The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, March 11, 1893, Image 1

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    Has h larger circulation Ihnn any other
newspaper printed tn Carbon county, oou
-.equently It ! 1 be best medium for adver
tisers Our news minimis, sparkle with
the occurences or the dayclertl, ploy,
interesting, bright nnd independent. Our
editorials are original ami will be worth
reading on account of their spirit which
la Independent of outside dictation. Our
price is one dollar a year. Just you try It.
Is a specialty at our Job
111 Snyder's Block, east m
Bridge. Envelope-.. Note u
Pbaluplets, Order Hooks,
and all kinds of l'lc Mr
'Hills. We do all work u i
qleatlly. Do you need ,n
finer (lieu call and nee u
postal card and we will t"
1 1 I,
i nid
1 bib
0 H
iuk m
"HI bi
VOl. XXL, No. 17
Lehighttm, Carbon County. Ponna. March 11, 1893
TIave you seen, if not, you
should see the Ucuutiful Striped
iSViitiiigs displayed in our show
windows at 24o n yard, this class
of Jlaterial would be called a
bargain at 35c Handsome as
sortment Cashmers at 20c.
Hookfold and all Colors never
sold lor less then 28c. Book
fold Cashmere at 15c all the
Leading Shades 20c a yard
would have been a bargain
price some timo ago. Cream
Henrietta a very popular Dress
Material tins season lor Oon
nrmntion out-fits. Black Cash
meres and Henriettas Albatross
lor Confirmation Dresses, all the
Leading Dress Trimmings.
Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Senalngcr
Mr. Phaon A. HofTner, and Elmea Jones
composed a sleighing party to Bern
hard Llenbard on Thursday.
Mr. Wilson Hoffner and family of
Catasauqua are visiting nt llernhard
Aaron Shlve spent a few days lnWllkes-barre.
-Phaon German, of this place,
bought a load of potatoes In Germrns-
vlllo at twenty cents a bushel.Potatoes
must be cheap on the other side of the
Blue Mountain.
-Emanuel Cochraln sold his farm
to a Mr. Taylor, consideration $1200.
Edward Hontz and family spent
Sunday with James Schoch.
Mrs Granville Mertz, of Packerton
spent a few days with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Freyman,
Our 50c Kid Gloves
cost you 75c elsewhere.
Tokaline, that means our
75c Corset. No doubt other
houses are charging $1.00
for a less sightly Corset.
pint Htreet, between South and Hum street1
lhlitliton, V.
Oharlts Do Letups1 Testimony Impli
cating Prominent French Statesmen.
Paris. March 9. In the tiial of the Pan
ama cormilmtors yesterday M. Charles de
-Leaseps was the principal wltnw. Among
other things be testltieU tnat Alt uamui
had demanded 1,000,000 francs for the in'
troducUon of the lottery bill lu the cham
ber, and that STIUWU francs were paid
down. M, de LetMeD. said it was a case of
extortion rather than corruption. Ilia fre
quent reference to "the desires of the rov-
trnment" were Bpceuuy cueckea. i'n-
ceedlnir he nald:
"I explained to M. de Freyclnet that the
question was one of extortion, i una mm
that pressure was being exercised con
jointly by Hera and Belnach.who was try1
lnc to make me nar debts not my own."
"Then you mentioned Ai. tierz to au ae-
rreycinet," usiveu juuge uesjarums.
I did."
"DuC hum one that M. de Freyclnet dis
putes thlaf"
"He may dispute it, but that will not
prove that I am not speaking tue truiu.
As the result of my twit to M. de Frey
clnet I did what I had previously refused
to do, and raised my offer to Baron de
Iteinacu from s.uw.uw to tuw,vw trancs,
which he accepted,"
"You tneauloBay.tuen.thut your visit to
M. de Freyclnet caused you to decide upon
asking the payment."
"Exactly, I resisted at tlrnt, but alter
my talk with M, de Freyclnet I considered
It my duty to give way. M, Clemenceau
also beuued me to visit him, aud suoke to
me asuld Al. de, X reycinet about tbe ne
cesItyof having no open rupture with
Huron de Heiuach. Subsequently M. Flo-
quet said to me: Vhy do you not pay
that money to Baron de Retnach? If I
were you I would do so and so' advising
me to accede to Reinaoh's demands. They
Were very polite about the matter; they
did not take me by the nape of the neck
hut they all tmiu about the same tmng as
to the necessity of granting HeiuacU's do-
M. de Less.eps denied that he knew that
uny of tbe money paid out by him to llarou
de Iteinach was to be u&ed In bribing the
De Irffweps was apparently frank and.
was plucky even to the point of insolence
lu hU conduct toward tue court. Ha
showed that he v, as wary uud hard headed,
and often turned olt with remarkable skill
points made against Mm. lie spoke In a
familiar tone, as if with a view to Impress,
the jury lu his favor and! to throw the
whole odinm of the J'auaina H-andal upon
the government.
fbe scene in the court room was remark
able. Among the meu summoned to tes
tify were Clemeuceau, Maret, Andrleux
and other celebrated politicians.' Til?
court was densely crowded with persons
conspicuous lu Purls society and politics.
MethotlUU la Convention.
Norristown, Pa., March 9, The Phila
delphia annual conference of the MethodUtf
Episcopal church convened. In it tOtfth,
be&dou hi the Opera House yesterday, with
HUhop Henry W. Warren, D. D., LL. D
presiding. The Woman's Home Mission
ary society held a xeHton In the Oak Street
church, aud an Epworth league conference
was Lehl at tbe first cnurcn. iiieuoqi
ference Education Huctety met last night,
tev. T t Murphy, I). IX, wait re-elected.
president, aud Hev If. &. Uroadbeut, X. U,,
To Abotlth Jury Commissioner!
Ily a remarkable coincidence Mr.
Cessna reported from the judiciary
general committee la the house at
Harrlsburg ou Monday night, a bill
repealing ati act which he had drawn
aud of which he secured the passage
immediately after the close of the war.
The bill Is the oue abolishing jury
commissioners in the state. Mr. Cessna
was accorded unanimous permission
to make a personal statement. He ex
plained that he had introduced the
jury commissioner act because the
selection of jurors had come to be
considered a partisan adrautage. Since
then, under the new constitution, there
had been given minority represents
tion ou the boards of county commis
sioners aud the reason for tbe jury
commissioners no longer existed. The
new law will transfer ihe duties of
jury commissioners to the county com
About a IIor Trade.
The Allentowu Critic says: "A. P.
Berllu, President of the Washington
Slate Coirpauy, made a trade of horses
with Oliver Snyder, of Lehlghthn. The
condition of the trade was that the
horse given by Mr. Snyder to Mr.
Berlin should have two days trial by
Mr. Berlin, and to be returned the
third day If not satisfactory. The
horse suited aud was not returned.
Last Saturday, It Is alleged, Snyder
calno to town aud went to Mr. Berlin's
stable as J took tbe horse out, then put
the animal in the Utttuer House stable,
where he Is now, Ottlcer Utt Monday
morulug got a search warrant aud de
manded the horse but was refused..
