The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, June 24, 1893, Image 1

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    Han a, laiger circulation than any oilier
newspaper printed In Carbon oounty.oon
aequently it li the best medium for adver
Users. Our news oolutnug 'sparkle with
theoocmrencesof the day clern, spicy,
Interesting, bright and independent. Our
editorials are original and will be worth
reading on account of their spirit which
is Independent of outside dictation. Our
price is one dollar a year. Just you try it
Is b spealalty at our Job Printing OlH.e
lu Snyder's Block, east tide of the Lehigh
lerldge. Envelopes, Note and Letter Paper,
Pbamplets, Order Books, Vouuhers, Tags'
and all kinds of Pic NIo, Horse and Kale
Bills. We do all work neatly, cheaply and
cleanly. Do you need anything lu this
line? then anil fud sea us, or write us a
postal card and we nill be at your service.
VOL XXI. No. 32
Lohighton, Carbon County, Penna. June 24 L893
$1.00 a Year i Advane
iff It IS
at our place excells nil past ex
hibits. Our assortment will
astonish the public, ns will the
prices. We buy these, as other
goods, by the case, which gives
us staples never seen by small
dealers. Case goods, means.
1500 to 2000 yards oi a kind,
that's 40 to CO different styles
and shades. You can readily
see that our competitors are not
in it.
Son Umbhei-las and Para
sols in all the newest colorings,
at prices away down.
Fans ! Fans ! The assort
ment this season is exception
ally beautiful. Kemember, the
prices are cut comparing them
with last season.
Ladies' and Misses' Black
and Colored Silk Mitts.
Ladies' Belts all the newest
things out
Ust Street, between South and Plum Street,
I-eulghton. Pa.
TtlAmjt Jun 10.
Tha Ohio Democratic contention to nom
inate a state ticket will be held on August
and 10.
Mary Logan, the sole surrlror of the
great family of Washington's serrants. Is
In Philadelphia at the age of 115 years.
Latest advices from Mecca, Arabia,
where cholera is raging, show that there
have been 350 deaths during the last Ave
M. Charles de Lesseps, M. Eiffel and M.
Fontane, the Panama boodlers, hare been
released from prison, the court of cassation
having set aiide their sentences under the
statute of limitations.
Sain nitty, Jane 17.
A. L, Ames, the twenty-second victim of
the Ford'a theater disaster, died at Wash
ington last night.
It Is feared that Contractor Dant, who
Aid the work which resulted lu the Ford'a
theatre collapse. Is losing his reason.
George McKenzle, 16 years old. was con
vlcted of manslaughter in New York for
throwing Heury Quill, 15 years old, down
an air snail.
Work on the Gettysburg eleotrlo railway
has been resumed, and Mr. Uatchelder. of
the battlefield commUsIon, hppals for
government aid to prevent desecrating the
Monday, June 10.
Hugh Ross, the Homestead strlkeleader,
has gone to Scotland to claim his mother's
large Inheritance,
A dispatch from Bangkok says that the
French occupied the Island of Samltand
the gulf of Slam on the 13th Inst.
Ex-President Harrison considers the de
cision of Justice Fuller opening the
World's fair on buuday a wise ruling,
A dispatch from Denlson, Tex., says
three of the Starr gang of outlaws were
taptured In the Creek Nation "while nurs
ing oue of their wounded comrades.
Tuectlajr, Jne 30.
Frederick H. Diane was divorced In New
Tork from Baroness Blanc. The refsree
found the baroness the guilty party.
Francis Davis, a burglar, who had robbed
many resldtucee In New York city, waa
sentenced to twenty-four years and six
mouths imprisonment.
John J. Hug arty, a New York tough.
Jumped from the Brooklyn bridge to the
river. 190 feet, on a wager for a plat of
Deer, Ueliig drunk, be was uninjurea.
William F. Harrltv has been foroed to
New Yorkffo attend th. Fourth ot July"
celebration, owing to otner engagements.
, I ,t.. n .a,, a--,., no. ......
The coroner's Jury investigating the
Ford's theater disaster at Washington ren
dered a verdict charging orlralnal negli
gence against Colonel Alns worth. Con
tractor Dant, Superintendent Covert and
Engineer Sasse, Each furnished ItO.OuO
ball for appearance.
Wduetday, Jon 91,
The race between the Cornell and Colum
bia freshmen crews at New Loudon was
won by Cornell.
In a riot between striking miners and
police near' Dux, Bohemia, one striker wus
killed and several wounded, one fatally.
Rev. Thomas Moiley, for nearly half a
century on the staff of the London Times,
died at Cheltenham, Eng., aged 8T years.
Mrs. Wattle C. Shann, in Jail at Trenton
for the alleged poUoulng of her eon, has
been deserted by her counsel because she
refuses to pay the costs of her defense,
Lowlander won the Meat Suburban
kandlcap at Sheepshead Bay, with Ter
bone 13,000 and third hone tJ.OOO.
Thursday, June SS,
About ISO of the Oen and r'rieco miners,
in th, Cieur d'Alen. mtuing district,
Wash., are on strike.
Cholera reports reoeired from MecoA
show that from June lo to June 30 there
were bJO deaths from the dUwue lu that
The Cr ha. officially thanked th. com
missioners who negotiated tb, ,i,tradlion
treat between Russia aud the Unlte4
The latest resignation called tor br Sec
retary Carllale is that of V. S. Stetson, the
r.t.ran chief of the claim, division In th,
third auditor'. otaQC. .
t3f lo a few pi ils t tlttaire tp ivl
fJT to your notice a yery Important
pS-fact. It Is this. We tiar us
tSf lame and flue a 1iib of geuem)
f store goods as you will llnil mi)'
tT where. Couie auil mo let us
show you our Roods ami tell you
what pur prices are. VeleliverTH
goods anywhere roniitly auil"sf
without eitra charge whatever J)
to the purchaser. Iou1 pay kiit Jtt
p(ee but coiqe ami woe us Jtt
Robert Walp,
First street, Op. Uaaad IIouaM.
Ths Jury Quickly Returns a Ver-
diot of "NotQuilty."
Th. sheriff So Deeply Affected Tht lie
Mull Km Attempt t Stay the Thou
deroae Outburst of Applause That Fol
lowed the Announcement.
New DliDFonp, Mass,, June 31. The
concluding portion of District Attorney
Knowlton's argument In the llnrden
d.r trial was a brilliant arraignment of
tb. prisoner, whose bitter hatred of the
stepmother he described as suftlclent mo
tiv. for the first crime. Th. second mur-
der became necessary In order to hide the
staying of her stepmother, Mr, Know! ton
oonoluded with a critical review of the
After a recess the defendant was given
an opportunity to speak. She said: "lam
Innocent, but I will leave my case In your
hands and with my counsel."
Justice Dewey, In charging the Jury,
stated the presumption, which was In
creased by the defendant's character, and
aid that guilt must lie proved to a moral
eertalnty to warrant a conviction.
The Justice concluded his charge to the
Jury at 8:15, and they at once retired, while
a breathless silence fell over the orowded
court room, which was unbroken until the
return of the twelve men who held Lizzie
Borden't life In their hands.
