f Hm a Isrwr circulation than say other u4WM paper printed lu Carbon eonnty,oon eiantly it I- the heat medium foradver W-toti. Our uws columns sparkle with the oooui renoea of the day olern, spicy, lutereattug, bright aud independent. Our editorials are original and will be worth reading on account of their spirit whlob U Independent of outeide dictation. Our prloe la one dollar a year. Just you try It ghe m ban Is a specialty at out .loii Inn'm, In Bnyder'a block, eatt -1.1. Htblg. Envelopes, Note un - I l'bHmplels, ( ii.l. i Hooks, V i . aud all kiml- ,i I 1 1 ,Nii. n , ,,1, i lHUs W.. ,lo nil ,.rklU'iitli in ii 1 cleanly ifn .m iimnl hiiiIuii m Hue? tbu rail uii'l see us, or writ postal card mill we lull be at your . "INDEPENDENT"-"LIVE AND LET LIVE." VOL XXI. No. 24. ORliilllAL CHEAP GASH STORE It Has Told ! It Is Telling' ! It Will Tell ! That our low prices cannot be equalled by any other house in this vnllcy. Ab for VARIETY, we claim to have the largest assortment in our line by far than that of I any other house in this section Our Shoo Department. Its fame has been won by Ion prices and big values. An elegant assortment of in fants' childs' and misses1 Bed Shoes at prices far below those of other dealers. Great bargains in men's and boya' working shoes at all times-' Men's and Boys' Domet Flan nel Shirts at prices that will as tonish; trie largest assortment to solect from, J. T. NUSBAUM, Pint tftreet, between Sontb and Plum Streets, LebljEhton, Pa. PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE. What the Solom at Harrliburg Are Dolor. Harmsburg, April 81. Among the bills passed Anally In the senate yesterday werr Maklng Indignities to the person of a hus band good ground fordlvorce.empowerlng cities and boroughs to appropriate money for tbe payment of firemen disabled In the performance of their duty, providing for iae licensing of lying-in hospitals; provld lug for the better protection of the pipe lines, telegraph lines, buildings, and ma chinery of corporations or persons en gaged In tbe transportation of petroleum or gas. authorizing the borough of Bristol to Increase its Indebtedness. In the house tbe appropriations committee sent In an other batch of bills An amendment was Introduced to the wholesale liquor law fix ing the license fee for wholesale druggists at 1250 The Doyer bill providing for a graduated tax on Inheritance other than collateral, to be applied to the creation and maintenance of a state charity fund, passed second reading, as did tbe bill Increasing salaries of state officers. At the night ses sion, these bills patted second reading; Th f'rovlde revenue by taxation of banks; re ievlog brewers from the payment of license fees and taxes and Imposing upon them Instead a tax of sixteen cents for each barrel of product IlAimiSDUiiU, April 23. The fish and game committee sent to the house yester day with favorable recommendation, tbe senate bills permitting tbe ereotloa of eel weirs In streams for a perlcd In eaoh year for a term of four years; providing for tbe appointment of gams commisslou ers aud authorizing them to appoint game wardens; permitting the ute of eelpots. Kx Governor Curt In appeared on the Boor of the house, and the bouse passed a resolution "extending to him its patriotic greeting, with a cordial expression of esteem and a hope that be may long live In health and prosperity," Harrisburq, April 23. The house met at 8 o'clock last evening, In the absence of Speaker Thompson Henry K. IJoyer, of Philadelphia, occupied the chair. Mr. Smith, of Jefferson, chairman of the print ing committee, offered a joint resolution,, which was adopted, providing for a com mission to Inquire into the advisability of the establishment of a state printing office where all state printing shall be done The governor returned without hU ap- proval the house bill providing for the ex" penses of school directors In attending the, triennial conventtou to elect the county superintendent of Instruction. IIAKRISBUHG, April 24. In the senate yesterday the road bill was amended by striking out the section providing for the assessment of $1 poll tax on every male over 21 year of age. These bills passed finally: Authorizing the obtaining of mar rlage licenses lu the county In which either of the part It reside; changing Labor Day from the drst Monday to tbe first Sat unlay In September; empowering boroughs and cities to eitablUb a police pension fund aud authorizing councils to oontrlb ute thereto. The governor's veto of the bill requiring tbe practice of physical oul titrelnthe public schools was sustained by a vote of 18 to 1ft. lu the house these bills pawed finally Constituting Jefferson aud Lebanon counties separate judicial dls trlcts; providing that voters shall cast their ballots at polling places Inside the elec tiou district In which they are domiciled. Harrisburo, April 27. The governor re turned to the senate without his approval the Mil creating the office of assistant superintendent of public schools lu the cities of Pittsburg and Allegheny. The governor also vetoed Senator Porter's bill conferring ii'hui the board of public educa tion or bounl of school directors power to sell public school property. Among the bllln paed finally wrre these: Extending the mechanics Ilea law to those concerned In setting curbstones and laying pave ments; authorizing the governor to appoint a commission consisting of nine citizens to examine Into and make report upon the causes of the pollutlou of the sources of water supply of cities, boroughs aud town ships, and making an appropriation of $25,000 therefor; authorizing tbe courts to appolntthrre viewers from each county through which a railroad may propose to ruu to assess damages to property; Increas Ing the salary of the superintendent of public Instruction from frJ.Mfc) to 13,500. The governor sent to the senate the name of George M. Cress well to be auocUte judgeof Huntingdon county. lie was con tinued. Adjourned nutll Monday evening. In the house tbe bill to prohibit brewer aud wholesale liquor dealers from owning retail liquor stands was reported nega tively. The governor Informed the house that he had signed bouse bills providing for thetloenslug and regulation of lying-la hospitals; preventing county supsrlnten dents of common schools from teaching during their Urin of o flics, unless It be done wlthoutoompensation; providing that municipal corporations shall not be re quired to file affidavits of dsfens In actions of assumption. There was a Ungtby de bate on tbe Nile revenue tax bill, which was continued