The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, March 25, 1893, Image 1

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    3! lie &&iraftf.e
IIbh h larger circulation than any othor
newspaper )iruilel In Carbon county, oon
soqui-iitly It I- the Ih"I medium for adver
tisers. Our uews column sparkle with
I lie ocouireuoes or the day -olern, spioy,
interesting, bright Hint Independent. Our
editorials are original ami will be wortli
reading on ucoount q.( their spirit which
Is Independent of nuUhla dictation. Our
price la one dollar a year. Just you try it
Inasnccialtv at our .lob V 'i
K "'I
I .
in Suydoi's Block, wist -BrMfCe.
Envelopes, N '
Phamplets, Oicii'i lh
Mill all kinds ill I'd' '
Bills. Wc ilo all wot
cleanly. Io you need ..i . 1 1
line? then call and wo us, or .
postal card and we will be at yoi
id - i
n i
in tin
k tC U-
sen 11
VOIj XXI. No. 19
Lehighton, Carbon County, Fonna, March 25 , 1893
$1.00 a Y$ar in Arvane
This is the sensen uhcn every
person needs Muslins, .Sheetings
'riots, &c. nnd they wnnt to
buy them at lowest prices also.
Come and lenm onr prices and
judge for yourself, wo are in a
position to give you better
values for less monoy, than any
other house bar none likewise
In Notions, Boots and -Shoes,
Rubbers, Queensware, Wood
and JPillow ware, Oil Cloths,
Groceries, Provis6ions, &c.
Itemembrr our stock in the
first place is much larger. Must
be and are lower then that of
other houses.
Have you tried our Own
Baking Powder, you should and
save money. Our Golden Rio
or Matchltss Coffees exeell any
thing in the market lor flavor
or quality, the prices arc right,
Hit Street, between South and Plum Street,
l-elilnhton, rn.
What the Solom at Ilarrisbur?
HATittisBunu, Mnn.h 17. In tlie senate
restenUy Mils were Intro-luced: Making
It unlaw ill to fiHl liquor within ft mile of
any camp meeting; making the punish
ment for murder of the first degree either
ileath by hangiiiBorHtftry imprisonment
at bard labor, and ImpONltiK on the jury
the duty of stating which punlMiraent
shall be inflicted. Bills passed finally, and
tvIM be sent to the house for concurrence:
KnabllDK hulmml and wife to sue and
testify against eacli oilier lit certain cases;
appropriating 1,000 to Pennsylvania state
college for experiment! in tobacco culture.
Governor Pattison sent to the -senate a
communication in which he submits the
statement of the special committee of the
World's fair board, made March 9, 1893.
Uptothatdatetl43.T71.94 had been paid
out for all purposes; contracts unpaid aggre
Kated 172,018. 17; the putt mated expanses nec
essary to complete the work on present lines
uere t't.OW.. In the house the com
mlttee on municipal corporations reported
favorably the Penrose bill providing for
the abolition of the public bulldiugs com
mission of Philadelphia and t he completion
of the construction of the city hall under
the supenislon of the director of public
works. Among bills reported negatively
were: Amending the retail liquor license
act by providing a fixed time for hearing
applications; making it unlawful to utter
or accept a promissory note to which Is
attached a voluntary confession of Judg
ment; authorizing veteran' soldiers and
sailors to bring suit against their respective
counties for liouuty mone-y. Hills intro
duced: CTo empower courts of quarter ses
slons, or any law judge thereof, to fix the
place of holding the general election; to
repeal the act of June 11, 1801, enabling
townships adjoining boroughs and cities
to hold elections within the limits of such
boroughs and cities, I loth of these bills
are designated to ufTect the conditions
growing out of the Andrewa-Hlgby elec
tion coutroersy.
IlAltmsmJlto, March 18. in the house i
jWeiday the memory of St. Patrick was
honored by a general decoration of the !
desks and persons of the members with
green emblems. The vote by which the
Kipp bill providing for the punishment of
poachers was defeated was reconsldertsl,
and the bill wan again sent back for fur
ther reilslou. The city passenger railway
committee reported favorably the bills
giving electric railways certain police priv
ileges, allowing them to carry express
packages uud freight, and providing for
the punishment of persons wilfully ob
structing their tracks. The senate bill re
imbursing comities for bridges destroyed
by the Hoods if tHSD was reported with a
negative recommendation, Hills Intro
(l ced i Changing the trout hea-non from
April 15 to July 15 to May 1 to August 1 ;
appropriating .V),(tK) to aid in the erection
of the Second regiment armory In Phila
delphia, A Hpeclal order was granted for
the antt-Piukerton bill for next week. A
number of bills pasMed fiot leading, and
the house ndhmrned until 8 n. m Monday
llAMtlbHTl.o, March IK. In the senate
yesterday the following bill werelntro
duced: Fixing the legal weight oi a ton of
anthracite at 2,0 W pound and imprs
lug Inline for violation; preventing a id
punching the circulation of indecent mid
immoral writing, printing on photographs
and of drugs or recipes delgi.ed to serve
an unlawful purpoM. making dying decla
rations In caes of malptactlce, where
death results, admlsshe in evMence in
ctimliial cates: prohllilling any one of
ficially connected with the common school
sht -m from lH-comiug agent for the sale
of school iHMtks, maps or other stationery.
The following paed set-uml reiullng. Kx
tendiug the powers of shipbuilding corpo--
rat inns. reeiilingtheact providing for the
regulation of fuel com pun I es and giving
them the isiwrr of einluent domain; re-
qutriiig iia: in medicine 'formulas to be
pi ued in KniUh in the house the auti
iitiherion lull ni-mh1 finally, there being
mil four oiv- Hgntust It. it provides that
lu (he appointment of deputies, marsh hU
or tMilitt-iiien unly citizens of the state shall
U eiintofl lolaiious may lie punished
hy f.iti) nue or one ear s imprUoument.
II vi;::iu iin, Mnrcli iM. The senate bill
am hoi ifug i he formation of co-operative
InnMiig associations where the net profits
hIihI, lU'crue to the depositors ami ttor
ruwrrtui projtottiou to ihelr deposits or
loans was defeated ou final pusage. Hills
introduced: Itepealtng the act providing
for i he examination of miners and pre
senting (he employment of Incompetent
iK'rMJtis repealing that part ot the act reg
nliituiii tstpiughs which prevents corpor
ate otitcers from receiving compenAtIon
fortlulr ner ices In that capacity. The
teltrptione bill posrttfd muiuh1 rwMliug after
btiin amended so as to make (7 the maxi
mum charge iwr mouth for one or more
htilruiiifiii The Mil appropriating
U)(i fur tut) reefiulpmeut of the National
(jitanl piisHMl lniull Uoiie bills iuued
itecoud i filing, KmiHmt-rlug cities ami
Iforoughs 10 appioprm'e mouy to pay fire
men in bertiou and doubled, cliauglug
IUir Day from the ilrni Monday to the
flrd Saturtlay in SepteitiU-i In the house
bills were Introduced, To appropriate
t',881.45 to pay the eXenhHs of Vltlur P.
lltgby, who contested the seal of William
11. Andrews, to prohibit the use of any
college degicv uules the same Uoouferred
by a regular college; stipulating how In
vestments .hall I inatle by trustees of
eatings banks The Hoer medical exam
iner bill passed mvtiid reading, with
aineudmeuta The uunpulsory education
bill also ttasswl serwd wmdtTirr,
reojilo who buy at our Store
utways ko away Hfttl.flotl be
cause wo Rive them thtir
money's wortli, then too, they
have a large OMiortiueiit ot all
kluds ot Geueral Store Oooil,
to select from. Some noola,
tboteof l'all niul Winter pat
tern we are elmtiiw out at re
iluotlon prioea In onler to
make room (or our rlB( ar
rival of gooU which we Intend
to -turiuta all previous ex
tnlit ioiik. We atnAu conlbtlly
Invite you to oout aud tee ua.
Robert Walp,
First street, Op. Round IIsumk.
Matters of Interest from All Over
the Commonwealth,
Crimes and Casualtlet of Kvery Clisr-
arter Sent by the Newt Gstlierers of
the Different LoralltU and Cnrefully
SckANTOX, Vn.t March 20. At Jermynn
Vhonms McAndrew, aged 8t years, who
has been despondent owing .to misfor
tunes, bid good-bye to a friend who stood
by him near the Ontario railroad track,
threw himself In front of an approaching
passenger train, and wan cut to pieces,
Patrick Welsh, aged 11 years, was picking
coal Iwneath a gondola car, when the car
started lip And cut oil his head. On the
Keyser alley branch of the lacka wanna
road Frederick H. Vlckery, IS years old.
leu beneAth coal cars he was trying to
board and was cut to pieces.
