JOB FEimIKO Is ft ippclalty nt out Job I'm. miu- Mti . In Snyder Blm-k, hhsi ..jjit ! -Bridge. Km eh n ?-. Note hi m. i i n j , PlMtiiuletM, Or-U-r Hook, ,. ;, m, lia-. and All kinds of IV Mo.HtnM nnd .-.?.'.' HI1K Vh do hU work iieKtly, HiRily an-i elwMilr Do you nwd anything In tbi". line? then rail and nee hh, or write us m Mntnl mr and we will he nt your new in . a Imiui'i in nliiti.iii lhi.ii any other ni mi i imnloil In ( ' county ,onn qiiently ii 1 best medium fur adver tisers. Our news columns sparkle with Miu nocuirenoes iif thodBy clem, spioy, interesting, bright and independent. Our editorials are original aud will be worth reading on aocountof their spirit which Is independent of outside dictation. Our price is one dollnr h year. Just you try It. 'INDEPENDENT"-"LIVE AND LET LIVE." Ob XXI. No. 18 Lehighton, "Carbon Oonnty, Ponna. March 18, 1893 $1.00 a Yafcr in Advanc DBWfflALCHEAPCASHSTOBI This is tht' 8onson when ovi-ry person nei'ils Muslins, ATlicetitigs jPiinls, Sec, hikI they wnnt to buy them nt lowest liricos ulso. (Joino nnd lciirn our prices mul judge for yourself, we are in n position to give jou belter values for less money, than any other house bar none liken ise In Notions, Uoots nnd Shoes, Rubbers, Qneensware, Wood and Willow ware, Oil Cloths, Groceries, Provissions, &c. Ik-member our stock in the first place is much larger. Shut be and are lower then that of oilier houses. Have you tried our Own Baking Powder, you should and save money. Our Golden Rio or Slatchh ss Coffees cxccll any- thini.' in the market lor flavor or quality, the prices aro right. J. T. rOSBAUM, nil street, between smith ami I'liun sneets 'clilglitaii. Fit. ATVEEK'S NEWaCONDKN bl). Frlilaj, Mnrrh 10. The empniM of Austria ba decided not lo visit the World's fair. President Cleelfiud lias decided that In innklug appoint inputs former oflice holders will be excluded, except "in exceptional nnd extraordinary circumstances." The sensation In the Panama canal trial t Paris yesterday was the confession cf M lialhaut that he had accepted a bribe for presenting the lottery bill In the ibamber of deputies. Rat u nitty. March 11. The Rovernor of Calilornla has signed the bill prohibiting prize tights. The first postmaster given office under the new administration was Newton A. Hamilton, who was yesterday appointed postmaster at Klore, Tenn. Secretary Morton has appointed Donald MatCuaig, of Nebraska City, Neb, chief clerk of the agricultural department, vice Henry juaitsan, resigned. I The German relchftag committee on the army bill rejected the government's pro posal to increase the standing army to 4W,0flS, exclusive of officers and uon-com-missioned officers. Momlnj, Mnrrh 13. Steerage triiftlo Iwtwecn Europe nnd the United Stated, which was discontinued Jan, 1, has leen resumed. James W Hjatt, United States treasurer in Cleveland's first ad mini strati on, died at Nowatk, Coim., yeterdny, aed 5T-. Secretary Herbert says that he does not favor making changes among tho me chanics of the navy yards because of poll tics. The anti-winter race track bill passed the New Jemey legislature without oppo sition. The bill allowttraclugulne months in the year Uayord Gray, of Chicago, will accom pany his father, lion I-vuic P. iiray, our minister to Mexico, to the City of Mexico at his ttectetnry. TiicihIht, Mairh 14. Harrv Kernell. the famous Irish "come dian, died in Hlonmlngdule tiisaueasylum, lut evening uf paresis. Kalulant, the Hawaiian prince, visited President and Mrs. Cleveland yesterday, aud was cordially greetwl. The appeal of Hugh Dftnpsey against the rinding of the Allegheny county wiurt was filed in the Pennsylvania supreme court at Philadelphia. The statement of the receivers of the Reading railroad aud Heading Coal aud Iron company fchmv liabilities of tlMV tiH OU and assets of f 15,TTU,71I 41. Fitzsimmniis has not et received his purse from the Crescent City club, but tho officials of that organization have made ariaiigemeuts for a satisfactory seltlemeui with the tniiiilUt. liy an explosion of gas In the Rainbow mine near 1'erryopoiis, ra,, tumiim iiarn grin, William (iuuldtboro, Oliver llrant- hoeu, Joslah Hose and Mine Inspector William Duncan went severely bunted. IVeilnt-Bilay, March 15. Secretary CarlUle has appointed W. II. Huby commissioner of Immigration at the port of Ualtlmore. John OetTer, of Homestead, Mich., was caught between two trains, beutme be wildered, fell aud vas iiiHlantly killed At a meeting of the dlieclors of the New York and New Kiigland road jeslerdaj A A. McIeod was elected pi evident of the company. Peter JackMin has went a letter to James for Wit lu wlilch he oilers to tight the champion In tase Charley Mitchell does not show up, and will helllu.OiiOon hlmnelf. The Hiipreme council of the Catholic Benevolent '.egioii of the United States aud Canada upt utsl a ieMluii in 11 rook l n jesteiday nhidi IU last tinea dajs at leant Mayor GHroy, of New York, Is confident thai he will hate ample mean to enter tut n the t'omuuuideiftof foieign war hip vthuwill lie tlieie on the k:u)ou of the Columbian imwil p.iraitein April. lltiir(U), MmmIi Itf. Herman llihlhfttu, a Maucheter hlp per, hu billed foi HO,M) The grocery Mure of S S. Smith, of Karmlugton, Mo, wiih folded h burglath. After robbing tli ili "T Hh contents thuy set lii to the building Mr. Sleu"tu. tht wife of the rice piesiut-iit, la Id a laigel) .illeitdtsl ieep tlon tu ahlimtiiii j.ttila in lh Mr lors of the IJbbitl House. A apeclal ueut-ral uwwinMy of the Pres byterlan ciiuuli in Irelaml, coineinil in Itt-1 fast, has tiaHMsl iinanlinouKly teMlu- Hons condemning the home rule bill. Numeioiis Austrian, Swiss ami tierman Calhollcx hae Iitioued the pope that he c.ii) au iulernalioiwl owiferoce W take bteps to aUilinh gambling at Monte Carlo, Mr llarrj It under Hott. the head of the Ualliinoie Ilaflull club, has resigned from the presidency, and has tu kug ceeded b) Mr. Klwanl Hanlon, who will hcrutlirr be u! tut aud manager. Ilu Vn Uant a 1'uML- Otftivf 1 here are tW,woitlc in tin- gill ( the new A ilitilnUl ration, uiil llmii- mIxiwhiiI lu know Imw to iwurw iie ui ilifM? Im-taiivt' imimhihi. ltiuulO wial HrtH. ItirllH'l H. liUit- It k, a trtfister l every (luveiuiacul oRtct in eacli hi itn an J TerrlUr, al W.utlotilun utl ulir uU uiihsaluriMaaddutUfS. U gi' rkununutinn iiiH'slloiu and is a iHiif4tiUi auitio lor ntUt'f -ek- rs. Ueinit tiv money oraer or reHNieit-o iliu 1 1 j ii. Houie, iiv Wssliuiutoii, Ii tl PENNSTLVNIA' LEtllSLATUHU. What the Solont at Harrltburs Arc Doing. HARntSBURO.March 10. In the senat yes terday the reapportion met bill Introduced by Mr. Meredith was reported favorably. It Is substantially the same as that vetoed by the governor at the last session, adding an additional congressman each to Phila delphia and Pittsburg. The Republican Judicial apportionment bill of last session was also reported lavoratuy, amendment maklntf senarats i liebanon and Dauphin. Mr. Hennlnger's bill to enforce the section of the constitu tion prohibiting the consolidation of par allel and competing railroads was nega tlvely reported, Mr. McCarrell secure final passage for the house bill repealing an act permitting physicians to take out pharmacists' certificates without an examination. The bill now goos to the governor. The senate bill to prohibit fish spearing was defeated. In the house the bills to prevent the formation of trusts nnd to abolish the Inheritance tax on money bequeathed to sectarian hospitals were reported negatlvrly. Dills pasted: Appropriating ra.OOO.OOO for the purohase of free text books for the publlo schools; changing the manner of electing members of the state board of agriculture. The Democratic members of the committee on the Andrews Hlgby contest from Craw ford county presented a report declaring Higby entitled to a seat, The report will be taken up next Wednesday, HAWtlsnuKQ, March 11. In the house ves tenia the bill authorizing the election of chief burgesses In boroughs for three years and almtlshlng tht office of assistant burgess was reported from committee with a negative recommendation, as was also the bill to