The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, May 06, 1893, Image 1

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    r M
(urban ilgjg. Jftlioatfo.
Has a larger circulation than"ony oTbVr
newspaper printed In Carbon county, ooti
soquontty It Is the best medium foradver
Weers." Our uews columns sparkle with
lheooouirenoesof the day olorh, spicy,
Interesting, bright and Independent. Our
editorials are original and will be worth
reading on aooount of their spirit which
Is independent of outside dictation. Our
prloe is one dollar a' year, J ust you try It
Is specialty at our Job Pi hit Inn Mh .
In Snyder's Block, east side ul the LwnD
Bridge. Bnvplnpes, , i. n I ittfi I'spi i,
I'hamplets, ii lei iim.ii , iirneis, lags,
aud all kiud ul l'n i and Sale
lIUls We do ull xoi K ut it w , cheaply and
Olennly. Uo mu u'm-.i unv thing in this
line? then call aud see u. or write us a
postal ottnl and c will lie at your service.
VOL XXI. No. 25.
Lehighton, Carbon County, Pcnna. May 6, 1893
$1.00 a Year in Advano
It Has Told!
It Is Telling 1
It Will Toll !
That our low prices cannot be
equalled by any other house
in this valley.
Ab for VAMKTY, we claim to
have the' largest assortment
in our line by far than that of
any other house in this section
Onr Shoe Department.
Its fame has been won by
low prices and big values.
An elegant assortment ofin
fants' childs' and misses' Red
Shoes at prices far below those
of other dealers.
Great, bargains in men's
and boys' working shoes at all
Men's and Boys' Domet Flan
nel Shirts at prices that will as
tonish; tlie largest assortment
to select from,
Pint Street, between South and Plum Streets,
Lehlxliton. Pa.
Society Tld-Ult. of Interval to Ilia Mein
l.r. of the fraternity
In the week of Slay ICth It la expect
ed that there will be GOO strangers in
Sunbury, The grand encampment of
the improved order 01 nod iien win
kindle their annual caniD Are at that
place. There will be about 375 degrees
ana a large numoerot outsiuers are ex
pected. The meeting will last several
Col. James Miller Post No. 203 Q.A.
R. of Weathely has arrangements to
hold union services in Cassaler's Rink
ou Sunday May 2S. The members of
the K. Q. E., P. O.S. of A. and the Jr.
O. U. A. M. will attend in a body.
Services will be held morning and
evening. The ministers of the church
es will be present and take part in the
services, while the choirs will render
inuslo especially prepored ror me oc
caseion. The Patriotio Band will dls.
course music. Services in all the
churches will be abandomed that day
and the congregations will turn out to.
On the 24th instant Prof. Howe will
repeat his phonograph entertainment
In the Opera House for the benefit of
Lehigh Council 101, Jr. 0. U. A. M., of
Chas. P. Bowman, of Bowmans,
was the guest of his father on Sunday,
Amandus Fritz, of Slatington,
visited his father-in-law on suuday.
d Henry Hill and wife, of Bowmans,
visited his sister Mrs. Thos. Andreas I
and family of town.
(i Granville Semmel and family, of
Lehighton, Sunduyed among Asatteld
Isaas Glnder, of this, place, se
cured employment with Aaron Rebrig
a contractor of East Mauoh Chunk.
David Rehrlg, of this place is driv
ing the delivery wagon for Peuu Bow
man, of Bowmans.
Landlord P. Ueorge, of the Ash
field house has a force employed
papering and decorating the Interior
of Lis well-known hostlery.
ft Owing to the scarcity of workmen
at present J. D. Balllet contemplates
buying a steam saw mill, so as to be
able to meet hit contract for eleotrio
railroad ties.
3 Maurice Bowman, of Bowmans,
transacted buslness'at this place on
M. T. Schappel, of tils place,
transacted Dusiness at lemgutou oa
& Lizard Council Jr. O. U. A. M.
will repaint and paper their Hall at
me uerger House in a few weeks.
Fulton Bowman has the contract.
ft A number of our residents atten
ded the Baraum and Bailey show at
Alientown ou Friday,
Our supervisor started to repair
the roads this week, they need it badly.
d According to reports there will be
a glass factory located In towntals
coming summer as several parties are
anxious to locate here it our citizens
subscribe a certain amount of stock at
20.00 per share, no better location
could be obtained and we think it
would be a good Investment for our
uiouled men besides giving employ,
meut to quite a number of our work-
men around here.
Free I A llAud.ow. Three-Uuerter Life
8I Cravon-rortralt-Krr.l
We propose to give to each of our
customers a handsome portrait of any
one they may select. To this end we
have mado a contract with a leading
tiortralt house to furuish us with their
celebrated pictures. To those who
nave seen portraits no word is ne
oessary; and those who have not we in.
vlte to inspect the samples at our store
we win not oonnue mis otter to one
picture 1b each family, but give a Dor-
trait each time you comply with the
requirements. We further assure you
mat u me portrait is not satisfactory,
you need not accept it until it is. The
Portraits are Crayon and India Ink
and of very fine grade. The same pic
ture costs, when ordered of an agent or
picture nouse, nu.uu to tis.uu, at tne
popular norm end store. U tonal' 11,
Enzian. dealer in drv goods, notions
groceries provl.ious,queeusware, boots
suoes, uuwer anu teed, utore is eleo
trio Hguied. uoods Delivered free,
norm nrst si. L.enigntou, Pa.
Fine t-lueof Hsrse...
A full Hue of single and double har-
i.t . ,
uese, wuiub, u uvla, Bwoai waus, sum
mer blankets. La., for spring trade at
very reasonable prices at luuiou 1 lory
neissport, l'a. u
Friday, April X8.
General Grant's birthday was celebrated
yenUrdar In different sections of tb
Tb UeiKian Bin at adopted the bill pro
viding for unlrersal suffrage, with plural
rotlng In certain cases.
Ueoreaentatlve Kllffore. of Texas, Is an-
thorlty for the statement that President
lieTeland vriu can an ezira session or
tongres early In Septemler.
KUlillo Hall, about 12 Tears old. who was
viewing a fire from a shed at Wilmington,
N. C, fell to the ground tttrlklng his head
against the curbstone, and received fatal
The lateatnd most authentic informa
tion obtainable from the part of Oklahoma
territory visited by tornadowon Tuesday Is
tothe effect that fully&hundml Uvea have
been lost, twenty-five persons fatally in
jured, anda hundredlnjured less seriously.
Sttturdar, April JED.
The Second National bank of Columbia.
Tenn., closed Its doors yesterday. It Is
temporarily embarrassed.
The Chinese land telegraph line has been
Joined to the Russian system. Messages
can now be sent to auy part of the world
from any telegraph station In China,
The Karalo Indians hare donned the
war patnt. Eight settlers in the vicinity
of their lands were killed by the Indians,
and the government has sent troops to
subdue the turbulent red men.
Monday, May 1
The trial of Lizzie Borden, the alleged
Fall Hirer parricide, will begin ou June 6.
E. L. Harner. who wrecked the Fidelity
bank, of Cincinnati, has been released
from the Ohio penitentiary.
A Melbourne despatch announces the
fatluraofthe National bank of Austral
asla, with liabilities of $37,500,000.
A telesram from Lagbouat, trance, says
that French soldiers and Arabs fought
desperately at a brothel In that city.
Several men on each side were killed.
The Spanish war vessels Infanta Isabel
and Niieva Espana, left New York harbor
today for Havana, whence they will
bring Princess Eulalle and party to this
xneiUKT, juay k.
The nresent term of the United States
supreme court will close May fi.
Six inmates of a tenement house were
burned to death in Burlington. Ia.. yester
One hundred and twenty slaves were
drowned In Madagascar by the capsizing
of an Arab dhow.
In the British house nf commons Sir
Charles DUke'a motion In favor of evacu
ating Egypt was defeated.
Major General Alexander Montgomery
Moore has been gazetted as commauder
of the British forces In Canada.
By a decision of the United States su
preme court railroad companies are not
liable lor damages sustatnea uy employes.
The celebration of May day In France,
Belgium and Austria was marked by no
disturbances whateer. Immense meet-
lugs were held.
The heavy rains throng bout the Ohio
valley In the last few days have cauwed the
river to rise rapidly and some of the houses
along the river front are again sub merged.
