Hu a larger otroulatton than any other newspaper printed In Carbon county, con seqrtently It is the lavit merlinm foi stiver Users. Our new columns sparkle with the oeeutrenoe of the day clem, spicy, interesting, bright and Independent. Our editorials are original and will be worth readlug ou account ot their spirit whioh is independent ot outvie dictation. Our price is one dollar iwKar. Just you try it Is a. specialty at our Job Printing Offluc in Snyder's Block, out aide or the Lehigh Bridge. Envelopes, Note and Letter 1'evei . I'bamplets, Order Bosks, Vouchers, Tags, aud all kinds of 1'ic Nlo, Ihasu awl Hal.. Bills. We do all work neatly, ufceaply and cleanly. Do you used anything in this line? then oall and see us, or write us a postal oanl and we will be at your service. "INDEPBNDBNT"-"LIVE AND LET LIVE. VOL XXI. No. 23. Lehighton, Carbon County, Fenna. April 22, 1893 $1.00 a Year in Ad vane mH, HAVfc YOU READ THE AuVLJUATE THIS WEEK ? THE ORliilHAL CHEAP GASH STORE HaveTou Seen Our f New Spring Stock Of Trlnts, Percsls, Sateens, Seersucker Apron and DrMl Olnchams, Cba'.ltes. muslins, sheetings, tickings, Jfulna obeVI oil, outing flannels, Ao, ' The above have boen bought bv the case and marked at such low prlen, It Is safe to say that the same class of meterlals can not bo bought auynays near the prices In this county. Dress Trirnmings. TliI I season we are nhowlnc an entire new line of Gimps with combination oolorg, to match the most delicate shadoof dress material. Tbty are marked close aud ate bound to moyo quick, OUH NE W Sub Umbrellas In colors aro beauties they ar all the rase this reason. &U and sea our stock. It affords tis a great pleasure to show goods. J. T. NUSBAUM, Phut Street. ttween .South ami Hum streets, Leli lull ton, la. A WEEK'S NEWS CONDENSED. rrldar, April 14. An oil fire In Buffalo destroyed the twelve acre refinery of A. S. Holmes, causing 11,000,000 loss. It Is Raid Drexel, Morgan & Co. have de cided to undertake the reorganization ot the Richmond Terminal company, A cyclone visited Roblnsonvllle, Miss., twenty miles from Memphis, and leveled tverythlng in Its -path. Seventeen were killed and three others have since died from their injuries. The same cyclone caused tnuoh damage and some loss of life in St Joteph, La. Saturday, April 15. PeteSpence, of Sentinel, A. T killed five Mexicans in ten days. The Mexicans had threatened to kill Spence. Hon. Hoke Smith, secretary of the In terior, left Washington last night for his home In Atlanta on a brief visit, A letter received at Zanzibar from Tlppu Tib's son confirms the report of the death of Kmin Pasha and all his people. Sixty destitute British emigrants, who arrived nt Southampton from Australia, report it impossible to find work in Aus tralia. Near Fort Gaines, Ga., an unknown negro murdered Bob Burnett, a popular storekeeper. The murderer was captured, tied to a pile of wood, .saturated with oil and burned to death by a mob. Monday. April 17. Mary Anderson Navario Is writing a book of stage reminiscences. The Imperial Council of tho Mystic Khrlme of North America meets in Clu natt May 12. Amass meeting in Newark, N. J., last night protested against the ratification of thu Italian truaty. Most European sovereigns have congrat ulated King Alexander of Servia upon his newly acquired power. The Duke of Vt'ragua.thelineal descend ant of Christopher Columbus, arrived in New York Saturday as the guetit of the nation. In a battle between Italians and Hun garians at Milneevllle, Pa., MI elm el Mo reutzl and Michael Beritz, Hungarians, were killed aud several others dangerously wounded. Two missing men are supposed to be dead at the bottom of a mine hole. Tin-nlay, March 18, Tho president may decide to surrender to Chile the two refugees now In the United Mates legation building at SautUgo. Mr E. II. Strohel, of New York, the nenly appointed third assistant secretory of state, assumed the duties of his otllce yesterday. ! A fast train on the Auburn railroad' crashed Into an open switch at Shortsvllle, N. Y Engineer Johu MoManU Jumped from the engine aud was killed- The total number of fourth class post matters appointed yesterday was 131, Of this number seventy-nine were to ill! va cancies caused by resignations and death. Wliiesaay, April ID. The well known writer on cheas, Jean Dufresue, died in Berlin. A cyclone In Arkansas killed eleven peo ple In Kourche valley, Scott county, The Baltimore and Ohio Ball road com pany today declared Its regular dividend. Yesterday's chest game between Iaker and Show alter, nt Kokomo, Iud., resulted In a draw A great religious revival, led by Evange list Mim J out, is reported at Bowling (irt'ru, Ky It is said that Hev. W. N. MoVkkar, of Philmh-lphtu, will succwd the lat Phil lips Hmoks as Episcopal bishop of MasMcv ChUHL-tts. Tlie mauagvra of the different banks In "tiMiford, Out., ha deutilwl Ut M?t a ili -count of per cent on all American hiIwt itint pa over their count ws ou aud after May 1. TlmrMlity. April 20, A London dtpntch nimounotts the ae rt it lUiiiws of the Karl of Derby. A convention of Christian Prohibition ists has been eatlcd to meet In New York on Sept iil and L Millionaire O. M. Barnes, of Laualng Mich, ts ruliml by tho failure of the IaHitMng Iron and Engiue works. HU lus Is ImU a million; Assistant Seoratary Hamlin has .In etrurted the collector of custom at Duf falo t. refuse witry to fiwb, th product of 1 1 iiHiiHV flsherlea. Ice moMiig off the Clearwater river at lied Lake FalU, Minn., took out the Great Northern railway bridge. Ioe 'is pih fnurteeu feut high. The New York chamber of oowmwoe teiuleml a rcwptlou ut the Waldorf to the Duke of Veragua and pArty yetr(Uy aft. rnoou. There was a laige crowd In attbudanca. Salts simI 1'Mnts Matte to Orlr. A fine suit or natr of paiita oau be made to order at Somlhehu's Tailoring Hall. Mauah Chuuk, at a aavtug of 33 per cent Fit, styles and workmauahlp Kuarauteea, AY ALP'S EAGLE STORE. Teople who buy at our Store always go away aaUsHcil Iw causo we Klve thiu tbalr tnoney's worth, then too, tli.y hare a lartt. KMurtuiaut. of all kinds of aeneral Store Good to aeleot row.. Ouluo good, tboM of Vail aud Winter patt erns wf arc elosliw; oat at re uvtion 1'iiree lu order to uiakerH,n. f..i (MtreprUtg ar- of ff 1st uhii h we iuteod ts euritil nil piv loiiH ex hlniUoaa. Vl p c .i .liully usrite you to 'i.