a, the night session. At lu p. m. the bill passed second reading 86 to T9. Adlournrnenl to Monday night. WALP'S EAGLE STORE. People who buy at our Store always go away satl.fled be cause we' give theni thuir money', worth, then too, they bave a large aaaortinetit of all kind, of General Store Oood. to .elect from. Sumu good., those of Fall aud Winter pat tern, we are closing out at re duction price, lu order to make room (or our apring ar rival of good, which we Intend to aurpaa. all previous ex hibition.. We again cordially Invite you to come and ee ui. Robert Walp, rtrt .trot, Op. Round Houiti. HAVE YQU READ THE ADVOCATE THIS WEEK ? THE i, The Great Naval Review in New York Harbor, A BRILLIANT MARINE SPECTACLE, ftis Tlsltlog Fleets of Many Nations Greet Our Chief Magistrate with Thunderous Walcom as lis Pastes lletwaea tbe Column. New York, April 27. The shores of New York bay were lined with people yesterday to see the war vessels from all nations pass up from the Narrows. Flags and bunting blew from every craft on the water, p re lenting a brilliant appearance After sev eral hours of expectancy the long bulls of the war veasels were teen far down the Narrowa. Soon their gbostlr lines as lumed deflnlte shape, and as the fleet earns 3ut of the Narrows the squadron distance was formed'. Th. two column, were 000 yard, apart, with the Blak. and Phllad.l phlaln the van. As th. leader. paud Governors' Island a salute thund.nd from the old fort, whll. .team whistle, shrieked a noisy welcome, and a. the ships passed Llbarty Island th. Miantonomoh fired twenty-one guns In honor of th. unveiling of th. Ericsson statue. The Blak. caught the eye of the multitude. Sh. moved as If held la check, but her speed wainln. miles an hour. She carried a guard flag at her foremast peak and floated tb. naval en sign of Great Britain at h.r spanker gaff. The river was kept clear during th. pass ing of the squadron by a patrol of thre. tugs. Th. fleet presented a magnificat spectacle. The bands played national airs on the British ships as they proceeded np the river and the .train, of muslo wafted acroM th. water were plainly heard by tb. crowds along sbors. Tbe Philadelphia passed tb. Santa Maria, which was anchored near tbe Jer sey shore, nearly opposite Eightieth street. The Pinta and Nina were anchored a short distance farther np the stream. The cr.wi of the mimic Columbus fleet cheered end waved their bats a. Unci. Sam', navr steamed by. Tbe white ship, of oar own navy made a shon log that was not ecllpssd by any of the squadrons of oar visitors. Following the formidable looking Blake came the other Britisher, and Russians, the Frenchmen, tb. Italians, and tL. Spanish and Brazilian vessels brought up tbe rear of the .larboard column. Tbe United States vessels in th. port column were followed by Arg.ntln.'s crack cruiser, Holland's slngl. representa tive, the Van Speyk, and the German tas sels. The foreign vessels slowed down and steamed to positions opposite the escort ing vessels of our fleet. There was no accident and no confusion attending the anchoring of th. men-of-war. The big vessel moved up th. rlv.r la the positions to which th.y bad been as signed, and let go of their anchor, at pre cisely the point, selected for them by Ad miral Gherardl. No vessel, were allowsd to passed between the line, of th. two columns of war .hips until they wer. .11 .t anchor. Then steamboat, flllwl with sight seers passed up between th. lines and In and out to obtain good view, of our wblt. cruiser, and the floating war castle, of lb. foreign uatiouawhoaranprasenttd. Small boats Also became uumsious and dodged In and out among the war vsel.. Tbe war ships preaented a beautiful slgbi this morn Ing aa th.y lay In two columns extending from Thirty-fourth street np tb. North river, th. foreign ships on th. New York side. The sight was still more beau tiful when, at o'clock, the squ.drnn. .imult.ncuusly dressed ship and kolsted color. At precisely 10 30 th. president and member, of hi. cabinet were received on board the Dolphin off Twenty-third stmt. North rlv.r. The Dolphin then, followed by tbe coast survey steamer Blake and the hteamer Monmouth, proceeded upth. rlv.r petwetn tb. culumns of th. United Stalts and foreign insn-ot-war. The Blake car ried the member, of tbe diplomatic corps ami me uoouioutn tue juages 01 tb. .u ireme court, senator, and representatives ,f tbe United States and gov.ruor. of late., accompanied by one staff officer. Tbe cheers of the multitude assembled n the docks, on the bnlldlngs along West treet and on boats of all descriptions tbst lued th. river were re-echoed again and .gain aa th. Dolphin, the ltlake and tb Moumoutb proceeded upth. rlv.r between ue two columns ol gayly decked wai hips. When tbe Dolphin', bow was op oslta each ship's stern there was a -'pre-tut arms," four flourishes (or ruffles), of iters and crew saluted, and tbe band ilajnl the national air. At tbe last flour h there was a salute of twenty-one guns. Ou reaching the head of tbe columns th. Hake anchored at tbe bead of th. foreign ,ud tb. Monvnouth at tb. head of lb. Vmerluiu column. Th. flag officer, and he captains of the men-of-war were tb.n revived on board th. Dolphin and pre erUeU to the president of the Uolted itatee, who entertained them at lunch. !.unch was at th. same time served ou tbe Hake and Monmouth to tbe guesta ou loaru The review terminated by the return of he Dolpbtu, Blak. aud Monmouth throng h he lines, aud a. tb. president's flag was ituled down from tbe Dolphin It was .tinted with twenty-one guns by all of the ueu-oi-war present, while every vesiei lu ne fleet manned yarda or ralla. A. the Dolphin was passing between tbe ivo columns that portion of North rlr.r lelweeu tbe American columns and the K'ew York shore was closed, and all traffic .ml iiasaage suspended. After the Dolphin nd anchored at the head of th. line ves lsof all kinds circled around the fleet. ioiiig up on tbe New Jers.vsld.of th. liver, but th. passage between the two otumns wan closed until tb. presldsnt ended from tb. Dolubta and th. review mereny terminated. Dr. W.ruts Gets Sla Tears. I'llitJLUFLrillA, Apr ' In th.caa.of Dr William H. Wn convicted bafora Jiida-e tiordonof utai. . ..ght.r in cuelne- tbe death n( Thomas '. Gallagher by tab bliiK him at a Republican primary eleuttoa b. Id in tbe Fourth division of tbe Thirty fourth ard lu January but, tbe motion fur a new tnul nas overruled, and a sen teuce of six year. In the Eastern ptnltta turr luiDOwd. Moil. I. r Nlrlk. Predicted. PlTTSBtinu, AprllW.