The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, May 20, 1893, Image 3

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Onlili'i-nm hang in the balance, and Bhb-
laiid anil RtiMut, as well as the United
States, o?ily held not hnnda for the
prim. General Vallejo unhesitatingly
gave hla adherence to the stars nnd
stripe. Fremont doubted nod impris
oned hlin, buffoon set hlin free.
Ono day during that imprisonment a
A Reporter I nveg tig-Ales nerem. pobllo
recommendation, and flmle
&tore Word of Prnl-e spoken than FuV
llthed, 1
'hich lutl? K A-n officer don
the various dally papers, sent uy Freiuont. rode tip to the fatul y
shown the folloTvioff :
" About ion year rko t hrn grpat deal of
n operation. Hut tlie old trouble i
ppfr d end I feared tbat Another operation ,
ilea tbat
1 1 Id Oe necesurv.
ItrrPr Kt-Dnmly'a Favorite Hem!
A friend tutrgesi
R"h vfti if T?tmevlir
dotit, N Y , after UBlne the medicine a nhort
, of Hon
while, 1 found It WM dntne me mod. Ieontln-
ued lti use and am happy to thy tt entirely
cured mo. 1 take It whenever I feel a little out
of rU, and It n 1 waj doea mo nootl. Hut for
kidney or urinary trouble of ocy kind t am a
lruui ui i m curpiiTe powers.
Powell iu Harper's.
The strom? letters of recommendation
and experiences
...........1 i
excited the curiosity of tbo Editor of tho ' reridenof in Sonomft. and offering to
si want Arpus ueiernuncuioKnowrmo iira. vnj ""-
the genulneneM of the published docu I can Hag nslted in Spanish, "Senora,
ment, plnccd the matter in the h finds of v-Mcli of thpw do yon prefer?"
one or thefr reiwriers, Mr. itohert A. The lady looked at him a moment aa
M&le, the veteran foreman of VanSlvkeA I if to reft(1 W(! purpose; then clasping the
AiuS'w0 Ainwtain flag lo her bowm she kissed
Albany, NY., was first called Upon, and ... , . tm,u t fim M mv
hnsband bus taught ine to love. It is
the ono he r-ishe to Bee wavo over his
beloved California."
The officer smiled, nnd bowing grace
fully to all present took bis departure.
A lady who stood witching tho cour
teous Ainrricnn m bo rode nwny turned
to Mrs. Vallejo and said, "No ee OsoH
(That is no Dear), meaning that is not-
Mr Mala said every word wai truo ana one of the Uoar Flag party. Emily B.
ana ne would not vo vuuout mat -valuable
Mr P C Hrlnk.ofroufibkcepsIe.N.Y.,
whose famous experience published,
as "A Hcrap of Paper." Picking
a scrap or paper
up In the street one
day, found, It con
tained Dr. Ken
nedy'aFavorlte Itemed jr advertise
ment, and as It par
ticularly hit his
cne, bought the
Tnpftlrtnpnnrl fnntiil
gtlie help he had
Mr. i C. lirtnk, ueen praying ior.
In answer as to the truth of the article,
Mf Urlnk said lie was always pleased to
sav a good word for Favorite Hcmedy,
and referred the wtlter to tho following
letter lately published in the lbughkeep
tie l&iQte,
Gentlemen -Receiving many letters from all
over tbe country asking as to the truth of an
advertlfienieut (Minted in your paperj tfrlncmy
experience with Pr. David Kenedrn Favorite
It midy, I ulsu to say It was a pleura to
give Unit recomuiendatlon to Dr Kennedy, and
when 1 said I wu cured of Catarrh of the Mad-d-raiid
chronlo kldury disease, 1 wrote simply
thai ruth
Foryi irs before Ttned this valuable meHcine,
I suured from uriuaiy troubles, pain in my
back and a tie-voim, eleepletw condition, yet
b l re 1 had taken Uio fourth bottle I was cured,
pfmnd a. d well 1 lime replied to thece letters
and am willing to do Hi m liar service to those
alllieieil, Hut 1 nvike this public statement
hopiw itmn . ipiirh tue t')e of the sufferer, nnd
b a me w-r nnal orn Rnoudenoe, for atuiy ago
htterurllm, is note i any.
Yours truly,
21 Thompson Street. F. C. Hanoi.
Mr, Peter Lawler, chief engineer of
Mwrs, Crane & Co's Paper Mill, Dalton,
Mass., said ;
" I don't look much like a dead man, but I was
nrettv uiarone. For fifteen ienrs I euffered
pains in my Kiae, lay
uriu. was subject to
violent stoppages, and
often tluKed w.tu
Mood. I lost fle-li,
appetite, and streujith.
1 consult' -d several
physicians who raid I
was suffering from
gravel and Tnflam
atloa of the Vidueya
and that 1 could lire
but a fhort time. Mr
Jnlm KtMncer of rittS-
flekl. learninir of my
finmlltlnTi. Mid "don't Mr. l'el er U ler.
bothor with the doctors, take Dr. David Ken
nedy's Favorite Itemed? and lo cured." lat
ouca sent for tbe name, and had taken only part
of tbe bottle, when two piece of etonei'aiwd
my bladder, and now aw entirely well. fSstive
ne s and iheumetlsm trouble me. no more, and I
feel like a new roan. 1 hanks entirely to lr,
Kennedy's Favorite Remedy,
Mr E D. Parsons, head book-keeper
Wholesale Dry lioods noue oi e. J.
a mo i ii o;. uo.,
liochester, N. Y.,
had a similar ex
perience. Betzed
onedaywith pain in
his back, next came
stoppage of urine
jucuiau advise v as
Fought, and prono
unced it stone in (lie
hlndiler. Tn writ.
Ing to a friend he
tier rilfnVnf View.
A charming lady of tlio old school, who
Is a member of one of the historical fam
ilies of Massachusetts, says that sho never
goee by a statue of her most distinguished
.kinsman without wishing It did not stand
there in the sun nnd in the ntonns.
'Other people like statues,' she says,
"but I do not. I don't like to see my
cousin rained on, and I always feel it
when the enow falls." Boston Tran
Which will je tuue? It does seem m il some
fplkn piefer to have the last condition n the
Iher rather Hun the first. They perpetually
done thr-uiselves ulth tnii0itic total l uithonl
lrlm' as alterative nf iher Innible. Hostctter's
Htomarli Hitlers the successful candidate for
the people's chnlcc, and jet, popular and welt
known at It Is there are iruroituimteiwho keep
on tr dm the drastic remedies of former d-iy.
