The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, May 27, 1893, Image 1

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    is a specialty at our Job Printing Office
in Snyder's Block, east side of the Lehigh
Bridge. Envelopes, Note and Letter Paper,
Phamplets, Order Books, Vouchers, Tags,
and all kinds of Plo Nic, Horse and Wale
Bills. We do all work neatly, cheaply and
cleanly. Do you need anything In this
Unef then call and see us, or write ms a
postal card and we will be at your terries.
VOL XXI. No. 28
Lohighton, Carbon County, Ponna. May 27 L893
$1.00 a Year iri Advano
Has a larger olroulatlon than any other
newspaper printed In Carbon oounty, con
sequently It In the b.t medium for adver
titers. Our news columns sparkle with
the ocouirences ot the day Olern, sploy,
luterestlug, bnlght and independent. Our
editorials are original and will be worth
reading on account of their splftt .which
is independent of outside dictation. Out
price is one dollar a year. Just you try It
. . . ' " .
Have.yomfen the new shades
of Cloths for Ladies' Capes?
We have an elegant assortment
thjs season, and the prices are
Ladies' Oxfords in Donfroia
Tans and Russets, also Ladies'
Blucher Oxfords. Infant's 7?ed
Shoes, from I to 5 ; Childs'
Spring Heel Red Shoes, 5. to 8;
Childs Spring Heel Red Slip
pers, 5 to'8.
Men's and Boys' Russet Shoes
also an olegant lino ot isluchers,
Men's and Boys' IFoiking
Shoes at prices that cannot be
equalled elsewhere, tor quality
Childs' Misses', Ladies' and
Men's Hosiery in all the new
shades, including Red and lan
Colors ; the colors in our hosiery-
are guaranteed perfectly last.
A cordial invitation is ex
tended to the public to examine
our stock and compare prices.
figg" This store will be closed
on Dacoration Day.
Clint Street, between South and Plum streets,
telillihton. Pa.
Th Hw Trkt MarroloDi Performance
Off th MMiftchuMttt Const.
Borroif, May M. With forward torpedc
tubet burltd dep in the watsr, pushed al
moat as high as herforecaitle, the armored
crulMr New York steamed across the line,
breaking the world's reoord and winning
lor her builders the largest premium evi
paid in any country. When twenty-oni
knots was predicted as the speed of thi
new orulser many hoped, but few believed,
that her engines would ever be able to
drive such an immense mass of steel
through the water at this rate. Wheusbi
rosied the line, however, with a speed of
1.00 knots, and some eorrections to be
added for tide, the enthusiasm ou board
was inttnse. The performance will be
echoed from one end of Europe to the
ther, forlt places the United States in
the van among the navies of the world and
gives us not only tue mou powerful, bus
the swiftest armored cruising vessel.
There has been great enthusiasm in Eng
land over the rformanaes of the cruisers
Blake and BltTuelm, home claiming that
the latter has attained a speed of twenty
two knots. In the first place these vessels
are not armored, but simply proteoted by
four lnoh decks over machinery and boil
era, ven equal speed from them, there
fore, would bi nothing remarkable againut
a vessel carrying, In addition to a six Inch
protective deck, a five inch side belt and
two turrets, each eleven inches thick. In
the first place neither of these vessels has
vir had an official trial over a measured
eourie. The Blake broke down from leaky
boilers after reach Inn a speed of 10.7 knots
in shoal water and developing 13,000 horse
.power, while the tfienneiin was gaugea
only by a patent log which, it is claimed,
indicated 22W knots. This same instru
ment ou the New York showed a speed
yesterday of S3 knots, And the difference
between that and actual distance covered
is proof of how unreliable patent logs are
as omolai tests.
The performance gives the Cramps a
premium of foo.ow.
FblUdelitfaU's faU. Officials Will Con
test Their Dethronement.
Philadelphia, May as. The receipt of
a telephone message from Uarrisburg tnat
uoveraor Paulson bad appendeu bis sig
nature to the Penrose bill abolishing the
public building commission caused a flurry
ox excitement in tne mayor's omce.
When Mayor Stuart sent his notification
to the oommtislontrs that the public build
ings were transferred to J. A, Wind rim,
of the department of public works, only
Commissioner John Hilt was in the office.
IT. I ur.a Ia.ti.w4 t li a aisU tnalf
up the keys. Mr. Hill said: "We do not
propose giving up anything just yet, but
will test the matter iu court, and see
whether the powers that be can ride over
us or not. We have already started pro
ceedings in oourL We propose to hold on
to the keys, and will not give them up un
less brute force Is used." Mr. Hill said he
ted nothing further to say except that
able counsel had beeu engaged.
KuUlle Off for Mew York.
Wbhikqton, May 85, The lufanta of
Spain and her suite, accompanied by the
cabinet ministers of the United States, the
diplomatic corps and otherwise distin
guished retiuue.yeeterday visited the tomb
of WashlnKtou, The reception to the din-
lomatlo corps last night was devoid ot the
usual brilllauoy or sucu gatnenngs, tor
at the request of the infanta the diplo
mats appeared In evening drnts. At 10:30
o'clock the infanta and suite were taken
to the British embasay, where one of the
most elaborate social functlous of this
fawn took place. The event was the oeler
bration ot the 74th anniversary of Queeu
Victoria's birthday. At 10 o'clock this
morning the princess and suite left for
New York on a pclal traiu over the
Pennsylvania railroad.
Italy's Otbltiet CrltU Kadetl.
Koum, May 26. Seuator Eula has ac
cepted the ministry of finance, thus put
ting an endta the cabinet crisis.
3T In a few words we desire to rail
tST to your notice a very Important
Ca fact. It is this. We have as
HT large and flue a Hue of general
C& store goods as you will Unci any
t3T where. Come aud sto ua, let us
show you our goods and tei I you &1
goods KBjwbere promptly and Tj.j
without extra oliarge whatever a(
to the purchaser. Don't iv blir an
prices but oome aud aoe us JH
Robert Walp,
First street, Op, Round Houtea,
National Commissioners Vote in
Favor of a Seven Day Fair,
Unci Sam Trill rrobably Oet Buck the
9,500,000 Appropriation A lletlioilUl
Minister Want! tho Oaten Opened
ThoodoroThouiaa Has Not T.t R.tla-u.d.
Chioiuo. Mav 19. Director General
Davis notifled the national commission 1
yesterday that lie had requested Theodora
Thomas' resignation, and the body wai
called Into session to hear hit eommunlcn
Hon. Ills letter, enclosing the request sent
by him to Theodore Thomas asking for the
,;.t.n.iinn. ... d .nd nia-nnla.
Thomas has made no reply to Director
General Davis' letter. .
Chicago, Slay 23. Tens of thousands of I
men and women wandered aimlessly up 1
and down the thoroughfares outside the
World's fair grounds yesterday, peering I
wistfully ; througn tne cioseu gates or me
White City and murmuring regrets at
their Inability to Bain admittance. Some
of the louder spoken ones called down
... .. ......... InnttV I
maledictions on the power that sealed the
beauties of the fair to them, but on the
whole, the crowd was an orderly one. Men
kept their tempers evidently buoyed by
the belief that the day would be the last of
Sunday closing. It was by far the largest
Bunday turnout since the fair opened.
