GOOD NIQHT. VTt hoar It from a tnother'iknee, In echo down tfan italr, O ft times iu notea of childlike glee, oft times at clow of pift)r. TVe hear tt at tho irartlen gat, whispered, tweet and luw, Yoila lovera linger until late and loath en Uien to go. We tear It said in glided halls, where mirth and glad ties rtffn, , Whera beauty glows and music falle In raptl- rating strain. "VThear It at the bedside, where dread pain and grief are known. And lender mlnlotratio&stlmre with the et rick en and the leue. tVs hear It when the sun of day withdraws from mortal sight What comfort, then, to hear and say "Ootwl night, ilvar heart," "Good night." Clark. W. Ur an In Oood Iloasekeeiiing. TWO TENDEIIPEET. Tho "old timer" in Colorado lifts a su preme coi tempt for tonilerfeet, or new comers. This feeling Is gradually dj lug out, but It will never be wholly oxtinct until tho last old timer lias paused "over the range." There-was a time, however, when the old timer looked upon the ten derfoot as nn Interloper and usuriier. Less than 10 years ago two bright young fellows from Kow York arrived in Colorado bearing letters of introduc tion to the most prominent and wealthy men in Donvcr. Thoy were young men of ample fortunes and announced their intention or engaging tu ruining, iiiey did not desire to purchase amine. Tftey wanted tho excitement or prOBptctlng, They were hale and hearty and were anxious for the experience or ronguing it. Among others to whom they brought letters of introduction was Uncle Billy Oolden, an old timer, who had "struck it rich" in Leadville and was rated iman cially at 3.OOO,000. t'nelo Billy had all of tho pioneer dislike for tenderfeet, but these young men were such manly, independent fel lows that they soon found favor in the old man's eyes, so that one morning when they came to him and announced their Intention of going to tioauvliie to prospect for "carbonates'' the old man gave them some very valuable Informa tion. He told them of n locality whero be was confident they would hud iniu eral. He shook them warmly by tho hand at parting, and they promised to take his advice and never to forget his treat kindness. "Those boys have the right kind of stuff in them," said Uncle Billy. Atnontlih'ter he received a letter from the boys. They located a claim in the exact spot siutfestisl by him and had named the claim the "Uncle Billy" in his honor. They were very sanguine of striking mineral, aim as uncle Billy had given tliemu'Mioittti'i" uu this promisfng location they felt that they ought to show their appreciation in some KUbutan- tial way, so they pent him a deed to a one-third interest in the "Undo Billy' mine. Two months passed by, and Uncle Billy received occosionallctters from his young tenderfeet friends. They had not struck mineral, but they were expecting to do so any day. A few weeks later Uncle Billy received the following telegram: New York, July 10, 188A To William Golden. DeaT.r, Colo-t What will you take for tho "Undo Billy' mine? Bpoicosn. Answer quick. J. MADISOX WltloilT & Co, This telegram set Uncle Billy to think' ing. Uo reasoned that the b.ys hul struck it in this mine and had acquaint ed their New York friends with the fact, Ho had been punoscly kept in ignorance. so thpt they could buy him out cheap. It was all i ' ar to Uncle Billy. He had been thronu u number of mining trans actions, but lie liad never yet been "done up oy ateurcirfoot, as no expressed it. lie wireil back: Denvkii, July 10, 1832. J, Madison Wrlulit & (.'., New York: I cannot uvt .e a fliruru without consulting my partners, ho are now In Leadvlllo. U rou want my ono-lhlrd Interest, wlrome.and 1 will name price. it-UAM uoliiln, That night came the answer: Must nave tne entire property. St your partners and tlx lowest possible price. English apuausM waiting. J. Madison Whiqut & Co, Tho next night Uncle Billy arrived in lieauvllle, ana early the next inormn. started for the mine. He had little trouble in finding it, for the fame of the "Uncle Billy" had quietly spread tiirougnout in camp. "Haiti" This challenge brought Uncle Billy to a sudden standstill. It came from miner standing in front of the "Uncle Billy ' shaf thouse. As he gave tho com mand he lowered n Winchester rifloto enforce It if necessary. A parley ensued. Uncle Billy learned that the mine had been closed and left under an ai &ed guard. No one was ol' lowed on the premises. "I am one of the owners of this miner exclaimed Uncle Billy, "I can't help that," was the reply "you can't come any farther. 1'vo got my orders, and now you vo got yours, ritep ott," "Whero are young Jucksou and Mil lert" "In Denver." Uncle Billy managed to get a handful of the dirt on the dump when the sentry was not looking and made a dignified re treat. "I Bee how it is," he said; "these young tenderfeet lire trying to do me up. I'll show 'em a trick with a hole In It. He hurried back to Denver and found young Jacks n, one of the co-owners of the "Uncle Billy" mine. "How much do yon aud Miller want for your interestr asked Undo Billy. "Wo aro not anxious to sell,? replied Jackson. "We think wo have a pretty good thing, bat if you want cur interest you can liu e it for (100,000 cash." "Come in this evening," replied Undo BUly. He at oik wired J. Madwon Wright &Co.: "Will take $500,000 for 'Undo Billy' mine." Tho answi r caule promptly: "Terms .l&fuctory. Will leave for Denver tonight." This telegram was signed "J. Madison Wright." That evening William Oolden gave James Jackson a cluck for f 100,000 and received a quit claim deed to the prop erty. Then l.o waited for J. Madison Wright. Four days passed. J. Madisun was duo to arrive. A week euied, ana no J, Madison cuute. Then I'm le Billy telegraphed the firm of J, Madihon Wright He Co. and in quired about the delay. He received an answer that they did not know to what delay he referred. Explanations fol lowed, and Uncle Billy liwftitsl that no telegrams had been sent lnui by the linn of J. Madixon Wright A: Co. "If any inch were sent to him, they were for geries," the telegram coucluded. "Bunkoed!" exclaimed Uncle Billy, "and by tenderfeet too." James Jiu'kaon and John Miller were sitting on the veranda of a quaint little hotel in the smith of France in the early summer of ImM. A bottle of wine aud a box of i lyurettea were on the table. Mil ler was l.aighiug upriwrinusly. "You oughi to have seen the look on the old man's face," said Jackaou as he lighted a cigarette, "when I gave him the deed. Ho uctually thought lie was doing us up lu great style. I would have liked to have seen iuiu when he got into that sand bank which we culled a luiue." "I suppose he lias fouud out by this tune that I twit those