The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, April 01, 1893, Image 3

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    Nature' Rurfftt Atlv.
Wh It'll will e have? II rtot s -win hh it tomtt
fnlks prefer t Imv Mm- lust rnmllllon ut the
lir rather than Iht- ltn. TIhm iierpetunllv
iline Ou'inwHt wtlli imi i.tihrn Uti)h witlmnl
.mm HHHllernthi'Ol livtM ivu le limit fit r'
KKiniHt'll niltirt K tilt -it. - Hi ' I.
tlif penult'"" etiotee mitt i, ("tnil(M Hinitli
known m tr m there an unforiHtmie wtm k. 1 1.
m innitf tht itniNik i- ineiii. i foi mer tU
It info the intelligent p.ill.n In iiitU( Mm
Jin well hiMMMi M1 long tilwl i.r.i.Tllf ot tli
Hitter Htpai Iteitwn .,nmtt ne kiihi n
it -t Ruide to our feel If lit" lami ! emerine,
hint grtHt t'Htrlnt of The -r! revotullnnitn
riflH Hi HI' IHHllrr in iiitiMt-ntiiMi
in-rlml Anil tlie pclHiiiHMm Is irettiiniit ltli
tlulll. rornurn Ilirn til iTtimry iim- ttnipr.
.t.uly lutsnirt wltli lhe eiiilorsemmit nl j h
ufTeriiiK 1iun liver eiiinpultit, tualnria, mhi-.ii
l:ilt(in, rlit'lt liiatlstu, ilrlillity Hlul IrtMllilMi Ac-
iiinpmilcil tiy ilyipsl. lAltrrl) II has tie.
laird ItM-ll mill hern tltuliitiitlil apiuiitf 4 as it
Irnird) tor 'lagrlitf."
Considerable Htteutlon la now belnK
paid to the chemistry of tee plgmci ts
of Insects, especially of butter-Men
ureit Ht I loiim tiFTim Hays Ity mlitilitls-
lerlnc Dr. llalii' noldrii Hit
tee ar tea, or In food, without the linrmMiCH nt
llir I'HllfiiL It is absolutely harmless, and win
ri'ert a permanent anil sweily cure, whether
ill patient Is amoderaleilrlnkeror nlialoolmllo
wreck. It lias been Riven In thousand or eases,
,nd in every instance a tierleel t-uri liasrnllnn
ed. It never tails. Tlie system on.e ImnreK
naled with the. siiecMe. It becomes an idler tin
possibility tor the llquur airtlte to exlot. Uurcs
utiaranteed, 4s page hook ot particulars free.
A iclress tho Oouikx MriM-mo Co., lWllace
Mreet, clnclnnaii, Ohio. Oct. .-ljr.
Hard cosl loses eight pdr cent, 'n
bulk ber annvm when exposed to the
weathea. Soft coal loses twelve pir
A Utile III, then a little pill. The ill Is
Eonn the pill has iron. Do H'llt's Utile
Karly Risers the little pills that cure great
Ilia Thomas, Druggest.
are &T5 varieties of dyna.
Hretiirtli ami Health.
Tills remeilr Is becomlriK so well known
ami no popular at to neetl no special men
tion. All who hare used Electric ltittrrs
sine 'be same sons of praise. A purer
medicine iloet not exist and It Is Kuarnn
leetltotlo all that Is claimed Electric
llltlerajylll cute all diseases of the Liver
and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Bolls,
Salt Kheum and oilier affections caused liy
impure blood. Il'ill hrlve Malaria frem
the system and prevent as well as cure all
Malarial fevers. for cure of Headache,
f,'untlatlon and Indigestion tsy Electric
llllters Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or
money refunded Price 60 cts and $1.00
per bottle at Ueber's Drug Store,' I.ebt2h
ton, and Blcry's Drug Store, Uelss)ort.
Salvation Oil the Kiealest cine on earth lor
luillt, Is universal!) accented by horseinen and
I eternarlans as tlin no plus ultra nf llnlinenls
There are only two lawyer in Ice
land, llinv Unplensnnt
sajt that his little girl Is troubled with
malaria yery severely, arid that since lie
gave her Sulphur Hlllers, lie never thinks
of leaving New York for his summer re
sort wllhnnl a few bottles, for tliev always
cure his family, and ate far superior to
An Invalid's chair is electrically pro
pelled. 8,338,0111.
J. II. IPIIson, 371 ClavSt.,Sl.arpsburg,
l'a,, says he will not be without Dr. King's
Vw Dlscayery for Consumption, Coughs
and Colds, that It cured his wife who was
threatened with Pneumonia after an at
tack of "La Grippe," when various other
remedies and several physicians had rtone
her no good. Robert Carder, of Cooks
port, l'a., claims Dr. King's ifew Discov
ery has done him mora good than anvthlng
he ever used for Lung Trouble XotKIng
like It. Free Trial Dottles at Ueber's Drug
Store, Lehlghton, an! Blery's Drug Store
Welssport. Marge bottles, 60c and jd.OO.
In fattening sheep for market, Hull's Head
Horse ami faille Powder Is the thing to cite
lliein. filce a cents per paikuge ot one
Whalebaek boats are lighted by elect,
Two Valuable Friends.
1. A physician cannot be alwats had.
Itheuraatlsm, Neuralgia, Sprains, Bruises
and Burns occur often and sometimes
when least expected. Keep handy the
friend of many households and ihede
ttroyer ot all pain, the famous Ited Flag
Oil, 25 cents.
2. Many a peeclous life could be saved
that Is being racked to dcatli with that
terrible cough. Secure a good night's rest
hv Investing 23 cents for a bottle of Pan
Tina, the great remedy for Coughs, Colds
anil Consumption. Trial bottles of Pan
Tina free at T. D. Thomas' Drug Store.
Asphalt pavements were first laid in
I'arls In 183s.
Nothing so distressing as a hacking
Cough. Nothing so foolish as to suffer
from It. Nothing so dangerous if allowed
to continue. One JflnuleCoiwb Cure gives
uuineuiate reuet. i . u. i nomas.