Heath nf IVnnny Ivnnla Justice
HtTKTlKODov, Pa.. March 23 Tobias
Foreman, one ot the a-ssoclate judgea of
this county, died at his home in Hopewell
township yesterday afternoon of pneu
monia, aged 75 years. Judge Foreman,
who was elected twice on the temperance
Issue, achieved considerable distinction in
1885, and subsequently, when with the aid
of a brother associate on the tiench, he
overruled President Judge Furst's opinion
to grant licenses and placed lluutlngdou
in the list of prohibition counties.
11) and Convicted of Murder.
K ITT ASM NO, Pa. ,March 21. After being
out Ihlrty-nlne hours the jury in the case
of W. J. Hyand, charged with murder and
attempted bank robbery at Lecchburg,
found Hyand guilty ot murder In the sec
ond degree. The judge then discharged
the jury and sentenced Hyand to twelve
years In the penitentiary. The cases of
Dr. WyckofT, Spaythe and Kromer, under
arrest on the same charge with Hyand,
have Iteen postponed until the June term
ot the court.
A Prominent lVuntylv nnlnn's Fall.
IiANOASTKit, Pa., March 21. Peter S.
HeUt, of LttitV., who was constderetl one of
the richest men in the northern section of
this county a few years ago, and whose
prominence for many years in the affairs
of the state horticultural and agricultural
societies made blin well known through
out the stale, wascommlttedto the county
Jail yesterday afternoon for failure to pay
over trust money as trustee of the estateof
John Heist. V
l'Ile's rnrty State Convent ton.
Dubois, Ph., Marih'Sl The state exec
utive committee of the People's party met
here jesterday and fixed June 14 as the
date and Williatusport as the place for '
holding the state convention. A resolution
was passed lu fuvor of a straight ticket.
The basts of representation lu the conven
tion la to be oue for each representative
district and au additional one for each 100 1
votes for Weaver.
Luiern County Llrennes.
WiLKt.bHAiutK, Pa., March 23. The total
amount of money realized for licenses lu
Luzerne county this year was 181,091.70;
of this 1-32,410 goes to the county and (21,
000 to the state. The balauce, (127.581.70,
will be d I tided bet ween the cities, towns
and boroughs In the county. Wilkes bar re
will receive of this amount 48,118. The
total number of licenses takeu out was 849.
Crnfeil by Ilellglon.
Pittsburg, March 23. Through worry
ing over the condition of his soul W. It,
Newell, a student of the Western Theo
logical hemlnury, Alleghany, lias gone
crazy. He was a brilliant man, 27 years of
age, of attractive appearance and Lid fair
to become oue of thri inost talented men of
his profession. Mr. New ell's father is a
Presbyterian minister.
The Teach f-r Acquitted,
Reaihno, Pa., March 23. In the nerks
criminal court Franklin Gaul, aged 18,
I teacuer oi lue.iouuna scnooi in itooexon
icwnmp, was cnargeu wuu assault ana
battery on William Coller, a pupil, aged
11 years. The j"ry acquit tetl the defend
ant, but directed thst he pay oue-half the
costs. !
An Ks-Omrlsl's Scntentr,
CahMM-E, Pa., March 20. News is re
ceived here that Martin Guswller, of Mc
chanlcsburg, this county, revenue col
lector under Clev eland's last administra
tion, who was recently convicted at
Hloomlngton, Ills,, for bigamy, has leen
sentenced to live years In Jollet prison.
Killed the Ilnrfflur.
STnouPsnt'lto. Pa., March 23. Hiram
Kistler, proprietor of a general store here,
was awakeued by the ringing of his burg
lar alarm. He seized his rifle, ami seeing
a man taking goods from the store, fired
and killed the robber. The latter's two
companions ran away and escaped.
A llorae Thief Coiifesnes.
WEST Newtos, Pa., March 23. Robert
T. Clark, of Oreeusburg, was arrested here
nnd locked up on a charge of horsesteal
ing. He confessed that he had stolen a
horse from Paul Dry, a Ori-ensburg grocer.
He also said that he was a member ot an
organised gamr working In this country.
An Old Woman Falsity Ilurud,
Headin'O. Pa., March 2:l.Wnlle boiling
soap at llerneMlle, .Mrs. John enrich,
a giil 00, was so baitly burned that fche can
not live. Her clothing was burned from
her lndy. Mrs. Morris Kerthher, her
daughter, was also seriously burned, but
not fatally.
Itiifrlerl Muni Hang,
PiiILAiiF.mtiA March 21. An opinion
was ha ml iil down in the supreme coin t
atllrmliig the Judgmeut of the Herks
county court In thecaeof Pletro Hucclerl,
convicted of the murder of his nurse, a
lister of Charity. In a Heading hospital.
I Ira til ul Ilou. Itlrlmrd htaplei.
WlLKKMivititK, Pa,, March l.-llrn.
Hichard S. Staples died at White Haviii
yesterdav of heart disease. He was 75
years of age. The dec eased some years ago
was a memter or the legislature rrom
Mouroe county.
Two Child rrn ! a tally llurned.
PliiUAPKLruiA, March 31. Five-year-old
luse 'ihomas, .Monastery Avenue, Hox
borough, and 7-year-old Agnes Nell, 3JG
Clarence stteet, were latally hurued by
playing with matches.
Death Warrant lanuvd.
HAituislil'lHi, Pa., March 31. Governor
Pattlson issued the death warrants of
Isaac HoMMizwelg and Harris Hlauk, the
W)imtug oouuty munlerera. They will
1m huugeil May 18.
Two Children llnrned to Death.
- GHfcKNsBTHo, Pa.. March 34 The rel
denie of t'harles Mjtw, colored, was
burned to the ground, and two of his ehll
dieu terthe4l In the Haines.
IraiCKd hy III HunuHav Horse.
Hkhkhihd, Pa., March W. peter Shuler,
a farmer, wa dragged a quarter of a mile
over the ground by a runaway horse. His
recovery Is dunbtfuL
The "JUO" lisiuiuet.
Philadelphia, March aa. At a full
meet i uk of the oouimltleeof arrangements
for the "800" lianquet, Geueral James A.
Heaver presiding, held At the Hellevuelafit
night, It was determined to change the
date of the banquet from April 37 to April
a. Jtesitoutwe were receive 1 iroin over
oue hundred of the "Old Guard,' signify
ing their Intention to lie present. It was
also awrtamed that sixty-five of the
'8ii have diid ttiiau the ineiuurable oou
veiition of sso.
A LrttUlatnr Snwl fur llamatfes.
St. Pauu .Muixh ai.-The attempt to
ooinpl a committee of tlw I4i1latiire to
give up uisiaaauii papers of the oual com
bine tw bleb l UecsiiitiMttt-ee la lu v t igat lug
is a failure, in the dislrlvt otairt .ludui
Kmhii deufdeil that lie bail nn Jurllictl
over Ike IcgWators. Joliu J. Itho.1, gu
eral iimunae' oi the oual bureau, lm
biiuigbt im for 4)W10'ti iumugea agalukt
the ouui milt M) ami oftkwN of thelegUla
ture. I'ullklt I'mmuIs I(HImI by fculdUr.
Viknsa, March J. Crtja4u immmauu
hmi madw arraugemeuta Ui emigrate from
Ituasiaii ldaud. ami were i rsMsiug tbv
VUritU when ihe were auiunuHieil by the
Husabui fniuMvr guards t-u turn baok
KiMMi.UK the uiamlate sis peatanU Here
killed lu the struggle that followed, and
several wen- hurled Iruiu a bridge aud
dlOH liCM,
TvrrlM, lluIUt'H-iu.
KL Hkmi. l T Mar, h 51 This cltv
aud I he aurrcMiiitlin . i.. .uirv tva-. visited
i bt.i uigbt hv ruii.uu. Uansturw. All the
,!7 a . . 7u aua
T.. ' . . . H. .
'Sowauione b,Wi ruiui JUkIu
-' brok.u. fruit uuu rului and soux
(.ruV hlll-a,
Friday, March 17.
HMtop IJrown, of. the Afrloau M. R
shureli, died In Washington, agsl 7f.
The funeral of Luke Schoolcraft, actor
ind minstrel, was held yesterday afternoon
in the Church of the Advent, Boston.
J. W Short, ex-sherllT of Sussex county.
Delaware, was stricken with paralysis and most Instantly at Georgetown yes- ,
Saturday, March IS.
M. Jules Ferry, president of the French
senate, died in Paris yesterday, aged 00
Squire Abingdon, the backer of Charley
Mitchell for the fight with Corlett,dled in
New Orleans today of pneumonia.
Hy the explosion of ten iHiunds of dyna
mite in an lioit mine In the Hera district,
Germany, ten miners were torn to atoms
Hamilton Hook, a colored farm hand
near Hohards Station, Ky., committed
suicide yesterday by eating poisonous
A Isnnb was exploded at the residence of
United States Minister Potter, In Home,
which did but slight damage. The Italian
foreign minister called to express regrets.
Mninlny, March 90.
Captain Jacob H. Vanderhllt, brother of
Commodore Cornelius Vauderbilt, died at
his home on Grime's Hill, Stuten Island,
Aged So.
