The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, June 10, 1893, Image 2

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MBwMtiieftrtf0rlMrI" ThusaaM I to my deal,
?b, with irraoe,
he light of wayward feu? y on htr face.
And aopia naif mile, half tear,
"Nay, filcnos Ib not pvi
Twr bftter far thn tbla wholly to ceaset
If I should know no more
The rapture of wtoH, the Joyous strife,
The fre. enfettered air I breathed before.
Bo we long time umatled with hot debate.
And kindling voire and word,
beep problem, which a myriad amils have
?ore knowledge, freedom, fate,
til, wearied out at latL
Hand claeped la hand, without a word we
Oatlng at a tnoonrtee on the ailrered main,
Knew a atrange calm enfold our doubt with
And all the etrets and oonfllet BtlUed and pnsL
-Lew la Morris In Black and WMte,
"What place was thaW" asked a tall.
artrtooratlo planter, as the steamer
polled away from tlie landing Into the
dnatrr river.
"Kerry's Landing," slid tho man be
neath the black alonch hat, who had just
stepped ahoard. "Good place to leave;
nothing but swamps."
"How far to Davis' riantatioitf"
'Boot threo hours. Another durned
swamo. Eton therer"
"Yes. Got a plantation back from the
river a piece. Swamp is rlgnt tnrinign,
Three hours, eh?"
"Yes. Didn't suppose there was land
enough along there to plant one."
"Oh, It's all right when you get to It,
Grins' to be dark, ain't itr
"Should say so. Got a good pilot.
"First rate. Do vou ulay!"
"Sometimes, If thogaine's good. Who's
in It?'
"Nobody much. Drummers and such
like. Oh. Wheeler of Bicliniond. Know
"No: who is ho?'
"Not much! cotton edeer. Sato came."
"All rights I'm In. That spray's littlo
wet, ain't Itr
"Kathert Jet's go inside."
"What's the limit?'
"Two hundred. Have a cigar?"
"Yea. thanks. Hero we are."
"Any room here, gents? Whowl it's
"Yes. lots ot room. Ilello, colonel
come in," aaya a voice from the smoke.
"Bring out the drink, nigger. I say,
colonel, wliat you re going to have?"
"Little whisky rye."
"Jtye wlnaky there, nigger. Hold on.
there I want another card. All right
Don't your friend take anything?'
"Don't know: yon had better asl: him,
'Til take the t.ame, stranger," from
beneath tho hat."
"All right. How do they run, colonel?"
"Fair to middling. , Haven't been up
fur come tituo. What's the news?'
"Nothing much, Queer about Nichols,
wasn't it?'
"Yes; how did that happen?'
"Well, there are several stories going
around. Some say they put up a job to
do Steamboat Frank, and he got the best
of them. Comln in, colonel?'
"You, stranger?"
"All right. Never did think much of
that feller Nichols anyway,"
"Same here; bad eyes."
"You're right. How many do you
want? Three. Frank killed two, didn't
he? Who was the other f ellow?"
"Don't know. Someone fromTeias,
I think."
'I raise you 30," here broke in a
Spanish accent from the lower end of
the table.
"Hello, Sigt Right In It, eh? I'll have
to raise you. How did that killing come
off anyhow? Know anything about it,
"Oh, easy enough, from what I hear.
They got to playing n pretty stiff game,
and Frank took all the money. They
were hard losers and tough men gen
erally. Thoy accused him of cheating
and started the row, and he simply wiped
them out."
"And they were not the first ones that
he has wiped out either."
"No, you are right. If all the reports
are correct, he has a pretty long list back
there, but they do say that know him
that he is as square as a die and wouldn't
kill a chicken without he had to, but
when some one comes along and takes
him for a mud flat or sand bar tho way
things jingle around that locality Is a
caution to Christmas bells in a great
And then he branched out into several
amusing anecdotes regarding him; of his
heavy games and ugly scrapes; of his
cool nerve and ready wit; how upon ono
occasion a Texas ranchman had, by his
loud and braggadocio manner, contrived
to offend the more quiet tastes of Steam
boat Frank; had been backed over the
taffrail of a boat with a cocked revolver
uncomfortably near his nose, and after
being towed for a mile or two was at
last hauled aboard again and contained
less starch and moro gentleness of man
ner. "Bat there is one fellow who has got
in on Frank, who don't allow any time
for fooling. Ho is a big New Orlenui
gambler called Blazer."
"Blazer? You don't tell mo," said tho
colonel. "I know him; hard lot, they
"Yes, you're right, and they say he Is
the man who has driven Frank from thu
"What, Blazer? How is that?- asked
the colonel,
"Well, you see It is a long story.
There was, as is usual, a woman in It.
She sort of liked Frank best, I suppose.
Can't blame her much, after seeing
Blazer, eh? Face like a Chinese funeral.
only more so. Frank must be a corker
if he looks wort than she does. Well.
anyhow, Frank got the girl, and Blazer
has been in ing to down him over since.
Frank had asked him to come ont and
settle it two or three times, but Blazer's
peculiar gift doesn't seem to lie In that
direction. He lies some other way bet
ter. Yon pee, hu ha9 a strong pull down
at the Orescent, and Frank's case don't
have time to settle down as unj- other
man would. The fellows Frank settled
wore great friends of Blazer's, and I
heard a rumor that the whole thing was
a Job cooked up to do Trank, but don't
know as there Is anything In it. If there
was a job. It failed iu its object anyhow.
Your deal, stranger. Bad for Frank,
though, just the same."
Thus pleasantly amused the time flew
by unnoticed, until presently the whole
jiarty were aroused the consciousness
that the quiet man at the far corner of
the table, whose face was concealed lie
neath the brim of his hat, was winning
ail me money in thu crowd.
-ion are piayiug treat luck," re
marked the colonel.
"Yes, easy money. First I've seen
The part Wame slightly nettled, and
tne colonel proposeil e tending the limit,
They all agreed, and the stranger still
Kept on at Ills ,1 J gait.
''I'm done," said oue of them present
ly as he threw down lus bund.
The stranger was still playing In the
same easy, half cureless manner, his bets
being made without any apparent
thought, while the others were more de
liberate aud placed with the greatest
"I think we hud butter let out a few
more laps in this limit," said'the oulouel
as lis wanned to the music.
"Suppose we cut loose altogether,'
suggested the Spaniard in a tone of
feigned calmness, although his eyes
blazed with excitement. Some of them
assented, the rest dropped out and
watched the battle.
