ESTABLISHED 181. The Carbon Advocate rllHTID KTtIT 1TLTRDAT IT Harry V. Moithlmer, Sr. FriCK-lttler'a Block, NorUi Flnt Street. Unlintoa, ru. lall Paper hn bee accepted at the lhlihten rest Otoe as Second Class Hatter. OVIt AUTKRTIBINU BATES. Ueal ana Reaslni notices to taka run ot iMt le per Una lar each Insertion. Eiecuters" Administrators' anil notices, 3 00. Aaditor and Ditorce notice a 1 00 Cards ol thanks, resolutions ol respect, and similar notices ons time II .SO. Ijecat notices of entertainments, suppers, festivals, fain, dances, and all entertainments dMltaed to make money cents tier line, unless Jee arlattog has been done tor the same at this TJuplay advertisements, II vo Inches and oer. .IffiSKf rflSX'SijB.henrjald soot cash w Si.M It not so paid. This rule will hereafter n strtnceatly enforced. Terms Transient adrertlsln and jab print aieasht yearly advertising rfevable quarterly. Address all Communications to II. V. MOKTII1MER, Sen'b. SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1803. Our Circulation 1468 The enterprising dally Hazleton Plain Speaker has been reduced to one cent per copy. That's cheap as dirt for a good, readable paper of the Brjeaker's stamp and style-breezy, In- denendent and PLAIN Spokin. We wish It all the success possible. The sprightly Macungle Progress Is over Its flfth blrthdav. The Progress Is neatly printed, Is always chock full of news and has all the appearances of prosperity. It should continue to grow because It merits soecess. NOTICE TflJOHTRACTOES. Seated proposals for tha erection ol the pro uaarl nam nirhAtl tlnuntV. Court llOUSfl Vk 111 W rMvifKi at the office ol the Board ol Commis sioner, ol Carbon County, Pa., up to Monday. Anriiojth isai at. n'rfnrk P. M. Plana ana ipectflcattoDB can be seen at the ofQce of the County Corn mission era. itoom No. 16, Lehlsh The Architect, J. 3. Jacoby, will be in the said face on Thursday, Friday, April 13th and Utb. 1893. for the purpose oIrUIdh any explanation reaulred. to all contractors who propone to enter tan fn7ih wnrit. And to eWe hht Information required as to tne plans aud speiacatlous lor the same. All contractors and builders who may present bids for the said work must a' so accompany tbe aatd bid with a bond, In the amount of ten thou sand dollars (, with good and sutUclent security .or a certified check for the same amount for the faithful performance of each and all of the terms named In the ptani and specifications for said balldinc; otherwise such bids will not be considered. . . AU bids, bonds and certified checks must be filed with iheCommlS'Ioners'Clerlt, in the office of the County Commissioners, not later than Monday, April 24th, 1893. at 5 o'clock P. M. Tbe Commissioners reserve the right to reject any and all bids. . t , , It Is further stipulated that the bid of any narsnn whn tin a tint fftninlv With (ST1 And all of the terms named In this notice, will not be By order of the Board of Commissioners, aprll t-w3 LAWLER, Clerk, PENNSYLVANIA LEQIBLATTJRD, What Ik Soloaa at Harriiburj Are Do ins, HARUISBCRO. March 31. In the senate yesterday bills passed Anally: Relating to the bribery of voters at any general nom inating or delegate election; making tTery Saturday after 12 o'clock a half holiday; for the better protection of the health and morals of school children; increasing the maximum punishment for the first con fiction of murder in the second degree to twenty years; permitting marriage license to be obtained either in the county where the ceremony is performed or where either of the contracting parties reside; providing for keeping public highways from being blocked by snow. Senate adjourned until Wednesday next at 8 p. m. In the house the bill enlarging, the provisions of the act preventing and punishing cruelty to ani mals was reported favorably. The bill re pealing the act of 1891 permitting town ship voters to cast their ballots In adjoin ing boroughs was reported negatively. Chairman Marshall, of the appropriation committee, reported tbe bill appropriating 600,000 additional to the World's fair com mission, and obtained a special day for it consideration next week. The appeal "of J. P. O'Kell, of Lackawanna, from the decision of the court affirming the rlghtof Mr. (julnman, Democrat, to the seat In the house now occupied by hit, was presented and referred to the commit tee on elections. The Neablt road bill and other bills passed second reading without amendment. House adjourned until Tuesday morning next. HABitUDCTta, April 5. Among the bills Introduced in the senate were: A supple ment to the retail llouor license law. pro vldlng that a license shall be granted for every hundred votes; appropriating $1,500 for the purchase of a pedagogical library. Bills passed finally: Establishing a medi cal council and three state boards of med leal examiners; compulsory education bill, requiring children between the age of 8 and 13 years to attend school at least six teen weeks In every year; requiring un naturalized males SI years of age or over to pay an annual tax of $3; prohibit ing the employment of aliens on public works. Tbe following house bills also passed fin all yi Authorizing and directing county commissioners to procure, bind and preserve weekly newspapers published within their respective counties; relating to Judicial sales and the preservation of the Hen of mortgages; preventing decep tion and fraud by