Tb Tlrsl Law of Mater. Wblch wilt e haver It does as II tome folkl Bret" to have the last rendition ol the riw rather than th.Bnt They wrpetual y unlm with mimal VH loUlly without rtue iltmun of liver trouble. Ho ! fiunun Hitters It tl successlul candidate! lor SepeoDle'scholre. and yet, popular Rnd well MawD u It Is. there re unrorluniljrs why keep trying me ursnc cuicuic y'".y-:f-z 11 (o the Intelllsent portion ol the public that well known end loni tried, p ropeniej liters appeal. Keason elioold be guided bv e- Krlenceln the mntur 01 meuiynuuu. "s l sulde to our leet Is the lamp nl eiperlence, eaid real patriot ol the eil revolutionary irled.andth eiclamatlon Is tweipaiit wltli Kith. toreveralhlrdota century lue Hitters Klly lias met with the endorsenieutpt people SfferlnK from titer complaint, nialria,coiiBU Mtioil, "rheumatism, debility and freub " St iduI1 by dyipepl"- latterly It has de JCrSt itHl aud been tlieroughlr approved as a rimed) for la irlppe." Tho man who works for God always f eta his pay In advance, Kimi!BMriiETeV"tireTiuotinnAniT, Car at atom In Ten Dm by admlnls. taring llr. Haines' Uolder. Specific. It can be llren In a glass of beer.a cup ol cot; tai er tcaVo In food, without the knowledge nt X, &tient It is ab'solotely harmless, jnjwlll STact a permanent and speedy cure, whether S. patient It a moderate drinker or an adeobulie week. It hai been riven In 'thousand 1 of cas". at lu every insunce perfect cure has follow. It never fails. The system one Imureit ..i.,' it AwnniM an utter 1m- "" '":.ir.'i" ".'.'r-. mire Vm,WKiW,ZSmm rree. Li,... iw. iini.iiitu Bpitcirio Co., Is Kace keel l Inclnnatl, Ohio. Oct.t.-iy, Girls peddling newspapers lump on and nil moving mreoi cars wnu iujh" lty. -Philadelphia Record. Success In everything depends largely .,. i,..iih. ra Witt's Little Katlv iSsert are little health producing pills See IT .,.o irk.n !. n "Katie Riser.1 MV Ifllllll .mmw J T. D. Tlioass, Among automatic bed la a new ont which makes Itself. It Is designed for lnpeountous bachelors. "SULKING A MOOSE. a PENOBSCOT GUIDE'S STORY OF ANOTHER TRUTHFUL GUIDE, Mow "llalrymap Ananne,"of DlooeeheeA, Managed toKeeur Homethlng for It! Sporttnieu to Drink llealilea the Cold, Slurky Waterof tli Lake, "Here's a pretty meml The milk Is all gone. Kleelrle Ulttera. This remedy 1 becoming so well known and so popular as to ueed uo special tiieu Hon. All who have ased Electric Ulltrrs slag 'be tame soDg of praise. A pnier tstdlclne does not exist and it It guaran teed to do all that Is .claimed. Electric Bitten will cute all diseases of the Liver aad Kidneys, will remove Plmplts, Bolls, alt Kbeum and other affections caused by Impure blood. H'ill brlve Malaria from the ayttem and prevent as well as cure all llalarlal fevers. For cure of Headache, Conatlpatlen and lndigeslion tsy Electric Bitten Intire ttlltfactlon guaranteed, or aeney refunded Price 60 ctt and $1.00 sir bottle at Keber'i Drug Store, Lehigh tea, and Ulery't Prog Store, Wtlstport. ihfi National Load and Unseed Oil Jompahy will continue a trust with a tpltal of $18,000,000. The senior proprietor of this paper has keen auhlaci to freauenl colds for some Tttrt, which were sure to lay him up If not Sectored at once. He finds that Chamber kiln's Cough Remedy Is reliable. It opens tKe secretions, relieves the lungt and re sterei the t) item to a healthy condition. H freely used at toon as the cold has been eamtracted. and btfore It hat become set- Med In the system. It greatly lessens tbe attack and often curet In a tingle day what would otherwise have been a severe cold. ajertbwestern Hotel Reporter, Dei Moines, lews. 20 and 60 cent bottles for sale by IT. D. Bebtr, Leblihtou, and W. r. tilery, ITelssport. "1 tried a bottle of Salvation Oil on awouul tta whs cared within several days. I never hail sseb a tood remedy astialvatlon oil In niv haud. M s. J, V. Duncan, Islington, Mo." In 1860 our product of hardware was valued at 1190,000,000; iu 1883 at 970, 00,000. 100 lUward SIOO. The readers of this p per will be pleased to iri, that there Is at least one dreaded Uliease at science has keen able to cuielu all its Elites, and tbat Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure the only positive cure known to the medical nnnity. Catarrh belim a constitutional dls Ssc, ettulres a constitutional treatment, lull's tarrti Cun Is taken Internally, acting direct)) ween the blood and macous suruces of the sys seas, thereby destroying the loundatlon of the syseancauo Klvlna the patient strength by b jlld- sae uu tne eonsttlultou and usslstloit nature in niicllsvioik. The proprietors have so much lib in its curative powers, that they offer One alivlnd Oollars for any case that it falls to etre. end for '1st of testimonials. AiMress, F. J. CllKNtV i O ., Toledo.O. IWiHilU by Druggists, no. England spends nlnety-nlue times Bore money In intoxicants than in education. It Sheald be In JUvery House. J. 11. IKllton, S71 Clav bt., Sbarpsbttrg, (a., aayt be will not be without Dr. Klug's 3aw Dlacaycry for Cousumptlou, Coughs aid Colds, Ibat It cured his wife who was threatened with Pneumonia after an at teak of "La GrlDDe." when laiious other rsinediet and several physicians had done Mr no good, itobert uarocr, or looks art. Pa., claims Dr. KIdh's New Dlscov ry has done blm more good than anything kt ever used for Lung Trouble Not king like It Fret Trial Bottles at Keber'a Drug tore, Lebltbton, nl Ulery't Drug Slure Wcis-port. Marge bottles, 60c. and $1.00. Thirteen hundred railway trains are handled daily in Chicago. IlMiebecn troubled with chronic ca tarrti for yean. Ely'a Cream Balm It tbe aaly I ynedy among the many that I have tied ir.at arrordt nre relief. E. u. vvii