Iter, James Miller, of the Marsha field
avenue Methodist church, surprised his
congregation yesterday by devoting his
sermon to a strong plea for Sunday open-
lng of the World's fair. He declared the
greatest need of the time was a relaxation
nV.t lrs iIa a,rv tn,..h A url lfS nn- I
Christ's teachings as Sunday opening.
Nothing more picturesque about the
srounds cau be found than in the Irish vil
lage, which was established through the In
strumentautyoi uorti auu t.aay a uerueeu.
The reproduction of the Muckross Abbey,
as shown iu the cut. Is an object of special
Thi Rnnnnnfinment that AHtornev Gen.
eral Olney has instructed the district at
torney to insist on Sunday closing, it Is
said, will si tu ply result In the return of
the government's $3,500,000 altt.
CHICAGO, Aiay AUiai stevensou,
vice president of the United States, visited
the World's fair In an informal way yes
terday. He was escorted into the nail or
the national committee by several mem
bers, and was introduced to a score of the
Chicago, May IU. Telegrams continue
to pour In to the national commission re
garding Sunday opening, and when Com
missioner De Young called the national
body tc order yesterday a good sized stack
ot those communications adorned the
president's desk. The commission then
settled itself to hear the Sunday closing
matter rehearsed.
The olosina wpeeches were all in favor ot
throwing open the gates every day iu the
week. After Uenerai St. uiair naa nn
tshed laving down the law as he under-
stood it the question of submitting the
in the risnERiKs nuiLuma.
minority for, the majority report came to a I
voie auu w waacaneu. ninyiui-
mlssloners voted tor subHtltutlug the ml-
nority report and tweuty-se en against,
directory, but the general opinion among
tliA flAnimlWaa la that i.ataa rtf Ku fain
wlTmoSundaVuul The iuildai
authorities shall .njoln the local board.
Th. special delight ot the chllilern la
aquarium In the Fisheries' building. Boy.
MiwIallT. never tire of irazlnir with ooen
mouthed wonder at the Strang denizens
of the deep that nav. been brought from
M.Vai .. ..i.
terfar the World's fair oouuctlot admiuls-
tration Issued an order to Horace Tucker,
: ,T. . .1. ,
wide'oDen ueit Sunday. .
The exposition yesterday was marked
a Dig crowd, some dust, lota or w aa. 1 1.
city ot Paris municipal exhibit In the
t rench paruion, a ceieoration or tueen
Victoria's birthday anniversary lu the
Canadian building, the Arst concert of thi
Chlcairo Apollo club and the tender by
Cominisslonei Massey of bis resignation as
chairman of the Judiciary committee on mornlugof Suuday, June 4. the mem
account ot the adverse vote on his major- i,,, , , .
Ity report regarding Sunday opening. lT ot ioD 8 ""formed congregation
Tne reception alven in me Canadian
building during the afternoon to British
the Pomlnioa to the United State and in-
dnlge in fulsome eulogy ot the mother,
country, ine uuneu empire, me glory or
being a British subject andother majesty.
The fervor of the assembly', patriotism
was expressed By singing "Uod.isave the uepm oi auoni. ai teet. tub com
Queen," "Bed, While and Blue" and mtttee are Joseph Obert, Wm. Moutz.
The paid admissions at the fair yester-
oay were si.wu,
O.orgla's Mouuia.nt lo StepU.ns.
CRiwruHDsvin.v.. Oa.. May SI Yester
day was the greatest oooastou In the his-
over deorgla congregated to do honor to
the memory of Alexander II. Steuhens.
the "(Ireat Commoner." at (he uuvelltng
memorrh, th. Pin. of cVr"gTr
Oarsa HevolutlonUls S.utsnc.d,
SA ASTOato, Tex., May aa.-Flfteen of
the most promluent ot Catrlno (larsa's
revolutionary party, who were recently
convicted of violating the neutrality laws.
were yesterday sentenced to terms of tin-1
prlaoument ranging from thirty days In
Jail to two years In the penitentiary.
Three Children Uuru.d to Heath.
Iltmio, N. Y.,May aa. The ootuge ou
Grand Island, occupied by John Downey,
wife and fire children, was burned to t'
ground yesterday. Three of the children,
John, aged T; Annie, aged 8, aud Frank,
ag4 i. perlshedlu the flames.
On. Klll.d, Aneth.r HUad.d.
PjrrsauHa, May St La,wreuee Ilevln
ney, 86 yean of age, an oiler employed at
the Oil We) Supply Dowuany' rolling
mill, was literally torn limb treat limb
and Instantly killed while oiling the ma
eblnsry. He leaves a lan. fatnllr Boon
after this aeoiat a Bgio puddier bad his
buraed fat .Oash fmbls fonuc.
What llai Oceur.d In tliU Cllr lmrlnn the
Work 1-ortlnentlr Kpltomliod Iit Our
Special Iteuoriera.
Toilet paper atGabel'B.
Fine teams for all purposes at the
South End Livery.
Full line of Ingrain and Brussels
carpets at Henry Schwurtz's.
Fine toilet pupor at Oabel's. Ut.ll.... nf nr.!. Vtt-ct Gtraol
, . ,'
drives a Hew bay horse,
All kinds of books and fine station-
t T.iiolrniibnnli'a. Munch Chunk.
ti.i d,.-. n i?t n'l.o
Baser s Root Beer Lxtract-lhe
Just make it n point to see David
. . ,i. .,. .,, i,fii
ness or pleasure, uuwesi pnuoa.
A flue flag stone pavement will be
Improvement along the front of the
Corner Store.
The residence on llankway recent
ly purchased by Mrs, hid Iluuslcker
from the Eseh estate, is being improv
ed by the addition of a neat veranda.
The s(tink holes at the east end of
the sewer across First street at Iron
have been oleaued out by supervisor
Aoker. This action was necessary
I and quite commeudable.
-A neat awning Is an Improvement
to the front of Magerman's store and
the U. S. Express oillce opposite the
Opera House.
Musical College. The summer term
opens July 21tb, in Vocal and Iustru-
I mental Music. For catalogues address
Henrv D. Joyer, Freeburg, Pa. 3t
The original Root Beer Extract Is
. ' '
owner of a bay horse just purchased
irom u. A. uerfenaerrer, or tne uu
bert House, Weatberlv. Tho horse
has a "record" of 3:1V).
Rye Whiskey, 9150 per gallon atM.
Martin's Liquor Store. Manch Chunk.
There will be no church services
in the Zion's Reformed edifice on next
Sunday morning and evening owing to
t,e absence of the pastor, Rev, J. Alvhi
John J. Hummel, of the first ward
who4has few equals iu the Lehigh
Valley as a cornet player, filled an en
gagement with the Pioneer Band
; A Men town's crack musical organization
on ia6t Monday on the occasion of (he
Aremeu's parade,
Raser's Root Beer superior to all
The interior of the Lehighton
Water Company's reservoir, on the
west side, was this week thoroughly
cleaned. The water company are de
termined that our people -shall have
good, pure water. The system here Is
the best in the state and is carefully
looked after by the erilcient secretary,
Howard Seaborn t.
