Um a larger circulation than any other uaws paper prtuted In Carbon oonuty, con sequently It in the hmt medium for adver Users. Our news columns sparkle with the oocuirenee of tire dayolern, sploy, interest lug, briht and independent. Our editorials are original and will be worth reading on aoctmnt of their spirit which Is independent of outside dictation. Out price is one dollar-a year. Just you try It Is a specialty at our Job Printing Utilise iu Snyder's Block, east side of the Lehigh liridge. Envelopes, Note uud Letter Paper, Pbainplete, Order Uooks, Vouuhers, Tags and all kinds of Pic Xlc,lloiae aud bale 1!U1. We do alt work neatly, cheaply aud cleanly. Do you need anything iu this line! tlieu call aud see us, or write us u postal curd and we will be at your service, ....-. 'IN'DIiPENDENT"-"UVE AND LET LIVE." Lohighton, Carbon Oonnty, Ponna. June 10 L893 $1.00 a Year in Advano VOL XXI. No. 30 - HAVE YOU READ THE ADVOCATE THIS WEEK ? THE LARGEST $1.00 PAPER IN THE COUNTY. - WM guru DHU11HAL CHEiPGASH STORE What we want to impress on the minds of our patrons is that nnr assortment of Parasols and Sun Umbrellas can not be equalled by any bouse in this Valley lor variety 01 siyies mm lowncss in prices. Fans, Pans, Fans, Fans, from the lc. fan to the finest irftllZP. Kid Gloves in Slates. Tnns ai.d Black, in several grades. The best kid gloves are war ranted under fair usage. , Corsets in White, Black Scar let and Slates. Ladies Gauze Underwear in all grades; an elegant assort ment ; all sizes. 'Hosierv of almost every ties cription; all the latest colorings for children. Our stock has Wen larrrer bv far this season than tnat of any other and the prices will be foutid lower. We claim to- be and are the largest house of its kind and consequently can sell below all competitors. J. T. NUSBAUM, nut Street, between South and Hum Streets, Wanton, pa. Disastrous Tire in a Thriving North Dakota Town. LOSS FULLY TWO MILLION DOLLARS NEWSY OCCURRENCES. I.OO At, HATTKKS OF MOllE lilt IKSS lMPOItTAMOB. TEACUKKH- EXAMINATION. The Carbon County Teachers Examinations will be held as follows. Liaiistord.June 19. wueMnlu.. for 'Mauch Chuuk Township, JUW8hton, lor Uhlghton and Packerlon. '"velssport, (or Welssport and rarryvllle June 23. . . Mauch Chunk, June SI. East MaucUUIiunK, June M. Frauklln Independent district, June 2., BelVeV&adr.Ior Bank, Tonslp. June iludsondale, lor Packer Township, July 31. Kockport, lor Ielilgt- and Lausane lov.usi.lp, iftrnfeir, lor Kidder Totvnshly and East Side Al1eala2i.t Corner, for Mabonins Township. AA9hnJld, for East Penn Township. August 8, Millport, lor Lower ToaineiislnK township Abren?le9f8Tiile School, lor Upper Tow aniens! tig Township, August 10. . .r Furnace bchool, tor FraukUo Township, Aug ust 11. Stony Creek Bchool, for fnu Forest lown- All applicants must be examined in the dis trict In n hlch they Intend to teach. ISo cert n cate will be granted to any person under six teen years of age. Examinations begin at half past elKhL Directors me heartily United to A. b. Belsel, Co Supt. elect Over Two Hnndrd Honsci Destroy! ftrnl TwelTS Hundred PopU Blade Home Uii Th Flr Crones the Itlver to Moorhsnd, nutroylng Tral DatldlDff FAltao, N. D . Juno 8. During a heavy wind fire broke out at 2 o'clock yesterday tfternoon, and burned for twelve hour, destroying over 200 business houses and residences, making over 1,800 people home less, and causing a loss estimated at fully 13,000.000. The burned district comprise the business portion of the town and is bounded by the "Western Union Telegraph office. Headquarters hotel and Northern Pacific depot.thenoe tothe GreatNotthern depot and along the line of the Great Northern railway to Red river. The principal business street of the city lies within the district burned, and the finest business blocks are In ashes. In that part of the city there were also many res idences, and these went down before the flames. Most of Ihe buildings In that part of the city were frame structures, and these of fered small resistance before the rush of flames sent agalnnt them by the gale that was blowing at the rate of thirty miles an hour: The fire burned alt the buildings along the river front The bridges between Moorhead and Fargo have been burned, and all telegraphic communication In cut off, -Assistance arrived at the scene from Grand Forks. Dulnth and Crookston were asked for help. The fire departments of the latter towns, however, arrived too late to be of assistance, as they were obliged to reach the scene by urn Ming a long uetour, crossing the lied river at East Grand Forks. A strong wind made the Are burn so quickly that nothing was saved. The flames went through brick buildings as easily as frame ones. The Are started in a stable and spread with awful rapidity. Among the principal firms burned out are i Ilerseman, dry goods; urane's res taurant: Maglll, farm machinery; North era Pacific elevator buildings; Western Union Tel eeranh office: Morton, real es tate; Red River Valley National bank; Daily Forum (newspaper); aierciiams State bank; Opera house; E. S. Tyler, real estate; Mlnuesota Chief (newspaper); Deer Inir Si Deer. Implement nouses; uole liv ery; Vinson's restaurant; Grand hotel; Fleming's drug store; Veder & Iewls, arocerv: Chrlstlauson'8 drug store; biiert- dan hotel; Appel Bros., Minneapolis Goods company; Logan's studio; Ames Iron works; Centennial House; Van Brunt's Implement warehouse. Moorehead people threw open their hotels and houses for the people who have been suddenly made homeless. James J. Hill telegraphed from St, Paul ordering the Immediate opening ol the uranu Pacific hotel for the use of the homeless. Many firemen have been Injured, some seriously, but no names cau be secured owing to the confusion which reigns everv where. The fire unwed the river to the Moor head side at the Fargo Rolling mill which wasdestroyed with aeveral other buildings. The CosuiouoUtau for July With the third part of Omega,1 the work of the French astronomer Flainarlon, which ap pears in The Cosmopolitan for July, the reader Is able to grasp something of (he great purpose of the author. Omega" Is declared by those who have read the entire work to be one of the most remarkable writings of the century. Whllepretendlngtobe a nevel, it. Is a work Loving a deeply philosophical purpose, as is more fully developed In later chapters. It Is something that uo fairly Intelligent persou can afford not to read, aud Is surely destined to be come a classic. In a recent number of The Cosmopolitan a story was published entitled "The House of the Dragons," which receded wide criticism because of the Importance olthe Importance of the life proMt-ma involved, A iliiohtr of UNhrm Potter, who was for fcOine time connected with Tniportaut mission work u mong the working glrlsefMsw York, has un dertaken to reply, aud discusses another side UI me quesuuu iu lutJ efuijr umuwci. miri Bltn urMolM CM .he IlilV fit UrOOkMIl. LlV Mural ll<tftjl' the frames of the New Mexico Indians, Dy Unas. F, Lummls, ''Sorosls," by Margaret uauton Merrill, me ngui ui iite Cum berland and Merrimac, told by I'-apt. 