The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, July 01, 1893, Image 1

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    Has a larger circulation than any other
newspaper printed In Carbon oounty.oon
eminently It l the best medium toradver
Users. Our news oolumns sparkle with
the ooeutrenoes of the laj clern, spicy,
Interesting, bright and Independent. Our
editorials aro original and will be worth
" reading on account of their spirit which
Is independent of outside dictation. Ou
price Is one dollar a year. Just you t ry It
- Is a specialty at our Job Printing Office
in Snyder's Block, east side of tbe Lehigh
Bridge. Envelopes, Note and Letter I'aper,
Phampltts, Order Hooks, Vouchers, Tags'
and all kinds of Plo Nlo, Horse and Hale
Bills. We do all work neatly, cheaply and
cleanly. Do you need anything In this
linef then oall and see us, or write us a
postal card and we will be at your service.
VOL XXI. No. 33
Lehighton, Carbon County, Fonna. July 1, 1093
$1.00 a-Yoar in Advano
a lit 'tit
at our place excells all pa9t ex
hibits. Our assortment -will
astonish the public, as will the
prices. We buy these, as other
goods, by the case, which gives
U3j3taples never seen uy small
dealers. Case goods, means
1500 to 2000 yards ol a kind,
that's 40 to 50 different styles
and shades. You can readily
see that our competitors aro not
in it,
Sun Umbrellas and PaiiA'
sols in all the "newest colorings,
at prices away down,
Fans 1 Fans 1 The assort
ment this season is exception
ally beautiful, Remember, the
prices are cut comparing them
with last season.
Ladies' and Misses' Black
and Colored Silk Mitts.
Fielden, Sohwab and Neebe Par
doned by Governor Altgeld,
The Ooveraor Declares That the Jndg-e
Showed IIU Prejudice Throughout Ml
Trial Wild Manifesto from John Hut,
tho Exiled OiTmub
Ladies' Belts
things out
-all the newest
fli it Street, between South and Hum Streets,
Lehlghton. Fa.
LOCAL MATTKltS OP MOIIK OR LKS8 I A Saap Shot Camera Catches Those Who
What Hat OccnrfHl in thli Cltr During the
Week Pertinently Kpltomlsed by Onr
Special Ileponera,
Ice Cream freezers at Oabel's First
Fine teams for all purposes at the
Bouth End Livery ,-
Price watches at E. II, Ilohl's,
Mauch Chunk.
All kinds of books and flno station
err at Luckenbach's, llauch Chunk.
Window and door screens at J. L.
Full line of Ingrain and Brussels
Trlday, June a.
Ambassador Bayard presented hl cro
asntlals Wthe queen at Windsor yestet
day. Mrs. Bayard was alio present.
Tbe Leech Lake Indian troubles are at
an end. Dr. Walker la under arrest, and
will be tried (or the accidental kllllus of a
young Indian.
At tha Coney Island Athletic club last
sight Joe Butler.the colored middleweight,
defeated Jim Dalv In tlx rounds. Mlks
Leonard defeated George Reynolds Is nine
rounds aud Billy Emit knocked Billy
Vernon senseless In the eighth round,
BatordBT. June Se.
Tha recent naval review at New York
cost the government 180,700.
Princess Enlalle and party left New
York today for Spain on tha French liner
La Touralne.
The cases sgalntt Colonel Alnsworth and
ethers (or tbe Ford's theater disaster will
probably be tried In Ootober,
James Gordon Bennett, of the New York
Herald, Is to bars the largest yacht afloat.
Bhe Is to be built by the Cramps, at Phila
delphia, and will be aid feet long. She wlU
be American throughout.
Bartholomay J, Doran, a lightweight
pugilist, killed hla IS-months'-old boy by
poison at Itoehester, N, Y., and then corn
Siltted auloide by throwing himself be
neath a train.
BXoudar. Juna XO
Frankla Ludwlek, 8 years old, was dis
emboweled by an angry cow at Aiiegueny,
and died In a few minutes.
Professor Cbarlea A. Brlggs, the deposed
Presbyterian, delivered a aerntou to a large
audience at tbe Ocean Grove camp meeting
last sight.
President Diaz, of Mexico. Is solus: to
Europe this summer, and will probably
paas through the United States, stopping
as me iv crura lair.
Tuesday June ST.
By an explosion of metal In an Iron
foundry at maugenurg, Daxony, six work'
men were killed,
Commander Welssert, of the O. A. R.,
asys the appeal of Farnharm Post, U. A.
H., for reinstatement will not be heard.
It la rumored In PltUburi that It, a
Wick mav retire from tbe management of
the Carnegie company, to be succeeded by
C. M. Schwab.
Justice Clement, of Brooklyn, refused to
annul the marrlacre of Colonel William
E. Sinn, the theatrical manager, to Com
Taoaer, the wen known surety.
Tfedaesdar, 98.
There were 009 deaths from cholera In
Mecca yesterday.
A buggy was run Into by a train at a
grade crossing In Chicago and two persons
killed and three Injured.
Yourteen-year-old IlobertZangle, of New
York, was accidentally strangled to death
while swinging In a hammock.
minister In the United States, died at
Dennieou, Tex., aged 00 years.
At auction In London ths lata "Squire"
Ab.lngtan.'s great colt Meddler was sold for
176.133 to an American wUQ Is said to M
W H- Forbes, of Boston.
Professor Henry Preserved Smith, ths
convicted heretic, is tha only p releasor left
at Lane seminary, Pinolnnstl, ths others
having withdrawn. Ths seminary may he
Thursday, Jane Si.
John Bsaman, for tea years town treas
urer of Wslshlre, O., hss flsd with (3,000
of pnbllo money,
Oeome E. Green, msyor of Blnghamton,
N. Y., was elected president of the New
York League of Republican clube.
The president has appointed Commodore
Aaron W. Weaver to be rear admiral In
the navy, vice Bear Admiral David II.
Harmouy. retired.
Ohio Prohibitionists nominated this
ilcket. For governor, Rev. Gideon B
lacklln, Montgomery county; lieutenant
governor, S. 11. Kills, Warren county;
treasurer. Abe Ludlow. Springfield, attor-
pay general, 8. E. Young, Portage county;
supreme Judge, J. A. Gallagher, Bellaire,
dairy ana rooq commissioner. u. ((. Toaa,
Wakeman) for board of publlo works, E.
lirosuis, Du&ra eeuuty,
SrmsariELn. Ills., June 27. Anarchist
Fielden, Neebe and Schwab were pardoned
bv Governor Altgeld yesterdsr. Banker
E. S. Dreyer, who had been Interested In carpets at Henry Schwartz's.
.-a . . -Raser's Root Beer Extract-Tho
neh of them from tha hands ef Governor I Purest.
Altgeld, left with them for Jollet at noon. See watches at E. II. llobl's, Mauch
It is supposed Mr. Dreyer's mnuencs was tuuun
decisive. Itwasnotevenknownthstthelr Just make It n point to see David
case was Ming oonsmereu aj too governor, jiDUert When you want a team for UUSi
and his action created great surprise. ness or cloasure. Lowest nrlcos.
