is a warning to others for tho attempted tfenohory. It was a citep October night In tho lit tto-.Tilloge of Obvinsk, obout 200 milt from the great ron works. The weather was sharp, the trees end vegetation turned to a reddish brown all it the lichens and mosses, which seemed to crouch into the very bowlders in their effort tot Wold themselves from the keen wind, sweeping knilellke from the snow covered TJrfd. Petrolt Norvitskl entered Ma poor hut as his wife Martina placed their scant supper of dry bread imd potatoes on the mue ur moio, on wmca nickered and dared a bit of candle end stuck lna gourd for candlestick. "I nm tired throutrh. wife." enld lie. 'and will bo to bed. but cheer uo before I Etot sunshine Is always back of the clouds. True, tho crops have failed and 1 con get no work, but tbe Blessed Vir gin will surely see us through the winter." And with o tender Mbs to wife and babies Petrod sought the rest be so much noodod. tie shnt bis eyes, but not to sleep, rmd only to tarn over and over tn Ms fevered brain the probability of see ing his family starve and freeee. De was brighter, more hopeful, when he rose nes.1 morning, but any ono could have seen thai his cheerfulness was mostly assumed. Eating his breakfast one potato again Pctroff kissed the babies more 'tendVrly than usual, and evading his wtfefe questions as to wlkcre be was going ho bode her keep up her bcert and once more left tho bouse. Out onoo out of sight of bar eyes be flnng himself down by the roadside, and, strong man as ha was, ho bowed his head In his hands and sobbed like a child. But Petrol? was a sturdy fellow, and after n few moment given to uncontrol lable grief be wiped away his tears and strode down tho highway. Prom time to time ho begged a Lit of bread from a passing serf, and when nightfall settled ovor the valley cnawled Into a thlclat and sunk Into a heavy sloeri The son was peeping bold and bjusay over thi- Ursl mountains before be awohe and stilt and sure began again bis tramp to ward the tron works. It had crossed the meridian, the shadows were lemrthen- tug, and still not a morsel of food had passed his lips this day, every one of whom he hod begged a bite needing it for tneir own uses. Suddenly to the right a gunsliot sounded, and a ptarmigan fell within reach. "A providence for mol" cried Petroff. iovouslv Belzinir and thrustlni it nmW bis jacket and looking about him to make sore that tho sportsman hod inta- ed the effect of his shot. As soon as he dared he stopped, mode a fire and cook ed the bird, and thouch he ate it with out breed or salt it gave him strength to keep his way, bloeidng tn tbe night air had stiffened and made his bones ache, so he hud decided that he would not again try tho thicket if he could help it, aud as night had route on dark and murky he begnu to look about him for a place of shelter. He was then, though he old uovknow It, pubslug the estate of the celourated Cotutu UouuuiolL Looming through t) darkness stool the great turretcd castle with Its battle- ln,Bt n-nlla uS i.Wa I... K H a barn, into which Pctroff slipped through an open window and stretched himself on tho sweet smelling bay, his troubles ror tbe time rorgouen In slum fcer. n.was pitch dark and close on to mid night when tae sound of voices roused him suppressed voices talking in cau tious tones, which at onco awakened hla auspicious, lie lay-still and listened. "But this Isn't the Hable," a voice at the door umrutured toiuplalnbudy. 