prohibit the destruction of flsh by tbe fouling ol streams, dius in troduced! Authorlrlng any soldier or tailor to bring suit against any county, city. ward, borough or township for bounty money: appropriating sa.uuu lor tue com pletion of a monument to the memory of the revolutionary soldiers burled at Knhrata. Pa.: to prevent foreign corpora tions from engaging tn mining ant uracil coat without license and to prevent Its ex haustion; limiting the charges by electric light companies to twenty-five cents per night for each arc light, Mr. Losch, of Schuylkill, ofTered a resolution providing for the appointment of a joint legislative 1 committee to make all arrangements for the attendance of the legislature nt the dedication of the state building at the World's fair. The resolution was reported to the committee on centennial Affairs. The negatived anti-discrimination bill was committed tatho committee on railroads. Adjourned to Monday evening at 8 o'clock. The senate was not In session. HARmsHUiiu, March 15. In theseiae yesterday petitions signed by 11,000 citi zens of Philadelphia against the passage of the Markleymllk bill were presented. Hills introduced: Restricting the powers of electric companies to construct! lines along public streets and highways; assess ing cemetery associations tor expenses or. municipal improvements; autnoruingctu I'AfKHKTON. NEWSY OCCURRENCES. Mrs. W. Ie Btlles vWtert relative nnd frleTTrtii hi Kaston on Wednesday. . Thuinan J. 1 1nrlemuu and W'llllnm Loiik look In the sights of Allentoun Tuewlny evening. The CInvej Clubof that city gave t hem a reoeptlon. Miss Belle Connor, of t'arryville, has been vlsltlnR relatives and f rlenils ou the hill for the Iist week. - Tonidd Meters, the veteran Dem , with an oorat, has moved Into the store dtt'ell district, of UK recently vacated ly Lovl Miller. Mrs. Oliver Fnllweller. of Weiss Welssport, spentsnveral davs this week with her parents, ir. ana .urs. Leo pold Meyers, A.. I. Umilan. a clerk In the new (.tore himse, has resigned his position to take one elsewhere. Miss Klla Peters, an estimable young lady, of Lehlghton.spent several days tins weoK visiting .iss .nnaei Mcuauiei. Kd. Wilson, of .lanch Chniik,spent Monday ovenlng with friends ou tile Hill. The genial Tom Jenkins, of the Forwarding Oflice, Is confined to his home in Catiisauqua through illness. The employes of the oar shops and railroad on Monday received their monthly wages. Payment in cash was expected, but the usual check was handed out. Fogley, uthe great orator," or 'tho man of many wines," contemplates, in the near future, launch out as a full blossomed tree agent. Ills many friends wish him success. Near the Iron bridge on last Suu dav morning a huge rock rolled down tho mountain side on to Die tracks of tho C. It. 11. or X. .1. A cral train was passing ou the west bound track at the time and the rock went crashing Into one of the small coal Jimmies, com nletelv demolishing it. After a few hours hard work the rook was removed by blasting. ahiiwii.m:. Post Master Fields transacted busi ncss at the County Seat on Friday. The Rey. L. M. Kcrshner spent iSuuuay at l.ohlgh (lap. Mrs. Williams made a trip tn ton on I- rlday. The Carbon Iron aud Steel Com pany paid their employees ou Friday, Calvin Gross spent Sunday with relatives at Siegfried's, -Prof. Wolford, of Jllllport, did bust- nes9 m town ou Saturday, Fred Schmidt mado a business trip to the Uounty oca', ou Saturday, On Thursday Dr. Q. It.' Huns was summoned to the bedside of Jacob Swartz, who Is very ill, at Uowmans. Mica MnttlA SlolilaT- nrVin iviw vUM. sens to now ana convey titles nt a py ug , tM, vicinity for the last three aliens not authorlted by law to bold the weeks, returned to CatasauquuSuuday same; requiring dealer. In oleomarglne to I.OUM. IMATTKIIS III' MOUi: III! ! IMI'llltTANCi: SECRET SOCIETY' DOINGS. WE1SSP0RT AND AROUND. flnclHv HiMlIta of Interest tn the Mm hruf tbn Fraternity MAVrKnlNUS IlItinFf.V Hi I TU MI 7.K 11 display a white placard showing the words "oleoinargartue sold hero, a resolution was Introduced requesting the governor to furnish a detailed statement of the ex penses of the state board of World's fair managers. The bill providing that owner ship of stock In a company distilling or brewing liquors shall not be a bar to ob taining a retail license was passed. These bills were defeated: Providing for notices by the court to Hen creditors of orders made respecting lunatics or habitual drunkards; extending the minimum school term to seven months. Mason Wledman was confirmed as judge of Schuylkill county. In the house the senate bill en larging the powers of the state board of agrlctiltuie was reported favorably, as was also the senate bill to prevent the adultera tion of dairy products. Bill Introduced! Making It tne duty or juries in nrst degree murder cases prescribe t he penalty at either hanging or life Imprisonment; a new wholesale liquor act; amending the Boyer revenue act. . N. t'orter ana A. 1J. Hunter took seats as representatives from I estmoreland county. llAHitisnuitu, March 10. In the so iate the committee on agriculture reported ueg Atively the Mark ley milk bill. Senator Herring s resolution, placing on the cal endar hU negative bill closing the polls on election day at 4 o'clock, whs defeated by 2 to 2.1. The following bills passed finally, And will be sent to the bouse for concur rence: Requesting the construction, main tenance and inspection of buildings; Ap propriating (5.0U) to the Stratford Castle hospital, Pho-nixville; house bill render ing women eligible to the office of notary public In the house these bills were favor ibly reported! JuJues' pension bill: providing for the election by the people of superintendents of poorhouses; regulating the licensing ot detectives; requiring re eel vers lo tile tmentniles; tn encourage improvement in breeding trotting and pao- lug horset. ami to prsvent iraautent en tries; the tow bill, lixltig the retail liquor license fee upon a basis of sales by the license, was teportea negatively. Air. Talbot, chairman of the committee ou elections, called tip the majority report In the Crawford county Illgby-Andrews con tested election case as u privileged ques tion. The report, which awards the seat to Mr. Andrew was read, aud then Mr, Tal bot moved that It be adopted, Mr, Lull (Sullivan) ottered as a substitute the min ority report prepared by the Democrats, which favors the claims ot .Mr. Jilgby. There was a long discussion ou the motions, but the house adjourned without final action. Hitch leiuy' Appeal PmLAWmuv.. March 14. The appeal and petition for a special allcatur In the cae of the commonneAlthot Pennsylvania Against Hugh Y. Dempsey has been ft ted In the supreme court. The appeal is taken because it wa alleged that the Allegheny county court erred In overruling the mo tion to qua ib the Indictment and the rule to show cause therefore. It is also alleged that the verdict Is contrary to the law laid (low u by the court as to the last five counts of the indictment. Mr. and Mrs. Wnt. Scheckler were at Little (Jap ou Thar8duyt.wherethey mteueu tne iiuierui oi mth. wmnei Senrfoss, a grandmother to Mrs. Sc heckler. The Lehigh dam between here and Ilowmaifs was badly damaged Sunday forenoon, The water being 4 feet ubove low water mark mused the grip ping on the east aide to give wuy. Hundreds of people visited the spot and exported the dam to be completely demolished. ma yen chunk. The Munch Chunk baud will furn ish umsio at Xesquehoithuf'M Si. Patrick Day celebration. Samuel Carpenter, the popular West Broadway Jowelur, will ahottly take possession of the room on Sus quehanna Ntreei, recently vacated by tlie AdamH Kxpresa Company. County LomnusMonera Miller. Cannon and Sendell, Clerk Law lor anil several members of the bar committeo werent Isew iork City, ou Saturday looking luto the qualities of tho heat ing system employed in large buildings In order to decldo ou what system will be put in operation In the new Court Houe. A Wmn.n Hurii-d to Death. GftkKSbUL uu, Ph., Match 16. Mrs. Polly Aukerman, an aged woman living near Yuuiigfelown, was burned to death, bho was alone In an upper room of her sou' uouse.ana wmiesuiOKiDg it is mougni net ( . 