owners or agents of any stallion kept lor publte serviee by pro claiming or publishing fraudulent or false pedtgrwes or records; amending the mar riage license law so as to permit notaries public to take depositions of the contract ing parties. Harkisbubo, April ft. The Nile tax bill was reported from the ways aad means committee without ameadment. Bills In troduced were; Relating to married women; enabling them to make and exe cute certain obi (cations and making them liable for the payment thereof the same as though unmarried; providing for the par tial payment or per aiera compensation to Monroe Basbett and Frank Williams. members of the National Guard, durioar the time of their disability produced by ty phoid fever contracted during service at Homestead. The bill appropriates 1100 for Bassett and til for Williams. Mr. Ljtle, chairman of the committee ea rules, re ported a series of resolutions to the effect that no new bills shall be introduced after April IB without unanimous eonsent.whlcLh was agreed to. The bill prohibiting tht sale of liquor on Decoration Day waa dV ieaieo. xne row rapid transit bill was taken up for second readfntr. and after much discussion was postponed until Wednesday next for consideration. Bills Introduced In the senate; Increasing the salary of the Judge in tbe Erie county dis trict to $5,000; authorizing cttlss to make appropriation for tbe e&tahllshmeat and maintenance of free libraries snd to sa. quire by condemn alios eligible sites for tbe location thereof. Bills passed first reading! House bill amending the act pro viding for the publication in a German newspaper of sales of real estate so as to permit the cot of each abstract se pub lished to exceed $1; allowing judges $00 per year for clerical assistance; empower ing the courts to g Ant transf srs of liquor licenses from one place to another, author izing Dorougbs to establish police pension funds; enabling boroughs to establish boards of health; house bill antherixln corporations to grant pensions to old In turn or cusaoiea employes; prersntlag per sons connected oraVlallv with tha comma.-. school system from becoming agents for the sale of school books, maps or station ery; creating a liquor license court to per form the duties now performed by the courts of Quarter sessions. It was urtW that after Tuesday, Aprll It, no bills aaoum oe miroauoea. Danfrs HonaUla Fir. BoLUDATaatma, Pa., Aprll Reserrolr nount&lB li m&sa of damet, and th flcal euteomi U probU mat leal. Tbvre hu ba much destruction of farm property, aud PcDUjlvanla railroad workmen ara now fighting the flame. ilXTHLKHEU, Pa.. April 5. Flerca moon Ulaflreawert rasing last night la cIom prozlmltr to SU Lute'i hospital and Lahlgh unlTenltr park. The fir waa Lifted bj tramp. Scoru oi man art aut battling the flames aud endeavoring to ave valuable propertj. A Msxt Groand to Pulw 8b amok iv. Pa., April 6. A most bor rible accident occurred at the Henry Clay colliery yesterday, which resulted in a yoang man being ground to pieces. lien jamln Dark was in charge of the break sr rollers. It being bis duty to see that no lamps of coal blocked tbem. He was In tbe act of putting a large plec ef coal through the rollers when his foot slipped and In an Instant it was between the cogs. Slowly bis body waa dragged Into the machinery and ground to pieces. A lIuag-arlaB Fatally gtabbad. WllJECJBAhKE, Pa,, April fl. A fierce fight took place at Ceoistoo. a mining town la the lower end of this county yes terday between a number of Hungarians. Mike M unlock, one of tbepartlc4paata, waa fatally stabbed la the left lung. His ni TEN MEN SUFFOCATED. Terrible Mine Disaster Neat Shamokiu. A RESULT OF GROSS CARELESSNESS, The lesion of a Lamp Sets Fire to th Lower Vein of tha K nil son Shaft. Tan Miliar. SoffWaUd by Smoke In nodatlou at Hfttteton. SttAMOKtx. Pa.. April 3. By the ex plosion of a lamp In the hands of a Hun gartan miner ten men lost their Uvea at the Nelson shaft, near this place, on Satur day, The dead are: Joseph Uortrax. single; John Gray, married; John Burtt. married) Frederick U inter, single; Frank bnupls. tingle; Nicholas Dutah, married; John Ityan, single; James lirennan, single; John kobel. married! Michael Brennan. sin trie. Tha 111 fated miners were residents of Sha tnoktn and Springfield, i small village adjoining the borough, - The burning oil set fire to the roof of the mine, and the efforts of the miners to ex tinguish the flames were unavailing owing to the Inadequate supply of water. An airway shaft connects the No. 10 vein with the red ash vein, which is situated al- rerttv nvrr tha former one. II u mealy notifying tne miners on ims lift the engineer was signaled and the flight to the surface commenced. Once out Lsome of the men thought of the air pas' ago icauiug mj mo reu turn veiu, buu uen that were tbe occupants not notinen some would, surely die. A gallant nana of res cuers was lowered, and when the cage stopped ty the red tun vein, w leet from the surface, the men found the tunnel filled with smoke which had come up from the lower level. A couple of rescuers Jumped off the cage and tried to walk through the smoke, which grew denser very minute. A few dead mules were stumbled over, and the men reluctantly retreated and returned to the surface, aware that if anyone was in the tunnel he could not escape, as there were no exits at this particular side or tbe lilt. The cage was again