'No, devil ta'se it," replied another, "I took the wrong U)rn; use stubles are back of the castle. Come on. Get three of the best horses and bring them to the entu by the lodge, a tidy addition, you know, to tho ransom we will wt for the capture of Romanoff. It it 12 o clock now. Vo must ho at tho rendezvous by 8. Hurry: we have no time to lose here." Norvitskl lav still till the sound of their footsteps died In th. dlstano. Then he aroM and dropped from th. window by which he bad entered, hurried to the eaatu and rattled the knocker vigorous. ly. A servant responded and inquired what was wasted. "Your master,"said Petroff. "I must see blm at once. "Return tomorrow," said the man. "Th. oomte'a abed, fatigued by bunt ing." "I must see him now, I tell you,' troS persisted. "It is life or deathl Go, as I bid you." Ouessing from Korvitski's manner thai omething'serioua did demand hla mus ter's attention, the servant obeyed, our! Petroff five minutes later was entering the room where the comte. In dreseiuij gown and slippers,, sat upon the edge ol his bed sleepily rubbing hla eyes and considerably exasperated at his Inter rupted nap. "What do you want, fellow?" cried h angrily ns Petroff eutered. "What mean von by disturbing ms at this unseetnl) Lourr "To secure your safety, sir, perhaps Petroff answered boldly, and in a few words told his story. The comte, when Petrol! finished, waa no longer yawning, but angry and alert. "Well," aaid he, "If that Isn't Impu dence! Once. som. years ago, the Eroslri pass brigands caught me and made mc pay a round price for freedom, but whe would have dreamed of their venturing to the castle to try th. gam. -again! This time, if I know myself, well turn the tablesr And ths comte Jerked the VelL The asm. man that had answered Petroff f knock aud wakened the oomts answered the summons and waa told th, details. "There's no us, rousing th. house roaster," said he, "unless you order it We three eon manatra them- Thev can get In only by the aoullery windows, and well'bave them when they enter the bouse." A plan arranged, they noiselessly atart- d below stairs, the oomts carrying a WBtera over wruou n. baa thrown a aleak to hid. Its rays. Taking their stand in cautious silence, they feverishly awaited avsaiU. As tho eastl. clock struok 1, as if it had been a signal, tue waa heard vrif tly and nearly nolaaaly ousting the iruu grating. In a short tuu. a teclivo of KrftJmii waipul.afid Sj wolf- like tread was Heard tn'tbe oarioierfi followed qttlokly by another. As the muffled feet drew near tho door leading above the brigands found themselves suddenly covered with light and the yawning muscles of three cavalry pis tols. Resistance was useless. Three msn were more than a match for tv o They helplessly suffered themselves to In bound, disarmed and thrown like a bun dle, of fagots in the corner to await the arrival of the officers tho next morning -is orvitsiti, my menu," said tho comte, 'you have saved my life nosslblv anil are a rich man besides. Twenty tltou sand rubles reward has loen offered for the capture of theeoraon, dead or nllvc. two of the most desperate brigands and wretches tltat over cursed Russia. Twen ty thousand rubles reward, of which you, Norvitskl, shall have every kopeck. vy ny, man, wnat are you crying aboutr t-or joy, my lord," l-etrotl responded and breathlessly told his sad story, "I could not see them starve, my wife and babies, good comte," he cried. "1 was going to the Iron works, but now. thanks to tho Blessed Yirgin, I can re turn to my home, to Martina, to the children, whom I never expected to see gain, Exactly," said