The oflicer tried to force his -way Into
the stable, Mr. Hlttner would not al
low him to enter. Tbe horse Is still In
the Hlttner IIoue stable aud the horse
given by Mr. Berlin in exchange is in
Walnut port. A warrant was sworn
out before JusttreBell, by Mr. Berlin
as President of the Slate Company.
The horse has been returned and ull
legal proceedings have been quashed
1 1 pa tli of MU- Katie Hon.
Miss Katie Boas died Suturday after-
uoou at 3 o'clock at the home of her
parents on Broad street alter a pro
longed Illness.
Miss Boas1 death is traceable direct
ly to h fall which she subtaiued about
a year ago iu whloh she severely in
jured her spine and head. Dr. Moratlo
C. Wood, the noted specialist,of Phila
delphia, treated her, aud for a while
she appeared much benetlted, but
few mouths ago she suffered a relapse
aud gradually grew worse until death
relieved her of her bufferings,
The funeral took place ou Tuesday
afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment was
made in the Odd Fellows1 cemetery,
Deceased was well-kuowu here, being
sister to Mrs, K. S, Wheatley on- First
ion silk.
An elirht room riweUinir house, built nn
inottern plan. 1111 upstairs mul down h tit In
Healed vvilii hut air; not ana cold waier, a bail
room: lariftt immrv. 11 eiuv 01 rm.seis. i.irie am
Located lu one ot the prettiest parts of l)ilgli
ton. An excellent ounortunltv fur a iut
astv to secure a flno home at a reasonable
ntture. Appi) at mis ornre xor iamt'uiHr,
j nil nifiiii uiismris.
Hliort I'nriiBrHiilit Tlmt Tlllli. ol lntf,r.t
tn the Rnllroiwl liny..
1 Wlint ore snid to bo the largest pair
of driyitifr wheels hi the World are 1-
ug constructed for the New York
Central Railroad. The wheels when
completed will bo 7 feet In diameter.
1 Tbe Lehigh Coal A, Navigation Com-
pany reports that during 1802 It pro
duced 103,0(12 tons, the greatest out
put lu aiir year In its history; the cost
f production was $1.47 per ton.
JEleven box cars loaded with articles
of art from Italy, for the H'orld's I'air
passed up the Lehigh Valley rallrond
riday night. They were brought to
this country ou the American man of
ar, Constellation,
X John Nichol, the lost and damaged
freight agent of the Heading System,
is In St. Louis attendiugthenatlou con
Tention of freight agents, tie will be
gone a week. Mr. Nichol represents
the Reading at the convention. Ho
lives at Mauch Chunk.
An order has been received at all of
the repair shops of tuo Philadelphia
and Reading Railroad Co., giving parti
cular instructions to the employes.
No car is to be allowed to go through
the shops without obliterating the
words "series A, Union Trust Co." The
painters are Instructed to paint over
these maf ks. The reason for this
order Is that the mortgage bond, scries
A, of the Union Trust Co., of Philadel
phia, have been paid. This was the
payment that Is said to have precipita
teil the receivership.
t The commission on tho anthracite
coal waste, of which the lion. Eckley
II. Co.xe Is (hairmau, hopes to finish
Its report this Spring. It will enter
very fully Into the matter aud should
be a most valuable contribution to
economize science. The present moth
ods of mining and preparing anthra
cite coal are a disgrace to the century
aud the sooner we realize this and act
upon it the betterolf we will be. Mil
lions of tons are lost'overy year through
incompetency, iguorance and careless
X Last week tho parents of Albert 0,
Lenta, of Weatherly, who was iu Octo
ber last killed on the railroad at St.
Nlchalas received from the Brother-
hood of Trainmen, of which organiza
tion he was a member .$1,030 as death
benefit. Mr. Lent?, joined the organi
zation In Tamaqua tho day previous to
his dsath, and as every member is
placed on the bouellcial list the night
of initiation the opportune step he
took will assist greatly in relieving the
distress of the parents. Tho Brother
hood of Iuillrnad Trainmen was organ
ized iu town last August aud at present
numbers forty members. It is doing
excellent work, and will grow In use
fulness and prosperity. Tamanua
X The proposed Philadelphia 4 Alleu-
town Electrio Trunk Railway Company
which intends building a line from
Alleutown to Philadelphia, will take In
Senth llethlehem, Hellertown, Blngen,
Coopersburg, Splunerstonn, Gerysville
fc.ast Greenville, Penusburg, Illllegus
Ttrvtit)-.Ten Sttllur. Lout.
PA1US. Maich 7. Advice from Mftdft-
gahi-ar brings news of the wreck of tbe
Kieueh dfspalch Ixmt Iabourdomiais near
tue r renili l-lamuoisi. -Mane. Twenty
fceveu ol llie crev w-tr lost,
number of young girls and boys
can Hud steady employment at good
wages, by applying Immediately to
John Yost, superintendent Lehlghtnn
Hosiery Mill, tf.
Ym lie
for rout a nine room dwelling house
with open store, front on First street.
Hot and cold water iu the house. Fine
place for business. Apply at this otllce
nr uddress V. II- I?es, Blatlpgton. 2t.
IS) You Want Ati.ft. Tree. T
L. J, Heldt, of Second street, has ac
uepted the ngency here for a tlrst-class
nursery llrm, aud will be pleased to
Hiipply all who are iu need with fine
fruit aud shade trees, grnpe viues, Ac,
at low prices. He also ha for sale a
Hue lot of seed potatoes, C.U aud
see him
A W.rneulon. Cur. tit w Heele.s r. nt
C.ncerbr Or, Mower, the Hertallt.
Mrs. Alfred Welda, of Lehigh Gau,
Carbon county, Pa., has been 8'ilferiug
with that awful disease Caucer of the
uu.e aud mouth for J ears, ull former
medical treatment failed to cure, her
case was considered Incurable, looking
for death to end her siiiferlug, After
being under Ur. Bower'" treatment U
months a permanent cure was atfected
Mrs. Welda is to-day a well aud happy
woman, Bo much for the Specialist.
lleinocrntle l'ole lcal.tiije.
There was a jolly time at the Pemo
cratto pole raising at Normal Square
ou March 4th. Among those who were
present were Daniel Rex, .Voses (1.
Frantz, Thomas Mertz, Ellas Suyder,
Edwin Rex, Levi diller and others.
Mf. to Lelilghtmi. '
Mr. .Tames G. Rauch, of Pleasant Cor
ner, Heidelberg tso., will Hie coming
April move to Leliliton fur eugaglng
In th jewelry business there, along
with tho repairing of watches, clock:
Ac, in which belongings to tho trade
he Is an expert. He is u very pleasant
aud courteous gentleman, of the high
est Integrity, aud entirely deserving of
success n Ids proposed new field pt
business. From the Allentowu Demo
crat. For Sale.
W piano box buggy In first cltyw con
dition. Apply tn B. i. Culton, oopo
slte the park, First street, Iehlgh
ton. tf.
