OH, FOB A DAY OF SPRING t Oh, for a. day of Fprlng, , A tiny of flowers and illy, Oi blrda that pipe nnd hiiik And bnj hood's moUnholft I would nut Krodg the .niiirliter, Thu tears that followed Rftir. for day of youth, A day or atnmth mid paiedon, Of words that told the tith And deed the truth would ffwhlonl I would not (fare imtaated One glory white it lamed. Oh, for 11 day of days, A day with )on and pleasure. Of lore to a.11 Its ways, , And life In all ltd Ttiensurel Win me that day from sorrow And let me die tomorrow. Wilfrid Boa wen Wont in London Ann. DUPED. It is now many years sliice I first visit ed Paris, trat if I live to be a centenarian I urn certain 1 shall not forget that tint journey from London while I remember anything. I was then youiijj and inex perienced, but sufficiently vain to think myself a paragon of wisdom. Like most Londoners, 1 thought that wonderful city the very heart of tho world, and all outside of it mere suburl. Well, one fine morning, which hap pened to be tho twenty-first anniversary of my existence, finding myself the lord ly proprietor of 1.000. I concluded to celebrate my freedom by running over to Paris and astonishing the natives. Fit ting myself ont in a style that would have made me tho envy of n Pawme chief, 1 procured my pasport and em barked for Calais. There were a great many more persons going over than 1 bad eipected to see. bnt 1 consoled my self with the probability that very few of them were destined for Paris, and that not a single one of them was quite as well dressed as myself. I was pacing tho deck of tho steamer Bome two hoars later when I felt a light tap on my shoulder and heard a very pleasant voico say: "Pardon me, my lord, hut may I ven ture to ask if you are destined for Pansy" Now, I was in reality very far from being a lord, or even the kin of a lord, but there was something so very agree able in the iitlo that I felt no special anxiety to disown it. I turned to the speaker-arid beheld a rather hnndiome, well dressed young man of perhaps 2o, who sunled and held ont his liana, ad ding! "lH wager a champagne supper, vii connt, you are at one of yonr old tricks again, traveling incognito. Well," ho continued, heartily shaking my hand, "well met, I trust, and how nro my Lord ana Lady AluyuT Drawing myself up with im air in tended to show a noble breeding! said very stiffly "You ate mistaken, sir Aibyn is not my family name. "A thousand pardons, my lord!" ex claimed tho other in surprise. "1 see my mistake now; you are not my old friend, the viscount, but so liko linn that better eyes than mine have been deceived. Par. don mo again if 1 seem to trespass upon yonr good nature by introducing mj self to your notice as the lion. Kobert liean fort, youngest son of Lord Cuwdale." "Very happy, sir, to ni iko your ac quaintance," returned 1, v. th n very stiff bow. "But why, I pursued, feeling in ternally more flattered th u I wished to havojippear, ami really u lighted that I bad come in contact with one -of Lni land's proud aristocracy, "why do you address me as if you knew me to be ono or the nouuityr "Because, my lord," your whole man ner shows to an exiierienced eyo you are not a coramouer. "You are right," said I, with a smile intended to convey tho impression that His shrewdness had penetrated my dis guise. "I knew it, my lordl" he triumphantly exclaimed, "l linew.m 1 did not caution mm against address ing me according to my sunnosed rank, for besides the fact that tho flattering sound was very agreeable to my ears connted on its being disclosed to or over heard by others, and thus being myste riously elevated in their estimation. Long before we had crossed tho chan nel the lion. Mr. Beaufort and myself had become very intimate. He had trav eled a great deal, and of course 1 was in luck to fall in with him on this account, to say nothing of his being a son of a lord. He was going to show me Paris and French life, and 1 must leave all to him. He would look at my passport and also overhaul my trunk and tell me. the exact amount of duty I should lmvo to pay, This he did and then observed: "Oh, a matter of 10 guineas will see yon through nil right, my lordl Yours is a inert trifle 1 wish mine was as lit tleit will coat me a cool 100, but I sup pose you left ut home all except absolute necessaries, as I ought to have done. By tne way, as we are Hearing Calais now, yon may jnst hand me the amount, and I will arrange it without giving your lordship any trouble whatever. Yet stayl" he immediately added, with vexed expression, "What am I thinking about, talking money affairs to j-our lord ship. I understand these things, and I'll arrange all. Put your baggage witli mine. and we'll make it all right at the end of the journey I began to think it was going to cost me something to keep up my title. As we drew near Calais all was exoite- ment and bnstle on board our steamer, each one anxious to look out and get possession of his baggage and otherwise arrange for getting ashore at the earliest possible moment. As my ftieud had so kindly volunteered to take all trouble ana responsibility off my hands, I felt very easy and contented ami was amus ing myself with the fleet of littlo boats that had gather d fironud us when the Hon. Mr. Beaufort came hurrying np and uiew me apart from tne others. "I find," he said, "I liave not gold enough to jwy the duties and get us to Paris, Could you oblige me with change for a 13UO uoter" Unfortunately." I replied, "I have not more than GO guineas in my posses- nun, me rest or my lumis being In draft on Deleasert & Co., Paris." "How unfortunate! What is to be lone! By the bye, w ill you let ine ate four draft, my lord I product! it. "Stay a minute till I speak to the cap tain," ho said. "1 tliiuk 1 can arrange It" He hurried away with the draft in his band. For the first time I felt a little luspicion of some trick and awaited his return wuh some auxic' v. He came tack, however, in about 1. minutes and isked me for my posspu-i, sayiug lie thought he could get thi ugh without iny trouble. As we luul int vet reached the pier, I handtd him thnt. but with the resolve to have it lieek liefure going ignore. When some 10 minutes later hu re turned with a uheerlul smile, and fold ing up my pupers put ihtin in iny band, with tho remark that all was right, 1 was la ashamed of my Ule suspicious that ! felt myself blush. ' The clerk." ho said, "has cliatiged my note at a fair discount, giving ine haU fold and the rest in bills on the liank uf France By the be, my lord, suppose you take a few. Yon may want tu use them before yon get your small draft cashed." I declined at tint, but he iusiste.1 so Itrongly on my taking and carrying them, even though I thuught I might not want to use them, thai at first, fearing lunger refusal would hurt his feelings, 1 consented to put them in my packetuuok. Under the manage ueut ut wyfritsud, who spoke French as fluently MFirnjIish, verythmg got on smoothly, and I soon found niself transferred from the steamer to a fine hotel without, as hjtf had said, lumug any Ironl-h whatever. :inr passport meantime h id been given upend sent on to Pari si. 1 t. mi orwj ernes, as is the custom 1, , 1 Um fur lushed us in place of th m 1 will pass over the remainder of the journey with the urn i le r mark that very moment more an 1 un re endear.