'Tili1ul-m ftn ivwln.,iftw Dine fell from her month nlo her Ian. set " "l"eiu on v ednetuay. See the new wa dies at K. It. llohl's M ouch cjhiink. Save money, by buying watches at R II. HohlV, Mauch Chunk. LITTr.K OAl'i C3T Mrs. Elizabeth Serfass, wife of the venerable lutuei sertass, meti on aiouaav evenltiK at the residence of her son, Levi cerias. she had been ailing for some lime, and at lait quietly and painlessly and trus'lnely fell as!eep to time tn nake to a glorious eternity. She bad a wide circle, of friends and aqiialntanees who deeply mourn the lots sustained b her death Mm wax a most aituable aud exemplary old lady, and possessed manv noble qualities of heart aud wind, for ffhlch she ftas es teemed and respected, Her life was one of influences ami honor, and now that H Is finished the rich reward it merits will be tier's. The stricken hearts left behlhd find man) a balm for relief from grief in the thought that death was hut au ex change from Buffeting to a happy existence beyond. Her death was dne to dropsy ami heart troubles. She was seed 73 vars, t) months and 4 days Tlii survlTlng child ! ren are seven sons and om daushter. D.ui" iel, Paul, Levi, Jnslah, Timothy, Kdward, John and Mr Charles Mines. The pall bearers were Daniel Wanner, John Klotz. Henry Orfcn and D-vid Wagner. Kev. Wuchler of Welsiport, nthVUted at the Ian sad rites. udT Nicholas Smith who lives belneeu this place aud Kunkletown. ou the road eadlng to Smltbs Clap, who is 05 years old has been blind fnt 14 years. In that lime he did not have the least sign of v Is- ion. On Mrc.h 4th, of this year, he saw some dlstantobJecls as If a great copfUg ration. Since then his sight has beeu ini provlug dalH and he can now see with comparailve clearness. 33T Charles Silfles transacted business ting her clothing on tire. l'euiM)itouta Avi-nat WALK'S EAULE STORE. l'eople who buy at uiirtHure always go away Mtti.lltsl be cause we kIvv them their money'i. worth, then tixi, they have a lartie HwiituiMit of all kinds of Ueuwral tUFe (lou.1. to beleet fruH. tiuuie uiMnlit, tlmoeuf Fall and Winter iat tenia We ar etualUK out at tv iliieiiati iHFttfW 111 unlr to make room for our spring ar rival of ttaotU whUiii w lutud to aurtww all tuvvioua bll.ltlou.. WNlu cordially uivliv you to cow aud m, ua. Robert Walp, Firtt streat, Op. Round Hootet. Y.rliti.t.r Kup Arqiilll.d, Nouiusiowx, Pa March 15. The Jury lu the tni of John H. Hupp, the Wtw FhIIh yanlma.ter, chargwl with criminal nealiifHiie in oau.tuK the fatal oollLtou ai Km. (jleu ou Oct. M last, cam. In with a v.rdkl of not guilty, and lmpo.d co.u ou the oouuty. li.Hlh ul Mil KiCnn.ul. WlLKUBAIUlK. Va.. M.rch L'h.rh. Pougberty, ex toiisul to l,oudondrry in iwi, UitU ).traay. lie was born In Chkstf.r. .M.inli I& Alu-rt iiikk". a r year-old Imy, was falally cril.lusl Iwtween two gouilola. jenterilay. and died nltuiwt ' Immediately. With kevrral other boys ItUaswa pushing the ear. up and down the traik, wheu he Kot between th. buui ern. The lail'n mother U a widow and llvett ou Kllswoilh stns't. IIonksiiavk, Pa.. March 13. In a con narration in Srrlyvllle, a snburbof Hones, dale, iM,.rtl.i,. in which William Ityau's UHeiliuu w.b. detroyisl, hi. brother-lu- law, 1 Iiiiiiiim Kane, a llelaware and llud wai ralluMd t-mployc, w a. burned todeath, Mr Hwui wiihh'so liadly hurued In inak UK hei eM-HlM- Ironi lite hous Wilkksuauhk. Pa., March Id The city of WilkeslMirre )esteiday broilgbt suit aaiiut City Tieasurer F. V Ilockafellow aial hi. Umd-iuu. Ua.ic I.lvlnuton, John W.llw Ilullculirck ami Kolivrt C. Mitchell tn rwatver .. The depositor, of the ufMiiet ImiiW met yeMvruay afternoon ami aiHMlultl a MMumlttle to Hud out If po. albl. where ilie liiisiui IliO.lkiO ha. gone. HlihTlkulaiH, Pa., March U. Th. Cn eut Oil uoiiipaii) 'a pine line, which paw. (brmlKh tkv loWMTelai of this county, was kiohii up wilh dtnamlte Ihree mile. wM SlT" -Mr. A. II. Milieu, the noDtilar and uccsftfu! teacher of (.coree'i school, re ports follows Ihe pupils alio attended every ilav during Ihe month ending op March 6ih Euuna J. OroiKe, 1,1111c llelli, Clara A., Klla V., Amamlea, Ilatlle. Pieaton and Eugene (litoge .ud KrMtu, Ronner. KiT-Chiile. Hill celrbrilel hi, S4tli hlithdav recei.tlv. DQJ" Jll.llce of the Peace Charles Green traiis.rteu unstress at Hie uounly hrat on Mouda Oct prices aud see watvhea at K, II. Hohrb, Mauch Chunk. IIKAVKi: llll.N. U hat II a. (Irrurrd In tlil.t'ltr llurliiff Ilie i.k I'.rlln.nllr HpllitmUeil l liar ai.clt,l ttriiortfirs. Hoo I'M Zern'a new ad. -Kin tennia for all purpow at the South Knd 1.1'ery. Dr. Heinle, of South street. Is out after n revent sovere lllneas. l-'utl liuoof Iinrrain nud Ilruaaelx onrpeta at Henry Schwartr.'s, -Mrs. Nathan Ilellman. nf Alnm street, hna heeu quite ill thli week. All kiuilH uf Itooks and ftiieHtatlnu- ary ut Luckeuliacira, Mauoli Chunk. - Oliver Kollwciler and family, of Veiport,Hre new rosideutalnttie f.w. h'ine free lunch will lie Mrved nt W. A, Peters' restaurant on Saturday eveiilin.'. Mamies Ilillmnu is nil smiles over the rominu of a IiouiicIhk baliy Imy llonuhllcaii to his home. Tho Ciirl'a Mlaslon Hand, ot Zlon'a lierornied cliurcli win meet ou Satur. day nfternoou ut 3 o'clock. Jeff llretuev. the hustllnir newa dealer, hu-s purchased the WeUsport news route fiom John , .Viller. - Dr. C. !!. Delcainn. of Ilankwav. Is maklliK prepuratlons to move to I' rank Un whero ho owns a Tnluable farm. Just rnuke It H poiut to see David l.bbert when you want a team for busl nesis or pleasure. Lowest prices. Theie was apleasant surprise pnrtt- nt the pretty home of K. G. Zeru, In I nonor oi nis uauRiiier rioy, one even iiiK recently. Go to C. A. IIhiiIIiik'k livery ou Xoitli street for teams lor pleasure purposes or for weddings or Minerals, Lowest prices. It has been reported that Mr. John II. Ii. Acker, of the f. w. recently elected Street Commissioner, will soon tender his resignation. UorouRh Treasurer I). II. Strnup, of tho s. w. was confined to the house, .through Illness, last week but is now able to be about again. -Will E. Ash, of Third street, who owns a fine stono quarry up hi Xew York state, has sold seven car of Mag ging to Allentown property owners. Lehighton's population was further increased this week by the safe arrival of it bright littlo girl baby at the home of Ed McCormick, in the llrst ward. Our Hickory Suits for boys have double knees; double seats aud double seams, aud do not cost any more than any other suits nt the One Price btiir Clothing Hall, Mauch Chunk. Commencing with the quarter, bo guiing April 1. bakers, butchers, milk men and others who get out quarterly market licenses, will nave to secure Ins paper from secretary llowernt Ills olllco ou first street. A. baby boy that tlna a Fairbanks. standard scale ut ten solid pounds Is n new nnd welcome arrival at the homo of Robert Stausberry on Fourth street. Tuo little uemocmt is as fat as butter aud as sound us a dollar. Jacob llibighaus, of Fourth street notice ot whoso Injury at Coalport, was made In ear last is. lie, Is aulu to I about again and expects soou to get buck to work. Jakes escupe from the loss of a leg was miraculous. Mrs. EH llerger, of Sayre, died ou Tuesday. Interment will be in the Guadeu Hutteu cemetary in this town! on Friday alternoou. Services will be held In the Reformed church. De ceased was a sister to Ed, Joe and Owen Huuslcker. Ilegiuuing with the special Easter services iu Ion's Reformed Sunday school tunt congregation wilt enjoy orcbestrul music, new cnurcn hook; havo been ordered with this Intention. The arrangements are in the hands of of Mr. C. O. Shlrerer, who finds much pleasure iu music ot all kinds. Landlord Amundes Kistler, of the American House, uoith First street, is slowly Improving from u recent illness. Mr. Klsller's sight has also been failing for some tune past aim lie Is now al most blind. It Is sincerely hoped by ids many menus tuat uotn health and sight may uitlmatolv be restored. Policeman Biid Market Clerk Wm. Weidaw assumed tho duties of