JZ.JTJ- Root Deer Extract is
!. tnattr. Tha atj,tamnt IA th Ai,ta I ttaSer S.
tend to show that ths bomb was throws Great variety of rubber, hoso for
as ui act of nersonsl revenire. and that the sale at lowest prices at (label's.
prosecution never discovered who threw It, Prloe watohes at E. II. llobl's,
Spesklng of Judgs Gary, be saysi "It is Mauch Chunk.
charged with much bitterness by those Kye whiskey, J per gallon. atM.
whr. ..peak for the prisoners that ths record Martlti's Liquor Store Mauch Chunk.
the trial with malloious ferocity, and B, reduction in baby coaches at
forceed the men to be tried together: that I J. L. Uubel'B.
page after pegs of the record contains In. Watoh sale at E. II. Ilohl's, Mauch
sinuatlng remarks of ths ludge. msds in Chunk.
the hearing of the Jury and with the evl- Pure Paris Green at lowest price
uen mteniien ot onnging tna jury to ma aj Qjj
B ui wmkiugt tun, wta. ,wui wur ,n. .., , . ,, .,-!,..,
)ng from the court, were much mors dam- nm uiu.i
aging than any speeches from ths state's ? 'ront of John F. Esoh's Globe
attorney could possibly havs been! that Restaurant on the glorious Fourth,
the state's attorney often took bis cus Greatest bargains ever offered in
from the judge's remarks, sua tnst trie run jeweled railroad watones can now
judge's magazine artlole recently pub- be had at E. II. Ilohl's, Mauch Chunk
nsneq, written nearly six years Mter me i jewelry Dtore.
trial, is yet fun ot venom. A p. Snyder, sells stnndard
The anarchist riot at the Hayraarket In ,noh h9e J,r per foot iIe
Chicago occurred on May 4, 18S4. Eght ha, cheaper too.
tng for ths murderous outbreak, and L Cheapest plaoe on earth to buy a
se"en, Spies, Scnwab. Fischer, Fleldsn, flpt-olass watoh Is Rt E. II. Ilohl's,
Farsons. Engel and Llngg were found I iutuu" wuuua.
guilty of munler In ths first degree. Neebe I For Bale. A Falrbank's Staudard
waa sentenced to imprisonment lor niteen I'latrorm scale, capacity uutu pounus
years. A request or pardon was maae ty i Apply to w. M. ltapsner, luaucn ununit,
Clemen ana tsenwan. wmcn tne supreme i or u. v. mortnimer, .jr., Lienignton
court granted. The others were hanged ,-Don't buy a watch until you learn
Nov. 11, 1887, except Llngg, who commit- tne prices at E. II. Ilohl's, Mnuch
S;r..l.l;rhufrt.iL -Fon SAttu-In Jamestown a lot
Cuicaoo, June iss. At least one or tne . oi
wnlnnA Aiuirchl.ta. Hamnel fielden. haa Ijenignton.
no resentment against any one conneoted A. F. Snyder, was doing business
with his trial and Imprisonment. "My is- at Easton on Monday. Sold a McPhall
tentlon Is to forget the past, to lcttbedead Piano to one of his customers, Saved
bury its dead, and begin life aH over tho party ilGOjlollars. Kaston dealer
agatu." said he as he sat in the parlor ot wanted H'5, for the same grade.
General M. M. Trumbull, chairman of the I Cook&Walok are excavating for
amnesty commuieo. - uave norer nurv i the cellar Wall Of U. U. HCUlerer 8 new
anybody yet, ana ao not intend to pegin. i Bnci 00Zy home on Third atreet.
-JT'SJXZSZ will saveyou money to buy
out 3 the nrincimes. mv view. bav. watches at li. uohl-s.iiauchUhunk,
changed some. The futility ot some of our I The McPhall Piano used at the
plans has appeared to me, and I have be-1 Commencement exercises, was fur
come more conservative," nisnea Dy a. . snyaer.
new Yonj, June M.-In The Itelhelt, priC6 watches at E. II. Ilohl's,
bearing ths date ot July 1. John Most de- k,,,i, rM,L.
votes a full page to a leader ooncernlug 1 - ' , . , m
the liberation! Trom prison of ths Aimrch- -Pf" 8A7Flrs' MST PweJ.Ilng
tsU H'lelden, Schwab and Neebe. Alter . i St o r u.uuu,
alluding briefly to tbe fact ol tnelr libera- I "i''"'
tlon he ssvsi I Frank Fenstermacher has the con'
"That Altgeld liberated enr unnrades tract to extena tne ijenignton water
was Just. Ills action, however, means Company's water mains on Iron street,
much more than this. Ths manner in between Third and Fourth street. The
which he defends bis decision proves at ths necessary excavations bare been made
same time the truth ot our contention and the pipe is being properly adjusted
that on Nov, 11, 18S7, our comrsdss were for connection.
murdered. The highest omclal or the state Here is a good offer If I cant
ol Illinois saystotbesemesmtheirgraves: Bnow yoa that the McPhall Piano,
xou were muroerea by tne banaits or 6ell for $275 costs more than the Star
capital, headed by a man whose
slon it was to
by a man whose profes- or popuiar pease that other agents
sdmlnlster Justloe lmpar-I oaii aunn Twin vn tann
tlally.' That is the eascnw erf the excerf- for nothIrJlr, Now ye Ster and Pease
inely comprehensive defense wMoh Alt- agentSWalk In , and A. F, Snyder will
geld makes for h s decision- defense I aeoommodate you.
drawn consciously irom tne aocumentary I t t ri . , . .n
-m. i .i,. ' I James J. Bevan. the able and effl
"We are anarohlata, and as such are the y"'?' u'l,uo P"""" souoois at
enemies of every state official. We even y"""i """I"' iuuj
bellsve that the better the offlcial the mora or an luniauon lo tne commenco-
be tnjares our cause, because he eultlvatos ment exercises or the graduating ex.
among tne people belter in tne Honesty ol oixuius.
the state. Nevertheless we must confess -gupt. Belsol examined this class of
that Altgeld has i shown .bimse f to be applicants for certificates on last
o X --i Tnursaay: siargarct uouia, jimma ij.
.u, r . """" Mertz, Mary E. CatelL Alice Mantz,
bers. murderers and Idiots whe coasUtuU irene Fenstermacher, Mattie Walp
. ... i una x ilia Aiiiiin ui, iwiuuui u. auuiD vj.
The German social JJemocraey ta proua Bftokey liartha Long, Luella Rehrig
because It has won fortyfour aeau in tha and j,, j Oswald. Nine certificates
- a .k i m a were (trantesl, three refused,
have comeback to our ranks and that a I Rev. J. Alvln Reber preached his
governor has been compelled to state of- n"n anniversary sermon to a very
ndaly that the execution on rJov. II waa a I w1kdbuu iuh,i,.ci4uuibijou m .io a
v.ii,i. r ,m au. i,.t Reformed church on last Sundav even
mtffk.vinfinAnatiti.BrrituHAn viit h.v. 1 lug. In the five years that the raver-
It every man does his best to make use of I end gentleman has been with ns he has
this opportunity. Forward, ever forward, 1 uiuo,uui.a ui triuuua maiuu auu out
the future la ours," side of his congregation, Itev, Reber
Most also says that ths release of Is a forceful, eloquent speaker and has
Tri.M,, a-Wah and Neha hu riirA 1 few enuals In the Lehigh Vallev aa a
the anarchists of their last obligation tollosloal and eloquent expounder of
proceed cautiously, inoiy writ.
A Murderous Trala Bobber Caukht, I OUII OHAUDATE8.