Tlo average weight of the Chinese
bralu is said to be heavier thau the aver
age weight of the brain in any other
Do you lack faith and love lieallh ) Let
us establish your faith and ret ore tour
health with DeWilt'sSarsaoatilU, Thomas
me uruggisu
A large sewing muchine, weighing
three and one-forth fons, Is In iibo In
Leeds Eugland. It sews belting.
The promptness and cerlalntv of Its
cures nave mane Chamber a n's Uoiii i
Remedy famous. It Is Intended especially
for coughs, colds, croup and whooping
cougbs, and the most effectual remedy
known foi these diseases, 25 and 60 cent
notties ror tale by Iteber, I.f hlghVin, ami
lurry, "eisspori.
Puring the yoars that Henry VU1
relgued 72.1X10 thieves wero hanged.
lUwara uf ulntmenl for Catarrh that con
tain Mercury,
as mercury will aurel:
atll surely destroy the setive i
upletely dcrauue the whole sj
smell a hi comb etc v dcraoui
lem when entering It through the mucous stir
faces. Such articles should never be used ex
cept no prescriptions from retmtablv phvxlclaliv.
mb uaiA,o turjf will Wl s tell IUIII Ul 111
good von possibll derive front tlieui. Hall'
ratarrli Cure, iiianulatured by F. J C betici A
t'o, Toledo, o, contains no mercury, and Is
taacn lineman), actlllg ilireclly upon the bloo.i
and mucous surfaces of the s)steiil. tn butlug
l,ia,iiHuuitTiN.,Hir ion act i oe genuine
It Is taken luteuiall) and Ts nuttle In loledo,
l lido, by F J Cheney & (lo. TcsliinonuvH tl ee.
fertom oy uruvgius. price 7 s;r bottle.
The tlsb and oysier contains about
ninety per cant, of water.
For a number of tears I have been suti
jeel to violent attacks uf Intlammaior
rheuroatUtn which gtne allt lasted about
two months, un the urn of this montn i
was attacked lu the knee and suffereb te
veisly for tfro dayt, whsn I procured a
bolle of Chamberlaln't l'a In lialin and II
relieved me almost instantly. I therefore
mott ctieerfully recommend it, to those
who are similarly aftiicled evert where It
l. Whitley, Marliudale, N. C., Fb. (6el.
Mr. K'hitley It a very prominent tuau In
tblt place and bis disease was very widely
known at be tuffered tneb tevere pain.
W. M. Uoutien Jt Co.. Jercbants, llttlln.
dale, N. C. 60 cent bottles for tale by
lieLcr, Lehlghton, and Illery, Welstpoit.
"There It a talvr for every wound."
We refer to DeWm's Witch Hazel salve,
cures burns, bruise, cuts, Indolent tetet.
at a local application lu the nottult ii
curetcatatrb. and alwajs cures piles. T
I). Thomas, Druggist.
For the destruction of microbes oln-
aumou ts said to be effective, if not as
iimog, a osrrosive sublimate.
Oforaoe)e more clear to sec,
A mind to grasd more earn. st I),
For every good Intent,
Thst to the tick aud despairing
1 bring thte a peerles euie.
Tan Tina, the great remetly for Coughs,
Colds and Consumption, 36 aud 60 rutt.
Bold at T. I), T'jomat't Diug Slore.
tSoidol's J3aker,y,
I'irtt Street. lh.g!.t4M. you will atw.tii tuii
Kye, Whertt nnd Vienna Hrtaui
Fresh Every Day. Our Ykvuk Kread cmm
be scelle4. We rsaiaelfMll solicit your nstrtit)
ge. Watsti tr kae Wsm.
Seidel's Vignim Ikkttry,
Opp Ot.rt'l, rimX T., LLHlOHTOal. I'A
Ait Invrntlim 1t)t Insures Certt
Amount of Secrecy Along tha f.lna f i
ItallrnHtt U'liere Ther Are Mur Nta
llitns VSItli Opemtnrs at Rr1i,
Tlie Oaltliiiorfl and Ohio Railroad oom
Iny linn adopted an Ingenious contriv
ance for uso in the telegraph depart
ment, and workmen under the direction
nf Superintendent Charles Seldon have
put In a little plant In the basement of
Camden station, where the men employed
at headquarters can become familiar with
its use. There are along the various
lines ot the great Baltimore and Ohio
system scores of offices where the agent
is also the telegraph operator. His du
ties as agent frequently oall him so far
away from Ids Instrument that It It im
possible under the present system to
make him hear this call when it it da
sired to communicate with him.
The new device is so arronecd that In
all offices where these circumstances ex
ist a liell will lie placed, and the operator
at terminal or division headquarters can
call the operator wanted without In
forming any other ofilco on the line, no
matter how many offices there may be
which hare these bells In them, As tel.
eernph lines are operated at present, If,
for example, the Ualtlmore office desires
to call the Wheeling office, nearly 400
miles uway, the call passes through every
Intermediate office, but under the now
system the turning of a switch will cut
oil all the offices except the one wanted
une system will also be applied to
those offices where the amount of busi
ness done at night is not sufficient to Jus
tify the employment of a night operator.
and where the day operator resides in
ine ocpot building, there being Instances
when It Is desirable from various causes
to communicate with the operator after
tho close of the regular business hours.
The invention is the .result of over SO
years of exjierlmentlng, and the combi
nation ot more thnn CO patents.
The contrivance is the New York elec
tric secret service system. The trans
mitter at the central point lsoierated by
an ordinary telegraph key. This trans,
mittcr can send out any combination of
dots, dashes and spaces. At each station
there ate instruments en arranged that
thoy will respond only to the particular
combination for which they are ar
When the oiierntur at the central sta
tion desires to call up a station along tht
line, he places the key where It will make
the necessary combination that cuts out
all other stations but the one be wants
ret. i ...i t i
x ms tttuMJB u ucti uy mo smiitiu no wants i
o ring, and at the tamo time operates a
magnet which causes an answering Big
nal to sound In the central station. lit
thus knows that his call was audible at
the station he desires to communicate
with. The bell at this station will con
tinue to ring until the operator answers,
and if no answer Is made the bell will
rfng all day.