- an. I -u uv Robert Walp, r i.'st atoeet. Op. Bound liuusea. OUR FIAO riAUtED DOWN." Commissioner Blount Ends the Froteo torate Over Hawaii. HoKOLrtD. AprllC The stars and strlpe which for two month have floated from t he government build In gi.liave been hauled down, and the remaining forces from the United States cruiser lioston hare been sent 'on board. Nothing Indicative of American Authority remains in Honolulu tare Milliliter Stevens and CommlMtonei jAmcw H. Blount, of Georgia, the latter ot Whom alts in his easy chair at his cottage, cogitating, no One knows what. On April 1, In the presence of a crowd numbering probably 8.0(H), Lieutenant Draper, marina JAMES B. BLOtNT. officer of tho Iloston, blew the notM of the retreat from bis bugle, and "Old Glory" aank. from the iht of the throng and was replaced, by the colors of the Hawaiian monarchy, which still remains tho IWg-of the Inland. On the afternoon of March 31 the com ro.Mioner held a lengthy conference with President Dole and the ministry, at which he notified them ofhh Intention tn declare off the protectorate established by Minister Stevens Feb. 1, It Is understood THK IIAWAI1AW FLAG, that lie gave as his reason therefor that the Washington administration did not regard the protectorate as necessary, and further that It was Incompatible with any diplomatic negotiations that might be ar ranged between the two countries. The United States, however, would brook no hostile interference In llavnllan affairs by any foreign power. To I'usli tlie tit ; Trlnl. Providence, April 20. John J. Devcn !sh, who wan a witness for the government In tho case of tlie state of Colorado agaluU Dr. Thatcher Graves, charged with the murder of Mr. Josephine A, Barnaby, has received a letter from-Dlntrict Attorney Steele, of Denver, askltlg him to attend the trial of Dr. Grnes ou May 23, and promising him reasonable expenses. In the event of Mr. Devcnlsh' inability to be present In May, Mr. Steele asks if he can go to Denrur during the fatl term. l'ouml on tliM C'car'c Table BERL1X, April 20. The Hussian czar, now at Llvndla palace in the Crimea, found an exquisitely painted egg ou his table. It contained a small silver dagger, two Ivory death heads and a slip of paper bearing the wools "Christ has risen; we h1o shall rise again." The egg must have leen placed on the table by one of the czar's household, as'nobody else has access to the rom in which It was found. The guilty perJun has not been apprehended. Two Killed In a StAiur Kxploilon. Dktkoit, April 20. "When the steamer Choctaw., Captain Smith, coal. laden,, from Cleveland to Milwaukee, was entering the lake the cylinder head blew out. Nelson Chambers, the cook, was so badly scalded that he died with I ir ten minutes. C. Jones, fireman, died after being taken to the hos pital. F. P. Thompaou, oiler, was badly burned. IBs recovery is doubtful. The engineer, F. Smith, was badly but not dan gerously scalded. Hank rrcltlent Mnnlier Arretted. OMAHA, Neb , April 30. C. W. Mosher, the pruaidftnt of the wrecked Capital Na tional bank, of Lincoln, Neb., was brought to Omaha jestenlay under arrest by a de puty United States marshal, and his friends are trying to secure his release on bonds. Moeher was released on $10,000 bonds immediately after the bank failure last January and then disappeared. On Tuesday he returni'd. Sllnlater limit U to Hull ou Saturday, New York, April 30. Hon. James B. KiistU has hit instructions aud credentials from the state deiiartment nud will sail from this city on Saturday for Paris. His son will accompany him as wxxmd secre tary of tlie legation. N lUg Sunlit l'e Strike. TopRKA, Kan., April SO. The threatened spread of the strike Of the Sauta Fe men has itubslded, and there is no longer any reason to twltevo that any of the remalu lng Ave orgauuwtloua on the system will join the strike. Tli Trentury Italauce Growl tif, WAaHiNdTttM, April ). Seoretary Car lisle stated last eeuiug that he bad ft..- JlTtl.uM) frea gold In the United Staler MaHry. This bad bevn obtalued pxlu ei pally from the west In exchange for small noteK. Viola Tlioiupkuii Arretted. CAPE Mai, April 'JO. Viola Thompson, the yotiug girl charged with obtoulug the tvther niMubers of her immediate family, was arrested last nltrbt and held to await the action of the ktmiuI jury. Over llumlird IIouam DtMtrojcxl. Bi'DA I'esTH, April UWThe village of Jasalatlauy has bn vtltd by a mot dle aMtrotu ooiinagratlou. Oae faindred and twenty houwii were deatroyed and two rjwsous were killed. Four Mait KUlwJ In an Kipltxlou. LKADVIUJ;. Col., April 19. Auexploston lathe Husk-lvauhoeioiiie killed four men and injured five. The identified dead are: (too re louug. uoiuos &. itoiiey aud 1'. MUtoteru. Ol...lo.l WiU l'robablj AltMut. VaaHlKUTOK, April 19. The predlit baa nut dvcided whatber or not be will at tend ton naval ball In New York, on April ti, but it is prooabi. tat b will do no. Vmr KIU1 Uy a Cyclone. Tufkka. A pi II 111. Omcu Qtty wa uaaiy aauuigid i.y a oyetou. latt uujut. t our pi raona are killed. lllshop tlroak.' aurMor, I-iMLAUKU'HiA, April 10. A .peotal dl paUih from Boston saya William N'eilMu MeVlokar, of Holy Trinity church, Una elty, tuu iwep unanimously acread upoo by the couft-rruce of Kpi-Koiwluwa tewe yerterday aa their oauuldaw for blahop of Muaaaehnaelu, to tniooaud tu. late Phllllue Hruoka. lleu. Strfrt4.m lrls. PABia, April Ma Tke leflueaaa sliow. uo abjaa of dleiiaMilng. Ou the oouirury, the Moiteltty of and aud weak folks ln nnaass, Lord Mowbray, who was tihuk Parte, and the young Tiuthax, lpoiiguai died of the diaeaae. Pt'li i. too, ia uu doubtedi) apnutdrna Tw. AruruK, N. t.lllrtl. i - lolin .Tolm nu u tliti "Ulue Nti'.r rati mint.! tu the tinaiiu i i.M-. i M-.inlay He aaa i. Hp1 Mtfi IIKWI ID CUttlllK froai CI I, ainuil I lirnoiji hi .1 at.'l Ini-t HtLtclced Charles I'M I. tOIII t I in vt aimiiK i lul.l; ..I, iL a hlil suit 1 1 il m lila thin) i I... ., WestchMer id.