The Jurors filed Into their seats at 4:80,
and were polled. Miss Bordeu was asked
to stand up, ajjd the foreman was asked to
return the verdict, upon, whloh he an
nounced 'not guilty."
After the verdict had been received the
district attorney moved that the other
cases against Miss Borden be nolle prosit! .
and the order of the court was to that ef
fect. Justice Mason then gracefully thanked
the Jurors In appreciation of their work and
faithful service. The jury was then dis
missed and court was adjourned until
Monday next, when the regular criminal
session will be opened.
Miss Borden's head went down upon the
rati In front of hr and tears vame where
they had refused to come for many a long
day as she heard the sweetest words ever
poured Into her willing cars the words
"aot guilty."
Mr, Jennings was almost crying, and his
voice broke as he put his hand out to Mr.
Adams, who sat next to him, and said,
"Thank God," while Mr. Adams returned
the pressure or toe nana ana seemed ln-
eapauie or sprecb.
The closinK scene in the trial was in direct
contrast with those whloh had preceded It, 1
Heretofore all nan boen decorous and in
keeping with the dignity of the' most dig
nified court In the country. But when the
rerdlot of "not guilty" was returned a
eheer went up which might have been
heard half a mile away through the opeu
windows, and there was no attempt to
heck It, The stately Judges looked
straight ahead at the bare walls. Sheriff
Wright was powerless to wield the gavsl,
and not once during the tremendous ex
citement, which lasted fully a minute, did
he make the slightest sign or having heard
it, He never saw the people rising In their
seats and waving their handkerohlefs, In
unteon with their voices, because his eyes
were full of tears and were completely
blinded for the time.
Governor Hoblnson turned to the rapidly
dissolving jury as they filed out of their
seats and beamed on them with a fatherly
Interest In his kindly eyes, and stood up as
Mr. Knowlton and Mr. Moody came over
to shake hands with the counsel for the
When the spectators had finally eone
Miss Bordeu was taken to the room ot the
Justices and allowed to recover her com
posure with only the eyes of friends upon
her and the of devoted admirers.
At the expiration of an hour she was
' ?.Ueed ""V. "V1?" 1 ,hrVU-
, IIUO. WU7(V BUD IAIU.V WiMU IUf ml a A V1 1 Kim
her home no longer probably, but still the
euly objective polut for the immediate
Ufhtutnir Strikes the Center Vole and
Seven Are Kill nil.
St. Paul. June During a severe
thunder storm at 4 o'clock this afternoon
at Hlver Falls. Wis., just over the Min
nesota line, llghtulng struck the center
pole of the circus tent of Itlngllng Bros.
Seven people were killed Instautly,, and
quite a numttr injured, none of the latter
The killed are: O. A. Dean. EuceneRey
nolds, A. Carpenter, a 14 y oar-old son of
O. P. Wigging, a 12-year-old sou ot Cortls
Aid rich, J. A. (llimdentng, town clerk of
Oak Grove, and an unknown boy.
The greatest consternation followed. The
rain continued falling In great sheets, and
the clothing of the dead was soaked
through before they could be removed. As
..Iploye. did everything in their
soon as possible the HI n cling brothers and
Dower to alleriat. the condition of the
wouuded. The dead bodies were taken
down town and laid out on the floor of th.
enKine house, where they were, with the
exception of the unknown boy, Identified
in a few mlnutea after their arrival, Tb.
seen. a. relatives Identified their dead was
distressing. One elderly gentleman, tb.
rath.r ot young ueau, fainted ana was
carried out of the entefue house.
The clothing on some ot the dead was
torn in shred, while others presented no
ext.rnal evidences of the fatality except
the awful stare and fixed, rigid features,
Tb. number of wounded Is estimated all
the way from ten to thirty. Most of them
were taken bom. a. soon as possible and
sr. now dnlnt well. The presence of mind
ot the Klugllnge aud their employes pre
vented a ataiapede, which nndonbUally
would bar. bean attended with still
greater fstalltiee. The crowd was held In
check and th, dead and wouuded removed
aa soon as possible.
Th. Caual Coutracturs Cusured.
Chicago, June IT. - A verdict was.
reached yesterday In th. oase of th. first
victim of the riots ou the drainage canal.
It censures Coutraotora Locker, Jackson.
aud Mather lor snooting defenselaas meu
without cause or warraut ot law.
Cholera U.erea.log In Russia.
8t. Petkiubuko, June 89. Cholera Is
decreasing rapidly throughout Husaia. In
ll.sMirabit. Kurska and Orel only an oc
casional daath and a few fresh cams are
bow reported.
p.ath of a Uvluiuulan Ceiuuilsslon.r.
Niw York. June 11 Mareuhal Jos.
Sitaeao de Ollvelra, ot llrasll, president of
the Hratilbui oommtwloa to th. World'.
Columbian .xpoaition, died at th. Hotel
Strikers Sh.l Down,
ClIlCiBO. June Id. In a Ditched hattla
between strlkw. and thsnwrotsi who bav.
lasen tueir;4aea on the Drainage canal
thn. of the striken ware killed. Bath
shies stain that tL.y wen tnt attaaked.
This mornluii two Kglowstii of stats troops
arrived, and It U believed thatr presume
WIW ur,f sue imtfimx USSfiU,
vs;liat Has nrcared in tills Cltr During: the
Week Pertinently KpllmnUed by Our
Hperlal lleiMinere.
-Ico cream freozers at Gabel's First
Fine teams for all purposes at the
South End Livery.
All kinds of books and flno station
ery at Luckeubach's, Alnurli Chunk.
Window and door screens at J. L.
Full lino of Ingrain and llrussels
carpets at Henry Schwartz's.
Haser'a Hoot Beer Extract Tho
Just make It a point lo see David
Ebbert when you want a team for busi
ness or pleasure. Lowest prices.
The original Hoot Beer Extract is
Great variety of rubber hose for
sale at lowest prioes at Gabel's.
Itye Whiskey, tlJSO per gallon
Martlh's Liquor Store, Maucli Chunk,
Haser's Hoot Beer suporlor to all
Hye Whiskey, tlW per gallon, at
M. Martin's Liquor Store, Mauch
Chunk, ra.
Buy Raser's Hoot Beer to make a
healthful, refreshing bevrage. Sold
Big reduction in baby coaches at
J. L. Gabel's.
Pure Paris Green at lowest price
at Gabel's.
The commencement exercises of
the graduating class of our high school
in the Opera House Friday evening
gives every promise of great interest
and should be largely attended by our
townspeople. A small admission Is be
ing charged to defray t lie expenses of
the hall.
Glauss & Hro., popular merchant
tailors, have had the front of their
well-known establishment artistically
The well-known American House
on north First street have added a
lino cash register to their bample room
The annual election for nine di
rectors of the Lehlghtnn Water Com
pany will be held iu Gnbel's Hall on
the evening of the second Monday In
The Central Railroad Company
have macadamized the thoroughfare
leading from First street to their
stat Ion at tho north end. The Improve
ment is n good one.
