The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, July 01, 1893, Image 2

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    Ha&a44-na '
OK not nan m' uy iilcnrs strays
Amoncpt ths n India, tot era tho voices,
Mtos'tlrtg alike lib I'riithf Iftyv with tbe mtu that n-Jnirea,
Than thou art preet In ruy d&
Mr mono, Iff returns to thoo
Id all tb padmw of her breath.
Ilaaa back to rest the melody
That out of Uiee awaltoneth,
Anfl then wake ever, wake for hie.
Full, fall Is life In hidden places.
For tbou art Hence onto me.
Full, full U thonirht In endless e paces.
Full la my Ufa. Aetlenteea
Lies round all ehor-s with long embrace.
Tnmt art like silence all onrexed.
Though wild urd part tny soul from
Thou art like silence unperplexed,
A secret and a mystery
Between one footfall and tho next.
Moat dear panee fn a tnelkrw lar.
Thou art Inwoven with every air,
With thee the wildest tempests plar.
And snatches of thee cTerywhero
Make little heaTens throughout a day.
Darkness and solitude shine for toe.
For life's fair oat ward part are rife
The silver noises; let them be.
It li tho Terr sorrf of life
Listens for thoa, listens for thee.
Oh, pause between tho sobs of cares!
Ob, thmiftht within all thought that Is,
Trance between laughters unawares
Tbou art the fomi of melodies.
And tbou the ecstasy of prayers.
Alice Hoynell In Ixindon AthenEeum.
The battlo at last as finished. Tlio
victory was lost and won. And while
tho defeated army had fallen back to
take shelter In the woods and mountain
passes the victorious host had en
camped npon tho field of action. A thick
misty haze linng over tho landscape,
through which tho setting snn shone
like Q great copper shield burnished and
ready for combat.
Since early morn the battle had been
in progress, and the carnage was fright
ful. Even the sturdiest of the Burgeons
had more than once turned pale as they
worked over their improvised operating
tables, and all had felt a sc.ns.Ulon of
faintness that they did not care to own.
In one corner of the Cold when tho
fight hail been the hottest, In a little
grove of half a dozen trees at the angle
of a stone wall, knelt tho colonel of a
Now York regiment beside tho prostrate
form of his own lieutenant, a young
man of English birth and a great fU'
vorite among his comrades. Ills breath
came slowly and painfully, and when he
strove to spoautne ltreoioou weiieu up in
bis throat so as to nlmoetchokonll utter
ance. "Creston. my boy," said the colonel in
the low voice which he til ways used when
in the proeeueoof suffering for the col-
t n '1 w a3 us kind aud ua gontio as a woman
to tho sink "is anything more
that I ran do for yon any word or mes
sage that you want to send? For you
Creston'a lips parted with a faint ami
almost lmperceptiblo motion, and the
colonel bending low caught tho words.
"Lift mo up."
Raising the dying man to a half sit
ting position, tho colonel held him in bis
own strong arms and gently wiped tho
red from irotn his lips.
"Colonel" the words were woak and
low "my vest open the tho pocket
The exertion was so great that he could
say no more. The colonel, opening tho
vest, drew from an inner pocket a min
iature, the portrait of a young and
beautiful girl, so beautiful that even
then the colonel could not help gazing
upon the likeness with interest and ad
"And this? he questioned as ho held
it np to tho eyes of his dying comrade.
Tho polo foco of the sufferer grow
strangely bright when he looked upon
tne bit or painted ivory Lefore him.
"In England," ho whispered, "she
lives Densmond In Devonshire you'll
remember take her this, yourself no
one else. Find here in Densmond, Ame
lia Burton. Tell her I didn't forget"
A torrent of crimson lifeblood gushed
from his lips, ond all was over. The
colonel aroso, folded a blanket and placet!
It beneath the head of the corpse. Then
tuo nignt wmue gathered ana whispered
among the trees and brushed with their
dark pinions thejnight, cold drops that
stood on the palp forehead of Herbert
Already the snn was casting long shad
ows over the landscape around the pretty
l.ugiisii village or Densmond In Devon-
sliire, for Densmond was pretty and
everybody said so that is, everybody
who bad ever been there said so. And
as for those unfortunato beings who had
not been there, they were so very much
In the minority that no ono ever cared a
straw what they said or thought
The day had been hot nnd sultry, and
with thq advent of the cooling breezes
or evening every one who could pos
sibly get cat of doors did so, for the nir
was delicious now after tho overpower
ing heat of the day.
Along the dusty highway a man. well
dressed and evidently a strangor in the
rountry through which he was passing,
was walking slowly, evidently absorbed
In thought. He was about 40, of a
bronzed complexion and dark hair, now
slightly tinged with gray. On the whole
ho was far from handsome, nor did tho
scar or a saber wound across his foro-
hcad add to his attractions.
Just now he paused before a cottage
that stood somewhat back from the pnb
lio road, almost buried In flowers, like a
modest and retiring cottage that it was.
Bounds of happy laughter came from on
arbor, concialed by the surrounding
hedge. Colonel Nathaniel Pemberpansed
butamoment, however, before he opened
tho gate.
"Can you tell me," he asked one of the
party of young girls that met his view
as ho entered, "if you know of any ono
residing In this neighborhood by the
name of of Amelia Burton?"
"Yes, indeed," answered one of the
young ladies, with a meaning smile, "bnt
you'll have to hurry, though, for there
will be no snoh person here after to
"She she Is not sick not dying, is
sher questioned the colonel hastily.
"Oh, not at all," answered the young
lady, with a pleasant laugh, "only she's
going to be married to Lord Littel to-
"Marriedr said the colonel, half to
himself) then aloudi "Can you tell me
where she lives? I most see her npon
(justness something very Important.
"It's not very far from bore. The house
In the park that you see ou the left be
longs to her father. But you must hur
ry. If s after 6:90, and you've sea roe an
Colonel Pember turned and walked
hastily along the road. "Married mar
ried then I am too late. Perhaps not.
I don't understand It. I can't." And
with every step he took came the re
train," Married, married, iuarritd."
The next day Densmond was all ex-
citement. The daughter of the Hoc
Crof ton Burton had refused at the last
moment to marry Lord Lorloose Littel.