-!, in hi. triuk.. .1 liaiui-l llilu..,,. i afii-rwaril mi.! u-fi while he mi. u oil.t i couni-U .jnuiiou is sariiug NEWSY OCCURRENCES. LOtML MATTltllS OF MOltK OU M3SS 1M I'OUTANOK Tfliat Has tlreiire.l lu this Oltr Hurlii; (tie IVerk V.rtlnetitlr l.nltoiulleil hy Our Sp.rlal Iteaorters. Toilet paper at Qabora, Wedding rings at H. H. llohl's, Munch ehunk. Fine teams for all purjioeea at tho South End Llrery. Good,"Mreng, beat truality Ham mooke at (label's, LehlghUm. ;, Full lino of Ingrain and Uruaaels jbarpeta at Henry Sohmti ta'e. ltye lilakey, $1.60 pur tallou nt M. lartlh'a Liquor Store, Munoh Chunk. Fine free lunoli will be aerved at W. A. 1'etera' nestaurunt ou Saturday evening. Kye Whiskey, S1.W per gallon, nt M. Jlartlu's Liquor Btoio, Munch Chuuk, I'a, Ears pearcetl f roe of cost wilhou palu at E. II. Ilohi'e, Mauoli Chuuk Jewelry Storo. ust muko It a point to see Duvlcl Ebbert when you want n team f or busi ness or pleasure. Lowost prices. Window aud door screens in big assortment at (label's Lehighton, Family washing taken and done lu the best rnnuuer. Mrs. James lleuuott, cor. ith aud Iron streets. Electro Silicon only 7o per box at E. H. Kohl's, JIaucU Chunk. There Is talk of putting a bell lu the Methodist chur.h belfry. Krum it Kistler, of tho f. w., will greatly enlarge and improvo their storo building on tho corner of SecoHd and Alum streets. Amnudos Rcbrig, of Dankway, re joices over tho safe arrival of u bright baby boy. There Is a great demand for dwell ings in this town. Newest choico silronvure at E. II. Hohl's, Maucb Chuuk. Henry lleckendorf Is now moving his deublo frame dwelling house ou the corner of Second and Coal streets olf the pavemeut. Little Emma, daughter of Al and Mrs. Hagerman, of First stroct, fell against a hot rauge on Sunday and painfully burned both hands. Hare you seen the uew bonnet f No I have had uch a bad headache of of late, aud been so bilious that I could uotgo out remedy Wright's Indian Vegetable Tills. All kinds ef books aud Hue station ery at Lackenbaeh's, llauch Chunk. There was a delightful assemblage of the Sangerbuud members in their pleasant room ou Baukwav on Thurs day evening last, when the "Little German Band" were their guests. Tho ovenlng was dellf htfully spent. The American House bar room has been made quite attractive through the efloVts of clerk Owen Grosscup. Frauk 1'. Semmol, of Seooad street is au applicant for post ofllce Inspector for the Eastern district, Frank has a big petition aud first-class backing for the appointment. Dr. P. I. Smith, of the f. w., is build ing a pretty bay window addition to his residence on tho Baukway side. School director L. II. Nothstiap Is back after spending the wlutor mouths with his brothers In Mahoning and East Penn. Lordy will make his home with C. II., ou Third street. A haudJ&mo walnut rotary desk for tho use of tho Lehighton Water Company, has been added to tho oillco f urn iture of J. Sc II. Senboldt. The Third ward Detuooratic ma jority has this week been increased by one, by the arrival of a baby boy at th. home of L. O. J, Strauss. Prettiest jewelry ut E. II. Hohl'si Mauch Chunk. Reuben Itehrlg and son Wesley, ac oompaulcd by "Fetter" Ilontz, oausht 180 flnetront on Saturday from Carbon county streams. This is the bigfost catch made so far this season. A letter received from the genial, roTing Jeil M, Itehrig, by his parents ou Second street, tells that he is in Wyoming and that b will summer in Chicago. Jetf is well and continues to hustle which will be pleaaant Informa tion to all old acquaintances. The Methodist parsonage on the corner of First and Alum streets, will be improved by theadditiou of a bath room. Mrs. Charles Wund and daughtor, Mice Emma, this week moved from tho a w., to Allentown, where they con template making their future home. The family nus accompanied by Miss Cell a Smith. Our young friend John Klpp, of south Seooml street, entertained a large number of Ida friends at delightful celebration of hi. birthday anniversary on Tuesday evening. The usual pleas. autriea were engaged iu and refresh ments were served during the ersnlug. How many people In Lehighton are aware ot the fact that the new bell iu theCath.llo oh u rob is rung three time every day At 6 a, m 12 o'eleek noon aud at Op, ml The idea Is a spleuded one and after our tieeple are ouoe acquainted with the faot it will prove a great oonveul.noe. Our you ug friend Sylvester fins der who Urea on Baukway goes about ni business this week wearing au ex tra .mile and feeling uiui.ually proud over the safe of Hue twin table a boy aud girl. Shake, Sylvester, we hope the little ones may live aud luip pllly. I dou't want you to buy. I only want you to look at the largest lot of biatb grade gold watches ever exhibited in Mauoli Chunk, and learn the low prices now quoted for a arat-elasa watch, it may be to your Interest some future time E. II. Hob the Jeweler. John Gsftrua was the first of Iron street property owners (between 3rd aud 4th to lay (lavement, as per the order of town council. If there is auy oue piaoe in the borough where pavement Is badly needed it is the above plaee and all the owners of pro perty should quirk ly comply with the oriier isnieil by town council. The flue team of boraea llimiHn, to Krum A Kistler, the well-known Second street general merchants took , . , , 10011 into their heads to get fria-hten.l .,,,1 Iruuawiiy lst rhurkdayett-iiiuR They daihod down Alum atreet at the AI. E iarmuge aud theu dou l-W, enllid i lug with uu mug posts at Mehrkain' aud at t be poat ottice. t the lattei j place knocking tha foul poats down 1 No one was hurt o.imm.v county court. Tile rlaee Where the "Slnr Kyeri floihleta" Weighs the tlnoil and Had of Those who are Culled up Front, for One Thing or Allot her. I'rom the M. t' Times: JameeMcElralnandFrankllerron the two young men from Audeureid, whp wereaocused of stabbing John MoIIugh nt No. 1 bollerjhouse at Audenrled one night last January, got olf quite lucky. HcElvaluo was admitted ami llnnlrm got oue-thtrd the costs. The other two thirds were placed on.Chae. W. Tauner the foreman of the oolllery, who hap pened to be the prosecutor. The oase against the two boys was not ns serious hs reported ut the time of the occur rence. uunmu wncTllj u... Ill rjWIk 1UHUCI1 Chunk, plead guilty to the oharue nt stealing pedestal brasses from the Le- nign vuuey rounanonse at last Maucb Chunk. Five dollars fine, rostnreil t hn goods, and eight months in tho oounty Jail was the sentence. The Sweeny case was followed by the trlnl of John 1IB88, u rag dealer in the Second Wnrd who was accused of having bought tlie brass knowing thnt it was stolen. Ho swore that he did not know the brass was stolen, and the jury took him at his word aud acquitted him. Hass had a narrow escape, howovor.tho clrcumstnucos agalnt him were very strong, yet not sullloent to make a clear case. It is likely that the rng dealersof tins vicinity win uo quite ourerul for some time lo oomo as to tho brass thev buy. Com. vs. Roman Ualkoskl; Indict. meut, assault and battery prosecutor, Thomas Oskn. This was a trivial affair Itoniau paid one-third of tho costs and mourns two-third9. The "whlte-onu" cases, of Welasnorf. aro coritlnued to next term of