-ThelltlsburgPosl says that the probabilities are that the irou trade will witness this year one of the greatest strike, that he. ever occurred In this pert of th. country. Th. manufao. turere look upon a reduction In wage, .a an abvdut. necessity to lb. II f. of the uusinesa. Cluld Situation lluiruvlfic. WAmiMtro.-., April 27. Small offers of gohlooottnuetobe rwoeived at tbe treas on .coudug oriuot pally front tb. south aud vtesi. -ine eituaiHtu is fooled uponae em lug mueblietter. (l.t lle.dr fr Kin. l-ractlee. HtRHinavun. April 34 Order, bar. Just beeu lsauwl Iruiu National Guard head uu.trter. filing the avaaon fur rifle prac tice froui Mav 1 lo Oct. SL Aut coninanv falling to mutllfy forty-five men, unlea. laiufactor iaoas are shown for aueb failure, shall u oouaidered so lacking la uituipuu. to warrant ft. aisbanaoiegt. NEWSY OCCURRENCES. LOUAt, If ATTKBI OF MORE OR LKSS IMFORTANOK. What alas Occur., la Ikls Cltv Uarlag the tTe.li rertlaeatlr Kpttemlsed ay Our Special Reperiera Toilet paper at aab.l'a. Fin teams for all nurooses at the South End Livery. nr.od. atratne. haat mialltv Hum. mocks at Gab.la, Lehlghton. Full line of Ingrain and Brussels arpets at Henry Bohwartr'a, iiy. Whiskey, six' par gallon at M. Martlh'a T.lnnnr Ht-nre. M.iimIi Ohnntr Dr. O. W. finvdar efrlrAc, a nalr nf mustang's that wen formerly owned by ur. ern. -Wanted At the Unaler If 111 .!tnr4 good girls. Oood wages and steady work. Apply at once. Just make it a nnlnt tn mm nnvbl Ebbert when yon want a team for busi ness or Pleasure. Lowest prices. Window and door screens in bit? assortment at Gabel's Lehlghten. Family washing taken and dona in tbe best manner. Jfrs. Jamas Bennett, oor. t th and Iron .tract. Dr. J.Q. Zern drive, a bay horse, secured from A. Sell & Co., proprietors of the South End Llverv. Sell & Co , livermea, drlvs a flue black, horse just purchased from Dr. i, vv. Snyder. Henry Graver is nntUair thtnra In trim preparatory to trattlno his brick yard In operation for th season. Ed G. Zern ha. anlrl hmdum. Columbia bleyole. to Hugh McAnWe, ot town, and Central Operator Roberts, T Parryvllle. Robert and James Klotr. will build donbls frame dw.lllBe house on annth Second street. John Bally boucht a fin. Int Seventh street from Samuel Seller last week and contemplates, at an early day, to erect a cozy home. William Wert has Just purchased a fine building lot on Seventh street from James Walp. Will contemplates build- ing nimseir a noma before long. Herman Hager, of Qeoond street, who was injured at Packerton some weeks ago, is able to be about again. Moses Rehrig has resigned the agenoy of the United States Insurance Company for this district. Arioa Cornet Band waft nut Unn dny evening and tendered Restaur anieur W. A. Peters a delightful finale sorenade. Wlls oantsmplates r.tlrlng from business at an early day. ueorgo Dlehl has th oontraot to erect a new two-storr frame building for J. II. Koons, on the site of his present liquor store, on First street. The old structure will be demolished. Have you seen th new bonnet? No I have hod suoh a bad headache of of late, and been so bilious that I could net go out rmedy Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills. Misses Bailie and Annlo. Rnrfn. bush bave secured a valuable and pleasantly located lot from Dr. W. W. Reber on Iron street, and contemplate the erection of a comfortable home on that thoroughfare. A pretty iron fence enoloses the handsome resldenoe of JO. Hellman on the corner of Third and Alum cn..f The f enoe waa manufactured by Peters' Bros.' of the Eagle Fno Works, Deibertsville, Lehigh county. Zlon's Reformed .wmimtUn v. . appointed the following building com mitiee: josepn UDert, Wra. Montz, Howard Seaboldr. ftanra-a Ktn. R. L. Ko.ns. Th Intention Is to build an addition to th present edlBo ou Second street. Painter Frank Welnland. f n has jast completed the contract for painting a number of passenger coach es on tb Switchback Rellma,! tv,. excellence of tb work shows Frank to be a good artist. Henry Schwartz, the 1I.Vr,nnn furniture dealer on First street, will soon greatly improve th interior of his large aud handaomahiialnAaa To make tne outside correspond in ap pearance ne win also lay a fine flag stone pavement, Henry is a hustler and Is getting thar with both feet, -r-The Springfield Dally Republican of a recent date says: "Superinten dent Balllet has received th compli ment Of belnfl aftlrad hv th board of New York city to Investigate to cerects or tbe schools, and recom meud t) radical measures for imnMv. ment. He spent three days in tb task mis ween." -The new dfrertara ami nfflo.i-a . the Enterprise and Enterprise No. 2, Building and Loan Assoeiatlon,of town are Philip Miller, president! T. A. Sny der, secretary: W. U. Montz. traaiuror. T. A. Snyder, solicitor! directors, R. L. noons, vv. a. BCMnkle, A. W. Raudeu bush, John Peter. J. P. Uoultkran. and Joseph Fenner. Tbe following gentle. men were elected auditors; J, T. Sem mel, F. P. Lentz ond U. J, Bretney. Ula rrl.ods t(l.B. A corrosnondeat to the Tl.1 Sentinel from Beaver Meadow says: Tuesday, May Wiethe day set apart for the election of smnntv &nm.lB.N. dent to suooetd T. A. Snyder of Lehlgh ton. Th candidates mentioned are Principals Belsel. of TuarnrH. ur v Porter, of Packerton; P. H. MeCabe, of Msquenonlng and Prf. Balllet, ot Uahoninir. Mr. Rnvd.p th. nr.,.,.t fn. cuuibeut, Is not a oandldat and will devote his time and attention to hli fast Increasing law praotioe. Hehai filled the Dosltlon oradltabl. for thr.. aucvesstv terms and his friend, who are legion ou this aid wish him suo ces in his chosen calling. Pmi nr.. aeut indications the eontatt will be a lively one." Auee.a- la. Clergr Rev. T. A. Huber. Daator of flnr. Reformed Cburah of Hazl.ton formety iilllport will addreae tht East Panus.l. vaula Claasls of tk Reformed Church at lU 7Ub annual aeasloa to b. held at Farmeravllle, Thursday, May 11, on the aubject,"Sundav Bahoal and It.nlilaf" Rev. D. W. Booaaman, pastor ot tbe rreboyienan churob Mauoh Chunk, delivered a forclabl address at tbe men', meeting of th Y. M. O. A, la Hazletou last Sunday afternooa. KMev.rlaui. Tb many friends of Ed Rtber, of iiarruy, wuer he la unci Ham' post muter, la moving about again after a mug aeige ot oounatu.at with p.ralyaU. Lohighton, COMING AND GOING. RiKr iTrH or rniiELT pkiisonai. MENTION. Cncratac Feopl. Tfho Visit a.ri fle VlalUa(ti.re,Th.reaad Everrwher.. . . P. F. Clark was at Bristol, Treuton and Philadelphia last week. . . II, J. Morgan, of the Hersh Heater Works, was atTremont last week. . . Adam Hauk,of