The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, June 03, 1893, Image 1

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Is a specialty at our Job Printing Office
in Snyder's Block, east side of the Lehigh
Bridge. Enrelopes, Note and Letter Paper,
Phamplets, Order Books, Vouchers, Tags,
and all kinds of Plo Nlo, Horse and Sale
Bills. We do all work neatly, cheaply and
cleanly. Do you need anything la this
line! then call and see us, or write us a
postal eard and we will be at your service.
Lehigliton, Carbon County, Ponna. Juno 3 L893
VOL XXI. No. 29'
$1.00 a Year in Ad vane
Has a larger circulation than any other
newspaper printed In Carbou county, con
sequently It in the beat medium for adver
linerti. Our news columns sparkle with
theooouirenoesof the day olern, spicy,
lnterestltfg, bright and Independent. Our
editorials are original and will .be worth
reading on account of tholr spirit which
is Independent of outside dictation. Our
price is one dollar a year. Jnstyou try It
Whnt we want to impress on
the minds of our patrons is that
our assortment of Parasols and
Sun Umbrellas can not be
equalled by any house in this
Valley for variety of styles and
lovness in prices.
Fans, Pans, Fans, Fans,
from the lc. fan to
the finest
. ,
Kid H loves in Mates, lans
nnil RlnMr in flPVPral trades
The best kid gloves are war-
ranted under fair usage
Corsets in White, Black Scar
let and Slates,
Ladies' GaUZe Underwear in
i t 4.
grades; an elegant assort-1
nient ; all sizes
Hosiery of almost every tie
crintion : all the latest colorings
for children. Our stock has
been Jarcer by far this' season
than tnat of any other and the
prices will be found lower.
We claim to be and are the
largest house of its kind nnd
consequently cau sell Deiow an
mat Street, between South and Plum Blreeu,
Lehighton, Fa.
AWEEE'B news condensed
Friday, May 3S.
The president has recognized Jose Maria
Borla as consul general of Ecuador at New
Professor Hones O. Farmer, ot Boston,
the widely known electrician, died in Chi-
cago, aged 73 Tears.
The Prince of Wales' cutter Brittanln
won the Thames club race, defeating Lord
Dnnraven's Valkyre, built to contest for
the America's cup.
The president lias appointed William E.
Oulnbv. of Michigan, to be envoy extra
ordinary and minister plenipotentiary of
the United States to lue Ketueriauus.
rvnVEn in TlV'nniln.Lv 7b !a
J tr.n 1 II nn,l Tl.nia.
Tears old. were drowned In tbe East river,
their boat being upset by the swell from n
Saturday, May ST.
The official barrooms of the state of
South Carolina will be opened for business
on July 1.
Two masked robbers held up a train at
Coleman, Tex,, and securer! several tuou-
sand dollars.
Arrangements are perfecting for the Inv
migration of Mohammedans from India,
who will oolonlre In the southern states.
Italy has notified out government that
ber legation at Washington ha3 been
raised to an embassy, and our minister tu
Italy will now become an ambassador.
Blonday, May SB.
Brigadier General Charles Sutherland,
surgeon general of the army, was today
placed on the retired list.
Fire In New bruniwlck, N. J., late on
Saturday night burned a number of stores
and dwellings, entailing a loss ot $125,600.
George Morris, colored, of Camden, N
-J,, convicted ot murdering Ella Ford, hi
housekeeper, has been swuteuced to tweuty
years' Imprisonment.
The speed attained by the cruiser New
York on her trial trip, from close compu
tattonsaud corieotlon for tidal currents,
Is officially announced as 91 knots an hour
Tuesday, May 30.
The dowager Duchess of Sutherland has
been released from connneinent in iiouo
way prison, having served tbe term Im
posed on her for contempt of court.
I IThe president has aiMated Colonel
Oeorge M, Sternberg to be CTrgeon gen
eral, United States army, to succeed lien
rral Sutherland, retired yesterday.
Frank P. Slavin was easily defeated by
Jim Hall at the National Sporting club In
London. The fight lasted only seven
rounds. It Is bettered that Slavin wai
A fatal cyclone is reported from Georgia
At Chandler's Hill Ueorgo Barker's wlp-
and iaughter were buried in the ruins oil
taetr home, At uiiiiviue James iiinsiey
was killed, aud in Banks oouuty George
Dowdy waa mangled to death.
Wrdnesday, May 81.
The government of Holland has ent
out a denial or tua report mat ijueen it
hejmlna's health is falling.
Thomas M. Keely, a prominent young
member of the Philadelphia bar, died aud-
demy or heart disease, ugetl so. ,
Purcell Thomas, while making an um
brella descent at UulTalo, lost control of
tbe paraohute and waa killed.
Mrs. Maria Blaine was married yestcrday
lu New York to llr. W. T. Bull, who at
tended ber In her recent Illness.
Horace G. Clark baa been appointed
general superintendent of the Missouri
Paclfio railway, vice A. y. Dickinson, re
Miss Bertha Manchester. 93 years old.
was murdered with an ax in ber home in
Fall Hlver. The body was hoi libly butch
ered. No clew.
Thursday. Juna 1
Sixteen bouses were destroyed by fire at
Sugar Hill, N. II.
Tbe executive committee ot ineisaiionai
Kepubllcau league wilt meet in Chlcagol
june 15.
Tbe statement that Fred Gebhard waa
engaged to Miss I.ulu Morris, a Baltimore
belle Is denied.
Near Pouy" Moore's resort in London,
Eng , Charley Miuhell aud Jbtt Hall eu
gaged in a quarrel, aud a lough and turn
Die ngut ensued, lull got decidedly m.
worst oi It, n
JTatal s"lra In Mtuckhulin.
Stockholm, Juue I. The new Palace of
Industry, which had Iven completed and
waaat'oiit to be formally opeued in thin
dtv has been destroyed by ore. Four tire
men lost their lives while endeavoring to
aubdue the lire
1ST In a few words we deaire to call
far to your notice a very Important
3l. fact. It la this. We have as
1ST large and line aline of general
CJL. fctore gooda as you will find any.
X3T where, Come and see us, let us
aliow you our gooda and tell you
what our prices are. We deliver SJ
goods anywhere promptly and B
without extra charge whatever Ji$
to the purchaser. Don't pay big jH
prices but oome and toe ua Jti
Robert Walp,
First street, Op. Retrod Heuaea,
m fjjgij
A Hundred and Sixty-three Thou
sand at the Exposition,
lint Our Government end State Ilulld-
lnft, a Well Thou of Qreat llrtt
In, wcr llslitlr Cloaoti An iiyunc
tlon to Itettraln Sunday Clotlng.
Chicago. Mar Sfl. FmlDoutilaw iwlna
s Uncle Torn was one of tbe tortures of n
remark able Hcene at the Womau'a build Hooter unveiled bunt Of her
fi.n.mi. .).( Tlat lloB.t... Btnu-a In
tbe library room.