lowered and & force of men started in to explore the tunnel. It was risky work, as a sulphur explosion was Imminent. With cheery words to each other they pressed forward and finally reached two corpses wrapped In each other's arms. They were the bodies of the lirennan brothers. One dozen yards fur ther on lay John Ryan. He was dead. Three feet away were the remains of Bhupls and G inter. The grewaome search continued until every part of the vein had been explored, ten dead men being the to tal find. The mine la still on fire. INUNDATION OF A MINK. Threo Lives Lost at the Laurel Hill Col 11 ry at II ail e ton. Hazleton, Pa., April 4. Another mine horror occurred yesterday Just on the out side of this city. The mine is known as Laurel Hill, and is operated by Pardee Brothers. The nature of tbe accident was almost a repetition of the Jeanesville dis aster ol two years ago, when eighteen men were drowned. The accident was caused by David Williams firing a blast in 2o. 19. Immed iately after the blast went off a terrible roar was heard and an Immense body of water rushed down No. 10 breast, filling It to the root Williams was caught In the flood and undoubtedly perished. It has been definitely ascertained that three men are in the mine. They are Thomas Hudson, W. L. Trembath and Richard Will him. The latter is dead be yond a doubt. There Is a faint possibility that tbe other two may be rescued alive. Hazleton, Pa., April ft. The chambers worked by the missing miners, Williams, Trembath and Hudson, were examined yesterday afternoon by the rescurers, but no trace of the men was found. The hope of finding either of them alive Is gradually fading. It is supposed that tney were car ried back towards the face of the gangway by the rush of water and slush. Two Minors Killed. WfLKESDARRE, Pa,. April ft. William Donelson was instantly killed by a fall of top coal in No. 4 shaft yesterday. He was SO years old. Barney Misch, a miner at No. 3 colliery, at Buttonwood, was crushed to death yesterday. He was a rock mine and had sent a bucket of rock to the sur face Insecurely fastened. When a hun dred feet up the shaft the fastening parted and the entire load fell upon Mlscu. Another Mine Accident. Bjuwokin. Pa,. April S. A terrific eaa explosion occurred in the air shaft lu the Sterling colliery last evening, burning Tnomas Jenkins and 1'etro Uuccene lu a frightful manner, the former, it Is feared, tAtally. A flattie at Antlers Imminent PARIS, Tex.. April 6. A battle at Ant lers, or Fort Locke, is now considered in evitable. Forty men have left Atoka to Join the militia, and forty followed them to Join Locke. The Chock taw militia are at uoodlands swearing they will bag Locke and all bis men. Locke Is at his fort ready for the attack, Jackson, the defeated candidate of tbe national party for governor, arrived at Antlers yesterday, Railroad Accident In Florida. J ACKsoNVILLK, April ft, A freight train ea the Jacksonville, Tampa and Key West railroad waa wrecked. Tbe engine turned over on Buffalo Bluff drawbridge and plunged Into the river, carrying six cars with it. A. U. Knox, engineer, of sanforu; J Holstead, fireman, of Birmingham, and Jfl A Iewls, of Boston, a stockman In ohargeof horses and mules bound for Bar ber vl lie, this state, were killed. Wilt Moo the Ann Arbor Road. Toledo, O., April ft. Chairman Taylor, of the Ann Arbor strike committee, stated yesterday afternoon that suit will probably be brought agalust tbe railroad company by the strikers for f 40.OU0. It represents tne lUnerence between the arbitrators Kale adopted In the Ann Arbor strike of two years sgo and tbe amount paid by the company, A Boy Murderer Gats Twenty-fire Tear. DENVER, April 6. Antone Woode, tbe 11-y ear-old buy murderer, who killed Joe anutb for bis watch and tiuu. was jester day sentenced to twenty-five Tears In the penitentiary at hard labor. Mormuni la Confro-, Salt Lake Citt. Anril a. Tbe Bern I annual conference bt the Mormon church began yeaterday. The dedicator y ceremonies ox tne iempie begin tomorrow and run on to April 13 Inclusive. A RlncU Taa I'onvenllon. -IVew YoitK. April 6. The national com mittee of the Single Tax League of the Ufelted State haa called a national alngle tax conference to meet m Uutcago Aug. 'A). Kotorlou llurglar eteutooa. H KADIS O. April a. Edward Youse. notorious burglar, who has participated In iwentynve Durgianes recently commuted in tnis cuy, was yesterday afternoon sen tenced to seven years on three of the cnarges A Ton of Plunder Uncovered. Philadelphia, April 5. John LarTertr. a Junk dealer, was arrested charged with receiving stolen goods. Nearly a ton of yarn waa found In his cellar that had been stolen from the mill of Thomas Devlin. A Irlvlal DUpuU Lads to Prat Held. Shauokin, Aprll 5. Two aona of Jacob Snyder, of Port Treverton, disputed about a trivial matter, and one struck the other fin tbe forehead. Death resulted Instantly. The murderer is In JalL Oldest Editor In tha State. Lock Haven, April 6. J. a G. Kins loe, editor of tbe Clinton Republican, celebrated his T3d birthday yesterday, lie claims to be the oldest editor In tbe state. Illoom aad Kail Hill Hhut Down. Hkthlkhkm, April 6. -The blooming and rail departments of tbe Bessmer mill of the Bethlehem Iron company shutdown last ii Ik at for an Indefinite period. Sulelde la Gcrmantown. GEfutAXTOwy, April C James J. Den nett, aged M. committed suicide yesterday at his residence by cutting his throat. No reason has been assigned for bis act. A Itoruugk Treasurer Dead WoiiELsiwRr, April ft. Franklin Zarbe. for tbe past six years treasurer of this borough, died of consumption, aged Tl years. f Over a HoDdrl People KMUd. j Son A, April . A dispatch from Gudrta, church collap&ad during a terrible storm and that mora than one hundred worship era were siueu. A lsprado hhot. 8 PHI kg field, S. C , April fl,-Emanuel Williams, a young while- desperado, was shot last night on a Carolina Midland train by an otneer who waa attempting to arrest him ... McLawd's I'robabW buccur, Philadelphia, April o.