'thus, Mlfrldi7ft. one of Hie survhors:u oabef Oil" the Deierted Homes -of ivw fc.Dgl.tJil;" au urcount ol the Brussels Monetary uouierruce, byoueuf us most aistlnguiaed members a curious Htorj OI luO soutuwem UJ m-au, auu u rumuu- Hon by Mr, Howellsard umoug themau) Impor tant papers of the June Issue Prlnrt KulalU at Chlesgo. CHICAGO. June 7. Our royal visitor, Princess Eulalia, of Spain, arrived at noon yesterday and was given an enthusiastic greeting, the route from the depot tothe Palmsr House being densely thronged. This mornlmi the nrinceas took breakfant with Mayor Harrison, being escorted to and from the mayor's uouse by two troop. si cavalry. Chicago. June i Today Eulalia vis ited the fair for the nrst time, aim was en ttrtalned at a breakfast by the expoaitlmi officials. Her reception was elaborate In the extreme, everything and everybody connected with the big show being gayly decorated for the occasion, bhe was rs corted to aud from the grounds by a mil ltary guard of honor, aud her pathway from the carriage to the Administration building was cotered with a carpet ol pausies. The llorden Murdsr Trial. New Bedford, Mass., June 1 The ease of the government In the trial of Llsale Borden for the murder of her parents was formally opened yesterday by Mr. Moody la a strong argument he reviewed the vents leading to the tragedy, dwelt at length upon Miss Burden's hatred of her stepmother, and asserted that no one else could possibly have committed the crime at that hour of the day. At thecouclurdoii of Mr Moody's address Miss Borden fell back In a faint. Niw BKuroHp, JuneS Iu the Borden trial yesterday Bridget Sullivan, the ser vant girl, was the mot Important wltueaa According to her testimony auybody could bave entered the house wit bout her kuowl edge, and she asserted that the family re latlons weic not unpleasant. IVtiotvial ttxpultloii uf lltrew. Vienna, June t. The tmttre b.1y the Jewish mideuU of Luulurif. lim Uebenthal and KMultelkenthal, throe .i the most populous suburbs ol lMeu have been expelled from the oountry a short notices To Call an Extra Session. Washington, June fl. The president aid last evening In reply to a direct ques tion by a representative of the United Press that he intended to call an extra session of congress not earlier than the first nor later than the 15th of September, unless unexpected contingencies should necessitated an earlier meeting, the pres ident urges the necessity for action by the national lawmakers to prevent the large exports of gold, and calls attention to the dangers that threaten our industries. from the enforced ptircuase or Biiver million un der the Sherraau act. n re wars' View of Prohibition. Chicago, June a The thirty-third an nual convent lou of the United States Brewers association is Iu session here. The vigllauce committee's report says that in the atate of Iowa the prohibition law is regularly evaded, and that the dealers pay no flnea for violating it. It says that the repeal of the prohibition law In this state may be looKeu lor. m Kansas, the report says. Governor LewelUng is sustaining thr prohibition law with great stringency, it is asserted that the same condition ol things as In Iowa prevails in Maine. PROHIBITION CANDIDATES. n. T, Ames for Supreme J4f and a S. Kent fv State Tveasnre. HARRiBBtTRa. JuneB. LeeM. Qrumblne, of-Lebanon. was chosen temporary chair man or the Prohibition state convention, and made a speech In which he denounced the dallv ureas as the "paramour oz the sa loon." The permanent chairman chosen yr&y Dr. Samuel Daggy, ot fuuaaeipnia After the appointment of the usual com mittees the convention adjourned for twe hours. On reassembling the report of the committee ou platform was adopted a read. The rdatform reaffirms the urlncl Dies contained In the national platform" for years past, declares unqualifiedly fur woman suiirage, oppose appropriation' of public funds for sectarian schools, de mands strict enforcement of Sabbath ob aervance and the repeal of laws legalizing the liquor traffic It has this to say of the leading political parties: "We charge the Republican and Democratic parties with direct complicity with the liquor Interest ) of this commonwealth, and by aiding and abetting the same In Its demand for legal recognition and protection by the repeal of the local prohibitory laws, laws protect ing the sabbath ana intended lor tue aa vancement of morality, peace and good order of the citizens or the commonwealth We charge them, 'In their complicity with the llauor Interests, with the marked in crease of lawlessness, druukenneas and crime, the disregard of the Sabbath and of existing laws tending to preserve sobriety aud morality of the citizens, witu impoa lug upon the sober and Industrious lu creased burdens of taxation necessary to support the Inmates of crowded alms- nouses, Insane asylums, prisons ana other reformatory institutions, the Immediate product of legalized drink traffic, that they may receive the support ot tnoe engaged In the traffic at the ballot box." The work of nominating candidates for state offices was quickly accomplished, the uomlnees being! For supreme judge, H. T. Ames of Williams port; lor state treasurer, J. &. Kent of Delaware, Uoth candidates ac cepted in brief speeches, and the conven tlon adjourned, rne state com mil tee sub sequently re-eiecied unairmau rauou. WALP'S EAGLE STORE. 1ST Job few word, we iletlre to rail HT to your notice a very important t3L. faet It U till. We have ae tar large and flue aline of geueral re fctore goods a, you will tluil any. fjT where. Come and eee ua, let u aliow you our good, and tell you JtJ what our prise are. We delirer "TQ good, anywhere promptly aud"l without eitra charge whatever fcl to the purchuer. Dou't pay bit; ,it price but ooine and oe ua Robert Walp Pint itreet, Op. Round Hon. Wlmt Him OctntKl In hl. City HurltiR llm Week r.rtln.nllr KpHomlleil lr '" Blwl.l lieliuu.n. Toilet paper at Babel's. Fine teams for all purposes at tho South Knd Livery. Fiuo toilet paper atOabel's. All kinds of books and flnestation eiy at Luckenbach's, .Maucli Chunk. Full Hue of Itigrnln nud Brussels oarpets at Henry Schwarte's. Kaier's Itoot Ileer Kxtract Tho Purest. Just make It a poiut to see David Kbbert when you wnutnteani for busi ness or pleasure. Lowest prices. The original Root lleer Extract is ltaser's. Window and door screens in big assortment at Qabel's Lahighten. Rye Whiskey, $10 per gallon Martin's Liquor Store, ilauch Chunk. llaby coaches from $G upwards at (label's Hardware store. Raser's Root lloer superior to nil others. Fifty rolls of chicken wire just received at Oabel's. It will be sold by the yard or roll at low prices. Rank teller Henry J. Ilretney is having Ids Third street residence nicely painted by Frank Wolnland, E. H. Sleru and family ot "First Street wlll'soou take up a residence In Allentown Mr.Stern having a position as operator at the.Eust Penn station ot tho P. & It. Charles Xauder, of Fourth street, is out again after a long Illness with la grippe. The Lehlghtou Hosiery Mill will shut down for two weeks during July In order to give their employees a well deserved holiday. Contractor Eil Christ man will build duelling houses for Nathan I Inapt and for James Klotz, The annual commencement exor cises of the seventeen graduates of our high school will be held lu the Opera House on the evening of Friday, the i!3rd instant. Mrs. Chas. Raddltz, of the t. w is canvassing for "Sparks from the Camp Fire," a well-written