Court. When thoy woro called for trial, Attor uov Craig moved to quash he Indict, meats for the reason that the Haute were refusod a hearing befura the Justice of the Peace'a right givlff' them under tlie Constitution nud the Act of Assemblv of 18S7. The point is a now one, and Judgo Dreher ndjourn ed'the oases to tho next term In order to gain tlaio to examine Into the autho rities quoted by the Attoruoy. The last trial of tho session narted u the middle, at ten o'clock this fora noou, It was a sort of family affair by parties residing near Lizard Creek Junction, and is known as the Rehrig cuse. After hearing tho larger portion of the testimony Judge Dreher told the Att.rneys Interested that the best thing thelr clients could do was to come to au amicable settlement. After a short confab cack side agreed to pay half the costs aud tho case was suddenly con eluded, with the approving smtlo of some of tho jurors. The following Administrators' ru ports were read confirmed til si! Est ate of Georgo Kline deceased. Summit Hill; estate of Morris W. Lungor, de ceased. Mauch' Chunk township; aud the estate of Polly Kresgo, deceased, Frankiu township. In the estato of tho late John G. Frey an alias order ot sale was granted upon th Eamo tonus as tho former order, Josenh Hollehbach was nnnnlntAd constable for the East-Ward Luusf ord and Charles Cunningham was appoint ed for-the Wost Ward. The bill of costs for holdlni? nn In. quest on the bodv of Edwin lyich. In iu East Peun township, was not approv ed. The Inquest was held by Churles ltonrig, justice ot tue l'eace. The re fusal to nonrove was bemuse the fnets do not show any necessity for the In quest. Franz Mackl. of Mauch Chunk. .T. k Hawk, of Kidder, aud John D, Blttnor, report upon tho necessity of tho coun of Packertou,were appointed viewers to ty bridge across Laural Run, iu Laus anne lownsmp. The wholosale llfiuor license of .Tnlin F. Weiler. at Lehluhton. was transfer. ou jouu ii. noons, John O. E. Uoettner. of Pucker townsnip, was uiscnarged as an insol vent debtor. Hugh ilcUade. of Allen. town, nud Charles Costeubador. of Lower Towumonslug, mndo petition to uo uiscuargeu at tno June term or Court. All were defendants In F. and u. cases. The Gran2 J nrv acted unon sixteen l.liinr rrtir. ......... s-n-iAi i-i mi', o iiHiiuiiiiom, oi wuicu imneeu were found true and three Iminred Tho members visited the jail, which ...... iuuiiu wroui uub mu piuuioiug lu somo of tho cells and water closets is out or repair and the roof is also in bad shape. The canal bridge at Weiss no rt is atmin Condemned, f liu rnnrla In Penn Forest aro not what thoy should bo ajid tho Central Railroad of New u ersey is reporteu to nave planted a siding in n pulilio road bed at Lehigh Gap. As to the canal bridse. tho Dis- trl.t Attorney stated, when tho report was read, that ho had the promise of the Lehigh Coal & Navagation Com pany mat it would be rebuilt bv June. As to tho repairs needed at the,iail. tho Court directed the Distrct Attor ney to place mat part of the report be lore tue iountv tjommisaioiiern lllOlI ASIlflKLlI Two of our fishermen made a trip to White Haven last Saturday, but re turned without any of the speckled beauties. Lewis II. R.hrlg is the champion angler so far this season, he oaught teu pounds at Mud Run last Tuesday. Key. Longaere, formerly of Mahon ing, will prenth a trial sermon here on Suaday tnorulug. Owing to the late rains our roads are In a deplorable condition, lieiug almost Impassable in some places. William AntUsas aud family, of Bowman's, Suudaysd among friends at this place. Dr. Sitlsr made a business trip to Lehlsjuton tats weeK Daniel rrlU is olearine away the debris left from tlie late fire that des troyed hU be ust; be will build a new one in tlie near future. Our eyolsrs are anxiously awaiting dry roads so they oau test their wheels It is rumored that the sobooldlrec. tors hare decided to build a new school house with all the improve ments, dnriug the oonitug sumtusr, good move. J. D. Balllet has leased hre bun dred acre, of woodland from the John Hal lie t Estate and commenced cutting it down on Tuesday. Died st S u in in it mu. The friends of Mri. James E. Me. Daniel will lnuuh regret to learn of her asatb alter three weeks illness at ber late boms in Summit Hill. She was ?J?77 m'o'uru the early desttb ot a good wife aud motner. interment was made ou Mon day ut Mahoning Valley. Fifty rolls sf chicken wire just received at tiabel'a. It will be sold bv the yard or rail at low prices. A report bus beeu goiug the round-. of the m wspapers iu the I-bigh Valley to the effect that Miss Ida Vouns. au I estimable young lady In the employ of I'8 ,AWTCU "'VJ' t,he u"P,ulir 1n,t atreet milliner, bad jumped from a f.t m.,i.. ..a, . .JZ .i. t i V. depot seme days ago This report in absolutely false and has ewdeutly I beeu put lu cm ulutiou by some mall ennis pertasu to juiiioy Mian ouug Whoever the smart le Is. if uppre hernias! he ill be dealt vsitn to the full eteut of the las COMING AND GOING. UIIIKK ITTMS Of 1'UIIIILV I'HllSONAI. MHNTION. " Coneernlng I'rople Who Visit anil On Vlslllng Here, There and Uverywhere. . .John Bonder, of Mauch Chfluk, was ,)n town on Tuesday. ..Mrs. Wlpplehouee, of Nebraska, after a pleasant visit here has returned to her home. .The affable Frank Miller, of South street, spent Sunday at Saegersville Cruslijug; hearts. . .George, and H. TJirKtJmerar. of Jamestowflljreat Bmifonon Sunday. . Mrs Eu Jones, of Uankway, spent Sunday with her parents at Hroad- leadsvllle. .Fred E. Miller, of FirsCstreet, was at tho county seat on Mbnday. M. T. Trexler, Lehlghton's genial wagon and carriage builder, did bull- at Allentown on Saturday. .HenrT Banchsploe, of Harrltv, was here on Tuesday. He Is just back from a two weeks visit to Monroe couuty friends. , Miss Llllie Green, of Msuoh Chunk- Is visiting her sister Mrs. John Esch! on Unnkwny, ' , .Our popular young friend Tilub. Kner, of Philadelphia, spent last Sun- day In town with old frionds and acquaintances. ..I. E. McDnnlel, of. Summit Hill. was hero on Wednesday. , ilsou Bitner and wife, of Laus- ford, wero in town on H'odnesdny, when Mr. U. bought n flno carriage from M. fT. Trexler. VtAt Holrller- r,nimli, t 11. Chicago Beef Co., did business at Alloutown on (Tuesday. Miss Aunto Belgho, of Mauch Chunk, wns tho guost of Miss Aggie Hank, on First street, Sunday. Jllss Aggie Hauk speut Wednesday nt Mauch Chunk, the guost of Mrs. C. A. Rox. A. A. Koons, of Allentown, ono of the happiest hustlers lu the