-H was stated last night on excellent authority that the ucceaaer to Mr. McLeod as president and receiver of the Reading company will b Joseph's. Harris, president of the Lhlgb Coal and Navigation company The Kad f gyre. Philadelphia, April lJau.e MaNa mee, W years old. committed suicide yea Urdaj by hpxix hiaualC A WEEK'S NEWfl 00NDENBED. j Friday, March HI. It Is officially announced that Emperor William will visit tbe pope on Sunduv, April as. At a fire In Kanws City Fireman Banian fell three stories to the sidewalk, and was fatally hurt. It has been definitely settled that therfl will be an extra stelon of congress for a revision of tbe tariff, and that said bill wilt be passed snd signed before Jan. 1, 1SH. The president yesterday nominated Ex Secretary of State Thomas K. Bayard as ambassador to Great Britain; James D. Porter, of Tennessee, as minister to Chile; Jnmes A. McKenzle. of Kentucky, as min ister to Peru, i Saturday, April 1 Louis Lett is, a negro, was hanged yes terday at the Bibb county jail, Georgia, for the murder of bis wife. Ida Oltar, 7 years old, was burned to death yesterday while playing around a fire In a garden at Carls tad t, N. J. Ex-Cong reasman Thomas K. Wat son, of Georgia, says the reported withdrawal of his contest for the seat of Black Is unfounded. The Joint convention of the Nebraska legislature adopted resolutions of Im peachment against the attorney general, secretary of state, commissioner and treasurer. Monday, April 3. Michael T Shlney, who was to have bevn electrocuted this wwk at Sing Sing .prison, has had his sentence commuted to life Imprisonment by Governor Flower. While five men were excavating for a stack In Ensley, Ala., the walls caved la Three were rescued, but Anderson Collier aud John Dorsey were buried alive. The residence of Joe Jefferson at Buz zard's Bay was destroyed by fire on Satur day. Helen McGrath perished In the names. Miss Uolllnson, Ularence nip ple and Charles Asbport were sviiuusly burned. Tuduy, April 4, The Duchesf of Fife, eldest d.unzhter of Prince of Wales, gae birth to a girl last evening, s Four. women were drowned on Iake Ponchartralit, I-a., by the upsetting of a sa!l!out. It is rumored that Count Minister will retire because he failed to present the ex pulsion of the German from Dahomey. Two men charged with the shooting of the chief of police of Havana on Thurs day night la.t have bveti taken Into cus tody. John H. FinipJe, of Ohio, a law clerk in the general land oftlce, ami lttchard A. Durnan, chief of the western division in the pen stun oil Ice, have resigned. Yf-ilneMlHj, April fl. In tbe elections hi Kansas yesterday the Republicans made h clean sweep in all the principal cities. A illiam Blunck, aged 14, and Thomas Luvtenne, aired 1ft, of Chicago, were Ken- tenced to forty years In the penitentiary for the murder of Albert rxkroth. Secretary Morton yesterday appointed Michael lllemkl. of .Milwaukee. Wis. ecutlve officer of the weather bureau, vice W. S. fatauley, of iscousin. resigned. The president has commuted to Imprls onment for life the sentence of death lm nosed on Edward Small wood, a negro, convlctfd In Washington of the murder of Edward Tlnney, another negro. George and John Evans went to the house of Jerry bkelton, at Alexander, Tenn., drove him from the house and out raged his 17-rcar-old wife. A posse of citl zens bare tracked the men to a forresl uear by. Thursday, Aprll d. Ex-Governor David Meriwether, of Ken tucky, a contemporary of Henry Clay, is dead at tbe age of 93. The body of a mau, supposed to be James McQuillan, of bomb Bethlehem, was recovered from the river at Phi lad el phla yesterday. Commissioner Blount arrived at Hawaii on March 29 and the buildings of the city were decorated with the American and Hawaiian flags in his honor. Judge Barrett, of New York, yesterday dissolved the temporary injunction wanted against the United Garment Workers and the American federation of Ijibor. The court of arbitration on the Behrlng sea differences held Its second session yes terday. Discussion as to the admission of certain papers occupied the entire session. The entire property of George Abington Balrd. better known as "So ul re Abintt- ton." is left to his mother, nothing what ever twins bttjuested to Mrs. Lang try, as reported. . PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. Closing Quotations of the Stock and Produce Exchanges. Philadelphia. March S, The advance in Htottiliog wmritien whs the feature of the local stock market. The first preference bonds rose front i'li to47&the fcwomla from.?.? to 31, the thirds from2Hto aj. 'ine nociE viotea annul m per cent, higher. Lehigh Valley was alio favorabl) affected. Clotting bids: Lehigh Valley fleaillDg g. m. is.. 74H N. Pacific com... . 