The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, March 18, 1893, Image 4

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The Carbon Advocate
Harry V. Morthlmer, Sr.
FFInE Seller'! niook, North First Strut.
'lliUraper has liee accented at the tohlfhtnn
l'ost ortlce as Second Class Matter.
oon AiivEKTisixn iiath.
Ieal and nearllng notices to take rim o(
uer .c per tine lor each Insertion.
Executors' Administrators' and notices, 1 On.
Auditor anil Divorce notices tl M
Cants ol thanks, f. s. unions ul re.nect, and
similar notices one time It en.
tncil notices nl entertainments. Miners,
festitals, fairs, dances. and all enleitslninenls
smigniif to make money -. cents ier line, tin f as
)h ni ' illng: lias bi en done for the same at tills
'! r advertisements. Hie, Incties ami over,
is pe nu n per annum.
Sulu ilinlon rrleel.oolienili) sd cash
rl MtnotsotM This ruin will lierearier
as stnt f ntly enforced.
Term-i-Translent advertising "d J"1' lrlt
(!; yearly advertlslnit pan-Me itiarterly.
Address nil Communlontlolia to
II. V. MO HT I II. MIOH, Ses'r.
Our Circulation 1408
take i allment peddlers should be
No betteb wan could be elected i
Biipe ntendent of public nchooKfor
Curb n county that Prof. N. M. Halliet
of Normal Bgnaro.
Should Mr. GeorRO Escr( of Maiieh
Chunk Becurw the appointment of He
yeune Collector, he will make a pood
fllclal. ConKresmiau Mutchlor is for
Mr. Esser.
It iaatnusluR to read la the partisan
press that tho Democrats are making a
wdUa.Taceful scramble for tho spoils."
We would kindly turu them back to
18S8 and then let 'em consider.
TiiE Advocate would kindly invito
Couucil to give .some consideration to
the nro light for fetreet illumination.
The ..candescent light does not nusvi er
the purpose for which they are intend
ed, Lehlghton is big ouough to have
something better.
All abandoned wells (should bo filled
in and not used for cesspools or
drains for water closetn. lly prevent
ing this now there will be no need to
guard against sickness and epidemic
later on. In any action in this direc
tion council should heartily support
the board of health.
The bbidoe across tho canal remains
intact, a meuace to the sufety of the
traveling public. When the L. C. &
N- Co., loses Us grip on the law, the
people may get the necessary new
bridge, In the meautimo, perhaps the
best thing to do is to quietly grill and
bear It.
The generosity of the Carbon Coun
ty Commissioners in only exceeded by
their broadaud genuine disinterested
philanthropy. Vov a year it was under
stood that the apprasemont Miould ap
pear in the Hecord, Gazette uud Advo
cate, but in order not to tread on the
toes of the press It Is dHided up and
given to six uowspapers and there is
now just about enough in it to pay for
the setting up of tho tvpe. When 'the
newspapers of the county begin to
laain a little more of Independence
and a dollar dues n't look like a wagon
wheel to them we can e.xpoct some
thing dltfeient, but will the tlmoevei
ome ?
A concentrated etfott should be
taade during the coming mouths to
have a new Lehigh Valley rallrotul
station built in the rear of the Kx
change Hotel. The present station Is
a very small atfair, too small by far
for t 9 big business done hert by the
Valltj, while at the same time it is
Wadlj located. A station lu the rear
f le Exchange Hotel would
onvulence the public-both passeu-
far uud freight tmtllc dud be a long
felt vant, most excellently (Hied
Perh ipH if this matter wero brought to
the attontion of the company through
tie m sdlum of a petit ion from our bus.
mess ..en this object could be accom
plUh i. There is nothing liko making
an el. rt in this dltection any way I
Tin. Panama scaudle exemplllesthe
fact t it the "rascal" is not aloiie con
fined o the Uuiled States. It appears
that' greed for gaiu, the desire for
Moue has so thoroughly satiated uud
sot cc upletely permeated civilization,
that t get this"root of all evil"men now
steep heir souls lu the basest crime
sad ring ruin and disgrace upou
themt.)lves and families. It was
Ingr oil, we believe, who said that
"rich were a gilded hell," yet men
pluti wildly and recklessly into the
rort-A every day. Somo radical meas
ures should bo adopted to put a stop
to tb a mad race or we will soon be
shor' of prison colls. Added to this
sulci 4v3 re ou the increase, many of
them brought about through financial
Hfflc Ities, caused by speculation uud
fasti ring. It is time to stop and
eensi icr "where we are at.
Tin . f, are some men who are uIwayH
audi lates. You can set them down as
and ites. The chill winds ot popular
Usfay ;r may strike them but they are
sad, 1 ites. They may go down under
tbe avalanche of ballots, but they bob
up serenely as candidates agatu. Their
vase may look hopeless; there muy be
no dawn to their night, but they are
candidates nevertheless. They meet
you while running for otllee and with
tears In tuejt eyes ask "if you can't do
o good dou't do me no harm. They
haunt the streets like living ghosts;
they enter public places like men who
have lost all that is dear and near to
them, with wistful, pitiful count enances
and soon begiu to tell their woes to
any one vho may lend a willing ear;
they are up early lu the morning to
eaten the worklngtnan, upon the
"bhoys.M Defeat does not dispel their
ambition, nor dlsrouragemeut teach
them to, work for a living, but on the
owtrary -they t live In Jbbpe till "lifu'a
1at ember burns. t f -u
Railboad brakenfen throughout the
eountryfeel (wushlerably elate! over
their successful efforts In having ujaw
patltsyt&rw. aiyUigned by the boardslnasmokeJusf heii
president vonipellltiK every railroad i caught lire. lUr husband was terribly
eugaed in lnter-stto. t rattle ta liaviij ,n trying to .itiniiulsb tb, BatnM.
it. can, m.6duh .utomaM a&ffiMjSi.fft
More lives aro lost ami rwiie men areT-HTIunofl ywtenlay. Justus Uunott flrni
woun.le4 ekery year throllub acclilAitl
In coupling earn tbuu ifi-miy otlieiVl
.i".i , .
qpijt ooiRUie oeni'try, mlnlqtPiH.
i iai rrmy service not -xoepte), Tlie,
Uy la ireasW, and tlii'autmntlo ponfi. 1 'f0 'l'1" fiftiifV.Tri; JroJnl In tho
l.r Ij expef to llfcfcto
onsl .eruble. The railroad brother- In atrlngiug a wirp acre thTrlver when
moQtv rnve worked unowisingly for the
past ' fti Teru for this Uw, uiiil td f'lHMw. Vflroh.iV,! Teae ,m at
an.z j
.f ha ,ng It l-nrfxf. TTifi-LiimJCffJpMu trIlr,JL ,
iia. o wn nivtm t WWiqytoJiaviflf 'if 1 'itSi'tl'tT fi' lut
their 'ars equipped ftitli the new cptiti- '"W(ilt il ftr occurred
ler Two or three jat wonld ItAVef"' t , Krdii,,i4'l'W(ii4,A( (tut, mA
to tli new y.teniliut CMUwrej
)UUi oar,, I... , .. i
tor 0 t e law "will c into tflA.