And then, too, the appearance of this
suspicious looking America!. That must
not be overlooked, Surely there was
sometning in una, "It those as knew
would tell." But the lion. Burton, M
P., would tell nothing, and as Lord Lit
tel had left for town that nii'iulii lie
could tell nothing, and Miss Buri.m. she
bad deolared that aha would t 11 i.nh
tug. So there the matter rte l, am!
like every other senaatiou w.ia airmail
forgotten 10 days after.
Almost, I say, for Coleael PeniU.r b..n
taken lodgings at the Pot and Kettle
and scarcely a day passed but be made
his way to The Oaks, the residence ol
Mr. Burton, who sMined to have a grunt
fancy for his company.
Nor was it long In becoming common
talk that the colonel had returned U
&fiss Burton on the eve of her intruded
wedding a bluod stained miniature, tin.
token of a schoolgirl Invo fiat Bhe lui'l
gtreo to Herbert Credit. u, the Mlltt
naW do well, and that as slu- haw the
jdotors, stained with uia lifl ,y, ,1, the
old love had return'! .ud &Lu l.ud r.
fused to marry an; . .
Bopasoud a year, kud ith Miinuitr
Visited the little village, .priukluatf the
na iwtli dluw uaudeuuiis and the
stub, tUi traiijun.tst wmteMs,
From the ninny faYmyards come the
eonnds of cattle and of fowls .npon the
rleiir and silent air, mingled with the
distant dashing of brooks. Tho trees,
resplendent in their "garments of green,"
cast grateful shadows for Um noonday
wanderer. And then the gardener Hoses
everywhere. The air was one mass of
perfume, delightful and overpowering,
the first sweet gift of summer.
Daring this time Miss Burton had not
beefi seen by the village folk, save on one
or two rare occasions, and those who had
viewed her reported that sho was looking
polo and sickly, and that she scarcely ever
spoke. Now, however, at tho approach
of summer sue nau turown ou ner
gloomy aspect, laid aside the "Inky
cloak" that sho had Insisted upon wear
ing and had even gone so far as to ride
ont into the country, nnd always with
the colonel as a companion.
One nurht they walked together in tho
gardens that almost entirely surrounded
The Oaks. There was no other light than
that of the scars. As Amelia pansed the
colonel plated his arm about her and
hold her hand.
"You have my answer?" ho questioned
Bhe raised her face slowly, 'incirnps
"It Is 'yeaf he asked.
And sho answered "Yes."
Far away in tho wilderness of Virginia
tho night winds gathered and whispered
and murmured and muttered, nnd with
their dark pinion's brushed tho bright
cold drops of dow that clung to the
blades or grass above tno unmaricea
grave of Herbert Creston. Exchange.
Knew All About It
"The world Is fall of people who think
they know it all, sold John A. Starr,
'and In no en Meet is there so tnucn su
perfluous knowledge rolling around as
that which relates to food adulteration
and substitution. What little money I
have has been modo out of sngar, and 1
profess to know something about that
indispensable and very popular nrncle.
But 1 learned something too other day
which neither I nor any one else ever
knew before. I was eating breakfast
with a chance acquaintance. I had picked
upon the cars, and he called for some
crushed sugar, objecting to whlto lump
because, as he assured me confidential
ly, It was all made from glucose, which
was nothing else but animal refuse.
I explained to him that he was quite
right In his ideas excepting In two re
spects, pne of which was that white
lump was not made from glucose and
the other that glucose was a product of
corn and not of animal refuse. He
scorned rather to resent the information
at first and as bo proceeded to destroy
the flavor of nls coSoo by the use of
some very dark sugar which was littlo
more or less than glucoso itself he told
me that he hod tho information from an
authentio source, and that ho could not
be persuaded to ruin his Internal organs
at the request of the first stranger he
happened to meet" St Louis Ulobe-
Mistaken Diagnoses.
Last year 403 mistakes wero tnado in
London by doctors in notifying coses of
injections diseases tor removal to hos
pitals, with tho result that 103 of the
mistaken cases resulted fatally. Ex-
An Arterthoncht.
"That is an excellent littlo thing about
the Lord tempering the wind to tho shorn
lamb, is it notr
"it sounds well yes: but did you ever
reflect that lambs aro not shorn?"
Green Snow.
Throe places at least ore known where
green snow Is found. Ono of these places
is near Mount Hecla, Iceland, another
11 miles cast of the mouth of the Obi
and tho third near Quito, South America.
To o Would lie Medical student.
A correspondent who signs himself
Duffy" asks, "Will you pleaso Inform
mo If thero is a medical school in Now
York in which tho lectures for the first
year aro given In tho evening or any time
after 0 p. mi"
Duly, you and dozens or othor
'would bo doctors" think you can study
medlclno In tho happy go lucky way the
law plus study law lectures in the nft-
ernoon; oBlco work In tho morning.
You must giro up that Idea at once.
Medicine requires 23 hours out of 21. and
more on Sundays and holidays. The lec
tures In every medical school are given
when the professors and lecturers can
nnd tlmo for them. They ro given in the
morning and In tho afternoon and the
evening, and some of the private
quizzes" begin at 10.80 or 11 p. in. and
stop in time to get ready for breakfast If
you dress quickly. Now, Duffy, if you
ask because you think medicine is a
snap Like these oltemoon law schools,
you'd better keep out of it but if you
can stand the paco and ask simply bo-
cause yon ro ignorant, why, go ahead.
and with good health and hard work you
may get your uoenso to "kill, kill, kill,
kill, kilir 'ew York Sun.
A Lifelike fitooe CameL
One of tho most curious rock forma
tions in tho world la to bo Been in Ari
zona, It is a short distanco oast of the
stage road between Tucson and Oracle
and stands on a knoll several feet above
the surrounding sand hills. When first
seen, the effect Is startling, and tho mind
has to get over a shock before the pecu
liar object can be comprehended. It is
a most perfect representation of a camel
and is formed of one piece of granite.
This curiosity Is of colossal eizo, but
perfectly proportioned. It is about CO
feet high and is very whito and Bmooth.
There are very few fissures on the sir-
face, and they strangely are In tho
proper places to form features. Tho
only real projection from tho surface la
exactly placed for an eyebrow. The two
humps are plainly to bo seen, and the
neon is curved lieantirully.