The supreme court, at the request of
counsel, postponed from the 6th tothe 10th
of May the hearing of the case to test the
constitutionality oi tne unincse exclusion
Wednesday, Mar 3
Dr. George W. Hlcbards, of Orange, N.
S., died lost night.
Bob Fltzslmmons has left a deposit with
the Boston Globe for a Oght with Alex.
Orders have been Issued to government
officers not to arrest unregistered China
men after May 5.
Herbeit A. Preston, one of Washington's
oldest newspaper correspondents, died in
that city yesterday, agetl Ul.
The Russian mluUter bos refused to
sign a passport Issued by the state depart
ment to tne wile or acmzen on tue grounu
that she was a Jewess.
The Richmond city council has appro
priated (4,000 to defray the expenses Inci
dent to the reinterment of the remains of
Jefferson Davis May 81.
A few miles west of Mitchell, Ind., in
Martin county, a sawmill boiler exploded,
very seriously Injuring Francis Baker and
badly wounding tnree others.
The army bill compromise between Chan
cellor Von Caprlvi and the Clerical party
provides for a peace effective of 60,000 men,
which snail ne granuauy raisea to tu,wu.
h Centrists repudiate the compromise.
In closing his forty hour speech before
the Behrlng sea commission Mr. Carter
said that the United States government
was prepared to prevent petagto sealing
even If It became necessary to light half
the world.
Thursday, May 4,
The Austrian emperor visaed Buda
'esth yesterday.
It Is said the hostility of the pope to the
triple alliance nas ceaseu.
Steamer E, M, Norton was burned to
the water's edge at Belmont, Mo,
It Is stated that the Cossacks stationed
n St, Petersburg mutinied recently.
C. G. Case. Inventor of the advanced
thresher, died in a sanitarium at Battle
Creek, Mich.
The German relchstag declared unani
mously that 11 err Ahlwardt's charges of
corruption were utterly false.
At yesterday's meeting of the Lake
Shore railroad directors at Cleveland the
old board of officers was re-elected.
The state department Is making exten
sive preparations to welcome the Infauta
Eulalle, who will represent the royal house
of Spain at the World's fair.
The announcement is officially made
that the Duke or York has been betrothed
to the Princess May of Teck, and that
Queen Victoria has conMnted to the
match, .
MATTKHS OF 11(1111! lilt I.HSS
People who buy at our Store
always to away satieUed be
cause we give theiu thnlr
money's worth, theu too, they
have a large assortment of all
kind, of General Store Good,
to select from. Some goods,
those of Pall and Winter pat
terns we arc clo.lun out at re
duction prloes in order to
make roam for our spring ar
rival of goods wbieb we intend
to surpass all previous ex
hibitions. We again eordlally
invite you to awse and see us.
Robert Walp,
Pint afreet, Op. Kouod Houses.
8.1onl Hnp.rlnt.nilent. Rleoletl.
Haiusisduko. May 3. DLnatches an
nounce the election of the follouringcounty
superintended, of public school.) Centre
county, C. U (Jfftnly; Lackawanna, J. C.
Taylor; Carbon, Profusnor A. 8. Delsel;
rraukiin, w. r-. ftumuro; ueurora, rro
lessor C. K. Potts; Ailsm Profewor J.
W. Tboman; I.ycoinlng, J. George llecht,
Lancaster, Dr. H. K. Uuerble; Luierne, T.
11. Harrison: Wromlns. A. o. Keeler; Leb
anon, John V. Smoke; Chester, Joseph &.
walton; tterks, William M. Zeclunan;
Northampton, V. F Hocb.
To lIUmtM Csr.l... Sljua Work.r.
FOTTSVIU.R, Mar 4. Owing to the grest
number of mine d)aters hereabouts, all
or mo.t of which are directly traceable to
the liruorauce aud carelveenwe of forelsn
laborers in the mines, Mine Inspector
Samuel Gay has Instituted a new policy
and has ordered the discbarge of a large
number of ItAllans aud Hungarian, at
dltferent operations.
Tbe lli.rl.lgh Riot.
IUzlktox, May 4. Detectives wbohare
been Investigating tne narmgn not, lu
which two men lost their lives, yesterday
arreted Nicholas Mattes at hU boms In
Kbervale. Mstze. was cemmltted to Jail,
and will be tried for murder. Joe Chris-
tutu, another victim of the tight, 1 still at
tue hospital In a precarious oouuluon.
Heading- lload. Sub.erlbe.1 For.
PllIUOKirillA, May 4. While no official
announcement ha. been made, It Is learned
that the entire Iwue of I80,UU,U10 Reading
I per cent, bonds of the reorganisation
syndicate bar. been subscribed tor. and
that tenders of additional subsorlptious
were refused.
What lla. OccureO In till. Cltr llnrlng Hie
Week Pertinently Killomliel by Our
Special fteimrier..
Toilet paper ntOabel's.
Don't miss "Single I.lfe."
Philip Wauso Is ou the slok list.
Fine teams for all' purposes at the
South Knd Livery.
Have you got your tickets for
Singlo Life f "
Good, strons. best nualltv Hum
mocks nt Unbol's, Lohlghtou.
Full line of Iugrniu and lirussels
carpets nt Henry SchwarU's.
Ityo Whiskey. $l.f)0 per gallon nt M.
Martin's I.iUor Store, Maucli Cliuul;.
Wanted At the Hosiery Mlll.3or4
good girls. Good wages and steady
worn. Apply nt once.
Window and door screens In hie
assortment at Gabel's lohightoii.
Neighbor Samuel Graver is nurs-
Inc a badly sprained back.
Hnrrv Graver, of Wclssnort. is do.
ing clerical work during the abscuco of
the proprietor.
All kinds of hooks and flneBtation-
ery at Luckenbach's, Mnuch Chunk.
Five different styles, of lawn
mowers nt prices lower than the lowest
at J. L. Gabel's, Lehighton.
There Is lots of fun In "Single Life."
Opera House next Friday evening. He
sure to get your tickets early.
Onorge II. Enzian. the north end
merchant, has just placed n line cash
register in position.
Tho best local tnlent is employed
In "Single Life." Don't miss it.
Will and Frank Obert nro the
owners of a line bay horse, just pur
chased from 'Fred Wassem, of Weiss-
Do vou wnnt Scotch Brahma or
White Plymoth Itocff eggs for setting
purposes ? II. A. ileltz sells LI for K
cents. St.
Get your tickets early for the 3-act
comedy, "Singlo Life" in the Opera
House on tno i-in.
O. A. R., suits we can sell vou nt
SO, S, ?10 und $12 guaranteed fust color
nttbeOno I'rico Star Clothing Hall,
itiaucn uuniiK.
Have vou secured vour scats for
"Singlo Life," Friday orenlng next, 25
and US cents.
Kxpross wagons, 7.1 cents and up
wards at Gabel's, First street.
Ryo Whiskey, SIM per gallon, at
M. Martin's Ltquor Store, Mauch
Chunk, Pa.
Fifty rolls of chicken wire Just
received at-Gnbel's. It will be sold by
thliynrd or roll at low prices,
Frank Acker, of South street, has
nicely painted his paint house and
A neat fence In front of the Catho
lic church much Improves the appear
ance of that edifice.
, -Merchant Geo. H. Enzian has sold
his fine bay horje to Dr. Hleckley, of
Orwlgsburg. Consideration, S175.
Baby coaches from SO upwards nt
uauei s iiaraware store.
Everybody will enjoy "Single Life"
even those married people who
wouldn't be single again if they could.
Friday evening next. Tickets 25 and
35 cents.
Just umke It a point to see David
Ebbert when you want a team for busi
ness or pleasure. Lowest prices.
"Needles and pins: needles and
pins, when you get married your
trouble begins." Don't miss seeing
Single Life" Friday evening next in
the Opera House, 25 aud 35 cents.
Have you seen the new bonnet f
No I have bad such a bad headache of
of late, and been so bilious that I could
not go out remedy Wright's Indian
Vegetable Pills.
The failure of Reuben Rehrig to
delivor the shad for which lie had so
licited orders, is explained by tho fact
that the fish were lu bad ooudltion
when they arrived here.
J. H. Koons, P. F. Clark and Harry
Weidaw wero nugliug for trout last
Friday in Wild Creek. They returned
with about forty five spoclmeuof the
unuy triue.
A suit or a pair of pants ordered
ntSundhelm's Tailoring Hall, Muuch
Chunk first door below L. V. office, will
Insure to you a perfect fit, latest styles
oi goous unii a saving or Irani so to ea
ou every suit.