17 Heading 1st pt. & 4Ji N. Pacific prf 4.Bj Heading l pf. 5s a.a4 Pennsylvania. Heading 3d pf 5s. Heading -u1 tl. & n. i. com... Lnign av ... . 11. & it. i . prer ol SU Paul 74 W. N, Y. A t'a .. fj riULADELPHiA, April 5 Flour Winter u peril ne. ta-i.3J; winter extra. g.VA.7 No. 5 winter family, $.?&&3; leuQi)hanIa roller. Btmltcht, $.H!K&t0U; western winter. Clear, $&i.a' r. uo. no., etraignt, ja.&iJ.7i winter pntant, M.fld(3.4.13: AliDDisota, clear. i3.73uX&3, do.. Btrainlit, MTSCtl.lih do., patent. $1JM34 do rnorite brands, higher. Ii)e nonr auii, st so. per oarrei lor cnoice I'enn sylvanla. Wheat-II igticr, with 74c. bid and TtWc asked . for April; TMJc bid and 7 ?ic. asked for Mays Wio. bid and "bc asXed for June; ..lie. Lid and 77Wc.aiked for Julr. Corn llli:ber.6teHdr.wltl48V4c. bid and 48?Ic, asked for April. iTHc- bid and 47Kc astced for May; iT-nfl. bid and Jj-fec asked for June. .c.Dtd and iviitc. asked for July. Oats-Hltfber, with DUo. bid and 404c I asked for April; &c. bid and 41c. asked for j My;ffic. bid and c. Mked fur June; DMc. i bid and 4oflc ke4 for July. Bef Dull, weak; extra mess, f7.50Q.8fiO: family, $1112 ii. j Iork Moderate demand, weak; new mess, i $14 old mes, tlT.fii; extra prime, nominal. Lard (Julet, noiuinal; steam rendered 1 1. Uutter Easy, moderate demand; state dairy, 24&)ft6c.; western dairy, le!4c., Kl glns,lllc., l'vunk) lvania creamery, 31c. wts.i erndo. SWttci rolls. Utfmc. Ekk Fair demand, nrtn. New York and I'ennsyHanla, Wiftlcc.; western, ld.lttc; southern, IJ&lOc. Baltimore; Apill 5. Floor steady, un ebantfed. Wheat utrouf. Corn Ann; mhlte and yellow i ru. hy sauple, 44a Oats stead) Ryequtt. Ila fl m; gwod to choice ttmoth), $1&110.VX Cotlou nomlDAl. middling, Hc lYo visions fair. Lard Iteftnvd. lZo. Butter very firm: creamvr), fancy, fttc.t do. fair to choioe, 2A.c; do.. Imitation, XTc steady at lie. A TERRIBLE TRAGEDY. A Young Wife Killed and Her rather Mortally Wounded. EVAXfiViLU, Intl., April 6. A terrible tragedy occur rt-d on tlio highway betweeu Morgan fleid mid SturgW, Ky., yesterday, which resulted In thektlllngof MUs Abble Oliver, and the fatal wounding of ber father and mother. The circumstances are these: , Harry Delany, a clerk in a drg store at MorgauMeld, rulnetl Miss Oliver eight months ago. He denied the paternity of the unborn child, and tbe raw was sought. Dut tne case renamed unsettled. Mr. lay lor 011 er and M ra. Olive r aud their daugb ter drove to SiurgU from Morgantleld. Tbe Olivers live in Sturgls. They reached Morgantleld about 11 o'clock at nfght and went to the drug store where Delany Is employed. Mr and Mrs. Oliver went In and covered him with revolvers, disarmed him and told him he could either marry the daughter or dW. He oumplled, and they started at ouoe to drive back to Sturgls and on tbe highway three miles from Morgantteld were met by fourarmed men on borhebadc Tbe tatter were friends of Delany, and they demanded that he be released. On refusal a regular battle be gan. At the first shot Delany jumped out of the carriage and ran to his friends. Mr. Oliver was mortally wounded. Mrs Oliver was shot through the tleahy part of the arm. Delany escaped unhurt, Mrs. Delany died at 5 o'clock. H Is reported that before she died, Mrs. Delany gave birth to a child. alvill'a l'upulut HmjoT, to Tjeanviuj!, Cola, April .-Iu the cltr election at Lwulrllle a I'opulut mayor am' Ave out of Iwtlve aldarmep were elected. Tha HpanUh CUirtai Opened. Maduid, ApriltL-Queca ltegent Chris tiana, with King Alfouao XIII and other members of tbe ro)ai family, opened tbe cortes yeeterday with the uaual brilliant ceremoDlea. Amuug the dtstingulaliHi foreigner preaent waa tha Arctiduchesa EllaaWth of Auatria, daughter of tb late Crown Prtaoe Kudulf, with bla aalte. Foar Killed oa the Ball. EowiBUVtiXK, Ilia., April S.-Foarmeu nnuiwisu a number ul otbaraaan oualy Injured to a eoUlaoa ou ttia Jaekaon lUa SouUtera railroad near bare. Tue dead are C. AUpauab. aa engineer; Jamea Uaably, a dreinau, Hugh Wouda,aflr auai Seatty Welab. a iaiaf. TERRORS 0FTHE SEft. Sixty PersonaLoat on the Sultan'B llCtiOUID AUUUkl THIRTEEN LOST OH THE PAOITIO. A Tortlnh nf the Crew f an Abandoned rtrlllah Milp Saved Their TerrlbleSnf ferlngt Without Food or Water for Five Ilajt, Los AVOEM!", Cal., April fl. The steamer Lo Angeles, from San Francisco, arrived at Iledondo yesterday afternoon, ha vine on board Captain Drummond and three of the crew of the four masted steel British hlp King James, coal laden for Newcastle, England, previously reported abandoned on fire about 250 miles off Point Conception, where the first mate and six teen men have already landed. The captain and his companions were picked up off Hneneme yesterday. Their boat, when It left the burning vessel, con tained Blsteen men all told, but four were drowned by its being capsized on the fol lowing day. iieeides tbe captain, tne savea are: John Mueller, seaman; Edward Flint, sail matter, and John Spevey, adprentlce. The men lost are tbe captain's son. Davis Ireland, second mate; William Drummond. third mate: John Christy, cook; Olher Boblnson, apprentice; John Johnson, William Spence, Peter Peterson, John Williams, William Ballze. Stephen Brady and Frank Kenyon, seamen. The boat wai capsized during the even ing of March 31 and four of the occupants were drowned. The captain, his son and the remainder of the crew climbed upon the keel of the boat and succeeded In