A visit to tbe falHsnot coDiDletavrlUt
tne on the imrttrourtt! railway, ine
can are comfortably fitted up and sire nu
excellent opportunity ror a view or tu
grounds while going at n moderate rate of
CHICAGO, May 29. One hundred nnd
twenty-five thousand people, after a week
at toll. w.nt to the World'a fair truund
yesterday. It was the first open Sunday,
ana it was a success, lue oaunnm mu
,,t tvra hour, 0taTChenthe people
began to oomn into the Krouuds. All moden
ot transportation urouRUt their quotas.ana
from the steamer piers and the railroad
eame long lines ot people.
Sunday opening was frowned
yer, in the north end of the park, where
the American state buildings are grouped.
A few stato commissioners were left no al
ternative but to close the doors of the
buildings, as the legislatures had so or
dered, but tbe great majority of Btate
boards acted on their owu authority In re
fusing admission to visitors.
The Influence of the Anglican church
was Been by the visitors who desired to
enter the buildings erected by Great
Britain and her majesty's colonies. All
were closed tight.
Chicago. May CO. Judge Stein yester
day issued a temporary Injunction re
straining tne exposition rrom closing the
World1, fair on Sunday. Immediately
after the reading of the decision Attorney
Edwin Walker Have notice that the de
fendants would file their answer In the
course ot ten days, after which arguments
wll be beam ana Ilual decision rendered
Chioaoo, May 81. Yesterday's crowd at
the fair was a true exemplification of a
holiday assemblage, and tho fine weather
that graced the morning gave a whole
some touch to Decoration Day and ren
dered the enjoyment of the occasion com
plete in every way. All modes of trans
portation were taxed early, nndlhe crowd
long before noon was runutng In close
competition to tbat or Munday. tbe total
number ot visitors was 103.UU0, of which
u3,Oi)7 were pud admw-duns.
Montana's famous solid silver statute of
"Justice" was unveiled In the "Mines and-
Miulng building yesterday It is the statue
for which Ada Iteban, the actress, sat as a
ruodel. The unveiling of the statue was
the event of the day. The total weight
of the statue is l.UoQ pounds and it rests
on a pedestal of solid gold taken from tbe
"Spotted Horse mines," which are situated
In Montana. In height the statue stands
eight feet and three luche. th the
pedestal It Is twelve feet high.
Chicago, Juue 1. Argument was liegun
yesterday in the Uuited States court of
appeals, Judges Jenkins, Woods and Croas.
cup sitting, on the till! to rest rain toe open
ing of the World's fair gates on Sunday.
Attorney Clelaud applied for leave to Hie
an intervening petition In belialf or w an-
amaiter & urown. or I'Mimieipma, and n
stockholder named Plait, ot Massachu
setts, but tbe Judges decided that in view
of Its being almost Identical with United
States Attorney Mlichrlst's bill, which bad
precedence in court, it should not now be
entertained. Mr. MUchrist then read his
bill and proceeded to make iirgumeuts ou
its merits. A declslou Is not expected he
fore tomorrow or Saturday. The paid ad
missions yesterday were 61,701,
Against I'rof...or iirlgt-s.
WAsnisaTuN, June 1. Tbe fate of Pro-
feaor Brlggs, so far as bts connection
-with the Presbyterian church Iscouoeroed,
j. poetically in the hands of a committee
of llfteeli. On the report of this commit
I tee will doulitlees rest the decision of the
general asaemitiy. it was alter tuo cioca
last night when the assembly, by a vote ot
375 to 111, decided to sustain tbe apiea
against the decii-lon ot the New York
Dr. llrav.s Again s-'r.e,
DKXVER, May 30. Ur. Thatcher Graves.
tbe alleged poisoner of Mrs, Uaruaby.
Providence, It. 1 , waa released ou (30,QUf
ball yesterday A new trial waa set foi
June 14, but It is believed the case
never be- called.
liaffia' h.cnud Kunerst.
RiniMlisu, May HI. The body of Jetter
sou Davis, for four years president of the
southern Confederate states, was today
laid to rest in Hollywood cemetery.
whence It waa brought from New Oi lean
In response to the appeals of Klchmou'l
oilizeu. The reinterment was made the
occasion for a great outpouring from all
sections of tbe country. The body was
i borne to Ua last restlug place by a won
ster procession, llttlechildreustrewlngtbe-
iwaywun norai iriuutes. uoveruora ann
eminent Confederate military and civil
leaders came from all sections to join in
I tbe pageant, which hm one of the greatest
tbat Itlchuiund has ever known.
Mlraraguau ltevolutluuLls In Control.
PlNlMA. via Galrestoa, Juue T. Ad
vices have been received that President
Saoaaabaa abandoned the straggle with
the revolutionist lu Nicaragua. Tuesday
night the president slgued a treat-, of
peace with his opponents. The memtters
of the provisional government haveeutered
Managua ana assumed oomroi 91 auairs.
The transfer of Ilia reins of government
was effected quietly, aud there has been
no disorder or any Kind.
AIIUou May Not lletlre.
Wasiuxctok. June 1. It aDueara that
tbe preldeut is very unwllliug to permit
Senator Allison to termluate bia service as
a member of the iuternatioual monetary
oonfereuce, and u Is uudsratoud that some
IndueMueota nave been ueld out that may
shake AUisuu'a determination, aud it h-
puaelhle tbat he will ooutiniie to serve asa
Fatally Injured lu
IdTTLE Rock. June 1. &uth Arkansas
was visited by a destructive storm, nouaes,
fences and trees being blown away. The
hotel at Guernsey, Httnuata-adoouaty, waa
deaoiiab-Mi aud sevau -arsons were m
idred, all fatally. All wires in the south
arn portion, of the stale are proatrated.
Tb. al Hog Islaud.
Hoa Island, Vs., May . President
Cleveland, assmupanled by U Clark
Davis, of the Philadelphia Public ledger,
reaohed here early thU morulng, where
tney will spend three or lour aaya in nsn
Admiral Ob.rardl's New Position.
Nxw Yoait, June I Htar Admiral
Qksrardl arrived at the Brooklya uaty
iard ikis moraine to relieve Comstandant
jbsn tai. ttke diarga.
Fh! Has Occnred In tlilaCltr During the
Week 1'ertlnently Epitomized by Our
Special Reporters.
Toilet paper ntOabol's.
Finn teams for all purposes at the
South End Livery.
Fine toilet paper at Oabel's.
All kinds of books and line station
erv at Luckenbaoh's. Mauch Chunk.
Full line ot Ingrain and Brussols
carpets at Henry Schwartz's.
Kaser's Koot Beer Extract The
Just make It a point to see David
El)Iert wheu you want a team f or bust-1
nes9 or pleasure. Lowest prices.
Musical College. The summer term
opens July 21th, in Tocal and Instru-
mental Music. For catalogues address
Henrv B. Afoyer, Freeburg, Pa. 3t
The original Root Deer Extract is
Window and door screens In big
assortment at Oabel's Lehlghten.
Bye Whiskey, 11.50 pergallpn
Martin's Liquor Store, Mauch Chunk,
Baby coaches from $G upwards at
Gabel's Hardware store.
