The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, April 01, 1893, Image 1

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I ft specialty at our Job Pimm i i
tn Snydei's Block, east suit I i
Bridge. Envelopes. Note nn, i i
Pbsniplcts, Unlet lt..nks, v. - i
and nil kind- of l'lr Nic. 11k I
Bill. Wednall work m-atlj, cln-ai w ,
cleanly. Do you nil anything in I
Hnef then call ami sec ns, or wnti n
postal card and we will he at ynnt m i
lias a Hrger circulation than mi) nthci
new spapor printed In Cm lion county, rmi
snqnmitly it I- tue best medium fin whin
User. Our news oulumni, sparkle wit It
tli oociiirenoes of the day -clem, spicy,
interesting, bright and Independent Oui
editorials are original Htnl will he world
rending o" account of their spirit which
Is Independent of outside dictation. Our
prlco Is one dollar a year, Justyoutry It
VOL XXI. No. 20
Lehighton, Carbon County, Penna. April 1 , 1893
$1.66 a Year in Advancs
All otir Spring Goods nrt now
ojicnrd nnd.nro marked with
lower prices tlinn ever before
heard of.
The sto''k eonwsts of nil the very
Latest Fnbrics of the Season.
f7ome nnd compare otir prices
with nny in the same line of
business in tlm Valley.
You jvill find us below nil com
petitors. J. T. NUSBAUM,
Fiixl Street, lietween South and Plum Streets,
LehlKhtou. ra.
Whit tha Bolom at Harrlsburg Art
HAttnisnURO, March 24. In the house
yesterday several bills were report pi. favor
ably Irom committee. Including thoe pro
vhllng for the appointment of additional
chaplains or moral Instructors In peniten
tiaries containing more thau 800 prisoners,
permitting cities of the first class to make
ctreet clean! net and garbage contracts tor
periods of not exceeding five years, placing
billiard saloons and pool rooms under the
control of the mayor and making them pay
annual licenses A bill was Introduced
making an additional appropriation of
ffeOGUOfor tha World's fair commission
An amendment was attached to the road
bill providing for an appropriation of $3,
000,000 a year to be paid to the various
counties for road purpose. This aroused
much "opposition. Hills passed second
reading! Permitting courts of common
pleas upon application to appoint boards
of arbitration to settle labor dWputes be
tween employers and employes; to prevent
owners of stallta from practising decep
tion or fraud by proclaiming or publish
ing false pedigrees of their animals.
llAnmsntmo, March 85. The Penrose
bill abolishing the Philadelphia building
commission came up .yesterday in the
house and pawed fln-t reading. There has
heed a decided change In the sentiment
and the fortune of the road Villi. The bill
la hung up on the pmtponement-for-the-present
hook. The committee finally de
cided that Philadelphia should be given
her proportionate share of the money ap
propriated. The dint rfbutton will lie made
on th number of miles of road. It wa-t
decided to fix the appropriation nt (2,000,
UH The proc eeding of the house were
wholly without Interest being confined to
the retention of petitions ana hills on first
re.'ullng The house refused to reconsider
the vote by which the Talbot bill, giving
fwwerage companle'tne riguior eminent
domain, whs defeated Owing to the ill
tit' of his wife. Sneaker Thompson will
Imtthsentullof next week, and Mr Wultnti
of Philadelphia will preside. ,
HAKttlsnuiiO, March 'JJ Among the,
bills introduced tn the senate yesterday '
were Providing for the creation of a'
liquor license court orten person a, making 1
counties liable for pioperty destroyed
within their limits bj inuh or riot, and for
the expenses of the Nation I Uuard when
hummoued to suppies inch mob or riot
Passed finally: Providing that the entire
fee for liquor licenses ahull be paid into
the city, county or borough treasury, and
grading the amouut to be paid In cities of
the third clans, defining fraternal, bene
ficial and relief societies, and regulating
(heir conduct. In the house the way and
means committee reported favorably a bib
providing for a tat of sixteen cents per
barrel on beer Hills pitted llnnlly. De
tiulug tn whom shall be paid the beiutlit
certificates Usued by fraternal noctetlei
piytug beut-flts upon the death of their
members by mutual aement, where
I he person or memtfer tiles vutuout leaving 1
a person designated to receive the same. I
regulating the admission of disabled audi
Indigent soldiers and sailor to the Kile
Home by MrmUitug the admUstnn of ap
plicant who, although citizen of Penu
ylvtuifa, served In relineifts from othei
Kiates The Kane bill, requiring itmiuliir
altr.d per wins over twenty -one )ear of age
to pay an annual tax of $.1 a jeac, juwd
third rending The bill place iiniiem
player of forelgueiH (he duty ol lullerllug
the tax
lUmtisiuim. Maith the Ken-ite
yeteidar hill were ttiliodjuvd Piuvld
tng for adlvUtouuf the-upp.ri ol indigent
Insane tMtHii the slate and inuntie;
HMihorUIng corporations, nut for prottt to
W-aimttnareior caiittalslocK, piovitiiiiK that
borough taxes,, the purchase and
-ale of ral tt-tnle for lHrough nurnosen
and teppmpiialions of money raUed by
taxation or loan shall lie cleiertrlned and
approved by the elevUir Hills pansed
finally Auihoii.liig the furmattuii of cor
IvitHiiono (ui tiuitlug umtHr onstieams,
imii exienlmg tvieuiy miles In length, and
for the itturau and transportation of water !
(or mauufat luring purjM extending 1
ihe iMterw of Mbipbnlldlng corporations,
tegnlaiKig the organiitlon ami incorpo
i at ion of Mi l el f rat ei nul lieneliclal. so
t-ierleiand pioteciiug the rlghta of mem
beiH: dftlniim (be ineanlmc of the woid
btiitpr clieeH and uleuinargarlne, piovld
(ng for i he pnnUhment of iienutus w llfully
procuring the publliallon of faUe stale-in-nts.
presenting the prosecution of hc
ioiii tvlit'h an- Ihirred by the statute of
UmllnticiiiH In other stale or countries,
piiivfdtng that neither of the parlten to a
ttt-rct iiiHirnige shttll receive any luturtsi
in the etaie if the other in wue of death
other than that devised by will Mr
('roiiVfi telephone bill fixing the max!
mum charge ia-r month (e-r telephone ui
t was defeat til In (he lio-ise. bills were
rfported fatuiably lopiolilhil the ueof
UigiiH iollei.e dt-gier, pioviding lor the
Mpptilniiiifiji nt it i tut i tutpcviuis, making
Ihemilk Mtxpeclton ail applicable to the
whole Hlaie; uivin io ibe cuuntles all of
Ihe liquor IkfiiiM moueyn collei.tecl I here
in The bill peimiitiiiK iti-ltlllng com
pvllies to imorMUMte wax defeat Hi oh t-c-ntnl
reading Tbf l II piohibiting the ex
blbitlon uf pbsiral 01 mitial fii-ak in
(nlillr uHwl s-tdiil ('-.oliiig.
M. ADilrlui OHer Aeevptril.
Pa H18, March HO. M. Hibot hasacrepted
the oiler ol M Amlrleux, ex-prefrci of
police. tuarret M Ariwi.autl hasdelHilecl
an eiperlvuctU ortari to nUi him
People who buy at our Store
always go away aatialled be
cause we give them their
money's worth, then too, they
have a large asMirtuietit of alt
kluds of General Store Clouds
to seleet from. Some goods,
those of Pall and Winter pat
terns we are oltaylug out at re
duction priess in order to
make room fW our spring ar
rival of goals wliUili we intend
to suristss all previous ex
hibitions. Wesgaiu curd lully
Invite you to oowe siul se us.
Rolbert Walp,'
First street. Op. Round House.
Republicans Hold to the Cardinal
Prinoigle of the Party.
Hon. John r Green Deplore! Ih Condi
lion Whirl. OenlM to lilt llac the Full
Protection flu rtti teed hj the -Flij.
McKlnle) ror I'reildent In '00,
-Canton, O., March 80. I.epre.tAtlvi
Republican from many fiction.. otOhlo
participated last night In protective tar
Iff banquet, with the Republican club of
Canton an the boat of the occalon. and
which, bending greetings to the Hepnbli
cans of the imtlun, IncldentAll? declared
that the protective Urift must bekept wh.
In the frunt asone of the catdlimt prlncl
pies of the party. Around (he balcony
were pictures of (lead and living Hepublt
cans of national prominence, Interspersed
with quotations favmabletothe protective
tariff fmtn the speeches of Webster, Jlam-
Htou, .Tefferson, Clay, Itlalne and Grant
verthe main balcony was the sentiment,
In letters a foot high:
"American wages for American work
men, American markets for American
people, and protection for A met lean
homes. "
The chnir was occupied hv Hon. Thomas
Turner, of this city, with Judge J. P. Faw
cett as toast master.