right ing her, but the boat was full of waterand they remained to their waltts In water fourteen hour, when the men, worn out, exhausted and chilled, began dying. One after another they pawted away until eight, including tbe captain s son, were dead. The dead were passed overboard, and the boat was po relieved by this means that those living ere able to sail her. All tbe pro isions, oars and rigging of every Kind were lost. When picked up by the Los Angeles yesterday the captain and the threo re maining members of his crew had been five days without food or water. They were so weak as to be unable to stand or walk, and had to be lifted from the boat dtty Terson Drowned. CoN'STAKTrsoPLG. via Vienna, April 6 The Pteamer used by the sultan In connec tion with the palace for his own pleasure and to convey guests and members of his hoiifliolil foundered It Is believed that sixty perion, on board at the time, per 1 bed by drowning. No Itertult In Ilhode Island. PnoviriESrr, April fl. In a considerably decreased vote from lat April, there will lm no election for general otucers as a re sult of the election yesterday. Baker, the Democratic nominee for governor, has a plurality. It Is believed that both Demo cratic candidates for congress nave piuraii ties. The legislature Is In doubt, and It will probably depend on tbe second trial In those places where assemblymen failed of election yesterday to settle the complex ion of the legislature and the choice of general officers. Commissioner Ktuim'a Successor Washington, April ((.The perplexing Question of selecting1 a suitable man to fill the post (ion of commissioner of pensions has been settled, and the nomination win be sent to the senate within twenty-four hours. Judge Thomas Lockren, ol bt. Paul, Is said to be tbe man. The Uoxer Dead. Syracuse. N. Y.. April ft. Dan Dono van. of Cleveland, who was defeated In his mill with Joe Dun fee, of thlscity,at Maple Bay Tuesday night, died yesterday after noon. The defeated pugilist never recov ered consciousness after the last and de cisive blow was fetruck. I'm. 'dent McLeod Resigns. Philadelphia, April 5.-Mr. A. A. Mc Leod, president of the Philadelphia and Beading and Coal and Iron companies, has tendered his resignation, to take euect My 1. He will also resign the receiver ship. GO TO FKS. KODEKKR, under the Exchai.gc Hotel, UaukBtreet, tor a smooth shave ora lashionahifl hair cut. t9" Closed on Sunday's Koeder's Hslr tonic, cures Dandruff. We carry in stock a full line of fancy toilet articles at low- esi prices, ana we are me oniy piace iu town w here ) ou can buy Mender's Cream tor thefare. JAWFEB, the barber, opposite the Opera House, cuts hair, shaves and does every thlngln fl rat-class sttle Drop In and see him. Closed on Sundays. Toilet Articles for sale. STUBEIt'S HHAVIXO SALOON, opposite the Advocate Office, Is headquarters for simvinK.naircuinneauasnampooniK. ramcu lar attention rtald to cutting Ladles bancs and Children's Hair. Toilet articlesf or sale. Choice i.iicars. uall. t; d. ca u Wei! CAMPBELL, oterth Canal Bridge, East sport, cuts hati, shaves and sharapooa Instvle. tllve me a call. You can also huv uive Iiayltum, Hair Tonics, &c at the very lowest prices. Boo k-kf EPFS Situation wanted as assistant book-keeptrin a (lour mill, am a fair penman ii nd understand book-keeplnn and conducting Corr spondeiue pretty well. For further re- lereiice appi h. k. w , Harrlty. I'a, is-at tf. BUY YOUR Green Groceries AT LYaiik Leibenguth's NORTH FIItST STREET, where also aan be found a Fine Line of Fin Groceries, Fruits, Gaudies, Green Vegetable- la season, Ac, at the very Lowest Prices. Prompt atten tion and good goods, dSTCALL AND SEE US. !. Hartzell, DEALER IK ALL KINDS OF HARRESS! Whips, Fly Netts, Robes Blankets And everything else usually kept In a first class store ol this kind. REPAIRING Of all kinds attended to neatly, cheap ly and promptly. Special attention paid to the manufacture of Harness to order. STORE IN lEDCEEL'S BLOCK. Auction ! To close out some of our stock before moving into the buildinK opposite the Opera House, we will have a big .puDiio auction on Friday and Saturday. 14 & 15. AFTERNOON AND EVENING. Our stock of goods ooaiets of Notions, Fancy Goods, Stationary and many oiner tniuge. HAGERMAN, Obert's Block, Lehighton. Next week TltfcXLEH wUrhave an announcement under this head that will make carriage and wagon buyers I mlli. Keep your eye on it- ajttNi annual ctatement j 'LelphjQp pQOr District PBTEtt I IB1M, Treasurer, In account with Lehtghtou Borough Poor Dis trict, fur tho year etui in? March SOtli, 1803. DR. To bal, on band April w 43812 1 o Lash rec d from w m Henwlel . Hi 78 CR. By amoxnt paid out as per receipts, viz: HnroiiKh Auditors, Autlitlne ac counts for laeiiH R. Horn rent for Mrs, Knerht, ltreeelpts Mrs Msry Yenser boaid lor O, Arner lzreceii'is-. Win John hoard fofO.MeUierfto 0 rec'pts 49 00 71 tf) Harah Miller loard for child ll rec'pts... airs. unns. l aiierson uwru ir l. cw it. i StilnRlerfi receipts. FranU Ludutg board lor L.&K. tthlngier 4 receipts O. W. Morthlmer books and printing statement J. T. Nusbaum mdse Austin Boer J. P. and J. S. Miller J. P. Order tor removal of U. F. Uelny to 8chu)lk1U Co Krutn h Klstler mdse i Francis llonnian hauling 1 Ueo. liachmsu labor Adam Mehrkam & Hon mdse.... K, L. Sweeny mdse Mrs. DeTschlrschsky, merchandise I9 60 3 97 see 9081 100 M 1210 320 law 75 350 ISf) 140 vm itawonn,consiaoie semres. Dr. W. tl. Si. Selple, medical services, O, McLaren P. S halt, nntatoea Onen Klotz, expenses to KoliujlUlt co. Almvlinitae ................. .......... 