Hazleton, waa with John Ilauk and family this week. . .James Miller aud wife, of Second street, were at P.ttsvllle this week. . .Our old friend Harrison Wentz, of rarryvllle, was In town on Saturday. ..Robert Stansberry, wife and son, Bundayed with Slatington relatives. . .Mrs. W. C. Watson, of Bankway.ls home from a visit to Bristol relatives. . .Miss Ada Webb, of Mauch Chunk, was calling on Lehlghton friends on Monday. .. Prof. Traub, the able principal of tb Parryville schools, was here on Saturday. ..Station agent H. D. Snyder, of Parryville was lu town on Wednesday for a few hours. . .Miss dertle Rehrig. of East Mauch Chunk, ylsited Miss Luella Rehrig, on Second street, this week. . .Harry Lynn and family, ot Bethle hem were guest of relatives here over Sunday. . . inlss Annabel Brocatle, of tewn re turned to rvuutowu Normal School on Monday last, after a pleasant visit at home. . .Owen Klotz, Overseer of the Poor, was at the Lehigh County Almshouse this week, on business of an official character. ..M. T. Trexler was doing baslness atTamaqua and Reading this week. M. T., is working up a large carriage and wagon business. . . Ed Brannlx,as genial and affable as ever, was in town several days last week and attend on of the Harmonia Club's excellent sociables. ..Misses Nan Shuler, Floy Zern, Mamie Semmel and Mabel Wheatley called on County Seat friends on Saturday. .Miss Maggie Lackey, one of Allen- town's most estimable and accomplish ed young ladies, was visiting Misses Aggie aid LUlie Relchard ou Third street this week. . . Misses Mary and Ella Ebbert, ot North street, accompanied by Miss Minnie Kelley, of Wllkesbarre, left on Monday for Philadelphia, where they are the guests ot George Kearney and family. .Valentine Schwartz, one of this town's solid oltizens, was at New York elty this week where he witnessed the grand naval review, one at the most imposing events In our country's his tory. ..James Keifer, of Seattle, Washing. ton, was In town on Monday for a few hours. Lawyer Keifer was several years ago a resident of this ooanty, liv ing at Mauch Chunk where he was as sociated with W. n.Freyman. ..Saturday will bo the birthday an niversary of Mr. Wm. Fritch, of Albur tls, and on the oe.aslen th following Lehlghton people will surprise him: Frank Welnland and family; George Blank and family; Henry Fritch and family; and Mrs. Eddinger and family. Court x-rocMdlnt. The report of tbe viewers In favor of a public road In East Welssport was confirmed nl si. The road to begin on the Union Hill side, near Ruch's lime kilns, pass along Levi Horn's home ast far some distance, and than cut across to the turnpike that leads from Welssport to Monroe eounty. It strikes the turnpike near Lewis Knauss'. Messrs. John Craig, ot Lehigh Oap, James W. Hebarllng, of Jauch Chunk, and D. Q. McLaud, of Kidder, were ap pointed Commissioners to Inquire into the propriety of dividing Weatherly borough Into wards. Tbe hotel license ot Casper Uelser, Weatherly, was transferred to Prosper Warg. Tbe bill ot costs in th coreaer'a Inquests on the bodies of Christiana F. Mayer, Pnn Forest, and Andrew Curtln Albright, of Mauch Chunk, were appoved by court, George S. Graham vs. Mahlen W. Chrlstman. In this case It was order ed that the defendents pay oyer to th plaintiff all the Reserve fund or funds which wer in his hands and control on August 28, 1892. This is on of th Iron Hall eases, th defendants, a bran.h at Wolsxport, b.lng ander tk impression that they could divide amongst themselves the fund) on band at the time ef tn Iron Hall craah. A decree of divoroe was granted to Ellen J. LaOIer against Nathan Laffl.r of Welssport, By order ef eourt the fund, in the hands of the ex-Sberiif Hiram P. Levan realized at th David Klntz sale, in Weatherly, were paid into court. Th amount Is 0810.03. Frank P. Sharkey, Esq, was appointed auditor to make distribution. Robert A. Heberling, Esq., was ap pointed auditor to make distribution ot the funds in the hands of the admin istrator ot the estate of Adam Soberer, deceased. Michael Cessldv, Esq, was appointed to pass upon the exceptions UJed to the aooount In tbe estate of Francis Cole, deceased, and make distribution. of the funds in tbe hands ot admin istratrlx. Mehl.ak.ra Cll.. K.Ua. The first leetur of th. spring eours was delivered In th college chapel Thursday atteruooa, April 20, by Rev O. P. Smith, ot Pottstowu, on "The Positive Character." Tbe tint geological trip by th. S.nlor Clasa will be made to th Metropolitan Uuaeum, Central Park, New York elty, April 26th. Th Junior Annual will be issued by about May 1st Th. Annual promise, to be tbe beat ever Issued h.r. IC ria. Llaa.f Uaraaas. A full Una of single aud double bar; neaa, whips, fly nets, sweat pads, sura' mer blanket, Ac, for spring trad, at T.ry reasonable price, at Milton Flery'a Welssport, Pa, tf Fifty rolls of chicken lr. ,,.! received at Cabal's. It will b sold by th yard or roll at low prices. Fin toll.t pap.r at Oab.l'.. Carbon County, Fonna. PICK-UPS FROMTHE DIAMOND. Short raraaraph. That Will b. R..d by Bass Rail reopt.. a.m. mm th. Hem. Qreaacf. I.turd.v. IV A olub baa been organized at Mabanoy City. tF Locust Gap has organized a bat ball nine. OT Ashland will have two teams In the Held this year. Ok. Levlston sports talk of organiz ing a good team. t3T Jo Kappel, th third baseman, has been appointed captain of tbe team. 13a, Ashland will open the season at Lansford on May 6, OB Eulmer and Qormley will do battery work Tor Lansford this year. EtV. Lansford will put new blood in their club. tST Freeland will hay a good omat.ur team thla seaaon. CTa. Jeaneavtlle aud Lansford will hit hard for high honors this season. W The grounds at Rtttersville f re being put In proper shape for good ba'l playing. a. Allentown has a hard hitting team and the boys will make their opponents hustle to win. HP Ashland opens the Pettsvllle season-on the 20th. UP" Sprogel, ot Philadelphia, will be the pitcher for tbe Hazeton. iVSom ot th developing ball players for this town are Frank Ulller, Will Schafer, Allen .Peters, Al Relch ard and Manager MsAnlft. ta. The JeanesvUia base ball club wlU open their season at home with a gams on May 20 between the home team and a- flub from South Bethle hem, composed of players from Le high University and the Temperance dnb. CSu "Bill!" Breuan, an old time catcher of Mt. Carmel, who was report ed killed by th Nellson explosion, will hold down second base for Shamokln this season. EH. A movement is on foot In which a number of Mt, Camel's prominent sporting men ar lntarsted to stenra a sit for a bass ball park aid bleycle track. The plans for the grand stand In th West Hazleton ball park hay been received. The stand when finish ed will be a marvel of beauty and will have a seating capacity of 800. Among the many adyantag.s will be six com modious private boxes with seating ca paclty of ten persons each. tW In last Saturday's game at Rittersville with the Allentown pro fessional nine, tbe Catasauqua team was constituted as follows: Gilbert, catcher; Qormley, pitcher; Satelle, first base; Thomas, 2d b; Waddlck, short stop; Ualone, 3d b; Samuels, left field; U'llara, center Held; Bush, right field. 