The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, April 08, 1893, Image 1

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Has a larger nlroulatimt than any otuei
newspaper printed tn Carbon county, con
nequently It ii the best medium for ttdrer
Users. Our news columns xpnrklo with
the oecutrenoea of the day -oleni, spicy,
Interesting, bright and Independent. Our
editorials are original and will be wort li
reading on account of their spirit which
is independent ot outside dictation. Our
price is oue dollar a year. Just you try It
Is a specialty at our Jb I'n.nn. in
In Snyder's block, east siili 'I I.. ,,
lltldue. Kuvehipei.Notcsn i i I i,
I'huuipltts, Older lluok-., . u ;,, i ., I
and all kinds of l'lc Xir, lim-i' mid
11111m. We do all workueall.t, rlioinl j
cloHiily. Do you need aiollunK in i
line? then call and see us, or tit n
postal card and we will be at youi -t
VOL XXI. No. 21.
Lehighton, Carbon County, Fonna. April 8, 1893
$1..00 a Year in Advanc
All our Spring Goods ore now
opened and nre marked with
lower prices tlian ever before
heard of.
The stock consists of all the very
Latest Fabrics of the' Season.
Come and compare our prices
with any in the same line of
business in the Valley.
You will find us below all com
petitors. J. T. NUSBAUM.
Pint street, between South and Plum streets.
Leulft-htou. Pa.
IUi.ll.tlc Itnmance or l-elilahtnii, Willi
Names ol rromlnent llnslnees Men.
"Miss Bummers Polly I er dare
Matters of Interest from All Over
tbe Commonwealth.
Crimea and Cm nail let of Every Char-
tr Sent by the New Gatherer, of
the Different Localities and Carefully
choap and will save you lots ot labor
to patronize it. i mean u. w. iaury,
lie Is constantly surfplled with the
Tory freshest ot bread, pies, cakes, and
In fact everything in tbe bakery Una.
He has been established nere for many
years unci has won a large trade In
his Hue."
"flutrollr wild lltttc attention to
this locture, although ft was the solid
truth, for she was tliiuklng of a new
hat. "Uncle, where can I llnd the
leading millinery establishment?"
"lust a few doors further down, re
marked Uncle Jesh, "nnd we will visit
Miss Alvena Uraver who ity the way,
has on hand oue of tbe comnletest
'stock of mll.inery to be found in the
cltv. i on can get just wnat you want
there, "The Latest Styles ana Lowest
Prices' being her motto. She has that
experiences which guarantees that
when you have once purchased of her
you have the proper thing at the low
est possible price." And a few hours
later there was never a happier lady
than Polly.
"And Uncle," exclaimed Polly,
"where can I go for dry goods, this
dress of mine is hardly suitable, I must
admit." "Well, my girl, If you want to
select from oue of the most extensively
stocked establishments in the city I
will direct you to 14. H.Snyder, who
carries a line ot dress goods that for
variety and real value, Is seldom seen
outside the largest metrupalitan cities.
He carries all the latest weaves in
fashionable dress goods and you are
sure to be guided right in your selec
tions. You will find htm pleasant to
deal with aud the employes polite and
expert, while their prices cannot be
"And as you are in decided need of a
dress suit," said Uncle Josh to Charles,
"a regular swell Sunday-go-to-meeting
Qulsli, you know, very happily, I cau
suit you as well as though you were ill
some big eastern city. We've got, for
tunately, one first-class tailor in Le
highton, my old friends, Clauss &. Hro."
Charles was Indeed pleased to llnd that
he could make selections for a full
dress suit from a stock of elegaut
goods as could be found In the eastern
shops, and was soon convinced that Mr.
Clauss is master of his art as a cutter.
Fassiug down the street Uncle Josh
passed before a handsome drug store.
'Here is Dr. C. T. Horn," said he, '-ami
he mav prove to be u valuable acnuaint-
ance." "But, Uncle, we don't " "Oh,
I know, vou don't need medicine now,
But the sneaker took a header over
bashfulness, only to her a sweet:
"les, unatley."
"Can I aspire to er to that Is"
"Again a lapse into silence, followed
by an encouraging:
"les, unaney."
Oh, If I might only hope to er to
Another failure of language. It was
seemingly a hopeless case, and it might
nave oeen, only lor a demure:
"Sharley. I've said 'ves' twice, and If
you mean It, I mean it, too, aud aud
And to this dav that voung man will
insist that he popped the question.
All tnis nappened away "down east,"
and it wasn't long before there waa a
wedding. It was not long before there
came a letter from Polly's Uncle Josh
out in Pennsylvania who wrote effus
ively or ms delight at tier exhibition ot
what he called "grit," and proposed
that if the vouni? counle would locate
at Lehighton he would start them no
In lire as a wedding girt.
Of course they accepted, and were
soon bidding tneir lrlends adieu,
A few weeks subsequent to tbe above
conversation a travel-stained party
arrived at Lehighton, Our friend
Uncle Josh was in chaise and he led
the party straight way to his home,
"When you build your new bouse one
of the prlclpal things to be looked
after Is the buildiug hardware and you
win want to deal with an old estab
lished and reliable firm, aud whereat
the same time you can get the Ion est
figures ou your bill. In that case I
would advise you to call ou the Lehigh
Coal & Hardware Co., Limited. Tbey
carry one of the largest stocks of hard
ware in the city, and can furnish you
anything from a shingle nail to u door
knob. And as yuu are going to farm
ing you might also get your agrlcultur
al Implements there. They carry tt
full line"
"After breakfast," remarked the old
man, "we'll go out aud buy you an out
lit. To expedite matters I will order a
rig from the South End Llverv Stable." and Imaglue you never will, but I reck.
The carriage arrived, and as Polly or. it won't be unreasonably long be
HarrisdWio, April 5. At the afternoon
tonventlon of the local option convention
tt urace ai. k. cburch yesterday toe lol
lowing officers were elected: President,
Iter. H. U. Waylsiid. D. D.: vice presl
dents, Rev. Dr. E. Ersklne, Rev. Dr. V. L.
Conrad, Rev. Dr. George Stgler, Rev. W.
F. Swengsl. Rev. William C. Shafleer,
Mrs. Agnes Kemp. Mrs. II. C, Campbell
and Mrs. Sarah McClellan. By resolution
tt was decided to memorlallce the legfsla-
ture to pass the Agnew bill, which allows
the several counties and cities to roteupon
local option.
Lebanon Iron Works Destroyed.
Lebanon. Apt 11 A. The large plant of
the East Lebauon Iron company Is a mass
of ruins. The nre which broke out near
the engine room spread so rapidly that by
the time the Are department arrived the
ntlre establishment was Inflames. The
mills were only recently erected. The ma
chinery was of the latest pattern and it la
ruined. William Shalley was struck by
tbe hook and ladder truck: and badly In,
Jnrrd. Loss, 75,XO; fully Insured
Frightful Aecldent to a Miner,
Mt. Carmel, April 5. Frisk Gorman,
an employe at the Locust Gapcolllsry, had
a narrow escape from death and a thrilling
experience yesterday, wane uncoupling
cars tn the mines one of the sharp hooks
caught la his leg above the knee, Inflicting
a wound fourteen Inches long. Gorman
fell against a passing coal car and was
dragged a mile and a half, when a miner
discovered his perilous position. It Is
feared he will die
A ratal Railroad Colli. Ion.
Grkexsburo, Pa,, April 5. A collision
occurred on the Pennsylvania railroad at
Pscksaddle yesterday between two freight
trains, namuel bnowden, a braltenian,
was so badly burned that he died a few
hours later. Conductors P. S. Williams
and D. E. Ankney, Engineer Brantllucer,
Fireman Mahan and Flagman G. W. Miller
were Injured. No explanation of tbeaccr
dent has been made.
Uotilord In Jail.
Philadelphia, Aprils. Harpln A. Bote
ford, who was brought to this country in
company with A. A. Cadnallader, the de
faulting Wisconsin bank president, .was
placed In a cell at the City hall to await
bis appearauce to answer to Indictments
charging him with embezzlement from the
Arm ot Gray, Jenks 4tt Co., of nearly -0,000.
Conflagration at Lewlstown.
Lewistowk, April 6. Fire destroyed tt.
II. Montgomery's extensive machine and
manufacturing works and sawmill, to
gether with machinery, lumber, etc., and
seriously damaging his brick works. Loss.
115,000; Insurance, 3,000. The warehouse
of ex-Senator John 11. Selbelmer was also
burned. Loss, $3,000; Insurance, 1500.