2 7 OsenKlott, salary K00 rraiis UiuriiKUiu, iiie r?iijuui3t:..a Clauds A Ilro., bailor ShlngttT LehtRn county Aimnouse, WHimaiiiiuK Aiorns nioui, rnaoii DiijuaamiAiinis Waterhor 197 00 T.A. Hnder, attorney fees.. too If. A, Beltz, relief orders. 2 i 4 7 164 .i. HAiei,coai E, H. rtnyder, merchandise J. P, Smith, makluR duplicate Peter Helm, expenses to Lehigh comity Almshouse Peter Helm, shoes for O. McLiren, S.!, Ida Knecht, i su & K. Shlntfe r,7 1. Peter Meiiii, a a S00 18 41) 600U $ 74.1 28 MEOAPllULATION. To Receipts and Balances $ 9t85 Byanitpaldontns per receipt DUUK.m t l-hicn Balance on band $ 234 57 Wb (he ttnitonlirnMl linlv eloetpd Amtitnri of the Borough of LehlghtOn, 111 , do certify that we hare examined the accounts of Peter Helm, Treasurer of the Leu) eh ton Poor DKirlct, and find them correct to Hie best of dur knowledge and hellef. I. II, Ctll, I O. VY. A. RKICHAIID.V Auditors. I K. HOVER, ) March 20, mx Wm. SCHADL.E. Tax Collector. In no- count wjto Lohlghton Poor District, lor tne year irk. dh. To Amount nf Duplicate I EM TO Himiiimn i'j 4i $ 575 9 By Kxntieratlons $ 2 70 o per vciifc reu.iiruu 9" -T' A per cent comUt'n on 9401 70. 12 14 5 ter cent " on ti46.4, 7 32 C :ih n,iid In H. Urdu. Tress.. &31 73 f 675 10 Audited and annroxed tills 20ih day of March. .1. Ii. r. II, j (I. W A. UKIOIIAHI). Auditors. U K. BOY KB, I THE BAZAAR 729 Hamilton St., ALLENTOWN, PENN'A. (Lately occupied hy Uittner, Hunsicker & Co.) NEW SPRING DKESS -G()ODS. 50 pieces donble fold dress go cuts, all new spring colorings, diagonals, whip cords, brocades, and other desirable weaves, loye ly goods, 12 1-2 cents a yard; worth 20c Whip Cord Sultlncs may he mentioned among the popular materials for spring. Medium weight. In all tbe new shades, 33 Inches wide, will start tbem at 25 cents a jard. 44 Inches wide. In tbe same shade and heavier cloth, 60 cents a jard, well worth 65 cents. Wool Puralu, 40 Inches wide, rich, soft, and dressy, In all popular shades, 05 cents a jsru. Sublime suitings In all the staple and eveniog shades, plain b'ack and striped effects, a large collection to choose from Our stock of black goods Is complete Mohair, Surahs, Serges, Henriettas and jancy weaves. II Is predicted by all that this is eoinc to baa silk season. He have provided for me demand. Fifteen designs In CI. Ids Silk at 51 cenls a yard. I lie patterns are entirely ue Hizbt andlark grounds. 21-Inch China Silk In a variety of designs aud colors, o cents; aell worth So cents. 27-lncb China Silk, eleaant clolli. nretti patterns, &f cents a jard; was made to sell ai f i jo. 10-4 Heavy Urown&heetlns, IS M cents; Toweling. 312 cenls; Heavy li lea cited Muslin 7 1-2 cents a jard. by the piece or varu, worm v penis; tne oiggesi drive in Damask Towels eter heard of. 15 cents. worth 21 cents; Table I.lnem, 10 cents a yard to $1.25' Will be pleased to send Samples To Trouble to Show Goods. M. F. Morrisey REBER'S Drug Store. Celery aud Oaffenei1romkle. We have It frwh. Good f of Heailaebe, Skk Stomach and Xervouenewi. Gy tbe doee oryu atu take it home: &, BOo aad HM iMtttlae with handy deM sup. We bv other reBMtlUM for huui aohe too. There U more than one kind of ltft(UfleC autl how aotue do sulfer. Sunday School liibles) aud other Bibles. Moral and Religious Book. Flue Utationery. LEH4Q9TON. QQIjOTIDLSTGr I E. G: Opera House Block, Baby Coaches ! ! II V - ' T r 1 ft l 'f H en ry Schwartz's, First street, Lehighton. EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. . Surplus, $26,292,980.56, TBI qOtTABLB SOCltTT HOLDS LARQER BUBPLU6, WRITES A LA SO KB A KM CAL BLSINBRS, AND II AS A LAROtn AUODMT or ABacuAi.cE in roaci TU AN ANT OTSKR COM PART IS TUB WOBLD, f Assurance 1SD1. $323,118,331 A ASSUKANCt: IN FUltCC JANUARY 1( !$S01,S!)1,.57. z 2,376 Death Claims Paid For Rates and further information address, W. P. LOE, Special SOUTH BID LIVERY, A.. Sell & Co., Ite a vi Own Hfiisc.liiii ifiieeu Tai'iH Mr all Purposes Iitrwd out at tery UeAioiubte Price-. ' . v (S i U i A OA I I. We huve a Very Large Assortment of TRIMMED & UNTRIMMED HATS & BONNETS Ws have only first-class milliners aud we do the very best work and deliver goods when promised. Don't forget to come and see us before you buy. Miss Alvenia Graver, LEHIGHTON'S POPULAR MILLINER. 0 W KUHTZ & CO.. Hast WelsigQute Lotsjof Fine New Gooods. All Kinds of Fishing Tackle Very Cheap. Come and iee tu. We are itocked with a large Rrwortinunt the things you need, Our Spring Line of Clothing is now complete mid comprising the Latest Stjles lor Men's, oys' nd Youths'. Our efforts to sell the k'st Clothing for the Lowest Prices nre becoming apprecintcd ntul we show you the lnrgeft stock to se hid Irom. . Din't Buy Until Ym See What We Have. ZERS; Lehighton, Pa We liaye 'em in all the New Styles rind at New Prices. Come, Sr-e and 1)6 Couvlnced. Our usual Handsome Line of Furniture at the Lowest Prices. Income, 1891, $39,054,943 in 18G1, $8,946,182, Apt LefiiEhtOD, Penn'a. as GO 11 the New and Pretty Fancies in NB V MILLINERY. Pan e fiiund in great array at our still us in Weissport and Lehighton. We certainly never hud such a Big Assortment before. Be sure to Come and See Us M. CULTON. of ISO?, I ,2. - NOW M HsVftlDOIrtG A LLE N TO WN ,P A . 