The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, February 25, 1893, Image 2

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The Carbon Advocate
Harry V. Morthimor, Sr.
Fl'ICE-Ssller's Klook, North First street.
Lehlslitoa, I'a,
Ihll Taper lias bee arce-pted at lbs Iiehlsuteu
Post Oftlcs as Heound Class Matter.
1-eoel sns Iteadlnz notices to take run ol
paiier ro per line tor each Insertion.
ISxseotors Administrators' anil notices, 13.00.
Auditor and lllvoreenotlre.. 81 00
Uarita ol tkank-s, n si Unions ut respect, and
stiallar notices one time I t.fio.
local notices ot cnterlalnnunts. suppers,
testlTSIs, lairs, dances, and alt entertainment
designed to make money ft cents ier line, unless
Job printing has been dune lor tlie same at tills
JjliplayadverUscrnrnts, flic Inches and over,
1) psr Inch per annum.
Ssbucrlpllon rrlce l.oo when paid sKit cash
r 81 JS It not so nald. This rule v. Ml liereiitler
Se etrlDrreatly enforced. , , , , ,
l.rms Transient advertising and Job print
foeabi yearly advertising payable quarterly.
Address all Communications to
Our Olroulatlon 14G8
TheCAMMW Adtooate had almost
made op Its mind to pay no more at
tention to the silly, jealous mutterlugs
of It Bankway contemporary, from the
fact that honest, fearless, Indisputable
argument Invariably meets with only
the most vile and malicious abuse from
the editor of that paper. In a lato cou
trorersy whou this newspaper publicly
condemned an Individual and exposed
his true character to the people, the
same paper, denied no sltmlo accusa.
tlon but at once commenced a system
of abuse and Tlllincatlon, lying In the
most approved fashion and showing
Itself to be only as much or a ileum
cogue as the coterl of unprincipled
pimps and noodles who control its
expression. With the Tress, the advo
gate has no issue, neither has it ought
against the sickly pimp who Is being
made the victim of the flattery of such
men as Sammy Gilliam, Ben Kuntzaud
kindred Ilk who have no standing out
side their own shadow, and who are
gradually loosing that little. There.
fore wo feel no inclination to go further
Into a controversy that can be of no
Dosslble interest to our readers. We
feel Inclined at this time to note, how
ever, that the Advocate, in emphatic
refutation, of a deliberate lie, has a
bona fide newspaper circulation or at
least two if not three to ono of the Press,
and that whilst, aslsthorule, weoccas
lonally cut one or? two from our list we
keep light on adding new names every
week, and a single glance at the col-
antns of the Advocate tells at once
which paper belongs to the people and
is not "shared" or controlled by out
.side sources. To the accusation that
the Advocate can be bought we feel
there is no necessity to speak. The
Advocate owns itself and when it pub
llshes an editorial against anyone it is
above going about among the relatives
and friends of the Individual lu a bab
lsb, crawling, whlnning manner, mak
ing apologies and excuses therefore.
We are not bailt that way 1 Our busi
ness Is honestly conducted and through
earnest, indefatigable etfort has in
creased a third ever 1631, and we bo
Ueve that this will tell better than any
other argument we could produce that
the people are with us. Look at our
olumuB, measure the home advertise
ments, come and examlue our sub
scription lists, and compare them with
those of our contemporurv and that
too, will tell a story that will refute
very eloquently the barefaced and un
principled lies of Mr. Watson and at
the same time show very beautifully
that Wllley is the hireling and that we
are most certainly not. It comes quite
naturally therefore that the guilty con
science of a lackey should urge him to
look upbn others with suspicion and
mistrust, and to this extent we give
him credit for brains of the quality of
the ape and the rapaclousuess of the
gorilla, not more, unless perhaps we
might Include the ass from whom he
has copied his loud and senseless
braying. But, perhaps, more anon.
Senator "fJsrsnr.R, of this county, has
Introduced a bill in the Senate which
if It becomes a law will certainly fill a
long felt want. It speciflcially provides
for townships and boroughs to pass
ordinances compelling railroad com
panies to provide guard gates and
watchmen at railroad crossiugs and
further to preyent trains trom blook
tng crossings for an unreasonable
length ot time. There Is much that
an I e said in favor of this bill, and
there is nothing that can be said
against it. It should be placed on the
There already is much consideration
being given to the question of a divi
sion of the party spoils by the leaders
f the Democratio party for the pre
sumption is, naturally, that closolv
following the 4th of March, the axe
will be put In operation and many
worthy and honest heads will have to
fOjofr, though what will practically
oome, can perhaps be clearly seen In
the appointment of Judge Walter
aresham, a life long Republican, to a
place in the Cleveland cabinet. This
will not suit the spoilsmen, no matter
how much It may tickle the muewumn.
The postoBlrte here is a presidential
appointment, with a salary of $11(10,
ana anuougn James 1'. Smith was
bounced before his time, yet It is a
safe conclusion that the present in
umbent will quietly serve out his full
and then make room for a Democrat.
Attorney W. Q. Freytnau and wife
of West Broadway, are in the South
-Bersiur-i-reyman hopes to recover
lost health.
-Jury Commlssouer Joel Zeigenfus
and John Connell assisted by Sherilf
o- ueuu ana Prank Metigel dr
April oourt Jurors on last Ratnr.1..
-Edward Sweeny, halls from East
Mauch Chunk and It is a cold day
when he Isn't courting trouble. His
Isteat escapade was to have himself ar
retted charged with stealing brass.
George Ulmbler, of the "Kettle," a
brakeman on the Central, wasserl
usly injured while following bis em
ploymentat Amsdale, on Saturday.
His injuries were dressed at the Has
ten hospital.
-A large force of carpenters from
Wilkes Barre are engaged in the pre
paration of timber to eularge the Auden
rld No. 4 colliery. The uew addition
will be built to the east end of the
structure, and will be twenty feet wide.
This was necessary on account of the
Increased output of the miners. The
omlng summer, it Is said, with the
vast, improvements to the oulliorv, will
sss the most extensive sbipmeuts lu
the history ot the place.
Jlo Tun Want Shade Tree. T
L. J. Heldt, of Second street, has so.
eptrd the agency here tor a first -oiass
aursery firm, aud will be plaed tu
supply all who art- lu lusetl with flue
fruit and shade tree, grape vines, 4,-,
at low prices. He also has for -le a
Mas lot of seed potatoes I all and
lint lloetn'l Want tot, Called Cnl ltf-
enusa He Asks for It,
Limnn (Up, Feb. l, 18H3.
In the army the general 1 fllsltSr
gttlshed from the other ollk-ers by liny
epHttlelte, ureas, .vo. ine eoionei m
readily known from the oaptalus, and
the captain from the private, by their
respective ensigns or dress. Memlers
of the O. A. of the Republic, wears
propor insignia bv which we recognise
them as the defenders of our Union
and institutions. Nearly all secret
societies have "badges," for their mem
bers to wear to designate them among
thoir fellow men. The police Is ro
oognlied by ills badge and uniform.
Tito railroad olllcials have adopted
certain specialties in caps and dress by
which conductors, brakemen, express
agents and other may be lecogulzed.