tttiestrauu," said Miller as he raised a glass of wine to his hps, "Oh, well," he continued when he had drained the glass, "it was only f 100 000, and he has wore left, while we will soon have tu go to work again, for we have only .15,U0U left. Why, what is the matter, old luau'r" he suddenly asked as ha observed las companion gating at a Londim paper, bis face pale aud his hand triuibliug. "What is the matter, old man, are they after us?" "Bead it." repUeU Jauluon. Miller piL-ki d up the paper and read: "The Deu er Tribune records a wonder ful mining ante. William Qoldo, the noted Cul.irado nuUiouaifs) and wine ow ner, has jut xdd tu Uncle Billy' inine on I'nn lull. ludt ill to an Eng lish so,ii,-ut.' tr x'l noo.uuu Dunng lha past two jean Uu mine Las pro duced jmuu.onn i Miller's face was white. His lips trembled as he said, "We've been bun- koedr New York World. A. M. and I'. St. I had often wondered what the letters 'a. m ." aud "n. m." are taken to mean by those who are ignorant of Latin the very great majority. Not long ago I had the oppoitunity of obtaining some alight evidence on this point. I had been lunching at the Savoy hotel with a friend. On leaving tne notci uy tne duck en trance my friend's attention was attract ed by a notice that that entrance- was closed at 10 a. m. "A. m.," he cried; why, it ought to be p. m. . Here, por- terl" The porter camo and assured my friend that, as I had in vain been en deavoring to explain to him, A. m. was perfectly right. "Of course it la," i added; "a. m. stands for after midnight, doesn't it, Iwrtert" "Y es, sir," said he, "tuars it. -auer-ward it occurred to ine Hurt if a. m. stands for after midnight, p. in. might just as well stand for past midday. At any rate, it is curious that both a. m. and p. in. cati each of them be under stood to stand for twj words of which tho general sense is the same In botlT Latin and English. The Italians are much lietter entitled to use a. m. and p. m. than we lire, for tbey have no need to Invoke Latin, ana eay o. g., "le tine annmenaiane avnu- ie due pomcrtillane." mil tney uo not seem to use these letters. I myself hare the impression that I have eeen aut. and pom. An Italian lady whom I have con sulted is unite sure that they use an. but is not so wire about pni though she be lieves it to bo used. In an Italian time table book I find simply a. and p. Notes and Queries. Tlie IianKUngu of Animals. Theie may be nodumb animals only their voices may be out of our ear. It must bo supposed that small creatures. Including quadrupeds, hear sounasmucn more acute than are audible to us, but none of tho lower notes of our scale. Tliis is perhai the case with cats and dogs, who can obviously communicate with one another, coming so close as al most to touch noses, but making no Bound audible to us. Thus thero is not 6uch n confusion of noises as t hero would bo otherwise. The vast difference of pitch heard by different great tribes of creatures causes us and them to have, so to speak, the world toourselves. rew Y'ork Home Journal. How to Jleiisurc n llHer. Anybody can meabuio approximately the bieadth of a river without n survey or's compass or any mechanical means whatev cr. 1 ho man who desires to inane the experiment should place himself nt the edge of tne stream, then Btand jierfect ly still, face the opiosito bank and lower tho brim of his hat until it just cuts the opposite bank. Then let him put both hands under his chin to steady his head and turn slowly round until the lint brim cuts Borne point on tho level ground be hind him. Mark the epot where the hat brim cuts tho ground, then pace off the distance, and it will be found about the breadth of tho river. Bt, Louis Globo- Democrut. . Too Liberal. Wife Hero's an advertisement in tho paper that you'd better look into. It says a man is wanted, and he won't be worked to death, aud he'll get paid enough to live on. Husband Says ho won t bo worked to death, eh' Yes, and they promiso to pay enough to live on." Huh! Some catch about that. New York Weekly. A-bHrturliil lMirusnlon. "Do you believe mau is mado of dust, Hi. SHipV" "jsm an oz iiiem, eaiu ine uuior. 'Bust always settles, and I know meu wh'o do uot." Harper's Bazar. Tlie bed hii Ctiulr. Tlie Bedan cliair is iduium.1 after Sedan, tho town where it vus first useh Tlie earliest mention of it in England occurs in 1681. Larly in the following century the Buke of DUckiiighaiu caused much indignation by ita nso in London. Poo pie were exasin-rated at that nublemau emplojing his fellow men to take the place of horses to carry him. Prince Charles brought from Spain in ICtja three curiously wrought sedans, two of which hegavetO'tbe Buke of Bucking ham. A few weeks after their introduc tion Masbiuger produced his play, "Tho Bondman," and in it he tbus adverts to the ladies: Fur their iom, am! cars being bornu In trtiiuil. on tiun'a&huuMers. Tlie reference; is doubtless to Backing ham's sedan, which wai borno like u palanquin. "Bygone England." Caleb Cuhliig's "Doe Casr." Caleb Cnshiiig's celebrated "dog case' with Fernando Wood went tlie rounds of all tho papers in the country. Being much disturbed aud unable to sleep on account of the barking of a dog owned by the latter, dishing, after trying in vain Jo have, tho dog sent nway, swore out a warrant against Wood for main talning a nuisance and appeared iu court both as a witness and attorney to prustv cute hiui. After an extended trial and lengthy arguments, the animal was nd. judged a nuisance and ordered removed Cor. Cincinnati JTribuno. The Life of a Ship. An interesting discussion lias been started on the subject of the life of th ships. It appears that this Is very much a question where the ship Is built. It is found that vessels constructed in the United States last, on an average, IS years only. French ships average 20; Dutch, 23;; urittb,a; Ital ian, 27, and Norwegian, 80 years. The averafe death rate of the world's ship ping is about 4 per cent and the birth rate S per cent. It has become the prac tice to construct certain parts of a ves sel of iron instead of steel, such as tsulf tops and decks exposed to the weather, but'it la now found to be a better plan to Vp the material the same through, oui as far as possible, and the steel glmuld be the same tbleknew as the Iron. Chicago Dispatch. How Trees Ar Like Human lletocs. Nature lias many peculiar laws gov erning tho organism of trees. One ii that every individual twig, spray, all the foliage, every fiber, takes precisely Its own thlokness of wood from the par ent stem. This tame law is mauifec sd In the proportions of the inman organ ism. The length of the arms from finger Up to finger tip (arms extended) is the precise