book ot war times. During her first week's work she dis posed of 25 books. Miss Alvenia Graver has returned from Philadelphia with another large Hue of the newest aud prettiest effects in summer millinery goods. Ladles in town and county should see her uew goods before they make pnrchares. Dr. J, O, Zeru has the editor's thauks for a copy ot the Omaha Daily Hoe, of the 1st instant, containing a lull account of the session of the National Railway Surgeon's convention at which himself and Dr. W. W. Reber are in attendance. Miss Clara Ault gave a very pleas ant private supper nt the Mansion House on Thursday evening to these friends Misses Irene Fenstermacher, and AnzleJMontz and Prof. a. E. Qray and Allen Peters. The alfair was recherche and much enjoyed by the guests present. Edwin Hontz is nursingtwo fingers on his right hand that he recently had badly mashed between two cars on the alley railroad by whom ilr. Hontz is employed as a brakeman on No. 190 Slatlngtou night shift. The Lehighton Tennis Club are preparing for indulgence in this ex onerating sport this season. Courts will he erected ou their nicely situated groundsou Alum street. Tho club has membership of nineteen. Ed (Joinery is president; Miss Gertie I Torn, Is secre tary, aud Pert Gomery keeps the ex-chequeor. When the addition now bulldiuir to Kruin Jc Kistler'n store ou tho cor ner of Second and Alum street. Is com pleted, this enterprising firm will have one of the largest and most convenient store rooms In Lehlghtou, The room will measure 72 feet In depth aud have all the the conveniences. Everitt Jt Honcoen, contractors and builders. nave tne woik in charge. C. O, Shlrerand W. A. Peters who recently purchased ! feet of ground on Third street, near Alum, for ?1,250. win erect for themselves pretty rest donees. Mr. Peters hasalready broken ground forthis purose nud XrShlrer expects to follow suit in the very near tliture. It is also said that the owners of the other two adjoining lots, Mrs. I'haon Clausa and Sallle aud Emma Clauss will this summer erect cozy homes. The residence of Attorney T. A Snyder, now undergoing many iin portant luternal improvements, when completed, will be one of the most convenient and commodious residences iu Lehlghtou. All the modern con veniences have been added with the very latest sanitary Improvements. The residence contains eighteen large rooms to he used by Mr. Snyder aud family for oHlce aud living purposes. llolh.r and Son In JnlL Phiusiltuu. Jam 8. John Oormley and hi. nioth.r. wh ruKU at 1724 Nor wood ttrecf. were oommHtad to prloit without ball br MsiUtrato lloula awut in. rttult or tbe Injurl. ot iiwoi IIlnM, who Um in tha German hospital in a dangerous oondltlon aaff.rlnK from atat wound. Uurinley atatea that wh.u nr returned home he louad ilmea la M mother'a room. Worda led to blow, and Oormley attacked Hlnei with a pair of aueeors ana nnauy Kuoeeea hint eeuele' by striking- mm on the bead with a broki chair. Watehora Aaala Faet.rr laipeetur. nannitstJRO, June. The governor haa made the follewiac ap)ioliitraanta: En.i burn Reader, New Uope, Batka oounty, tc be dairy and food eommlitloner under the etata board nf agriculture; Christopher 11. Ilejdrlek o( Venango, Nornjau'lIaU l Mereer, George A- Jeaka ( Jefferaoo. George Outhrie of Allegheny and W i!ore Roae ot Cantbrta. to be eommle alouera to select a site for the erection uf an uulUutlou for the feeble mtaded ohll drau of weatera PenaiylraBlai Rober. Watehora, to be faatory tntpeetor. PERSONAL MENTION. WIFE & MONEY MISSING. A Snap Ahot Camrra mtrlie. Those Wltn CnmeniKi On Atnone; Their Friend In Lively l,lttttiton. . .Misses Emma and Carrie Peters the guests of Allentown friends on Wednesday. . .Mrs. H. V. Morthlmer, Jr., of llank- way, is vlsitlug her parents nt Bethlehem. . Miss Nora Clark, of Iirlsiol, where she taught a suscessfnl term In the public school, is visit Iuk h r sister Miss Auule. ..Otto Dittmar and wife, of llnnk- way, were guests of llazletou friends over Sunday. ..Hugh MoAnlffe, Harry Graver Warren Straussberger, Charles Klein, top and Elwood Thlfer bicycled to Baylor's Lake on last Sunday. . K. J. Zern, Chas. Greenawalt and J. J. Hummel, of town, accompanied by Rev. A. M. Sampsehof Reading, were trout fishing in Wild Creek, Tuesday. ..E 8. Campbell, V. F. Clark Biid Frank Campbell, spent Suuday with Jeweler Campbell at Lansford. .Dr. J. Ci Kreamer, of Aipiashicola, was In town ou Wednesday. The doc tor isa candidate for the nomination of county treasurer on the Democratic ticket. ..Prof. George Hemminger, of tho East Maucli Chunk schools, was in town on Tuesday. He is one of the best principals In the county. . . Oscar Waterbor, of Easton, former ly of town, was here on Friday. Mr. Waterbor Is a conductor ou a Lehigh Valley passenger train between Easton aud Mauch Chunk. Wo had a very pleasant call on Saturday from that solid Democratic landlord, George SI. Heury, of tho Uachman House, Danielsvillo. . . Mrs. A. L. Hagermau and daughter Emma, were guests ot friends at Slat lngtou on last Friday. ..Miss Alvenia Graver, our popular milliner, was at Philadelphia this week making purchases of uew goods. .Mrs. Michael aud daughter, and Mrs. Maurer, of Tremout, were guests of Wm. Michael, on First street last week. Edwin Hontz and family spent a few days this week very pleasantly up lu beaver Run with James Scho h. . . Rev. and Mrs. Marcus A. Tolman, Rector of St. Mark's Episcopal Church Mauch Chunk, called on his purlshers Monday. . . Miss Clara Ault who taught suc cessfully in the primary department ot our public schools during .the nine mouths term just brought to a anish, will leave ou Tuesday for her homo iu Carlisle Pa., where she will spend hor summer vacation. . . A gentleman iu tow n oyer Sunday who was most cordially greeetd on every hand by old friends aud ac quaintances was Rev. J. C. Bllem, of Bethlehem, at one time, during the years of 1871-75-70, pastor of Ebenezer Evangelical church, in this place. On Sunduy morning he filled the pulpit at Welssport aud in the evening of the same day, he disooursod to a large and appreciative audience in this town, A distinguished visitor in town is Prof. F. J. Stetler, principal of tho ll'est Mttston schools. The professor is ac companied by his wife aud they have a suite of rooms at the Exchang, They have many frieuds here who were much pleased to seo them. Prof. Stetler was principal of the Lehighton unblio schools a few years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Stetler will remain here for a month. A Lehlaliton Woman llisfliitieare Willi Iter ntillmml's Money. The New York Run nn TtiMilatirftVfi this account ottbe disappearance of a Lehighton woman. Peter MoEntee of Lehighton, Pa., lost his wife nud 81,000 on Sunday at the South Ferry station of the elevat ed roau. lie is a mechanic on the A R. Railroad, and the nionev represented Tears of toil and economv. Ou Saturday last McEntee, his wife, and sister-in-law visited this city to purchase some household articles. Mrs. MoEutoe carried the 81,00u in 50 bills sewn in tbe bosom of her dress. Ou the train Mrs. McEntee "told hsr slstor that she was going back to Ire land. The sister advised her not, now thst she had her homo comfortably settled, but Mrs. McEntee declared her self firm In her intention. When they were walking through Battery Park on Sunday irs. MoEntee lagged behimU. As her husbaud had niountod the stairs of tbe elevated station she stopped altogether, and, when they got to the top, they missed her. When Mr. McEntee hurried down fairs his wife was nowhere in sight. She did not appear at their boarding place, nnu yesterday ne went to l'ollce leauquarters aud nau a general alarm sent out. He said he was going back to Lehighton and would not remain to look for his wife. ruoM iMititrviu.1-:. rear Buadred Maae Idle by Fire. SoaanTOK.