A mob at Houbalx, France, attacked
worshippers In a church, spit upon, the
crucifix ind broke it Into fragments and
dragged the priests from the church.
The Freedom Manufacturing company,
a concern organized by colored men to
give employment to their race, has been
opened In Washington. Frederick Doug
lass is the president, nnd the officers In
clude some of the leading colored men in
the country.
Tn end ay, Mnrrh21,
Carlyle W. Harris, the New York wife
murderer, was resentenced to electrocution
In the week begtuulug May 8.
During a fire In Madrid, Spain, twenty
one persons lost tlielrliffs by sufilcatlon
and jumping from burning buildings.
The twelve-round fight at the Coney
Island Athletic club lost night, between
George Dlxou and GeorgeSIddons, resulted
lu a draw.
A sawmill near Home, la., was blown
up through lack of water In the boiler.
The mill was blown to pieces and four
men killed.
Fire at Athens, Ala., destroyed several
stores and small buildings. William Chati-
dler, of McKenzIe. Temi., a student in the
Alabama Agricultural college, and Owen
Brown, of Athens, were caught under fall
ing walls aud crushed to death.
Wednetlay, March 33.
In the Maine house the woman suffrage
bill was defeated by a vote of 03 to 54.
Jake Schaefer, the champion btlllurdlst,
slipped on the sidewalk to Chicago aud
broke his wrist. He may not be able to
play again.
Near St. Joseph, Mo., a hunter found the
bodies of four meii ami one woman fixat
ing in the river lu a dry giods box. 1'hey
had evidently been murdered.
Pugilist Charley Mitchell left New York
for England with the body of "Squlie"
Abinuuon today, lie To re leaving he ex
pressed his firm intention to come buck to
tight Lorhett.
The Hhode Island Democratic conven
tion nominated Daniel S. Baker, of North
Kingston, for governor; Dalton K. Young,
of. Newport, lieutenant governor, and for
congress, Austin Lapbam, of arwltk,
and (Jharles ll. Page, or itochester.
Hhode Island He publicans renominated
D. Russell Brown for governor; for lieu
tenant governor, Edwin R. Allen, of Hop
klnton; for secretary of state, Charles H.
Bennett, of Providence; for attorney gen
eral, Kdwant C. Dubois; of East Provi
dence; for treasurer, Samuel Clark (re
nominated. Thursday, March S3.
Ex-Senator Ell Saulsbury, of Delaware,
died at Dover jesterday, age,d 75.
, Mr. Gladstone dined last evening with
Henry White, secretary of the United
States legation lu Loudon.
In the trip of the American bark, Nellie
Smith, fiom Savannah to Colon Mate An
derson was -swept overboard aud drowned.
Near Leathervvood, Ky , Ed Hiusley was
killed aud T. A. Bancroft fatally'lnjured
by an explosion in Lance's sawmill Three
others were slightly injured.
It Is stated upon good authority that
Mayor-elect McKenna, of Pittsburg, has
lecelved 337 applications for the five ap
pointments of police magistrates.
The arrangements for the authors' con
gress at the World's fair have at length
assumed definite form and promise au ex
ceedingly brilliant aud interesting succe.
Daulel E. Webster, formerly private sec
retary of Seward, and who held many pub
lic imsitions, including thai of consul at
Bradford, England, died in Washington
yesteiday, aged .
Closing Quotations of the Stock and
Produce Exchanges.
" Piui.Aitrt.piiiA, March In the stock
market Lackawanna was the leader, with a
KinofH per cent, lo 111?, while .Missouri
Pacific rose from filW to Si, New England
from SiVi to and Hi. Paul from 7414 to "H
There were fractional Improvements luuioot
nf the other leodlug slocks. Closing bids:
Ix-hluh Valley 4ti UiadloKg. m. U- 72
N. Patltlo com.. . Id Heading lt pf.&a. ityn
N Pacific pi-ef ... VH Kbadlu ;M pf. 5s Xi
I'epns) lvaula.
Heading : fcl pf. 5s. 24
II. & H. T. com.H. XH
li. & II. T,pref.. IKi
W. N. Y. & Pa. W
Lehigh Nuv..
til. Paul .
- UK
ltntral Markets.
Philadelphia, March J. Flour Winter
Bitiwr, a.3- do. do., extras, $.aox.7; No.
3 winter family, $t.7&ft8, IVun)lvaula roller,
stralsht, $J.4tl.Wl; wtwtera winter, clear,
$4.J&fe&&n; do. do., straight, .&8 7A; winter
patent. $-LlM0l.l5; Mluasota, clear, S.7&ft
d-H. do., ktialvht. ATriiU 10 do patent,
itiJb; da favoritu braud. higher, He flour,-
$.L3Ttih;r ttarrut.
hat Dull, oaler, with 7K. bid and
73,1b--. akiil for Mai eh. VAc. bid and T34c.
ahkoil for April; 7H- bid Aud : asked for
May: 7ityc- bid and 'Mc asked for June
Corn yuh t, steady, wltUV. bid aud 490.
asked for March; 4ic. bid and 4c. asked
for April CV bid aud mfr. asked for May;
VJfo bid ami i'ic. asked for Juo.
Oats-Dutl, stmdy, with 41c bid and iHa,
ABked for Manh; 40. bid and 41c. sktd
for April, i'lvc bid and 41c. asked for Mays
loiftc. bid and 41c. asked for Jane.
Keef ftull. extra mess, $8.3099; family.
Slid 3.5i.
Lard -Steady; steam rendered, ft'HX
KutUr-Dairy, UvTtc.: westeru, ld83a;
Elglns, UHCgdifc: state cruaiuery, iWo.
Cgtfs-New York aud lVunslvanla, 17H
ftl7Vc. wttrrn. 1717i.; Mutura, ta
Haltiuohk, March St. Flour stuly, un
chautred. Vbat dull. Corn dull; w hlte corn,
byaaiuple. 4U lWUc .: tvllow do.. 4Wafctc.
Cats ririu. He inaetlve. Haynriu; kwmI to
choice tliuuthj, $16 aoodT.U. Cotton noiutnal:
wlddllag, v9mi-. provisions mitt, Hutter arm:
crMiuery fauc, JfcV.i do, fair to choice,
&VTa; do., iuiilatktu, JMu EtfK tady at
lftftltiUn. v
I)entntad by Prairie Fires.
GuTllitlK, O. T , March Everything
in the teuitory Is im dry as tinder and
prairie tires are dally ot-curreuotM. lu
Cheyenne otmiity whole townships have
been swett lo the tires and hundreds of
cattle perished Near hvausvHle a num
ber of farms were swept away.
IllM-hargrtl holdiers l'referrel
Washihoton, March IH. Secretary Ia
nuint luu auiuiutiowl that lu the matter of
appoluUueiiU ami reteutlous in the war
departinetit, everything eie imiug equai,
the preference will be given Ui worthy
buuoraldy dicharg-a t uion aoiaiers.
Au Arssiitod lnlter fWmlctel,
MT. Hollv, X. J., March Theown
mlttee on charge agaiast Hev. (Jeorge K.
Sykes fou iH I the aociistsl guilty of ocuuluct
UulasxHulug a mtulster, and he wa aua
peiided for one ear. The oonferwioe ad
journeil sine die last utght
Iliupy ltefiMtl a New Trial.
PuiLtuhi.FuiA, March HI. The atwcUl
allocatur axked iu the ewsw of IXeniLisey
aud lUwtt), the ouuvlviasl llouiaiaad
palaaiwtrs, was refused by the supreme
oourt. It will be argued in IHitaburg be
fore the oourt lu Uttobwr.
ChlKu I'vlfUrallug William's Illrlhday
CNR u; Wan li N Th- nn linn nte th
tug till- ill t
h bt n tuiitt
Urn I-" ii. lu.
eipiU boiitias
ck s Hay
- makiiiH
i a niom
iu s..irrN. U Mi
I T PL, Muli Hvsvult-.if -11
! f?. " ' U T. ' "
I Vu,
Ml Ui wuilicu
i.imu, MATT IS 11H oi- moiii:
AVhl lln. Omirnl in tlil.l'ltt Durliii- llir
Wi-rk Trlilti.titly l-Sitlloitilt-l hy Our
Sl-.l H. (M.T-..F..
Tuewlar was the tint iHr oti-entl(
lino team for all imrioea at the
South End Livery.
Ti Pull Hue of Ingrain niul llrnssel-i
pRrit at Heury Seliwnrte'a.
AH ItludK of books uud flueMntimi-
ery at Luukenbnch'H, Munch Chunk.
l'-jue free lnncti will be served at
W. A. 1'eteiV reatauraut ou Saturday
Harvey O. ICoons In iuotIuk about
ukuIu alter h bud ftquewe between two
ears on the Valley roud.
Just make it a point to Aee David
Ebbert when you want a teamfor busi
ness or pleasure. Lowest priees.
All wool EUitH made to order from
$12 up to HO, at Soudlielm's 'lillorln-
nun, Aiuuvb.unuiiK.