Tho rock is really a solid piece rising
from tho ground, but the effect of legs
is produced by a dump of dark colored
brush that grows beside the stone. The
white stone shows plainly at both sides
of the brush, and the effect of the legs
is unmistakably produced. l'hlladel
puia iiecoru.
CaitjIds; Good Nens.
During the siege of Vicksburg an im
portant artillery position had been as
signed to a battery commanded by Ma
jor Schwartz, a German attached to
General Grant's oommand. Late In the
day while Grant was In his tent receiv
ing dispatches from the front a German
orderly made his appearance earnestly
inquiring for "Zhineral Grant." After
much parley his bearers, being convinced
that his business with tbe general was
Important, admitted him to the latter.
tent, where be made the announcement.
"bchwartae battery is took!" "Wall.'
said tbe general calmly, "did you spike
the gunsT "What?" shrieked tho littlo
German, "spike dem guns? Dem new
guns? Vy, It would sclipile 'efhr "Well.
what did you do?" said Grant impatient
ly, "vy, wo tool 'em pack again, by
Meanness In the Chaste Dote.
Cases of meanness ore not numerous
among tbe animals. A surprising one Is
the innocent dove, which sometimes
hides under her wings food for which
she has no need simply to deprive her
companions. The sense of property Is
manifested In tueoouiietitlonfor prizes.
as In the struggle for the female or for
food, rank, territory or neat. The dog
diatingnialMM the property of his master
and even discriminates between objects
belonging to different loembera of the
tame family. Current Literature,
Tile Music lessen.
"Your little ttaughUtr, as bhe went out
awlult-ah'. eeciaed the very picture of
; he wda g ru t, take a music lea
st tn
t. It.,
l tl .u-'hur,
who is
ire lutfcer-
uillc leesou.
Ui.. u .1
Doner rau..
tuu, i sur
Disrobed In tbe Street.
There Is a young colored damsel In
Washington whose soul Is at present
filled with wrath because of the sum
mary action taken by ft society woman
to whom she had been handmaiden.
With ways that are dark and tricks that
are vnln the young woman proved her
self conversant by making away with
articles of value, Among those was n
silk dress of which her mistress had been
especially fond. Though accused of the
theft, tho woman stoutly denied It and
took her dismissal, vehemently protesting
her innocence. Not long afterward, as
the daughter of Ham was sailing down
the street in all the glory or tho stolen
garment, she came upon her mistress
rapidly walking toward her with tho
look of n great purpose In her eye.
Ketrcat was impossible, as was a (all
ure to comply with the astonishing de
mand that sho then and there divest
herself of tho gown. As the alternative
was to bo immediately handed over to
tho rollco. tho perturbed young woman
did as sho was bid with all speed possi
ble, and In as brief A time as it takes to
tell the talo she stood with tier ebony
perfections exposed to publlo view while
in an opposite direction her former mis
tress walkod away, bearing In triumph
the stolen property. Kato Field's Wash
ington. Usrk I'rotn Cporg-ta.
She drove up ti) the deiiot in cn old
cart drawn by an ox with lines attached
to Ills horn, and (die reittalwl her In
quiries about the train from thoeustso
often that tho depot agent finally asked:
Aro you exitectlug friends on that
I'm loohln fur my sou Sam an his
wife," she replied.
Coming on a visit?"
No, eali. They dun moved over to
Georgy six months ago, but thoy doan'
liko It and aro comin Iwck."
"Mighty (nod stato that Georgia."
"I've beam say so, but Sam can't
o-bear it. Ij,mh1 lands and good crops,
but t'io pe . 1v is too Hominrtious."
'I: :-1. ..inp-itMii.f lie queried.
I ilt .i. xnctly k iow, but I reckon
Sam i ..i i ti.tin. He had'tbiuthar'biit
mtiilhdit . itli, , tui'retluu feathered
hbn nn r xt him nil over tho country on
arail." -Di im.t, Fro" I'rosa.
ncreiinlns, the Sicilian, showed signs
of niddties-i and was confined by his
friends. Determined to thwart them he
beat his bruins out against a post.
Trusts nnd Comblnntlons.
Are unooDular. Butthare Is one form of
trust ftgalnst which no one lias anjlhing to
say. That Is the trust which me public
reposes in Hood's Sarsaparllla, anp the
best of It Is tho trust la f ullv justified by
the merit of the medicine. For, remem-
ler, Hood's Sarsabarllla Cures.
Hood's Pills aro purely vegalahts. and do
not puree, pain or crlpe. Sold bv all druc
Camllle Flatnarion has arrived at
the conclusion that in less than ten
million years the land on our planet
will bo covered by water.
Forest flre9 In this country dostroyf
every year f 12.000 worth of timber.
Little vegetable healh producers. De
H'ltt's Little Early niters cure malarious
disorders and segulate the stomach and
bowels, which prevents headache and
dlzzlress T. D. Thomas, Druggist
A dash of saltpetre tn tho water
keeps cut flowers froBh.
U'e could not improve the analitv If
pain uouu:e ire price, uenui's witrh
liazie halve is tne best Salvo that experi
ence can prouueo, or wiai money can uuj
Thomas, Drugclsu
It scares a man who has done wrong
to bo told that ho has nu expresive
face. .
In Jnpan women work a stevedores,
Iirroranre of the merits of DeWltt's
tiiltl Early Risers Is a misfortune. These
little pills regulate th eliyer, cure headache
uyspepsia bad ureal h. constipation and
bllllousness, T, D. Thomas, Druggist.
A C8-year-old resident of Leaven
worth, Kansas, Is cuttlng-o, new tooth.
Ilucklen's Arnica Selve.
The best sahA In tlitt unrlil tnr Oitta nmlu.
Sores. Ult-ers, Salt Itlieuni, fever Bores, Teller.
Chanted Hands, Chilblains Comes, and all Hkln
Kmpllotis, and noslilvrly cures riles, or no iay
required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satis
faction, or money refunded, rrlee SSeenbi ltsr
box. For sale by lleber leufcliUm: aud lilery
One ungrateful man does an Injury
to all who stand In aid of need.
Uose ball Is ono business which cant
flourish without strikes.
The wind from the North blows ,lur,
nu -rcu, im uu cuecis oi coius are seen.