FUJI pALrfl.
Ao .ht room dwelliug hoiiM,
.lit room dwelllug house, built ita
fttom ge IMHrtCTirtsMI tf-sifryy, iWejLjsik -
eaai i i.,Mm a iae l.oaie rieSnl.
I '
tBundholdors Demand tho Removal
of Receiver MoLeod.
'case may be taken into court
ktvr York Ilondtiotdrri 0ipoictl to tin
of CrHflcatci by th ltf
cclvcra Which May Hare Tilorltr
Their Honda.
i PHtLADKLrntA. Mnreh 10. Messrs.
Charlei B. McMlchael and John II Dot
Pftwoi, representing a number of promt
nent holders of the Heading railroad com
pany's general mortgage bond, have sent
a ooniinunieatlon to the trustee under the'
mortgage, asking. First, To intervene tt
prevent the issuance of receiver's certifi
cate by the receivers of the Heading rail
road, which may have any priority to the
aforesaid bonds. Second, to reform the
mortgage so as to provide for the setting
aside of ten (10) cents on each ton of coal,
mined by the Heading Hallroad company,
as a sinking fund for the aforesaid bonds.
Third, to ask Jfor the removal of Mr. Mc
Leod ns one of the receivers.
Charles McMlchael, connel for the New
York bondholders of the Heading rail
road, who yesterday applied to the Penn
sylvanta Company for Granting Annuities
to take steps to protect the bondholders
Interests, snia last evening, "lue step i
took was in the interests of my clients.
They have large holdings and wish their
Interests protecteti, and tuey naturally looif l
to the trustees of the bonds to do this, but 1
If the Pennsylvania company Is averse to
doing this we will begin proceedings our
What specific charce will von bring
against Mr. McLeod when you apply to the
courts to have him removed from the re
ceivershipj" 'Well, we will try," replied Air. Mc-
Mlchael evasively. "We will not go be
fore the court unless we think we are justi
fied in tlolnir so. I will have a consulta
tion with the counsel of the Pennsylvania
company in regard to what shall be done,
and of course I don't know at this time
twbat the result will be."
Thomas Dolan, a director of the Bead
Intr. Hrtttl be did not think the action of the
New York bondholders would amount to
much. "Why, it's preposterous," said Mr.
Dolwn. "to suppose that the court will
stultify itself and remove Mr. McLeod
from the receivership, hen Juuge uauas
named Mr. Mclx'od as one of the receivers
he was fully cognizant of the condition of
the company, and he is also aware of Mr.
McLeod's abilities."
Another gentlemen largely interested In
the Heading and also In the Pennsylvania
Company for Granting Annuities was also
of the opinion that tho protests of the New
Yorkers amount to next to nothing. He
characterized their proceedings as the
action of a few disgruntled bondholder
and speculators who had been overreached
In a railroad deal and wished to avenge
themselves on McLeod by causing him all
the annoyance they could. The gentleman
called attention to the fact thnt the bond
holders would have to show some crime of
Mr, McLeod'a to have him removed from
the receivership, and this he thought they
would have some Trouble in, doing.
National Repuhllrau Leaffii,
New Yoittc, March 10. The executive
committee of tbe National Hepuhllcan
league closed it three days' session at the
Plaza hotel yesterday. The sub-committee
of the National league was appointed,
and is made up as follows; President,
James S. Clarkson, ex-ofllclo; James A.
Silanchard and A. 11. Humphrey, ot New
York; J. H. Manley, Maine; IaaoTrumbo,
California; K i Allen, Michigan; J, W.
Patchell, Indians; J. M. Thurston, Ne
braska; H. W. Austin, Alabama; W. E.
Hllcy, Kentucky; W. W. Tracy, Illinois;
John II. Hohlnson, Pennsylvania; J, P.
Kelley, Wisconsin; H. De B. Clay, Vir
ginia, and Frank J. Cannon Utah.
A Fanatic' Terrible Crime,
ST. PKRKBsaURO, March 10. An Ana
baptist fanatic has.heen arrested In Latrlg,
goTernmnt ff Saratoff, for having mur
dered & girl ol 14 years, lie had been
preaching before a room full of people In a
private house concerning his power to
raise the dead. At the end of his sermon
he strangled the girl, with the consent of
her parents. In order that he might dem
onstrate his pretended ability to bring her
back to life. After his prayer and exhor
tations hod continued for two hours the
(mrents of the girl became convinced that
le was an Importer and complained to the
authorities, who locked him up.
Henry L. Danes Banqueted.
Washington, March 14. Ex-Senator
-Henry L Dawes, whose continuous ser
vice of thirty-six years as representative
ot the state of Massachusetts In the
.national congress, equally divided between
the upper und lower branches, ended on
the 4th Inst, by his voluntary retirement.
iwas complimented by his former associates
by a dinner last night at tbe Arlington.
It whs tendered htm by members of the
fene, Irrespective of party.
Armor Irm for IImuetpad.
estead, Pa.. March HI. The Car-
;.egia ateel company has ordered a new
kirt's forlts armor plate works at this
place an enormous piece ot machinery
ibai win cost over l,uou,ito from .Man-
chehter, England. It will be the largest
plecr of mac It I aery of the kind In this coun
try, and perhaps In the world. The press
win nave a capacity ot iu,ouu tons, a plate
tiuiM tons cau be worked In one piece.
Eight lluuri for Letter Carrier.
Washington, March 14. The United
Statts supreme court yesterday affirmed
the judgment ot the court ot claims In,
favor ot tbe letter carriers In the cases of
Anion S. Post and Frank Gates against
the t utted States. These canes arose under
the ..a prescribing eight hours as a day's
work for the letter carriers. The carriers
are entitled to extra pay for over tin, ou
any single day.
llilrty-four I.Wea tout In the now,
San' Fhancisco, Marchld Advicesfrora
Yohoma state that thirty-four lives were
lost by n aalanche ot snow at Hyda,
Japar., Feb. 15. Fire destroyed 290houses
bnd injured three firemen at Yawstaihow,
japan, ren. 14.
Acnln Auy Coal Combination.
Albany, N. Y., March 16. -Senator Mo
Mabon, chairman of the special sepata
committee which investigated the Head
ing coal trun, has drawn and will next
week Introduce a bill which forbtdi, under
a penalty of 5,000, any combination to
nfiufciicu lbs price ot coal In this state,
Sir. Qlaititona to Oo to tti Reailda,
LOMDON, March 18. Mr. Gladstone will
go to tbe seaside for a few days, at Sir An
drew Clark's orders, to recuperate.
Crimea and Cainaltle of Erery Char
acter Sent by tho New Gathercri of
the UUTerent Localities aud Carefully
Butler, Pa., March 14. Judge Charles'
McCandleas, who was struck with paralysis
on Monday, Is dead. He was 58 yearn of
age and was the leader of tbe lliitlvr bar.
Scran ton. Pa., March 16. Yesterday
John Kane,aypuuginau, aged Wyears.dled
from the effects of an abnormally large
dose of Undauum, taken with suicidal la
tent, Bradford, Pa,, March 15. Judge Mor
rison yefcterdav denied the motion for a
new trial In tbe C'rosimlre cae and sen
tenced Halph Croaarulrn to the gallows.
