The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, February 25, 1893, Image 1

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    Jft FEIMESM6
" laTapeeialt? at our Job Printing Ctttne
lu Suyder'a Block, east aide nf the Lehigh
Hrldge. Knvelopes,Noteajt'l tetter Paper,
Pbampleta, Order Books, VtMirliers, Tags,
aud all kinds of 1'lc N'lc, Horse and Bale
bills. We do all work neatly, cheauly aud
cleanly. Do you need anything la this
lluef then call and see us, or write ua a
postal card and we will be at your senior.
S'fc Meto
UAH H "iiiiiuWMu ....j
newspaper printed lu Carbon county, 0011
omientlr It I. tiio bast medium Tor adver
tUers. Our now columns nparkle with
the oocutrencea of the day olern, sploy,
tltleiestlug, bright uud independent. Our
editorials are original and will be worth
reading on account of their spirit which
la Independent, of outside dlotatlon. Our
price i one dollar a year, "Hattyou try It.
Lohighton, Carbon County, Ponna. February 25, 1893
$1.00 a Year in Ad vane
VOL X2, No. 15
kemebf.r New Bee Hive,
Jut new, as an innovfttiou,
we are offering our customers
beautiful book -Shepp's Pho-togrnph-
of the World, with
every Forty Dollar. Purchase.
We would like very much to
explain this to you. Will you
please call.
Bed Room Suites,
Parlor Suites,
Dining Boom Furniture,
Book Pases,
Hall Racks, ,
Handsome Carpete.
Aie among the Roods we
sell at very low prices.
FrcslBnal & Business Carfe
W. M. Rapahor.
First door above the Mansion House,
Real Estate and Collection Agency. Will Boy
init Sell Heal Estate. Conveyancing nestlydone.
. ollections promptly tnsde. SetUlng Estates pi
Decadents a specialty, May be consulted In
PntlMi and Herman not. M-vl
1 was born as free as the silvery light
That laughs In a southern fonntalnr
free as the sea fed bird tltat nests
On a caudinaria tnoaotstat
Free as the wind that luocke at the sway
BoDirotfs Hlracnlom Remefllei.
Uaaral Minted Physicians' ttttdors Thein
As being the Orestetl
DUcoTery o( tie Age,
PoslUie eu e when used
In accordant to .nitruc outesses hers
tolore so-called Incur,
able. Diphtheria, Asuv
ma. bronchlUs, catarrh,
cougestton ot the lungs,
the result of sunstroke.
1 apoplexy ana limns par
ailiea reswreu m uieir
biEural eondlUon. Snlne
Sip and bona disease t cured, uneujiausm
latles,nsuralia, Bright! disease of the kid.
s.llTrooaiPlalnt.ilysntery,.an4 so-called alseasa are enUrely cured by pure
.During nine years over persons hate
bad thee medicines and ars nvlu. witnesses
el ihelr worth. I will not go Into prattle ny.
self, bslng oisMITsers ol age: will se t my
ssedleluee only. 1 bars two eminent physicians
nannsetsd with me to attend to calling at the
Tsstoeacas 01 iss sua u reqiureu.
Froaa Patrlek Barka.
raii-ADUMiA, April , n'l.
Professor Bouarou-Oear Sir Alien met.;
saad you my sincere tbanit tor the good thst
your medicine done me, and you can
iabUsh this letter II you choose, tor the benefit
it the sufferers. In which I will stats I bad mr
mA .Hxhul nnnllnff the ears, and doctored
Isr it, aud was la the hospital about six weeks.
1893 SPRING 1893!
We art ready for the Spring Beaton In
Dress Go ods
New Goods,
New Shades,
New Styles.
All open and waiting your Inspection.
Shades and styles to charming that you
can't help to admire tliem. We bare them
In greater variety than you ever laid eyes
on outside ol Philadelphia and New York.
As to prices they are right they're at thn
bottom tound. Writs for sampjes and
compare them"wltb;othcr goods. lismem
ber the place we refer te Is
DU. G. T. FOX,
172 Main Street, Bath, Pa.
t llANnoa. HaoAnwAV nouns. Monpai s.
AT Dftiii.rh KM. SUN IIOTF.L. Wr.DKV.enA VS.
4T AM.:XTU-K,llllAllllCaiTRAI,TlllIB8DA
omce Hours From 9 a. m. to 4 p. ni. Practice
Imlted to diseases of the
Eye.Ear, Nose k Throat
tip-Also, Itef ruction of !hEy or the adjust
ment of iUmm.
SuLnint Utitebs;
111 euro yoa,
F. I. SMITH, D. D. S.,
onto opposite the Opera House.
Bank Htreet, Leh ;i ton, Pa.
Filling and making artificial dentures a .pedal.
ty. Local anesthetics used,
Ons administered and Teeth Fxtractrd WITH
OFFICE HOUR! From S , m.,to 11 in.,rfom
1 p. ra., to 0 p. m., from T p. m., to 8 p. tn.
Consultations lu Kniillsh or Herman
ORIce Hours at Ilailetou-Kvcry Ssturdty.
Brancb Orrica :-Orer J. W Aaudenlm.h'
LUuor store,
uentlstry In all Its nrsnehes. Teeth Extraete,lTTbfnTrrtn
IthoutPaln. Oas administered wheurequesteil. omvoa,
omce Days-WKUNKSDAY of each week.
PO.addiess, 4LLENTOWN,
3-yl . ILebghcountv.Fa.