All these are wise and suitable attach
merits to accommodate and guide
humanity; and are Justly protected by
the laws ot our laws of our land, that
no one may wear them for fraudulent
These ensigns do not discommode the
wearer, nor disgrace the possessors
physique or appearance, but rather
add ornament to tlio person, From
theso lnslgnias we learn to what orgatii-
zatlou or rank In service the wearer be
longs. All places of busiuoss, ns black
smith, barber, shoe store, grocer, drug
gist, millinery, Ac, have proper signs
to designate them. Wo pride ourselves
on these wise and proper niodes estab
lished for the convenience of mankind.
Wo protect them by law, anil frame
laws to punish fraudulent infringe.
tneut on ourrlghts established therein.
As a badge does not discommode the
wearer, but, rather add ornamont,nnd
is really wise and useful to guldo one
another silently: thcro tiro Bevcral
ensigns or badges, which tho law-makers
of our United States, should adopt,
aud rigidly require peoplo to wear for
tho good of society. Wo often mingle
and associate with people, but ore
wholly unable to ascertain their social
rank, and if known to us we would
give them a wide birth, whilst we often
regret having made acquaintance, of
some, after becoming acquainted with
their social rank. Tills Is particularly
true of young people, and especially of
young ladles. How often do we hear
ot the ruin of n respcctablo young girl
who was imposed on by a "social fruud."
How often is u wholo family disgraced,
and well meaning parents, drugged to
and untimely grave, sorrowing for, and
bewailing the ruin of their beloved
child of their bosom, when seeing their
daughter's llfo plighted and ruined
through a social fiend. Yes, how many
happy homes have been wrecked, aud
how mauy a promising llfo given to
despair, and often suicide. How ten
derly do we wutclt over our little
daughters, fondle them on our bosoms,
aud rejoice In the day when they will
bloom among tho daughters of the
land. How many hours, days and years
do we endure tho hardships of llfo. to
bring them up and hare them appear
lu bociety, thcnufterollour vigil, must
,-ee their life and fund hopes shuttered
by a corrupt wifedesetter, bigamist or
m irried family disgraces, who falsely
ensnare them under disguise of a
"single man."
Many a girl would neverallow 11 wife
deserter or "Dlvorco Humbug Fiend,"
to bestow any attention on her, if such
would have cxposesd to open view ills
rank in tho social clrclo by souio
ensign. Married family disgraces, re
presenting themselves "single man,'
when away from home,would full to dis
grace tlie innocent aud uuwnry gitl, If
compelled by law to wear lu open view
a budgo ot his rank, married. Many a
girl would shrink away from such
polluted men who destroy the holy
shrine of tho family altar, and matri
mony, if some sign would tell them the
rank of such. Yes, much might bo pre
vented, If all married men and women
were compelled by law to wear an
insignia of Unit rank, and the divorced
ones a batlgo to Unit effect Such a
theory as this no doubt will make
wicked inclined peoplo howl, but those
who have tho purity of society would
be but properly guided theieby. The
habit of to free intercourse would pro
bably give away to more sober and in
telligent mingling.
Hoping not to be too rashly con
demned for advocating now theories, I
leave the subject to the consideration
of tho noble, the good, the wise, and
the just. K.
ACCi:r r Til K
Ktlilenllr Tiler Don't Think I.elllKlltun I.
hi Knrne.t for Tliey are IliirrlnK
'reparations to a
The plans for Carbou county's new
templo of justice as presented by Arch
itect L. S. Jacoby, of Allentown, and
nooeptod aud npptoved by Commis
sioners Miller, Cannon hud Seudel.
The plans of Architect Jocoby show a
buldiug ot maguifloeut proportion
aud bcautv, one that will be a fitting
ornament to tho Couuty Seat aud to
tlie county. The building will bo an L
shape, extending from Broadway to
the rear of the property. There will be
two hallways, tho main one extending
from llroadmny to the rear line, with a
width of 12 feet. Then there will bo a
cross hallway, from Susquehaunu
street, 10 feet in width, with square
vestibules at both entrances, Mulshed
with glasied brick. This hallway ox-
tends to the rear, and connects with
the stairway. There will be two stair
ways, one at the end of the main hall
aud the other at the center of the
building. The main building will be
00x100 feet in size, and the L 00x00 feet.
1 he architect's plau show an an ad
mlrable arrangement of the dllferent
ollieee. Court room, Jury rooms, eto.
On the right baud side ot the main
hall are located the Commissioners'
ofllces, three In number, general, pri
vate and record. Directly opposite is
the Treasurer's olllc,nd several large
rooms which are not yet named. To
the rear of the Commissioners' oillees.
on each side ot the hallway, are two
large-siied oillees. Under the Court
House extension are located tlie ollloes
for the I'rothouotury add Register and
Recorder. The I'rotheuotary's quar
ters arc on the right shle, aud consist
ot three apartments, a general and pri
vate otllce and a record room. On the
opposite side similar quarters are pro
vided for the Register and Recorder.
The second floor of the main build
lug will oontalu the grand jury room,
witness' room, ofHces for tlie District
Attorney, County Sujwrinteudsut of
Suhools and County Surveyor. The
second aud third floors of tlie L will
be taken up by the Court room, lu the
rear of which are the law, library aud
judges' room. Immediately over the
Judges' room aud library, in tlie rear,
the petit Jury room will be located.
The Court room proper will take up
unite a large space, u win oe two
alnriu. .. ill I ..ii
OHliacitv of 250. with a sallerv wbilth
Will aOOOlUinodate l&O ai!ctitt,i-K. Tim
Court room will receive lluiit front turn
sides and tbmugh a large sky light
aud art glass celling. Kverv vtiuveiu
tliee is piovhled, a model t'ouit ns at
cuu e tested
t.ieat' 1 tuiiiglit aladns'
mitt at FJ'ii ut the one price hlur
l 'lotluug llal . Mum li Chunk, wurth
sl.'iUU os deakst du vun das i
ItllHP MHNTIOM. tP A WKHK') llllr
short PsWKMpns TlHit Xyili'Mfttlt liilet l
to III IlalUuaFthf
1 It is rumored that the Tennsylvn- j
nia Railroad Company will in the near
future adopt the two eent rate on all
Its branohss. This will do ft way with
excursions and round trip tlokets.
There will be but one style of tlokets
sold, Mud they will be uullmlted as to
time. ' .
t The Bureau of nuthraclte coal
statistics reports a total shipment
luring the mouth of January, 1893, of
.3,080,570,01) tons. Compared with the
month of January 1892, there was nn
increase of 351,108.19 tonR in the Wyom
ing region; nu increase of 11,402.02 tons
in the Lehigh region, and a decrease of
117,470.07 tens In the Sohuvlkil! region.
The stock of coal ou hand at tide-water
Shipping iwluts, January 31, 1892, was
"532,375 tons; ou Dooember 31, 1892, G57,-
8flS tons; decrease 125,493 tons.
t For the third, time in its history
tho Philadelphia & Reading Railroad
Company hns been obliged to seek the
protection of the United States Court.
Upon tho application of ox-Senator
Thobins C. riatt, n cltlrsu of New
York state, Judgo Dallas yesterday ap
pointed three receivers to take charge
of and operate the road, tho th'reo being
A. A. MoLeod, president of the com
pany; Eliaha 1'. Wilbur, president ot
the Lehigh Valley Railroad, and Ed
ward M. Paxson, who resigned his
position as chief justice of the supreme
court to accept the oillce.