-1 cue to my agrees' lo and austoiruue friend, and tne ui r i r I iiad was .u the fait of being ai ,i i - ,iiioii, won h sooner or Inter he might uaaaaau, to my grief mid .one i to flualh urmwu' ut Puns our psss- sores were KE-siij dt lusndt-d, and sooner wtts mino examined man the on cer informed me that I was under arrest Mid must come wit h Inm Mv Fiemh srM none ot the l,.-i I nt in tn. surprise and constcinniion 1 inwle the best use It I could and demanded v,hat wits meant by sin h iirocceditiKs. 'Yon will find thttt out nt our exam ination," w as his sharp reply. Then we were whirled to the office of insjaistrnte, and I wits nnceremouitnisly hurried into a small, close room, half (1111 with police officers, secret agents Mid lawyer. On the lunch sat a small, withered specimen of hnmaulty, with a wig on hit head aud sjiectncles on his forehead. Well," lie said, jerking down his spec tacles and taking a good stare at me, as diil all the others, "what nowr As 1 could understand Frertch mnoh better than 1 could speak it, I wan able to make out what was said, and to ituy utter astonishment I now heard myself accused of Itetng a notorious swindler and counterfeiter. What Is yonr nauro?" demanded the commissary. Ralph Hodge, said 1. An alios," said one of the police offi cers. "On his passport is itooert iieau fort." A mistake, then!" cried I. "That is name of the gentleman that came over from London with me. lie took my passport and must have cnauged it by mistake." The officers smiled mcrenuiousiy ami exchanged glances with each other and the magistrate, and the latter shaking his head said it wouldn't do. "My draft on Delessert ft Co. will prove it!" exclaimed I. Itetblnktng my self of that and producing it with trem bling eagerness. The commissary glanced over it ami frowned. Another mistake iierhaps," lie said with ironical bitterness, jointing to the name of Robert Beaufort. The truth now Hashed upon me. My companion then was no other than a pro fessional villain, who liad played upon my foolish vanity .and made me ma dupe nnd scapegoat. I tried to niRkethemag- istrate comprehend the true state ot the case, bnt he either did not or would not understand me. After a good deal of trouble and delay, however, I mauaged to get the British embassy interested in my case, and in course of time the truth came out, slid 1 was set at liberty. My money had all been drawn ' through long before, and the villain who bad robbed and gulled me was safe across the frontier chuck ling over tho arts by which he had de frauded a fool. E. 11. in New York News. fltit Time Cltrl.ttnna. I cannot but sigh sometimes for the simplicity of .the original Christmas or that of the middle nge. when the yule log biased on the hearth and the boar s head graced the board. There is some thing very attractive about all this, in theory, but I do not fancy the reality where the rushes on the flour caught the refuse for the rats and dogs to eat, even while the dinner was going on. And, while I would not go back to this in its entirety, I would be glad to see some of its simplicity infused into our social life of today with lis artificiality nnd its petty jealousies and bickerings. Boston Iiouio Journal. A l'ltinillur Kxtutrlviice. You lose things things that you hnve put away so very carefully that jou can not track them yourself. You search aud search until you could cheerfully howl, so deep is your despair. It's of no use. They are nowhere.. Y'on get more liko them if vou can. or maao somo misery. bio substitute do, or suffer for want of them. Aud then some time yon come across thein, put away, oh, so neatly wisely, whtre no oitc. not even you, would ever think of looking. Boston Commonwealth. Jilirturu mid rtij.lcal llri cloViuent, Wo may ask. Has any actual difference been atcertaiued between the growth of the children of tho favored class nnd that of the less favored child? Do fresh air and good food and exercise and the absence of exhausting lubor tell not only upon the general health and ltappiness of our children, but nxton their height and weight and the development of their chests? Does nurture tell in nclital fig nresupon the eUe of a many To this we may answer yes. It should lie remarked in this connec tion that in rtgnrd to their actual origi nal endowment of bone and muscle, na ture is iinjiartial in her favors, that her children are born free and equal in tills respect, and that circumstances aa re gards poverty or wealth or class, whether cf king or peasant, have little or no in fluence upon the size of tho uew born. It is also noteworthy that the tendency in the beginning is always toward the normal symmetrical det elopmeut of the body, aud (speaking of the rule) that children are not burn deformed, or with the deficiencies and irregularities we sometimes note in them later. Out of 28,300 Infanta observed by Clianssier, only 123 were found to present any de viation from the normal, and these ex ceptions were actual monstrosities, while from 13,S9 cases observed at n matcr- nite in Paris only 45 were deformed. Mnry T. Bisaell, JI. D., iu Harper's IUzar. If Vou IVeru tn tltn Moon, If lunar conditions are favorable to hu man existence aud it is not certain that they are not and you could be trans ported to the top of Pico or 'some other tall peak or rock on the surface of our "silvery sister world," how do you sup pose things would look from such van tage ground? You would probably first turn your eyes iu the direction of our earth the world you luul just quitted but to 3 tin it would be a stranger. In place of the somber globe you would naturally expect to behold your eyes would be greeted with n most wonderful sight. The earth would appear to you to be 01 times larger than the sun appears to the residents of this mundane sphora This because the earth lias eight times the diameter of the moon; therefore she must necessarily show the inoonites 64 times as much surface as the moon shows us. The sun, on the other hand, would ap pear no larger to you from your observa tory on the moou than it does from our globe, Tlieearth'satmoaphere being blue, It has been decided that the earth must appear as a blue ball to all outside on lookers. What a glorious sight it must be to our lunarian