The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, May 06, 1893, Image 2

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Hew paltnUy the mmou bid their timet
N murmur from the bad that monthi atto
Wu ready ware the sixth lnellnd. to blow)
Th birds at happy In thvlr ohoetn clime.
tfo doubt there mw commohlng 'neath tht
And soma bright tye that rerer close in
ad mid ahrp etin that listen well and luwp
Afreet bop ftUr In little heart below.
then let the winter wear Itnelf away,
Born thither on th brMtof freighted rill;
A dream ol! spring ha touched th oooitant
A&4 made th Taller patient of delay.
Mary A. Maaon In Youth Companion.
Austin anrl t were Bitting op with the
oorpaa. Aba had been a (tiff since 8
o'clock, and It was then six hours later.
We were cattlemen cowboys they
Would call us east 11 ring In a ranch on
the Feoos in Texas. Abe wu lying on a
buffalo robe over against the wall, where
ha died, He had been granting around
for sereral days complaining of his old
Wound. He Was taking a drink when I
went out in the afternoon to salt some
4eer; when I oame back, he was dead.
Austin and I straightened him out and
threw a saddle blanket over him. We
closed his eyes, but left his head out It
seemed moro natural like.
Austin was sitting facing the corpse. 1
had my back that way, We were play
ing mfeieout poker for yearling heifers.
All of a sudden there was a noise oyer
by the corpse that made us both start It
sounded like two knock on inenoor,
We dropped our cards and wont over.
Eranrihing was all right. I said it must
hare boon a prairie dog or gopher we
had no cats nor rats around there. Aus
tin was horribly scared. He swallowed
m larger drink ot whisky than usual. We
went back to our game, and presently
we heard the rap again this time loud
er. We.up again and went over. All
was quiet as a oult mining camp. Aus
tin was shaking all oyer, and he says,
"D If I take any stock in spirits out
side of the Jag!" Then he took another
drink and banged out ot the ranch.
When he came In, he says, "Well have
a norther tomorrow."
We didn't play any more. We sat
there talking about whether we better
start Jose (our cook) out on the range to
roundup the boys for the planting. Pres
ently Austin says, "ina ado ever say
anything to you about being marrledr
"Ho. he didn't." Bars L "If he's mar-
lied, some one ought to get word to his
woman." Then we kept stui a spell.
Then Austin saysi "Was Abe marrledr
"I know nothing about him." says L
Alter a little I says to Austin, "Was Abe
maxrieaj" "I know notlung about him,"
h says, and then he went off of his box
onto the Boor as if a broncho had kicked
him. 1 lumped up to help Mm, and as 1
did so I saw Abe (the corpse) sitting up
oa that kuffalo skin looking powerful
mad. Els Up was ourled up like he was
trying to hiss something, and Ills arm
was stretched out, and one long bony an
ger was pointing at Austin, who lay
knocked out on toe noor.
tiont want any encores to that act.
was so Scared I couldn't smoke. I bent
flyer and shook Austin, but be seemed
U2 dead. As I went oyer for the jug to
get something to help him, I saw Abe
was lying just as we had fixed him, and
the blanket looked as if it had not been
disturbed. I took about flye fingers my
self, then poured some into Austin. The
first thing ha did when he came to was
to look at his shooter. Then he walked
oyer to the corpse and 'peared to be ex
amining the blanket. Then he says:
'That's the second of those d strokes
Pre had. I guess the next will fetch
me." I didn't tell him what I'd seen, and
I dldnt ask him what he'd seen. It didn't
always pay to ask questions. Austin
drank Tight along a drink between
drinks and an hour later he fell oyer on
the door. I threw a robe oyer him.
Ldldn't feel any too good sitting there
alalia after what Id seen, and I took
more than I should hays myself. I don
rens ember much about going to bed.
The nrst thing I knew was Austin shak
ing me and saying, "BUI, where the
.deyU'e Abe got to!" I got up and looked
around. There was the buffalo skin, but
no Abe, and his Winchester was missing.
We called in Jose. Ile'd seen nothing
out ot the way. We both felt far from
comfortable and decided to ride up to
the next ranch and tell the boys there.
When we caught op our ponies, there
was Abe's sorrel as big as life. We
dldnt come back to the ranch for
week. Then we were so played out and
sick nothing could have, scared us, but
both of us kept wondering where Abe
baa gone.
Two years afterward Austin and I
rode Into Cheyenne from the Crazy
woman's fork, where we were then
lfflng. We went into Talbot's saloon.
The barroom was separated from the
theater Dart br a Dlain board partition.
We sat down at a table in the barroom
and called for lignor. There was a long
haired, heavily whiskered man who
ftokad like a bullwhacker stretched out
on a bench. He looked as if he were
sleeping, we'd taken several drinks,
and I get to thinking of old times and
somehow ot Abe. "Do you ever think
of Aba nowr 1 says. "Indeed I do,
often," save Austin. 'Til never rest till
I know what became ot him.
Just as be said this the bullwhacker
rose up and says: "Mr. Williams, or
Austin, if you prefer it, you may rest
from this date. I am Abel" Austin
reached for his gun, but Abe caught his
arm and said, auletlike; "Hold on
mlnujt. If you want any shooting later,
m sir you a shove" Then he turned
to ma and saids "Years ago, back in the
states. Williams here and I loved the
same girL Her parent did not approve
of either ot u. Bh asade me think she
loysd ra, and she led Austin to believe
be was the favorite. She finally con
tented to a secret marriage with me, and
we slipped away, saying nothing.
"Somehow the reDort trot back to her
bom that I had taken her off under
promise of marriage and had then de
serted her. Austin never recognised me
up to th day of my supposed death, but
Z knew him the first time he showed up
atourranoh on the Peso. After you
went out that afternoon I felt very sick
ana really thought I was dying,
tuned to Austin and said, 'Williams,
I'm John Walker.' Quick as a cat he
was oa ms. I couldn't get my gun, and
h had me by the throat, so I oouldn
speak. He choked me, as he supposed.
to death. The ext thing I remember
was bearing you two talking about me
as If I were dead. I really felt not far
from -It,
"When Austin, In answer to your que-
g.tion, said he knew nothing about me, it
maaa m mail, ana i rose up to tell luin
belied. The sight of me knocked him
r Micas. I knew then I was supposed
be a corpse. When you both had
turned la drunk, I crawled to the jua
and took enough to strengthen me. Then
I supped out, mounted the nrst cow peny
I found and rode away. I did not feel
like nghtlng Austin in fact, he would
not have touched me bad he waited to
hear me and I thought my disappear
I ano would worry him some."