-The four Hersh furnaces recently
purchased from the Lehlghtou school
board are located as follows; One in
the pretty M. E. Church; one in
Lawyer Samuel GMham's residence:
one in W. S. Koch's residence, and one
in the M. E. parsonage. The furnaces
cost the school district about $1000 and
were sacrlllced at a 8100.
The members of the Reformed
Sunday school are making preparations
Tor the observance of Children's Day
on the 11th of June. A verv Interest
program of music now in course of
arraugemeut will be under the able
direction of Mr. C, O, Schirer.
The Lehighton Orchestra will
to get there. Arrangement have about
been perfected for the forming of an
associate membership. Dr. C. T, Horn
I is president of the orchestra and is
indefatigable In hU etforta to advance
all of its interests. The orchestra has
already beeu engaged for the com
mencement exercises of our high
MarKet uierK vm. weidaw keeps
his weather eye open for hucksters
aud peddlers. His collections last
x ,
moilth amounted to $40.1U. The
market clerk is allowed twenty iwr
cent, on collections, Resides attending
I ...... n
"V'",' t,l,,i MreM'a " aU
Illls tne 1)111 aa a Urst-class polleeniau.
1'lvo (Utiereut htylea of Uwu
mower8 t prlces iowertlmu thelewest
at J- Otuel's. Lehighton.
I During the absence of Dr. Zern
who, with his ftlfe, is attendlug the an.
meeting of the National Hallway
Surgeon's Association in session at
Omaha, Nebraska, Dr. V. L. Kutz, of
Wetssport, will give his careful atteu-
tion to the doctor's practice. All per-
I buus repjiruig his services who leave
notice witli Ed Zern will be promptly
Fifty rolls of chicken wire just
received at Gabel'a. It will be .sold by
tne yard or roll at low prices.
Following church services ou the
u uuuihiuk me nians nre.
pared by the bulldiug committee for
the enlargement of the church edltlce,
tho present building being much too
small for the convenience of the
rapidly growing congregation The
ureKa,10Q- th"
',r0',o,ed l,lau" w111 e'W the building
Richard Koous, George Keuierer and
Howard Seabolilt.
A delightful fishing party from
tnis place to w I hi Creek on last Satur
day was made up as follows; Misses
Clara Ault, Anzle Montz, Ella Ebbert
Bud Ir6Ue 1 "strmuoher and Messrs.
U. IJ. Clause, U. W. A. Reichard aud Q.
W. Oray. Ou their way home In the
?U l",e tl "
lersvllle. Urauvllle hooked a three
tounder,he knew it weighed that heavy
it bad stales ou Its back,
Qood, strong, best quality Ham
mocks at Oabel's, Lehighton.
The high school graduatiug class
Is composed of the following members
Frank A. Miller. Bert (Joinery. William
Ureuner.Martha Loug, Mamie Ciouiery,
uiara nuuu, .uauei wneatley, Daisy
Uoru, Kmwa Foitwangler. Ella Sea.
boldt, Jlury and Katie I'eustermauher,
Mattie Walp, Irene Weidaw, Bertha
tlolleubaeh, Mamie Semmel, Jeunle
Uroeup a total of The oxami
nations are ouudueted hy Prof. u. W
emmluger, of East Mauch Chunk
Prof. Beiel, the new County Hupt , and
Prof alter, the effioleut priucipalot
I 00'"
A finap Rhot Camera Catches Those Who
Come and AmonK Their Friend. In
Lively Lelilshten,
. .Henry Fink, of Tamaqua, wai in
town over Sunday.
Robert Hollenbach was a visitor at
Allentown on Monday.
.Mrs. O. W. Morthtmer and son
Guy, are home from Tremout.
Lewis Fritz and family, of Alum
street, spe'nt Sunday at Slatlngton.
l'hlllp Miller aud wife are visitlne
Dr.Ed MUlerand family at Altoona.
..Miss Mary Leutz, of First street.
spent last Sunday with relatives at
. .John Koons and Frank Wolnland
"took lu" the firemen's parade at Allen
town on Monday.
.Miss Sallie Tettlt. of llothlehem, Is
visiting her sister, Mrs. H. V. Siorthl-
mer, Jr.. on Dankway.
Alfred Keller, of Black Hills.
Wyoming, was visiting his sister, Miss
Hosa, at the Valley House, this week.
.Misses Hattte Faga and Mattle
Weyhenimer, of Mauch Chunk, visited
Mrs. Thos. E. Morthlmer, on Dankway,
Oeorge M. Henry, the genial pro-
prietor of the Bachman House, Dauiels
ville, was in town on Tuesday and
made our office a pleasant call.
..Rev. J. Alvin Reber, the able and
eloquent pastor of Zion's Reformed
church, Is at Reading where he is iu
attendance at the general synod of the
Reformed church of Pennsylvania.
Allentown District Sunday School
Convention of the East Pa, Conference
Evangelical Association, will be held
June 11, 1893, in connection wltlrtbe
camp meeting in Bowman Park.
0 a. m.. Prayer meeting for success ot
Sunday School work on the District
led by Rev. S. B. Frey.
8.30 a. ni., Devotion exercises led bv
Rev. M. Bowman, organization follow
ing. 9 a. m., 1st, Topio, Aim and Object of
Bunday School teaching, by Miss
tmma U. Walp, of Coplay.
2nd. The Ideal Sunday School by W.
W. tiowmau, of Slatington.
3rd Thf work of a primary teacher.
by Miss Agnes L. Rickert, of Hazle-
ton, fa.
4th. Cau the young be soul winners
by Miss Carrie Drelblobls, of Lehigh
ton, Pa.
1 30 p. m., Devotional Exeroises led
by Rev. A. Shlve, of Lehighton.
1st. Topio, Teachers influence and
work outside of the Sunday school,
hy Mrs. J, S. Newhart, of Mauch
2nd. How can we retain young men In
the Sunday school, by W. F. Kline,
or Allentown.
3rd. Revival service led by Rov. J,
Speclit, of Catasauqua.
0.30 Consecration meeting led by
uev. II. li i-aust, of Lehighton.
7.39 Sermon, Evangelical conversion,
uy uev. W. A. Leopold, P. E.
The Bowman Park camp meeting be
ginning Tuesday evening June 13th,
iou.1, continuelng until Thursday even
lng June 22nd 1893. Y. P. A. day will
ne Monday June 19th.
The committee of which Rev. J. S.
Newhart, of Mauch Chunk, is Chair
man, and Uev. J. I. Yotter.of Parrvvllle
Is secretary, are uow looking after a
good and reliable party to hold the
boarding and refreshing stand.
uiuscau be tendered any time between
uow aud Tuesday noon Jfay 30.
Fitosi ms
Miss Adella Rehng is on an extended
visit to friends at Normal Sauare.
miss Amelia Leutz was doing busl
ness at Juaucn Chunk on Saturday.
Miss Nora Leutz spent a few davs
last week very pleasautlv with friend
at Millport.
Quite a number of our young neorile
attended the organ dedication atllom's
school house, in Mahoning Valley last
week. The services were nf vrv
Interesting oharactcr.
Charles Rex, of lively lehighton.
was visiting relatives here on 8unday.
jaruesbtolgerwaltspent last Sunday
Mrs. Mablon Reichard, of Lehighton.
accompanied by Mrs. Chas. Smith and
Mrs.OwenRelirig and daughter Minnie
spent Tuesday with Chas. Lentz aud
Womeu's Missionary Society.