the oomte. tfand in one of my finest sledges too." the astonishment of the villairers when this splendid orraipnge with furs, footmen, outriders mid iLmlinff bolls drew up to Norvitski's humble hut, and Norvitskl himself, nsslsted by a foot man, got out well, 1 leave you to Imagine it, us will as Martina's joy, who did not dream where her husband had gone. The brigands were promptly exiled to Siberia, the reward. paid In full, and to day If a happy man exists In Russia t'etrolf Worvltski is that one. From the Russian, Car. Dw.ller tn Brooklyn. It is true enough that one half of the world doepn',, know how tho other half Kvcs, and it is likely that some residents of the Brooklyn heights are unaware of me cave aweuers wno eacanu sleep with in B0 feet of their back windows. In out Una down the hill front to lay out Fur mou stroet a precipitous face of gravel was left, and instead of making nn eaey slope from the crest of the heights to the water's edge tho gravel woe kept In place by a heavy retaining wall This wall has been, pierced in several places, howevor, eg that It has become the front of a row of underground lioueea, veri table oaves that oxtond bock for about 30 feet Into the hill, the lawns and gar dens of tho rich people overhead consti tuting their roofs. In these cavos there are silicons, shops, storerooms and tene ments. Tboy are dark and rather dam ti. as thoy havo no light or air except on mo street siae. dew York Bun. An lmpsoTement In OlaM Globes. It la well known that opaque Rlobes ausoro a very large nmountof tbe lhrht of arc lamps, and whatever present style of globe if usedu dark BhadowMs cast directly below the lamp. To avoid these dlinculUos a new style of globe hoe been orougnt out in Kranconiaueof transpar ent glass with circular depressions, hav ing sucu races ns to form lenses (similar to tho well known lighthouse lenses), the curvatures of which are so calculated that they refract and reflect bo as to diffuse the ligjit. Such globes may be mado of pressed class and although more ex pensive they diffuse liprht much more economically than absorbing opal or ground gloss globes. New York World, A Poollsh Pvocee4ln A man tried to commit suicide the other day by Bwollowing a paper of tacus.- How foollshl The object of suicide Is dissolution, t should think the tacks would have fastened him toaether moro flrnilv."TT,nu,i n.. (Irti'f fu I'et X'lxi One morning one of the two tiet pi geous beloiiiritig to my father was found upon the highroad dead, its body bearing marks of Injury, but from what cause we never knew. o carried the dead body homo and lmrlod it in a sunny and quiet spot iu tlie. Kiinlcu. For three days the surviving jilgcon with untiring energy searched tlw country far and near for its mate, but In v.du. It refused to touch food, and even tho influence which my lather usually exercised over it was gone, On tho third day wo found it dead in the dovecot, its little heart broken with grief by the loss of its lifelong companion. We buried it beside Its mate. Oor. Lou don Spectator. Eyesight Saved After Scarlet Feter. niDhtlierlL PnMmm.!, onoSoUier prostrating- diseases, Hood's Baraa- partiia fa unequalled t. Ihorouihly purify the blood and rite needed strength. Bead thtsi "My boy had Bearlet Peter whan tyeara old, leasing Mm very weak and Vila blood rl nr4 with ranker. Ills eyes beeam. In flamed, his sufferings, wer. Intense, and tor T OUtlordiinu-im.n. Deouiunoeren open his eyes. I took aim t the Eye and Ear Infirmary, but their remedies did him tri good, 1 began