Frank P. Semmel will have his
pleasant home on Second street lm-
proved by the painters.
Wm. Sohoch, a Valley railroader,
living on Fourth street, Is quite serl-
ously 111,
W. A. Newhart, of Third street Is
reported seriously 111 with typhoid
fever. I
Charles Welnland, of Fourth street
Is quite seriously 111.
L. O. J. Strauss, of First street, is
confined to the house with an attack of I
typheid malarial.
A new awning Is an Improvement
at Clark's Central House. 1
It is the talk that tbe bicyclists of
of this town and Wetssport may at an
early day organize themselves Into a
bicycle club. There are a dozen
wheels m tbe two towns enough to
form a Drst-olass club.
John S. Lontz Is preparing to lay a
substantial stone walk along his pro-
perty on Alum street.
Do you want Scotch Brahma or
White Plymoth Hock eggs for setting
purposes r it. a. ueitz sens J J ror tu
cents. 3t,
A beautiful collection ot the new.
est goods suitable for a commence-
nieut gift for a small cost at E. II.
llalil's Mauch Chunk jewelry atorr.
irom the Freeiaud Tribune we
learn that Charles Raudenbush, son
of Postmaster Raudenbush, of this
town, has removed to Philadelphia.
The numerous friends in this town
of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Delf enderf er,
now of Weatherly.will be pleased to
learn that a bright little son has been
presented to them.
ouenK mieves lorcea inetr way
Into Miller's planing mill Sunday
nignt. unis mill nas been robbed a
dozen times, 'ims time all the tools
and knives laying around loose wete I
x-crsons indebted to James Walp,
aaieiy uoiug uusiness as nnsmitn and
Plumber, In this town, are requested
to call at the old stand, and pay the
onuie w nuaru urns., ana receive ineiriontneir bloycles, participating In the
Oneofthe many handsome gold
watches E. H. Hohl, the Mauch Chunk
jeweier, is now aispiaying would make
a very elegant commencement gift.
Price and see them.
Martlu Luther Ulasser, of town, Is
employed by Contractor Eaohes. Mon.
uay iib was worKtng in lue neighbor-
hood of Oelsel's look when he had the
misfortune to cut his thumb on his
left hand clean off below the nail.
We regret to chronicle the death
t luoorge itaymond, ine elgut month
old son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dlehl,
oi oecouo srreei. ueatn occured on
Sunday. Interment was made Wed-
eouoj-, nev luiuer, oi tue evangelical
congregation officiating at the last sad
Everett A Honchen, contractors
ana ouuaers, will erect new dwellings
ror tne following people: M. Long
kamerer, Fourth street; Sallle and
uu.e .muoenimsn, iron street; Aaron
.7 ' " """""'
mem to tourieen men.
W. B. Ritter took possession of the,,
vvjj . .awtn wain tthni. ouiuruny eveu-
lng. Arlon Cornet Band was present
and rendered excellent music, and all
who dropped In were royally received.
Billy" is a jolly good fellow and is
bound to make hosts of friends.
Alter an indisposition of many
weeks, Mrs. Elizabeth Moyer, died ou
1 .,. !,., ., -
.u, in,
7 V "u" ,rlur ,T .
f:.T"'.T".ea t" m 01
lu ueoeaacu, .ave jsaao juoyer,
tTIAT a rrnvlft il.ath anm a..a n..l.l
77,, . V iTT , ' iuiu u xajuiku river.
-We note with feelings of the deep-
oaf avmnallie for Ih-uiA l.arA..l ll.ol. .. . v ' r
aeaiu ui "-raw, oi Hllgesuarre,
dauguter to Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Wain. nfPlrat tr l,Unw T...
., u n r. J T, l! lu
this place on murslaT afternoon, Rev.
Miller of the Evangelical congregation
v...m. vik-i sua UBU1K1
uv a your ago auu an imam cmid
auu uusuauuaurvive.
.1 1 1 i I .
-Willi. W...J
merohant tailoring eusluess at Bangor,
Pa-, is now in New York state. ItU
said here that Mr. Waterbor met with
unfortunate reverses lu the late busl-
neas which compelled him to close out
ui.ui.iai., . -.,-..
nope n in win aoou o-e ou lup agaiu.
uuring tne auseuce di ur. uro
... ... .. t- I..11...JI ..
wuo, witu ins wub, is uiveuuiug ine an-
nuai meetiugoi me national lutuway
Surgeon's Association in session at
Omaha, Nebraska, Dr. W. L. Kutr, of
Welssport, will give his careful atten
tiou to the dootor's Draottce. All ber
aoiis requiring his services who leave
notlw with Ed Zeni will be promptly
attended to.
for a ride to Sondbeim's Merekant
..u..,uU, .vliuui wuere
you oun get measured for au all-wool
eult at tl2, 1 15, (18 r and up. We
guarautee you perfeot tit, first -olaaa
wurkraausblp and will save you from
16 to (6 on every suit.
X Snap Shot Camera Catches Those Who
Come and Go Anions; Their Friends In
Llrelr Lehtsjhtoa,
Gus Miller did business at Allen-
town On Monday,
.Tho genial, affable Frank Obert
was at Slatlngtoa, Monday.
.George Drlnkmau. of Wllkesbarre.
I where he is a hustling business man,
was in town Decoration Dav.
. . Mrs. Charles Hummel, of IJethte-
hem! is the guest of Al Sltlor and
family on Third street,
..Homer Adams, of the Iloyton
l'urnace uompany, New i ork City, was
ln town "or a fewdays thl week.looklnR
exceedingly well
. .Peter Miller, of Scranlon, was lit
town tills week, the guest of his brother
I'rank, on South street.
..Mrs. William Zehner, of First
street. Is visiting Mrs. Harvey Mitchell
at Kiverton, N. J.
...d Zero, Hugh MoAnliTe and
Eugene Frltzinger bicycled It to
Schwartz's uear Tamaqua on last Sun
.. Frank 8chwelbinz, of Philadelphia.
is visiting Joseph Gilbert nod family
on 'Ihlrd street.
.. Miss Sallle Ueckennorf, of Scran
ton, Is on a pleasant visit to her grand
parents, Henry lieckondorf aud wife,
on fourth street.
..Kev. C. D. Rlshel aud family. of
BUlremanstown, Pa., are visiting Photo-
grapher Rlshel and mother.
of Schuylkill Haven, are visiting the
Rlshel family, om Alum street,
. . Mrs. A. L. Campbell and Miss Dora
Campbell, of Lansford, spent Tuesday
vr itn relatives and friends In town,
. . Henry Kostenbader and family, of
Mcranton. were guests of S. D. Koslen
bader, on Fourth street, for a few days
this week.
..Henry Stber, Of Bangor. Pa..
where he is In the employ of Granville
Knerr, merchant tailor, speat a few
day this week In town with relatives,
..The genial Joseph Coburn. of
Buffalo, N. Y., accompanied bv his
wife and daughter, are guests of W. Q.
Miller and family on Second street,
. . O. I. Schoch and family, of Fourth
street, were at Lansford over Sunslav
where they were guests of A. L. Camp-
oeti, tne jeweler.