The llomeu's Missionary Society of
the Eastern Peunsylvauia Confereuce
Evangelical Church, before adjourulnu
elected the following otlloers: Presi
dent, Mrs. B. D. Albright, of Mohns.
vlllejvice, president, Mrs. Zerby Bruce,
Lebanon; recording secretary. Miss
Mira Reinoehl. Reading: oorresnonli.
lng secretary, Mrs. J. Q. Bouehter
awiersviue; treasurer, Mrs. S. S. Chubb
Reading; presldeut of mlsslou bauds,
Mrs. B. H. Miller, Weissport; delegates
to general conference, Miss Mira
iteinoebl,A(rs.B, D. Albright. Mrs. A
M. Stlrk; alternates, jlrs. J, M. Hoppes
.nre, u. u, iiuier.Mrs. Katie Boyer.
A Tupular lle.llery.
Since the jovial and pleasant (i en run
M. IJeury, late of Lehigh Oap. has had
possession of tho Bachman House, at
Dauletsvitle, Lehigh conutr.he has re
modelled aud Improved that celebrated
uostlery throughout, so that now it Is
the best of its kind in that section.
The hotel is near the Blue Mountains,
iu one oi tne prettiest of the many
pretty localities, and Is eminently
situated for a quiet rest. The genial
Oeorge Is to be oougratuiated ou the
success atteudlug his efforts lu this
The sick and atllicted are calling In
uumbers to consult tho Specialist. The
doctor will remalu uutll the tt of July
givlug all plenty of time to test
his skill. Oome at once. Five
Hundred Dollars will be paid
by Dr. Bowers the Specialist, for a oaso
of Astlima. Catarrh, Illea or Falling
Fits be falls to onre. Chrouio disease.
Cancer, Turners, Blood Poison, Dysnen-
, 4iii, juuuey, ivueumausm, Heart
Dlieose oured. Female disease Ac,
Indiscretion of vounir men Mant.i
Deoay, loos of strength power, nervous,
ness do. No experiment but a sure.
luuusauus ourea uy my own new
methods ot treatment, over 20 years n
constant praotloe. Consultation free
at the Weissport House, Weissport, Pa,
Window and duor screens tn big
wvswvuv at leaves XtfWUgDleo,
sricr HAi'i'KniNus hicifpi.y kimto.
The IlnliiKs of the Week Interleaved With
Personal Mentions.
-Dr. Audrews drives a handsome
uow bay horse.
Milt Snyder did business at Phila
delphia ou Thursday.
Josiah Ruch, ot the east sine, Is
making a number of Improvements to
his residence.
O. J. Sueger last week sold &0U
buuehes of bananas.
Dr. Andrews is having his office
nicely repainted and papered.
Calvin Arner spent last Thursday
among friends at Beaver Run.
Charles Arner has moved his
portable steam saw mill to Millport.
While en route the hugh machine was
upset and badly damaged.
The Weissport House has been im
proved by the addition of a liaudsomo
new style roof.
Clyde Wills, of this place, has ao-
cepted a position in Reber's drug store,
The genial, pleasant James Everett,
sf Scrantou, was in town ou liuslness,
Mrs. M. Culton, Mrs. Chas. Nus-
liautu and Mrs. A. Snyder wore guests
of Allentown friends on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Strohl mourn
the death of an Interesting infant child
Interment was made on Wednesday,
Mrs. Thos. J. Nusbaum, ot Lans-
ford, spent Sunday very pleasantly ou
the east side.
AlClutliaud wife Sundayed with
Monroe county friends.
Mrs. James "Arner, of Bowmans.
town, spent Wednesday here with
Levi Horn will repaint his pleas
antly situated home on the east side.
Amaudes Beltz, an accommodating
salesman lu N. Snyder's store, spent
last Sunday with his parents at Beltz-
Rev. Wuchter of Pleasant Valley,
formerly pastor of the Lutheran con
gregation at this place, was calling ou
old friends on Tuesday.
Confirmation and Communion
services were held in the Reformed
clitirck at Big Creek on last Suuday.
Rev. Kershner, of Parryville, pastor of
the charge officiated,
Webster Campbell, for some time
past located In Philadelphia, is spend
ing a few-days here.
Mrs, Sarah McDanlel and family,
of Lansford.were guests of Mrs. Louisa
Weiss, of Union Hill, this week.
Prof, Sol. Smyser left for his home
in Carlisle, on Mouday, The professor
ably taught the Union Hill school dur
ing last term, and for some weeks also
conducted a select school on the Hill.
Mrs. F. Wlntermute and daughter,
of East Mauch Chuuk, were guests of
of Mrs. R. J, Hongen, on Union Hill,
last week.
It is rumored In society circles
that William Esrang aud Miss Lulu
Graver, both ot Franklin, will soon wed.
Lewis Fronhelser is Improving his
pleasant home on Franklin street, by
the erection ot a large and roomy ad
ditiou to the rear of the bulldiug aud
adding a cozy veranda to the front.
Oeorge Leikel, of Franklin, is
about completing additions to his
MartShlrer, "Butch" Leikel and
Will Campbell enjoyed Monday last
angling tor trout iu Wild Creek. They
cuptufed 10 all told.
Miss Gertie Horn, one of this
town's amiable aud estimable daugh
ters, entertained lu a most enjoyable
manner the members of the Harmonla
Social at the cozy rooms of the Frank
Club iu Snyder's block, on last Thurs
day eyeuiug. The evening's pleasures
consisted ot indulgence In games,
vocal and Instrumental muslo and
dancing, following which an elegant
supper was served. Miss Horn deserves
tho highest compliment for the elegant
entertainment of her guests.
M, F. Scott, of Philadelphia, a
machinist engaged to repair the dyna
mos of the Carbon County Improve
ment Company, met with an accident
while engaged repairing the machiues
last Thursday that might have cost him
dear. He was working at a dynamo
when the wires slipped against his
hands seriously lasceratlug both mem
bers. He was taken to St. Joseph's
Hospital, Philadelphia,
A IehUhtoa Man atthe Coutuy Seat.
The Mauch Times says this of Dan
Wieand'a West End carriage factory,
The black, dingy, ram-shackle tumble
down buildings that marred this por.
tiou of the town have given way to a
structure, or rather a series of struc
tures, which are now nearlng comple
tion. Heretofore the carriage factory
looked more like a soap factory or
perhaps a bond boiling establishment
thau like a place where new vehicles
are turned out. Mr. Daniel Wleaud,
the new proprietor, is giving the town
an enterprise ot which every citizen
will have rerson to feel prouuV. The
bulldiug which will be devoted to fac
tory purpose Is a neat frame .structure
two storiei high, 18 feet front and 83
feet deep. On the first floor the ware
room, 00 feet deep, is located. In the
rear is a blacksmith shop. The second
flour is partitioned Into rooms iu
which the ditferent departments found
in a carriage factory are located, such
as the trimming shop, eta Ou the east
side of the factory building immediate
ly adjoining is a dwelling of ample
proportions, This will be occupied by
Mr. Wieaud when finished, and he will
become a permanent resident of town
Uow Do Von Stand T
Subscribers are requested to watch
the date following the name on the
labels of their papers. By referring to
this tbey can tell at a glance how they
stand ou the books at this otllce. For
Instance ;
Benjamin Harrison, June9Ba3
means that Beujamin la paid up to
June 38, 18U1. By keeping the figures
in advance of the present date sub
scribers will save both themselves and
the publisher much trouble aud annoy-
for !Lat.