0Th LehlghUn Base Ball Club having been reorganized for th season ot "33, Is now ready to book engage ments with all the leading amateur clubs in tb Lehigh Valley. Tbe club Is composed of the .following well known players: C. Chrlstman, pitcher; W. Koch, catoher; G. Rehrlg-short stop; T. Conerty, first base; A. Peters, second base; T- Rehrig, third base; J. Yenser, left field; G. Evans, center Held; G. Sohaffer, right field; E. Relchard, G. Knauss and II. Swartwood, substitutes. As the above players form an eic.p. tlonally strong team, old-time Lehlgh ton base ball can be looked for here this season. The club will play a prac tice game, on th horn greunds, with a "picked nine," this Saturday after noon. Admission, free; all are invited to attend. PISCATORIAL NOTES. Lltll. Scraps mt r-.rs.aal M.atl.a of rish aad rish.raa.a. I Cbarl.y Wagner and Will Heberling war angling tor trout last Saturday, Th.y capured 45 and 49 eaoh. I William and Press Koch, Charley Chrlstman, John Hummel, James Yenser, employees of Koh's cigar factory, accompanied by J, J, Hummel, on lionday were angling for trout back near John Dlstler's. They had a big tlm and captured all told One treat. t Th coloring ot trout is subject so muoh to tk nature of their environ ment and the abundance and variety of food at their command, that one may easily detect the conditions under which they live and thrive by th dull ness or brllllan.y ef tb.lr tints. A poorly fed fish will uav t.w or no spots, a drab belly and y.liow sides. A very old trout will have the same hne; in addition, he will be lean and large headed. Young, healty, fast-growing trout may be detected by their silvery sides, whit belly and numerous and highly colored spots. It Is asserted that tk color ot a trout's back depends on tbe color of tb river or .treats in whlob. he lives. Of them all, however, trout which have aocesa to salt water possess th most dazzling sliver tints. cwing bs the variety and abundance of food at their command. BEATER MEADOW. About sixty d.l.gaUs, represent ing the Catholic temperance aocl.tlea otthls r.gtoa, met at Odd Fellows' Hall Beaver Meadow, Monday. Joba J. Brogan and Patrlok J. Kelley were elected president and secretary. White Haven, I-re. laud, Hazleton, Drlfton. Eckl.y, Harlelgh, Audenried, Jeanes Till and Beaver Meadow societies sent delegates. Prohibition and license wer discussed at length by Messrs. Judge, of Seranton, McCarthy, ot Free- land, and others. The law that pre vails in many societies relating to a fin upon members for violating the pledge, waa also discussed, and a motion carried that th fin system was considered th b.st. LITTLE ktlClns. T Th Novelty Works, a W.ath.rlv nterprlse. was sold out bv Sheriff Webb on last Friday. 1 The Stockholder, of th. Tnwam.n. sing Farmara' Fire Insurance Pamnin, will meet next Monday in th hall at Millport for tbe purpose of electing u.w o facers. This nolloe Is Issued by President. Levi Wentz. and Ranr.t.r. Dr.J.aKreamer Baby coach, from (8 unwarda at (label'. Hardware store. Rye Whiskey. (1JM .r o.linn .t U. Martin's Llaaor Store. Mauoh Chunk, Pa. April 29, 1093 LARGEST $1.00 PAPER IN WEISSPORT AND AROUND SriOT nAPPEnlNOS IHtlEFI.Y KriTO MIZED. Th. Dole, of th. Week Int.rleaded Willi -I i work on th. Central railroad at this piaoe nas commenced. Francis Rein and famlU ounaay at uanieiavllle. ueorse Wants and family f Weatherly. will move to Rlckertavlll. in me near future. Oscar Houser, ot Weatherly, clr cled her the other dev. The genial Ed Campbell and Tom Arner witnessed the grand naval ro .IAS. of V. Vn.1. ..!,.. 'IM Fred Waasem has returned from Ublcago with a fine lot of thoroughbred oorses. uniTersna warren otrauss berger, were crushing hearta up at i r . , , , .... 1 luuuLzviu. on last aunday. Miss Alice Kram Is home from a visit f several weeks pleasantly spent among Fairview frlenrl. H. R, Kreldler la building a fine express delivery wagon f or A. L. Hager- man, tne bustling U. S. man at L hlghton. Mra. Jacob Brong, of Falrvlew, called on friends here last PtI,1ot. Tbe work of Oiling In the trestle A good frame dwelling- hmtu tn getker with all necessary outbuildings nicely located on Union Hill. Apply to itobert Klotz. For rent, a nice store rnntn natt. door to the Fort Allen IIoue. Apply to Henry Chrlstman, Pierce Boyer, of Allentown, was here on Sunday, W are mach pleased to note the partial convalescence of Mra. Rnl Yeakel, of Union Hill, who had been quite in rer somt weeks past, A young child of Operator f elp, of union Ulll, is quit ill. R. J. Hongen Is dolnr. business at SaegersvlUe. SUokel 1c Peters will sell sixteen valuable building lots on the Ctk of next month. The lots are located in a grewing section of Franklin township, on tbe road to Harrity. After a visit of some weeks to Solomon Yeakel and family on Union Hill, Mrs. Addie Yoder has returned to Philadelphia. Mrs. Levi Uarleman. of Union Hill is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Fulton Bowman, at Allentown. "Bob" Anthony elrcled at Big Creek on Monday. The LC.4N. Co., haye promised to Improve the canal bridge next month Keep your ey open so you don't miss seeing it. Merchant John K. Lent?, amllaa quite audibly over the coming to his Pleasant nome, on tbe east side, ot a bright little baby daughter, whom the "Stroller" hopes will lire long and happily. Th borough council meets In rncni. lar monthly session on Monday even ing. Miss Mary Whitehead -nnnn. no select school on Monday morning with a total attendance of thirty-five pupils. Miss Mattle Anthonr Is out arter a long Illness. The UnUn Hill Literary Society closed their weekly RlnAtinira fn, th. season on last Saturday evening by the reuaiuou si a program of special in terest. We congratulate ouryoung friends Miss Lizzie Phlfer and Harvey Drels bachon their marriage, which took place at the residence of Roy. Miller, pastor of the Evangelical congregation on last Saturday evening. A "Women's Missionary Society" has been organized by the lady mem bera of the Evangelical congregation by the election of the following officers: Prosident, Mrs. Robert Seviell; ylco president, miss Emma Mertz; financial secretary, Lucy Romig; recording secretary. Mrs. Bart Amor. r.c....