Again Austin reached for his revolver.
"Walt," said Abe, "until I finish. 1
I married the girl and treated her as white
. woman ever was treated, but five
I months afterward she ran away with a
blocmlqg drummer. I hear the music
t unto trim, Gome Inside. I have some-
I thing to show Austin there."
Abe purchased the tickets, and we en-
I tared to partially filled room which was
doing duty as a theater. A rude stage
I wa constructed at the end of the room.
I and a few men seated on boxes before it
! were grinding out ot their cracked and
Uaoordant instruments an air that re-
i called "Bis Up. Willie Riley." Pree-
aatly the large canvas wagon sheet that
iHrved as drop curtain was raised, scd
gaudily and scantily dressed and
ouaUy painted woman marched to the
ufcr of the stage and burst forth in a
loesg that would not nave been tolerated
I of th matte.
Austin's eyes wer riveted upon hr.
E At first surprise was seen in his face.
I nausea, Abe was watching htm.
(Fseaeetly the latter said: "If you envy
. now. lir WUlan, 1 will go outatd.
Iacd you may (boot me." But Auittn
steaded, his hand to Abe, and ws lift
bnilittBg tfigftcwTt
thantom That II.. Blade Little Prog
ret. In Thousand, of Tear.,
We are asked to believe In ghosts bo-
cause In every age there havo been ghost
stories. But would it not be more nat
ural to suppose that in every age the hu
man mind has been suuject to aberra
tions, and that some specific weakness or
irregularity of the mental constitution or
of the physical organ, the brain, on which
all thinking, so far as we are aware, de
pends, has probably given rise to this
particular class of hallucinations?
We cannot pretend as yet to know me
mind thoroughly in health and disease,
but this we do know, that there are thou
sands and millions of persons whose lives
are never Intruded on by ghosts and
who know absolutely nothing of "occult"
phenomena. According to a reverend
gentleman's figures, only one woman in
twelve and one man in ten no naa any
occult experiences. Now, what we
should like very much to have would be
a further analysis of these figures show
Ing the percentage of flighty or other
wise 111 balanced minds among the "oc
cult" and the "nonoccult" (if we may so
apply the words) clusees respectively.
Our own experience would lead us to
believe that the proportion would be
vastly larger In the former class than In
the latter. Who has not known many
examples of the tremulous, nervous, hy
persensitive, wonder loving, Hysterical
or semlhysterical type of constitution
amonff the devotees ot ghost lore? And
it such examples occur, as we believe
they must, to the mind of every one, is
it not at least a probable inference that
"occultism" In its various phases has
something to do with that kind of mind?
The ghost may be very ancient, but we
do not believe in him the more. The
trouble about him is that he has made
no progress since the earliest times. In
fact, on the whole, he has fallen back.
We should not be-disposed to talk of the
levitation" of Elijah ourselves had not
the Rev. Mr. Haweis nsed the term be
fore us. But if, following tho reverend
gentleman's lead, we consider the proph
et's alleged translation in that light.
surely It was a most successful teat in
"levitation." and a little ahead of any-
thins the modern world can show.
And, speaking generally, the appari
tions and visions and other spiritual or
occult phenomena of ancient times had
more "body" to them than those of our
own day. If therefore the ghost has
made no progress In the course of three
or four thousand years, if he is just as
nnlnstructive and Inconsequent a phe
nomenon now as he was when we first
encountered him, if not a little more so,
we may perhaps be pardoned for think
ing that he may be safely and fairly ig
nored by people who have an average
amount of business to attend to. pop
ular Science Monthly,
Lamar. Tonff Hair.
There is a young lady now prominent
In Washington society to whom as a
little girl Lamar revealed one blood
curdling reminiscence. He was accus
tomed to visit her father's house and
had often noticed her gazing curiously
at his hair, which he wore very long
and flat to the sides of his head. One
day he said to her: "My dear, you look
as it you wanted to ask me something
What la it?"
"If you please, Mr. Lamar," she an
swered, "why do you wear your hair
that way at the sides?" Lamar drew on
his most serious expression, and in alow,
hoarse whisper between his lifted palms
he replied, "Because, my dear, 1 once
hand a fight with a man and
he cut off my ears'" For along
time afterward thelittlegirl was struck
with a chill of horror every time she
looked at him, until one day in the
midst of a gesture he swung his hair
back far enough to assure her that his
head was supplied with its normal com
plement of members. But she never, to
the day of his death, entirely got over
the effect made upon her by the pretend
ed dread secret Kate Field's Washing
ton. The M.anlrjg- of Telepathy.
Few people would be ant to under
stand what you meant if you talked to
them about "telepathy." New sciences
spring up so rapidly nowadays that it is
hard work to keep track of the new
words coined for them. Telepathy is re
lated In meaning to telegraphy, In that
it is a sort of mental telegraphy, or feel
ing at a distance, being derived from the
Ureek, pathos, feeling and tele, at a dis
tance. It is only a new and more scien
tific name, however, for what we com
monly speak of as mind reading, though
not all mind reading is telepathy.
Richard liodson, secretary of the So
ciety for Psychical Research, defines te
lepathy as the ability of one mind to im
press or be impressed by another mind
otherwise than through the recognized
channels of sense, and cites some remark
able Instances of mind reading and
thought transference investigated by the
society. These, he thinks, confirm the
conclusion that thought transference is a
reality. New York Commercial Adver
tiser. Greek Noieh
We learn that the nose of Socrates was
not Greek, but such as Qreek artists
usually assigned to satyrs. Occasional
ly, a in a beautiful group ot a satyr
playing dice with a nymph on a bronze
mirror, they gave satyrs another kind of
nose. The noses of the ladies in the
Tanagra terra cotta are of all agreeable
orders of nose, not necessarily Greek.