Valley was iu town on Wednesday, the guest of lolin II. Koons. Mr. Koons is now pro- paring a D3 edition of the history of tho L. V. In which Lehighton and our lutorcsts will be represented. iiasij iiali,sioti:s. shlanders believe thnt thoy bavo n winner. Hk Pottsvllle's club will include playors from Schuylkill and Carbon counties. ' if Shenandoah Is agitating tho formutlon of a team, tST Mahanoy City will bo on deck when the season opens. S$u The Wouthorly club has beou ro orgauized for the coming season and is ready for games. ty Tho formation of a coal region league is being agitated, to Include clubs from Shamokin, Milton, Ashland Mannnov city, Lansford and Pottsville. tSTTho Wilburton team with the accession of Joe Young, of-Mt. Carmel, UiTinuey and McOaryey, of Hazleton, will have one of tho best amateur teams in the region. if. The DanvRleStntoLeaguo team Is now ready to take the field. A. G. McCoy will manage nud captain the team and play second base. Tho pitchers are McLaughlin, Hayes and Hill; catchers, Cross, Eagan and Chap, lln; first base, Clark; short stop, Miller, third base, Martin; floldors, Heed aud Haro. BP" Brady aud Ula'iu, of Pittsburg, who have signed to play with Jeanes ville this year agalu aro ou deck. Sehock, who was given a trial by tho Philadelphia National League team nt the opening of this season; has also accepted a position on tho team. He Is highly recommended as a first-class pitcher. He, In company with Fair- burst, aro expected Saturday. S3T Tho following clubs comprise the State Leaguo: Allentown, Altoona, Danville, Easton, Harrisburg, Johns town, Scranton ad York. CsV. The players of the Allentown club will report forduty In a day or two. They aro: Lukens aud iloakin. pftchers; Potts nud Clark, .catchers; Golden, 1st base; Conroy, 3d base; Kappel, 3d base; Jones, short stop; Ely, left field; Nyo, centre field. CV The Moreu base ball club has organized for the season of 18113. Mr, Jos. Connell is manager of the team. Ml amateur teams deslrlug games, ad dress Jos. Connell, Morea, Pa. The Hazleton olub Is organised. Seveu out of the nine players necessary. have been chosen. They are Mayer, Dryfoos, MoMonlgal, Switzgable, Oau non aud O'Dounell. Two players are to be imported. They are Ulrieh, of Heading, aud Sprogel, of Philadelphia, OT A force -at men are now at work repairing the Jeanesville grounds and getting the park In readiness tor the oomlng season. There may not be auy games played at heme the present mouth but the elub will open the sea son with a game iu Easton or Sstasau qua. New unifornu) are purchased for the team for this teason whioh will be a dark blue outfit. OT Lehighton has organised for TJ3 by looting the following ofUoers: President, Charles E. Urtnkmau; sec retsry aud treasurer, Charles A. Wag tier; manager, Hugh MoAoiff. The Park will be put in good order and a strenuous effort made to get together a Hue team. There is no reason why the sport should not be well supported. Let everybody do something to keep the "ball rolling." tST The Philadelphia Press Clu . wauta to play two games at Luuafonl on Decoration Day. The team la made up aa follows. Betley, pitcher in the Southern league last year and later of I Iha niptmia nl,,U I ., .1,1 c... II,,., I7..1,, I P'b- VT. PUtown, Jf8' of thB Pr"' elul. 2b; Daly and Dunn ot last year's Reading State league team, oaU-bers and inBeldera; Tom Williams, lb; Clayton, Guest aud Miller of last year'. Allentown team. Luusford Record. SKEll I'DI VTOtS T armera aud all others who want nae seed potatoes should not fall to call ou O. J. tiaeger, opposite the oaual, East Weisaiort, who baa now on baud ready for sale two two car loads of the Uur- bauk auu White Star variety These potutoea are the tiueat iu the market aud farmers awl others should not buy until they see what he has (,me quick for they are going fuat LARGEST $1.00 PAPER IN WEISSPORT AND AROUND, SI'KV HAITI .MNOS 11II1EI I.Y l:i'ITI. MIZK1). The IlottiR of the Week Interlended Willi Personal mention,, Baker Charles Laurr was at Allen town on Monday. Levi Horn and W. II. Reber yrere nt Allentown ou Tuesday. --Edward ii Ills, of Mokeesport. lec tured on tempernuoe to an apprecia tive audience In theEvangelioalohuroh on Tuesday evenlug.- - -Miss Sol Yeukle, of Union Hill, ts reported quite 111. Charles Itapp and daughter, of rhiladelphia, Suudayed with Mrs. Geo. Rapp aud daughters ou White street. Mrs. C. W. Laury spent last Thurs day with Wllkesbarre friends. Rev. J. E. Freeman, of Boyertown, nt one time pastor of the Reformed congregation here, was oalllug on old friends here this week. A Hongen are tho own era of a line now quadruped just pur chased from Leijl Boyor,of Millport. Miss Sadie Brown, of Bowmans town. Sundayed with John Zeigeufus qn Union Hill. Prof. Smyser, principal of tho Union Hill schools, will coutluuo hero during the summer. Many patrons of the schools hope to see tho professor re-elected to the prlucipalshlp. Ed Solt and John Gaumer have built handsome stables on their Uniou Hill properties. R. J. Hongen was down in old Northampton this week. Miss Laura Levan, of the county scat, was the guest of Benjamin Breyr fogel up on Union Hill last week. Austin Boyer has boon made execu tor for tho estate of the late Jos. Ilex. Ed Schifrerstlne, tho pleasant and corteous salesman In Blery's drug store spent last Sunday at Tamaqua. A good frame dwelling house to gether with all necessary outbuildings nicely located ou Union Hill. Apply to Robert Klotz.' Prof. D. W. L. Davis and wife wero with friends at Lansford last Sunday. Hiss Mary Whitehead, one of tho most successful lady teachers In this end of tho couuty, will next Monday open a select school iu tho Franklin Independent District, For reut, a nice store room next door to the Fort Allen IIou-,e. Apply to Ileury Christman. Wm. Hollluger, oged 79 years, three months and 22 days died on Woduos day last following a long Illness: In terment was made on Friday. Rev. C. E. Creltz, officiated at tho last snd rites An aged widow survives. Rov, C. E. Creltz, pastor of the Re formed congregation, will confirm a class of fifteen catechumens on Satur day evening. On tho Sunday morning following the holy communion will bo admlnlstored to the congregation. J. K. Rickert, and grand son Harry. are back from a trip to Virgina. While In the old rebel state Mr. Rickert oaught twenty-five pounds of fine plko. Tho fair and festival Iu school hall on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings of last week under the