' 'Who's In this tuner asked the stran
ger as he began to deal. "All light,
Lire you go. What's up, gentsr"
"Five hundred," said the colonel a
be threw a note iu the center of the
"IU have to raise you SOU, colons),"
said the stranger aa it came to him.
"One thousand above you," said the
"Fifteen hundn d," shouted the Span
lard as he threw down the stuff. The
rest here dropped out.
"Two thousand better, zuy friend,"
said the stranger.
They raised hini again, and things
wsre growing ttitartjatitur when the swan
get quietly mentioned lO.ouO, and taking
U& nbpetpumttot bd U lying
upon (he tame counted out tne money.
"I'm done," said the colonel, throwing
down Ids hand.
'1. too," echoed the Spaniard In a de
jected manner.
"Alt, well, son goes," saiu tne stranger,
ss he reached for the iwt. throwing down
his hand, containing only a pair of jacks.
"Well, I be ," said tho Spaniard.
"Me, too," said the colonel.
Suddenly there was a loud knock at
the door, and a rough voice shouted
'Orien nor Every one started in sur
prise except the stranger, who was busy
stuffing the money into his rubber wallet.
"What do you want?' asked some one
aa he opened the door.
Three burly forms pusnea nurneaiy-i
In, but nil Btopped simultaneously wnen
their eyes fell upon the stranger, who
was standing quietly with two big re
volvers trained upon them.
"Good ovening, gents. our peremp
tory entrance seems to be a little rudo.
Suppose you drop your guns."
The clatter of several heavy articles
was heard upon the floor.
"You might put up your nanus sorry
to trouhlo you."
Six bands were at onoe seen in the
neighborhood of theceiliug.
"Lucky the game was done; na, eoio-
nel? Theso officers are always trouble
some. 'Bout face, there, you fellows;
keep your hands up if you don't want to
know how It feels to get hurt. Forward,
march! Look out for the stairs; mats
good. Right dress (as the men stood
by tho ran upon tne uouer uecK. now,
then one. two. juinDH
A heavy smash immediately followed
lils words. The boat was just rounding
the bend and not moro than 20 yards
from shore.
"Bon voyage," said he, sticking the re
volvers in his pockets.
"Captain, land me at the nearest wood-
yard on the other slue."
"All right," said he, making a signal
to the pilot. Immediately the faint, far
away jingle of bells was heard, and the
boat turned liernoBs toward the oppo
site bank.
"Oood night, gents," he called to the
crowd hanging around tho rails as the
gangplank was slammed Into place. '
alwavs'dld meter this mode of landing.
"Who was It?' asked the Spanish ac
cent, ns the boat Bwung out Into her
course again.
"Steamboat Franlf," said the captain.
"I thought so," muttered the colonel,
Philadelphia Press.
Cardinal Nawmin at Dinner.
On an occasion when Cardinal New
man was dining at a friend's house, a
noble lord among the guests, wishing to
draw him out with respect to the upshot
of political contests in the Roman states,
sold, "Things are sadly disturbed just
now In Italy, Dr. Newman." Staring
into space in an apparently vacant man
ner, he replied, "Yes, and In China,"
No one present said a word more on tho
subject. San Francisco Argonaut.
Wlien the Ilucki nnd SUines Were fizzing
When M. de Saussuro, the eminent
Swiss naturalist, was upon one of the
high mountains of Mexico he found
ldmself in the very midst of a thunder
cloud. Every ridge of rock and all the
angles of the loose stones were tizzing,
and the Indians who had accompanied
him ran screaming aud howling down
the mountain, their long hair standing
erect upon their heads. Youths Com
panion. Clergymen OD Their Travels.
A phllosophio observer professes to
have nsted a touch of selfishness in dor
gymen when traveling and that, too.
without regard to denomination. Ho
finds explanation for this in the fact
that clergymen, like women, are accus
tomed to bo treated with special consid
eration and so acquire the habit of ex
acting courtesies usually yielded as
mark of respect to the cloth. New York
A "Good I'lace fitr Ducks.
"The client of a friend of mino who
came from the land of St. Putrick
erected in the Twentj'-ourth ward of
New i ork city a structure with pilas
ters of lath for the facade and with
rusty tin for the roof, with n cellar lielow
for fowl chickens iu thisjaso," says
General Horace Porter. "Mr. Muldoou
went to the commissioner of public
works with this statement: 'Me name is
Muldoou, of the Twenty-fourth ward.
control forty votes. I keen chickens
in the cellar, and there Is water In It. I
want it cleared out, or I shall throw me
forty votes against your par-r-ty.' Mnl
doon was advised to go to the fire de
partment. He went there, and he said:
'Me name is Muldoou. I control forty
votes. I want the water pumped out or
I'll cast them forty votes for a naygur.'
The fire commissioners said they would
be glad to pump out the water, but Mul
doon hod better see the rnnyor.
mo mayor, who was Mr. Urnco. re
ceived him with that bland air which ho
always wore when he didlhot intend to
give any attention to a complainant
Muldoou repeated his story, saying, 'If
you don't get the water out, I'll give my
forty votes ton haythen Chinee.' The
mayor sent Muldoou to the board of
aldermen, whero Muldoon's friend, 11c
Gufiln, a countryman of his and a mem
ber of the board, engraved on the tablet
of Muldoon's memory the intellectual
remark, 'I was jist thiukin the .party
would stand it much longer if you could
be Induced to keep ducks,' " New York
llrlnglua- (Tnt Iterrjitlons.
The fashion of bringing out a girl bv
means of an ovening reception instead of
an afternoon tea seems to be gaining
ground. It lias the merit of being moro
distinctive at all events, as there are not
many houses iu New York that could
stand the crush of an evening affair if
the invitations were as general as those
for a tea.
Whero a tea Is given for the purpose of
Introducing a debutante to society, it is
becoming an unwritten law that thoeeof
her friends who have been invited to re.
oelve with her should remain afterward
either to dinner or (as was done very
successfully in the case of oue young
lady lately) for a sit down supper, a
number of young ineu being asked to
stay aner the reception Iu informal fash
Ion. The dress of those who "assist" sltould
not be too elaborate, as it is the debu
tante that should be the cynosure of all
eyes. It is in better taste, therefore, for
her friends to consider this and to wear
less cnnantminria irnwii tlicncuilt-aa
flew York letter.
The Civilization of Europe.