The chances are that the Qreeks varied
as much as we do in their noses, while
the tradition of their art preferred the
conventional straight nose. In the eame
way the kind ot Romans who had their
portraits done on coins and gems were
just the sort of energetic, conquering
people who have Roman noses every
where, like William of Orange and the
Duke of Wellington. London Saturday
Self Control.
Teacher What is the meaning of self
Boy It' w'en a teacher gets mad and
feels like giving a boy a black mark and
aoesnx iooa news.
UookV-ivhTeh Ar.'Not I look.
In this catalogue of books which are
no books biblia-abiblia I reckon court
calendars, directories, pocketbooks (the
literary exoepted). draught boards bound
and lettered on the back, scientific treat
ises, almanacs, statutes at large, the
works of Hume. Gibbon. Robertson.
Seattle, Soame Jenyns and generally all
thoe volumes "which no gentleman's
library should be without," the histories
of Flavins Josephus (that learned Jew)
and Paley' "Moral Philosophy.". With
these exceptions, I can read almost any-
uung. juiessinysiarsioraiastesocatu
olio, so unexcluding. Charles Lamb.
A Famous Gold Nug-.U
On the 18th of August, 18C8, a monster
pleoe of gold was taken from the ilonu
mejital mine, near Sierra Buttes. This
I giant nugget weighed 1,899 troy ounces
ana was estimated to be worth tao.OOO,
The mine was owned by William A. Far.
rlsh & Co. The nugget was afterward
sold to It. B. Woodward of San Francisco,
zor cil.BSdtu, anil was placed on exhibi
tion at the famous Woodward gardens.
ot. Loul Republic
An Accommodating- Street Car Lino,
The street car system of Tallahassee,
consisting of one car. is operated by a
"nigger and a mule," both of whom live
only to please the people. If the car
happens to be going one way and a pas
senger wants to go in the opposite direc
tion, he has only to uy so, and the mule
U Immediately hitched to the other end
and the car started in the dealred direc
tion. New York Tribune.
Talking Awav From the SuLJrot.
When Frederick lloberteon of Brigh
ton, tne great preacher wno bad written
much about Tennyson' poems, and for
whom the poet had u high rt-tfard, flint
called upon mm, "1 felt, said Tenny
son, "as if he had coin to pluck out the
heart of my myaUry, so I talked to him
about notlUng but Ur.
Men uf aeuae ubu h-arn fruin their en
euus. It u trout their foe. not their
friend- that rltl.e leatu the ItieSGU of
building high wall aud ship of wu,
aud tkia Uou aavfc thtar chiidrn. ihUr
Low aud tiir urotwrtua. ArUWoh-
An Enfltahman Who Conltl To Many Thing.
For T.aMi.r. of II ynnotUm.
The subject who came to lue had bepn
a shining light in the profession, and I
have reason to know that he was ex
ceptionally gifted. He had performed to
crowded houses under several great
artiste at the Aquarium, mid elBewhere
in London and the provinces. He hail
figured at select seances of scientific hyp
notists, llo had been privately operated
on by medical men anxiously seeking
after truth. And. by his own statement,
he hod humbugged them all. What
proof had I, then, that he was not hum
bugging ne? Ample proof. Ho offered,
In the first place, to do under my direc
tion everything which he had done in
public and rrlvate seances when under
supposed hypuotlo control. I contem
plated, in the first Instance, accepting
this offer nnd giving a demonstration to
a select circle, and it was solely owing to
myself that this was not done.
As ft preliminary, I naked him to ex
hibit a few of his powers for my private
edification. He- complied without hesita
tion. He first of all passed himself into
the "cataleptic" state and lay ou the
floor rigid. Two members of my stuff
took Mm in this condition nud laid him
across tho backs of two chairs the back
of his head renting on one and his heels
on tho other, Ho remained bo for several
minutes. On a pass being mode over
him with the hand, his liody became
arched upward or downward. Two
fairly robust individuals next sat on his
body, nnd the "cataleptic" supported
them without signs of Inconvenience.
He then himself thrust a needle into Ills
arm and through the lobe of his ear, to
prove that he was insensible to pain while
In tho cataleptic state.
Next he showed how one side of his
face could be drawn down by toothache
("suggested" by the operator), while the
other side was distended in a broad grin.
Again, at the "suggestion" of the oper
ator, the grin and the toothache changed
sides, and so on. He offered to swallow
an ounce of cayenne pepper in a glass of
water, but unfortunately I had no cay
enne pepper at hand. 1 asked him
whether he could take aWineglaesful of
Ipecacuanha, and he professed readiness
to do it at once. The cayenne pepper I
could partly understand. It would be
a mere question of standing a certain
amount of pain. But I asked him how
he managed to control the effect of the
ipecacuanha. "We only do It for a
time, he said. " You can learn to do it
with practice, like the rest of the tricks.
But we always bring the stuff up after
the performance."
He also expressed his readiness to
drink oil. Among novel tricks which
he offered to perform was that of "slow
lug" the pulse while under hypnotic influ
ence. Of this ho claimed to be the orig
inal inventor. I asked him whether all
the "subjects" were equal imposters.
'All," he said. Ho know them all per
sonally and would answer for them. He
ridiculed the mere suggestion that there
could bo anything genuine in hypnotism,
whether In Tans, London or anywhere
else, but here he may have -spoken be
yond his knowledge. London Truth.
Btronfiley Indorsed.
The anvertlslne ot Hood's Sarsacarllla
appeals to the sober, common sense of
thinking people, because It Is true; and li
always fully substantiated by endorse
ments which In the financial world would
be accented without a moment's hesitation
They tell the story HOOD'S CUKES.
Iloon's Tills cure liver Ills, laundlce.
ouiiousness, sick oeaciace, constipation,
If nn "at home" means an evening
reception, an after call is necessary;
if it is simply a tea, no call Is necessary,
Piles of neoDle have Dlles. but He Witt's
witcn llazle salve will cure them. T. II
Subscribe for this papet tl a year'.
It Is truth in medicine the smallest dose
that performs a cure Is the hesU DeWltt'e
i.iiue tanv inters are tne smallest nll.s
will perform the cure, aud are the besL
Ihoraas, Druggist.
Wo feel sorry for the home ihat
not enlivened bv a sister's presence.
In Japan women work a stevedores.