aus pices of the Ladies Faithful Friends, was a splendid social aud financial suo cess the amount cleared running up to seyernl hundred dollars'. The so ciety desires the Stroller to heartily thank nil who patronized or rendered assistance in any way. II. R, Kreidler who launched iu the carriage and wagon business in J. Ituch's uew bailding on the oast side, has just closed negotiations for tho purchase of the building. Harry has met with the most gratifying success In his business, so much so in fatjt.that he will be compelled at an early day to greatly enlarge his present quarters. Hurrah, for Kriedler and his cheap cash system. A large number of shares for the proposed shoe factory have already been taken, but more must be sub scribed for to guarantee the success of the enterprise. The number of shares to bo issued are 400 aud tho price of eaoh share is 25. Levi Horn lias do nateu a sue for tue factory free of all ouarge. If all our people show the same progressive spirit there will be uo ques tion about the success of the project, Let everybody oome up. Dos't wait to be called on, but everybody put vim and spirit Into the enterprise and long before the 4th of July' we will have a shoe faotory In full working order. Let there bo no delay. All move lively. i.itti.k s.juins, ; Aulhouy's foundry at Han to, des troyed by are last week, was iusured for soOO. "' Lausford will have the Westing house system of incandescent Illumi nation. ", Lausford is about organising a First Natioual Bank. George W. Davis, of Centralis, is working up the enterprise. T Only MM wasjsleared or the Laus ford Eisteddfod ou Good Friday. 1 A uew Building and Loan Associa tion Is about being organised in Laus ford, Messrs. T. M. Wttlldln, John A Quinii, Geo. M. Davlea, W. D. Thomas, Wallace Druaihelleft. John F Lauer and V . . Thomas are heading the movement. At Summit Hill oue will also be started. " Edward Reilly, a N'esqnehoning cigar maker, is dead. He was thirty- two years of age and leaves a widow and two ohildreu. How Hueh lh You Hpemlr A mau spends more money in tobacco in a year thau he thiuks. Jimt figure up the average amnuut you invest iu cigars, pipes, chewing tubaoco, etc. very week. You will And you pro bah Iv spent enough siaoe last Fourth of July to buy a nice spriug suit of riot hea. Why not aUip the habit r It is a lux ury and unnecessary. Oue box of liitl'b tablets, ad.ertii.ed elsewhere iu this papei, would make you loose all desire tu aumke, chew or drink lliiuoi It', a fact FIs. 1-lu.rr Harness. A full line of single aud double liar I neb"' 1"1"'' fly ""e',, d,!' "um' mer D'"eb.. - 'or spriug trade at 1 Te,r ri-as""able pi ices at Milton Flory'a , webl,orf. Pa. tf Dou't buy a parTor clock till you have Mwn am, ,..,, K ,,,. atul.k M w , b moll. um uo(.ket TOWN COUNCIL. The Ilu, loess of the Adjonrned MeetlnK Hrletlr Told. The nd Imlrniwl miunitll mbAtllic was called to order in.the office ot the Sec retary on Thursday evening. All mem bers of council were preseut with the exception of J. F. Moulthrop, of the first waitl. TllO rmmmlttAA no Mlt! .treat ornfla reported that that thoroughfare had never been graded or laid out. The members of the committee were L. J. Heldt. U.J. Kiinf ami W. S Knnh. ihe committee on the lleckendorf matter rermrfml that tha ilwotllncr house on the comer of 2nd and Coal streets, belougiug to Mr. lleckendorf, axtended one and a half feet on the line. The committee wns L. J. Heldt, S. Koch and II. T. Strann. The ro. port was accepted aud tho committee was discharged. The commutes ou the T. A. Snvder matter of making sener ooanectlon. grade of South Main Tjiiip. .tn rA. ported thut they believed that tho matter could bo compromised. Theodore Kemorer was nresent and expressed a desire that property own ers along tue wost side of Second street, betweeu.Coal aud Ochre should lay pavements. .Tnsenh Cnirret- and Tobias Buss wero preseut for the same purpose. A motion was made and carried Hint. property .owners along both sides sf tne uuove thoroughfare should lay pavements within thirty days from last rlday. Henry Beckendorf was preseut. Ho i'ant8 the borough to remove Ida ... cavations. The matter was discussed nt length and It was flilnllaly decided that the excavations should be removed by tho supervisor. Johu Hauk. Jr.. was nresent. in the Interest of a bill for damages that was laid "under" tho table at a previous meeting. A motion that the bill should be paid was defeated. The following bills wore nresnnted and ordered paid. Henry Miller, lumber 8 3.05 Carbon Advoeate, printing 19.00 " petition was received from the residents of Cypress street, praying for street illumination, grade aud payements. Crnress street Is 7nn feet long and runs west from Third. Tho uetition was placed ou file. A motion Was made anil cnrrln.1 thof a bridge ' should be put across the gutter on Forth street, at tha inter section of Keystone. Moses Rehrig was ordered tn re Tin I p the pavement iu front of his dwelling ou South street. Pavements are to be laid on Fn-irth streot from Alum to Mahoning. ine sink boles in culvort at. Sween'a Coruer are to be fixed. This Is verv necessary. An ordinance taxlnir neddlnrs passed, and L S. Koch moved Hint, fin copies be printed by the Press. It was agreed to. The Board of Health rennrted ns follows for March, No. of births, males li females, 7; marriages, 7; communi cabel diseases. 5: housos nuarentlned. 3; death certificates lssued,ll;translent permits received, 2; transient permits issued, i; burial' permits granted, 11; nuisances reported, 11; cash reoeived, J.75. FIllST NATIONAL HANK. Our Hanklnc Institution to lie Itebullt and Improved. ' Of the banking Institutions of the Lehigh Valley we know of none that shows more signs of prosperity than does the First National of this town. This institution was organized and opeued for business in Obert's block, in tno early part of the deoade of 70. W. W. Bowman, now of Slatitigton.was cashier, aud Irviu Olewino, of First street, was teller. Tho first depositor was Poor Auditor Henry 8. Rlnker, now ef the Daily Times, Mauch Chunk. The capital stock of the institution was fixed at SCO.OOO, and later was raised to 75,O00. From the start the bank's finances have been carefully and cleyerely managed, to that oxteut that the bank now does its business In its own building aud bus a surplus that shoots far InttTthe thousands of dol- lars. To keep pace with their prosper. Uy the building now oooupiod will in the verv near future be remoddelled. It will be