X Many Improvements nre contem
plated for the Central Railroad otNow
Jersey. The building of Its own tracks
to Scranton, and the purchasing of
twenty-five now locomotives have al
ready bceu mentioned in Mils journal.
In addition 'o tho above, two addition
al tost passenger trnlus between Mauch
Chunk and Now York city are in oou
ttniplatlon. to bo started at an early
dato. The distance of 121 miles is to be
colored in two hours and forty-live
minutes. To facilitate the ruunlug of
passenger trains n number of side
Uruuks are to bo built nt necessary
points for coal nnd freight trains to
lay off and petutit the passing of
passenger trains without delay.
t C. C. Rosenberg, foreman of bridge
and buildings ou tho Lehigh and New
Jersey Divisions of tlie Lehigh Valley
Ruilroad, has announced tlie following
appointments: J. W. Puscoe, foreman
of all bridges and building, from
Mauch Chunk to the cast end Of tlie
Delaware, bildge, including all branch
es. A. C. Bitnn, foreman of bridges
and buildings from tho east -end of the
Delaware bridge to Johnson avenue,
Jersey City. Frnnklln Gri 111 n, foreman
of buildings from Pcrtli Amboj east,
Including docks. W. E. Hurwlg, foro
mau ot buildings from Johnson aven
ue, Jersey City, east, including Jersey
City docks and New York piers oper
ated by tho company. E. O. Jutiniugs,
foreman, in charge of tho Easton car
penter shop, including plumbers, tiu
smtths and water-tank repairmen. Mr.
Jeunlng's men will do nil shop work
for both divisions. All tho above ap
pointees will have chargo of tho men
in their employ.
t J. H. Olhaiisen, the superintendent
ot tue Central Railroad of New Jersey,
is in the coal regions now and somoim
portant niovos can be expected. Mr.
Olhnuscn runs tho railroad with tlie
same energy-thut ho smashed passenger
trunks ou tho Heading about twenty
years ago. Ho was about as reckless n
baggage master as any on the road and
was a hundred per cent, gruffer then
than ho is now. Now Mr. Olhausen
though us grulf as a bear. Is as kind
hearted u man as lives, aud one who
never goes Imck ou a friend or a deserv
lug workman. If there are any differ
ences between u workmen and "boss,"
an appeal to Mr. Olhausen is always
sure to bring a just decislon.-Exchange.
J The Lehigh Valley Ruilroad Com
pany lust year built at its own shops 1G
locomotives, 13 passenger curs, 3 com
bination curs, 1U1 gondola ears, 31 cu
boose cars, 1 service train caboose cur,
1 express cur, 7 workmen's curd, 1 shop
truck, 1 special service goudolu cur uud
18 house curs. Tho company also pur
chased last year 27 locomotives, 2000
house cars, 20 passenger curs, 5 combi
nation curs, lb30 turn hopper gondola
curs.- Tho equipment nt tho end of tho
year was as follows: 055 losomotives, 12
chair cars, 210 passenger cars, 55 com-
bluutlou cars. 4 sneciul oars. 70 lnii7imi?r.-
mnll and express curs, 41X1 stock curs,
113 platform ours, 2070 gondola cars, 47
bark oars, 35 lime curs, 12,137 house curs
331 refrigerator em's, 209 heater cars,17
coke cars, 25,815 four-w heeled coal ours,
9,097 eight-wheeled coal oars. The fol
lowing Is the number of curs assigned
to special service lu work trains, etc:
1,230 roadway department cars, 315 ca
boose cars, 05 tunnel curs, 00 wreck and
tool cure, 7 water oars, 10 snow plows,
10 Hangers. The number of miles of
track embraced In the Lehigh Valley
system is 231,530 miles. There were 10,
550,228 tons ut anthracite coal carried
over tho Lehigh system lust year, 313,
071 tons of coke, and 5,053,580 tons of
miscellaneous freights, and 0,018,119
Swindlers at orkAirali,.
The latest swindle (hat has been un
covered is nn advertisement of a steel
engraving. It reads like this: "Cut
this out and send 2.50 and you will re
ceive a beautiful steel engraving, The
Lauding of Columbus.' This engraving
is authorized by tlie government and Is
an exact copy of the work of one ot the
great masters."
Some man from the upper part of the
county answered it aud received in re
turn a ' Columbian two-cent postage
stamp. A great many people have ueeu
victimised lu this way.
The Jeauesville Drum Corps, one
of the oldest in this region, is now be
ginning to add many requisitions to
their number. They were organised
ten years ago uud during that time
have received much credit for the
inuslo they rendered. They are com
poeil of two B Hat ilfes, one 11 Hat
cornet, six tenor aud oue base drum,
and cymbals. The olllcsrs are: Presi
dent, Cormio MoClee; secretary, Coudy
Douohoe; treasurer, Harry Watkius;
leader, Daniel Reed.
An adjourned session o( the Janusry term of
court aaa new lu me uuun House on Tnunulay
afternoon. Associate JihIkvs HVhllewiu al. ff.
Price were In charge. Preskleut Judge tf. b
, r, icr wm uui trtseui.
A ruin tiriu irnuitMl on VIiuiMm, Him At Pi fl
M. Ha uim! Ou., and Joel J. Bailey & Co . to
aw cause wuy lite auaeiiiiiems lu ineir ease.
Mslustllsvld KniU should out Se dissolved
nu s nut luetlierl) tu thSl.sudlhe
various creditors are sin. 1st isiiiteutlon as to
who Is to reeelve tlie uiouey. The above rules
are returnable as the item term ut court.
rue aret ana niwi
I Robert B I on
n ill Samuel U.
d sliMilun ly.
u.e. .ieH aitsd
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ThneMtnv, Teh. In,
Tlie Hawaiian simulation treaty vnw re- j
Vlverl from the president and emtstdend,
but. wisi not. marie, pulillo. The appropria
tions rjomm it te opposed the river and har
bor lle tti the sundry civil bill Hoke
SiuUli of Georgia was asked by Mr. Cleve
land to be secretary of tho Interior and ac
cepted the place Jesse Seligman testified
before tbe Panama Investigating commit
tee that J. A W. Seligman & Co. Iialidled
HO.CMJ.OOO of general fundi as bankers, and
that tbe three banking house comprising
the "American committee" received tl,9U0,-
01)0 for their servloes Dr. Huntington ot
Grace church of New York Is said to have
received a proposal from Hasten to be
come the suocessor of Bishop Brooks
President Harrison signed the national
quarantine bill An attack la to be made
upon the Whisky trust iu Chicago, and a
legislative investigation Is expected M.
Le Gnay ami M. Prevost were convicted of
complicity lu Panama canal frauds and
sentenced to fine and Imprisonment
Twenty people were' killed and many in
jured at a carnival In llnda-Pesth .Much
destruction of life and property has been
caused by ahurrlcaneln Madagascar- Ue
potrsof the choleraic disorder in Marseilles
are said to have been greatly exaggerated
George H. Chickertng made charges In
court that his dead brother had misappro
priated funds of their piano company
Wall street stocks declined under the lead
of the Industrial stocks, but rallied In tbe
hope that the government would Issue
bonds tu replenish its stock of gold; money
easier at ier cent Republicans took
foroible possession of Representative hall
la Topeks; Governor Lewelllng called
out the nillltia to help retake the hall
for the Populist house The jury in
the case of Duggan, accused of ballot steal,
lng In HutTalo, brought in a verdict of not
guilty Three people weti killed and
95 Injured by the Wrecking of
an electric car in Portland, Or.