It N tn the Intelligent iHirllon of the nubile that
Die f knoun and long riled propeilles of t he
lillteit appeal. Kcisou slmnld be jiii tiled l) ex-
leneiiee in i ne inaiier oi nieuicjtiion, "ine
best uulde to our feet U the laiun of exnerlence.'
said a great patriot of the early revolutionary
itriou, miu ine eMiainaitini 11 I'regu.uii nun
nil ii. ror nvi-i n uiiiu in iv ireiuury lue ihuitb
lilllv this met with the endorsement nf neonle
sullcrlnit from liver complaint, nmlan-v. eonstl
IKition, rheu mutism, debility and troubles ne.
compatiU'd by (Ijsprpsl.i. latterly tt hasde
dared Itself and been thoroughly approved m a
reuit'tlj for laRilpje."
Tho a vertigo weight of the Chinese
irain Is suid to bo heavier than tlie aver"
nco weight of the Irratu in any other
Unred nt ifoine In Ten Days hy rttlmlnls-
terlnn nr. liuine' iioKicn m nee inc.
It fan tie ui en In a kIuss or beer, n cuu of cot-
eor ten. or In food. uHhout the knowledge of
the patient It is absolutely haiinless, and will
uet l iv I'cnn.uiLiii mm rtpeeuy eiue, nuciiiei
if ii.uieiib is il inoiifiiiic uiiimt-i oi mi luutuiunv
ri'i-k. It bus heen aw en tn I hnusand of eases.
and In ceiy inshuirea perfect cure lias follow
ed. It never f.uls. lho svsteni nine linurej!
nated with ihe speclfle, 11 beeonu s an utter 1m
poMililllty foi'the liquor appetite to exist. Oures
iiu.iranteed. 4ft page book of mrt let darn fiee.
Aldicss the (ioi.iKN SrwiFic to IMKaee
Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Uit. ly.
Considerable attention is now being
paid to Hie chemistry of tee pigments
! Insects, especially of butter-flies
A little 111. then a little Dill. The III Is
gone the pill has won. Dell ill's Little
Uativ Uisers tlm llitle pills mat chic great
Ills liinnias;, Jirusgesu
St!b .cribo for this paper onlv 81.
Eierv family should have a box ot
Wilchr Indian Vegetable Pills, the use
of wlileh will cure most of our alloivnts.
Chalterton killed himself in despair
at tho failure of all his projects.
Mr. K. D. Parsons,
says !
'I auffeted bevond words to describe.
ot the means taken produced any benefit, until
I began the use of Dr, Kennedy's Favorite Hem
edy which dissolved tbe ttone, the symptoms
bejran to yield, the pain ceased and from this
time my recovery was complete. Can I after
this experience speak too highly of tbat which
saved my life ! "
"I can speak In lilchcr pralw than I
have wrltte b," are the wonls of every per
ton I talked with, which proves the great
popularity of this remedy, posscsesing
i hat no other medicine has, the
power to save life. It can be used with
safety by all ages.
The worst cases of nervout prostration,
sleeplessness, headaches and digestive
troubles, yield to its curative power. Bait
rheum, eczema, rheumatism, scrofula, or
any d lease arising from impure blood,
are banished by this brain, nerve and
blood tonic, Dr, David Kennedy's Favor
Ite Hcmedy.
ihscovkuuu OF
BiiM Miracalons Remedies.
4.1bernl Alluded rlijr.irluii.' l.ndurifl T!:eiu
A. bfingtlie (Ireatcs1
IV.ilUe t'U e when use'
In nucnrtUiice tolnttruc-
tuili.. ill dltt.L)ti"4 lleru
ttifuitt 80-ralifd Incur
ulile. Diplitlu'rln, Aslli'
in:i, hroiKlillts, catHrili'
the restnlt of stinstiuku
HiMiplexy aim limlii liar
nllcil reHtairftl tn llifiii
uuttiral I'ODdltioli. tilne
inn and bone (ideas? curnl. line uninuiiu
S.-Ufleii. neiiralil.i. Ilriuht's disease of the kid
ueya,llveri'mitplAliit,d)Heiitery, and tuwallcd
fieart tlHease are entirely ctirtl ny pure inedl
nnenf iiiv.iwn meiiarlliir.
liUuriuj: nine years over lC.OOO perftons have
uad tuene medicines aua are hviiik wiinessei
rt ilielr unrth. I will not iru into practice m
aelr.belnt(oci-74earii ot ai;e; Mill sell mj
medicine nntv. I li.ive Iwu eminent nlivslclan
counnected Midi me to attend to culling at I he
residences bt me sick ll reiiunea.
From 1'iMrlik Ititrke.
J'fllLAiiKU'HiA, April C. lttfl.
Frnteswir Itiiiidrnnivar Slr-Allow ine
seuit you my sincere tli-niKS tor the ifnod that
ycur UlCllli ine untie me aim ou van
publUli this letter It ou chiNise, for llie benefit
ul the stitlerers. In milch 1 will state 1 had iu
fund crushed coupling the ears, and doclured
for It, and was in tlie hospital about slk weeks
and my baud ttei'iuue so icwolleu. and tulUinuia
tluo t ikini; pUi-e, some ot tile dlH'Uirs tliouttiit 1
would have to i!Ct ni) fund amputated to nae
my life, but I was told by onn nlmy frleitdstt
go to t'lot. houdruu's olnec, and get sume ot lite1
medicine or it, and that lie knew II would save
nw hand.
I went there anil got the medicine, and tn two
weekHtlu swelling all went dowli, and 1 bad the
use ot my flUKers. 1 lieu I w em to work, ami
.obsldcr ui)self unit, and earnestly reeommelid
the remedy tu all nRlieted like me. Tire is
nothing in tno worm use it io uesmiy ommhi
MllllIT WIN.S.
This renioilv Is becomliiir so well known
ami so unuular as to need no special men
tlnn. All who liavt) Hseil Kleclric lllttrrs
sing 'lie same, sons of praise. A purer
tnrillcino ibes not exift ami It Is Eitarnn-
teed to do all tliat is clainieil. Klectrlc
Uiltcrs will cuie all iliseaees of tlio Liver
ami Kldnevs. will rviiune r mules. Dolls,
halt Ulicunl anil nLlier aiTtclions causeil by
Impure blood, 1 1 "ill brlve I.aUrU from
tbe system and prevent as well as cure ail
Malarial fevers. For euro of Ileadaclie,
Conatipallou ami Indigestion tsy Electric
Hitters Entire satisfaction cuarautred. or
moitco refitndeil Vrico GO els ami $1.00
per liollle at Keber's UrtiR btore, uehigii
ton, ami lliery's Drug Stote, UelsstKirl.