The undersisned will be a caudldate
for Supervisor of Mahoning Township,
at the spring election.
Corner 6th and" Hamilton Sts.
Bloie'iOU btnd.
adnitintJbcmeiotwoJleii, n4 lntUrarait-
nM h
o to IT of. Uoudrou't office, and get tome of nil
Hod Uklnc place, tome of tbe doctor thought X
rrouia ot 10 iet mi u
mi lilt, but 1 wu told b;
band amputated to taire
one ol aj crtenaato
i. and set aomeofhll
dlrls lor It, and tbat be knew It would aave
ut nand.
I tm thr avnrt sot tha medletne. and In two
waaka tbe awelllng all went down, and I bad tbe
tat ot my fingeri. Tbenlwent to work, ami
oDilder mraelf well, and earaeitly ncommeml
Ue remedy to all afflicted like me. Tberr la
thtn in the world like It to deitrov blood
MUon. reduce awelllng. annlbtlate pain, reitoi-
UI KUUU 1U US Ml Cs sUS hlivuisaaiosa taa osav
im If. lh St.. fhllsdelphis, Ts.
From Jassph Klrkner.
ins Ninth Htreet, Philadelphia, Pa.
rieas allow roe to add my testimony to your
Urt. usTlog been sunstruck three times during
twenty years, tbe last urns It was so bad that l
was bed last lor four months: had the Terr best
at doctors but was still pining awsj. wituap-
va'tla poor, ana greas psin ail over me. i
sasxpted to go Dot, but could not stand the sun,
would often drop down while et'ampttng to walk
therasewssoonslderedaverybadone; It wss
Issllnsd to run on congestion of the brain, wss
then recommended to Prof. Ikiudrou's medicine
and 1 made out to got to his office, 1T2T N. loth
stress, and I got the medicine and In three
weeks time I was able to be out and tending to
ser business, though oae ot my horses died In
the meantime from tbe bead, while 1 stood tt.
and am able to attend to business now. Thanks
ta God Almlsbty and to Prof, lloudrou'a medi
etas, which 1 will recommend forever te any
aoor sufferer as I was,would be pleased to have
aay one call and see me tor further Informstlon,
Heepectruliy Tours'
OSes and Laboratory open dally ttom J a. in.
ta I p. m. Oall or write to
UK North Tenth Htreet,
t. It. 'ea-iy. Philadelphia, Pa
Ssod esnt stamp for valuable book.
We handle all the Daily and
Weekly Newspapers, Periodi
cals.M aga tunes, Fashion Book s
and &tory Papers, and we
Deliver them promptly at your
store, residence or office. Do
you get a papr If not please
try us. Besides the news bureau
we have a fine assortment of
Ct0R Tolacw. Confectioner?.
Fruits. Knb. Toys and Fancy Mote
At the very Lowest Cash Prices. By
fair and honest methods and a close
attention to business we hope to
merit your patronage, so we kindly
ask for a trial. Please call
T. J. brbtnby,
Henry Drumbore, Prop'r,
Tbe Carbon flouse bas been renerated and
mtmvAil t hrniitrtiasiit- It 1m elfftrlo Uirhted and
vnntllntfwl nri 1 ftnionir tba Heat Hot la lit
tbh section ol tbe State. Ina patronage ol tha
public It solicited. Best atcwmnrwtaUon for
permanent and transient custom. Charaei rtry
inoderuie. Fine Liquors, Fresh Beer and rortr
ana uooa uticars. lor aaie at in ear. (
The IevadloK Kttanrant ) iUm Lbtgh
s. k. cor. ALLENTOWN
Centre Hquure, rtUlJll tw t f
Thl Pooular lteataurant has been thoroughly
reutieu ttuu rriuriiuiipu, vuu mo Kcucrui bvuudi
inniintlnna am of a. siiDerlor aad lnvttlnscharai.'
Ur. All the delicacies ot the saavm served at
mode rate rates, me Dans sappnea wun nana
OUlllie uest urftiius vt ttuivi, iMi'itiri,. Ai'i
Lnrfle Dining Hooui tn the nr.
Oscar Christman,
wEissponr, vx.
Liver; and Exchange Stables,
Easy rhllng carriages and sate drlrlng horses
Hi 4Ccimiuodatlons to
Mall ami telegrspa orders proiuptlr attended to
(Urn me a trial. tna;t-ly
The Celebrated
Blose's Old Stand, - - First Street. CypreSS Sllillg'lG.
German Remedy. i
Vnr tiuinA (lfnthU
It will rare yon.
tar & rase where Bl'L
mtTM ItrrTRR" will
liiot assist or cure. It
laercr ratis.
i inari ti ra iv hit art'
eloseir confined In
Ums fnllia and wfiTst
shops; clerk s,w ho do
oot procure snfllclent
exercise, and all who
are oontlDed In doors.
should nse iHULraro
Rmtni. Therwlll
oot then be weak ani
Cleanse the vitiated
iloqdjihcn you see
ta laTumles Imrst
ngtm-ougn me sum
n ri mules. Blotches.