A basemeut eoutalniug three rooms
and part of a double dwelling bouse
containng six rooms, situated on the
oorner of Second and Coal streets
Apply to HryBk40rf.
Rhort I'araeraphs TgrM Will be Itead by
llase Halt 1'enple. No Game on the Home
Grounds. Saturday
tST Easton plays at Jeanesyille on
tlT Lansford boat Ashland 11 to 1
on Saturday.
t The Freeland Tribune thinks
that Lehighton had lots of fun taking
Hokeudauqua's scalp.
ISi-The score in- tho Jeanesvllie
Bethlehem game was 15 to 8 iu favor of
the former.
t&.The Plain Speaker says that
Simmons of the Jcanesville club who
was formerly with Lehighton, keeps
down first bag with lots of gluger.
B3U There Is a small attendance at
the Jeanusville games. The report
that 2000 people attended a recent
game was a fake.
CSi. Hazleton and Jeanesvllie will go
at euch other for blood on Decoration
US. The Lehlghtou base club will
play ball at Pottsvllle on Saturday
afternoon. The club in charge of
Manager MeAniffe will leave hero at
11.20 Lehigh Valley. We hope the
boys will brlug Pottsville's scalp along
home with them.
EX. There is no sport of more Inter.
est thau base ball and our people
should give the home club a hearty,
earnest patronage. The boys deserve
your presence at the games on the
home grounds. They have scored
three straight victories against great
odds and if properly encouraged will
continue the good record In the future.
Come out to the games.
H&. The Tamnqua Greys hava reor
ganized with: the following: A. Miller
catcher; Snyder, pitoher; Hadesty first
base; F. Walters, second base; Kleok
ner, short stop; Frey, third base; Fink,
left field; Fero centre field: and Mover
right field, Challenges are opeu to all
teams (junior) in the country. They
win open the season on May 30 in a
game with auother strong team from
The remains, of James Duugan.
of Pittston were buried in the East
Mauch Chuuk cemoteryton Monday
afternoon. Dungan formerly lived
George, the six year son of Sylves
ter Whitehead, died on Saturday after
an illness of some days with brain
For an hour on Saturday evening
the Mauch Chuuk band delightfully
entertained our people- It is expected
that during the summer the band will
give these concerts quite frequently.
George Dotter, of East Mauch
Chunk, met with an accident Monday
that may result fatal. He is a fireman
running a freight train on the Wyom
ing division of the Lehigh Valley Reil
road. While the lecomotlye was being
turned on the "V" at L. & B, J unction,
Dotter was caught fast in the cab by a
oollision with a freight car that was
not pushed In far enough on the siding
It appears that he was sitting the cab
window when the collision occuredand
his body was fearfully crushed.
We clip the following from the
Harrlsburg Independent Call: Senator
W. M. Rapsher, of Mauch Chunk, re
ceived many congratulations for his
able and exhaustive speech in the Sen
ate defending Governor Pattison in his
official action on the reappointment of
Mr. Watchorn as Factory Inspector,
after his nomination by the Governor
had been once rejected by the Senate,
which action the majority party in the
Senate denounced as contrary to law
and Constitution of the State, and
derogatory of the rights of the Senate.
The Senator's argument was a clear
analysis of the 8th section of the 1th
Article of the Constitution of this Com
monwealtb, and a very interesting ex
position of the history of constitutional
The Weatherly schools closed Fri
day, The graduatelng class is compos
ed ot Maggie McClellan, Jennie Welsh,
Maud Lacey, Stewart Brong and Bert
Miller. The examiners are Messrs. G.
W. Hemmluger, of East Mauch Chunk,
J. J, Berau, ot Mauch Chunk, and
Principal C. A. Ritter.
The new steamer fur this town has
arrived. It oost S2S00 and of course is
a daisy. It has been tested and found
O.K. The Volenteer boys will also
equip themselves with uniforrrs.
The Presbyterian Tennis Club Is a
new organization here. M. D. Hooven
is president and general mauager; TJ.
Urumbore is sreretary and treasurer.
"llrady" on Too.
W, H. Reber, ot Harrity, who Is sell-
lug agent for the Western Road
Machine had a contest with a Champ
ion Machine last Saturday, and as usual
the genial Will oome out on top and
thereat he smiles.
Will be Here June S3.
Dr. W. F. Danzer, the specialist ou
diseases of the eye, ear, nose aud
tnroat, will be at the Exchange Hotel.
Lehighton, en Friday June 2S,
13T The Tamaqua Courier Issued a
double sheet on last Saturday. The
Courier Is bustliug lu great shape and
deserves success. Whoop her up brother
The Pension Board of Carbon oounty
will not be In attendance at their of.
flee iu Mauoh Chunk on the first two
ednesday's In June.
W. W. Reber, seo'y.
rioe Line or Harness.
A full line of single aud double har
ness, whips, fly nets, sweat pads, sum
mer blankets, io, for spring trade at
very reasonable prices at Milton Flory's
Weissport, Pa. tf
For bale rorvloo.
A platform spring wagon and sled, a
good, sound horse and harness. All
forilOU Apply at this oltioe.
The gnlal Oeorge B. MoCJellan
Stooker this week disposed of bis Royal
Palaee Cafe to William B. Ritter, of
Hazleton. ueorge is one of the moat
popular young men In town and it Is
' the sinoere wish or his many friend
that he ramatll ii. town nr. ,4 t,eft
I oess may attend him m any btutoeu
1 In wht he may engage. '
Council Finally Decides to llulld m Three
Story Hose House. Kd Ohrlatlnan Gets
the Contract.
lust one year after the taxpayers
voted to increase the borough debt
JflOOO for fire protection council settled
down to solid business, asked for bids
for the erection -of a two and three
story hose house and on Wednesday
evening met lu adjourned meeting and
opened the proposals. Ed Christman
agreed to erect a two story bulldiug
according to plan, etc., for $1,000, and
a three story building for $0,375; G.W,
Diehl put in tills bid; two stsry, $1,800;
three story, 8T,400. Mr. Christman will
receive the contract.
TTIiftt tit IsftwtnBkvrs t tfarrlahurg An
HARRlSBtrea, MaylO. In the seiiAt yns:
tenlaytht bill Increasing tha salary of
Judcei in dlitrlcts having a population oi
more than 60,000 from 4.000 to 15,000 wai
defeated Among the bill pavted finally
were: Prohibiting the employment of any
minor under th agt of U years In and
about el era tors. In the house the bill to
prevent the pollution of Inland waters and
sources of domestic water supply was d
foatM 61 to 112. Among the bill pasted
finally were: Designating general election
days,,l. e., as half holidays, from 12 o'clock
noon until midnight of such days; to ea
able tax collectors to collect taxes for the
payment of which they have become per
sonally liable without having collected the
same; to enable boroughs not divided Into
wards for school purposes to establish
public high schools.