I see tliat Professor Fetrie iu his latest
work advances the theory that Europe
Is not indebted to Egypt for its civiliza
tion. The discovery has been rather late
coming on the part of the archasolotrist
I have long maintained that Egypt bor
rowed fully as much of her civilization
from Europe as did Europe from Egypt,
Eruropean emulation was really an in
dependent growth. Emut and Babv.
Ionia borrowed fully as much as they
loaned. This European civilization ac
quired acts independently, just as India
More than 1,500 years before the dawn
of the Christian era civilization had
made considerable progress In Greece
and Lybia. A century later witnessed
great pronolenoy m the arts. Moreover
this civilisation was not confined to a
corner of Europe, but stretched from
the Mediterranean to the frozen north
Egypt ami Babylonia did not civilize
ureece and Italy. Greece and Italy did
not civilise the rest of Europe. They
only ranked for a time as the farthest
advanced lu civilisation. It was an in-
digenoua development. At last the
aruhttulogiatii are stumbling onto this
raot, long latent to the careful student.
and the knowledge appears to surprise
tbem wonderfully. tit. Louis Qlolie-
!! Knew CwucrMln4t
One of the late Leopold Morse's hob
bies was the rehabilitation of the Auwri-
eea navy, aud his phui of pnxMedlng was
thoroughly, UutruLterutic. He l"Mihl
on the govertoueut giving ont all Its
shinbuililuitf u. contractors instead of at
tempting lu do any In Ma own yards.
"aHinstd )e ork utr de a bole ooast," he
would a iu in HuMiriuh dialect, ''and
you vlll l.uf . fen K.iiKiesnaian from a
Mepuard district vunng for your abltro
teiattuus ptruuse hart of 'em vlll go to
his own lmide In dat vay yon git a
fullkrt'wu naiy in apout tree years."
te Field. .WMkUngVtw
A Passible Itsesoii Wij Bmland Was At
vsjl lteady to H,l,t II Ira.
Napoleon was In very good spirits
and seemed very desirous to show that
though he had ambition England was
not without her share also, He said that
ever since the time of Cromwell we had
set up extraordinary pretensions and
srrogatcd to ourselves the dominion of
the sea; thai after the peace of Amiens
Lord Sidmouth wished to renew the for
mer treaty of commerce, which had been
made by Vvjennes after the American
war, but that he (Nnpojeon), anxious to
encourage tho industry of France, had
expressed his readiiyss to enter into a
treaty, not line tne lormer, wuicn iiwbs
clear from tho portfolio of Versailles
must bo Injurious to the Interests of
France, but on terms of perfect reci
procity viz, that If France took so
many millions of English goods England
should take as many millions of French
produce In return. LordiUidinouth said:
"Tins Is totally new. t cannot inaae a
treaty on these conditions."
"Very well. I cannot force yon Into a
treaty of commerce any more than you
can force me, and we must remain as we
are without commercial Intercourse."
Then," said Lord Sidmouth, "thero
will be war, for unless the people of
England have the advantages of com
merce secured to them which they have
been accustomed to they will force me
to declare war."
"As vou please. It is my duty to
studv the iust interests of France, and
I shall not enter into uny treaty oi com
merce on other principles than those 1
have stated."
He stated that although England made
Malta the pretext, all the world knew
that was not tho real cause of the rup
ture that he was sincere In his desire
for peace, as n proof of which he sent his
expedition to San Domingo. When it was
remarked bv Colonel Campbell IhatEug-
land did not think him sincere, from his
refusing a treaty of commerce and send
lng consuls to Ireland with engineers to
examine the harbors, he laughed and
said that was not necessary, for every
harbor In England and Ireland was well
known to him. Bertram! remarked that
overv embassador was a spy.
Natioleon said that the Americans ad
mitted tho justness of his principles of
commerce. Formerly they brought over
some millions of tobacco and cotton,
took snecio in return and then went
empty to England, where they furnished
themselves with Hrlttsu manutactures.
He refused to admit their tobacco and
cotton unless they took from France an
equivalent in French produce. They
yielded to His system ns uemg just. , tie
added that now England hail it all her
own way, that there wan no power which
could successfully oppose her system, and
that she might now impose on France
any treaty sho pleased.
"The Bourbons, poor devils here ho
checked himself, aro great lords, who are
contented with having back their estates
and castlos, but if the French people be
come dissatisfied with that tho treaty
and find that thero is not the encourage
ment for their manufactures iu the In
terior of the conntry that there should
be, they the Bourbons will be driven
out in six months. Marseilles, Nantes,
Bordeaux and the coast are not troubled
by that, for they always have the same
commerce, but In tho interior It is an
other thing. I well know what tho feel
ing Is for me at Terrare, Lyons and thoso
places which have manufactures, and
wldch I have encouraged." Thomas
Ussher, R. N,, In Century.
How Crinoline Is Used.
Talking with a celebrity on feminine
costume a day or two ago I lightly touched
the mooted point crinoline and asked
the masterly opinion on the subject
"Crinoline," replied the young man, "as
we employ It, Is not likely to detract
from feminine grace or loveliness. On
the contrary, all I desire is to give a con
sistent appearance to tho materials em
ployed, and for that purpose some con
venient and as light as possible material
has had to be adopted. Alpaca woven
with horsehair is about the least weighty
lining going and accordingly is more iu
demand than any other. It is also prob
able that later on strips of aluminium
will bo used to rigidly maintain the hems
of skirts in funnel shape. StluT muslin
sewn with narrow lines of straw is forth
coming from several manufacturers, but
it is exceedingly heavy and inoonvenieut
and In consequence I have not given it
house room." London Ueiegraph.
A Terrible Threat,
A Janitor in a blue shirt was cleaning
the windows of a bank at Broadway and
Park place the other day after ofilci
hours, when a tramp came along, who.
atter eying him a few moments with
envy, yelled to hiuii
"ilello, there, yon chap In tho bank.
can't you throw a fellow out a Iitlls
money? I'm clean broke, and almost
anything would be welcome."
The janitor went on clcanlne the win,
dows. He heard what the tramp said,
mil woman t admit It,
The tramp paused a few moments nnd
then yelledt "Come, now, don't be ahog,
Theramust bo a million dollars in there,
ana an you've got to do is to chuck
bundle of it out. Are you going to do
it or oren t yon?"
btill no response.
The tramp began to chafe under the
galliag hauteur with which he was be
ing treated.
'If you don t give me some of that
money, I'll start a report that tho bank's
lu trouble," he yelled. "If ever thero
was c first rate hog, it's you."