measurement of the length of the legs of a human being, and other ineas urements are the same iu prO)iortion. lioston Irtmscript. . Alinost Goaded tu llesperatlou. w j It waa during a very tedious rideti a ! southern riilway, and the paaseugi . s, tired, dirty and thirsty, all berated the company, with the exception of one sin gle paeeenger. His fellow passengers oftnmented ou this and asked him why be didn't denounce the company too. "It would be hardly fair," he replied, "a I am traveling ou a free pas, hot If they don't do better pretty soon blame me If I don't go ont and buy a ticket and join you "Loudon Tit-Bit Tlio Aulluullr of tne I-arK Tlie very ftrat thought suggested by a study of the migration of birds U oue of time. In tracing the uugratorry lialait to It origin we hud the hiatory reawbisg hack to the times iireuoua to man. astd we begin to realise how aucteut is the aristocracy of the air. The lark did not ooiae over wltn wuiuia rue unMusvor, but Us armorial bearing, if he thought it worth while to have any, would antedate those of every uoble family In (Heat Britain. lira. J. B. Houthworth tu Al bany Journal. One growi r. mm h I r I ..n. ami i i th. ti..- uli I ia . a .1 . ti 'ar." nuv h u Florida orauge u'au tew iJ my trt bore .ti' . i touni ' f n. -s t i r.iugti, I .i j t i I ,i . luces I tbe Ii i I I t I i -s lr IM nuguttf l t r j 1 1 In" ii nf sirup ' i 'I ih i-M Uu tug ii in - l ul!i ii I" tho v .ti 1 i ( tu IretS, sWavt-.-s, i v in btM-kiiih UlM'U Willi ) iikh I i u... la Iti.iliueU llitittUnl the trut.H NW York Tnbu. ' Tfts n w "lV ' n" ef An hour hct ! tl -i"'t'il omnia, And kft ii c tu Hii' !" ""I " M ilh all In i i i-nlut' hi I- t t t. Yen knrro . mi In n-, II In I lo nevis-liel in II wi pn i Im ftiv fulw. In i-l Hi if' ''i' ' ' ' " I"" w H-.K ii1' wli v t "Thsl's not till1 n'S-nii - If 'ion ,. Granted! If I inlltH rtjin- "I urn! " Ahelnt tier i ill gtias tlie en Tor mMinat Inok with o'. "Yim gtmrni aa muchr' and yet. prrnlam) Ynn ask me w Uyl -Kale rield'a WajBlilnirtnn. A flood jHdgfi of llumati Nwttir. A noted Methodist minister of Ohio tells of an Incident that occurred on a train on which be was traveling east ward to attend a conference. When tne train had left the second station beyond D , the conductor, who chanced tu be a iwriehloner of the doctor, came up to him and ald: ".Brother C , there's a woman in the next cur who says she bad her pocket picked since getting on the train at 1) and says she law po mon ey to pay her fare. Now, as yon nre n good Judge of human nature. I would liketoliavo you talk to her and see If ahe Is a worthy object for a free ride." The Rev. Mr. C promptly acceded to the request anil went into (he next car, where the conductor pointed out the woman In question. Mr. 0 walked leisurely up the aisle, and stnp rrtne nt tho neat occupied by the woman said: "Bo, my good woman, you havo met with a misfortune in having your 'purse Btolen. Would you mind tolling nie Jnrt how it occnrrwir Just then the woman raised her oyes and shrlekid: "Oh, Mr. C , please don't liave me arrested, l'leaso don't. I'll never steal again." Mr. C , who was completely diiuifonndisl, finally rec ognised the woman an a former servant of his household who had iloenmpwl un ceremoniously tho previous week with a valuable jsirtion of Ms wire s wardrooe. , It is bardiy nereseary to Bay that the conductor kindly waited until ho reached the next station lmfoie putting her olT. Much to his disgust-it proved to bo her destination.- tliicago lit laid. Economic en'omologv is that branch of the science w hich. looking beyond the mere collection nud clpaeilicntlou of in sects, has to do with tho-control of those whioh injuriously affect agricultural products. - The collcrie endowment of Massachu setts are said to amount to J10,fl,"i0,000; tho valtio of college buildings and grounds foot up ijG.OlD.OOO, and tho val ue of scientifio apparatus makes anoilier sH.OiO.ono. Tlie t'lrtln Truth U good enoimh for Hood's Sirs.ipaiH!a there is no need of eiiihelllfthirent or sens tlinalisni. Simply lal Uol's sarsap rltla iloes, that tells tlie story of it merit. If jou 1 ave npvf r realized Its benlflts a Mnpla bmtle mill conincd jou ll is a rcood medicine. For a general famllv cathattlc we confi dents recomtoemt iiooa s mis.- Talno sheen wore brouaht to Hi&panl- ola by Columbus on his second voynfc'e, in HW. Piles of ptoplo have piles, but Uti Witt's Witch Ilazlebsihe will cute them. T. D Thotuas A llvo cottonwooil tree with petrllled roots is growing near Atchison, Knn. It Is truth In ineillcine tlio smallest jIom that performs a cure Is the tiest. DoWUt'c I.lltln Early lilscrs are the smallest pil.s, will perform the cure, aud ate the hest, Tlu mas. Drugclst. Tho Itou. John V. Sinllli ol Westminster, Md. i.iUnMi,. itiri-mt ,tf ('Hrmll fo- -Mil .Haia "1 time used Nilvatlon (HI for rlieuin-ltlsm. Its i tteets were prompt and lasting." Stem-wludiiiK nntciies were Intent oJ l y Xocl iu tho year 18-11. USE DANA'S SAUSAPAltlM.A. iti "THE KIND 1 HAT CUKES." Lincoln's father was u pilr funnel and laborer. The ino.t Intelligent people of our com imliv reeounke In DoWIU's l.litle Earl l(ier nlll! of uiKQtialed merit foriltspeps'a lieatlaclie anil ronetlpaiion. very suiar, perfect in action. Thomas, Driiimest. A hundred jenrs ago the best oyUei s were sold ut five for a reut. IllKkleii'a Arnlra Kttl.e. The Imst sahellllh ttoild lot Cuts. Ilmlnes. Sores. Llis-rs, halt lllieiiin, i eler noies, leuer rhjtniMsi iisiids-rhilhlatiih Comes, and allilkti rnipilOIIS, BIHl lsiinny isiwi I lirs m t. rt-,H..ii i,r nioni refiuiilp.l. I rlflt- IU i;ents liei Imix. l'or sale h lleher Lehluhlon, niid lliurs Welssnoi i. Itutl's Head 11 ilortlitf Uxtruclsnie uurranteil to lie Hisllieiy pine. -They lire mioii oi mi hest thiiiedieiiUHint). ami aie elieap emsisli tu he llseil ni all. rneo loi-ut. Ill buttle only one bull out of eighty- live taken effect. Tho HosliHI HUr and how to ileal wttli them, and other val uahle medical llifolliiatlon. will be found in l)r Kaufniann's ureat Medical Woik; elegant eoldreil plates, bend thre a-ceni stfcuius to pat postage to A. r. Orda Co , Huston. Jass.,aml receive a copy free The l'lgyptluns knoudixl their bread iu a-wooden bowl with their feet. C'holeilne til reniisyltanla. Swiekley, l'enn. : We had au epidemic or clioleilne. as our ptoslclans oalleil It, In this place lately an J 1 luaik a gleat hll ukli l.ltaliitMrlnln'a (.V.lle. (.'holera ami DlarsiiiM Itemed!. I have sold four dossil bottles in one week and hate since sold ne.rly a gross. This Itetnedv did the uiork and was a bie advertisement fur me. bev eral persona who had been uoubled wltli iliarrlueA for two or three weeks were euied In a few iluses of this medicine. 