The governor will set the day for the hang
log when he signs tbe death warrant.
HEADIKO, March 17. Mrs Augimtns
Hock, of ProviuoebDwu. tb( uounti. xh
Kiw4 arsl .till... .. .... t
i"" jVJbe lntruilVif aM h thlnlfs Ikio
"V'&lel H fF-JW i0! JSn ind
drupiwdagol.twauk which he hadMUred
:u Mliw ImflUTi
Lorg iuvkk. Mnh H.-Johu Joyo, of
rJ1oht'rvt, 1 11 'i
. 1 ' : """""
Tti-sfoN Pa. MarJV li -lllarrr Kuk.
1 dryLoiiituiu-tl -. iclda by Ariug u wallet
a grwat euf
' '; "l.e wiih rh.u.,
Nln. Man Killed and Eight More Hor.
rlbly Burned.
a i.nihi I
MoALLlDTEtt, I. T., March n -
tnln. .vnlnftlnn fiMiirrwl In mint n 1. 1
I owned by the Choctaw Coal comp;
-"I --- -
1 Aiideiiou, I. T , six miles east ot McAIlls
ter, on the Choctaw Coal ltnllway com
pany's property. It was caused by tht
premature explosion of a blaxt. Then
were only eighteen men In the mine at tb
time. Of these nine were killed outright
tnd eight so badly burned that they will
vobflbly die.
The excitement Is so intense that it Is
Impossible to ascertain the names ot dead
and Injured, who are mostly Italians. Tht
dead who have already been taken from
the mine nret John McFadden, John
Scanlan, W. E. Warren, Ernest Matthews
Warren Love and Jules Trlocorl. The
mine is owned and operated by the Choc
taw Coal company, and considered one ol
the best In their possession.
lloiton's Greal 111 ate,
Bostok, March 11. One of the most de
structive fires in the history of Boston,
next in magnitude to the famous one of
Thanksgiving day, 1890, and In the aams
district, broke out shortly after 4 o'clock
yesterday afternoon, and before tt was
placed under ccntrol, three hours later,
htftl burned over more than a square, had
reduced to ashes several of the magnifi
cent new buildings recently completed in
the territory burned over three and a half
years ago, had consumed property valued
at a conservative estimate at M.AW.OOO,
had destroyed three lives, and mangled or
mnlmed a dozen others. The dead are
Hobert J. HMeaux, aged 23, a ladder man,
of Charlestown; Leonid as H. lied path,
merchant, who died In the hospital, and
a girl, too badly burned to be recognized.
Cm tlied lleneath railing Wall.
CHICAGO, March 10. Yesterday a fire
started in Stephen Carter's picture frame
factory. The building was a brick struct
ure and five stories In height. It was
well stocked with picture frames and ma
terial. A short time after the fl re started
the top of the south wall fell on the roof
of Stephen Carter's residence, adjoining
the factory. The building collapsed, bury
ing the people. The dead are supposed to
be o. J, Chartler and Ullle Chnrtler. The
police suspect that the Are was of Incen
diary origin. The watchman went on his
rounds of the building and encountered
Carter ou the fourth Jloor. Carter Bald
everything was all right and went out the
front uoor. A lew minutes later be dis
covered sparks dropping down a chute.
The AVllinhiKton Conference.
Middletown, Bel., March 16. The
twentyflfth annual session of the Wil
mington MethodNt Episcopal conference
opened in the Methodist church here yes
tenlay. The presiding oilicer is liishop
Stephen Mason Merrill, of Chicago. The
chinch extension society held Its anni
versary exercises Inst evening. A . I Mow
bray was re-elected secretary; W. It. Mow
bray, statistical secretary; C. A. Grise,
treasurer. Conference stewards chosen
wero P. H. Haw lings, S.J. Morris, J. K.
Bryan, C. F. Shepherd. The report ot L.
Barrett, presiding elder of Wilmington
district, showed last year $.V),0UO was spent
on church buildings finished and soon to
be occupied.
Three Death In an Oil Wreck.
UTICA, N. Y., March 14, A horrible ac
cident occurred ou the Ontario and West
ern railroad within a few miles of Oneida
last night. An oil train patted on an up
grade and the rear part collided with an
other oil train that was following. An
engine aud four" cars were wrecked and
burned. The flames from the burning oil
Illuminated the country for miles, en
gineer Michael Donohne, of Oswego; Fire
man Martin Dalrymple of Oswego, and
Head Brakeman Burke, ot Norwich, were
Instantly killed and their bodies terribly
burned. Donohue and Datrymple leave
New York and New Knglantl.
Hartford, March 16. What is comld
ered here to be a movement looking to
ward placing the riew York and .New En
gland road in the hands of a receiver was
made yesterday, bherlll Preston and of deputies, with Sheriff Tomllnson,
of New Haven, and two deputies, went to
East Hartford and attached the property
of the company nt the car shops and yards.
Tbe attachment ts mndo at the Instigation
of Stlckney, Cunningham & Co., a Penn
aylvanla concern.
The Collision Unavoidable.
Philadelphia. March 15. An official
Inquiry was made by the coroner yester
day into tbe collision between the Wash
ington express and a West Chester local
train, on the Pennsylvania railroad, near
South (street station, on Feb. 23, and It re
sulted in the Jury finding a verdict that
"tbe collision was an unavoidable accident
caused by the sllpiery condition of the
tracks owing to the snow, sleet and rain,
Five pen-ons lost their lives as the result
of this accident.
To Marry Her Coachman.
Boston. Jlnrch 15. Mrs. Francis D. Hil
ler, of burial casket fame, will be married
ou Kastex Sunday to her coachman. Peter
Burrette, who is only SO years old. ber
rette has had his name legally changed to
Henry Hi) ler, tbe name of the deceased
husband, in accordance with the wishes ot
bU Intended spouse.
Couch) lii's New Trial rnstpnned,
CHICAGO, March 14. Daniel Coughlln
was arraigned tor his new trial before
Judge ISretano yesterday, hut at thude
fendant's request the case went over until
next term of court. It is stated that tbe
delay Is because the prisoner has not yet
secured an attorney.
The Waters Receding.
Grand Hapids, Mich., March 10. The
water has fallen about six inches since
noon and still continues to recede. Tbe
danger Is oer for the present, but the
great distress and discomfort continue
and Is augmented by the Intense told and
Fourteen Were Killed.
BERLIN, March 14 A building In the, Carlsbad collapsed yester
day while twenty men were repairing tt.
Fourteen were killed. Seven ot the bodies
have been taken from the ruins.
Mrs. Leas Gets an Office.
Tor-EifcA, Kan., March 18. Mrs. Mary E.
Lease was yetderday elected president of
the state board of chartles at tbe request
bf Governor Lie welling.
Iloasted Herself to Iath.
Tyler, Tex., March 16.-Mattle Clark, a
negress, suicided by saturating her cloth
Ing with kerosene, applying a match and
roasting herself to death.
The 1 'resident's Cousin Dead.
Alton, Ills., March 16,-MIss Lucy II.
Cleveland, a couia of President Qrover
Cleveland, died here last night.