The Bystetu may be likened In some re
spects to the system of the combination
lock. For lnatance, if to unlock a duor
having a combination lock It be neces
sary to turn three points in one direction,
two points in the opposite direction and
one point In the fust direction certain
liglts must fall In certain positions. II
these turns be made on another lock hav
ing a different combination, they will
hare no euect.
In like manner, when a certain combi
nation is made at the central station that
corresponds with the combination of a
certain station along the Hue, the obstruc
tions full Hiid the electric current 1m
closed between that stattorritnd the cen
tral station, while the obstruction to the
dosing of the circuit with all the other
stations still remains.
Tlie transmitter is composed of a rub
ber tube aliont the size of an ordinary
lead pencil, which serves as an axis for
20 or SO small metallic wheels which are
fastened to It. A metal finger proiecte
over each wheel. Each wheel is provided
with teeth, but no two wheels have the
same number of teeth. When it is de
Bired to oall a certain station, the key is
placed at the proper point, which causes
the axis to turn nml the metal finger to
fall upon the wheel which has the num
ber of teeth corresponding with the num
Iwr of dots in the combination of the st
As the wheel revolves its testb strike
at given times the metal linger. This
ranses the making of ths combination,
and the-two stations are in communica
tion. The station can be called and tic
return signal received in 10 second
This system can be used to great adran-
tage in the railroad signal service. In the
telephone service ana lu the lighting and
putting out of electric Ughta. Balti
more American.
Frofessional Jealousy.
Brignoli was inttmtely jaalons of all
other tenors, never admitting for an In
statu that any one or them could sing
even passably well, When the hand
some, talented Tom Karl burst upon the
New York stage, Briamoll turned up bis
What do you think of Tom Korl!"
Tagllapletrn asked him one night.
"Oh, ho la a very niie little boy, he
replied, with a shrug. "I like him very
much, but he has missed Ida vocution.
think he was born to be a policeman."
Kirrl was tall and of fine proportions
and was singing at tho time with Tttiens
in "La Favorita." Now York Tribune.
Tt'ervc Jarring ,7 ncuUrttlst,
There is nothing lu the world which
produces the sense of mental nausea
more completely, or is more certain to
turn the intellectual stomach, tlutn the
use of certain jocularities of speech with
which mailt people think at to adorn
their conversation. The people who
seem to find it impossible to speak of an
unman leil man except as "a gay bach.
elor," with whom the sea is always "tlie
briny" or the -iitTniig imnd," and
horse "a fieri steed," who eternaUy talk
bout "SuiMiny-go-to.mePttnff" clothes,
and who have ench phraM'S as "no extra
charge, "o'ttnt the tlntinnabnlator,
"the noxious weed," "the pit of peace,"
"40 winks,'' and "braving the elements"
forever on their lips, are capable ot pro
ducing a sense ot disgust In those who
care to see language kept bright and
clean which is altsolutely Intolerable,
It la difficult to suy whether thets cant
phrases that is, a perfectly proper de.
tcrlptiuu of them are more odious when
used consciously or unconsciously that
it, by people who believe them to be funny
and Intend tliat their hearers should con
sider them funny, or by those who have
merely caught them np and repeat them
like jairroU and without any luteution,
good or liad. London Spectator,
tio Virtue III Whole Grain or Draw.
Among thu ancients the "toothless hag"
was a bUn-k tlgtue. Homer was bald.
Diogenes was bald. Ulysses was bald.
How did they heroine so on bran or whole
grained bread, such as was used in their
times? Tlie miller ot this day la making
no mistake in his work. iNo civilised
nation, with a mixed diet, is In any dan.
ger from the use of white flour. The
"sweet and pleasant flavor" of bread
made out of old buhr Sour or ruder
meals was due to no wltoleeome, nutri
tious quality in the flours or utealt used.
It was simply the dirt that it, tie
nonfloury Jiarts of the wheat berry In
oorporttted in the product of rnde milling
that gave tliat flavor. The bread is mors
nourishing without It and more digest!
ble without It. Modern milling it all
right. The human Intestines are not In
tended for mere bran conveyers. Tilt
bran should go to the bran bin, and from
there to tlie animals that dan digest it.
Man it nut auiong tboee annuals. Mill
ing World.
oaiclalsur One Ciuuty
Ansou county, N. Clute a queer lot of
officials. The treasurer is badly crippled,
the coronet loss bat one arm, the regieter
of lUietUia Oiie Utffgea, He are two oominig-
siotutre; the keeper of the oonnty home
minus one strut, aud the constable bears
the distinction of being ebe'ftvUest man
jsthat poaHlun tn the utMa.-mUtna
A wotnan arrives at a railway station
M leSau before her train leaven, aad 10
MtBattnt atwx it hM goat decides that
atet U "left."
D. H. STllOUI', Treasurer, in account
with Lehlghton, Borough IV, for tho
yeur ending March l.'l, li:t.
To balance as tier 11 fttmmni itn
ougli purposes.. t an
Tn IwUnee as cr last statement-
water auti Hunts
" Market Licensee
' liulldluit I'ermits
" Hhow lrinlts....,
' t'Hrbuu t4i. Ind Ko. use ol scraper
" Ifrmlt, Hoard of Health ..
I.totlor Ueeiitu-.
1 no
.left llrelnct. lumber ,
inyu ao
lu.5 It!
1MS1 09
m in
itw is
w in rtcnauel
Col. itnrouirti
" water lights.
' lnitded Indelit.
I. 'tViecisi!! !!!!!!"
Win. Kclutdel I
lly amounts paid out as per vouchers.
Kd 1tlenU latmr....... s
Chas. lircnlz labor .....1.
Aaron llaui.t labor
John Montt labor ,
lvl Knim tovnr ,
lames (tanner lalior
Moses Frltrlnger lalior
Aiuandus lllllinan laUir
Chilvt Uook labor
Hat Id Klelntop labor
Aaron Krum lalior
John llellmau lalior ,
tora New hart labor
Htephen Simngler laimr.h
Joseph aim labor
C'lias. Iraluer lalmr
Jacob lleberllng iHhor
Jacob Klsllcr lalmr
John lllnker labor
v. V Hum lalior
Frank renstcrumclier latwir
Clirlstlttti linukaniiiier lalnir
Alex Miller labor
Htumicl vttbb la or
Muhlon Itcichurd labor
iulw. HiiiMicker labor
Iloilfret Fraiilr labor
Fred Meyer labor
I.J Helot lalair
David Monz, labor
Win. Weitiiian t
Hlratn Htratip labor
Ileo. Dreher lalior
w (I. Mitchell tabor
Henry ltelnharl labor
Henry Wertman labor
Mwin Hex labor
rhas.tlreenawalt labor !