1 1' Kuapp, I'll. (i. Si and M rent bottles foraalelivN. II, Iteber. IlilKhuniTand W. V. lllerj. Welaspurt, New York City has fewer al leva than nny other city in the world. It bat Am 1 To llof This Is the oft einreaalou of the wearv sufferer with lllieutuatlstu, N'euralvU sad other palnfiilillseassa. The whole limua frame Is and racbed with nain Is well to remember no known tiiedirtne equals Ited Flag I'll for llheumaiism, Neu ralgia, tspiains and niuises. 1'iice lt6 cents at T. D- Thomas' Drugstore We are goitiK ou from urace to grace to irreotiou. USE DANA'S SAUSAPAMLnA, its TIIK KIND THAT CUKES." The wind from the North blows tliarp ami keu, and UmI tStcl ol nolda ar Mieu. One Minute Cough Cure t4f oU w. will niiiekh rwiforui a Tonderoiw cur. T. D. TmmiM- Tbe break luc up of the wloir U ibe fgnal fur the breaking up of tb SsMciu. Nature U opening uu the pore, and thtow in off refttte. XWwiU's Saraaparilla U of unqniioubl auttlauce In (hit per- auon. i noma, iirusmtt. VHy. DA NA'A HAUHAt'AR til' m "THE A1KH In 41 UI' Tbe Sulton of Turkey lies Issued rerlMM edition M tlie Koran, ailupled to lils owu views. A Darlen (Qui ooluresl niun claims to liave tfatliersKlflOU lisnuvw frum oue tree reoeutlj'. An vnsts) of 3Bfi00 letters ore poetetl without suitl rests iu KogUnil every day. Dad oompieealea ludleatas an unhealthy state ef tbe sy.lrin, DeWttt's I.iUl Karl; Risers are Bills that lll cos reel this ooads Hou. Tbey act on tbe liter, tbey act on the stomach, tbay act on tbe bowels. T. U. T nomas, Drufgtsl. To British Museum oouUlns the flnt envelope ever wad. for nrr ti-n jeats; had it ven kail, couhi harlly reathe. Sou., ulfhls 1 .oulil not sli-fp ainl hat! to walk the linor. 1 pur chaseo Kh'sTrraiayialui ami aui us us it firrl), it is nurkmit a cure surely 1 tut- a.lii. .i.-sal fi i.ii.l. u. use ii. and saul. I appi r.",uUs ll. . . r. ,h It is Hie uinl. iliii. ,ili all ..tht-rs for i alai rli, and ll is m.rlh ll. mlii ll Ki.lil I I I ha,, tuin.,1 I , sn iim- a llll salrl) and Ou,. all Ih.l i, , luiui-l I.. I It. Il Is i-iirmff ii.V tlAjtluaaa H. W Sirr,. liaiilurd, Cuua. FLIRTATION. RHEUMATISMJPREVALENT. Camed 1y tlie Suddim Clifttiget of Teni pern tare PEOPLE WHolnTvE FOUND RELIEF. m nheumallsm Is more prevalent here than ever Is toir. When Hits disrate flitters upon an In dividual with Its soreness and tw'n, swelling the Joints, rendering him lielpli -s in his movements, and shatterlug his use fulness, he is indeed an object of pity. The slight pain In the lack, pain or stiff ness of the Joints or muscles, isa warning Indication of an loiproflshed condition of the blood, a low Hate of health, and If not attended to at once, means rbeu mallsm. , , Rheumatism can now bo relieved and cured. Since the Introduction of Favorite Iletn edy, by Dr. Datld Kennedy, of llondout, N. Y., there has been fewer luffeiers than ever before. Favorite Itemedy drives out rheumallo poison from the blood, restores the circu lation, strengthens the nerve power. The best proof of iu value Is the good It has done. 'twas afflicted wttk laftamrMtorr rheuroa tism for fifteen yeara, w riles Mr. E r.Tayer, of Bart Nassau, N Y. So that I was sup posed to be a crlpplo for life. Lnder tijsleliii treatment 1 ere on, Dr. kennedr'a avi.r lie Remedy netped me from the time T tin t ul IbedlSMse slnoe. andlnat was tbrer yean ajo ' The beautiful daughter of Mr. James Mc Farland, of DeMolnes, la , waa lit Mi le for months with sciatic iheiiiiinii-in. After a few doses of Dr. Kenned) ' Fnv orlte Itetnedr, she began to grow la tter, appetite lmpro veil, slept well, and cou tlnulng iU use, vnt cured. "I was confined to my tied wttfc'rhenmstlsm near my heart, wr Itea Br O. I. 8eaei, ot Wr mlnahaui, Conn , and used Dr. kennedi Fsror Ite ttomeilr but a short Ull before Hdiovi tlie ibeunnmm out er my systein. - Mr O. Lnnalne. of Troy, N. Y , lied rheumatism so bad that he had to lie turned over In bed After mlng l'r Kennedy's Forlle rtimcdy but a sLort whlln was restored to health.' What reason thin for mitTerlng wlih rheumatism or neuralgia. This mniiclue will help you If gheu a trial. THE CARBON HOUSE, Henry Drumbore, Prop.'r, FIRST HTRKJ3T. LKllUUTON, TEMN'A., lltpriirlmi ltntiu linn renHvalPfl Hiid intiravud throuftlMMit; it In fle- trlf llghtol huH well tfiiUlaUMl. itinl iHHiimnictlt ItfM llotflsln this stM'ttotrof the fStnte. 1 lie imtritiiamt of the nubile is MiliHittl. lU'jtt aeeiiiiuiiiMlHtiuiit lor p.TutJiiieiit hihI trnnstfiit custom. ClrtraeR vety iiiixtt rate. Fine UiiuoM,Frerli IlciTHtm rntlei hikI Go-kI t'tttHf, for khIp nl the lUi June ip, na-v. Tlie IsfMtithiK 1tetHtiriuit In the IMi;n Vnltey. CIHOLH. OAFB I.ION li t I I. IIUIMUMI, s i:. c.r. t I 1 I'VTlUVM C'tilre Miniir. .......i ' CIIAH ,. llOU'MAX, rnip. This WinlHr fN-slilliiailt lis, Ix-WI tliorouKlitv rj.iliiu,l nu.l r. f loh.'il. uild Mil- UlMial HI eoill- iikhIhiious aiv id a suix-rlor mid iiivltliiKi-hiiruc. ter. AlltllPlli'llcaieHOl llll wasou st-in-n ni modeiatfl mtp. Tim lisr Is suiilli-d wttll liolio it the hpst liniiiiis ol wiitfs, i,niuors, UlKars, eto. I,mlps' IllnliiE Itimrn In tlio lti-r. The sins that pay their rent promptly nre tho hist ones -we w tint to give up. DefyitiI a fault doubles it. High I'rictjs have no place in our sti'ic our patrons will toll you that ami consequently we want your trade. Wo can save you nionov. If you doubt it come and see.- Jen's Overcoats, fr8, anil iid. .Vcn's Suits, $4, and up. We iilbo have a Nice Lino oi Hoys' Suits and Overcoals at Closiii'' out Prices. hoes for Men at i I anil tip hl.oes fur Women at tl atut up Wo nlso line of well mnde Slioes fm- 6'liililren at 40 cents niul up. Slippers as low as -lOcenls, Ilnblsrs for Hoys and flirts at 30o, lltibbers f ir Men, Ittihliers for omen. Beautiful blaito & Cmfcits, (Jo from $1 to $1,50. Now Dress (jioods Almost endless In tarlety an.l eerlalnU Lower In I'rlees tbiii you can ths Same quality of gomls fur olse- wliere In tomi. Groeufius & Provisions, uf the Lest quality and at tlie lowest prices. filioieo Flour nnd Kecil. Kresli Country I'roduco. Il'iiblinig Machines & U'ringcrs uf Ilia beat makyi at low larlees. AIX flOODS AHB DEMVBllEl) I'RIIE. H'e liave i electric Hclileil. Kawny, l'tsavsaut .Stare, Couie and see tw GEO H. ENZIAN, North Kirat Streot, l.cliighton Real Estate The nnileriiiKtied 1ms for wile a valiialilt- farm in Franklin township, CRrhoh county, the prooorts ol tho late (jpo. ltapp, tlpoeased, containing about 87 Acres, a half mile -east from W'eiswport. The improvement thereon are a Two Story Frame Dwelling Ilouie, 20x2.2 ft., with 8 Rooms ; llarn 50x44 It.; Ma chine Shed 22x22 It ; Wagon Shed 2dx40 ft., anil other ne cessary outbuilding8,aleo a good large Apple Orchard of 15(1 Trees and other choice Iniite. This property is well located in an excellent neighborhood and iB unquestionably one or the best farms in the county, and an ex cellent slate of cultivation. It would lie suitable tor stock rais ing or a truck farm. A fine stream ol water flows through the farm. Also for i-alo a desirible lot in the borough of Weissport on irliifli la urasttsul o KlArr .9 a Hall Frame DweHiug Home, Stable, !SlaUchter lloUSP, Icf ' , . Bv I louse, M agon Slied and other ,.,...