General Markets.
Pnn.ADct.pniA. March LV-Flour-Wlnter
superfine, 9sisS.): winter extras, WMQZ 75,
No. 8 winter family, t.?SQ3; J'eDOsrlvaota
roller, straight, SAw&aat, westttrn winter,
clssr, t3.tfo43.5D; do. do., straight, 1U0&3.75.
winter patent, ta.tMdt.13; .Mlntiesuta, clear,
MTJ8.36; da atraUht. 1L7&MJ; do patent.
It sJtt.t-); do., favorlta brands, btgher. ite
our, $&2& per barret.
Wleat-Qulet,tady1 with 73a bid and Wfia
asked for Ma rob. TSHe bid aodWjo- asked for
April; T&Hn. bid and Tftc. asjtsd for My,?Kc
bid and 6o. asked for Juno.
Oorn-Qulet,nrm, with Ko- bid aodivafa
asked for March, tio bid and OHo. askttd for
April; 49Kc. bid and tlHfto. asked for Msti 4Ho.
bid and asked for Jane,
Oats-gulet,teadr, with 41a bid and 4ma
asked for March; 404o bid and 41a asked
for April; 40So. bid and tie. asked for May;
4&Ka bid and 41e. akd for Judo.
lice f-Dull, weak; extra ms, 1 9. S0ft; fam
ily, tuaia.
Pork-Quiet, weak; new nses, f 19.&0; old
meaa, tn. eitraprltne, nominal.
t Buttcr-Flrm, active; dairy, :)fi(c i west.
td dAlry, 18a.i Elglnt, Mfia: creao.err,
iWHtlJrVu., wstsra oroawry, lQe6c.; ltnl
t t ton crtataary. rolls, 17SI.
Erfgi-Falr dsinaad, steadisn New York and
ronuslvaDla, 17a. westsro, 17c; southern,
1 1 UALTiMoar- March 15,-riour doll, nn-
vuiunvu, . neMt uorn quieuwnite
corn, by sample, iS64frbiat yellow, do., 4S4
4Ba Oau qult. lift dalL Hay flrm,teady; good
!to choloe tlmothr, tllT, Oottoa notnTnai;
mlJd-lna, (Aso. Protlstons dulL Datter firm:
ciMwirr,,iMM7 iwvfitau. mix to rnoipe,
Jidda Imitation, 3 to. Egsauy at l$OU
Towoseud hate) war,, ilMs'oyed. A. flr
man named King was burned to d
about f iuo,uon.
M.m.rlal S.rtlt., . o.a.ral Holler.
lW.TOk'.J.linih t.iTritnocit temple was
MM tat i night by an audl. gathered
,0 ,!?,u ta "'JffW41 J? Putler.mi
cutv or noaion. mere ware uuuit IiuIIm
ti ..!.
To fh. f.allou. lu Colorado.
Duvu Maich 10 The wnat.
clay paa,J a bill ui,ohnug cauital pun.
IJV 1'IW- i't.iir(i.ii,., be.ulu
a If -as B64ri,i tU la knowu to
fa.ur It, aud it alniuat certaiu to uaetb
An Arkansas Town Partlallr Destroredw I Beers. ic,-'gewfri ore .... iv
ST. Lom., March 15,-One half tU I $l',fo'u8$ "r" ll
town of Arkansas City, Ark , wan burned. Kr&Ca;N U'sTffi 7
Th elevator warehouse and tnijlie loadfut i DraflH, M Sentl More . 11
caraofili. Valley route, a brinehjiVlthJ ' KlS'TiU.' luu'i'ad'aS: 11
Iron Mountain road, several stores and the III? " itZrtfaeSZiZl ll
I ,lsi li t lama Siiuc store.
Mindinc of Grand Annvand Cod-
- . .
The Grand Army Representatives Fur
bish n Ward In the Confederate Home
In Richmond In Return fdr Courtesies
Ei tended to the Veterans.
IHciiMom Va.. March 16. In recoenl-
tton of the attention that was shown the
severat thousand Grand Army men who
visited Richmond last fall after the en
campment of the Grand Army at Wash
Ington, a committee was formed before
adjournment to present a suitable testl
monial In return for tbe kindness shown.
It was a a reed that the eastern ward at tbe
Solder's Home should be furnished as the
testimonial. Mr. N. V. Randolph and Mr.
Gans, of this city, were appointed a com
mittee to purchase the furniture and send
the bills to the Washington committee.
This has been done, and the ward has been
handsomely and comfortably fitted up
with the latest Improved hospital furni
The ward will be used principally for
those who are incurably a filleted , aud will
be a Int monument to the existing friend
ship between the camps of the north and
the camps of the south. Tbe following
delegation from the Grand Army encamp
ment of w ashlnirton arrived in the city
last evening on a special car to formally
present the ward to the home; Chairman
Johif Hay Edson, General II. V. Boynton,
Corporal! anner.ex-uistrlct Commissioner
Douglass, General Duncan S. Walker, B.
H. Warner, E. II. Hay, R. A. Parke, P. V.
De Graw, ot the United Press; Inwrence
Gardner, 11. P. Godwin, of The Evening
Star, and Isdnr Saks.
They were met at the depot by the fol
lowing committee: Colonel John Murphy,
Colonel A. Warcher, Colonel T. T. Pol
lard, James T. Gray, John Manly, N. V,
Randolph, J. Cans, A. L Phillips. J. W.
While, Captain Frank Cunningham and
tbe Southern Associated"Pres.s agent. They
were escorted to Murphy's hotel, wherean
elegant lunch wa-s served, after which they
were driven around the city in carriages.
At 6 o'clock the party arrived at the Sol
diers Home and repaired to themessrootn.
.Where the Inmates of the institution were I
assembled, V. Rnndolpb, president or 1
the Iniard of visitors, called the meetingto
order and briefly stated the object of the j
visit and Introduced Mr. Edson, who made
the presentation speeech. Mr, Randolph, j
In a few well chosen remarks, accepted
the trust In liehalf of tbe home.
Patriotic aud ton chine addresses. In
whlct fraternal greetings Wre exchanged,
were then made by the following gentle
men: Corporal Tanner, Colonel Douglas,
General Wanamnker, B. H. Warner aud
Mayor J, Taylor hlllson. 'Ihe committee
was then ditven to Murphy's hotel, where
they banqueted and more speech making
was Indulged In, The Washlngtonlans
left for home early this morning.
Dr. Talmnce's Troubles.
Detroit, March 12. Rev. Dr. T. De
Witt Talmage, of Brooklyn, In answer to
a reporter's Inquiries, spoke as follows re
garding the financial embarrassment of
his big Brooklyn tabernacle, which, It Is
stated, will be lost to the congregation
unless a large sum can be raised by April
1. "Wehae been at our wit's end how
to save our church The embarrassment
arises through no fault of oura. The story
In a nutshell is that years ago we built a
large church. The next enr we enlarged
it at almost the of a new church.