Letters were read from several Invited
guests who had been prevented at the last
moment from participating In the speech
making. Among thee was ex-President
Harrison, ex-Sieaker Heed, ex-Governor
Foraker, Senator Manderson, ex-Secretary
Foster and Senator Sherman. All insisted
that the policy ot protection must be ad
heted to.
1 When fiovernorMcKlnley was presented
to answer to the toast, "The Republican
Presidents,' the lw liquet tern, their niim
bers relnfotced by the admission of several
hundred ladies to the balcony, rone and
cheered for a couple of minutes. Ills
speech was a brilliant eulogy of Lincoln.
Grant, Garfield, Hayes and Arthur, and n
reiteration of his well known tariff views.
The colored senator fiom Cleveland,
John P. Green, In responding to the toast,
"The Ameilcnn Citizen," said In part: "I
blush to present to you the humtlltatlng
paradox that for a portion of our citlrens
toeujoy the full protection of our glorious
flag they must go ava from home, for, I
grieve to say it, in the United States the
enjoyment of life, liberty and pnrstilt of
happiness in so fat as it concerns eight
millions of oui colored ritl.en is regu
lated by sectional customs, in the great
north he Is tlm peer of the inot favoied,
while in the greater portion of the south
he ts protected and toleruied only In the
guise of an uncomplaining 'mental No
lefts a public functionary than ex-Pres!
dent Harrison ackuovi 1 edged with humility
the utter inadequacy of the laws at his
command to furnish to American citizens
at home thai protection guaranteed to
them lu the fundamental law of the laud "
ThetMist uf "The 1'aritT" was responded
to by Mahlon Chance, of New York.
Other toasts were responded to bv
! James A. Garfield, who spoke upon
'Young Hepubllcnns," Attorney General
Hichanb, Hon W. I Squire, of Toledo,
and Judge Wickham, of Pennsylvania. It
was ufter midnight befoie the oratory was
A significant feature of the event was
the reference made by almost everv one of
the speakers to Governor McKlnley aft the
one nml only ltepulilluiii nominee lor i
the iiivalileuuy In !.
, Mink li) mi Utl.i-rg.
XnnroLK. Ya., March ). A tmttls
picked upon the tieacli hy William John
son, the winter watcliuiAn al Oceun View,
Va , Inclosed a letter klvlng alleKcd infor
mation from one of tbe crew ot tlie sink
ing of the Wlilte Star Hue steamship
Naronlc. The letter, which la dated
steamer Naronic Feb 1!), 3.10 a. m , anil
signed John 01en. c-attleiiihii, sns: He
port to our agents that our ship is fast
slaking is-neath the wiiie., and ilssiich a
storm that we cannot Iie in the small
boats. One Umt lias abeady gone with
her human targo. We weie stiutk liran
icebeiK lu a liliuitiiiK know sloim unil
floated s.,i lioiiiH "
1(11 1. .1 n ,.n li..Mn I'rlentl.
I New Yiiiik, Mnrch 30. A most sensa
tional mauler and suicide otcurrtsl last
nlKht hi tlie stole of lbutle A; Uratiam,
aKelits for the Heuiiiijjtoa rille. oil Ilnsul
way. it lenultetl lu the Instant death nf
.Miles Ki 11, chief bookkeeper, 18 jearsold,
nii.rilje self liilllttMl shooting ot William
Meynolds, aged 5ft It was the act of an
insane man, as the two men Mere old and
trusted employ. s ol the linn, and tor a
jiuiutei i.l wars tliuot iuseparHlile. lie)
noUK llli-tipltllll dttsl ol his lliotie.
Stirre..ll. liwu.itii lti.nk ICutilirr.
Clir'lhlMLLK, Kan. March tW The
iCauey Valle) hank at Caney. Knn , was
4-olihed late jeslertlay afternoon, and ti.ttfi
secured h; the rohhers 1 he Jon w as done
by two men named Starr and Newoomb
the funnel of uhom Ua fugitive Iruni pi.
tlce. They made no attempt al dltulsa
and escaped on fast horaes.
, I'enn.y tmiclaU lt..lertit.
I'nn .MiH.l'hlA, March SO The board of
dnectoranf the IVnnsyhania railroad re
elected the following oltictalst President,
OeorKe It, Roberts, firat vice president,
Frank Thoitip-sm, seoond vice president,
Jobu P (irei-ti, third vice preatdeul, U.
K. Ptmh, seoietary. John C Sim, trea
urer, lloliert W smitb
, Couiiiil.shtiier Vel.r' Suerv.aor.
Washimiton, March . -Secret a rj-Car-lUle
haa apHiiuled Dr. JiiMiph 11 Senner
oommisalouer of uiiiiilgralloii at the port
cf New York, in l he place 0 Mr Weber,
l.e'k. r,,M, flManrea.
ItFAKINn. I 'a . March .HI -The roiinn
atidlloie hale eiHiiplHe.1 iheir lalmrs, atlei
l.eily thiee mouths' lutfd work Th.
..-iinly dcM (Ma h.s-n rejucs1 tu tn!tMtt-M
and titer, u a' ImUiii In the treaiir ol
-'l,Sfll '4 rhewhnteauiuillil of cutslamr
lute lax i ,107 Wl 11 The total lecipU
l.i-l yeai .i H.Vl.lIHrt. The total
exnenditllles Meie MeS,srSS4. of whlclt
I (4 l IS. vi Ma- n aceiailit cf tMUnmia
.looeiM i,, i Ihe dlii-cUMS. the i
exM-iil(il I,,, ii, almshouse mim! in "out
ll.-.i i.lirl K.. Lw 'II., i,ilul. IU.U.
t.., , , .ki.i yi
The ltr.t,l.lra(i sli,l. I .nil.,.,
llAHKl-J l ii.., -VMi - Tho .tale lie
pul.iu.11 'ii.-ii,iim i u oclu iu .ui
(Ht MM S I'lialfllllll. Keislel will I.SU'
ll.e tall lot I l.e uaivei.lliai ih..i week
Sr.ielsr, Im.1) wa. au.1 ,h.ia MHtuird
I r lhlil (..'..-Sf Hrt ll.e .aMiveltlloii '
His: lUeak.r llaiwaa,!.
lUlrluK I'.., vlai, i, i--i'oie't In.,
hieakei al tlueala ... lMtly iau.assl b.
H., I lie alllltillle Sal th
.silt oiu ii u Vital iu ilti .-uiiuiry Tl
li.lal I,,.- I-I sauaai t-llleeu bllii.tlMl III.
ami buys .It Ikl.iwu-tait ot eMiplOtiuebt
IU.ler- ll.alli Wailai.1 sKH.l. an Maul, Ml limsruor Pal
lisoi, eel,ila auuietl s tlalattl. wsrrsut ful
I'alltt Hmt I. II the Italian uiurdef. ol s
al-lel itl ilmiil tain, U lc kttlujatfj .
K.Mlltsr ..u Inu I
New Mitel Kl lr Seees4aMi.
SUWSSI Hal. Dasksi A htirr i
t"l al Hi, slide tl,.,artu ut u.
httantuu sud AlauattMi KaiIss) couiusa;
; lejuajlt-u. k,i.u,u ut Ms.wly, iswtsi,
l.OUAU .AIATI I1HH Of" MDltll Olt 1
What Han mtre1 l (hlMitv During the
Week I'erthirntlt Hpltninlied hy Our
f peel at lttrier.
Fine t wen is for all purpose at tha
South Krnl Urery.
Mi. Ahtou llnupt, of tlie twuth
end. In on the sick list.
Full lino of Ingruiu and Brussels
oarpetfl nt Henry SohwurtE's.
Mrn. CUhk Seiioeh wmitft to fell
her I'urt It afreet l-widnnce.
-G. H. M. Stocker, or the t. w. will
move into the llolacher block In the
f. w.
All khuls of books and flue station
ery at LtieheiibHchV, Munch CUnnk.
Dr. O, W. Snyder, our poptilnr
veterinarT ftuigeon, drives h new fuM
Liveryman (Mmrlea HnrdhiR Imsj
rttlded h Imndsoino eight your old bay
horse to hN live Htock.
Joseph OeKrehn, of the f. w., who
has been severely Indtsposed ftr Home
days is wild to bo gradually Improving.
Pine free lunch will be served at
W. A. Peters' restaurant on Sulufdny
Just muke It u point to see David
Kbbeit when yon WHtitateum for bum.
ness or pleasure. Lowest price.
The new bell of the Catholic
church whs blesec on Sunday. The
exercises were a very interestiugcliara-
A young clrl Is wanted at Miss
Alvenin Uravers millinery ntore to
learn the millinery business.