HARMSBimo, May 20. The senate res'
terday, after leading eighty bills the first
time, adjourn ml until Monday evening. In i
the honhe a revolution provdtngforaoomi
missloa to mka Inquiry and report re
apeetlng state aid to educational latitu
tions was defeated. The governor signed the
Boyer medical examiners' bill, Loich
arbitration bill, fre textbook bill and pro
viding that voters shall oast their ballots
at polling places Inside tho district in
which they are domiciled. Th bill re
pealing the local option law for the bor
ough of Uvllevemon, Fayette county, was
called up from the postponed oalsndar end
defeated. The only interesting feature of
the afternoon session was the passAge on
second reading of the bill extending the
Saturday half holiday law over the entire
Harrisburo, May 23. In the home yes
terday the resolution providing for a leg
islative inquiry Into charges against Insane
hospitals was amended so as to Include
state hospitals, and concurred in. A reso
lution was introduced oalling attention to
th fact that a private corporation U en
gaged In building a railway on the Gettrs-
burg battlefield, and calling on the attor
ney general for Information as to what
action oan be taken "to prevent this aot of
vandalism." Agreed to. At the evening
session the bill conferring npon street or
passenger railway companies, and upon
traction motor companies, the power to
carry mail was amended to Inolude suoh
merchandise as Is usually carried by ex
press cempanles,and the bill passed second
reading. The senate met at I p. m. A
large number of bills passed second read
ing. HARRISBURO, Mar 24. The senate yes
terday concurred in amendments made by
the house to the following bills! Extend
ing the limitation of actions to a right to
mine ore where the same has net been ex
erctsed for twenty-one years; enabling
boroughs not divided into wards for sohoAl
purposes to establish, maintain and oper
ate puDiio nigh scbooisi autnorising the
appointment of a dairy and food commis
sioner! abolishing Philadelphia's public
imumngs commission, rne bin providing
for Increased salaries fer certain etat
offiolals was reported. It provides a total
Increase ot w,300. Among the bills fused
finally were: Providing for the fenolhg of
improved lands used for agricultural and
horticultural purposes In Clearfield, Centre
and Cameron untles( prohibition the
catching. taking or katplng for sale, within
israaiora ana noga counties, any grouse.
pheasant, quail, partridge, trout or bass,
and also the killing of dear or fawn for
three years; repealing the local option law
of the borough of Bsllevue. In the house
th Nasblt bill amending the act providing
for the organization, discipline aad regu
lation of th National Guard oame up as a
special oraer ana passea nnaiiy, Tn bill
makes th following changes In th pres
ent laws: An extra major is provided for
each regiment; the color sergeant Is at
tached to regimental headquarters, In stead
of being detailed from ome ef the com
panies; ene adjutant and en sergeant
major Is provided for each battalion; the
bond of quartermasters is reduced from
H.000 to (4,000. The naval battalion la
placed under the supervision of the
division commander, which ofUclal is to
name the board of five officers to examine
th battalion oflicers. Four companies of
engineers auu a signal corns oi one oom-
pany is provided for. Governor VattUou
returned to tne bouse wttliout his approval
the bill entitled "to provide for the more
effectual protection oi the public health in
eities and boroughs." The governor objects
to state interference with local sanitary
regulations, a large number ot appropri
ation bills passed finally-.
IUnRiSBQfta, May W. Among the bills
passed finally In the senateyesterday were:
Th Bliss quarantine bill; providing for the
appointment by the governor of trustees
ef a home for the training In speech of
a ear children be lore its completion; re
pealing the act laying a tax on dogs In
Tredvtfrin township, Chester county: pro
viding for an additional law judge for the
the Twmty-seventh Judicial dUtriot, com-
nosed of Washington oounty. The governor
batt approved the Penrose bill abolUhlng
lu nubile buildings commission of Fhtla-
delphla. At the afternoon session a large
number of appropriation bills passed
finally, as did the bill making It unlawful
to eugage in th practice of dental surgery
wltnnut a diploma from a recognised in
stltutlon. Iu the house the hill authoris
ing borough councils to appoint polls men
In place of the constables now serving in
such municipalities passed finally. A
message was received from th governor
vetoing th supplement to th Insurance
act, requiring fire Insurance company or
associations not incorporated under tre
laws of this state tq pay to the treasofer
of the several cities, boroughs or town
ships an annual bonus on premturason the
insurance effected within th limits of
sueh cities, boroughs and tewnshlps, and
regulating the collection thereof. Thi
vote by which th bill appropriating 14,000
lor axperlmentai tobacco stations in Lan
caster county was defeated was recon
stdtred and th bill, after being amended
so aa to place th stations una er centrol ef
the State College, was -laid ever fer print
lng. The governor pas signed the follow
lnsT house bills; To prohibit the emelov-
mnt of any minor under the ag ef H
year in or about elevators; to empower
cities and boroughs to establish Dolioe uea
ston funds; providing mileage for presi
dential electors and increasing to f 10 their
allowance for contingent expenses. At
the evening session house bills ea third
reading were considered. To bill to re
peal th act of ISA) preventing the oonoll
datlonef oompetiog pip line companies
passed nnauy. me nous Dill to provia
for rapid transit was defeated byllyaas
lacintbr Orvihaui.
WiiHlSOToy. May 24 -Bcuse the my.
rnmnt of Core prohibited the eiDm-tiav
Hon of beans and puUe Japanese mer
chants In that country, who were seriously
affoted by ts erder, appealed to their
government Th result was the with
drawal of the Japanese minister to Cor
and a declaration ef hostilities. A Japa
nese fleet was abnt to be ordered to Coma,
when Secretary Oresbam and other for
eign offloUls interceded, and mainly
through the efforts of our premier the
Oorean government agreed to Indemnify
Japanese merchants, and war was averted.
Crtuhod lata m Werti Trsvla.
Bradford, Pa.. May 18. While eeroing
down a stoeo urads at HIj flhmtv Unf.
fai, RemkesUr and Pi Hi burg eoal train
dashed into a work train standing ou a
I Ift. 'J'tSj?"?? 1" ""V""
' o.'iltnlr"'" ,UWta
How It Wilt be Observed In this Borouth.
The line will form at 1 .30 o'clock, sharp, riant
resting on iron street, in tne iouowing omen
Chief Marshal and Assistants,
O. A. K. Drum lorps. Ie.i.ghton,
Firing Squad,
John I). Kerlolette, Host, i (1. A.K, UhlgtiUin,
Oupt. Jos. WeDbuainp. S. of V. lIiltlilon,
Arffin IVinift tlunrt. Ittlrrhlnn.
(tnittsn lluetten . w 1.0. 0.KUhtRhton
iscuixu limsioii, iiio, u. oi it. r, lamukuuiii,
Rollln Wilbur I-rfHlw, 04, H. orL. F.,reti1ie titoti,
I,e!t!jb Lodge, wj. a ot JL It. T. Leliixliton,
Cailfun Castle, ill. K. tl. K. Lehtchton,
tJnadPn Huetteu Cattle, 31S, K.O.K,ili.Khtot),
Mtthmiifiir (toi-net liund. MRtinhlnor.