put on a Hue with the pave ment, which together with an exten sion to the rear aud an addition on the north side will give the necessary room to oonTenlently transact rapidly grow ing bu.lnes. The front of the building will be handsome and modern In design The interior fixtures will be substan tial and handsome. The present safes will be replaced with large, strong, tire and burglar proof vaults. John T. Sentinel is the able,eQloient and affable cashier. Mr. Semmtl bat held this po sition for several years and to bis wise and earef ul management and excellent judgment is due considerable of the bunk's success. The gross earnings for last year were 1,734.82. The in dividual deposits last week reached high water mark amounting to 190, 080. R. F, Uofferd is president of the bank, and II. J. Brotney, one ot our in dustrious oitiseus, is the sooquinodat Ihg teller. riVK HUNIIIIHIl IIOLLAHR. Five Hundred Dollars will be paid by Dr. Uo vers the Specialist, for a case of Asthma, Catarrh, Piles or Falling Fits he falls to cure. Chronic disease, Canoer, Turners, Blood Poison, Dyspep sia, Liver, Kidney, Rheumatism, Heart Disease cured. Female disease &c, (ndiBcretiou of young men, Meutel Decay, loss of strength power, nervous ness &o. No experiment but a cure. Thousands cured by my own new methods of treatment, over 20 years iu constant practice, Cousulbatiou free at the Weissport House, Weiss port, IV Will remain until the ftrat of May Come at once. 3-2A-:im. l'l' SALK HKOIHTKIl. Peraous who have sale bills printed at our ofllce, can posithely sae teu cents ou every dollar, ou the price charged elsewhere, aud secure a notice iu this Sale Itegisfer free of charge Wt will ante up your sale, print the lulls almost while you wait We hae all kinds of li?plaj farm cuts to illus trate bills. It you can't come, send us your order aud it will be promptly filled. Salman i. A,, til u Ilnim-I Iks-lt. Malwuliu. laiiiiuiu ,Un a anil lioiiavlmlil aisyt, - That !.UJ Ouk or Walnut clucks the greatest liarguiu eer offeied iu a block, couie in and set theui at h II Hold's, .duuch Chunk Kpieas Magous, 7."i cents uud up wanis at (.libel's, First sheet. THE COUNTY. SECRET SOCIETY DOINGS. Tld-lHt. of Interest to tlie Msih bers of the Fraternltr. Penrose Zellner ts collecting cash for the purchase of a silk flag for Capt, Jos. S. Webb Camp 95, S. of V., of town, "Ileddy" is meeting with suceess. Carbon Castle, No. Ill Knights of tho Oolden Eagle, of town, have pr cured a dispensation which for the next two mouths will allow them to admit candidates at any age between IB and 43 years for 13.00 for all tko degrees. See one of tho members aud get an ap. plication card nud a pamphlet. A eanvas of the P. O. S. of A. camps in this State shows that the order is taking quite an active Interest in the public affairs. To an Inquiry sent out to the camps of tho State by the State sect etary, throo hundred and live of of the six hundred and sovouty-flv. camps responded, aud theso three hun dred and live camps report that they have four hundred aud thlrty-Ure mem bers iu the various school boards; Camp SI, of Sultillo. Huntingdon Co., bus six members lu the school board eight camps have each five members, llfteen camps each have four members, and twenty-two camps have each three members in the school board, Those three hundred and tVe camps aro re prosent.d in the House of Representa tive by sixteon members in tho .State Senate and oue In Congress. Thirty six oamps own their own buildings, There are eight members occupying the office of DistrlcfAttorueys, Ilvo as Recorder of Deeds, six County Com mlsiopers, six Registers of Wills, two Shcrllfs.twonty postmasters, live couu ty superlnteudents of public schools, four Coroners, three Mayors; in add! tlou to the foregoing thero are a great, number holding other minors btale county and city offices. Camp No. 031 of Chatnbersburg, heads the list us a camp of ofllce holders havlug on its roll the Statu Senator, Register and Recorder, Prothonotarj-, District At toruey, Deputy Recorder, Register und four School Directors, Canqr No. 321 oflluntiugdon, is second ou the list. having oue member of the Stute Legis lature, Sheriff, Register and Recorder and County Commlsslot.ers, mauch chunk. Frauk August and Miss Matv Mc- Laughliu are married. William StttUSUOl-rv" was arrested on Monday charged with assault and oattory ou oath of his wife. The enso was settled. Thoy have decided uet to uve together tn the future. "The Old Homestead" t lmnV.,1 for Concert Hall, V rlday evening, 28th Instant, Manager John Fa im is tn be complimented for securing so excellent an attraction for Concert Hall. The play Is ono of the best on the American stage. Douglas Craig und Euireno O. N'oth. stlne woro last week admitted as full Hedged attorneys at tho Carbon Countv Bar. Both young men are a credit to tue profession. Mr. Craig is u son of that brainy, brilliant legal giant, Hon. .vuen uraig, who represented this dis trict with great credit aud distinction iu tho State Seuato somo years ago. uoug graduated from Lufavnttn Col. lege, Easton, several years ugo. He is perserviug, pains taking and In telligent aud lias a larire cirnla of Meads not only hore at homo, but ull over the county. Lawyer Nothstlne, is n native of Mahoning Vall.y. H0"ls nn industrious, bright, intelligent anal capable young man, with sheepskius trom l'alatluato College Movoratoivn. and from Franklin & Marshall Bt Lancaster. He read law in the ofllce of Fryman & Heydt. Eugeuo will suc ceod If push and energy oouut. He made his maideu plea for Al Friend, who was convicted on " tho charge of adultery, and It wus well received. We wish both young men success. The Harrisburg Morning Call, of the 17th Inst., iu its editorial oolumns had this to say of our esteemed towua man: It is said that Senator W. M, Rapsher, of Mauoli Chunk, is nnn nl the safest uud moat reliable men in the present Legislature. He dou't talk much, but everybody knows that be it a scholar, a forolbie and impressive speaker, siieaklng alwavs tu the nolnt Higher honors no doubt await him in the future. His constituents oould Und no oue better fitted tn renreaut them. He Is indeed worthy to succeed himself. Next Wednesday promises to be i gala day for Mauoh Chuuk on tlie o oasion of Odd Fellow Day, lu honor of the 71th anniversary of the founding oi ine order In this eonutry. It is ex pected that at least 2500 meu will be in Hue, together with fifteen to twenty uauds of music William II. Amdr. East Mauoh Chuiik Lodge, No. 