flslug lUm Hood's Sarsaparilla wlilfhsoon enred him. I know It nsTeJ hla 's'!' "oildiveryllfe." ABBlts K. hlacs ,n tijuuiiigion tsi., jioston, mass. HOOD'S PlLLB are thsbest aftsrdtnn.r Mils. assist dlf sstlea, col. hsadubs sad bUlensosss. ADMINISTRATORS SALE ' OF VAIAIAIlf.E HEAL ESTATE, ETC. Tho uuderslcned. Admin 1st rat ore of tho Estate of KL1ZAHKTII MOYKIt, ddceosod, late of the UorouRh of Lo hishton. Carbon County. I'a.. will sell at public ealo. on the premises. In Raid uorougn, on SATURDAY. JULY 15th, A. D. 189.1, at ONE o'clock P. M., the followlhK valuable Real Estate, to wit; All that certain Lot or tileccol Kind. Mtiitti ttittio Horouiih of lieliltziiton, darbon (lounty. lnM bounded land doner I bed jii foil own, ?on UitiliurrniPMse street. In frontUNKUUNDItltl) nml TH1UTY-ONK FKUS, ftnd extcmlluff l.i dertliof that width by parallel line Ht rigid anKlesTWOHUNDHK!) mid TKN FKKTtoa eerlaln AUey between land of .lonai Kannmn and lli'Ubcn iiiiMicker, twunded on tbo east by I'lne street, on the south by a certain Alley in. turpecttngCoal street, on t lie west by the afore said Alley between land ot Jonas ltanman and netiben and nortti dt lot no. id, it embracltiff It Ne. 11,12 and 12U In tbe addi tion to the llorough plot of the Borough of tueiiiKiiiuu iiiauu ny iteuuen iinicf r. lAt NA. 11 rnnlultifi a TWCl-HTtlHV FRAMK Dwelllnc Houhh 16 feet by 24 feet with a One story Kranip Kttehen attaelml. Lt Ko. u contains a twu-ntuky Frame DwelllnitHoiiHeMfeet by 28 feet with a two-story r rnni jiunen aiiacnen. ienni of aiiieonothird eaiii. one-t!iird m six months aud the remaining one-third In one yefti At the naniA tlnie nml nlnen will be. unld some Personal Properly such as Household Furniture fcc, &c. UAiNlKLi A. LitJlUl. DAVID N. LEI BY, Administrators of the said Elizabeth M'oyer, deo'd. June 10, Ul-ta (LABEL'S Opposite tbo 1'srk, LEHIGHTON, PA. We open tip business (or the saason villi an assortment of cooda always In de mand during the warm montba of the jear. Of course we continue to keep In stock anj tell all kinds of DuiMitNO IlAliliWAllF. at the lovresl. prlcea. You will find It t. jour adyantage to have us quote prices to jou on this line of goods. We havn Pretty, Neat, Sljllali and Sub stalntlal lljuir CoAcnBn from .0.00 and upward. Couio and see them. Have vou a lawn f ,If jou have don't fall to call and see what we have In the I.AWK Moweh line. We have Five Dlf. fetentMakoa. The Trice, well, that la ss low as the lowest for a Rood, first-class ar ticle. Corns and see us when jou make up jour mind to buy. "Il'o have well-mads ExrnEss Waoons that will stand the knocking about that the boys Rivn them. We, have them at 75 cents, and they are food, neat & atronc. The prsky-apecky Fir days will soon be here. Before they come cnatd your house with tood, well-made Doort and Window ScitKKNS, We have a biff, good and cheap assortment as these goods. Hammock Days are coming on apace Vou will want to know where to buy. Let us give vou a pointer. We have them lot atle. Come and see them. Look at tbe quality and then let ua tell you the prices. Toilkt I'ArKit. We havo It and of course wo have it to sell. Come hero aud look at It. e sell It by the roll or by the case at very low prices. Scuken Winn for fence purposes or for chicken coops. We base 60 rolls. These are only a fc artlclea of the very many that wo have. Come and aee us when you want to buy. We aliow cooda with pleasure and whin you niako pur chases tbey Rre delivered promptly. THOMAS' Drug :: Store FIRST STItEKT. I.KHHSI1TON, PA. DST