The audttorH of the Carbon County
Industrial Society met on 'fuesdav
and adjusted the finances of the com
WliPn yon want to pay a high
price for u piano or organ ko to Allen
town, Hethlehem or Kastoti, but buy
from A, R Snvder, if you wish to save
from one to two hundred dollars.
Tobacconist 1. a. Koch is the new
owner of a "trotter" just bought from
Messrs. I-rank Obert. Chas. Hrtukmntt
and Hob. Heberllng. The animal is
H&Id to havo great speed.
Elgin, Waltham,IlKmpden, Dnebor,
ttocKioru, Illinois, (joiumbiis ami Aon-
m lgiK'tlcwalcheM. Our large stock and
low prices cannot be matched In this
section, hi. H, Hohl, the Mnuch Chunk
.josepn uermnn, or the r. vM was
out on Monday alter a long illne-s,
supeunciuceu uv in uriune. Mr. tier
iiiuu'm many rriends hoie soon to wee
hira in the full enjoyment of former
If you wnut to buy a parlor clock,
go where you can see an .assortment
and save muney. See K. II. Hold, tho
Mauch Chunk jeweler, and you will
agree with us that it is to your interest
to purcnase iroui aim.
Mr. Cochran, of Second street, who
recently purchased a flue butldlnglot
on Mahoning street from Kerdiuund
Frelsch, contemplates the erection of a
cozy uweuing I ion so during the - com
lug summer.
Hy getting measured for a suit or
pants at Soudheitn's Tailoring Hall,
Mauch Chunk. You will get perfect
fit, latest style of goods and can savo
3.1 per cent, on every dollar.
The talk through the Lehigh
Valley Is, How can A. F. Snyder, sell
high grade pianos at two hundred
dollars. Well, he does it just the same.
And can sell a good Upright for St&O.OO.
Senator Vm. Kapsher, of Mauch
Chunk, lias purchased all tho frame
work of the old court house nnd the
same has been carted to tlds place and
placed on his lot near the Valley rail
road. Ho will build a house it is said.
The Valley Company evidently
thinks ttiat it is not necessary for
guard gates or a watchman to be
placed at tho crosslug on north Main
Lane. Some day there will be an ac
cidental that place and somebody will
have to pay the piper.
Why don't Phillips get the MePhail
Piano foiMr. A.T.Phifor? Whydon't
Snyder liny New Knglaud Pianos from
I'Ullllps 7 tlecause he can buy from
middle men, pay double freight charges
K'e " "'ii uoiiar soarr, aim a ten lol-
lar stool and sell his MM, for ftSEi. Is
A llnck of 30 or 10 ducks were on
the mill dam at the south end last
week and of this number Schoch
got two with one shot. George Horn
lired into tlie lot but was nusuccossful
and Alex Marsh followed suit. Laf is
one of the liest shots in the Valley.
A. Sell A- Co., who recently launched
in the livery business In the seooud
wanl on Iron street, have added'a hand
some pair of buys to their already ex
celleut stock. The genial Tom who is
doing the business at tho stables Is a
hustler and is always ready to cater
to the convenience of the people.
The new bell for the Catholic
church on north Third street, will be
rung for the iirst time on Raster, pro
viding nothing unforseeii occurs. The
bell weighs 37."i pounds. Tlie other
chiirchebin town without bells are the
Methodist, Kvangelicalaudthe Presby
terlau edifice, used for worship by the
llowman Esherwiug of the Rvangell
oals. - RorniiKh Treasurer Strnup was out
on Saturday for tho tlrst time in some
weeks. Recently he atteuded the
funeral of the Into Mrs. Reuben Hurler,
at East Penn, w here he contracted a
severe wild and rheumatism which has
kept him ooiillued ever since. Mr.
Strain) is also the treasurer of the
Lelilghtoii Water Comimny and of the
Lelilghtoii Cemetery.
A happy inspiration the souveslr
spoon, a remembrance; tlie longing of
of tbe human heart through all ages to
put your lonaine in concrete form.
See R. II. Hold's beautiful selection
just put on exhibit and you will be sure
to ko away nun a spoon, anil she will
be happy. If you want an Kastergift,
see us,
The annual grand opening of
spring and summer millinery at Mis
Graver's iwpular uiilliuery store, will
take plaoe on Saturday and continue
on Monday following. The assortment
of seasonable LTOods at Mrs. Graver's
eclipses all previous exhibits and our
isvuy mends should be sure to see it.
M. J. Hartsell and family, of
Athens, Rradford oouuty. are uew
residents In tbe a. w., ocouplng part of
the double dwelling next to Horn's
L'eiitral urug Store, oil First street
ir. llartzel has opened a harneas store
ami Is well equipiied to meet all de
mauds fur goods in his Hue. II e hope
the residence of lr. Hartsell ami
family lu this town may be lung,
pleasant aud prosterous.
The large frame building of the
Lehigh Stove Foundry located on the
SU, directly Iwtweeu the stone build
ing used fur moulding and a new frame
stiuotiire. Is beiug rased and on its
site a more com modioli buildim; will
go up in order to increase Die facilities
of the shop. The oonipauy has' all the
work that it can possibly atteudto and j ,int,K busluess In the City of Brother
Is rapidly getting thar witli both feet i ly Love, on Wednesday aud Thrusday.
under the excellent Management of S. -Ou Monday the following tran
R. Dickinson. saoled business at tha osunty seat.
-Mr. and Mrs William E. Ash hautl- ft JWluBr. Wm. Kokhart, George
sonielyeutsrtalned a uumtssr of their M. Henry, and Iteiiiamin Corrsll.
friends at their Third street home on I ,-Aar.m Serfass, of Kresgeville,
lost Saturday evening, the occasion be- Monroe county, was pn Sunday striok
i,. .....n, ......i..... ... .k.i. I en with paralysis aud died alninot in
marriage. Aaoug those present were;
Mr and
d M. H. H Keuuell. Mr asd Mis. A I.
Magi-Milan, Mr uud Mi
Martin O KnaU,MUa
iiiis-ir tnaii-a, ansae Man, anil wis Klssert,
uhiii. His. Ijaiirs lluu, oIAIIralosu: Mlaa Km
aia turner, of ( atu-auous
K.MIi, Wlllusv
itarre; Meat,, jota-s si d
ui i una.
. .Iu honor of ills. Johu Klotz there
wasapleasautpanyat ImmeouHiidge
street the oth.r etiiiuw Tboe who
were ureseut en- l,.ii Klot aud
wile, Al Nest, trl idiI
site, rtsui-i l..iililn,i .in,!
IliuSaneu .ti. 1 .Ml,. Mtrou 1
lis. It.,,, ,-l I .mi. u Mi. lei.
Mill, i Mi. Willi ,,,, , ii, 1
Sli- i, i.i t'hiisn. sti....
M ii k- tri j, 1,1 i H, urn ui
I r.iria I ii,i I ill, ,n, hit ,n
lie, l'ljll-. Ru
Kan. ra
( Ja'lUm. U"UU
... . - .j iil, ,,. - . ., ........ i,,
Omfpriiliig lrnil u'tin Hint 1.
Vl.lllitR Here, There nml l!trywhre.
..A. K. Miller at Alteutown on
-Alex Seldle, of Ropkport.WHS here
UxireHtiiiin Hneermau wrs Ht
Slieliiuuloiili, Wednesday.
..William Kroldler, tlie limtler ot
tlits I'rww, circled at Thill; tills week.
. .Sefellttti Hmltii and wife, of Hank
my, visited at SprinKtown, N. J., this
. . Miw Klla Peters has acceited a Htenotaulier with u New
lork lirm.
. .Ira N'ot limine, a student in Mnhleti
bert? ("iiIIckc, Allentown, wns here oh
. . Jlr. H. V. Jlortl.' her, Sr., and ran
Melville, spent Monday with Allen
town friends.
. .Miss Kmrnii Ilower, of CHtasniKiua,
is mo gum or .Miss liusslo t'iausM on
nurd stievt.
. .James Sillies and wife, of the f. w.,
visited telativesut Ilutli over Sunday.
.Theodore I'Vnner. a Lettish Vallev
couduetor, is spending a few days at
larawissn. ,
. . Miss I.illle Oreen.of Munch Chunk,
spent Monuay wltn her sister, .Mrs.
John Kseh, on llaukway.
...Miss Hose LitzeuberKer, of White
hall, and OeorKe Kuiitz, of St. John,
visited CO. hhhirer on 3rd stieeL
. . Kdtfar Xander and Wllmer ileldb
students of Mnhlenbers College, Aileir
town, arc home this week.
..Mrs. A. L. Campbell, of Xausford,
hixiui several ciays tins week wltu rela
tives and friends in town.
..Edgar Noll and wife, ot the t. w.,
,..... l W... t.. .....I r ii ...
citJ Kn " , ItCA Ullll IHIIlliy HI
oiaimeion orerauuuay.