An Infant Horned to Death.
WlLKESBARRK, Pa., April 1. - Little
Ralph Shotwell, a'ed 2X year, was play
lug with matches yesterday In the house,
when be set fire to his clothes. The names
were communicated to a bed near by, and
an alarm sounded. The house was saved.
but the little fellow was fearfully burned
ana died in a lew minutes.
A 11111,000 V.rd 1st for llemne.s.
PHlLAbEU-IIIA, April tt. A verdict for
SI.VOUO was yesteiday rendered by a Jury
In favor of Mrs. Cornelius A. Harris
against the Pennsylvania Railroad com.
uauy. rriiresentlnff damages for the death
of her husband, Richard S. Harris, who
was killed at Parkrsnurg, this state, ou
Jail , lbSI
Attempt to llnrn a Bot.l.
MYMUIOWX, April &. A dastardly at
letuptwas made to set nre to the Baney
House, the leading hotel la the place. Au
annex to 'the building was saturated with
coal oil aud set on lire. The parties then
cloned tne uoor, wblcn prevented a draft,
and the lire speedily burnt Itself out.
A Hoy seudbearad aud liobbed.
KKAPISU, April 6. lob 11 Crulce, aged 15
sears, residing lu I'blladelpbla, was sand
bagged by two men and rubbed of IT.dO I11
money. Bearing the Franklin street depot
of tbe Reading railroad. He had been In
Readlnjr ou business for bis father
Tuuna Utility f't'oMplraey.
PiTTssuHO. Anrll S 11. R. Barnes. Will
iam Van and John Carr, members of the
Builders' exchange, bate been found
guilty of eouplracy lu tbe ce brought
egalukt tbein by '1 bourns Itneutuiaii. L
T. tloderer was distlmrKt-d
A rrofvMor.tilu Afu'td.
Cutsll'K, Pa., iiii- U Tue Ilenlson
university, of Oram Me, u , has trudered
tbe chair ot rhetoric ami KnglUh litera
ture to Rev. C L Williams. pator of tbe
Upland Baptist i huicU. wUtcl. Mr. Will
lams has accepted
Taouftauds of Cigars Klulbu.
Readiso, April ft, Thieves bruke Idio
tbe cigar factory of William suadrr &
Co., at WomeUdoi f. Twenty-one thuusaud
cigars, valued at eie stolen 1 be
tblevrs stule a lutra valued at fcstt locarr)
tbe goods awajr.
viewed the stylish turnout with pranc
lng horses, elaborate trappings, anil
a neatly dressed driver at the reins,
she expressed great delight, "This
stable," remarked Uncle Josh, "Ib one
of the best outfitted livery establish
ments that I know of ihe two "S's"
Speed. Safety. Is its coat of arms.
If you ever have to run to au off rail
road town, be sure to go there for
a rig."
Having provided you with a cage for
your bird," said Undo Josh, "the llrst
thing we 11 look arter win be the fur
nishings for It." Hereupon Polly
energetically declared she had heard so
much about Kemerer Ic Swartz that she
desired to go there. The reault was
that they were ushered into such a
bewildering display that the girl was
puzzled at tlrst now to select. Hut she
soon yielded to the seductiveness of u
mugulllceut parlor suite, a bedroom
set lu oak (antique Mulsh) that would
have done credit to old Antiquity her
self. To these she added a dining
room set with all accessories, a com
plete kitchen outfit, aud dldu't forget
a most convenient aud ornamental
writing desk for "Hubby" Charles.
"A pretty good Btart." said the old
man, "and now we'll go to Jas. Walp's
tinware store." Here Polly's house
wifely iustiuots had full play lu mar
vels or Kitcneu apparatus. There is
not au establishment lu the state that
carries u more comprehensive stock of
nousenoid luruisniugs. bvety possi
ble piece of kltcheu furniture, from a
tin dipper to a cooking range, is here
in all style aud variety. If Polly fails
to accomplish wouders lu tbe culinary
art, it will uot be for fault of superior
cooking utensils. Her purchases In
cluded a fine New Broadway runge and
everything else necessary to a complete
kitchen outfit. This firm also makes a
speciality of plumbing,
"These house-fixings remind me,"
said tue old gentleman, "that you
haven t got your dishes yet. The most
famous stock in extent, uuallty and
completeness is at Geo. 11. Enztan's."
But the average reader need uot be
told what au array of tableware Pollv
had to select from. There Isu't posi
tively, a thing in the line of china,
crockery, glass or porcelain Deeded for
use or ornament lu any part of the
house that canuot be found thero In
Infinite variety aud at wonderfully low
prices. They also have a SDleudld
stock of lamps of every description,
111 auuuuauce. r-ouy s order suggested
her thorough appreciation.
At this point, somewhat to Charles'
confusion, the old man indulged in a
halt serious criticism of his personal
appearance. "You are decidedly olf
style for a townsman," said he, "and
we'd better go down to E. O. Zern's
clothlug house. After Charles had
uueu uiuiseu out 111 a neut ana late
style business suit from the piles of
fasniouauie garments that cover the
tables ot this extensively stocked es
tablishment, Uncle Josh declared that
"Now you look like a new man." Be
fore leaving having found goods and
prices irresistable, Charles also lu
vested iu a complete outfit of gent.'
furnishing goods, from a latest style
hat to a douen shirts. This house is
not to be undersold in the cltv.
"Let's see 1 promised jou a gold
watch, didn't I T'queried Uncle Josh of
Polly. "The place of nil places Is U.
S. Bock. Ou arriving at the popular
jewelry store the old mau gallantly
acquitted nimseii of Ills promise, aud
theu directed Polly's atteutlou to the
buperior stock of silverware carried by
the house. "There is no other sucli
stock iu the city," said tbe old man,
"aud I will guarantee tbe quality to
bo of the very best. Pick out your
family clock while here," Mr. Bock
i carries a tnagulftceut Hue. He is also
agent for the Remington bicycles for
ladies a gentlemen, and carries a nice
stock ot nsniug tackle."
"I declare, Uucle," exclaimed Charles
as they reached the street, "there goes
a handsome phaeton; I must have oue
like that for the girl." Get It rbrht
here," sententiously said the old man.
"My friend M. T. Trexler conducts a
large carriage factory hero; tils large
aud excellent stock cannot be beaten
tn tbe county. He carries surreys,
fore this voung man will be tnking a
decided Interest lu the mutter or pare
gorio, and " "Uiiclel" "Well
well, come iu; sometimes you may
want a prescription compouuded, aud
this is the place. He is u.coinpeteut
pharmacist, emnioys only trustworthy
assistants, aud carries only the purest
drugs and medicines." J
"As you are going to farming," re-'
marked Uucle josh, "you will need
harness. The boss haruess milliner lu
this section is M, J. llartzell. Ho em
ploys ouly llrst-class workmen aud
gives personal supervision to tbe
minutest detail of manufacture. There
Is nothing in his line that 'cannot be
had of him heavy and light, single
and double, plain aud fancy, work and
buggy haruess he has them in stock.
He carries everything else that is found
In 11 complete stock saddles,
nets, dusters, lap robes, everything t hat
a farmer or gentleman horse owner cau
possibly desire,and as to trunks,vallses,
and saddles bo can't be beat."
"Aud iu the matter of insurance," he
continued, "that la of importance. You
will want a builder's risk ou your new
house, aud lire, lightning aud tornado
lusuranceon your farm property. Then
you can't do a more sensible or satis
factory tblug than to give your wife a
paid up policy of life insurance. My
friends, J. Jb H. Seauoldt, not only have
lines of the solldest aud best com
panies, such as the Liverpool and Lon
don, Globe, the American of Pblladel-
pnia, tiomeoi iew lorK, lagara, con
tinental, and in life Insurance tho New
lork Mutual Life, but are expert and
trustworthy underwriters."
Upon rejoining Polly she began to
to volubly express her thanks. "You
have bought us everything," she ex
claimed. "Only one thing," remarked Uncle
Josh reflectively, "but I can remedy
that, Kemerer fc Swartz always have a
tine line of them, and you can
get one whenever you waut it ; I'll pay
for the best."
" W-h-y," exclnlmod Polly with great
curiosity, "What ever Is It ?"
"Well. Its a -a baby wagon,and "
Hut Polly had fainted.
maucii chunk.
Mauch Chunk has 3lu,000 worth of
bonds outstaudiug.
The shares of the new Columbian
building and loan association have all
been issued.
The valuable Warner property on
Broadway has been sold to Dave
Pursell who will erect thereon a block
of dwellings.