One Minute Cough Cure so safe and sure.
1111 quicaiy perioral a vonuerous cure. T.
D. Thomas. -
Idle men do not think: they only
All that honcstv. exrterteneA antt skit
can do to produce a perfect pill, has been
employed in making De H'ltt's Little Esrlv
Users. The result Is a specific" for sick
t.u.ttintue, uiuousnesa anu constipation.
SiltU TillTUUItba."
All the talk In the world will nnt ,n.
ylnee you so quickly as one trial of Da
mn's WllCn liazel Kftlvs for e!,l l.n.n.
fitsw, sniti aiicCMUUS SOU plies.
Make your mistakes
all teach you
Hon. W. V. T.neas. Rt.RIsIa Au.lttn. nt
lowasavs: "I have used C'hamdorlslu's
Cou.h lteraedy In my family sad have no
hesitation In savlne that It Is n nrrlkni
remedy. I Lelteve all thst Is rialmed for
it. I'etsons allllcteb by a couch or a cold
will find It a friend." There Is no danger
mm nuuoping rougn wnen tins remedy
is freely given. 25 and 60 cent bottles for
ale at lteber's Lehlghlon and Illery't
tt eissjjuru
Subscribe for the Advocati.
There are 1X150 savings banks In the
United States,
J. It. Il'llson, 371 CIst SU. Bhsroabure,
Pa., says be will not be without Dr. King's
Jiew uiscavery for Consumption, Couthi
and Colds, that It cured his wife who was
threatened with Pneumonia after an at
tack of "La Grippe," when vsrious other
remedies and several phjilclans had done
her no good. Robert Carter, of Cooks-
port, ra., claims Dr. King's New Discov
ery has done him more good than anrthlni
be ever used for Lung Trouble. Notfclnt
like it. free Trial Hollies at lteber's Dm:
Store, LehUhton, an lllery's Drugstore,
Weluport. Marge bottles, COc and H.Oo.
Too many folks are fine talk and bad
Tb following Item, clipped from the Fl,
xauison lowa) uemocrai, contains Infor
mation well worth reuiemberlnp:! "Air.
John Itotk, of Ibis city, who met with an
accident a few days ago, spralnlne and
uraiHng uis irg ana arm quite severely,
sm nureu uy ooe nu cent ueilie OI L,nam
bariaiB's rain llalui." This remedy
without an equal for sprains and hru'.s
and sliauM hays a place In every bout
hold For sale by ilwy Weiuput u
ftebw. Lsblghton,
The Improved industrial Dwelling
Company of London, Kugland, has
capital of HfiMjXO. The death rate la
low in Its properties.
A woman never locee faith In a man
ho treats her welL
I te w itt tt w m it 'i-'-i naive eases pUea.
tie Will's WHok Haasl aWrs cus burns.
IH Will's Wltali Usui Ml auras Km.
IX WW's Wilt Haul Halts uuss uleers
In Paint jgggg
White Lead I best) properly applied
It will not scale, chip, chalk, or rub
off It firmly adheres to the wood and
forms a permanent bate for repainting.
Paints which peel or scale nave to be
removed by scraping or burning before
satisfactory repainting can be done.
When buying It It Important to obtain
Strictly Pure
White Lead
properly made. Time hat proven that
white lead made by the "Old Dutch"
pfocets of slow corrosion possesses
qualities that cannot bo obtained by
any other method of manufacture. This
frocett consumes lonr to six monins
line, and produces the brands that
have given White Lead Its character
as ins sianaara paini.j ,
"Atlantic" "Bradley"
"Brooklyn" "Jewett"
are tUndard brand of strictly pare
Lead made by the "Old Dutch" pro
cess. You tret the belt In buying them.
xou can produce any aesirea color d;
tinting these brands of white lead with
National Lead Co.'s Pure White Lead
Tinting Colors.
For sstt by lbs most rillablt dstlirsla Patau
If you ars tolBv to paint, It will pay yoa to
scna to us for m book containing Information
tbst rosy sava you many dollar it Will
only cost you a postal card to do so.
t DrMdwtr. K w roxfc
would say Hint before you
lake your wngon to the shop for
repairs look over the painting 1
did Inst year, see whether I
use inferior Paint nnd Varnish
Then compare prices, nlso in
the purchase of n new one, Hny
fa Carriage Man! And buy
where you get the same article
for, Oh ! so much less money,
lor my place is noted lor Hint,
namely, to sell cheaper than
any other, because I sell for the
ready stuff you see.
New Spring and Summer
Goods moan more with us
than the same words mean
from other dealers. Why If
Because all tho goods we
have on our counters ond
shelves are new there Is
no last year's stock of goods
brushed up and piled up to
deceive the buyer. We In- -tend
to merit your patron
age by honest, fair and
square daaltng and we want
you to come nnd see what
wo have tn
New Dress Woods
at rery Low Prices.
Groceries & Provisions,
of the best quality and at tire lowest prices.
Choice Flour nnd feed.
Fresh Country Produce.
IVnshiiig Machines & Wringers
of the best makes at low prices.
H o have a
Roomy, Pleasant .Store,
electric lighted.
Come and see us.
Geo, H. Enzian,
North First Street, Lchighton.
Office ComtT House Duiuimo,
Maucii Chunk, Pa.
All business promptly attended to.
E. W. OIiATJSS, - Proprietor,
Eieellrnt accommodation for permanent
and transient custom. Tbe liar Is stocked
lib Finest Liquors and Cigars.
Practical Horse Shoer and Blactanilli.
All kinds of work In this line executed
romplly and at tbe most reasonable prices,
'alronage solicited and satisfaction cuar-
anleed. Shop on Norm! Sthkkt, above
the Carbon House,
Estimates on All Kinds of Dntldlnes
cheerfully furnished.
All Kind of Building Material
Illose's Old Bland.
TTe handle all the Daily nnd
Weekly Newspapers, Periodi
cals.M agazines, Fashion Hooks
nnd (Story Papers, nnd we
Deliver them promptly at your
store, residence or office. Do
you get a papr 1 If not please
try us. Besides the news bureau
wo have a fine assortment of
Cigars. Tttera. MtttioccrT.
Fruits. Kills. Toys and Fancy Goote
At the very Lowest Cosh Prices.