Tlio fcmnlo ojumry bird does not sing
lit nil nnd rarely lirinys ovorSl.
Sir. McAllister Also AriTpentes the Tin-
tabllnhlnent of M ICernhl's Oftlee a. On.
of tit. Oor.rmTi.nt Apartments ltlglil
of Amerleans tn Wear Crests.
Tlie i, utilioT of persons using crests
nnd coats of arms In this country is very
largo, mnl there is uo wny of ascertain
ing liow lni it Is. Tho Aiierican wlio
wimtBBin., of nrms and has not got
one usually adopts one which pleases his
eye, without regard to nny other consid
erations, fh England supporters are sel
dom granted with coats of arms to any
unt momuera of the peerage, nut Amer
cans mnst h.ivo everything of the finest,
and therefore they usually take support
ers to themselves. Thero Is one very
rich nnd fnmons family in this city,
though of humble origin, which displays
a coat of nrms with four supporters in
stead of the two which usually satisfy
English ducal families,
There is, however, a great deal of dis
satisfaction with this irregular state of
things. Mr. Ward McAllister, tho ar
biter of fashion, said It should not be tol
erated. Coats of arms, he says, should
bo registered at n herald's office, as they
are in England and other well regulated
European countries. Then we should
know who were entitled to them, how
they got them and so forth.
I propose," said Mr. McAllister, "that
the American herald's office should be
established as one of the departments of
the federal government nt Washington.
This is a very practical suggestion, The
government would be able to put ft tax
on armorial bearings and in that way
raise a large revenue, as the English
government does. It is one of the hap
piest ways of raising a tax I can think
of. Memliers of fashionable society and
all the other persona taxed would be
pleased by it, and no one, I think, can
jshow any good reason against it.
I know it is easy for you to assert
that Americans have no business with
coats of arms nnd Buch things because
they are relics of feudalism, but that is
nonsense. They tire not any more harm
ful relics of feudalism than many of our
social customs. Fashion requires us to
nso them, and fashion mnst be obeyed.
It is merely a matter of fashion. A man
with a coat of arms is not likely to bo a
more dangerous plutocrat than a rich
man without one,, Besides, armorial
bearings are ornamental and look well
on silver and china. That is one of the
best reason for having them.
"I must s&y a few words as to who has
the right to use them. It is not neces
sary that a family should obtain them
by grant from the English or some
other European king. It is enough
if they havfl been used since the begin
ning of the country's history, or for
three generations. Iu England any re
spectable person not in retail trade can
get a coat of arras b' paying for it,
"Unquestionably many younger sons
came over to this "country who had a
right to bear tho arms of their family,
Their descendants nettled in different
parts of the Union and are now in the
fullest manner entitled to use arms. .On
the other hand, many men of wealth and
high social standing, but not of aristo-
OnfnWn my gerrct wlnl..u therVaarocf,
And there iLr M rh imrrowi Inve Io eoroO
Tn w intry dars, t . iret a crumb.
Though fuii'iend wntin. in brown and gray,
not pr, of
ArMln Vr.met h'lni-Ti Trom ft IrflBB aloof
Thi-y flmrv n, alt rt and frnll, norm,
And tt . n furr. u they'ie woU i elf I and glum
Anxious 1 houtfl ghufni'tholi behoof.
They are nh. cil by pome, I freel) own
And w hen i gave food I have seen them flare
Away awhile, as If l bey had a fear
Of unexpected harm, but ne'er a t6n,
WonM 1 throw at these gossips of tlH air
That the dull weather till. with chnUrehrrr.
Edward 8. Creamer In New York Sun.
The Modern Rhsie,
"The none pulling bather is hanl to
And now unless one goes Into the cheap
shops," jaid George D. Hnmllton i'
Memphis. "There wrs n time not so
many years ago when a barber would
take you by the nose if ho nnd to shave
your upper lip and almost pull tho pro
tuberance up by the roots. A friend of
mine told mo he went into a shop once,
and the barber asked him if he would
have n thumb or a spoon shave, meaning
tliereby thnt if my friend was fastidious
about having the barber Jab Ids thumb
in the cornor of his mouth to extend his
jaw ho would use a spoon for that pur
pose. But those days aro gone. Even
tho talking barber is a missing link be
tween the new and the old tonsorial
schools. 11 the disagreeablo features of
n shavo have disappeared, and the opera
tion is now smooth nnd pleasant. The
only people who find anything disagree
ablo in the process are thoso who shavo
themselves or who get a shave iu afi-cent
shop." St. Louis U lobe-Democrat.
Minnie's Yearly Uxpenses.
'Minnie can afford to marry a poor
man," said a friend or jitnuie s mother,
speaking of tho daughter's evident liking
for an impecunious young lawyer.
"That is just where you are mistak
en," answered Minnie's mamma. "She
has $8,000 a year of her own, and she
spends every p nny of it upon her clothes.
Her dresf es last year cost about J4,000,lier
hats and liuimets about KSOO, her lingerie
another if-nOO, and besides there are her
jackets, gloves and all the other acces
sories of the toilet. And she is no ex
ception in her world ; most of her friends
spend quite as much and many a great
deal more. No wonder that young men
cannot afford to marry nowadays'and
only rich girls are ih demand, though
if men did but know it It' is more ex
pensive to inarry an heiress than a girl
who has been accustomed to manage
with very little." New York Tribune.
A IJucer Iluslness III China.
In China a baldheaded man of almost
any age can within the Brace of 48 hours
be transformed into a blooming youth,
as far as tho hair is concerned; or a
beardle&s youth of 18 can be made to
look like GO within the same length of
timo by having planted upon his face a
genuine gray beard four feet long; or an
old maid without eyebrows can be trans
formed into ft girl of sweet 10 by being
fitted out with a beautiful pair of brand
new eyebrows or eyelashes of any color,
It is not a very costly operation in any
case, although it is a little painful, but
then as it is only temporary, what mat
ter does it niako to have beauty restored
to yon if you do have to suffer a little
raia for only 24 hours or even 48 hours.
Without it you may have to bo poor and
cratic origin, have adopted them since homely all your life. Wong Chin Foo
the practice became fashionable, as they in St. Liouis -osi-uispaicn.
have n perfect right to do. These fami
lies will transmit their arms to their de
scendants until they become as interest
ing as those of aristocratio European
"There are some interesting anecdotes
to bo told of the introduction of coats of
annB into the general society of this city.