Lehigh Council, iQi.Jr. O.U.A.M.. Lplilgriton,
Culumhtts Council, 3H5, Jr.o.U.A.M., I'arryvllle,
Hand of music
Wnsli In ton Camp, Ml, P. o. 8. efA-Lehlghton,
'Wastlliifltont:ain.117. 1M1.H. of A. WeiHSDort.
Wmhinxtf u Caiiui, in, P.o, h. of A. rarryvltle,
Polio Poeo Tribe, m. Imp. o. It. M. WeUsport,
Mtimleuiln Tribe, , Imp. u. It. M. Parr) vl lie,
Speakers. Disabled Comrades, soldiers and
Sailors In Carriages.
Organizations and Citizens In 'iluises anUCarrl-
aites win please una me leit oi me line,
I'D Ffrnt street tn Carbon, nut Carbnn to
ftefowl, Uown Second to Iron, out Iron to Third
down Third to Alum, out Alum to the ccine-
w rjs
The si ho tars of the several Sunday Schools
will form u hoi law siiiijTHHt tti U. A. H. Hurl.
al Plot and atthe proper time Ins formed Into
squads to decorate the several graves.
Decoration nf Craves
UiiKlti Itecall.
Selections by Arton Cornet Hand,
Pni)erbyKev. J. Alvtn Iteber,
Slnclug-by Ceriuaulu Sanger bund,
Oi alien by cmurade Drue ken miller,
HiiiKliie by the Choir,
lleinarks Rev. (1, W, lMmgan.
HlnghiRby the Choir,
Dt-mratloii Hay Poem bp Prof. C. J. Walter.
Closing Exercises by llev. J, H, Miller.
TbeTaradA will iliou ra.r.eri.1 itii.!'..r..-.(.ri tj
the Catholic Cemetery where asmoprlate cerc-
tfr A enlist Inn u-llt ha tub-., of ihu !..
delray expenses.
The Aides appointed by the different uranl.
wtllons Hilt parade mounted aud report to the
Chief Marshal. Wm.C. MeCormlek.
Uiifiuilzatloni de tiring to participate in the
exerches at Purrytllle, will report at O. A. It.
iro.miinMcll HI OUKin CI OCR U HI., Oil MHV M,
JolmMcKelv, Joliti Itohn.II, 11. Mumelineu
I'lltllU WrrtltlHIi. rimilou irj.l.llv. A u nut If run.
James lllg)e, Oliver Houuh, Committee.
y Ou Pentacos'tathe beautiful seaaou
uf the year; the weather was pleasaut
aud delightful. The boys enjoyed the
day bicycling while others took drives
through the picturebque valley.
David Leiby and wife, of New Trl
poll, were the guests of Iloger Andreas
over Sunday.
$ David liehrlg accompanied by hU
brother John, were at New Tripoli.
3j? Amandes Fritz, of Slatington. was
vlsitiug iu the valley ou Whit Suuday.
De Aunt Kate gehtd olla dawg
amohl.uu dahl dawg drl un feer mohl
om Uncle Weuas si house, fer elm de
ueiich-kelten fum shteddlo tzu
Jessrs. Charles Kuch and Hiram
Kolb were ou a lishiug excursion to
White llavou. They caught a large
number of the finny tribe aud had a
moat delightful time.
hK? QideOU 110111-117 1 nr. wnrlr
lug bis house from bottom to top.
If) Ex-sheriff Leutz, of East Mauch
Chunk, was In the Talley last Satur.
day. Charley Is a Demooratlo candi
date for Register and Recorder.
iS Chas. Rehrii?, Superlutendeiit of
the llowmuu's sand iiits and metallic
paint ore, is managing the business to
a success.
tf) Mtss Emma Rehrig, of Uowmaus
towu, spent Sunday with her -parents.
Mr. L. German, for amuseineut
drove to Lehigh county Sunday.
5i) Miles Eckert anil wife, nf A lion.
town, eujoved themselvos with her
mouier ou Buuaay.
W Lewis Rehrig' was fishing above
White Haven In the ToriHlmiitiu Croek
last Saturday, unexpectedly a big black
uear maue lis appearance right behind
Wni. lleiutzleniau. of llowmuns.
town, accomnanied liv his sweetheart.
drove up the Valley and stopped at the
uuier itouse.
H Chas. E. Rehriuand wife, were the
Kueeia ui utjvi oteigerwaiu
V Robert Rehrii; and wife, nf Malum
ing were visiting Reuben Kemerer ou
f? A step son of John llowmau died,
errueut took place at the East Penu
cemetery on Saturday last, Rev.
uarinoioniew onlclateu.
that he and the reporter of the Carbon
nuvouaiu are intimate IrleiiUF, ana
that the reporter said if he could only
get sucu Deaumui j-euna.uutou pieces
to put in his paper as Wenas puts In
the I'ress he could get lots of sub
scrlbers. Bes sound os wea es guoht
Wfin All Rut HnlinnlA) tyt onin. Afrliu
De Aunt Kate hut era uohmtt net
ga kriched wea ouuora leit. De on
uera leit duud de kinner iu de kaer
rich briuga won se glaua babies slu uu
lossa se dowfa fum porra, Bwver de
Aunt Kate hut ga warda bis se arose
war, un by yohra, dun bus dar Uuole
Weuas era dar noma "Auut Kate" ga
choosed, uu se hut dar noma ga accept
uu se ls-aw grawdttzum Uncle Weuas
un ar but se gu dawfd uf dar Etaleonlch
) Misteb Drookeb Dar Uucle We
nas is an ga schlokd er mou. ar kon a
bissel fun aunlch ebbes soLoira. Ar
dude ols amohl bicycle reialra,sclde3er
Hxa, watcha butza, shanties painta,un
dude aw ols amohl tzahu pulla. Do
for a wile tzurick, hut de Molly fum
nochber schteddle so orrlch tzahu
schmertzaca kricbt. un wlel vusht can
ductor rum dar wack war, don lmt d.
Molly emUncleYenas oderga schlcked
wiel se gawist hut, os ar aunlch ebbes
do con. Dar Uucle hut grawdt uf ga
hicht, un Is Ins nochber schteddle ga
drirva. Ou dar Molly era house ar is
fum buggy gajumbt, on do front door
gasbeft, uu de Molly hut uf gamochd
eb ar gara'pd hut. tfeBln mlt noner in
dar parlor ga wachdt, un ben sioh uf
de lounge gahuckt; don beu de
sohmertza no galosdt, awver de Molly
but gasawdt dar tzahn mist rouse, don
hut dar Uncle si puller ous em sock,
uu but dan waeu tzahu rouse gapulled.
De uo hut dar Uucle un de Molly noch
a wiel mlt noner ga talked fun nellch
koiten was Imshteddle forcooma.Don
Is dar Uucle uf salumbt for hame. un
de Molly hut em good byegeva, un hut
gasawat ar set ols bohl wldder calls.
We dar Unole hame cooma Is hut d.