Frank P. Semniol is "on the road"
for the Lehightou Hosiery Mill, and is
meeting with a fair share of success.
The Lehightou Mill, under tho manage
ment of Mr. John Yost, wko is a practi
cal and experienced hosiery man, are
manufacturing a quality and style of
hose that can not be touched by com
petltors for genuine excellenco.
A curb has been laid along the
Wni. Seaboldt property on Iron street,
Annie Suvder, of town, was arrested
last week by Sheriff Webb on the
charge of malicious slander preferred
by'Mrs. Charles Hill, of VTeissport,
anil placed in jail lu default ot ball.
She was confined until Saturday when
High Constable Haworth gave hisbond
for &00 and she was roleastd.
A beautiful turtle dove owned by
Father Sauer, ot Third street, escaped
from the house on Monday. Father
Sauer will suitably reward anyone who
finds the bird and returns it to him,
Mamie Strauss, of Mahoning street
gave a pleasant party to lior many
little friends on Monday afternoon, the
occasion of her ninth birthday onnl
Seven new machines have been
added to Miller's planing mill.
The many improvements to A. K.
Miller's saloon and residence are near
ing completion.
Painter Frank Wclnland, who Is
an adept-in handling the brush and in
mixing colors has those jobs on hand:
the residence of F. P. Semmel, Aaron
Ilauptand Kruin 1c Klstler, lu town,
and J. Lewis Harleman, at Packerton1
The case of George Buck, of
Franklin, against J. E. Walck, of Little
Qap, for damage in Beltz's court, has
been postponed until Saturday evening
John A. Peters Is out again afttr
an Hlncs ot some weeks.
10.u0 will buy ntlue all-wool suit
at the One Price Star Clothing Hall,
Mauch Chunk.
roR bale. a i-nirtMitik'H standard
Platform Scale, capacity GOOu pounds.
Apply to W. M. Rapshor, Mauch Chunk,
or 11. V. Morthlmer, Jr., Lehightou,
After on illness with dropsy dating
back several months, Susanna, wife of
Paul Eck, died at her homo on north
First street, on Monday 'morning at the
age of S2 years. Intermout was made
ou Thursday, Hev. Miller olllclatlng.
1' ive children survive.
We are In receipt of an Invitation
to attend the first annual commence
ment exercises of the Tobyhanua,
Monroe county, high school, which for
two years past has been ably presided
over by our young towusman, Charles
A. Hauk. The graduating class, num
bering seven In all, distinguished
themselves with great credit.
John Seaboldt drives the prettiest
double team of bay horses In the
county. They were purchased from
that well-known and reliable horse
dealer, George Snyder, of Allentown,
Mr. bealxililt has also added a mngnill-
oent two seated carriage to his stable
Prof, C. J. Walters, for the past
year principal of our publlo schools,
will very likely be re-elected to this
position. His ability and all around
excellence as a thorough teacher Is
eloquently exemplified in the gradua-
tlou of a class of seventeen young
ladles aud gentlemen and he has made
atauy friends during his residence
It Is the talk among the ministers
of the autl-Ilowmaii Evangelicals that
no oauipmeetlng will be held under
their auspices, lu this district this
year. They give as their reason that
they are opposed to publlo demonstra
tions ou the holy Sabbath and claim
that the holding of a oampmeetlrlg
would result in the running of special
trains on the railroads, Ac-, all of which
they are in objeetlou to. The ftamn
nieeting waa usually held Intheold
LHxlenuau Grove in this town.
ISA) will buy a boy's all-wool btok
ory sitlt at the Due Pries Star Clothlug
Hall, Mauch Chunk.
A Knap Rhot Camera Catrlies Those Who
Come and (lo AmonR Their Friends In
Lively lhlE'htnn.
..Mrs. A. L. Campbell, of Lansford,
visited relatives and friends In town on
. .Miss Polly Horn, of Pittsburg, was
visiting, relatives and friends in towu
Inst week.
Rev. A. P. Horn, of Hellertowu, Pa.,
was calling on relatives and friends in
town on Thursday.
.Our young friend Geo. H. Kiblcr,
formerly of town but doing business at
Effort, Pa., was In towu Monday.
'Squire John ilnous Is home from
Philadelphia, where he has been for
several days lu tho interest, of a door
lock that he had patented.
John Leuckel, of Trenton, N. .1.,
was a guest of bis father the venerable
'rod Louokel, this week.
. . Mr. Joseph Krelner, of New York
Cltv, was a guest ot Father Charles
Souers, of Third street, this week.
. . Wcntzle Shlnkle, president of tho
Germanta Sangerbund, returned on
Tuesday from a few days pleasantly
pont in New Tork City.
. .Mrs. Ed Hunslcker and Mrs. E. W.
Clauss.of Dankway, spent several days
last week with Allentown relatives.
Misses Laura and Emma Hunslck
er visited friends at Germansville dur
tig the past week, where they were
lellghtfully entertained.
..Mrs. James Wolp, of Easton, ac
companied by her son and daughter,
spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs.
Anna Adams, on First street.
rliaon Strauss, nnd daughter are
home from a delightful visit of several
weeks among friends in York state.
Miss Llllie Green, ot Mauch
Chunk, is making her home with her
sister, Mrs. J. F. Escb.
. . David Mantz and wife, E. F. Montz
and family and O. H. Euzlan and wife
visltod Democratic George Enzlan of
Franklin on Sunday.
. . Lansford's popular jeweler, A. L.
Campbell, fat and jolly as ever, called
on friends in town , on Thursday.
Will Ash, formerly of town, but
now "holding cases" on the New York
Times, was in town for a few hours on
Saturday and mane us n pleasant call.
. .M. T. Trexler and family, and Chas
-Trexler and wife, were at Allentown
ou Sunday, guests of the father of the
former, who has reached his seventieth
year. In their absenco these friends
from Allentown come up and took
possession ot the Trexler residence.
Mrs. Moore, Lollie Trexler, Tom Youse
and wife, II. Mull and wife, Jennie
Youse, They made themselves "to
home" and in departing bung up
large placard, "we are up nnd you ure
down." Morris says, that the visitors
enjoyed themselves.
Permission wasgranted to Daniel A,
and David M, Lelby, administrators of
the estate of Elizabeth Moyer, deceas
ed, late of Lehightou, to sell real estate
and tho terms were prescribed upon
which tho same shall be sold.
W. Penu Long, of Lehightou, wasap
poiuted guardian of George Herman
Long, a minor child of ot Mrs. Matilda
Long, deceased.
Frederick Waseni, of of Weissport,
was appointed guardian for Ella and
Sadie Fatzinger, minor children of the
late Heury Fatzinger, and grandchild
ren ot the late Hannah Stout of Bath
M. E. Siuyard, of Summit Hill, was
appointed guardian of John, Edward,
Thomas, Mary II. and Annie James,
minor children of the late John E.
Tho sale ot the real estate ot the late
Frank Strittmatter, consisting ut
house aud lot located at the WestEnd
Mauch Chunk, by Eugene O. Noth-
stein, trustee of said estate, to Alex
ander Saddler for .755, was confirmed
nl si by Court.