Ice Cream!
W bare a oovy p&rlor and nllt treat
you ooarteouwy. r let- cul
Qlose'sOld Stand, - - tint Stmt,
T HBjM L E? XSi -skB I ' ' im 1 - ik,., i m.i F Ml
:rn! IWMc a?loA Oi Gold TaidslOvE
, 'it L e'o'TlinACCO i fr- , stoS days. Perfectly haiin jf Vy V y. t
1 s( , , .- i- M,r t' 'itv l. (-it- ii in sen- oi . 1 1 rtrctfln without tne Wnowl S 's? .sffar l
i..' TWitWt1 IMTVl' ' '" '" d at home. Slid with. 4'. slksW
! u!t Jl);,lli!nj IJLdl il "Utaiiyt iron ou tho pnrlot V . W
- rurriii nrti,i t . frt rtifn Tint nrc W
, ' ' '"' . i-y hi . ustlas S
.M.. . ... , . it .usJl. I ts. t ,0OI UUr S V& 'STS. Jr
..i ii... ..' cx.ct, 3 r ssx. y
3 'VVW
S . firb 3 S 1 liavr
2 'SS-. y twilimcl.
S . t jFtJtlBI.E,l
Wall Papers,
G. . G -
A, Sell & Co.,
Ufa of Oi-tra House, Iron Btrrt-L
C-vnt (or ntlrurpo!S hired oat at very
Kmsotublo Prlcos,
We have a Very Large Assortment of
Ws have only flrsl-class milliners and we do the very best work and deliver
Kuojla when promised, Don't forget to come aud see us before you buy.
Miss" Al ven ia Graver,
Grand Central Hotel,
837 Hamilton St., Allentown.
I Fmn 9 to IS A, M,
OffiM Hours i " l to I r. si.
( " TU) I r. i,
Prattles halted to sllseues ol the
Eye.Ear, Nose&Throat
Ur-Also,BeInctlouo(tIisGyM or tbe adjust
meutptsUsses. MO OFFICE HOURS on Moods; sod Tuesdsy.
0lT KAb ItlSitlll.w uui . vnua
Telephone nrnd Of utral Hotel.
Henry Drumbore, Frop'r,
Hi6C&rtoo JltMiM liu ttn reoovAl-Ml ami
nuruveU throuliuI; Uli elwtrlc UkIUh kimI
well TentlUted. anil Is anionic the UmI Hotel In
thti Mtlou of tb but. Tlw paironue uj Uic
puDtlc ii solMted. Ileit aniiiiAul-UoD3 for
nnHnentndUiusltmstoiii. CUarcw Tery
n.iiriAa MnA lit rul I'orter
anJtiooUCl.ars, lormlo-t tlioUar.
W. M. Rapaher,
Flrtt door above Iho U&u&loa Houm,
Real Etat and CoHartloa AgMier. Will Buy
OoUerUoat promptly made.
ixaaM.i a ipecuitf.
Uay be eo-Milunl In
ICsclUU and Oenoan
F. I. SMITH, D. D. S.,
Offles opposite tbe Operallouse.
Bank Street,. Zeh ghton, Ta.
niUoR aud sakl arWldestiirsjs a speetal-
oas adate4Kvrut4 WITH
or FIOK UOll Hat-Proas .' ss.. So II tn , from
1 p. aa..teSp.B., KrosB as , so p. w.
OoAAOiteUoos tu but Ip Geiaaa
OB oo Boats at MiilXMillsli o rturotr.
SX7 -
it ,v IlovfiU u J frt n use or Uq it or Mor. XtOAk a2?&'S
niiplttt'tm 'ostfn tt.i .isrriisaiii' "liall ScZL sQ. -v-F S
i.i.., nlli tell lt ta I ti cot'i itin nit i S fcV
,. -t. Nitji,initisu yr. -tfeSV VSt S
and Irom
frtmi tnn ta
tstisl cmnltnl
TnnOnioCnr,.4ICALCo.:-OB!.TLrMEM:-Somolhin' niro lsnt
f r , orti" of your TahlPts forTolmcc llublt. 1 rrceivod
iliwm nllrltfhtafi.l.atthonirli 1 vim tiOlhaliunTVfiniokrr find chtiwcr.
tltuy did thy work 1u less thmit
Truly your,
TiiBOnitMUFMiCAi-Co.: OFirrtrMHWi-It (rt" mo nkiwir.i to i.pptik n
unl of irnilm fr vour 1 llPtn. MvMin w ulrHRlV oddL 'jed tod c into of
llmior.iwid ttiruutch Hfilt-nO. 1 wag led
fvs.wlniit rtrlnlti.r. I .nt iift tialiit? vtiur
and will not umehllfiuor of anv kind. 1
you, lu order ta know tliocuro wtuiKTiuaueut.
tvmPiiPMICALCo OFVTtrMRN YmrTaWPthayoneifo-mrdntu.r!' tr ) mvmi
.iwd inrM'ilti4 nyiKJiH'iiiiicniiy, ior m'Ten ye
icenuf your Tablet, and without tiuy effort on
jYtl1rrtM i.U OrU'rw to
THE 05-3.0 CHEJVlEOiO L OO. ,
OI, 03 ana CJ Opera ulbok. . ,
! alt!lis-
All tho New and Pretty
Fancies in NE sV
Can be found in gtcnt nrrriy
nt our stores in
Weissport and Lehighton.
Wc ccrtninly never hml sucli
1 Big Assortment brfcre.
Bo sure to Come and
See Us.
For the next few months the
great question of interior decor
ation and house painting will
be the leading consideration ol
property owners. Let us make
a suggestion for you. You want
the work done right; we can do
it for you at reasonable figures,
or we will sell you the wall
paper and decorations. Come
and see; let us talk the matter
over and we know that wc can
please you.
HoinMlniMii NururT Htnok. Nw 1'riiSt 8lia.r-
Idk Sntcni, HuUry and sftiseit imtJ,
W.&T. Smith Co. ijenVvivVii. y.
tabtllKd aud lt-kiuHii N ureter Ik lu ttie
Soidol's Ciikery,
First Street, Lesilgliton, you Kill aloais Hud
KrestHHUaiHl Uwrt
Rye, Wheat and Vienna Bread
Fresh F.verr Dsy. Our Vlourta llroad eannot
beexoelled. WerestretIullysollelt)tMirpilrtm'
axe. w a teli ior tne wasoa.