..Mrs. John Behm. of Jamestown.
aundayed pleasantly at Weatherlr.
..Dr. J. Q. Zera and Dr. W.W.Kebor
accompanied by their wives, loft on
Monday for Omaha, Nebraska, where
they will attend the National Conven
tlon of Railway Surgeons. On their
way home they will see "the World's
Fair at Chicago.
..Lyman McDanlel. of Packerton.
was a Monday visitor In town and made
our office a pleasant call. Lvman Isn
candidate for county treasurer on the
Republican ticket and Is lookins un
uts menus through the countv.
..Mrs. Kate Nothstlne, of Normal
Square, was in town for a few hours
on Monday, while en ronte for Manrdi
Chunk, whore she spent a few days
witn her son Eugene,
..Charles Mortz. Elwnod Phlfoe.
warren Straussberger and Harry
Oraver. were at Mahoninc. Normal
Square and the Brick church, Suuday
Memorial ceremonies.
..Genial.wbole-souled ham. Rolelmnl
one of Eastou's popular bonlfaces,
accompanied by his wife and sister,
Mrs. John Beers. Rrtent snvnrnl riot a
this week with O. B. M. Stocker aud
wife, on Bankwav.
. .Among the many people in town
on Decoration Day we noticed: J.
Frank Snyder, of Mountain Top;
'Squire 11. D. Snyder, of Parryvllle;
Prof. Traub and wife, of Parrwllli,:
Harvey Reiser, of Mahonlno- and Hen.
Hofecker. of Mauch Chunk.
..Prof. George E. Qray will leave for
Ibis home in Falrview.Md . noif wav
The professor tanclit. lh rhi),
urammar School for the nast tw.i terma
with great satisfaction to both the
pupils aud natrons nf lti .i,n,,i ni
many friend hone In see him r-lAA,i
to the position,
Robert Sherer. of Rorerafoed. .
Arner and family.
Cnntrantoe a......... vii im u.u
U. iiiin r.!.i t,.
""ic rrH2 Ul
I AShfleld.
Arner Bros., have a large oontract to
saw lumber for Dr. Kreamer at Mill
Miss Pricilla Rehrlg, of Mauch Ch'k,
was visiting ker parents this week.
We regret to ohronicle the serious inb h-i,..i .......
. ..u.uUlurl,i,
early reoovery.
" ls rumored that a wedding come
Austin Bu8h.rePresentlng Klepplng
4 Co. of Alleatown. waa aeelnv M
patrons here on Monday.
. . n
w Rm. R. . . , ,
a n1:.on, 'Z: i." - -
Onlta n n,.ml,e f .i. t.
.a,i n,. n, .i.. n j "
7. -i ueiiiou.irB-
tlon at Lehlghtou.
T. B. Snyder, the well-known fence
ma.oufaeturarof LeibyvUle, Schuylkill
mnotT, wtts transacting business here
nn iru nuj..
rrhn nnn,,.i .ai i..
I ovmiuu Was VUQ U f UUKOle
. . ,
--a "... ram-! la lue
lftal,, l,, .l 1 . .
tlon, at this place en the 13th Instant
Tho members ef Washington Camp
29, P. O. S. of A., made a Bplendid ap
pearance in the Decoration Day dem-
nnfttratlm-a at nr...
port on Tuesday uiorni.g. Four of
the members were clothed In the uni
form of the Contlunental soldier. N
ns i, iD Md u.yi.inn .j . .
I " v
duag membership.
- ria. Una of Harness,
A u "ne single and double bar.
- ueee, whips, 8y nets, sweat pads, sum-
- merwaukeU, icfor spriug trade at
I Tery reasonable prices at Milton Flory'
elwport, Pa, tf
Raser'a Root Hear amuM-lnr In all
-Fifty rolls of ohigkeu wire just
received t Gabel's. Itwillbeiold
tbe yard or roll at low prices.
Five different styles of lawn
mowers at prices lower than the lowest
at J. L. Oabel's, Lehigliton.
hort Pararraphs That Will be ot Interest
to the Katlroail Soys.
JTbe Lehigh Valley gatenien at
street crossings have had their pay re
duced to $1.10 a day, for fourteen hours
t Mrs. Morita Schtiltz has eommenc-
sult against the Central Raliroadfor
120,000 for the death of her husband,
who was killed while crossing the com
pauy's tracks at Wllkes-Barre in a
t A caudldate for suspension Is a
new term among railroaders. It is ap
plied to the poor fellow who Is In a
measure responsible for a wreck or rear
end collision. The train master or
division superintendent does the elect
ing, and when fqund guilty the candi
date goes out of possession by a major
ity of one.
t The heads of several Important
officials of the Lehigh Valley division
the Reading railroad, it Is announo-
, are to be ont off uuderthe retrench
ment policy of the new management of
the Reading. Among those who it Is
said must go are C. W. Chapman,
Superintendent of the Catasauqna and
Forgelsville railroad, and Aselstant
Road-master Murtaugh, ot the Jersey
Division John Dluan, ot the Lehigh
Division, and O. W. Mack, of theWyom-
lug Division.
43 Strawberry festivals will soon be
In season.
Meuntain pinks are out in full
Q Mrs. Phillip Schodt, accompanied
by her daughter Alloa from New
Tripoli, were visiting at Francos Fritz
lnger's on Sunday.
& Miss Rehrlg and Miss Brown, of
Bowmanstown, were visiting In the
Valley Sunday.
Memorial Day should not be one
f pleasure and sport. Rather should
It be a day ot honoring the dead by
good deeds.
Harvey Ruch moved to Allentowa
on Monday. lie Is an employee of
the Allen Silk Mill.
J. D. Balllet lost a valuable breed-
mare by death on Monday.
Joseph McFarland, Jr., of Parry
vllle, moved In Jacob Rex's house.on
Dennis Nothsteln moved his
portable steam saw mill out of the
Valley. "
The local cherry crop promises to
be Immense this season.
O Ell Measomer, the popular mer!
chant of West Peun, made his regular
business trip througn the Valley on
Thursday, He ls doing a brisk busi
Tho Legislature of retina., en-
acted a law giving bicycle riders the
Same right upon the highway as wagons
and classes their machines as vehicles,
but the blcycIe.Tiders are some what
chagrined, because the law classing
the wheels as vehicles gives the road
companies the right to charge toll the
same as for a horse and wagon.
ihe time honored custom ef de
corating the graves of the herolodead
with floral tributes of love, was this
year again appropriately observed by
the old soldiers aud citizens of the
Valley, on Sunday last Instead of the
30th. All tbe graves of the soldiers on
the Ben Salem's and Pennsvllle ceme
teries, were marked with National
colors and strewn with flowers. All
the Sunday schools participated In the
procession with J. S. Brobst in the
lead to the Pennsvllle cemetery. It
was an interesting occasion.
The gypsies are on the road again.
Tne girls are all ready for the first
Agricultural machinery agents are
on the war path.
Subscribe for the Advocate if you
mat all the county news.