San Antonio. Tex.. June SO. Thsee
robbers boarded a train" at BreckenrldKe. Interesting Exercises lu the Opera Houso
Tex. After It had atarted one ot them Laraely Attended, The Class Numbers
crawled to tbe engine ana oraerea r.ngl-1 B,llltMI,
nntholrhanda Martin fallad ti nlv,v and Lehlghton has BlUCh to be Droud for.
was shot dead. The robbera' companions I but above all are our publlo schools,
then fled, and he attempted t capture the wmcb bare been brousht to a high
trainalone,bntcoulduotsUrtthees3lne,lstandard ot excellence through the
which Tlerney had stopped in the mean- ability of Prof. Walter and his corps of
time. He jumped and lied to the brush, I able assistants. To graduate a class of
lollowed uy tinuucior eteeie, wno anally seventeen pupus is a stupeuaous worK,
rjintnred and disarmed him. Ha frivea hie I reoulrinc care, abllltv. natlence and
name as J. I). May, a cowboy. Steele will Indefatigable energy on tne part of tbe
get Il.uii rewaru. 1 teacner, ana interest ana uauagging
inuustry un tne part ot tne stuaents,
xr,. rjofaii or siw.r. The graduating class this rear nam.
U'lintwnTnw Jim. 9S. TIim dmin Ibered teventeeu. and the commence.
ment exercises in the Opera House om
apprehension here. Telegrams from all last IVlday evening was full evidence
sections are pouring In on the president of the FAB EXCEIUENCK of the whole
urging an immediate session of congress class. The commodious auditorium
to consider tha Unsocial question. A. J, was packed from stage to door, and the
c.nA nraidnt nf tha hi.metaiMa i program ot exercises was comoieiea
league, says "England has set out to sub-1 without a single break which reflects
due the world uot by arms, but by gold," great oredit on the graduates, who are
and that the United states can prevent it, auiuuai uur eaumuuio uuu uueutea
The price ot sliver In London and New young people. We regret that we have
York Is lower than ever before. I uot tue eiiace lu vine issue to reier
singly ana Bpecuuiy to tne excellence
Drank a Plat at Carbella AM. I Of each Ot tliO KTaaUateS. it mUSt Snllice
vrivnarov .Tm .Tim ctnin. to say that none oould have done bet-
man, aged 90 years, formerly a bailiff of ter, that they distinguished themselves
lu a few words we desire to call
t3f to your notice a very important
rp fact, It is this. We have as
137" large aud fine a lino of general
store goods aa you will find any
t2T where. Come and see us, let us
show you our goods and tell you
what our prices are. We deliver "SJ
goods anywhere prpmptly andntjga
without extra charge whatever . a-i
tp the purchaser. Dont pay big Ja
prices but come aud soe us
Robert Walp,
iU-st atrvet, Op, Raaud Houses,
Come and Oo Among Their Trlenda In
Lively lhlghtan.
Mrs. Frank Zahn and rlanirhtnr nrn
visiting relatives In llroadheadsvllle.
. ,'Gus Hager, of Philadelphia, is
spending a few days with the folks at
Constable Ed Ra worth was nt
Silver Brook on oluclal business last
. .Jovial ExDressman Ilairerman was
doing official business at New York on
. .0. V. Klelnton. Eutrene Frltrlneer
and Harry Graver cycled to Tamaqua
on Sunday.
..Ex-Bherlff II. P. Levan. of the
Couuty Seat, was closing digits with
menus nere on aionaay.
..Mrs. Masdallna Dick, of Recnnrl
street, is home from a pleasant visit to
Fhillipsburg, N. 3.
.Assistant Valley station agent, P.
Gorman and family spent last Sun
day in Monroe county.
..Mrs. Wm.Sltler. of Second street.
nJeilb DDYUlttl UHJB ItUlt W66K Wltll iUTS,
Wm. stocker, at Jersey City.
..Miss Annie Lackov. an estimable
Allentown young lady is vlsitlne
jwisses Aggie and Lllito Keichard.
..Miss Snails Merrick, of Maucb
Chunk, speat Ssndav very pleasan tly
witu roiaiives ana irienas in town,
..Charles Ilartman and wife, of
Allentown, were guests of T. D. Clauss
and family en First street over Sunday.
.Miss Addle RatellfTe. of Ncsaue
honing, spent Sunday very pleasantly
with Miss Tillle Rntclllfe on First
. . Miss Ella Fenstermacher. one of
All,... .1 -1. , I.. n
guest at the John S. Lentz resldeuce
on TOlrd street.
. .Genial Al Greenawalt and Hush
MoAniffo, two of Lehlghton's expert
bicyclists, were on a jaunt to Pottsvllle
on ousuay.
..Charles Bowman, of Slatlnston.
wno utts many irienus nere among
both sexes. Is spending n few days with
urauvuie u. Ulauss.
. .). A. llauk. the nonnbtr and suo-
cessful principal of the Tobyhanna
Alius school, will spend tbe summer in
town witu bis parents.
. . Miss Ida S. Drios, of Bethlehem,
accompanied rjyi'rof.llollttle's daugh
ter, were guests of 'J. boo. Bcbatfer and
ramiiy ou fiankway.
, . Misses Mamie Blllmeyer and Bessie
Courson, estimable young ladles of
Washingtonville, Pa, are guests of
miss uzzie ixtntz on ibirn street,
Miss Ida Young, with Miss Alvenla
Graver, the milliner, was called home
to Selgfrid's Bridge, on Monday, owing
to tue serious illness or nor Drouier,
F. Ed Koons. of Wllkesbarre. ao-
companiea uv tne esumaoie ana aim
able Miss Katie Fritz, spent Sunday
very pleasantly witn Klcbard Koons
ana ramuy on beconu street.
Charles Yobe and Will Schaffer,
two of Packertos's hustling young men
will leave to-day for Mlddletown, N. Y..
wnere tney nave secured a lucrative
..The following estimable young
ladles visited Miss Mamie Semmel on
First street, Misses Jennie Merkol and
Kate Ochs, of Allentown; Ada Webb
and Eva Collins, of Mauch Chunk and
aiartun xnompson,oi Bonnyikiu Haven,
E. U. MoulthroD is haullnir lumber
lor tne llrm or ueuer & Miller. -
the petty courts, drank more than a quart
ot carbolic acid and then threw a quan
tity of the fluid over hla aged wife, burs.
ing her in a ingottui manner, uunng tne
fevr momenta before he expired the old
man suffered terrible agony. Mrs. Solo
mon Is suffering greatly, and It is feared
that ber sight has been deatroved.
Comedian Hopper Weddod.
NtrwAiut, June 99. Comediaa BeWoltt
Hopper visited Newark yesterday after
noon and drove tp the residence ot the
Hev. Nelson A MacNlchol, pastor of ths
(lalsey Street. Methodist church, where a
marriage ceremony was performed. The
clergyman, while admitting that the
famous comedian waa the groom, refused
poattlrely to divulge the name ot the
bride. She la aald to be Kdna Wallace, ot
New York.
Teaee Ita.lored In Veoesuela.