neighbors to look upon a bright blue, swift revolving balrftt times larger tnan the ami: ot. Loula lie public, Hourdlni; llou.e AuteitltlM. They were talking at the boarding uouae table about Hnitth, the lawyer, who was not present. "Smith," said the autocrat at the head of the table, aud who Is himself a law yer, "Smith is a very bright fellow, but lie has this drawback! He rates himself about lid per cent higher than anybody else does." "Yes," said the newspaper man medi tatively as he reached over and took the two brown biscuits that the teacher had trr eyes on, "yes, hot that 4s such a common failing of lawyers that I uever vase any account of it." Aud then the other buardars wLu never dare to indulge iu such auieiiitiss laughed wildly, while the lawyer said he oouldu t see why it was that a slur ou Ids profession was always so ""tHug to tne eoaiuiou UerU. Exchange, ItotMgfr I'rttMi AitaMl tlwivts. The Lancet gives an account of a fata! case of blood poisoning in which the la- tsctiou wat iracea to a Muuoa nlasttr One can readily see how Uw court ulasuir or any sdltesive pUatvr might be the cause of mfeoving a fresh wound. They sve made to a gruat sx teut of aiuuai) refuse and beyond that lay ue mm ted in the -pocket or by be ing cart ltwl.t hit i ,i 4ucc where they aro liable to couttiuilliutloii. Uuk'- l, i i i ."i,-rhiii . . i ' . t ill tlkiHl .t II, llrl i' I ' ne hulls, . ' il tin Minn lu.' .ii-wi-red iiruwu- Mi- niili ' i tlni.rf - u.ir, "I. . t, 11 ui, ilure Us THE IMMORTAL SOUL. Vlttor ling.,' Meivnrnl.l, 1 t,i t ftmptn lie- ' ,lt Mo- II li. !'. M dllinci icmntoXi t,.i Htlsrnln Pn ,s somo . irs i " I ' d- h' r d n i Impromptu mldns.. m u In. I, 1 ' exnrt'Rslon to bN fitith in the i !' de i-m' in the soul's linniortnhi li' Inend, Houspaye, who WHBpitHi nt. "Hugo at Unit time vmu men of utrel, with no siirn of old age about him, Imt with all the agility, the suppleness. th (ase and grace of Ids b't years." He was contradicting the atheists, and hl friend says "his face was bright with the heavenly halo, Mid Ms tjts nhum like burning coals." "There are no otitilt forces," he said, "there are only luminous forces. Occult force is chaos; the luminous force it Ood. Man Is an Infinite little copy ol God. Tills is glory enough for man. 1 sura man, an invisible atom, a drop in the ocean, a gram of sand on the shore. Little as I am, I feel the Ood in mo, lte oanse I can also bring forth out of my chaos. I make books, which are crea tions. I feel In myself that future life. 1 sm like a forest which has 1m tit more than once cut down; the new shoots ars stronger andjiveller than ever. "I am rising, I know, toward the any. The sunshine is on my head. The earth gives mn itt generous sap, but heaven lights me with the rrftection of unknown world's. Yon s ly the soul Is nothing but the result of lsid'Hy powers. Why. then, is my soul more luminous when my bod ily powers begin to raw winter is on my head, and otsrnal spring is in mv heart. There I breathe at this hour the fragrance of the lilacs, the violets nnd the roses as at") years ago. The uearei I aitproach tho cud Hie plainer I heal archmd roe the immortal symphonic ot lie worlds which btvitc me. "It is marvelous, ) el simple. It is 0 fairy tale, nnd it is historic. For half a century 1 hav o ltcen writing my though ti in proso and verse, history, philosophy drama, romance, tradition, satire, U and song. I bare tried all, imt I feel 1 have not said b thousandth part of what is in me. When I go down to the grave. I can say, like many others, I have fin ished mv day's work, but I cannot say I have finished my life. My days will begin again the next morning. Tht tonlli is not n blind alley, it it a thor oughfare. It doses on the twilight, tr open on thn dnwu." L'Uuhers ' The public will perliaps bo interested iu hearing that M. Zola, M. Dtiudet .ttid M. Arsetie Houssays acknowledge red to lie their favorite color, and that the favorite animal of. 11. Armaud Silvostre is tho .loukey. Hip Pin-lug, Of all aeatons In the year, Is the one for making rattic.il changes til regard tenesmi Durlntc the winter, the ss.eni becomes tc a certain extent cloaced with waste, nnd the blood loade.l nlth Impurities, oning to lack or exercise closo coullnetiietil In noor. ly vcnllhiifd (hops and homes, and otl-ei caiues. 1 Ills It the eauso ot the dull, slug- ttlfctf, tired feellnc so general at this seanon and widen must oc overcome, ar the dealt), mat be entlreb bioken down. IIo d't Sarsanaiilla has attained the crcalet pspn atltv all oer the country as tlio faiorlle bnilng Medicine. Itexpeis the accmiiula- tioti of Impurities through the bowels.kltl- eys, tiler, lungs anil skin, gives to tin blood the purity audnualiu necescarr ic good health a ml oyercotnes that tires feeling A dozen boo trees In New Madrid Mo., were lately tapped, nnd yielded 000 pounds of wild honey. Piles of ptople have piles, but Da Wltt'e " licit liazic baire will cure them. i . II Thomas To mako ice by nrtillciil nieuna re quires ouo ton of coal to produce from five to teu tons of ice. It is truth In medicine the smallest dose that performs a cure Is the best. DsU'lttV Little Karly Itlers are the smallest pills, win penunu me cute, auu tu o tne hest 1 nomas. Druggist Stem-u lntlliig wnfehos ueie liivcti'- 1 ny Noel in tho year 18fil. UsK DANA'S SAltSAPAUIt.l.A. in rilK KIXD THAT CURBS. " Aluminum pencils are being maim facturetl in Germany for tthe iiisubiti tute for slate iieueils. The most Intelliaent neotile of our com immlLv rt'enantse in DsUiii'h I.IiiIh lUrK Risers pills of uneqiislsil merit fnriljspepsia jirtumcne anil Cliusiipaufju. verv small, M-nsci in action, i tinman, l 'rosiest. The fl.UtirlllC hUnc tnun?. t.1tlnrna nttrf jeini. curtains, cases anil irA-crwint, uui.'sltesd Flavoring Kxlrar-ts are dalh used by tne bt cooks. They nre mslilvi- lhe words of Damascus wero world famous five hundred yeurx liefwre the Christiuu Urn. llnrklru's Anilra Sn!e. Ihebeal MtUw in tl, w,l.l r,. futm 1,.. Sores, fliers. Halt lUieum, Fever Sore's, te I Inlliimd llullil.. I'lilllilaiMt n.,ruu u...i .11, KnilSltins. mid iMiiMLifcelv r. 111... .. n ..a. reitulrert. It atgUHrHiitivd toKle trfei't satis motion, or inoou) irflttiileit. Prise 26 cents l.ei twi. For sulo ui llehtr WilsliUnti and hiiri A boby woigldug 10,00) pound nt the epi tcr would weigh 10,031 pounds in London. Tho Ito.lou hUr and now to deal wiih them, and other val uahle mnlleal liifornistloii, will be found in nr Kanlnianu s irlest Medical erk lessnt colored plates. giil three S cem inil 10 pay poiae lo A. I1. Ordwat A Co , llosion, .Vaes.,and reeelt e a conv free The best insect destroyer is hot alum water. W'e are going ou from grace to craoe to parfeotion. UoK DANA'S SAItSAPAllILLA. its i he. o-r.Mj i ha r ucltiCo." The wind from tho Vnril, l.u. &i,. aud keen, and bod enacts of colds are seen. ne M uute Cough Cure so sste aud sure. win unit Mij periorma -voiulerous cuie. T. v. sniMiiss. One Hfth of the coal mliie.1 la lost iu culm and refuse. 