Alter IU minutes had elapsed nnd no
one had taken the least notice of tha
tramp he began to walk slowly away.
As he reached the gutter he turned
round, shook his fist at the window clean
er and muttered;
"When the commune Is declared, any
one who wants money will only have to
walk into n bank and ask for it. I'll be
there, my beauty, when the day comes,
and I'll point you out to the fellow citi
zens as an insolent and bloated symbol
oi weaun. jou lust wait, iny friend
till the call to anus Is sounded, and
you'll find me right on the spot ready to
tell what I know about the enemies of
the proletariat." New York Herald.
A Theatrical IJresser.
There Is one difference between Amer
ican and European theaters as marked as
their schedule of prices and their usher
ing system, and that is in the matter of
"dressers." The European manager em.
ploys about halt a doaen dressers who
act aa body servants of thelendinir actors
In his company and a reregnlar employees
oi tne nouse, nice gas men, cleaners and
scene shifters. The American actor.
however, dresses himself or. else hires a
man to assist him. When he dees hire a
man, it Is usually a fellow player who Is
"doing" auuiU parts and is glad of the
chance to increase bis (10 wages by V
from the leading or heavy man or first
The dresser has not only to assist In
changing his lnasier'a costume, a per
f o nuance requiring great expedition, but
makes repairs, folds and puts nway the
clothing, packs and unpacks the trunks
and sees tlmt the dressing table is sup
plied with paints, wigs, ooinbs and other
neeorui articles, in the European thea
ters the dresser seldom or never acts.
though he is often an actor who has been
forced off from the stage by illness,
lameness or loss of voice, lie Is gen
erally prompt, quiet, a little obsequious
ananoperuior tips at the end of a run
or or a season. new York Sun,
Are Versus Incandescent Xjnur.s.
Borne Interesting tests bare been re
cently made to decide the relative tllu
tnlnating power of the aro and the In
candescent lamp. One company which
nas laj incauaesoent lamps from e can
dle power to 800 candle power and six
aro lamps of 2,000 nominal candle power
on its extensive premises finds that saoh
arc lamp tested illuminates an area of
8,000 square yards ana absorbs ons horse
power, and that each 800 oandle power
lneandescent lamp lUaialnatea an area
ox auu yards ana absorbs one horsepower.
ex. lutus uuibe-ueukocfat.
War Up.
Customer (at the fruiterers) Let me
have half a dollar's wurth of your nicest
straw Bents.
Dealer Yes, sir. Will yos. take
boss with yoaj $iojU IUerd.
would say Hint before you
Jike your wngou to tlio shop for
repairs look ovtT the pnniting
did Inst yenr. tec whether I
use inferior Paint nnd Vnrnisli.
Then compare prices, nlso in
the purchase of a new one, Buy
of a Carriage Man! And buy
where you cot the same article
for, Oh 1 so much less money,
for my place is noted for that,
namely, to sell cheaper than
any other, because I sell for the
ready stuff you see.
New .Spring aud Summer
- Goods mean more with us
than the same words mean
from other dealers. Why 1
Because all tho goods we
have on our counters and
shelves are new theie is
no lust year's si ock of goods
brushed np and piled up to
deceive tho buyer. We iu
tend to merit your patron
ago by honest, fair and
square daallugaud we want
you to come and see what
we have In
Now Dress Goods
at Tory Loav Prices
Groceries & Provisions,
of the best quality and at the lowest price.
Choice Flour and Feed.
Fresh Country Produce,
Hashing Machines & H'ringers
nf Ihe best makes at low prices.
ll'e have a
Hooray, Pleasant Store,
electric lighted.
i'onie and see us.
6eo. H.Enzian
North First Street. Lchightnn
Robt. N. Anthony
Successor to J. F. Hex, Eust Wclsspoit.)
Furniture, Flour & Feet
at tue Luttest l'rtres.
Give us a call. No trouble to show
M, J. Hartzell,
Whips, Fly Netts, Robes
And everything else tisunlly kept lu
nrst ciat.8 store or this Html.
Of all kinds attended to neatly, cheap
lyami Piomptry. rjpeciai attention
paid to the manufacture of Harness
to order.
Otllce I'ouiiT House Duilpiko,
Waucii Ciiiwk, Pa.
All business promptly attended to,
E. W. OIiAUSS, - Proprietor,
orr. l. v. DF.roT.
Excellent aceoianiodstlnn for permanent
and transient custom. The liar Is stocked
with Finest Liqnort and Clean.
ftttlieti Hons Star and Mfflltb
AW kinds of work In this line executed
frouiplly and at Ihe most reasonable prices,
atronage solicited and satisfaction susr
anteed, Stop on North Strkkt, above
the Carbon Bouse.
Estimates on All Kinds of Buildings
rheerfully furnished.
AU Kind of Building Material
at vsrnv town rmc I -..
Jlhaw's Old Maud.
1lre handle all the Daily nnd
Weekly Newspapers, Periodi
cnh.MagazineFathionllookB nnd sS'tory Papers, and we
Deliver them promptly at your
store, residence or office. Do
you get a papr 1 If not please
rtry us. Isesmett the news bureau
we linve a fine assortment of
Cigars. Tetoea Cifeellwer?.
rniils. Knls. Ttrjs and FaKy GMte
At the very Lowest l'ah I'rioes.
Ice Cream !
W have a oosy ptu-lur aud will treat
you oourtaouMly i'leaue eali
blose'b Old bund, - i-Hrst Street.
'OIHO 'VWIT 'Hoee BJado
'AVnrtlft'T "f 'AK ixu Xtii
JO MO ot a'-( prtin-t nixw AAinj mj l9SvnK
'a i tui innf
DmitiM niniexi innoia .innj imiimja oauti r
1iijpiitb ntraXffptmitit inq imnj, JitoA Xmim. jou v l 'J" VVP l"
Amit itfUAOii 'iwiqiti, jnoC ii n Wl im i 'put ijm inoiqj pm Jf
Bit oq.oj iMiaTpmi Xistmnl km no ijt 'nnflX "1uI in pr
io as i
am m-M k HHiiMafi : oj i rot i. aiij omo a nx
for M31U.VW
in i ha mi tMJiti
-W4ll.t llin I -.1W1 WrMll 1
uill itt
pOA.).u 1 'li'lTtn OiiunqoxJdJIAlx
Idas t jh nii dmOM :NiKHHaD : 'OQ
qaire 'oiiwrtT 'flHOt AVr K 'IT
POah jslV(l f) 11) piiif fvj nvA Ap 4MM) J'lJ
Bip'Ui" pinn j jo :uiui oj sun
Ap V M.l.iHiptl BUM,1 J IWilillHUlH Hill t1' M
Bin,. 3 ia I Mill i -)i joj u.ifta tio.C VittM
pinum If fJUIIUJ pild -l'.BI UtIUTKl1 JUJ
jo osn oqi Aq pojno
uooq OAttl) OlIM
Ml V
Wall Papers,
C- A. G -
S -Tk -CSaV X US"ll)s'JliUoiUii fminil in-' , u im ii-.