The application of Lutller & Weiss
for a tavern license for the Franklin
House, at Weissport, which was "hung
up" at the ucenso court last January
has been granted, and afterwards the
license was transferred to John O.
llapvlly Wedded.
George N. Enbody, of Mauch Chunk,
a Lehigh Valley telegraph operator,
was happily wedded to Miss Annie,
daughter ot Mr. aud Mrs. Owen Gross
cup, at eight o'clock W ednesday even
ing at tho home of the bride's parents
on First street, and lu the presence of
the near relatives of the contracting
parties ouly. Rev. J. Alvin Reber
pastor ot X.ion's Reformed congrega
tion ofllclated. The young couple left
the same evening for Niagara Falls aud
aud other places, ou their return
they will make their home In ifauch
Chunk. Many friends wish a bright
aud prosperous future tor the happy
young couple.
Lost a gold watch, Elgin movement
hunting oase somewhere between
Ilergers Hotel and Bowssanstown.
The Under will please return it to this
oUlce and receive a reward,
The Carbon County Taaeltere KiattiiDatlone
will be held as lollows.
Welssiuit. for YYelasDort and I'amvllle
June as.
Haueti Chunk, June 4.
East Maueh Ulmuk, June'je.
Franklin Independent district, June VT,
Weatherly, June aa,
Ueaver Meadow, fer Uauk. Township, June
Hudsondale, for Packer TowiMtHp, July St.
HlMfkliurL far Ihleb aiul Ijlui,ii. rowluhln.
August 1,
Tannery, for Knlil.r Tnw-aslilv and Hast Hide
Auatwt .
Pleasant Corner, tar MaltotMae- TowueldD.
August T.
AshfleM, lor Kast Penn Township, Aaiptst i,
Millport, for tower Towameusini: Tuansblp
August 9.
KtetuWrsville school, tar VniMt Tuuaiiwnfcliu'
Township, Auaust 10.
Furnace Heh,o!, tor Frankllu Township, Aug
ust II.
Stouy Creek School, ter 1'eau Forest Towu
sbtu, August It
All applseaitts nuwt he esauilaed In the dis
trict In which they luteud to taeh. No eerUR.
eat will be granted to any peraou under six
teen )ears ot age. KxatuloaUoM begin at balf-
pastelgkL IMreetors are kewup- tattled to
aueua tue exawiaauoas.
A. S, Uelsat, Uu. Hunt.
lea Cream SSe I'er Clallso.
Ploclo and festival committees will
rlud it to their advantage to bur toe
cream from B. K. Ctilton. Lehluhton.
who sella th. very beat article at the
law prteo ot 86 (NXiU r gallon.
n-i (,!... ,t..J ... In
, latuuim attjtHiA4 n i .iav
galUHi paaked aud delivered. When
you need toe oream duu't fall to call
aud C'ultou.
I.l.AIll) ultKKK VAULHV.
NolwlthsUndlnTtlmt tho weather
was very warm and the1 roads terribly
dusty many people attended oamp I
meeting ou Suuday. I
The farmers are begtnniug to make ,
hay. Owing to tlie dry weather the
crop will be small.
Prof. G. W. Hemmluger, ot E. Mauch
Chunk, made a business trip through
the valley. He Interviewed theachool
directors of this district for the pur
pose of introducing new text books iu
our schools. Prof. Hemmluger while
here, also called on C. B. Heintnleruan,
oue of his former students.
Hobert II. Giuder, an employee of
the Allentown and Bethlehem Rapid
Transit Co., w as visiting his jmrents in
the Valley ou Suuday.
Messrs. Henry aud John lSuwniau
Suudayed pleasantly with Chas. Ruch.
Mr tlsaao Deugler died June 18 at
the ripe old age ot 77 years. Interment
was made at the East Penn cemetery
on the 22ud. Rev. Bartholomew olUcl
atod. The funeral was largely attended
by relatives and friends,
It is rumored that our popular young
friend A. II. Ginder, a successful teach
er In Palatinate College, Myerstown,
will enter the ministry. The Ginder's
have long been residents In the valley
and the name is an honored and re
spected one.
Adam Berger, the genial landlord of
the Centre House, made a business
trip to Allentown on Tuesday.
We regret very much to note that
Charles llalliet continues quite ill with
The emplovees of Charles Rehrlg's
Bowman's Metallic paint ore mines had
a regular smash up on Monday. The
rope on the hoist broke and the con
tents fell to the bottom of the shaft.
No oue was hurt.
Mister Dkookem De uhrsach dos
dar Uncle Buzzard un dar Jim Hotzer
maner respect hen, maner sebwetza un
slch maner bakimera um de Auut, os
we um era agaua weiver, is because em
Buzzard si fraw hat glaua klnucr and
hut ken niochdt, un de Muggy am
Hetzer si fraw hut Unf odor sex glaua
kiuner uu but aw ken mocbdt. De
Bevy un de Muetrv missa ol de awert
sholfa, des tela mesha du, un lver hobt
de Muggy de shtade um wesh tzuber
en gousa woch fun Mondag moryeds
bis Suudawg mltdawgs, uu hut ollas
upside down, ol de glana kinner butza
uu slvera, un des mocbt ols a mold a
blssel ordllch ga rucht. Over de Aunt
hut not feel tzu shoffa, ken glana kin
ner butza, hucked immer ut em rock
ing chair, except won so rum lawfd, so
is immer hibsclj un rcin,un reichdt net
so ordllch.
Four lTllled ln Dealt, Trap.
Dct.UTH. Minn.. June 21 The Dunnel
block, a laige frame building on Lake
avenue, wai totally destroyed by Are at
midnight, with a loss of at least four lives
and about 40,000 worth of property. The
upper atory or tne nuuaing, winch was
used for dwelling purposes, proved a ver
itable death trap, fire Lieutenant Mad
den was quite severely Injured. Four bod
lea were recovered from tho .molting
ruins. Tbey are: Mrs. MAry Foard, aged
& years; Robert Foard, aged S years; Mrs.
h.ltzauetn Meaglier, aged on years; Celia
Meagher, aged 33 years. It la thought
there are one or two others in the rnlns.
Mrs. Foard was a cook In the restaurant
on the ground floor. Air.. Meagher waa a
seamstress, aud leave, four young chil
dren behind her.
Presidential Appointments.
Wabuikotok, June 23. The president
ha. Just made the following appointments!
Charles H Howry, of Mississippi, to be as
sistant attorney general, vice Leonard Hf.
Colby, resigned. Benjamin H, Hldgely,
of Kentucky, to be cousiU of the United
Btates at Geneva, Switzerland. C. B. Mai
Ponald, of Massachusetts, to bo consul ol
the United States at Hamilton, Canada.
(treat Urltl.n Takes a Hand.
London, June 23. The secretary of the
Drittsh embassy at Constantinople has
presented to the porte a formal request for
a detailed report of the proceeding, and
tbe evidence given at the trial at Angora
of Armenians charged w tth seditious riot
ing, which resulted In the sentencing to
death of seventeen of tbe accused persons.
Four Students IJrowued.
Montreal, Jnne 2& Four student..