. .11. V. Morthinicr. Jr.. of the Advo
cvtk's Welssport Job Itooms, did busi-
ness ar rnnaueipnia lasi Saturday.
. . Mrs. George Kemerer, accompanied
by her estimable neice Miss Katie
Kemerer, of Jamestown, visited Jiethle.
hen) lelatives and friends tills week.
Dr. V. I. Smitli and family are
liome from Newark where they were in
attendance at the funeral of the late
.Vr. Uird, tho doctor's step father, who
was Kiueu ai an ungual-ilea railroad
. .Mrs. Catharine Camnhell nrwntmin.
uied by her sou. the irenlal KrHtitf.Ritetit
Sunday at Uuisford with big, round,
and rosy Al Campbell, thorliustiing
jeweler in that town.
..Mrs. Chas. Harkluson and her
estimable daughter, ff California, after
a visit of several weeks to ltichard
Christe and fauiily on Second street,
are now sojourning in Philadelphia.
They will return during May and spend
the warm summer mouths with Mr.
Miss Emma Iliodhead is the guest of
Hazleton frlouds.
Joseph Snyder has been confined to
the house this week through illness.
Mrs. W. Lee Stiles was at Wilkes,
bane this week where she was the guest
ot her daughter.
Bllectrlclan Wlltze was doing busi
ness at Eastou this week where he lias
charge of the electric lights.
Misses Gertie Wagner and Emma
Washburu, of Norristowu, visited Mrs.
Joseph Dennett ou Sunday.
J. L. Harlenian aud wife suent Sun
day pleasautly ut Weatherly w hero they
were the guests of Jos. Koous.
Rev. Luther, of Parryville, will oc
cupy the pulpit lu the M. E. church on
Sunday evening. All aro Invited.
A number of our citizens were initi
ated into tlie mysteries of the Knights
ot Malta on Wednesday night at lively
It is the rumor that the residenco of
one of our esteemed residents was
broken into one night leceutly, but if
the intruder meant to make a haul he
wns unsuccessful, as he was scared off.
Tbe outlook for a brisk coal trade
for ttils summer looks very blue. Start
ing this week the time allotted to rail
roaders will be four days a week. No
coal will be shipped on Friday aud
W. T. Sliafer, George Saudherr, Chas.
Yoho, John Miller, Edward Frltziuger
auu josepn lienuett were at Uowmaus
towu ou last Saturday evening where
they assisted at the institution of n Jr.
O. U. A. M. council.
Once more the base ball fever has
cropped out here. The Pioneer's, the
samo as ot yore, Intend coming out this
season In full blossom. This club, all
things considered, haye'au excellent
record Among their victims last sea
son were Slatiugtou and Mauch Chunk.
Our people should help the boys along.
Among the players are Dolan, I'onarty,
Shafer uud Hummel.
-Tile irenlal Harry Graver was at
! rank Koous, of Frankliu street,
uas set up a carpet loom, and Is pre
pared to weave carpets.
-Mrs. Llyelleu Plckford. of Ash
Held, spent Monday with Lehlghtou
ami vt eissport menus.
RutcLer James E Sohaifer, of the
east side, is jubilant over the arrival of
a brinht little assistant.
Merchant Julm K. Lentz Is build
ing au addition to his pleasant east
side home.
Al Kresge is out after us illness of
several weeks with typhoid fever.
The grand millinery opening at
MissGertie Horn's emporium on Satur
day wasa pleasipg success In every
Victor Solt, with Kreamer & Irfiitz,
Is out after nursing a big boll en the
side of his cheek for a week or more.
Mrs, Jennie Williasis is at Wash
ington, I). C, where she is attending a
profeslonal nurse tralulug school. ntr.
Milton J.Smith and wife, of this
plaoe were made happy Saturday by
the arrival of a bouucing baby boy.
Jacob Metsger formerly of this
place, now of Weatherly, circulated
among frietfds and relatives of this
plans on Saturday last.
Sheriff II ebb madesu ollleial visit
to this plaee one day last week.
--V'm. Smith, of Lehlnh Gap, was
visiting Benj. Correll.ou Tuesday.
A. .11. Sillies celebrated bis 2Mh
birthday anniversary on Sunday.
-Henry Siltles and Jacob Christmau
both of Aibrightsvllle, transacted busi
ness at this place ou Saturday.
Wesley V. Mills, of this idare ac
cepted a iKasltloii at the Carlioii House
Justice ("lias. Green transacted
husineas at tlie oouuty seat, on Friday.
I'.v.ruw, I If
-wmg. . ' '-' i.,.ts. auiail ou yerrs.
The public sale which came oifat
the bouse of Samuel George, was
o! 1 w. V t,-j,.i
- 1 'X ' " , , . ,1 ' .."i""u""
auctioneered, and A
II hilfles was
," M Henry will in the near
fu,u1r mov bl? ,"lhpld goads to
Dsnielsville, where he will enter luto
,ne note, business, wewtan Mr. Henry
abundant success tn his uew field ot
The public schools of this distrlot
ait under an aide corpse of teacoers,
and an- making admirable prajgress.
The utleudtuioe is quite iss-tuLar. The
term ts, however, rapid I v Hearing its
close, only sit days SMlug reqaivssl
complste it.
I'l'ILMNliS Illliri l.V HI'ITll.
Tim IIoIiik. .,( tli Hrk I lili-r lc,ll U lth
IVrMtiinf Mriitlnni.,
Nathan LeIIIcr was at Tiuiihiihh on
Conellus Snyder, of Allentown,
was here on Tuesday. .
Levi Horn and Wm, Reber were at
Maucli Chunk on Monday,
Religious services in school hall
Sunday qinrulug and evening,
Jnsiah Ituch and Win. Kramer
were at Philadelphia, Tuesday.
-Russel, a young son of David Hon-
gen, is .piilo III with croup.
Al Guth will move Into his own
dwelling In Franklin on Tuest.ay.
Ed Solt, of Phlfer's Comer, is
greatly Improving the large barn on
his pioperty.
The'memliers of Roy. C. E. Creits'a
catechumen class will be confirmed on
There is a baby boy at the home of
lrvln Hauey, on. Union Hill, and there
to! a Erve Is happy.
Miss Millie Merlin is convalescing
from a long illness to the great joy of
her friends.
J. D. Curtis, son-lii law to J. S.
Miller, Is lying critically ill with con
sumption at his home in Freiiclitown,
N. J.
The Misses Scherer, estimable
Tamaqua ladles, were guests of Prof,
and .Mrs. Davis this week.
Mrs. D. Oscar Chrlstinim and Mrs.
A. V. Snyder spent Tuesday at Allen
town. Robert ltoueen and J.ovl Harle
inan were doing business In Northamp
ton couuty Tuesday
-Miss Millie Hertz, of Allentown, is
visiting R. .1. Iloiigeu aud family ou
Union Hill.
-For reut, a nice store room next
door to the Fort Allen House. Apply
to Henry Christmau.
-Mrs. Julia Ditterllne, of tho Hill,
fell recently and sustained severe
Eugene Markley has opened a
general store iu the R. Zimmerman
buildlug on the east side.
Tho Snyder Plasing Mill goes to
tho Carbon County Improvement Com
pany to-day.
Jesse Green has purchased a fine
piano box carriage from J. O. Weiss, of
the Fraukliu House.
-jonn u. v eiss, tlie pleasant pro
prietor of the Franklin House, has
swapped his gray horse on a tine bay
Warren Horn has accepted n posi
tion as salesman with Dives, Pomerey
& Stewart at Ilarrisburg and he is now
in that city.
--Quint Arner and O. B. Kern have
returned to the State Normal School at
Millersyillo. Both will graduate iu
Rev. Longacre, a theological
student from the Philadelphia semi
liary.will fill the pulpit iu tho Lutheran,
church on next Sunday.
Dennis Haldeman, of Tamaqua,
wns here on Thursday. To-day he is
in Illinois, While here ho was with Ed
- Tlie new oluoers ot the Union Hill
literary society are: president, Pof.
Smyser; vice president, Samuel Spohii;
secretary, Ella Oswald; critic, it. H.
Mrs. Solomon Yeakle, of Union
Hill, who has suffered considerably of
late with an aifectiou of the eyes is im
proving under the treatment of Dr.
Ihach, of Mauch Chunk.
Rev. Wuchter, late pastor of the
Lutheran congregation, moved to
Pleasant Valley on Tuesday. The
pastor aud his family have the best
wishos of all our townspeople for pros
perity in their new home.
The Uulon Hill woman who went
home the otbor evening aud threw a
keg of beer into the yard, which her
better half and several congenial com
panions had ou tap, was shouting mad,
but she got over it.
It Is reported that Frank Knerr
and eharley Romig left several weeks
since for Chicago. They have not
been heard of since and their friends
soon Intend to olfer a reward for news
of them.