Nxw Yolii, June SO. Mall advices from
Caracas Indicate that an era of peace and
tranquility uaa at last aawnea npoq Vf n
exuela, and Joaquin Cresno, sqw the con
stitutionally elected president of the re
public confident Qf the stability of his
fcovernmeot, haa magnanimously submit
ted to oongreea a proclamation granting
pardon to thoae who once atrovs to destroy
the constitution and annihilate. u brave
I'aplalp Dourkf to stand Trial,
IiOHPON, June 90. Captain Ilourte, the
senler officer among the survivors of the
warship Vtetoris, will be tried by a special
Jiaval board, altling at Malta, for having
est the vessel. Further proceedings will
depead upoa the event of this trial. No
stees will be taken in the matter of court
uarttallsg Hear Antral Markham and the
to a degree of Perfection that was nleas
lug to their families and their friends
who had the pleasure of witnessing
tbe crowning effort of their youth.
The graduates received niauv presents
irom tneir irienas ana in turn tney
remembered tbelr principal with s
handsome bronze clock. The Lehigh
ton Orchestra lent additional luterest
to tbe ptogram by the rendition ot sey
eral very choice selections.
The graduates are Mable Wheatly,
Daisy V. Horn, William Brenner, Jen
nie tl, Gro&scnp, Irene S, Weldaw, Ella
R. Seaboldt, Clara N. Kuntz, Katie
Fenstermaober. Mattie Walp. Mary
Fensterniacher.Frank A. Miller, Mamie
1). Semmel, Mame Qomery, Emma
Fortwangler, llert Gomery, Bertha
uonenpacn, manna ivong.
Cheap and Good Ice Cream,
Committees for picnic, festivals and
parties will dp well to consult C. II.
Nusbauin, Welssport, when tbey buy
Ice cream. lie sells a most excellent
article at tbe low prloe of 86 oenta per
gauon. uen t orgetio see mm. ow
S. BaUIet bought a eood sorrel
horse at Allentown last Friday,
Genial Harry Balllet has purchased
a new oicyoie ana riaing suit lor
Oliver Rehrtc and wife were the
guests of Tilghman Kehrig ou Sunday.
John Rehrig Is emsloved on the
farm of Longacre Sc KL.tlcr In West
'Widow Susan Rchriir. of Dnwmans
town, is the guest of her step-son Cbas.
E. U. MoulthroD made a brotberlv
horso deal with Aaron Bowman on
The emDloves of the Pennsylvania
Paint and Oohre Co., received their
pay ou lnursaay.
Lewis Btroun visited relatives and
friends iu Lehlghton and Welssport
oaturaay ana ounaay.
Edwin Stelgerwalt and wife, of Nls
Hollow' were the guests of their son
A. v . Uwieerwalt, on uundoy.
Miss Annie E. Helntzltman and
Mrs. Levi Rex, of Allentown, spent
8unday very pleasantly with W. S.
iieinueunan anu lamny.
John Miller, our popular butcher.
Is running his delivery wacou himself.
his former driver, Mr. Freyman, having
acceptea anotaer position.
'William Knonenberirer. of Neiue-
honlng, has moved Into the valley. He
occupies pan ot li. 11. tjohlelcher'e
house and is employed by Chas. Rehrig,
Albert BreituauptjOf North Kidder,
was in the valley on Saturday: be Is s
candidate far Register and Recorder.
subject to tne Dsmooratlo rules, Mr.
Ureitbaupt speaks English andGerman,
J. Alvin Yenser. of Bowmanatnwn.
an expert bicyclist, took a flying trip
through the valley Sunday and called
on E, 8. Helntzelman. Alvin will make
tbe best bicyclist In the valley hustle.
George Hoffman, the oldest man in
the valley, died on Monday night, at
tbe ripe old age of 03 years. Interment
took plaoe ou Friday at the East Perm
Cemetery ,Rev. Bartholomew olUolatlng
The Union Lehigh Sunday .school
elected the following officers: Presl.
dent, Victor Rehrig; superintendent,
a w at al It. BDE1C. . 1 ..
1 . 1 .... " . , i , .
wuuoui, ami iuuuk Dwtouirii .'111 LA) II
Sohatfell; asst secretary ,Eva Savannah
Bruella Agnes Peter; treasurer, Her
man Peter; librarian, Mrs. Herman
i-eter, iue now emcers win labor tor
tue advancement of the school.
Mister Drooker: For about tzwa
monet tznrlck Is em Uncle Buzzard si
daudy In dar valley gawestuf business.
we aar aauay om liuzzara si house
kuma Is. wor ar on ilar blackshmlds
shop ga loffu. Dun hut de Bevy de
glaDa made drl mohl gashlchd for em
uuzzard s&wga, ar sut name kuma dar
grandpap war doe. Dar Buzuu-d is net
kuma, bis der daudy em eugaba kuma
lSjbecause ar hut gawlst dos dar daudy
sr Judgment rc sewed will hova. Dar
daudy hut aw em Bustard gasawdt ar
snt si lamtut may ui sobolfa tzu butza
mannor un da lelt noohdsfor de helser
Stella for tzu insulta, or sut si elda
lumba for kofa, so dos ar a blsel gelt
gracht for hf das judgment tzu bazabal
-De students fan dar Ashfleld Col.
lege, union em commend fum Prof.
Buzzard, hen om bomsda.wg welder fun
era dreeklchaorwet stapracttoede hen
d passees by weldder no ga krloha uf
uar strese, uu ena nicK noma gava.
ThoLlleSloryofthe man Who Was the
rrleud of ltandall, Wallace and Scott,
Ills Years as a Member of
William Mutchler, Congressman
from this, the Eighth Pennsylvania,
Dlstriot, died at 2.15 o'clock Friday
morniug of heart disease and general
giving away ot the system, age almost
C2 years.
Mr, Mutchler did not rally from his
acute attack while on a pleasure trip
the first week In this mouth lu Pike
County, thgugh he felt better after
reaching home, drove out considerable
and kept up his Interest In affairs of
the day.
lie was particularly concerned
about the coming sosslon ot Congress
and a few days ago, iu conversation
ltuuongiessman liuokalew, express-
hls belief that he would recover In
sufficient season to be present. But
his frleods noticed that he grew weak.
and that his pulse was more feeble.
Ou Monday he was auite weak, and
the family was very apprehensive; but
he rallied that night aud from that
time up until his sudden death his
family felt much encouraged. He sat
for seyeral hours on the porch yester
day afternoon and retired at 0 o'clock
sleeping in a chair as he was more
comfortable In that position.
Shortly before 3 o'clock Friday
ornlng Mrs. Mutohler. spoke to him
inquiring how he felt; she received no
answer and finding that Mr. Mutchler
was breathing very faintly summoned
assistance. Death came in a few
Mr, Mutchler is survived by his wife
who is the daughter of the late Sheriff
Cope, of this county, under whose In-
lumbenoy Mr. Mutchler began bis
active political life in 1853 and by one
son, Howard, who Is editor and pro.
prietor of the Northampton Demo
crat, and proprietor ot the Easton
Dally Express.
William Mutohler was born near
Easton on December 21, 1831 his father
being a farmer lu humble clrcum
stances, who died when this son was" 7
years of age. An elder brother, II. M,
Mutohler carried on the farm, and
William gave him such assistance as
He entered the Vandervler school In
Easton during two Winters and that
was about all the school training he
had his studies being pursued at home
or In such schools training he was not
on the farm, or uot working for neigh
boring families.
Meanwhile the elder brother entered
the practloe of law and it was iu his
office that William Mutchler first per-
sued the pages of Blackstone and
eventually began legal practice. This
was about the time the war closed.
Before that be had been for two
terms the Deputy ShertlT of the county
and for two other terms beginning in
1BG0 the Prothonotary, He was an ao
tlve political worker, and in 18G9, after
having been for two years Assessor of
InternalRevenue In this district, be
was elected chairman ot the State
Demoorat Committee.