Of course thero are a few New Yorkfani'
The I'opillatlon of tlie Moon.
There is plenty of authority for be
lieving that there is a man in the moon
in fact, there is authority for believing
that there are women and other animals
there. Dante declares that Cain was
banished to the moon, and that he can
be seen there nt nny time. Chaucer do
ilies who have used them continuously clarea that the man in the moon was
since the creation of the colony, but guilty of larceny, and that he carriea a
when the practice first became general thombusb. Shakespeare loads him with
it was received with n good deal of op- thorns and gives him a dog. Accord-
1,1 I TT 1 I I ,t. i.,....!.., 1,n a l.nn.
puuiiiuu. uuiuuu uuuieisiej usuu io lug iu hid kcuvio. icioivii, w uo van-
say that his crest was useful to tell Mm Ished there for gathering sticks on Sun-
llow Unpleasant
says that, his little girl Is troubled with
malaria very severely, ami that since he
nave her Sulnhur Hitlers, he never thinks
of le.iviug New Voik for his summer re
tort without a few bniilcs, for ttiev always
cure bis family, and are far supeiior to
Women may bo old uud wrinkled, yet
benutiful and sweet.
Nothing bo distressing as a hatUinf
Couzh. Nothing so foolish as to snuel
from ll. Nolhlug so dangerous if allowed
;o continue. One JinuleCotwli (litre, gives
Immediate lelief, T. 1). Thomas.
which was his carriage. Colonel Thorne,
who married Miss Javuieey, went to t-u-ropo
50 years ago and established him
self in Pans, living as no other Amer
ican bad ever done. Us took the British
minister through his hotel, .who, after
viewing its interior and its stables,
turned to Colonel Thome, exclaiming,
And you say you do all this on 12,000
a yearl It is marvelous." On return
ing to America to live the colonel turned
day, nnd tho Germans have amplified
this theory by giving him a woman who
had been caught churning butter on
Sunday. New York Telegram.
Disgusted With Chickell liaising.
A Frenchman living In this city has
been nn enthusiastio poultryman, but
this season finds uim disgusted with the
business. Meeting a friend the other day,
he said: "You know dat Schoohin pullet
out in this city postilions with his coat wat I buy somo day las' week? she's a
of arms embroidered on the left sleeve rooster; she crow like every ting dis
of each postilion. This created such a
rumpus, the population hissing him as
he drove by, that he was compelled to
withdraw them.
"Some of our best people were pil
grims and Huguenots, who on reaching
this country and establishing themselves
here abjured such vanities as coats of
arms, as a monarchical Institution. This
was oil very well In the beginning, but
tho blue laws have laded.
morning. I cut his head off and have
her for my supper next Sunday morn
ing." Springfield Graphic.
Ointments from Whales.
Spermaceti, which is often used in
ternally in catarrh and other affections,
as well as in tlie form of ointments for
wounds and excoriations of the Bkin, is
obtained from the head of a monster
We no longer of the whale kind Jrtlich abounds in the
oultivate primitive simplicity, but with south seas, while the highly esteemed
wealth and age we turn to luxury and ambergris u oniy a condition oi aiseass
Jamet Ittber Dorman
ot Shy Bearer, Fa.
Cured of Scrofula
Tho Pooplo will havo Hood'o
Jfr. Dormant Experience
"My boy, now o years old, had Scrofula to
one eye from the time lie was a baby ; disc hare
Ins all the time. Ot lst we have been giving
him Hood's Snnaparllla, and It has done all
that medicine can uo. The Scrofula has disap
peared, and bis eye Is healed up and well. 1
Hood's Cures
fully bellevo Hood's Barsaparllta Is the best
medicine In the market I keep a general store,
and It Is not a trkk to sell Hood's Sanaparllla
(or the people will have It I sell more ot
Hood's BarapnrllU than alt other medicines
together and the store would not be complete
Hood's s; Cures
without It My wife has also been entirely
cured of Scrofula by Hood's Harsaparltla, and I
am heartily thankful for what It has done for
juiin uouham, Duy iieaver, ra.
Hood's Pills th bi-n r ter-iinnpr run.
aulitdlceitloiitcnri hetdach. Try a box. 2&c
Opposite the Park,
We open nn business for the saason
with an assortment of goods alwavs In de
mand during the warm months of the year.
Of course we continue to keep In Hock
and sell all kinds of Hi'ir.tilNO IlAnnwAHK
nt the lowest prices. You will find It to
your advantage to have ut quote prices to
ji on this line of goods.
We have Pretty, Neat, Stylish and Sub
stalntlal MAnv Coaches from $0.00 and
upward. Come and see them.
Have you a lawn ? If you havo don't
fall to call and see what we have In the
Laws Mowkii line. We havo Five Dlf
fetent Makes, The Trice, well, that Is as
low as the lowest for a good, first-class ar
tide. Come and see us when oil make
upjourmlndto buy.
IPe have well-made Waoons
that will stand tbe knocklus: about thai
tbe boys give them. We hare tbera at
o cents, ana mey are good, neat, as sirong.
The neskv-sneckv Flv davs will soon be
here. Ilefoie they come guild f onr house
with gooa, well-made boon and Window
Sciikess "We have a big, good and cheap
assortment as these goods.
Hammock Dajs are coming on apace
Vou will want to know where to buy. Let
us give you a pointer. We have them fot
s ile. Come and see them. Look at the
quality and then let us tell you the prices.
TaiLijT Pateii. We have It and of
"OurnBhhave It to tell. Come here and
look aTPe sell ll by the roll or by tbe
ease at veTJ low prices.
Sciiken irk for fence purposes or for
chicken coops. We have 50 roils.
These are only a few articles of the very
many tbat we have. Come and see us
wnen you wnill to ouy. nr. biiuw tuuua
with pleasure and whin vou make pur
chases they are delivered promptly.
Notice to Contractors.
ISpnleri iirnvMVtaU for tlio p r pet Inn of n. Houp
House at Lehigh ton, Pa., n 111 Iw recelu-ri by
the Kwrptnrv nf tha Tnun Council tut infi:oo
neto( k P. M., Wednesday, May 24tli. 18 ,
Allldd-nuust be fora twoand aihreostory
bill Mine us per plans nnd apeci float lous turn
Ished bv A. W. uu. Architect.
rn i own council reserves tne ripnt to reject
unv ar all bids.