1000, lias been assigned the oilloe of chief marshal: Dr. F.U. Ibaob.Mnueh Chunk, No. 76, marshal tint division; Thome smitnam, Jiauoli Chunk, Xo. 70, mar shal second division, aud Herman Rlh man, East Mauch Chunk, 1006, marsh ' third divisiou. Three Hours Ut Ulm Vi. Joseph Kllutop, of Millport, who was brought to St. Lukes Hospital last Fri day, is Improving. He was injured bv the explosion ot a charge of dynamite In a quarry where be was working. Ills eyes aaa face reoeived tbe bruut of the explosion. It was at first feared he might loose bis eyeseght, but the doc tors have high hopes of savlug both eyes. It took three hours to piok the dirt and powder out of Kliuetop's eves face and ouest. Bethlehem Times. A Ch.1i llooaiit ot Tan Per Cut on ail ready-made mens, boys' and children's suits and punts. We will allow the above discount for the next . days as we must have the room for building purposes; we oaa save you at least o. on every suit yon buy from us. Bouilueim's One Price Star Ciotb iug Hall, Mauoh Chunk. linliy coaches from 6 upwards st (label's Hardware store. Dr. Hardy T Rhodes, of Ithica, N. Y , youngest sou of Mr aud Mrs. E. H. Khodes formerly of Lehightou. srsdu ated with high bonois trom the Long Isluud Medical College, and lias re- ceived the apiailntmeut n a uieuibei 1 of the staff of Couuty Hospital , L)i Rhodes i iu love within-, i,ioi,.. um aud will uo doubt take high lank iu the medical world. - Flue toilet iper at l.aUiV I ON THE RAILROAD. UHIEr MENTION OF A WEKK'B IJO INGS ON THIS UAH,. Short raraeraphs That Will be of luterest to the llallread Bovs. t Engineer Herman lllookor of Lehigh Valley 3138 it off Indefinitely for burning his engine. J Jehu Beaver, of Franklin, is Bring for Engineer Will Freeman on Valley 411. t Jack Walters, ef Le bight. u, is pulling tk. tkrottl. os Valley 13 after a few w.sks vacation. Touey llarklus.ot llauch Chunk is backoa the Valley after a long illness. He pulls the turottlo on engine U40 oil the new six o'clock Eaateu coal run Fred Jessmer is fireman, aud jolly Charley Aruer, of Weissport, is eou ductor. t For the big railroad aieetlug of all tho brotherhoods ut Tamaqua on the 30th the Jorsey Central will run a free train from Jersey City. The traia will leave Lehlghtou station at six o'clo.k and returning will loave Tamaqua at four o'clock. Only railroad breth.r hood meu will be allotted on tbe train, and they must show their card and bo iu good standiug. No wemen or child rea will be allowed tree trausportatiou. t Tho bulk ot tho Lehigh Valley liaz letou regiou freight now goes via Penn Haveu J unction. Uutil a f.w da.ys.ago it w.ut over the Highland branch, but tho Jersey Coutral's charges tells oa th. Upper i.ehigh blanch eousuiaed a large portion ot the profits, sa that tho Lekigk Valley decided te use its own linos, even though tho distance is much greater. White Haveu Journal. t In a lateopiuiou the supremo court says that if au engineer ou a railroad esglue, approaching t point where it is bis duty to aosud tho whistle, as re quired by the stututes, oks.rv.s near by on a highway a mau struggling with a team of horses hitched, to a wag.u aud can baa from the surroundings that sounding a whistle will make the steam uumauag.abla und greatly en danger the team and man, it Is hli duty to desist until tk. danger point is passod, or if necessary to btop the the train, and if he doos not, but need lessly sounds the whistle and permits steam to escape, causing them to run away, tho company is liable for tbe In jury, t The operation of tbe Fhllaielphla aud Kcadlug Railroad Relief tiou for tho month of Marsh shows payments uggr.gntlag 810,420, of which there was paid on account of deaths, 5i,700; on account of accidents dis ablement S0,C06 and on aicount of sick disablement, S3,000. There wero nine teeu'death claims said, nine frem acci dents and ten from natural causes. The total number of cases reported during the month was 883, I Practical railroad men account it a great triumph that they have kneckod out tho old theory that every engineer must have his own pet engine and must not be asked to run any other Until only a few years ago this was the rule even on the greatest road. Each grew accustomed to and fond f an engiue and believed he coald get good work out of it, while a strafiger te it would be sure to havo th. sum. treu ble that wo would expeet with a strange engine. That is!all chauged now and engineers are expected to leave their sentimental notions at home and take out whatever .ngin. tb.y are assigned t.. New York Sun. t Th. United States Exaress oin panv on Thursday ren.wod its contract with the C.atral Railroad ot New Jersey and tho report that the Adams would soon again resume business in tkoValIoyill uotbe.'broughtto realiza tion, The U. S. express first gained a foothold In the Eastern Pennsylvania territory oovered by tho Jersey Cen tral and Lehigh Valley railroads in 1888, und at once built up au euor mous business, sarrying most of th. heavy goods to and from New York especially the raw material and manu factured produots of Pennsylvania silk mills. In January last It captured tbe c.Utract with the Lehigh Valley Rail road aud now has a monopoly ot the express business in the Lehigh Valley aud coal regions. rnoii nis hollow Joseph Moyer la on the sick list. D. A. Rehrig Is the owner of 0U young ehiokens. A party of y.ung ladiss and gents ot Lehlghtou w.r. visiting tho family of Chat. Lent oue evening last week among whom were John and Juc.b Heberling, Geo. Kibler and Wm. Seidel, Misses Emma Ilartung, Sarah Heber ling, Amelia Lcntz and Ouasie Ererltt Oscar Frltzinger and family, left for Indiana, where they will reside in the future. Lewis Miller lias moved with bis family from Mauoh Chuak, to this place with John Miller. Normal lastltut. The Institute opened ou Monday April 17, with the largest registration oLstudents In the history of the s.hool The Prluolpal Prof. 9. W, Sitlsr, re ports that a number of students will be added next week. Some of the rural school, is this and adjoining oouaties have net as yet oompleted tke winter term of sokool, .ont.quent1y tha teaohers ot said and their advanced pupils will not register un til next week. l'.r Sal., A piano box bujrey in first-class con dition. Apply to D. Ii. Oulton, onpo site the nark. First .ire.t. Ihlun- ton. tf. A cream ol tartar baking w1r. Highest of aH ln iiwniri.' st,, nfh. rLatHst Unilcil Stat"- I mi . i nnuent Food iU urt Ko il JlaHuiff Wtli-r Co., lOt, Wall St., J. V. Jltsolately p