Lrnd Sores. Ilely on
lind health will (ol
If you ilo not will)
to idwt from Rheum
aUsm, use a boute of
It never falls to enre
TtotTsTw without a
bottle. Try It: you
will not regret It
Ladtea Tn!elicate
health, who are all
rundown, should nse
iSCLfnrtt lUTTFRW.
vTin cure L,iTertm
ulalnL Don't lie dla
xjunureui it w m cure
sulphitr Hitters
Iwlll bntld rou unand
make tou strong and I
k i.s." -
prill make your blood
mure, ncn bdu nirong,
iumi your ooon nnrus
Trr Sulphur Bit
ntRS to.nlght, and
v-mi will sleeo well
And plnlonlnit clasp of another-
Vet In the slurs they scour:! today
I aaw ami anew -ra nmineri
Vested In piirpla I Mt apart.
But tho cord that smote Mm bruised inet
1 c.i'-ed my eitrs, but the sob that broke
Vrom his stirap lirrast accused Die;
No phrase uf trawitilof judirment Just
The plaint nf my soul Could smother,
A mature rile, abated to the dust,
I anew Mm still luy brother.
And the autumn day that had smiled so fair
Bceracd suddenly overclouded;
A ftioom more dreadful than uatnre owns.
My human mind enshrouded;
1 thought of (he power benign tbat made
And bound men one to the other.
Arc! 1 felt In my brother's fear atratd
And aahamtd In the shame of my brother.
- Florente Earla Conies.
Do rou want the best Medical Work published F
end a JM-ent stamps to A. 1. OKDwar & Co,
Boston, atses., sod recelre a copy, free.
Heaters and
In Great Variety at
Samuel Gkaveu's
ropular Store, Bank Street.
caraej 'money was scarce; the' tlrm of
Morton, Douglas & Co, were f onnd orer
stocked, Resnlt failure, but not dis
grace. Both partners surrendered all
MURFREE'S HEROISM. ! homing in Ms arms tne-nanniesi) causa
j of his triflit mill distnrbaiue, Jlrs. Jlur-
'There is not a irHcle of heroism free's r !.. which she ludlmog over ,
?. . ' . . - ... ..l.i r rnr ".""" . " "
tueir private estates tor too uenent or i ' , ,' and which, with Its hiirh shoulders aud
creditors, and they, aa a arm, were I bruslied out her buck hair in fnrnt ciMri had louliiil in the dim Uht liVe ft
jonr mother was tliinkiug about when
she nnmed you 1 cAn't iiiisfrine. I aui
sure that I neTer saw a man more iin-
awopt out of existence. They tried for
awhile to do a commission business, but
were oblignd to give It up, and each waa
financially in close quarters, area for
the neoossariee of life.
"Why not see your brother Jack, my
retnrne.1 home downcast on. evening , llk" hi " I have known yout.i
.... ... 1 1 . til 1 11.. a Ll. t
after darkness had set In. "I hear tltat I J ' um.
he has saved up considerable money and
only the other night his wife told me
that they were about to bnild a new
house on the avenue. Bnrely after all
yon have done for him (Henry's wife
knew nollilntf about the forged check)
he will help you by the return of a few
of the many dollars he has obtained
of the dresser glaas preparatory to rellr- .tootling figure.
Ingfor theidght. 4'2iot a particle," she I Jleu think umi'kly sometimes, aud Mr
emphatically repeated. "What on earth Murfree resliied the sitnstioii with re-
Roofing and Spouting a special
ty Stove repairs furnished
on abort notice
Guaranteed full Lengtb.
The very bust Bhlngle In tbe Market,
Msantsctored by
Claremont, Virginia.
PICTURE UOl) ND COVE. All Kinds of Building Lumber
Wall Paper.
From Cheap Blanks to Fine Gilt and
Pressed Papers, Also, Fslts and Inosslni.
with Handsome FreUes.
Freinlit, Bmw anrl Parcels
John F. Hottenstein.
Window Shades
ready to bang, or put up lo order.
Paint, Oil, Varnish, in attention patu to tne uenverv ot
Glass, nruties. Palntlne and PsDer Frelitbt. Daxesse and Paresis to all carts
Tlsnglng, bv comprlllenl workmen In ant of town at the lowest prices. A share of
part 01 the county I puouu paiionaae is resuecuuny soucuea.
By Leave orders at Sweeny's, Koch's
hooks, .Maiionery sua ransy
Goods, always a large stock at
If you do, you want a good
fit, Latest Style and First.
Clais IForkmanship.
Leave your order with Frey,
You m ant n perfect lit You
want good Goods. You wait
a well made and stylish look
ins; garment.
Leave your order with Frey
For the present we will carry
a full lme ot samples ot season
able goods Irom which you can
seleet. Our prices will be the
very lowest and in all cases we
will guarantee satisfaction. We
solicit your patronage.
Op. lbs ltouod House. - North First Street.
til Broadway, Mauch Chunk.
I Rower's Uulldlnc; opposite Pott Office,
M'ork tsksn In every dsy of the week
ana promptly attended lo.
Family Washing done at very rsssnuahls
Auditor's Notice.
In the matter of the Estate i In the Orphans'
ot Robert A. Henry, late olVtlourt ot Csrbon
lAwerToaamenslriK Twp., I County, Pa., Apt 11
Uaroon uo ra., aeceasro.j erm, a
Henry Morton of the large inacn.nery
firm of Morton, Douglas & Uo waa h
very busy nian. Ten years before tha
time at which this sketch is opened ha
and Louis Douglas started in business
with a small cash capital and an abun-
dance of enterprise and pluck. By
close attention and hard work the firm
had made sncce;s assured, and, while the
principal stores and factory were located
in Boston, extensive branches had been
opened in New York and Chicago, to
which of the last named cities Mr. Mor
ton was often called on business. In
fact, being the principal saleeman as
well as head of the linn, he was com
pelled to be absent from home a greater
part ot the year.