David Hutch, who has n hvdraulio
well Ijoi luii muchiup, will sink au ui
teHiau well for Joseph Obert.
Go to O. A, llartliuK-s livery on
Xorth street for teuiiis for pleasure
purposes or for weddings or funerals.
Iiwest prices.
CouncilnmU'.Toseiih Isuniau, of tho
t. w., coutomplates bulliTiug u two
story attnciimeut to his cozy uoine dur
ing this spring.
Tho report Hint .Mr. John D. Acker
would tender his reslunutiou as Street
Commissioner, to which posltiou be
was receutly elected by Council is not
true. ,
Our old townsman Mr. John Hank
Sr., was out on Friday forthellrst
time following au Illness of some
Wilson Walck, who now runs a
milk wugou, coutemplntos retiring
from tills business during the early
spring. Several parties are after his
The Enterprise Iluildlug aud Loan
Association will elect new ofllcers ou
the Hist Saturday before the third
Monday In April.
Mrs. Frank Shlvcly, residing inthe
south end, receutly sulteied a paraly
tic stroke, but, we a pleased to state, is
now much improved iu her condition
Lumber is piled up ou the Lehigh
ton side of the Lehigh bridge. Hie
supposition is that a uew floor will be
placed on the structure. It needs it
D. A H. Albright, of Welssport, who
will do a retail ice ousiuess next sum
mer, have purchased a heavy delivery
wagon from Exprossman Hagermua.
a. a. u. suits at eaoo, 8S.00, 510.00
nnd $12.00, less it) per cent discount, at
the One Price Star Clothing Hall,
Alaucii uuuiik.
Lust Sunday the lteformed con
gregation elected tho following olllcers:
Polders, Charles Schmale uud John
Ueggus; Deacons, Tobias lluss nnd Al
David Conninglium, of the Flats,
was lu Ifeltza court ou Muuuay, charg
ed with trover and conversion by
Harry Loper. Judgement was given
Loper iu the amount ot Jll.l.i
There was a big rush at Cultous
popular ice creum parlor ou Saturday
evening, by persons who liuvo a palate
for ice cieum. It was the first this
s ason, aud it was of the Usual excoll
eut quality maue ny lieu.
Prudential Ins. Co. Claims re
cently paid by the Prudential. Hebecca
Gould deceased of Lehighton claim
paid 888. Protect your self by iusur
iug your family iu u reliable Company.
Uriukmnn Ilrothers, flue sculptors
marble cutters, have just iluishoJ two
Hue headstones for the late J. W.
Itaudenbush and wife. They will be
placed lu the Lehighton Cemetery.
Property owners on north Fourth
street, are anxious for that street to
be properly graded In order that pro
perties along that tliorouglifaro may
be Improved by tho laying of pave
ments. Tho Lehighton lleef Company's
flue turnout lanaway nn Monday after
noon while going out Third streetTlie
jovial Charley Villhour, the driver,
stopped tlie runaways before damage
was done.
-Chief ot Police V'm. Weidaw don
ned a new uuifotui and got on his beat
Saturday morning. Kawoitu retired.
Police Weidaw will no doubt make a
good ofllcial at least he made a good
soiuier lor uucie earn, so we can ex
pect good service from hini.
The eutertaiument under the
auspices of St. Peter anil Paul's Catho
lic church, inthe Opera House on Mon
day eveniug u week, gives evory pro
mise ot being a very enjoyable event.
The program, now iu llual arrauge.
meut is replete with luterebt.
Landlord Amundes Kistler, ot the
American House, suffering with bad
sight and other ailments for some
mouths past, is gradually recoveriug
and is now able to move about to his
own satisfaction and to the great joy
ot his friends.
Ed Strauss, who now supplies
mauy Lehighton people with the finest
lactael fluid, will take possession ot
Strauss farm lu Mahoning township.
about tho first ot April. This farm is
oue of the finest lu the Valley and
comprises 73 ucres of cultivated laud
beside all the ueceskary outbuildings.
William Horn, aged 21 and with
.120 poundsrt good, solid Democratic
avordupolsto Ms credit, will buy the
Lewis Walck milk route and take pos
session ou the llrst. We wisli the geu
lal, pleasant William n full share of
Itobert Chambers aud wife will live
at Allentuwu. Thomas Mantif, late
landlord of the Lxchange, will make
his home iu the same city, while O. II.
Mantz, will make his home iu Haidetou
where he will bt couneted with Dick
& Mantz, contractors, his father being
oue of the firm
A fellow from Parrvville with a
little too much bail whiskey on board,
drove through towu mi Monday. Op
jxMtlte the Mansion House his horse
took iright and started to run away.
The ocouiiant of the crrriage was
throwti forward between tlie wheels
and waslunlly squeezed. I he tuuaway
was siuppcu. .iu uauiage.
Josiali Miller, of Mahoning town
ship, this week became a resilient of
this town. He will lire ou Mahoning
street iu the . w. Joalah is just re
covering Iranian llluesaoi tour weeks,
during which time he nursed a bad
case of rheumatism. We are pleauai
to see him movlug aliout again and
hope soon to see him fully recovered.
One day recently while Mllkmau
Andrew Graver, of Franklin townabtp,
was going oer his Leblghtcn route, he
wa so unfortunate aa to meet with au
upset opposite the residence of Engin
eer C. A. Huiith, on Scoud street
There was no injury to himself or
horse, but the wnuoa was damaged
and there was a olg spill or lactael
J. II. Koous, the new proprietor of
tho ItaudeuliHsh liquor store, is home
from the weat uud cau now tie found
on deck. Mr. "Koous Aontemnlatea
mauy improvements to his place of
business, foremost amoug which will
be a large luvoice of flue liquors. Hotel
aud aaloou keepers will he sure ot
getting ouly the lwt at theUwest
price by deallug with ulio. Mr. Koons
le originally from Alleutown, aud is a
pleasant aud agreeable geutleuan.
Owners of property along Mahon
ing atreet, waut pavements. They
should have them by all means. Tlie
ordinance presenlies a three walk
on each side i( the street, but the
Auih Te thinks that the owneis of
piuperty along thut
would act wif-eu ir they were to pur
t here feuces back and make all
. mi U aot las tnau tlie feel wide Tiu--I
improvement can b maile now, be
cause all the bulldiugs are back: from
,k the street far euough to alio it The
' owuera id pruiertyim Mauoulug street
I should tlk about this
niiiKP itpms Of runni-r 1'hiibonai, '
Coiirfriiln-f I'r-npl A Who nmt Go
l.llln-r llsr., I nrr. mm i.t-twii-ts.
.J. L. Gabel wasat Wilkesbarre on
.L. F. Kern, of Lehigh Gap, was a
visitor here ou Saturday.
.Expressman Hagerman was at Al
leutown ou Monday evening.
Mrs. E. II. Snyder was the guest of
friends at Hazletou last week.
.Landlord Al Mantsi. of the White
Dear liostltry, was here this week.
The jovial Charley Ouinn. of Shell-
andonh, was here ou Tuesday.
Andrew Mayer spent all of last
week with friends iu S'ew York.
1n... aikv uni...-rn. ..r t'.t....
Sundayed with Newsdealer Vjrctuey.
Slis. John Muflly, of Sayre. was a
visitor among friends in towu over
Ueorge Xewtou and wife, of Hazle-
ton, visited Frank Eisenhour and fam
ily this week.
Thomas Crnlg. one of Lohlgh Gap's
genial, airable young men, was lu towa
ou Wednesday.
. .uev. i'.. iiartnoiomew, or Cresso
na, was In towu over Monday night,
the guest of his pareuts.
..The genial Charley Maurerer. of
Wilkesbarre, closed digits with Lehigh
ton frleuds ou Monday.
. .ltev. C. Sauer, pastor of St. Peter
and Paul Catholic church, was at New
York last week.
..Mrs. Susan Grossman, of Iowa, Is
tho guest of her brothers, Dr. and E.
G. Zeru, on Third street,
. .Mrs. F. K, Hermit and daughter, of
Kutztown, are visiting M. Hellman and
family on Third street.
. The genial Thomas Fajran, of So.
Eastou, was in town this week and
made us a very pleasaut call.
. . Dr. F. I. Smith and wife wcie sum
moned to New York Wednesday by the
death of the dr's step-father, Mr. Ilird
who was known here.
.Charles Deibert and wife, of
Lehigh county, visited Joseph Hess
aud family on south Second street,
this week.
. Mrs. Joseph Shaffer and Mrs. Peter
Kruus--, of Waluntport, spent Wednes
day verj' pleasantly with Mrs. Thos. E.
Morthimer, ou llrnkway.
. Miss Uertha Keck, one of Hazle
ton's most estimable young ladles,
spout several days this week with Mrs.
E. 11. Snyder ou First street.
Mrs. Charles A. Smith and Mrs.
Chas. llossard, of Second street, spent
a lew uays mis weeK very pleasantly
with frleuds at Pottstown aud Phila
delphia. ..We had a pleasant call on Satur
day from O. O. lllose, of Millport, Mr.