Levi Green, of Mauch Chunk, a
well-known former resident of South
Bethlehem iu the vears when that set
tlement went by different names, such
ns Augusta. Wethorill, Bethlehem
South, and so on. was in town to-dav
Mr. Green was recoguized by old time
acnualutAUces.with whom hearty greet
ings were exchanged. This afternoon
he was giveu an outing by his friend,
II. U. I:asb, with the latter's handsome
trotter, " Dau," in harness. -From
Bethlehem Times.
Commissioners Clerk, the genial
Pat Lawlor, has soid his mercantile
business at Nesquebonlng to John
Hughes of the same place who will con
tinue the business. Mr. Lawlor made
and lost a fortuue in the store business
He was doing a prosperous business up
to a few years ago wheu the striko
came ou. Pat's big heart made him
trust out goods way up iu the thous
ands of dollars and the biggest part is
out yet. Theu followed the big tire
and more credit sales. But for all this
Pat Is as whole-souleil and genial as if
he had never lost a dollar or monkeyed
with tbe political buzz saw.
The two lodges of Odd Fellows
located hero are expecting that oue of
the largest demonstrations ot Odd
Fellowship ever made in this seotlou
will take place on April 'Xth. Ibis is
the date for au annual parade lu honor
of the institution of the oigauizatinn.
aud it Is thought that there will be
fully 300 men iu Hue, representing the
lodges 1L Schuylkill, curuou atid ad
What Has Orsared in this Cltv Muring the
Week rrtlnsntly Kpltoinlred by Our
Special Reporters.
Fine teams for all purposes at the
South End Livery.
Full Hue of Ingrain and Brussels
carpets at Henry Schwartz's.
All kinds of books aud fine station
ry at Luckenbach's, Mauch Chunk.
Fine free lunch will be served at
V. A. Peters' restaurant ou Saturday
Saturday a car load of Hersb
Heaters were shipped to Wilmlugton,
A young girl Is wauted at Miss
Alvenla Graver's millinery store to
learn the millinery business.
Just make it a point to see David
Ebbert wheu you want a team for busl
ness or pleasure. Lowest prices.
An Infant child ot Ed Polsgrove
aud wife, of Norristowu, was interred
in the Lehighton cemetery on Friday
Philip Wcrtnian Is out again nftcr
two week's illness.
E. W. Clauss has purchased the
Valley House from the George Esch
estate. The Valley is oue of our best
Mrs. E. Ilunsfckerhas purchased u
double frame dwelling house from the
Esch estate on lower Bankway.
Dr. J G. Zoru will build an addi
tion to his pretty residence on the
corner of Third and Iron streets.
Couucltman Isaman has built a
cozy veranda to his dwelling ou Third
Aarou Hatipt bos sold bis dwelling
house in the south end to John Auge,
who recently moved here from Nts
Engineer Ben Bartolette, bold bis
pretty Second street property to T. .1
Harlemau, aud this week moved to
Say re, Pa.
Horn's soda water fountain will
fizz Saturday night for the first time
this season. The doctor uses only tbe
best rock candy syrups and finest fruit
Dr. F. I. Smith has purchased the
Thomas Sell property on Bankway.
The doctor contemplates a number of
improvements through this purchase.
Moses Rex, Jr., the well-known
Ashlleld butcher, got judgment against
Nelson Gabel for $4.0.') and Henry
Zeigler for 18.16 In Beltz's First street
court on Monday.
Contrary to the report current
that James W'ulp had disposed of his
stove store business to a party from
the Nutmeg state, he will continue the
business nimseii,
Aaron Krum is uow iu possession
of the Werner property on First street
recontly purchased by-him. He may,
later on, open a store In the basement
ot tne buudluir
Lewis Walck, who lately had tbe
Lehighton Land and Improvement
uompany s rarm, nas taken possession
of the Fred Leuckel truck garden en
Mahoning street.
Expressman M. Hagerman, now
occupying Obert's Qne store room on
First street, will soon take possession
of the" building occupied by John
Hummel opposite the Opera House.
John II. Koons, of Allentown, who
has succeeded J. II'. Raudenbusb, de
ceased, at tne tlrst street liquor store,
also handles a flue quality of bottle
beer which be wholesales at very
reasonauie rates.
Thomas Koons has located a Fair.
banks standard scales and an office
building opposite tbe Lehigh bridge
ou the Leblghlon side of the river.
The ex-Sheriu intends to go exten
sively into lime burning and retailing
John Hauk's doe. "Honest Max" is
making great speed these days. He
was our on the track oue day recently
and showed big improvemeut In his
speed. "Honest Max" will no doubt
snow up at some of the county fairs
next season.
Henry Graver who owus a large
tract of laud In the south end, along the
juanomng ureeK, on tne road leading
to tue old mill, lately dlscroyed ny lire,
is thinking of opening up along the
Hue, a large number of building lots,
The location is first-class and the idea
Herman Hager, of Second street
employed by the Reading Company at
Packerton. fell from a lumber nils on
Monday morning while pursuing his
occupation, and sustained severe in
juries. He was carried home by his
father, Ferdinand Hager.
C. F. Miller, of New Mahoning
township, has taken possession of the
valuable farm of the Lehighton Land
aid Improvement Company, on the
west side, recently vacated by Lewis
Walck. Mr. Miller is a practical far
mer and will no doubt make the farm
pay. He will also establish a milk
After an Illness of only a few days
with scarlet fever, Ida, the eleven year
old daughter of Joseph and Salenda
Notbstein, died Sunday at twelve
o'clock. Interment was made ou Tues
day.afternoou in the Lehighton ceme.
tery. Rev. J. II. Kuder, paster of Trinity
Lutueran unurcu, omciatlug at tne
last sad rites. Jennie, au older daugh
ter, ts also quite in with the same dls
Concerning People Who Visit and On
Vlslllng Ilere, Thero and Everywhere.
..Miss Annie Clark Snndayed at
. . Al Clauss, of Mt. Carmel, was a
Visitor in town this week.
. .Robt. Eck and wife, spent Sunday
with Schuylkill county friends.
. .W. H. Rex and family, of Slatlng
tou, were guests of friends lu town over
. Irvin ScvDes. of the Exchange, was
seeing old friends at Columbia this
The genial Bob Bitting, of Phila
delphia, was closing digits with friends
here this week.
Miss Lottie Ackerman. of Mauch
Chunk, spent Good Friday with Miss
Mamie Semmel.
Wtr. Stelnbecker. of Cataaaunua,
was the guest of Edgar Xander, ou 4th
street over Sunday.
Mrs. Hummel, of Bethlekem.vlsited
Engineer Al. Sitler and family on
Third street this week.
. . Miss Jennie Acker, of Easton, was
a guest this week at the Wm, Oomery
residence on nortn 1st street.
We had a very pleasant call Tues
day from that genuine Jeffersou Demo
crat, Lee stiles, ot racuerion.
Miss Laura Feustermaeher. of Al
lentown, spent Sunday In town, a guest
at tne residence ot j.a. Lentz.
.The jovial Mike Clark, of New
1 ork City, spent a few days lu town
with r". 1-. and Miss Auuie Clark.
University. Philadelphia, is spending a
few days pleasantly with tbe folks at
Edgar Seller is spending this week
home from the popular American Busi
ness College at Allentown, where he Is
a studeut.
G. II. Mantz will leave for Hazle-
ton next week where he will be con
nected with the firm of Dick & Mantz,
Miss Hattle Kemerer, of East
Mauch Chunk, spent a few days re
cently with Miss Kate Arner on Ma
honing street.
Engineer Ed Freyman who is now
located at Sayre, Pa., whore be pulls
the throttle on a fine locomotive, spent
Sunday In town.
Charles A. Hauk. the successful
principal of the Tobyhanna, Monroe
county, public schools, spent a few
days tn town with his parents last
week. Charley is a graduate of the
Lebightou public schools and also of
the MUlersvllle State Normal School.