Charles do lessens visits his father, whom
he Adds very feeble and in Ignorance of his
oonviction In tlie Panama cases D. Lan
caster Drew takes HO.OOO from a Philadel
phia safe deposit company of which he
was treasurer and was nrrested Cham
pion Corliett puts up 1(I,000 for Chat ley
Mitchell to cover and accepts Jackson's
challenge conditionally.
f Friday, Feb. 17.
The Ilawnliau treaty prov ides for annexa
tion and temporary contlnunuceof tlio pro
visional government with nu American
commiseioner who is to have a veto on all
Its acts The president gave iSecretary
Poster authority to Issue bonds If ho be
lieved It necessary to protect the gold re
serve The sheriff at Topeka swore In a
posse of 1,000 men, whereujion the Popu
lists decided not to attempt to dislodge the
Republican house, and tho governor sent
it an otTor of compromise. Governor Lew
elllng removed Colonel Hughes for Insub-
ordluutton In the house of commons a
vote was passed that the editor of the I.on
don Times should apologize for hav
ing described Irish members of parlia
ment ns mercenaries and paid servants
Tho French cabinet, after an attack by
the lloulanglsts and socialists, ohtuiued a
vote of COTitldcucc by a majority of 120
Wall street stocks dull and slightly lower
for railway issues. Industrials fell sharp
ly and ended at their lowest. Gold engage
ments for today's French stenmer, so far ns
known, nggiegate only tl.ouO.Cmo to (2,000,
000. Money on call rilled at 8 per cent
Ellis H Roberts, asslstanttreasurer of
the United States, has been elected prcst
Ident of tho new Franklin 3s'utlonnl
bank and will probably accept after
Mr. Cleveland has appointed his suc
cessor nt the euhtreasury Lord Ran
dolph Churchill spoke against the home
rule bill iu the house of commons
Mr. Turpin of Alabama and Mr. Waugh of
Indiana came to blowa before the spoaker,
and the house had to bu adjourned because
of the row Judges Goff nod Simontnu
in tlie United States court decided against
Governor Tillman's right to collect excess
ive taxes from railroads In South Carolina
A parting nonpartisan dinner was ten
dered to ex -Senator Carlisle in Washing
ton by his late associates lu the senate
The Monmouth Park Racing association
was IndUted by the grand Jurynt Freehold
Balloting for senators in tho legisla
tures of Wyoming, Montana and North
Dakota continued without result A
service In memory of Phillips Brooks
was held iu New York at which
Protestants, Jews and Catholics united
Joe Donogliue, champion skater of New
burg, was defeated In three races by John
9. Johnson ot Minneapolis Ex-Labor
Arbitratorof New York Florence Donovan,
charged with being accessory to Maggie
MauzonPa dentil, surrenders himself nnd is
released In tlO.OllO hall President Har-
rlsun is duck-shooting near Baltimore.
8.lturUiy, Feb. IS.
J. Sterling Morton of Nebraska has ac
cepted thfrsecretarythip of agriculture In
Mr. Cleveland's cabinet A peace agree
ment was signed by representatives of the
warring forces In Kansas, leaving the Re
publicans nil they had demanded Gov
ernor McKiiiley's name Is on f lO.OOO ot the
paper of the bankrupt Youngstown (O.)
Stamping company Reports damaging
to Reading caused heavy sales of the stock
of the road ou tho Philadelphia Ex
change Presbyterians Issued a letter
urging a cessation In their church of
dogmatlo warfare against Dr. llriggs
Rumor comes flora Cincinnati
that Dr. Ilrlggs and Professor Smith
will start nn ludejiendent church
Wall street storks excited and lowerunder
further liquidating sales. Reading stocks
and bonds were the conspicuous feature,
and New England fell in sympathy. Mon
ey on call ruled nt 4 to 4X ier cent The
home rule hill was read foif the first time
In the house' of commons. Speeches ad
verse to It w ere made by Mr. Chamberlain
and Mr Goschen, and Mr. Morley replied
to them All Is quiet in the Hawaiian
Islands. Martini law was deolared oil bv
the provisional government on Feb. 8. The
sentiment lu ruvor of annexation Is grow
ing Chancellorvon Caprlvi In the relchs
tag declared he would not resign his office.
Leo XIII received S,uu0 pilgrims
who hud come to congratulate him on
his coming jubilee Many hotel build
ings are being erected lu Chicago for the
occupation of visitors to the World's fair
which arexonstdered unsafe Stamboul's
stallion record of ifftH Is sustained
Charley Mitchell wants to divide the
gate money in his fight with Corliett, and
the latter won't have It Norseng skated
three miles tn 9 minutes 30 seconds, beat
ing Donoghue'a record by 28 seconds
Senator Stanford of California is danger
ously ill Philadelphia will employ only
American cltisens on municipal work
Robert lioui Stevenson Is 111 with grip
Hugh O'Douni-ll testifies III Ids own de
fence in the Homestead case A move
ment Is ou loot ittuong Catholics to build
Mgr. SaUilll a ivsldeiice, Massachusetts'
auoruey general advocates a law prohibit
ing the giving ut crlmliiul news to news
papers by prosecuting nllicera Wholeaan
corruption Is charged by lbs governor ot
Arkansas against bihcials.
Mitui'ity, Fell. 40. ,
Sixty thousand petvons gathered In St
Peter's, Rome, where the poiw urn dated at
the special Juhtli-e mass A severe snow
storm, acoouilisutetl liy l-tgh w uds, swept
from Mlohigau tu the'.:l.iiitic coast At
Wllkesbarre there were under and light
ning Father Kills. ,. ui llergen Point,
N. J., lead aleilei .unit A luHtorlo Delegate
BatclH showing tits. The , mil rovsrsy with
lluthop Wlgger Has iltt idtsl Iu the priest's
favoi- Tbe New Jotk Catholic olub
celebrated the pope's gulden jubilee and
adopted resolutlous favoring -the pope's
restoration to temporal power Father
Trsaoy, tlie Burlington (N. J.) priest who
was deposed by Bishop O'Farrel and Mgr.