James O. Smith and wife, were visit.
ing friends and relatives nt Lehigh
Gap over Sunday.
If. II. Chrlstman of Welssport accom
panied by Joseph Strohl circulated
through this section on Sunday.
Adam Hill and Cllde Bowman accom
panled by their wives, of Bowmanstown
were the guests of Chas. Hill and wife
over Sunday.
Mrs. Daniel Wagner accompanied by
Miss Ella Wagner were visiting at
Weatherly the guests of J. C. Sendel
and wife, during last week.
Philip George, a well-to-do farmer uf
near this place, transacted business
at the County Seat on Monday.
Levi Hawk and Phoenus Kibler ac
companied by their wives ot Easton,
are at present visiting in this section,
tbe guest of Mrs. Adam Hawk.
Levi Oeorge transacted official busi
ness at the County Seat on Saturday,
Mr. George ls the executor tor the
estate of the late Samuel George, dee'd,
V. B. Mehrkam accompanied by Levi
Harleman both of Lebighton transacted
official busiuess at this place on Fri
day last.
Wallace Wagner formerly of this
place now of Weatherly, with J. O.
Sendel transacted business at tills
place, on Tuesday.
Luther Uulou
Program ot exercises for Friday
evening June 0: Opening exercises,
John Xander; recitation, Carrie Stout
select reading, Sadie Miller; solo, Nana
Shueler; sketch "St. Paul's Missionary
Tournzla Baur; recitation, Annie
Straup; duet, Mame Rhoads and Nettie
Qeggus; select reading Llllle Relchard:
recitation, Mlffatn Horn) solo, G.
Clauss; essay "New Lester Bell," Mary
Ebbert; chorus, conducted by Miss
Ella Ebbert.
No, Nothing Is the Matter With Your Hie.
i ou are ouiy provoked because you
paid more for your men's and boys'
suits than you pay here, you have seta
our notices and did not profit by them,
Its only au oversight on your part
We are selling mens' suits from 18 ud,
uoyr suns rrom i up. we will save
you 33 per cent, besides our 10 per
cent, cash discount at the One Price
Star Clothing Hall, Mauoh Chunk
opposite C. R. R. station.
Good, strong, beat quality Ham
mocks at Gabel's, Lehighton
iiArrr.isiNris iiiiihki.v kpitu-
The llolnga of the Week Intevleaded Willi
Personal Mentions,
Miss Rambo, an estimable young
lady with Mrs. Culton, the milliner,
while at Mauch Chunk on Tuesday had
the misfortune to loose her purse con
taining almost iO.
Misses Deckle Wintllng and Helen
Blllg SUndayed delightfully with Eas
ton friends.
Charley Leopold, Of Tamaqtip. was
closing digits with friends here this
We sympathize with Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Boyer in the loss of their In
fant son through the dark messenger
ot death. Interment was made on
Wednesday morning.
sirs. J. R. Dimmick, of Allontown,
ls a guest among friends in this town
and vicinity.
Alfred Solt and wife.nnd Cornelius
Solt, of Uazleton, were among tbe
many visitors tu this place during the
past week.
Rev, I. J. Reltz and family, of Slat-
lngton, were in town this week, wel
come guests of many friends. Rev.
Rcltz was formerly pastor of Ebenezer
Evangelical church in this place.
Mrs. Esther Snyder, aged three
score years and ten, one of tho most
esteemed and respected lady residents
of Franklin township, Is quite serious
ly 111 with bronchitis.
Miss Ltllle Rapp, of Wllkesbarre.
spent Sunday with the Misses Rapp on
White street.
Mrs. Jacob Brong and daughter.
were visiting relatives here this week.
Wilnier, son of Postmaster Amos
Marsh, is so seriously 111 that his re
covery Is dlspaired of.
Miss 3ertie Horn, one of this
town's accomplished young ladies.
spent a few days this week with many
friends at Allontown.
Frank Snyder and family, of Fair
view, were guests of relatives in this
neighborhood during tho past week.
Mr. Snyder, a few years ago, was one
of Carbon county's popular aud pro
gresslve teachers, but is now In the
mercantile business at tho former place
-Rev. O. W. Sandt, of Wllkesbarre,
a former pastor of the Welssport Luth
eran congregation, was la town on
Mrs. Francis Solt and children
lett on Thursday rrorulng for Frank
ford, Indiana, where they will spend
several months with relatives.
-Stroh Council, 731, Jr. O. U. A. M.,
are arranging for a grand fair and fes
tival in Charley Laury's new hall, for
three ovenlngs commencing July 13,
and continuing to the 15th. The coun
cil has appointed tnis hustling com
mittee oa arragements and alroady
they are head-over-heels in work: Will
Whitehead, chairman; Rob Graver.sec
retary; Ike Bartholomew, treasurer;
Richard Christy and Milton Kromcr.
Theoommlttee will leave nothing un
done to give everybody a good time
who attend.
Memorial day was observed in tbe
usual patriotlo manner by the liberty
loving people of this town. Many busi
ness houses and private residence were
decorated. John S. Miller acted as
chief marshal. The parade formed as
follows, moved over the town and then
to the cometary where the oration was
delivered by Rev. Luther,of Parryvllle.
The Sunday schools sang patriotic
airs; Rev. Miller offereda fervent pray
er; Arlon Cornet Band discoursed and
Rev.Crcitz made appropriate remarks,
uuiet aursbal and Assistants,
O, A. it brum Corps, Lehlghton,
Firing Souad,
John 1). ISprtoltue Post, 481, 0. A, It.,
Cart. Jos. 8. Webb Camp, 05, 8, of V.,
W, 0. 12i, 1. O. 8. ot A., Parrylllle,
W. 0. 117, P. O. M. ot A, Welssport,
Ariuu iuruei oana, imgnion,
u.ouua uuuulii, Jl. IT. V, A- .1- J Bn
btroli Council, Jr. O. u. A. M., rraur
, Iarryville,
Jrtseph Kalbfus.of Harrlsburg, was
In town this week. Mr, Kalbfus Is an
old Mauch Chunker.
Miss Lillie, daughter of the late
Edwin Kemerer,of East Mauch Chunk
died at tbe home of her sister, Mrs. H.
Koons, on Saturday morning after an
Illness with typhoid pneumonia of only
a few days. Deceased was aged
years and was a popular and most
estimable young lady. Interment was
made In the Lehighton cemetory on
Max Schweiblnz, of East Mauch
Chunk, and Alex, II. Seldle, of Mahon
ing Valley, have leased the Wahnetah
Hotel at Glen Onoko,and will conduct
tbe same this season. Mr. Seldle will
move his family into the hotel, and his
wife assisted by a first-class oblef, will
have charge of the cuisine department
This hotel will open Tuesday next,
Miss Ada Webb, the estimable
daughter of Sheriff and Mrs. J. S. febb
was tended a most -delightful surprise
Thursday, evening, the occasion of her
birthday anirersary. The evenlngwas
delightfully speut by all In indulgence
In tbe usual happy conylvaltes. Those
present were aa follows.