John llalley lala.r
Wesley Kteret labor
Micheal Faircn labor
IS b"
12 no
to .17
13 13
3 75
1.1 7S
A 37
31 A'l
as m
C7 T
Alt 37
IS7 ts
M 91
M 39
I 07
in it
t to
!, ci
1.1 7.1
31 St
:n m
an 03
33 M
a -js
SI 03
13 13
1 33
0 00
n no
1 oj
i .
3 r.o
3 .rll
30 00
3 a
7 3T,
10 Ml
JOIlll ACKCT IHlHJI.,.,, 1 ;f,
Allretl Knim Ubor i a
1 rank Dlelil labor J .a
(leo. Ulanklatuir 3 -5
J. men Estii labor i 0 ,
Jos.tlllbelt llutr ...
John Swarlwood lalior
-Nathan K. Kberl labor
Aiubiase Moulthrop labor
(.'has. Xander latmr ,
Wm Haaer labor
eiainiiel Fre lalmr
Kugeue Haines lalmr
ChasKIpp labor
II s7
3 .VI
A no
5 00
s u.
3 .VI
5 :
.1 7
II 13
t -
9 7i
7 Ml
3 .-A
t ,".
waitln liihart labor
Herman llager labor.
n-iTiu mom lauor
lllk'll stout labor
Uwience stansberrj labor '
Uco. Milloit latKir..
AUlancIiton Hex labor
Charles Hotter labor
Jam s labor
J 75
5 00
t 00
jj. f. Mouitntop labor!!!; 22!
I ljinlti hiin-m.!.... . .1 it mi
ti,,;,,, . .
.MattltriS ljinirWuni,..K I .h..
3 SO
1 S7
1 7.1
3 71
.1 00
A M7
7 to
3 00
3 12
II 31
7 to
3 'an
2 IO
1 113
2 75
1 m
li.uilel Stheckler laboi'.. ...!'.'.'.!!!'.!
i.ywii iih.ih iaoor ,
MctorvVebl) lalmr
Owen Kbert labor-,..,....!,!!!!!!!!!
JoieUll Kclllllkle tul...r. ..
I harles Doxdaler 'labor'.'.!"'.!!'.'."'
James ratztnger tabor ,
ijuw at-nnilill labor.,,,
Herbert Klsenlioiier lalair!!. ..!!!!.'
tcuu jugeuiiouer tabor
Kinanuei I'twhrsn labor " Vtnlik lalwr
Sundry Ksiiense.
Ileorpe W lisaer ITuseivlcei
it. s llelntzelinanctltliinii or wards..!!
3 to
(i no
3 7
hi no
'i on
u ts
1 10
9 91
..UI..UUU Aouiturs isyi-3 .
V. it. 1!. l-o lumber .....
II. Ilrillilhore rivint nm ..... .1 1.1.
A. v . hell speclncatlon lor hose house
J. J. Hummel special lulloc..,. ,. .. .
ainuel hvert crossing stone. ...
'eo. Fsch repairing stote
A.LHom-rman record book Hot II.. .
T. I). rfiomiisUhlorlde of I.ime
Jolin rialgtinislonot wards......
W.I. Peters snecml aluHnn
llweu Kelirlg statioaerv !!!.'!!!!!!!
B. J. Kuntz express, imshtire. Ac
I!. W. Bower lila !SXt,..T
I- W. llower sen ices and caucuses'.'.'.'.
27 72
172 00
1 II. STeann'SiK".;.""""
!! M' WW '?siirf r saU'iV'&'.'.'"" ii so
v' 9i. WfiSf ."5ff. i"H "
and Hoard if ilealth ..
u s.-.lacoby sen Ices
(-'hailes Trainer, nagging .'.'..'.'.'
7 7.1
02 .11'.
I 30
12 31
80 K1
S 35
Mil 00
tl y Morlluinersalary, stat'lonerVltc
t'arbon Advnca'e pilntlng..: ..... .
Water and Llcht.
Carbon t) Imp Co. electric lights. .. .
l-ehlghlon Water Oo water seitlce....
873 T5
1125 00
Iloudeil Indelitetlnest,
Aaron Haunt Interest
Iiavld Montz Intcresl., ..,...!..!'
Fred Urhikinan Estate Interest
John It. Kvans Interest
Marv Ueltz Interest
Milton llretney Interest
.lolui A. Peters interest
0 31
255 00
1011 110
50 00
30 00
100 00
40 00
581 31
llabel S Co bal. macadamizing
First street.
1709 30
cm it
To bat. on liand from last year 77 97
Tolal hix receipts ; sjAi jt
Total miscellaneous receipts ism ta
Ry amount paid out, labor on highway 121s 78
By Sundry expenses ! mm
lly water and light , iwl ri
By bonded Indebtedness mi 25
... JM, M
6.163 14
iiai. 111 treasury, March 13, lil 15U 76
We lhe Unrieriirnt.l .lulu &1AAU.I ...ji.
the Horough ol Lehlghton, l't do ceitlly that
wo hate eiamlneil llie accounts ol I). H. htroup.
Treasurer, and hiid them correct to the best ol
-"--ic Srwiu lieilCl.
U, II. CKCH, t
"jy.A. Hkubvro, I Auditors
lo-lilghfiiii, -a., March U, 1MB.
Vr Belli uu no
i01".' fV,1 . 00
red llilukmaii lotio 00
David Sloiitz...,., 6100 ou
Mlllou A. llrrtuey luoo 00
John K. Hvans moo 00
Aaron Haupl i.j w
Cash lit Treasury mt 70
Set Llablllpct March 13, lu soa
W.M. KCI1ADEL, Tux Collector, in ac
count with Lehlghton, Borough. IV,
To ain't ot Duplicate llorntnih Tax..
lo am't ol Supplement lloro, lax
foam 'I of DupUcale water and light..
to am't of Kuppleuienl water andllght
To am't of duplicate bonded Indehted-
To am't 0 suppieniVu't iiouded Ynieh:-
To ain't of duplicate specltl
lo am't of supplement special
To c per cent, oa tiaa 51. .