People who buy at ourBtoie
always go uway satisfied be
cause we give them their
money's worth, then too, they
have a large assortment of all
kluds of General Store Qoodt
to select from. Some goods,
those of Fall and Winter pat
terns we are ulottug out at re
duction prices iu order to
make room for our spring ar
rival of goods which we Intend
to surpass all previous ex
I, .Lilians We again oordlally
un ite you to ooate audeu.
Robert Walp, f
i irsi. street, Op. Round Home.
Thut Miner K.tate.
Interest has been revived In the liti
gation between the Lehigh Coal aud
Navigation Coaipuuy and the heirs of
the Moser estate over the ownership of
ooal lauds worth r,i,000,000 between
Summit Hill and East Venn by thedis-
covcry that John Burkhart Moser,
aged 02 years, a nephew of Burkhurt
Moser, the original owner of the terri
tory, is residing iu Hazletou aud Is em
ployed lu a colliery as as a slate picker
Hopes ure now entertained that the
heirs wl get ther money before loug
K.her-ltowruHO Victoty A.uret,
Judge Com ad, of Ilea Molues, la.,
who u tow ueeks ago gave an exhaust
ive opinion iu favor of the Esher-Bow-nian
people, and upon application
heard argument for a rehearing,' has
refused to change or nioillfy his de
civion, hence the same stands a com
plete aud decided victory for tho Kan
gelioul Association as represented by
the Usher-Bowman side.
ille, Hod Hill, Green Lane, Satuney,
town, Harleysyille, Kulpsville, North
ales,Sprlug Haven, Fort Washing
ton, Florenceton, Chestnut IIIll.Mouut
Jelfersonyille. Another branch
runs through Quakcrtown, Perkasie,
aud Doylestowu. The capital Is S1C3,-
000. They havo received tho right of
way along the roads of Lower Saucon.
Tho company may purchase the Reutz-
helmer cave property, near Hellertown,
and oouvcrt it into a picnio ground
and park,
About 00 employes of the Lehigh
dlvisiou of the Lehigh Valley Railroad
were discharged Indefinitely the other
day. The signal men, who build watch
towers, a gang of six that works along
the whole line of tho road, were put off.
The gravel train, drawn by engine No.
41, has been abolished. Tho conductor
was Thomas Murtugh, the engineer
Pldl Lauer and the fireman Oliver
Stein, all of Eastou. There were S3
workmeu on the train. Each dlvisiou
of the Lehigh Valley road has had two
gravel trains. The number on every
division has been reduced to one, Tho
track gangs, headed by James Pascoe
and James Bowman, the first consist
ing of twenty meu aud the second of
ten men, are also discharged, The men
out of work do not know when they
will bo employed. The ueedlngoutof
the has been done to reduce the
operating expenses of the lieudlug
Railroad under tho administration of
the receivers.
I The annual report of the Philadel
phia and Reading Relief Association,
organUod under the personal direction
of President MoLeod, which has just
beeu complied, makes a very gratifying
exhibit ot the organization's noble
work during the past year. It shows
that the total receipts were 102,787.38,
of which J22y,8M.14 was contributed by
members; 22vr,37i0 was contributed by
ilrlfottT or THK il. or if.
Ttie Monthly Coti.lilernttoii of Our Hoard
of llenlih,
The Board of Health, met In regular
session nt the olllce of the secretary,
on the evening of March 2ud. All'the
members were present.
President R. V. HoUord, called the
meeting to order, ad asked ior the
rending of the minutes, which were
The secretary then rend tho report of
work done last month.
No. of Death Certificates received. . 4
No. of Transct Permits Issued 2
No. of Burial Permits granted 2
Cash received $1.00
On motion of O. W. Dungan the re
port was accepted.
A communication was received from
the Secretary of the State Board of
Health requesting this Board to pre
pare Charts aud Diagrams of invest!
gatlous made with regard to mortality
rates, Infoctious dlseuses, control of
epidemics, analytical Investigations In
to food, food adulterations aud drink
ing waters, water supplies and purifi
cation of. water, Ac, to form a part of
the exhibit of the State Board of
Health at the World's Fair.
President 11. F. Hofford, suggested
that Bluco the Lehighton Board of
Health Is still in its incipient stage, it
could hardly furnish sufficient data to
make a creditable showing, aud ou
motion of G. W, Dungan, the Secretary
was instructed to so inform the Secre
tary of the State Board ot Health.
The Board went Into a geueral ills
cusslon of the dangers arislug from
using abaudoued wells for cesspools;
and considered It advisable to adopt
some means by which such cesspools
can be prevented from draining Into
neighboring wells and thereby, proba
bly polluting tho water sulllceut to
oause epidemics of contagious and
Infectious diseases; some detlute action
will have to be taken by the Board, un
less sewerage is provided.
Bill of J12.50 for salary of Healtn
Officer and Secretary of the Board of
Health was received aud ou motiou'of
Dr. W. Vi Reber was approved by the
On motion of Rev. G. W. DungaS tho
Board adjourned. C. W. BOWER,
Will appear iu the columns of this
newspaper nextweek.
vt i:atiikiii.y.
.Rev. A. M. Masonheimer, of town,
participated iutho installation of u
Reformed minister at Freelaud on
Tuesday evening.
P. A. II amer, a teacher in our pub
lic schools, was to his home In Monroe
county last Sarurday to see his nged
father who Is lying at the point ot death
At a meeting of the borough coun
cil last Slonday evening, Samuel Harlo
man was electod borough treasurer
overO. W. Miller, who was treasurer
last year,
A melee at the Jersey House the
other night caused the arrest of Aleck
Stewart for attempting to use a knife
in a fight with the proprietor, Jacob
Among those registered at the Gil
bert House Is T. R. Buyer, nil insurance
agent, of Allentown, well known to the
people of the Valley as a tree and sew
lug machine agent.
John Walbert, eldest son of Mrs.
Walbert who was murdered In this town
about three years ago, was married on
Tuesday to Miss Maggie Gearlmrt, of
Gearhart's Station.
Engine No. 183, "Onoko," Is being
rebuilt In the Weatherly shops and
ciinuged to a dirt burner. Work at the
other shops goes on with the same
number of hands as usual.
Ed. Gangwere, one of the machin
Ists employed by Master Mechanlo De
Witt, has purchased a grocery storo lu
Jersey City, to which place he will
remove soou to engage in that business,
Charles W. Smith, eldest son of
Burgess Smith, died last Saturday and
will be burled the coming Sunday, 12th
Inst. Deceased was about 31 years of
age, aud leaves a wife and three chll
dreu to mourn his early demise. -.Until
about three months ago he was em
ployed by his father in the ochre works
at Hudsondale. Death resulted .from
complication ot diseases of a catarrhal
nature followed by la grippe.
$1.00 a Year in Advanc
-"i. . M -rT-r-nnjg -r-
HAPFKMNtis nnmrt.v nriTo.