Spring is Coming Use Thomas' Extract Sarsaprilla, To Purify The Blood 150 Doses for $1.00. Quality Guaraa teed- Henry Miller, LEHIGHTON, PLANING - MILL. MANOKAfJTUHKH OP Window and Door Frames, Doors, Shutters, window cashes, Mouldings, Brackets AND UEALH1I IN All KMs of Dressed Lnmlier Shingles, Failings, Hemlock Lumber, &c.,&c, Uurglar lroof Quickly Blelted Mr. Swan, the English electrician, de clared rwxjntly tliat he hod teen electric al blowpli capublo of molting the stoutest Iron so rapidly that to luclt into a Are and burglar proof safa with this Instrument would bci tho work of ouly a few lnmntoa and would bo both an easy and noiseless operation. As, hon ever, it would require a 40-horsepower engine to operate such a scientific tool, banks need bo under no apprehension from this modo of attack ou their vaults. New York Telegram. Second liNnd l'latlnuio. Not a little platinum is sold as old metal aud usually comes in tlx) form of bus or wiro aim scraps from broken in candescent lauips, it Is now largely used by dentists, but it is sent to Now Vork ror treatmeut, as it can only be melted by means of a compound blowpipe, and there Is 110 place iu Doston where that la done. Boston Herald. Exasparatttut Ttmju Aren't there some times lu your life when everything seems to go wrong no matter how bard you try to have them go right? Those are ths trying days when you want to blame all the troubli on the way yon got out ot bed In thi morning or on other people Instead ol looking the matter squarely In the fact and saying, "IWsoneot my exasperating days, and If I can only keen my tempc! until night comes tomorrow win be dif ferent. The trouble Is when we feel ruffled ourselves wo somehow impart the feel ing to others, and nine times out of ten we either get into a quarrel or do somt ngly, horrid little thing that we wouldn't mink or on other occasions. If yon can on these hateful days, manage to think twice before you speak once It will sav a lot of worry on the morrow. In fact, that is A crood rnla to iro hv nt r11 times for of aTl tbe unruly, mischief maldn j members the tongue la the most prom- tncnt. Philadelphia Times. DRUGS, pure MEDICINES, genuine nnd best SOAPS, larSe l'nc nn(l cheap. WlNESsKnod ir medicinal use ClGARS, best made, SPECTACLES, nn extensive and increasing trnde, antee satisfaction Very Lowest Prices. For the Trettleat Jewelry aud the Best Watches, Clocks and Silverware the people ot Carbon county must come to our store. We not only have the goods but ire sell them at prices that are low and perhspa a Hub lover than tbe aame goods can be bought for elsewhere. We are not aelllne; aboddy atuff for the best because we don't believe In misrepresentation. Our motto Is "eood honest foods at tbe very lowest prices." Before you buy elsewhere we ould bo pleased to have you call and aee na. Confectionery, Fine Cigars, Stationery, Dolls, etc. We cany In our usual full and com plete line all the above goods at the very lowest prlcea. Mike It a pelnt to call and aee us when you need any thing In our line and we are confident that It will pay you cash returns for your trouble. C. H. Nusbaum, Bridge Street, - - - Welssport, fa. Kemeree, AND SWARTZ, Just now, ns nn innovation, we are offering our customers a beautiful book Shepp's l'ho togropliB of the World, with every Forty Dollar Purchase. We would like very , much to explain this to vou Will you please cnll. . Bed Itoom Suites, Parlor Suites, Dining Rooin Furniture, Hook Cases, Hall Racks, Handsome Carpets. I ....... ... .. J.