1108 55
se ts
.t si
73 31
55J 70
10 73
1M7 38
lly exoneratloiis -.
11) 3 per cent, rebate 011 tiJMM
Ky 3 per ceut. commission on $4042.10. .
Ut 5 ber cent. cnniniUal..,. .... to,..
27 00
80 84
Uy s per cent, commission on Sdti7.3S.-.!
40 W
Ity cash paid Treasurer .'...'.'! 5J73
33 36
r A'b'ed Ihe 13th day of Maich lwo,ai'idap
J. II Ftnt,
. W. a. Kelt-HAHh.
U K. Uuvkk.
TON. IVnna., at the elene ol business Mar.
bill, 1MU. M
loausaud DIstHiuiits
Oterdraite, secured and uusevured
thv&All 76
. 20.000 00
58,010 00
30,no 6H
l.. a. iMNius tosecureetreuiatiou . ...
Slocks, securities, etc
Due train approted reecrte agents. .
Due from other National flanks
O.S71 03
iiansingnouse. lurnllure, and Dilutes 8,200 ui
( urrenl exiieusea and taxes paid law 40
I'renduius isill.h. boodi tjin M
Hills of olher lunkt 1755 00
Fiactioiuil iiapercurreiHiy, nlckclsawd
ceula lot 37
specie.. , h w
Iairal tender notes Halls 00
Itedemption fund with U. H. Treasurer
it per cent, circulation). &00 00
Tolal .
Capital atovk ild lu 7s,noo 00
1 1 Vi I 1 1 V.' lliOOOO
National Hank liotet ouUtanu'liiii.' .
Dividends uu paid ,
ludlvldualdvMisltetuuJeec tooAeeke.. 170,443 00
(laebler's cheeks otrtfteiidiiiif. u ou
iw 10 oilier rtatiuuai lUaks t,sit 70
n.W nm, IMUUMHI IHHim 3,St9 SI
Total tsw,sn
I. Juo. T. Semiuel, OasWer ol the abut e-nametl
la true to the beet of my knowledge and belief
John T. skhmkl tnhlr
,i?.ul'Awul'J,"d ru hi before laettuamh
llowaau iskaboldt, N. P.
K. K. HovroKii.
a. . it BUI HO,
J.I). Zsax. '
Is ' afareh via, lass.
low Nurrr mmk.
vie grew all tfcebest
How a Counter liny Who Is Not Able to Oo
to College May Train Ills Mind So as to
He Able to Killer Journalism Acquire
Inrurinatlmi mi Kvcry SulOect.
Let me point out a way in which the
lad on n farm or In 11 country village, who
does not see his way clear to n college
education, can get nnotlier kind of edit,
cation that will serve him about as well,
and In some things lietter, when he be
gins to do newspaper work.
Tiememlier that education has gener
ally two purposes to train the mind and
to store it wilh'knowledge. My plan for
the country boy does both. Here It is:
Think of yourself as standing on one
siue or an imaginary line, and tie great
world, with all Its men and women aud
governments and institutions, 011 the
other. Cross tho line and find out in
what way and through what thinirs von
come in contact with the world. Then
study those ways and those thinirs nntll
you know all about them or nntll you
know aa mncli as you can find out about
them. This is what a sociologist would
call determining the relation of the Indi
vidual to the aggregate or the relation of
man to society. Let us exnlain the nroc-
ess a little.
You will lie pretty sure to discover
that you have relations with the grnit"
world through tho school, the church, the
government, through trade or business
aud socially through your friends and
companions. Thnt is not all, but that
will do very well to begin with.
rtrst get all the information von can
about the school system of your state.
Ask the teacher all the questions you
can think of. If 1-011 are a conntrv bov.
there li probably a prudential commit
teeman in your district. Ask him what
heha9todo. Tln u get at the superin
tending committeeman nnd nsk him
Find out where the inonev comes from
to build schoolhonses and pay the teach
er. If you live in a village large enough
to have graded schools, find out how the
Bystem is organized, from the lirimarv
grade up to the high school. Let nothing
escape yon that you can iibly learn.
Then the churches lu your town study
them. Yon may not find It easy to get
at the differences of belief thnt separate
the Methodists from the Baptists and the
Congregationaliats from the Presbyteri
ans, but your minister or any minister
win prouauiy lenu yon books that will
tell something about creeds aud faiths.
1 hen make yourself master of the
Bystem of government or control lu the
various churches. Inquire what churches
have bishops, what ones elders, what ones
deacons, and what the powers and duties
of these church oflicers are. In Bhort,
learn in how ninny ways, and go as far
as yon can, why one church organization
Is different from another.
Next comes government. It is a bin
subject take it np in detail. Your father
la a county commissioner or a selectman
or a town clerk. That is a capital oppor
tunity. Get him to tell you all he knows
about the duties of town and county offi.
cers who lays out new roads and closes
old ones, who sees to it tliat the paupers
are housed aud fed, who determines how
large a sum shall be raised by taxes in
the town, how much each taxpayer's
share shall be aud what shall be done
with the money.
If one of your father's neigbliors is a
member of the legislature, persuade him
to tell you buw bills aro introduced, re
ferred to committees, reiorted. discussed.
amended and passed or enacted as laws.
lia will tell you that bills, after thev
have been passed by the assembly or
house 01 representatives, must be passed
also by the senate und signed by tjie gov
ernor, but that only opens up new fields
for your investigation.
If perchance another neighbor is to
go as a delegate to the Republican or the
Democratic convention to help nominate
hla party's candidate for the presidency,
get him to tell you all about the party
machinery by which conventions aro as
sembled and candidates named; about
the town caucuses, the county or district
convention, the state convention, the
national convention and the delegates to
It, their number and their duties; also
about the electoral college and its work.
This will lead yon Into inquiries and
studies in respect to parties and politics
and state and federal governments that
will be In the highest degree interesting
anu prontauie.