Admiral I Admiral I Admiral 1
Lost a pocket book and a pack of
Admiral Cigarettes finder can keep the
pocaec uook, out muse return the
cignrettos to K. Philips, Mauch Chunk,
Not made Iiy the trust.
It Is talked of that 7th and 0th
btreots will be opened from Mahoning
south to Urldge street during the sum
mer. The streets run through tho
Lehighton Lund & Improvement Co's.,
property. ,
'Squire Ileltz thinks he has the
best lot of chickens in the town. Dur
ing the month of April his 35 hens laid
72U eggs. If any owner of chickens in
this section can trot out better manu
facturers of hen fruit we'd like to hear
from em.
Joseph Hummel, of Packertou, was
i lieltz's First street court the other
lav charged with defaclue a uiudow
shash In one of tho dwellings along the
brick row. rue arrest was made by
Constable Rrworth. Huminal will be
given a bearing this evening.
Constable Raworth was un at
eatherly the other day when he ar
rested uuuuinghau, a Lehigh Val
ley railroader, for not paying Frank
Semmel a ilC board bill contracted
when Frank was landlord of the Gil
bert House lu tho former town. Dun
ninghan was lu Helta's court where be
made satisfactory arrangements to pay
tue uui.
After 22 years service in the soloou
business W. A. Peters this week retired
John Esch assumes the propreltorshlp
oi me uusuiess lurmeriy oonuucieu uy
Mr. Peters, next to the bank. John is
a wholesouled, genial fellow and should
do a good busluett.
-The new addition to the Lehigh
Stove Fouudry is now lu course of
ereotion. lu dimeuelons it will be
01x71 feet. The addition Is designed
tor a moulding department ana the
force of meu will be increased as soon
as the struolure is completed.
The youug man who doesn't take
bis sweetheart to see and bear "Single
Lite" In the Opera House next Friday
evening uas uo rigut to lire.
- -Margarulte, the accomplished and
pretty daughter of WUhelm Vollmer.
died at her home lu Philadelphia, and
was buried lu the Lehlcbtou oemeterv
ou Tuesday. Rev. J. II. Kuder, of the
Lutheran congregation oflloiated. The
funeral was atteudsd by relatives and
friends from Philadelphia. The floral
olferlnr weremauy und beautiful. De
owued was a granddaughter of Fred
Sjchmldt, of rarryvtue.
Concerning People Who anil no
VI.IIIiir Here, There anil Kverynhere.
. .Geo. II. Enzian wns at Orwigsburg
on Friday.
. .John A. Peters was at Slatington
on l'riday.
. .Charles Weiss, of Wllkosbnrre, was
here on Saturday.
..Mrs. Johu A. Peters and Miss M.
Montz were at the County Sont last
. .Ed Zern and wife nro visiting rela
tives nt Jamerson City, Pa.
. .Miss Fry, of Alum street, was tho
guest of her sister at Mauch Chunk
ou Saturday.
..Misses Sallle and Annie Raueen
bush visited among friends in Tuiim
qua this week.
. .Mrs. G. W. Morthimerandson Guy,
of Alum street, nro visiting Tremont
..Mrs. W. II. Rex, of Slatington,
spent Suuday with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar
Noll, on north First street.
. .Mrs. Johu E. Soldel aud son Harry
of llaukway, visited Mnuch Chunk
relatives this weok.
..Mrs, Wm. Romlg, of Bethlehem,
laughter of Lewis Weiss, Is n guest
among relatives here.
. .Miss Mary aud Ella Ebbert and
Minnie ielley have returned from a
pleasant visit of a week with friends In
. .Thos. J. Nusbauin, a popular
young merchant of Lnnsford, was in
town a few hours on Tuesday, looking
well, lie reports business good,
. .Misses Rettlo Koch, Cora. Fry and
Gertie Kraus estimable young ladles of
Tainaqua resently visited miss sinttis
UDert, on soutn street.
..Miss Anna Bleche. of Mauch
Chunk, accompanied by her friend,
Miss Aggie iiaua, oi lenignton, is vis.
Itlnir tier mother on isorui mam
street. Wilkes linrre Record.
The Ij.rae.1 OntlierlnK oi Srhoul Olrector.
for Mats Yenr. Ilel.el. of Laii.tonl,
n Winner on the Fifth llallot.
.The convention of school directors to
elect a couutv Superintendent or l'ub
lie Schools attracted many people to
Munch Chunk on Tuesduv afternoon.
There were fourcandldatos.McCabe, of
Nesquehouing; Bolsel, of Lausford;
Ilttllict, of Normal Square; Porter, of
Kidder, rue men uau maue a tuurougu
canvass all over tho county and the Im
pression prevailed that if any particu
lar one of the candidates wero in tho
lead it was Balllet, and there is no
nuestlon but had the election occurred
ten days or two weeks ago that Balllet
would have been electod on tho second
or third ballot. When the directors
commenced gathering those ou the
outer edge could at once see a sys
tematic attack ou the Balllet forces by
the leaders of the uelsel supporters.
t hunch there wero many who predicted
that the final ballot would find McCabe
nnd Porter In the heat they were dis
appointed, and the last ballot found
Beisel and Balllet together. The upper
end supported Belsei almost all of the
Mccaoe men railing to mm. ine
Porter men divided, but it left the
lower end candidate short on points.
What caused Balllet to lose strength
on the home stretch is put to several
causes, one a story that be had never
taught In the public school in the
county, another that he bad been asked
to resign irom ursinus uoiiege, ootn
false, yet It caught- tue upper end di
rectors and thev voted Beisel.
County Superintendent Snyder called
the convention to order, aud Michael
Cussldv and Alfred Breithautit were
appointed secretaries pro tern. For
chalrmau Dr. W. L Kutz, of Weissport,
und ur. u. w. aioyer, or uast jviaucn
hunk, wero nominated, tne former
winning 71 to 57. Dr. Kutz took the
chair aud spoke pleasantly of the honor
lie felt In being culled to preside over
so Intelligent a body of men, nnd re
ferred ably to the importance of elect
lug some one fit in every way for the
position. A superintendent of schools
should be a man with high and noble
motives, and he should do his duty
fearlessly always working tor tue eleva
tion of the schools ana tne nignest in
terests of the profession.
Hugh flmrp.of Lansford, moved that
temporary secretaries ue continued
nnd it wns nirreed to. John Zern. o
Franklin, was made nil additional
Of the ill directors in the county nil
respouded to their name on roll call
but 9.
The question of salary being the
first consideration F. Wiutermut., of
East Mauch Chunk, moved that the
salary ue iuuu per annum as Hereto
lore, i ne motion was seeaudeu.
An amendment to strike out 31500
and Insert 81S00 was made by Director
Slocum, of Mud Run. He thought if
the salary was raised the superinten
dent would be better able to visit the
country schools ofteuer. Tho amend
ment was defeated and the original
motion carried.
Director Slocum here raised tb
point of order t hut Chalrmau Kutz had
only been elected a temporary otllcer
and that all the business transacted
was void. There was some skirmish
ing over this, wheu Thos. Boyd, of
dluueu vuuu.tujuicii lutt. leuiim.uij
Ulcers be made the permanent officers
of tne conrenti.n. it was agreed to,
Dr. Moyer, of East Mauch Chunk,
didn't think that the work of the con
vention should be interfered with by
the kicking of a single Individual aud
he looked daggers at slocum.
The chairman announced that nomi
nations were In order, Alfred Bret
haupt presentod the name of W. F.
Porter, of Kidder; it was seconded bv
Jacob Peters, of Parryvllle; Morgan
.Morgan presented tue name oi r. it.
McCabe. of Nesnuehoiiinff. It was
seconded by Ben Kuehuer, of East
Mauch cnunk; u. o. Brian named .V
M. Balllet, it was seconded bv Wm.
McCorinlck; Hugh Sharp uamed A. S.
ueisei. oi utnsiord.
A resolution was adopted to drop the
oaudtdate having the lowest number of
votes on the third ballot Tho voting
commenced and ou the third ballot
McCabe fell by the wav side. The
fourth ballot dropped Porter 'and the
fifth UUot elected Prof. Beisel. County
Superintendent of Public Schools for
tne next tnree years at eiouu a year.
An Knthu.lsltla Turnout. Vocal and In
.truinenfSI to Brighten the
11AV and Aihlrei.e. on Weighty
Topic, for Bon. of Toll.