Satolli, continues to celebrate mass
Uerop Blelclirwler, the rlcheat banker of
Berlin, Is dead. His fortune was 100,000,-
000 marks Cincinnati la flooded Tlie
officials of the Keadlug road held several
oonferauttis In Philadelphia with tbe large
holders of the road's stock Mrs. Cleve
land declare against crinolines Senator
Hill and Senator Elect Murphy were In
consultation with Governor Flower at Al
bany Dr. Briggs will neither deny nor
confirm the rumor that he will start an In
dependent church In conjunction with
Professor Smith Frisuds ot Gov
ernor McKiuley offer to help htm
out ts the difficulties In which the
Maxwell failure has plunged him
Many of the attractions at the Chicago fair
will be fenced iu and visitors will be charged
extra to mc them Hugh O'Donnell,
HtHOastead striker. aonultUsl of munUr
! Uorltelt sad Mitchell Are matched to
right lu IWuiber for tlu.ulu a side, winner
TT.-i,. ,,, , " ' ' , , "n
, ? ut? lh" W money At HaetonvUle,
Corbet t and Mitchell are matched to
- j imiwii o, m. vouu ui tue xtapswi
church was deposed fur passing the sacra
ment of the church to J. B. Greer, an
elder in the I'reebyterlan church
Carnegie nulls at Homestead sre making
$l,UUu,UU) Wi.rth of improvements Ala-
uema s new eieetlon law W1U dlafran-
chtse Illiterate uegro voters to the number
of about o,uou Judae Jackson
i con
nrmea oy cuii-ent as Justlos Unilr'i iuo-
ceaeor, no vote beiug taken The Princess
of Hawaii hits entered a protest against an
nexaliuu Hit qiift-u's envoy will be re
celled by N.rttsn Iru-aer Wyomiug-letjistatui-t,
adjourns without ilitliug ,t
Timed atutt's Mnalor 1 lie m , i uui w ill
Titesila, rti. SI.
tin the applicauon of t x bemttor 1' (
Plau, a bond Uyjdrt jJas iliij ftisjti otr
cult court In Pli'ladolpb' a appointed as re
oelvers of the Itcadlr,,, railroad and the
w , .VTJs , " lro" e.""Pany A. A.
K , U '"'"'" Kd . il r I'axsnn
and E P Mli,.'r tt N (Umn ., I ,i.,i m inseenator
from North Dakota up,,,, ,. sixty first
ballot ID, , i , ,i,, cl, , t,i,.. Ilw,lly
lltloal rarnplexlon of .h. I nltert States sen
ate by musing tint lioily Detniwratlo
There was a not between strikers and non
uulonlsis ui t Caislmrg coal mine
Monongalia city, Pa. Wall street
stocks in i enenil were very steady, and
some even al -ineM In face of the panic In
Heading slocks and bonds. Transactions
In these were on a si upeudous scale, alto
gether eicerdlint anv previous tnullnir nn
record. Call money was hid up to IS per
wn., uui. ruiim at o iter cent, upltl en
gaged for export tnday. W.BOO.WK)
A revolution la said to lie imminent In
Santn Dondiign In oonefpienoe popular
opposition to the concession recently
granted an American ayndioRte TheCo
lumblnn government granted a temporary
exteuslon ot the Panama canal concession
M, Le Rtiye resigned from the position
of president of the senate of France, a po
sition that he has tilled for many years
John C. Eno, who fled to Cnnada In 1884
after having misappropriated more than
M.OOO.OOO ot the funds of the Second Na
tional bank, of which he wns president, re
turned and was admitted to hall by
Judge Wallace. It is reported that
President Harrison will pardon him
General Plerie O. -T. Beuuregnrd died at
New Orleans. He wns In command of the
Confederate forts at the bombardment of
Fort Sumter In April, lufll. He also com
manded nt Bull Run the same year, de
feating General McDowell's forces Sul
livan wants to fight Corbett In a small
room without mills The value of the
gold product from the mines of the United
States was T,(sJO,000; tho product of
silver, MO, 750.000 -Queen Victoria sent
a telegram to the pope congratulat
ing him on his golden jubilee
The Farmers' bank of Harrlsburg, Peter
K. Boyd president, closed Its doors this
morning pending an Investigation The
sheriff sold out the effects of the Greenwuy
Brewing company of Syracuse nnder exe
cutions amounting to li,IWl. The sale
realised l,SO0 New York State Senator
Edward P. Hagan died.
Wh.IiIiicIoii's Illrtlnliiy.
In New York harbor tho day was cele
brated by the turning over nnd rechrlsten
lug of the ocean liner Olty of New York to
nn American oomimuy by the Intnan line.
President Harrison unfurled the flag and
delivered an address A West Shore ex
press train was wrecked by a broken rail
near Fiilmyiu, N. Y. One llfo was lost and
many persons were tujuied. Several bodies
are in the wreckage Many vessels were
driven nshore by the gale along the Atlau-
tlo coast The New Jersey nssembly
passed the three rucing hills Governor
McKlnley denied a report that he would
resign on account of his financial troubles.
His wife's fortune will be sacrificed
Messrs. McLeod, Paxson nnd Wilbur qual
ified as receivers of the Reading 'road and
issued a circular saying that all overdue
waices would he paid In cash
Til F "'"St.sV Mil s TV ,1M1I TUP MINK.
An Ttitertt,,v To'ifnri. 1m 3it,irlnnte,it
llatlllt Ttefnre tlie Selloo Trnrbers or
lie copy In whole from the Springfield
Republican Ihefullowlng interesting lecture
on the 'llraln and Mind" by Prof. T. M.
Hallltt late of this county'
Superintendent llalllet Is giving a course
of lectures on til neat lonal ps-etiology to
the teachers of the cits. Tho subject of
the lecture Hednoedai afternoon was "The
bialn as the physical basis of the mind."
The brain Is composed of a lajer of cellular
mailer on the outer surface anilUbroua
matter within. The function rf the rolls
Is to generate nerve energv, that of the
fibers to communicate it. All cons-loiu
mental action lakes place In the cells: the
Hirers form the pli sical basis of association
and are tho telegraph wires connecting the
cells Willi ono .mother and with other parts
of the body. While the hemispheres of
the brsiu have long since been regarded as
the organ of the mind, It Is only a little
over 20 jeais since It was dtscoverel that
dllferent parts of the outer gray layer per
torm different functions. We see with one
part ot this layer, hear with another part,
sme!l, taste and touch with still other por
tions. Indeed It Is probai le that heat nnd
cold and impressions coming from the mus
clhs, joints and llgameiiUi of the body, ore
peicclved by different purls of tlie brain. If
ton draw a dull metalic point across the
check It feels alternately rold and warm.
There are spots ou the skin a here we seem
to perceive only cold and others where ws
peicolve only heat. It Is supposed, though
not moved, that even heal and cold ate
perceived by different sensory nerves.
1 he cells with which we see have been
luiio definitely located In the back lobes In
the brain, and those with wldcli wa hear of
the temporal lobe. The exact location of
the lest Is not so cettaiu us their existence
which laticr Is the Impotlant fact consider
ed from an educational standpoint. The
conscious processes of seeing, hearing,
tasting, sni. lling, etc., are carried on In
these brain cells uud not iu the eto, ear, or
o'het sense organs. Waves ot light stlruu
late the optic nerve and produce till sensa
tion of color, waves of sound stimulate the
auditory nerve and produce tho sensastlon
of sound. This stimulation ot these ceils
through sense impressions constitutes the
education of the various senses.