It la fiirtlior tlniilatmt thnt tho titil nt Am
person does not comply with each and all
ii i ne iciin-i nieniioupd win im ui couiiuficu.
Plans and a reci fictitious can be seen ut the
oftlee of the Secretary.
ny order or tne t own roimcu,
.1. Ia. HAItKL President.
Attest O. How fk, Secietaiy.
Drug :: Store
HBf Spring is Coming
Use Thomas' 'Extract
Sarsaprilla," To Purify
The Blood 150 Doses for
$1.00. Quality Guaran'
much to
Will you
as nu innovatiou,
we are offering our customers a
beautiful book (Sliepp's "Pho
tographs of the World, with
every Forty Dollar Purchase.
We would like very
explain this to you.
please call.
Bed Room Suites,
Parlor Suites,
Dining Room Furniture,
Book (1ftsc9,
Hall Racks,
Handsome Carpets.
Ate among the goods we
soil at very low prices.
Window and Doon Frames,
Doors, ShutWs,
window sashes,
Mouldings, Brackets
Ml Kinfls of Dresscfl Mer
Shingles, Pailings,
Hemlock Lumber, &c.,&c
For the rretllest Jewelry and the
Best Watches, Clocks and Silverware
the people of Carbon county must
come to our store. We not only have
the' goods but we sell them at pilces
that aro low and perhaps a little lower
than the same goods can be bought for
elsewhere. We are not selling shoddy
stuff for vhe best because we don't
believe' in misrepresentation. Our
motto Is "eood honest aoods at the
very lowest prices." Before vou bny
elsewhere we would be pleased tn have
you call and see ns.
N Fine Cigars,
Stationery, Dolls, etc.
We carry In our usual full and com
plete lino all tbe above goods at the
very lowest prices. Make It a point
tn call and stl us when you need any
thing In onr line and we are confident
that It will pay you cash returns for
your trouble, -
C. H. Nusbaum,
Bridge Street, - - Welssport, Pa.
If you do, you want a good
fit, Latest Style and First
Class IPorkmanship.
Leave your order with Frey
You m ant a perfect lit. You
want good Goods. You want
a well made .and stylish look
ing garment.
Leave your order with Frey
Very Lowest Prices,
They refuot .stockings iu Kuglaml at
a small expense.
find jamontr it a necessities the use of coats
of arms. The necessity and love of the
American for title or boiuo designation
of distinction, plain Mr. 'not filling the
bill,' is illustrated in the west and
south. For 50 years or more It has
been a umversul custom to bestow
i in the same animal. London Tit-Bits.
Au Itallau Woiuan'i Earrings.
Some persons profess to bo able to
guess approximately from what part of
Italy a woman comes by the length of
her earrings. Italian earrings lengthen
militarv title ou all men who havo nsen as one goes southward, and in the ex
above mediocrity, such as governor, gen- treme south of Italy the earrings of the
Do yon lack faith ami tovt health t Jt
us establish your f.iltli and rt'sforo your
health witlv IMVItl's Hat Ilia, Thomas
iho Dniggi&t.
A horsefly will live for hours after
its head has beeu pulled off.
pol stm rrriiu'tf well in k, HimUiHiitti
inii iK'iimi ia nit ur-rvea, mm i
n unlii. renin.
i irrti lut Ion Iu tltf
blocnj lliere Is iHtttiliitfloeuimuiie tulL
ltVflpeuiIiul) oiirs,
1703 N. MU ht, J'hllftlfli'hia, I'a.
From Jnatli Ktrkitwr
1 Ninth Miet-t, l'liiliMhlol.lti, I'a.
I' allow me loadd iny trsllnioiiy to nur
Itit- 11 mtu ben) suiiitimk lluet Hi urn tiurluK
tw i.i v )'Hr, the Ust tlm il wan no InuI thai 1
u Hit hi if f it'll inr four n.uallix: inul tbe vtr bdht
ot tloi-iors hut u.m Htlll liuihtjE iivvny. v-ithai1-ub
it umr, ami Kriut tuln all over me. At
tt limb J totfo out, but etiutO nut fclHiut tli sum.
ml 4 ii.f.'u strop iltrn it h.lutti.KI'iKt4wall.
tiirM-HH wutrmiM.tert'tl a vi had ovw, It va
in. iiu it 1 1 run on t uiiiMfnthm of tilt drain, wa
tiHMi r.voniiiifmleii to Trot itoutlroo'M mwllWii
and I inadtt out tu ki to ItU offlr, IttTN.KHli
tsuert, and 1 K"t Uw tnediclue tuttl In thrtet
ttet'kttmt I y.ha nll to In out ati.tttMtdti.Ktu
iu tiii.iM".t, itimiiili an ot m hamw dim! in
t tia Hi' tntliiit' from lb luiul. Miule 1 Umm1 It.
and am ablt to attend to bttIue uow. Tttatilo
to noil Aiiuiuiuy ami ui rri. Houdrou'H mohII
tint', tthlcli 1 Hill rtH'oiuiu.-iul fin ever to am
uor -uuYrt'r as I watt, would be uliuiit to Uf
nil) unci van anu nr-r utwi i't uirwtrt iiiHiriuauvii,
.10-tHI-II KIKKHli
Olllre and IboratAry oin dally fiwu 7 a. m
to 8 u. iu. Call or write to
1787 Nurtli IVlt'ti HlrM4.
dec 10, V ly, ri.lladrlol.U, l
Beud i ct'iit ttdiu tor valuable book,
lleheraml Hlery lh ilrucglUs desire u
(o tmh!hh ttie fo.louins lestlmony as they
Immtlo tbe remedj and lielleve it to be
I iHinght a 50c bn'tto of Cbatuberliin's
lalu llalin and applied It to my limbs.
hlch Itave Iweti athicttM wltu rUeumallsin
at Interval foronu year. At the time 1
bought the Pahi Italm I was' unable to
walk. 1 eat) truthfully say that rain
flahii has completely cmed tne, IL 11
Parr. IfoWnuoU. Kan. Mr, A. It Cox.
La lead In 2 urtisxist altlohwood, vouches
for the Irutli of the above statement.
Wine is frexuetitly used Implead of
water In Spnne iu mixinir shoe blacking.