B 11 sx a -iln iujiii AU1 XluinnulnMii us i n .11..11
A. Sell & Co.,
lied of (J i-sfTu UotibC, lrtu bliert.
CA u.t Or all IVirpmi lined out at vnrj
We have a Very
We have only llrst chis niillitiers ami we do the very best work ami ilellver
goods jhen promised. Don't forKot to come anil see us before you buy.
Miss Alvema Graver,
m Main Street. Bath, Vi.
D,..w.v ufMMK. Mondays.
.i triii, swii IIoiRi,Tsaiiavs.
VT nir" ami SATiiaoaVs.
Offlc tloura-Frooi a. lu. to p. w. irseMw
liulted tu diseases oi the
Eye.Ear, Nose & Throat
ti-Also, Helractlonottlta E)s orUesdJuit
rsentolKlaases. THE CARBON HOUSE,
Henry DrunVbore, Prop'r,
Tli Oarboa llouae lias been ''"V."!', "!
luMutad Ihruushaul , It rlei'lrle llskled and
iXrlttUlitiTauul la :!!!-tUe BssAletrlsIll
Itala ssetloa I l.f SUU'. Tne (iwuae ui inr
uerraaneut sad Iraiialsul eusloiu Ckarsva
rT!.Tr..r i i.ninr. l-raliUMeritnd Furwt
sad CKarf CUpms. tor sls l tUe jMjr. f
W. M. Rapahar,
Kin Otwr staws llw Hmalan llouae,
MAU01I CUUSK, - - - P'A
.leal KataU sad (VMectluu Atncf. WIU Bu
ud Sail Mai ilstata. CVntryauellul neatly doue.
'iliXiTprcSSy mad..' HsaWng KsU-s oJ
IMedaaU a siveuODr. Hay Ui amaultsd 1
2ualliaii4Uerauui a""
F. I. SMITH, D. D. S
Oaks uatuaslte IbaOtiers llouaa
Iknk Street, .eh I ton, I'a.
inilUas aod ssakiiiK ailinelal drolur a n-, ul
ty Unal aiirnttirtun u... d
teas adfnluUu-rrd nd lei-tli Klittti.l Vtl I ll
111 1 PAIN
orriOK HOUata -tfiwu m . I" i- m , lieu
1 p. ns., te s p. as truBi i ra , P, s p at.
Oooaautatteru la Bus 7 p or llMuui
Ossw'Bsurs at UssksiuaUak ion rturatr
sxruvn -
I TtflvSMtJ,l( f IT WHMppV"
noiiono Ann 'noun im 'KHMQ"! -innX jn waJInx
u n Jut 'A(iv. imj.iori,tt etijlliijom -Mi
inftHTTTj-tl mm ninaeTn woit ni xt '
1 p till ID JOlllJH WIT JOU jll
JIMU AtllKii Jn ,11 I JHUVIJ
wot tf M.JOM nqj PIP trj
JnoA jn iiitm mi JOj
'ITOiiruj umo SM'X
nirui pus
)4' A.
stT- -VOsansBsV
,r vjsa. -wax . s
s vu -cv sov rs
flP fevUgt Wt eutri'lJOTr 'onnmtox mi o-n Bin. L ' I M
0,B.9 pan 'Aiujnpl HMAipp iti" til.f
jr rjft-SlfiV 13, m in offitnurl tl 'iiTim nni , f i-sot j i
S A. ft,. ML t T GO' I E Hn jaulJlM'ttljilirl, ,m ,'ti-,m, - (
OO I C t
striox9HM lis A nttm
w t tiiiunuttj uf tniqHq imiqi
Ipx) pb'JJ 9ifliaoiunl jo
Un lujui haiS r.iuinnui
'simflvx tmno moo naivnoj
10 i-mi Din uo itoiinxiiuino t .rTTTTT
imuuti .im imuiiu mi in 1, 1 jur,t) jo uiid tii 1 11
fek Baatflty- ISVIO-iSSM IIS A( OISS JO( .Mil SABIHVX i?, I UN
Wi Mo. 3nr -ail-inrxJimiocMmani Xq wrn "i , i , -innF t., , i, i -,i
r 'M. -vi itiiniiinioj ill fniaHU imtnl in Am, ict,. : .1. . . , , i n 1 1 ,
siqEi P109 apuouo !
niniqut JHO jo mu.iiu mil pnnit f
timsmilfl.M Jtnoo hii oujiii Mi '', iiiiiji -J
All tho New aud Pretty
Fancies in NE AT
( an he found iu
at our toies ill
Weisiport and Lohisyhton.
We ocr'aitily 1 tA'er litul such
a Biti Atsnrtment before.
JBo sure to Come nnd
See Ua.
For the next few months the
great question of interior decor
ation and house painting will
he the leading consideration 01
property owner.?, hot us make
a suggestion for you. You want
the work done right; we can do
it for you at reasonable figures,
or we will sell you the wall
paper and decorations. Come
and see ; let us talk the matter
over and we know that wc can
please you.
Large Assortnu-nt of
llomf (limn umry tiock. Km lrii fttowr
tiuc Hvitow. telurr iumI iimm iW,
W.&T. Smith Co.
GstaslulMd 1SH. Oue of tha lausrat (Meat Rs
taldMfeiiad sad iMMtMuiotm Kurserlns in the
Seidcl's J3akery,
First s)u set, Lehltdtos, ou vrtll alaars lad
Freshsstawl Ut
Hye, Wheat mid Vienna Dread
Fredb Kvery I toy. Our Vicuna HrrW can nor
U5 e&cUHt. W rittvitu nullcii your trou
a, Wmtcb tor tit rifou.