-.. ll,tl,liiIiiilri '"" 8 Milimiiaill;s. J",,p t l h llllll l Hill it il HIS, , PpI l s aa , A.US11H ISOVUI', I - WEISSPORT, PEN N'A. TOVMrNlfATEI) " llo Omprs of Wapas. I unuld -ny that 1m forr )u takf ymir wnfron tu lib' (.hop for irpniri louk over thr pnintingl ilitl lnat jrBr, ep wlicthtr I use infiil'inr I'uiiit ami VHrnisli. TIipii ooitlmr' priftw, ulso iti the narchssP of a now one, Huj jfnCnrmge Mnn! And buy wliere you get the shiiip nrticlc fur, Oh ! ?o much less money, for my place is noted fur that, iiBBii ly. to sell choftiKT- than nny other, Ik utilise I sell for the rendy stun" you hte. MEiDLEB, wEissroitT. r.. Reading R. R System Lehigh Valley Division. Authrncito Coal tisoil exclusively l.ittiirliiff flnHiilttiHaR anil comfort. Arrangemert of Pas-enger Tialns. Siiikiiulk IN BrpaVT Iih-c 1, 18U1. tkains lmavi: I.UHKIinON I..r NoaarKunilNe ork 4.U0. 7 sS, and UK., am., ., on, &.. ;.30. ni. , , . , lor Maminka thniik and lleUldeie 7.11. II Oil, II. III. I 12.67, 4.J7 and 7.) P ill. I-or Umkerttllle mid lit Men .t and ll.Uii.iii.iBiidU.t7ilJJp. in. l-oi Mlatliistun. caiaaauiiua, Allentoffli, Itetli a.ueln,and lJiston,, '..'''." a.m. bl, ' a.i. 37. a,. 7.8G and IJ in. l or i'litladelphla nnu points soutln.i u.. 7.10, ii ill and in ... AM1.-IW, laaiiu ''"iir llesdliiBiinil llarnsbui K, TM and I lW1lo'mli', I'-ehlltli llap. Uhoiriloril, Uu rv's, White Hall, Coplay, and liuki iH2. lion Still a. la.: nu7, 3-U. and '"roi'sl'mif h t'lnn-k 0-fB. 7.43. 9.S0, 11 M and I t.M a.m..,.iie,t.t5,,s.,ii.wi v ' . lol We.itlierl) and ll.ileton u.6, 1.4- i.alid ii.nau.iii-; us, r.. 7.H2. m hi p.m. l'or Jlaliauo) City, .sheiianilouh una Asliland S(B,7.4S,eJalid ll.wii in.; 4 1'i,a.'.si& . JB Iiiu. lor all. Oarmel and Khaiiaikia oJlt. 7.4und lli"r"i'otVsii1eo'.ir".'7.13, 7.4il,9Jll U.IJaiid ll.MI l'or V hlle' ll'al'eii, V llkesbap e alid Mmntuil 7.4.1. .. and 1I..T3 a.lll., 4.1.1. USO. 7.22 uud ltU '''l"'V rittston unit U & Ikduiict., 7.13,11,1m. and II JM a.m.; 10J P, lu. l'or I unklianiuK:k 7,13 and 1IJ13 a. m.; 4.11, Korlleio, Auburn, Ithaea and (lenevalLM fcrVire'JfJH'le,towanda,Ha)re, Watery, r.l mlia, Knclieater, JIuBalo, N'agara Falls and the l'or hiuilia aiid the West ita salainanea at lfi p. in, SUNDAY 1 KAINK. , For New York 4,i6 07 himI n.ina.m, S 17 and i.'jfH ti. Ill i ir riiiuiltf lniiU 4, 5 7.57tt. m.: iM,b.ll and 7 iVr hii-itou and Iiit'rinwItttB StalKm, r -.- it i.j ., . i', r.7 J.M. ft.II A I ill !Ut! II. tn. 'Vor 'MhucIi fhuiik g.riOr.ii.', li.JH 11.0a a. in : 3.iu,G.l3,,u t-.Jwp. in. ) or llHHdinn at 6 07 a. m.; it.iw and 7.2C p. ni. l'or lUlzieum V.WI, mm i tw,t.ii : J.lOaml 10.50 p. In. l"or Maliaiuiy City MienaiHlo.iiy.C0,il.ia ri nt., ami a u p. ni. itus.(lt.. ut Kf 11 ni . l'or White lUibii, Mlk'9-ltarre, rittston, Tunkhaiiiiucklortatida Hie.llhw-a, (stfiu'va. Auouiu, !.iiiiira, rt(tt"iifimit """ni"i ',iBri' I,- .11 j 1 m. ..ui 11 fis h. in find 10 nu u. in. For furilivr partlciil.irn inijulie of AKentsTor nine iituiei, I, A HWUldAKD, Oenl Mananer. O. (!. MANCUC'K, Oeiu'ral rwngt Axciit, riillaUelphla. l'a. A. V. NONNliMACHKK. AsVt tlencral IMs - seimer AKeni, pouih iwuiit-iwij. (y2 Jy Prci'jisstonal & Bnslness Carfls W. M. Rap3her, VTTOrtNEV and COUNSbLLOrt AT LAW, First door above the Mansion 1 louse, MAUfiH CHUNK, - - - - PEKN'A teal Kstate aud Collfstluu Agency. Wilt Hu) ..,.imii irwiii KmimIm. (lniivfaiu-lns neatly none. OUtSTllOltS prOllipiiy IliailP. MIUIIIK iwmrnyi lledMlfiits a siH-clalty. May he cousulteU III .nallHli aim uennan F. I. SMITH, 0. .D. S. Oltlre opKMlte the Opera House Hank Street, Mi 'I ton, l'n. m.-VTlwTl(V TV ll.I. I'I14 lilt VNTHKH. (UlliiK ami maklnit artificial dentures a special ias aitiiiluls'tensl ami Teeth I'ltraiHe't WITH 111IT PAIN. IFI'ICH IU1UIIH: Ituiii a . ni., to li lu., from I ll. m.:tOBP. ni., 1IIUII7 p. in., msp. in. Ouusultatlous In KiikIIsIi or llcnnau . Oftlc Hours at Hailelou-l:ter KatunlaT. Dot i-T tv Oscar Cliristinan, WKIHHPOltT, 'A. Uvcrtj and Exchange Stables. Kayidliilf carriage and wife drlvlnjc liorec f AiiiiiimttiiLilliitiH tu agenttd tivleie .rt M..I1 and tele-urai irder truiitut)v atUduled to rtlve we a tfial. ina)l l Attention! BuBineas Men I1ASKKHB. BKOKKliS. HOOKEF.rKlU HsWYKHS, OFKHTIAIJ5, AUlratt Makem. Iiwuraoea Writers. Clerka, Aitil ailwhuw itutuneiu Ke4inre uiik Ui nut deface nr lKHk by keratehlnif V Tbe tuk KraidUK Kleelrwtlite Peucil wldcb works lulautaneouly aud ileum bitt ubriule Ibe uaiier. A neat and dealt net of Hooka h aupreelated l uonii nuvineiti ueu. Aaureaaau wihi ih-u erjlAneut K. V. hUEllNKK, iMeinieinvun Oarb n cuout) , I'a. -I'rlee s& W and 76 wiiU ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OK VKKY VA1.UAIH.R RBAL ESTATE hs virtue of an order of tbe Ortdiani1 Court of Carbon cuuutf, there hJU be 'ex dom1 to Public Sale, on lliu nrcutUeti In Frauklin Tonnalilp. Carbou untVi ..VATUUDAY, March 25th, '93 atONEOl'LOCK l. M-, tlie foll.mlut describe! Iteal Kstate, late tbe proiierl) of JUI1N tl. rnKi, deeeaaed, to wit: All that certain 1KALT OK 1'IECK Or LAND situate In Franklin Township. Carbou count), l'a., houudwl ami deecrlued as ftdhms,au wit: llesinnlDK at a stone thence by land of Wui. Ketnerer north 86 l't deirees. east SI nercbee to a stone ilienco by tbe aauie south 18 ilearees, east 14 perches to a stone; thence by the aaiut north 67 d .trees, east 36 perches to a sioue; theuce by laud of Paul lluck uorlb IS 1-4 degrees, east is perches to a white oaic tree, thence by the same uortn degree., east 43 perches to a aloDe; tbenci by tbe saute uorlb SIS degree, east S4 rrches lo a stoue; thence by laud late ol aud I). Ijini south 88 1 J degrees, e.i SS verolies ui a pine KLiit theuce by Ibe setae south 4 decrees, west 88 parches to the place of begiuttliig, eootalulac HI A CURS, and ISO perches strict waasuir The improvement lueieou oouslal of a TWO STOUT FRAME DWK1.LIXG IIOUSK, LAKQRSII'ISSBAKN'.nd Mbr Bsceu ary outbuildings, larsus and owdliioa will be made known at thus aud ptaoe of sale, by AUSTIN" BOVK irdwada. Feb. 8th 'SS. Adtu'l. KUKXITURE. UN1IKRTAKINO FIIUB A PKBD. Robt. Anthony, (Successor to J. K. H. last Wessaporl.) WILI.l'ONlTNUK TO HK THK HKbT PLAL'K 'It) Hl'i FonitDre, Flour & M Utr us 011. Ooodu. H.N. ANTHONY. K VjIIoBmS1 " rest Medidnef tlSV EVER MADE. I I iViJsVTtwHIilrlii'llielliiinorfromTnnrl i I 5C.S)Milll, nd in iko jour eklnl I I la. fG8Lcton and Ttiosel I I s "Pl-lmv'"1 "ml 1'lot'liesH ' M 1 'A '4 arc rnsi by lniniireM IT .'