&mbi 'V i5SfEtd oi-'m ,ti:as, X sr., . v.- H ' Aie among the goods sell at very low prices. Kemerer AND SWARTZ, GO TO SWEENY'S DO YOU WEAR PANTS? If you do, you want a good fit, Latest Style and First. Class IForkmanship. . Leave your order with Frey DO YOU WEAR A COAT? You want a perfect lit. You want good Goods. You want a well made and stylish look ing garment. Leave your order with Frey For the present we will carry a full line of samples of season able goods from which you can seleet. Our prices will be the very lowest, and in all cases we will guarantee satisfaction. Ave solicit your patronage H. L. FREY AMERICAN HOUSE. Op. the Round House. - - North First Street. "Corner Store" Lemons, Bananas, Nnts, Apples, Celery, Cranes, Grapes, TaWe Raisins, Confec tions, Fancy Basils, Qneens- ware, and a Ml line of Nice Groceries. Lowest prices, good treatment, prompt delivery Call and See Us. Corner Store, LEHIGHTON PA. SritlNQ AND BUMJfEK Dress Goods In the very Neatest Styles and at the Lowest Prices at E. JET. Snyder's, Fino Dress Goods, That can't be matched In this town or county (orj Style Quality or Trice See Our Goods Before You Buy. uuy YOUIt customer. PRESCRIPTIONS compounded. at tub carefully Central Drug Store, Dr. G. T. HORN. If you want to he In time and In picket Good things ko qulcklT.and procrastinat ing purchasers hate only tbemselTes to blame. If tbey are compelled to be con tent with aecond class, choices. Come quickly to onr largo Carpet and Curtain Display at re. iShfflii Vdiiia Stoves, Tiuware. Heaters and Ranges In Great Variety at Samuel Graveu'b Popular Store, I)ank Street. Roofing and Spouting a specie ty Stove repairs furnished on short notice lleasonahlp! A VETERAN'S VERDICT. The War Is Over. A Well-known Sol dier, Correspondent and Journal ist Makes a Disclosure. Indiana contributed htr thousand ot brave ftoldlem to tlit wur, und no itate but tr record In tbat rvtMvt than It doe. Jn Uterauirv U U rapidly acaulrloft an nvtitble nlu Id war and literature Solomon Vuwell, nell kuown aa a rlur a "Hoi, bo vroo an honorable poattion. ! Ids tbe 1-vte war be wtui a nMcuUff ot Oo. kl, 34 NY CTalry and ot tbe IStb IndUna In fantry volunteer. Kvcaraiug au impottaBi clrcunutnce be write as loltowsi "Several of ua old veteran here are ualng Ur- MIW lietvcaUve Nervine, Heart Cure and Neve and Liver TUla, all or them givlut plendM a I Uf action In fact, we bave never usmxI remedlea tbat oompare with them. Ot tbe Pllla we mcut aay Uy are tlie Wt com bination of the quatlilM required In a prep aratloo of tbelr nature we bave ever known. We bave uooe but worda pralae tor ihum. They are the outgrowth ot a new principle In tmu lue. ana tone up tue hjtmqi wiw Theae remwdlaa are aol fiiaraai fully We ty to all. try t) tMomoa lewoii, utnw, i Theae remwdlea are a a naiaJtlwH ni,faatM lit Hllea Hedlral Oo!. Elkhart, Ind Ion. Ind aid hv all druuKtaU or aent direr? by by tb KISTLER COKNEIi SECOND A ALUM Sts. Want everybody in Leliighton lo buy at their st-ro because thoy have not only an ex cellently assorted line of fine Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions, Boots, Shoes, &.,c but becau se their prices are low er than these goods can be bouyht for elsewhere in (own. We show goods with pleas ure, quote prices and deliver all purchase. Don't forget, but call and see ui. rrSSE'KRUM and KISTLER. a- Green Groceries AT Frank Leibenguth's KOliTlI FIRST STItEET, where also can be found a Fino Lino of Fino Groceries, Fruits, Caudles, Green Vege tables In season, ko ., i (tl.tvery Lowest Prices. Prompt atten tion and good goods. rjgg-CALL AND SEE US SOI HAMILTON STREET, Atotown. Pa- Apr I- Sin HAVE YOUll Freiaht. Ba&ta&e ani Parcels UELIVEKED AY John F. Hottenstein. Uareful attention paid to the DelWerr of Freight, BsKEaco and 1'arcela to all pirta of town at the lowest prices. A share of pnblic patlonage Is respectfully aollclted. 