We had a pleasant call from tbe
genial C. B. Wood, ot Philadelphia, on
Wednesday. Brother Wood is Grand
Vice Chief-elect of the Knights of the
Golden Eagle ot Penusvlvania and was
on his way to Nesquebonlng to deliver
a lecture on the aims, objects and prin
ciples of the Order; he is a hard worker
and one of the brightest lights in
t Mrs. G, W. Rautnan spent Friday
at Allentown.
t Miss Belle Conner visited friends
at Lehighton Friday.
t Mrs. John Graver, of Lehighton.
spent Thursday In town with relatives.
t G. W. Pettit made a business trip
to Mauch Chunk on Friday.
t Dildine Snyder and Alfred Hart-
man spent Thursday In Allentown on
t William Bamford spent Good Fri
day at Lansford with relatives, at the
same time taking in the Lansrord
Eisteddfod, which was a grand success.
t The first loaded canal boat passed
down the Lehigh Canal Tuesday morn
ing at 8 o'clock. It was destined tor
the Allentown and Bethlehem Rapid
Transit Company, Allentown. Benj.
tuotz, ot v elssport, nad charge or tne
t Mondamin Tribe. No. 300. of Parry-
ville, elected the following 0 (fleers Fri
day night : Prophet, W. J, Laur ;
sachem, II. W. Roberts ; senior saga
more, II. F. Keat ; junior sagamore, W.
U. Pursel : chief of records, B. F, Rin-
ker; keeper of wampum, Jacob Peters;
trustee for eighteen moons,C. J. Moritz;
representative, II. F. Peters.
The Doings of tho Weak Intertearird With
Personal Mentions.
George Wenti was at Westhcrly on
Herbert Leopold, of Allentown. SDent
Easier here.
York was
Zem Retires from tbe ChairmansiiiD and
GaM is Elected.
joining counties. Besides tbe parade
carriages, buggies, road carts, delivery I and demonstration the Odd Fellow's
wagous aud phaetons ot ms own tnauu 1 nuuirersai-y ssuuiuiiou win uoiu its
facture, haud-ruado, lu all the leading, annual business, meetlug and In tbe
styles, and is satisfied with a moderate evening there will be a public meetlug
profit, too. We'll leave Polly here I in the Opera House, uddressed by
while we go In aud look over the stock." I uoted speuaere.
Returning to Polly, Uucle Josh sug
gested a resort to some place ot le-
rresbmeut, and thoy betook themselves
1'UII L1C SALE RKtllnl Kit.
Persons who have sale bills printed
at our ofllce, can positively save ten
cents on every dollar, on the price
charged elsewhere, aud 6ecure a notice
in this Sale Register free of charge.
We will write wp your sale, print the
bills almost while you wait. We have
all kinds of display farm cuts to Illus
trate bills. If you can't come, send us
your order and It will be promptly filled.
Saturday, March 25. Hainusl George, Little
Hop, enws. farm wagons, etc.
Saturday, March us. Austin Uoyer, adm'r of
Johurrev. dre'd, Kraoklln fwp., 31 acres,
wltb dwe lllnc house and other tniproi smeuts
Saturday, April Zl-Dautel Heck. Mshonlnc
farming shx-k and household goods.
Metlngs ot Itofonnod Classes.
The different Classes of the Eastern
Synod of tbe Reformed Church in tbe
United States will hold their spring
meetings ou the following dates:Lebtgh
at Lehighton, May 15; East Pennsyl
vania, at f nrmersviue, .May H; Lancas
ter, at Steeltou, April 13;
Mananoy City May 1: Lebauou, at Bis.
mark, Mav 8; Coshenboppen, at Christ
( Hubers) Church, Niantlc, May 0; Phila
delphia, in Trinity Church, Philadel
phia, May 9; Tohicken, at Richland
town. Mav 12: West Susauehanna. at
There are seven railroad melo Freebnrg, May 15; Wyomlug, in Im
dramas on the road this season, but manuel's Church, Hazleton, June 7;
The Fast Mail," tbe original, stands East uaquehauna, at Ellzabethville,
t Tobias Youse contemplates build
ing a cosy residence this spring.
f C. E. Shuler made a business trip
to Slatington on Saturday last.
t Mr. and Mrs. Miles L. Eckert, from
Allentown, spent Easter Sunday at the
residence of Mrs. Eckert's mother.
t John A. Semmel and wife visited
Slatington friends on Sunday.
t D. C. Bailey and wife visited James
Ebbert and wife on Sunday.
t Frank Laucbnor. of Mahoning Val
ley, visited his sister Mrs. Alfred Cin
der, on Sunday last,
t Charles Hess, a traveling salesman
from Easton, made his regular mouth
ly trip this week through this section.
t James Shelly had a hearing before
'Squire Harter last Friday on a charge
for assault and battery committed on
bis wife and Mrs. George Rehrig.
t Harris German, engaged lu sawing
for O. W. Hoppes, waa caught iu the
machinery, which resulted In a frac
tured leg. The injured member was
attended to by Dr. A. M. Sittler.
t Dr. A. M. Slttter and a few others
are soliciting subscribers for a tele
phone line between Bowmanstown and
this place. They expect to have tbe
Hue in operation in a few weeks from
t The executors of the late John
Balliet were making surveys of some of
the lands along the blue mountains on
Saturday last. Tbey have a number ot
valuable timber land tracts to dispose
of yet,
t Ouly a few days more and our
schools will close a six mouths term
for this season. We hope our directors
will lengthen tbe term next season in
proportion to tbe Increase of tbe State's
appropriation. For this district there
ought to tie seven months school in the
year at least.
The Boss Eoo. A common hen of
Mr. P, George, the popular storekeeper
of Asbfleld, Pa., laid an egg the other
day which measured eight and one
half inches around the points aud four
and three fourths inches around the
middle. It was the largest ovlttm ever
shelled out in this neighborhood, and
is regarded as the " boss " egg of this
W. Chrlstman. of New
nere on Sunday.
Andrew Graver was at Wllkesharra
and Ashland this week.
Pierce Boyer, ef Allentown, spent
Ksstsr with folks here.
Frank HelmbaCh. of Allentown. anrnt
Sunday with Andrew Weiss.
Mn. Louisa Weiss and son Nero wsre
at Mauch Chunk on Monday.
The lntitlor of Liury's store has been
baadsonielj painted and papered.
Miss Mary Levan, of Mauch Chunk,
was a guest of friends bete this week.
.Miss Annie Lerch, of Daniehvllle, Is
Vlslllng Mrs. Francis Sslp oa Union Hill.
Henry Chrlstman the genial booflce
of the Fort Allen is driving a fine gray
Hoagen & Uarltnan have sold 1000
electric light poles to the Alleutowa Trac
tion Co.
ft. Chrlstman, of the Fort Allen
House, received two car loads of fine
buggies this week.
Tbe Unlen Hill Cemetery Company
wm meeiai ino resilience 01 r ranK Laury
ou aioauay evening.
Mrs. Jacob Wenlz, of Union Hill, was
called to the bedside of her sick father at
Danlelsvllle this week.
Eugene Chrlstman "continues quite
seriously III with pneumonia. He Is being
nursed by Frank Ka.
For rent, a nice store roojn next
door to the Fort Allen House. Apply
to Henry Christman.
Rev. Erb, of SlatlDgton, will officiate
at tbe communion services of ths Luther
an congregation on next Sunday a week.
C. F. Miller and family this week
moved to Hazleton, where tbe genial
Charley will be in the employ of Henry
J. K. Rlckert left on Monday fnr Vir
ginia wnere ne nas extensive lumber in
terests. He was accompanied by his grand
son, Harry Rlckeit.
Mrs Marv Schlfferstlne, of Tamaqua,
visited her son Ed, the genial and accom
modating clerk at Blerj's popular drug
Reuben Zimmerman, Uncle Sana's
mail messenger, drives a handsome new
ceach. built bv hlmsslf and artistically
aimed by Kreldlsr, Welssport's hustling
carnage ana wagon Duiitier,
W. S. Kuhns, of Lehighton, who
was ruuulng a branch store here in
Snyder's block, has closed up the
business aud moved the goods to bis
spacious store building on North First
street, in the former place,
OeoreeSteln. of Weatherly, has moved
back to Welssport and Is employed with
tbe Carbon County ImDrovement Com
pany. At Weatherly he was foreman of
benders planing mill, which Is now closed
John Rebrle was at Tamaaua on Mon
day where he was breaking clay pigeons
with Clayton, the famous crack shot. Out
of a possible 212 Clayton missed J8 and
nebrlg missed only zi. The jovial John
is one 01 tne best shots in the valley.
-Rev. Cbarlss E. Creltz. the eloauent
ana anaDie pastor 01 tne Kerormed con
gregation, spent Tuesday at Lynnporl,Pa
wttn nts parents, lis v. urelti recently re
fused a $1200 call to a Bucks county
charge. The pastor Is much liked by our
Tbe deed for Jacob's church Is now In
possession of the trustees of tbe Reformed
congregation. The edifice will be beauti
fied and improved and modernised. For
this purpose the following kuildlng com
mittee was appointed : James Follwelller,
Charles Arner, James Beaver, George
Emery and Jacob Krone.