lard. Ilruzelst. Jollet. Ills. 1 have been troubled with catarrh for Ita lean and have tried a number of rem tiles hnt found no relief until I nurchtsed a belli' of Ely's Cream Balm. 1 consider It Ibi most reliable preparation for catairh aad cu d la tke bead. ueo. is. craDiiaii, P. U , Quonochawntang, R. I. Thirty-four eotton-splnniug mills are la operation in Japan. n, .ralror was one of n rartv of four Mom V.irk nortanienwUo.wlthnjteriual number of guides, had been cruising about on the west branch of tbe Penob scot, but were now cutnplng on the shores of Chamberlain lake, preparatory tn rotnmtnn- to North East Carry. They bad been out longer timn iney nau phtnned. and eoiue of the supplies had hm-nine exhausted. Then turning to the guides, who were lying at full length on-the ground qniet It enlovinir the young blood's discom fiture, he asks, "Isn't there n farmhouse or hotel near where we could buysomo?" "Depends on what you call near, re plied a woodsman. "If you don't reckon forty miles far, then we are near a house, bnt that's about the distance maybe a trlllamore. You want milk powerful bad, don't you? Well, you fill up on wa ter tonight and maybo in tho morning I can accommodate you. though, mind you, I don't promise!" "You'll have to get a move on yon," said one of the other guides, "If you are going to try to make the Carry 'tween lhl.in,l tomorrow" well knowinir that the journey in that time was impossible "for blast me, Anuanco, tr I Know where yon're going to find the color of milk nearer than that." Annance made no response, but puffed idlontlv at his fnvorito plpo. Ue had an tden, thougu, trial ne couiu get euuia milk, but did not mean to tell how. That night, unnoticed, he left tne camp about sunset, waiiceu siowiy thronirh the woods for about a mile, and again cutne out on tho shore of the lake at a point where a eiuull stream formed an outlet. This was near tho olaca where he had seen the cow moose, and here he took up his position beside a trail leading to the water a edge, anu along wnicu ne couiu see, if his knowledge of woodcraft did not deceive him, that the moose was in the habit of Missing. In tlds he was correct, for the guide had not been there more than un hour when he heard the sound of some animal approaching, and peering cantionsly through the bushes he saw u cow moose maldne for tbe pool. Tbe animal sniffed the air n fow times as she pasted within a dozen paces of the banter, but otherwise she did not show signs of alarm. Bbe was soon in the water ridding herself of the flies and nMn..t.ln.. ha tMraf While the mooeo was disporting her-J self Annance left his position Demnti me bush and walked a few steps townrd ber, and whenever she turned ho would stand perfectly motionless. By repeating this operation several times, he managed to reach the edgx of the lake without alarming tbe moose. As toon as the animal showed any signs of leaving the water, the guide retreated a few. steps. Once or twice did the moose raise her head and look at him, only, however, to resume her clumsy frolics. Presently the moose made toward the shore, and Annance concealed himself behind tbe brush again. At the edge of the lake the anluiul turned to take a last look und shake tbo spray from her nose. Then she advsncod slowly op tne sloping bank, When opposite the guide she siiuTed soinethiug, stopped ana looked armui d. That was the guide's chuuee, and be knew It. The critical moment had arrived, and with one quick bnt silent movement he was by the animal s side, bue aid not move except to turn ber head and look tt him. Amiunce kept near ber bind quarters, well knowing that If he got iu frout of the moose he would not stand much chalice should she become ugly. Cautiously bending forward the hunter stroked her sides and allowed iter to turn and smell of him. After a few seconds seeing the moose did not appear fright ened, Annance, with little more diffi culty than is experienced with many do mestic animals, proceeded to nil a email pail be had brought along with rich, yel low milk. Returning to camp, he produced the milk when breakfast was ready In the morning, having kept the pail In the water over night, much to the astonish ment of the guides and sportsmen. People who visit Moosehead often hear Charles Annance spoken of as the "dairyman," and the foregoing story is what gives him the nickname. Lewis ton Journal. 1KIA.LS OF A BORROWER. j Improvidence Itebuked at a f.nan Ofllee, Where Cash It "Lent the Sain Kay." A irentletnan suffering from financial disability went to a loan office to ncgo- j tlale a borrow on his furniture. In the , a.lvArtlftnmnnt It atnte,t Ihat the mnnev i would be lent the some dAy by a Choc taw lady, without removal and upon tne noteofTjandof the borrower. All thlf , looked very fine In print. Tve got flO.Otw worm or personal property," eaid the would be borrower, "ond I have to meet a wash bill of 13.50 coming due tomorrow noon. Can I get fitted ont here so as to be in a position to meet tho collector without a blushr The manager of the loan office was strangely silent. The would bo borrower became nervous and thought he hadn't said the speech right, and so ho began over again in this style: "I am a person of poor bnt honest par entage, temporarily embarrassed, I need the sum of (3.50 to meet an unjnst lia bility." Still there was no answer. Then the borrower walked into the outside room and eaid to the office boy: "What's the matter with the nianagerr Can't he talkr "I iruess it's because yon haven't paid the entrance fee. No person is a mem ber of this loan society until he lias put up one dollar." Tho borrower apologized anu aeposit il Hm tnoner. Next he renalred to the manager