The Social Club of Beaver Meadow
produced the play of the above title In
P. O. S. of A. Hall on Friday evening,
In commemoration of the 113th auni
versary of the birth of Robert Emmet,
A large aud appreciative audience was
present and the members of the com
pany ocquitted themselves In a credit
able maimer. W. J. Gallagher in the
character of Barney O'Brady kept the
audience lu continual laughter and al
so did some very good acting. The
lady parts were well handled by Misses
Mary Kelley, Annie Breslin and Sophia
3cGee. A successful ball was given
A Beaver Meadow correspondent
to tho Plalu Speaker says: Seldom
does pay day pass without drunken
the railroad company, 90,200 was do- brawls. This was the case near Pleas-
rived from Interests ou Investments
and $4o.83 from lntorests on bank
balances. The disbursements aggre
gated ftm.101.0t, including $104,804.91
for death benefits; JtA'WAft for contri
butions returned, and J3.0I0.12 for ex
peuses of medical examlueis, leaving a
surplus for your of 921,080.37, making
the surplus S2a8,JS0.44. The Askmu
tlou mid 248- death claims and afforded
relief lu 13,O0ii cbmw ot disablement.
Of tho disablement cases, benefits In
3,1S7 awideut cases aud 3,007 sick
outee were ullow ed and the uhs closed.
Oue huudred and eighteen members
died during disablement, twenty-six
were In receipt of wages, and o.l.V) re
covered within seven days, leaving
1,213 on baud at the close of the year.
Tho membership at the
llxtal year was IM1Q,
ant Hill, on Saturday evening, when
tbe combined Hungarian forces of the
Honey Brook shanties aud their street
brethren met. John Labuda was ren
dered uuoonselotis iu the early part ot
tne engagement wnion intensified the
wrath of his followers, aud was the
means of making the battle of short
duration. The-Johu Hponty faction
after one attack, succeeded lu van
quishing their opponents aud but for
tne interierence ot uuiuteresteii on
lookers the tight might bare had
fatal result.
The Weather La.t Month,
Repoitofthe Katt Mauch Chunk
State Weather Station for February
181ft also February 18t$:
lMi lag)
MwtnditUy tftnueruure (or mouth. ... mil Jl,:
Afeuu turn twxlMuni tor DMkulu HI w.a
Mm (MB mlnliuuii for leiuiib it.u u
HItUw ieuixinUiieuiuiuK luouUi.... M. M
liwe MMopvrewre auriuf mouui
tlreulMt daily nut tlurtux montli
LeiMt dolly range aurtuK month.,..
si ti
Total iqecloKMioiu for uuwlli T.1T 1.11
total tuow Ull In tuchos 30.711 M
Niunlierof tU)lj whirh rslofeJI.. . U
He Wit. Kke I
A little bit ot a half soared looking
fellow, with Just the shadow of a mus
tache on his upper Up, and with hair
combed a la pompadoer, dropped In at
the Exchange Hotel a week ago last
Sunday night, and punching "J. W.
end of thei-P'iTfTi ew York, advance, Stand
I ard Dramatic Company," oome up to
I the bar and asked for a room. He tot
ivui ii. ra ,,n n.M-ith. lit: He nut in lour davs. waitlmr tor
Dr. W. V. Dauer, Hwleton'n well 'J18" ythloal trunk ; leasing
,.n.n ... .rU.lnt..lH.t will 0P6rfl .1IOUM' gettiUg OUt hi
known eye, ear and n4se specialist, will
be at the blichunge Hotel ou Friday,
April 7. The doctor la second to none
in the treatment of the above dlseuses
and If you need such service oall aud
oee him.
Ohl Town Oounrll IM..oWe4,
All the members of the old town
council with the exception of Mr.
Mo Ileilman HuMOibled at the ofiloa
dates, and then oue morning h waa
missing aud from all reports has not
nown up since, me hotel was "dene"
for his board. It is needless to say
that there was uq attraction lu the
Opera House on the date called for by
the Great aud only Standard Dramatic
l Company. Foet was a fake I
The Doing, of Hi Week Interlefltleil With
1'er.onsl Mention..
Eugene Christmau Is on the sick"
lacob Slides, of rottsvllle, wns
ere ou Monday,
Miss Annie Comfort has returned
from Hanover, Ph.
Mrs. Belle Meredith visited at
hlladelphla this week.
Miss Eva Romig, of the east side.
was at Mauch Chunk en Monday.
'Squire Austin Boyer was on a trip
to Shnmokln, Sunbury and Wilkes
barre last week.
-Alox Marsh has tho smallest Ttidlnn !
rrow dead In this section. It Is H
of an Inch.
C. W. Laury now empleys In his
bakery seven men, ns follows: two on
cakes, two on pretzlos and three on
Thomas Amer, who represents the
Mutual Reserve Fund Life Association
of New York, reports business as being
very brisk. s
Our young friend Ed Schlfferstlne
was nursing a cheek this week that
looked like a toy baloou, caused from
having a half dozen molars extracted
The snirlted team of Henry Everilt
took fright on Monday aud runaway.
The animals were caught by the
genial Tom Aruer before any damnge
was done.
Miss Lillle Rapp, of Wllkesbarre,
and Misses Mary Rapp and Minnie
Stall!, of Mauch Chunk, were guests of
the Misses Repp, on White street, oyer
Fred Wassum and wife and Mrs,
John Amer, were at St. Lukes' Hos
pital, Bethlehem, aud ou their return
were accompanied by Miss Doll Amer,
who has been quite seiiously iudis
posed for some time.
John Rehrlg and Clayton, Tama-
qua's well-known shooter, shot at ten
birds each on Monday iu a friendly
contest aud the score resulted like this:
. . . M K
KeiirlK-i t l i a i ltii-o to
CllUtoll-l 110 0 1111 12 8
Fred Krause.the well-known Allen-
town horse dealer, Ust a valuable bay
horse by death Monday evening. He
had just Wrought a lot of horses from
Hazleton.of which this was out-awl had
placed tkem in John O. Weiss' livery,
when it took suddenly sick, and soon
after expired.
All the necessary papers have beeu
signed for the transfer of the Interest
of the Lutheran congregation In the
uuiou church building to their neigh
bors of the Reformed congregation.
The former congregation are now look-
ng after a location on which to build
a new edifice.
The Faithful Friend Society, com.
posed of the lady members of the
Lutheran congregation, has been
formally re-organized, and hold their
first meeting on Thursday. The ob
ject of the organization Is to do nil
kinds of sewing, the receipts for which
revert to the church.
The Weissport String Band gave
a delightful sociable In school hall on
Friday evening. The program was
vocal and lustrumeutal music and n
very appetizing luncheon. The mem
hers are: Ray Straussberiter, baujo;
Howard Amer, David Lacy and Chas,
Moyer, harmonicas; Ollle Koons and
George Reed, bones; Wilbur Marsh,
iriaugie; roru iuuier, acoorueon,
lu honor of her 00th birthday an
niversary Mrs. A. W. Marsh, one even
ing recently entertained in a pleasant
manner the following ladies:
MesJamts, Ull Fowl. MHtoii Rebrk'. J. A
rhlllp, Oscur Aruer, Jnmes Wllllan.i, Frank
Koous, AKrcd Whlttinglmin, A. Maisli, Leah
llojer,, I). II. Albright, Uharlei
Liury, Win. need, Frank need, Uaorgt Moer,
Oilier Trite, Beer, W. I,. Kuu. Irtlu
Krestt and Kev. 0. w. Crelll and A. W. Marsh
aud Mian tierlle Wagner.