IJlose is u soldier of the latowuraud
belongs to the O. A. R., Post at Slat;
iugtou. . .Prof. A. S. Ileisel, principal of the
Lausford public schools, was in town
on Saturday. The prdfessor Is a candi
date for the ofllce of county superin
tendent oi puouo scnoois.
. J. P. Donnelly, George Harleman,
Wm. Pendcgrass and C. C. Kosenberg,
Valley division railroad officials, were
lu towu ou .Monday aud registered at
tne i-iXcnange Hotel.
. .Thompson McDaulel, of Pleasant
Corner, and his sou tlie genial James
E. McDaulel, proprietor of the Wash
ington House, Summit Hill, were well
Known people lu town on Saturday.
.MlssAIvenla Graver, our popular
ami successiui milliner, was at 1'hila
dolphia this week buying new goods,
bue was accompanied by Mrs. Lewis
wehr nnd daughters, Mable and Gertlo
..George Gelss and wife, of Sayre,
Pa., aud Jacob Geiss, of Easton, spent
Sunday very pleasantly with Assessor
Miller ia the f. w. It was the first time
.Mr. Goorge Geiss has been lu Lehigh
tou in four years, aud he was highly
gratified ut our Improvements.
In Fa,oroftli llowlnftultr..
From a dispatch Just received it Is
learned that last week In the state court
at Nelson, Neb., the trial had beeu con
cluded of a suit between the two part
ies of the Evangelical Association and
a decision rei-derod in favor of the ad
herents of the Indianapolis General
Conference. This is accounted an Im
portant victory for the Dowman-Esher
party and is to overrule a late decision
iu the same state In which the )ubs
party was sustained, The case Involves
the validity of tho Platte River Annual
Conference and tho determination was
that that wiugof said conference, which
was recognized by the ludianapolis Con
fereuce, was the lawful body.
ri.Mti.ic sai.i; iiKnisTKit.
Persons who have sale bills printed
at our ofllce, can positively sate ten
ceuts ou every dollar, on the price
charged elsewhere, and secure a notice
iu this Sale Register free ot charge.
We will write up your sale, print the
bills utmost while you wuit. We have
all kinds of .1 splay farm cuts to Illus
trate bills. If you can't como, send us
your order aud it will be promptly tilled,
NUurdsy, Mari'li 20. - H.unu.1 (lHir-t), Utile
lloiMsm,, Urtn wauim., et(
Saturday, March it-Austin itmer. adiu'r ot
John trey, disrd, rranklln iim.. 31 acres,
vsllll Unelllns Iidum and oilier inilirov.ineut.
aiuiu..-, ii I'.mri iipck, Aiaiioillll-,
iuiiiiiok .iM'K mill iNMWVIIOiU -pio.1,.
(J John Ruch, of Slatedale, visited
friends here over Sunday.
V Send Tour name and get this paper
for a year. Asnfleld news every week.
.urn. uavia -euuer.oi ueyuoitis,is
vlsitiug her daughter, Mrs. A. M. Sitler.
V Mrs. J. D. Kistler. ot Pottsville.
was tlie guest of frleuds iu this vicinity
during the past week.
Tobias Vouse contemplates paying
a visit to Fleetwood his old home in
the near future.
IC.G. Ilalliet and David Rehrig,
two of our popular' young men and
also members of the MLUiort Jr. O. U.
A. M-, were at the latter place on Sat
urday and attended a meeting of the
order. They had a pleasaut time.
V Joslab Andreas, agent for the S.
t". i uoniu-i Hone Fertilizer Co., Is call
ing ou his patrons and is booking
many orders for spring delivery. The
fertilizer give general fratUfactlnn,
Prof. X. M. Ualllet, of N. Square,
was here ou Saturday. The prof, is u
candidate for oouuty sunt, of public
schools and is meeting with much sue
cess in his oauvass.
V Fulton ltowtnan, one of Allen-
towns expert painters. Is at ptesent
engaged decorating the interior of
Charles Relirig'a pleasant home.
W Prof. W. P. Porter, of Kidder, can
didate for oouuty aupt. of pub. schools,
waa registered at tne .-siilleld House
last week.
WThe Aahfleld scribe for the Le
highton Pre, should be a "leetle" bit
more careful lu reporting from this
place, leu tne trutn.
f?The notorious Celeeta Itlose, of
Parryvllle will find herself lu castle
Webb at MauuhWhuuk should she be so
indiscreet as to tumble ou this town in
the same fashion aa she did some days
V A pleasant and long to be remem
bered surprise iwrty came oft at the
well knowu nostieryor I'eiirofteweorge
lat Thursday evening In honor ot Mrs.
George. After the usual pleasant con
vlvalitieaa bouuteousrejiast was served
to tne z gusts preseut.
The regular monthly meeting of
the school board waa held ou last Sat
urday veuing. The teacher were all
smiles following adjournment they
received tueir pay.
f Our school house should be eulargd
aud remoiiueuM or a new oue snouid
lie erected It U time that our schools
were graded. The ssuuol here lias 80
pupils and une tohr musHook after
the interests
or all. It is too much
I'M Sal..
A plauo box buggy in flrst-ekvM eon
ditiou. Apply to B. K. Culton, oppo
site the park, First street, Lehigh
ton. U.
ti Miss Aunie Ilrodhead is on an ex-
teuded visit to her sister at Dingmau's
Ferry, rlke county.
ft Lewis Snyder spent last Sunday
at Lehigh Gap with relatives.
6tW. Lee Stiles, one of the best
Democrats in Carbon, was at Wilkes
bvrre en Tuesday.
fi Joseph f. Bennett Sundayed vtry
pleasantly at Slatlngton.
ft E. M. Williams, Forwarding Agent
at this place, Is conllned to home at
Mauch Chunk through illness.
f? The genial Tom Jenkins, of Cata
sauqua, is again following his duties as
clerk lu the Forwarding ofllce after a
few weeks Illness.
tli Mrs. Ira Everttt and Miss Auua.
bel McDaulel did shoplng at Alleutown
ou last Wednesday,
U It Is reported upon good authority
the ex-postmaster Lyman McDaulel
will be a candidate for the nomination
of couuty treasurer, at the next fall
ft. Miss Annabel MoDauiel, L. Mc
Daulel and Jno. F. Miller constitute
the Packerton string baud, on last
Tuesday evening they serenaded Mr.
ana Mrs. lra r.veriit.
ft George Engleman, of Weatherly,
is the uew clerk in Harleman's Btore,
he will move his family rrom tlie above
place Into the dwelling part of the
store. Mr. Harleman intends moving
to the Frame Kow.
d Snrlag Is rapidly approaching and
the people naturally look for good
rnn.u at this time of vear. A uew ofllci
nt nr fciinervlsor has beea elected to
perform tueiltmes oi tuis impormu.
onlce, It IS quite liecessui-y iuai m
whole time and attention should be
given this matter, aud that as soon as
possible, tho roads are in a delapldated
condition, further the people have
been taxed sulllclutiy, so as to warrant
and demand good highways.
(SFred Messerer, better-known as
"Ilntch" had a narrow escape from
death on last Saturday ulgnt, tne scene
of the accident was at Hethlehem,
Messerer Is a brakeman and was stand
ing on the top of a box car which was
bulnff drilled through the yard at a
rapid rate ef speed when the street car
bridge, over crossing me rnuruau
was reached, he failed to stoop low
ennni-h. The conseuueuce was his
head came In contact with the bridge,
throwing him to the roof of the car
with trlghtiui lorce, tue conuucior
who was on the same car was at his
side In an Instant. On picking him up
Messerer asked what struck him UPOU
being told he smiled and walked off,
beyond a scratched and bruised phiz
lie reels none tne worse iroin me au
cldeut. l-AUIll VII.I.K.
-Charles Sewell, with N. D. Cort
right A Sou, at Mauch Chunk, visited
friends here ou Thursday.
Van Clause.the Central night oper
ator, spent Thursday at IJaugor with
Wm. Snheckler. who was spending
a week at Little Gap, returned Friday..
G. W. Wilhelm, of Phlllipsburg,
traveling dispatcher for the Central
Railroad, visited the venerable W. N.
Pursel Friday.
Jacob Schearer. the Central track
walker has abrndoned workon account
of a bad sprain.
No. .1 furnaee is In had shape. She
was blown out Friday. Considerable
repairing will be required to put her
lu good woraiug oroer.
Pale faces (our white friends) de
slriug to become Red Men of this
(Mondamln) tribe should present their
applications at once. The admission
fee has been reduced to $1 for a limited
time only. For Information eonsult
with any of the chiefs.
While Benj. Steigorwalt aud Thos.