and repeatod his original as sertion. "We charge ono dollar more for boo age," said tho manager. "What s bookocer- "That's none of your bushiest. One dollar, please." He paid the money, and tuo manager wrote down something in a book. "Now give me two dollars to inspect the furniture." Tho borrower cave him the money. "Now call hero next year at 2 o'clock In the afternoon and get our answer. "But the money is due tomorrow." "Can't heln it. Put 'em off." "But yon can't put people like that oft. There ore some fellows that won't wait.' The msnsaer smiled a stinerior smile, "Oh, no there aren't," he said. "Youll know a little more about waiting whan von eet throuith with us." The borrower left the office roluctent ly and returned tho following year at 2 o'clock. Then the manager told him somewhat Bternly that ho couldn't lend money on that furniture because it had got too old. In vain the borrower rep resented that It was new when his claim was filed. The manager ended the in terview by charging bim 1.23 storage on the "papers in the cose," and then had the janitor throw him out. This ended the whole transaction. New York Herald. A POINTER to Buyers, We offer just now n 'special in vitation to our lricnds and patrons to conic and sec us. The summer is fust iieeting and we will make special pricci to sell out our summer goods in order to have a lull swing on our fall and winter stock of Dry 7oods, Notions and Ready-Mado fJIothing We have no room to quote prices, but they are low tnoush. Don't miss this opportunity but come at ncc Then too, wc are the recognized headquarters for lor all kinds of Groceries, Fruits & Vegetables in Season' "at the lowest of very low prices. 7'rompt ann corteous treatment to all and it is no trouble to show goods, Canal Ll.ldge. Kuntz &Co. East Weisspoi t. Eating Several Meals a. Day. When, as rarely happens, English form laborers coins to this country, they find it extromely difficult to accommo date themselves to the current American custom of eatine but three meals a day, An English maidservant and nurse, who lived to be more than IIKI years old, averred that she had always been accus tomed to "a dew bit and breakfast, stray bit and dinner, a nommet, a crum- met, and a bit after" supper." Extra meals are common enough during the harvest season in this conntry.Tho hasty breakfast at 8:80 in the morning is fol lowed by a "stray bit" at 9 o'clock and by a luncheon between tbo noonday din ner and tho after sunt supper, in parts of southern Pennsylvania the dinner hour is 11 o'clock in the morning, and it would not be difficult to show that Americans living on tho tame meridion are dining all the way from that hour until 7 in tho evening. Tho great mast of country folk still dine at noon. New York Sun. A Very A intent Caoue. In 1S61 u cuuoe hollowed out of the trunk of a tree was found at Bovoy Tracey, in Dcvonchire. It lay in a de posit of brick earth more than twenty- nine feet below the highest level reached by tho wuters of the Bovey. It was more than thirty-five inches wide, and Its leugtn conid not bo exactly determined. the workmen having broken it in getting it out. An eminent nrcha;olojist is of opinion that this boat dates from the glacial epoch perhaps even from a more remote time. If this hypothesis, tho re sponsibility of whicb wo leave to mm, be correct, this is the most ancient wit ness in existence of prehistoric navigi tion. "Manners aud Monuments of Pre historic Peoples." A Oood Kecoid. "I have sold Chamber lain's ous;h Remedy for ten years," tays uueistK. u. Lege., of vial, ia., -ana kye alwtjt warranted It and never had t utile relumed. During the past V0 days 1 have told twelve doieu and it hat glytu Mrfect tttisfactlon In every Instance. ' It ate not dry up a cough, but loosens and loltavet it. It will cure a severe cold In list time than any other treatment. 25 flat, 60 ctnt and l bottles for tale by a. u. iteber, Leuignion, ana w r. IT saatAtailln Entirely VEGETABLE AND A SURE CURE ron Dlllousnooo, Dyspepsia. Indigootlon, Dlsoasos of tho Kldnoys.TorpId Llvor Rhoumatlsm, Dlzzlnoss, Olck Hoadacho, Loss of Appotlto.Jnundlco.Erup tlons and Skin Dlsoasos. rrlaSSs.MrtitUs. Boiiiy tusrupiis. cm, jtusoi t ini, rt., iiniuus. it. Bold by W.F.Blorv. A CME BLACKING It cheape t- at 20 cents a bottle than any other Dressing at 5 cents A LITTLE GOES A LONQ wave liccnuie shoes once blackened with K cat lie kept clean by washing them with watfi t'oople in moderate circumstances nna i profitable to buy it at 20c a bottle, beams ht they spend for Blacking they tare it -lino leather. .... H Is the cheapest blacking conslderlni ,ft qunllty, and yet we want V sel' I, liMiperlf It can be done. AN e Trill pay 10,000 Reward 'V for a recipe that will enable us to skr Wolff's Acme Blackino at such price that a retailer can profitably tell It trt jtOc c bottle. This offer Is open until Jen. 1 tt. 80s WOLFF ft RANDOLPH, Philadelphia Sucb CONDENSED Makes, an evervdav convenience of an old-time luxury. Pure and wholesome. rrepared with scrupulous care. Highest award at all Pure Food Expositions. Each package mikes two latge pies. Avoid imitations and Insist on having the NONE SUCH brand. MERRELL Si SOULE, Syracuse, N, Y. rtv Yt-MHT, n m 1 w 1 Til E RAT'S OWN fault FURNITURE, UNDERTAKING FLOUR & FEED. Robt. N. Anthony, (Successor to J. F. Hex, East Welsvpoil.) WILL CONTINUE TO BE " THE BEST PLACE TO BUY Furniture, Flour & Feel at ttie Lowest Prices. Give us a call. No trouble to show Goods. R. N. ANTHONY. THOMAS' Drug :: Store FIRST STREET. LEUIOUTON. PA. Old urnifure painted Vf 1th PI K-RON lil.U la the name of the paint'), looks like. jtained and varnished neteurnilsre. Oni coat will do It. A coud can