-JuBe 7. The Mooale Meant ala Goal oaapeay's breaker aad botlei koaaee at Manhwosd. Ltekawanua sonBty, were totally destroyed by om ye tenlay The leae it IMjCOa Nearly tWi lupleyes an uada IJie by the fire. Georce Pettlt and daughter Mnllle and C. J. Montis were at Slatlngtou on r ruiay. - Tho manv friends of Miss Jennie retm will lie much pleated to learu that she Is gradually reooreriug from a receui severe illness. Messrs. Snvder and UftleW- n Delano, spent Sunday pleaeantly with Squire Snyder and family. Mr. George Bowman is nnm-nlAcn. Ing from a vorr serious in.lien.mtim, that kept him oontlued fur some weeks past. William St raid was at PhllmlM phia this week calling un his brother Laf who Is iu a hospital in tliat city renorering from injuries snstaiued on tne railroad sometime ago. Harry Henritiiy and Roes Lauer liave returneii. Samuel Hartman and Ida Peters were uuueu in tue uoiy uouiuor wed lock by Rev. Korshuer, iaator of the informed oongregattou. Tho uew sc1mh1 board organised on Monday tnwiiiug with the election ot the following nfHont: Jacob Peters, ureuiioui; u. u. Alimony, eereiary; II. D. Kuyrier, treasurer. The other members are Theodore I'tettlt, J. Mouts aud ilenjamiu Bhoeuberger. Regular westings are held ou the Hint Monday evttuiugoi eacu nioutii. rive dilferent -.tries of lawn Bowrat orioBi. luwer than ttm !uw.l at .1 L (label's, Lehlghtou Rye Whiskey, UM per gallon, at M MartluV Liquor Store, Mauch I 'hunk, Pa. - buy Ra&er'a Root Beer to make a hoajlbful, refrestuug bevrage Hold frTbar. l'LKASANT UOHNKH. oun ruiiLiu schools. The Lehighton schools show an at tendance of four huudred nud niuety llve pupils; the per cent ot attendance lor tne term is eignty-eigiit. Tbe result of the llnal examinations indicate skill in methods of instruction on the part of tho teachers, iriauy of tho rallures were traceable to Irregu larity of attendance. The announce ment of promotions refers only to those who have taken the examinations : others will be examined before tbe next term. The seventeen lu the seuior class passed the examination under County Sup't Boisel, Prof. Hemminger aud the principal. The members of the class did well, rellectiug credit upon tuemseives, rne commencement ex ercises will be held ou the 23rd Inst., and extensive preparations ore being made to make it a sucessful and enjoy able affair. The Lehlghtou Orchestra has beeu engaged to furnish the music. uud Prof. A. S. Beisel will deliver tbe address to the graduates. The following are the names of the pupils who attended every day during the term: Freddie Riegel, Laura Sanu herrs, Robbie Kemerer, Maud Rehr, CarrlJ Hontz, James Xander, Charles Longknmmer, Beulah Reichard, Ella Vett,Lena Hatclm, r.stelle Shoemaker, Willie Peters, George Sleitzler, John Kurtz, Gertie Gross, Mary Reber, Daisy lioru, August nomatowsKi, unaries Schmidt, Alice McCormick,Lizzle Kehr, Mamie Khoads, Scott Roth, John Xan der, Sadie Nowhart, Emma Meitzler, Emma Kuhus. Julius Komatowski. Prauk Laurer, Sadie RatcliiT. The followlug pupils missed only one day: Katie uoerr, uertie t ueuro, Ida Fuehro, Jacob Meitzler, Frank Trainer, Ksther nemerer, uertna iiouenoacn, ltobert Rutcliff, Flossie Dauxdater.Ella McCormick, Eva Ilauk, Katie Dreher. C. J. Walter, Principal, I.1TTI.K OA l". 1'AOKKUTON. WEISSPOItT AND AROUND. The hotel oh Summer Hill Is being . greatly improved byhaviiigatwo-story I 81 ,f v "aitkrIniib huikfia ki-ito- Hiiumun ouiit to tue rear. ........... F. 1'leree Lentz. of Leblulllou ti,. n,n- u-a.l i a im , r. ..i. . " - Miss Fienna Gombert. who was speuding several days with her parents left for Mauch Chunk ou Thursday. Monroe Helser.of Heaver Run. tran sacted business nt Lehighton last week. Parties from West Penn. are haullnir bark to lieu Kuutz's tannery at south Lehlghtou. Messrs. David Ebbert and Oliver Clauss made n trip up tho Valley ou euuesuay. Philip Ginder, made a trip to the County Seat last week. Mr. Iledler. of Beaver Hun. tran sacted business at Lehighton and ueissport ou Saturday. The Sandel's Suudav Bchool have adopted new hymn books. The school is iu a prosperous condition. Oscar Weaver, of the Valley, is a new employee at Kuutz's tannery at south ieuiguion. The grand hop. at tho Eacle Hotel last week was well patronized by parties ironi aiuorent parts ol tne country. Aaron Gombert. ot this place, was at tue iouuiy Beat on r nuay. Miss Valeria Drelsbach. of Orwlgs burg, spent several days last week with ner parents, near tins place. Sendel's Sunday school will dedicate their new organ lu the beautiful grove near the school house, on Suuday June -jam. L. II. Arner, of Allentown, made a short visit to bis parauts on Friday. Oak Grove Council No. 337. Jr. O. U. A. M., ot Pleasaut Corner, will hold their annual picnic in Jefferson Frederick's beautiful grovo iu the afternoon aud evening ou Saturday juus inn. David Freyman was at Lehighton on Mouuay. Chas. Harding, of Lehlghtou. snorted a nne trotter in tne vauey ou .Monday Moses Rex, Is doiug musouery work, for David Miller uear Andreas v. O. Women are very busily enraged In white-washing throughout the Valley. Miltou Kuhus. of this place, is snort ing a Dloyol. Nathan Mertsand son. erected a new wire- feueo for a. J. Gombert last week. Jetf Frederick was at Lehighton on Tuesday. Mrs. John Kuukel. of Kresceville, woo tbe guest of Adam Kuukel aud wife over Sunday, ' Levi Boyer and David Kleintop, of Millport, were iu tuts section on sun day, tbe guests of James O. Smith. Frank Smith, of Kunkeltown, was the guest of Prof, Frauk Mengel and wife, ou bunuay. George M. Henrv and Mr, Seip, of Dantelsville, circled through this sec tion on Sunday. Rumor has it that a -Castle of the Kuights of the Goldeu Eagle will be organized at this place iu the uear future. Lewis George and wife, of Kleck uorsville, were visiting relatives and friends at this place on Monday. John, a son of Paul and Julia Cor- rell. died on last Friday evening after an illness of only a few Jays, from heart trouble; his ago was 12 years, 3 months and C days. The funeral took place at 9:30 a. m., on Tuesday, Rev. Laury, of the Reformed church, oUlciating. The pau-uearers were uawin tuoiz, josepu George. Josiau Beltz and Adam Eck- hart: interment in St. J ohn's uemetety, ivunaeitown, occupied the tiulnlt In the M. K. olinroh on last Sunday evening. Mrs. Oliver Follwoller, of Lehlghtou, was the guest of Leopold Meyers and wife over.Sundav. Miss Annabel MoDaniel the obliging POstmlsstreas. Is conflno,! f hpr rnftm through illness. Moses Dover and wife snent. Sunday at Millport. Master Len Stile, nil W. .if Wllkna. barrt, Is sojourning at tho residence of W . Lee Stiles aud wife. Mrs. Kate Hetrick. of Philadelphia. was visitlug friends in this neighbor hood during the past week. Xbe pnblio school