6Ti" Leave ordera at Sweenr'a, Koch'a er Lelbeumith's. F. P. HEIL, roil TUB OELEnriATED w n "8 SEWING MACHINES OrriOE-Horlacher's Dlook, opposite tbe tbe Valley House. Th Ladlnc In tl Ihlgh vnj. CIRCLE CAFE LION HAM. HUIMIINO, cJti&S.. ALLENTOWN, C1IA8. A. HOWSIAN, I'roi, Thla Popular IleaUurant baa beeo thoroughly ltted and reluruUhed. ana the iieueral aoeoM- wodatkmi are ol a auuertor and Invltlntceharac TREXLER lie has the Reputation and he intends to keep it by continu ing to manufacture and sell the best in his lino at the low est living prices. Buyers ot Wagons, Carriages, Carts. Want to remember this and see me before buying elsewhere, TO THE I-ADIES OF LEIllOUTON. I take pleasure In announ cing to you that MltS. 8. O. 1VIIKATLKY boltla the Agency for ny Uoods. bhe will be pleased ia receive your ordera ber reaidenoe. First street or will call upon you Ii person, on request to do an We truat the ladlea lll taJte advantage of thla op portunity 'opurchaseageouineMAUAJiX illllSWOUJ COKiiKT. Made In various ttylea au- engtba. Also Physical Ou'ture IValata 1ADAME HKlflWOLU ter. AU tlie dellcaelea ot the au up aerviMi at moderaUt rales. Ttw bar ts supplied with none but uw beat bnMuia ol Wiues, Uquora. Al- Utg&rs, etc. I-dUs' Dining Itoom In tho Hoar. tot" 5Ait"Ta L EWIS' 98 LY 1 r AT1XTBD Th trnvel and nri 1 yt ITUalaa. TuIIha QihK I 5a II hut a aims pi-irsuir Mau racftea in u wtib rwsMWabla UJ. Um euntebi an ft! wat WbaAw la BM. tt . nukka lha Wl iwrfuotaad Hard ftaji In ai ouuuvtw wii Kna .. II ia IB Malt lUffCK SAVE THE TAGS. Ono Hundred and Saventy-Threa Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars, In valuable Presents to bo Clvcn Awny In Return for SPEAR HEAD TAGS. 23.100 IMPOtlTEl) C1KI1MAN 1 .1 EG STEM WINDING ELGIN GOI.ft WATCH E3 tMSaW B.776 PINE lMrOtlTKD FnENOlI OI'EI'A OtyABSrjS, MOUOCTO BODY. ' BICKi;NAMKUTltIMVtNVIlSU,rAltANTUEUAUIB01IATIO..:aMrai)l IlUCKIIun.N HANDLE, FOUR BLABED SUM 00 1 1 6,600 ItOIXED OOL.D WATCH CHARM IMJTA11Y TELUOrH TOOTH ... 1'ICkH. 57.TW W 1 1 5,600 LArtOE ricri r.ESdtiaeincbea) IN ELEVEN COCiOIIS, for Inunlnf, 261,030 Prizes, amounting to $173,260 oo Thn TviVB nrfIMM will br f1!trl hntM . Tiy tvtnnilM. imnn wnrtalM hn hit BPKAR HEAD Plug Tobacco, ami rrturu to uu tbe TIN TAGN ukn therafrom. We will dlBtributo 3tAof thene priztlii thla conafy at follovti "J To TIIE PAIITY arndlns us th arr.-!t uumbfr of SPEAK HEAD lAua irom mia connir wawuieivt. l WJUt WATUaU To the FIVE PAttTIES itendlia nn tho next crcattwt number of or iau we win civo to each. 1 UI'EItA UI.AW5...,& UraKA HjLauKO. To the TWENTY PAUTIES sendlns us the next erefttat number OI Bt'EsAlfc lltAU 1VU3, WP Will K1V0 tO eaCO i ITAyli. itrl KNIFE .? .20 P09KET KNIVES To tbe ONE HUNDRED PARTIES Pf-ndlne ut the next grrotest numiTr ui nrrjiv iinAi' 1 iin. ni' win rivo to maea A ROLLED GOLD WATCH CIIAHM TOOTH PICK 100 TOOTH PICffil To the ONE HUNDRED PAUTIEH sending xm the next greateat number of HPHAH HEAD TA(1H. w will trva tn enrh 1 LAItUE PIClUuB IN ELliVEN COLORS , ..100 ricruam Total Number of rris ibr hl Connty, a. CAUTION. No Tfttrn will be received before Janunrr liL 1854. nor fift irbrnarr lit. ISfli. Each packaee coniatnlne tftcs