Since Grover Cleveland's inaugura
tion the coutest for the post otllce in
this town has assumed new light aud
interest. Before the 4th of March the
only candidates were Charley Nus
baum and Jacob StraUssberger. Now
two new contestants are In the field
Tiiey are George Enzlau aud Douglas
Arner. The office here pays about
ax) per annum, nut Is worth more
than this owing to the custom it brings
with it if the office Is in with a store,
Mrs. Samuol Weloh, who, very near
or quite a year ago, suffered almost
complete paralysis, was made happy
the other day when she was presented
with an Invalid's chair, which will en
able her to move about with ease aud
comfort. The chair was purchased
through the efforts of Mrs, C.'H. Nns
bautn who solicited subscriptions for
this purpose. When the chair is no
longer used by Mrs. Welch It is to re
vert to the Lutheran congregation for
tbe use of auy ot its members.
The genial 'Squire AustinBoyer be
sides attending to the immense amount
of legal business that comes his way,
finds time also to. divert from the
monotony to occasionally officiate at
tieiugof the silken cords that bind
together "two hearts that beat as one,
two souls with but a siugle thought.''
Since the new marriage licence law lias
been in force he has tied five knots,
the last being Joseph .Schwelbina and
Miss Susie Eck, of the East side, on
Monday ovenlng. The young couple
were blewed lu tho 'squire, and the
"Stroller" also wishes them much Joy
aud prosperity.
Mamie, the three year old daugh
terof Rev. aud Mrs. I. J. Reitt, died on
last Thursday after a few days Illness
with that dread disease, membrauus
croup. Interment was made on Tues
day afternoon. Presiding Elder Hell
aud Rev. A. M. Sampsel officiated at
the last sad rites and the funeral was
very largely attended. Defeated was
au uuusally bright aud Intelligent lit
tle girl for her age and had endeared
herself to mauy outside of the family,
all of whom tender sincere sympathy
to the sadly bereaved parent. The
pall bearer were Ralph Mortblmer,
Chas. Sellers, Chas. Urayfogel, John
Zeigeufus, Lanoe Koons, Howard
Aruei, Clyde Wills, Harry Ronemua.
llower Urate Ollham for Secretary Zern
I're.lile Gracefully, Acker for Snner
vl.or. Weltlaw, the Ilanitr Copper, Will
Sleet The I'lr.t An Ohect for Democrat.
The new town council are at work.
Biibuess J. G. Zern.
First Ward B. J, Kuntz, J. Frank
Moulthrop and W. S. Koch.
Second Wabd I. S, Koch, J. L.
Gable and M. O. Kuntz.
Taidd Ward-L. J. Heldt. II. T.
Straup aud Joseph Isatnau.
On Monday evening at the residence
of ueorge W. Morthimtr the new town"
council organized. Burgess Zern ad
ministered the oath of office to all
members who had not previously qual.
fled. 11. J. Kuntz acted lu tho capacity
of secretary pro tem.
When the question of Hxlng4h sal
ary of the new secretary came up It
was suggested by B. J. Kuntz that It
would be wse to have the secretary
Issue all quarterly licenses and that
the market clerk be paid twenty-five
per cent on the l."i and 23 cent licenses.
There was some discussion on this
matter between Messrs. Gable ant
Kuntz, but it was flually ogreed that
the system should prevail In the future
The salary of the secretary was fixed
at $73 per annum. His duties will be
assigned by Council.
The Burgess stated that the election
ot a secretary was in order, and tho
following nominations were made':
F. I. Smith, by B. J. Kuntz.
C W. Bower, by J. L. Gable.
Samuel R. Gilhaul, by I. S. Koch.
Messrs. Heldt and Moulthrop were
appointed tellers.
One ballot settled this contest. Bow.
er was elected with 3 votes; Gilliam
had 4, aud Smith failed to make a hit.
It was decided that the regular meet
ings of council should be held on the
first Tuesday evening of each month.
A motion to proceed with the elec
tion of ofiliers was carried.
Tho salary of tho borough treasurer
was fixed nt $39 per auuum.
The present incumbent, D. Harrison
Straup, was re-uomlnated and he was
elected by acclamation. The treasur
er's bond will be $10,000.
For solicitor, Horace Heydt, Esq.,
had no opposition and his election was
maiie by acclamation.
When It come to the election of a
supervisor, I. S. Koch offered the sng
gestion that the salary of this official
should be $1.75 per day, but on motion
the old rate of 10 cents per day pre
vailed, For this office these men were
put to bat;
Joseph Zahu, by H. T. Straup.
John II. B. Acker, by J. Moulthrop.
Zahn struck out. Score, Acker, 0;
Zahu, 4.
A motion that the policeman be paid
$20 per mouth carried. This officer
must sign last year's agreement.
A motion that the market clerk be
placed under $200 bonds was carried.
For this job the following nomina
tions were made:
William Weidaw, by J. L. Gable.
J. J. Hummel, by J. F. Moulthrop.
Weidaw won the prize, the result 5
to 4.
The salary of the burgess was made
$23 per annum.
Council adjourned.
The first regular meeting of tho new
council convened at the olllce of Sec
retary Bower on Tuesday evening. All
the members were present and Burgess
Zern was in the chair.
These bills were presented and the
secretary was Instructed to Issue or
ders in payment:
carbon Co Imp. Co.. llRlits, Feb ft 75 no
Ijilmr far month of February ST IS
0. w. noer Health Officer ft t,o
A communication from the State B.
of II., was read relative to a bill now
before tho Legislature for tho organi
zation of b. of h's. in boroughs. Coun
cil endorsed tho measure, and the bur
gess and secretary were made a com
mittee to draft a suitable resolution
shewing the sentiment of the council
in the matter.
Tbe scale ot wages for 1803 was fixed
as per last year: 7 to 12! cents per
hour for labor; 20 cents per hour for
a single team with man; 33 cents per
hour for double team with man; 40
cents per hour for two horses in scra"per
The salary of the secretary and health
officer fixed at $12.30 per month for the
ensuiug year.
A motion to appoint a committee to
confer with the solicitor iu framing an
ordinauce to tax peddlers was carried.
The chair appointed J. L. Gable, 11. J.
Kuntz and L. J. Heldt.
It was the unanimous sentiment' of
council that the First street matter be
pushed for speedy trial.
A motion was carried that the solici
tor be requested to meet with council.
11. J. Kuntz, I. S. Koch aud II. T.
Straup were appointed a committee to
frame suitable rules for the govern
ment of council.
The monthly report ot the local
Board of Health was read, ordered ac
cepted and spread on the miuutes.
SECRET SOCIETY DOINGS. II, I. Illl. of lntereatto the Mem
here of the fraternity.