appiy it 101 can change a pine to a walnut, or a cherr lo mahogany; tnere is no luiut iu wu fancies. All retailers sell It, Don't lorgt t that we krep the ' first Line of Pocket Knives Razors, Razor Strops, Soap. &c guarantee Razor or will exchnnge. every P CD CO 1-4- o o Q O -a Fine ll'ines, Liquors and Cigars Fresh Beer and Porter, FREE LUNCH every day from 9:00 to 12:00 a. m, and every Saturday even Inc. Call and see me. I will treat you right. Opposite the Carriage Works, North First Street, Lehighton For aThorougu Training It. BUSINESS or SHORTHAND, It will pay you to visit tbe IERICAN BUSINESS Cote Centime Square, Allentown, Pa, Finest KuulDbrd Commercial Traluliin bcbool In I'ennsjlvarila. QJ S It PA It ATE 0 DEl'A ItTM KNTS Tfyht- COMFICTEST EJlgUb IwsTRUCTOHi, Most Practical Courses Ht Honest Hntei. lift ween 300 and Hid Student annually, student!, ex-listed to nailnir nosUloni. Hand for catalogue or call at office. O J DORNEY, Prln. rjpriease menelon tins paper. s-aT-oai ntltsporl. lllery, It trying Ball'S'lIrad Flavorlns Extracts In Ieor cakes and paMrles, rou will perceive that I Is the most highly cooceotratrd arllcle.aod fM the larlhest. Price 10 els. The Chicago Pork Trust kills 12,500 kegs dally. Two Valuable Friends. 1, & rjhitlrltn cannot be alwava had. Utumatltm, Neuralgia, Bpralnt, Bruises mi Burnt occur oflen and sometimes wkiu least expected. Keep handy tbe Mend of man j bouseboldt and the de trover of all pain, the famous Red Flag VII, 25 cents. . Many a peeelous lift could he saved Ikatlsbeiog racked lo death with that terrible couih. Secuie a good night's rest tft investing is cents for a bottle of fan Una. tbe great itmedy for Coughs, Voids an uonsutuption. Trial Dottles ol 1 an no a free at T. l, Thomas' Drug More. Almost Like Jouah. "I've had some experience myself," said an old sailor, "but two years ago I uame the nearest takinjrafter Jonah that a man ever did. We hud made a strike all right and the whale went down, not very far, but when he came no he had bis mouth open, and somehow or other he came up with one jaw on the port and the other on the lee side of our boat burprisedf Well, that whale looked very much as u he was ready to receive com pany, hut 1 wasn't Invited, so I made a streak for another boat." San Francisco Kiamlner. Too Literal. Mrs. Fancle Have you secured a lodger for your second floor yet. Mr Uoslin? Ooslin (horrtflod) I haven't been look ing for a lodger, madam. Mrs. lanule Why, Ira certain my husband told me you hod rooms to let in your upper story. Exchange. Not flo Moeli Spar Mooer. The reason why there ia lees e pecula tion in mining stocks lu Wall street than there was formerly is not because there Is less gold and silver mined west of the Miaalfifitonl. bnt because there Is less un employed cash east ot that river. New X oral nun. A ralthrul bkloio Dog. Fidelity is the chief virtue of the Es- The Matter uf Men's lres. Tho cad will always out fashion the extreme fashions. The swell will ob serve the mode in all its niceUea and cor. rectnesB, imparting from time to time those deft touches of individualism that award to hint premiership. Tho well dressed man will moderate the swell's ideal a trifle, so as to allay all suspicion in lus own mind that he is ex citing tbe undue scrutiny of his fellows. The ultra fashionable man will err in tentionally upon rare occasions in mak ing sure of being on the safe aide. Clothier and Furnisher. HSK DANA'S SAKSAPARILLA, TUK KIND THAT CUHKS. The pepper plant ot Borneo is used re mi,e noer. Vol nr to dlsttesslng as a hacking tHugli Xotblng to foolish as to sutler BStui AolhlDa: to dtuteroua if allowed .er not. One 3fluuleCouih Cure xivet name .lie reiltl. 1. IJ. 1 bouitt. The belt sweet corn Main is raised iu lies tebe It the direct result of Indites Men a 1 atomtch disorders. Ktuiedy these u.- ,f De Witt's Little Early Risers, aud $aur -sdsetie disappears. The favorlle Mile mla everywhere. T. D. Thomas. TeTSK ilANA'S AltSAr'ATtlLI.A, THE KIND THATCUHES." Tot Instance, Mrs. C'bat. Itogers, of Bay City, Itch., accidental!) spilled tcaldlug water uver ber little bor, Sbe promptly su- lea ut tvitrt witcn utile salve. Riving uapt relief, It't a wouderfulli good salve i burns, bruises, toret and a sure eure lor wiles. T. V. Thomas. Tbe man wko tears one leaf out of tk Utble will soon disbelieve it all. A Celebrated Suicide. IInydun,the celebrated historical paint er and writer, overcome by debt, disap pointment ana ingratitude, intd down tho brush with which he was at work . upon Ids hut groat effort, "Alfred and the Trial by Jnry," wrote with a steady hand, "Stretch me no longer upon this rough world," and then with a pistol shot put an end to his unhappy exist ence. Dr. C. W. Pilgrim In Popular Sci ence Monthly. THE SUN. During 1893 THE SUN will be of surpassing excellence and will print moro news and more pure literature than ever before lu Its history. The Sunday Sun lathe greatest Sunday Newspaper lu tie world. Price Be. a copy. By mall, ti a year Dally, by mall 88 a year Dally and Sundy, hy mall - $B a year Address THE SUN, New York. Executor's Notice Rflttf,f ADAM RRflKl.. late of Franklin Twp., Carbon I'ounty.l'a., deceased. All persons ludebted lo said Estate are requested (o make InimeuiaTe pawneni, anu tnose nanus legal Claims against mu same will present inciu wiwi' out ueiay in proper orucr lor sriuemrui w AUSTIN llOYKIt, Jan. H, 19KI-0w Kiecutor, A Gentleman. Mrs. Upton I saw Mr. Newton bow ing with the most courtly grace to a very commonplace woman, lie's a gen tleman of the old school, isn't he? Mr. Upton No, a gentleman of the new school. "New mlwoYf' "Yes. Ho lives in the suburbs, and that was his cook." New York