1 ne breaking: u of tlm uii.r (. ti, ts'iai ioru Breaking up of Hie stsuw mature is opening up the notes and throw Ing olf refuse. DeWltt's Serasparilla Is ol uuuraiiiniiii b suistaDCo lu Lhla iuw L'K HA NA'H SAHMAPAIIIUa. its "TH K1NU THAT Oil 8KB.1' Tho lougevity of trees U umoh Iiific enoe by olituata. Bad eoton srsian itullosiss an unhasliki Isle of tbe sjsteui, DsWItl's l.itUs Sarb nissrs sra pil's I list will corrt lUs soutll tlou. Tbsy act ou lbs liver, lbs; set on lbs siouisoii, I bey set on tka bowels. T. 1). Tbianas, Ilfucgtu. 1)lie Urltiuli Huseuiu contaius IU Oral euvelope ever uiads. Astr uui tiers olaltn tlutt there are 17 SlXlKaj oouivls tu ttMS solar system. I HAVE been a euHsrer from calstrb for taes. I foaud iHiuinduue relief lu Hie net of Ely's Cream Ualui. Hlnce ustas; Il I bare not suffered alnoinent from baesV scbe, sore Uiromt or loss of sleep, from wbicb I prevk usly sntfrred, caused it) e.lairb. I consider your Balm a valuable resaedy.- K. U. Yssssr, M Warrasi street, New fork. Kit's Cresu Bales Is oxtb Its wslcbtw loldssa cure tor caianb. (lew bottle cured uw . A. Lovrlt. Fraaklia, fa. LOS There are fully lOOXIUu spseta, of Hi sects known to the eutiwologiats. For year, lbs editor of the Uurtington -ImietUm 3ilu . i'fMI has beeji kubiecl lo ranii eoltc or fin ot Indigestion, sqicb Oinsi laked liltu for aeerai hours au I tin h'tfd bun f , ,r buoineMi tor t.u or three d.a rtii iLe im-t veur he ha Inn u.Idi: ' I nub, rlalnS i !ir t holers nnd DurrLu. It in, .! Mh.tiewi i.ji'a. ,,o nuirwd, sud i l.i hv.,imIi i li luul luionpl iw i. f anil .'.'I r. 1,1 Ih.111,1 for Mle by H.-t,. i. 1.. ImkI.Ioo, and II en, Wt issport. 1 A twtatiia (Un i preacher ailvertio..j Miood uusie aud short eeroous. A NOBLE CAUSE. Commander Jsmc3 S. Dean, of General Grain Post, O. A. 11, Ilondoul. N. Y., contrscteii an ag grsvsted stomach trouble IntheArmy which lesulted in chronic dyietil. Physicians without number prescribed but he suffered un told misery until he uscu nr. Harm Kennedy's Favor ite Remedy, of Cummnntter Dean. Itondout, N. Y. After ratine It a week, ssvs Coninlftn- der Dean, f felt better, and In a short wlille wss entirely cured, thnt terrible distress and food breaking up sour In my llirost had all gone. .To-ilay, Ihere Isn't a healthier man on earth. Comrades i If jou'te not well, try this great medicine on my recommendation, It's guaranteed to cure or money reiuuueu. I desire, says Quartermaster Wil bur L. Hale, of Pratt Post. 0. A. It.. King ston, N. Y.. to re quest my comrades to use Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, If troubled wlthfScrofu- s.Ssltltlirum.lonsti- Killon, Rheumatism, Idnev or Urinary Troubles. It cured Qssrlsraaiter Hals. me of a most horrible esse of ball Ilheura. Physicians gave me Wp but Favorite Rem edy healed every sore, strengthened my nerves and muscles. I.now enjoy life." Trees! Trees! A full nataoititiottt (if Fruit. OrnuiiieiitHl ami Shade Tn-es, KrrKri,eiiri, Hhniht, Vim"), etc. mA I . K H rS BtiiK'tl at very reawn,ioif ii Uriiio riitoH and In wtie they cn niitenine lu irnon to the itiirwry, romiM-tent mnn will iptr Intend the ttHHuitftic of order Tor l iiiiHi'THit i mi rue. iiecninive I'mnmuin' win nt niUi'Htioii, riKnitur: .:iu;i.im. FOR SALE. A farm lttiatett In Ttmstttfitstnii town.htp, OaHiui count), l'u.. fchotit six tittles from elss port, on routl teartlna lroin ialililact tu K testis villa itntliihiK itiwiiiiln ot SJ Mites o clear Isml wltn g'Ml rtiniiliiK si'ritiK wntor nil the er rntintl, ami llli ail nerctsflry miuiiiii.nnus nlimrl.lliii THO HTIIUY PltAMK DWlilr I.I Nil HOL'SK Hum taut, w tth string ltxltl feet. a frame, bstik Intra agxt feet, wautin shwl iaxm leei nun nil inner ncaeitsitrr miiiuniniiiKs. terms ot sine win oe msiis Kti.mn ny JOHN JtfOlKR, II Kanllv. I's. Soidel's Bjikcrj, flul Strwl, Irflilftltton, jon will nlwnvK fil FreshMtHiid Het BREAD AND CAKES. Rye, Wheat and Vienna Bread I'mdt H?ry Hay. Our Vienna llremt cannot ! excflltal. WerciMH'truHj rullcltyoiirwtnm yte. Wjttch or the Wukuii, Soidel's Vienna UaUery, 0p. Olrt'H, FM!HT ST.. t.KllinilTON. l'A wiassronT, pa. A popular question before tho peoplo just now is Fishing Tackle, this Is particularly so with those who find a ploastiro In angling for the tinny trlbo. Where to get tho boat taokcl It also n perplexlug quebtiou to you but not to lis, for wo have it right herethe vsry bestnt the louost prices the sumo prices perlinps us you pay for a nrtlclo elsewhere. We want you to come nnd oxatuino our new Uueot Pishing Tuckol, before you go elsowhcro for we know that we can save yoti money. That Is what you want. Come and see us. BIERY, The Druggist. FUltMTUKE, U.NDEIlTAKINd FI.OUU A FKKIJ. Robt. JNT. Anthony," (SaeeesMr to J. P. Ilex, Fiwt Wehsnoit.) ivlLilj UOXTIXUE TO UK THE I1EST I'LACK TO BUV Farnitnre, Floor & M. t the IiUHttit 1'ilcefi. Give ua a call. No trouble to hhow woods. H. N. ANTHONY REN Kew Siirlug anil Summer GiMxls mean more with us tliati tliesame wonts menu frooiotlier JesJws. Wliy r Oeeauea slit the gools we liave ou our oounters and slislves are new-tliere Is no last jftar'sstook of uxxxls urusjiwl up aud piled tip to . ileoeiv the buyer. We fn tesul to toerit your petron- . ly uuiiest, fsir end nnare daallng and we tvtttit you U eoitva swd see siUat e liave lu 'NOW DviiSB liOOlls tit very Low IVicep. Xiroimiwg k ProWeioiw, of tbe best quality and at tbeloaest tleea. ChoUsa FltMir mhI Vmh Vjeh Cotiotr) I'rtMliiw. U'lsttiuig My:liUie & Ifriuger . of ttse tsst sssass at lav prioss. A LI. GOODS ARS nKUVKItED FKEI. M e have s Kootuy, Messsnt Store, e1 eel lie Ugted. Coeue and sne us Geo. H. Enzian, North First Street, LehigLtun. "COMMUNICATED" To llio Owbts of Wapis, I miitltl sn llint lii'luri' y"l I likf join W'ignii to the shop for ' rt'pniru lortk "Vt-r tlrp miiititigl did Imt jrnr, tor wliitlirr I lino infi'rinr I'Rint mul Vnrninli. 'llifii 0ntllmr iirii'f. h!o in tlip ptirelinip of ti new tine, Wtij of a L'itriiagp Mn! fitl buy where )t)'i jjft tlif snine nvtiolf for.XHi I so much lc8 moiipy, for Miy-plurf in noteil fur thnt, nnmt ly. to tx-ll chrnjK'r than mij othpr. t uniit I Ml Cur tho irmly stulT yon we. WKISsroItT. PA. Reading R. R System Lehigh Valley Division. Anthracite Coal used - exclusively Insuring cleanliness nnil comfort. . Arranueiiifi-t of Passenger Ttttlns. SCItKDl'l.K IN KtHKCT lire 4, 18t. TIt.tlNS I.KAVli I.H1IK1IIHIN l or Neksiksiiil Ni ulh4.lB.J.I6,ttliillll2 am., a on, 6.a si.au p. in. - Fur MallULKH hhiiik uhi, .... . ai .. . . ,., Kt A 7 un.l 7 t 1, III. 