Sunday was a great day for labor at
Tamaqua. About 1500 delegates, rep
resenting all the railroad organiza
tions In this section of the country,
were present, xne following organi
zations wero represented: Brotherhood
of Locomotive Engineers, Brotherhood
or ioomotive f iremen, lirotherhoou
f Railroad Trainmen. Order of Rail
road Conductors, aud Order of Rail
road Telegraphers. Special trains
were run from Jersey City, Bcranton,
iviiKesoarre. anu Aiaucu cuuuk on tne
Jersey Central Railroad, and a largo
number of the delegates came by the
regular trams over tho Reading road.
Most of them were accoinoauied bv
their wives and families.
In the morning a secret session was
held lu the Opera House, to which onlr
the members uf the various organiza
tions were admitted. It lasted about
an hour aud a half. The afternoon
session was opened at 2 o'clock with
prayer by Rev. J. S, Lume, of the Broad
street Methodist church. Afterward
tho following programme was rendered:
selection, tne united cnurcn cnolr:
address of welcome and tho freedom of
the city given by Chief Burgess Chas.
S. Shlndel, who by the way, is the
youngest Chief Burgess In the State;
address by Hon. Frank P. Splese, ex-
prosident oi tne sons of America, on
on the railroad history of Tamaqua;
vocal selection, male quartette; address
C. B. Henry, of Mauch Chunk, district
chief of the Brotherhood of Locomotive
Engineers, ou the relief association
advantages of the Brotherhood; ad
dress, Grand Chief C. A. Wilson, of
riunpsuurg, a. j., of tne urotnernood
of Locomotive Fireman, on the ad
vantages of being a member of the
Brotherhood; selection, by the choir;
address, J. L. Hughes, of the order of
iiauronu xeiegraDDers. on tneuuties of
a railroad operator; vocal solo, Prof. J.
it. lcnter. of xamanua: address, dv
Vice-Grand Master P, II. Alorrissey, of
Galesburg, Ills., of the Brotherhood of
itauroau Trainmen, on tne advantages
of membership in the Brotherhood;
nauress. uv u. n. jucAianon. cniet of tne
uuuaio division, ou strikes; address,
uy m. oi. uiapp. of jersey L'ltv. cnair-
mun of the board of adjusters, on the
adjustment of strikes; selection, by the
cuoir; an nuuress and prayer ur itev.
George Qebist, of the Lutheran church.
ihe uommltteo of Arrangements
wero S. P. Downs, chairman; E. E. Ash
C. A. llrobst, S. C. Barnes and George
a. uarrou. xne mext convention will
be held in Hnrrisburg on May 28.
A Hail lleuawar.
Sis Tear, for A..sult anil llmtt.rr.
Puilapkiphia, ttlay 4. John Uouavey,
the proprietor of a disreputable hoUMi.wa.
sentenced to six yours IranrWwiueut for
asuult ami buttery, with Intent to kill,
on Jeuuy Furd, oue of the laniatea of hl
Falsi I7Diulte lf.plu.ton.
Willow Ohove, May 4 -About fM
pound, of dynamite exploded lu the High
Kxphtelvo oowpany . magnrine Thoiua
Irwlu, of Bolivar. N. Y . two cows aud .
hetw were killed!se (Jtadu.t..
Philadelphia, May 4 Kurty-elgbt
woven graduated at the oiueu'e Medl
cat oolleg. her. yeucrday.
Thellolnic. of the Week Interleaved With
1'er.onml Mentions.
John Musselmsn. of Wllkesbarre. wa. .
!ug friends here this week.
William SchaJTrr. of Union 11 III. Ii sulTerlnir
with an stuck of rheumatism.
Mm. Elmer lteed. of Franklin. 1. retiorteri
quite HI. Her mitny friends hope that her In-
IspoMtlon infty not prove serious.
-AllHSMsrv Kflsterdar. of North tVpiHimri.
Is conflned to tho house through Illness.
jAme. Rnlt 1. Airavnttliir fur I. new .IwnUlnir
In Franklin. Lewis Hunslcker likewise Is busy
making preparations to build.
Our enternrislne vounir friend. It. .1. Irnnir-
en, hail the misfortune to dislocate his left
shoulder one day recently.
MtMHall e Whitehead Titled on friend. At
Mauch Chunk on Tuesday.
Mhn Emma Ze tennis was the truest nf noun.
ty Beat friends on Tuesday.
Kit HAhlfTertitlne. tl. nr. I.nni-v. itnh Hewell.
Ed Campbell and Tom Arner took in tlie grand
naval review In New York on last Thursday and
Mr., ftelle Meredith was At PhtlAdetnlilA on
Tuesday. In the Interests nt Mrs. Cultou s popu
lar mltflnefy establishment.
sours;. Weston, formerly nIMi the Western
Union here, come un from Alientown last Hun
dAy to see old friends.
CArhnn mnntv's Atile And Arrnhlw tnpmrtnr- nt
ATemuiy, uon. vv , f. juery, spent last i
witu ins veueraoie lamer at reiersviuc.
Miss C. Lizzie Mantz the estimable
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Mantz
of Second street, was married on Thurs
day evening, last to Georgo IL Enzian,
Lehlghton's popular young merchant,
at tho home uf the bride's parents. The
ceremony was performed hy Rev. J.
Alvlu Reber, pastor of the Reformed
cnurcu, assisted uy uev. A. u. v utcner,
of Pleasant Valley formerly of Weiss-
port, xne maid of honor was Miss M.
Alice Mantz, a sister of the bride, and
the best man was Hon. W. F. Blery. of
Weissport, Carbon county's bright
young representatives In the State As
sembly. The ushers were Miss Annie
E. Weber, and Mr. J. H. Brader.
The bride was attired In a masnlfl.
clent gown of white Ottoman silk,
trimmed with pearl and duchesse lace.
She wore a handsome bonquct of bride
roses. The maid of honor was attired
In cream aud woro a handsome bouquet
of pink and cream carnations.
The room was beautlfullv decorated
with flowers. Tho wedding march was
rendered by Miss Emma L. Peters, a
niece of the bride. Following the
ceremony a reception was held.
Among those present wore: Mr. Geo.
Pn.lan nnA enn.ll TO 1
family, John A. Peters and family,
D. B. Hoffman and family, Elmer
Walck and family, Chas, Greenawald
n.l ...I ... . r at.. r i . . .. i w
auu m.D, uiai y Li, uuuuuiiiuj lurs.
J. Alvln Reber and Mrs. U. B. Kistler
the latter of Alientown.
The vouug cotiDle received many
valuable presents, aud start out In life
with the hearty congratulations and
well wishes of many friends here aud
12 3 15
Beisel- 11 13 iH fig 72
Porter 27 27 29 31
McCade 27 27 27
Italllet 3ft 36 35 11 57
Al urMuawaH. the aoeominodatnui taUynuan
m Zeru'.ilnera Uuui .tore, and tuuteue Fritz
Inser were arivlaa ap Uaukwsy hut suuusy
behind ILe finaflri salritMl uuadruued wntii
the oullliia uf a Leblgfc Vallev engine made the
hoTM uuuiAinurabte and II dntliMl uuulU up lb.
.tree! und .it u ihiiiiI mur Fr.nb-' Jeaelr) .hire
the ruuau lolhdt'd Mllli a tKirldifr t-onulu
tug Jiwrt pli 1 euuer. Ilie HtllknuMii Weu.Ltorl
uiereliaut, aud t uai n Bier.uf the wuuo uliue
The force ol the rwlUUon was M great that the
oi eubaub of both ear rume. were thrown i lo-k-nU
from their ebk-lea h the giuuad. llutb
.liliual.alao Hen tumbled but outAlde uf A few
iHrturlir. siurUtUM-d no M-riou. Injury The ow
t-uoAiiiA oi ine t-Arruwt" uau uot ueeu mi fortu
uale all were adl 4book uu aud Ur. Fenner
-uslHined a fracture uf the leh coiUr bone Mud
etrii lulellial lujurie Hv .l uulMl In lur
lioiur ol Miii aniuu. 1111 Hltrre Dr.. Zeru tud
tb-ber did trerUllus po!ble U AllevUb bi
hliHrrlluu letttA be Urtd ultli lently !e.40i-rt-u
to be Abie to lie reunite.) end lie- ho Ukeu to
hi. buuir At Weuub nl Abel, be Is uow ou ine
MA) to Luiuplel rocotnr)
The defeated oaudldatea accepted
the result in good grace. Superintend
ent Beisel announced his lutentiou of
taking upa realdeuoe lu Lehighton at
an early day.