Resolved, "That the stage has a
moral tendency," will be debated by
mo uuiou mil Literary Society on
Saturday evening. Atilrmatlve, by M.
It. uuristtnau aud Samuel Spohu;
negative, by Clyde Wills and George
i uutit.
The Faithful Friend Society nf
the Lutheran congregation will hold a
lair ana lestivai in school hall ou the
13th, 14th and lr.thof tills month. They
should be liberally patronized by all
sur people. They are laboring for a
guou cause.
There will be a publlo meeting in
Saeger's Hall this Saturday evening at
7:30 o'clock to take active measures to
secure a shoe fautory plant. There
should be a big attendance of all our
people ami of those lu particular who
have the cash t put into the project.
Now is the time to strike while the iron
is hot.
The accomplished- Miss Maidna
Kistler, of Lehlgbtuu, gave a pleasant
patty at tlie oozy rooms of the Frank
liu Social Club on last Friday -evening.
About thirty persons weie present.
The evenings program consisted of
the usual pleasantries aud concluded
with a delectable repast.
Dauiel Reed, who deserted his
better half over two years ago was ar
rested last Friday at Orwigsburg by
Constable Setser. He was brought
back and placed under botids in 'squire
Delta's Lehlk'htou court to' answer
later lu Carbous temple of justice
whether he must support his spouse
or not.
Al Friend aud Ella Reed once more
lauguish ill Fort Webb, Broadway,
Mauch Chunk. This couple should be
made an example ol. i ney are charged
with oommittiug adultery by .Mrs.
Friend, a respectable, hardworking and
deserviug wife aud mother. The Reed
woman was under bail for a hearing
and escaped from au olUcer who was
escorting her to the Justice's otilce, but
some time later was recaptured by
Constable tsetzeratHasard'sTllle where
she was lu bed 111 her father's home.
Determined action lu treatiug this case
may 1 the means of checking, at least
muoh open deliauchery going on iu
niauy communities.
-One of the most paluful and dis
tressing aooideuts which have occurred
iu this place for some time was the
sad death of little Charley Seebach on
Tuesday afternoon. Along witli some
other boys he was pushing au empty
coal oar, on toe t. antral siaing, uacK
ward and forward, iu boyish sMrt,
when bis bead was caught between the
bumiiers of the eoal oar aud a freight
oar on the same track, aud crushed.
Death was iustantanious. Willing
hands lifted the little fellow and bore
him gently to his home where a grief
striokeu family now mourn his un
timely aud cruel death.
- Papers hare been served on Jos
Olasrt and Moaes lleilman in a anlt re
ilumaM-a l.rotiht. lie Ilia, uii.lnu- .ila
late Thus. Arner aud by Aaron Dreis-
bach, the latter of Mahotiiug. The
amount is Hxed at only SO,00u! This
suit is the outcome of the Heilmau ice
house secldeut where Mr. Aruer re -
oeived tujuries from wbloh he died a
few hours later and Dreisbach lost a
leg. We are under Ihe impression that
tne ouuuiug was ooniraotea by Aruer
j: eiioyer, uuimers, auti uie prestunp
tiou vould be that they, and not Hell
uau or Ultert would be the restonaibl
parties, however, tbe suit will be de -
aided at court, and the outcome will bt
watched swltb great interest Oscar
Helliuan met death iu this fatal crash.
and Nathan Heilmau, his fathor was
badly crippled, as was Loviu llahn al -
so. The accident was the result of tha
to 1 faulty coustructiou of the scaffolding
I and was a very unfortunate altair.
MAUCH ITllll.Mt.
.James Sweeney, of Summit Hill,
was here on Saturday.
The remains of Oeorge Allsop, late
nf Philadelphia, were interred here on
josepn scnmiii linn iiksumhsI the
malingeuienl of Leopold Kris' saloon
on SiiMiikilianna street. Mrs. Iteis will
(Sintiiiue tlie businetw.
Thomas Costenbader, clerk for
Recorder Handwerk, will not accept !
."V" "r". Vrer"i . ,- ,
.'"'JPK''h w',, 1,1 ,owu for "
County Treasurer James T.
few hours on Monday.
The Keystone Chili have remnveil
their rooms from the court house
building to Dolau's block whereastilte
of' rqpms are now being elaborately
Jitdire Price has donated a set of
the hnoyclopodia Brittluaoa to the
First Presbyterian church. It consists
of '25 volumes.
Jacob Jonos has taken possession
of the Pennsylvania House.ou Susque-
nanna street, just vacated tiy tuasius
Zelzer. The latter moves to East
Mauch Chunk.
Georce F. HuntzluLrcr. proprietor
of tho Switchback Restaurant at Sum
mit Hill, was a visitor here on Monday.
The genial George wants Joe Arner, a
tlrst-class young Democrat, appointed
post master iu his towu.
Tho April term of the Carbon
County Court will be held lu tlie big
Lelilgh Valley building and arranco-
uietits aro now beilur made for the ac
commodation of the Bench, bar and
jury. Work on demolishing the old
court house has commenced anil on its
site wilt bo erected one of the prettiest
aud most convenient temples of justice
and county olllces iu the state. The
architect Is Mr. L. S. Jaooby, of Allen
town. The contract has uot yet been
given out.
Tlie County Comniisslouers have
awarded the contract for tearing down
the old court house to Herman Rebe,
of Lansford for SLOi'i. Tho other bids
were as follows:
Ail.un Karhes, mirth welssport VLfiOO
I'nul Mutler, ,
Wllll.llii Mueller. Wemlierlv
P.tul Sotiwelltlnr, Kast Mauch illuuik...
P. .1. A, Hinder, i:ast Mailed t'lnuik.. ..
Niitli.ui htemler, Mauch Ulmnk.. .
lavl tlm ii, Friiiiklln v
Herman Itelie. Ijitia'nril
Tlie li ds ot Ketie aud of Levi Horn
were a tie, but owing to a mistake in
tlie bid of the former it was reduced
$Ti0. The Ciommlsslouers say that
Rebe did not know that lie was tie with
the. other lowest bidder and that the
change ef the bid as mado was porfect
ly correct and Honest ill eveiT parti
iu:vvi:ii mi;aiiov.
Monday, after being idle since tho
8th of hist November, Coxe Bros, col
liery resumed operations. This will bo
the means of uniting many families
whose fathers and brothers have gone
elsewhere to seek employment during
tlie shut down. Many bauds will re
ceive employment and business in gene
ral win be brisk in u snort tune.
It seems that tho scarlet fever
which is providing in Tresckow for
the past two weeks. Is now somewhat
checked, as no new cases are reported.
This dreadful plague has played havoc
on the South Side during the past four
months, nnd we think it about time
that people should employ some disin
fectant to stay its progress.
John Davis, who was employed in
Evan's Company store at Beaver Mea
dow for some time past, resigued his
position and Tuesday removed ills
household effects and family to Phila
delphia, where he has accepted a posi
tion in a large retailing house.
- David Howells, of Beaver Meadow,
vouuir lad employed as a driver at
the Evans Mining Company's colliery,
nail tils uead caugut between cars on
.Monday night uud badly squeezed.
Had the coutractiuc parts causht him
a few inches higher, the result might
have been serious: as It was his clieeK
bones were badly Injured.
LKinnii r.w.
This Saturday afternoon, Charles
Meeudsen will dlsposo ef his household
goods. The Judge will hereafter re
side at East Mauch Chunk.
A child of John Smith died of
Scarletiua, and was buried at tho
Trachsvllle church last Saturday. Rev
Smitli, ot Uroadueadsville olllciated.
Lehleh Gap will havo three now
houses. Col. John Craig will put up
a strlish now store nud dwelling house,
John Priitzman. will build a tine house.
and T. J. Prutzman Is now completing
a lino little Home.
John Redllne is rehuildine tlie old
Schoenberger house, and when finished
wilt be a ctvy Home.
Our public schools are nearluetho
close, when the pedagogues will have
to seek sustaining means ror the next
six mouths or go to the Columbian Ex
position Chicago, but the latter Is
hardly probable, as fXi, and KM a
mouth, for teaching paid here, will not
admit of such an Indulgence. All
educators should certainly go aud see
tho greatness of humamau ingenuity.
exhibited there, aud why not the great
Kerstnna Ktutu furnish tlm ninuiis to
its servants, as these instructors are
paid out of the public funds, aud are
certainly coverumeut emnlovees. it
would not lie a might a'wrong for the
state to help them aloug In t his matter.
- Mahlnn Nothsteln, of Egypt, spent
it few days in the Valley last weak.
Tlie New Mahoning Cornet Band
now meets iu the hall at New Mahon
A quilting strty was held at Chas.
Elsert's on Mouday.
i Last week Jefferson Arner moved
into Ills new house.