. VBK'doi"!. and nan Is-H I b.'i'tVer.-inin.-.llnashi.llI I tS,4?S "Sk" B-ri-nll JK'-K'N'l 1 Tlio Pose ls't. V ' n small-oiilyaleabrfej. I aiioonful. Itl't""!?'. V - 1 lt nnd rii.sil.r.r'V I meillctno. Try JSt I you will lie so(lllo.l .TssJi I (Jet H of your Urumrlrt. A" A t! Elnns'TWlIT. OETlTarosi a'sV A SH III If yml are surfrriny fn-m KIiSV 1 111 ner litseaxp. mid wloh to llfl to I I lortaai, use SlXl'llt'lt Bll't'EllsTsV III They never fall to cure. rj Semi 3 Snt stamps to A. I. Ordway Co., oeton.Hasa., for best medical work published t PROF. ALEXANDER BDUDROU DUiCOVliKKK OK Bwdron's MiracBlons Remeflifts. tJUernl jMlniled riijftlclniift' F.ndorun 1 !:em A ipftugthe lrcAt?si MHcuvei ir lint a .... l'iwlito i n e whfti ,)Hl(i nmutiHiic iu niiriKt tU'HS, 111 IllM.tHtlH j,ere. k(.i-miiii i BlUe Dipliflifrln, AMt' in .. ItMHteliltK mtnrili, cmK-Mt.m ol 11,1, Iiiuk. thurt-suif 0f HUHHtioke, aioicy Hli iinitMpfir- ali' tl t.i llisslr K. r my miiiir.iilo , HW Mp and l.nn(, (n-scii --Tii'il. lUii-uiimtlRin ptHticrt.iU'uralKiti, Itiijilit 'Ursca- u tin- kUI- llfH. UViT I'OimimiiH, njtt uu ij, .inn au-viiru wutt ulncrtHpan- nun i ui U iy inrc num. ,) .if ami nun iirsstiurlliir. tiDiirlt.K nln it-iiis "'r n-.Ofto tertMn Imve hal tlu-He im'dlcliii-s null art- Ihlnu wlMiemes el Uiclr worili. I win noi go into (nacute tny- jntf IinlnirnviT'Tlirfirs Ol MlfH: Mill Sfll ll nia.iiciiii itniv. 1 Imve two einiiiehl nliTnplHiia OllllllPCUMl Willi Hir UHtiiHiH I" riiiiniK t wic TKSliMONrAl,8. Fmiu I'ltltltk Htirlto. ruiLAUfc-U HiA, April 0, lMf. ' ltnllillOII -Ih'Hf Sll .lkw lilt1 to teiul yi.n m mint-Ti' tlmnKs lur Itif yrwul tliat OUT IIH'iiiriHU uimr inr Hint .9vl -' iilhllsll IPIl H llfr ll ou ciHHiif, mr ine ih-iimii f l Um HiilTfrpra. Ill w Ii It'll I u tit Mutti 1 hatl ln liuiul nibt')l fouplliiK tlit rur., and dtn-tortftl Kir It, Hlil W.W l tilt' llUIMltUl lilfiHt nix WKH, tiki iny lianu Utfcniiir hi awum-ii, nun iiiiiniiifiiis- tton uklntf iAff, 8iiu' of tlif doctors IhmiKhtl Mould liav lo Kt my liitiid uiiiputiilvil to savu my lil. Iit 1 w tI'l ty oiip nf inj ilemU to not (i I'ruL IhhhIiou's omrt, and ifel ioiik' oIIiih iiuHili-lne for H, and that liv knw It votild sae V llAllll. 1 uviit Hiitro mill trol. thfl liU'tllellie. nild ill t0 vAefksthe nwellliiK all went doun.and llmd tlio iip ot inv IlnRern. 'llicii I wtnt t work, ami coiishler myself well, and earui-ttly recommend iliuteiueilytoalt Hdllcied like me. Theic Is llflllMntf IH IIIO WOriU'llRC 11 Ml lirnimj uunn svr.ia.ns id. 1 mom tiiistllliii. iiiinUtliiilt- n,ilif. iHNtor- tnu lii the imr.efi. and eireul.itUm lit thv blood; mere id noLiilliK 10 compare tun, ltetKciluny ourn, PAritlCKItUUKB. JT0J N. 9th bt.t 1'lilladflplim, V. rrotu Jo(.cili Kirk ner. t Iti Mulli street, 1'IilladelnMa, I'a. Please allow me to add mv testimony to imir list. llavtnR lu'eii siiiwtnick thiee tliiiua dm Inn twenty yearn, tin taot time It was so l.i( J Was Ue 11181 lor lour Illinium; nuu ui ri j m-ni odietoriibttwa4iillll pinliiK away. itliai IW He MK)r, and Brent pain all tivi-r ine. At tempted lotto our, but could not stand the sun, would often drop down ,lilleal'en.itiiiKi" vi'lr. itieoasaHaHconildprediiNeryl'iiduiie; It was Inclined to rim on rotmesUoii ol the hraln. whs tluji recommended to i'rot Huudrou's medicine Htnl I iiiiulii 1 11 it (11 trot tn lili office. i; N. lOlll stieet, and 1 not the ineillclne and In three wet'KS lime I win nuie 10 ut? uui nnu ii'iiuhix iv my biiHlnersH. lliuiiKli one ol m liorftes illcd In tl.a mu.itiMtiin finlil I hi. llH.lll. ullllts I fsllsml II. and am able to attend to 1ni.iut'H, now . '1 hanks to t!od Almiiihtyuiid tol'rof. Moiulron'N medi cine, which 1 will recommend foietrr to an) poor sntlercr ai 1 win, would be pleawl to lia.e any one call and huu me for fm I her I011, JiCllCt-llUliy nnt- . .JOHKI'll KIKKi:U. Ollloo and fsaboiatory open dally.fiom 7 a. m. 10 8 p.m. UaH or wiltc to Al.i..Aiiir.i. iitfunnwu, 127 North Tenth Mreet, dec. 10. '92-ly. 1'hlladelphia, IV Send 2 cent frtamp for valuable took. IEWIS' 98 l. ('ATK"s!TE1' Th" front ' in t Jjiffe-f i yf innnfi Otkfi ir l.ri II Ii I ' a Bj la . on (" i klwara raJ I fkin 1 lUnl f IT H riKH ttUlpn.lti.f ib.a llfl lh fnli i ' r tie. Will It " t In f "I'nniwi trltknut Irtlu . f H,r 1 isln! i .ka, olo., ahlu bi fiiit' TO CONSUMPTIVES. Th underalifne'l liavlne been realmeiltli hfUaltli bvitiniiile nifiiiw. Hltcr siiiffehiiif (iirNlov- mh enrt ilh use re lun nifiiil(iii(mitt- e! iIreudilliaMConaniitiitloii.l uioiiMtoiimk k 110. n to h" fellow suitereiH tlio iim-hiih ofcurcti Tiithoi.' vaIio upulrt' It. ... wilt rheerruilv muuiI (fret of elurge) h copy of the prfMrtpt ion lined whlfli they will find it mn" i-utufor Cuiiannip lion, .atfuiiMt r-ttulillla hihI uli tlirot HUtl Iumk AlHluillft. lie liuiK'f nil anlferera Mill t-ry nu reiiteiiv, ft u ih iiiVHiimnie. mute nesirliiK Hih ori'seri it Ion. which will eont them . '(hlni. and may prove ii blffuriiitc. will ltate mhtreiH. Itov. KInAltI A. n ILSUXt Brooklyn, New York. apr. 2H, '2-7y. sV, ! am aiid Novelties in SILK WOOL AND WOOL CHALLIES, ALL THE NOVEL 1 1 ES IN COTTON,' SILKS IN THE NEW WFAVES AND PRINTINGS. 634 Hamilton St., Allentown. J. L. (mBlK IS IJBADCIUARTKUS FOH GENERAL HARDWARE Paints, Varnishes, Class, KIND OF COAL, & , - OPS. PUBLIC SQUARE, Bank Street, Lehigh ton, Pa ItJTastes One rea-on wliy ScoU's F.ndsio of Pure Nor wegian Cod Liver Oil ami H ytxjphosphito. of Linits and Soda has had such a' large sale is because it is "Almost as palatable as milk," but .the best reason is that its curative properties are unequalled. It cures the cough, supplier tlie wast.: of tissues, produces ftsh ami Innltl- up ill'" ' "tiio b)stem. A l.iU il 1 U C'lfO'l Toiiph", Colds, Consuiii.'t on S' -ofuitit and all Anj-nn. a. I i-aUng Dtseaaos. Provt 1 wps ing in itiTIU. Cri 4iiuy lit staiytor. Irv- fttreii iyhett A 1wuu, Obiiulta, Ho Yolk. tUM by ail LruglU. You have noticed that some houses always seem to need repainting ; they look dingy, rusted, faded. Others always look bright, clean fresh The owner of the first "eLonomires" with "cheap" mixed paints, etc-i the second paints with Strictly Pure White Lead The first spends three times as much for paint In five years, and his build Inge never look as well.4 Almost everybody knows that good paint carf only be had by using; strictly pure White Lead. The difficulty Is