Edward Kelly. J. N. Clautler. Edward Rl-
vard aud Camilla Maguau, were drowned
at Jollette, Que., yesterday by the upset
ting ot their boat while they were enjoying
a pleasure ride.
Fatal Esplosion In Itu.sla.
ST. PeteusBUIeq, June 22. A laree
quantity ol beuzlue exploded, lu tbe llrod-
tki cnemicaj works at Udeasa, resulting
in the loss ot sixteen Uvea. Tbe bulldluc
caught fire aud waa burned to the ground.
Over a Hundred Killed Trjreugh a raise
Alarm o! Fire.
ST. Pr.TCESDuna, June 24 While the
anolent church of Romano, at Borlso
glebsk, on tbe Volga, was crowded with
pilgrims from all part, ot aroslav.a panlo
waa caused by a falsa alarm of fire which
had been raised by thieves in order to
faoilitat. their operations. When the fire
men arrived In answer to tbe tolling of an
alarm by the sexton of the church they
found the door locked.
Breaking it lu, they witnessed a fearful
lgbt. In tbe mad rush for tbe axlt hun
dreds had ben knocked down and
trampled noon, while others had been suf
f ooated by tbe pressure of the great throng
of terror strlck.n people. Tb. bodlwef
ISA women aud 10 men were taken from
tb. church. Nor waa this tbe total num
ber of vlotlms, a. several other persons
bad bw-n killed and 20 fatally Injured by
leaplug from windows thirty feet from the
Eulalla at th. rails.
Niagara Falls, June ti The special
train bearing the Infanta Rnlalla and party
from Chicago arrived here via th. Michi
gan Central road last night. 'At tbe special
requeat of the prmceas no formal recep
tion waa tendered her Today tb. party
ara visiting the various points ot Interest.
Four Klfl.d by Lightning.
STAKsHMim, Mo., Jun. 28. A terrific
wind, ralu and liall storm struck Staas
berry at 5 u'clwk afternoon.
Until damage waa don. to building, and
other property, fustloa Maston'a house
was struck by lightning and burned.
William Cuminiugs, a farmsr five miles
southwest of the alty. was Instantly killed.
Thrr. mainben of John Doyle', family. In
lb. same ht-tghlxirhood, war. also killed.
Other members of the family are seriously
Killed by an Esplodlog'Boller,
Ripukwoou, X. J., Jun. 2L The boiler
ttbe Kidgewood Stone Crushing work,
exploded witl a terrlHc report and com
pletely wrecked tb. engine house. Super
intendent Johu J. Uugtrt waa Instantly
killed, hi. body bring blown a distance of
about flfty feot- Kuginaar Johu Harring
toh, who reaidea In Pataraon, was seriously
Injured and may dla. Ira Steel, a Hoi
lander etupli)d at the works, stood tbre.
feet from Suuriutud.t Bog'wt, but waa
not Injured, although he sustained a sa
ver, shock
A Vletlut or Ills Own llomb,
Madwp, June sat riuaraa, th. wounded
acaouiplloe or hm dud bausb thrower, has
I made a nartlal eoufaaeiorL Ha admittMl
that tb del aun waa an asaniitat named
Rule, and that ke wrrted at It. Has. of
1 U i ..I....-,.. ..-
I sue e.g,nwiiim m wsmi,. pMHisaif gisapaw
, dar auu shot Five mot atiawblMs Lav.
len arreeusl iu ihts oily aad wsskau In
Bar. lona foe oouiulteity In lb. bomb
I UuewUsa-Bloc,
JI'.nk WKinnxo.
'.. Una,,.. -H,r n ,. ,,.,,,.
consummate,! on ttatuntny.
The cozy resldonce of Rev. and Mrs.
W. II. Strauss on Mahoning street was
tho scene of n very pretty Juno wed
dlngou last Saturday afternoon at
Ave o'clock when Mr. William Knauss,
a popular voting gentleman of Frank
Ilu township, was married to Miss Ella
Strauss, the father ot tho bride per.
forming the Interesting ceremony In
the presence of ovora hundred guests.
Miss Auzle Bauer played the wedding
march delightfully. The bride wore a
fashlouablo gowu of tnu aud silk and
tho groom woro a stylish suit of white.
Miss Sarab ll'ertmau, of Second street,
was bridesmaid aud wore gray; the
best man, Charles Berk, of Weissport,
wore conventional black. Little Mamie
Strauss was llowcr girl and looked
very pretty In pure white. At the cou'J
elusion, of the ceremony, the venerable
Rev. li. A. Bauer, pronounced the
benediction, following which tho guests
partook of a sumptuous supper, pre
pared In the famous wbv only known
to the good housewives of the Lehigh
Valley. Under the weight of the many
good aud delectable things tho table
fairly groaned. Several hours were
delightfully spent around the festive
board. Mr. and Mrs. Knauss received
many valuable aud useful presents.
I hose present from a distance were
Prof. Gerbor aud wife, Mrs. F. C. H.
Schweyer, Miss Millie Schweyer, Miss
Clara Hoch, nil of Allentown; Johu
Newhart, Philadelphia; Miss Sadie
Koons, Mauch Chunk.
A l'rettv I'eckerton Wr.l.llnc.
Overono hundred and fifty guests
witnessed the marriage of Miss Emma,
the accomplished and estimable daugk
ter of Col. and Mrs. W. F. Brodhoad, to
Edward Wilson, of Mauch Chunk, at
their haudsome residence at Pnckertoi
ou Wednesday evening. Mrs. U. S.
Grant Tobias, of Mauch Chunk, played
the wedding march, to the delightful
cadence of which the wedding party
assembled in the elegant and spacious
parlor, where Rev. Allen, of Pompton
Plains, N. J performod the Impressive
ceremony that joined together two
young and happy hearts. The bride
was attired in cream silk and the groom
wore full dress black. The bridesmaids
Misses Gertie Bleckley and EvaSendel.
of Mauch Chunk, were fashionably
attired; the groom's best me were
Alex. W. Stcadman aud Johu Whit
meyer, of MauchChunk, and they wore
full dress. Protty little Jlyrtle Snyder
was flower girl. Tho ushers who attend
ed gracefully were Will E. Bleckley and
Al. W. Scheetz, of Mch Chunk. Fol
lowing tho ceremony a sumptuous
supoer was elegantly servod.
Mr. and Mrs, Wilson wero the recip
ients of many pretty, useful and valu
able presents from their many friends.
They will reside ut Packertou until
next Fall.
An Important Law on Heeds.
The act of assembly approved by tbe
Governor May 10th, 1803, relative to
tho recording of deeds, etc., is of great
importance. The act is Intended to be
a safeguard against fraud aud provides
as a remedy that all deeds and convey
ances made In tbe State of Pennsylya
nia after the passage of this act, shall
be recorded lu the oUioe of tho recorder
of deeds iu tbe county where the lands
lie within ninety days after the execu
tion of such deeds or conveyance, and
any deed executed iu this Common
wealth and net recorded within the
time specified shall bo deemed fraud
ulent and I void against any subseiiuen
purchaser for a valid consideration or
mortgagee or creditor of tho grantor.