He attracted a great deal of attention
because of his clear headedness, and
his untiring energy as well as his
ability, and trom that time he was
prominent lu Democratic circles. He
was an early friend of the late Samuel
J. Randall, and supported him In Con
gress by his vote on many occasslons
when Mr. Randall and Mr. Mutchler
were fighting against the majority
sentiment among theDemocratio members.
This was particularly so as regards
tarrlff legislation, Mr. Mutohler be
came later a great friend of tbe late
Hon. William L. Scott, who considered
mm one of the ablest men in Congress.
This brought Mr. Mutchler Into the
Wallace faction ot the State Democ
Moelety Ttd-lllts of Interest fa the Stem
bers of the Fraternity.
Norman Commandery, No. 135.
Knights of Malta, of town, are rapidly
Increasing in membership;' In the past
two weeks ton applications have been
Seoret societies In need of parapbe-
nulla, flags, banners, uniforms, etc.,
should consult II. V. Morthimer, jr.,
who represents one of the largest firms
and Importers, manufacturers and
dealers In this country beforo purchas
ing elsewhere.
The order of the Knights of the
Golden Eagle in Pennsylvania in the
past 17 years (principally the past
seven years) has expended KilSHO for
sick benefits, burial of the dead, relief
of widows and orphans, and donations
for charitable purposes. During that
that period, 20,233 Sir Knights have re
ceived weekly benefits. During tho
seven years, 1880 to 1892, 59,371 candi
dates were admitted; 40D Castles were
instituted aud membership increased
31,112. The highest number of initia
tions In one Castle in the past year
was 113. Two hundred and forty-one
Castles Initiated over 10, of which
forty.thee were over 23, thirty-three
over 00 and four over 100. One hun
dred and thirty Castles have a mem
bership ranging from 109 to 330. One
hundred and eighty-seven Castles have
funds ranging from 1,100 to 11112
and the average funds of each Castle
are $1,102.
Mr. Mutchler entered the Forty-
seventh Congress when the Tenth
Hasleton'a Crcllpf Club Here,
The t'yollng Club of Uazleton was
Lere last Sunday. Tbe club Is com
posed of the followinor members:
Potter and Frank Clark, Oliver Whit
aker, Geo. Herwlck, Frank Taylor,
Fd Chryst, Robt East, Jacob bterner,
(ieo. Blttenbender, Robt. Barber, C.
Lear, Dr. Hertz, B. llauch, Q. Steiu
belser and seyeral other young men,
Ellas Beer, of Carbon P. O. boasta
oia rye sialic ii leetti tuobea in height.
Great Latherau Mass Meeting.
Sunday, August 13, will be a notable
day for the Lutbern denominations la
tbe Leblgh Valley. Qn that day every
Lutheran Church from Mauch C'huuk
to Easton wlU be closed, aud their
oongregations gathered (u a grand
mass meeting In Rittenvlll Park, there
to near aa ureases on notoe ana loregtn
missions and education by somo of the
most eminent speakers in tbe Lutheran
riiv nf nur farmer frfanHii n tu.,
eftteara ot the Caiaperdown until after the : hla let us bare from you.
aadof Baarke'seaae.
II During the past week representa
tives ot Ooxe 4 C. , Lave visited
and examined the Carter traet and
colliery at Beaver Medow. These visits
by the offiolala" seems to confirm a ru
nior that was circulated sometime ago
regarding purchase ef that estate In
Ueaver Meadow by that company.
District was composed ot Northamp
ton, Lehigh and a part ot Bucks Couu
ties. He served one term and then
gave way to ex-Congressmau Baohman
for two terms. He was elected to -the
Forty-seventh and the Forty-eighth
When the present apportionment of
the State was made aud Mr. Mutchler'u
county with Monroe, Pike and Carbon
became the Eighth Congressional Dis
trict, Mr. Mutchler captured the nomi
nation though there were several
candidates aud the fight was a stuborn
one. This was in 1888, slfice then he
has twice been re-elected and was a
member elect of the next Congress.
Slnoe ISai Mr. Mutchler's promin
ence as u Congressman has beeu un
usually great. lie was in that year
made Chairman ot the Civil Service
Reform Committee and his long ex
perlenoe In Congress contributed eaoh
year to make his worth as a member
greater. lie served on many Impor
tant committees and lathe lost Con
gress woe Chairman of the Pensions
Committee, on chairman of the sub-
Committee on Appropriations, and a
member of other important commit
tees. He performed his duties with up
Tightness, and wish a striot regard for
the best interests ot bis constituents,
Uot Infrequently voting against tbe
majority ot his party In so doing.
He was a conservative member of
the House and held the respect ot both
Democrats and Republicans. lie re- j
presented his views with force and
clung to them tenaciously, but he was
tolerant ot aud rospectf ul to the vlows
of those who differed with him
At home he enjoyed the respect of
all his fellow townsmen without regard
to political differences, IIU health had
not been good or nearly a year. He
was prostrated several times during
the last session of Congress. He was
informed by his medical advisers that
his stomach waa the cause of his
trouble, but it seemed impossible to
bring about a return of better health
uo matter how much he took care of
bis diet. Later bis heart began to be
affected and then followed a general
breaking down of the system. Inter
ment was made on Tuesday afternoon.
Tbo delegation from this county who
attended the funeral were Hop. W. P
Biery, George W. Morthimer, John J
O'Brien, George W. Ester, Judge Sam
Prloe, Allen Craig, E. II. Rauoh, Frank
Sharkey, It. M. Brodhead, Michael Ou
sidy, James T. Mulbearu, u II. Barber,
John Breslin
A correspoudent to the Philadelphia
Pross from Washington speaks thus ef
the late. William Mutchler.
"In the ten years Mr. Mutchler ha9
served lu the House he has ptoven
himself a conscientious, painstaking,
honest member. No member of that
body enjoyed to a higher degree the
esteem and friendship ot his col
leagues In both parties. ne was a
Democrat, ot the old Jelfefsonian
school, was simple In his manner, but
courageous in any cause ho espoused.
He never ran counter to the interests
of his constituents and was a safe
man where the interest of Pennsylva
nia were concerned. He -was parti
cularly sound on the financial question.
No Democrat fronv-Pennsylvania In
many years had the power in Congress
that he had except Samuel J. Randall.
He was probably as great a student of
the leading issues ot the day as wasMr.
Randall, but lacked the aggressiveness
andforce of leadershlpMr.Mutcbler was
always listened to with deep attention
when he took the Boor to debate a
question. He was a good speaker and
always presented his Ideas in a clear,
comprehensive manner He was the
Nestor of the Pennsylvania Democrats
in the House and was by the consent
ot all accorded the honor of leader
In recent gossip with regard to the
organization of the next House his
name has been frequently mentioned
for the same place. In the last House
he obtained considerable notoriety as
the chairman of the sub committee
which had ohargo of the pension ap
propriation bill. He was the father
of three paoposltlons offered as amend
ments to the bill. They were for .'the
transfer of the Pension Bureau-from
tbo Interior to tho War Department,
tbe cutting ofnthe pensions of non
residents of the United States who are
not citizens and the wltboldlng of pen.
slous from widows of soldiers who
had married tbelr husbands five
years after the war in which the later
had participated.