Just as we were getting It paid for it
burned down. Then we built another
large church. Just as we were get
ting It pit Id for the lightnlug put
nn end to It, We then built this
church, which Is practically the fourth
church, counting the enlargement referred
to as a new building. We have raised dur
ing my pastorate 11,040,000 for religious
purposes. But no church on earth could
endure without serious embirrassment
what we hae len called on to go through,
and we must have help or top. Our con
gregation Is going to do Its utmost, and
day and night our people will exert them
salves. The newspaper pi ess are doing us
a dindueftsthtit I know not hnw sufficiently
to thank them for." Dr. Talmage also
stated thnt contributions for the purpose
of relieving his congn-gation from their
financial difficulty might be forwarded to
him In Brooklyn, and would be promptly
Presidential Appointments.
WASHIN'OTiiv, March 16, The president
yesterday seut the following nominations
to the senate: William McAdoo of New
Jersey, to bet assistant secretary of the
navy; Edward B. Whitney of New York,
to be assistant attorney general, In place
of Abntham X. Parker, resigned; Passsed
Assistant Engineer Charles W. Hae, to be
a chief engineer; Assistant Engineer Will
iam H. Alldere, to be a passed assistant
engineer; Captain Charles Williams, as
sistant quartermaster, to 1m major and
A Ghastly UlaH-otery. .
LouiSViLLK, Ky., . March 1U. Eight
hnman Iwings packed in four barrels was
the ghastly discovery made by a freight
hand of the Newport News and Missis
sippi Valley freight depot yesterday. Five
of them were the remains of men, and the
other three of women. Whether there is
any criminality attached to the matter or
whether the lunik" were Intended for dis
section by medical btudeuts Is not known.
Celery anil CatfPuo-llroniide.
Wo liave It fresh.
(iooJ for Heaiinclie, Sick Slomucli
and XervowsnoKs. '
By the doco or yon ou tuke It
home: Sioc., COo aud 81.00 bottle with
handy dobe cnp.
Wb hso other rcinodies for head
ache too. Tlioro 1 niore than one
kind of headache aud how somo do
Sunday School llibles aud other
Moral and IloUclou Hooks.
Fine Stationery.
To see Nurtwry Mock. We glow all the let
beat varietiea, old aud new, reolare all tloek
that dies, and guarantee stUfa-tlou. lllaheai
wtlaryoreoaiiiilattloii uaUlfionithestart. Write
for term. 11. E. IlookertJo., Ntiseriuieu,
lUx IteMer. N V.
EsUbllabed issa, IiMottora44d la.
lartdlf Want fit
Tn take orders for Madame Wood's Corsets.
Hlth kid Kotovtett hip and kid tlinwd tM ht,
Horded Crt Watats, Kateeu Hklrti, lloaoiu
Forms. How ioii.r ters, Kteel I'rntet-tors and
Halel) IWIts, for catalogue to
J K. WmaJ,
308 South Sal I n a street, ftracuse, N. .
Carbou iHiiiutr.made by O. J.KUtler,
for tbet?ouuty of Carbon.for tbeyear
IHH'1. An atipeal wilt be held at the
Court House, iu the Ilo rough of
' Mauoh Chunk, at 10 u'clook a. m., on
Aprils itfto:
MA IK H rai'lTK SUiat.l'41H
rt a
ttttfar II 1 araJn iiiarThant . t
tei oo
7 On
7 00
7 00
'10 On
7 oe
10 00
40 00
7 00
7 011
7 in
7 00
7 eo
7 Oe
11 M
7 00
i Beriibarda.W , geiHrral store 14
Hiiniiiier,ti.r.,ioreHiat bailor, n
Bariho.onu,tli.,ume tinware 1
Beers, a. K.,"gw
e I aga, J. II.. geu. Hon i
liraud Union tea ...,.,.
llrulu.lVvV..roi!.4oial niarkU.' 11
,7 eo
1 t''filJrfeL-Aas'r!! II 'II?
fX YXi!SS2n8tt.ri 1
- iileirii.oj.j. w.44;".'. u
; r
t us
rfoiii. Tj li,. wweiw.
:""' . "itzr.T.'zi:"
Ko.tenbad.ifc NliaMlli
Staealr, Jeuu, -or.. - ll,
UnTr4WliteMiuiii- ' .coal t' '
lkaflDaSBTETstifoiien ll
SitS'S' !!
Illrr, Uaua. gi naral un 1 1
I liar. 0 J..oaal. u
Miuri ay, P, ah, atere 14
, 7
1 uwRniS
40 to
in fs
7 no
T o
it m
7 10
7 00
10 00
19 on
7 eo
40 00
7 m
11 M
7 00
Hex, Kl War... KClierill attire.
I . IfHIlb. W Wl.
s hrunk, W M , sinves-tlnwsre .
Knnih. .1. W.. dru"
tsoiidheim, lieiir,lothlnK
tstmuheltn, Jonas, clnililug
Rinn.iL II nini iTiniriM
, 13
fttroli, w II , boots a d shoes.... la
Hlisrkey, Mi f.jrenerat store U
Sletfnmn, John, Jeweler. I
The Uooveu Mereanlllte Co "
Union Median
Allautlc UenmnK Oo I
Vol me i, U., uakerft confectionery 14
Wunicke, Hefir), general 3t re... w
Wurncke, John.cml J
Wlirsi, J. A.. etinleetiim, tjs.... 14
Wurncke, . V., general store. . .. 14
Wanu-ke, H. boots and shoes It
Vtariicke, Mrs. Liiuiia,srli stoie.. II
Wejsser, John O., brewer.
Yeager l(ros. turnlture& carpets 12
root, booms.
Reiser fi Son. one table
Intz, I.. I-., one table
McGlnle), t rrtitK, one table
Kelis, Leopold, one table
Aiken, James, tea store l
Arner, M., tinware
llrlslln,.l. t-. & Son, lumber li
Mrltlln. rraneis, notiorts U
luvls, T. K, ditijts J)
Mavis, Mrs. M., inlllner U
Mccready, .I.C., general stoie.... U
Nevltts, Jm hoot end shoe Ure... 14
itlckert, SAinuel, tinware 14
Itlchard, Joaei'h, seiierat store...
Henslt w, T w., ilriias U
swank. H. I. .furniture 14
ainjard, M. .general More 14
H.itinelder, W., general store 7
I aimer, Joseph 1
Wenner, 1, M., general store J
Johnston, II . sceiieral store It
10 to
7 00
7 00
7 OD
7 00
7 oO
12 HI
so oo
30 Oil
30 W
9b oil
7 00
7 (HI
lo Oil
7 00
7 Oil
7 00
10 l
7 no
7 Oil
It oo
7 no
7 on
7 00
40 CO
7 HO
7 on
7 ti
wpatiirri.t noauciiH,
iiinktpp. W. W.. tiL-neral store.
10 rO
7 00
7 00
7 tin
t'assler, Charles, cm
KHslle, .1. O .general store
Hiiuek, M. lUhTowrleif
Milliter,.!. W noelt store....
Hniiu, W. N., attt. Bene nil itoie
Hitrlacher, A. li., cohlertlouer)
Kulp, Mrs., tulllhien
Kresnly,.!. Il , aenersl store....,
Uthani. 1. ll.,tiruKS
Underlain. i mm.gen st.tre. .