Our publlo schools will close In
alauit a week.
Aaron Zimmerman, of West Penu,
has purchased tlie Reigle fsrm.-
- Miss Mantana Strattb and Samuel
MerU will lie married ou Saturday.
Miss Emily Arner and W. J. Arner
are visiting at llingtowu, Schuylkill
The Mazart Club, nf Orwtgsburgt
Pa., gave a inu.ioal concert iu the New
Mahoning Hall, Saturday evening.
Miss Meta Nothsteiu, a student at
the Kutstown Normal School the past
year, oame home last week.
Rev. A. Bartholomew's uateehetloal
class, which uumlier alkotit thiity, will
lie uoiilirmed ou the luth lust.
Arretted for Slesllna; llarne.a.
1 Liveryman Boeder, of Reaver Mea
dow, Issued a search warrswt on rjatur
dar by Squire Huiiter.of Weatherly,ou
John llittuer, of lower Qiiaksks, for a
saddle and other harness stolen while
Bltner was in tbe employ of Boeder.
The search was made aud the. missing
. harness found iu tlie lad's father s
house. He va- takeu to the above
i uameJ Stiuire. where he admitted hav
, lug takeu the harness, thiuklug ot no
use to the llvervlusii. The Suutre
r.,L . .. ...
, was asrare that it Is hut s short tints
since the Individual was released from 1
i Mauoti C'ltuuk Jail, sud was iu no way
i lenient. The harness was returned aud
, tbe costs with a tine of K0 were plscas)
! "Pn the thief.
After the suit was over, the oouslable
iu company with the pruouer, wsut
lookttut for security and dropped Into
tu. uituw-L ituuie, wsuni iue wf imw
- 1 " aune, auu uwu n. uuc ueeu tor me
"Ulcer, would have put au end to his
e nss proclaimed ins intentions
' to commit suicide rather than go to
J"'1 Hazleton Standard.
Fise l ine of uernex.
, A full line of single and double hui
' ness, whips, fly nets, iwaal pad .uu.
mar htauikar. for aiietnir traulat
very reasonable prices af Milton Plory's
i Welssport, Pa tf
inocMiieisnipai; ivest i-oitii leimered I r ,ltn,,v"ul ,!" in mo .Messrs. Mnntz and Wehr, or the White
him by Oen. Wm. Lilly, i brain. Ihe cells which move a parti- Rear hotel.
-Justice James lloyle, who for some " ftl'Hn l!,.hmai. lost a very line
time past, had been quite seriously ill j bft ''"1'" e. "' fur he ha d, w receiillr.
we aro n eased to note s hdw almost nre' tberefore, cetities fur the hands,
llnlllrt SAk nn the tirsnu nlThniiKht.
lr. Thomas M. Kalllet, superfnleud
ent ot schools at Springfield, JIas.,de
livered an address on Saturday even
ing at No. 102 North Nineteenth Street
Philadelphia. The intention he dis
cussed was "The motor functions of
tlie brain." He said in part: "We I
iHimmouly think of the brain as oulv '
the organ ot thought, but it Is eipialiy
the orgau of muscular movement. The .
nerve energy wlilcli causes volntitary
niovenients is geneiated lu and dls-1
"Tlie motor functloit-of the brain is
lu animals the most important. The
elephant and tlie whale have finely
convoluted brains, because thev have
n large mass of muscles to move, Man's
brain is larue pattly because it must
geneiate the nerve energy to more a
complex muscular system. It follows
from these facts that all manual work
involves brain work, and the distinc
tion between 'hand work' aud 'bruin
work' is not true. It requires brains
to have physical energy. Laziness
means defect of brain power. Savages
are as lazy as they aro iiiitutoled.
"Tlie motor cells in tho brain are
connected bv the motor nerves with
tho muscles. Physical exerciso devel
ops both those cells aud their muscles.
The first question in regard to a system
of gymnastics Is, 'What is its ellect on
the nerve centres?' The nerve ceuties
degenerate if not used. Guddeti, a
Swiss physiologist, has shown that if
you cut out t he oye of a pigeon the
visual contie soon wastes away. Post
mortem examinations have shown thai
in tlie case of bed ridden people, long
deprived of muscular exercise, tho en
tire motor area of tlie brain is more or
loss atrophied and waterlogged. An
idiot shows his lack of brains quite as
much iu his walk as iu his talk The
one Is a shamble, as tlieyotlier is a
It is easier to move or innervate a
largo group of muscles than a small
one to move the whole arm than one
linger. Skilled movements require
small groups of muscles and the coordi
nation of groups. 'Manual' skill, how
over, resides not in the baud, but iu
the brain and ill the mind. You can
not develone skill iu the hand of an
idiot. 'Manual' tralulug is, therefore,
uot 'baud training," but a tralulug of
brain and mind. Not all hand work is
educational only that which appeals
to small groups'.of muscles, and invol
ves tho greatest number of muscular
movements. As the wrist and lingers,
are capable of the greatest number of
movements, manual training ought to
appeal especially to them. This de
termines both the kinds of exeieises
adapted tti manual training and the
kluds of tools to be used.
hen a muscular muvemcut Is tlrst
learned unless it be reflex it is doue
by the brain; aftor it becomes habitual
it Is relegated to the lower automatic
centres. This marks tho difference
between the manual traiiiini; school
and the trade school. The former
stops when a process or movement is
thus relegated to these lower centres;
tho latter coutiuues so as to produce
skill which can pioiluco quautlty of
Mulshed products. It is au important
question today whether a system of
gymnastics ought to appeal to the
motor centres iu the biaiu or to tlie
lowerautouiatlo centres. Tlie Swedish
system rests on the former assumption
many others ou the latter. Thew-hote
question is, iu fact, au open one."
Time tor rlAIUillcTreea.
Governor Patteison has issued a
proclamation designating Saturday,
ln.ll 1". C, ..-.I.. ,....11 .Ml tn l.
.!,... .u, .,. .win iu ,,o
observed as Arbor Daylu Pennsylvania
llie selection or oit heron tie above desi
gnated days he left to tho disci etion of
me people m mo various sections ot tun
commonwealte. The goveuor says iu
the proclamation: "Let the people lay
aside for a season the habitual activi
ties nf the day, and devote suttlcient
time thereof to plant a forest, fruit, or
ornamental tiee aloug the publlo high
ways ami streams, about the public
school houses and ou the college
grounds, in garden ami farms, thus pro
moting tlie pleasures, pront, and pros,
perity of tho people of tho state, provld-
nig protection against Hoods and
storms, securing health and comfort,
Increasing Unit which beautiful and
Iileasiiic to the eye. comtortlns to phy
sical life and elevating to the mind and
heart, and, by associations aud meet
iugs, e.cite public interest and give en
couragement to this most commend
able work.
iiasi: iiai.i. di i.
HTTheS. and B. flaso Ball Club,
composed principally nf employees ol
tbe West End Silk Mill, Alleutowii.has
been organized and tho teahi consists
of the following: Neut Miller, catcher;
Ed. Mouuinger, pitcher; Dix Roth, Iirst
base; H. 1 Raines, second base; 11. H.
Setiton, third base; PUebe Rjth, short
stopill. Pemmel, left Held; Ed. Maury,
centre field; substitutes 11, C. Seatou,
Jacob Stephens and Richard Khoads.
The club intends to have a game with
L'atasauqila shortly.
tSTUnder tlie laws of tho Slatiugtou
base ball chili the following players
i have been signed: Messrs. Fred Steck
! le aud Krauss oatohers; W. Evans and
. W. Marshall, pitchers; W. Jones, right
Held; Eddie Evans, ceutro Held; Fred
Morgan, left Held; Samuel Morgan, 3d
base: W. base: Reuben Steck-
! le, 1st base. If the weatner is favor-
aide the first game will be played ou
Hood Friday and the club desires it to
be known that they are opeu to meet
duriiiaT the oomiiii? season auv Hrst
class amateur club in tlie valley.
1' sai.i: iii:tiisTr:i,
Persons who have sale bills printed
at our otlioe, can positively save ten
cents on every dollar, tin the price
charged elsewhere, and secure a notice
lu tula jsale ueglster free of charge.
We will write up your sale, print the
bills almost while you wait. We hate
all kinds of display farm cuts to Illus
trate bills. If you can't on mo, send us
yourorderaud It will be promptly tilled,
aaturns), March a. Ssinu.l (leorse, J.lule
liun. enwa. ISriu wairullt. etc.
SUiuls, March k Aualln taiyer, tulln'r Al
Juan Prey, dee'it.
PraukUu al aairea.
wltb dweflfuK hoaae sail uttoer ImDrotenieala
aeuiruB), Aitrii i.- rautei iter, Maniniingi
lei inula ten aim dmikuuiu aaBiM,
Miss LUule Davis, a highly esteemed
young lady of this place, died Monday
evening. She had ImshI sulfsriiig from
erysiplas for some time which resulted
iu her death at tlie time stated alxive.