When the present administration be
gan and the question of Federal pat-
rouage iu Pennsylvania came up Mr,
Mutchler was prominent as a leader in
what has become known as the "Con
gressional combine." He was always
opposed to Mr. Harrity aud the letter's
methods and was very outspoken In
bis dislike ot them. He resented tbe
the interference of the State Adm Inls
tratlou in his own district and was able
to balktheht efforts to name candicates
Farmers are busy making hay.
A. II. Ginder.of Ashfleld,' visited
here ou Saturday.
Wm, Arner sold three bicycles
last week.
The closing exercises of the Nor
mal Institute were held last Saturday
Grant Strauss, ot Lansferd, spent
Sunday with ths "old folks at home."
Mrs. Harriet Arner Is visiting at
Arner Brothers and Tilghman
Balllet aro painting a cnurch at Lewis
David Balllet, a student at 1'rlnc.e
ton, is nome ror a vacation.
The New Mahoning Cornet Band
will hold its annual plenlo this Satur
day evening, in tr. u. Klingermam
Miss Sadie Koons of Mauch Chunk
was visiting in tbe v alley over bunday
Aaron Zimmerman is building
new house on his recently purchased
si as. josuu STKii'sa.
After an illnss of three weeks, Mary,
wife ot our fellow townsman, Joslah
Strauss died at ber home on north
First street, ou Monday morning at
eight o'clock. Deceased was born Is
Weisenbrg, Leblgh county. In tbe
mpntuoi xsovemoer, lB-jy. uixomia
ren were born to them, two ot whom
survive witn tne sorrowing uusoana,
Mrs. A. J. Lltaenberser and Rev. W.
II. Strauss, both of two. Interment
will be made this afternoon at two
o'clock, itev. Kuder, ot Trinity Lutb-
era u cuurcu, win umcuiie.
After an illness of sometime with
kidney disease Mrs. Mary Anua Huhns
died Saturday at the home of her son
W. 8. Kubns, lu third ward Interment
was made on Wednesday morning. Itev
Strauss ottlolated at the last sad rltea.
Deceased was born lu tbe year 1810
and' was aged at death 77 years, 3 moe.
and 20 days. Of the nine children born
six survive to mourn the death of
good mother.
Ieo Cream 8Ac far Uallon.
Plenlo and festival committees will
find it to tbelr advantage to buy lee
cream from B. K Culton, Lehlghton,
wno sens tne very peal artlele at tbe
low prloe of 85 cents per gallon.
Private families supplied at 11.00 per
gallon packed nud delivered. When
you need loe oream don't fail to call
and see Cultou
junar. samukus. iikkhku dkau.
rare and Able .tnrlat tlone. The l'eopte
of Two Counties In Mourning Heath
Hue to Heart Fallnre. Twenty-two
Tears on the Keneh.
Monday morning following close on
the death o Hon. Wm. Mutchler, came
the dread intelligence of the sudden
death of Samuel S. Dreher for twenty-
two years president judge of Carbon
and Monroe counties. Tbe news whs
recelvod with the greatest consterna
tion and soon spread through every
town and village lu the county. The
death of Judge Dreher make vacant, a
plaoe on the bench that for years had
been filled with honor by a christian
gentleman with metives high aud pure.
Speaking of the incident of bis sud
den death .a correspondent from
Stroudsburg says: "Samuel S. Dreher,
resident Judgejot Monroe nmlCarboti
counties, died at his home on Maluo
street early Monday morning, of heart
failure. Only tbe day before Judge
Dreher attended services in tbe
Methodist Episcopal Church and at
the close of tho sormou made a Brian
clal statement before tbe cougregotlon.
Earlv Monday mornlns be awoke.
looked out of the window, saw it was
raining and returned to his bed with
remark to his wife that he had
had a good night's rest. Iu a short
time It was discovered that he was
Judge Dreher was a conspicuous
figure in the local history of this part
of the State. His fearless attitude
against the Molly Magulros, who
terrorized several counties in Eastern
Pennsylvania, gaye him a reputation
that became widespread. He was born
April 10, 1821, at Stroudsburg, and
was the eldest of sine chllares. Bis
father was Michael II. Dreher ot that
place. Judge Dreher received his
educational! private schools and In the
aaademy at Stroudsburg. At the age
of 10 he entered his name as a student
at law In the office of M. Dimmick.
Immediately after his admission to
the bar Mr, Dreher entered Into
partnership with his former precepton
Mr. DlmmtcK, under tbe name of
Dimmick & Dreher. He served two
terms as District Attorney and in the
fall of 1870 was elected Pre3ident Judge
of the Twenty-eeoond Judicial District
composed of the counties of Wayne,
Pike, Monroe and Carbon. April 8,
1871, the old Judicial district was eut
iu two, Wayne and Pike composing a
seperato district. Judgg, Dreher's first
term having expired in 1880, he was
re-elected in the fall ot that year and
again re-elected In 1890. In politics
Judge Dreher has always been a Dem
The Bar of this county on being
notified of his death sent this message
of respect and consolation to his
Mauch Chunk, Pa., June 20, 1893,
Mas. 8. S. DainEB, Stroddsbx'bo, Pa.
Ihe Bar of Carbon county extend to
you their heartfelt sympathy In this
tbe hour of your affliction and deeply
mourn the loss to this judicial district
and state of so excellent and efficient
publlo servant.
Allen Oral?.
Wm, . Freyiuan,
E. M. Mulhearn,
Horace Heiat,
Laird II. Barber,
K. u. Nottntelu,
T. A. Bnyder.
Douirlas Cralff,
James S. Loose,
1'. liertoiette,
V. M. ltapstier,
Michael Custdy,
J. S. fisher,
H. H. (illham,
II. A. UeberlluK.
ft Wm. Auee was vtsitlug Pierce
itenrig on cjunaav.
A number ot our people were In
attendance at camp meeting last weeic,
Emanuel Steieerwalt, wife and
daughter Elsie, were visiting IJ. A.
Kehrig and family over Sunday.
tt William John accompanied b:
Emma Hartung. Ida Trainer and Sara
Heberllng spent Sunday very pleasant
ly witn tue ramuy oi unas. ientz.
Gone VflthaLehlghtoa Girl.
Landlord Ed Bonser left suddenly
Sunday evening and strange rumors
were afloat regarding bis departure.
Later advices say that be is taking a
pleasure trip to umcago and tne
World's Fair Weatherlv Herald.
It Is reported that when Bonser left
Weatherly he was followed by his wife
to tuts place ana then to Welssport
wnere ne was aisoovered in a saloon
with an attractive Lehlghton clrl wbo
had beeu employed as a servant in his
house for some time, but was forced to
leave on account of undue lntlmaey.
A Carbon County Man In Trouble.
Thomas Mulherla of Santatlt Hill
now employed at Jeddo, was arrested
at Hazelton Tuesday afternoon by
Officer Ferry for being drank and
flourishing a revolver. A short time
after being placed in a cell, Daniel
iieientaui, wno worKea witn uuinenn,
appeared and informed the officers
that Mulherin ou Monday evening got
away wuu ii Belonging to mm
ueientani swore out a warrent charg
ing Mulherin with the theft. After
answering before tbe Mayor tor flourish
ing the revolver, he will be tried berore
an alderman for the theft of the money.
Mulhorin was about to take a train for
Wilkes Barre when arrested.