The question for debate at the Union
Hill Literary Society this Saturday even
ing will be Resolved, "That the fear of
punishment has a greater Influence on hu
man conduct than the hope of reward."
Affirmative, R. J. Hongen and inillam
Scbaffer; negative, Amandus Schaffer and
Samuel Spohn.
Rev. Loagacre, of Normal Square, a
student in the Lutheran 'Theological
Semlnery at Pnlladelpbla, preached to an
appreciative audience on last Sunday.
Tbe sffori was very creditable and made
for the young dlvtnt many admirers here,
particularly among the congregation.
There will be a public mestlng in Sie
ger's Hall on Saturday evening. Every
one of our public spirited men should be
In attendance. The object of tbe meeting
Is to consider a proposition for a big shoe
factory. Levi Horn has already offered
a site for the plant free. Let there ba a
big attendance.
J. D. Curtis, son-in-law to J. S. Miller
died at Freachtown, N. J., on Wednesday,
Interment was made on Saturday. lie
was aged 31 tears. For a abort time he
lived in this place and during the fall of
last year went south sut could find no re
lief from that dtead euemy consumption.
One child survives with the widow.
The grand fair and festival nnder the
auspices of tbe Ladies Faithful Friends, in
sckool hall on the 13th. 14th and 16th
promises to be a very pleasant event. The
The tlnmngh Fathers Transart Milrh Ne-
rassary Bnslnass, Tho 1.1 Host Meeting
of the Year. An Adjourned Meeting
7,'ezt Tuesday,
The second regular meeting ot the
town dads met at the ofllce of Secre
tary Bower on Tuesday evening. The
three wards were In full representa
tion. Affable Burgess Zern before cull
ing tbe assembly together stated that
INI1S (IN" TIIK It A I f..
Short Paragraph That Will he of Interest
to the Itallruad Itovs.
X There are 4118 more railway employ
ees In Pennsylvania than in the States
of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois aud .Massa
chusetts. X The biggest locomotive works iu
the world Is the Baldwin works ill
Philadelphia which erdploys 3018 men
and boys.
JILls said we may expect evpress
Since the last regular meeting Dub-' nnmlielltinn in thn llilrli Vallev nbout
licity had been giveu to n decision by 1 May 1st, when the Adams will open a
Judge Paxen. of the Supreme Court, I Hue on theC. H. It. of N. J.
ruling that a burgess who was not nlso jxlie trHck, of th, Centrili RaU
a member of council could uot preside R11(, ot Nen. Je Hrc bel relald
SiiTha1 i ' ' a"' T' a'"'tymmVU' tvveen Northampt on and Siegfried's
der the circumstances he would willing Uri(, witll te'ty.pouud steel Fail and
retire from the chair as uresidiug ofll
cer as bo hod no desire to obstruct the
bustm ss of council or invalidate any
measures that might be adopted, lie
would however call the meeting to or
der iu order to faclitate matters for
further organization. This was tbe
cue for action for supremacy between
Gabel aud Kuntz. Mr. Gabel graceful
ly suggested that the burgess should
continue to preside until borough at
torney Heydt would officially notify
councilor the supreme court ruling.
Mr. Moulthrop concurred with tho
sdggestiou, but the burgess did not
desire it aud would step down aud out.
UOUlicllnsau Kuntz, or the t. w ..thought ,
it advisable that the matter should be
settled at once, and be moved that I. i
S. Koch act as temporary chairman, it1
was seconded by Moulthrop and car
ried without dissent, Mr. Koch took
the chair. Dr. Bower was made secre
tary pro tem. Nominations were made:
B. J. Kuntz was named by Moulthrop,
and Held named Gabel. The chairman
named Moulthrop and Marvlu Kuntz
tor tellers, rne nrst two ballots were
for Kuntz. then one droDiied for Jesse.
Strangers present thought Gable had
no show when two more ballots were
counted for Kuntz Ben even thought
about getting up a smile, but wheu the
next fourriroppec forGabel lie changed
his mind and moved the election be
made unanimous. It was seconded by
Moulthrop and carried. It whs a con
test for supremacy and the result
iroves Gabel the shrewdest diplomat.
Cuntz (t.w.) then moved that the busi
ness of the previous couucil meeting
lie ratified, Seconded by Koch and so
agreed. J. L. Gabel for the oommlttee
on "peddler license reported progress,
it was accepted. The ordinance draft
ed was then laid ou tbe table, Kuntz
(f.w.) for the committee on rules, re
ported progress. Burgess Zeru re
ported that himself and secretary hud
written to state repiesentative iliery
aud to seuator Rapsber relative to bill
110 authorizing the establishment of
board of healths in towns, and that
they would support the measure, Mr.
Beckendorf is excavating at bis prop
erty on the cor. of '2nd aud Coal, He
was present aud stated that he had
dumped the excavations into the street
knowing that tbe borough needed ma
terial for filling in purposes be offered
it as a gift if they would cart it away.
Kuntz (f.w.) said it would be setting a
bad precedent to take this ground in
that way others would dump excava
tions luto the streets aud expect couu
cil to cart it away. Kuntz's opposition
made Henry mad aud he went for him
with a sharp stick until called to time
by president Gabel. It didu't make
any difference, Henry had lived here
54 years and he wasn't going to be im
posed on. Dr. Smith was piesent aud
wanted permission to build a bay win
dow to his residenco ou Bankway. T.
A. Snyder was present and asked for
the grade of south Main Lane. He
wants to lav a pavement. He also de
sires to ruu his refuse water into the
culyert. Henry Wagner was present.
He wants the borough to continue
furnishing oil for n. 4th st. lamp. The
secretary reported haying closed ac-
counts with ex-market clerk Kaworth
Receipts: Rawortb. $30,114; Bachman
18,1C; Clauss, 84c; Board of Health, tl.
Bills were then presented. The tlrst
one was Carbon Advocate. Drill tinu an
uual statement as per old, aiu.tx!. This
was objected t by Kuutz (f.w). The
Press, In which Kuutz is apparently
Interested, had bid K0. It was made
to appear that the bid was for printing
tbe poor statement also. It was a pre
pared game evidently. Kuntz foolish
ly persisted that tbe bid included both
statements and that the borough had
always paid for both. This compelled
the Advocate representative to once
more prove him a liar before the public
by showing from the poor statement
that the overseers had always paid for
their own printing and that that body
is separate aud distinct from council lu
every particular and that likewise the
statements are separate and distinct
Reference to the minute sustained the
argument as to the payments of both
bodies. Mr. Kuntz then desired to
know why the price was 911 lowertban
last year. It was stated that this was
the result of a bid the statemeat hav
ing been awarded the lowest bidder,
but that heretofore regular rates were
charged. The Advocate offered to pay
$5 to Kuntz if he would prove anything
I to the contrary but ho had nothing to
say. Mr. Watson, of the I'ress, ap
peared to have been groomed and with
out a change of his bland, childlike
countenance, said he thought it meaut
both statements. Had he known dif
ferently he no doubt would have printd
it for nothing he's a recoguized goril
la. The president left the bill go over
by a desire of the Advocate. Johu Hauk
had a bill for t3 before council, This
waa for damages be had broken an
axle on one of the numerous ruts ou
Mahoulug street. Kuntz I f.w.) moved
that the bill be laid under the table. It
1 went there. These bills were ordered
put into first class shape for the heavy
travel and traffic expected this sum
X A new order went into effect ou all
Hues of the United States Express On
Saturday. The order ts that uo per
son the age of 21 yeats shall be employ
ed as Express Mauager.
The gross earnings fcf the central
Railroad of New Jersey for February
were 81,100,005.01, a decrease of 17.
078.89; operating expenses, SdSOin Co,
an Increase of ?53,7(i.i.08, and net 8114,
ini.41, a decrease of IUl,m07. Tho
net earnings from Jau. 1 to Feb. "8. in
clusive, were $731,!(1".M, a decrease of
X The Ueadldg Company has shipped
to tne unioago tair xus i,oxes couiaiu
samples of all the sizes and varieties of
coal mixed audptepsred at their miues
In tbe Schuylkill region. Iu addition
to the coal, there was included in the
shipment a collection comprising forty
one different tools and implements
used by the miner. The entire exhibit
will be placed in cabluets among the
Pennsylvania exhibit in tbe mines and
mining building.