At the time this story begins he was
busily occupied in settling the details of
several large contracts which had been
under consideration during the week
previous, and many gentlemen were
awaiting his decision as to these and
other matters. One by one each of the
waiting customers was attended to, and
only one tierson remained, with jvhoia
llr. Morton was not acquainted, but who
Insisted on transacting his business with
the head of the firm only, and to him at
last Mr. Morton inquiringly turned, saying:
"Well, sir, what can I do for you?"
In parenthesis let us here say that for
many years, and at intervels of but a
few months in each year, Henry Morton
had been greatly disturbed and deeply
grieved in tbe knowledge of the fact that
an older brother, on whom rum hod fas
tened its clutches with a firm grasp, had
been going from bad to worse; had neg
lected his businees and family, and at
the same time bringing a moral disgrace
npon the name, which facts were only
kept from publicity by tbe expenditure
of a great ileal or money ana anxiety on
the part of the younger brother.
Time and again be had taken his
brother Jack from the Tombs. Repeat
edly bad he paid the tine in advance and
saved him from appearance in the police
court; often secured his release through
the friendship and respect of the proba
tion officer, and yet, with all these and
tbe fact that the whole care of Jack's
family had been thrown upon him, there
waa no sign of reformation on the older
brother a part.
The climax came one day after hear
ing that Jack had borrowed money in
bis name from a regular customer of the
firm, which was paid without question,
but caused Henry to arrive at a decision
immediately. This decision forbade the
presence of bis brother at the store of the
arm or at tne awelllng nouse ot Henry
with orders that Jack should not be ad
mitted into either place under any cir
Henry wna greatly surprised and
pleased, shortly after, to hear that such
a decision had been the means of sober
ing up his older brother, whose eyes were
apriarently opened to the folly and dis
grace of his past life, and that he hud
obtained a situation at bis old trade and
to all intents and purposes showed that
he was once again on the path of virtue
and good morals.
Jack s children and wife occasionally
appeared at Henry's store, and In his
private office, with tears and smiles, re
lated the story ol tneir rather s upward
turn and the joy which had come again
into their own household. And so it
was tltat on the day on which this story
opens Henry waa at peace with all the
world, with no skeleton In the closet at
home and with every success In bnsi
from yon. Our new landlord insists
upon having his overdue rent, and we
need moner for croceriea. The cunboard
shelves Bre almost empty, and you really
ought to see your brother."
Til do it, by Jovef replied Henry,
"much as I dislike to do it. Still, he
cannot Tefuse under the circumstances,"
aud putting on his hat Henry left his
home with eiectations of a quick and
pleasant return.
Henry found his brother at home, took
him into a room where they could be
alone, and told his story. His surprise
can be imagined when his brother Jack
blurted out:
'Can t do it, Henrys need every dollar
I have, you'll have to go to somebody
else. It's no use expecting anythinz
from me. No, sir; nol"
"Why, you scoundrel! were It not
that the same mother bore us both I
would kill you where you standi Now,
under no circumstances, ever speak to
me again, and never darken the doors of
my house as long aa yon live. By Heav
en I" Henry exclaimed suddenly, aa it
the recollection of something had been.
forced upon him, "I have at home.
among my private papers, that which
will make you open your pocketbook
and decide which of us will do the beg
ging in future!"
And pulling his hat nrmllv over his
eyes Henry Morton darted out of his
brother'a bouse Into the darkness and
with firm set Hps and gritting teeth
started at a quick pace for Ids hnme.
when he reached his own dtwirstrn his
pace slackened, aud slowly anil iiuictlr
entering the house and ascending the
ball stairs to his room he lighted tbe
gas, found the iron box in which his pa
pers were kept, aud after opening it hs
readily put his hand npon the paper
which he had determined to use in order
to obtain bread and butter for Ids family.
Lilting the rorged paper to the light
to be certain he had made no mistake,
his eyea were attracted to a black bor
dered "In Meinoriam" which linng above
his desk, on which was plainly printed:
markable speed, and being on his met
tle determined not to be made a fool of.
Knocking Mrs. Murfree's jewel case
from the as he lied he rushed nut
of the room iiellmell, stepping on the
cut. tlii, imtlmr nf tlm lMVRt.rtittlft tinlHM
Mr. Murfree looked ap in a weary 11H.s ,t nWHkened him.
way from the corner where he sat. "I'm j Willi a sa nan kick he sent her ahead
sure, my dear," he began. of him, as lie flew down the front stairs,
"No, you're not," snapped his bi'lter aud banged the front dooropen and shut.
ilf, giving the pincushion a wliaok Then he panted breathlessly up again,
suiKiug on tne top stair, sure, omiseu
and mad, just as Ills wife succeeded in
with the hairbrush to emphasise her
words; "you are not sure; you are never
sore of anything you only think. Bah I
I bate a man who 'only thinks.' " And she
jerked the tangles out of a refractory
auburn lock wit additional force.
"Wben Mrs. Jenks was telling tofdgbt
about that paragon of a husband of hers
I waa simply consumed with envy. It
ehows how much to believe iu nainee.
Look at you two meu; look, I say!"
Yea, rov dear, responded Jlr. Mnr-
Hunting the L.ii.