The sick and afflicted are calling In
numbers to consult tbe Specialist. The
doctor will remain until the 1st of July
giving all plenty of time to test
bis skill. Come at onoe. Five
Hundred Dollars will be paid
bv Dr. Bowers tbe Specialist, for a case
of Asthma, Catarrh, Piles or Falling
nts oe mils to cure, unremo disease,
Cancer, Turners, Blood Poison, Dyspep
sia, AAver, money, uneumatism, Heart
Disease cured, i'emale disease &a.
lndlsoretlou of young men. Mental
Deoay, loss of strength power, nervous
ness Ac. No experiment but a cure.
Thousands cured by my own new
methods of treatment, over 20 years in
constant practice. Consultation free
at tue welssport House, welssport, l a.
Attention, Teaeuere.
The regular five weeks teachers' ses
sion will open at Fatrview Academy,
uroaneexisvllie, w, Monday. July IU.
All instruction will be given with a view
to prepare teachers for their work.
Special lectures on Theory and the
science anu Art ot ueaomug win be
Josqoa Milub, A. It
E. T. Kunklc A. B..
June 21,-w3 Instructors
Flue LJneof Harnesa.
A full line of single and double har
ness, wipe. Up uets, sweat pads, sum
mer blankets, Ao, for spring trade at
ve-iy reasonable prices at Milton Fiery
welssport, ra.
Lost a gold watoh, Blglu movement,
huutlug ease somewhere batweeu
Bergera Hotel and Bowmanstown,
The under win please return it to this
ooice ana reoeive a reward.
rou nil
Found, a sum of money. The owner
oau have the same by calling II if
Cultou, proving property and payiug
nitisr Missrriox ofa wekk's ui-
The Malaga of the Week Interleaved With
Personal Heatlens,
Frank Laury and Jacob Kresge
wero angling for trout In Monroe
county streams this week.
Thieves forced an entrance kite
F, Snyder's store last Thursday
ight and stole an 185 bicycle.
The members of the Evangelical
Sunday school are about making ar
rangements for the annual observance
of Children's Day.
Hon. Wm. F. Blery attended the
nal obsequies of tbe late William
Mutchler, Esq.,at Easton on Tuesday,
Religious services will be conduct
ed lu school hall Sunday morning and
evening. Rev. J. S, Newhart will offici
ate iu the morning and Rev, White will
discourse tn the evening.
Miss EllaLttury is home from
Lowisburg where she was attending a
popular female seminary.
-The Jr. O. U. A. M, fair and fasti-
val In Laury's Hall ou the 13th, 11th
and 15th instant will be a most de
lightful alfalr. The committee ore a
Uvo set of fellows and are hustling for
all-they are worth.
Ed Smith left on Tuesday night
for Chicago, 111. Ed expects to per
manently locate lu the hustling west.
The genial, affable Pr6f. McCabe,
of Nesquehonlng, circled In town on
Saeger Is getting thar. This week
he sold 250 barrels ot new potatoes and
3000 sugar loaf pine apples. Tkero are
no files on Oscar.
Dr. Jos. Bowers, ths well-knows.
peciallst at the Welssport House, is
spending a few days at Reading on pro
fessional business.
William Behalfer has succeeded
Jonathau Lelbensberger on the east
side bread delivery for C. W. Laury,
the popular baker.
Warren Straussberger, of town,
accompanied by Ed McCormlck, of
lively Lehlghton, spent a few days
this week viewing the wonders at
Niagara Falls.
Mr. Ileydt, of Ashely, a pleasant
and affable young man, visited at
Frank Laury's this week.
Miss Jfarla Roth, of the east side.
is on a visit to relatives and friends at
Slatington and Allentown.
The "Stroller" is muoh pleased to
notice the convalescence ef our popu
lar young townsman, O. A. Goth, from
an illness that confined him to the
house for a few days last week.
County Supt. Belsel conducted tke
annual teachers examinations tn the
school building on last Friday. There
were present Alvenla Montz, Tillle
Pettlt,IIannah Traub, Heloa F. Carpen
ter and Myra Miller. The averages
made were excellent and all secured
the much coveted certificates.
Robert Anthony's double team
ran away the other day. Driver Pierce
Bolt was making a turn when the
wheels caught and the wagon upset
causing the horses to runaway. Solt
was badly bruised and the other oc
cupants ot tbe wagon George Trainer
and Harry Anthony were also badly
The "Stroller" had the pleasure of
closing digits the other day with that
pleasant, agreoable and wealthy
restaurauter from Philadelphia, O. II
Raser, who is spending- a few days
every week with his family who are
tbe guests of County Commissioner
Henry Miller, of Franklin. Mr. R. has
one of the lamest restaurants and
saloons in Philadelphia, his institution
giving employment to 120 people.
1 Dr. A. M. Sltler, of Ashfleld, called
on patients her during the week.
V E. J. Kuehner has finished the
foundation for Henry Maldenwald's
ew house.
1l Contractor Kuehner "took In" the
sights at Malu's circus, at Maueb
Chunk on lost Friday.
II W. A, Brown, of Coplay, spent last
week with tbe "old folks at home."
U Victor Brown now occupies his
cozy new home. Victor says there Is
nothing makes a fellow feel better
tkaa to ena his ewm home.
1 Griff DeLong is bow filling a post
tiou with the LCiN, Co, GrtK Is a
good fellow.
"S Mrs, H Zeizer was the guest of
Mauch Chunk relatives during the
post week.
VMIss Lillle Musselman, one ot
IPeissport's pleasant and agreeable
young ladies, spent several days this
week with Ike Ux and family.
1 Mrs, Wm. Bamford, of Parryville,
was the guest of Samuel Weldaw and
Thomas Rltehle, of tke Ills
Ridge Pawder Oo- is home from Wash
Ugton, D. O.
Ii Hon. E. M. Mulbearu and Prothono,
tary Ifatklns, ef the County Seat,
were visitors at the camp meeting on
last Thursday evening.
1! Mrs. Samuel Weldaw visited Luus-
ford friends last week.
Wm. Bamford, of Parnville, oircled
hereon Friday.
T, The foundation walls for James
Ilelntzleman's new dwelling bouse are
up and work will soon be commenced
oa the trectlou of bis oozy new dwell
ing. Augustus Noll has tbe oontract.
Genial Charles Rehrig, of lively
Ashfleld was here on Monday.
H The funeral ot Daniel Straun on
last Saturday was very largely attend
ed by relatives and friends. Deceased
bad brought his age to 07 years and
months. Interment was made at
Lehigh Gap, Revs. Leopold and Yotter
officiating at tbe last sad rites. Two
daughters, survive with the aged
mother. .They are Mrs. Griffith De-
Long and Mrs. Benj. Schoouberger.
Paris Greea l'oor Fodder for Uorses.
W. S. Ntoholson of North Kidder
suffered a serious loss by tbe death of
a horse and colt last Saturday. He had
mixed up a lot of Paris green and flour
with which he Intended sprinkling his
potatoes to kill the bugs After pre.
paring the mixture be was called away
when one of bis horse and oolt dis
covered tbe poisonous compound and
began eating it When it waa dls
covered what they bad done it was too
late to overcome the effeoU uf the
poison, and tbey both died.
Short Paragraphs That IVIU be of Interest
to the Ilallroad Boys,
t As a result of tha mnfsrnnM Ka.
tweeu the Brotherhoods and President
Maxwell, tbe Jersey Central tralumeu
will have their pay Increased ou July
w .uv uuuviuia ui suu uou muDS
will get tvUo per day Instead of t2Mc
Brakeman advauced from ILK! tojfi;
Flagmen from tLCJ to 2.10.