lack of care in selecting' It. The fol lowing brands are strlctlv pure White Lead, "Old Dutch" process; they are standard and well known established by the test of y eara : "Atlantic" "Bradley" " Brooklyn " Jewett " " Ulster " For any color (other than white) tint the Strictly Pure White Led with National Lead Comoany's Pure White Lead Tinting Colors, and you will have the beat paint that it Is possible to put on a building. For tnie by the moat relitble dealer In paints everywhere. If you arc spng to petnt. It will pay you to vend to ut Tor book conttlmng ipforme tton that may wvi you many a dollar 1 it will only Loat you a postal card to do o. NATIONAL LEAti CO., 1 UroHdway, New York REV. G. W, II. CLARKE. A Remarkable Case! Rev. G. W. H. Clarke, Chaplain of the Vermont Senate, cured cf VALVULAR AFFECTION OF THE HEART I The killowixo iestimosui. from a (1kntlkman so widely known, ami riF.IOVi:U BY AIJ.. AN 11 WHO 110LUS TIIK TOSITIOX OF Clllllllill lu llio VI. Sciiiil , 8iun'Li in: ur.inliliKli ahum: sinsr poslllso iirnot OF TUR ssoii lor fu I ineillcfiiiil nntrrr of DA NA'S RAltSArAMLLA. AND WE WOl'T.ll 1IFIIB SlATn THAT HIS flltllpr and lirolhcr bulli tiled 01 Hill ii cj lliNvnie. St. Albans, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, Tint I, (1. II. W. Clarke, of M. Allmns, Vt., ll l'lfarlirr of llio(losirlintho31. 1j. CluiU'li, Mfinliorof Hie N. II. I'ouferi'ncrt 31 yi-iirs. uiul of Uu N. K. I'onfi'rcnre 10 irnrs, liae Im-i-ii nlllii'ti'il Willi t Ue KII1NEY COMl'LAIM FOB 15 TEUtS, niul f-ir llio lin-t 4 years ho Imillv as to not lK-rlult me to take it re;ii-ir C'linra-e, tint, reaJluiX-of the. ivoinlerful eurea of KMney Trouble 1'V iiaaai s.iii.irAiiii.iui I was linltii isl t iiroellre it for myself. lmv taki it slv I Ilea Him "ry Mills- fiu'tory rCHMUh. una l icei mine t-nrt tlml fr(wri.tiii lu tiiKiii U ljrlnjr n Iti'riimiioHi fiiro. iniiMi, i am (o liiiK'li hniirofil Mini I H't't to Sake mint hci t'lmruo. 1 will uo tiit.' Hint imo jcar agn last f-lirhifc I wa atinrkfil a ith VALVULAR AFFECTION OF THE HEART t'liu-fil 1 tTorK. niid my lrimth lo minc o f-linrt it war cr tlltiicult fur nie Ut w ilk. own wlt'i muni'. 'Hio I'bj hit bus Kitlil 1 imi'd W mt rurcfiil nlxtut wnlkliiL' or ix.rlliift nnwlf. DANA'S B AltAI'A UI Ll.A trv mviii n lli-vctl ine, nivl I :tm now ftillroly l'KS.Is trotn HDVlir TROI'AIJ;. 1 fed that DAN AN sAirsAl'AIIllsl.A has Un1iic tliU hlpv rt't-ult. Tu tlie (irciit Uomt of thu Iitirrli Ih all tli Klory, I tun T! yt ars of mn1. Pint Irnui I"1 n lu tin' Mi.bterfm U'u nioro limn Ii ilf n utiir). tiratt'fulh uiirn. ' G. V. 1! CLARKH. Xo. SUlIitrliUvit, MTK.-rihlprtliitoof Oct. Ikt.Mr. T'larke wtiu He, I ho linn liilccu n (('IirQsVi nt ruhfn'v. M., uiul ultniU flirt moef C((ti u j11.uth, to moctliiiCH tluriiiK tlif wv k. l-itli)i liU purWil!HC H fool, w llkinir -tnup H or 10 mile, 'll.t- 1- U"iuk rfu! for ii ' Ii a!e tnnof illM-iefnr M'iifr. i lo-cs tiv fiiy Iiim Ii It l'i nn hi ml lo ' t 'IrH'l itnl f ruin uliuiu nil liU - in it .' " Dana Safrsii-'! pj,. Belfast. Me. A.S.Rabeiold, lIiEAM'ii ttrriCK : Ovt-r J. W iUudnUuh Liquor more. nANK 8TUE15T. LKIIIOUTON t'rMitNlry lit all It hmnclicrt. Teeth Kxtniote'i sidioiit l'Mtii. (.aiiudniliilsti'riMt.vlu an iiui-itd omeeD-os-V KItNLKliAVof p-M h wcik. 1 f). udiifiw. U.Li:M()VN, i-yl tbpltKliconntv.Pa' IX- Scott's - Emulsion THE LOVE CHA8E. Thmipth oft I tpi l i M'lilnm - in i" 8bn rftr l Allhtmuii 1' ' But th" fcii i i Not uivt nl i I i 1, 1 iu t 'u' liy. In art lo i tu-cr, ii lirr rln k llial I mil lirrtr Th in. if 1 TI- llui I ill f ixtrltsii an. ti i nn it her i"X, iuiu- rtt hcrt, Hi it In r 1 1 Ii k- iny tniud ivurplex. I HlluWalit' H pin (.111 lu I If t1W) I've artit lior aonip, tih tvd and ellow Yi t ot Upon tlie atiwl ahe ooee With violets from aunte other fellow. And attll thia low chaae I pursue, Twlxt tmpe nnd fear continue woolna. One Uy o'crjoyed, tlie naxt aryl)ln 1 arrrel) know what 1 am doing. Tint one thought I take comfort In, And glooniydonMclvM plmoe lo raptre The harder ahe mny be to in Tlie derT j et will be the caiitttre. R. Walcot In Hounding. Hi. Ilrnrens In IKf NoHlt. rrnm thr lust days of May Ut the end of .Inly In the mrrtherti jairt of this land the urm slilnos tray and night npou ita inoautalns. Mortis, rivers, lakes, forests, valteys, towiiK. villivgps, liauileta, fields mid farina, mid llins Sweden and Nor way ii"ty he cnlled Ihe laud of the mid night s-nn. Uunng this iieriod of con tinnoiw ilarliicht the stars are never seen, the moon npiienrs ile and shells no light uisiii the j?arth. Snminer IsBhort, giving Just rime enough fur the wild flowers to grnw. to hliaim and to fade away, and bnroly time for the husband man to collert his harvest, which, liow ever, is sometimes nipiied by a miunier frost. A few weeks after the midnight snn has iiasseil the honntof snushlne shorten rapidly, and by the middle of August tlie air becomes chilly and the night colder, although during the day the sun is warm. Then the grass tnrns yellow, the leave change their color, wither and fall; the swallows mid other migrating birds fly toward the aontlu twUighl omes once more; the stars, one by one, make their apiienrance, shining brightly in the iile blue skys the moon shows itself agnin ita the rjiieen of the night and liglits mid clu-ers the long una ilarK days of the Mcajiiiliiuvian winter. The rime cornea at last when tho sun dlsannenrs cniirelv from siirht; the heav ens aiipeur m n bl.i7e of light nnd glory, and the stui s nnd the moon lmle before the auriir.1 bureaus. "Land of the illu night Sun." Yt'iMiti-,1 In Itrusli Them Oir. Passing down a ouiet street not long since I saw two beautifully uresscil wom en ntiirioHching. They were clad in deli cate colors, and ejiick mid t-jian from lieud to foot, rjetwieii tlittn anil mo was a garbage wagon, and just rts they came opposite about two tons of ashes was hoisted into It with n result tothe women that was detrimental tu their ainiearance to n marked decree. 'That menu old thing," said oue. 'I know he did it on purpose," said the ether. 