Seidel's Vienna HuKery,
Lorn. obi-u', FiRttr vr., I.KliniMUlN. IA
JWliat shall stay
'say Scott's
cod liver oil
and soda lias cured us of consumption in its first
stages. Have you a cough or cold acute or leading
to consumption ? Make no delay but take
ttootfs BanWoB cures Coughs,
Colds, Consumption, Sorolula,
and all Anoemlo and Wasting
Diseases, Prevents wasting- In
children. Almost as palatable as
milk. Uet only tlie genuine. Prs
parad by ttoolt Downs, ChaeaMa, Mw
tork. Sold by aUSraKU.
iwil i
mit j
ivi.i. ,j
OHIO 'V'.i . i
ilri mmrinnn tii-r
UJ lVUifUad lllill
At A'pto pe-trrl mlnrirr
tmo on n,m nun a.T.rT' m -t e.
iMeq.uud 'iu-aa..ia?3a US1 J..
jo .iu SXSTHVX i!'
j A "it '
,diqd m
m tu
irnin r u,,,n i ',,) tt,r j ,ninr
a in "i a rut i i" 'i
Bogus !
Boerus white lead
would have no
sale did it not
afford makers a larger profit than
Strictly Pure White Lead.
The wise man is never persuaded to
buy paint that is said to be "just as
good" or " bettet" than
Strictly Pure
White Lead
The market Is flooded with spurious
white leads. The following analyses,
made by eminent chemists, of two oi
these misleading brands show the
exact proportion of genuine white lead
they contain :
Misletding Drsnd
"Standard Lead Co, Strictly Pure Whits
Lead. St. Louis."
Mull-rials rroDortlons Anstvred br
Barries 50 30 per cent. Ilegls eb&nvenet
oxide or zinc 31 is percent. sira..
Watte Lead 6 40 per ceuL St. Lords.
Less than 7 per cent, white lead.
Mleleidtnc Brand
" Pacific Warranted Pure A White Lead."
Msterisls Proportions Analysed 07
Bnlpbste nf Lead.,4 18 per cent. Lrdoux & Co.
Oilde ot Zinc 45 01 per cent. New York,
ltarytes 60 CS per cent.
No white lead In it.
Vou can avoid bogus lead by pur
chasing any of the following brands.
They are manufactured by the " Old
UUtcn process, ana arc inc sianuaiuai
"Atlantic" "Bradley"
"Brooklyn" " Jewett"
f "Ulster"
For sate by the most reliable dealers In
If you are going to paint, It will pay you
. . . ... Tn. a Knnb tantalnlnp Infarrna
Hon lhat may save you manya doflsri it will
ooly cost you a postal saiu w " "v.
1 Brofcdwty, New Votfc
Ladies, Read This!
A Wonderful Escape I
IVXX, SlAf-.,
fit nth no n ---I haw m ( n nu Itn aliil for
over fovt'ii years. At In t Kilmy
Trouble cau-fi cu tt n vaitViii",, jn my
in u ork
H f ii ii tl I a j
nil. 1 rulUx run down itnin diHciM' pe-
ciillar to in
to iny w x fa tli t ied hh,h u, BnJ
MFII UK A ilr. A
Mich tw only ilioto ltlli-ti-l at 1 its enn
Lmiu. I oiiiM'Il( tl to Kit tr Hi (Sou ii
all the time tn Muml uim.ii m ft-it for
tncnly iiiIiiu(m atu taue n h tor
ture tllllrilluilll. The 'I KHKHILK
would M-ud bii li u fi rlUii tu ni) brain (list
I would 1 rf ni r aliuuxt l
NVMl. M txlEML? n.-ivt.n, m m
iiinueukiiitd tintUthe .SMtsUITlIKT
ISitHSId vuld nearly
l!EI i; Hli V I I, I).
A NtTioiiH lloailHcln whs my
i-on"tuut W-'imnt. 1 tn. d tta vjiIuuh
timoiind( vii v and I'ltwt-riii
tloiiN m iiHit-U
11 6
Ii) 'it-Ian at
hut ohinlut d uo relief,
last Utld im
I U Ml (JET Will.
iMt M.irtU I k'ot u iKJttlr ot U N AM
S.UtS.U'dUtllXA. I tnouht thr limt
IfOitlf blip I in C?0 '''I ' a
little-. Ilmve UUKt:&u..l itlno
hotllH4 ot HAKSAl'AHH.I.A und f..ur
ttoltlesof DANA'S MVIJl MUSKY
VILLh, mill llul me( hIIi to
lo nil Hi r liaril orlt Inn I'aiit
lly ol four.
i aii M:itisV ivriii,.
fun htuml iitoii my ivvt mitl
lwirlt all ilny wltlioiit HiiHr
litK ol alone knows how grateful J
sui. I wUh all iull4trlug u I wti Icuew
of our tJrcut Komi'ily.
Your truly,
Mits. iii:m;n k. sklikn'.
To me Nur.wrv Stock. Wesrow all tb? bMt
bttH niriHtUfs, M aiut uw. repute all atoek
tliut dU-t. Aitd uuAritoLMe latlaftsvetlou. HlaluMt
aalary ocoinnuaiou ualdfioiu tha atari. Write
K. lioukrrAi., Nuaerimen,
lt.tflMatr. N. V
Katabltsbad liSS.
IscurporaUMl lear
The underaiMiiea! offers si I'titste Sale
lbs lolloH lug stlicles
One lllaU hum Crusher. 100 Tan
One lit It. I. Koala and Holler.
A Tails of rinses awl Tools sttluUa
(or llnad making. Apply to
w. ii. HKiiKit, ll array, ra.
That dreaded and dreadful tliseasel-
its ravages? Tliomands
Emulsion of pure Norwegian
and hypophosphites of lime
"Wnst, rretlrl -sbsr With that hwira slln
XhA balr pal brSwnf tW eaask too thleu
uraf syss rarserear wam hire it so
That's ns rood Dointi but mttr imh
AM ntse In tan weald pass bar by ."
"faith, man, I'd bo tlx tenth," asoth L
"Olerert not sb.1 Do what yon list
She's tbo doll dog that licks jour isti
ur only olerar to ulrlns
A man's least 111 br the leaftt tbm
Llks nature, suothe, one knows not wli"
'Hero's senlus past all wit," quota 1,
"Butcwtdf Parbleu! by thowealm looks
She's learned la hymns and ouokary books
.Made ror a spinster, wiioee poor pains
swell the arsat world's teneral Buins.
Uncoonted, as ths yeArs run by."
"Xuver, If lore wins lovel" thought 1.
ljora ll. Ouodalo la lluuiumar.
An Idyl uf tho Hiinsliliie,
Tlie girl was fair. Soft blue h ores
as tha skim, aud pink and white her
cheeks as the mountain peaks at sunrise,
and K14n light her liair as the moon
light air.