this im poitnut appointment ou this Friday. Mr. Itaworth, who retires, will in tho futuie devote ull of his time to garden ing on-tlie flats, whore he ons u valu able piece of ground. While on duty for the borough Ed always tried to do Ids best. On the occasion ot his birthday anniversary last Friday evening Rev. J. Alvin l!eber,thoblopBStorof Zlon's Reformed church, entertained lu it pleasant and interesting mauner, the members of thn church choir. During the evening Ice cream unit cake was served to the pastor's guests, by his estimiahle wife. , Postmaster Uaudenbush's official tenure will not expire until December Ml of tne present year, alllinugu be as sumed charge of Ids otllre June ;k, his nomination was not continued by the senate until tne iouowiug j-iecemner. It is not at all probable that Mr. Rau- deubusli will be removed before the expiration of his term of ottlce. Oue evening reeeutly the Lehlgh tou Orchestra perfected organisation br making the following otllcers: Leader, Dr. C. T. Horn; ussistant, C. O. hchlrer: secretury. v. William Kreldler: treasurer. John E. Hummel: musical instructor. Prof. Weigund, of Mauch Chunk. Tue orchestra will meet Thursday evening of each week. Fodfrey Frantz, for almost a quarter of a century a citizen of this town, nas secured lucrative emu or meutwith tho Lehizh Valley Comnunv ut Weatherly, and is now at that place Mr. Fraute. if he tlnds the latter town congenial, will perhups move his family there, r or seeral years past lie has been in the blacksiuitldng business on Iron street. -S. a Dangler, of PotUville, Hank Examiner for this district, on Thurs day last iHissed ou the books af the First National liauk and found every thing lu u most excellent condition. Ill this connection it Is very pleasing to note that the First National Hank is iu a llourishlug condition under Cashier Senlmel, and that ere loug may be erected a llauk building suitable in appearance and eouveuleucv for m) im IHirtant a business. The llnal obsequies of James Fatz Inger, who died suddenly on Thursday moruiug, occurred on Sunday after noon, anil was attended by a large number of relatives aud friends. In cluding Arfou Cornet Hand, of which deceased had been oue of the organle ere and was always a live member Interment was made iu the family plot lu the Ihlghtou cemetery. Kev. Miller, the new itorofthe Evaugeli cat (null Howiuan) ohuruh officiated. The first hearse used by any under taker lu Caibou county ta owned and iiseu uy .ir josepu uuen. u nan cell .ri. ft o.hl. t,A.....l.i .iiiwiiiiv vi, nnniinc, i.riiniiiiii-iiL Commander, It. A. It., Pepartmeut of , Tli. Iinlnit. rth. We.k InterlrH.lnl Willi Pennsylvania, lias made the following appointments: Samuel P, Town, Post .No. '2, Plilladelplila, Assistant Adjutant Generals Abraham Levering, Post No. llltl, Philadelphia, Assistant Quarter master General; Charles A. Buydam, Post No. 312, Philadelphia, Inspector; Harry White. Post No. 23. Indiana. Judge Advocate; A. L. Dai to, Post No. B7, Wilkes Uarre, Ciller Musteriug Olllcer. A council of the Jr. O. U. A. II., will bo Instituted at Howmanstuwn ou the 2Titb Inst. The organization Is the work of Charles A. Wagner, of town, conncellor of Lehigh 101. The charter contains the names of 21 niembers.Tho institution will be In charge of Deputy Stnto Conncellor Jos. N. llonnett, also of Lehigh 101, one of the most popular as well as oue of the hardest workers In the order. ' "The following are the candidates to be voted for at the last council sleep in Worm Mooa (March): I. O, of It. M, Great S(ichera, David Conn, No. 2.T0; great sen., sag., Harrison Nesbltt, No. 11!); great juu., sag., John E.Poore, No. 11(1; Thomas S. Kay, No. 10; Harry E. Shnw, No. 0; great prophet, John Fry, No, 1; great chief of records, Thomas K. Donnalley, No. 18; great keeper of wampum, George W. Kreamer, No, 45; representatives to the O. C. of U. S H. F. Gilham, No. 148; Harry Sleyler, No. 17; John D. Jones, No. 217; Hyrnn J. Brown, No. 203; HedTy Greenwood, No. 2!); John C. Cornish, No. SO: 11. F. Morey no. liu; u. It. .Montoiln, io. la; rj. s. Bortel. No. 34: Samuel C. Andress. No. 20; David Henry, No. 122; H. I. Heuser, .-so. ;n; .1. i". won, .o.a; nnrry uiwr ence No. 151: Thomas IlellK No. 1.15: Jesse Shallcross, No. 83. ON THE RAILROAD. IIIIIKF MRNTII1N OF A WHHK'S IM1S (IN. Till: UAH.. Nlinrl rarnKrHdi. Tlint lnt.r..l l the llnllronil llnr.. JThe following Interesting statistics are taken from the advanco sheets of the railway report of the Department of Iuterual Affairs: X F. F. Whlttekin, chief engineer of the proposed Philadelphia, Honesdalc, and Albany railroad, lias prepared of constriictlug a railway from ll'litle l'rnnKt M.tttlnns. AI Gutli, of town,will move over in to Franklin. The Misses Laury, of Maucli Ch'k, visited here this week. If yali wnnt to buy a sound, safe horse call on Will Lelkle. Mrs. Jennie Williams will leave for Washington, I), C.,next week. A vnunir son of William Gilham Is 1 Haven to liotterdam Junction. N. V convalescing from a serious Illness. a distance of ninety miles In Pcnnsyl--Mrs. Owen Uoyer and daughter Tama and 1:17- miles in New York. . Emma, are visiting at Allentown. J President Maxwell, of the Central -Joseph Weiss, of Lansford, was a. Railroad of New Jersey Monday morn- nlon Hill visitor this week. ' lug testll ed-berore .Vaster ill ( liaucery ,, ... ,f i .... i itnt Ludlow that the Central Rallread no (TMra; L?,li,sn fm of Union Hill, , r ,m(1 OUi,ectiou with the Is the guest of relatives at Lausford. cm aomMnRllZn HUlI tmt the agree. Mrs. Kate Hnuser, of Weatherly, is meut between it and the other com- visiting at Joel Weutz's on Union Hill, panics badbeeucauceled.Docunientaiy THE SUPERINTEDENCY. Interest in the Ccntest is Becoming More WHO U'11,1. ItKTIIK I'ltlK WlNNIjlt? OF the l our Cnitilltlatft Now In the 1'lohl It Irfks Very Miirh I.Ike lUlltrt. Hmrr nl Srhnnl ItoMnI Ituve Hei lured IJitunt mouftlr for Hint The lltt ontinly tHippriutemleiit of ll.ltl It. fait.oii u,. f. COMING AND GOING. iniii:i iti-ms of i'uiii:i.r I'i.ikiisai ,11 KNTION. public schools, in Caiboti far formal report touching the feasibility as the writer Is nnaic, was .Mr. U. F. ,ii:ani:svii.i.i:. Wm. Kclshaw will move to Phila delphia, On Thursday evening a large num. ber of young ladies and gentlemen call, ed at the home of Miss Annie Conahan anil gave her a pleasant birthday snr prise party, i lie ovenlng waspleasaut ly spent by the merry youngsters lu many pastimes and ull left for their homes pleased with the evening's en joyment and wishing the young lady health to have pleasure In many such occasions. Tho mine rope at No. 1 slope broke Friday afternoon, The car to which It was hitched had readied the dump ou its rapid decent. It kept the track to within about 200 feet ot the bottom of the slope, where it jumped, knocked out a number of props und af ew lengths of steam pipe, there was no other dam age. While a Hungarian, who Is employ ed as a driver at the No, 1 colliery, Jeauesville, was riding a mule across the railroad track, the mule was struck by passenger engine No. 8, Edward I larleman, engineer. The Huugnriau wus throw over a large ash bank nud escaped with slight injures, while the mule was dragged for nearly 200 yards and was badly mangled. The man who was ou the mule's back and escaped with a few scratciics is a wonder of the day. HAHK I1AI.1. .SOTKS. The members of the "Star Ilaso Hall Club," of Jeauesville nre now making preparations of their ball iu S. ot T. Hall on April 21st. " Charley Shutt.of Tamanua. who is said to be up head as an amateur snort stop, may play ball wttuJeunS' vine, during the coming season. CSi-Tho indications now.are that the management of the Jeanesville base ball club Intend playlug oue of the strongest amatuer clubs in this region. iu the Held the coming season. As soou as the weather will permit the park will uudergo some necessary re pairing and by April 15 a number of players will be there. The club will be composed of nil of last year's players aud will bo strengthened by Seeds, Zel ler, of Tacony. llrndy and Ulam aro expected to arrive here from Pittsburg in anotuer montii. AUl)KMUli;il. George Henovis, of Yorktown, had a warrant sworn out yesterday for the arrest of Mrs. Peter Wurshuck, of the same place, ou the charge ot assault aud battery. It appears the' little daughter ot Henovis committed some childish pranks, which angered the Warshuck womau aud -caused her to chastise the child in a somewhat severe manner. The costs wero tn Mrs, W footed the bill. -Kev, Dr. Wackeruagel. of Allen town, has been secured by the Salem Lutheran Church, ot Audenried, to give a lecture on Thursday. March 23d The subject will be, "An f.veulng lu Jerusalem." No person should fail to attend the tlrst presefice of Rev. acKernagei, as ne is pronouueed uotn by press and public to bean instructor of mgli merits. WKATIIKIll.V J. Varden from NeMfueboniug made aseiueiits through tins vicinity Charles Arner aud son of Weiss port were doing business here on Thursday. 