"Burglar," he gasped.
"Whcir. oh, where?" she screamed ox
citedly, half helping, half dragging him
into the room.
"Gone," he managed to say: "knocked
him over got away front door see
there?" pointing to the jewelry strewn
around the Hoor.
Mrs. Murfree gave one look,'and then,
Mr. u,l Sirs. Jas, W. Shnllll.
Restored to Health.
A Stricken Household
Made Happy.
Mr. anil Wn JimU IP. BhuitU, nf HW
ttork, Vltltr Co., A r., art n o tht
tuo't repftttdfamiitt effarviert in thi
tmmtjf. lfoth btitffttriflen with ditean
relate theifhappy reeorery.
WooiMTOnt, Vl'ler Co., Arrll 2S, 1893.
Dn. David Kfjvkedt :
Drsr Sir Naturally energetic I found
It hard to he the victim ot fell disease. I
was terribly trnnbted with my slom
srli. my food would bresk up soju- after
1" eating siould wake up every
a I
with tliat faithful sense of obligation to
free, pulling off his boots in a resigned the tradition of her sex which the aer
way, "I'm looking." age woman seems to pnsw ss in an ruicr-
"Bah!"re4orted his wife, "I mean your t gency, she proceeded t" fi hit invay.
names Ulyssos Murfreu, Peter Jenks ' Mr. Murfree dumped her into a chair,
just think of the difference, and yet Pe- j He waa too weak to hold her, and lesides
ter Jenks knocked a burglar down stairs ; he felt n fiendish exultation in glorying
this week with one fist; one, I assure iu his superior streugthof mind. sowheu
you; and yon you are afraid to go call- she recovered he was picking up the lift, almost unbearable. Idoctoredwlt
lag on the Slmsongibbrrs after dark be-' cleverly scattered trinkets with as lwred physician and took insny oslled cure
oause they kep a dog." I an air aa he could assume. I nut none helped me ; seeing in (he news-
"Well, my dear," feebly expostulated I "What are you scared ofir" he said ! ipi'r'of 'he wonderful cures performed
Mr. Murfree, "it is a very large dog and i scornfully. "Man's goue; I'm here: I i 'V ,,r.' DaS Kfnii rdx Faiorlte
1" rather think I have protected you even
Here Mrs. Murfree suddenly turned if I am a coward. Perhaps you will
around, and through lips containing sun- i kindly leave the light burning after this
dry hairpins, comb and such trifling ar- so that I shall not be obliged to struggle
tscles hissed, "Don't talk to me!" in ' for my life iu -the dark," and he wiped
nlchtwlth a hnrnlnir. soar dt
trred feeling there, that made my
such an impressive and disgusted man-
from his forehead a few drojis of blood
nerthattr. Murfree suicided at once! trickling from a scratch he received in
and proceeded to finish pulling off his his encounter with the large pin on his
socks. cape burglar, making his face ns gory as
He was not disturbed sgain until the possible with the smull amount of mate-
moment came for retiring, wnen, con- rial.
trary to their usual cnstoui, Mrs. Mur
frea turned the gas entirely out, leaving
the room lu darkness, save where a streak
Veritably the tables were tiirnnl.
Mrs. Murfiee looked at him a moment
in a hysterical way, ond then fulling on
of moonlight fell tlirongh the window, I hi neck alternately implored forgive-
open for ventilation. ' ness and wept over her lormer seventy.
Iow, If there
Murfree hated
room gas turned
iicmedy, of lioncloiii, N. T I deter
mined to try It; sflcr n.lng It a little
while relief came and Iwfore I had Un
titled the third buttle I was entirely
enrol. -.Inst think at II stranger. from
n sick man KNTIKKI.r Cl'RF.H.
was cnnslanlly cnnstiia4ed and have
mt been troubled that wsy since. But
the grcstest blcs.lng was tbe fore It per
formed for my wife, who previous to tak
ing It was troubled with lit kness common
to all women 8lie wss so 111 that
she could hardly drag herself sbout the
house; she too tried sli kinds of so-oslled
positive cures but with no svstl until she
Wean using Favorite Bemrdy, and that
was the medicine we hsd been praying1
it was to have the bed- lightful names which Mr. Murfree s soul she , ,k , hftlth d
d off at night, but know-, was thirsting for. I strength and Is a nell woman to-day.
Tim nnilernliMied Auditor aDDOInteU bv said
(lourt to pass upon the exeeptlons tiled to
Want everybody in Lehighton
to buy at their store bscause
they have not only an ex
cellently awotted line
of fine
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Boots, Shoes, &c,
but bteause their price, are low
er than theae goods enn he
bought foi elaewhere in fown.
We show noodi with pleas.
ure. quote uriees and delivci
all purchases. Don't forget,
but rail and see us.
DRUGS, pre
MEDICINES, genuine ami best Seidel's Bakery,
S0AP3, 'arge line nnd cheap
WINESsK0d '"nr niedicina-l use
CIGARS, 'be best mmle.
ArimlnUirRtnr'.ti Account of the Above Kdtfcto.
restate the account ll ueceaiary nil make dl
t iituirli-in nf thM fund In the hnnda of J. IT.