Elward Mills, of McKeesport, the
able, eloquent and well known temper
ance agitator, addrewad a good sited
auuieuoe nere on Saturday evening.
Mr. Mills Is engaged by the Prohibition
County Committee.
Wm Wlnterbottom and Miss Annie
Uerkbart. were wedded ou Saturday
evening. Hot. Gerbrlch otliuiated.
The youug couple luive tlw best wishes
of many friends.
Mr. and Mrs. August Sieber of
neaiueny, leu on Monday, far Uulatu
Miuneaota, where they will permanent
ly reside, fur. Sieber's removal will
leave W eatherly, a towu of over 3U0O in
habitants, without a merchaut tailor
llure's an oiienitig fur wimi bright
youug man
Flue todet paper at Oabel V
C. R. R. engine 20!) was taken to
the Mauch Chunk shops Saturday for
repairs. 210, one of the main line
flyers, was sent in her place with the
ever reliable Joslah Warg at the
The engagement of Mr. Chas. Sny
der and Miss Mlnule Mailer, of the
Audeuried bakery, has already been
annutiuoed. Both are popular young
people and will enter into hymens
oouus witu witn tne nest wishes i
large circle of friends.
A large force of carpenters are at
work making ready for the erection of
new additions which are to be built to
the shops. The moulding shop will be
enlarged first, and as soon as It is com
plete the work of enlarging the machine
snops wilt be started upon. It Is
expeoted when they are completed thev
will be able to give employment to a
number of new hands and turn out a
greater quantity of work.
Mr. Rogers, who for the past three
years uas uiieu tne position of uoOK
kuencr In the store, on Mondav as-
sumetfthe duties of chief book-keeper
lu the otllce of J. O. Haydou & Co.,
uaviug ueeu promoted to nil tne va
caucy of Joseph Shellhamer. Mr. W.
if VVnl.lna hie Dn.&nl.J
mado vacant by Mr. Roger's promotion
wune rranK uaas, of iiumnoiut, nas
aooepteu tno position in air. wmver
Cards are are out announcing the
marriage of Mr. Everett J: Morgan, of
Auueuneo, to miss L.UV siauer, ot the
samo place. Both parties are among
our most highly respected residents,
residing nere since cuiidnood.
Audrew Hudock. Hungarian
Ytirktowu, had a narrow escape from
death ou Saturday. He was walking
along the railroad track when he was
struck by an engine drawing a coal
train, lie was knocked to the side of
the track, the axles on each car grazing
uis iieau as tuey passed.
A very prettly wedding took place
in St. Patrick's church. Audeuried.
Thursday morning. The contracting
parties were James P. Moran, of
Uaryea, and Miss Ella McMullen, ot
uouey urooa. nay. x. J. aiarrou per
formed the beautiful oeremouy that
made the happy couple man and wife.
The bridesmaid was Miss Margaret
MoMullen. a sister of the bride, and
John Moran the groom's cousin, acted
as beat man.
. Jllery .spent last Sunday
A Union 11111 wnniAn wpan n lilirlilv enlnrei!
pslr or optics as a result of a very exciting ar
gument with her husband.
Mrs. .fnsr-nli ltneh Anil nnn Parev urn tintnn
from a visit among Catasauqua friends.
Mrs. Joseph ltex, of the east side, has had
neat fClli-e erected 111 front of her rnaitlnnne
Mrs. ilex also contemnlates A number nf ntlier
Improvements tu her pleasantly situated residence.
The cental ltlrdiArri Wnonrlno. nnn nf Dim
happiest residents on the Hill, made a bicycle
trip to llockdale Inst Friday.
--Ilarleman & Honneu have enough orders
on hand for railroad ties to keep their employes
working every day until January lmt.
-Miss Hsttle Markley, one of Franklin's
most pleasant and ncreeabl. young ladles, has
resicDed as saleslsdy In llajrermsu's store at
IjehlgUton, after flltlnu; that position elflc lenlly
for the past six months.
Plitina Wassem drives the prettiest tno
year old tanrous-ubred colt In the county.' The
aulmal Is use of A number nf linn re.
cently broujtit Irom Ohiceo by Fred Wassem.
-Miss Heckle winning Sundayed pleasantly
among many irleuds at Ileddlngton.
H. IL Kreldler Iias hnllt A InrirA wai-ni. .lieH
at the rear of his factory on the east side. The
Acmai t mi i j , uuiiiK n uig ousinessAiin has re
cently sold finely finished vehicles to Joslah
Kuril, Jacob Orelsbach and A. L. Uagerman.
MIssLltlle Musselman was at Wllkesbarre
this week attending the funeral of a relative.
Prof. Davis and wtfo and Iteubcn Mussel
man and wife wei e delightfully entertained by
Mr. and Mrs. Ike Ux. at bowmanstown on last
There was a pleasant entertainment in the
Reformed church on Ust Biuurday eieniiuc par
ticipated In by members of the congregation.
A larfire andlenen was nresent Anrl llsteneil with
great edification to the successful recital ot a
program consisting oi vocal and instrumental
music, recitation nnd May drills.
While Warren Horn was engaged hitching
u. nuiae tue uiuer uay me animal oecnuie un
managable nad runaway. Warren was knocked
dovin by the trectlous animal aud was dragged
for a considerable distance.
Those Persons who Are In the hAhlt of srjeed-
Ing their horses on White street much to tho
danger of pedestrians, should bear In mind that
every offense of this character they make them
selves liable to a five dollar fine. The police
Francis Rehrlg. old horse created a sensa
tlon the other day by falling dead while Francis
was engaged hawklnir ish. Hie AnltnAl vii
old audliud a history of tips and downs that
nvuiu un a UOOK IWIU0 UIC Ol 11IACK lieaUlV.
Ilev. Charles U. Trettz thA hrllllAnt. Able
and eloquent young pastor ot the Reformed
congregation, nlll exchange pulpits with Hev.
T, A. Ilubcr, of (I race Reformed church, Hazle
ton.on next Sunday. Rev. lluberwas formerly
pastor of the Weissport congregation and on
Hits occasion his host of old friends will turn
outtogltehlm welcome. The eminent pastor
muu a vrariii place lu me neans oi our people,
The handsome piano imrlor of Aaron Hny
der can't be oslrlvalled by any similar estab
lishment lu the Lehigh Valley, The interior of
the spacious roam In Snvrier'a blnelc Is Artisti
cally finished in cherry aud tan, the contrasting
colors blending In pretty effecu Aaron has In
stock a fine assortment ot Instruments which
ii win ua to your interest to see if you contem
plate me purcnase oi an organ or piano.
Prof. Presho, principal of the public schools
In the Franklin Iiidenenilent. mlrlrr. Inrf. fni
his home lu Hlilppensburg last Friday. The
professor made an excellent reputation as a
inorougn leaoner wnue nere and tne patrons
otthe schools are almost unanimous In express
ing the of his re-election to the princlpal
slilp by the board of directors.
-After aniline sa with nneumnnla dAtlnirhAk
several mouths Eugene Christman finally suc
cumbed to the dark messenger, Heath, at eight
o clock on Tuesday evening at the Weissport
House. The remains were taken to his late
home at Pleasant alley, Monroe comity, on the
day following by Unlertakcr John S. Miller.
j rci.-csi-u was agco euoui w years ana wns un
man ted. He was a member of Htroh Uouncll
Jr. O. U. A. M.. and diirlnirtliA Innt. nine, ore.
ceedlng his death the organization did every-
...,... ia. mm imncr in niicviaie ins auuerillKS
and make him csmfortabld.
Tho lleg-ular I..thlj Meeting ot Ihe Town
Fathers Wsi a llusy One. All the
Member. Trent.
Town Poilnell met In remdAf monthly session
at the once of secretary Power on I'uesdAy
evening. All members were present and Pre.!
d.nt Uable pi "sided.
The minutes of All nrevlous meetings wero
read and appro ed without correction.
O. I. Hhoch was present He lives on 4lh
street and his house extends onto Uoal street.
ue wants tne building tuoted onto a aujotnuix
lot belonging to Valentine Schwartz. , . ,
Frank Oelfil was nresent and cumplalned of
the grade of fjoa! street Uoal street nas never
been graded and It causes-water tu gather at
ins pruiienr. . .