Ah, sho was very fair.
Uncrowned save by her tossing tresses.
sho stood facing the oast, and thu sun
came and kissed her.
Kissed her long and lovingly.
tier mother saw her there and called
to her.
"Let me linger here, dear mother,"
pleaded the fair being. "TUe air is so
sweet, the fragrance of the flower, so
rich, Tlie skies above mo aro so tenderly
blue, and, mother dear, I feel as If 1
were a little queen standing here In tho
glorious reign of the sun."
Ihe mother appeared at the door.
"Fudge!" she exclaimed. "You ought
to have sense enough to come in out of
that Bert of a reign. Don't you know
you'll be freckled worse than a turkey
And a heavy black cloud rose tip and
swlpod the sun across the face. Detroit
Free Press,
New York Versus Chicago.
A funny outciuMring of Chieniro'a am
bition is the ructico uf the juipers of al
ways reftrrnigtothi'cityns "New York.
K. V." It just tickles a Chicago man to
pretend no one would kuow which
New York wns uirint unless tho abbre
viation of tlie stute was giten, New
York Tribune.
The motto "n Vluribus ITnum" was
taken ftuiu tho title page of Tho Gentle
man's Ms-rarine, at the time uf tho Kavo
lution having a large cin.uUtiou in tht
1'ltllM I'ltllCNK 111 VltirNII
Goes Ihe storv of the excellence of llhoil's
nsrsspaiuia ami mm it nas acciiiuiuisiieu.
ami llil is tne stroniesi advertising wiuimi
is tlnne on liflialf n tills ineilicilip.
enileavor to tell honestly what Hood's
Sarsapaillla Is and nlist it will do, hut
what it has clone is far tnoie important
and far raftre potent. Its unennstled re
crrd os cores is sure to convince these who
havenpver liiM Hood's Sarsajiarlha Dial
it 13 ait excellent meillctne
Forest fires in this country destroy
every year $12,000 worth of timber.
Tiles of pi op!e have piles, but De Wilt's
Witch llazle halie will cure mcni. i. u
A dash of saltpetre in the water
keeps cut Doners fresh.
It is truth iu medicine the sma'.lest dosi
that performs a euro is tlie bent. lleWlit'i
Little Karlv itlscrs ure tlie smallest nil.!
will perform the cuie, and are the beau
Thomas, uruf.nisi.
It scares a mini who bus done wrong
to bo told that he has an exprcslve
In Jujian women work a stovedjres.
ine mosi iiueuiKcui irnc u, uui ,,.,
munlly reeognlze Iu DeWltt's I.lltle Early
Hl... lll. r ,nnrlt fnr ,!eniIil
headache and con'tlpallou. Ye,rv small,
perfect in action, Thomas, DrurjRest.
A C8-year-ld resident of Irfaven-
worth, Kansas, is cutting a new tooth.
Iluekleu'a Arnlea 8aUe.
The hpst siilve In the world fur Cut. Itrulws,
Mores, Ulcers, Salt ICIieum, l-'etcr Mores, 'Inter,
I'lupiH-d llAtids, clilllilaniN Comes, and all hkln
r.riiii Hills, niiu ihjihivcij vuirs I V, ,IU
rMinlr.1. It u uiiHruiiled In die tierlei't Aatls
laitlon, or money relumled. Price as cents per
tinx. r or sail liy neper lenitfiiinii; anu uier)
One ungrateful man does an Injury
to all who stand In aid of need.
Tho Hostou NUr
and how to deal with them, and other vat
liable medical Information, will be found
in llr. Kaufmsnn's creat Medical Work
elecant colored plates. Send three 2 cent
stcmps to pay postage ta A. r. Ordwsy d.
Co., Bostun, Jass.,aud receive a copy free.
llase ball is one business which can't
nourish without strikes.
The wind from the North blows shsrp
and keen, and bad effects oi colds are seen.
One Minnie Couth Cure so safe and sure,
will quickly perform a wonderous cure, T
Idle men do not think; theyonly
The breaking up of the wlnier Is the
signal for the breaking up of the sjsleni
Nature Is openiuc up the pores and throw
ing olf refuse. DeWltt's Ssrsapsrills Is of
unquestionable assistance In this oper
ation. Thomas, Druceist.
Had complecxlon Inilleatss an unbealthy
state of the system, DeWltt's LnllJ Earl;
Itlsers sre pills that will correct this condi
tion. They act on the liver, Iheyacton
the stomach, they set on tlie bonds. T.
D. Thomas, Druggist.
Make your mlstakeai all teach you
Hon. W. V. Lucas, Ki Stste Auditor of
lows sart: "1 have used ChimduiUlu'i
Cough liemedy In my family sr.d have bo
hesitation lu ssylng Ihst it Is su exrelleut
retnwly. I believe all that is claimed for
ll. Prisons alllleleb by a cough or a cold
will flud it a friend." 1 here Is no danger
front whooplug cough wbeu this reined)
Is freely given. 26 snd 60 rent bottles for
sale at Tirbrr's Ililghluii and liiery's
Snliscrllie for the AprooATE.
J. II. H'llsoo, 811 Clav St., SLsrpsburg,
ra., says hs will not be without llr. King's
New DIsesvery for Consumption, Ooushs
and Colds, that It cured his wife who was
threatened with . Pneumonia after sn at-1
tsek of " Orippe," li larlous other
remedies and several physicians had dose
her do good. Itobert Carber, of Cooks
port, Ta., clslme Dr. King's -New Disco?
rv ia done hlut tuoreawid tlsau stillWov
Mie tver lueal for I,uug TrtwMs. Noll,i
ilkSlU rreu iriai i,u,,,e ,,i .mms;
Siors, Irftlilslitou, sul liiery's DmgiHoru,
WelMpiHt. Maris boitlsis, ffle. sad ll.Oi.
Too' many folks ure line talk and bad
Tlwre will be sellout Itenbls If soudon I
ivereows these dvspeptle svuiotoaie.
Hood's aaraauarilla la Itw losdtclue jou
Tl. followlos lleai. clipped from' tl t
Vadlsou (lows) Daaoocial, coiilAliis In
rualtou well worth lenjvinbsrliic: "
John Koth, of Ibis city, who umi with
aec Ideal a few days ao, tpntuluc and
tsrulsliMi his le sad srui quits severely,
nas cured by en 6 oeiit bottle of team
bertelu's Paia Balm " This reioedy; ,a
without so mjusI for sprains sad brats t
and ahuuld have a plai e Id every nous- -hold
for sale tiy Htery Welssp .: I ni
Keber, lblilli'on. .