K reamer, me aaimniunuor win meet an
itarttes inte rented, for the purpose ot IM ap-
tss.lnrmoiit. tit hi rfli In the Count V iJiitldltliM.
iu the borough of Maucti Chunk, on Saturday,
the 11th day of March, A I. 193, at 10 o'clock,
a. rim where and hen all parties Intf tented aie
required to appear and iiresent their claims, or
De lorevrr ucuariru nwu rwiaMUK
Feu. 7th, WW
.1. H. FI Ml Kite Auditor.
4 IT
first StrMt, LtblalitoD, you Kill altvay n4
rrathest aid Bait
Itye, Wheat and Vienna Dread
Fresh K erjr Day, Our Vienna Hread taoHot
srECTACLEs; n ve ,;3-i'i-"',n--
and increasing trntle. I guar- Seidel's Vienna llakery,
autee satisfaction to i-ery opp.omrfs. tibst sr.. lehiubton. rx
Tht unuralund bavin t baeu rittorftdth
I hsuilth hi aim il n.Mna Lftr luffertiiB fur to.
rarntullv I dread disease Contaoiption, Is anxious to male
I known to his fallow suflWf rs the means ofeutra
I lu those who will clieeriuUy sand
(free ol chars) a copy of the prescrlptlouusid,
Hod, Asthma, Bronchitis and all throat and
lUMir Maladies. lleliuDe all sufferers will trr
hu neiuedt, as It 1 Invaluable. Those desiring
ine yrencnimoQ, wuicu win eui mrui nuuiiOti,
aim may prove a uniting, win piesse auaress,
Coiitrul Drill? Storo, km. edwakh A.muso.N.Bjooki,;
New York. apr. S, 2-"jr.
Of. C.T.HORNnry Miller,
The South End Jeweler.
Watches, Searf Pins, Clocks,
Watch Chains. Necklaces,
Gold Pencils, Ear Ring,
Kings, Bracelets, Silverware,
Society Emblems-, H'ntch
Tou esu bur ttsui anil nail ware at mir
roDUIsr Slots ta i.inswsy.
la all lis bnrcsss esrstullj atlsailed losi
law prleas.
Wilson Frantz,
Jaakway, ekifhton.
Risnr.1., the Leading Photo
grapher. Lehighton
Cabinet "holographs & Larger
Sires, Viewn of Itf sidences
in town and rounty at the ver)
lowest priees.
nuv vour
Cliriatmns Presents
Frank Leibenguth's
whsre alsa aaD ba faantl a
rlna Line ot Fin Ororerlee,
FniHs. Csudlss. Oraen Vese-
tahla. In season, a., at tha rery
lowest Priees. Prompt alien
Hon and good goods.
Window and Door Frames,
Doors, Shut'ers,
window sashes.
Mouldings, Brackets
Ml Kinds of Dressed Lumber
Shingles, Failings,
Hemlock Lumber, &C..&C
Very Lowest Priees
ggrSalt bills priaHd hap
: nrnniA morton. :
: noas mc ihtd isis. :
: Ot buch Is the Ktnsloiu of ljeavea. :
Steadily his ey(o rested upon the face
ot the aged mother who&e photograph
attached gave sad evidence of the His
goue out, and as his eves filled with
teara his hands mechanically tore Into
a hnndred pieces the evidence of a
t rime which might lie used to his own
advantage, or to gratify his revenge.. Be
quietly opened the stove door a moment
later ashes!
Did he forgive him? Qod knows. W.
S. Goodvrillie in True Flag.
Deadly rraesle Ael.l.
Prnsslo acid is composed of snch things
as animal refuse and blood solids, with
large quantities of oil of vitrol. Even
tho smell ot the acid produces pain In
the throat and In the ritrion or the heart,
and there are fewpoisonsforwhlchther,
is such little antidote.
II there is time, and there seldom is, for
the poison is almost Instantaneous in its
action, ammouia inhaled very freely may
give reuer ana reduce the absolute cer
tainty of death to a grave probability.
Exchange. -
Where Lleorlr. (Irows.
On the banks nf the Tigris and ths
Euphrates the licorice plant Is chiefly
grown. These great rivers flow throngb.
flat, treelefs prairii'a of uncultivated and
nearly nniuhabiled land. Pur three
months of the ) ear Lot winds blow, and
the temperature reaches 101 degs.
For six months of the year the climate
is moderate aud salubrious, aud for
ness and a hope of Bpeedy retirement and three mouths bleak and wintry, the
a quiet life. thermometer guing down to SO degs. at
"I should tike to see you, Mr. Morton. nl!iut-- Traveller.
Salt Rheum for 20 Years.
Dim's Sirsapatllli wrought i Cure!
Mas. Moody resides in Weston,
Aroostook Co., Me., ai wuosr.
of the Pine Tree State ark
"1 hate been terribly afflicted
Willi Salt Itlieniii for user ISO
nr J ran.. At times tiy lieesd
I nC would he one mass of
erupllona. My hands ner so tsl
Kiifry woniu uieefs enu i usu r.
Lid alnrsi snj 1 roulil hartll) are,
it afferteU my eifsso badly.
I 1104-loreu sail utK'ioreu, irieti uiurr
HsrsspsrIIUi, bsliis, Olutuients, el.-.
Would diet, wf ss v rsllng nu l.ul
ler or 1st IM U meet. He. Hut
to ua veil, I could get only teinparury
relief, no permsaent i-ure. For a few
years psst I lute hsd iso up petite,
eoulu not alre. sud If I would look
up I would be so tllasf tlut I would
fall. I slo suneretl witli litdlseaf Ion.