1 -Vcter llecker and wife siient Sun day with their daughter Mr. John Mertie In Jamestown. Mr. WUhelm Dauieer iut a few days with Henry Dauzer. Charles Keinaly, Siqiervlsor of , tury ago wlieu he was iu that bu.iuew. lluhoulug, made settlement through The body of that vehicle is now owued luls place rjaiuruay. ' j i- w..wmus .um. Sir. and Mrs, II. J. Dauzer, Miss Matilda Dauzer, aud Ills. Paul Uex were at Tamaqua ou Saturday attend lug tne funeral or .Mrs. the mother died Tuesd George Ilauu. a well known former resident of town, now located at Lyuch burg, Vs., is to be married to Miss lieurlette U. lingers, of Ited llauK A.J. the 23d lust. He tills an Important position iu his new home. The choir of the Presbyterlau church Is to be eulurged to a duuble quartette. There are two Instruments besides the organ, a coruet and tlute. Those leceutly added to the choir are Misses Croll and Annie Kuehner and David Helker. Au Easter service Is to be given ou the evening of Easter Sun day as well as a specially prepared pro gram for tne morning sorvire. One of the first acts of the new council was to curry a motiou tn in struct their attorney to draw up the uecessary papers to divide tue towu in to four wards aud preseut the same ut the April term of court. I here will be two wards ou each side of the creek. This will give the towu 12 couucilmeu aud the same number of school direct ors. Should It be deemed necessary the same may be appointed bythe coart to hold oflice until the next spring electiou. There may be some surmis ing as to who these appointees may be aud the completion of these two bodies when the additions are made. tt.Milutlin. of IlM.pVct. whkiifa. Hm llrest tauter of the PnlveriM. lis. Ufesunl it Ml, to call siHlacnly hence BroUier Jain. Patilnaer. an earawt slid con uut iaeinb.r ol Anuu lruec (una, there fore be it IthMUA Rii.ThHt we bowln huuibl.sobuiU.Uui Ul bl. will aud tender Ue bereaved fainil) ,ui heaiiflt Htutlhy lu their tsre .nudum. liWM.,,, k,i, iMiiw.rmmuuui oe John Weiss.atthe Frankllnllouse. will buy a single or light doottbln truck wagon. Miss Holen Rilllff is 'home from a Islt of three weeks to Olyphant rela tives. Misses Cassie Krosre and Alice nrum are guests ot friends at Moun tain Top. Jflss Emma Albright Is home from a two weeks visit among Philadelphia mentis Eucrene Chrlstmnn. -a' Lehizh Val ley railroader, is quite seriously 111 with pneumonia. Rob Anthony and Levi Horn are in viting their friends to n corn husking puity at urady . Miss Sallle Whitehead, the popular east side milliner, will do business at nuadeipuia next week. Samuel Walp has purchased half of a double house from Dr. V. A. An drews. Consideration, NJOO. -Mrs. Annie ZelRetifus. after a visit of several weeks hero returned to her home at Wilkesbrrre on Tuesday. Amnion Klotz. of Franklin town ship, who was quite seriously ill for some time is able to be about again. Mrs. Al Whittitigham and son Joe are spending a few weeks very pleas antly among Plilladelplila friends. miss Mertie Horn nas returned from Philadelphia where she was dur ing last week buying new millinery goods. Democratic Francis Kast will be a candidate for a poslttou lu the Phlla- lelphia Mint under the new adminis tration. Religious services will be held in school hall on Sunday morning aud evening. Revs. Newhart aud White will ofllciate. Emanuel, the thirteen venr old son nf Lewis Deppe, died at Walcksvllle on last Friday. Interment was made at llig Creek on Monday. Miss Stella Plurumer. one of our most estimable young ladies, is home rrom a lew weeks delightfully spent ut Eastou among many frleuds. An orchestra in "Franklin that can plar rood music Is as follows: James ocnauer, accorneou; tien i eier, uass violin; Milton Hoyer, organist; f rank Mertz, violiu. George undt entertained a few friends at a pleasant little sociable at his home one evening last week. The firogram for the evening was vocal and ustrumental music, games and an ap petizing luncheon. Nathan Snyder is having the in terior of bis residence aud store room remoddeled, The two large rooms non used for store purposes will be thrown Into one thus making one of the most spacious and convenient store rooms in the county. Rev. I. J. Reitz. for several years past the successful pastor of the Ebe nezer Evangelical congregation here tills week moved to his new appoint ment at Slatingtou. While here Rev. Reitz and family made friends who wish for thim much prosperity in their new home. We understand that there Is now au opportunity for this hustling little town to secure a shoe factory that will perhaps give employment to the best part of oue hundred people. All that Is needed is for our people to raise toOOO. This amount is very little and no diillcultv should be experienced in v . ,, . ....... securing it. xue geutiemeut ouck oi the project has bad long experience in this line of business aud feels confi dent that the enterprise could soon be. made a very substantial one. Those who feel Interested should cousult John S. Miller who be glad to fully ex plain the details aud Intentions of the prpject. There will be uo question tor de bate before the Union Hill Literary Society this Saturday eveulug. The reirular nroirram will be dispensed with Bnd a talk oh au "Overland Trip to California" will be given by capt. Sol. Yeakle. Mr. Yenkle has had a long aud varied experience and the talk on this subject will uo doubt Lie a very inter esting one. Those who can should not fall to hear the captaiu on this subject. Josepb f euuer, who occupies me store room iu Laury's iHistolllce build ing, has made a new lease ror turee jwirs. The Interior of the luiildng will be remoddeled, The room now occupied by Mr. Iury will also be made to convenience his business, A handsome glass show front will be a big Improvement, The ware house will have au additional story added to it. When these contemplated improve ments are all completed this will be one of the finest business blocks In the county. evidence tu the same euect was also pteseiited. Presideut Maxwell said that his company was strictly observ ing ttte orders of the court. - The headquarters of the Atlantic Division of the United States Express Company has boen transferred from Now York City to Reading. C. G. Rust is the Superintendent, ami for the ? resent will be located at the outer 'hiladelpbla and Reading Station. Walter Tupping, of New Y'ork, Is the chief clerk. The reason for transfer ring the division headquarters to Rend tug is becatise it is mure central since the recent acquisition of adjoining roads, The Philadelphia aad Reading Coal and Irou Compauy have a foiceof 2000 to 2800 niu".es now lu use at their col lieries iu this aud other counties. This is a pretty large "mule army," but the hardy four footed workers have plenty of labor to perform. The Philadelphia anil Reading Railroad Company have In their cab service at Philadelphia, Reading, aud Trenton 125 horses. To feed all these animals, belouging to Imth companies, requires about 20,000 bushels of oats aud corn and 400 tons of hay per month, X The expense of snow shoveling for railroads of all classes In all parts of Pennsylvania this winter, it is estimat ed by those who ought to know all about It, will be the largest Incurred by thpse companies in many years past, It not only needed all the machine ap pliances for the purpose, but armies of shovelers to keep the tracks clear for auy length of time, but as fast as a stretch of road was cleared it was either recovered by additional falls or tilled up by drifts of grout proportions It has beeu se far a winter of expense iu snow shoveling which will be serious ly felt tu the finances of many of these corporations, The number of tons oi freight car ried by the reads reporting for the year ending June 30, 18U2, was 2110,180, 712. The number of tons carried hue mile was 27;!l!),013,5.'i3. From this tonnage the companies received $103, 337,535. 