The most Intelligent people of our com
munity reeocnlzo in DeWitt'. Little Earlv
Iilsers pills of unequaled merit for dyspepsia
nc&uacne ami consiipaiion. very small,
perfect In action. Thomas, Pruggcst.
Uneruuinl, the great Italian opera
writer.was tho son of a theater violinist.
Iluckleii. Arnica Halve.
The best sahe In tlifi woi-li! for PnU. ltmlM.
.Sores, llli-ern. Klt IMieuin. I-Vver Kf.rna Tlir
ChapiHHl Hands, ChllDUm Corner, and all hkln
brupuuns, aim iHisiuveiy cures rues, or no pa)
required. It Is guaranteed to elve perfect satis
faction, or money lefunded. rrleu 2ocent-ter
uu&. i-iii Bio ujr ueuw iniguion; uuu liter)
A live cottonwood tree with pc-trlfletl
roots is growing near Atchison Kan.
The Ito.ton htitr
and how to deal with them, and other val
uable medical Information, will be found
in Dr. Kaufuiann's great Medical Work;
eiegant colored piaies. Bend tnree 2-cent
sttnips to pay nostage ts A. P. Ordwav A
Co., Huston, Jass., and receive a copy free.
An Independence, Itid- woman is
said to have become paralyzed by eat
ing popcorn.
The wind from the North blows sham
aim aeen, ana uau enecis ot colds sre seen.
One Minute Cough Cure so safe aud sure,
will quickly perform a wonderous cuie. T.
D. Thomas.
Most men are attracted their, mental
equals; most women to their mental
The breaking un of the winter Is the
signal for tbe breaking up of the system.
Nature Is opening up the pores and throw
ing off refuse. De Wilt's Sarsaparllla is of
uuqucuuuauie assistance in tins oper-
lion. I nomas, Druggist.
KIND Til AT ill! KKH"
Bad complecxlon Indicates an unhealthy
state of tbe system. DeWltt'a Littla Karl?
Itlsers are pills that will cotrect this condi
tion. 'Ibeyacton the liver, the; act on
uie stomacu, iney act on tne bowels. 1,
u. I nomas. Druggist.
The best dressed man in the house of
representatives is Henry II. liiugham,
of Pennsylvania.
Some of the Grand Army boy may be
inteiesteu in me following from Alex li
Pope. A. I), (J., Commander Dep't, Tenn,
at.d (la, He says: "ll'e have had an
epidemic of wboaolngcougti here Stewart.
Tenn,y and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
ua. oeeu ine oniy medicine mat has done
any good." There Is no danger from
whooping cough, wben this remedy I.
freely given. It completely control, the
disease. 36 and 50 cent bottles for sale by
iteuer, x.enigmon, and uierv, neissport.
Subscribe for the Advocate.
J. B. Il'llsnn. 871 Clav St.. SLarmhnrc.
Pa., stys he will not be without Dr. King's
New Dlsoavery for Consumption, Coughs
and Colds, that It cured his wile who wu
threatened with Pneumonia after an at
tack of "La Grippe." wben various other
remedies and several physicians had done
her no good. Hobert l-arher, of Cooks
port. Pa., claims Dr. King' New Dlteov
ery has done him more good than anything
be ever wed for I.ung Trouble Notulog
like It. Free Trial Bottle at Heber Drug
Store, teulgblon, ani Blery'a Drug More.
Weii port. Marge bottle, 50c. and f 1.(0.
The undrftUnet ha vine l"D restoredtb
health by alntnls means, after luftaruig forstov
eral twi with a s ;r lung aSnkw(an4 ttt
drtMHl disease Consumption, I- Uous to iaak
knowu to U) fellow suiUr r the means ufcuraa
To those wio UeslrsU, . will cheerfully Mod
which they will and a sui rurc foi uam
tltm. Asthma. VnchtUs uud all threat aud
Iusr MaUulUs. Un hones all sufferers will try
his rented y. u It la tuvtt.uabi. TttoM 4e.r1at
tb prescription, which will cost thaw i. thUiK,
sjhI may provs a hlessiiw, U1 please sxMrm.
li". EDffABD A. WILSON, Biooklju
1 Maw Ywk. apr. 33, 'fcMj.
Qrfie Greatest Blood Purifiei
ThU Great German JledMnelut
rrirfiTMtat unit lur 14 rifiaot nt AI'l
one wni a uos. n win cure mrf
a common pimple on the fawj
to that awful rl.ofto scrortiifi-j
beet medicine to use In alii
cases of eucli ptnbborn Anutf y0Tjr rtA.
deep peateu Ulecasci. Dofnej-tareont
not ever tnko 7nfnrir !-
It, IMdco your tmpt ti
the purest and bt?ati
medicine ever made.
iiy until touuI
i i enustAticer uyour m re unauie vowni,vr
HI breath foal andaroflat on your back,
I offenMreF Vburbut fret some at once, It
I I stomach la ontwllt cure you Sulphur
I !of onlpr. UeeUlLtersls
MSlTLPlIini mt.. l.ll. 1
Qui ri miss - ' - - y'i
U your Ur-t?rlng are noon made well by
loe thtrk.Ug me. Rememlr what you
ropy, clo-jTread here. It mar ave your
uujr, vrffuze, it nai Faveu nnnnrvua.
wuoni wail unui umiiuituw,
Try a Bottle To-day! E3
Are von lmv-FplrltMl ftml wenV,
mil' it . bCLPituit DirrEits
.win cure juu,
Send 3 2 Tent hihiiiiih to A. I". Onlw.v A Co.,
Uoftton, Mas.., for le.t tuoilluul workuublt&tied?
would sny that before you
jj.ike your wngon to the shop foi
repairs look over the painting I
did last vear, see whether I
use inferior Paint and Varnish.
Then compare prices, also in
the purchase of a new one, Uuj
of a Carriage Man! And buy
where you get the same article
for, Ok ! so much less money,
for my place is noted for that,
namely, to sell cheaper than
any other, because I sell for the
ready stuff you see.
Robt. N. Anthony,
(Successor to J. F. Ilex, Kast Welssport.)
Farniture, Flour & Feel
at the hottest Prices.
Give us a call. No trouble to show
New Spring and Summer
Goods mean more with us
than the same words mean
from other dealers. Why I
Because all the foods we
have on our counters and
shelves are new there Is
no last year's stock of goods
brushed up aud piled up to
deceive the buyer. We in
tend to merit your patron
age by honest, fair and
square tlaaling anil we want
you to come and see what
we have In
New Dress (ioocls
at very Low Prices.