I w aa honelesa f 1 A of 1 1 . r
getting Iretler ssl I flM I sm 7 1
f ears old. lst I'ltrlstiuss I voutuieui'ed
sling DANA'S bAIShArAItlU.A. IU
Urst liottle did not sreiu to h. Ip lue iu the
least, Imt I pemevertsl. sud tbe rrasilt
wasi vsuuderlul. Jly Imssdaasid
rsra are iserleelly well, apise
lite srood, ItidlgeatloD rurel, iu
fsct, Kail It lien in r JPQ
loos not trouble - U rt I O
sn lu the least now. It seems like
s uslraeletorae."
To whom it rosy oooreju .
This Is to rsertlfv that I sm well si;
Jusiated with Mr. 4ne M"J alto
now her atatrxueuts ta be
Toll, ot isxes. Itelfsst, Ms.
Ssss ttrsssuias Se., SsStst sls)s.
In your private office, If you please, on
bnslnees personal to yourself," was tha
ply of the individual to whom Henry
Morton had made the inquiry before
"Yery well, sir, step tbii way," and
after passing Into the private office Mor
ton said again:
"Please be aa brief aa possible, sir, as I
am a very busy man today,"
"The business, sir, which brings me
here is not of a pleasant nature. I am
John Hantaan of the Neversleep Detect
ive agency, and I am here in reference
to a eheck on which the Indorsement of
Castell & Co. has been forged and the
amount collected upon the same by your
"Qreat heaven!" exclaimed Henry, "it
cannot bet Jack may have been a drunk
ard, lut never a forger and a thief r
"I am sorry for you, sir, but it is too
true. I have fojlowed the matter np, sir,
and find that he was given a bill to col
lect by Caatell & Co., for whom he
works, which he did collect, and meet
ing some old cronies soon after he In
dorsed the firm's name npon the same,
obtained tbe amount, and by this time,
having spent it all In carousing, is now
hiding at a place where 1 can put my
hands on him at any moment."
"Qreat heaven! what shall 1 do? My
Qod, it will break tbe hearts of his wife
and daughters, and bring disgrace npon
our family name, which haa never yet
had even a spot upon itl Who haa this
checkr Henry eagerly Inquired.
A Japnneee Kriltor.
Editors mny find some uousolatlon in
the fact that they have inspired feelings
of envy iu the breasts of a young Japa
nese boy A recent issue of an East In
dian paper contained tlm following note:
"A schoolboy in Loerabaya waa asked
to deecrilie au editor of a paper. He did
so In this wayi 'An editor Is tbe luckiest
man in the world. He can go te a cir
cus every afternoon and every evening
without laying a cent. He can go also
to the court houses, tne places or esecw
tlon and ths races.
"Tie has free ticket to all theaters, re
ceives presents at his office, and gets his
ears boxed too He goes alto to Prigen,
Malang or Lawang (places of amuse
ment). He does not do this often, how
ever. In one paper he can deny every
thlmr that waa said in the previous one,
and he does so, aa a rule. When other
people are already in "bed, the editor Is
come an editor Then 1 can stay up
lug the defiant state ot mind which
prompted his wife to extinguish it, and
fe.tring to provoke Another outburst he
climbed sailly into bed, and lay cogitat
ing a plan whereby he should he able to
shoot a burglar in the dark should one
chance to visit his altode that night.
"I don't see how 1 could do it," be
sighed, turning uueeeily,
"Are ymt es er going to He still and let
a person oleep?" snapped tha partner of
his joys and sorrows as she flounced
over, drugging half of ihe comfortable
with her, and thereby- causing small
chilla-to chase one another down her hus
band's vertebrwi
Mr. Murfree laid still.
He held his breath, figuratively, until
the deep, not to say sonorous, breathing
of his amiable com paniou told that peace
and quietude had folded their downy
wings upon ths bosoui of Mrs. Murfree.
Then he sighed agaiu.
"I do hope no one will come toulght,"
he murmured sleepily. "Dear me if
1" And htre his thoughts floated
vacnelr off and he realized no more.
Quiet fell ou the room for a time,
brokeu only by the musical sounds from
the alcove, where slept the pair, and an
occasional snap as tne willow rooacr,
objecting tn the strain of ths day, tried
to contract to its former shape. '
Just as the city clock was striking 1
Mr. Mtirfie. t.wike with a start and
looked iu a dazed way up into the dark
ness. "What's the nutter with ue7"he mut
tered, a sensi'ion nf nnenaines creeping
overliim. "I think ha! What's lliatl"
And, bioud awake now, with the cold
iierspiratiou starting from every pore, he
became cum .'ions of a faint rustle in the
room, the cause of whicu the heavy por
tieres draping the alcove prevented hhn
Cautiously he reached under the mat
tress for his revolver, and to his horror
found that, after cleaning it ou the pre
vious day, ho hud carelessly forgotten to
replace It lu It wonted spot.
"Oh, Lord! Oh, Lord!" he chattered U
himself, trying to keep cool. "Ho re
volver, no ur'hing, and a bnrglar, suro as
fate. 8aintntha was right; I am a cow
ard. What on earth shall I do? It I
wakeSamautha I will never hear the last
of it; she will nsg wore than ever; be
sides, she is sure to yell, and then we will
all be murdered." Aud the poor men
ril never say such mean things
again," she sobbed, "never, never."