I feel it ui. ilu-i ...My a lew woids ir
refterd to Ki's I rt-rolalru, snd I do so
eulir'K wUtinu' -.I'lull-in. 1 have It
ttkore or leas hairs yeai. sn-1 bavi- louo.l it
io be suost a lunrab I Uavi i.iirliTel
frcilll catarrh f It., Wurst kind evi mikv 1
was a little boy ai.o I imp, i i n,
hu1 ('leant Bslut sm-ui, in ilu ev.ti lliat
Sfauy of ruv aoejQaUMiabtrw Uav ud Sltb
excellent results Oseai Ostrusi, 46 War
ns Ay., CbleaioSUl.
Makes an evtry-day conTtnlence of an
old-time Itixury. Pure and wholejomi
I'repafed with scrupulous care. Hlghe t
award at all Pure Food Exposition j. Eaib
package makes two large pleJ. Avn 1
Imitations and Insist on having I
NONE SUCH brand,
MUHRELL & SOULE, Syracuse, N.
Dlllousnoso, Dyspopola, a
X Indigostlon, Dlsoaaoo of 1
9 ttin Ulrlnnua Tnrnlfl I lunr I
!itnuuiiiuiissiii asi4iiii7cit a
Sick Hoatiacho, Loss off
Appotlto,Jaurtclico,Erup Y
tlons and Skin Dlooasos. f
rrks 25e. ?r totlls, Sail ty sU finftiitl.
unit, J0H1S0I S IOCS, Pr.pi-. rll.I.D. Tl.
Sold by V. P. Dlerv
Bid He4elie and rellrs M tha trmiblu fuel
fleet to ftbillom stKteof the yitn, tush u
lluioM, iNfctjBe, UrowBlnotM, DUti-M altar
catiog.l'alala tha SIJ. 4a. Whil theirmoat
rtWeUeMLlla tuccosifl btva ixxm atuTwa la cuxis, 4
lIUfAitha, ytii Carter littlo Llrer TIM art
cqmlly Taluftble In Conatl patios, curing audpro
TGQlUig thlaaniio7lBffcoiuplatQt,whlla thejalia
cornet all diaordara of tha atomachrttlmulala tha
liTcr and rogaUts tho boweU. Eran If tha j only
mutter from t Ui diatreBilog complaint; but forta
Sttelj thelrgoodoaadoM noteod herand thoaa
whooncatrytham will find theae little pUlanln
sble In aomaor vara that thejr will not ba wtl
ilULStodowUlioattheza. Dut after alialct hea4
flatbabanaof o many Urea that her Is what
we mite our great boait. OurplUacoraitwhlla
Others do not
Carter'a Little Llrer Pills art) Tery mall ami
very easy to take. OneortwoplUamakaadoea.
They are atrlctly TeRatabla and do not gripe or
purge, bat by their gentle action plena all wha
tine tbem. lnTialaat28centai flvafor$l. floU
ty drueglata everjwheye, ot tent by mall.
ot mronoaiion ana rree nanauoov wnn la
tDIJeat bureau for awurlng patenta InAmcrlc.
Kvry patent taksn t nt hj us Is tiroupht befnrs
tha puiiiio ty a notice given freo ot chaige iu tho
$jctcnftic teira
Larepit drrnUtlnn of any rlentlflo paper In tha
world, bl'loutlidlr illumtratoU. iSo iiitcllmeut
man ehonia be without tt. Weekly. S3.U0 a
reari fl Utalz montbe. Address AlrNN k CO
X'lJlJLsuiiaUlJliviMiwaruw V talc City.
lit GREASE r Tilr. woni.s.
Jlsw-i ' utilUiM.r.unsurptued.aotualls'
eiiUimtio - iw t b. s . "r mr i 'net braod. tlos
Utul i.y ti.ut 1 IlItUlt-NtlMi,
F0B8AU uriiEAU'
I, a UeUataM.havnwswa 11 w
aa itsr it tuv riv J
ahLuiu. tVvc. sVsr. a
ut tx. laflmrtociiCT.
A farm altiiatcil In lowitmensiu? I mn lp,
DariMtit ci mut i, Vn.. nimut tu mitt -1 m Wi
purl, on ruMtl ItMiUIng Umh aii ilat v v Kn-Ki;
vllle cuiitajbtug upwmda t i( at n-- ul i
laud jltu gitod runuliiu aprmie iumr nil mo
ec rnuiiif, and wiib ull iiHfart oiitbtiiniu i
roMurieliui a TWO MluUV Hi a Mi. DWtl
UNO I101'8E1Ik24 U-tt, mIUi hhiukKkIl t . ..
a frame bauk baru mu ft. nIikU A
fact ud all istlifr utHrrMHit oul build int.
lVrma olaitle will be niiuU kuowi. i-n.
JiUIN litlttn,
tf. lUniiv I'a.
Executor's Notice.
Katatof J4WKPII I' KEX.Iatcof Fank
Jin Townalilp, .'aiboo touulj. It deoanea.
Jill IMTtopa ludVbiftl U aald ftMi- an re
uuttated to mukf Uiniifuite pa) incut, and in.o
hailnsr Istaraal t iisinia aitiSlisall till- Hull is- Mill It
Mitt without drla hi Jrnf w121" Jur '-ftt
UMai 10 ilBiin wirB.ruiiiitii
Aprl(4tft Wf ituptiri, I a,
A iwwilr nuwtlon betore Ilia
ient)l Just now is Fiblnug
Twilils, flits Is iwrtiuuluil; o
nitli llius wlm Hud a pleasure
in autftuis; fW tits flnuy tribe
Wbvre tu nl the heat Ui kel t
also a KrilsaliiK ijusatit'il tu
you Imt tint to ui, for we tisx e
it ritflit tin e ths very bint at
tlie luMeit juirt'h -.tlie bams
litttsti h-iIihi u m liny fur a
artlolrolM aIk iu Wewautjuu
to couif ami exmuiue our nsw
Hue ut r-'i-itiiiiK 'I'tuikel, tiefoie
j mi nu !-, It. i , li.r we know
Hint ki' ,mi roil inuue;
Tllut l uliut li
Ouiue ai. 1 sae na
BIERY, The Druggist,
flsKNttTS. It
t-SrVT Entirely i
Sclcntlflo American