But we do not merely perceive with these
groups of cells; we also remember by means
uf them. When we recall tlio voice of a
friend, x tone, a melody, or a harmony, we
do It with the same cells with which we
hear. In like manner, we recall things
seen with the very cells with whlclinesee;
taste, odors, etc., with the cells wilh
which we peicclve tastes, odore, etcllence
each seuse has its ineiuorv, and we have
not "a memory," but memories. Educi
tlonall tins means that there Is no one
study or exercise which trains "tho meni
ory," as there is no oae study or extrcise
which trains all the senses. Each memor)
must receive Its own special training
.Memorizing the words of the book used to
be defended in school on the ground that it
'trams the memory." It does train the
vetbal memory, but not the memory, for
color, sound, etc. WhatwecnruiuuuW call
"varletleeof memory." as found In tliir.rni
persons, arc really so many U liferent memo
It follows, also, that the means of train
ing the memory uf am one of the senses do
uot differ materially from the means nf
tralulug the tenses. More than this: These
croups ot reus, or "oraili centers." are not
unlv the organs uf our senses and our mem
urlee, but they are also the oritansof our
Imagination. 1 sat "imaginations,' for as
we have not "a memory," but "inem
ories, ' so we have not "an Imagination,"
but Imaginations We imagine color with
the same cells with which we see and re
call color; we Itnaglr. tones with, the same
cells with which we hear and I toues
Educationally this means. In the first nlaee
that a thorough training of the senses Is
required as a basis for the higher process
es which 1-baie just railed "Imagina
tions;" In the second place. It means that
there is no one exercise or study which
develops "the Imagination."
illiuduess may be caused by an Injury to
the et e, by an Injury to the optic nerve, or
by a disease of the cells p ll e brain wilh
which we bee.- a person wno is eye-blind
still retneuibeit what he baa seen, for the
cells In Hit brain are uninjured; so like
wise a petsou who Is made blind bv an In.
Jury to lha optic nerve; but a person whosr
blindness is uue to an injury to the visual
brain renter, doss not simply not see. but
such a peitou can not recall anything be
uss ever seen, suu can uot uaaglae an)
thing be has ever sesn. Pathological
evidence goes to show that such a person
does not even "see darkness" llkaaneie
blind person, ll is Interesting to note
that Aiuion s Diiaunees sould not have
been due to an Injury to the visual brain
cells. Tbe visual picture In "Paradise
Lost," snd hi sonnet on his blindness
prove that. In like manner if the Iliad
was written by Homer and not "by some
olhsr man of the same name," his blind
ness could uot have been due to degeuers
tlon of the brain centers.
H'bal I hays said of tlie visual centers
is true of the auditory centers aud of all
be rest. Beethoven composed music sfutr
Ite wss deaf. Ill dsafnes must have
been ear deafnesi. If hU auditory oslllsrs
bad been it jured, his iiuaginstlon of ton
would have been gone. Hut we alts dream
with lbs very bralu centers with wblcu we
perceive, remember sod Imagine. Conse
quently person horn blind, who visual
brsln cell baye never been sUinulaled,
never dream of Iblugs visible; parson
born desf never dream of things audible.
In sense precepllou the ceils sre slltiiu
Istsd by sense Impressions; In tbe process -ss
wbtcb we call recollection. Imagination
snd dreaming tbey srs stimulated by ltu-
fiulM from wilhln lire brsin. It U so
Dieresiiog questiou to determine how oog
these cell must be stimulated by sense hu
pressloot bsfors lbs' can be a reused by a
weaker stimulus roiutug irom other ; aril
I of the brain. Prof. Jastrow of the uul
versity of Wisconsin detsrinlosd this quae
tioti a few jesr ssjo by a series of tests on
bhud persons. Hs Meted 58 persons. Of
these 3'.' became blind before tbev had
completed their fifth year, and not one of
these 8V dreams of things seen. Six be
came blind between the end of tbelr fifth
slut the end of ibelr seventh year; four of
these dresm nf thing seen snd two of
them nul. Tbe remaining 20. who be
caiue Lliuil after Ibelr seveutii vesr, all
Ireain of Ihiiigs seen From line it woulu
t sput-sr thai il lakes si least live years in
i t-iltn ate tlie hialii eeuters enougtl lo enalile
. ilinu lo ncall. Imagine sad dream, In the
labteiKM of lha strung aliuiultii shleh
i coin only from seat iuibiSMtons.
IT! tPt IflT the thesoest.
. . k Strictly Pure
white Lead is best; properly applied
It will not Scale, chip, chalk, or rub
off) it firmly adheres to the wood and
forms a permanent base for repainting.
Paints which peel or scale have to be
removed by scraping or burning before
satisfactory repainting- can be done,
when buying it is important to obtain
Strictly Pure
White Lead
properly made. Time has proven that
white lead made by the "Old Dutch"
process of slow corrosion possesses
qualities that cannot bo obtained by
any other method of manufacture. This
Process consumes four to six months
Ime, and produces the brands that
have given White Lead its character
as the standard paint.
"Atlantic" "Bradley"
" Brooklyn " " Jewett "
are standard brands of strictly pure
Lead made by the " Old Dutch " pro
cess. Vou get the best In buying them.
You can produce any desired color by
tinting these brands of white lead with
National Lead Co.'i Pure White Lead
Tinting Colors.
For sale by ths most reliable desl trstn Paints
If you are going to paint, It will pay you ta
send to us for a book containing Informstlon
thst may save you many a dollar! it Will
only cost you a postal card to do so.
I Drosdwsy, New rods,
GO TO FKS. noURUEn. under the Kxcliar.jKC
Hotel, Hank street, far a smooth shave ortt
rashloiiablo imir tut. Clowt on Hunday'n
111 stock IT full line of fAnovtntlrt nrtlclc nt mw.
Mt vrlces, Htul we nre the only pl-wo In town
where ) on cim liny l.cnder's Cremn lor thc-face.
High Prices luvvo no place in
our store our patrons will toll
you thnt nnd consequently we
want your trntle. We can save
you money. If you doubt it
come nntl see.
Men's Overcoats, tS, and up.
-Ven's Suits, J.4, and up.
Wc als.0 have a Nice Line 01
Hoys' Suits anil Overcoats at
Closing out Prices,.
Hioos for Men at $1 and tip
Shoes for Women at $1 and up
Wo also line of well made Shoes
for Children nt. -10 cents nntl-up.
Slippers as Iqw as 10 cents,
llnhbers for Iioya anil Girls at 80c,
Rubbers fir Men,
Rubbers for Women,
Beautiful blankets & Comforts,
Go from $1 to $4.50.
jNoav Dress Goods
Almost endless In variety and certainly
Lower In Prices than you can Ihs
same finality of Eooils'for else
where In town.
Groceties & Provisions,
of the best quality and at tho Ion est prices.
Choice Flour and l-'eed.
Fresh Country Produce,
ll'ashing Machines & H'riugers
of the best makes at low prices.
H'e have a Roomy, r leas ant Store,
electric lisbted. Come anil see us
North First Street, l.ehighton.
Financial Statment of the Leliiuli-
TON CEMETERY, for tlio year oudini?
February 11th, i893.
Owen Klotz, labor W7 10
l'aid as per Voucher.
Cnrbon Advocate prlntiuK.8 2 00
J. & II. Seaboldt insurance 1 111
Owen Klotz, labor 51 74
J. Rucb, lime 0 30
IxdilKh C. .i II. Co., nails. . 1 15
Henry Miller, lumber 19 00
J.Senboldt lonnto pay bond 25 00 ,
W.Shudlo, tax '. 17 29
Ed Hunslcker, labor lift
Clins. I.oreutz, lubor 11 09
E, Lorontz, labor 1 50
F. zm Xowlmrt, labor 3 111
W. A. Dorhamer, posts 11 25
Oeo.W.DloKl.rulsluBliousollO (X)
O. W. Dlehl new chimney n
W. P. Murphy Son.lnt book 4 75
Theo. Kenierer, labor and
material 21 135
28S 28
315 03
CR. ," y,.