will hnvo n irrnnd plcnio iu tho uear future, Full particu lars will be given in the course of a few weeks. Miss Mary Smith of Weatherly was VlsitiUI! relatives in Mils ln.h.M.r.rhnml during the past week. Mrs. Ira Kverltt is conilnod to the house through Illness. The publio schools closed for the season this week, it is presumed the samb corps of teachers will have charge uext seasou. Jos. N. Bennett circled in the Lizard Creek Valley ou Friday evening. Mr. aud Mrs. W. F. -Brodhead have Issued cards for the wedding1 of their daughter, Miss Emma, to Mr. E. R. Vilson, of Mncnh Chunk, at the resi dence of the brides' parents on Juno 21. Tho only and orlgiual Pioneer base ball club is a well known organization throughout this section of the state, that fact was demonstrated a few day days agoliy them receiving challenges from the Frankford aud Cooling clubs, both or Philadelphia. Some few of the members wonder "where are we at." Harvey Burns, of the Frame Row, has been sick for the past week or two suffering with typhoid fever. We exceedingly regret to cronicle the fact that Calvin Frederick is con llned to his home suffering from a seri ous attackjof typhoid fever. , J- Harlemeu, the popular mer chant is building a large addition to his store house, Aaron Dieisbach, the veteran carpenter, has the erection of the building in charge, and when com pleted w ill be a handsome structure. Samuel Evert tho supervisor is giv ing good satisfaction as a road-master, he has repaired all tliedpfoHvo nin on the highways, making them in a splendid condition. The people of the lower end of the big district can con gratulate themselves on havlngsecured r Vfi ,he ri,?ht mau ln the right place. -;s .udsuuu wurit continue. Miss Lizzie Klstler nf Maimh nimnv was the guest of Miss Mary Stuckley on last Sunday. Whlla m. ed the Lehighton Water Company's iiotiu.ui, iu tue picturesquro Long Ruu alley, they were accompanied by Mr. Ldw. tritziugerwho claimed that the scenery was tim mn.i Kao..fir,.i that he had ever witnessed, which no uuuue nits a iuci upon this special occasion. The school board nf this .lutrUt on last Monday evening, tho meeting was spirited, and all the business and acoounts were closed up, so as to allow the new board to take holdof the reins of government. Wo hope tho new board will strive to civo tho nntrnnc good schools, select good teachers, as iiiooniniica imiu ueretorore demand that reliable and worthy mnioriDi i.a placed at the head of the schools. We also wish it understood that we do not want to interfere with tho business of the directors but nevertheless we take the liberty of pointing out to you, the experience during the past year, in so . ar ut,,u turu iBHcners, ON T1IK H.Wl.ltOAI). t Robert Stuart has resigned us cen eral car Inspector of the Lehigh aud Susquehanna dlvisiou. Joseph Ewlng has been appointed general car inspeo tor of all divisions aud branches of the Central Railroad of New Jersey, to take effect June 1, by order of Charles A. Thompson, superintendent uf motive power aud equipment. I Rollin II. Wilbur has beeu appoint ed fteneral superintendent of the Las .. I. A. l..ll.nrl Tnl.H IT Heckman general freight agent, with ouices ut south uethiehem MAUCH (IllLNK. Mrs. May A. Douglas, relict of the late Andrew A. Douglas, died at her nome on uroadway, Maucli Chunk at 9:15 Thursday night. One week previ ously she suffered a stroke of niino- p:exv. wnicu gradually extended, and despite the best medical attention and skillful nursing, proved fatal. Her funeral took place Mouday afternoon at J.uo o oiock. -II. P. Levan returned on Saturday trom a-visit to menus nt rniladeiphla. -Clem Butler is back truin a trip to Trinidad, Col., aud has taken a suite of rooms at the Mansion House. He will remain here for some time. Dr. Stewart Klrby is seeing the world s fulr st Chicago. tVKATHHItl.Y. -Thenetreoeipteof the Fireman's Fair were 8870. At a meetiuir "Thurs day night they decided to devote about ouu towards tne purchase of a hook aud ladder truck for the borough. This manifests the spirit of their asso ciation and shows that the people have not nuspiaoea tuetr eonuaeuce in pa.1 ronizmg tue tair so uoerany. S. 11. Uoldrldge, of Stonlngton Conn., is putting sample labor sav ing invention in the silk mill on trial. It is known as a tram reeling machine aud la expected to do the same amount of work that two machines in presan use oau do. OTtOM. NIS IIDLLOIV. Ellen Ebert left for Allentnwn ii.t weeK. Annie Warner is vfsltw frl puds ut ouuuusuurg. Miss Lizzie Ash. of Mlllnnrt. n ..!.;.: . i . . . . . . 1 . ' , laiuuK incuus ut mis piace last weeK, MISS HntttA Tt-nvlo,. T.l.lnl.,A was visiting Miss No'ra Lentz, over Sunday. MISS AmellA Tjint? tvnt. trieltinn friends at Bowmanstown, Thursday. Ell Steigerwalt, of West Penn, was visiting his father hereon Sunday. D. A. Rehricr cot his fnnthnrtly hurt while hauling props. ReV. J. I. i otter Rlld Knn Itum-Ar nf Parryyille were visitors In this nlnni. FOUllTIl OF JULY CO.NTltlllUUONS. Appended will be found the result of Happy bain's canvass Wednesday after noon for the Fourth of July Fuud, for the celebration iu Mauch Chunk. It will be gratifying to uote that tbe fuud uas more thau dounied Iteell, Ihwlouslv reported Slut 9fi Jacob Jones o ou !. W. Reeer t w Jonoi sondhrtm t mi M Aruitmniter 6 oa L. 1 . llreu, Ohlef U.irneiu 5 00 Itnse so ... 10 Oil rtVK IIUNIIIIKU 1IOLLAUS. The siok aud aillietftd are oalling ln numbers to consult the Specialist. The doctor will remaiu until the 1st of July giving au plenty ui time to test his skill. Oume at onoe. Five Huudred Dollars will be paid bv Dr. Bowers the Specialist, for a oasa of Asthma, Catarrh, Piles or Fulling j rus ue iaus to oure. uuronio disease. Cancer, Turners, Blood PoUou, Dyepep sia. Liver, Kidney, Rheumatism, Heart Disease cured. Female disease Jus., iudlsoretiou of young meu, Mental Decay, loss of strength J tower, nervous uses 3m. No experiment but a oure. Thousands cured by my owu new methods of treatment, over 'JO years iu constant practice. Cousultatlou free at the Weissport House, Welssport, IV OLU 80LUIKHS'. ATTKMTION The Pension Board of Carbou oounty The Leblxhlon School Hoard, The Lehlghtou School board organ lied on Monday evening ut the real nenoe of Director W. C. McCormick The following o (Doers were elected President. William McC'ormiok: tree surer, 3eorg II. Kemerer; svoretary M. O. Brian. The other members ot the board are Richard Koous. O. Clauss, John Obert, Ed Schmidt, John liotteuetine. iiie salaries ot the trea surer aud secretary were raised to sT.'i aud 1100 respectively. The board will meet ou the tint Monday evening of eaob mouth at tbe resideuoe of presi dent Ikiotormick ou second street The tax raUtfor ltt.J was tixed at teu mills building and school ten mills. John Obert aud William MoUormaok were appoiuted a committee on build ing and repairs. We are SetUns wore Olotlilus now than Herbert ( Oeoree W'aodrUu.. lien. ,1 . ii. auvn a ui M. i4. Ktmnnerer. 