With regard to the statement thai
Drexel tfc Co, aud Brown Bros. & Co.
were not going lo take up the '2,700,000
of tecond mortgage bonds of the Read
ing Rail Road which mature Oct.l, but
would only buy the coupons or improve
ruent mortgage bonds as they fall due
Geu. Louis Fitzgerald, ofthe committee
of the general mortgage bond holders,
said: "these second mortgage uouds
come ahead of the general mortgage
bonds. We expect that apeyer A t:o.
will extend them as originally agreed
with the rate of interest reduced from
to 4 tier cent. If they do uot Drexel
Co. probable will. Anyway, these
bonds will be provided for and will
cause the company no trouble."
t f irst Vice President Voorhees, of
the Reading system, made a tour of the
Leulgn aud yoinlug divisions, r riduy
Himself and party occupied the Lehlgu
Valley private car. No. 3.11. Sunt, Wil-
bur,of the Eastern Divislou,accompani-
ed the vice rteslileut as far as .Mauch
Chunk. Supt. Esser, of the Wyoming
Division, bad charge of the party from
Mauch Chunk to L. and B, Junction.
-Set Upon by While t's anil Slugai'd
llsdly. A ritlnhl.llni.Mt.
Samuel Everltt, of l-'iaiikliu tmu
shit), is old, eccentric, sonif sH smit-l--anil
an old soldier Sam was tif. t
known tirhave ln.iuiei nu i,mI;. hi
though he lias a special gi u,gt .tguuii
Dr. Zem, of Lehightou. ho sumo time
ago had him arrested foi r hi cili-i unguis
life. Old Eveiilt paid the pi-naltv f..r
this indiscretiou by nnutbs
confinement In the cnuul.t ptisou Lust
Thursday afterunon he was k.'i pmu
down a chair in the Wetsspoit House
when Faucis Kast, without iooou
tion, so It appears, walkisl up to him
aud eomuieuced a censure ti his
abuse of Kern. Iu the cicning Saui
was quietly anchored in the same nld
place when four men disgnisi il as
typical "II hite-caps" quietly entered
the hotel and forcibly took the old
fellow to the Ilorlaoher dam where they
threatened to duck him if hi u, ill
uot promise to immediately leave town
Sam evidently promised, half dead with
fright, aud run over to Lehightou
Some time later he ntiuned auJ re
sumed his seat back of the stove in the
Welssport House. This time he to k
out his pocket knife nnd enmmt uced
scraping his linger nails ewdouth he
wauted to lie prepared for a seeaud
visit of the dreaded "white caps"
Among the many others who were tn
the room at this time pushing anu
jostling were Kast, Hloyer and Ktntz,
at least these are the only one
have been arrested bj Everitt ebargi
with assault. &onie oue or one
pushed Kast ou top of Everitt, the
former fell on the old man's knife,
the blade entering that pait of his
anatomy on which he sits Kast
jumped up, swore the old fellow had
stabbed him nnd let him have one lu
the jaw. Constable heroically
grabbed the hand containing the
daugerous if) little knife and then
somebody, we helieve the evidence,
showed that it was bloyer, let Kverltt
havo another whack. Sam broke away
from the ciowd uud started to get out
of danger. He was followed down
the tow-path a'd at O'Brian's lock he
was set upon and brutally beaten m a
most disgraceful manner He eseaped
frum the unpriucipallod brutes again
and run to the lesidenee of Merchant
Joseph Feuner on While street, whore
he awakened Mr. Fenuer and explain
lng hlsoouditiou asked loi water with
which to wash himself Tin- was long
after midnight aud the pour "Id fellow
presented a pitiful ai oi .trance He
was furnished water and lowel here and
after washing his bruised and bloody
face left. Tho next morning nas Fri
day and Sam wasuictly occupying a
chair in Flory's harness shop, when
Kast called to Silas Ilhoiids. a Lehigh
ton barber, to go with him to Flory's
if lie wanted to see some fun Kast
eutered first uud again c imineneed to
abuse the old man, hittiug him in the
face several times according to the
evidence of one Ed Smith, an employee
of the shop. Rhouds when he saw
Kast's belligerent attitude ruu for
help a crowd quickly gathered aud
the molee ended. Lveritt then had
tntz, ,
wtuL '
Central's double track are now at work
erecting large boarding houses at Les.
lie's Run and 'Drlfton Junction, and
have already received several carloads
of tools. In addition to tbe new double
track, a third track will be built at
Drake's Point. It will he two miles
long, and will be used by passeuger
aud fast freight trains iu rounding
coal trains. The new work will begin
as soon as the weather will permit.
,,,,1, L,bl fn, II, U r.9 v.
The contractors who will build the I .,al-t, uu(i Constable Ed Rawortb.
Lohighton's reliable blue coat, nulled
them in. Saturday night they gave
bail iu Squire Joan KooiiV Jamestown
court for a hearing on the following
idouday when thoubove Tacts were re
peated by reliable witnesses following
which t lie partifi were placed under
$300 ball each for trial at the next
court Dr. W. L. Hut, is bailee for the
Public opinion sevcroh condemns
all the parties interested. Kveritt is
an old man with gray hair. niH iat
ing tho war served his country faith
fully in many a battles. His face this
week looked like a highly colored map
of Asia, both eyes were colored, his ear
was lacerated and his geuer.d appear
unce that of a man badlv beaten, per
secuted aud abused. If lvet ntt is nor
"quite righfas many claim, he is there
fore more an object for pit and com
misscratiou than he is lor persecution
aud of course should not be so treated.
It is said that some of Wei -sport best
people and busiuess men ur- ba-k of
tho prosecution and want l.veritt to
push the busiues-s to a flaisb If be
does this It will be bad for somebody
ladies having ths arrangements In band
are experts in matters of this kind which
besosaa-s for al! who attend a moat de
lightful time. Tbe hall will bs coiillv ar
ranged and choice refreshments will be
served. Special attractions will be: Thurs
day evening, Leblghlon Orchestra; Friday
evening, Mauch Chunk Malt Quartette;
Saturday evening, Welssport Orchestra.
Joseph Rex Is dead after suffering with
adroptlcsl slulctlou for a year past which
compelled hno to dispose of his business
and;retire to private life. Dissolution oc
curred on Saturday, tbe day following his
40th birthday anniversary. Interment was
made nn WaHnod mnrnln. In ll. TTnlnn
Hill cemetery. He waa an active member i PW: Hen Wagner, oil, 00c: Kemer
of the Knights of Honor and also of llerto I er. salt, OUc; (.. r rautz, bolts, $2.75,
lette Post 484. O. A. R.. which bodies The electric light bill for March, 7o.
attended the final obsequies. Deceased I caused a kick. 1. 8. Koch thought that
was born ir neldleberg. lie served credit
ably in the war; for many years he was In
business here. He was married to a
daughter of ex-sheriff Thomas Koons, who
survives together with four children. Revs.
Miller and Korrbner officiated at the last
sad rites,
a reduction should be made for lights
1IASK II A 1. 1. .M1TKS.
TSHayes, the ball twirler, who had
under consideration the offer made
him by the Danville team has, in view
of greater inducements offered by tho
team determined to stay with Jeanes
ville. Christ Fulineris In receipt of a
letter from the Pottsvlile Base Ball
Cub to catch for them this ooming sea
son. It it Is tbe intention of the local
team to organize tills summer they had
better be out with the worm before all
the fish are caught. Tamaqua Re
corder S3 The base ball magnates hatfe de
cided that this season the pitcher must
stand five feet further away from the
batsman. It is claimed that this will
make the game more interesting and
will Insure more base hits, moro runs,
more work for the fields and a much
more active and energetic base ball
game. There will be no chauges on
the farm, though. The old man will
continue tn hoe corn aud pull weeds
while the boys are olf looking ut the
game same as last senson,
EST James Brady and Eddie Ulam.of
Pittsburg, will leave that city this
month to come to Jeausvllle to plar
ball with the club at that place the
coming seasou. Jack Falrhurst and
Strangle will leave Tacouy on the 15th
Inst, for Jeausvllle to plav there also
and Willie 'feeds will leave the same
Eiace at a later date. The management
ave not yet made any arrangements
for a game. George Miller of South
tjaston will also play with tne jeuns-
ville club.
tar Although the base ball club
paid 60 per cent, last year, it is impos
sible to ant enough stock together to
organize for the season. This is uot L e
cause they were not pleased with last
year's dividend, but to the selfish idea
that three or four will again do all the
work, while the other twenty stock
holders sit on the grandstand and cheer
for thevisiting team.-Lansford Re
rsr- The Allentown Base Ball Club
has a full quoto of players to the crodit
of the bustling abilities ot Manager
Haulen. The order for the uniforms
was placed recently with M.C. Ebbecke
Ic Co. The uniforms will be of army
gray with black trimmings and black
stockings aud caps tn match. The
word "Allentown" will be In black on
the brest. Joe Keppel will be captain
l'oor Dlstrh-t Onliers.