Uu.Nrii OrrtcK : ovfr J. W iiauUeDbusu1
Liquor Ntori.
orntlitry lu nil Its braucbM. Tth Kitraetd
MltllOUt f.Ul. UMS ttUHllUlSWrtMl HUMI ItMlUMld,
Utile. !)) WKHNKMIIAY i)f Mtctl wk.
f O. axlaiess, M.l.hMOWN,
311 lUhKllcolllltr.l'H.
mm Tins,
us inemiry wilt surely ilastruy the sense ot
siiifll huh iwu"Uit'iy tieruuice 1110 uiun sn
lellMMIfll .MHITintt 11 llirUKII UIW llllll'lill. .lll
iiu,.. Kiifh urllpln. .lutiitd He, er be used ex-
'elit uu iirescTliilluus frnm retiuwuie iisiciaus.
ls llie iliuiuue tlii'V Hilt ill, is ten fold to the
Hood you possibly derne from them. Hall's
,ujirrii i uri. inaiiiiiaioreo uy r. u t, iiriwy v
'o, Toledo, o, fOHtalu. no uiereury, and Is
'n.l luiuMiiiH MiiruieeH of tile sv.lltl. In buvine
Hall's fatal rh Cure be sure ou gel Ihe eulne.
Illstakeo Internally and Is uiatle In Toledo,
ilhlo, by V .1 l lieiiey K uo. Tesiunoniais ire;.
cdr-KoM by drtiKglsts. prlee lie tier bottle,
III small liotela iu Russia eaeb Kuost
ia exutH'tcsl tu lltiil Ills own lieilololli
InaliiHterj neighborhood tliroimh-
uutihe wet,tli-e Is aome one or more
persons hose live., have been aaved by
I'.'jatnberlaln's Colic, Chttlera aud Uiar
rliuta Uemeilv, or who liave been cutesl uf
chonlc dlarrhiBi by It. Such persons lake
Mliectal pleasure In lecruuuiemtinc the
rciiMaiv to others, i lie ursite mat ioiiowb
Its InlriKluriloii and ush makes tt ,er
ooiiiilar. 25 are! &0 cent bolllea for sat
h. ICebttraml Uiery.
A irulloil of iiloohol ran bo distilled
front a Imshol ot awoet )otlotiii ut
-.iiihII aot.
MO Tt) FHS. ltODBItKK. under tile ElrhaiuM
u Hotel, liank street, tor a auiootli sliaye ora
tashtoualile bair uttl. Iw tJUMeu uu miuuay's
Kui .ler'sllur toule. eure. HMls.rtu1. Weuri
... .t.u k u rult lliivij tuiiov I.iIIhI ariiekmat lou
vsr priees, aud w. ar. the uuly iuh-. In town
kviii ie oueau buy Keiuler's ("reaui lor tiiet.u'e
ire the 0ieiH
1 AWFKK. the barber, oliiiusiTi
Hon,', euta ban. slims.iui
tTilDB in llrst-clas. si i le lw-i i
t lusi il nn HuiHlava Tll i An '
Ufcrn i
Ai' A1 K
MIS, iiik lialr
Im nllenliiiu ual
i l Mr. ii s Hair.
I,MII 1 Al'l-
SAt.ilt i ,,iiu the
aki i
eral, captain, colonel, it being purely
honorary. Such titles men carry through
life with tuia love ot ours for individual
distinction, which is one ot our marked
characteristic:. When a man wantB to
seal Ids letters, mark his plate or decor
ate Ids harneHS, he wants a crest, and us
Americans with money own tho universe
tins crest must be forthcoming. Of
course it is ouly an accessory to the arms,
and now the question is, How shall Amer
icans get them; And how shall they
be able to keep them?
''L;t lue repeat that society would wel
come the establishment ot a herald's
office for the better regulation of these
matters." Jew lork ttorld.
"When 3'ou walk," says a Russian
proverb, 'pTuy onoeiwhen you go to sea,
pray twice; when going to be married,
pray three times."
llad Mauner.lli the tse of Word.
The laws of common courtesy hold in
the use of words as well as dishes. Aa
unconsciously as you turn the handle of
the pitcher in passing it should you turn
the handle of your tentence and present
your thought right side up. You would
not toss me dook you are usaou tor across
the floor and leave your brother to pick
it up. Why toss your answer iu similar
hit or miss rudeness
It is not rudeneu of manner to which
I refer, but the rudeness of not making
vour sentence ot least neat. The most
admimble aud affectionate of persons
will fill your ears with a thousand need
less words that do but conceal their
meaning, or make some noncommittal
reply which forces you to repeat your
A very large part of the misunder
stand inm in life, with all the sin and
sorrow resultant, is traceable to this
same carelessness, this stupidity, these
inescuaubly bad manners, in the use of
words, Charlotte f. Wet-son In Jvate
Field's Wakhington.
troinen reach almost to the shoulders.
Ueuttne llaltDreises.
There are stores in the city where oven-
lug dresses ore rented. They ore made
up handsomely, with the 6kirt all fin
ished except the waistband, and with
the waist itself basted together instead
of stitched. The woman who desires to
rent tho costume can have the waist
fitted. It is fitted and prepared for her
in a way that does not preclude the pos
sibility ot its becoming refitted for others
for other occasions, bue rents it tor me
eveuing, paying $10 or $15, returns it in
the morning with the consciousness that
she looked at the ball just as well as her
millionaire neighbor.
It is rather a severe thing to assert,
but these trades people do not hesitate to
say that men are responsible for the
starting in of this custom of renting fin
ery They eay that wives caught the
idea from tbeir husbands, who maae a
practice o.t renting dress suits instead of
ownintr thein. Everybody knows that it
Is nutte a oommou t mug tor a man to hire
a dress suit for the one or two times a
year when some occasion demands of
him this respect to conventionality, yet 1
suppose tlds same man would be tlie first
to condemn tbis oily in nts wire it ne
knew it. Chicago Inter Ocean.
DRUGS, li'ire.
MEDICINES, genuine nnd best
S0AP3, lMg? line and chenp.
WINES,Kfl0(l for .medicinal use
CIGARS, tne made..
SPECTACLES, extensive
nnd increasing trnde. I guar
antee satisfaction to eery
, customer.
.Hi, i.
i AMI BKI.L, oer Uiet'auil i , r.i-i
. . i-i.irl, i uu ban, abaves aad Iiaiiiuhi.
k tmeiue a call lou-ean aln lU)
.-.ii., Hun loulo,c.. at tu. tcry toaMt
"Tiara I. a aal'tf for every ountl
We refer tu IleVVItt's Wlbrli Uaiel Salve,
euros bums, bn )!. Mill, Indo.enl tare.
as a lusl anrffK-aiinii m me ikmhiii
cures catarrh, and ai nays cum piles.
I). Thomas. l)rugUt .
lieioe City, Idaho, which once had
a population of about afltO, is now
dtberted olty.