Weekly. Bending flower. Just a word or two about the packine: klmo dog. One of my leaders when I of flowers, facts, if you want your gift crippled by starvation and overwork had to be abandoned bocausu lie refused to be carried on tbe sled. I left blm be hind feeling as if I were tearing myself away from a dear friend, but before we continued our way I gave bim the lost San we bad, depriving ourselves of that much food. Three days afterward, while we were encamping at the Eskimo villas of Eahonak, the dog reached ut, having followed our trail with bleeding eet and emaciated body tor eighty-rive to arrive almost as fresh as when yon picked thCui. If you desire to send roses, insert the cut stems into a raw potato, and the moisture will keep them from wilting, whilo the flowers themselves should lie wrapped in wax paper. For small blossoms, such as violets, aweet peas or orange flowers, pack them closely in damp luoss, but never wet the flow ers themselves. Cover always with waxed pap.-r, and iu caee you can pro cure a tin or li ;htweight wooden box it mlle-i, forty-five of which consisted of will Insure their safe arrival, as a patte- croelng the surface of the great Lake board box is apt to get broken. tit. niuuna in a "poorga" (a rather exagger- Louis Kepubliu. ated epecles of blizzard). A. D. Bchani In Milwaukee Sentinel. Knrct of tk interstate law. , . , i A granger riding iu the cars stuck his head out of tho window. "Better put your head in," said the conductor. The granger obeyed, and then turned to the man behind him and said, "Why can't 1 put my bead outr "ou might knock tome of the telegraph poles down," was the answer. "Oh, that's it Well, if they're so mighty 'fraid of a few old poles, I'll keep my hesd in. That's the way on the railroads since that new law went Into effect." New York World. Executor's Notice Fiat of JANG HQ YE It. late ol Franklin Tn p.. Carbon county ft.., deceased. All perttoni Indebted to aaid Eautoaro requested to mako Jramitdlate payment, and those hating legal (-11 ins against me same win vrvsrut mem mw qui ueiay iu proiier orucr iur laiiniicuim De 23, 1 W2-C Executor. CARTER'S IlTTLE IVER PIUS. mm OURE Bick Headache aad relleraall thatrcmblM buff Cent to a bMOua bum oi io gyiiom. men mm DizzlacM, LSanaaa, DrmdntM. Distress aftev e&tlQg. Pain la tbe Bide, 4a. WhlU thelt most wmukiblo iaeoeu baa wen ahova la ooittfl SICK nesStehe. yet Carter' little liver tint an equaUr valuable in Constipation, eurlng and pre venting tblsannorlBReomplalnt.ivblle theralM eoriwlallillsordsrsolthestonucatlmnuletha llTtr ana regulate the bowel BveaUUsyoniy enna b n, aaxtl rm Bar. Js they would be lmotpricJe)tM to thOMwba ulrer from thiidUtwiislng compUinti butfortu itly their goodneu doea notend hera,and thOM who once try them will and thM ltttle puu rait. fthUlatomany ways that they will Dot b wiN to do without thorn Bui after aUalok na4 la the bane of to msny lives that hen It wheel vremakeonr great boast. Ourplllaenreltvrhlla others do not. u . ,, . Cartar-e Utile Llrer Mis an very small an4 very easy to Uke. One or two plus matea dose. Tber are strlotlr vegetable and do not gripe or purge, butbr thslrgenUoaolion please all Jhj usethsm. Invlslsat33cenUt Ot.IorlU BOA by drugglste eveajwhere, or eent by man. CARTER MEOICINB CO., New York. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL FRICt I TTTgtTI li II OAVBATS. TRADH MARKS. DISION PATINTS, COPYRIOHTS. atoJ mrormation ana rree uanaooot write to muisvAT, nww xc IF HE HAD KEPT HIS HEAD HE WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN KILLED. Iti frett? Olrl tVonld Not Hate Been rrlghteneil, George's Tronsers TTould Btlll ne Avallatile, anil the Nmall Tloj TVonld tlav Missed !.ots of Fun. The boy sat on the big box, kicking his heels against the tides. He was a short, ttutnpy boy. with an abundance of freckles held over from snmtner. The box was an ordinary packing box. It stood on the sidewalk in front of the Walton building In FTauklln street, near where the Sixth avenue elevated road crossea. Underneath the box a long, lean, gray bewhlskered rat had taken np temporary quarters. The rat was In bad luck. In the liret place a sneaky looking dog, droopy as to tall, a mongrel of the kind termed "yal. ler." was lounging about, noting in the gutter and yearning for an onuortnnitv to display the deviltry common to his kind. Ueblnd the rat's refuge in a door way a pretty young woman was talking to a much infatuated "Ueorge." An eld erly and Important looking personage, wearing gold mounted eyeglasses and carrying a gold headed cane, had Inat made an imposing descent from the ele vated station and was promenading lei surely toward the box. A cart horse at tached to a track stood in front ot a sa loon near by waiting for the driver to oome out. All wasalm and peaceful. Then the" rat came on the scene. The first to see him was the boy. lie jumped off the box, and the rat started ont toward the station with tbe boy in hot chase. This aroused the dog, who, with a howl of anticipated sport, joined in the pursuit. The fugitive made straight for tbe elderly personage. The boy was a fairly good second and tbe dog a close third. The personage, be coming aware that something was com ing his way, glanced over the top of the gold monnted eyeglasses. III. therel" yelled the boy. "He's comln your way. Head 'iin off. Swath er 'ini one with th' stick." The old gentleman "swathered." He missed tbe rat and hit the boy on the shins. The boy gave s snnll whoop, lay down on the walk and wept. Did it hurt your inn aired tho owner ot tbe cane. That made the boy so angry that ho stopped crying. "Did it hurt vaer he howled in right eons wrath. "Did it hurt me? You oV gold