The Poor Directors ot tin Middle
Coal Field met at Ijaurytowu Saturday
and after the trausactioti of the regu
lar business, orgaui.ed the following
board for tho year: President, - M.
Neutulller, Summit Hill, secretary, Jas.
McCready, Lausford: steward. t T
Wells; matron, Ida We Is, treasurer,
Hazletou National Bank, physician, P.
11. Let ham, Weatherly, nurse. -Mis-Mary
Moulder; solicitor, Rapsher
Cassidy, Mauch Chunk, collector of
taxes for Hazleton, Cluis -Yltniillor
It was also decided to purchase &
cream separator at a cost of 100
The M. : Church
Rey. V'tn. Bamford, of Mh-n'own, will
occupy the pulpit 6f the M. I. church,
on Sunday next, morning aud evening
Rey. J. Dickersou, of East Mauch
Chunk, will preaoh ou Monday at 7 r
The Lehigh Valley Ministerial
soeiatlon will convene in the same place
on Tuesday. April nth faoldmg
sessions at.10 a. in.,' and '2 hi and 7
p. m. Tiie public mvited
A Veteran MinMci lWttrra.
Rev. W. E Jiajor, of Hie I l it
Church, at South Bethlehem, has re
tired ou account of doutitlul health,
caused by an aeddent some time ago
He ts alt able and eloquent nuntstu.
who served a full term at Mauch t 'hunk
over thirty years ago, and is tw II re
tuembered by a number ot om oldest
citizens. He commenced rts a mmistei
in 1815 forty -eight yeais ag,, II. wa-s
stationed here several ye.u ,t- ,
i.Kiimii .m-
uot burning regular; Kuntz if.w.j said of tht nlne. Tie men wm report for
that a reduction could be made. The i ,)ractioe on April if. Allentown will
bill nuaiiy went turougn. Kuutz (t.wi i , ,u Hr6t tB0 anl68 at Eaon and
moved that the police report all lights I the nt two wUn Easton at Ritters
uot burniug. It was agreed to. rbe Tie, Wilkes Barre Is to play at Rit
bill for 118 for auditors was passed. - . 1 1 1 ., ic..,.ti., nU7
The burgess reported that Geo. Esch !
. wanted a crossing over Alum St., at the
M. E. parsonage. A motion was made
I aud carried that crossings be laid st
point mentioned anu also on Bridge si
Die hurgess reliorled that Suuire- Koons had
People who buy at our Store
always go away satisfied be
cause w give them their
money's worth, then too, they
have a Urge assortment of all
kinds of General Store Goods
to select from. Some goods,
those of Fall and Winter pat
terns we are closing out at re
duction prices In order to
make room for our spring ar
rival of goods which we intend
to surpass all previous ex
hibitions. We again cordially
invite yon to come and see ua.
to Reuben Rebrig's Ovster Bar where , nre-emiuent above them all. The "Past June 11.
they regaled themselves ou oysters aud Mail," ou Friday evening next, the
me upera House, juauon nr. nusuur.u nuusnv
Five Hundred Dollars will be
Hot sarstt. Op. Koctsd Hoessa.
i clams "as delicious as tbe jiuicureau doors of
idreamsof the gods." so Polly declared. Chunk will swing wide open for tbe
j men alter enjoying fnther refresh- great sceulc production of Lincoln J.
I ments in a full complement of all tbe ' Carter's "Fast Mall." The railway has
' leading seasonable drinks dellghtfullj often been used by the dramatist, but
down with packages of choice confect-1 Carter's famous play, "The Fust Mail"
lous, and native aud fureigu fruit, A freight traiu with fourteen oars,
while the gentlemen indulged in a flue 1 lighted caboose and a full-sized looo
elgar. motive, with euglneer and fireman.
At the refreshment table Unole Josh 1 the stage lu tbe most realistic
waxed Philosophical. "Never neglect and noisy manner, while latter lu the
your larder," said be, "that important flay a great Mississippi river steam
adjunct of housekeeping controls mas boat, with bells aud whistles aud en-
culine temper. To that end you must 1 gmee in full operation, moves in and
patronize a grocer on whom you cau ' explodes with terrific force.
depend (or honest goods. Through u '
long term of years I have fouud , uow no von stand t
Kreamer 4 Leutz, of Welssport, per- Subsori hers are requested to watch
fectly reliable. Vou will find them 'he date following the name on the
careful dealers, always full stocked I labels of their papers. By referring to
with every possible thing In the line 1 this they oan tell at a glanoe bow they
of staole er tanoy groceries and also stand on the books at this ofiloe. For
fishing tackle, fresh and firat-olaks no instance .
shelf worn goods there While the Beujamiu Harrison, a&,luuU3
price are 'down to brass Ueka." ! means that Benjamin U paid ut to
"Aud now, juat a little more advioe to Juue 'JA, H4GR. By keeping the figures
tn advance or tbe present date aute
acrlliers will save both themselvee and
one first -class bakery in town or, tbe publisher much trouble aud anaoy
raiaer w Y eitsport, aaa it is really a. auee
by Dr. Bowers the Specialist, for a case
s . a . .... . i. ti: i . .. i- 1 1 1
FiU he falls to cure. Chronlo disease, prizes.
Cancer, Turners, mood 1'olsou, Dyspep
sia, Liver, Kldn4y, Rheumatism, Heart
Disease cur.d. Female disease Ac,
Indiscretion of young men, Mental
Decay, loss of strength power, nervous
ness ic. No experiment but a cure.
Thousands cured by my own new
methods of treatment, over 30 years in
constant practice. Consultation free
at the Welssport House, Welssport, Pa.
win remain until tne nrst oi aiay
Come at onoe. 3-28 3m.
Lansford Eisteddfod.
One of the most successful eistedd
fods ever held lu this region took place
at Lansferd Friday. Prof. D. W. Her.
ber, leader ot tbe Y. M. C. A. Glee Club
t The valuable farm ot Nathan Knep
per, located near Zion's church, has
been leased to C, M. Grimn. of North
Penn, who took occupancy on Thurs- - implied him that suit oUJ be Ununited
.I,.. l,ot LVSjC ftamsces Iiv&IIm Re.iualev alio lnilire.1
t f'ainantBra and nalntars. ara 1 lier let oo a dllsiildated sneinent on N. First
t carpenters anu painters are at reetuilj. Meur tirater aauta lu know
present busy at work iu making im- semrtbinc about a stiret ruunlnc from Hell.
portaat Improvements to tbe well-1 "fsn's mill to HrlJje street In the south iend.
tnnurn r .H.t'c e r iKje.m, J , He wants tu oiien iinlolslor building purposes.
known I-ielby s hotel of Lelbysville, re- lMit ro,j (Vat tile chair apuolut a cnmiult
ceutly taken into occupanoy by Jos. tea tolouk up Uie.fradeoi the street. It was
rins. rormeriT or ienurn nnutitr. iictw. u. w. wu,u . ........ o
will bare various Improvements made
to the hotel which will contribute
greatly to the comfort and convenience
of guests. Mr. Fink deserves success.
t Joseph Hoppes, an enterprising
farmer of tbe lower end of this town
ship, on Friday of last week disposed
of his heavy farm stork and imple
ments, including fourteen bead of
horses and a stock ot cattle. All rea
lized good prizes. There was an lm-
meuce gathering of country people. In-
ana rosoy-cueeicea lasses.
Tha Dabbsltas Claim Great Victory.
The Dubs faction of (he Evangelical
Churoh regard as a decided victory
the decision of tbe Supreme Court of
Illinois, ordering a division of the
property in that State oq a pro rata
A T. .11 1 i i t """V-":. i meuce game
of Pottsvlile. carried off three of tbe I i..,n. i-.i
prizes. People were in attendance i -i... i... ,i if. .
from Scranton, Wllkesbarre, Mabsnoy , llay. Th8 femae beI u iKay.r largely
City and bhensndoah. represented, regardless of the state of
Three choirs contested for the prize ' k. ..i,A
of 1100 and Mahanoy City secured It
the weather.
t An infant sen
of Aaron Zlmmer-
n-v. v-- ,.. I . I c.-l. I) .1 , 1
i!"-""""1." f0 i man. of near Montzvilla. dlmd nuilden-
Kot'ti Htra made ttie t-ofiimlttee.
bck of his lut. B.
burgt4 mod iMiwrviior inaLea tour of the al-1
lywsv that all evils be remedied and report
to board of tiealth. tSetKMuled by Moulthrop and
I'lettikvut Odd relluTr I til11allun.