10 oj 1'. J. heheiblu, 10 0J F.O.SUM , U U, W . Ilex, a gslioua milk for orator) IUU TIbkm 10 ou J, t. OreUbaeli i 00 win Meuuiiutu i oo I'. Knaake 1 v William loda l in A. Tavlar... P. J. Taylor, Frank X UlUrr John Pais V. A. llreunacu (leorce Peters H. tt. Bniith It. C. llaucli Fourth of July Ossli - Harry sauanerr A. '. MrCarale rltWt;:::;: D. Uarttkol jsmee ileeneily, Hssaon.. loeHuew Mr . Oallaaher fleurr VollnierTjr lion. W. rritlery rU-Sheiie Lulz II. 8. Ittnker Jerk Smith W. J. Welder Tboaaae 8. Bo)d, squire J J. Mole Paul Keller. Jr Trot. Prank Kauffinau.. Edward Koi KherlflJ-S. Webb J. H. HanJwerk 1 00 1 1 00 led i oo 1 oo I oa 1 1 1 oO a j.muiiii Tonv Kerry John KuM .... J. C. Lesber. .. TutJ rue Mr. Cortright has selected Lafayette Wildouer, of the Second Ward, as chief marshal of the day. Among hie aids are ur. J. n. usury, James II tiaudwera, tienrv f . xonien. 11. Lobien, James Reinhardt, John Warnvke and S. M. Cortnght. (Others win te aaued l'ersonal Mentions, Rev. I. J. Reit. of Slatlngtou. was lu town on .Monday. Eucrineer WlllPlnmmer circled at Bethlehem on Monday. Ed Monler. with Campbell, tho barber, is out again after several week's Illness. Mrs. Frank Suvder. after n pleas ant sojourn among frieuds here, re turned to her home at Mountain Tup on Monday. Mrs. It. J. Iloncen of Union Hill was a guest of Allentown frieuds this eelc. -Thomas Krtlni and family of Scrantou, are visiting relatives hero auout. Amos Brown and wife of Bowmans town Sundayed with Johu Zeigeufus- lien Klotz. of Union Hill, recently purchased a canal bont from a Bristol party. Mrs. Frank Lnurr wns nt. Twls. burg this week, visiting her estimable daughter, Miss Ella, who is a student m tue iemaie seminary at that place. John Sellers smiles hannllv over the arrival of a little girl. James Nothstein has accepted a possession wite lohn Veager at Mauch Chuuk. Mesdames JaoobWentz LoiiIsaWaIrs. Joel wentz and Breyfogel, were guests of friends at Weatherly last Thursday. JohnS. Allller oxnerts to nttonil the annual meeting of the Funeral Directors Association of Pa., at Scran- ton uext week A. -A. Beltz and wife spent Sun day ut Beltzville. Dennis Drelsbuuh. of Frimklin. buried au interesting child In thecem etary at Big Creek ou Suuday. Mrs. Jacob Kresire aud Mrs. Dnnial Kresge, of Franklin, attended the fun eral of their dead sister, Mrs. Edwin uisiiifcovuuuu, UlUUIVH UUIll.y UU Inst Tuesday. Amos Eachcs. of Reaillue has tak en up a residence hero. Jlr. Eaches formerly lived at Lehighton where he built the brick school buildiug. The Faithful Friends Sndletv. nf the Lutheran cougregatiou,- contemp late holding a strawberry and ice cream testivai at an early day. The pleasant and m?reeahla Ed Sbilferstlue, for some mouths past viiiu uiery, mo uruggiet. will return to his home iu Tumaqua this week. While here Ed made hosts of friends parti cularly among the fair sex Hon. W. F. Blerv was t. Phlladel. phla on Saturday. Miss Annie Comfort snent Sumlnv at Reading where sue was the guest of relatives. Misses Emma Hover and Kmma onyoer win leave uext week for Chicago where they will spend several weeks. hor sale Three Hnres of liiiy- tn ue cut uy tne purcnaser. Apply to 11. F. Peter at Snyder's Popular Bazaar. A number of boys whn nartinlnntnrl iu disturbing the neace nn Mmuluv evening. May 29, were arrested last week-and taken before 'Squire Miller Ymwievuoy were eacu lined e.i and costs of prosecution. This should be a warning to others who bi-o inclined tocutup their capers about town. -Notwithstanding tho fai.t. thnf there are some neonlowlinnrA wnrklnr. against tho establishment of the shoe tactory for this Place, that insritnf nn ,wiu uomo uero. ju a few days an or Knuiz-uiiuu win ueeuecied. Saeger. our ImstlluL' fmit dnHlor. received -4000 nine annles ou Woilnna. day morning. Oscar is gottiug there 1 lie sells cheaper to retailers thau they uuy iu 1-uuaueijmia or aow lork. Renresentativa William Tiion. is home lrotn Harrisburg, the Legislature navmg anjourned sine die, last Thurs day. He will give his whnln alt Afitinn to ins orug uusiness und oe pleased to see his many friends and patrous at ui esiauusumeui. We announce with Tiloasurn fim Bpprochiug marriage of M isa Louisa C, tbe estimable und accoinnlii.lihil ter ofMrs.Ilanuah Rapp to the ploa-sau t aud affable Charle Maurer, of Wilkes- oarre, on tne nth day or Juno ut 1:30 o'clock at the homo of the bride's mother on White "street. The young couple will be at home iu Wilkesharre. wuereme groom nas husiuess interests The annual statement, nf HmliVanW uu uiuepenaeutschooi district shows; number of schools, 5; number of tonnliers nmnUvl n. n,...ila , 272; average daily attendance, 229; tax lorsouuui purposes, ryju.o; tax for ouuuiug purposes, ei,on.aj; total re ceipts, 8217.07; teachers salaries, 1,109.25; debt aud interest laid, 11,071.09. Debt still staudiug, J20.;i3 X he school board or the Fraukliii Independent school district, organized on Monday eveuiug with the election nf ftin fnllnwlnrr nlflr.a. llEt.lA Mahlon Christman; secretary, John p! Zorn; treasuror. Reuben Zimmerman. ineoinermemuers are Samuel Walp, Edward Lelkei and Douglas Arner. The board w.ll bold their regular muuu-iy meetings on the first Monday evenlugof each month at the Frankllu House. The Lutheran and rtafnrmul Kim. day schools have beeu fornfally dis solved. The Reformed Sunday school aud church services will oontluuo Ui be conducted iu the church edifice, while the members of the Lutheran congre gation will go to school hall, where services will be held next Sunday uuriuuB aim aiiernoou at tne usual time. The oouaretfatinn wil Ho the hall until their new editloe Is erected and ruruUhed. Unless the people of thia fWim. munlty make a delennlued effort there wllLbe no uew canal bridge this year or for a good many years for that matter. Tbe LCtX. Co, lure bad their owu way for so many years that they don't Intend to be dictated to uow if they can help it. At tho June oourt this pampered our po ration will likey try to explain why they refuse to build a uew structure by showing that tbe bridge la the same, or very niur tlm same-width of nine out of ten bridges ou ui interior ur tne oounty and that traffic does does not demand a now bridge. They have had their hired agents count tbe number ot teams paaeiug over the bridge and bave had many bridges on the Interior of the oounty measured as to width and of course expert to prove that anew structure is not needed. Will their little game be a success T Not if the people demand what is just aud rinht in uo uucertain toues. We must have a oeuer nridge acrose t ue canal ! BOROUGHJMCIL The Member of Our lloroufftt Gorerment Legislate on Ininortnut Matters. A II the members nf council, with the exception ot W. S. Koch, were present at the regular monthly session of that body ou iuouuay evening, lTestdeol liable presided. The raiuulef of the previous nieetlnirt wrrr eetul and approved. nenty tieckendorf was present and re iielil thai Onal street be graded. U'llllam Blank and Mike Faust made Ubtnp'itiui ol a disreputable house on .Fifth street. Usury Nothsllue uiaile muinlalnt nf the absence nf si reel light at 8th street, of the iiecessliy of crossings at points along Ma honiiia street and also of obstructions along Dial thoroughfare Jieuir it azner wants I ourth street be- Iseen Coal and Carbon graded. near) sciiwaru, Banlrl lialtzer and w. iioods, reptetentinz Lehleh Fire Co.. were present wlih Wunder, of Readlug, relative :o the purchase of a hose carriage. On motion of Kuulz seconded hi Siraup a J050 carrlane was ordered and the neces eury papers were signed. E. II. Christman was