'Mv eves are so full of ashes I can't see a thing." i "And so is my mouth, saul the other, But the climax waa leached when the driver of the garbage wagon accosted them, saring: "Wouldn't yees like me to brush yces offf Theeo two women proved that warm hearts were liealing beneath their dainty clothes, for they only thanked mm mnu ly, but refused. New York Herald. On Time. First Commuter (at the ferry) Our train must liave arrived ou timo tills morning. Second (Jouuuuter Why do you tliink to? First Commuter There is no boat in. Now York Weekly. Tho frog, owing to Its lieculiar struc ture, cannot breathe with the month open, and if it wero forcibly kept open the animal would dio of suffocation. No man can write his signature twice exactly alike, and it Is declared by some experts that if two signatures nro pre cisely alikuone is certain to bo a forgery. DR. G. T. FOX, 172 Main Street, Bath, Pa. AT llAXnOtt, It BOA I.W AY lfOt'HV, MOXDAt 8. AT KASTOX, SWAX MOTKI., TU K80AV8, AT llKTllLKItKM SUN llOTKL, WfUNKHPAVB. AT AI.I.rTO.N,OKANIC'KNTHAUTIlUlCMUAl VT IUT1I, lllIDAVft ANDATIHIHH. Otfle? ltouri l'rom 9 a. m. to 4 p. in. Practice ImlteJ to ilUedses oftliu Eye.Ear, Nose k Throat tSAho, Refraction of the Kes or the adjust meat ufulasats. Entirely VEGETABLE! WNDRAKEl AND A SURE cure! FOB GOSTIVENESS , Dlllousnoaa, Dyapopsla, Indigostlon, Dlsoasos of , tho Kidnoys, Torpid Llvor Rhoumatlsm. Dlzzinosa, 1 Sick Hoadacho, Loss of 1 Appotlto, Jaundice, Erup I tlons and Skin Dlscasos. UMI, JOUIM! lOlt, tntu, Bisjl.i, 1 1. SoW by W. V. Illerv. FOR SALiK. A farm l tun ted tn Townnifinnir tnnh1, (laruyn eoutity, l'a., tvboiit i iiillfstrnm Wtla laort.on rmti IratlliiK frum jultlnlacr to Kief tll roiitahiltiK upwarda ot 03 acriMnf cluat land nltu S'KmI ruiuilim rlng wator alltlit lar roa&u.aml with all neresury outbiitldltitta roiuurialDsa TWO HTOKY P1MMK iWYA. UNO HOl'St; 11x24 iVrt, with awhiKlUtti lt. a frame bank barn .fixi left, uauoii IimI .'iJ frtsruiKt all other uert'Minn out bill Ultuga. ivniMi 01 aaif win 1x4 nuMie kuimii i JOHN KEUKK. if. Ilarmv. l'a, . Dissolntion of Co-PartaliiD. Notice U hereby given that Hi co-irtnerahiu heretofore pxtslluit bvtwt-f 11 Jobu O. Wiiaa and Nathan LafttVr. dot ok buln?M under the firm mutt ot .alas& iJtftVr, Fntnklli) llouae.FraDk Un Towiiiliip, Iim Iwn It-kail) illsaoirid, ol u liich this publication of fact 1 due Uittlre. The bumurwi will be continued by lr. Jtdiu O. Wr-lM. sM)I(K O WK1A8. NAlllAN IUFKI.KH. Franklin Twp. Carbon On,, l'a.. Feb , 1M1. Feb -ws KISTLER COUNElt SECOND A AI.UM Hts, Waiu I'vervlxnly in ljehtplitui lo liny at their t ire U-caui-e twy have not wily an ex cvlli'iitly HSsKiileil liii" r flue Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions, Boots, Shoes, &.,c but liecaus their prices are low. er than tlife ttnotla can Iv Ixiught fur elsewhere in (own. We show .'imils wiili ilfws-i ure, quote in-. anH d lier ' All iiurrhaoex. Iinn't but call and w ' u- r..i .-.t. KRUM and KISTLER Sucb CONDENSED Makes an convenience of an oU-time luxury. Pure anJ v mlesome. Prepared with scrupulous- c irr Highest awardat all Pure Pood Expositions. Each package makes two latp-e rk"- AvoM Imitations and Insist on having th. N&NB SUCH brand MBRRBI.L & SOULE, S'Tioise. N. V h$ Can't do it ' W' to pay for learning Imw to i K1" an article m Wolff's Ai mc ki.- of vlionii material no that a '-t ler can profitably sell it at 10c. Our prlco is 20c Tli" retailer wiy tlio jhiUIq will not pay t. my ilte public viU, lecauno tliey v,!l 1 1 win a pay a fair price for a coml r'clc. To diow both tlie trade aim the "iMi tliat tc want to give them the beet . .r uti loust money, we will iy ilO.OQQ.00 For aliore Information ; this offer is open mm January Jit, iqim. WOLFP A RANDOLPH;, Philadelphia, PIk-Ron is thonameofa paint which 'fx. i vuiik tliutnootbur iiulntcatido. Sew i ii it kmI nit h it lookrt like the natural i' nl v hen U in stained unit MirnUlitHl. 'i-.rm AND BUILDERS II find It profl table to Invoftteute. AU -"'liU Bick Ueadacho and roUovsall thatroubUs Incf dent to ablMoat aUttjof tbs jtm, auch a Dlzzlneon, Kausoa. Prowstnau, Dlstm aTtctt cttlag.Wlaia the Bide, to, While Uiirzuoet temaikftble cucceaa tu beeaiaowalacuclitg t rfcnflaeho, yet Carter! little Llrer TBI tra equally alnahle la Constipation, curing and pro Vvntlog this atinoylnn complalDt-whlla tbey also correct alldlsordenioltheBtomachiiitiiiUlatha lircrandreguUtoUiebowaU, renUUiyonlj HEAD Acliathey woiililboalmoatprieeleastotliofldwlia tutlet from thia tUatreflalng comitalntt but fortu Sataly t bairKctOMsdoea iioteod her,and thoaa whooncotry them will find theaolUUo pUltTalti eblalneomanywayi that they will not bo wit Ucgtoduwitbouttbem. But after allalcltheaj Ijthabflnaof 80 many lires that beralawbtri vramaktotirgrcatboait. Oorplllscareitvhllsi otb do not. Carter Llttlo liTer Pills are Tcry matt and very caty to take. One or two trill raakea dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or porgft, butby their eon Ue action plea wall whu use them. Inrlalaat2Scentit five for tt Sold by druggiaU everywhere, or tontby nuli. CARTER HtDlCtNB CO., New York. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE Scientifio American Agency for CAVEATS. THADB MARKS. DESIGN PATENTS. COPYRIDHTS. AtflJ z or miorm&iion nnq rree iianaDOOK wnieto MUNN tt tO SGI IIRQAUWAT, 1SEW YORK. Oldest bureau for aoonrlnir patenta In America. Krery ratent takan out by ua is brought before tbe pubito by anutice glren free of charge in tba rf aenfific gmctaa Lareeet rtrcnlatlcn of any adcntlfle paper In the woikl. HplsiDdldlr tUuatrated. No intelligent man should bo without it. Weeklr, HA.mi Ttmri llOntx mouths. Addroaa WuNN, A CO ruBuaaK4. 301 Uroadway, Kevr York City. ELY'S CATARRF3 Cream Balra&lj Na.all'asscifs3 Mlc0l5HlW Allays l'aln anJ f HAYFEVERt)!? liiiuniinauon, Heals tbe Sires, lttwloris the Siismi of Taste 8111 TSTT E ic - 4 W-FEVER A pan Ids Isnrplleil Inlosach noftriland la sgrwiable. I'.lra 5x1 culs at Drtisxlsvsi bv iitail. ruglsl.rssl. IKs.' Kl.T HHhs ,M Warr.n'SU, Naw Tork . i ? ptlndl-' " th- iivax. bLiuucii t "iwj' tha j i).llounK , U. i. aM corsti" Isnalleet, IV tiii: WOULD. Jlfv. ii . tiltle ruturpaacd.actaan ODlaa1 3, i txs f f aoiy tuber brtsod. Nu Stct ub cat -f.-.T llli:Ji;.N tlM' JTOT 1 i-" a pFALEKgOENERALLT. tyr 4U.J. V .a sr.' 'tr all id ivlva If iMsnp u UvkaM-l iW r i " PAT1CNT T"T0 Br MAIL. COKriDENTUL. Uaraat-. ani iH a- MartUf iRfMnattraMi, t W tlrrt. F-wpsu kulan alsirns, rWi csaHstsi aif , h. 0. w. r. mci mm i rniTci.ciiear ul ' Orarea Oonauaaplton, Cough, Croup, Bore TUroakU Sold by all Drunixis on a Guarantee For a Ubm Side, Back or Cbt-t Sblloh's P-orous MaaUsT will gi grt Miifanon. j caata, SHILOH'S VITALIZED. Urt. T. 8 Hawkin. Ctuiun mh IVim aTi'I , -MVitaliwr'MVlJi VV M'lrX I I fimidcrUUbetrtmevfi atlW-OffnJ- 'nmtem I soar uaa. ' f or ivai-iMa. iwi ur ui truobioltexoela. rnle iIX.Uk L0H'S CATARRH REMEDY. irottOaiArrhr TrytaMHeuwar itwtu Mllae and 0u you. Prto w en mn ia Sior KffTlBBuooeMrul t rontiD'-n 1 1" turn tsbu ib0oi Uib4m1ms4 aro aoia by u uu ft ic jive niwa'wii, i" l-ti( aAl P. 1 Hum, I-iL.liti h, L'a I ' TOW yg tan m ihw ss terjn . 1 r. Hi ' 1 u ' Is "Mile HV.-fT If Tnar nttkassrw si.Miki wwu -0 nn U lirtali-T P" sutlli'ti i so mi, u baa uww t ai ttwl. (irln Tit ILIUCIIflOfB.ri..-- v t cm