So in regard to business. Ask the
village storekeeper where he buys his
cloths, his crockery, his molasses and his
hardware, and where they wero got bv
the man of whom he bought them, and
so on until you have traced them to their
origin. You will In this way learn some
thing of wholesale trade and manufac
turing, sometldng about notes, credits.
insurance, transportation by rail and
water ana quite likely something about
the tariff.
Opportunities for this kind of home
study and training will multiply as you
follow them up until the field of research
broadens out surprisingly. Your mind
will broaden wit It It, and in following
out these pleasant paths of common
knowledge you will acquire a fund of
Information that will be constantly use
ful to you In future years of newspaper
worlcHenry R. Miller in Youth's Com
panion. 1
Itemarkeble Uimnlmlty.
Some one writes from London: "I
happened to be present the other day at
a small boy's birthday party. The host
and his guests were alike, all shoots of
the nobility. It was really a charming
sight, the long table lavishly adorned
and lined about with rosy faces, each
backed by an accompanying liveried
footman or white capped maid. The gen
tle lady mother who presided glided
about talking to one and another, and
finally she called for silence.
"When supper la finished, you can
choose your amnsement, my loves," she
said. "What would you like beat to dor
As with one voice came the answer lu
t, roar, "Fight." New York Timet.
The Question of Food and Drink.
Fancy being confronted with the ques
tion, "What kind of food and drink do
you prefer'" and only half of a rather
narrow page in which to inscribe the an
swer. How could one answer such a
question in such a spacer for one's ideas
as to food and drink vary so much with
the hours of the day. Morning, tea or
coffee very likely, with breakfast bacon
or kidneys or fried sole or plain boiled
eggs. But who wants boiled eggs and
coffee at his luncheon! Then, again, dry
champague is generally a favorite drink
at dinner, but we do not usually care for
it at luncheon, and late at night most
men have a preference for whisky and
soda and would not care in the least for
Pommery or Koederer. Then a man may
have a strong liking for oynters, and also
for olives, and how is he to get In all
his opinions on these various questions of
taste as to food ami driukr Exchange,
Aiiterlmii H urLlnciiien.
Notliiux hu much uriiriM EiiKlishiue n
who viMt thin country at tlie dignity and
good mautieni nf American workingmen.
An Eugliahumu who foqud hiiusulf hard
up lu the (ar south aud took to making
orange boiet for a living declare that
hit fellow workers, mostly white me
chanic!, were all gentlemen. They saw
that he had been accustomed to a differ
ent mode of life, but all forebore to ask
embarraMing iiuwnioun, and while none
cringed before Ida evidence of former
good fortune all were retpectful of bit
superior edneatlnn. New York Sun.
An tlrltiiMl TliM.r; of Kdncallen.
orie on the dn.atlou of t-tdldren. Part l&fflSi eau fu? KUrtSretK uUKSe"
of hit tucoen tu tb HMt canal wat due . AWFKK, Ul tbtIi awaM, tl
to tbe help uf Abbat TaaU. who had . House, euu Utlr. tUant aad doe ererr
ben a pnpil i f the count. Abba wa a Ulai In Rrst-eUtt stele Drop lo and see blm.
Ttry fat aud luxury loving boy. but with Closed ou Suudavt. Toilet ArUttet for tale,
mor than ordiuar' lutelligeooe. At the 1 '
ond of the flrat uionth of rio iniM' di. QTUBBR'ls KltAVINU HAIXIN, ooeottte tlie
ua ot tue nr uionuj ol ue ""l Q' O AorwuTa orriem, 1. ueailwurtm for
rtotion of hit education Ida tutor, with saariwt.uaireomo aad thampaslps:. nsrueu-
torn pride, brought tu We boy a rirtt.
"Do not Wing use report of leuua." Ue
Leaaef said, "but hit weight. I dire
you to weigh hiw at the beviiuiiBg of
very meatL If b Ua stamw tu fieth,
pualah hku and t that it iloet But hap
pen ag aln," Cbioago Tribune.
OJTtcer Alpena Christine
Of r-tilladelphla.
An Officer's Battle
Ho Might Havo Lost Out for
Ilovlt ira Otien,nnd the Inevitable
An officer connected with the Tacony
Station house, Philadelphia, has had a se
vere battle with a monster, or a demon,
he hardly knows which to call It. We will
let him tell tht story In his own words:
"I Want to Say a Word
about what flood's Barsaparllla did for ma. I
wat troubled tht worst way with dyspepsia.
Why, I ceuM net ent nstyllilna; at breakfast
without distress, and when I did manart to tat
a Utile 11 would all come up azslo. I tried
almost every thine 1 beard of to and relief, bat
still I suffered. At last I wat told Jest ktw
I (ell and what flood's tarsapsrllla would de
for me by an advertisement la a ptper. X de
cided to try the medicine, and realises all the
beacaipeeralaed. It wat what liood'l ttarttr
psrllla actually did for ma that
Convinced ma of Its Merit
I cannot pralaa tt tnough. X eaa tat heartily
now, although two montht ago I did not know
what It wat to keep anything on my stomach.
Hood's Cures
nMdi betnr cured of rtyspeniU. I W fatta
rctlered ol icrtrt pMna in th kidney. I am
willing tills should bt used to toll other how
to b cured ot dyippsi." Orririn Kuobni
CnxiBTiNx, Tacony station Houso, Tmout
HOOD'S PlLLB cur Naiiae. Sick Hctdar-k.
JidilMtloae DUi9aiDi. field by ill dracgljUt
For the cure of
Coughs,Colds, Croup,
Hoarseness, Atthma,
Con eh
and for the relief of
Consumptive persons,
At all dealers. 25 cts,
ruciuUIOC'S PWOS. Utarmt Tobacco.
LHtlT tUtUIFrln 10CU. At all ee(t.
Tlttro ! . tng Ilka tb RESTORATIVE
NERVINE vrd by the rrett pocUlltt,
ORaMILC . euro tl m-rroui diM, m
Heaductio, - Clues. Nervous Prootnv
tion, Cl.c.jHcnM' Mountain, St. Vitus.