The act further provides that all deeds
and coureyances which shall be made
and executed out of this Common.
weultb after tbe passage of this act shall
be recorder In the otllce for the record
ing of deeds in the county where tho
lauds and hereditaments specified In
such deed or deeds do lie, within six
months from execution thereof. All
deeds must be recorded within tbe
period of ninety days from tholr date
of execution, After ninety days tho
holder of an unrecorded title Is liable
to lose it for want of record. This act
also applies to all conveyances made
aud remaining unrecorded prior to the
date of this act, and is extended t
creditors of vendor.
Why Hho.l.l Vou Miss It?
We are olferiug groat barguins iu
men's anil boys' suits and will save you
Itl per cent ou good, reliable clothing,
The reason we make this otter is be
cause we waut to reduce stock to make
room for lmproremeuts in our store
building. Cull at puce at the One Price
Star Clothing Hall, opposite the C. R
It, depot, Mauch Chunk, for groat bar
gaius in clotbiug.
33.50 Worth ot Clolhluir fur IMS.
Do you waut to sbve XI per cent uu
vour men's, boys' aud children's cloth
ing ? If so, call at once at tbe One
Price Star Ciotblng Hall, Mauch Chuuk
where you oan buy boys' suit, from 'JO
cents and upward, aud men's suits fruia
3.M upward.
Ureate.t Itargalus Vet
are tbe all-wool sulta we ure making to
order at $16, 18, aud upward. We
oan save you from 85 to f8 if you get
measured for a suit of clothe at Bond
helm's Tailoring Hall, opposite C. R. It
depot, Mauch Chunk.
Attention. Teachers
The regular live weeks teachers' ses
sion will opeu at Fuirvlew Aoudemy,
Brodheadsville, Pa., Monday. July 111.
All Instruction will be given With a view
to nrenare teachers for their work.
Special lecture, on Theory and the
Science aud Art ot Tenoning will be
Joshta Milles, A. li.,
1. IIUNKLK. A. 15..
Juue 34,-wS Instructors,
Ml.. Ilwltle (Jeggu. Surprised
Mlsa Battle, the estimable and
amiable daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
Oeggus, was moat delightfully sur
prised at the borne ot her parents ou
Iron street, Weduetday eveulng, wbeu
a large number of her friend, made uu
1 uuaapeotod deont eu her home In
pietfaaui aoeiai gatberlug. Tbe even
ing was made one of greateat pleasure,
the usual games aud pleasant ooavivall
tie tieiug indulged lu to a late hour
when a tempting suppar was aerved to
the guest. Thoae ureMut MMeii
Knout and Laura llunaicker. Bailie
jiHupt, Aue iTainer, uena ieruuir
key ami bavilU l-uu.t, and Measr
Harry E Traiuer, Ed Obi, Pieaa Koch
1 and Hurry lieggus
iiMMominitm ivi innifvn
mDOfUIU AttUAIWtrtll.l
The Doings of the Week Intrrleaded Willi
I'ersnnal Mentions,
John Hotleris making a number
of improvements to bis residence ou
the east side.
Tho newly elected officers of the
Lutheran Suuday School are, superin
tendent, A. A. Helta; assistant, Mahlon
Christmau; secretary, George Yundt;
treasurer, Owen Boyer; lloralnuis,
Mamie Werley and -Emma Albright;
organist Ella I tup p.
iltuer, sou of Postmaster Mursh
continues quite ill.
The genial 'Squire Austin Boyer
circled ut Allentown ou Monday.
Ed Shllferstlne lett .u Thursddv
night for Chicago llla,whei-o he bus a
position with a large drug establish.
Clyde Wills isu pleasant salesman
u Blery's popular drug storo.
Georg. Horn, th barber, has
swapped horses agalu." This time his
old nag went for a geunlue Hsmble
tonian said to be sired br a Mouroe
ounty he heifer. There is no price on
tbe horse and Its record Is lu the mi.d.
Miss Traub, of Parry vllle. Is a uew
saleslady In Laury'slmkery, succeeding
Jiss Ella Rapp who ably 'tilled this
position for some time.
Samuol Evoritt Is having his
laugh on the "white caps" now and the
other fellows look as blue as ludige.
Sam took his clubbing but be got $.'
for It. There'aro several applications
file with the "Stroller" from fellows
who will go through the mill at the
same price. Leave ordera at Vftery's
drug store.
Miss Clara Hand aud Miss Agnes
Hubbard, estlmablo young ladies of
Brooklyn, N. V. are visitors at the
residence of Squlri- J. S. Miller.
Quarterlyconfereuce will be observ
ed by the members of the Evangelical
Congregation ou next Suuday evening
at which time Presiding Elder Leopold
will discourse, following which the
holy communion will be served.
There was some consteruatioa
among the politicians hereabouts this
week, when the report went out that
Mrs. Boyer a widow lady, residing lu
Franklin, had been tendered the Weiss
port post-office by the third asslstiiut
postmaster, it Is thought by many
that the wholo thing Is u huge joke.
Miss Lmma Boyer, one of this
town's most estimable vouuc ladies.
left on Thursday of last week for
Chicago, where she will see the Colum
Man exhibition and later take un ex
tended trip through the west.
Charles Maurer and bride returned
from Now York City ou Tuesday and
alter spending a few days with Mrs.
Hannah Rapp aud family, on Thurs
day left for Wilkesbarre where they
will make their future home.
David Belts', of Franklin, aud Miss
Adelaide Mehrkam, of Big Creek, were
happily wedded on Saturday. Rev
titb, of Bltttington performing the
ceremony. The young couple have
the best wishes of mauy friends for
future happiness.
The KvHiutellcals Knloj a Week of V ttrhlp
In the Woods.
The session of the Evaagelloal
camp meetiug which convened a week
ago last Tuesday lu the beautiful grove
of the association at Bowmaustown,
was brought to a successful close ou
Thursday night. During the week
there were mauy visitors in attendance
at the meetiug and particularly so on
Sunday when the number iu attend
ance run up into the hundreds. Forty
tents were occupied by members of the
soveral cougregatlous iu the district.
The ministers who were lu attendance
were: Presiding Elder Leopold, of
Allentown; J, S. Newhart, Mauch
Chuuk; J. I, Yotter, Parry vllle; A. E,
minams, iiazletou; W. F. Kline,
Coplay; II. W. Holter. Weatherly: C.
It. Fehr, Terre Hill; S. T. Leopold,
Allentown; J. S.Fifruaworth, Perkas.e;
1. A. super, Kast Greeuvllle; U. T,
Dreber, Sehuylklll Haven; Blsh.p
Breyfogel, Reading; Jos. Specht, Cata
sauqua; C. V. I). Auraud, PotLtown; U.
o. Lltty, Browust.wu; J. C. Bl.i
Bethlehem; I. S. Heisler, Allentowaj
A. L. .Messenger, South Bethlehem;
0. O. Moyer and O, L. Saylor, Bethle
hem; W. F. Fredericks, Borliusville; A.