must be mnrkM ulafnlv wlfli Name of Render. Town. County, BUte, and Number ol Tass In eh pack&eo. AU cbargei on pavlcafea mtut b prepam. READ. SPEAR HEAD powwow tnoro qimlltles of Intrinsic mine thnn any or nrisAH u t,AU ii Atrtol Ml nluiF tobacco nroduced. It Ii tht- rwwtML the toii"ber the rlchcvf. abiolutelr. positively ftndrtlallncUeiy diilnrentlu flavor from anv other nluir t -in convince tne mom nuopucM 01 tmu iauu it is tne lavent veiieror nnr similar and stifle on earth, which proves that it hascaurbtthe popular tate nnd pleases- tba . Trv It. and parttclnnte In the rnnlest for nrlEM. Fn LhaL n Tirff TA(1 Im nn avur 0 cent piece ot SPEAR HEAD you buy. Rend in tbo twr no matter how small tba quantity. V erv InrI v. THE P. J. 80R0 COMPANY, JfinnLrrowK, Onto. A If m1 ftf the tworjla nbtnlnlnr? thesft nrlzei In lbli rountv will be tiubllshed In thla paper Inimtdtately after February lt, DON'T SEND ANT TAGS BEFORE JANUARY I. 1334. Ranges. loves and Heaters, und all kinds ol TINWARE at Lowest Prices at W. S. KUHN Opposite the Round Howse, Zehighton, F. W. Weil Co., 1031-1033 Linden St., Allentown. HEADQUARTERS FOR Wood Mantels, I1 ire-Place Furniture, GRILLE WORK, TILING - - - TILING BUY OP THE MAKER E. W. WEIL & CO., Has it ever occurred to you that you can buy just at cheap ii not cheaper here than 'you can buy in the city I It is a solid FAC1 Apples and Potatoes Are arriving daily in car load lots and are being old at the very lowest prices to retailers 1onfecfiosiM9y9 JFisfo, Oysters, FRUITS, NUTS, AND CIGARS, Sold and delivered ut and frequently way belsw ity prices. Wholesale Commission Dealor, East Welssport. Pa. TTo desire to call the attention of Farmers to our Complote Stock of Farming Implements, we have the largest assortment found aay where outside of the Implement depots outside of the lnrgo cities. We have over 50 difft rent Plows to select from. Our Stock of Cultivators SnrinK Tootli Harrows, Hay Rakes. &c., is complete, wo have a full line of Repairs ferthe Syracuse, Wiard, Miller, Hamburg, Lflnymgham, Keyuone, unver, iKag ner and South Rend Plows. IFe havu a large lot of Binder Twine which will be sold low. Come and eiamlno our Stock and get our prices before bavlng elsevrbere, w. are sure we can jou. We bave on hand all alaea of Terra Cotta Ilpu, Cement Band and ltooSug Slate. We make '6iecliUy of putting up Electric Hall Bella and llurclar Alarms. Our Stock ot Jlullding Hardware, Talma and Oils ta complete anl we earnestly solhlt jour patronage. Lehigh Coal & Hardware Co, First St., liGliiffhton. 0 W KUflTZ & CO. Lots of Fine New Gooods. All Kinds of Fishing Tackle Very Cheap. Come and see us. We are stocked with a large assortment of the things you need. CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS. THE CARBON CO. IMPROVEMENT CO., Limited, Successor to I Sniicr. Franklin Plailuji Mill. WeisportJPL Desires to say thai thev are prepared, at abort notice to furnish bids and MUroatss on all kinds of ltoujhA Dreued Lumber, Doors, Sashes, Ac., togeth.r with Itn. In terior Decorations in Oak, Walnut, Cherrf or l'lne. at the very lowest prion., consistent with good work and flrst elass material. We earnestly solicit jour patronage and guarantee in return toj)r Hllsfactloo In ever particular. CAUK0N COUNTY IMPROVEMENT COMPANY, D, L. DAVIS, Manager (.lira, dl.llirM.Uuir S1US1. UmcIA Olnl bu(UM ta4s, t--e. X. riHHA. salt yrra co . Uaa, AfU,ruiara. April a l gBL u i jju'S rij''mu JSPi LW.e4H THE POSITIVE CURE. Mtmm THE POSITIVE CURE. I SLY ESVre EES, WVfuraBWti rrtcawcuj