Zegenruss were wormug oi o. .i mr-
nace to, Friday, lliey received a num
ber nf bad burns about the head, caused
by the hot escaping gas. The latter
nad a narrow escape irom lauuia "uu
the heisting sbatt.
tames R. Rmover. on Main Street.
bus in bis nnssesslou a chest which is
a century old. It bears the name of
llaterene iraunem. Anno iminmi.irM
Mr. Smnver has had this relic for years
and it may bo exhibited at the World's
The ceneral merchandise store of
T. J. Weston, at Rowmaustown, Carsou
county, was the other day closed ny
Sheriff Joseph S. Webb on executions
amounting to $.1,151.bV. Judgements
had however been entered up oeiore
amounting to 1,C00. The value of the
stook in tho store Is estimated at 84,
000. It will probably bring from $2,"i00
to $.1,000. Among the creditors secured
li? itidirement havina nriorlty over the
execution claims are W. R. Lawfer k
Co., of this city, for 8000. The other
Allentown creditors are 0. Y. Schelly
ABro., 8218.44; W. R. Lawfer & Co., $081.
52; G. H. Klepplnger Jt Co., r2(0.r8;
Strauss Jk Klepplnger, $311.2.-1, and the
J. R. Sehall estate, $182.17.
The Tacker House changed hands
Friday. Mrs. Hartz moved into the
residence part of the Verzl house. Ed
ward llouser takes her place.
The Grand Army people have made
arrangements for a scloptlcon exhibi
tion in C'assler'a Rluk the coming
Wednesday and Thursday nights.
Views of some of the leading battles of
tho civil war will constitute the pro.
gram for the evenings.
While Mr. Chamberlain an aged
citizen ot the west side was engaged lu
digging a graveiu the Union Cemetery,
he was suddenly paralyzed by a stroke
of apoplexy and had to be carried to
his home where he now lies in a pre
carious condition. The old grave dig
ger probably will have to succumb to
the Inevitable.
Married at the Reformed tiarsou-
aire. I.nirene nines to Miss Aiiuanei
Shellhamer both of Weatherly. After
short trip they will go to noiiso Keep
ing In this towu.
Musio undoubtedly has Its charms.
So thinks Mr. Diefeuderfer, ot the
Gilbert House. With two profc-slona!
players from Wilkesbarre and two or
the colored attaches of the house he
enlivens his hostelry with music.
A IIuiiL'arian lad employed as a
slate picker at Tresckow had his leg
brokeu Saturday evening by falling
down the breaker steps. Another Hun
garlan carried him ou uis uuck to u.s
home heie, after whlsh he was taken
to Hazletou Hospital,
Thefourth oonventiou of the fourth
district of the Scranton C. T. A. U. will
be held In Reaver Meadow ou bunday
April .10. The members ot the St.
Aloysious T. A. II. Society or the latter
nlaro will endeavor to have a program
arranged to entertain the yisitlngdele
-George Sang, of Andenried, who
was lujured last July at theTsesckow
oollierv. Is now able to walk about.
Mr. Bang's escape with his life waa
miraculous, his rlgnt leg having lie.n
broken lu six places and his left in
two, but notwithstanding this I Kith
were saved.
Don't forget the great clothing sale
which has Jiut beeu started by Snnd-
heim, the tailor, .Mauch Chunk. He I
olfering ready made clothing at one
half price to reduce stook before en-
l.le .In,. ImlMlnrr- KA -ulll ,l
allow a oath dlwonut of 10 per cent
ueaiowi i lie rw uimu pnisfw.
Last week's Lausford Record tells.
of the prosperity of Thomss J. Nue
imuul, woo lormeny htbu iere, iu iu.
followioir terse lauimase: "The exhi-
bit at Nushaum's, of Spring MQlnery,
Drv Goods and Notions snrpaas any -
thing of Its kind heretofore seen in
.k, o .. ti. n ir.,B .... nARia
of beauty, and on the whole the store
presents a spe.dacle nf grandeur Lans-
f-irri an foal nrmi-l nn liavlncr within
kr borders a stsre of ueh high order."
Hoclrtr llil-lllt. of tn the M.m-
ti.r. nf the Fral.rnllv
The followiug are the newly elected
officers of Germauia Saengerbutul, of
town: PresIdeut,Wentrel Schlnke; vice
president, Charles Kipp; secretary,
riorum Sella; assistant secretary, utto
Dittmar; treasurer, Tobias lluss: col
lector. Joseph Schlnke; musical direc
tor, Wilhelm Suudherr; assistant musi
cal director, O. A. Clauss; trustees,
August riometusay auu .nion May.
Five Castles of the Kuliihts of the
Golden Eagle have been instituted lu
Pennsylvania this mouth, as follows:
Krosgevllle. No. 427. Kresgeville. March
3. Illack Raven, No. JOO.Keystone Hill,
March 0. Scrautou, No. 117, Scranlon,
March 11. Wm. Thaw, No. 470, Pitts
burg, March 13. .rnot, No. 220, Arnol.
March 14. "
State Secretary Wm. Weand.Patrlo
tlu Order Sous of America, reports that
during 1802 there were members initiat
ed, 8,221; members admitted by card,
227; members reinstated, .110; total
membership December .11, 17r').)l; n -
mount paid out in benelltn during the
year, $10G,08.-.18;' total receipts duriug
the year, ?.H!,ai!.83;expendltures,:iOG,
000.00; amount of cash lu treasuries ot
sulsmlluate camps, $111,721.41; invest
ed in bonds, real estates, etc., 8100,208.
70; value of paraphernalia, 81(i,0!Vi.oti;
total valuation $740,018.20.
mauch chunk.
Josiah Williams, of Lausford, was
a visitor here Monday. Mr. Williams
was nt one tlmo County Commissioner
of this county.
Wm. Rapsher, Jr., Is back from
Tierce's HusinessCollege, Philadelphia,
and has accepted a position in the
Valley offices at Packerton under E. M.
Oscar Klotz kicked up a nuisance
in tlie Opera House on Saturday even
ing. He was arreted and for his little
fun paid 87.50. This should Ilea warn
lug to others,
- W. R. Boyle, a Central brakeman
had his right hand so badly crushed
between the bumpers of two coal cars,
on .Monday morning that amputation
was necessary.
Judging from the praise aud com
ment which McCarthy's Jshaps has
received throughtoiit the country this
season tlie Mauch Chunk Opera House
will rlug with laughter oh Friday even
iug wheu tliU farce will be presented.
A late train jwill take Lehighton and
Welssport home after the show.
Concert Hall was crowded Friday
night to do tribute to the closing exer
cise of St. Patrick's d 'y. The lecture
of the evening was by Hon. E. M. .Mill,
hern, one of the brightest stars at the
County Bar. Fred Bertolette, Esq.,
also spoke pleasantly ou the occasion.,
The exercises were plcasaijt in the ex
treme. -Senator W. M. Itapsher dlstlng.
uislied himself at a special session of
the Senate last week, held as a uiemori
al ou the ileath of the late Senator
John N. Neob, of Allegheny City, by
delivering a eulogy that was pronoun
ced by the Senators present to lie a
model oratorical gem. The Harrisburg
Call says, "II e never heard an alder
and more chagrining eirort."
Rev. James McMauus, a former
resident of Jeauesvllle,died utJils home
in Phoenixville ou Wednesday morn
ing at eight o'clock. He was thiity
three years of ago and bus been or
dalned a priest eight years. Three
brothers and threo sisters survive.
Lewis Fisher, aged about twenty
one years, and a former resident of
this place, met with au accident lu
Philadelphia recently which resulted
iu his death, He was a conductor on
a P. A 11. freight train and while ou
daty was caught by a guard rail aud
thrown uuder the wheels of his train.
An arm uud leg wore severed. Inter
ment waa made at Freeland.
Lerey, the 17 month-old sou ot
Daniel Reed, was badly burned on
Saturday afteruoon, Mrs. Reed was
engaged lu some domestic work and
had a pan of hot chocolate nn the table
when the little one went playing a
round and pulled the pan from the
table its contents coming on his head
aud arms. The riRht hand Is badly
burned aud the hot liquid ran lu one
ot his ears making a bad burn. An
effort was made to wipe tlie hands and
in so doing the .skin pealed off along.
Tli. Ilefon-ietl Church. Cent.iililMl.
The centennial of the Reformed
Church of this country will he celebrat
ed iu alt the churches of this deuomi
nation on Sunday, April 30, 18011, and
it is recommended by the proper com
mittee of the various svnods that nrnn-
er measures be at puce adopted by the
pastors oi an tne itenirnien congrega
tions to bring the subject to the atten
tiouofthe people, and that they be
earnestly requested to celebrate this
anniversary in their respective places
of worship on the Sabbath slated as au
important epocu in the history or the
church iu this country, and that where
this is not possible the preceding or
the succeeding Sunday lie devuted to
this purpose, and, furthermore, that
ou said Sunday nf April .'10, all the
church's Sunday Schools be also re
quested to hold appropriate services.
It is desired that tlie exercises pertain
ing to the centennial anniversary con
sist of sermons, addresses, and essays
Having a bearing on the history, doc
trines, cultus aud educational system
of the Reformed Church, together with
devotional services including scripture
lessens, prayer, anil song.