22. The number of tons car. l ied for the year eudiug June 30, 1801, was -jhi,4o,u:, and tne nuuiDer car ried one miie,21,OJOI13,721, The num ber of passeugers carried during the year was 140,100,530, and the number carried one utlle3.ii78.244.i24.!isngaiust 138.070,15T, and 2,5S4,li3,U3 lor theyear ending J line ;, lam. f ive years ago the uumber of passengers carried was 01,802,050. For the year ending June .si, ibui, tue entue uuniuer was i,,ivi; tor the year ending Juno .10, 18!rj, 213, 573. From the reports of the Inter state Commerce Commission for 1801 it appealed that the total number of otllcers and employees ou the roads of the, United States was8l,2S5, there Deliig an Increase or 31,084 oyer tne previous year, when the number was itOtlul'. iu Pennsylvania, or on the lines reporting to this department, the uumber employed for 100 miles of load Is 1,187. Iu the entire country for the year 1880 the number of railway em ployees iu pioportiou to the number of iuuamtauls was one In about 8i. In 1800, one lu 81, aud iu 1801, iue iu 82. Those figures: indicate that the pn- portion of the population engaged lu the railway transmutation business Is iucreasiug annually, which fact is uuother evidence of the rapidly iuvi eas ing railway interests of the country. While this Is a fact the etllclency of the employes is emphasieil by the. fact that there is a proportionately greater4 increase iu the tonnage aud the uumber of passengers can ied. The total compensation ot otllcers and em ployees-reported by the companies for 1800 is $08,880,222.35; for 1801, ?ltr.,015, 304.44; for 1892, $113,7118,(151.28. From the 113,703,O51.28 paid to tho 213,573 employees we llnd the average yearly compensation to be $532.82; 11.40 per mouth, or jl.45 per day. The actual amount palj per day is, it may bo pre sumed, much more, for the reason thai daily compensation is paid ou the basis of 3i5 days per year, when the facts will undoubtedly show a less uunibet of days of actual service IIKAVKK Mr.AllOW. I bv Mr. Olwrialwi introduced the ice box i tu this county, and the old one used 1 by him is still lu Ida fxissesaion, Mr. ! Olwrt's life lias beeu truly au exposl on the niluuUM, prlunsl iu the Carkok Ai.xo- ai k aud a copy preMUUHl to the fsuillr. RltlNKlB ) II. WKHHTIOU NOlllSTFIN ICoiu, W.U. MIU.KK Wanted. A number nf young girls and boys oau find steady employment at good wages, by applying Immediately to John Yot, superintendent lehighton (lottery Mill. tf. marid nf Mrs 8ta..kni.i.r I tjoert s nie im. uwu iruiy au e Tu I, j ' ijLir itS , ' ' I""'' euteriu-ise. At av Yftw'a long lUui ,UH'' thnm Mon ud Xm 1,e ' B after a long flluess. Und vigorous. 10OO Ituvvr. Wanted, The largest aud best spriug stock of men's aud uoys' suits ever sbowu In this section has been received at Sond- more ... nniiAi.. .i i. .Ill I.. I uwni . .HiitJUUK nan, mhuuu uuum, ,1111 lutle ,. i,,..... I,,,,. Mn. Watches, at li. II. Huhl's. Mauch Chunk lewelrv stole. I liavliu; an alteroatiou -Ti.u i,,,i,. it c ' the corner ot First and North streets. of dlillo K.vral tbouaund iMrrtls of i Uagermau is gradually oelug extended. Tuesday morning -heu Officer Itaw utl oacAiwd. completely saturating several j j nQVV oaR. for and delivers express oth kindly advised them to move on. mnm of ground and forming miniature j packages lu Packertou. For the eon-1 CunuHjbam expressed his oouteuipt for lakes. Th. oil was Ignited and the flame t VM1i.utw ul iiersoue there headquarters the adviae by sailing into Ed Johu Sul- uiuwinuaiiur.., iufwiwa.iv.iN. . uw nave utsHi eMuuitsned at uurlemuu a .'" m.- w. , ,uKv where you can buy boys' suite from 1 titwl tinu-urilM, tnftn'. t.nlljl fmm SM Cm David Cunningham appeared to be upwards. Every suit you buy of us . UIB Wlf9 Ul Will uerp.4raior are fiukuov.ii. . .HjpuUjr .tor aud at the post otlloe. . . . . "aarch id. x Mterday, for (k)11,Irniatlou suits made to order th. Ilr-t ilui. lu ih. UUtory of Ii"''r , from .UI upward. Ready-made suit , county, two tariuw. apiawM f oai thjlr , 1XX) , j at lB 0ne towtwhlp. aud i heir uu wm 117 W sod . ?'.l"if!.?u w,w',s fri,m ' " W.W rt-cth.l, Tiy reftuwd te pay, 1 ItoW. Muli Chunk clalmiug th. bss wMMorbitaat, audal., y Price watebe. at E- H. 11 old s, wuiuiU Ttwy tki took out aa appol ilstich titutnk. aad th. tM wul w)T b. tried by a jury, i hammer blows, oue ou the eye, fore head aud cheek none, lujurlug toe of 1 save yon .B per oeut on the dollar. 15.1100 ready-made suits aud pants for meu aud boys have been received at the One Price Star Clothing Hall, fVUuoh Cbuuk, aud every buyer of elothlug should examine our stook be fore g lug elfnure; you will surely Th. Kvmiie.IIcmI C.e t'oullniii..!, Monday at 2 o'clock was the time llxed for the argument ou the rule grnuted ou the Dubs faction of the Evangelical Church to show cause why ttieotber faction (Ilowmauitea) should not lie allowed to worship in the churches at lOMKIilon auu .uaucn i iiuuk, aunng the pendency ot the trial as to which is the proiier audi gal owner of the prop erty. Judge Dreher arrived at noon from Stroudsburg.and the out-of-town lawyers came at thesame time. When the Court opened the room was com fortably tilled with clergymen of both factious and members of the ditfereut congregations, all of whom appeared to be greatly interested in the outcome of the argument. At the piaiutiu s tame were seated the counsel for the Howmauites, Hon. James S. Iliery aud ex-Judge Edward Harvey, of Allentown, aud lion. Allen If! fu.,nl. m.MMlr IF., Pi.Harf E. Uriulit. of Allentown. and Frederick llertnlette, Ksq., of Mauch Chunk, the Oubslte lawyers, sal at tne ueieudaut table. Mr. Craigopeneil theoase by present ing a uumber ot affidavits whioh he tie slreil to have filed. The atlldavits sup. ported the Bppllcatlou at chambers when the rote was ifrauted. Mr. Wright objected to the oue being heard ou ex parte evidence. Here wus a rule to show cause, nnd no atlldavits tiled. The record showed nothing but the grantlug of the rule to show muse, aud upto this time uo atlldavits were seeu by the defendant's counsel. Mr. Craig said that lu this case there had been a bill tiled aud au answer thereto. The application wbb based on the bill aud answer. The plaintifts did not think it necesMiry to tile the atlldavits. The failure to do so how ever, was a mere luadverteuee, aud there should be no objection agaiust the rule. Mr. Bertolette said that while It was true that equtty proceedings werepend in i7. thaattldarits aumwrtiog this apnli nation fur a rule were new to the de fendants. The existence of such atll davits was unknown, and he asked for the quashing of the rule. - Mrs. I.owls, of Heaver Meuduw.ivho went to "Will's eye hospital" at Phlla delphia a week ago to receive treat ment for her eyes will iu two weeks be compelled to hare one of her eyes taken out entirely. The unfortunate woman was rendered partly blind two years ago by li Grippe and the presetit operatloa Is uecessary to save her life. A choir is now being organized in Audenried ami viciuity with a inem liersiiin nf piu-htv.two lieonle. Prof. Wm. ltutchiiis lias the affair In charge und will lead the siugiug. This body will ou the 3i)th ot May uet endeavor lo carry oil first honors al the elstefod to ho held lu Hazletun. There Is every reason to warrant their success under the direction ot Prof, llutchitis. -Nicholas Kimmcl. an old and high ly resjiected resident of Hanks town- snip, died nt borne in Trescaow