7 tn
7 0J
7 00
12 HO
7 00
7 00
11 00
t no
7 00
11 w
7 (0
7 00
7 00
10 Oil
30 00
30 IHI
Miller, it. w., itenerni siore iv
Nusi, U t., sioeaaid thiwau'... 1
Sendcl. J. ., haul ware 14
Warner Klmer, generul store, .... W
Warner, Kd , furniture 14
"Idle, Frank, Jt'tteler
Sumlln 1m, II, clothlui.' 14
Honiltr & fining. ueiieralMnre.... lit
r.i tier son, A,, 1 tab e
Del lender I. r. II., lUtWle
Ash, Keulwn, general store It
nuwiiMii, r., guieral Moie 11
Hlo-e, U. O., general store It
ii.-fr. stiiiiMr: treoi-ral toie 13
7 00
15 00
7 OU
Ural. John, ireneral store w
10 00
Craig, Jo in, unit 14
f 00
7 00
7 10
10 00
rrnsi, luurtt urj guiMiiiuii.
(iet7,.lmep)i. net eral store 14
limner, II. ., gemral st4ie II
tlieeii.Cluiles.getii'ral More i3
lo4tenoatiei, d.,n.eriuaiii nui.ei. i
Klstler, A D., and tlm-aie II
Koilenbiulfr, J., general ktore.. . .11
.Milt, U ll,uii'!Uiat!tinlllir.... 11
Knelt Atiselit, general suae la
eten, T. J.fHeneiBlstotc II
W'enleu. T. J, coal 14
east vhsn.
7 Oil
7 10
7 10
7 (O
to on
111 U0
7 00
7 10
(leitrge, Pi'iuose, More... 14
Carlmn lron&. I'll) iki.,io,i..... 14
iutlai, tieorge. aim ojMtit. i
rel(is,.buub( general stoie 1
llulier, 11. A.&Ou, gen More.... ll
lUrluun, Mlretl, l Uble
Suiltheors, I'. W., geiieilil hture.. II
Itiery, W F.. drugs U, H., carnage dealer.... 14
t'arbon V-o. Imp. Co . lumber s
Ciillon, Mr". M.. inilfncr II
Kunt7, M. O, hides and leather.. U
guhiis, W'. s stoves aud tinware. 14
Utury.t'. w., ronltttluiierj U
Uiiij. Mrs. M. A., general More. U
NuHiiauiu.Chailes. general store, ll
I'lillllps. .1. A., nuMe store 1 1
Suwh'r.A.f''., iiiiw.'lunen,trgiins.... H
leunei, J. A.,generaIstore 13
111 LLl Altl lAULF,
OhriMinan, Henry, l uule..
AruiT.OiOir,! table
mahu.ninu Towsemr.
Arner, A., genei al sti e.. . . . . .. . . . li
Holder, Cimiles, meichaiiliulller. 14
It.iileniHii, .1. I.., general slore. . u
Klliigeinaii, F., inereliant iidlh'r . II
Kooui.J. W., general store 14
Miller, M S.,gelieial stoie.. 14
iSfidle, Uharles. general store.... It
Smith & Um.. general stoie 14
Zimmerman, utrilagei, sleighs
aud harness U
Axers.K.lL, general store 7
A)ers. Li. ll- general store li
Itemer Meadow MoiuOo iu
Carter, W.T.Oo., gen. store.. 7
7 00
M 1,0
is 00
7 00
7 10
U0 eo
J 00
7 10
7 10
7 (.0
li M
7 10
7 00
10 00
10 00
ii r.o
7 110
10 0,
7 00
7 OS
10 eo
7 oo
10 00
40 6:1
11 60
10 WO
40 00
'16 00
7 00
7 DO
7 00
7 00
2& is)
7 W
7 00
7 no IL l!ii
l.uliklti., II. K. ciiuIwIlolitT).... II
TimIsl', ltuln'rt, Biucfr I
WII1IJIHS.T lUKineral sun..... II
Wear & Son, uwcts 1
Auranil, A. II., hook slol. U
lillKlit, .1. O., (HinltiHl) tell, store, a
Hi llm,. I. funeral stoin H
Dails, U, .).,' Oo.,iiell. stole .... 14
l)j(ls. It. li., drill!,.; 1
Day Is, M. T , nelii ral stoic II
I'jlelsU'lii, I.. ilotlihiB 14
Kilnauls S'llionn, gen. store....
KiiivanKl'.C, fen. stole U
Kuhlet, Itobt., ailely store. 14
Kerlke, J. 1-'., groceries ami boots. 14
r"esler. tlHCilr, trunk & uiocelles 14
Fellows, Miron, boots &. slioes.... 14
linnet, ll. fir.. Iuiila.e.... 14
(llinilhs, ltlcliuril, boot & shoes.. 14
ii .ii .1 M . foniltiire 14
7 0
7 00
2) te
10 IK)
7 00
7 (10
7 00
7 10
7 00
7 00
7 00
Hull, J. It., lumber 11
Holmes, A. It, Krarral stole 13
10 00
7 00
James. Daniel, boots auu sin.
Klnc, Amtrew. tojs
Kliwe. C'., Kencral Hre.
L. O. & .SaMaallon supply store..
l.lTlnitstii,H., central store
Meelllls,llr. A..KCII. store...
Miller & lire., contecllonerr
Illss, 1,. O.. stoves & tinware
.VuiuulU'r. A. Muen. slore
7 00
7 OO
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 ini
10 00
10 00
7 no
Xtftuautil, J. I., uiiiiinery .
U'liouuel, imcli,,
O.ilnn .1. A.. ilrilL.,
.. II
, 11
7 00
Keese, T. !., sewing inaclilnes
unit menus 11
7 00
Hlclunu. .1. K., ceil, store 14
Ne.kyKHenUesk, elothllif 14
7 00
7 IS
10 O.)
7 00
26 00
11 (0
aineriuau, A., eioiumK"
sehiimuch. .1.. butclier.. .
.. 14
narmi, h & Co., sen. store...
Wetzel, I.. L Bieen tris er
Ilnney, 1, It., I room
u'Domiell, h., 1 room
Itrancli, ItlctuUil, Ken. store U
lleuu)liolT, J.rboots ami slioes... 4
ilorbv a tl.,Wtlv. it li. store II
10 U)
7 no
7 00
rorbi. T. 11., peueral store
orinuli,, Kroeerles....
LiHler. 1'atrlrk, geu. stole....
Miller, It., gen. stoie
AlcUlto). '1 nunias.iien. store....
.Marsileii, U, tKiker
Venlen, .1., geuerul slorn
Watson, tl. L.. iteu. stoi.
7 0
7 00
7 ()
7 0)
7 00
7 en
7 14)
7 00
7 fO
Anthony, It. A., flour ana feed.... U
Aiitliony, tt. A., furnltuie 14
liet,, Eilwlu, gen. store 14
l-'enner, J , gen. slore 14
rlilfer, A. T., gen. store li
Heller. J. W. .stores ami tinware. 14
Itiujeiibileli. .lollll, general .line.. 14
Ivteuller, II. U., eurrlage dealer.. 14
Markley, 1 boots and shoes 14
Kramer &. Intr, gen. slore hi
Ki.t hernial. J. 11.. boots & shoes.. 14
7 0
7 00
7 no
10 no
7 00
7 00
7 0
J 00
20 1,0
7 00
7 Oil
7 00
7 oo
hfekert, J.K., "lumber and ll
ttaber. Mlward, boots & sliots.