Seidol's Vienna Hakery,
One reason "why Scott's Emulsion or I'ure Nor
wegian Cod Liver Oil and Ilypopliosphites of Lime
and Soda lias had such a large sale is because it is
" Almost as jwlatable as milk;" lint the best reason is
that its curative ivroperties are unequalled. It cures
the cough, supplies the
ilesli anu bunas up me enure &ysieiu.
Butt's Urtwlsloa ouras Coughs,
Colds, Consumption, Sgrofula,
and all Anaemic and Wasting
Diseases. Prevents wasting In
children. Alwa.t us paUl&ble as
lullk. Get only the reemlur. re -farad
by (feUl Jt Suwu, CtuuulaU, Maw
X Mi. Soto, bf Druggists,
from persons
who havo boon
cured by tlio uso of
Hill s Tablets.
TnnOnio mr.MicALCo.:
liKin SIR:-I liATO linmi itNlntr vnnr
curn for tubftrco habit, and luutvl it wixild
what you rlulm for Ik. I iifI ten ctnts
one to Ave c.nn: or I w.tii Pinuke
lurlv tritHM of tubtipco. IIo flinwurl
Inr twptitv ft Vbut. ilik! 1 a urn kinrfw
o ywir lnblctoturfd tn to I hnTonoilfritrc fur It.
D. M. JAYLOitD, lswUv, Mich.
Doiinfl rut it T. S. Y.
thrw dan. 1 nm curvd.
liATlifiW JOllNoON, i O.r.ozl.
I'ffTRiiiinnif. 1a.
to try yottt 'iubti tff. lie wamiln-.n . aint
TnlilOtn liUt thri'ti llHVH iiO ti'llt rlllkitlC
kayo wnltwl four tuoulh litfurc wrlHur
1 uu rs Jj" j t ' t RN .M()l Ki$OH
- , hiui uu wwn : u it"'ov
luy imrt. . . ifcu-.V.
HAR1E55 !:5
Whips, Fly Netts, Robes
And everything oho usually kept In a
llrst class sloro oi tills lilntl.
Or nil kinds attended to nontly, chonp
lv nnd promptly. SpuoIhI attention
piild In tho uninufncturo ot Ilnrnoss
to ordor.
Robfc. N. Antliony,
(Successor to .1, F, Itei, Fsst Welssiwrt.)
FnrnitDre, Floor & Feofl.
at tho I.OHetFrlecs.
Give us n call. No trouble to show
MRS. o. n. Nounsn
Green Mountain State!
Orotom, Vt
Dana Siesapaiulla Co.,
Uentlemen : I wish to odd my testi
monial for tbe lienollt I have "p r-"
recelvctl by tbe- use of your I nC
HAKSAl'Altll.I.A. My back was so
Ituiio that I liml to cnswl up
Nlaln ou my bands and knees tor more
than tbrco months bud a
In iny stomach hnd no nefll
iistn con 11 not, Hi -en
IVIIvLs' nights! nor turn over In
lied without help tried almost everything
that 1 beard of without any pood results.
At last I tried DANA'S BAItSAPAltlL
LA. Had not taken inoro tliun liulf
fit one botflo Itefore 1 began to feci
lictter, and by the time that f is y "p
I had taken one bt it tie I bTiA I
i FKir i:.Tiitr.r,Y tn:i,i
I have taken twqliottks, and I feel liko
n nosr crciiture. Can do a good
day's work. Uo up stairs as well as any
body, lliivo it unoit Hiclite, and
In fact, I feel all rCbt. And feeling that
f I inrro 13 my duty to tell
j U S. EmO others, together Hh a
deep sense of gratitude, prompts me to
write you tills letter.
Yours respectfully,
JlltS. E. N. NOUKSE.
Paca Ssrsspsrllla Co., Bsusst, SlAlas.
GO TO FJlB. ItODERElt, under the Excbanxc
Hotel, ttreet, for a smooth )mva oia
lasliloitabla haircut, pr Clortfd on Hundajr's
KotMler'a lUlr tnnle, cures iMndruff, We tvirry
In kLiV'tt: , full Una of fancv tut let artlrlfH at Low..
est prices, nd we are the only place In tOHiMH
m lirw trnti ran linv liUsnsisir'ss Ooatii li-ii t lipf
T AW 1' lilt, the barber, opposite the Opera
House, cuta 1ml r. iharea and does erery
thlofrln Ont-clAM itvle Drop In and tre hlai.
Closed en tiuudays. Toilet Articles for t-W.
STUDElC'rt H1IAVINU HALOON. opposite the
Advocatk Ornt'E, Is heaaauurters fur
snaTinjf, imir cuiung ana inanuHKMiiK. i-amru-
lar attention iiatdtoctiUinK lAulea Uanj
anin and
Cliildrm's Jiair. TuliHartu
Toilet article or sale. Choice
OUari. ualu
pi). CAM I'JtKI.L. over tUn Canal Itrld.f, Kant
Welianort, ruts halt, shaves and shampoos
In stile. l.lvBine a rll. Von can also bur
Hay Hum, Hair Tonics, &c, at the very lowest
Sentl 1 0 retils la stamps to
1S-IE.B.BAH uriLUrE,
" w,i'"'''S win Mua'tau bauI;
Semito lrulnifUtmboos,pnCC
mm to wi'itt, rncc
B liur lini-i n uui' -.
is . lfin 1 - , iiwi.i
'ursTluloaK. lri,l. AUour plB
wWs Urita s au4 iwlauss to utatca.
To see Knrserr Htoek. Ws sraw all the best
best varieties, old and new, reiibsee all stock
that dies. And suarantee suttsUellou, HUrtiest
salary or commission iialtl ti ou the start. Write
tor terms. 11 K. Hooker Co., Nnserymen,
ltuebHr. N V.
Established I llo. Incorporated lbs
waste of tissues, produces J
m, J. Hartzell,
Popular blectioxs.
Utssons That Slay llo llrAwn I'rnlit Itin Nttw
Tnrk Alain Hntl Nntlnnal Rlr- linos- -1 he
rrreenlABu ut Vutftr to tlio lSulntln
Greater In the Country.