'r,',r' I.Vmlvrl'vlllr and I rcutoll 9 00 anil ll.U a.lu.j uu.l li.6T 4 37 p. m. ,. . , for m.Uhiston, Cbusjuiiu.;, Allcnton, Item 'l or riillitdslitila nun points wnitll 4J U.42. 7.1U'.54 uJ "' i U v3!' t, a tt"u 'fur'liwlluitsmlllarmbuiii t.aa,7. andll.tn VZlS, raBl, tlP. Ulierrlford. Kiu J. vt m i i in l c7,l.iv. unit IliiVeiidauniu, ii.12.-B.oo S.M a. iu., VIM. an" '"SKiifli t nir k .!. 7.43, M, II 20 anU IU!! a.m. i.m, 3.i, 4.15.s.ai,7.w,8.i,o-Ts p. m. SorWentlierly unit Ilarlelonl!.l.7.43.aeilli0 llJiSu.lii.1 4.15,o.i. 7.ii, lew p.". .,, A for Msfrnmi) City, aiienanduali snu AMi and 0.SI, 7.43, DM and U.03OI1I.I 4.15. 0.20 & 7. ti U. I . l or Ml. Orinel and MuuiiuMn il-Oi. LWano 'SrHi'ot'l!.vno,i!:i!i'.'7.1.i, 7Js.iuuil.ttl nd ll.Si ii in sis, i is, iV.W tint! 7 5(0 it.in 'lVr' White llsven, lYItKwesr.e snd Hersntoii 7.i.i, e.80 and n.aa a-fnlt .". o.ai, 7.fl sud io.a '''For i'lttslon and L. ii 11. Juliet., 7.43, D,30, and II JH a.m.: 4.6.i.7.22aud lOJaji. m. Kor ImiStisnnuck 7,43 and 11JB a. in.; 4 13. YoroVeu,'Au1Curn, ftliaca and lleuetallji 11.111.; uuv p.ni. Kor liceyill Urcji file. TownndA, a) l e, Waverll. M lloiliester, llullalo, .Vsaata Falls and tin m m. niHiiesicr. iiuuiu. .. :.' ' ,n ti, , f or l.imliii aim tin- Wot via Salainanen ai l.isp.m. ..,...,,,,.. r'or New oik4,j0.l)7 and 11 Bn ra. ; M7 auu 7.! p. in For rinl.iddluiU 1,25 7.U7 a. in. : J. 32, 5.1 r ano ?'. . - a .i-o7 l or riasum mm nun ' ,,: 7J7,ll.ma.ni.; MBT.UU. a.i;aiidtui .iii. For Maucli Cliunk 8.14, Wti, 11.11", HJs ll.V s. in. : 8.1H, 5.13, Ml. nnd iuo p. in. r or Heading Hi 07 c- in. ; 2.9S and T.JB p. 1 1. For llMletmi WW, and It ta,.iii. ; 3.10 and 10.1 '''For Malianuy City anil Blieuandtli H.B6. !!.(. II. in.. Htm 3 in p. in. For Wffi.X.rSUkWlj.ne. Hlt.t. luiiKliaiiiiock.lovi uii'la. hnie. ltlMca. eneis. auliuiu, Kllnlra, ItiKliei-ter, lliittalo, M-Utani rails ana tliu WestllAia. in and lowp in. For Iiiithcr istitk'iilarsluqulieul Axeulsfoi lime 'lableH. O. tl. HANCOCK. Central I'asimger Aitent. 1'iui.uieipni.i, i a. A. W. hONNKMACIII'll, As't Central I'as seniier AKi'iit. Doutli lletlilelieiM, . W. M. Rapaher, n-fORNEV ISO COUSSELLOH AT LAW, First door above Hie Mansion llou, MAUC11 CHUNK. - - - TKNN'A. teal Fjitate and Collection Agenfj. Will liny lid sill Heal Kstate. Conveysl.e lljl! t'11J,?i nlliino. nromot v made. Settling lJtstept lecjdents a siwvlauy. May bo wusuitw in liKltshiind (lenr.au iiov. sa-vt F. I. SMITH, D. D. S., Olltce olte Hie (lira House Liattk Street, Lch 0 t. I'n- I1BSTIMTHY IN ALL IT BBASl'IIKH. KtlllllK Slid IlliklUK UtWulal dealUles a SU1 ty. Ia-alanestlietlesuscd. ., las administered RUd.Terth fatrattr.t V, llll 'Fl'ICI' IllllJlts I'rom ! in., to l, in., from I n. in., to S p. in., frnm 7 p. in., to B . ill. Consultations lu Kiisltsliur Herman Om Hours at Ifslleton -Kleiv hatuldsv. l)ctl-I-lv Oscsu' Christinan, WBlSSI'OltT, 1'A. Livery unit Exchange SuMcs. lltyrMlnoarrtesand sale ilrlvliiK liore( In .incliiiillotUlloiw lo HKeiiiHuwiei..n Mill and lekwrai'li onlers .roniitlv utteudod to tllve me atrial. inarvl U Attention! Business Men 11ANKKI1S. HltOKKHS. HOtlliEKl'Kltb. i.wyi:hs, oifKii'iAia, Ahitraet Makers, lusuraiaw Writers, . Clerks. And all wnose munueiwi im-,iiiicb , llonot detneeyour IhhiI.- by leralehins: Vsi 'lliw Ink KrH.ltia r"leelronlue riuell which works Instanuiueoiuly and diKsnotsbraoethepsiier A i eat aud eleaii nel ol Hooks I. appreeUted In Hoot llusinei Hen. Address all ordersto lieu erslAselit E. V. KUK1INE1I, ttleuileisellb . llsrb iu eounty. Pa. Prlee 35, tw and Tt cents DB. G. T. FOX, 172 Main Street, liatb, l'a. ITIUSOIIS. HaOAIlWAV HOUBS. MOIjllAVS. ir aioN,.HwAS HoiKuTuasiiAis. AT BarHUCHKM.kUN HOTSI.. Vkossdas. AT AI.LK TOWN, liaAKIl UKKTBAI,THUHSUAl Vt Hath, Kkiuavb aiusatiihuavs. omcellours-rroin S a. ai. to t p. in. l'mctler linlted to diseases ol Hie Eye.Ear, Nose Throat rjAUo, liInw4louolthe Ky or IU adjuitl AM,t vIlllWMsl THE CARBON HOUSE, Henry Drumbor, I'rop'r, KIKT H1KKBT, LBHIGIIIMS, 1 KNN'A TlivCsrUui Iloukw Ium tweti rwiotiUed mn tn proved tlnUKlti " t'lectrle lightif d w well veulluueu. ana m amoiiK ine own nuv'tM n thU bcoI Lin nf the HtMt. The Dttwiiissf ul th publle ih NollrlWd, Beit sMNUHniii(idsWt tor pvrmaiieiit and traiwleiit euittow. Olwrgwrvttr) mo it f i. lie. i-iih' Li'iuor,rrenfeeriMirorie and flood flours, for uUe at the Hr jUOA It, W A 1 KISTL COKNEIt SI'XXJ.VI) i ALUM Sra. Want everybody in Lei ugh ton lo buy at tlieir t ire because they havo not only an ex- I!:KRElDLtR, cellPiitty fusoitea line of fine Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions, Boots, Shoes, but because their prices are low er than thece gootln can be bought for elsewhere in (own. Wejbow goods with lffts ure, quote prices ami dfliver all purchases. Dou't tbrget, but call and see us. KRUM and KISTLER THE GREAT German Remedy. TRUTHS FOR THE SICK. mm I 1 Iff tl .IfUlilU rMlllltlKSwlldtlciK'llll !'H( llfrC n Ihtc M I, I ousiU'iiLhUmfctv ('lit R lllTTr wtl Ihl mi uliiriT n illi r flllri. thflttl'mlntnl iillgnm reolhiir: If t-n. ll-n rirititMc t'n 111 itwM l iimvlirittpsi Im It Will VWXV V'lll, iiift tliri'i'irti Ihf -kin tllH-l-BUvi i- tlAsUst li I'llHllK'rl. Uli'ti HIM Moitolr ctiiiilMctt In mil t. iffM. Hi U mi toe mill niHl work ihotift; rlcrkrt.wlmdo HKl ncultu v,m fol rrliw. Mil rill who! pmrure nil Hi Ml it III ti I ? ho til') 1190 l-l'U lit It llTTin"". TlK-vnin iwlll rtire iTci ( t illtit. PoIi'LIhmIU I f-ouragcil, li m Ul uri 3 It tiii ill. ii..( v U M t fin it hi i rtitpl to luffvr from Hlii nm Jrrlll hiillil j on ui nnill1 nine uu HTongaDOi tt never fntts t it it st i I'll i n IlirrhH-l 1UII t UV UlllUHlt III hrUlnmV.Mniirl1triWl9l hottle. Try It: yon imrv, rli ti una mining,! nm j imr Ni-ii ntini, Tu si i.i'iii'H Hit mtn to nlfflit. nndl vou milt ulrpii vrnlll liii'l fMlWUtT forlt-1 to tou wftnt the let MoIIojiI Work tiiiiiHnhair rntl 3 3-ront otnmpB to A. V. ( ikuwat A Co- jiarioD iu., auu ruccira a cuiiy, Tr. PROF. ALEXANDER BOODROU lllft'OVKHKH OF Mm's Miraculous Remsik'S. Llbnrul Mlndt'tl l'lt)rltlHitB Kiiilrnlh'lii As lifiHgtlir UrVals-mt lMtoei) of the Age, p.mltnp cu tth. n us' In urLiirilaue lo utriiD tliiliH, Ui il!neii-n JBTr tofurt' Ho-railect Incur-null- luphtltnla. Antti iu;i hifMirliiliH. cHtHrrli. (Hiir ttlidi of the InuiM. the n ,iilt of HtniKtriikt;, on tv anil hiiitiHiHir- al I Ml restored to tucn liiiturHl t'oiidtttoii. Miiltlt flip fllld IjOtll' tllMMiat' CIll'tMl. KllLMIIItHttSIII (iutntlcit.nfiirrilirl't, itiiKhi s (litiflteof (he kUI ut-jfs, Uvit foiiiila1nt. lUs.-iiicry, mul m'hIIthI wnrtulsftuteBr'-iitlrfi cur by mrf inwtl oi e of ni own iifpAriiig. iiDiirlnu iihut veat-H ovtr HJ.OoO tHrnnfl lime liil tliete rflffili lni h mill aie IUIiik vlinenae ci uieir norm, i win noi to uiio (iiafiipp my--tflf. Iplne over 74 teiim ol uue: ulll nell m meilloliies oniy. I Imve two ciiuin'iitiiltpK,(n' cmiiinectea wim nw lo uitena to uaiiuttt hi im renulf lu-en of tht Mck tf retniircil. TKHI1MUNIAUS. Fro in 1'ntrlnk IStirke. 