I was a euffeier from eatsrrU for flflen
ears, ulil dn.ires.uie pain over mv etet.
I ns, d hl)'a i ream llatut wllh KraUfvllM
le.ulu. Am apriuretub curej, Z C.
i. Holland Vl
I kuffeie.l from a severe cold in my liead
fin hi ami ioiiUI gel no relief. H'as
adi.-il o use Hit's i reaui llallu II lias
autketl like lllau- in its eure 1 SOI free
from iu i-iiul afiei using the Ualiu oue
ttoek and 1 believe It I. the beat ri in uiy
ktiiiv.ii Samuel J. Harris WLohrstle
tirucui ill) Kroul St , New York.
X Cheeky Customer.
I had a unique but tantalUing expe
rience the other day," said a clerk who
works in a Kansas City hair store. A
man came into our place and aaked to
look at some false beards. Of course he
was accommodated, and he spent over
au hour going over the lot, trying them
ou and examining himself In a glass. He
took un my time, and alter ne naa ex
amined everything in that line in the
.tore he thanked me and said he was
considering whether to raise a beard or
not and wished to see how he would look
in the different styles." Kansas Olty
Death. Due to Had Milk.
Five thousand little graves are dog
each year in Fbiladelpbia for babies, and
5,000 little headstones are yearly set up
over their graves, all due to deaths
traceable to the dUeasee which spring
from wrong feediug. In the overwhelm
ing majority at Ii. stations the poor food
of which these babies die is bad milk,
dwaassai milk or skimmed milk. Death's
heavy harvest ot little babies in Phila
delphia U rendered possible by theab
euce of a sound milk law. Philadelphia
Press. , .
Lemon Juice For rlti.umatl.iu.
A little girl up ou the wost side was
to give a splendid birthday party one
day last month, but tne nay anu tn
presents arnveu anu louno uer in uea,
Darulvzed with rheumatism. She is on
ly 7. and Her pareuts anu even tue
family doctor tnuugnt it a remarnauie.
and uncalled for'malady. Dut the care-
tullv miarded only child suffered as ter
ribly as the most neglected little mortal
who had spent cold uignt in tue streets
and had invited the awful disease in
every way. Finally a doctor was called
In. who. amoiur other things. Knows
thine or two about Inflammatory rheu
autism lie smiled at tne array oi nn
Imenta. iironounued them "harmless'
and nreaoribed lemon juice lemon juloe
pure and sample a wineglassful ever
morning t ne little girl is new wen
Here is another bit or medical aavice.
It you lire subject to rheumatism, don
eat eggs. - waaiuugtoo new.
Heut.iuber. Ilyrou.
A venerable woman living up town re
raeuibera Lord Byrou very well, having
often Mt-ii him in an exteuded foreign
tour of her ) until shortly nature the
poet's death. My father grew to know
him intiumttilj ' she says, "and liked
hira extreiin h tie always doclared that
much v. Inch w i- Ui.i to Byron's charge
was fain., an J "in h else the tault or tue
tuueaortit Ine l" - Hilar life. lie found
him what he .itleiuard tailed him. in
speaking of tlie at nuauitance, 'a down
right got! lilhivt nut at all the llj run
uf lueiur ' ' -New tirk Times.
Gontral Drug Storo,
Dr. C. T, HORN,
Heaters and
In Great Variety at
Samuel Gravek's
fojiulaf Store, Bank Street.
Roofing and Hpoutinga special
ty Stove repairs furnished
on aliort notice
For the present we will carry
a full line of samples of season
able goods from which you can
seleet. Our prices will be the
very lowest and in all cases we
will guarantee eatistaction. we
solicit your patronage
0). tlie Kound House. - North First Street
"Corner Store"
Owes, Lew, Bananas, Nats,
Apples, Celery, touts,
Grapes, Table Raisins, Confec
tians, Fancy Haslets, Qneens
ware, and a Ml line of Nice
Lowest prices, good treatment,
prompt delivery
Call and See Us.
Corner Store
Ona Hundred and Seventy-Tlirca Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars,
In valuable Prosonto to bo Ctvon Away In Return for
1 rOCKET KNIVES . 23,100 00
1 1 o.owv P1CK8. 57,750 fx)
1 1 6.600 LARGE PICTURES (11x28 Inches) IN ELEVEN COLOR3,for framlngr,
l lu.uuu jjgon ; ?.'ai,8700-
261,030 PRIZES, AMOUNTING TO $173,260 OO
The above articles will be distributed, bseonnf lea, among parties who chew srEAXl
HEAD Flue Tobacco, and return to us the TIN TAtiN taken therefrom.
We will distribute 220 of thess prizes in this county as follows t
To THE PARTY sending Us the greatest number of BPEAR HEAD
. TAU3 from tbl county wo will Give. 1 GOLD WATCH.
To the FIVE PARTIES sending u? the next greatest number of
BPEAR HEAD TAGS, we will give to each, 1 OPERA GLASS., ..5 OPERA GLASSES
To the TWENTY PARTIES sending os the next greatest numtier
of SPEAR HEAD TAGS, we will give to each 1 rOCKEr
To tbe ONE nUNDRCD PARTIES sending tis the next greatest
number of SPEAR HEAD TAGS, we will give to each 1
To the ONE HUNDRED PARTIES sending us the next greatest
number ot SPEAK HKAI TAOS, wo will glvo to each 1
Tolal Snmber or Prliea ior (Ills Conntj-, 220.
CAUTION. No Tags will be received before January 1st, lfiftt, nor after Februarr 1st,
ISM. Eacb package containing us must lie marked plafpt.- iili Name of Sender, Town,
Count State, and Number of 'lm lu eneh paelcaie Ail el arges on pnekages must bo
READ. SPEAR HEAD posiiesses nioro nunlttles of intrtnplc valno than any other
plug tobacco produced. It lt the fweete-.t-the longlipst, the !-hi -t. KI'EAlt 1IEAU Is
absolutely, positively and dlatlnetlvelr itlileront In flavor frsm nny other plug tobacco.
Atrhilwlll convlnrBtli. n -ptlcrnf this laet. It is the indent heller of any similar
shailhand style on earth. 'iK-n pmvosMiaf tt Ins cnaiglit tin' -ir-nl-ir taste and pleases tho
people. Try tt, and partlclimt.' In tho contest for prises. fti- thet a Tilt TAU is on every
10 cent piece of KPKAlt HEAD you buy. Hrcd In the tags, no matter how small tba
quantity. Very sinrerrly,
TUB P. J. SORO COMPANY, Mmnuirrow, Onio.