A cxanrwrlson of tlie election rptnrns
it tlio end of tlio lost century, nlimit tlie
tlmo of the adoption of lli rniiatitntkin
of tlio Unltwl Stntos, with Hie n'tnrns
fortlieUst lirn-ii'.entlnl rlprtlon. shows
how widely tliu sultrnKo litis i jtn ul' .! l-i
tho United Btntes. In llnasnc'lids. ttx
between 177H nnd 1701. tlio prnporliuii of
Tot ws cnat to thii population vnrioil from
3 to S per cent. In severnl counties of
the stnto of New York lliero wevo rjst nt
tho election of 1888 almost one thlnl tu
many votes ns tluro wiro inliabUanto.
It Is tho linWt of many y oplo lo take
It for Rtnnted tliat the onillt r h.slitii
Hons of the (Jnllod HUtes wir.t tn.ire
democriitle than tho prei-ont miw, ni tl
that the tendency of themi times I t to
put tho iKiIitlcnl power in tho hiiniui of n
few men ami to tuko it away from tho
multitude No such theory Is twrno ont
by tho election returns, At ono ot the
most hotly contented cloellnns In Virgin
la, when Chief Justice Marshall's father
was a candidate for metnbornhip In the
houso of burgesses, or what would cor
respond to assemblyman hero, thero was
only ono voto cost to every 10 Inhabit
ants, a ratio smaller than that cast in
any county In this Btato for n grout many
years. Thero was a property qualifica
tion for electors In this contest, and It
was frequently tho caw that tho voting,
Instead of being by secret ballot, was
viva voce. Thero wcro so few electors
that they would nil como together on
election day, and their names would 1m
called, erery man naming his choice
With all tho talk about tho lurgo voto
of tho city of New York and the power
of Its majorities toscttlo tho result In the
state, It Is somewhat contradictory that
tho election llgures should show ilnit
New York lias the smallest ratio of voters
do Inhabitants loci than half as large n
tho ratio in many of tho rural comities,
Brooklj-n comes nest nnd Duffalo thlnl.
Throughout tho stato it is g. ueral that
tho Democratic counties cast fewtr votes
to the numlu r of their inhabitants than
tho Republican counties. In Now York
tlio liunilier of inhabit ints to each voter
la fl.Rfl. in K'Iiil-S A O.! and In Erin r, (Hi
iVhilo lu Corllandt ami Ottego the ratio
is 8.11 to l! B lft in Yates, 11.05 In Gene
see, D.ffil in Uelawan'.S Xi in AlUga:iy,
.'J.SO in Madison, 3.37 in O-.itario. 8.20 in
Bit Liv,T T.ffl, This hows n rnt'.o tv Ice
as largo In Now XinU and iiliuost twice
as largo In Brooklyn and Uti.l'alo as in
tho rural counties.
Thero aro two main reasons to nccount
for this. Ono Is tho diOerenco in the
election laws' In tho cities ami In the
counties, and thu other Is the duTcreuco
in tho character of iho population. It
cannot 1 it .dUTcrcnco in politics, for
Bohohario, ono of the few rural Demo
cratic counties, shows n ratio of 3.18, and
roeuo, another Democratic county, has
it ratio of 8.88. Tho percentage of voters
Is lower In tho cities than in tho rural
iMatricts, Tho two counties of Schenec
tady aud Bcholiario aru Democratic and
contiguous, bcholiario Is n purely ngri
cultural county, wlillo a great part of
tho population of Schenectady county Is
in Bchenectady, which is a nourishing
little city. Schenectady lias 0,000 inoro
population than Schoharie, but it casts
several hundred fower votes, and thero Is
a difference of a third In their ratios.
Ono reason for the high ratios in Now
York, Brooklyn and Buffalo Is the largo
number of aliens in those cities. Tho
nitons couut in tho population, but they
do not count in the number of voters.
According to tho state census New York's
population la one-fourth alien, and the
ratio In Buffalo is almost as high.
Another thing is the dlJTerouco in elcC'
rion laws. In the cities a man has to go
to tho polling place twlco to voto once
to register and unco to cast his ballot. In
tho country ho has to go only once and
that time to voto. Ills nams may bo put
ou the registration list by his friends.
A comparison of these returns with the
election returns nt the time of the Revo
lutionary war and tho adoption of tho
constitution shows that political inter
est is Increasing every year, and that tho
percentage of those who participate In
elections is also increasing. In Massa
chusetts toward the close ot the List cen
tury, when discussions respecting tho
teueral constitution wcro going on and
when thero had been an actual rebellion
in one part of the stato, not over G per
cent of tho population voted, although
the census of those days shows that about
three times that pcrccntago of men were
entitled to voto. In New York stato nt
the last election the censns nnd registra
tions lists wero almost Identical in many
districts, ami thero were sonio districts
where there wero more votes cast'tliau
the census fchoivetl of residents in tho dis
trict in the spring when the census was
It may be that to tho rich men and
uen engrossed in tho management of
largo business affairs politics and politi
cal mutters are not relatively so Impor
tant as they weru when tho United States
began, but u ouiuitarison of the electlou
returns shows that aside from tho widen
ing of the franchiso the proportion of
those who voto Is greater in this state
than ever before. Now York Sun.
tilling- Shears.
If your shears squeak or bind while
you are using them, run your finger
thoughtfully dowu tlio side of your noso
and rnb It oer tho lmido of tbe blades,
and the scissors will generally work ns
easily and noiselessly as any one could
desire. There is always a little oil col
lected in the corners oil tho outside of
e's nostrils, and those Who know it
"oil np" squeaky shears without
uble or without fear of making the
scissors greasy. Another simple way to
accomplish the same end is to draw the
blades of the shears over the hair, on
which, when it Is healthy, there is nl
ways a little oil. Writer.
How lo SeUct Good llelp.
Ono of the most astute business men
In New York city, who has through his
own efforts built up an enormous estab
lishment, and who gives employment to
hundreds of men, some of them at very
Urge salaries, told me ho had very little
difficulty In finding the right kind ot
men for any department of his work. I
was surprised to lean i this and asked
him what was the secret of his sooesee.