On Tuesday eveolmr Ut tne following officeit
ot liusiden liuetteu Lodge, I. O. O. F., oi town,
nere lmUUed hy 0. U. 1. M.. B V. KuehitrM,
(wanted by G. w. HenimluMer. principal of tbe
IUt Msiucli Chunk Kinoolt N'uhle Urauii, ..
W. A. Kelcliard. Vice (Irand, T. I. Tbowaii,
Seereury, T J welfert, Aiitnt heresiry, O.
IS. Brink nun. The tiiltlatory dagree wm ooh
terred on a candidate ttivd au anidtoatlon for
inemterhlp rerelred- Iewnt. Kuehuer aud
ieiiuulnger delivered very aide addreae Af
tfr the tu felloe ttie ineiuoeri and their iuu
adjournod to the iaxchaiijce Hotel where aii etc
irant lunch wu ened in mine hvitf KiUler U
Iseleharrt's best style, and to which all did full
. tit
SIOOO For tUlt rond.
Jain en iicGiutj-, of Wilkelmrre, who
Iron. Lehighton Laud Co, complain.! of bad 1 Uuck Moiiutahi, In this oouutj. has
urainace on na ir, -o aiiiou. twnar , apposed or tne tame to 11. F. U'ltlelly.
ReldleooropUloedot blah Maw tax .Now- fi, kr,..nn.W, Tim nrlM tuii.1 waa
uu ., i moveo mm council aitow iu i " '
load aud 14 rent for i nort , $10(X).
Kuiiti tf..) moved that council allow li
tie It
eenli for sinr
load ot around deposited at point designated
bytbPueilor. tetnded by I, N-Kurhaud
carried. It reported that Bevkendotl'
house asou the til. 1 Kncli moved t tut
thtx chair n mm! tit a roiuuilltte to lnteitllieati
tbe matter- Seconded by Moulthrop and car i
rieo. lueoommiuee. nocn, usiui ai
Kuntilf w.i thought It Inadvisable I
to nasa resolutiou sIIowihsT bmitli to build b
(..dow and uo action as taken. Moult hn-F
moved that a committee, be anpoiuted to Intas
ne tMiytier tarried, rneoom
The Cndetesltlp.
David DavU, &on of Durcetts I)a
tU. of Launvford. who wan uomiuated
nd" raup. r Courimou Lilly to a oadetabip at
foriHiuuvti i Vet Point Military Aoadeoir left for
Yot roini rriuuy. bterilug ciyer, oi
Ashley, was nominated as alteruuU.
t V. II. Ki ill, the sw.-.viiil t.
of tho Lehigh Gap .iKmm i Ni lifni.
left ou Sfittirday, April Kt. t-n thi
State Normal School, at Mitlrixrilltr,
where he will eoutitiu hi- tunioi
stud lea. Mr. KrUl is a tt hmin m
tht popular iuutituti'iti
Al DKMtlMl.
t Edward Heilrt, of u U -ni-.I. th
waa iu the 8ihuylk.ll nmnU ).itl,
charged with otabhin. Mi.-hit t Mi
Garry, waa ou I uiiday iclea-s..! t ni
that inatltutlon upon furm-luuK (mil
in the sum of M - n Wiitmin I !.!
la hi surety.
Ou I'Viday or fcatu rtlh t IhM nwh,
ou Piret street. 1,1 '"
The Under will be u.t.t.l.,
hy 1 ear I uk the aatut at thiV .-Hi.'.-
Fine l.hie of Ilattirxfi
A full Une of aintfle and 1.miIU hm
lie, whips, fly ueta, sweui puds, Mini
mer blaukets. xc., ror spun ttarte at
very reasonable price at Miltmi riory
WetMport, Ta. tf -
competed for a prize aud the former ' J lay last The hild w " TulZ
won it, ly early i-uesxiay last, iue child was mAQ members t all omiutueoe. It waa
Prof D W Herbert of PotUville Be ! PParently tn good health on Monday moved and earrle4 that Wagner be furutwfied
KneltfinA place ou t rlday. Interment being made Uaoma Dithl. Ttiebiirisu auiulaawd tbe lul
' i .V r . K.""' j i in the St. Peter's chureh otmenterv ' lomai ssutim.n lor await of board ot
secured the prize for the sacred trio, i '"'"?,..:,, Th..iih. ti,. heaim-V Horn.s years. B.v. Uiiusaa. i trs
rre elwwl. uuuai-ll a.ljuirurl H Mivet
Lsday etaulBt.
" ; , ' i .I'" ir afternoon, but was taken sick and dltd , '' st"" H'"P- K""" iuat oouipi
tbe price offered for the b" Zri-Vthl nu,ht Th. inn.I.i ii ' Mkii m Pnt at Nuatauai's st
nesolo. He saut-The Comrade." firing the BUrht. loo funeral took Theiiad. Is totwslt.u u Ed Olirlaiuuui
' Herbert and rJartvof Pottavll e Placa 00 Vrldij, interment being made Uhid Diehl. TITriMs aiMulaawd lb,
seoureu me prize tor d sacrea ino. 1 ;,.:,,,," Tr 7: " ., : ; r" ; ,. tiealta-ur
The prize offered for the duett from "f,1"1?!".;!.7?1 pa.Vh, 0tb. The, .e r.
the opera of "Dlodwln." wos secured by 1 ' e,xtended to the Brlef Mlt T"
I'rof.Tlerbert of Pottsvlile aud J. P. ic)" psrents.
Price, of Shenandoah. . ,7 -..
The prize of 135 ottered for the best r iu ri till i,i 1 1.
ladles' choir was won by the Lansford , 'A'.f?? 1 ,h. "n? 'i?
Ladles' Olee Club. Tbelr singing was TOfr. (?ef"Bh 15
ssuoh appreciated. J. H'Morris, of tvJ, Li4.'h5? Jlohrps", iff cf'iMj
New York oity, acted as adjudicator.
J wflw A Q I t Poll." said Uucle Josh, "I know that
XuUUCl U VV CLJ.IJ. she is a good bread maker, but there la
-a- ' o
Fur Sals.
A piano box buggy In flrst-olass con
dition. Apply to B K. Uulton, oppo
site the park, Flrsj street, Lshigb-
tOD. .
! invited te attend. The following oro
I gramme will be rendered : Opening
1 eisrelses, ttooert Btout ; reoiWUoas,
rr.ncn T.ash.r w.aud. 1 Minnie Dover, Ella Ebbert ; selections,
A young lsdy desirous of continuing Lulu Rehrig, Cyril Rehrig, Laura Hall
lessons in French wsnts a tssoner man ; spelling of Bible words , duet
Apply st tkls eCss, and two sborussi.
Mr. Wm. CampbelLof Park Plaoe,aud
Miss Clara Evens, of our town, were
wedded at the parsonage by ths Rey J
W. LUaah Thursday sventug at 7
Tbe ork of digglug the foundation
for the new addition to be built to the
shops hsrs was commenced Saturday.
Tbe contract for tbe constructing of tbe
Martial flaw for Ih. flinrtaw Nation.
YYashisutok, April It. Secretary Hoke
Smith yesieisUy received a telegram froin
Ilwllan Agent llenneii, In wbich he reooui
meuils that the l'hnnw net ino he placed
uurler martial law This, be lielievea, u
the ouly av Innhi.-li ieaee can be main
laiued. Thirteen Vming l-ariles Injured.
IliLKloH, Apiil A collision occurred , JfhioIllMV
between two .ollihlatek elaled oars at , J
the fair amiiud vaerdy, aud thirteen
youug- Uuues were iujured. It Is thought
two will die 'I tie) were Mbolaxa ef St
Mary's Female t-ullege.
M.M f.r rlnilaal Ke(liMw..
UiKMiK Muh AprliU-WheeUMirlos
P. C. siS. lue man sbn ta held reepuaatbU
for 1 Le escape of Murderer Latimer, was
hfoueb.1 before .luetic Palmer on a olurir.
ntw portion has not TSt been swarded, , el orimlssl Bcgligyiet be weired eiaov
all 111
1, 1
A cream of tartur
powder. Highest ut
leavening strength. -
United States ioM-riiiiifrit J'
Report. IIomjI H.tkn l'
Co , lOU Wall St ,