Bolt, K..I., geu. stole
niijuer, ,aiiiau.eo.ti
I Wl
Hlilder.Nnlhnil, aeu. stole..
.. 10
yi 0,1
vt lilt
liUcliMtd. W. 11 . cen. Mure .
1 on
Ktintz, V, V.,
, 11
11 Ml
: oo
7 OO
7 no
7 OS
10 Oil
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 (ill
7 Ol
7 ou
7 no
7 i.i
7 OU
7 oo
-7 1st
7 00 A., i-lollili)K i4
TOW All UN fl I Ml l("WHir.
Kunkle, Ilarrlon, gu. More ll
Kreage. Caul, gen. une 14
Moer, DemiM.gen. stoie 14
- i'KM roatwT TOWNSHIP.
Bennlnger, .1, M geu, Moir...... 13
Uauner, 1'aul, gen. storn 14
LkUIllllTitN ItOBIttUH.
flalUer, Daniel, notions 11
I4t-kf li. Jeweler ll
lUjer. Andrew, oil and lailnls.... tl
llachiiiHii, W. it., gen. More II
Oluiws Jiroa., merehant tailors ... II
Cutum, It. K., roufeolloner ll
Ouliuii.Wn. il., inlllloery 14
hreibelbls, Jamd), coat 11
Ijltalienikey,OaroliMe, geu.sloie 11
tbueit. lUvW. llonr and teed.... 14
teb, (io., Move and ilnwaie... ll
FJizlan, (1. II ,gen. slore IS
rriuiiuier. J. boola&MHNm. it
10 tu
7 00
10 00
Fensterniaher, Mrs.1.., gen. stoie. 13
ragit.Jolin, aewlag iiuuhtnea..
1 11
. 11
7 UJ
nut. u. ir., ouiener
FrauU, Wilson, jeweler
(loth, 0. A wall paterand oil.
7 10
7 (si
Oalnjl,J. L , hanlwaie...
10 Oo
jnuri, ,1, itt vmi i
iruer, Hamuel, iue & tinware U
flmver, AHvua, nillllnery 14
7 00
7 uO
7 OU
Hajiaiiiati, h , gen, stole..
leiu,!.!. general swue
Hank, lolui, rotileetlonery
Ilagainan, A. t., notion.
Helm, r,, siuHi tire
Horn. 1). T.. drujis
7 00
7 Wl
t 00
heineier& rlwalU, furniture
t 00
Kenuueiei.Win. aeu store..
hucli, l. s. (.ip.r store
Ktllltc. it. .1.. Miliar inweekuuf . .
7 OO
kulius, V. S , stoves aud tinware. 14
7 Ou
7 00
1.. t. ill t'oniuau), store It
L. r. & 11 Couieauy, eoal II
la-hlgb aito.i t o U
Merkliam A & Hon, gen. store., n
Mlllhuuse, IL cigars It
Miller. II. lumber It
Nusbaum, 0. T., gen. store 11
Nuauauiii, tl.vv. sewing uvathine. It
llbert, Joseph, meat market l.
reters. II. ll.,mereluuit thur.... 13
Itltoads, C. U., gell. sWl. tl
Heber, N. H . rTrun II
Heldel. J Jl., eoiileetioiiry ll
Uehrtg Uweu, ualbts and Paper,. 14
Trailer, Murns, carriage dealer. . 14
Hwartz, H-, furultuie 14
rlweeli), K. I., aeu. tim U
Miyder. K. It ,gea. .tore 14
Iar,tifiitAli Ileal Co a
9 00
1 60
7 m
7 00
1 1
yu eo
10 (
11 90
t Ol
7 OU
7 00
10 UO
7 00
M 00
7 1
7 00
Iralner.riias. Hour aud feed.
Tnouiaa. T. I) , drugs
Walu Itobert. aon. store ....
. II
, ll
le i
10 I
Walp, Jamea, stole, aud uoware.
Zeru, E. U geu. store
HO 00
7 00
fool, aooM.
Weidaw, V . 1 i able
Oauer, hum, geu. store 14
Hruoks, Frank, geu. aceae ll
durbtnao, 11. A , geu. atM-e U
Brabm, ITeory. ahae store 14 aea. stole 14
Henu)tiotr,K.W. atoiMA U.ware. II
liMcbniau & iswab atoie & tluware 14
CbrMuuMi,Maitiu,tuuiscoo, clga, . 1 1
1 l
7 00
7 00
t 00
it m
10 l
T 00
11 JO
T It
T oo
T Oo
IHeekroau, J. geu. .tore..
hum, jauiee, urugs
aleser, w. J., drug.
Xutll ti Bells, gen. store
. II
.. 14
. tt
. 14
. u
.. II
luea, geu. .tore
JJluuus gee atere...
i .want,, wo OTHU
i ti-hwetuius, flus, brawer.,,.
. Tbe abet. Taaeafor Mta.utlle M.
I due KM uaa(ite ua the t ,
' Hr.l liar .1 1IAV. 1HS,
to lutueaT Mutrjeai'ii, Treasurer, at Ihe Us
deiiuaii National Hank, Maueh ,'fmiiU Pa.
II J kliiri.Vu.
Wealherly. Pa. alercautile AppreiBi
RiVIh inri titiiitt.ui vmitil H4
, ViMJ K
Kcnr in h flour mill- mm a lur I
inc vnmj it ror turn
K v , rtiy ra
NitHjtt. I'lutrlfH. luiiith'i
E. G.
Opera House Uloek,
We Don't Give Awav
Make a Cash Discount of
On every dolhu's cash purchnse made from our Popular Furni
turt Establishment, We have no skimpy stock to select horn,
but one of tho finest assortments of House Furnishing (7oods
to be seen in tbe Valley. ITell lighted store rooms to display
our goods enables purchases to buy satisfactory. Just now
.showine pretty thinjjs in New Furniture of nil kinds and
magnificent Carpets.
Come and see ns and take advantage of this big Cash Discout.
Hemy Schwartzes,
First street, Lehighton.
LA Ito Kit eCRPLCi,
2.070 Death Claims Ppkl in 1801, $8,946,1 82,72,
For Rates rind further Information Address,
WP. LONg, Special Agent LetightoB, Pean'a.
A. Sell & Co.,
l.ea t,t I ttia IIium-, Inn Kli.ct.
Teams fur allt rurposes 'litieil out at very
KiM.nn.ibta Prlcps.
" 'iT'tu't! IM AUAI.I.
a a
3 r
B 2.
o 2
B s
3" 3.
3 ar
' .i-.-at"
Coats .Wraps and Jackets
ikS. OTJLTOlsr,
"Weissport, Pu.
Fine Sale Bills
PmttedMpij. Cheap
Our Spriiif. Line of Clothing in now
complete mid comprising the Latest
St5les (or
and Youth,',
Our eflbrts to sell the hest Clothing for
the Lowest Prices nre becoming npprcciiited
mid we show you the lnrgect stock to se
lect Irom.
v Don't Bn? Until Ycu See Wlial We Hayc.