He said i
1 T havn men Inwltnm Ttuvii ntnt-lt
u (9,000 a year. I have sometimes been
! 41Wrintedln my selection of hslne,..
but as a rale I nover fall to get tn kind
of a man I want My first rule la to se
lact for experienced help only the men
who have succeeded In what they have
"No matter how prepossessing a man
may be, bow taking- la appoaxanos or in
Zixent qualittoations. I Dover engage
,- b added, "it I find that h has
mads a failure In anything. On the oth
er hand, no matter bow plain and un
prepoamiaaiiig a man maybe, if I learn
from hja story that he baa been promoted
step by step: that ha has always re
mained In a place until ho was advanced,
and that every change he made was a
change tor the better, I engage him at
once. Bach men nover dlssappolnt me,"
New York Mail and Excreta.
Treuieudous I'osstbllltles.
The great secrtt which many eJeetrt
claus believe to be neariujr discovery by
some ot tin r uuuiber is how to extra. I
from coal direct all of the energy which
It contains the utilising of it all, with
none of tbe present rwitaloder of deed
waste, if they really du this, all tlnstr
ohtim and especUtlonof revolutionizing
present methods of Iwat, lighting aud
tratisportatluu will be Justified. If, as
they also claim, they will then make war
methods tremendoiisly deal motive be
yond any yet knowu, the world uwy look
forward at an early day to the bagianlag
ot a jatriud of undisturbed pwins fipraw
ton Truth.
A Detroit sobool mm the OolawbU
postage stamp as s test for twavtya.
They tuna quite a picture gallery Bad,
as is geuei ly known, an W scripUre ot
Makes an everv.rbiv rrtrrtrntn- nf an
old-tlms luxury. Pure and wholesome
Prepared with scrupulous care. HlRhest
award at all Pure Food Exposition. Each
pacltage maltej two brge pies. AvoM
imitations and Insist on having 11
NONE Such brand.
MERRELL & SOULE, Syracuse, N. Y
Billousnoss, Dynpopola,
Indigestion, Dlsoaoos of 1
. t ,i.iu nr . i j t V
inu iviuiiuyu, s urfjiu hivur
Rhoumatlsm, Dizziness,
Sick Hoadacho. Loss of
V Appotito,vlaundlco,Erup
tlons and Skin Dlsonsas.
Mts 25i,tutotUs, Coll tjlUEntxiiti.
Dtitr.jomsoiaitu.rnts.. tsrussus, it
Pick Hfftehe nn4 tellm ftll the trmrtlM fool
jflent to a blUoai tuta of tlia ritem, uoh M
cttuK.rlnln tb Blda, At WbiU tbeirmoct
ftnuktUt iuomm bi ma iboira la oiuliiQ ,
ne&aieha, yet Cartel's ZJttla Utot TITtf $x0
cQkllr Tavlabla in ConaUpAtloa, cming prr
Tenting tUsannoylaKeompUlniwhlla tbATtuta
correct alt dJiorderioithoitomtUmaUitUia
JiTtrand rtgUta tlie boweli. firoa UUm oolf
EttJfor from thti diatroaslng corapUlnti bat f art q
atalj thelrsoodiWMdooa notad hertvuid tbo
. vrlio OQoat-rUtemulU find the littlo pllla Talor
bt In aomany -niTi that Uiay will not b wlU
il3gtoilomtbouttheia. Pat after -llalck boM
(la th tone tt io man j IItm that hers Is br
ivretaakaom groat OoxpUls cars It walls
w Carter's J-Utla IiTr mis tot small and
Tery eaiy to take. OosortwoplUaioakoadoas.
by drogslsti ctNTWlxcro, or sent tj maiL
TRADH aaaeire.
T nstet
tbe publlo or a aouee an ou irea ol cbaxaa hi tba
tanreet HrenlaUou of any sclentlflo paper In tbe
world, ttplendidlf IllDBirated. No tntfllliroot
man ariould be without It, Weeklr, 8J.U0 a
Teari fLCOalz roontha. Addnya it INN A CO
PvaUBUXiui, atil liroadwa, tit Tura cur.
truUaMli.u twibo- ot najr ptbr brmd. WrA
MbrhtZutru rr fii i: uiis viji
UifttMlp.whMWOUU fVU duf WtA(i4JeicJit '!j
iMUll Hill
Ii alsrt VaM .tnniihiirinlrr iml ir'n ni'f'f' wrd '
tW TtHtxalt iAa iss-vr (aOWs t' I if t- ' f '
iruM nMa,G aaiup(ii"-iini'iaiiitii
mi is uniM mnnki comiuiiu,i
iron sale,
A farm ulttuitwl in Toati.pnsintr tnwiiililp,
Uarttou iMMinir, l'a., alnxit su mile from WfKt
lHrt, on rund IwtilliiK Iroiu mild iarn hi K re "itft
tlile rohialnliiK upwards of as acrta uf rloar
lanil wltti afosiail aurlne wator all IIib
)twr rmtitJ. ami wilh all iwewwrj ouiDtilldtiitis
I.INUTlOllHK 1U24 ftl, with a HlUK Uxlfi levtt
n tnmt lunik dam 3Hi It, waon alicd .''X30
IretNMI aUttHir nwanary tiiiluildiiis.
rriuaui aaie win ir. maun amittii ay
JOHN lit.llKK,
tf. lUrrnv la.
Tlio unileralcued offers at Private Sala
the following articles
One Dlake Slone Cruslier. UK) Ton
Ca parity.
One IH II. P. Knulnr ami ltoller.
A railetv of Plots ami Tools suitable
for Itoail makinji. Apply lo
w. ltRIIKIt, Uarrlty. Ta.
A iwpiilar qiioatlon before the
people just now la Fishing
Tackle, tliia is particularly ho
with those who (Iml a pleasure
In atielius for the lluuy tribe
Where to net the beat lackel in
aleo a imrplaxlug queatiouto
you but Jtot to ua, for we hare
It right here the Tery bt at
the low eat prleea-tbe name
prleas perbis on you pay (or a
article elaewliere. Wewantyou
to oouie and ejamlne our new
i line of Flailing TnoVel, liefore
you go etawhere for we know
tlwt we ran save you mouey
That la what you want.
Come and see ns
BIERY, Tlie Druggibt
Sold by w. ifSfrl'
Sclcn American