Bevvy, st fraw, far delhenkerd ga
scholda, far was ar on so en blonds) ga
date tzabu pulla. Se hut em gasawdt
es se em ferstah date. Der Uncle but
t ordult gablossa and no ben se arrick
gamauldt. De Bevvr war do f ar aniel
tzurick noch dar city, un hut stabga
oarpet ga kauft. un we se hame cooma
Is, but der Uucle Wenas heftlch ga
s.boida, dar carpet war tzu dier. Dar
Uucle uu de Bevvy ben uo noch awlel
Free t A llaudsoiu. Uf. Three Quarter
.Bli. Craron-rortralurre.!
We propose to give to each of our
customer, a handsome portrait of any
one they may select To this end we
have made a contract with a leading
portrait bouse to furnish us with their
celebrated p clures. To those who
have seen these port raits no word Isne
oeesary ; aud those who have not we tn-
vite to Inspect the samples at our store
We will not uouHue this offer to one
pioture lu each family, but give a por
trait each time you comply with the
requirements. We further assure you
that if the portrait Is not satisfactory,
you need not accept It until it Is. The
Portraits are Crayon aud India Ink
aud of very fine grade. The same pio
ture oosts, wbeu ordered uf an ageut or
pletura bouse, 1 10.00 to 118.00, at the
popular north end store. CI tutor. II.
ESnzum, dealer In dry Kooda, notions
groceries provisions, aueensware. boots
shoes, flower utd feed. Utora is alee-
Short l'arairaphs That Will k. .1
to the Railroad Hots.
X A New York correspondent writes
that he learned "from what seeoa.d to
be good authority that It is entirely
likely that Mr, MoLeod may b found
again at the head f the Reading with
in a few months and at the request of
powerful moneyed interests whioh
have been and ane influential la that
corporation. Although the report
seems tncredltable, yet many mea be.
lleve that the indications point to the
truth of it.
t At a meeting of the directors of the
Boston & Maine railroad Tuesday,
President McLeod's resignation was
presented, lion. Frank Jones will be
chosen President at the next meeting
of the directors. In his letter ot resig
nation Mr. McLeod srys he aoeepted.
the otllce lu ttie interest ot the Read
ing Railroad, but since he is not now
officially connected with that company
his contemplated plaus cannot We
carried out.
l'lrntr of Work at .l.auTlll's Fountrr.
Immedlatelv follttwliii? the
tiou of the Jeanesvllie foundry, which
has assumed dellnata form. th.
machine shop will be eulargedby being
extended East 10 feet. The business
of the shoo has. durinir ilm nut ,ur
' " B " 1
assumed such large pieportions that
wuii tne addition even there will not
be a whit of space ta snare. On b.lnir
tluished, the shops will be provided
wuu all the modern shop adjuncts nec
essary to secure the greatest ameaat of
work with the greatest facility possible.
A large 8 ton traveling cane worked by
hydraulic power, will be one, Werk
has already begun ou tbe ollloe wkloh
will staud apart from the main baiW
ing. These massive charges Indicates
of slhnal advancement are hlphl.
signllicaut, auel speak louder than
words of the emiueut qualifications of
those u cbarge ol the shops.
ruuu 1-Aiiitvvin.K.
Ef Halm nf l.VunL-l!n VA
, : - ........... uuvi.u mviv
on Monday,
Robert Dnnhur. ,iP wv., J.. ...... .
was In town on Tuesday. '
Samunl Dnnlmr nf ata.inii,n
. , ........ vs UVDU.i.1. IU1Q.
circled among friends In tbe Iron fcor.
ough ou Mouday.
A car shifrlriir In v., n Bfnnv k...
of the Carbou Iron & Steel Company,
the othAr iluw InniHo , 1. . t J
collided lth a corner post of a large
. "ouiuiisuing tne norm end
of the structure.
Mrs. u n w.l i.j t.
r- v. j .... nuwuiusuiWI sr
her funillv nf ntau,un j r
Sundayed pleasantly at the home of
her parents iu Big Creek.
UIVRAHH T.UXAI lin wlfa ... Ol. . J.I .
"..u.ui ui.M!U.V.
were gueats of Parryville frltada on
Tim Arn of -a
list ",u"",, J'u llUl BiVkia
saw mill located at this place for some
time, doiujc service for Jacob Peter, kas
been iemovedto Jllllport where the
. a um an rjiiouaiytl UUUtraCt,
Valley station aemtf 11. D, Snydtr.
did hllHlllMKH Hf '.-.a!
Thn mit.l. t. i
r n' s-aas.v taiUaUCH. IU
t n ft Kn ft i rn 1 -1 h m ! fn.. .,. .1
. w wuuaayu u4 iUIJUir
eveniux, for the benefit of that oou-
Kttrgaiv.uu, nni wen putromzea.
W. M. "Piirtii.ll anA a
tiTiii r .. . wort ai
.. . VCBV vt u pic luor rnaa
the pleasure of witnessing the Kalgkt
Dr. Thamua T f a
of Carbou county, but now of FairvUw,
pahtor of the Reformed congrwtlon,
will dlsoourhe a Bpeclal npprepriat
Niirmiill tnlhamamliaM wt
w Havuvwao vi wvlULQUUV
Council, Jr. O. U. A.M., on Sunday
vtcuiuk nunu tue inemuers oi tAal or
ganization will attend divine services
in a body.
It is tliut ftua 1IQ(..Q.J
and Emanuel Arner, young people of
mis neignuornood, will soon be ualted
In the golden bonds of wedlock.
FVanln Tlni-uruwl nt tV.nLIU
ship, was here on Monday. Dorward
uuo ui luq men wno was severely
lnlurAll llV thA Ainlnalnn
while excavating for the pewer house
mr vue eiecirio railway at laist Mauch
Chuuk, last fall.
People here take It as a very gratify
ing Indication for better times that
No. 3 furnace of the O. I. & 8. Co , Is
to be rebuilt, enlarged and improved
throughout. Tbe furuaee la now be
ing razed to the ground. The improve
mentlsablgone; will entail great ex
pense to the company, but wlll greatlr
Increase tbe output. It Is thought also
that No. 2 f urnaoe will be rebuilt.
It Is expected that the Infant class
room in the Ref onned Sunday school
will, iu tbe course of a few days, be
nicely and pleasantly furnished. The
members of the congregation are will
lag workers In Ood's vineyard and do
effort Is spared to beautify and Im
prove both Inside and outside the edi
fice, and to this end the yard around
the uburoh will be graded and pat in
Interest m the Parryville postmaster
contest Is growing warmer. The pres
ent incumbent's commission, expires
about July 1st, aud It is the conclusion
that the appointment will oome on
time. Tbe oQloe pays about KO per
month. The Democratlu applicants
are Prof. Traub aad Laf. Brown. P. M.
Fields has also made application. He
has had tbe office for some years the
business being conducted by his effi
cient daughter, Mrs. Stewart.
Express wagons, 75 cents and up
wards at Gabel's, First street.
-Rye Whiskey, L50 per gallon, at
M. Martin's Liquer Store, Mauoh
Chunk, Pa.
Buy Raser's Root Beer to make a
healthful, refreshing bevrage. Sold
Do you want Scotch Brahma or
White Plymoth Rock eggs for setting
purposes? II. A. Beltz sells 13 for 65
cents. 3t,
A cream of tartar baking
powder. Highest of all in
leavening strength Latest
United States Government Food
Report. Royal Baking Powder
Co., 106 Wall St, N. Y.