Married in Tex..
Under the heading ot Married lu the
Lerado, Texas, Daily News, of the 18th
Inst., we limit bis Item that will Interest
mauy of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. ISaehmau's
friends lu this city. Miss Weidaw is a
daughter or Ciller or Police Weidaw,
and at oue time, a lew years ago, she
was oue of the best primary teachers
lu our public schools. Mr. Bachmau
was clerk tn tho post ofllce here under
J. P. Smitli, and is a son of Wm. Bach
mau. ine young counle iiave our
warm congratulations: -'At the Victo.
ria Flats, at 8 o'clock last night, Rev.
tvlgar II. Murphy, or the rJPlsoopal
cli u roe, united lu marriage Mr. F. K.
Haclimun and Miss jiura W elbaw.Tbe
bride lived with the family of her uucle
Wm. Smith, who is a conductor on the
.Mexican National Railroad. The groom
represents In this city the firm of
uauaniaHer A' mown or t'hlladelphia.
The Newe wishes them all joy and
Carbon 11 ant, Nona of llaxlrluii.
Cai bou county Is going In build a
new oourt house. Wide awake Lehiirh-
ton wants It erected in that town, while
Maucn v. Iitiuk expecta tu retain It.
Pending this discussion as to tlie
location of the new building, Hazletou
boba up ami says she will divorce her
self from Luzerue aud unite with
Carbon if she can't have a county of
her own.
It is everything to get u court house
with tlie Hazletou land speculators and
boodle statesmen, and tludiug that
their uew oouuty scheme will to be
come a law, they are Ijeoomlug frantic.
and lu their desperation turn to little
Carbon. Here, they think, Is our be!
cliaucel Ihe little oouuty la a read r
organized, and will take the new court
house. White Haven Journal.
Hue suk.
An elftht louin ueUU-K uuumi. built .us
uu-ttera -'tali H all uuaalre and riewu taatra.
beat witb hot air . Hot aud eokt 4er, a baili
renin . larne panlr , pauly ot ebaad.. large ttuV
Lueated lu oue of the DreUusal oalU id Uilitali
Ion. An .LoeUeol opnuruiallf for a .tool.
I JSaiVlXi'l,!!4 "" "' -t"""-"
. , i"".T', ...
Kjldaj tarv of Watweek,
r.; : " , ; . ,
aulUbly rswanlad by leaving
aameat this oltloe.
1 ' . .
, r hlokory suits ror Iwys ar
double sewed, have dounl ku and
double ata, and will Im sold st an al-
( iowanoe at a , exufa disoouut of 10 par
cent at Sondheiu's Oue Price Btar
, Clothing Hall, Mauch Chunk.
SI-KV H.MTI1-.INI1S ItltlKI'l.r llriTO.
TIio lloln--. -.fill. Week I . I Willi
lr.onnl AtenllniiH.
The water wrs let Iu the canal this
Miss Mamie Horn Is out after a
seveie illnese. s
-Welssport children are suffering
witn wuonpiug cough.
Al Whlttliighani and family will
move to I'lillailclphla.
Charley Mauerer, of Wilkesbarre,
wns in town on holiday.
Charley Whitehead, of Allentown,
was Here over Monday.
The Lutheran congregation will
worship iu the union oditice until June.
- Miss hnllle Whitehead Is in Phila
delphia buying In new mllliueiy wiods.
Dr. W. W. Klotx has opened a
; wneeiniigni snop in .ininieimau s old
Prof. Smvser, of the Union Hill
schools, spent last Hun-lay at Allen,
The lady members of the Reformed
congregation have oigaulzeda sewing
A. F. Snyder wns doing business
at Pottsville thisAicek.
Dr Bower, the specialist will re
main at the Welssport House until
.May 1st.
Mrs.T. F. Arnor, of Franklin, fell
recently and sustained a fracture of
the right rib.
Charles Deibert and wife, of
Lehigh couuty visited friends here
abouts over Sunday.
Miss Ida Dauber, olio of our esti
mable young ladles, spent several days
this week with Allentuwu frleuds.
There will lie a pleasant social
gatlieiiug iu tho coy rooms of the
Franklin Social Club this evening.
-"Butch" Ijiikel, of Finiiklin, has
sold his fast horse "Dick" to John
HatismHii, nf tho Wcisspoit House.
Miss Gertrude Horn will have her
grand opening of spiiug millinery ou
Saturday. She has a new and pretty
assortment nf goods.
E. W. Drelsbach has put chased the
llageubach store stand, East side and
will llll uii witli " line uew stock of
general stole goods and push his'husi
n ess.
Ed Oswald and .Miss Ilaibaiu Kcllty
wore wedded Thursday by Rev: Erb, ol
Slatiugtoii. Tlie young couple have
the-best wishes of their many fi lends
for a life of prosperity.
-It is leportod that Frank Helfcl
lluger, of Lehlgiilou, and .Miss Annie
Wassum, of White street, will wed lit a
very early day. In advance we wish
the young couplo much joy.
Thomas Schw all, aged 75 s.dlcil
ou Sunday. Intcimuiil was made on
Tuesday afternoon, Rev. Creilz, jmsl
or of tlie Reformed congregation, oftl
clated ut tho last sud rites,
Resolved, That the drunkard
should be pitied lather than blamed,
will be debated by tho Union Hill Lit
erury Society on Saturday evening.
Affirmative speakers.Aiuiiudcs Schafer
and William Whlttlnghain; negative
speakers, Georgo Yundt and Wiyde
Rev Wuchter surprised many of
Ids congregation when, at the close of
his last Sunday evening discourse, he
unexpectedly announced that he had
preached his last sermon to tho con
gregation, lie has accepted a charge
at Pleasant Valley, Monroe county, to
which place he will shortly move.
Miss Mary Whitehead, one of tho
best female teachers In the lower end
of the county, will open a "summer"
or select school In the new biick build
ing. The term will open ou the 21th
of next month. Miss Whitehead's ex
cellence as a thorough teacher is so
well known uud so much appreciated
that she will no doubt hate a large
number of pupils.
The Carbon County Improvement
Company will assume control of the
Fraiikliug Planing Mill on the 1st nf
next month. Mr. 1). L Davis will be
iu charge of the eulire business, and
we wish for him a full share of success.
He is a very pleasant and agreeable
gentleman ami we hope lie will find
this locality so congenial that he will
permanently resldo among us.
There was a very pleasant carpet
rag party at .Mrs. Jos. Iluusickei 's on
Wednesday. Those present were:
Robt. Anthony uud wife, Mrs. John
Heaver. Miss Mary 1-asderihiv. Miss
Sadie llower, Samuel Shnell, ,drs. Jas.
Heaver, 1-inilT 1 'relsliach, .mis. ,1.-1.
Uarkley, Miss Lilly Bearer, Mrs.
Harriet Drelsbach, .Mrs. Sarah llerker.
Th Ilarmonla Social Club istbe
uunionf l.ehightnu'ri new elite orguni
zatiou, the nieiubeis of which were
entertained in a most graceful and.
delightful manner by .Miss Helen Car
penter, at the home of ,1r. and Mrs,
Robert Sewell on last Friday oveuiug.
During tlie evening tho usual amuse
ments weic indulged in with a delect
able luncheon luter. Miss Carpenter,
Is oi iiioomsimrg, uud is teacher or the
primary school here. She Is a p-leawiul,
agreeable and most estimable young
lady and a uiol siiot-essrul teucher.
The next meeting of the Hnrmonia
Social Club will le at the tialatlal resi
dence of W. E. Ash.oit Third street.
Lehighton, when Ihe members will lie
entertained by Miss Gussie Clauss,
oue or Lelilglitoii H fair daughters.
A party of ladlea and gentlemen
from Maiica Chunk tendered a aur
prise tiarty to Q. I). Arner and his
chum O, II. Kern. of Ixiiduburg, Perry
county, and to Prof. Presho of the
Union Hill schools. The purty was
Held at t lie Home ur .Mr. Arner. inir
lug tlie evening various games were in
dulged iu among which was bubble
blowing, lu this game Miss Sadie I toss
received llrst piizeand Misa MoAllUiter
received the bnohy prize. At a late
hour refreshments were servod.Present'
Misses Li&zie aud Sadies Ross, Kmile
Sigley, Evu Seinlal, Luella McAliater,
Lsther and I-aura Arner, Eva Belts,
Stella Beiber and Mvaan.. Stedman,
Illekley aud Boyd, of Mauch Chunk,
aud MIsi-eH Gertie Horn, Mary White
liead, Annie Soolleld and Mamie Wer
ley and Ed Schllierstine and Prof. C.
V. Kleiutop.
liHt 911.. Itrlie.-4'a lloilld.