nresent. Ha cave a satisfactory $1000 bond and signed the contract to build the new hose house. supervuer Acker reported thst there were some property on hers who had been notified te lav who hud not vet compiled with the order. Tbe Supervisor was Instructed to lay pavements where the Older had not beeu compiled with. The secretary of the water company re ported the testing of tho Are hydrants and lesiluod to their being In good condition. The coromltlee on opening 7th street re ported that owneis of properly warned damages. The report was accepted and the committee discharged. The court will be petitioned to open the thoroughfare. The borough engineers will be here next week, 'lbe following bills were ordered Dald Donaldson Iron Co., pipe. $21.47 Carbon Co. Imp Co., llihts, $75 00: Eureka Hose Co , $000; Labor bill, $2fU; Solicitor fees, $178.50 The secretary rcnorled the rerelnts for the month, $70.03. Un motion of Koch, seconded bv Iser- man Is carried that Coal street "be graded. On motion of Kuntz seconded by Stranp council will view Boyer and other lots on 4th street. The finance committee were Instructed to negotiate a loan of $6000 at 4 1-2. ino presiclent-apDolnted these commit tceS Building Committee. Koch. Heldt and Monlthrop. Finance committee, M. u. nunir, w. ivocn ami isernian. TWO ITtSMS. ' Bernard J. Dever. of fleuvar Mam dow who was ordained to tbe priest hood Saturday, May 27th, read his first mass iu St. Mary's church, Beaver Jieaaow, Bunuay. The uhurch wan well uned, muuv uomlug from a dis lance. Teu Can Uet a free ltlde aud save en cash by buying $25.00 worth ot mens' and uoys ciotniug at the Que Price Star ClothinK Hall Mauch Chuuk opposite C. R. R. station you can ssve uetweea loeou . on me - ., ,F. .".! ' master. The offlee nave tabmt M& ess. we must ell our w.i.ui-rij' ore eugiue uuu i ,,i . ,, UlTLi l.Vi.I llOWMANSTOttN. ft Jonas and Charles Rehrlu. Ash Held citizens, were doiug business here ou Satuday. it Tho shell house, a small buihlinir used to manufacture shells by the Blue mage Amencante Association, took Are on Saturday mornlnir and was des troyed. The loss is estimated at auout sjw. The foundation is up for Samuel Straup's now residence. Builder Paul ouyuer, oi ienign uap, has the contract. fi Georce llonsler. of thn Cnnnty Seat, was a visitor at the Augustus i-ioii residence over bunuay. St The handsome new nnrnh at tho front of Anthony Snyder's residence is a uig improvement. & The Blue Ridce Americanito As- soclatlou have just received a Hue new to tiorse power engine and boiler to be useu to crush nitrate or soda, used Iu manufacture of dynimite. The Com pany's new building's are rapidly go ing up und it is expected that when tlioy are completed the capacity of the woras win ue more than doubled. & The members of tho Jiviuiuellrail congregations forming the Parryyille district of tho Association, will observe the Holy Communion at tho camp iuueiiuK ou ouuuay, loin instant. The congregations formlug this dis trict are tnose of Bowmanstown, Mill port, uig ureeK ani rarryvllie. s Camp meeting nnenu hnrn nn IIAft Tuesday. It is expected that there will ue a very large attendance. & Bowmanstown neonle whn want the mkws bright, reliable aud crisp. suouiu get iuis newspaper 91 a year; 00 cents for 0 month; 25 cents for 'i months. ti The handsome now iron fence ln front of lolly tieol-i?o Arnpr'smslrlr.rtfA was built by the ireulal T. ll.Snvdar. oi xeiuyvuie. ft Robert Ash. of Mlllnnrt. wa pleasantly euteitained at the home ot xui uoyer aud family over Sunday. The members of the Evangelical Sunday school huve just organized a Younc People's Alliance with thn fob lowing officers: president, Maurice Bowman; vice president, Wm. Walp; secretary, Eugene Beltz. Great inter est is manifested in the work of the society uy the members aud the organi zation will be a success. Romig's Sunday school will pic nic on Saturday. 6 James Arner, of town, has pur chased his brother Charley's half In terest in the portable steam saw mill and it will hereafter be conducted by. ueurgu auuuames.-trner. tc. Barthold and Blazlus Zoiv-er. Mauch Chunk citizens, ware irii.sts nf their brother lu this place over Suuday Tho Lower Towamenslug school bourd organized ou Monday evonmir The following gentlemen oomprise the uuuru ior ioiai; xuomas uraig, Iteuben rteurig, iewis joeigenfus, i'eter Kos tenbader. N. Georce and Osrlllo b The retiring members were (Jeorge ivuuKie anu reter iiiose. Lyman MoDaniel, of Packertoii. was a veteran Republican iu this dis trict ou Saturday. Mr M Is a naiuli date for the Republican nomination tor eouuty treasurer and reels oouii dent of success attending his efforts, tt JohuPascoI. of Allontnwn. rn. sldent of the Blue Ridge Ameroanite Association, whose works are located nere, was tn town ou Saturday on business. Hou. M. J. Lennon, of Lehigh oounty, is again agent aud desputoher at Lizard Creek Junction, after an absence of some time dnriac whlnh period he was attending the session of the State Legislature at Harrisburg. During his absence E. II. Stern, of leuiguton, amy tilled the position Mr. ttern will now co to Allsutnwn where he has a position as Guam tor at East Peun Junction with the P. It Mr. stem win make his home in Allen town. Aueut the post office talk here abouts there is nmou arguing us to whether the old name of tbe ottloe will be assumed. It appears that under Cleveland's former administration eight years ago the office went by the name of Bowmanstown, this was ohauged to Prinoe when tbe Itepubll oau Postmaster General gave out the pium, tour years later. I'ost office talk recalls the fact that it was our old friend William Itomlg.theaocommodat. lug Lehigh Valley station agent, who elrctllated the first petition for the establishing oi a poet ottloe here. That was tuirieen years ago aud tbe Dght that resulted as U' the adoption of a suitable name so disgusted htm that he drupped tbe whole business. Some- SECRET SOCIETY DOINGS. Society Tld-lllts or Interest to tbe Mem here of the Fraternity. Oak Urove Council. Jr. O. U. A. M. of Pleasant Corner will picnlo on the ,". I . A Xllll IIISIUUI.. Secret societies In nAednf nnrnnha. ualia, llags, banners, uniforms, etc., should consult II. V. Morthlmer, Jr., who represents oue of the largest firms and importers, manufacturers and dealers iu this country before purchas ing elsewhere. The Council of tho Jr. O. L A. M recently organized at Bowmanstown by P. C. Charles A. Wagner, of this town, is developing strongly. The members are wide-awake, earnest, patriotic fel lows auu win nusno to make the Council one of the strongest In the Valley. Lizard Creek Council. Jr. O. II A fii continues to flourish. Naev mAm. bers are constantly being added tothe roll book. The hall ln Berger's Hotel, occupied by the Council, Is as oozy a meeting place as can be fonnd ln tha country district. The State Camp of the Sons of etcrans at Hunesdale this lr The report of II. II. Hammer, Adjut ant, issued from the headquarters lu Readiug, shows over G000 members in the State, 21 new camps and 2,701 members mustered durinc tho year. The loss was 532. I'haon Strauss re presented Capt. J. S. Webb Camp, of this place at the session. At a meeting of the Natlnnn.1 Council June 20, the report whlch Krand Secretary Deemer will present showing the condition of tho order In this State will be an exceedingly flat tering statement of financial and numerical gn w h unpiec dontedtjnthe uistuij ui iraternai organization. With a membership of 82.741 In this State alone, the order now ranks sec ond only to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. The report of Brother Ueomer will show amount of invest ments of subordinate Ceunciis. 