Monroe Castle, No. 427, K. G. E., of
Kresgeville.was successfully Instituted
on tho 3d Inst. D, G. C, H, V. Mortb
lmer, Jr., presided as Grand Chief aud
was amUted by the following Sir
Knights of Carbon aud Guaden Huet-'
ton Castles, of thlstowu: Daniel Balt
zer, O. B. M. Stocker, John Seidle.T
O. Catell, Dlldluo Snyder, F. P. Hell,
II. II. Peters, Samuel Graver, John
Kreldawelss, L. J. Heldt, J. O. Ebbert,
Charles SchafTer, . F. Pettit, Theo.
Schaffer, John Kipp, Wilson Hell.Lewis
Mechaulck, and Jeorgo Saudherr. Tho
application for charter contained 33
names aud the three degrees were con
ferred upon 27. The trip to Kresge
ville was made in sleighs ami the haps
and mishaps of the party would fill
volume. The experieuco of some of
them Is enough to niuLo a Statue laugh
Cu the return trip the big sleigh broke
down about a mile this side of Stem-
lersville and the "boys" were compelled
to walk back through the deep snow
and procure another sleigh; .they ar
rived home about seven o.clock in the
morning. Outward bound Itwas Mortb
lmer and Schaffer who came to grief
their horse dashed Into a snow drift
and spilled them out, Mortblmer land
ing fully twtnty feet away. It Is safe
to say the Sir Knights will never for
get the Institution of No. 127. Long
may It live.
The state department of the G. A,
R. held its angnal convention at
Lebanon last week. There were 1G00
delegates present. The city was gay
with flags and bunting, aud was filled
with thousands of visitors. Mayor
Harbeson delivered an address of wel
come in the opera bouse Tuesday
morning, to which Department Com
mander Taylor responded, after which
followed bis annual address. Senior
Vica.Commander Russell and Junior
Vice Commander Swoyes made their
annual reports the statistical report
was as follows: Posts mustered In, 14,
posts disbanded, 1; posts consolidated,
John S. Mttviu Post, No. 583, of Brad-,
ford, with Bradford Post, No. Ill, the
name of the first-named postto be the
name of the consolidated post; largest
post, No. 8, Philadelphia, 67G; smallest
posts, Nos. 338, 373, and 522, ten mem
bers each; number of pests, 010; galu
in membership In 1892, 5503; number
In good standing December 31, 1802,
43,G45?gaiu iu posts, 0; comrades reliev
ed, 1457; others relieved, 503; amount
expended for relief, $24,093; loss by
death, 752; number of posts in parade
in parade at Washington, 272; number
of mem bers, 10,023. At the afternoon
session the names of Thomas O. Sam
ple, of Post 128, Allegheny, and James
Demorth, of Post 01, Wtllismsport,
were placed in nomination for depart
ment commander. Sample was elected
The other officers chosen, were: Vice
commander, Charles F. Chlldsey, Eas
ton, junior vice commander, J. U. Cal
vin, Hollldaysburg.chaplalu, Rev. John
W, Sayers, Philadelphia; medical di
rector, Dr. Samuel Starr, Chester.
Michael McPadden, of Mauch
Chunk, a brakemau ou the Central
railroad, was killed early yesterday
morning near Alleutown Junction. He
wus in the act of uncoupling cars from
the bumpers. The train passed over
his lmly, oritthlng It in a terrible man
Two runaway Pittston boys, 13
years of age. were captured at the
Lehigh Valley station, Mauch Chunk,
last Thursday. The btys arrived there
on one ot the night trains, aud the
train bands, noticing that the boys
were out.of place, handed them over to
the policeman at the station. It was
found after an examination they were
on their way to Washington to witness
tbe inauguration of Cleveland. They
were returned to IMttstniiou paaaenger
train No. 33,
Ulrthdar rarlx.
A delightful birthday party In honor
of the koreUry on Monday eveuiug ! o( ut Wl Strauss, was given at her save you 33 per oent, on every purchase
A llarsaln ftever Kquelml.
We can show you SO ttylts of all
wool spring suits at $8 and 110, -worth
at least $11.(0 also a larger line of boys
suits than ever before, at prices to
Ladies and MUmm jackets aud ' SQd passing ou the miuutes of tho last 1 home on Mahoning street, Wednesday ' you make at the Oue Price Star ( loth
eveuiug. The usual convivialities were , lug Hall, Mauch Chunk
tupae for "Priug live beeu rwcelvsit st regular meeting adjourned slue die.
i no wm i-rioe raw i HMinng usii, The report of the borough treasurer
shows a balance of l,rlilH.iin
mill nue ut lugmnt sua itrusssu public excuequer
curl at, usury oouwarurs. - .
Confirmation suits ws will tuaks to 1 wasted.
order, or sell ready made st ruck lxt A nsuta sud vest maker at Solid
torn priosast the One l'ik-aisi Cloth- heitu'n Msishaut TsUotuui lisll, Msush
lag Uull, Uusu Chunk. Cauuk.
'.' Indulged in sod a dslsotsble repast was ! .., , s,
tO aorroH Thnao Uuu. II- N. UrOO Is prepared tn deliver
William B. Koauss, Lester Smith, liar-1 freight and baggags lu all parts of
!,"ru V"ffiu"' 1 .""" ""' i Lsulgnton and Weissport at vry i
Schoch, Miasm llatua (Isggus, Sarah .. .., ,. ,. : i
share of tbe
U'ortmsn. Rlls t Vlf rot ruti.liia litin
hsrd. Ksllie Hsupt.LensLeiuUsrd sad ' Mohrksm X Sou'a
Daniel Kbau std wtfs pstrousgt is solicited
Little f-ocsl Newt,
tS'Frank deist wants the post office
at Bowmanstown.
tST Jacob llsnnybotf, ot Pleasant
Corner, died Wednesday, at tbe age of
65 years. He leaves a wife two daugh
trs aud oue son.
t.Laaford's annual eisteddfod on
Good Friday, March 31, pro mists to
bring together a number ef oboirs soil
bands from all parts ot the ooal region.
Large prizes are offered.
aaLafajstt Brown, Prof. Traub
are Democrats who want the pttt of
fice at Parryville. The present incum- sale nr.iiisiKit.
Persous who have sale bills printed
at our office, cau positively save ten
cents on every -dollar, on the price
shsrged elsewhere, and secure a notice
In this Sale Register free of charge.
We will write up your sale, print tho
bills almost while you wait. We have
all kinds of display farm cuts to illus
trate bills. If you can't come, send s
your order aud It w 111 be promptly filled.
Hdturcav, March 18. Charlea Oreen, Little flap,
horses, cowl and larinliis Implements
Saturday. March l.-Joliu Wolfe, lllekeiUi Ille,
frame dwelling- house.
flattirday, March 18. Austin Hoyer. aitin'r for
Polly Kresge, dec'il, a) larches ot aiounil
with dwelllnc nouse, franklin ti p.
.Saturday, March 25. Samuel Ueorue, Little
tlop, cows, farm watoas, etc.