1893 SPRING 1893 We are for the Spring Season In the Dress Goods DEPARTMENT. New Goods, New Shades, New Styles. All open and waiting jour impectlon. Shade, and itjles to charming that jou oan't help to admire them. We hare tbem In greater variety than too everjaldejes on ontitde of Philadelphia and New York A, to prlcea tbe 7 are right they're at the bottom ronnd. Write for lamplea and compare them wlth'other good. Ramem ber the place we refer te fs H. Hunsicker's W Corner 8th and Hamilton Sts. SagtertiJo No store in Carbon comity, enters more carefully to the varied tastes of the people than we do. This fact is particularly exemplified in our grand Easter Display to which we earnestly invite the attention of all our people. Whether you buy or not, it will be a pleasure for uu to show our goods and give the prices. WB WILL HAVE ICE CREAM and Soda Water Saturday Evening. Tho First this Season. B. K. Culton. Opposite the Park. Wall Paper. From Chfap BUnti to Fine Gilt and Pressed Papera. Alio, Falta and Innialni, with Handsome, Frelzea. PICTURE ROD JND COVE. Window Shades ready to hang, or put op to ordtr. Paint, Oil, Varnish, Glass, Brutes. Painting and Paper Hanging, oy corupeiuani aorauien in any part of the county Books, (Stationery and Faney Goods, always a large stock a Luckenbach' 61 Broadway, Mauch Chunk. For a Thorough Training in BUSINESS or SHORTHAND, H will pay you to visit the AMERICAN BDSINESS Cofe C'intre Sqt'iRE, Allentown, Pa. The most Tliomigb, Rest Regulated, and Finest Equipped Uoromervlal Tralnlnjr Behool In fennslTaala. SEPARATE "Sfin. la.TRCCTORa, Most Praetlcat Course, at Honest Rales, lirtween 300 aud 400 litudents aRnually. Studeuts assisted to pajloit positions. Bend tor catalogue or call at office. O O DORNEY, Prin. "Please rnenelon this paper. 8-rr-em FRANTZ, The South End Jeweler. DO you WANT patches, Searf Pins, Clocks, Watch Chains, Necklaces, Gold Pencils, Har Rings Rings, BraroletB, Silverware, Society Prablenis, irntch Charms. You cau buy ttjeDi tod maov more at our Popular bur ou t ankwaj. Repairing In all ill branchM earetallT attended to at low prleea. Wilson F'nntz, TUE SOUTH ZVU JEWXER. Rank way, I.ehightnn. Now is Your Time! , ---SO-Building Lots For Sale! Don't wait, but come at once! and buy one of these beautifully located lots. You will be sutv ' prised at the viw they afford and'the price will be sure to j please you. No trouble to show i you around. Cal on either a., r. OM UOi, ru J. uuaiUMs, Kut WaUipertPa I GOOD Ask M. C. Henry and Martin Dubbs, of East Mauch Chunk, who saved them a clean cold ISO dollars cash on a Piano. Ask Mr. Cbas. Armbruster, of the same place, who saved him tdb, on a Piano Organ. Oh I I am getting there with both feet, ye high war price agents, come down to honest prices. Phillips has not seen fit to accept my proposition yet, namelv: One Hundred Dollars for every new orgrn he sold that he did not make $20, If he gives me ten dollars far every one I will show he made from 120 to $50 dollars. He claims to be satisfied with 5 profit, that sounds nice, but why don't he carry out what he advocates. I am also headquarters for Sewing Machines t sell the White Cottage at 125 00 White A Domestic at 30 00 Wheeler 4 Wilson at 30 00 Davis and Standard at 30 00 A Handsome High Arm In T Draw Oak at 20 00 Bed Springs just half what you pay elsewhere. Nearly Six Thousand Washing Ma chines sold during 1832, they go Round or Square fo. Come and see me before purchasing and 1 will save you money. la. We w"l Sell anything and every thing that we carry oa Small Monthly Payments "EJ AAROrt SfiYDER, Weissport, Pa. A DOLLAR SAVED DOLLAR EARNED, If you have a house to Furnish you can save more than One Dollar by buying your Carpets from us. We have the largest and best lighted Carpet Store In the' Lehigh Valley. Call and see, and you will be con vinced of the fact. 801 HAMILTON STREET, Allentown. Pa- Apr 13M PAINTING PAPER HANGING, Owen Rehrig, Corner Second and Iron Streets. We have severed our connec tion with Mr. O. F. Acker, and will hereafter do all kinds of house painting, decorating and paper hanging ourself. We will make prices on all work in our line as low as possible,phile at the same time we will do only the best kind of work. 'We will be pleased to figure on any work that ou may ueed and we also hope for a fair share of your patronage. TTe will continue on our headquarters for wall papers, f?orders,(.'urtaius,Paint3 and Supplies, all kinds of Stationery c , and will kindly solid your patronage. Owen Eehrig. MINE Mom's Old KUnd. We handle all the Daily and Weekly Newspapers, Periodi cals.MagPzines, Fashion Books and iStory Papers, and we Deliver them promptly at your store, residence or office. Do you get a papr I If not please try us. Resides the news bureau we have a fine assortment of Clears. Tobacco. CenfecuOneiT. Froits. Mi Toys aid Faccj Goods At the very Lowest Caab Prlcea. fly fair and honest methods and a close attention to buainees we hope to merit your patronage, so we kludly ask for a trial, Please call, T. J. hHETNBY, I Hlose's Qld Stand, First Street Entirely mimn AKD A SURE CURE roa COSTIVENESS BlUousnoss. Dyapopsla, Indigestion, Dlsoasos of tho Kidneys, Torpid Llvor Rheumatism, Dizziness, Sick Hoadaoho, Loss of Appetite, Jaundice, Erup tlons and 8kln Diseases. rrtssJS". jerlsala. IsU II tH ftujliu. altar, jasssai a Lata. Iml. teHuu..tL laid by W F Diary. MANDRAKEl