Messes Minnie Wesner, Jennie Merkel.Msine
ltau, Allektowm Aaa Webb, Mattle Ke. Eva
Saddel, Ilella Hams. Daisy lawkenhaeb, Gert
rude Bleckley, xva Collins, Little Mmi, EuUi
Higiey, ljieiia aicAuister, Lottie Aekerain,
uul Kistier, Btiue raga, Aatua Kau.ff lean,
Maggie OoUlnt, Emily PWler, Emma bretsbaeh
F.roma Whitehead, Tmlly Seualuger, Mary
Keiser, I'lo. Ilulehlser, Lizzie Rom aad Sallle
ragai Messrs, Ed. Ooroery, II. Mean He,
Granville Ulauss, Lehighton; Unas, Culver,
David Waiklm, John Boyd, Robert Aieover,
Will Stroh, Will Winker, Martlu Ross, Ilirry
Aurlsb, Hteaard wo body, Itobert Slgman
John WUweyer, Alex, bteadmau, Charles
Bleckley, Elmer Faga, George Smei. Harry
Kauflman, Will llarlau. Will Ret. Will Luekett.
bach. John Tosh. Bert. Scbeeu, Harry L. fags,
ana win K. lfwcaiey.
Again on Top,
Our large sales of mens' and kova'
suits for tbe last 30 days shows that
people appreciate bargains and are
always willing to procure the best
clothing for the least monev. Wa will
save you 33 percent, besides our 10 per
cent, cash discount on all men's and
boys- suit you uuy within the next 30
days at the One Prtoe Star Clothing
nan, uauou i;nuna-, opposite tile v. n.
H. station.
TTIll be Here June S3.
Dr. W. F. Daruer, the specialist on
disease of the eye. ear, nose and
throat, will be at the tUobange Hotel.
Lehighton, en Friday Juue 28.
The Pension Board ofCarbon county
will not be in attet.dauoe at their of
fice in Mauch Chunk ou tbe Hrat two
Wednesday's in June.
W W Rgarg, sec'y.
Slibrt Paraaraphs That Will lie Head by
llase Hall People. No flame on the Home
Grounds, Saturday.
D3U Billy Koch plays well belliud the
Murphy throws a very deceptive
ES Milt Hauk covers second bag
like a professional,
Shafer plays In left with lots of
C2T Jeauesville beat South Eastern
17 to 11 on Saturday.
S3L. Freeland took Hazleton'a scalp
on Saturday In a well played game.
Score G to 3.
IW Hazleton has a team called
Mugwumps they are all tickers evl-
Our people should patronize the
ball club.
C3S. Ladies are admitted free to the
Lebighton ballpark.
V3 A small audience witnessed the
game between the Catasauqua club'
and the S. and B. team, of AUentown,
at Catasauqua on Saturday. The con
test was. a stubborn one throughout,
and It took eleven Innings to decide
the game. The score was: Catasauqua
13, S.anil B. 0.
E& Last Saturday Lebighton was
unable to go to Pottsvllle,so they play
ed with the Welssport nine. The score
was 22 to 4.
tST JTanager McAniffe deserves the
patronage ot our people in his efforts
to give a good article of ball.
82r Scypes umpires with the nerve of
an old timer.
t3f Lehighton took Mauch Chunk's
scalp in a well played game Tuesday
morning, the score was 11 to 12 at the
first lot the nine innings, Lehighton
played;the best game out generaling
their opponents at every point. In
the afternoon of tbe same slay thesame
clubs put on their war paint and went
at it again. Very loose playing In the
first inning allowed Mauch Chunk to
score five runs. This lead they kept
to the finish the game winding up9to
The attendance was medium. The
boys put up a good article of ball for
amateurs and the public should gener
al? support them.
Benjamin Steigerwalt and wife were
guests of friends at Hokendauqua on
Horry Pettlt, of Pottsyille, was here
on Tuesday, when it ls said that he was
quietly married to the estimable
daughter of Reuben Stemler. The re.
port being true we desire to add our
warm songratulations to the numerous
and hearty well wishes ot their many
young friends.
Harry Heqrltzy and Ross Laurer
are Parryvllle young men who are off
on an extended trip.
Messrs. II. D. Snyder, Hall, E. J,
Nontz, George and Mike Pettlt aud
Wm. Anthony spent last Sunday up
the Mahoning Valley with Bertolette
Post, 481, G. A. R., of Lehighton.
George Bowman has been so serious-
lously indisposed during the past
week tbat at times his life has been
dispaired off.
The numerous friends of .diss Jennie
Pettlt hope that she wiU soon be con
valescent from the serious illness tbat
at present confines her to the house.
Miss Alvenia Montz has been elected
a delegate from the Reformed Sunday
school here to Sunday school conven
tion of the East Penna. classls to
meet at Hroadheadsvllle sometime
this month.
Rev. Kershner and family ou Tuos-
dayevening attending a grand soeiable
at the Towamensing church given by
the members of the Young People's
Society, of that congregation, for the
benefit of the Reformed church here.
of which Rev. Kershner Is the popular
Memorial Day was pleasantly ob
served by the secret societies assisted
by Bertolette Post 181, of Lehighton.
The route of parade was over the
priucipal streets and to the oemetery
where the graves of the dead heroes
were decorated. The oration was very
ably delivered by Rev, Kershner. He
was followed by Rev, Luther. Bus!
ness places and private residences were
nicely decorated.
Decoration Day was observed Sun
day, at St. John's church.
-Wm. J. Arner was visiting at Ring-
town, Pa., over Sunday.
William Mertz ls building a new
The Normal Square Literary
Society "gave up the ghost" last Satur
day evening.
Moses Arner and family,of Morgan-
vllle, Kansas, are at present visiting In
the Valley. Mr. Arner was a former
resident ot this place, but moved to
Kansas about fifteen years ago.
Our Band was at Summit Hill on
Decoration Bay.
-Last Saturday Miss AlresU lien-
niuger aud William Jertz Jr., were
In ills arave Alive.
The oltlzens of Paradise, Monroe
County, are greatly excited over the al
leged burial of StewardStearner before
he was dead. He seemed to have ex
pired suddenly of heart disease, a few
months ago. Steamers body was tak
en out of bis grave to be reinterred on
Friday and it was discovered tbat he
had turned over lu the coffin. The lid
of the coffin was also broken open,
Mrs. Steamer, It Is claimed, believes
her boy was burled alive.
For Itent.
A basement containing three rooms
and pait of a double dwelling house
oontalnng six rooms, situated on the
ooraer of Second, and Coal streets
Apply to Henry Ileokendorf.
low Do You Stand 7
Subscriber are requested to watch
tbe date foUowlng the name on the
labels of their papers. By referring to
this they oan tell at a glance how they
stand on the books at this office. For
Instance :
Benjamin Harrison, JuuKMiH
means tbat Benjamin ls paid up to
June 38, 1803. By keeping the figures
in advanoe of the present date sub-
scribsrs will save both themselves and
tbe publisher much trouble aud anuoy
Local Gossip of a Newsy Character In and
About Carbon Disked ue for Our
t Banks township school will close on
Juue IT.