1'Ull.Al'KLl HIA. Aortl 6, I VI. I'rnfonsor Itmidrou lKar Sir Allow me tfi semi joi, my sincere tliatiKsfor the guinl tliul t nit r inmlltti on (lour inn. aud on cm inibllali this lelter If yon i-homc, tor btm benefit of tho milleriTH. In vvfiU'h I will stnte I Innl m liiiim crioiiietii'oiiiiinu ine earn, nnu iiocmjfcu for it, and whu lu the IiomoIUiI alioiit hIk wccks, nnil oiv linnd Iwicniiie tto nwollL'ti. Hiid liitldlltina- tlon tahhiK pbttti, some of the doctors th nun lit 1 would have to get mj hand uiniiiititU(l to nv my life, but 1 was told hy out ol id tricinlHto go to i'rof. liond rou's oftlee, and wt iniiic of hit-inetll'-ine for It, and thnt tic km w It would nnit- iy hand. 1 utMit tlnirft nnd sot the tnoillcine. anil In tttn uAokw tlie Huelhtur hU wsjiit du n. nnd I had tin into of mv llnvera. The u 1 went t work, ami consider iu)sell wtll.und eaiut tly reuumineiid Iheirmedy to nil Kittle led like me Ihere U nouiuitt 111 I lie worio, ukb ii ui uu iroy ommi Milium, reuui'f dweiiiiiK, iiuuiuiiHif iiiini, ntriu'lloii lu Ihv nervun. and ilrcuiatloli iu Hit blood; tneru N uotlilutt to f omnure to it. ' luwilieeiiuiiy oun, I'ArmcK nr ii k 170JN. (til) bU, riillMdi'Hiliiul Pa I'rotii slooepli Klrhuer. I U Ninth Stl pet, I'hlladelol.ta, I'll. Pyi,e allow mo to add mv teHliinoiiV to joui Iht. 11a. t tin been suiifctriak tlnee tlnma dm Ihl j )am, tne iat tune ie wa mi ohu iu.u j led fat for four tnontlH: had theery be) of doctors but wan btlil pinlntt away, w ltd n jh lio brnir, and ureat pain alt orr me. At tembttd tofO out, hul could nol rt.nid tin' "tin wouhl often dropdown while Kt'eni(illitKiowlk tbeoHse was eonsldtrred a eiy had imr; It wa Inclined to run on uoiiitehtlou of the bruin, wa then rei-oiu mended to 1'iof Itonditm'a medicine and 1 mido out lo k1 to hit onVe, Tt N loili st reel, aim I koi me-intuteim; huh ui iuum rtcekn time I was able to bo out and teiialim i" my huslnetj, though one of tm horses died In the mwiutliiie from the hed. while I MihkI it. and am abte to attend to bunliiiMiiniiw Thaiik totiod Almluhtyaml lol'rot. lUuidioirn inedi cine, whifh I will recommend forever to any noor toilTerer in I wnsi.woiilil be itiensed lo liavt anyone call and nee nw for fiuther infoituatlon. JOSK1II ltllfKI.ll. ODlce aud laboratory open dally fiom 1 a. in to Hp tu. Uall or write to Air..itii'iis iiwuhiu'u, 1137 North len liHtrvet. dec 10. '02-1)'. rhllndclphia. l'u. Send 2 cent stamp for valuable Umk. I EUtfiS' 98 roTnatsii aud r. FOWT StSD PtHW-1 (l'A rVTFtl) . I,.- sity-1 IfattlO 111. Ibi VIUW i vm ASjak- (li asi , n"! 'nniMtrfl'in'6' f..r i iranalti" wasw j . , do .ut, ra.BlMB Mi fSfiSA, 6AIT M'P'OOa titjii. Ait ..Plilla .P TO CONSUMPTIVES. The underfilled liuvlnir Itemti rfsttortdlli heallli byAlmnlu ineuiiH, artr suffertnjc furshiv eral ear wltli a ne -rt lung affect liwiftCnd et-r dread dluvast Conuinptfoii. I ixnmaUi inak known tu 111- tt'llow miicrt-rH tin tiiiHiiHUri(Uva Tiillioiaeulio wt-uhe it. . . will clitwrtullv uiifl (fret of flia i Kf) a coij of the nrwriittlonused, hIiIi'U UM'V will find a tun- cuie for (louMtuip tlon, AallnuH, 1 -tnclillU and ull llirimt .umI i tUHK Alaladlr. IU lioMfU all Mtlffertw ulll try 1 lilHrvmcdv.HHlt I Inviiluahle. Those 4tMirljni tht-prewni'tlon, uiticli will tout them i. Milnu, itf'u 11111 iiuvit Mirim, miii (iieast noon'HH, ItOV, rilW.tUO A. U1LSON, lirooklyn, N'ew York. apr. 2H, Mhi-7y. PRING will not rrsrrt tit. i.milt' Hi ilcltijiti lientUi, vtha nre all run down, tshnnltliiM Shipw'k nirrvitfi. Iwn r -v -r fiiiiii"! Hard - n ins i .: n ji-inr -'ins: -.1 ein end Novelties in Woo SILK WOOL AND WOOL CHALLIES, ALL THE IN0VEL1IES IN COTTON, SILKS IN THE NEW WFAVES AND PRINTINGS. 634 Hamilton TOUandYOUK uuiareii It is a wonderful remedy, which is alike benefi cial to you and your children. Such is Spoil's Emulsion of Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil and Hypophos phites of Lime and Soda. It checks wasting in the children and produces sound, healthy flesh, It keeps them from taking cold and it will do the same for you 8eott's Emulsion ceres Cosghs, CoMs, Csasaatptiea, Ssrsfsl and all Aoaomic aa4 Wssttar Diseases. Prevents wasttas; la chiUrea. iiiet astielatable h. milk, ustenly the SifnMlnr. Prepensl by Boott A B"sniB. CUemlau, Kow York. Sold t; all Druggists. BABY C0A?Me. In very large and complete assortment at the lowest prices. Eon't buy elsewhere until you have ex amined our goods and learned our exceedingly Low Prices. We know we caa please you. orB usrAi. '.ine or All Kinds of Hardware Garden and Farming ToR J. Ii. OillELs In Paint White Lead is best: properly applied it will not scale, chip, chalk, or rub off , it fiitnly adheres to the wood and forma a permanent base for repainting Paints which peel or scale have to be removed by scraping or burning before satisfactory repainting can be done. When buying it is important to obtain Strictly Pure "White Lead properly made. Time has proven that white lead made by the "Old Dutch" process of slow corrosion possesses qualities that cannot '! obtained by any other method of manufacture. This process consumes four to six months time, and produces the brands that have given White Lead its character as the standard paint. " Atlantic". "Bradley" " Brooklyn " " Jewett " "Ulster" are stinrfftrd brands of strictly pure Lead n.adc by the "Old Dutch" oro- cess. You get the best in buying them. 1 you can produce any aesireo color oy tinting these brands of white lead with National Lead Co.'s Pure White Lead Tinting Colors. For ile by the mot reliable deilcrtln Paints everywhere. If you arc folftf to paint, ft will pay yeu to end to ua for a book containing- information that may aave you many a dollar) It will only coat you poatal card to do mo, NATIONAL LEAD CO., t Broadway, New Votk. KIItKr.Y, 2SD. IIiimu, XT. Y. Dyspepsia For 20 Years I TRIED EVXRVTIITXTG, Yet Two Bottles Wrought A CURE ! Not Fiction, But Truth ! IXSX SARSATAItlLLA. Co., Bclfftft, Mc.i Gkxts: I have been a pront Kiiffprrr for over 20 )nr with M M'M'M.i. m ss s.Uao trioil ecrthlnij I rouM 1 H Encar of IIaT0 tiled liiy- ""plclanH' prcrM-ilntloD, hut coultl obtain only temporaiy relief. 