Saturday, March M. Austin Ilo)er, adm'r of
Jolm Frey, dee'd, Fruuklitl ttti., 31 at-lea,
Willi da ellmglioutte and other improvement
Some miscreants gained au eut ranee
to the primary school room on Wed
nesday night aud took every available
article, with the exception of the stove
This petty thievery has beeu goiug on
in our locality without Interruption
since last spring. Numerous dwellings
have beeu entered by these vandals,
who carry off anything and everything
from a pair of baby's shoes to a purse,
While on more than one occasion our
school rooms have been damaged iu a
disgraceful manner. These individuals,
who are running at large, mingling
with honest people and tainting the
atmosphere with their foul breath,
should be placed with others of their
Ilk tn prison,, as (hey will sooner or
latter be embellished by a convict's
rAttitv VIl.I.K.
Mrs. C.J. Moritz made a trip to
Lehighton on Saturday.
Jacob Schearoy, of Bowmau's
spent Sunday with frlen'ds here.
Mrs. John Ileltz, of Lehighton, l
visiting her sick father, Charles Hols
ford, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Glelder are
visiting friends iu Philadelphia since
Jobs Remaly and son Charles, of
Weatherlr, spent Sunday In towif with
Lafayette Remaly.
Miss Sarah Focht left for Tripoli
on Saturday, where she will spend a
season with relatives.
Henry Wetitle from Weatherly
spent Saturday and Sunday pleasantly
with Mr. and Mrs, Ulysses Laur.
An athletic is about to be organ
ized here In the near future. We wish
the boys success in their undertaking.
Johu Goodhell celebrated his 71th
birthday Thursday. Relatives from
diifereut parts of tbe state werepreseut
and all had a merry time.
The famous trotting mare at I ) 11-
dlno Snyder, known throughout the
country as Ellen S.,ls stabled at the
Iron Exchange Hotel, she being In the
entire care of tbe genial hostler.Charlee
Ou Thursday eveuiug Sllss Belle
Conner, Ahut Ads Anthony, Miss AUie
Monte, Slruand Mrs. II. T. Peters, Mr.
and Mrs. W. N. Pursel, Mr. and Mrs
Frank Rlnker, Mr. and Mrs. Dlldiue
Snyder, and R. W. Rlnker enjoyed a
pleasant sleigh ride with A mrty of
Packerton friends to llelts's Hotel. At
10 o'sloek they reached their destined
end. Ah elepaut supper was served
and all oartook -ohlerly chicken aud
What Its. Orrured tn thl.Cltr llnrllilt the
Week I'ertlnentlr Knltnuilieil hv Our
Bperlal Reporter.,
Insure all In your family In the
Fine teams for all purposes at the
South End Livery.
Frank Zahu, of Second street, Is
out after n long illness,
All kinds of books and tine station
try at Luckenbach's, Mauch Chunk.
Fine free lunch will be served at
W. A. Peters' restaurant nn Saturday
George Knziau tho popular and
successful north end storo keeper,
drives abandsnme new bay horse.
Go to C. A. Harding's livery on
North Btreet for teams for pleasure
purposes or for weddings or funerals,
Lowest prices.
We regret to note tho very serious
llluess of Dr. W. G. M. Selple.-of South
street and echo the earnest wish of his
mauy friends for a speedy recovery.
Landlord Zacli Horn, of the Man
sion House, has purchased tho pretty
dwelling on north First street, oc
cupied recently by his mother, the late
Mrs. Horn.
Our Hickory boys' suits will not
rip, and are the latest patents, and are
sold 33 per cent, cheaper at the One
Price htar Clothing Hall, Mauch
Chunk than elsewhere,
John B. Blose, formerly of town,
who Is doiug business on North Sixth
street, Allentowu, was burned out last
week but Is now doing business again
at the old staud.
School director, Daniel Wleand, of
Iron"streot, fell and fractured his left
arm below the elbow, while walking
down Kroadway, Mauch Chunk, last
Thursday, afternoon.
M.T. Trexler, carriage aud wagon
builder, last week sold three wagons
and several carriages. He intends to
make a number of Important improve,
ments In his business this spring.
It is the Intention of the Oversocrs
of the Poor of this town to place the
various small boys aud girls out with
reliable parties who will Indenture
them, and seo to their bringing tip.
Jolly Jacob Huber, the lightning
tousorial artist with Franz Roederer,
the barber, is out since last Friday,
following a two weeks illness with
rheumatism at his home In Eilst Munch
J. H. Koons, the new propi Ictor of
the Raudcnlmsh liquor store, is in
Hubert, Ohio,'and may not return for
some weeks. During his absence the
genial James H. Esch is in cliuige of
the business.
The building now occupied by tho
Weller liquor store and by Dr. A. S.
Rabenold ns an office, Is to be consider
ably enlarged aud very mucli improved
in the very near future in order to
facilitate the large business.
Our young friend C. II. Horn, Hat
the Mansion House, where he continues
indisposed. He Is attended by Dr. V.
O. M.Seiple, of South street, aud it is
sincerely hoped that under his care,
Mr. Horn will be restored to health.
Tho Evangelical congregation of
the anti-Bowman pursuasion, have ap
propriated $225 as missionery money
1893. This amount will be raised by
collections etc. Mauch Chunk will
contribute fiOO, and Lansford, 81o0,
There was a very pleasant carpet
rag party at tho home ot-Rev. J. 11. and
Mrs. Kuder, on Fourth street, last
Thursday evening at which h large
portion of the female members of the
Lutheran congregation were present.
Dr. Klstler, of Moutzyille, Is after
the pretty Horn dwelling on Third
street-now occupied by Mr. Drucken-
miller. It Is the purpose of the doctor
to retire front active practise and to
take up a residence in this lively little
Miss dishing, who taught one of
our primary schools, and resigned dur
ing the holidays, is now teaching at
Johnstown, where she Is meeting with
success, while at the same time her
salary is largely Increased. This will
be very gratifying news to her friends
O. F. Acker, formerly of Rehrlg &
Acker, will continue lu the house paint
ing business. Frank has had a quar
ter of a century of experience and, as
In tho past, so In the future, will con
tinue to handle the brush with bis
usual proficiency
There will be a very interesting en
tertainment in the Opera House on
Monday evening, April 3, under the
auspices of the St. Peter aud Paul's
Cathollo church. A very Interesting
program is in course of arrangement
for the occasion. The admission is 15
aud 25 cents.
Jacob Biblghaus, of fourth street,
Is in the house with a badly bruised
leg. Ho Is a carpenter nnd for some
time past lias been working nt the new
Coalport Semites, This accident hap
pened by his leg being oanght between
two 10x12 Inch timbers. We holie lo
see the genial Jaoob about soon.
They are keeping up their old and
well earned record for piollcienoj at
the Obert Pork Packing Establishment
Monday they killed, dressed un4 had
ready for shlpmeut 120 hogs in leas
than 1H hours. Tbe average for kill
ing and having ready for shipment one
hog is three quarters of a minute.