Groceries & Provisions,
of the best quality and at the lowest prices.
Choice Flour and Feed,
Fresh Country Produce.
Trashing Machines & IT'ringers
- of the best makes at low prices.
ll'e have a
electric lighted.
Roomy, Pleasant Store,
Come and see us
Geo. H.Enzian,
North First Street, Lehighton.
Want everybody in Leliighton
to buy at their stiro because
they have not only on ex
cellently aseoiteil line
of fine
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Boots, Shoes, &.,c
but because their prices are low
er than these goods can be
bought for elsewhere in (own
We show goods with pleas
ure, quote prices and deliver
all purchases. Don't forget.
but call and see us,
I Double Chloride of Gold Tablets
Will completelydestroytliedpalreforTonACOO In from StoRtlays. Tfrfectly harm
jexs i cause no sicinefw, ann may nt Rirt-n
eageoi me pmuent, wno wui voluntarily
UUUimulU.UUU UUli mum lllim unuil omany mon on tne part or
tho patient, by the use of our SPECIAL
Ihirinir treatment natlents are allowrd
paiiiDUQiii ucu unions mt-y ciiiii vuiuiiinriijr K5 ilium un
Wo send particulars and pamphlet of testimonials free, and shall
IH) fr'BU lO place Biuierers iruiu nuy wi
tiou w unpersons wno uaTe oeuncurw uy
HILL'S TAD LETS are for sale
If your drugiistdoes not kwptbem.enclosnu S ,00
and we will send you, by return mall, a package or our
Write Tour toame and address plainly,
wnetner 'lameis are xor xouacco, .uorpnine or
uquor iiaoit.
DO NOT BO DECEIVED Into purchasing
any ui uio VKnuuB uwiruuis nim w i n m-iug
offered for sale. Ask for TTTT .T.'H
TAaUjxiiTt3 ana tase nu uiutr.
Manufactured only by
SI. 53 65 Optra block,
t Iihva
i responsible !
(agents wanted
r. writing i.Iaaot
Henry Schwartz's,
First street, Lehigh ton.
Wall Papers,
ft. '
O. A- G -
A. Sell & Co.,
Kea of Oiiera House, Iron Street
rea ti i for all I'urpJios hired oat at ery
Ueaioudble Prices.
We have a Very Large Assortment of
Wa have only tlrst-class milliners aud
goods when promibeu. wu t lorKui. iu l-uuju aim tva u ueimo
Miss Alvenia Graver,
172 Main Street, Bath, Pa.
Office ilouri -From a. tu. to i p. W. l'rotie
Imited to aiswwei ot tbe
Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat
tr-Alo. Refraction of the K,i or the adjust-
Henry Drumbore, Prop'r,
TIim rkirhin IfnutA Kax twtMti rMaovatal &Qd
iBbniiMl tiir.MsrlvNit. It la tfitrk! lighted aud
well ajul la anuiuif the limt K&telj In
thU efoo tlio btato. Ibie patroou ! Um
puvue ia MHieifa. neat Koe'Huuiuu.twHia iur
IrwartMit aud traatlent otwttMn. CbarMtmy
inoderatcu Hue Liq uor,Freh lWraaU Porlfr
aud Good Cigars, (or aata at tbe lUr.
W. 1M. Rapsher,
First door atove Mm Maoskw Ilotwe.
&w, Katata and GoHattlon Aimm. Will Buv
tad Ball Kal JfaUte. Oouveyaaetoc naaUrdow.
olkgjtroni promptly iiurde. BHtnu Uila4M Ol
DeddHU a aprUuy. hlij be eoMitd la
F. I. SMITH, D. D. S.,
ubu oppoaiw tit. Ufters tloua..
Bank Street, Xeh ''bton, Pa.
fUUa Mi waHlaK aruacuvl desUtres a hmmUU
loeal aANUMtleA ntsil
Uw &4bIUurd aad TeeU ,Fatra4e4 WITH
OUT PAlrf.
UFFirK rlOURM PitMi s . n ,U ilB.,(rutt
iv, nt. , iu 1 1 iu.. Iron 7 it Ut I p. m.
AUtaullAlauua iu eunllai) or (MnsuuB
JMea Uoutt at hutetuii kto BaturtteT
Oil It-M-lT r T -r
we GCAiurrrr a
and iitTitfl the
mruiuMnvofltttfaUon nn to our rosponilbll
lty and tho meriti of our Tablets.
in n cap ci irn or ran eo wiinout ine jtnowi
awp sniu&ingur caewiof? in a jew uttys.
the free use of Llauor or Mor.
Mimu unuiifl in vuiuuiiuucii-
meuaoui our a ahlktb,
h all first-class
and state
do what
and irotn
frnm ton to
a tic) nmoktfl
Of your Tablets
Tub Onto Cnr.HlOAL Co.
fnf siiki worth of Trin r
them ui 1 riff ht and. ftltbouuh
they did llio work In Iwithun
Truly yours,
THRfiiitn rnp.MtciL Co.: entlehen: It Hives me pleasure to sneak a
word of tira i an for vour Tablets. Mr
iinK... ' f-i...iH I wu tnl
mnwtnni drinker, but after uslntz yout
and will not touch liciuorof any kind. I
.u uru.r u. mow me euro m.,,
omo Chemical Co: Gentlemen Tour Tablets
ii and tiiorntilne. bvnodernilcutlv. for seven
two packages of your Tablets, and wltbout any effort on
jYiWlreHs ull Orders to
01, 53 and BS Opera Dlock. LIMA. OHIO
mention tills mner.1
We liayc 'em
in all the
New Styles
unil at
New Prices.
Come, See nud lio Convinced'
Our usunl Handsome
Line of Furniture nt the
Lowest Prices.
For the next few months the
great question of interior decor,
ation and house painting will
he the lending consideration ol
property owners. Let us make
a suggestion for you. You want
the work done right ; wo can do
it for you at reasonahle figures,
or we will sell you the wali
paper and decorations. Come,
and see ; let us talk the matter
over and we know that we can
please you.
we do the very best work and deliver
Oscar Christuiau,
Livery and Exchange Staliles.