headed snooper. How'd yon like it ef I clubbed yer bloomln ol shins with n waggin spoke? What'd you say ef & fat headed cove 1111 Here ho comes back I Grab Hint Turn 'tin back I Hit 1m when he goes byl" The rat bad doubled on ms track and was flying np the street again with the dog several paces behind. In between the feet of tne personage dodged the rat. The dog essayed to follow by the same ronte and got tangled up with the feet. Down came the personaee. his irolcl headed cane flying in one direction and his gold rimmed spectacles In anothor. Then and there he offered a few remarks that wrung from the boy an admiring tribute. "Gosh," said he. "you can cuss." In tbe meantime the rat was on his way np the street, and the pretty young woman who ..with her "George" hod emerged from the doorway, was walking down the street engaged in conversation. Yes, he was jure as nice about it as he could be; sold it rrasn't any trouble Don t wait, but come at once U,, pi it..r.ti nim and buy one of these beautifully It'a coming this way. E-e-e-e-e-ol Help located lots. You will be BUT- me up or. this box. Yea, I'm all right nrisedatthe vi2W they afford he can climb nn here? EmI Wt und the price will be sure to let him climb up here or I shall d-d-d- r i l . 1 I ,s.lp oleasevou. jno trouoieio snow . , ...... YOU around. Oall on eittier landed in the tomach of thu panning a. r , o.i I aog. lay way or retaliation me nog B. J. IIONGEN, took off rjart of one leg from Georgo's East Weiesport fa tr0Q,erg Bnd fled across the street howl- lng uumaiiy until it came to mo can horse. Apparently connecting that an!-, mal with his misfortunes, the dog nib bled at its hind leg. The horse snorted and ran down the street with the truck clattering after. The rat, instead of tak ing tills chandb ot escape, rushed fran tically across the street and bock again, with the boy, who had come up, followed by the personage, hot on the trail. The personage was regarding with undis guised admiration the pretty girl, who, with garments gathered and field np lightly in one hand, was standing on tiptoe on the box viewing the chase. UeorgS was looking at his trousers. The owner of the Track came out ot the saloon in time to see his property rattling down the street. As he started after It. leaving a trail of profanity be hind bim, a gaunt cat sauntered ont ot the saloon. Before the teamster bad cansht bis horse the cat had pounced on the rat and put an end to nun. 'i ben me dog avenged his woes by catching her by the back of the neck and shaking the life out of her. The boy hit the dog with a brick on general principles. Then he returned to tho personage, the box. George, and the pretty young woman. The latter was saying: Oh. dearl I was so scared, I hope t Oh, Georgo, did I hold my dress np A HAPPY NEW YEAR mm "$lnaidm?R Distribution er MlWw, i.VLV.if. ana L.HiLliHKN'HSUns anil OVEttt OATS nver our counter limine In latM ? .?Wf il5,n"b'f "1 !0,""er tuods at verr low prices. Oiir Btoiie Tf "reshandltelifOMrrte JI.UTII1 NO on hand Is large, vih eh. v,e propose lo dispose ot ratlier than oarr v to anilitliJr 111; aUeFbifSiNU "' " "h" ,nn mv"" 'ori li "wry departi".! It Sain! GO TO SWEENY'S "Corner Store" Oraim Lemons, Bananas, Nuts, Apples, Celery, Cranlis, Grapes, Table Raisins, Confec- tians, Fancy Baskets. Queens: ware, and a fnll line of Nice Groceries. Lowest prices, good treatment, prompt delivery Call and See Us. Corner Store, LEHIGHTON PA. Now is Your Time! 20 Building Lots For Sale! (Special Overcoat Mention. Alt our Fin tisoverenalsieduredln tlOjiii to M-Su, and tie lo If . j.. ThVJj"i!Sjff'.,JS.,',n,,e " W,h "" ' rnde rrnents In tbe neweet'shadM 3,r"I..li'.0J'l5!LriJ.A.TH ,,M lne vromtertul prices, moVl ,m aa , Over "tl cT line tie snl 112 Shetland Btorm Costiln lltay, Brown and tiiloidOAiors will beolS eutMM IVTpn Q Suite 160 5tph8h All-wool sS'tiita formerly XrXf 11 & OUllto $io now $7.50. 250 (7oed, Stnin. nble Business flints formerly $8.60 now $5.60. MEN'S PANTALOONS-SPECIAL 500 Pairs Stylish Atontoloons, positively Tforth $3.30. rrt iell tlw-m at $2. 1000 Pain Heavy Pantaloons, all lirifjht, new QtoAt worth 8; our price $l.'2o. 200 Children's fluiU, 4 to 13 years, worth $1.60 eme in to late for tho season; will be sold at $1.25- 450 Children's Overcoats and Storm ooaU all to ki closed oat to make room for (Spring Goods. If you want to save dollars-you can do it liore best of anywhw. New Year to Yon! Wishlnn Yon One or Onr Qrercoatx cr Soiti Koch & Shankweiler. Lamest ani Finest Clothintz House in tee Yalley, CENTRE SQUARE, ALLENTOWN. PA. Has it ever occurred to you that you can buy just as cheap it not cheaper hero than you can buy in the city 1 It is a solid FACT. Apples and Potatoes Are arriving daily in car load lots and are being sold at tha Tory lowest prices to retailers Confectioner y, Wish, Oysters, FRUITS, NUTS, AND CIGARS, Sold and delivered ut and frequently way below city pricw. Oldest bureau for ocurlntT patents In A nitric. Ef cry patent taken out tr hi U brought befor tb pubuo by nolle giTea tnm ot obtrg la lb in LarffMt c4rtnlatloti of ury MietrUOo piwr to th WWiUe, riiivjouiuir iuuuatw, nan thouid b witbuu it, we year I tUOals moutha. Addreea Wholesale Commission Dealer, East WeisBport. French Dress Robes "Ve are offerini' a Lot i French Dress Robes at Gieatlv TLr. duced Prices. The Styles and Colorings are excellent, and all nre to be closed out as follows: '15,00 nets ImeorteJ t sell fer SlitM. " SS.00 ' ' 119,00 .d "i $10,00 " " ' ' 17,09B SM.II. " $ia,o " ' as,o " ao,oo " tt,M 634 Hamilton St., Allentown. mi'M khi i si i li a bi ta niiii rshiaUM , ELY'ti Cream Cleanses ttie NasalPssseges? Allays Tain and Inflammation, Heals tit Sorn, Kestores tbe Senses of Taste CatarrR ml Hn.,11 n.T.11. UAvTeFWEP o very Ughl Please say I didn'tl That TBI T EIB . tt6n horrid old man with tha eyeglasses!" A panicle It applied Into seen nostril and "Why, of course you didn't," said It agreeable, pile 60 entt at DrugnUia; George promptly. The girl descended by SfQ TrSjV?1!' c w -r v and walVod away with Ulin. her fears al- barren St., New York ieviaUd.