- president, miss Emma Mertz; financial Alias 8. E. Whitehead: onranlst. uiJ EvaRomlg. The society will meet on the first Monday evening of each month. -On last Thursday, Miss Annie TTaSS.m.Of this town .nrl Pr.nl ir.rV.I finger, of Packerton, were united in tne bonds of wedlock the Rev. J. Al suBuonasoi wedlock tne Rev. J. Al. vinReoer. castor, of Zlon Rnfnrm. Church. Lshlffhton. offlciatlnir .tih. Important ceremony. The young eonnle I !!-. . luuouiaieiy went into tbelr own mceiy mrnisned borne on Bankway Lehlghton, where they hare this week busI,less is conducted is not at all do receiving th congratulations and best slrable br ths people, nor, we doubt .Uha. nf hn.UM.l.-j. iK.um... can It be lone nteasunt. fnP IliaPn,,.,. wishes of a host of friends. The"Strol ler" also tenders hannlaal f.llHtntlnr,, and best wishes for long life and pros perlty. BUILDING AND LOAN. 6 The meeting to organize a new Building and Loan Association was a saccess. Of the 1CD0 shares CSS warn subscribed at Summit Hill, and the bal ance have since been taken nn. A mm. mittee on by-laws, charter, eta, was as loiiows: t-rank Adams, Francis Bros lln.John Garret. Alex MnK.v.Wm M. Elroyle, F. X. Cannon, D.J. O'Donnell, u. l. U rammer, E. E. Scott The corn miUee has retained J. S. Fisher u Solicitor. ft About 100 share, nf t,k tn tk. new balldlnrr and loan RKKnfntinn r.. Lansford has been subscribed. A meet ing waa held in th Lyceum building Tuesday evening for tb purpose of receiving additional names and col lecting an assessment of ten cents per share. 6 At the monthly meeting of the Anthracite Building and Loan Associa tion In Oak Hall, Weatherly, fifteen suaresof stack were sold,(all first series) at a premium of $100, with 0 10 off. NawsrAPKiis. The Hellertown RAcnrrfer 1. nw candidate for public favor at Heller town. The new paper Is four pages, six colums to a page and the first issue baa a large supplement Kramer 4 Hart ar tb publishers and we hone that they will meet with success. Tbe Lehlghton Press entered IU second year with it last issue. It has the appearance of success. Alt kind, of honk, .nit ftna&tn tlAn. ry at Luckenbach'a, Mauch Chunk. Fly dlffrnt styles ot lawn mowers at prtees lower than tbeleweat at J. L. Gabel's, Lehlghton. Express wagons, IS cent and up ward at Qabtl'a, First trt SECRET SOCIETY DOINGS. Society Tld-lllts of Interest to the Mem bers of ttie fraternity. vontlous will be held on the dales Riven Royal Arcanum. Grand Councils of ew tors-, at uutlato, April Xi and -li. O. U. A., Pennsylvania State Council at ivew urlguton, l'a., May 2 to 4 Ktitffhts of the flolilfin Eaelu. f.miul - raaal T- .( f wiuwwtci, auujr . 1 n n w t i. fit v. . a ., ajiaiivA iAJuno ui x tjnusji- mnia, DauRhtcra of Kebtjcoo, ut Read- in?. May 15 to 20. mini v-.. u. -' " Court, at Stopleton, Long Island, Moy. Ofnin 0 Pennsylvania Mfth Reserve rmnilmi at Wllllamsport, May 10. I ."vuuoui, uu buryi May 10 to 18 I independent Order Red Mcu nt Sun MAUCH OhUXK, Hlioh Ptrnr nt A ,, .1 nr, . 1 here on Tuesday. This is Mauch Chunk's nermnnnnt organization 01 ooard of nealtb. Fresi- '""itu me uogers works in dent, Dr. Erviu; secretary, Robert 1831 and continued lu service till 1800 Heberling; health officer, Dr. Ii.ach, and tl19 exception of a few restor tleputy henlth officer, Dr. Henry. Work ed parts wl" "PPcar at Chicago exactly win oe commenced at once to prevent nny probable epidemic striking Mauch Chunk. The work of razing tho old court Duse building was Vmpleted ou house building was Completed ou oaiuraay oy contractor Herman Relbe of Lansford, who had the job. Few plays come with a henrtler re commendation than Denmnn Tl son's "Old Homestead." which t presented at Concert Hall this evening ana ot wnicb so much has been written The plot Is a simple story of the pre sent day, and deals with one of the present types of country farm life in New England, into whichjs thrust a wedge of life in the city a moving panorama of the two bringing back to all a dear memory of "old home." The moral tone Is perfect, the improsslon pure and wholesome, its success is its simplicity in dea lntr with a anhW that comes home to everrhndr. Genial John Brighton is back Bt tne Armbruster House, after an ab sence of several weeks through SAVPrA sickness. Mrs. William Carroll rll,I nt I,. borne In East Mauch ChimV nn Kt- day. Interment was made on Tuesday, ine fitnrnnirersarr nf vi. lowshlp in America Was nalahrnta,! i an imposing manner In tnls town on weanesuay, Tbe parade formed at 11.30 in rJast Mauch Chunk. orations in both towns were grand. Bo- tween 15u0 and 2000 men were in line. Vr m. Arndt was marshal. fA anlanHbl account or.tho parade by a special cor respondent ii crowded ont.1 At a meeting of tbe Board nf fnno. gersofthe Lehigh Coal Sc Navigation company, Held iu Philadelphia on Monday. Josenh S. Harris tnnrlnpo1 M resignation as president of the com pany. Tills was accepted, and Mr. Harris was elected to the rfnr,i nf Managers. At the same time Edward u. ieiseurlng tendered his resignation as manager, and was alnntoi incM. jut. Harris as president. Mr Lelsen- nng is a member nf tho nail u,,n,., Lelsenring family of which has taken an Important part in me ueveiopmeut of anthracite oal land ln Pennsylvania Ma ia t.iMA,e Individually Interested in a number of coinertes, ana bas for years been iden tified With thebUSlneSanftlinnnmn,,.... of which he becomes the president. Jiaucn Chunk feels honored at the distinguished recognition showed one of her favorite sons. Tho contract for building Carbon County's new court housa was award ed on Tuesday morning to Herman Relbe, of Lansford, for 31,230.C3.There " iuwer man Mr. ifelbe, W-B' UaU Pottsville, $78,770.03 and Sshaffer Bros., Stroudsburo-. 