8. Ki-Qsge, Orwigsburg; Wni. Weldtier:
J. F. White, Allentown; David LeuU,
Benjamlu; Josbus Gill, Boston, Jfass,
I he boarding tent was Iu charge of
JaoobStraussberger, of Weissport, ably
assisted Uy the genial Harry Graver,
Closing lUercLee of Karma! lu.Hlule.
The elosliiB-exeroUos of Normal In
stitute will be held ou the school
campus, Normal Square, ou Saturday
veulug, at 7:.K) o'clock. For this o.
mslon the following program has lieea
Music, I'rajer,, salutatory,,
Hunts Music: Utass Drill. Ainaia V.UeLean
Oura M. Kberts. Bslella H. Hitler, Ueulah A
Xander: Uwlaiuation, Martha K. Eberts: Dla
luguc, Willbt r. Ebbert, Wllles P. Haas; Essay,
VNespairs," Ueorge w. tiotnstelu: tluvls
Declamation, OlivU Kberts; Itacltatleu, Ida
SlUer. Declamation, UlvsM. Kberts: Beleet
Heading, HaUle 1 Luuaaere, Ksaav, "Character
Ihilldlug," Clara A. Xaiuler; Music. Declalua
tlou. Alfred li. lluualcker: Recitation, Eulata
V. Miller, lleeiutlou, Washington Hwlgorwalt
Ulutt. Ueorge V. sailer. OraUon, "Imnilara
Uou." A. A. Smith , Music, HeciUsUon, Lulu M,
Sillier, Deelauiatlou, Tuouias KreWey . Kert
tallou, Clara M. Musseliaau, Essay, "The KIikI
eruartenSyeteM," JeauetteStvlgerualt; Eulory
"Maine," M. H. Strauss; Mule, DwUniatki.,
WllUuiahb) t'. Hex; liettllatwu, Mabel K. Mua
selniau; Essay, "YVadswortu's Ideal Poet." Meta
iiU Nuthetelu, Columbian OraUou, "Aniarioa
aadberl'rosirs,"A.F. Welir. Music. Hllury
Clara K. Siller, DwIaiuaUan. W. Wallae.
tMrauM, Prophecy, A (I. Museelmau, Mush-.
TheNew Normal 6, liooL
The fanulty of the East btroudsburg
State Normal School was completed at
a meeting et the trustee held at East
Btroudaburg Friday evening last In
eluding tbe priuolpal, Prof. George F.
Bible, it ktands aa follows: Prof. George
P. Ilanober, Prof. II. D. Ilraeetleld,
Prof. J. W.Paul, Dr. Hugh A. Curran,
Ulm Lillian Rcweukraua, Mlas Roe K.
Hand, Mb Mary Bradley, Ulw Martha
Noyw aud Miw May Smith. All thoae
are inatruotars of Urge experieuoe and
I with possible oue or two exception., all
have far more than a looal reputation
. . , . ' ,.
tier itb.
lTl rniri.s iniTXTrtur nnn I ns
lIlftUUUlMl DUnAlO,
loK-al tlosslp of a Newsy Character In and
, Abtint Carbon Dished ap for Oar
, Headers,
X Weatherly Is preparing for a big
blow out on July 1th.
V It Is reported that Cexe Bros: & Co
will shortly begin the construoMoa t
an electric road from Muck Mountain
to Eckley, to be nsed for the transpor
tation of coal.
Philip II, Jenes and Thomas L.
Williams, of Audenrt.d, ware among
the successful candidates In obtaining
mine foremau certificates for tke sixth
, Children's Day was celebrated at
Beaver Meadow on Suuday In the old
fashion way, the children having the
day tu themselves. The programme
was fine aud the committee Ella
Trovaskls, JWrs. Juo. Curuow and Mrs.
.leorge Julian deseeva a great deal of
credit for tho labor taken In tralulag
the children,
1 A score or mora of the young lad
ies ot the Reformed Church weather
ly will give au at the
church ou Friday craning to be fell.w
cv by a strawberry and ioe creasn,
festival. The fe.tlval will be continu
ed ou Saturday evening.
(2 George Hensler, ot the County
Seat, called ou contractor Gus Noll on
O Adam Berger, of Ashtleld, clrolei
among friends here ou Sunday.
U An attempt was made, oue night
recently to rob tbe Prince M'f'g Co.
The tholr.s forced an entrance into
the office of the company, but before
sue.. .ding in .ff.its to sunk the
sat. were frightened .If. '
fl Thomas Ritchie, ot the America..
Ite Powder Co., is at Washington, D.
C, where he lias two accomplished
daughters att.ndlng a f .male seminary
Q JohnSchaff who was eoaralesclng
from a recent illness, was unfortunate
enough to suffer a relapse and is again
quite seriously 111.
Perry Phillips, a well-known una'
popular Lehigh Valley engineer, of
Easton, was closing digits with friends
hereabouts on Suuday.
d The employees of the Blue Ridge
Powder Couipauy received their
monthly earnings ou last Saturday.
ti I. S. Koch, Lehlghtou's well-kuowa
tobacconist, was calling on bis patrons
in this hustling little town ou Monday.
O Ltivl Horn and Austin B.yer, two
of Welssport's genial citizens, wero
among the many hundreds who were
In this town on Sunday.
Contractor Agustus Nail si rives a
ratty bay mare just purchased from
Harrison Wentz, of Cherryville.
fi Jerome Hoffman and fJnier Leute
ot Asblleld, were in town an Monday.
Q Misses Mary Helfelfiuger aud Stella
Delter, two of Danlelsvillo's estimable
yong ladles, are visiting at the resi
dence of Sylvester Yeutor.
Jacob Buss, of Nesqiiehonlng,
Democratic aspirant for the nomina-
ti.u of County Commissioner, was
here this week swapping jokes and
talkliig p.litics with tbe leaders f the
6 Johu A. Semme), ot Ashfleld, was
here during the week. Mr. Semmel la
being urged by bis hosts of friends to
stand for the nomination of Register
and Recorder at the coming Republi
ean convention.
Mrs. Abel Rohrbach, of Muach
Chunk, Is the guest of John Ruoh and
Paul Suyder, of Lehigh Gap, was
looking up business here duriug last
6 Wni, Eckhart is doing" a bustling
baslnes. in the shipment of mining
props to the coal regions.
Q A new school house I. a possibility
for Bowmaustowu lu tbe vory near
f uturo. This is a needed necexalty aud
should b urged along.
13 John II. Koons, Lehlghtou's popu
lar wholesale liquor dealer, was here u
ui Harry Gouldnor aud Miss Elizabeth
Btldlemau were united In wedlock's
heir bouds ou last Saturday. Tbe
eonple have the best wishes ot many
(X The stockholders of the Bowmuu
Purk Association held their annual
le.ti.a fer.Ho.rt aai oa
Monday last in th. tab.rna.l. oa the
grouuds. President, W. W. Bowman;
ylee pre sldeut, TV'. L. Leopold; secre
tary, G. II. Laary; treasurer, Frank
Laury; directors, J. 8, Miller, J. I.
Yotter, S.T. Leopold, W. A. Leopold,
P. A. Andrews, Maurice Bowmau, Wm,
Komlg, James Ash aud J. S. Newhart.