Tuesday after a brief illness. Deceas ed has been a resident of Trosckow for many years aiiil has always had the esteem aud well wish of his many ac qiialutunees. Resides his wife seven .ojis ami two daugaters sucvive mm MAIIIIMMl. ticer tei It took the best part of ' money uy so uoing. a dozen people to quell bis tig lit lug - You can not find such au array of ailur but he dually sucvumbod aud fine gold watches, iu the prettiest de w r-can ted off to the town jail ami signs imaginable in this section ofthe l.itm was i-fiuiuilt-d tf the county state, aud at price, that win pay you -Auiaudus Zttlffler. nf Tamaiieud, was visiting iu the Valley last week. A quilting party was held at Wm. Sitlei's ou Saturday. Alvlu Snyder left for Ohio ou Monday. I). M. Halliet, a student at Priuctou, spent a few days ut home last week. The regular monthly meeting of our school Isjard will be held at Pleas ant Corner, on Saturday afternoon. Albert Feustermacher spent Satur day at Allentown. Harrison .Miller, the mail-carrier, traded horses with hi, Alleutonu horse dealer. The spring term nf the Normal Institute will begin on April 17th. 1). W, Sit ler will be the teacher. Mrs. Francis HVIwr, nf Slatingtou, was visiting her istrents during the week. -John lieiiuinghoff. aged 71 years, died last Monday. Interment took plae Saturday In the Evangelical church yard. Will ICiiMln Hut i. few W.k.. Dr. Rowers, the specialist, will con tinue his stay from three to six weeks longer, at the Weissfairt House, Weiss isirt, IV, the doctor has lieeu over s years i u practice treating all manner of chronic disease, such as Cancer, Blood Poison, Catarrh, Fulling Fits, Asthma, Dys)iela, Uvsr aud ICiduey Bis wise ItheuinatUui aud Female Weakueae oured. Iudiscretion,mwutal decay, loss lloffurd. now au estimable and highly respected citizen aud president of the First National Hank of this town. He was succeeded by Pi of. Thomas M. Halliet, now of Springlleld, Mass., where he holds a similar position. Mr. Halliet was succeeded bythe ptesent incumbent. Prof. T. A. Snyder, who lias devoted almost nine years to tlie development ufthe public school Tn- erests iu ibis county, and as ho does not believe lu a lile teniae uf ollice, he as late as last fall gave publicity through the .Mauch Chunk Democrat that under uo circumstances would he be n candidate for le electioii to this ollice, The llnal announcement of the county supeiiiitendeut brought forth a number uf candidates, namely. Prof. Trauu, of 1'arryvtlle: Prof. A. S. llclse I. of Lansfoid; Prof. McCabe, of Ncsque- noniug; t'ror. v. f . rorter, of Kidder; Prof. Kidd, late of Paclceitou, hut now of New Y'ork state, mid Prof. N. M. uaiuei; of .Normal buuaro. To duy but four candidates remain: Ualllet.Porter, McCabe aud Iteisel, and the horoscope plctuies Halliet iu tlie lead with Helsel a possible second, ami Porter and Mc Cabe following in order. lu support of .Mr. Halliet, the Hoard of directors of Lehighton, shortly fol lowing tils announcement as a candi date, passed tesoititious endorsing his candidacy and earnestly recommend ing him to tlie school duectors of the county as a suitable candidate for tlie very tmpoitaut oflice. Closely follow ing the action of tlie Kehlglilon direc tors tlie school boards oi Mahoning township also passed similar commend atory resolutions, while promises of iu dividual support of piomiueiit persons aud school directors all over the coun ty come to him almost daily. To this list also, the school dllectors of other districts will add their iiuauiuiuus en dorsement. Of the four candidates In the Hold Halliet gives every evidence of the most strength, although two dis tricts iu tlie upper end ot the county have declared for Pinter as their llrst choice. Of Heiset, of LHiisfiml, it is said that lie will be unable to control his owu board, and that, fo lowiiu; a complimentary vote on the llrst ballot, tue directors will goto lite candidate showing up the strongest; the same is said to be the condition of McCabe of Nesqiiehouing. Those who are ou the iuside say that three ballots will result in an election and that Poiter and .McCabe will be Hie first to drop out, leavlug thu final baliot between lialliet and Heisel with every chance iu favor of the former. Pinter's candidacy is much weakened from the tact that lie smacks a little too much of paitisau ship, the school directors believiug,anil finite rightly, that so high unci so im pot taut au ollice should not bo prosti tuted to so base a purpose. They aro to be sttongly commended for this stand and in nssumlngit public opinion is with them. During the early part of tills cam paign when the candidates were only aspirants ill embryo, a repoit was put In circulation that Prof. N. Mr Halliet was ineligible to lids position, Tills question has been settled by tlie Depu ty State Supei iuteudent of .Public In struction, tiom whom we learn that the essential qtialillcatinns necessary are as follows: (a) A ilililnliiH fi, on a cnllf'sr It'iraU) iilitlinl l7i.fl tfiitnuil htt-rar) ilfifiis-s. (b) A fllplniiui irHt.itat'trtitU'.itr Utiicf! hv, the HiiiiiMruivs in ii m,uh norniHi Sf-ufsn. (c) A 1 alUl lunlessliillril iTrtitirnte Issued nt least ono ypsr pi lor to Hie cIitIIdii. til) A leiumui.lit rcillflfate (e) A icrtltlcile of ennii.elcncy fiom Un- Sup erlnlt-inlt-iil ol i'lilillt' lii.trm lion. And futtlier tiiat t ho applicant must possess a sound moral character. Ol course this will fully settle all doubts oonccrulng tne ineligibility of Mr. Hal liet to this ollice. Perhaps of the four iiaudidates Mr, Halliet is the one pie-euuueutly quali fied, being a young man in the vigor and Hush of ambition ami with ability unquestioned, ft is alicady knoiwi that he attended the schools of the township where he lived, and that Ids studies weie supplemented lu the se lect school at Noimal Sduuro founded by his brother. He equipped hiiu'elf suilllcienny Here to enaiiio nun lo se- cuie a teacher's coitincnte, and for three years lie taught tu tlie public schools. He then took a two year's course In tne Kiitztowu Mate. .Mil unit School, following which ho entered Franklin and MarslitillC ollegc, at Itu caster, from where he graduated with distinguished honor. Ills professional caieer brletly stated is as follows: Principal of Normal In stitute forthtee years; Professor of Latin and Greek in l'ulallimte college for two years, ihws-,"J; Professor of Iat iu and and History iu Urslniw College for two years. 1800-02. He was also for one year principal of the Weisspoit schools. Altogetber lie lias bad about ton years experience in the school loom. To the public of Carbon coun ty Mr. Halliet is best known as the principal of Not mal Iustitute. I u con uectiou with this Mr, Halliet had ten dered him important high school priu- clpalsulp. among Ilie number being oue at Altooua at 1200, and another in Armstrong county at Ij00 per year. From thu fall ot 180(1 to the close of the lest school year Mr. Halliet nas con nected with Ursiuus College as Profcs surofLatlu and History. A sugges tive commentary upon his work iu this Held is the fact that, after the llrst year, he wasappoiuted general super visor of the work in the preparatory school connected with tlie college, that iuuddltioii to his collegiate work, aud that for two consecutive seasons he was piesident of a summer school also xsiniiected with this Institution. These latter facts isiint not only to live progressive teaching, but to executive a llity. Says oue of his distinguished co-laboiers: "He has been successful to the highest degree: and has accom pllshed, both lu and outside nf tlie class room, what no oue else has ever beeu able to do al this place. Jle the faculty ot securing more intelll gent work from his pupils than the ordinary teacher; aud as he always gains the respect and approbation of nis siiiueuui ue wieius a inignty iiiuu euce for good. He is oue of the strong, est men iu the faculty nf this place; aud, as au organizer and educator, he surely stands in tne front rank." This elouuent tribute to Mr. Halliet from so able and distiugutshef 1 a source is a siillleieiit guarantee that he