A list of the people obtaining these prizes tn this county will be published la this
paper immediately alter February 1st, 1WI.
and all kinds ol TINWART3 at Lowest Prices at
Dress Goods
In the very Neatest Styles
and at the Lowest Trices at
E, I L Snyder's,
Fine Dress Goods,
That can't be matcl.eJ
town or county for al',e
Quality or Prices
See Our Goods Before
You Buy.
Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars
Fresh Beer and Porter.
FREE LUNOU every 4ay from 0:00 to
12:00 a. in., and every Saturday even
inc. Call and see me. I will treat
Opposite the Carriage Work..
North First Street, Lehighton.
Frei&nt, .Barae and Parcels
John F. Hottenstein.
Careful attention paid to the Delivery of
Freight, liagzage and Parcels to all parts
of town at tbe lowest prices. A share of
public pattonage Is respectfully solicited.
gJI.eave orders at Sweeny's, Koch's
or Lelbengutu a.
Green Groceries
Frank Leibenguth's
where also can be found n
Fine Line of Fine Groceries,
l'rnlts, Candies, Green Vege
tables In season, Aa .. i lllievery
Lowest Prices. Prompt atten
tion and good goods.
F. W. Weil Co.,
1031-1033 Linden St., Allentown.
Wood Mantels,
ire-Place Furniture,
F. W. WEIL & CO.,
We in -" r.'r t'l,. urtla of mie lttn
yittjfi" lll"mllj nil-. ...) uf ui..illur nni,
yet low Ihu tary spirit nt lho whole, but
there are oue of what may be callad
"CTmmttawthi tnuulnrion."
Ngrvgjg Frpstration,
I! t- pi e.u r .u, flick and Kervon
HeMtUbrbo, l.ftrhneho, lEKlnraMor
tiI r, Hut f-liukUnt, oui
terii.f'.t., i. 'lit'M iwnff. Opium
IlaUl, li-aukeHnM, etc.. Mre cured
tiy Dr. Mllfi KetorntHe Nervine,
a i1 i nut oti'iLiiri oiMie. Un. Soukl C
I i wn im,UL . ' Flu., suffered wktb
lnrWir iiiul' Hiiii.jltieOBOAMaMU. JoOob
iv: I.!.. Ouf .i i Uen vuKniic wkb Morr
r ip I'n it- t ' - I ,nt ju. tOHH Dot slMp,
bs-MUU livl. u u.i'i uulilltMdOrsMHoa Rt
Ctoruth Li U tuiwwttU. Pin book
IV.. 1 1 .tr br. MIlM Nrv wid
LfP;tlL. tl (W MtoU M ( hMC
reiut-U) lr ilitt ujhmsm. wrid Uir, Me-,
tuial itorrus race
Boldbr T. D.Tboma.
Office-I Iorlacher's Dlonk, opposite the
the Valley House.
Tti Leaitlnff ltetMurnt Iu (lie lhlgh
Ceul'reqiar'e, A LLlliN TO W N ,
Ttils 1'upuuur RetUuraat hu been tborougltly
refit teii aviid relurultbrd, uithe geuvnl itvcooni
inoiUtliHiB irr ol h luiwrtor aad InvtUiifc eliarw
tor. All the rteUc&elei ot tbe wjmoii tterved at
moderate rates. The bar tn auptlied with tutufi
but the beat bnuida ol Wiues, Utjuora. Al
Ulltans etc.
Lad lea Dlttlna1 Room In the Bear.
Executor's Notice.
Kfltote of JIWKPH P KKX, late ot praulc
lin Towuahlp, Carbuu county. Pa. dtaaed
A 11 ntraoos iadebud to aaia vMate aie re
tioestedlw iiwtte Imntealate pyuiiu, and ihuM:
Uavnia ItaJ rlatmi aatnst tlTe mine will pre
twni Mlihovt debt) lu pniei ordi t lut witle
uieiil to AtWTlN BtVKB. Kxr- Mltit
AprK t W civiui t, ia
He hns the Reputation and he
intends to keep it by continu
ing to manufacture and sell
the best in his lino at the low
est living prices. Buyers ot
Want to remember this and see
me before buying elsewhere.
I take pleasure In announ
cing to you mat
holds tbe Agency for my
Goods. She will be pleased
to receive your orders at
her residence. First street,
or will call upon yon Id
person, on request to do so
We trust the ladles xlll
take advantage of this op
portunity to purchase a genuine MADAAfC
(iltlSWOLD COllSET. Made In various
titles and lengths. Also Tbyslcal Culture
Opposite the Round House, Lehighton,
Hns it ever occurred to you that you can buy just as cheap ii not
cheaper here than you can buy in the city! It is a solid FACT.
Apples and Potatoes
Are arriving daily in car load lots and are being sold at the very
lowest prices to retailers
Confectionery 9 Wash, Oysters,
Sold and delivered ut and frequently way below city prices,
Wholesale Commission Doalor, East Welssport, PcU
and we wish to inform our customers and the public in general
we have laid in an entirely fresh stock, bought from the
most reliable houses and have an assortment that can not bo
duplicated in several counties.
TPe invite all to make out their orders early, while tho
assortment is complete.
Lehigh Coal & Hardware Co.,
N. First St., Lchifflatoia.
0 w KUMTZ & CO.
Lots of Fine NewGdoo5s,
All Kinds of Fishing Tackle Very Cheap.
Come and see us. We are stocked with a large assortment of
the things you need.
Tints ast mmrza
TM atrwje and iret f
nut. I'uUk other Lie. U Im
ftOlM pnwdt wd rf tea io a i
with rwiMe Ud. tbe cuctt (J beet parfuioM Hu-d (Wp
UVniuilM with at kIU.
Ii le t fovcliMuUMI
WtM, dUlureetlny atuki.
tmUt UtUlM 1-alaU, tniM, rtc
Ua. AfUn mou.v ra.
AI.Jil A I
Sreor la H- Snfdcr. FraDtllii Planins Hill Weissport. Pa..
Desire to say that thet are prepared at short notice to furnish bids and estimates
oo all kinds of Itougb 4 Creased Lumber, Doors. Sashes, 4c., together with Fine in
terior Deeoratlons in Oak, Walnut, Cheiry or I'iue, at tbe vary lowest prleM, continent
with (rood work and first class material. We earnestly aohcit your patronage and
guarantee in lelurn to gWe satisfaction In every particular.
D. W. DA VlS, Manager.