Dsc.unt.od was a daughter of Mr. andMrs
George D vis. Her kind and amiable
disposition in life won for her many
friends who will lie sorely grieved to
iaaru of her early demise..
Duriui! Saturday nlafht some un
known rulllaus assaulted an aged tnsn
named Johu C'urraii an Pleasauatlllll
and gave him a severe lawtlup. Until
some more effective slsis. are taken bv
the oitiseus nf Pleasant Hill to r store
peace If such lawlessness will be oon
A pleasant surprise party was
giveu at the reshleuos uf Lyiuau Invert
iu uouor ot uis sou Amos.
i .vurnv
Bauer left, Monday for
Pboeulxville, where he will work
mid for W. II. Liaubaisi, sou of Ksru
srd IJeubard, of this
s. -imivu. wan mna ill ,
Tbe resid-snoe of Mouros llstser,
was burned to tbe ground last week.
Chas. Aruer's steam saw mill is
statioued ou Henry Danser'a farm at
W. IL Werner tirouriator of tha
lry nsveru was doing uusluass
l)n Monday
Preurn Taaiiti.r Wanted.
V yniiiig lady desirous of isintiuiiiug
lessons in French wants a teacner
iplv at this ottioe
r ur Sale
A piano bux buauy in flrstsclaas eon
dltlon. Apply to B. K. Cultou. otipo-
site the park, ltrst street, Lehlgn
I ton. W.
. arms. imfs. iniiiKs. Rii w .iwhuiiik hi iiiuiih mni '
rniiM Asnriiii.ii.
a Lewis rVStmiin vlalled his sinter
Mrs. Irfvl Rhatrer at. Weimimrt mi
Saturday last.
Harry Schleicher, a student at tlie
Meyerstown onliaire. vlslled btsnsrents
ovt'r Sunday.
flNathati (lernian made a business
trip to Lelilghtoii and Welssimit on
J.. (jporP of the Ashlleld Hou.
,fJi H valuable horse last week to
lain gentleman Is rather attentive Ut
a certain widow.
tfg Harris German moved his jhu table
saw mill In G. W. Hoppes furni where
lie is engaged iu sawing IuihIhu' for a
mammoth barn.
C Thanks to Ron. W. F. Biery for
copy ol I'enna and the Columbluu K
position by A. B. Farqtihar Executive
U Mrs. A.M. Slttler mado a shopping
lour m Aiieuiown one day recently.
I'he Dr. was all smiles on iter return
when ho saw tho beautititl present she
nroiigut tor nun.
Mlss Lizzie Miller, of Mauch
Chunk, is visiting her sister Mrs.
I.owis Ran.
(.I. D. llalliet sold a line driving
horse this week to Ailuin Hill of the
Bowman hotel.
ft A largo gathering assembled at
tho houso of Mrs. Sarah llitteuhetider
on Monday evening ill honor of her
74th birthday. May sho live to enjov
many more such occasions.
6 This valley is booming Just now
with Metalic Paint oie pits. There are
live different shafts and tunnels work
ing now with prospicts of one or two
? Chas. Rein ig Superintendent for
Rouinau Bros., bad a nairtnv escape on
Monday in driving oyer nn old gang
way tlie suiface caved in taking
the horse down and breaking the
wagou;the horso was rescued by taking
hfm out through the gangway.
H Rev. Wuchter pastor of tho Luth
erau church here pleached his farewell
sermon on Sunday last iu connection
with tho Lord's Supper to a laigoaud
attentive audience. We wish hint
slice osi ill his new field uf labor.
ifi Lizard Creek Council .lr. O. U. A.
M.. lias a large dolciMtlnu at Bowman's
on last Saturday at the Instituting of a
now l.oiuicll at that place among the
members being E. S. Helutzelman Dls
trlct Deputy for this distilct.
,ii:am:s vi l.i.i!
v The bonds of matrimony were pro
claimed ou Sunday at Beaver Meadow
lietween Mr. J. Ward Marshul.ot Jeanes
ville, and Miss Maiy Ferry, of Beaver
Meadow. Tlie ceremony will bo per
formed at Beaver Meadow on Wednes
day April Cth.
'fho Literary Society elected the
following olllcers ut their meeting last
evening for the ensuing term. Presi
dent, Eddie Mundle: Vice President
.Mary McGee: Secretary, Kate Coyle;
Treasurer, Bid Ferry. Tlie society will
bring their seaeou to a close next
1'Altltl VI l.l.l,.
Miss LizzioRoot, of Maucli Chunk,
visited friends in town on Saturday.
Mrs. J. M. Peters spent Saturday
with herslster, Mrs. I. Rudy, at Slatiug
tou. C. J. Moutz, master mechanic for
the Carbon Iron and Steel Company,
is on the sick list.
Measurements fur agents' uniforms
were takeu on tho Jersey Central on
Stlpt. Wnller'a Slut
The term Dr. I). J. Waller, Jr. State
Superintendent of Public Instruction
will expire April 1st. It is believed
thai Governor Pattlsou will appoint as
Waller.s successor Rev. Nathan C.
Schiefer, of Kutztown, principal for the
last 11 rears or more of the Keystone
Stato Normal School. Prof. Sehieffer
Is a graduate of Franklin Marshall Col
lege, was born iu Reiks county, is about
1.1 years old, and was formerly a pro
fessor iu that college.
llrautltul lllaplav il Millinery.
Tlie craud openlnc of spriiur and
summer millinery at Miss Alien la
Grayer s millinery store on 1' I rst street
.Miss liraver lias Had twelve years ox
iierienco lu the business which enables
her to outer to the tastes of her patrons
iromptly and satisfactorily. IT tlie
ady readers of tlie Aiivooate desire to
enjoy au hour or two in gazing on
beautiful ellects lu this season s neaii
wenr they should not fall to attend
tins exhibit.
Tho euiiiue house of the Lehigh
Ion Hosiery Company has beoti con
siderabiy enlarged.
Our esteemed townsman Philip
Millor, of Third street, has been ooa
flued to the houso with a severe oold
for some weeks, is aide to las alsjtit
Weddliiir riucs that will last a life
time; all tlie latest shapes at rigid
prices, K. II. Unlit, the Maucli Chunk
Nathan Drumlmre. who lives out
side the lioroiigh, near Beaver Run,
was thrown from his carriage on Fri
day and severely Injured.
11 Pianos sold iu less than three
weeks, show wdiat honest muds and
honest prices accomplish. The goods
speak for themsehes. Cull aud see
Aaron F. Snyder.
Don't buy a watch until you have
learned the latest realneed prices now
quoted hy I-.. II. Hohl.the Mauch Chuuk
. Etl Zern.whn deals in Hue bicycles,
has just sold a tine machine tn Warren
Straussberger. If you contemplate
buying a machine don't fall to see Ed.
A. K. Miller will shortly add a
handsome new liar to his saloon fix
tures. Tlie liar is now lu course of
construction at Miller's pi tiling mill.
A. F. Snyder don't only sell Pianos
and Organs cheap, but be handles
Sewing aud Washing Machiiies, Pumps,
Lawn Mowers Hsy Rakes, Harrows,
etc., on the same chsae margin. One
Price for all.
Boys tell your mother to bring you
to Mauch Chunk for one of our hickory
suits which are double sowed, have
double knees and double seat anil will
not cost more thau any other suit at
tbe One Price btar Clpthiiig Hall,
Mauch Chunk.
A class of nineteen catechumens
will be confirmed by Hav. J. A. tuber,
lu Zlou's Reformed cliureh.this Friday
evening. Rev. J. II. Kuder wfll also
imtiilrm a lsrire class this afternoon iu
Trinity Lutheran church. The holy
communion will Iteolswrved by the oou
gregations of both churches ou Sunday
irnr the first time there will be or
nhestrsl musio with tha specisl Easter
Sunday school exercises in Zion's Its
formed school on Sunday. Tlie music
wilt la In charge of Mr. C. O. Schirer.
Tlie memlirs of the erchestra are:
Html vliillu, CO. ahirerer, r. T. Hoi n. w ilaou
rraoti. Klniar Venaer, Oilier Kollweller. enro
el. jSlll.l BUBiniel. rlanust, Jaaiea Xeltser
-rials. Harry rstilal. Mis. Anne
stunts, casks tautiVa Vrunbelaer: Jnd ilohii,
fid Zero. Iliiu, Allen Peters
T.t I'ruMlSIt I '.ml s.lll,, lu llllnoU.