-New York Sun. J. L. SIBIL'S IS HEAJJQUAlTEIia FOR " GENERAL, HARDWARE, Paints, Varnishes, Glass, ALL KIND OF COAL, OPS. PUBLIC SQUARE, Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa Administrator's Notice. Attention! Easiness Men BANKERS. BIlOKEIIS. BOOKEEFERS, lawyers, orricuiJ. Abstract Meiers, Insurance Writers, Clerks, Aud all v,hose Business Requires WrIUuit. Uo not deface yonr books br scratcblng. Use The Ink Erasing Eleetroslne Pencil vrbleli works Instantaneously and docs not abrade the paper. A neat and clean set ot Hooks Is appreciated by Good Business Men. Addressallorderstodeu. eralAneut E. V, KUKHNEK, bteroletsillle, Uarb u county, fa. Price 33, at and Tt centa Aeetdeats. ai irnw to deal villi them, and other val mtble medical Information, will be found ta Dr Kauf maun't (real Medical W ork ; eleiai . colored platta. Send tbree 2-cenv tttoit i o pay postage t A P. Ordwav 4 , ' ion, Afaas.,aod receive a eopj free. Tb ne who has Cbriet has every tklDa .at Ood's law requires of him. How a Metbei Saved her Boy. LIU e Robert Frej Uvea at Silver Lake; kds toMuer aad father loye blm with par eetal devall-mi he ia a bright little felloar. Bebby. at be Is called, look a severe cold, klch would Dot yield lo everything the) trlsd . A oelttilor persauded the use of rta-Tioa, lb neat remedy for Coughs, Oelds and Consumption. The Orsl fasr stee relieved and the ooaleslt of a tt cent kettle mad a cure. You ran tnuuioa the aaelka. s joy. Pan-Tlae is sold tl T. i fktau fJiag Slere. Tboutbt lUnseirQuaU0ed, A contest arose Saturday nlgbt In an Auliuru Wiher shop about the compara tive honesty of the French and English laboring man. On of the disputants was a Frenchman, who eloquently ex tolled the merits of the French laboring man. An interested listener thought he would take part in the discussion, and prefaced his remarks thusi "Kow, I sup pose Tm part French myself. My father aud mother were both French." Banrjor Commercial. Beet Id tbe Tar North. Lieutenant Peary, tb arctic explorer, saw bumblebees as far north as latitude 81 degs. 87 lulus, iu Greenland, and ttat.J that bluebottle files were as com mon that far north as they are In Phlla delp.iia arouud a butcher shop. The 1st ltudo mentioned la within about 680 tailc of the north jioli Kioinological News. Very Thoroustw Mother Is your Uuul John's wife a thorough housekveprrr Small Son (Just back from a rUit-I trusts to, I was just as uncomfortable with her a I am with you. Oood News. Kicuaabte. "How ia my wagon getting- alongT asked the butcher. "You've had It tlx weeks." "All ready but the wheels. Tbty'r not tired y ," returned tb wagon maker. "Well, they ought to bej they're been waiting so long," said the butcher. Uarper's Baxar. In public house signs three seems to play aa Important part, inch signs as "Three Bells," "Three Jolly Sailors." "Three Bears," etc., being often used. A fast peuuian will write at the rat of thirty word a minute, wUeh means that tn an Iwur's steady writing he has drawn liia pen along a space otUOO yards. Ti.j ruauufacture of snowaboea for I The Chinese women, whe bare aoaraa. army nte would establish s new Indus- hard hair, though lieantiful, use a carl try tuat might employ a goodly number j Qua mixturaaf biamy ami Hone tgc-ie sntt workmen. 'aadaoftott. PElRCE COLLEGE of BUSINESS A b'srh cl4M eooimarcU- cho.J ifford-ni iu for tf-fi-l ". . !-- 0oB,"1S hu btjsm avautxi o ib uuMweftsts uis i. And tpMlmilr Ua lBtrodanil ub M hiroitnij, Ac. prlir-ihn ItUnk now gMdi k uli li. tort ju ABnU.ahorlbod Kiprlmot with Plrvon. Extierimenta have recently been mado Estt f eter DRElsn&CR. lata of rrank- to determine tne lenjrtn or time through Un iwp.. crbon countr. Pa.. dad. which ii carrier pigeon will preserve tho mtikaimmfititii. it.fot. an. thOM iikvIdii 'homing" Instinct that u to say, bow legal claims aRaloit the wme win preteat tliam qUR a bird most be kept away from Us Rhou delay In iiroper ord.rrfrr sett ementto La-i5i . u Jf n. i". iwi. ji,au in . i . joa. Fianer, Attorney, uaucii ctiuok, the Instinct to return. Kecently Beventy- UvMwnpoj iDrtructuta, Boot, etb, im rDX4imDt Ulieai;, Ao(toim'tmwDt lr0 tllDf fctftaj,Ml Administrator's Notice, Ee of Polly Kresge. late of Frtnkll i county, Vs., deceased. All perl dehted to said Estate are resquested to make lm I , . , um,ra Vrtnt,a rwnnmilAi mediate payment aud those liavlnx legal elalms "i hours. i outli-s uompanioa, against tlie same will present them without de-1 li. In ivniMir urdar rnr feettlemeot. 7 XL'SllH BOTEIt. Jan l,153Mn Administrator two pigeons in the German military serv ice were taken from Mayence to Bruns wick, a distance of 170 miles, and kept in captivity a month. Then they were liberated. They started Instantly In tho direction of Mayence and arrived there Ton. UiTritarcrh I.r,laclMIa4rna.e. BtcirdBuiMins.vi: e)lbMtntbt Ftulsdslpaus For the Vreltlesl Jewelry and the Best Watches, Clocks and Silverware tb people of Carbon county mutt come to our store. We not only have lhe too.lt hut we tell them at ptlees that are low and perbipi a lltll lower tban the same goods can be bought for elttwbere. We are not tailing thoddy tluff for the bett bectutt w don't believe in mltrepretentatlon. Oar motto It tood honest goods at the very lowest prices." Before vou buy elsewhere we" would be pleased to have you call and tea ut. Confectionery, Finn Cigars, Stationery, Dolls, etc. We cany In out ututl full tnif com plete Un all the abev goods at tbe very lowest prices. Mike It a point to call and te us wUen you need any thing In our Hoe and we are cenAdent that It will pay you cash returns for your trouble. C, H. Nuabnum, Bridge Street. . - - . W ten port, Ta. MUNI tISt, 8 wttb M iW cUa could mi Remedy tt.MnlibuuwIi wTmhu. PntLkH. 