7n.vim VuT tWs discrimination was made In Brautiug the contract is clothed in tbo dcepe8t mysteT to the public and place the county commissioners In un enTlaDIB "Kht before the people. Mr I Mr. Relbe alsn hnrl th ..n.,. Mr, Relbe also had the contract for razing the old court house building and there were ugly expressions heard re- ' "" prnssions Kardlug the manner in which that con was Krantsd. We regret that er8 suould bo a lack of confidence I our public officials, yet the privacy with which matters pertaining to this Commissioners. Let nshnnn tkt the future all will go well and that tb ugly rumors wnl cause. Messrs. Mil- ler. Sendel and Patltinn nra nil rollaVilii and experienced business men, and snouid bend their best energies to give tue-people or the county a good, suit- able and substantial building at nioder- ate cost. The other bids were us fol- lows: Blunter Bros , Stiowlsburz Uoinu. tiros., boulh BtluMieiu.. Joalah wilt, A. s. Tblllips, tvilke-barre OrJis a sous, Allenkivu C. 11. Kuelley. CihdosIuiii Herman Itleoe, laoslord W. a Hall, I'oiutille JJC-O'ftslley, Wllkesbarre W E. Ully. fiethletMui It. ast, Uaueb OhuDk L. w. ralifnter, lieuilehera , Hum & lfelier, Krankltu J. s. AUaui. South lieihlekeiu.... Josfah KaiKlel.Maueb Chunk ..rie.eMco .. er.tTtm '.. sjoo ut . mt Tfu Ji'25 2! ' it'r!" ;ri ou V. S .. SS.T00 CO .. SO OS LUTIIKKAN MlNISTKltlUM. I Molina ol ih. Spri.a- K.asion of ih. s.e. I ou wom.r.Bc. The semi-annual meeting of tbe seo- ond eonferenoe of tbe Lutheran rl n la. tericim of Pennsylvania waa opeued iu iuq x.iuueraa unurcu ai nam atoaqay I v,ou,uH. a i uiii uui ui paaujrai were present, who were cordially wel- mttinil liv III. m.tni. 1, n 1 . .. ir . I 'l iuoihi. ... U . I.'m.I.. ., . . . I . V. . . I . ... . .1 ..uup,. ii . hid uivmu.nl ui iiik 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 auo uuuruu, uui reoenify renoralecl, Is Tj , 7 """" I'luuMiiuoi uuxoroauneu 10 iw appearance. Tbe opening sermon was preached by the Rev. S. A. Kepass, D. I)., of All.ntown The dieoourse was an abi, on.and was 1 Daw awl nn arM-ilo Han1..l (..A 1 . . I 5. Tbe liturgical eerrloAti ducted by the ltev. A. R Hnmo n n ot Allentown, and tbe Rev. Mr. Brun- ing, of tut Ilavan. After th er mon holy oeeaca anion waa 9.iatmt Tbe.bualuesa aeasion. laagau Tuesday morning. .i':jat seventy mlnialers be long to ihecuufereuoe, which embrace, tbe oountiea of Lebigb, Northampton, aobnylkiil, Carbon, Wayne, Pike, and Abjai seventy ministers be i azouroe. THE COUNTY" ON THE RAILROAD. ItUIKK MENTION Or A AVKKK'S DO INOS ON TIIK IIAII,. Hhort l'nraerapl,. Ttiat Will boot Interest lo tbe Ilallro.,1 Itovs. t A large force ot men are at work be low White Haven, bulldlnc tbo Cent ral's double track between Tannery ami Kockport. Steam drills are being used I to TnodI(mtlio wm-L- mt tUn , ..v,...v , uu.. ovvsua n..u. I 1 I . . mil hmo ue eoipiOjU 90011. I !.( 1 1 ai. . n ib i"i sum me utHtutaR iteceivers hare been notified by tho Attoruey General of New Jersey that the Kaston I A Inilm. n.ll.n..l I . . , . , I .I.UIUM, 111 11 L L II n 1 Pill l.LI 1 from tle Reading, and that this fact Is tl.,ll. ii ii .i ,. able trnulile t Of the many relios of the civil war - to be seen at tho Columbian exposition none win nave a more pathetio Interest than tbe famous nM i "- ""iiiu uauies .j. nnurews ana Off SOfiad of Federal kcniits mn,I tholr witu which James J. Andrews and bis mous ruu on the Westarn Atlautlo road ln Georgia, April 12. 18C2. The enulne m u;u me ramous run was maile- of tUe twenty-two raiders eight inoludlng Andrews were bauired. "'H"1 escaPea. and the other six were excg in 1803. t rhe New Jercey Central Railroad has begun work upon a branch to ruu irom i'erth Ambov to Hmiml iimni "The new route will shorten the Cen tral a time between Philadelphia and the shore about forty minutes. t The repair hands ou the Catasauqua .uu i uKoiaviue itauroad, wbo last Nov ember had their Deriod from 10 to 0 hours per day, on Monday -s"" i-uiumeucea to put In 10 hours, at ceuis per nour. I Engine No. 2rt. nn ti.. l'oit... i " luosnops, looking as neat and trim as a new Din. Al siiio- nn. throttle and Harry Weidaw looks after me ure. UOtn nre from tnwn t Ifm.Waterbor.Vall fitT uantlnn l,non gavored tickets to four Americans i.uin mis neighborhood and put in their place seven Hungarians. t A joint union meeting of divisions 237, B. of L. E; 154, 0. R, C; 231 B. of L. 1.131 O. R.T.and 1m H Tf u rp ..m bo held in Allen's Opera House Tama- qua, i a., Sunday afternoon, April 30, 1603, at half-bast 1 nVI,t . dresses will be made by all the promt nent leaders of the local orgamzatlous and severalother well-known speakkrs Programme will also consist of vocal aud instrumental muslo. All railroad men and others Intui-oLt. - v-ovum io uurui- olly iuvited to attend. Committee. L-.B. Henry, N. Zerbey, M. R. Moore, G. J. Carroll, and U. S. Brobst. I engineer Robert Klotz, of Union Hill, brought north in f h. rui, . yards, one night recently two now and handsome locomotlmu thot i.J "- vuuiy mm l j i,u u aj on exhibition at the Chicago Fair. One waa a Norfolk Western. No. atO and the other waa No. (MO P. & R. tiu, un, x'. tx lu II. . . application lias been made hrtliA receivers of the Philadelphia A Head- lUKrauroaacomDanT tn itu,i States circuit court to grant authority for the release from the Readinc-'. rnn . for the release from the Reading's con- ioi mumston Amboy railroad aud the Lehich Valley Termininal Rnllway Companies, and for the carry out, instead, of a trackage agroement WAich h&M hAAn rraanUt.A.l l.-a favJlou UCIHCOII IU9 Reading and those companies. Judge m-'n.ia,!) lUmiO Bit HP.1AP rafaa. ... 1L. matter to George L, Crawford, the ojitumu masier, to near testimony upou the proposed SUrreildar nnrl Krl....i of the trackage agreement, aud report w mo uuurt me aavisabiiily of grant ing the requests. t The resignation of JnAnh h it ts as president of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Com accepted Monday mnrnlm. i . lu uoarri of JiianaRers and, iuwaru u. jeisenrliii, ,i. . the board ohos,en to secceed bim. X A ClirloUS locomotive Wllh rlnnl.U connectlnK rods, invents htr .ii, n Shaw, has been forwarded to Dostou. The double rods obviate the necessity of tho counter balance en the drlrins wheels and make runnitigsmootherand oaaier. i ne wear on the track Is also much less, as tbe counter h.i,, strikes with u blow of nine ton at every iBiumuon. me locomotive is said to have a record of 102 miles an hour. PltOM ASliFIKLf). t John Ginder and familp.nf pu.o. ton, visited relatives here, Sunday, t Two of our former ril,!ntc nM.. Ginderand Harvey Rucb, of Allen- "wu, were nere ou Sunday. . ' i- " "rwair., or, T8lte1 here 0Q Sunday, t U,nJ- 'o'hstein sol T l. vv. Btelgerwalt, of the upper end bold an AvnollAnt working horse to L. J. Heldt, of Le hlghton recently. T Frank Bute, of Atlentown, olrcled here Tuesday, t Wm. Eck made a buelnees trip to Big Creek on Monday. tAdam Hill aud John Hexer, of Bowmanstown were well known visiters here on Monday last. t Judfiinir from tbe amnnnt nf nnln. tooe planted in this stction ther will Im plenty next fall. , um .ojiucrs are