Of Miss Minnie Freudenberger, re
cently teacher of tlie'Jiimestown public
school, but now of Tamaqua, the Re
oorder, ot the latter town says. "Miss
Minnie Fieudenberger has been con
fined tn her home the past week with
nervous prostration. She is convalesc
ing now and will soou lie about again.
Miss Freudenlierger was preparing to
take a scientific course at the KuU
towu Normal School and It is to be
hoped that her present lndispfisition
will not deter her luteutious. It is
said that sue Hasan inclination to study
Aw. If she should choose it as her
profession we doubt not that she would
attain more than ordinary distinction
among her sex as so exponent of
tlhtckktone." 1
Every few weeks we hssr of some j
people Iteiug defrauded bj uuscrupul-1
ous ags-nts who reprseeat some utw In-1
sttraiioe company, whloh proves uure-1
liable sud wot thlcss after investigation. )
Why this should lie so we cnuoot uu 1
derstaitd, wheu we lemember that the
Prudential Is well represented by its '
agsuts, and that it can always lie de
tisudetl n lain to fulfill its noutrscts to i
I the lettor. The Pi-udeutisl Insurance
111! I UK ITI'M" Of IMJHKI.V 1
Cmit-emfnir l'eoils Who and Oo a
Vl.llliiK Iters, There ami ITterywhere.
. .Miss Lena Lelnhard, I- home from
..David Klolntop, of Allentown, was
was a visitor here on Sunday s
..O. O. Heln Is at Ttcxlertowu,
Lehigh csunty, visiting fi lends.
. .Mrs. Michael Clark, ol Ncsquehon
tng, spent last Sunday wit l P. F. and
Miie Annie Clark.
. Edgar Seller, who Is a student, in
the American Business College at
Alleutown, spent Sunday at home.
. . Miss Louisa Becketidorf, of tow u,
is on n twe weeks' visit to relatives and
frleuds lu tbe City of Brotherly Love.
. .Miss Emma Acker, ot South street,
returned last Friday from a week
pleasantly spent among Lizard Creek
. .Miss Agnes L. Strauss, the accom
plished daughter of Rev. Strauss, U,
home from it pleasant visit to Allen-
town friends.
. .Mrs. Frank rustier, of EastStrouds
burg, Monroe county, was, the guest of
Mr. aud Mrs. Hagnman, on l-"lrst street
during last week.
. .John S. Lent)! and sons J. K. and
Robert,attcnded the Cleveland-Steven
son Inauguration at Washington, D. O,
last Saturday.
..Prof. N. M. Balllet, of Normal
Square, made us n pleasant call on
Thursday. The prospects for tho elec
tion of the professor to the office ef
County Superintendent look' bright.
. .That well-known Democrat, George
M. Henry, of Lehigh Gap, was here on
Monday and made our sauctnm a
pleasant call. Mr. Henry-will soon re
move to Dnnielsville, Northampton
county, where he will go iu the hotel
. . I'eter Helm, one of Lehlghton's
Overseer of the Poor, was ut tho
Lultigh county Almshouse, several
miles back of Alleutown, on lat Thurs
day, making final settlement for the
fiscal your, for the mainbtlnance of
Morris Stout and Phaon Snyder, two
of our Insane who have been in that
institution for several years past. Both
of tho above aro incurable, although
their Insanity is jot of the dangerous
. Mrs. Ale.v lion-mun nnd her daugh
ter Souhia, accompanied by Mrs.
Sophia Raudenhusli, of Chatanooga,
Tenn., ate sojourning in town, Mr
Alex Bowman, woll known here, the
husband, has acceptod a position as
electrician in Philadelphia, and the
family will make their future home in
thut city. Mr. Bowman was, some
years ago electrician for the Valley
Company, and his headquarters were
at Packet ton.
.1 can ns i i.i. i:.
Spiing Mountain Division, No. 153,
Sons of Temperance, contemplate pro
ducing the drama entitjed "Under The
Lash," iu tho near future. A good
company has been selected for the
same and a good entertainment Is as
The management of the ball team
have under cousiderationthe purchase
of flew uniforms for the team. "Clothes
dout mako the man," but it's very sel
dom oho sees a good ball team poorly
nttired, anc neat appaiel very often
goes a-long wuy towards securing good
treatment while abroad.
Orders for tne new style of mine
pumps turned out by the shops have,
since the Incumbency of Mr. Rood as
master mechanic, become so numerous
as te necessitate the enlargement of
the shops which is now under consider
ation. It is expected that large ad
ditions will bo made as soon as the
weather permits.
Tho Methodist Episoopal churcu
will shortly gonnder extensive Improve
ments on the interior, and when com
ploled will be oue of the most comfort
able places of worship In this section.
Its walls will be frescoed and new seats
will also be put III. It is lighted with
electricity, and the members take au
interest in adding to its appearance,
The foundry at this place will be
enlarged as soon tu favorable weather
arrives. At present it Is not largo
enough to turn out the work which the
shops are receiving. A large order Is
uow being filled for the south and the
boiler shop, which a few weeks ago had
to suieiiil some of their employes to
day aro in full operation having recelv
ed an order for eigldeon lioilers for a
colliery in Schuylkill county.
The members of tbe l'l-esbytcrtau
Sunday School enntemphd-- holding b
ten party aliout the 21 -4. tin- proceeds
to be devoted to the Sunday School.
That the affair will he a di-i led success
gdes without saying, as those appointed
to make arrangements im and conduct
it are persons of In on-1 ,vpnrienoe in
this Hue and are r.s-esed of such
taste ns will enable them to utter sue
oessfillly to tho most fast idinus. They
certainly are deserMni; "ft tie patron
age of our pople
tame. Fattimei
James Fat.ingei diet at ,,n.trter past
three o'clock on Tloiis.l. nioriihig
He had not I iei n -i,-k h forked dur
ingthedsy and n tue In-, usual lit
was dead at tlu ,tl time when bis
wife awakened and bum i turn Fnm
children sume wth tue n idow. His
age was .18 year- IuthilI will take
place nn Kiinil.iv, tin- sii,ces being
held at the house I;, hlltr of the
Evangelical church will oUiciate io
oeased was a mi mber of Arion Cornet
Band and will be greatly missed In
the "boys."
bmtdlteim Hie Tailor
Will make to vout- order the best all
wool 13, 118, 12i i, $25 sad up tn M'i,
suits ever shown iu the valley, we
guarantee st.tle,.flt and workmanship.
Grand Army Suits we oan make to
your order or sell tbsm ready-mad at
a saying of 33 per oent. at th Out
Pri Star Clothing Hall.Mauoh Chunk.
The Prudential Insures all people,
bent Joseph Field, Republican, Is also i if in good health, from 1 to UU years of
s osMtdidste for re appointment. 1 age
Compauy of inei u-a is the Pioneer of
Industrial In-tirance, it is ths poor ,
man's best friend, it is t borough? re
lis Wis and pays all claims immediately
upon receipt of satisfactory proofs of .
death. Insure lu ths Prudsuttal, when
you gstynur policy, stick to it by pay
ing yom , emiums regulsrly. aud ou
will not i t Hssppoiutsd. ,
.Absolutely Pure.