1 have been UXsUlLi; MtXl tt'Eir. for years . - B . owlnjr to tho disordered coudl K i tw rBtln my dlentlvo orsans. VBIVl i houtrht a Gottlo o f PAN A M ftAn.SArAniLT,. and It Ill.M'U) MK NO ML'C'IK that 1 bouuht tlio eecond. Itcfora mmmm m m astlbnt WM taken, my 1)1S E 14 ATwiWiiA wan rnti;i, n n,, i ori.i m.i;i;i 1VJ.T.T A I.I AIUlITe I lLIil ;CEY,2ml To whom It mav con Wo are well acqualottl with Sir. KlrLey, and It nm' that HU 11 Oil lit IIO I IlimtU Illiy lIt?IIItM(e Unit ua-siuiiriip. STKAlOd & SSAITII, Druggleta. JIftsua, N. V. Dana Sarsaparlila Co., Bei'ist, Maine. lidlri Wantvil. TotnKeordpri Tor Madame Wood's Cor't, with Kid piofeitett hip ,un kid tli)nd hrv- tlordfd (iiet WhIsIh, KiiU'i'ti Skills, IIohoih r'orin. Ilonf uinoiit'rs, Mfl Fiotetioru aim naiety i'is, neuu tort-aiaioKue to !Ki8 Bonyi halloa Mreet, h)raciiP,1 N. . Tlio l'tKlltiv Ki.lMiiiuiit 111 the Irf.lilel Valley. - CIRCLE CAFE I, ION ll.tl.I. II1IILI1IM1, N. li. Cur, CViiliu hiiuuri., ALLEN TOWN fill AH. A. llOWIA,l'ri, 'I tils Pnimlar ltostauiant liaslieflii tliorouKhh rnuiii And rifiiriiUlirrtt. HiutthHirHiHTuliuoHi. aiwIattutiH arc of a miiwi lor and InvltlnKoliarat' Ut. All tU dlU'resot lhe waiton serveil ai nKMiprate ram. I he bar ih hiiiiiihi wiiii noin liiitiae uvm uranut oi niea, iHuunt, Ain niKrn, etc. IHtllav DlnlitK Itoom III Hie Keur. One factory In Frederlok cottutv Md., put up -1 ,0i,000 oaus uf corn and beuiw thin beasou. A.S.Rabeuoltl, llitANcn irici' : Over J. W taudeubiiHh1 lluuor More, BANK BTiiKKT. LK11IOHTON. iwntlsiry In all Its orancJieH. 'IVt-lh Ktratittl svltltout tuiu. (U)uitiniiiltlfl-ilHlit)ll ii'qiieel. oilu-e DiiVH -WKllNKHIlAY of eat-ti week. I O. iwl'tren-, tl.LRMOWN, i vi utiKjLicountv.Pa. DRESS St., Allentown.. Scptfg Emallon Frunrc'i t)rirsi (1anl yatem. Interior nnvitfatioD hu long hrM ti iroinfix nt Awt in the trnfRti of Frnrfi, Ami Itpl l-l!ll t U Hill lllllt lllC t u.ildc u ntt-rw H) a in tint " i im lo, of ff-Mi li liMl IlllltV 1 n t kIh 1, 4.lHi niilrb nai in i-imiii Alt' I tu hU- v Ml., liver" i.i i.i.l H i"H iiiilcsmtiala. Hifitntr it f r nil Imt 7 wrctnt of tlii 1 (.1. i nw t'l. Mii'-li in therefore iirftctirftUy frw fi ni 1 'lie. Tins tyBtem of inland iMv.tfritHro Im coat alM.ut fftOO.fKlU.OOC for coimtmcHntt nnd ptirctiMf hihI $3o( (KKi.OOO Cur conrPMtonfi. Tb mintinloost of itiAtutetiiuio in nboat JeS, 000,000, ot ItSOo a milo. which oorprt all expand 1 tti . li.il -oovor. Tho tinmbor of tm iwls fit.p1ol on tlie waU-nryt In be tween 16.(MuiHnl 16,000. Ahont 86 p cent bavQ h .iV'ny of 1100 ton a or more, whllf tnoro thnn Mt hTP Rratncity rt oeetsliiR Ui limn. Mon-uver. nbtmt .000 forrjffti hoftfe tww tin rrMK'h fnmtla each 'yotM-. Thi inotlvi poer 1 now dbnott itinl fnrnialietl h,-ilnvft anhnala, itlthongli & few fitmm Lukh ant naed on the Hrine, the (Hse mm mmm other rivers, and stt'iuii tuirgu NvitH nn otcmirfonAlly mrt. Cablo towing :iU t"W locotnotivpfi arc alflo ror1 lu h few plaoea. Tlw arraac coat of turning a ton uf freight one mil la stated tu l 004 cuttle on the rlrera ami 26 jei'tvi(t Kwon tin? oanal.- l'arit IrftUT ThtJ rule Wlilt Ught r fath. Those who huve admired the iiUoa- phormeeiit glow of certain apeoiea ol omatuce will w tnttrmtiil to lfm that a atari ling iliitcovury reajierliug it Sihh been ttiaxlfl. Formerly it was nnpposed that such croat urm (tnittod the Hlit (il tholr own accord, and that they nwxi 11 ina variety of way. It in now knownJ that the light is a duteaart as ilradly tc tlte infecteu Indirtdnals aa vobra ioi soil ing Is to the tinman (tppciea. Mf Qirard liaa traceil phospboreecent light in tati tma and other cruatiicftann to exceed tmrly mi mite bacteria in tbe tntiacltje. On InoculflMtiff healthy specimens wit glowlnffliHctona, the same luniinous an tiearance won tianaiimted. He aleo notes tlutt the diwjHPH rtini a rognlar conrae. and that thou infected die within f out days, tbe lioi-puorepirnce laHtittglmt r short whiK' Ut de.vtli.Bt. Loui Re publin 1 cvi lilntc Horns.) u tstottn. Tetcliing anew horne to come ont of hi- atall at the tire alarm Btgnal and range himwlf alongalde the points not so difficult oh migliUle wipposed. Iinagitm a pair of tiew liorwfl ussigncd to an engine. The eurmnndinfrn arc man or leaa terrible to them, but thry nn1 vvry gently 'tid carefully linndled and gradually low their fear. Tlioir tuition begins ut once, and tho drivtT is thuir (encher, aasif-lcil by the other men. The ordinal y nignal is given, us If for it fire. Tim stall doom oiien, aud tbe horses are led out, put lu Ksitiou, and in a few minutes led back. Thlsptocosi la perhnps a Hoett times reea1wl. Great pains are tHKen that the animals shall not BtrikvagaiiiHt anything, or be by any moan'fl fright tned The unusual hiavtacleof ahantesasus pended in air is npt to disturb them at firatbnfc thoy aie lwl slowly np to ltand induced to snioll of it and hiejject it on all aides. After they havo lieen'led to their posi tions a few times they are- allowed to come of tliuir own accord when the elg nnl strikes, though a man stands behind them to touch them up a little if they do not start promptly at the opening of tho doors. Two weeks conatitute the aver age period of instruction, but horses have been known tolcnni in one lesson, Oth ers, however nre mouths In arriving at equal profit nancy. "ltoad. Track ami Tlir London C'oflce Homo In 1700. At the coltee house the news was dis cussed, minors were invented, scandal aired and assignations made. Letters were received and kept for known cua toniers. Swift used to find his letters froui Stella In the frame of the glass lie- hind the bar 0 tho St. James coffee house. Harley, afterward Earl of Ox ford, saw one of btellas letters one day In that constttctious iiositiou and asked Swift how long ho had learned tho trick of writ ing to himself. Stella wrote a hand very closely resembling Swift s own The floor of 11 coffee room was divided Into boxes similar to those that still lin ger in n few taverns and hostelries that preserve a rlavor of times gone by. Be hind a bar snt enshrined the "idols,' a correspondent of Tho Spectator terms tne barmaids, whose manners and cus toms, especially their fondness for flirta tion ami bar worship the chief griev ance with this correspondent, who was probably either old or ugly have their counteriiarts at the present day beneath more pretentious roofs. Tom Brown de scribes the "idolb"us"acliarmingI'hillis or two, who Invite you by tlnir amorous glances into tlieir smoky territories." Tho crusty Sectittor complained that great dlfliuulty in getting served was ex perienced by those who (lid not respond .to the amorous glances or who wished to pass their time otherwise than in ogling and worshiping the charming Phillises at the bar. Temple Bar. Misruling lllnll un.l Their I llcht. Many discussions liave.been maintain ed as to the manner of flight of birds iu migrating. The wild geese are well known to liave a way of gathering in n large flock aud traveling In something like a military procession, but for the most part naturalists have differed in their ideas on this, as they differ seem ingly on most snbjects, some asserting that most birds fly low, t others that they fly high, etc. Some observations mde by