OUUipiailllOg on account of the rainy weather whlob Is t Our farmers are complaining on lueiaying mem in Ibelr eprlnif work. t Artist Fulton Bowman from Allen I town baa seenred a nntnlukr nr tract for painting and decorating lu (own. , . i. uauie, unrn a large lore em ployod at making ties for electrle r.u L,nJ. If I...,. i . , . .. ,un.,a, .o HM IMrtfU GOUirB.l Ml Silt D ... ' nu hiuih a. niwaih a . -iimouhpii aauieo ijoi. im 0aJi"l''ua I0,)o H'JC "W '"I'lHimp P"" ajl kl1 ''I'd fc"r --ul lv.tij, V!04"" "" 1i "o ii.m. non :"ri,S:, 'Z"gm'?l a-una tul . ....... . ... . IIIIH . ai. alHll ilSUJa ava 10 loaiu.aqp.il wjiuji! jo iannuiiq .in qivsp oi uinu iuar Ki iwiisup sag pn. oaoiota ii). iwoiau nKitpMunj -aq nq 'p.qiingaii. ii )iiO s.u up .0, -SJOODeaiaoi lluna w atMiui unii.SjiSiiM, "I1 Cu' ''ilPI"1" iwaii mM iwead. aauivu -1.1. -11 1 i'i"ii " umii( mua Vf.qi1UOH illupwi jo UB, iiyj '111 jo quva m ufat) in 1r.. uuauv u.pujox 1 iojttuj v ui tautu eo afamd v- tlv TllltK HM.S3 T "I PlflH MI,HX $i.OO a Year in Advanc! OUR TOWN COMAL. An A1Jonrnx1 MttMIng of f oum net! Much Nfcitirv Rtttintt II oat Mvetluc Nlnlii. A lli LMl TlturseUy evontnu iom: Rdjourned tof ctlnit nl th dffl. ; 1 M.tfJ the exception of V n Kh , aifslll .! Ilahal sis.l.i. . .. IV llkaa as All M,n I... ami HrTubit mnnnei ii asail kir. Moillthrnp. tor tlir -u Snytler matf. t offfi- n the i Snjder hr .iiiuwrtt tin- jnh , hjsUi wni.M .in th i i mid Unit hi uln I if nirm-iM',1 i tliorontflit tit- 11. O. hum mtjvi 1 1 nitt Mi the pil.lli'i' t tRi'tlu' (en tret friftn Svrifiiy i i ui h i 0. 1, S in- .i n ta ii .--t in n, Stifft itrntlid so 111 hi iifti.tn II build a ft in . Mi. At kofii - it tends Into i tin muitll ut Co 1 - xircxriiil.ivil tun,) tli,. . in mA l nll 'TIIMV-I tnjf lot. fli-- tmeiiin wiM ur ,! in (I I, ll.llll ! lam ( lilts lIUlXtlL.M! lllllll' M(illltlll tl. .ii, n t ill . Hi Wolf, tK to the t n riry, 1 1 nm , ine aity iuf tviu i nu i.'t llmw ne ILiidii-i si ,nif ot ttienllev mid it it 11 u'"" . Iiuvh ill rnnvi 1 1 1 i a. i ., 1,1, v . , 'U(jil v.fil tl..i,t! j I ll tig 114' He Kant UiH matter Henry tuavei was inctrtit ojreiteu (lirniRi, iHh i.ri'jiii . ground tor Mnii fr - MbUilliroL) wii . owns ,i,i a,!) thought tliAt un .ii'f, . ou i asseuerou lh oni i i-t i beior thesun. wuu A mm I hi tuatt-r u t iihiimIiii , I I. 8. Kocli-H .x,n,, M Tht' pet It San iium ss - (liclit ttftdiii t tkfn up . m ,i Jlie tax rate tor i,m wi ii ,,,, Sol motion or I J Heldt li i i 4h, MIlU IlKlll, 6 , mill-- 1-oihi, mills. Bill Ulu;lilon INt , ces was oiden u s,, hill ot 110.10 tor har.i ur .1 llM f. uier UIl 11IOIMM1 OI I. Pi iYm ll Klntt trtet Mliould i- s ,,tu. , I tlu be trimmed. aut ih a iik- i mn u 06 put 111 (rood eon In u n ts .tg, Ob motion ( l. h, K. ,i n s (, ,i llloVto. ..... nam viis(oiij niiiiii UHIUimi inme 1 11 Hill ODDOtUB Die r.Vi IIIIILTIS. Kniat-it iromiaroou w linage tt aareed to. his property vui budiv in n' ai.ii un 1 k' A h.e -u,, , ., .1 - ,i. , ... . il ntiM a titnnf li i Il.t,if,.i i i, ...... the becreuiy of Wat l tn it A motion to adjoin ii uniM Tn Aprils cajrled. i ' rf (til, J MAHONING Miss E. Lily Arnor aud Mr Lcwti Zimmerman uere at A lien tow a ot ouiuruuy. l ! II Saidla lo lusiln l.t. l.A.ca oalnted. ArriRr IIihr.. iiTirl P i; ftnlllur are uoiur tne wui k. -Tbo r ecu lar ruoutuiv miHiai! ol our Rennni nnnn wq iiai.i i t day atiornoon. Owen Frant.. of this oluco. a enni auotor ou n LeUln VaUej frciKUt t ral IiaU two or his flnxtTi uia-nt'J las week. -Oftlnc to the late snrini? oor fnmi. ers uave uot be able to sow their oate or plant the potatoes ab early a uual." fPI, V. 1 f T .la. opened on the 17th InbC, with an at tendance ot thirty pupils ,;- Ker. Edmond Dutz will ttrcnah In the Evangelical church ou Sunday; mis weetc. MOW MI9 IOU BIDI1UT , ' Subscribers are rnnurrvAt.od turafntit the date following tho namo on thT labels of their nan ers. Uv rofprrlnrr t.J this they can tell at a Riauce how they: I instauce I iJBujtiiu.u nurrisuu juaeiin J I tl.t .. . , m . 5 Ilenjamiu Harrison, June2H m IUCius tuaL enjnim is pam up w uy Koopinff tae nguref aurauco or me preseut ctato sub-i fecribore wil1 fJavo oota thomstJ ves anL tn(S PuWlw niui-h trouble aud annoy. ; ance. .... HKEO I'lll ATOKH Farmers and all others who ft tint due seed potatoes should not fail to . uti ut. ' u. J.baeger. opposite thr canai Kasfc etssport, wbo has now on nana ready lUtHLOBf ure rnn UUOST in tllP mnrlff. ' lUV Until tuev S6o w hat hn hns. i .mu : quick for they are going fast William Tli'ituac na.l viuiam xooma, ac onetime a roi- ueuL oi (,uis iown. nut ror tne tuist vimm llvinrr In I.Vanb n .1 1 .1 u t J53 . - - - LHdiert Summer 8tjrle ure Nearly F Blmllles ofThojor Oor Grandmother. Leadlnu, deslgun f fasiiwn- ciusfns tiiereYlvai of tUf m.I i ui tm Lout i t-vy-t a;v..a .t II' U ail UriTUUT Mjma "Jul" i III. ll H f,E i .' ak .prat (ps.utsialiH . i -s.T, ofiiiagk-. Fur Khtitirif ani,i. i moiii rt find nerse'f at a loss to rf prorttn uct oi i iese new i l; Itt i hliw in IroiitKon r,.ai Mua mue 1 the skirt 1 i.dletil fXiinid mill tl ii.,u vat4 aar. iiy, m,Ti- ti;o IfUIH lilt f CsflUlkl J 0iXiiica'miisucu UiHU tn C-.ll tv d'tO tPWiJ i uted Who Bff km IrfOI.IUtlOII III 'l l tl i 'iv oo -m nioiea rHrtVitu.i ( s a kill' AH 'Is IWl . 1 u a . . . . . and coiiUItt ary. lop.tdla ui kwm subltct. "flie Freii. u tn, ii a i Oriv.-n roih only $'.'Oo utr milium, oi i U ndhout a peer tot ,n.. . . Ttiey aloo ronutlu if ms on , niiioii iciuue pi4 T iiiem lf. t Ija ItfulM' Ullh ita li.w .,K.,,,. $UA a Tear.or isvt, n i, i 'It Di , f (VI tial "iMkrexielleuce. ' Ituiuihieio vit eeptaaysubftsltuto, hut i. iiir iu 1 1 Hoi ftO- Mv-wrt a. iciwbii ka , tteil 111 i bti'n Will La Ilr 14 Dr. DanxWF. thA Wnll.Lritvr. ,- And noe speoia-lNt, of Ualtti will tw at tne uzeuauge Hotel ou I Vhl i, tvlny 12th. If you are ailing dnu't tui to all and see him. FIVE IIL'Xlllthll UOI I.AK-, IJSra lfiinHywl Mn)....u .n i. j hv lr llnwAKlr.. Una...nl,.r.. . 1 j !'. imi'i, 1 1 ii at raats ..minim, umuii l u, x IIU- t"t' fttlUUE kJ nwurj uusiooure. i nrontc (lisnaK-, sia, Liver, Kidney, Rheumatism, ll.-art I inuisoretiou ef youujr meu, MetiUl 4 ns 445. ISo experiment but t cure, t auvutaUUl ourti vy my OV U UUW J meinoiis oi treatment, oTt r in j-ouis m 3 constant practice i'uneuitatiun free a at th Walunnpl 11,,..., I.. 3 Will remain until the tiit of iMar uome at enee. ; 23 im. Bakin& V O Kh. Irsnketa s Pure A cri-am of tartar li,ijing powtler. Higlut ot 11 1B , leavendir strength , United States Govern men I J'ood Report. Hoyal Bukina l,s!t r ' Co.. 106 Wall 8t,N.