Dnnce.P; Hyr xia Many ptmiciitra
unottln timt. a U Bay Iha result i ar
wctKJoifiil, " 1. .to huudmu nf t8ttmimiaU
llkot!. . . iu 't'Vt'yhaTOEorknuwn
mnhln-t li-u tt ' rrvivr & Co-i Syracuse, IV, Y.
'L,fOij i- '.jr j uiutfAVfonlf of prate," J.U.
Wolf, Hi' '-'l-.Vioh. 'Tbebfstwllrr erer
had." Yuolworth A Co Fort Wayne, Ind.
Nei-vlhu - tmtter ihnn anything we err
tad." ll. F. WytUtCo.e Contrd, jS. It. Trial
tKul(vnd book of teatlriioaltvla rr a t drujttatt.
DR. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart.lnd.
Solrlhy T. D.TomBs,
yjon't be fooled. Don't be
misled. You will be however,
if you neglect to call at our
l'opular Drug Establishment
for anything you may need in
the line ol l'ure Jrugs and
Madicines, Wines -or Liquors.
H e give particular attention to
the compoundingof presprictions
and during our absence at
Hnrrisburg a reliable Clcik is in
attendance who will give prompt
attention to all patrons.
Besides'our line ol drugs anil
medicines we always haAe a nice
assortment of Stationery, Per
fumery and Toilet Articlea on
which we have marked exceed
ingly low prices.
Come and see us.
BIERY, The Druggist.
Go TO vm. KOIiKKER, under the Kienwte
Hotel, lunk street, Ur a sraeotti ttiave era
uwiMoiutUe bair tsit. ttr dosed oo Sutidajr't
Uomler's llstr toak. eures llabdraff. Va carry
maart. usu.
o I), cam rBKLL, er Otasl HrkkcKut
SHuat, Kalr TealM. Ac., at tbTstrr WeeS
at et st.
"Corner Store"
Oram Lemons, Bananas, Nils,
Apples, Celery, Craolis,
Grape, Table Raisins, Confec
tions, Fancy Baskets, Qneeis
ware,anfla fnll line of Nice
Lovr8t tirices, good trefitmtnt,
prompt delivery
Cal. and See Us.
Corner Store,
In tlie very Neatest Styles
and. at tlie lowest Prices at
E. H. Snyder's,
also a full line nf
Fine Dress Goods,
Tliat can't be matched In this
town or count) for- Style
Quality or Trices,
See Our Goods Before
You Buy.
Tf you do, you want rt good
fit, Latest Style and First.
Clas Workmanship.
Leave your order with Froy
You want a perfect lit. You
want good Goods. You 'watt
a wi 11 made and stylish look
ing garment.
Leave your onler with Froy
For the present wc will carry
a full line of samples of season
able goods from which you can
seleet. Our prices will be the
very lowest and in all cases we
will guarnntee satisfaction. We
solicit your
0i. tlie Itmiml House. . Ninth First Street.
Heaters and
In Great Variety at
Samuel Grater's
Popular Store, Bank Street.
Roofing and Spouting a specia!
ty Stove repairs furnished
on short notice
Henry Miller,
manufacturer of
Window and Door Frames,
Doors, Shutters,
window fashes,
Mouldings, Hrackets
and dealer in
All Kinds of Dressed Lumber
Shingles, Failings,
Hemlock Lumber, &c.,&c.
Very Lowest Prices.
DRUGS, pure.
MEDICINES, genuine and best
SOAPS, large line and cheap.
WINES.E00'! for rnpdicinal use
CIGARS, t"e tpst mule.
SPECTACLES, extensive
and increasing trade. I guar
antee satisfaction "to eery
rom pounded.
Central Drug Store,
Dr. 0. T. HORN.
Frl, Bannap anil Parcels
John F. Hottenstein.
Careful attention paid to the Deli? err of
Freight, liagtage and I'arcelt to all part
oftownaltbe Towett piieet. A thare of
public pationage It retpectfullj solicited.
lyLeave orders at Sweenj't. Koch's
or L!Dencutrt s.
The Celebrated
Cypress Shingle
Oaaraateed fuU Leaatti,
The very beet Shingle in the Market,
Maaafaetured or
Ctertintat, VlrgtMa.
All Kinds of Building Lumber.
to Buyers.
We offer just now a special ki.
vitation to our friends nnd
natrons tn rnmo nnrl or no
The summer is fast fleeting
aim we will make special
prices to sell out our summer
goods in order to have a full
SWillff Oil our fitll nnrl winfpr
o -
stock of Dry (roods, Notions
ana Keady-iadc fJlotiung.
We have no room to quote
prices, but they are low
tnough. Don't miss this
opportunity but come at
mcc- Then tool we are the
recognized headquarters- for
for all kinds of
'Fruits & Vegetables
in Season
(tt the lovtest of very low
prices, 'rompt antl corteous
treatment to all and it is no
trouble to show goods,
Cmml llililgp,
Kuntz &Co.
East Weisspott.
Drug :: Store
OSiF Spring is Coming
Use Thomas' Extract
Sarsaprilla, To Purify
The Blood 150 Doses for
$1.00. Quality Guaran
teed Fine TFines, Liquors nud Cigars,
Fresh Beer and Porter.
FUEK LUNCH every day from 9:00 to
12:00 a. m., nnd every Saturday even
inc. Call and nee me. I will treat
you right.
Opposite Hie Currlage Works,
North First Street, Lehighton,
For" the Prettiest Jewelry and the
llest Watches, Clocks and Silverware
the people of Carbon county must
come to our store. We not only have
tlie'cooiis hut we sell them at pilcet
that are low anil perhaps a llttU lower
than the same good can be bought for
elsewhere. Wc are not telling shoddy
ttufl for the best because we don't
believe in misrepresentation. Otir
motto is "good honest goods at the
very lowest prices." Ilefore vou buy
eltewhere we would be pleased o have
.ou call and tee us.
Fine Cigars,
Stationery, Dolls, etc.
We carry In our usual full and com
plete line all the above goods at the
very lowest prices. Make It a point
to call and tee us when you need any.
tiling In our line and we are conlident
.that It will pa; you cash returns for
yonr trouble.