Buy rlillnx irrlai and ait ilrhlug ncrsM
Ilflii aoooinmudatliMM to M"tivlrr...rt
Mull sa Mcntii onlwa (nuitlv auwlHl Ui
(llv.nw atrial. imvfUAi
Seidol's Bakery,
Ftrtttitrwt, IeltlftbUH), ou will alav Owl
Fresbewt aud Uett
Rye, Wheat and Vienna Bread
Preh Krery luy. Our Vlftana Rrad eaunot
l etoeUfd. Wrrapmrull aulicll)uitrtatrou-
, watcli lor tne waxon.
Seidel's Vienna Hnkery,
Opii. Oberfl, FII18T ST.. LEIIKillTON, VX
It Will
Are you all run down? Scott's Emul
sion of Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil
and Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda
will build you up and put flesh on you
and give you a good appetite.
Soott'a ISmuWun cures Co nebs,
Celis, Consumption, Scrofula and
11 Anaemic and Waiting Diseases.
rTeaU waiting In ehilir,. AI
uiosi ua paUlmble tullk. Getonly
(tie sjenutue. Fnafiaml tr Boott A
Mown.. finit, New York. 8Ud by
, all Druggtau.
cx nr.
from persons
who havo boon
cured by tho uso of
Hill s Tablets.
if; onto Chemical Co..
Dear Sir I hare been uslnor vour
for tobscen halilt. and found It would
you claim for It. I used ten rents
ftf the stronircflt rhewlnff tobacco s. dar.
onn to five dears: or 1 would smoke
lortv nirw" of tobacco. Have ebewiMl
for twentv live Tears, and two rtncltasea
cured mo so 1 have no desire font.
U. M. JAYLOUD, Leslie, Mich.
Doors Pebrt. H. Y.
: Gentlemen: Some time ago 1 sent
Tablets for Tobacco Habit. 1 received
1 wai both n heavy smoker and chewer.
tbreodays. 1 am cured.
PiTTsntTRnn. Pa.
son was stronelv addicted to the uso of
tn rv vnit r Tnlilot II a wnsa h pn TV And
Tablets but three days he milt drlnklnir.
have waited four mouth before writing
. -r. Jfuy,, M0Rmg0N
havo performed a miracle In my caso.
Years, am
havo boon cured by the upe of
my part,
You have noticed
that some houses always seem to need
repainting they look dingy, rusted,
faded. Others always look bright,
clean, fresh. The owner of the first
"economiies" with "cheap" mixed
paints, etc; the second paints with
Strictly Pure
White Lead
The first spends three times as much
for paint in fire years, and his build
ings never look as well.
Almost evervbodv know that irnnd
paint can only be had by using strictly
pure White Lead. The difficulty is
lack of care In seltcting'lt. The fol
lowing brands are strictly pure White
Lead. "Old Dutch" process; they are
standard and well known established
ny me resi 01 years s
"Atlantic" "Bradley"
" Brooklyn " " Jewett "
" Ulster "
For any color (other than -white) tint
the Strictly Pure White Lead with
National Lead Company's Pure White
Lead Tinting Colors, and you will have
me oesc naint mar it. is nossime to nut
' on a building. i
For sale by the most rellsble detlera lo
paints everywhere.
11 you are olng to paint, It wilt pay you
to aeod to ua Tor a booli containing informa
tion that may aave you many a dollar l it
will only coal you a poaiai cara to 00 ao.
1 Uroadwar. Nw York.
To see Nurserv Stock. Wo crow nil th hpit
best varieties, old and new, replace all stock
that dies, and guarantee HatUf action. Highest
saUry ur coininlssion paid from the start. Write
lCocheiiter. Ti, Y
KsiauiiMien 1B.T3. menmoratoa 183
"Cheerful aud Happy at 79!"
gilt Years' Stiiiulli!g
The following fbom a ofjstlemax
Poirru Pkaiiody, Mass..
rAitiLLA :
Klffht j earn ago Iat March, I wa(
titrlckcnrltli erouslrONt ration.
earv dai and uleenleBi
ulirhts followed. lNiifTertMl
extremely from atiectJon of the JClcIi
nejH aud Ntomnelit & not able to
attend to business of any klud, felt no
drxlro for coin pan y, ami at lant beruino
wholly uiifltte! fortheHllRlitcfet
tliilleft iifti r life waaaburUea
to me.
1 was attended
bv skilled Physlclaur
y that there naa uo
who told me UnaUy
iieip lor me.
Since talln your Medicine I hari
fully recovered. Ihae tukeuteii
bottleH aivordlug to the prluu-d tllreo.
tiouM, aud from being liopelei.ii and dis
couraged, ain now cheerful uml
lknipj' and although 1 am 79 years
of iu l i l-nmrj TRJ A "T uext 1
am able to nnd do I rSa I turlt
eery lay a my well-kept garden
and the general appeamiice of liuproie
iwnt about iny jfrouiuU will abuudautly
I do not fall to remmmend your
Medicine to all afflicted of whom I may
hear, ami coutldcr myself u 11 lug
tcfttiiuonlul of the. fn ID ETC
wonderful efTlm-' wUrll-O
Yours truly,
Dana Sartaparllta Ci., Be If if, Malna.
UbY'S CatarhH
Cream Balm
Clrames tie
Alla;i Tain and
Heals tho Seres,
Keatores tbs
Sniea of Taate
n.l Rm1l.
A particle is applied Into each Doetril and
ii agreeable IMee W cents at Druggists ;
by aia.ll. regliterrvt, tKc
jLi iinus.,st) warren St., New York
Into the world fmm fnr aay.
liure the yeiir I aU a, - ttinil to May,
And the whtri soutidsnft as n lark aloft,
A oonju rfr t i ,c nnt-e on n rtnj
Many a tii(-il. 11 lir kn.-v-Wherrultli
,i t'ltn r alih - tn blue;
Tom t'' iM iMmrastrotv Inlaid flowers.
And ta kn va are old tnru lil.t ait new.
A lunch oi h i ,1c mi nnd lol
Fnmi riniu; lu'it-.rt lawn-flow,
AndploHf i"m it(iom In li bh l i 'f)m
A here n.Mt '-t but Mirrowf ie-tnfd togmw.