1US1I l 1., t ititmunrtofiiiiiiTic, i t ror Sal. A piano box baggf in fl rat class en dltlon. Annlv to fl. R. Oulton. ourxj tit the jrk, Ftrtt street, LehlHli tea. il Sl.ttWMSWMithvkvan! I u. MS MJfrlwS mS pS 4 Ik, .ka.f. ..WIMHI - , MMHN X- kU NM frOB twllj. H Dl umi tu lqt If Mif a lit a nvly." FATIENTS TRKtTED BY MtlU CONrlDENTIAI., SmIm. ui'MM Maniac. lacaaVMUaM, , SU ,f,OT. it. i. w. r, mm. intiiri iitiiti. tiitni. in I.AD1KS AMj JflbSEri Coats&Jackets In the very Neatest Stylet and at tb Lowest Prices at E. H: Snyder's, also a fall line of Fine Dross Goods, That can't be matched tn this to li or eounly for Sljl Quality or Prleet, See Our Goods Before You Buy. Act on ft e-vt principle ley olAta the liver, tomacH end bowcla through tJu nervtt Uo. JliLia' rou nAiUu curt blltonneev. larrUllwr and cxiiistlpij- tuetttt OpdOMS,25ou. 6udp1m ttm u aitvtrutrj. fl AXLE II GREASE BEST iir THE ironu. ttewMi Iss uaUUre susmeel. aetssajl cmtlastla two boxaa or anrotbsr erand. Not Siudbr hsitTtsrOET tilt CtM UIX rOB HAT.g BT PKAUR8 OgVgRJIIJ.T. tuf Th Old Way, Mr. Halloran, an up ivr pilot of ce Abrity, who was ttudylng the lower MUeiielppl river, told tne that he remem bered when it was the custom for tho mates to hit lazy negroes on tbe head with a billet of wood "and knock them stiff," The other negroes used to laugh, presumably as the sad faced man laugh ed when the photographer clapped a pis tol to his head and eaid, "Smile, or I'll shoot you." When the felled, negro came to the others would say, "Lep up quick an git to work, ulggeri d mate's aborn ing." They do not urge the help with cord wood now so the mate of the Prov idence told me because the negroes get out warrants aud delay the boat. Ju Man Ralph iu Harper's. Wall Papers, Borders, Decorations, Pictures. For the next few month! th great question of interior decor ntion and house painting will be the leading consideration of property owners. Let us make a suggestion for you. You want the work done right ; we' can d it for you at reasonable figures, or we will sell you the wall paper and decorations. Com and e ; let us talk the matter over and we know that we om please you. O. A. GOTH, BOWER'S BLOCK. Opposite P. 0., LEHIQHT02T, PA. JZSJSXBZ. . INu teousar n ICiprlusit. Tho kin de mart en Is no loojnr an ex I CUIIC QQ ef IV pertinent. It U not now oi the dtfen LUiT.rSffVM1 rive, either on its educational or en lta r.i who ignonintly oppose tbe kindergarten to aliow cause for their opposition in the face of the uim oat unanimous approral of experta anu the entliu&Uatlo lnaorae- U MSJ M rMTt IU, U r liWpUMulaaqtrtUati.Ui j IT IS TH BUT fcf atatuataj ?S"tZT U ..ft tilt '. -' satUau. tr 00. The Cheapest Place in Town For IV all Paper, Borders and Dcora tions at rtiiiinn Dni ei a Corner of Second aiad UWBil Kenrlg. Iron Street.. The IKitf&e. ANsorlinenl in tho Vnnnty to sofert from. THE POSITIVE CURE. lELY JJKOTIIEHS.M Warren 8W, Hew Tork. rMce Metal Cor OensatnpUeB, Cougba, Oronp, Sot TUrt U Sold fty all Drestisu a CusvaatM. roea Side, Back ee CViM Bhlloh's Pereua Plaster will lira , mUltctloa. at caate. FOR SALE. A larta tlluated In Tettaneeaiot tewoshlii, llarbou eountr. Pa., about tu miles mm i Weiss IMSrt, uti ro4 Uadlas Irosn said idaee to Kresge 01 cwUaliOBK upward) ol l awes clear raanlsu series ww au tee ivltk anMeasaaee uUtbulklliUI G (iljffStls KUill UM.yiufkJMtUi't (e a traaue bauk baru anuieet. wasoe sited m lees and ail inner nereaMry euiiMiiiuii Terius ofsale w ill b raade know !' dsuerere Far Preuepeia, Urar or aUJoer el, rneertcta. CATARRH UawroqCWaurrlil TrTthUBeiadr ltTltt reiver aod.CXir ou ,roe . i guaiant to trlre eallelerttou. . ruH a ILK Br tpneUerttt 1 (Wf ud truutil It uc rHIL0H'S7 ruent of all tbst mrt of tbe general pul- Uo who have bad Ibe oprortunlty or bf j coming familiar with Its uiethnds anil results, Century. Intention bureeedi Ineeutluu. Tbe new book ami eyo that lire no oullar beoause tbe book ban a bump in , it bare been succeeded by a book Ibat i peculiar for two uuujps iwtweeu wuicii the eye la bf U In place. Tlinn rabidly doe Inrentlon succeed invention In tUU land of norelties. New Vork,Buu. Tbe search for tbe golden fleece had not for lta sole object tbe conquest of a mine, or a precious fleece, or to rob tbe treasure so carefully lieil by the ava ricious Aetea. Champagne owes it quality to tb soil, a mixture of chalk, allloa, light clay and oxide of iron, and to tbe great care and delicate manipulation iu manu facture. A book of a thousand pages could be written on "Wouders anU IMrtoaiae ' "joVi..iri 1 Dr. G T. Horn. Lehlghim-, Pa Ke.pej.g tie cr YuMy."i aUrrhf. fa, , " I ejmtfer made aprapfn totb title too. i liuuren It is a wonderful remedy, which is alike benefi cial to you and your children. Such is ScotCs Emulsion of. Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil and Hypophos phites of Lime and Soda. It checks wasting in the children and produces sound, healthy flesh. It keep them from taking cold and it will do the same for you Bevtt' Emulsion carts Ceughu, Oolds, Consumption, Scrofula and aU Anaemic and Waatur Diseases. rrwnbs wasting la children. At neat at palatable aa tullk. Cetamlr the B-fnulne. r!4red by fioott llowu. OheeaUU. New Turk Sold by all Drwcgteta ;lktilon