C. H. Nnsbaum,
Hrli'ge Street, - Welssport, Ta
Just now, as nn innovation,
we are offering our customers o
beautiful book Shcpp's Pho.
togrnphs of the World, with
every Forty Dollar Purchase.
o would like very much to
explain this to you. Will you
please call.
Bed Room Suites,
Parlor Suites,
Dining Room Furniture,
Hall Racks,
Handsome CnrpQts. .
Ale among the goods we
sell ai very low prioee.
Wall Papers,
and we wish to inlorm our customers and the publ r in irenem!
we have laid in an entirely fresh stock, bought from tti -most
reliable houses nnd have an iiKsortment thnt inn not 'e
duplicated in severaf counties. .
Hre invite AM, to make out their orders early, inl. the
assortment is complete.
Lehigh Goal & Hardware Co.,
Firs! IeEBiglHoii.
A certain dealer says "exnmliie iiiy moipetttnr'fl
siock aim i am sure you
Tliis Is Not So, For At
All Kinds of Wagons,
Carts, Sleighs, &c,
Cheaper Than Yon Can Buy Elsswhere In The Valley
nre can sell vou Fnctorv or Sliotblv nrK- inut n ln. rra
a little lower than other dealers
article, but we dont recommend
Our Own Work
and Heaters,
and nil kinds of TINWARB
JJrnnch Store, Snyder's Bloek
Tie Grandest Opportunity, to M Honey Ever Known in tee LcMeIi Vallrv '
Qok at IM Eig; aelif
op OMMren's Olotiing.
73 ChtliVi Kflt Suits, 21 2 lo 6 years, fonnerlv $4 tnO .10. will bp oM r"itiv-ly a' l
200 Boys' Union Casthnere Knes Tsinls Sultts, ages 4 to 14 years. Farmi'i pi it . ? 6v
must cn at II 00
ISO Keys' Extra Kine AlMI'ool Kum Tanta Suits, agps 4 lo 14 ypars. F.-rtm 1 i'1 '' s
3. $4 and 1 5. cut down to 2.00.
170 Our finest Hoys' Wool Caaslmero Knw Pants Suits. aea 4 to 14 years Fiittum
prices $5 lo fS, must be sold at 00.'
73 Buys' Vint 3-Piece Knee Pauls buili, 8 (o 15 jedrs. Forraer pri:s $.1 50 to 10 r.
duced to fs'i and 15.
2300 Pair Mors' Knee PanU, extra valuta, all to lie soldt sta riling prires.
f Innfirmnt inn Snita nr line ot (tjlKl ('iiftrniHou Stills In HlKck rtir.ltits, Nt.S.ik
wuniu iiuuitm ouuh MUturcH ami niw L'liHiiUhtMt WorstBtl, siirpas .u f.itin. 1
hlliltfmt fur flue norliiian(hlitK'Ml iumIII nnd vxtmnrly LOW I'KirKH. A nvu iumh
our great throng of niatpiner.
f'nmA nti.Soo Our Nten.1 Pine fasxhtiHie Sntls for 0, irnsltlvsly wortli t)9. Ask tn-i't
vuuiu iiliu otu our Kxtm Alh Mfh's StHsli AU-WMliuftKfoi S.ft9, mlu k-i fruiu i'u,u
and 1 12. on.
TlnnL" nf it 1 2W1 lrs Men's SenleeblATrnuien, siIH1i iwtterns, tm i.00 s
uiiin.111 it; 1000 iialruryliamtwtie styles otHeav) l'nmr, will -tu 1 1 i .
neer hoI.I lit fore mtiler
Orer ."fKKI Jrn's. Youth's anil ClilUrrn't Finn Ovirootls of errry wake ami liai :,
thtt MUST HE SOI,l t bull tlielr otlglnol valii You are ttlil In nine i., ..,1,
dollars and ert barcaioi from our Ereat assortment.
AstoDisMiE Bargains In FinMiui Gnou.
HQ doztit Meu'i and Boys Working Shirts reduced to 2S cents.
W) dozen extra quality 6 1 cents Orav Umisrware, now 80 ceuts, or 3 for 41 'K
Aen's Oyerstilrts. Colored Shirts, Neckwear. Kinen and Celluloid Collars ,i-it nff
ftest lllack Hornndorf Dye Half Hose. 2 pairs for 25 cent. 0ralls and lilmiM kni
Suspenders. Fine Underwear and thoutand othei ariiclett we !mt ti- tl
mention, all must go retard lets of former jtrices.
SIAKK NO MISTAKE IN TIIK VLXVK. As tew can mort and none can ho
great reductions and bargain olferinc. An early fall and personal Inspection will
thoroughly convince all tliat tlie Wst place to go fui lh Lowest Prices anu 11iil
llarealni is at
Kocli 6c Slianlcweiler.
Latest and Fmest ClolMoc House ia the Yallej
F. W. Weil Co.,
1031-1003 Linden St., xVllontown.
Wood Mantels,
" Fire-Place Furniture1,
F. W. WEIL & CO.,
Has it ever occurred to you that you can buy just as rhen n imi
cltoaper here than you can buy in the city? It in a solnl F( T
Apples and Potatoes
Are arriving daily in car load lots nml are bciuj; sold ,i tin- . n
lowegt prices to retailers
Cost fie8ioMUi'tj, Fish, Oysters,
Sold and delivered ut and frtniuentlv waj tselow cit inn . -
Wholesale Cojiuuisslon Dealer, Enst Hfis
Fill till' ll t li'W IM I It
Kr-Ht qucnf' til. ' i .... i
ation arid ImuM i mi ui i
I the lending i.Iit.i' , '
property ownnrs i .1 i n-m ii i
a suggestion for y on
the work dour rig' t ; n di
it for you at i-prmvihIiIi' immr-.
or we will sell joti tin. vtiill
mper and dpcomtt(in Com.
and see; let us talk the m.itti r
overand we know thnt u u
please you.
will tneti uuy Irnmine. '
Popular Carrinffo Works. II
Carriages, Phaetons,
tun nfionl tn smII nn tlio 'unn
it but
Ve Do Recowni
at Lowest Prices nt
the Round House, Lehitrhton.
1(0 SI fS