Out ef tin' ulnrmj -k ntrave
Hebrln, WttUv P ce.llke a hearenly Uore.
Ilia might Is auif , and his art Is pure,
And his tiHitic theconjurerS name la Ijot,
-Julie M. liippmnnn lu St. Meliolas.
After IHnn.r Siiraklns;.
Au nfter iMnmr rpeoch fbonld never
be wholly facetious, unless the Bpeflker
is very fncdious Indeed nnd cute his
speech short. It nhould not lie I rivoloos,
even when tliofiwtkerls full of frivolity.
It must not under any circumstatices be
8ilbv, though there 1h petiple who laugh
at silliness. It must not be too long
winded, or highly exciting, or overbed vy,
or ultrn argumentative, or entirely sta
tistical, or In the 1 aet rancorous. An
after dinner spet rhfiliould be appropriate
tolhe occasion and delivered on time.
It may contain some essential thoughts,
some strokes of humor, some scraps of
knowledge, some bits of fancy, some
Bound reasons, some good whims, some
green dressing and n little fat.
Every ablebodled man of New York Is
apt to 1 an after dinner speaker some
time in hia life. It is possible that as
many as 6,000 after dluuerepeeches have
been made here during one winter sea
son. One man has a record of 10 of them
for a Blngle week, three of them for one
Ve havo heard somo tiptop after din
ner speeches, a few. We have heard
others that wero wearisome, inappropri
ate, exasperating, enfeebling or loolish.
We have heard several which were rant
or drivel.
A good many men have won renown
by making clever after dinner speeches.
New York Sun.
Unfortunate Name.
"Well, thank heavens, I am plain
Mary Ann again," declared n young
woman to a sympathizing friend on one
of the cross town cars yesterday. "I did
so hate that name Luella. Missus said
Mary Ann wouldn't do at all. She
called it 'outre' or something liko that.
She declared that I must be given some
romantic name that would sound pretty
for calling. So I have been Luella for
half n year, nnd 1 m heartily glad that I
leit ner ana um going to Airs, rjortn-
west's." Tbe other girl gave a horrified
look at mention of this nalne. "But, my
dear, she exclaimed, "I worked for Mrs.
Northwest, and I know all about her,
She has a daughter named Mary, and it
win never wr for you to be Wary too.
She called me Maizie, and she'll probab
ly call yon Callie or Susanne or some
other ridiculous namo." Then both
sighed. Philadelphia Kecord.
A Frlvoloua Teople.
"I maintain," said a shrewd observer
recently, "that the American people are
becoming frivolous."
When he was asked what evidence he
could bring to prove Ms assertion true.
ne replied:
"I want no better evidence than their
indifference to serious public affairs. Our
political system has developed certain de
fects, bnt no effort is made to get rid of
them. The people of some of out largest
states submit to 'boss rule' which they
could crush forever by giving attend
ance at caucus and the polls for three
consecutive years.
"See, too, how a system of frequent
ami prolonged holidays has developed.
We work fewer days and fewer hours ta
tne any than our fathers or even out
elder brothers did. Every one seems to
be forever looking forward to vacation,
like a schoolboy.
"And what do they read? What do
you read? When you open your paper
In the morning, to what do you turn
nrstr to the proceedings or congress,
or the great happenings at home or
abroad? I trow not. You look at the
score of tho baseball games, or the dis
coveries of reporters relative to the latest
sensational murder, or at some other
personal stuff about people ot whom you
rfever heard before, and who aro dragged
before the public by circumstances in
which the public ought not to have tho
smallest interest."
This is a harsh judgment, but it can'
not be denied that there la enough truth
In it to cause us to pause and remember
with the poet that "life is real, life It
earnest. outh s Companion.
bteallng the PMlaratlou of Iml.pend.nce,
When James Monroe was president
and John Qulncy Adams secretary of
state, an Ingenious English engraver ob
tained permission of the two dignitaries
mentioned to take the Declaration of In
dependence and engrave it In facsimile
oncopper. llecarried the precious docu
ment to the printing office of one Peter
Force, when everything was in readi
ness, he placed It upon the imposing
stone and laid a sheet of India paper of
the some size upon It. This India paper
was next moistened with water in which
gum arahlo hod been dissolved. A heavy
proof roller with a weight hanging from
each end was then rolled several times
over the historic document. When the
India paper was removed from the face
of the instrument, it took with it at least
one-half of tbe ink nsed in writing and
signing the document.
The document is less than a century
and a quarter years old, and with proper
care should bo almost as legible as it was
on the oth day of July, 1 7 7 0. As it Is,
only 11 signatures out of the 03 can bo
read without a glass, and some ot them
have disappeared beyond recall, all on
account ol the thieving trick or a gov.
eminent which, when they found that
they oould not keep the colonies dettend-
ent, stole the very Ink from the docu
ment which declares our independence,
St, Louis Republic,
Th. Wlf. of llobrt Lout.
Mrs. Robert Louis Stevenson is a port
ly, gray haired woman, who was a grand
mother and looked it when she mar
ried this second husband. Her son Lloyd,
who collaborated with Stevenson in the
ghastly tales, "The Wrong Box" and
"The Wrecker," was a middle nged man
before he began to write. Her only oth
er child Is the wife of Joseph Strong, tho
artist, and is herself a painter in a small
way. Stevenson has been accused of
thrusting his sisters, his cousins and his
aunts into fiction. Certainly, although
Fanny Stevenson has produced some
creditable work as Mrs. Osborne, she
had no reputation for brilliancy hi a very
clever Ban Francisco set. There she was
Introduced uolely in the capucity of chsp
eron, to sit, smiling, In her blaek silk
gown, while her guy little daughter sang
French songs or chatted with the bright
Bohemian club men. New York Times.
K..ulng- Him In Sight.
The most amusing spot in town during
Inauguration week Is the great reception
room of the Arlington. You may look
around and see more celebrities than you
have fingers to count them on, but the
sight of the great and mighty la not
nearly so amusing as that of the large
number of lesser people who want to
keep them in sight. The office seeker
and the nows gatherer are equally afraid
that something will escape thm.
"Where is X Y T asked one of
the former class of a very great man's
"He's up stain. Do you want to see
him?" amiably replied the other.