IIul. In treasury S'flTl'ftt)
ltco'd iliirlnn year on
lots atTTOi'
Rec'd durinir your on .
rent 8r Sn
Outstundiiiiron lots. . . 'X0 50 '
774 85
Real Estate 1500 (X)
We theuuilerslirnetl belnir unpointed
Auditors to examine tbe aooniints nt
tbe Secretary aud Treasurer, ot the
ivelilRnton cemetery, uo oerliiy tuat
we havo examined thesameand found
them correct as stated. Witness our
hand this 11th day of February 1B93.
V. C. McCorsuck. Auditor.
Is a place w here you can nl
ways find one of the largest,
choicest nnd most complotc
lino of
Confectionery. '
At the very Lowest Prius?.
Tliew two Isttar mean niuali
here Twin th foot lwt we have
a pretty assortment of goods at
very Low Pries.
B. K. Cultan:
Ain't be Iboled. Don't be
misled. You -Wll be- however,
if you neglect to cnll nt our
Popular Urn; Kstnblishment
for nti; thing vim mny need in
the line of Pure l)mg and
Mndicines, Wjnes or Liquors.
Ht'Hive jinrlionhir nttei.tion to
lliecompgundingof presnrictions
nnd during our ataence nt
Hnrrifburg n relinble Cleik isin
nttendmire vho will give projipt
ntteution to nil pntrons.
BcbidesjOtir line ot drugs anil
medicines we nlwnys hnAe n nice
assortment of Htntionery, Per-
turnery nntl loilet Articlen.on
which we have mnrked exceed'
ingly low prices.
Come and see us.
BIERY, The Druggist.
JAWifKR, tlie barber, opposite tun Opera
Kmtse, ruts hair, shaves and does cvery
thinir In llrst-class stile Drop In anil see litm.
closet! on Sumlavs. Tollrl Articles for sale.
STUlinifS H1IAVINO SALOON, opposite thl
havinir,haircuttiiiK anil shainpooliiK. Particu
lar attention tuilil to c uttlim Indies halms anil
.iiiiuuAin vmriuK, is iiunutiiiarirrs lui
Tnlletaitlclcsforsale, Choice
CtKllts. UAt.tM
Tf I). CAM rltKM.. o cr the Tannl llrldRC, East
Li Welssiiiirt, cuts li.ilt, slinycs and stiainpoor
11 ly Itiun, llatr Tonics, c.t at trip ier) tones!
pi inc.
Ask M. C. Henry and Martin Dubbs,
of East Mauch Chunk, who snved them
a clean cold 150 dollars cash ou a
Piauo, Ask Mr. Chas. Arinbruster, of
the same place, who saved him HY, on
a 1'iano OiKau. Oh I I am getting
there with both feet, yo high war price
ugeuts, come down to houest prices.
Phillips has not seen tit tn accept my
proposition yet, namely: Ono Hundred
Dollars for every new orgrn ho sold
that he did not nmko 820, If he gives
mo ten dollars for every one T, will
show be made from CM to 850 dollars.
He claims to be satisfied with $3 proilt,
that sounds nice, but why don't he
curry out what he advocates. I am
also heudipiurters for Sewing Machines
I sell the White Cottage ut 825 00
White & Douiostio at 30 00
Wheeler Jfc Wilson ut .10 00
Davis and Standard at 30 00
A Handsome High Arm in T
Draw Ouk at 20 00
lied Springs just half what you pay
Nearly Six Thousand Washing Jfa-
chluos sold during 1802, they go Round
or Square 85. Come aud see me before
purchasing aud 1 will savo you money.
Bfc. We will Sell anything and every
thlug that we carry on Small Monthly
Woissport, Pa.
Is Tie toe Of
O re
7 St?
a 2
I 1
.W t j lis1
CC rV B- O
o 2.
0 d
sr O
H 5
S g
O 02
. S -
CS 1-1
tt. ' -
en -q
On tr
Cheap For Cash, Tales First
v late.
U" of lOl klttdc, "To LmIv," uFur
1 nvRi cs9.. luarnsni uixier u
word imt wMtk. Mu Kluitlf
tioa m Iwi
UtU lsrn sSsftUisl lllalSl.lsSlsU aVIld hMl
ftdvertUlaUi abtalnmbla fuah uiub &hvava twt-
tar. poiut your wonUaad M'Dd cum lna
Vftfi htrhi-k .Ik r.siun ils.s.lliiitr Ihmum
i ; if
taMk ks-rper Ht a fit tin m)H, Mix n Irtir iciitiisH
4(4 uudrlstaud ki-vplnic mid i midiirtiitf
miltinndi in ") r" F luitln t rr
Utmwh L W.HaiiUj I'm u. U
- IN
Coats, Wraps and Jackets
. Weissport, Pa.
c to
- n
c -
B s
$ s
a b.
The above cut shows our Kitchen Cabinet open nnd closed it
contains Flour Bin, Spice nnd
Uonrrt. An lndespensiuie article
Virc have just received another
Shot Gans. IFe claim to have
and Revolvers outside of the large cities at popular Prlees.
Come and be convinced. Our "Leader" Breech-Loading Shot
Guns only $7.50, a first class gun in every respect 1
Only Five Dollars Round or Square at tho
Lehigh Goal & Hardware Go.,
A certain dealer says "examine'my competitor's
stock and I am suro you will then buy fromnio.'
This Is Not So, For Afc
Popular Carriage Works.
All Kinds of Wagons, Carriages, Phaetons,
Carts, Sleighs, &c.
Cheaper Haa You Cai Buy Elsewhere In The Valley
ire can sell you Factory or Shoddy Work iust us low, yes
a little lower than other dealers
article, but we don't recommend
Onr Own Work
JliO X L A -ill.
llv lrtiw or nnordMnri he Organs' court ol
Usrisou eoiiiin. iiiurt wi i ih? iisiMtii in i nniir
Halt?, chi ttt irmitiwMi, iti Kraiikllii TuwdhIiIj),
OhiIsoii pounty, f., on
attttoo'clnck . in., thv fullowlng Heal KoUtf,
ltp the Droistrlv u flllX. K uEftti K. Im..
t-O, to wit
All tliat mtaln lot or ot groutM
1tiuite tu Fruhklln Tiwn(it), CurtHMi count) .
ltvmnlimatapuMt, tlieuoe by Unit ot 1wk
llitrn. south il (leurtwa. wt-tt a utitl f-10 itrtht'i
ut a iiicikw oy iu iwtiio kouiii,
i itfK'
eftit s ttiW H irerrlitft. to a hioim in a rnoiii
HnAil leadlt.K from WVtMrltothe old Alarltt
wnrksi-Itistim hi ulil rnMil north Po (kicrt-.
east i una .MO ,rohei to a kt.tiie in fctlunui
ltiinsM liv la ltd nf fjiwlit lloill uilltll 41 deifr . 1
tMt i ami iterclitv to a iMitt, tlit-nw Ity Ut i
a i-ost, thence by Umd id
5?rt,,.ur.wH.l'e"'VHnil ".'V1
flaiwol twtlnnlukf. UuitUlulutc i I hllUllIM
tt It bin Mid bound morn or Icm T1i impwvt.
nienisj tnoriHiu cuiifiM oi a i vvi-b mn
IlniiM with Kltclten albuilietl and all niei'iiiin
Out liulldliitf. Twiim aud omidltioiui will I
mau known at time aim iiiacc ui ftMie. yy
Al'Min mnr.ii.