BPRIKOIIVI Ii Marsh Hl-'I'lte snll (sail
Mmmu bill pas.t.1 Ihe house yealsrdsy hy s
,otr of 'M to 7 It now t's 'o the -enste
where tt la rfilil aintllsr srtioD will Is'
taken promptlv The Mil pmhilitta tlie
Mlllua uf p.s-,1 within the atsle sntl a .lo
latitat Is msile punishable hy one yssr's
IMiprlat.nni.iit t.t a hue tint tkitMlliiu
TeOMK.N Mlldl
was beM it i i be til
day, to iak p
pcrmtntiit (it si ii
gttWt, Kin ii t i.t- ii
oMatei I'd ti.- .
itlfW li.V,Hl I f l
t - K Ri-vt 11 mMttug
i ni If Imft b eir
va ml ipLi-iiti ujHtn a
I Itotimsi r-ji'it
-t' i m .t liivilwl to
U.i 'turn Tfikr with
' 4 M :f MiiaUeut
mil nr mkntiom tir a wkkk -
Muni Paragraph. Thai Will lie ,,l l,,i. ,, .i
It. tlu Ksllrnstl ll.
X I. A. Sweigsrd Is no lonxer trem i ti
manager of tbe Reading .-icm . I
will hereafter give his atieulioii i,, im
stiperluteuileuiir of the I'. A l; ui mi
Hue. Vice President Votii hec. ,i. ,
es the duties of general manage i
X The Reading Railroad Ststcm n
sliortly adopt a uew mothoiioi staini
lug tickets st all stations met, i
and day will hereafter be puueh. I
clear through the tickets Ii-, mean.
a stencil. The plan will deter . u-h is
antl brokers ttoui altering dale, aud
thus extending the limit id inh.-ifi-
X Piesblent McTiod's cni. ' Me m
der," has lieen taken to tin Kcu-Jihk
shoits for repairs and to tint i t ue tutu c
changed to "Pniladelplua " lit n,,,t
etl ins new car from Chicstr" l-t-t w i
file latter Ussheen uamed ' Vit .uj tci
and is said to be a 'beauty Tnc ob-1 i
vatlou entl of the car is tilted up u it Ii
heavy plate glass, and the t.piqmn nf
is stlictly Hrst class. Mr McLcod paii
tor his car personally. The em taken
to Reading will be used hy Tust ice
President Voorheer aftei it is nuishe.l
Orders hate been issued t" tins,
the Lehigh Valley station at l.ium iy
ou April 1st, anil Agent Tiit, im ih
port elsewhere for duly Ihetreigur
business at Tannery will tie baudicd
from White Hatch, and the ticker I mi
ness discontinued. Since t In-s.t . mdis
have ceased onoiations at that ilmt
the business bssgioittly decre-ised. n-j.i
the economical receive! s think it u ill
not pay to keep au agent tie rc foi tbi
transient business, includum tee an 1
sand shipments, which origmatt then
t Commeuclllg ou Motnla unorder
will go luto effect h the l'euusy Kad-
road prolilbitiug the use of tobacco tn
any form hy employees w hile on doty
The rule prohibit-big smoking has bem
iu furco tora long time, tint that or
chewing is a new move, ihecmpi'iycs
aio considerably exercised ot ft the
new order, and men who hitxe bet n
tolstcoo cbewcis all then bes )U, lti
cliueit io kick.
xNt n;M ami ii.i.i sriiiiit's tniiini
kmiiii isor siAi.rt
Norman Comuiaudery, No i , . of I ti.
iVticleut and Illustrious t inlet Koi-rtits
id .Malta, was stationed at le hlgbtuu
on Wednesday evevmgbt, t,iuud Re
colder Mr George II. Pit-ice, if l'liua
delphin, ussistetl by Sir R IV Young.
ii. ti. t. ., 1'ast i tinimandiirs ,J w t'a-
sell, of Slatiugtou, E. 11. Gross, Frank
Stermer, W. 11. 'stroll, Jr., N. C Harlan
und M. Feiierstetu, of Mauch Chuuk
iieicgivtlons of bir Knur its were nrfs
cut Irom Hospitaller Commandery. No
if, iiitti omi oi iue .soi in v oinmautiery
No. rrj.
'the following are Hie nfllcers Past
communder, John C Lent, command
sr, ii. li. ixieldler; generallsHimo, W
I. Heberlliii;; captain ireneral. M lr
Clauss; prelate, A. E. Dreibeliiles. re
colder, John T. Semmel, assistant re
corder, C. W. Kreidlcr; treasurer. ,1 Ij,
(.libel; senior warden. W. G Mitchell.
junior warden, John E. Heldle, Hrst
guard, r. ji. ruuer; second guard, Geo,
Clauss; staiitlard bearer, A L. Hager
man: sword beurer, James A. Rex. sen
tliiel, J. W. llibighouse; trustees, T
Snyder, E. G. Zein, J. J. Kut
A spleudlil collutiuu was served at
midnight at the Carbon House,nt which
one hundred and tttenty-llve.SirKulght-wero
Ihe t Jrantl Commandery of Ponnsvl.
vaula will hold its'uiinital convocation
at Lancaster next week, when the rep
tescniaiives rrom eighty tbe Com
niauderles will lw present.
The llrealettt Cltilltlnu: Sale it.rwa.
Will be for the next Ik) days at Komi
helm's One Pi ice star Clothing lluii
Mauch Chunk, we will allow you
cush discount of 10 per cent ou ail
mens, boys antl children suits, as we
must make room for building purpns.
This with our former reduiiiun . ill
give you clothing for uearh b ill -i
Only gootl for 30 days.
On Friday or Saturday of hist mek,
on First street. &0 in bills. i, ,.t
Tlie finder wilt lie suitably rettai b i
by leaving the same at this ofUce
tlreat III rinllilui;
An all-wool men's or bos' suit , on
he bought cheaiwr for the next days
ut Ihe One Price Star Clothing Hall,
Munch Chunk, as intend building ao I
must have mom, we will allow you a
cash discount of 111 per cent on all
Will lie Here un tltlltll.
Dr. W. F. Dsnzer, Hazletnn's well
known eye, ear and ruse specialist, will
bo at the Exchange lintel on Friday
April 7. The tloctsr l second to none
lu tho treatment of the above diseases
and if you need such set ices call an t
see him.
A Word to Hie l.ntllea
We are receiving uew sti les of , ape-,
and jackets daily, which We are selling
at prices in the reach ot t xervbodx at
.Sondheim's Talloriug II. ill. Mum h
Chunk, Pa,
Wreck nu the Ihlah Villlrt
At about half past nine -.'. 1 k sm,
day night engine Nu, tliamug u
coat train uear Iaebigh Gap broke I s.
from the cars it was hauliB'.', in . obst
quence ot which the cars collided nith
the eniriiie and six cars weie wret ke,i
This blocked the tracks, no train bruit;
aide to run over the road for a t misid
arable time. Train tll',1 bad tn io- i t n
the Jersey Central from the I let hi, -In m
Jiiuctiou to Packerton Juiictiou
HeeotuMieuil Kei'oaitll inn
Thecommissiuuersnpioiiiti .1 1., , it
the school st Stroudt-biiru.'. I't .ml
make repsrt, have nuaaiui.nish ie, mn
mended ttiat the State it-etim ( ii
a ndrmal schoo aud aire tin.uit-i tl ue)
The new normal schrol i. a ; l, n , 1 1 l
four story building, heated tit stt.m,
and veutilaued liy warm an Cnunii
Stitteiiuteutleut Snydoi ot tin- tnttu.
a member of 'the commissitm. and i
louil iu expressions of the .- x f 1 1, -1 , . .
of the uew normal school m hi- u I
Five Hundred Dollars vx ill I.,-
by Dr. Bowers the Spe cialist, fm a
uf Asthma, Catarrh, 1'iles ,i
hrts he falls to cure, t'hrouic tlis,.d.,
Cancer, Turners, Blood Poison. I spt ;
sia, liver, Kiduey, HI" uuiatistii. ilcaii
Disease ctiretl. Fen, de dist.,ts.. A,
llltllscretiun of ycuui' men. MtSit.ti
Decay, loss of strerisi h puwt'i , m-i on.
uess tkc. Xo expei im, ut but in
Thousauds cured it my on u
methods of treatHi ut. u ei 'Ji' jinn n,
ooustant practloe. t tuistilt.tti.iii 1 1
at the Welssport House, ei.s,m t. I
Will remain until the ltrst ,,i
Come at once, ; 'js im
A full line of Grand nn tut
can be bought at M, 18, tin, iJ I,-- 1"
per cent, discount at the t ue 1'iei
star Clothiug Hall, kauch Chunk
j A rrram t tntl n I ik mj
,iowdt'r. Uihtfti d ill im
leavening stn nptli I. t '
'UnitodStatv8(iot'intiH n J n.i
Report. Roul Hukii'L'
Co.t lot) Wall. St., N
Absolutely L
Pure mK&r