J. II. Uscli. O. I. Schoch and Kd Rucli w.le
present, ihey want 4th street grnded Irom
Coal to Mahoning In order to Improve their
B.J. Kuntz moved that the councllmeu from
t. w Investigate the bchoi b matter and report
at the next meeting. It was seconded by J. F.
Monlthrop and earned.
B. J. Kuntz moved that acommlttee heap,
pointed t.seeubout the grade ou Itll street,
seconded by l, kocuaiid sooidered, The chair
Bppoluted ft, J, Kuntz, 1. S, Koch and 1J.
I. s. Koch moved to recouslder tlie building
ot a bridge across 4th street at Keystoue. the
mutton was carried.
II. J. Kuntz moved that a 12 Inch pipe be run
across 4th street at Keystoue. Seconded by J.
F. Uoulthrop and so orden d.
The committee on drafting an ordinance to
lleense coaches reported progress.
The petition lor a light ou Uypress street was
again taken up, and a motlun carried that a
light should be placed at that pelut aud that the
sueet should also put In passable condlllou.
Ou motion ol 1. s Koch secouded by Joseph
fsaman it was resolved that hereafter all iier
sous taping sewers with the consent of council
should way a fee of s.0 for the prevllege.
1. H. Koch foi committee on nose cairlage re
ported having seen Fresldcut u. w. Mortuimer
ol l ire Department, and that the department
recommcnueu me purcnase oi a oou curiiagu
made by a Reading Uumpauv.
Hie bill for labor amotinlin? to 155.20 was
ordered paid ou uiotlou of Aloulltirop seconded
by 1. S. Koch.
Hie pe ition presented by 7th street property
owuers to have that thoiouglifare opened as fur
soutli as Mahoning street was referred to a com
mittee consisting ot lue I. w.. councumeu ou
motion of M. O. Kuntz seconded by I. S. Koch.
I. S. Koch moved that Dr. Derhamer be noil,
fled to remove rubbish on Iron and 2nd streets,
Secouded by Moulthrop and carred.
John lleggus wants a crossing across Third
strrctnlong Iron. No action.
The following pavements were reported In
bad condition : In front of Val Schwai tz's pro
pel ty on ftorth street; in front of fupsli.r's pro.
perty on ltankwayi lu front of Heberliug pro
perty on Second street,
I. S. Koch asked that a crossing be placed
across Fli st street at the Opera House.
It. J. Kuntz moved that parties reported be
noiltledto repair their pavement wlilitu ten
M. O. Kuntz moved that a double crossing ot
vltrefied brick be laid across fiom Opera House
secouded by f. s. Koch and so ordered.
on mouon ot l. a. nocu seconueu uy .. y.
Kuntz the stepping stone on the east side of the
crossing at the Carbon House was ordered to be
if. j. jiuntz reponen laai me vvAierwin
oany had Instructed their secretary to test all
re plugs uurmg tasiuays oi eucn iiioum unu v
vpim uieir coiiuiuun w kaiuukiu
Ilie secretarv rf
following monies.
tnp hlllhllnir oa.tnlla CO
A motion pArrleil to Aitlourn until Friday
evening when the hose house iiuestlou will be
At a meetltipof Council held last Thursday
evening the plans for a 2-story hose house weie
auopien wuu a lew corrections.
f. 8. Koch und J. F, Moulthrop were apiolnt
ed to ascertain the sentiment of the fire depart
ment lu rcfereuce to tlie nurchase of a nose
y reported hiving received tne
les. For quarterly licenses tli.a;
among ouit ciicitcni:s.
S A resolution was ndntiterl bv the
Lutheran ministers at Bath on Friday
expressing the sympathy of conference
with the Rev. Father Bovver, the
fiatriarch of conference, who is serious
y ill at his home at Lehighton. The
next meeting of tne conference will be
held at Ljehlghton.
The contract for the erection of the
First Reformed Church, East Mauch
Chunk, was awarded to Charles Neast,
of the Second Ward, on Monday even
ing, at $3,100. The building will be of
briok, and the plans and specifications,
made by Architect L. S. Jaooby, of
Alientown, call for a very handsome
edifice. The foundation walls are
under way, and it is intended to lay
the corner stone on Ascension Day,
i uursuay, may Ljm.
SThe East Pennsylvania Classlsof
the Reformed Church will convene in
Its seventy-fourth annual session on
Mnniluv Mutt ft l&OI tr. C T-1...1.
Church Farmersvllle, this county, of
whloh congregation the Rev. D. F.
lirendtels pastor. The statistics of
this ciassls for the year 1892-03 are as
follows: Ministers 20; congregations,
CO: members, 10,781; unconfirmed,
(BW; baptisms adults. Oj Infants 500;
confirmed, 375; by certificate, 211; com
muned, 8130; dismissed, 119; erased, 02;
J..I1.. nnn. a..-.)- . i . rV..
uvniU", AM, Uluiuaj BCUUU1S, UUt DUD
day school scholars, 0007; students for
ministry, o; oeuevoient contributions,
(J71C0; congregational purposes, 130,031.
The Reformed Church ot the Heid
elberg Catechism dates bank- tn lftVt
It was established in this country prior
tn. thA BattlAmnnt nf VUl.
through the cooperation of the Hol
land Reformed Church and the Dutch
West India Company. In 1747 permis
sion was given to the pastors of the
cburchito organize a ooetas, an advisory
tsooleeslastlcal body. It was, however,
not permitted to ordain candidates to
the ministry. All candidates were re
quired to go to Holland for ordination.
This restriction was felt by the church
es of America to be unwise and a hind
rance to the progress of the church
and in 1792 It was decided to sever con
nection with the ohttrnh nt llnllarwl
In aooordanee with this action the first
sj nod of the ohurch in theUuited States
was organised in Lancaster, April 27,
miss Bessie Villlams. of Allen
town, is visiting Arthur Olauss and
James Gelger has moved with his
family to l'arryvllie.
Roswell Snyder has moved into
Levi Krum s house on summer mil.
Qrant Tobias and wife, spent Sun
day with W. F. Brodhead and family.
A number of our people took In
"The Old Homestead" at Mauch Chunk
on last Friday evening.
Wm. Rapsher, a son of Senator
Rapsher, is u new clerk lu the l or
warding ofllce.
Jos, X. Bennett was at South
Bethlehem on last Monday,
-Rev. G. W. Dungan, of Lehlgnton,
occupied the pulpit in the M. E. church
on last Sunday evening.
Wllhelm Sandherr is remoddellng
his home on Summer Hill by building
an addition to it.
Jno. F. Miller has purchased a now
Mrs. D. Williams, of Lehighton,
was visiting friends in this ueignoor
hood duriug the week.
Tom Conarty and Wm. Shaffer, of
the old "Pioneer boseball club," .have
joined the Lahighton term. Conarty
will play 1st base, and Uhatier rignt
Miss Annabel McDaniel, Messrs.
Lyman McDaniel, Tom and James
Conartv. Harry Hontz. Herman Hum
mel and Harrr Burns were sight see
ing in New York last week they also
took in the is aval Review.
On last Monday Prof. W. F. Porter
burled bis youngest child, a boy, at
White Haven. We extend our sympa
Chas, Rex of the Forwarding ofllce
is confined his home in Mauch Chunk,
suffering from pnuemonla, we hope for
bis speedy recovery.
On last Monday evening two freight
cars started off, from the Wyoming
siding, they rushed down through ine
yard at a rapid rate and took to the
track leading Into the round house
which is now used as a store house,
they crashed Into the building with
terrlSa force, breakimg In the brick
walls and smashing the large doors and
windows all to splinters, lucky no one
was injured.
Short raratraph. Thai Will be stead by
ltnse Halt reople. OAtne ou the Home
(Ironnds, Saturday.
ISu C. J. Gallagher, of last year's
Leviston team, will be given a trial by
the Uazleton club.
Eu Uazleton Is to have a sort of
semi-professional club. It will play at
West Hazletru park, aud tho grand
stand will seat 8000 people.
9f The frame of base ball ou Satur
day between the Temperance anil South
Eastou teams, at. South Easton, result
ed lu a victory for the latter team.
Z$r Reading natrons are promised
base ball at 10 aud 15 seuls a game
from Saturday, May G, by Maunger
Witman, of the Reading base ball club.