Is fire eminently nualifled to meet the re siHiusibilities of this important oflice. The school directors of the county should wisely consider his candlday and give him an earnest ami unani mous support. His election will mean a step iu advancement and result lu much gooil for the Public school sys tem nf tlie enmity. We hare the great est reiard for each ami all the gentle men Huplrliiing to tills high honor, but we believe that Mr. Halliet will hriug high and excellent Intellectual attain ments to tlie ollice, and the school di rectors of the county will make no mis tke iu electing him Ths election will take place iu the court house at Mauch Chuuk ou Tues day, May 2. OiiMprnlng t'tsiple Who siifl flo a Vl.lllnbT llirf, 1 hrre sml l-l.tfrywlivr.. Fied Rex, of Slatlngton, was iu tovru this week. . . Harry E. Sweeny, of Drifton, was here ou SHturuay. Mrs. Sclilegel, of Heading. i-ti-,it lug Dr. Iteber and family. . .tleotge E. KeHieier was at smith Uethlehem uu last Thursday . .Tom Huuslcker, uf Freelanc, called ou lehighton frieuds, Tuesday. Mi's. Horace Koonf,ef East Mauch Chunk, spent Friday with Miss Kate Arner. Samuel Kistler ami Dr Millet , of Saegersville, were guests uf Dr. Si q lu this weeks. . W. W. lluwmait, of KJatiogton, while iu town ou Monday made u- a very pleasant call. . .Mrs. John Stark, of Boston, I- tlie guest ot her parents, Fred E. Miner and wite,ou north First street M rs. Samuel Froy, of Alum street, spent Wednesday up the Mahoning alley, witli her mother who quite ill. .Miss Laiiru M. Htitz. an estimable Allentown lady, Is the guest of her lster Airs. Al. O. Kuntz, ou .-second street. George Wert man, of Catasauaua, was in town on Sunday, In the former place George is doing au exteusne ivery business. Our esteemed neighbor Joseph Krum spent last Sunday at Mauch hunk, where he was the guest of his laughters. . Frank Miller and wife and AHss Ila AIcTaguu. of Mauch ('hunk. sDC-nt last Sunday with W. G. "Miller aud wife uu Second street. G. F. Kucrr. n student nt the podu ar American Hnsinoss College, Ailen- owii, sseut a lew davs veiy agreeably with G. C. Clauss, Hst week. .Airs. Ruse Liteuberger and Mrs. II. Seinmel, of While Hall btatiou. Pent several days last- week very ileasautly with Airs, C O. Schlerer, ou fhird street. ..Miss Alienl.1 Graver. Lehlghtou's popular milliner, will leave for Phila delphia next week where she will make llnal purchases of liiiifdsnmc new I It 1 1 1 i II l-l 3- goods Itnn Into h t,sniLllili.. The 2 o'clock passenger train ou tlie Lehigh .V Susquehanna Rail Road ran into u landside this side of Preeumus burg on Saturday afternoon. The coin siou occureil on a sharp curve. Fortuu ately the slide was a small oue ami the engine was not derailed. Had It struck 011s of rock, iistbe Uultalo Express Cld tin tlie Noith Pen, the other ulght. a horrible catastrophe would have re sulted, as tlie train would have been thrown Into 1 lie canal. As It was, only lie eoweatcner wus broken. A-piece 01 ock was hurled into the cab wiudow and struck tho engineer inflicting a wound lu the cheek rrum which the blood flowed freely. The passeugers ecelved a snaking up from the collision The track walkurs have beeu doubled 011 this road to picveut accidents from landslides. The train which met wltii the accideutou Saturday is knowu us a slow accomodation. riMii.iu sai.i; ui:nsiKit. Persons who have side bills printed at our ollice, can positively sate ten coins on every dollar, 011 the pries charged elsewhere, asd secure a uotice lu tlds Sale Register free of charge. We will write up your sale, print the bills almost while you wait. We have all kinds of display farm cuts to illus trate bills. If you can t come, send u yourorderuiidit'will lie promptly tilled. HAtiniLiv, Mauli IK ClialleHllleru, Litlli f .up, l)or-es, enwf anil fsiiiilini lint'li'iui'iits Kstiirilay. Msli-b 1. John Wolfe. Ill, knri-. ill name oscuius House. .HHluriU, Msri-ll is. Austin Mom i .idt i't In ion) Jisti.,, jfi iK'tfii.-. 111 ui 'ii, .11 with ilselllna House, frunkllii 1 p sslilltU), M'tli'li - Samuel li. .ai1. I.lnlr liOp, IflHI, Mltll WSgOUS, I4U . .SHtiinL), March Jft. Austin lt,ii-i Kiln 1 i jonir 1 icj, ii.'c 11, rntiiKiin 1 p 11 ..t. UllliilwetifiiKhoife. ahflotiii'i ntiim,m 111- Old Tim 1'ti.t tWj Au old aliuauas for 1811 tines tho following iu the ral-es of postage pre vailing at that time: "l-'or every single letter by laud, for 40 miles,1 cent-.. K' miles, 10 cents; 150 miles, 124 cents. iii nines, 11 cents; uu miles, 20 cents No allowance to be made tor.intorme liate miles. Lverv double lettor is to pay double the said rates: every triple letter, triple; every packet weighing 0110 . tiuee, at the rate of four single letters each ounce; every ship letter originally received ut an oflice fr de livery, b cents; magazines and pamph lets.notover 50mlles, 1 cent pershe.t. oyer 50 miles and not exceeding 100 miles, i", cents per sheet, over uo miles, 2 cents per sheet," Setltlpit .tiler Tw.nlr Vf-itra, The affairs of the defunct Aimers' Hank, ot Summit Hill, were put into process of llnal liquidation ou Saturday by au order of court approved the re port of Assignee Drelsbac.h. This bank failed twenty years ago, with tiabibtu amounting to 4ii, 288. 31 distributed a moug 108 depositors and thirty banks bunks and judgment holders The bsm gnee has distributed 11 per cent to thi redltors, and by tins report un-v win receive an additional 10 percent "f the balance that was stilt due them. A MrtrMfiiliiu. e'lir nf s llrpelt... ( Hr nt eiuitcrrby Or, lloMf.r'. the Shm-i.u.i Airs. Alfred Weida. of Lehigh tiat. Carbon county, Pa., has been vilfcrmg with that awful disease Cancel of lno nose and mouth for years, all furmi 1 medical treatment failed to ctin , net case was considered iuciliabb , Ii. .king for death to end her sutfei 11117 Mi. 1 being under Dr. Bower's treatment mouths a permanent cure vwi- affect, .t Airs. Weida istoday a well aud tiapp woman. So much for the Specialist Will he Her. on Ih. 7th. Dr. W. V. Danzer, Hazleton's well known eye, ear and U3se specialist. ill be at the Lxchauge Hotel on Kuday. Afiril 7. The doctor Is second to nnne ill the treatment of the aboe di-ease-. and if you need such service-. 1 all an.i see him. (Allies' sipl M!.m' Uup. .nil J.f keu. We sell spring capes from '-d up want. Jackets from .vjoii Mp.wti.l Soitdheim's Tailonui: Hall, Mauch Chunk. Highgrade Elgin. Walthuiu. Ilaaip den, Hockford, Ilmsai .1. Illiuoi.t'idiun lais, aud New Athkyuetic Railv..u walohes, a large sook at K II 1 1 . . ti I -Mauch Chunk, jewelry store, si pi ices that will make it an object toi .uti purclusse here. Grand Army suit, at f",un. ss ,1 andiliMMat the One Price sihi t 'L.tli iug Hall, Mauob Chunk I-or s.1... A piano box biuiiey iu tirstH-tass con dition. ApplrtoHT K. Cultou, site- tue park, Kirst street, Ijuhiirti- i ton. tf. from lo Sill Cm ft Satwl of streusth aud r-owertud uervousuese. 1 ou every suit you ortler 1st Soudheiiu's Theti followed au hour's argunteot, . Tbousaud cured, utter others have Tailoring Hall, Aiauoii Chunk, where in which .11 the counsel took part failed. you wish tn know what you caa nud the latest styles of suit Finally Mr. Bertolette made an appli- nan be dona (or you. 1'onsultatinu nigs and pantalonnings Every msr- ealionfora oontinnanoe for the pur- free, every day from !' a. m. to S p in. meut guarauleed as to lit un 1 work pose of answering the affidavits This - ' manshlp wm in-anted, and tueeourt fixed Thurs E II Hold, is showing the prettie-t - prison in .lefuuit or nan, wincn wa lor jour trouble, as is snowu at t ne . day, aresi wa, si i" iiw.s, w, hub 01 kw" -i-n-.u.. .fm "iusfi - f, it..ti furui.hed luUi aud he telsaied. Maiieb Chunk, jewelry sloiv, of E, I the Uwe for the hrlng The Mauch this county Have von seen the ex-; at the Mauch Chuuk jewelry store, of It will be a sue tor seurL 1 Ii. HoU. Chunk Ttmti. Uuslve Hue of gold welokes. . II. lioul. 1 Jlhsoluiely ft-. Pure mWHL&r A crt'itm ol Inking nowtli-r. IIiL'In'st ul ull in strvngth l,.it"st letevf nimt I'lilte'.IM RtlMllt R,n .1 j 'Co, lntialt st 1 rilliUMlt J- iKui N. . i - ..u..--.-A.. w. ... .. K