Lbhighton, Pa
Presents but We Will
$39,054,943 '
New Bee Hive,
1893 SPRING 1893
Wk are reailj for the Sprlns Spason In
Dress (i o ods
Nuav Goods,
New Shades,
jNew Styles.
All open atnl vailing your inspection.
Shades and styles so charming that you
oan't help to admire tlirm. Ve have them
In greater variety than .oil ever laid ejes
on outside of Philadelphia and New York.
A lo prices tho? are rlgbt they're nt the
bottom lottnil, Writ, for samples and
compare them tvitlt other gondii. lt.iaiciii
ber the tilace wo refer le Is
Comer 8II1 nnrt Ilnmllton St.
No store in Onrbon county.
enters .more carefully to tho
varied tastes of the people than
wc do. This fact is particularly
exemplified in our grand Easter
Display to which we earnestly
invite the attention of all our
people. Whether you buy or
not, it will be a pleasure for un
to show our goods and give the
prices. '
Saturday Evening.
Tho First this Season.
B. K. Cult.on.
Wall Paper.
From Cheap Blanks to Fine Ollt and
Pressed Papers, Also, Fells and Ingsalns,
with Handsome. Frelzes,
Window Shades
leady to hang, or put up to order.
Paint, Oil, Varnish,
Glass, Drubcs. Painting and Paper
Hanging, ny roinpeliiriH unrkmen In any
pari 01 tne county
Hooks, .Stationery and Fine)
Goods, always a large stock a'
fil Uroadway, Jlauch Chunk.
l''or a Thorough Training li.
It ulll pay )initolBlt Hi
Centre Sqcare, Allt'iitowu, Pa.
I The moiit Ttiomiigr:, llrttt ltgtiUtt, ami
I'liirfi r.iiiiiru uuiiiinririMi irnimi'K
In rfiui8lahui.
Eight 1
Com ittfnt
Mot rracllt'Hl Count. Ht lloimt llaira.
lift M Cfll 9WK11U W MlMlCiilH nuiiiuiiiy.
btiul(uti aMtfi lo lUijIiiK p0HtU.M1i. HmihI
for vHUIogue or at office.
ftwrtMuu nwiwkiii this iiir. t-tl
The South Kud Jeweler.
do you wan r
Watches, Searf Pins, blocks,
Watch Chains. Necklaces,
Hold IVncils. I'.ur KlliL'C
Rings, Hracoletw. Silverware,
Society Emblems, ll'uttth
Von rau buy lUein and manv nvore at nnr
PoiMilar Store on 1 anliHay.
In all It, briineh.. earelullv allnnded to al
ton prltHM. -
Wilson .":., z,
Itaiiltwnv, Lehighton.
Soidel's Bakery,
nnt sit.!, IlilatiUHi, cmi will aloat. ia4
FrMlmtaad BmI
Itye. Whppt anil Vienna Bread
r tnli Kwcjr law. Our VIhsh HhM wsuaM
fceaaMtsai. W.iiKs'tftitll sntt. it ).hii 111.111
.4,. Wat,.h lr 1I11-ssaa.n.
StHdnl'ii Vienna Haery,
Off. OUrt'a, FIMT fl . UUIAalTOM. fa
Ask M. C. Henry and Martin Dulilra,
of East Maucli Clntuk, who saved thorn
a clean cold $150 dollars cash on 11
I'iauo. Ask Sir. Chan. Armlirusler, or
1 1 10 Mime place, who saved liim$C", on
a l'iuno Organ. Oh I I am getting
there with both feet, ye high war price
agents, come down to honest prices.
Phillips has not seen (It to accept my
proposition yet.'numelv: One Hundred
Dollars for every new orgrit he sold
that he did not make f'20, if he gives
me ten dollnrs for every one I will
show ho made from C20 to KiO dollars,
He clulms to be satislled with prolit,
that sounds nice, but why tlou't ho
carry out what he Rilvocates. I am
also headquarters for Sewing Machines
I sell the ;Vlilte Cott'age at . . 00
White & Domestic at 30 00
Wheeler & Wilson at SO 00
Davis and Standard at .10 110
A Handsome High Ann iu 7
Draw Oak at 3100
Bed Springs just hulf what you pay
Nearly Six Thousand Washing .Ma
chines sold during 1B1U, they go Round
or Square $5. Come and see me before
purchasing and I will save you tnoiier.
C&. We will Sell anything and every
thing that we carry on Small Monthly
Payments "
Weissport, Pa.
Owen Rehrig,
Corner Secoml and Iron Streets.
H'e have severed our rfonnec
tion with Mr. O. F. AcHer, nnd
will hereafter do all kinds of
house pair ting, decorating nntl
paper hanging ourself. We will
make prices on all work in our
line as low as possible, while at
the same time we will do only
the best kind of work. "Ve will
be pleased to figure cn any
work thnt ou may need and we
also hope for a fair share of your
patronage. Hre will continue
oitour headquarters for wall
papers, Corders,Curtains,Paints
and Supplies, nil kinds of
Stationery ,Vc , and will kindly
solid your pntronnge.
Owen Rehrm.
mow's Old Stand.
TI1 handle all tho Daily nnd
Weekly Newspapers, l'eriodi
cnls1MagnzinesIFnshinnHooks nntl iStory Papers, and we
Deliver them promptly at your
store, residence or office. Do
you gi t a pnpT ? If not please
try us. Besides the news bureau
we have a fine assortment of
Cigars. Tobacco. Confectioneiy-
Finils. Nuts. Toys aci Fancy GocJs-
At the very Lit west Cash Prires. Hy
fair Hinl honest methods and u close
attention to buuinewB wo hope tti
merit your nutnmaj;et o we kindly
usk for n trial. Please call.
3'ose's Old Stand, . . First Street
G roon Groceries
Frank Leibenguth's
wliere al-r can be found a
Flue Iine of Flue UrtH'.ne.
l'rults, Car.dieH, Oreeu Vege
talilea Irihea.Kin.Ad., at tlmu'ry
Iiweat PricM. Prompt attett
tiou and gtiotl goods.
fPrTfiAI.I. A N'D FK. IK
Now is Your Time!
Building Lots For Sale!
Don't wait, but come at nnr
and buy one of these beautifully
located lots. 1 ou will lie sur.
prised at the vi -w they afford
and the price ill be sure to
plcafcc you. No trouble to show
yon around. Call on either
A. r . B.NYIJKlt,
or It. J. IlOS'dKN,
Bast WelasporlPa
Trees! Trees!
A UM MHoHuveut or Frntr, Atnl
'UiaM Ti. bvivgrttu, mhriilM. hk-h, m.
IJIA A LRUS Wfi1 al t-r rpv.n.i .
lUi ItrjlW rmitm. and In rati-ihe in
am mi bib m ttwm lo tb Bwrwi . a itmiprteni
iwui will awywatlnajal Um mwhiiuc of ortlf r a t
a mmtmnlm tttmnm. IManDtlvr ralalMiui' sr-nt
We piint sale IhIIh oheajtcr
limn an aihar wftire in Whh
wet ion.