ES- 'The fence and grounds ot the
1' reeland park are being repaired and
put lu good condition for the opeuiug
game, which will probably take place
on the 11th lust. Manager Malloy has
not yet decided with whom he will open
the season.
. James Brady, who last year suc
cessfully tilled the position of catcher
on tne jeanesvlfle base ball club, aud
who came east to till the same position
this season has returned to Pittsburg
aud jotued the Pittsburg Athlatius of
the Western Pennsylvania League.
The members of the KtHr 1ih,b
ball club, ot Jeauesvllle recently com
pleted arrangements for the comlugsea
sob. They will purchase new uniforms
and have a number uf games scheduled
Johu Bream, a promising young left
hand twirler will fill the box for them
aud outside the "professional" Jeaues
vllle club they are ready to play auy
club lu the Valley.
tE Tim Hurst, of Ashland, oue of
the League umpires, says that the in
terest in the natloua! game this year
will be greater than ever, and that tbo
admirers ot the game will be disap
pointed In that the chauge of the posi
tion of the pitcher will not give the
batters the advantage over the pitchers
as was at first supposed. He says it
would linpfove the batting sume.
tW TUB Mahahor Cilv base ball
club hasvftfected the following organi
zation by selecting M, Salmon, presi
dent; D, Walters, secretary; J. Riehars
treasurer; William Mulvey, manager.
The organization promises to put u
strong team lu the field. A new grand
stand will bo erected. Tickets at KJ.50
re uow being sold; good for the season.
The Star base ball club at .Tonus.
vill Uuve enuloped themselves for the
coming season by ordering new uui-
torms and purchasing u supply of bats
and balls. Outside the Jeansville club
they fear nothing In this region. The
home team will play lu Mahanoy City
ou Saturday. Fairhurst aud Schook
win ue in the points for the home team.
tTT Mauairer Marks nf l.ho TfurrU.
burg base balltilub, has placed Pitcher
Mace, of Woshlngtou. ou the blacklist.
Mace was signed with Harrisburg.but
got a swelled heud and when .lack
Chapman, of Buffalo, offered him a
utiie uigner salary, ne jumped Harris
burg. Manager Marks went to Cumdem
Saturday to reason with Stovousou,
who is holding out for more money
kuu sign x-iicuer Toy,
E3u The anxiously awallod game of
ball between the Silver Brook Nonpar
lels and Lost Creek club came off Sat
urday, the score was 22 to 2 in favor of
the Noupaiiels. McCullough and Ryan
noio tno uuttery ior tue ijost tjreeK
while Ward and Whito acted In the
same capacity for the home team.
uotu piteuers dtd effective work Ward
especially. Who made a Wire number
of the visitors fan tho wind. White
anu ltyan did good work.
2T The White Can Haso Hall ninh
of I'ackerton, have organized for the
season with the following players:
inuuwoi, iniuuer: lienrtrR tsaliiltinrr.
catcher and captain; Ditterline, short
step; L. Snyder, first base; E.Remaiey,
second base; E. Calfrey, third base; D.
I, '. i 1 ueiu; u, utroui, center
lield; R.Suyder,right field; E.E.Fritz-
lnger and O. LonrknmmAr snln.1 ItntoA.
They are open to receive dates from
auy umutour club In the county, barr
X3T A writer to the Hazleton Stand
ard says this about ubout the Jeunes-
ville nine. "It Is a very hard mutter to
give the names of those who are to
comprise the team, as so many changes
have already taken place, and present
indications are not at all auspicious,
which renders it impossible to speak
with any degree of accuracy. Bradv.
whose presence on the toum for the
entire season, was set down as a cer
tainty, jeit mute suddenly, and now
Hayes, who. bv the wav. rendered him
self highly (jbnoxlous by his conduct a
few days ago, will, it is now likely, also
ungrate, iuus tue team will lose a
catcher and pitcher, but this, after all,
is not alarming, as there will bo Fair
hurst and Sohmeur to catch, and
Schock to take charge of the box, which
in the event of but one or two games a
week being played, would be quite suf
ficient. Of course a team not having
at least two reputable pitchers, is cer
tainly "bum." but the team can easily
afford to wait without any Injury to
their reputation, for at least a month.
after which time the supply of pitchers
will be such as to enable the manage
ment to select a good one, or two, if
The Luth.r Union.
The Luther Union will hold their
regular meeting on the evening of May
12. to which all are oordiallv invited.
The following program has been pre
poreu: upeuing exercise, iiooert stout:
recitations, Emma Fortwangler, Sadie
reiers anu uarrie voornees; selections,
Agnes Bauer and John Klpp; solo,
Annie Ilouser: duet. Beulah Itelehard
and Liasle Gabel; debate, Resolved,
That St. Petar did more for the ad
vancement of Christ's kingdom than
Est. jouu, affirmative, A. w. Horn, wm.
Auge; negative, David Aug, Edgar
A dhlld'. Uorrlbl. D.ath.
Erfrly Friday morning Mrs. Jaoob
Sbnlta, of hite Haven, went to the
baru tu attend to a cow. Hue bad lert
her 8-vear-old daughter Anule alone
in the house. During the mother's
absauoe the little oue secured a box
of matches which she Ignited In play.
The house took tire aud the little
oue was burned to death.
H John W. Thomas, ot Lansford, Is
favorably mentioned for cashier of
Lansford s new .National Bank.
T At a meeting of the Banks town
shin school board, held KatttrrlAv nnw.
ing, a teu months term was decided up-
13 Darby Laur. the Parrvvllln hakar.
baa just put a handsome new delivery
wuguu mi ine roan ami now intends to
ewauiisn a route In Weissport and La
hlgbton. Darby's many friends wish
ii un zuucu suooeas.
A ooeklng-maln of seven battles
has been arranged batwMo LXbsford
aud Hazlston .ports for 1300. It will
take plaoe on the evening of May 12.
The probabilities are tnat the malu will
come off near Preeland. The betting
la in favor of Lansford.
The Wife of Mike Dtillinb. nf Taiia.
ford, took (700 belonging to her hus
band, aud her two children, and eloped
with John Uowenski. Dullioh caught
up to them at Carbondale and after he
had his children and money back atraiu
he told bis wife aud John he hoped
tbey would have a good time. Ex
Miss Henrietta Steigerwalt left for
Alientown Monday.
Emanuel Stelgerwalt,of Lehighton,
was visiting his patents here Sunday.
D. A. Rehrig's egg record tor 45hecs
irom ueiuuer m iu Aitruou, luot uu
223 dozen eggs. He also has 118 young
cnicaens. vvno can ueat tuis.
It is rumored that we are to have a
new school house; we certainly need it
bad enough.
The following are the new otllcers
in our Sunday school: Superintendent
u. A. lteurig; assistant superintendent,
William Steigerwalt; secretary, E. J
Lentz: librarian, William Ebert: trea
surer, T. A. ifehrlg.
a The farmers of this place are taking
their logs to Dennis Nothsteiu'a saw
mill which is looated on the Worner
Cora Xauder. of Lehighton. was
visiting friends here recently.
Phaon German moved toDelberts-
rille, Lehigh county last week.
Thos. Stnlthenj, who recently
moved to this place from Kecquehou
lug, moved to ienignton mutsday.
Misses Ella Honts. Hattie Trainer.
Llllle Uumbert,and Nora Xauder .petit
Sunday at tills place.
There will be services In the M. E.
church ot this plaoe the coming Sun
day evening.
Andrew Bngeonor and wife, flf
Mauch Chunk were the gueaU of Henry
Gartner on Sunday.
Mr. Ffmstermaaher, of Lehighton.
was doing business at this place Mou
II. J. Danxer, Jr., drove to Hasle
ton last week on imsiusss.
Farmers aud all others who want flu
seed potatoes should not fall to oall on
O. J. Baeesr. opposite the usual. East
Weissport, who has now on hand ready
for sale two oar loads of the Bur-
bank ana White Star variety. Tb
potatoes are the finest In the market
and farmers and others should not
buy until they see what he has. Come
quick ror tnev are going last.
Anotli.r LaiI of XsdlM Cap, and Jacket.
Have beeu received at Sondheim's
Tailoring Halt, Uauoh Chunk, uposlte
C It It depot and will be sold at ruck
'bottom prices.
Short Paragraph. That Will be ol Intere.t
to the Hollroiul Bnv.
t John Krestf. nf PA,.nr.t .o
Indefinitely for burning Valley engine
t Engine !fi run into the mile nf n
coal train drawn by engine !! in the
t acKeriou yards, me other day.