"Oh, uo, I had better not just yet,"
replied the aailrant, "but I feel easier
In my mind when I know just where he
la," Kate Field's WadUugtuu.
How On. Girl Wa. ltu.wb.rU.
One of lb older teachers at Mount
Holyoke college remembers Miss Mary
Wilkius, who was among Mte pupiu for j
a year when slut first came. ,
"I can't recall very lunch about her," 1
she said in auswet to eager tiuefttiouiug
from soiue of the uiidergr.iriu.itt "Sli
sat at my table, and it was her urk aa ,
f rwahnuui to remove thr pUa. r bef,,r
doennrt Sbe was n handy a' out
"Think," th -in uu t L, thu,
story, "of tlu. M,.'L.-rui Jd ftukuui
borne in mind for ti rh 0 rare uuh
for bar band way u. taauig u idatteruff
abatable." Suw Yui. I
Makes an (.very-day cortvenlenca of an
old-time luxury. Pure and wholesome.
Prepared Willi scrupulous care. Highest
award at all Pure Food Expositions. Each
package makes two large pies. Avoid
Imitations and Insist on having th-
NONE SUCH brand.
MBRRELL & SOULE, Syracuse, N. V
i. . ftlE BLACKING it chea,
- at 20 cents a bottle than any
other Dressing at 5 cents
!"t nwe shoes once blackened with ii tar
ii kept clean by washing them with at 1
l'-opfc in moderate circumstances fiud i
pixninMe tn buy it at 20c. a bottle, becau-
t they spend for Blacking they save a
Awe leather.
it i the cheapest blacking constderli,
'is r,nftHtv, and yet we want ' sef 1'
chcupcr if it can be done. We will pay
9,000 Reward
for a recipo that will enable us to r.ak.
Wi, lip's Acme Blacking at such a pru-e
Hint a retailer can profitably .ell It at 10c a
bottle. Thisoflerisopcn until Jan. 1st 8I u.
WOLFF & RANDOLPH. Philadelphia
Uld JumittiTt painted with
(this U the Dame of the paint), look like
' tiued and Varnished iuuj furniture, Oh
coni will do It A child can appljr It You
1- p ilmtiire a pine to a walnut, or a cherr
to mahogany; there is no limit to you.
fancies. All retailers sell it.
Blck Headache and relim all the tnraUM Iscf
Atnt to a MUou state ot the ufatem, inoh afl
VizHnnn, Kaiuea, DrowBtDOM. DlatreM after
eatiog.Painla the Side, &o. While tbeirmoat
Femukahloiucceutiai been ibo-rn La CUUcg A
Heaaache, yet Carter's Littla Urer PHls art
equally valuable In Constipation, curing and pro
Tenting thlaannoylaff complaint, while theralaa
liver and regulate theboweU, fiTeaiXUwxoaly
f Aelth7 vonld bo almost prleeleu to thoia who
afferfromthUdlBtreBBlngcomplalntt tratforta
cately their goodneaa doee notendherendthoca
T hoence try them will find theae little pllli rain
able In ao many wrti that they will not be wll
Usgtodowitbontthem. CQtafterallalckaea4
fZs the bane of 10 many Urea that bore ts where
iwe make our great booat. Our pUlacuxtltwhlla
1 Otheri do not
I Cartei'a Little Liver PHI are vary Btoall antl
very euy to take. One or two plUe make a dose.
They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or
puree, bnt by their gentle action pleaae all whd
uaethem. Invlalaat23ceatajt flveforlt. SoU
fey druggiat eYMJwlioro, or eent by mill.
Scientific American
Agency for r,
TRADE Manirfl.
or raronnauon ana rree Handbook writ, to
munn a co an uroauwat, new yorc
Oldest bureau for aecurtntr pateata lo Amerioa.
Krery patent taken oiitbr ua I. brouabt befor.
tbo publio br a notice glTOU freo oi diarg. la Ui.
lATcest rlrralation of any adentlfle paper tn the
world, frplendidly ItluHtrateU. Ko lutelHreut
man should be without it. Weehlr. a
fearf ILtWatx tnontha, Addreaa iluNN A CO
tnubunui, atil liroadwa, Kew kutk Uty.
curt liu j,
V 1 tic. . J-. ASKst, wlltu- ,
I 'rt&lfl !! " i (flU 'trfala
outltuii if iwu lioiw of any othtr brand. Not
Sff9ct--A( , u-t ir-dt rTllalUliNlJINE.
irrurltRrmr)uUtauki.r(hRtHriti -
ia (Wu. wluat wuukl ruti ttut Ukal lii:. kaal . j .
iuiut pant.
0 ltn It hal 1
crlnuu, lrtcaLiuc. AMiiulatr-
Till fit. ftUllM rROPfillfiaT CC., JAM '
A faiiu altiutod in Towauieuaiuv town tip,
Ottrbou muut), l'u.. uul hu mUcHfroHi Wi,M
liort, (mi roHd Ivadlng (roro auld ulacv to KreaKt)
HI. cotiUiuliiK upwards of 63 Mstfi of rtvar
uud wltu Kmart ruuiilUM ,rlDir wstor ll tbe
enr tuuuJ, uml wlih tUl iinetmary aut build tun a
wiiptWb TWO ttTtJRY fRAMK 1 t-'L-UNG
HOI SKIIUI fl, with AWlBKllallet,
a !nuii bank barn xtxit fet. wagon shed 22xW
(m-t mid all oilier lKH'ttawiy wttatw)is.
Tf rm of auk will b hum kuowa by
ti lUrrltv Pit,
3d SQl
A lupular iuatlon bofure I be
IHrajilv juat nnw la PUhiiiK
'lVotln. till I iwrlluulHrly ao
wllli tlwae who Uml a leaure
in auglliiic for tLe lliiiir tribe.
Where to get the bmt tarkl U
alao a perplexing quenttuii to
you but uot to tia, for we bare
it right liere-tUe Tar; beat at
the lowaat prloea the nut
pricee iierhnpe ue y ou iflj- for a
article elbew here. We uautyou
to oome anil examine our Dew
hue of r'mhiUK Tm kel, lfore
yuu aro el-where for kltow
that wr can hu e you money,
ihat li what oli Kaat.
OomB and see ua.
BIERY, The Druggist.
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