The repair work to the engines of
the Pennsylvania Pougbkeepsie and
Boston and tbe Catasauqua and
Fogelsvllle railroads will hereafter be
done at the Lehigh Valley shops Boutti
Eastou. Tbe engines used are badly
run down, and with that work and tbe
regular repair work to the Lehigh
Valley engtues. the shuns wfli bo knt
quite busy.
I Several of the lanra milmnrt
system of tbe country have inaugurat
ed a temperance reform, insisting that
all train employes shall be abstainers
from and a number of men have" been
discharged recently on their refusal to
be total abstainers. The authorities
argue that even it a man is sober dur
ing his hours of duty, If he overdrinks
one day he cannot as safely perform
uis uuty tue next iu a position wnere
huinau life depends uuuu a clear head
aud a steady baud.
Seetember IS fixed, for the State Conven
tion. TuMeetatllarrlaburE. Uarrlty's
Slate Gees Throuoti.
The next Democrat Stnia Cnnvonrlnn
will be held at tiarrisburir ou Tuesdar.
September ID. This was decided by the
ixecutive uommittee of the Democra
tic State Committee at its meetiug at
the State headquarters, on South Penu
Square, below Fifteenth Street Phila
delphia. There were present at tbe
meetiug J, Marshall Wright, chalrmaui
UaTtta.Mli Voail . .,,.,.,,.,. Urilll... 1
Urtuaen and Patrick Fele'v. of Allesh.
euy; Kaymond Shearer, of Cumber
laud; bisk Conrad, ot Blair; J. M.
Ualoy, ef Schuylkill; Michael Cassidv,
of Carbon, aud Maurice F. Wilkere, of
Alter uxuig tne time and place for
holding the State Convent ion, tha mm.
mlttee proceeded to carry out Secretary
llurritv'u ,in4u-u ll ,..rlnnl.. 1J
-J u.uv.a V J U1UUIOIUK UUUU ....
Keed for Collector of tho Pnrt nf Phlln.
delphia. The resolution of Indorse
ment was offered by Haley of Sthuyl
klll, and was adopted unanimously.
Secretary Nead was dlrectod to for
ward a copy of the resolution to Presi
dent Cleveland.
W.J. Brennen. of Allegheny, pre
sented a resolution deploring the
death of Congressman Mutohler and
expressing sympathy with his wtdow
and children. Although nearly every
man in tho committee had opposed
Congressman Mutchler during his Ufa
they all voted for the resolution and
directed that a copy of it should be
orwaraea to ms rurally.
J. M. Haley, Michael Cassedy and
M. F. Wilhrre were appointed to act lu
coujunctlon with Chairman Wright lu
revising tne rules of tbe Democratic
party to make them conform to the
new ballot law as amended by tbe last
Legislature. The committee Is to sub
mit its report to the State Convention.
It seemed to be the oeneral Imnrea.
slou among tho committeemen that
the democratlo State ticket would be
Judge Samuel Gustlne Thompson, of
Philadelphia, far J udge of the Supreme
Court.'and Banker Ravmond,of Middle
town, for Btate Treasurer, State Chair
man j. iiarsnau wrlghl was receiving
tbe congratulations of the other mem
bers of the committee upon the pros
pect of his appointment as naval
ofiloer at tbe Port ot Philadelphia. It
is understood that he is on Mr,
Hurritv's slate for that office, and that
the only reason he was not indorsed by
tbe committee is that there will bo no
vacancy until November,
-Mauch Chunk's graduating class
will hold their annual commencement
in Concert Hall, this Friday evening,
The program is as follows:
Overuue, "Brlilal Hose,'' ..Orchestra
Prayer , lltW. A. J. Arothor
Mtislc, "AH Things are Beautiful". . . .guarteue
oalutatory.... KinlivM, Btuckley
Ksnay 'Thoiisbts ot Youth," ..Lilly V. Bertscti
Cornet bolo, Vouug Anierloan rblta" Levy
,rroi.rrana njuiniuan
Address... .County Superintendent, A. 8. tielse
kaviy, "The Value ol Education,'1 Emily M.
Muiic, "Against the Stream," Quartette
Valedictory l.UIr V. liertaeh
Anuual Address ..ltev. L, Llndenslruui
Music, "jar's farewell, ' .Urcueilra
Presentation of Diplomas.
Music, "Forest Warblers,"..... Quartette
The Carbon County Teachers Examinations
will be held a follows.
Iludiendale, for racker Township, July SL
ltnclrrjort. ter Lhtirh anil TAiiana Towtuhln.
August L
Tannery, for Kidder Towtuhlv and Kast Bide
Aruruet 3.
Pleasant Uorner. for Mahnnlno- Townshln.
Aufiust 7.
AshOeld, (or East Penn Ton nshlp, Atunut S,
MlllDert. fnr Iaww Tnwamenlnr Townshln
August sr
oteralersvlue School, lor Upper TowaAcnsIof
Township, August 10.
Furnace school, for Pranklln Townshln. AOS.
t 11.
Stonv Creek HchiMl. for Penn Forest Town
ship, AUffUst 12.
All applicants must be examined In the dlt-
Met In whlsb they Intend to teach, S!oetFun
cate will be tranced to any person under six
teen years of axe. Examinations begin at hair
past elghL Directors are heartily lurlted to
attead the txanilnatloas.
A. S. Belsel, do Strut
Novelties la Ladles' OaUoff Coetamee,
At this season of the vear when ao mauv
ladles are plauluit tbelr prospective trips to the
country, tbo question uatarauy arises in r
fee aa annreiirlata tiaveltQGr costumes.
eaperlsnse teachers Is an ludlspenslon ffar-
nicst lur every nonteu wuriai iu pwssess.
Moreover, aweuoraerea wararoue presuppose
lu addition, aa outlmt costume. The aeleUlea
ef the latter Is a problem of tie ru, an In p i
lame, tor it consuls in dquidk a monet ilu
stylish and oomforUble and which may, at ths
a ludlclous economy On the
of otit-door itastlmr are In
iiuest of novel dealgns for garden patties and
Uunts costumes, while for Uiose wbo prefer our
fashlooauie Materia- resorts, a bathlnv suits is,
of course, de rlgucur. Now. since all the above
essentials of a summer outfit follow the dictate
of Fashion, and slace there is nowadays aa
much stile la a bathing or tennis suit as In a
Uarellng or ouUng eostume. one is obliged to
uoaforiu to the current modes. The McDowell
nuuieaaiaaaztuesare precisely calculated to
fur they contain the nest and largest vartaty ol
new liiuuci uirvcv 110m i xls. -ls aioae ee
Paris" and "Paris Album af Fashion" each
cost $8 14 per annum, or S3 ceuta s copy
"The French Dressmaker " tl IfOO s vear. or
so cents a eopy. -La Mode' costs only I L00
per annum, or U cents a copy. AU these maga
tinea Include much more valuable information
besides, lbeyeanbe subscribed for or par
ebased at any newsdealer, or by applying
directly to Messrs. A UcDowellai Co , i West
u oireei, rtew lora
A. oream of tartar baking powder.
Highest of all in leavening strength.
LtTssiT Unites Sri-raw f iovtnrT
Fix'o Refoar.
Royal Baking Powdar Co.,
103 Wall St., N v