1 Engine 88 on the Vnlli.t- u n,.
night shift lu the Mahoning yard, n m
Nevvhsrt is engineer; Wm. Tyndall, (Ire
men, und Bert Klottt Is conductor
t Ed Heichurd,of towu, is as etra
Lehich Vatlar Hi
jlm dandy.
IDail T. Sflkoi'b Is lo-Akino nn A
Jamestown run. Look out for signals
t Tllgb Arner. nn, rnf ihi. ,,i.M n.
of Coplay, Is an ef i a brakeiin n on t ho
v uney.
I Willouirhliv lW.tur. nf tf,.i,,ti
formerly of town, is un extra Valley
t Al Smith, of the nnn! ilnmn lii
after a long Illness with rhnnmnf mm
t In connection with thn .,. i..n
belore Congress providlug for autom
tttlo couplers for freight cars it Is in
terostlng to uote that over i.ixxi patent-,
fpr such devices have beeugiauteJiod
that a large number of nnniipjttinnM am
ou the file in the Patent Ofllce await
lug tne uecislou of the Examiner.
t It Is Said that thA Innan talb olinnl
the superiority or American railway
service will subside, when the people
get back from tlie Fair. Railway trains
from all over the world will be on exl
bltlou. One that has pulled In alreailv
from Canada Is of snllil mnt,
The interior 1 built on the Spanish ro
nalssance plan of architecture.
I Alfred Heuulcufr. n T.i.liinli Vaii.
brukemiiu, who jumped from a train
uoar Enstou and suved two persona
from drowning, is dying from oonsump
tlon In a poor house lu Lehigh county
Pa., the cold bath aud subsequent ex
posure Having tukeu deadly effect
Contributions are being taken up for
him by u Muuch Chunk lady Oood
for this kind woman.
1 A system of disinfection is helno
perfected by tlie Pennsvlvnnin imi
other railroad companies, by which all
cars used lu tho trausportation of Im
migrants from eustorn ports en route
to the west will be fumigated and pun
tied to proyeut tho spread of germs of
any disease which mav possibly be im
parted to them. Freight cars will bo
subjected to the same process of purification.
1 The gross oarniuo-.a nf iht Pantrai
R. R. of iveiv Jersey for Jarch wero
iU.223,1500, au increuso of 617,70ft. opcr
utiug expenses $750,020, an iucroaso ot
801,018; und net earnings, 8101,009 a de
crease of tJ14,168. From January f to
lumuuoi, ius uross earnings were t-J,
mauch chunk.
Hon. Johu Craicr. of Lahlirh ("inn
was in town tor a few hours on Msndav.
Mauch Chunk will huvn (ho om
light for street illumination at $110 per
ukiu per uu.iju.iu.
O. A. ClaUSS. Of Lehliht.nli. was In
town Tuesday. Ollie is a candidate for
ine uenignton post oltlce.
The genial Elmer Fairs Is filling the
position of U. 8. Express messenger
uevweeu tins place and uazleton.
-The man v friends nf .ismmi GhIIa.
gher, of the east side, will be pleased to
learn of his recovering from a recent
severe illness.
I. B. Butz. of Brake's Creak, wan In
Boyle's court Monday charged with
sarety of tne peace Uv l'aul Meekaa.
xne uoae was settled.
Annie, wife, of Chas.WevhBiiniarr
dled at her home In the Second ward
on Friday night after an illness for
some lime with consumption. Two
uuuuren and a nusuand survive. In
terment took plaoe on Monday after
Organ Dedication.
The new organ recently purchased
by the members of Horn's Sunday
school, Mahoning township, will, be
dedicated in an appropriate manner on
next Thursday afternoon at two o'clock
Ou this occasion Kevs. J. II. Kuder,
pastor of Trinity Lutheran church
and Abraham Bartholomew, pastor ol
the Reformed congregation, Maboning
charge, will be present and address
the assembly. All are Invited to the
muni" mknthin or a wehk s i(,
Hoioi '
I Tho Reading- receivers annllml In
the court for permission to purchase
2.500 new coal cars. It was stated that
the company now has 8.000 worn cars of
obsolete pattern, aud that the presenj
equipment is entirely inadequate for
mo iiniisaciiuu 01 tne ueavy coal busi
ness of tlie company. The purchase
of the cars to be made by the payment
of 10 per cent, and the giving of 84
equally divided notas
t The Readltur railroad comimtiv hits
concluded negotiation with tho Grand
Trunk aud Nickle Plate lines for tbo
running of rour through trains each
way dally between Philadelphia and
J.ew-York and Chicago. The arrange
meuts go Into effect Mav 14 im tt.ut
date connections will be made to and
from tue terminal with all the Now
iorK uiiucl.uie trains except the five
hour flyer. Tho route will be from New
York to Niagara Falls, the sleeping cars
will be run.
Special Court.
A special session nf Court, u-h holrl
Tuesday afternoen befnrn AHsnclrtln
Judges C. II Seidle and Samuel B
Dr. J. G. Zeru. of Lfihlirht.nn. wna nn.
pointed guardian of Aaron Laub. a mt
uor ciuin of Aaron .Laub deceased.
Tim rnnnrl rt Ulnl.anl n,,c.l.l
appointed Auditor to re state tii ne
count and make distribution of the
money iu the handsof Itosanna JorOeo
administratrix of thojestato of Patriot
aiOviee. deceased, was read and couurm
ed nl sl.
The report of Joseph S. Fisher, au
pointed Auditor to distribute the bal
once iu tho hands ot Dr. J. P. Kreamer
administrator of the estate ot Robert
.. nenry, deceased, wa-s read and con
firmed ui sl.
jAsupbasna divorce was directed to
Issue against Wulter A. Leran, of Mill
port, to appeur at next term of Court
and show cause why a decree of divorce
shall not be granted to his wife, Man
etta C. Levaii. -Times.
A Ills Clothing Sale
For only 30 day more wo will allow
a cash discount of 10 per cent on all
mens' boys' aud children suit-, and
pasts, on aooount of building Our
prices for boys' suits ane from Oue up
Mens suits $3 and up. ) on can poM
lively save your day a wagei. ond cat
fare by culling at the One Price Mar
Clothing Hall, Mauch Chunk, opposite
the C. It. It, depot.
sritiNn AitittvAi.s
A bright little babv boy to ,Vi aud
Mrs. Charles Lopp, on Thir 1 street
t Elwood Phifer, of East Weissi rt
runs a Lovell. Last Sunday he i-uinded
with a Columuia, and his mnt hiuV ha
been sent away for repairs.
t Hugh MoAniffe, Warren Mtiauss
berger, Ed Zeru and Harry leaver, en
joyed a delightful run to Tamaqua on
Sunday. They returned the sainx
eyeulng. t Warren Stcussberger. of Weissport,
worked the pedals for 2 L.. miles the
other day while t be perspiration run
from him. Curhlty to kuovi whythe
maohiue worked . hard caused bun ro
Investigate when he found that tht
brake hod worked down.
All M.a'. Hoys' and Children Sun,
should be bought at the tine ii-ireriiftr
Clothing Hall, Mauch Chunk, 0i sl iln.i
below L V. ufiloe because you , an -ui 1
33 per oent. and also get a ea-sb il 1
oeunt of 10 per cent uu all tlu '. in 1
styles of clothing. Don't fi.rgei tint
give us a oall, .
A Former Ilitxhtou Man Hurt.
hilUwurth Babooek. of Ilaxlotnn
employed at the Jeanesvllle stripping,
met with a painful accident ou ft. Lur
day. He was in the act of painting the
stook ou the steam shovel when be fell
to the ground, sustaining a long gasb
on the bank ot his head, another au
hip, and was badly shaken up. He was
brought to his home where bis Injuries
were attended to by Dr. Mauser.
k PnwtlPf
A cream of turt ir hakint;
powder. Highest ot ull m
leavenuer strengtu Lutus!
fiovern mrit Fi -d
Will lx 11. r. Mar IS.
Dr. Danaer. the well-known em. ear 1
and nose specialist, of Ualeton, will be I TJnitfd St.iti
at tue r.xcuauge iiotei ou rrlday, May j . xi 1 li.L... 14 1
12th. If you are ailing dout fill to l'"l t K"''1 ""king bw.loi
oall aud see him. ('0 , It tt . !! M . N. .