1523, ,oi.o, receipts uunug past year, vootf, 121.73; expended for relief and benefits 8103,lo3.13; membership at last report. luiunieu since, 2,11; receives, by card, 909; reinstated, 672;withdrawn 1027; suspended, 10,649; expelled. 176; deceased, 489; present total member ship, 82,711, number of Councils atlast report, 722; dissolved since, 30; new Councils chartered, 144; present num ber of Councils ia this State, 830. This Is a report which should gladden tue nearts ot tne "juniors" and stimu late them to still greater efforts for the coming year. Uf LIZAKII U11KKK VALLKT, Mr. Charles A. Ginder and wlf were guests of the lattcrs parents on Sunday, Rev. I. J. Yotter an! wife were ylsltlog Charles ICehrlg and family last week. Air. Monroe Sensinirer and f.mtu mm the guests of W. 8. Helntzleman on last Sunday. Mr. Augustus Eck and famlle trust- . DleaSUrO ride Over the RlnA Mnnnlftln Saturday and returned on Sunday. Messrs. Aaron Henrv and John Hnr. man enioyed themselves at Chaa. linrh'a on Sunday, Mr. Chailes Ballfpt I. mitt. .A,inni in with .typhoid pneumonia. J. S. Brobsl Is assisting the family in nursing hlra. Our old and esteemed friend George Hoffman Is on the decline. Mr TlVifTm.r. Is 03 years of age. The ccnlal Charley Uelirf? annrt. Un. palroi horses through a deal with Jim uaiiiet. N Mr. II'. S. Heiutxlftlnati. one nf nn, Ac tive, hard-worklnc and exnerlenped fam. crs. Is at present repairing bis Swiss barn. Tho annual financial statement nf ih East Penn school distrlo far the TAr endldg June, 1S93 shows a surplus ot $533. At the meeting of the board of di rectors on Monday evening sealed propo sals wero received for the erection of a new scnooi nouse. The following bids wero rcceired Lewis Lauchner. $509.33, Maurice Bowman and Charles HehrUr In cumpany ,$539.00. Tbe contract was given to the latter. ' Mr. Augustus Noll, of BmmiMlmn. who Is a skilled carnenler. itarte mia day last week to build a two stcrj plank dwelling house for Daniel Fritz In the Valley, $nd In three days, with tbe aid of two men, had the house ready for the .vu.. nuui.Niwn tuia r sc. A Oil for many rears has hpn a Ar ley", and is a man of excellent business qualities. Mil. DnooKui Now Is da zelt MJ woe de bouera de bulza manner iu de welihkorn felfler hen. for de kronna eehet tzu mocha, dus se dea welshkorn net rout roppa. De bouera sutta acbt cava, won dat Uncle Buzzard wldder nocbds hame gem, turn nocnoers scntetldle, don dule ar ierlelcht era butza manner wldder mlt mahma, nn gebt da kuva an cigar for ds butza manner de leit nockdt fort bouse stella, for se tzu losults. No comttiuDlca- vion. iyou aar snoe dlch net fltjlun brauchd do en net on pulla. Iu dar Ashfield Collece duua Am lelt net sludya for lawyer, oder ductor, Oder porta, os we In ooera colleges. In dar AthCeld College wera yust so dlnga ga studied, os nn "ii acuwe'za, uega, leit nicic noma tiu cava, un se tzu Insults, coatera tin composa un nocbds uf hanka for de leit era repuiauon tzu ktacKnat, etc. Par Jim Hetzer nn dar Undo Buizard tin da pro fessors in dar college. Se sin tiwa ex perts, te cans so drcukichb anret tchoffa, un duna es dano uf oner leit poke. Dar uucie uuzzaru mociia ae pionns, nn dar Jim Hetzer duta comnosa wile ar dar scliuiardt is. No communication except nuu ui auira aue ui nou puns en aon. De Aunt Kate gaht shier oils woeh a mohi, un dele wocha tiwa mobl in tows titt era dochter, nn carried era docbter to tocha ona os we deppicb, line dicher, dleh dlcher, shawls, dresses, tunnels, nn even to glana dlnga wea tphealnmba nn wesh luniba, etc. Dar Jim Iletzer un dar Uncle Butaani bakimera tick orlch fiel waga dar Aunt, un hen aw an fardulter travel mlt era, wlel se tlch to bagrambt, un baklacbt dot te to orm wer, over de Aunt hnt mancr gelt ot wea der Iletzer un dar liuxxard mlt nouer. Se Is net relcb, over anybov se hut ttwlcha six un teva hunerd dollar in dar bank, un bat aw oo-n gelt avei b galehnd, vn det Is maner gelt oa dar Bet ter un dar Buizard mlt noner ben, x hen ferleicht maner tcbulda. No commnnlca. lion, except won eeppra em hnnd uf dar KbwantE drada dute, don knoru, ia weht docb anlch eppes. llors' Salts from UOe op to 810. Vour boy should always wear tha most stylish and best made suit. You oau get both at the One Price Star Clothing nail, Mauch Chunk at a sav ing of 33 per cent guaranteed or money refunded. Will be Here June 13. Dr. W. F. Dauzer, the specialist on diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat, will be at the Kxchange Hotel. Lehighton, en Friday June 23. iii nnt Lain gtim .lun.u ut th-i. . over berore on acoouut of our ffreat Hoe iu Mauch Chunk on the first two i sacrifice ou oue of the largest stock of eduesday's in Juue W Ktbta, sec'y. alsive amount' as large sUick uf men's and laiy' suits ou account of building. time later another petition was cirou. t'ontraetor J. C, Sendl has begun I U,ed "'" John Ituob was ntadepost. t. nr. as i ! . n inuhtAr I t ia n f riA tuawts nlmnr Mfl aud oouuoil chamber. The building ; noutii and it is predicted by those will be of briok, and its entire cost ! ,"" V""'' " ' fcM?w. tbt enUi Mi,II.ICKnerrl0fI'oitville, has J. 1,'"' . ? U,? ""',0t cured tbe ooulraut from Mr Ka.iHa! t.. "ater and that the ottloe will be i located iu store. blank siiaoe r Who oau till the Bah'ncr. a n w u jjpsoiuieiy pure A cream of tartar baking iwwcler. HigUcst of all in . i i . s - . - eTv m vws au viwau 7 Lru UUDIUI o X milKIl IU K II (mil. lUBUtii 1 I 11 H t t 7 this valley AU goodH Kuurauteed to, auumv iwr- f ftt oulie fur u flue W(lol uit cr ' oppciU C K U oUMun, where rJUJi 1 leaVing Strength Latt?t oients1 aud bojH ttuitt? ever bbovru iu be 'Xi Mr irnt leMt. tuau olsewhere or A bftiueut oooUuuiuK thrw roomn do 11x6 ok work. utisi faui-t nf h HniiltlM weelHrii? ht-niMaA v conUiuner six rooms, situated ou the ' Express wageus, 7S oeut, e irner oT tseooud an.1 Coal streeU wards at (label's. First street i of the ureal bargains of ready made Apply to Henry lieckeudorf .jvior sulu aiaiie to order from el rueu's aud bov,' suits, or all wolTiX to)3. Are you willing to save from , made to order, you can buy at Bon - to ui , lr mi nave your measure takeu ' dheim Ttuluiuin Hall, Mauch Chunk Vine l-lue ur llarneae. -tlood, strong, best quality Ham-1 re1uu1?ui " b ue 1'ru-e star oeke at UaW Lehlghtou. 1 8" "' : 7 , 1 I1 uu"" ,ur " nuB w,1Jl suit it 1 opposite L' It K tatlou, where Wu,li 1 ,ra --uuik owciijui LAlFH ness hip, fly uet. sweat, ,.uui- trousers at Boudheim's TaihiriuK Hall, ' worth of goods mu.t be sold within the 1 Uuitfd Ktatrs Uovernropnt P.uwi mer blanket , for ; .rtu tide t Mlilu.h t'huukher you et the latest , ut m.mths ou account uf l,u!ldu, , . UOjemrBent food style, perieci nt an.1 beM kooiis for you will save U per cent besides thei t?lw. iwjitt -Kin(f roWUt-r " j U. lemat mousy. I iu per oeut. uasb discount, I Co., 106 Wall St-iN. V. yer reusouable prou, at .Mlltuu Flor; wetssport, t a.