C$ Tho convention of Sunday schools
of the Evaugelloal Association met
here lost week and was very largely
utteuded by delegates freni tho vuii
us schools in the district. The .(fleers
ot the conventlou were, president, Rev,
A. E. llllams; vice president, Rev. J.
S. Newhart; secretary, Miss Agaess L,
Rieket; treasurer, Mr. J I. Yotter.
M Alien Cnt'. K,
At u meeting ot the school direc
tors the fallowing teachers were elect
ed: Principal Prof. Bevuu, Misses
Liziile FUter, Ema Dana, Mary It.
Harris, Julia Weybenmeyer, Mary
Rupp,and Reuthle Ross.
The first spike was driveu for the
electric railway on Monday morning.
r-Geulul, pleaxunt 'Squire J.J. Boyle
speut Suuday pleasantly with Luzerne
county friends.
Thomas Crader, of Allentown, bus
suooded John Brighton at the eating
bar at the Armbruster House.
Tbe Glen pee-wee will ce put ou
tb. Valley road next week.
How II. You
Su!aoribers are requested to watch
the date following the name on the
labels ot their per. By referring to
this tbey atu tell at a glance how thop
stand on tbe books at this otllce. For
instance :
Beujaiulu Harrison, .JuuS'J8
means that Bvnjaintu Is paid up to
June i, IMA By keeping tbe figure
iu advauee of the present date sub
sorlUtra will save both tbaaselrea and
tbe publUuw much trouble and aunoy
Flue Liu. of tlarue...
A full Una of single and double har
ness, wips, ftp nets, awcat pod, bum
mer blankets, Ac, for spring tfjde at
vejy reasonable priest at Milton Flory-a
Welasport, Pa. tt
Short raragrapb. That Will b. ot Interest
ta the Bora.
Tho Jury In tbe suit of Jennings
against the Lehigh Valley Railroad Co.
gave the plaintiff a verdl.t for $2fiOS
Saturday morning, Jennings was in
jured lu the Mud Run disaster lu 1883
He wasted SoO.OOO and refused all.over
tHros toward a setUemaat.
t Is talk at FreemaMbura that
the Ceutral Rail Road will be built
west of towu, and that a hill will bo
tunueled so as to avoid the sharp ourve
Just above the Freemansburg depot,
wnicn is not oaly a very danarerous
piece of road, but an endless luterfer.
euce with heavy trains.
t'rw.l.ln i u ,
a.wuuiq auu uiuwiug IU U19
Ashley car shows. The officials gar
the men will have to work piece work
or not at nil, and the men say they will
po.lttyely refuse to work at the prices,
consequently when" the men are com
pelled to work they will refuse to do
so aid a strike will likely be tke re
salt. JThe Penusylvunla Railroad Com
pany is dropping men from Its pay.
rolls every week aud nearly every day.
Aiie pay-rolls between Jersey City and
Philadelphia has beeu decreased this
month about $1U,UU0. During the
mouth over 1 1, two meu have been drop
ped o.iweeu Jersey City and Philadel
phla. Tho men dropped are princi
pally freight handlers, yardsmen and
men engaged on freight.
IThe Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany has a remarkable style of gaining
Its elally reports .a bridge construction
anel eth.r work f.r whiek daily etafee-
M.ntu are aeedesl at the head office.
The kodak wan just puts lu an appear,
auee at the u!o. of the day's work,
presses th. bnttou aud getshls picture.
This Is Immediately sent to the Cent
ral oltlce. It affords for the .use of tho
engineering office au exact pk-tur. of
the condition and the progress ot the
work, as complete and reliable a. any
written report could afford.
t Au important meetlu of the Steam
Railroad Men's Union was held at
Scranton Sunday, for the purpose of
orgnuiziug u Legislature and ascertain
their view oa questions of Interest to
railroad employers. The union bow
through-out the State. A resolution
was adopted, pledging the members
uot to vote for any candidate who was
not In favor of legislation that wl
benefit the rallroai employes. The
board elected is as follows: G. M.
Wallace, Scranton; D.J. Duggan.Uauch
Chunk; F. J. May, Hallstead; D. U.
ii.versoB, Kingston; Harry Btrd, S.ran
to, Theodore Youur, Ashley; J. N.
weiier, jiauch Chunk.
The wlfo of Uev. O. G. Kunkel, form
erly pastor of the Lutheran rliui.h In
ttiia town, was burled hero Thursday
afternoon with appropriate ceremonies
conducted ky Rev. Gerberich. Rev.
Kunkel is now stationed at Meobanlcs-
burg, Pa.
A number of our Knights ot Pyttilas
went to Hunch Ckuuk on Tuesday
evening to attend a upecial meeting
callod by Grand Ledge Officers to ex
emplify tho unwritten work of the
order, nnd to confer upon those en
titled the Grand Lodge degree.
Mr. RoMer, who lately became the
preprlet.r of the Paaker House in this
town, left on Sunday evening for
Chicago to see the Columbia Ex
position. Brick layers are busy at work on the
town building which is to coatalu a
roam for the fire engine, a council
chamber, and the lockup. The build
ing will stand on the" west side ot
Block Creek lu what will be knows as
the third ward.
A citizen's meeting for the purposo
of raising mouey to oelebrat in a be.
c.uilag way the nation's birthday was
held In Cassler's Rink on Tuesday
evening. The Reed aad Lovatt Com
pany usually spent about 1100 for fire
works aud this, with alike amount
from tbe citizens, would be enough to
give our people a flue display of Are
works on that evening. Civic and
faisWstlo parades are also Included on
the Intended pr.gram.
Dr. P. II. Latham, a meulber of the
Railway Surgeon's Association, re
turned Tuesday front their annual
meeting which was this year bald at
Omaha, Nebraska. Tho doctor waa ac
companied by his family aa far as
Chicago, where tbey stopped to take
in the World's Fair. He stopped on
his way back from the meeting to view
the exposition which, In bis eplnlon, is
a grand affair. Boarding and lodging,
ke says, can be bad for about tbe same
price usuharged in Weatherly, and no
young man should fail to see this
Columbian Fair.
The sick and afflicted are callins? in
numbers to oousull tbe Specialist. The
doctor will remain autil the 1st of July
giving all plenty of time to test
his skill. Come at once. Five
Hundred Dollars will be paid
by Dr. Bowers the Specialist, far a case
ot Asthma. Catarrh, Piles or Falling
Fits b. fails to cure. Chronic disease,
Cancer, Turners, Blood Poison, Dyspep
sia, Liver, Kidney, Rhenmatlsm, Heart
Disease cured. Female disease Ac.,
ludlMir.tion of young men, Mental
Deoay, loss of strength power, nervous
ness iio. No experiment but a cure.
Thousands oured by my own new
methods of treatment, over W years iu
constant practice. Consultation fres
at tbe Weissport House, Weissport, Pa.
A oream of tartar baking powder.
Highest of all in leavening strength.
LATnay Uxiteb Statk DovkiwixT
Foua ftKKWT.
Royal Baking Powder Co.,
10 Wart Kt N Y.