Weultday, Fb. Mli, Adnrs.
Bv virtus of an ordsr of Hi Ornhans'
Court of Cathou oouolv. ihers will b n-
uosxil to Public Sals, ii lha nrsmlMS, In
Franklin Tn nstilp, Catlwn oountv, rs..
A'ATUItDAY, Murch 25th, '93
atONKOri.OOK P. M, the follotlng
iMscritMSI lual alal. fi ths liruiiartr o(
JOHN O. FRET. dMwassa. Uiwlt: All
that certain IHACT OH 11 ECK dK
LAND situate in Frauklln 1'ownsblii.
Carlton ooudIs . Pa., houadaii anl ilescrlUtl
as follows, to wit: nrKliuiing st a stons
thne by land of U'm. Ksinsrrr north
86 1-1! d'crsss, east 81 perches u s sums;
luenoa uj tlx same soutu is us(r". esi
14 perehss to a stone; thence by the same
north 5T decrees, essl 86 rrfbfs to 1
stone; thenoe br land of Paul Iluck ticrtli
19 U ilaarMI. aast 18 UercbSS to S Willi)'
uak Use, theace lijr the same horlli 80 1-8
decrees, east 44 perches to a stone; ibeuce
b; the sane north 0 12 defrees. -ast :u
rrehee lo a sloue; Ibeuce by land late ol
and D. IjiBii sontbiSs 1 8 defrevs, seal
ag perches lu a pine ki.m ; ibeuce by ill,
mi we soma s wmrwm. " r'- " i"- in
the plaee of beaiiiimur. I'oiiisuiliiii :tl
ArKB-. sod 120 peiilii-s siricl rai-.iiiir.
'Hie luiproveuiiiiis tlitneon ronsUt of s
TWUSfUKi rnsss
nwiol.LI'H IMUsK.
f.AKt.E SH'IVS HAKN .ml mliir ii.
ary oiubullilliiKS iiuis and imiiiIi'kiii,
will be mad. krtiiwn at uuie and pla.-1
sale. li AI'il'IM Hul Kt(
Ifsdsssdaj. Ke. bus M. Adui i.
foiling Pin Drawer and Bnke
lor tlie kitchen, i-rice ijfo.uu
large lot of Breech Zoadini'
tho finest nssortment ol Guns
can afford to fell you the same
it but
We Do Recommend,
'Reading R. R System
r i i. Tr n n:i-:.
Anthracite Coal used exclusively
Insuring oleniiliness and comfort
ArrRnsssfnicrt o1 Paunger
S5nint''l-K IN Effct
For sNt-wark and vw uik4jr,T 4ti, and 1112
a in. , j ot, u:n a. p in.
tot .Muimu.Wm t hunk aud lrflviUerc 7.40
.0 , . in. , U.K, 4.3t aiul 7 VO u in
For l.iiitfrtt iUu and 1 teuton 9.00 ntiil
11. U a.m.. aud UT & 4 87 p. tn.
ror Buuuitfion, imwaauqua, Aiieniown, win-
n.llCtlll, ttUU IMMUnl, U., f.ta, X.IRP. V H.
II 1
a, ui . v.oi, n.w, 3.11b, si. i m aim iu . . i in
For riiiladvlidUa atiu HMiiP.Miith4,
7.46, u.W aud 11.12 a. hi . i'.4v. s.wi, 4 7. f. uud
K(SVA.iiu.r.tiiisipriijiri(4 '. ; 4a aim n j
4 5 111 if
rWiLwiViiiUiVLdiiahllai.. 1'lierrWor.l. Uu.
rv's. Willi Hall, Coiilay, suit lliikiiiduliiii,.i
11.11, u.oil u.rrl a. in.. t:M7. J.4.', I i;. and
10 ZT p. 10.
Fur Mtwcllt'lllM'k tH, 7.SB.9..M, II HUanit 11 !.
a.m. . l.w, .ls 4 UsiVJU. I jb. tue, s... f in
For Wealbetiy slid lleatetoli k i. 1.4.1 u jtl and 4.16.S.W, 7.SV. I0.5S 11.111.
For alaliaooy i'lly, sUienauiluali anil Ashland
use, 7.41, M and 1 ls a us. ; 4.1:,. & 7 .-j p m
For Ml. Curnitl and sliaweklii s w, 1.4.. and
It Ala. iu.. stop m.
For I'ottsvlllr sutk 7.W. 7.1-J, M 11. U anil 11 .,
a. 111., S.Ob. 4.10, 7.XJ aud I ss tun
Fur A Idle Ilaveu. WUSesosrre sad ucrant.'a
D.38 and 11.5H K.K..4TU, '.), l.t! and li
p. in.
For lltlalou sod U & M. Juni t., 7 4.1 8,ae. and
1 1 as a.m. ; 4.1a, &.is ija and wm p. hi
For Tmnrisiiiiucli 7,4S snd ll-M a. in. 4,1.".,
vuosud uue i.w.
FortJseso, Auburu, 1 1 toon Slid lienrva ll M
a.Ut-1 1OA0 p.Hl.
For IylliV,TowiMidslssyre, Waverly, l.l
Bilra, Hocoestor. Itullalo. N'ssara Falls anil tin
V.tllS3a-ni..u.lint'. in.
For Uralra sadtlst. Wesi via Halainama .r
Fur New urk li S.07 aad 11 , fl I . anil
'"FurFliiladelubia 4, 1.S7 a. 111. l.K, r,.i7 ana
For Kaktou ami luleriiiiMllate Huilons.e.07
7.07.11 lia.lll.: 1J07.SJO!. 0.17 aud SX. p in
For atancb cliinik 8.14. II.. II 3a 11 ..
a. is , I is, 0.10, 8.41. sod sue p. in.
1 or Ibwlllui al SJS7 a. n. : tat and 7.M p. In.
l or lltuiotou .., aud 11 M.111. 3.W snd lo r.9
p. in. . .
For XabannyUlty aud Hbeoaiidoah u so, 11 1
a. 111.. suu J-b, p. ui.
For Fottsvllle al 8.BH p. Bl .
For Watte Uateu, Wilk-s-Hartr, I'tttston
riinklisiiiiosk.Toissiias. ftayie. Ubaca. i.-u,
Auburn, Kltulra, Isoi'lieett'r, Kustalu, Niasar.
l-alb au4 tlie West 11 Oia. m aud 10 .11 p in
For lurtrier p.irtk'ulars imiuite uf Auem fr
nine TuWes.
I, A BWEIliAKH. 11'nlMsuaii.r
O 11. HAMOX'h, l.eiieral Fasfuiit.-r Ac
Vlillsdi'lldi'iii. Fa.
. W. N4lKNtiMAI'liiU. WI i.riit.r.1 I .
Minssir Aseut, rk'titlt firtlwricui, ra
Msvlt. VI it
Dissolatioa of Co-PartaersliiD.
Ktttli t- I. in, .. i. ti tti ,t ifaf n prlijt-ifihip
flrlii'iili l-lll. sit 111 loliu tl Ifta lAiitl 1 int 1
lui 1 t i--
llii Itiwiishn
. i i,-".i uudf th tfrin
l 11 rhi. HoM. rrauk
. t 1 t sU) -dlsUsulrrd, 14
ed by Mr M,t
Ftb .-v-irS-