After au illness dating many months
liack-Mlaa Rebecca Gould, died at 11 Ho
o clock Thilrsi
rsdav uialit. at the home nf
her sister, Mrs. lUtclilfe, north llrst
stieet, lehighton, with whom she had
been making her home for some time
pa.t. Deuaased was aged Ul years and
.....I ....... n ,n,,t,ia, r ii,u iuiu
Gould, for many years a resident of
Mauch Chunk. Her brother was
Jerry lioulil, or rackertou, who iliml
lakt summer. Mrs. Itatcllffe Is the
only surviving uieuilier ot the family.
The oause of deitth was turner iu the
The funeral occurred on Monday
afternoon. Servient were held lu St.
Mark's KnUcnisil church. Uuuoli
Mauch Chunk aud interment was made
iu the upiier Mauch Chunk cemetery,
-John (i. IUi, Jr., who for some
time (aiat, has beii doing u stios re
iwiriiiK boaluess In IlalUier's little
I mi I Id ing. ou First street, will move to
lluiikwuy in the f: -w Mr. Raltzor will
at oiuw rase the old building aud mm -nience
xcavaiiug for a hatiiluome new
atjileaud rasiricucM. The loitalion is
oue of Ihe Iwst in town.
A great otfel are our men's nnd
iMijh' suits which we urn uuw st-lluigat
mark down pi ics Man's suits ut aTi,
$. and sin, woith diuildethe moner.
Boy's suits from 'i ceuU up. t the
line Price Star I'lothiug Hall, Mauch
The ,PtM, n ,,
conduct-.d by ll.iln
md f.
d I uslues-.
I . Ill lie
ubert building
11,-1 -I,
I .. .mm ku kMH Kh-ji. .i.,u.i
The building Is owned by Mr Obert
and it ia uot likely that he will long
i allow the bulldinir to lieidle. but
haps will greatly luiprou it.
IN OS O.N THR I A 1 1 . .
short l-'irt-rlsil-. That Wl i he ol in
to Ihe llallm-Ml l-iy.
X The automatic car co ipler in,
by Eli Frnut, of Copluy is destm
suirseile all others. A- a hie s.
institutiou it rauks with the most l(l
i liable f the day. Promlm at capittiti .1
Irillie Initial! Valley sie luleiesiuiu
themselves iu the patent and hic cuun
dent that it will eveutuoiy he adopted
on most roads,
t Gen. Supt. Twiuini.. f the Lehi-l,
A Susquehanna Division ot lite ,lelse
Central Railroad, ha, iven notic to
all conductors aud iilIucims ihit
derailing switch has i . eu connect, ,1
with the signal at the nih Bethlehem
crossing. All tialn-- must stop at
notice board ou the out to 1,1, In
tweeu Bethlehem Ju u inn and smith
Hethlehem aud wait I 'i sigual
X The annual statenn nt of the Lehigh
Coal ,v. Navigation !' iieticiul I uiot
shows that lust year t h, aorkmen on
trlbuted $11,102.11 awl the Louipuuv
-312,803.118, and the itil.r- sl of luuds iu
vested was $l,ijC5.,i, making thetutul
Income 25,jiU.il0. Duriug the y.-ui
employees received In benellts, ifls.o (
IS: expense of printing, pbj siciun, etc.,
0i2.;i".; total pnyuients, 813,020 .l The
fund iu the treustiry at the clo-,c of liu
year was 4,. 057.70, which includes I be
balance oil baud at the beginning or
the year.
X Eight moulders wore suspended i..
delimit ely al the Iehigh Valley fouum y
South -2uetou shops, last week- Aiu
Express says; "work in the moulding
deimrtmeut here has tieen slack lur
some lime past, and it spinet lung don t
smut turn up untie lueu will have tog.,
ine i.eaitiug people nave sent uo oidi r
fy any work, niul as not the slightest
thing can be cast without orders a cut
ting down of the torco was the onlv
alternative. There Is hardly enougii
work ou baud at tnosent to keen me
shop running for a week."
X One of the Royal Blue Line trains
ol the Baltimore and Ohio lluilruiid,uu
n recmit inn between New ork au l
Washington, covered a mile in.lO1 , c
ouds as recorded bv a mechanical iu-o
catnr. At this rate the tialn traveied
at the phenomenal speed ot a trifle
over a mile and a half a minute, oi
over ninety miles au hour which sui
msses all previous records ol fast time
It the speed were maintained the time
between New York and V ashirfgtou
would lie reduced witli outstupatowo
liotus uud a half and wit li .stops i,,
three boms. Fne hours is now the
fastest time between the twucities, anil
it is mailo dully by the Royal time Line
X One of the most interesting rail
road exhibits ul the World's Fmr will
bo I ho English locomotive and cars
now on their wrfy to Chicago. The
engine is tlie largest built lu England
itis.y. icet long aim uelghi 4 1 tons
I'ho tender Is about 13 feet long and
weighs 13 tons. When etuunned. load
ed Willi coal and ready to haul a train,
the tofal weight of the eugine and ten
icr lsesitmatiidiitHOtons. Theemmie
is one of the F. B. Webb pattern and
is capable of making ninety-odd miles
an hour with uu ordinary passenger
train on its own railway.
The Lehigh Valley Railroad's ex
hibits will not be sent to the World's
Fulr, the Eastou Free Press snys. I p
until Thursday afternoon work ou
those exhibits was lu progress aud the
employees iu various departments
weie bringing their best effoits aud
skill into play to give the very best
possible results. In the Huzleton shop-,
u speiulld engine Is almost completed
as line a machine as was ever built
At Packerton a modern gondola and
freight car are almost readv for the
order to mote them from the shops lu
.South Easton the handsomest t-f di v
cars is almost completed. But the
will not lie exhibited. After months
of work and care notice comes from
head quarters lu Philadelphia that
tbeie will be no display by the Read
ing or Lehigh Valley in Chicago The
inforuiatiou teached .Vaster Mechuni.
Kiusey on Thiir-day afternoon uno
now interest is lost in the hand- um
car iu tiie paint shop Duuhtlc-.-, muii
lar disappointment is felt at Pack.-rt m
anil llazielou.
Arie.le.l Tor sleallna a Wat. li.
John .VlulliganL ot Audouiied, and
Michael Keating, of Weatherly, wen
ariested Sunday ou the charge oT steal
ing a watch belonging to Edward I'm ,v
of the Point, on Saturday evening M
the hearing Keating was discharged,
and Mulligan was heid lu $.H0 bull The
watch was afterwards found in oue or
the jewelry stores of town, wheie it had
bef ii sold fur $3. The case was settled
this morning by some of .Mulliguu -frieuds
payiug the costs aud i el in ning
the watch to the owiiet. 1' reeiaud It i
lho llreutv.t DIoIIiIm-t Sale
ever held will take place during tin
next 00 days ut Snudhetm's One Pn e
Star Clothing Hall, .Munchl'hunk W
intend tn enlarge our store and must
have room for that purpose, we an
offering jou 15,000 worth id men's,
boys' ami children's clothing at anal
lowauce ot a cash discount ot pi p.-i
cent, which, wit h our former reduction,
will give you clothing at almost b.d!
prioe. This oifer is good only fot '
days and should uot be missed l ,iu
l'niiKrH..i.iau l.llll ..lMlnt t a,lel.
Thomas Costeulieudei , ot Main h
Chunk, has Iweu appointed as a cutet
for West Point, bv Congi essinan l.du
The young man will report al e-i
Point, June 1.1th.
He has also appoint. 1 Robot M,
Dovw.ll Moser, sou of Lb ut. .1 Mo
ser.U.H or naKtilugton, loimciU
of Slatlngton, as cadet tu the Naval
Academy at Annapolis, j .seph t.utol
son of Mr. and Mis. E. 1, K.ihod,oi
Mauch Chunk, is named as nUt-mai,
A iiumber of youug rirls uudl-o-
can find steady employment at goo.t
wages, ny applying innuediutciv to
Jobu Yost, sniwrinteudi ot l-hihtoo
Hosiery MiU. n
Cara of Tluiaii'
The telatlves of the Ut K. I., ,, .1
Gould wish to avteud to the nubli
general their grateful thuk foi tl
kliiduess shown to dec,
111 tie
I' I,
illness aud the faium it
pecial thanks are -t,t
rector and nieiiih i - t st
church uud b t ft n i I
Chunk To lu i l,iu, I-
deat h
i. led It
. in
Mao. h
fot ilo 1
neighbor iu I'
Daughters, Pa.!,,i ,,i, I . ml.ei s ol 1 1,
I M- church, audio tt inany friend-
and neighbors n J.. Ingbtun
l'o tic
physiciau iu chos iw In
atteudauce aud i" ut win
tiled lo
of oui
make cheerful the 1 1 t days
dear one. Also the kindness and
psthv shown to the family
Mart A. Hmuin,
Maroarkt J. Uoi i i
iti'rih id liirttir
IIoiis( ,d nil
stri IlKtll 1 all
United M,i. - ( ni i-i n in
d, i,,. . I
(tipori. ii.imiio
1,1 1
I .11 , 1WI) till , , 1
1 A
Ii d,vetiiiit!