T Application will be made for e
charter of incorporation by the Lans.
ford Eisteddfod Association. The as
sociation will consist of 100 shares at
ilO each.
X Catharine Rabe, au Inmate of the
Laurytown poor house died on Friday.
She had no relatives.
t Nosqnehoulng has graduated this
class of estimable young ladles from
their high school:. Misses Ethel Han
cock, Hattle Corby, Maud Gibson
Stella Kistier, Mary Smith, Hattle
Richards, Lizzie Miller and Delia Rellly
Principal MoCabe cau ell feel honored
at their excellent graduation.
t About three-fourths of the shares
ot the new National Bank of Lansford
have been purchased. The par value Is
tUOO per share. The capital stock of
tbe new bank ls $00,000.
t Bernard J. Dever, of Beaver Mea
dow, was ordained a priest at Philadel
phia on Saturday, and will read his
first mass at tho former place next
t The residents of Audeurled aud
vicinity were greatly alarmed about
noon on Thursday bv the prolonged
sounding of the whistle at No. 2 colliery
It was soon learned that thebreaker at
the latter place was on fire, the roof
Igniting from some mysterious cause.
A bucket brigade was organized and
went to work with a will. Their efforts
were crowned with success, as the
flames were extinguished before much
damage was done. The employees lost
no time in fighting the flames, and It
is due to their prompt action that the
structure was saved.
mi:moiual uav
A Delightful Day. Lots ot Klay-n I,.
Town, The Town Uayely Decorated.
There is no discount on the neoDle of
this this town when It comes to the
observance of a patriotlo event in the
history of our country, and Memorial
Day Is no exception. Last Tuesday
each and all seemed to vie with the
other In the display of beautiful
flowers aud gay colored bunting.
Never before .were the decorations so
prollflce; never before were flowers
more abundant. Early In the morning
Bertolette Post 484, G. A. R with the
drum corps and delegations from
other orders, visited Parryvllle where
they decorated the graves of all sleep
ing comrades, returning they paid the
same tribute to the heroes dead who
sleep in the cemeteries at Welssport.
In the afternoon the following organi
zations formed in line on First street
and paraded the principal thorough
fares. At the pullo schools the dudIIs
feU In line and accompauied the de
monstration to tke cemetery.
, Breakers In Carriages
Chief Marshal and Att3i.,n,,,
G. A. K. Drum Dorps, Laliighiou.
Klrl,ii, Riiii.ri
John D, Itertolelte, Post, o!, Lelilirhum,
vli..jus. nBuouMlip, SJS. Ot V. Lcniglllou.
Arlon Coma' Hand. lAll,.l,t,,
Guadeu lluetten Ie, BUS l.O. U.K.Uliliilltou
... 1 ?,r!"- B-Keber In Carriage.
Lehigh Lodne, au, B of It. It. T. Leliluhton,
P'Lf n lluetten Castle, ;il, K.(i.K.Leliiliuii,
LehtBH Council, 101, Jr. O.U.A.M., Leliliihtou,
Waslilnetou Camp, Ml, P. o. S. 0IA.IIilghU)u
Wasulnitton Cainp.llT, P.O.S. ot A. Welssiwrt,
Ma). Klutz Commacdery, 2j,K.O.K.,LehiKbtou,
Ladles' Kellet corps.
At the cemetery Arlon Cornet Band
rendered several choice selections
following which Rev, J. Alvin Reber,
the able pastor of ZIou's Reformed
church led in eloquent prayer. The
popular Germauia Sangerbund ren
dered one of their ohoice selections
when the oration, was eloquently de
livered by Comrade Druckenmiller,
following which Rov. O. W, Dungan,
of the M. E. church made appropriate
remarks and Prof. O. J. Walter recited
a poem appropriate to the occasion.
The benediction was pronounced by
Rev. J. H. Miller, of the Evangelical
church. The graves of all dead com
rades were beautifully decorated with
Moral emblems and tho customary
marks of tribute to the dead was paid
by the members of John D. Bertolette
The mounted aides to Chief Marshall
McCormick were. Dr. F. I. Smith,
lenigh Council 101, Jr. O. U. A. M.j T.
J. Selfert, Gnaden Hutten Lodge I. O,
O. F.j n. V. Morthlmer, Jr., and Dr. C.
T. Horn, 1C G. E.; Lester Rehrlg,
Washington Camp 511. P, O. S. of A.:
Lewis Drelbelbles, Webb Camp 00,
a. ot v.
All Ball, lo Dr. N. 11. lleber.
There wasn't one in one hundred
people In all Lehighton on Decoration
Day who was not more than happy to
see the kind old face of our esteemed
fellow citizen Dr. N. B. Reber, on tbe
streets after almost ten years confine
ment with paralysis of the lower ex
tremitles. The doctor who ls the oldest
Odd rellow In this city, paraded with
that organization, occupying a carriage
gallydecorated with the national colors.
His trip around Lehighton must have
been as gratifying to blm as it was to
his host of friends, for the improve
ments effected In that time are lnnum
erable. We hope that the doctor will
be spared for many years to tome.
Z Rye Whiskey, ILK) per gallon, at
M. Martha's Liquor Store. Mauch
Chunk, Pa.
For commencement presents go
to E. H. Hold's Mauch Chunk Jewelry
-Express wagons, 75 oents and up
wards at Gabel's, First street.
Gold pens, pencils and all the lat
est novelties in this line can be seen
at E. II. Hold's Mauch Chunk Jewelry
Ladlee Sleeves for the Summer Beesou
and Haw to Make Them.
Tbensust easeuual feature or our present
modes Is the preuilneat part ahlch the
aiaaieeiaae lu me general loaae up OI a loll
etta. They ooastltaie the douuneut note, the
tricking aeceeeory abtcb cwmpels the atten
tkMi of the betajlder. in point of variety ot de-
I.U. .,11, n. ., .. .. J
nseatatkMi, thea surpass ao other part of the
eosUuue. Tu this oouiulleauoo must be added
roe miner uarea.ur LM snowing tne ttmor
cangnaadaaeeitauilttg the style most sultabla
lo (he agure oi each uidltlduil wearer. The
ell koowU and touuiar McDowell Kashlou
aoumal ape exnauaiit auldaa In HilaMuhufiu.
laxSieruleiaif. Heeogauuog the Important role
of the sleeve la our UMalerosiylen, they have de
voted Msav lessons toon Uueiaereat kinds ot
tue .eMuuMe.aB aau ine manner OI niaa
tng them Thosa lessens are invaluable.
rrtey will tw found In "La Mode de rarls." Ut
"Paris Album ut Fashion." aud in "The French
Dressmaker," Hie fornisr twe coats ftXAO eaeh
a voir, or ascents a copy "La Mode" with Us
low subscription prtoe ot llAO a year, or IS
uents a oopi . Is a unique publlcabon ot lu load
no tduplteated In tbu oouulry. II vou are an-
newsdealer!, do out aueout any substitutes, bu
us ui procure any oj wese RuuouiiM". at vutu
eel lllli tKreet Net) lerk
uireciij to Messrs A aivlJOaell a
Candidates for Pnbllc Flace are GreerAtag
Themselves for the Coming Conventions.