Mr. W. E. D. Scott, however, at Princeton college on tlie night of Oat. 10, 1680, give-some data upon which to base an opinion. Ills observations dis covered a Urge flight of migratory birds proved by computations made at the time to be flying from one to four utiles Ingu above the earth. They were small birds like the rubin, wren, etc. This leads us to another point vis., the dan gen encountered by birds in their annual flight. Of oonrselae greatest is by stones, which beat tbein far from their course out to sea, when they drop fmtu exhaus tion and are drowned, or to the earth, where the force of tbe fall is no less fatal. Mrs. J. 11. Southwortti in Album Journal. What I1IJ Ihmr Hurt A fewjearsago I was assistant Janitor of a large insurance building near old Trinity, New Y01 k. 1 he bead Janitor's ruiuity liven in Hrreuvllle, r.. J. He went home every Hut unlay night. Tin elevator loan (iny brother) aud j took turns in watchuig the building Bamlsys The Janitor had an old friend who was 1. pantryman ou one of the (Hd Dominion steamships, lie called one Fn lii) . W the janitor was out. lie was diMippoiiit Hi lieususe tlie steamer lie worked on sailed the next day (Saturday), and li. told me there was a storm brewing and he was afraid of a rough passage. Sundtiy nioriiii.g I got my breakfast, Went out and got a psfwr and then went down into the' engine room in the hase meut. 1 s.it there talkiug tothe flreuian unrhaia IS or 30 miuuta. ail this tiiui ine front mm doots were locked and Ui. key iu my pocket. At ou. e we htard the flout door atiore thrown viol, inly opon, and It seemed 11 if b hundred p.-o.le came mxliiii , 111 o-i 1 Ui" tiiidn iifrlee flisir. .The fireman ju ins -1 np and eat tatniel, "Frank. lat 1 1, dei il is that?" I listened a loom, nt ami , suiunbudj uj, stairs screainedi "Mv ltl Hy l.ll We are Instl Weeru hull" We were until pmtty well frighteneil, 1 bat we rtislied up stairs awl found every thing as qiui-t as ttie'grsve, not a soul in sight and tin. fnt dix.rs l,Mked hi 1 lia.1 ' left tneui The neat unirniug wlien 1 looked in las paper what should I see on tlw fint page but an arouuiit of a shipwi t--k . au.l It w.ut the ver stiHie sliip thai tin. mioi Ipauiiynuiu 014 uui wnaif-iil on tu peii ..-du uenne. His n is am -s i o.i h .1 tin- ' It l s I I V.uk :.... Jin. ii . SH H I - . "111.! t ni.l It. i 41 truul.h!'' No. U,i alir- iuiH.-it n.lof her olJ Sucb CONDENSED Miks an evrv.J.iy convsnl-nci' of an oW tlme luxury. Put anj 'nilM.imf. Prepared with krupi, loui . ro llinhp-t award ai all Pure l:ooj I- p, siti 'n Eai 11 package makes two lair;' pit s Avi I imitations and Insist raving th MERRKI l.&Srttll E. s H-ie, N.V '; riS8 I n tiol to make Wolff's Almi: Ui.ic.n... Alcohol is good for lcathci j .tiu -I lor the skin. Aleolml istlic ililif . r -In tu ol Cologne, riorida Water, and liv tlio well known faro . lilies. V. :',iiib there Is nothing too costly to use in a good Imihcr preservstirc. Arvno Blacking retails nt 20c. snd at that price scllj readily. Many ' e pesrH:ncriistoniedtauii;rlnfadrc--. iu 1 b:i"liug at 5c. and 10.. a bottle . 1 iru-v canit'.t niulerstunil tliut a Mstk- iniieclioupatSOc. Wcwant lo inctt li 1 -th ihetipnes If we can, ami to ic t ,.it l.-.!i this we o'Ter a reward of fur a recipe Trhlch n 111 enallQ lis to mako Woi-rf's Acme IIlaceiko at suih a prn s lli-.tarcui'irtimprofiuiblysell It at 10 a' f ft!o We hnld this offer oncn until Jm. lit, 1503. WOIiSVF ft ItAHDOLPn. rhUtdolpht. Elck Hmnliche and relleTfl all tho tronblea Iaof dent to ftliltout tUtoof tho eystom, iuch oj$ IHezIdmi, NaUBc, J)rowlnaM, DIstreM aile? MtlDg.l'aiain tho fcUo, to Vhlta tholr moaft roflsviimble succeua bra been ahown in cunug t JIftivlaehG, yet Carter littlo Uror Fills art fyjuall y oluablo In Constipation, cwlngui J pio Tenttnc tbia annoying complain t,whUa tbeyatao correct all diBorileraoitheatomaoii.Btlmulnlatr'a llrer and regulate the tKweU. Even IX Uc j only cum Aelio 1 hey would bo aim oat price tew to those wh J SofAii'fromthladiatreflglDpcoinplalnt; butfortn nately their poodnosa doca noteud hera.and thosi Whoonce try them vlll find theae littlo pUlavaln U Into many wart that they will not bo wil liagtodowithoutthom ButafteriJlaickhMj ilathetanoof nomwiy Uvea that herobwbenl ire makflcmr great boaot. Oar plUacuteitwhilj Cthera do not. Carter'g Littlo Liver nils re very small an 1 Tery eaay to take. Oneortwotlllain&koado90. Ihey are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gontla action pleaae all whl use them. Invlilaat25centa flvfor$l. SoU by drugglate ererrvhere, or aent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO.. New York. I SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE. SHALLPRICl Sclentlflo American Atjency for CAVEATS. TRADB Msnifa. DESICN PATENTS. COPYRIGHT!!, .in XorinnnniionnBTin TTPfl llnaDOOIT wrlie to UUNN CO- OjI Uiuiiuwat. NSW VattK, Oldet barcnu for KemirlnK palenti In America. Kvcr? pa' cut t Akpn out bj ui ! brnuKht bt rora tbe rubuo br a uuuoo glrca Xros or charge la Uio ljrpp(t trtnilaf Ion of anyacientlfiopapertn tho world,, bplendldlr Ilhutrated. So Intctltfreut man ahouia be wllliout It, Veekly. X.I.OO yeojri lUWMx raontbi. Addreia JttlNN ft CO l'UULiaoxtLa.UUl Uroadway, Sw lurk Uty, ELY'S Cream Balm Cleanses the Xssall'sssegei.3 Allsis l'sio -iii.l IntUiniii&iloii, HmIi tie Strei, Uestores the Senses of Taste ami Sutell TEYT H t. Catarr2 FEVER A psrtiele isapplied intosarh noitrilsml Is agreeable . P ire 50 Mills si Dmcc"-. by niall. reglmrsd. tVk RJ.T fllis ,bn Wsrren Si . New Terk a iU-l DlUjCi,.. - , . uydi, wjjuas.a rWIt ' stOUilti. Hit I'll fc-u-ij in j v, .u wlllQliSLU d MT7 an- COHal., '4. e Snail t, nnliiat, AXLE: UREASE 1HE MOULD. . Il .ti urtMMcd. KCiitty r c'ar. i.r brknd. r, t t ir tis.1 Tlll.il.l.lM c m . .ruadKNiBAi.i.Y. m iliENt: mC-TiU rfT te:it. OM.DEIiTi'L. lara ! bi4 m ii. artn i iitsiaf i ba4 ti, t sbi icwian fMsUe, wUk i a.i. ia ,i, 'I. M.f "IWH. HWilk I );ntlJIKIH ILL l(iwlttUftOQab.ui.t I IM tUSJJ, Vbstl tMUtsi ut Beldin's Rm 'v at pn II Isssatw w fi JH M. HIM nnr- Cures Ooasempliou, CoushA, Croup, bore t, Throat, S'd by all lrugf u .i A (li,.r.' i-i ' For a Ihis Siitc, Ba k or CTi. t fthiloh a Horous Plsstsr will g,v Rre.l , .h.fA ooo.-tj Conts, SHILOH'S VITALIZER. lira T r1 Hwi. mi, I'trnttiiim 'iVmi ban: i I tt.ti rtA i h M I IPb t etstUI( If 'hut ' ' "itVfljl fit it lit hutnt,U' trt,i IrPrrifl 1 i Hi n-ii-iia. Live, nr KjUU Uuubiu itciOt id rmr 7ticta. eHILOH'syVCATARRH .".REMEDY. iue . I'TUila ltuiuetlkit i. r.i.eU'dl. Thla lu Utnrt ru i . - u (mi-til t-funu-li.il (t.f UlilU4.' Umnura r fc'M It) IU u iTUeMBtaM IC BTtve eMtlarfsU tllMU I Hm Ha It Br 1 l)r l! I 1 1 orn. 1 .t-li .u , 1 1 t . P. . JILT wK $10,000 CURE tf J1.''I n' .11' - rt Ml i...l In r I ' ' '( t. I L Ui "rpr t " tse, f m M '., ...