A llesame ot the field.
The defeat of Ben Kuutz for Assem
bly last fall by Hon, W. F Bleryhad
the effect of very considerably un
settling the plans and policy of the
Republican party lu little Carbon. It
had beau predicted that Kuutz 'a elec
tion would mean a oontlnuenoy of
snccess that had come to the party
through tke elestlon of Sheriff Josepfl
W ebb aud Clerk of Ceurlg Watklns tne
year before when tke Democratic party
was" at loggerheads, but in this cob
templatlou as in seme others the trite
old saying that "the best laid plans of
man aud mice oft gang aglee" was euce
more beautifully exemplified. Had
Kuutz been elected the Republican
party would have clear sailing next
rail and it ls not unlikely that another
high handed, blustering, blowing cam
paign would have been witnessed by
the Intelligent voters of Carbon county,
notwithstanding that they have long
tired of this style of campaigning. In
the 'Usual presumptlous, grab-all man
ner, the coaventlon that nominated
Kuutz was held in advance of the
Democratic convention. The set back
given last fail, however, will perhaps
dampeu this ardor from a reappearance
'I'hi, .l..r.,,. , r , ., .... ... .. v
In a new county organization. Drels
bach, who had long and faithfullr
served his party as its chairman, felt
constrained to retire with fond hopes
blasted, and lu his place George
Mortimer Davis, of Laasford, whs was
defeated four yeara ago bv Judge
Seldle, for associate judge, was elected
to succeed him. There were a goodly
number of Republicans lu the lower
end who were not much pleased at
this, but they only smiled and bit a
little harder ou their lips to hide their
chargriu. Horace Heyatt was on
tlnued as secretary ot the party organi
zation. But notwithstanding that
dark clouds seem hoverlug near there
are many aspiring patriots willing to
risx tne uncertainties oi political war
for a chance at public plaoo.
Associate Judge beads the list and
the only name that we have thus far
heard lu this connection is that of W.
R. Stroh. of Mauch Chunk. Will la
young In years, yet be ls au adept In
political manipulation as many a one
cau tell. He is about as lively a Re
publican as Carbon county holds with
in her borders, and it is said that he
has shaped more than one county Re
publican ticket for nomination. There
is another name, however, that was
talked of four years ago when George
Davis, ot Lansford, was nominated. K
la inlin UaUM Tl.!i.. W
uwuu uoa.uw.Ub. u, UQUI.U1UU, nr.
Seaboldtwas a Blaine elector eight
years ago. He Is a prominent, though
uot-obuoxlous, party mau and ls fre
quently consulted by the higher party
leauers m matters ot organization.
After this comes ('.nuntv treaaurae.
lu this end of the county there ls only
one candidate, Levi Horn, of Franklin.
zi, win uerememDereu tnat Levi bus
tled for this job once before, three
years ago, when Jim T. Mulhearn, ot
uaumoru, tne uest nearted Democrat
lu the county, put him on the shelf.
Levi has not lost hope, however, ot
handling the cash of Carbon county
for the next three years, and he is said
to be mixing his war nalnt for the
coming contest. Of course Levi may
meet, and lu fact must expect some
opposition. "Pop"McDanlel,of Packer
ton, Is going to try his luck at the
drawing and is said to be already
figuring up the result.
County Commissioner asplrtants
don't seem to swarm so thick down
nere. unly one name has been promi
nently mentioned Milton Setzer. of
Franklin, the home nf Tel 1
Should Levi fall by the way side, Betzer
will push his claims as a stalwart, aad
of course expects to be rewarded for
past services. Another name men
tioned during the past few days how
ever, is that of 'Squire Moyer, of Towa
meuslug. Register aud Recorder Handwerk
goes ubout his business in his usaal
quiet, pleasant way, contemplating
spending another three years In oflloe.
It looks as if Jimmy would have no op
position for a lifth term In his own
putty. The malignant attack on
Jimmy's business character by the
mnslord Record don't seem to have
weakened him In his nartv. Or course
there ls some opposition to the fifth
term, out it uon't crop out very far in
the face of Handwerk s popularity.
Tub "game is young yetand It wont
be long before party warrors all over
the county will be looking up their
trump cards and counting their tricks.
From time to time we will keep ear
readers posted of the manipulation of
iue game in tue camps ur uotn parties.
It will be our aim to give a truthful
version of the Dolltical dolnca without
malice or evil contemplation. Wears
uvitt uijziro tue news.
The sick and afflicted are rail 1 1 m. In
numbers to consult the Specialist. The
doctor will remain until the 1st of July
giving all plenty of time to test
nts skill. come at ouce. Five
Hundred Dollars will be paid
by Dr. Bowers the SDecIallst. for a oaaa
of Astluna. Catarrh, -Piles or Falling
nts lie xans to cure, (jnronlo disease,
Cancer, Turners, Blood Poison, Dyspep
sia, Liver, Kidney. Rheumatism, Heart
tyiawsee curcu. remaie msease etc..
Indiscretion of young men, Mental
Decay, loss of strength power, nervous
ness &0. No experiment lint, a r.,im
Thousands cured by my own new
methods of treatment, over 20 years In
constant practice. Consultation free
at the Welssport House, Welssport, Fa.
tn The Carbon Advocate congratulates the
Weatlierly Herald ou enterlog Volume XIV
the Herald shows spirit and enterprise aad la
a good newspaper. The genial Percy raust
who I, at the helm ls a holesouled, pleasant
newspaper mau and deserves a lull share ot
nf-The Lansford Leader, Issued to ana
toUlT felL Want la uh 0 t(.nKIVun ..,
Its appearance last week. It It a six column
paper, well Mod with aas. tlso a year.
Watson Davis are publishers,
VTbe Hazleton Ben Us el with al) ot
ebaraetsrlsue snap and enterprise, issued
magnineent supplement with halt tone
uiuinceui. supplement witn uatt tone pnoto
cuts ot the national capttol, Ueorge Washing
Um and rresldeut Grover Cleveland, on Decor
alien Day. ine SeuUnel gets there.
Ivr A pretty souvenir el the Hazleton soldiers
monument was given away to Its many taous
and readers by liie flam Speaker on MesserUI
t'ay. jueopeakeriaine best one cent dally la
the ooal region.
rV-To keen III, with Ilia tlma an., ., .......
ot progress that goes In Freeland. the Tribune
ot tnat place ou Monday leaned a Iwetve paae
Bewspaperthatwaja credit to the town and to
Luzerne eouiily. Hete'a our congratulaiioni.
brother Buckley.
Buy Raser's Root Beer to make a
healthful, refreshing btvrage. Sold
Commencement presents at E. fl.
Hold's, Mauch Chunk.
err r r r llt
A cream of tartar baking
powder. Highest of all in
leavoning strength Latett
United States Government Food
Report. Royal Baking Powder
Co., loti Wall St, N. Y.
- 1 ' M1mm.