"There, there," said her spouse,
straightening up and putting on a pa
tronizing air tq conceal ths nervous
shaking of his muscles scarce over their
recent shock. "You sit down and I will
search the house, so that we can feel
easy dnring the remainder of the night."
So that while Mrs. Mnrfree hid behind
the bed curtains for fear of another visit
or, her Ulysses went out Into the hall
and stayed five minutes in a dark corner,
returning with a serious air and the as
surance that all was well.
Locking their door, the couple once
more sought repose, but both were too
excited for sleep.
"Won't I just glost over Mrs. Jenks,"
exclaimed Mrs. Murfree as she convul
sively tted the pillow into a moro ac
commodating shape. "Oh, Ulyesea, 111
tell every woman in the block."
Just then the lndlcrous side of the
thing struck Mr. Murfree, and he stuffed
the corner of the sheet in his mouth and
shook convulsively,
"What's the matter, dear?" cried his
wife. "What's the matter, Uly?"
As soon as he could speak he mut-J
tered, "Only a chill don t bother about
it guess I took cold."
"Shan't I get you something hot?'
asked his spouse anxiously.
"Nonsense," he replied, controlling
himself with difficulty; "just go to
sleep. I'm tired."
"All right, dear," responded she; "I
do hope you won't be sick. It's very
funny, Ulysses, that the policeman on
our beat didn't hear anything or come
runnlug up to the house when that
dreadful man made such a noise at the
door. Dear me, if I didn't know you
had a chill I should think you were
Aiid Mr. Murfree was. ""olyn Wade
In Bnffalo News.
An Industrlone Womeu.
Mr. Honeymoon Did yon sew that
button on tlwt coaL darling?
Mrs. Honeymoons-No, sweetheart; 1
couldn't find the button, but I sewed up
the buttonhole. Is that all right? Texas
S if tings.
The Adrertlslne
Of Hood's fttr.aparllU Is alnays within lb
bounds ot reason hecsuse It Is traei It aterays
appeals lo me goiter, rominnn sense oi minxing
tieoilalet.aiiHe It Is true: slid it Is slwavs ftjilv
substantiated Uy endorsements which, lathe
financial world, would be accepted without a
ni ineiu s Hesitation.
For a ceneral familv cutliartlc weeniindentlv
recommend llnoil'e 1111.
Truth is the breath of God. Island ludUns.
There waa a time when many of the
Bhinnecocks shared in the occupations of
- l.:... ..1. anA onulttAd Shem.
shook so that the spring, creaked Mlv. with great credit. Iallud.tothe
sent him into a fresh fjt of treiui.ung, ,.,, tur4rut in Bouthamnton history.
kustle, rustle, it came again, and then sfiiinecock at sea, whether pure
a soft thump aud a clink. , t . blood or half breed, made au exact sailor.
"He's got my pants," ejaculated Mr, ,nr,i.
Murfree to himself aa he cautiously sat !,., L , i, h w afloat.
up. Ue stay, up late to see what: let one foot out of bed.
xms Wh.n l grow big I shall be-1 A. it touched the floor the
. an .ditoe Then 1 can stay up uuded again, and so near th;
A geraion Kxettanc.
np iu bed and tried to calm himself,
"I can't stand t)ils any longer," said ,
Mr, Mnrfree in a whisper, beginning ta
get huffy. "I'm a fool. No wondei
8amantha said se. I will certainly find
out what is uutside ot those curtains,
aud this time Smnantha shan't have a
chance to btug over me. Perhaps I shall
be able to do something for once."
Keening well away from the separa
tion between the portiere he carefully
that Mr.
Murfree nearly lost his balance with
frisrht. and found himself on his feet the
next moment shaking with alarm lest
sD IDCC I honestly believe hsd
it not bees for Dr.
Kennedy's Favorite Kftuedy she would
have been In her grave to dsy. It's tlia
greatest niedlrine on earth. It'a
worth Its weight In gold.
xours truly, j.jir.a iv ouuijiio.
Read t'lls over again ye sceptlea
and Ino edulous onosl Ought you
not to u tn this vnluable medicine
and en ly henlth and happiness?
Piles of Dtoule have lilies, but De Witt's
Witch Hazle Salve will curs them. T. D.
"Ye caunot serve God nnd mammon."
Small In size, great In results: De Witt's
Utile Earlv ltlsers. Heat nllls for Consti
pation, best for Sick Headache, best for
Sour Sloniacli. They neysrgilpe. T. D.
If Christ is In you somebody will be
jure to see Him aud love Htm.
Sweet breath, sweet stomach, sweet tern
per, and result from the use,of De Witt's
Little Early itisers, tne tamous utile puis
T. I. Thomas.
If you are willing for God to' use you
tn His uwn way He will do it.
lev, V, F. Itrooks
says that his little girl Is troubled with
malaria very severely, ana mat since ne
gave her Sulphur Uiliers, he never thinks
of leaving New York for his summer r-
scri without a lew Domes, tor mey always
cure his family, and are far superior to
Tha latest enteruri which w hear I h.
liml tirnvnked tbe marauder's atten-
announced in the young and enterpris- tlon fo the alcove or awakenel the sleep-
111 g IS ill OKI '"" L""""P
Chicago. According to popular belief
the practice of clergymen haa been to
luif Samantha.
But, no; all was (inlet, and as soon as
he plucked up a sufficient amount ot
write sermons until they had filled a , com-gg, h, peered cautiously through
barrel. Then the barrel would b turned CItins.
upsld down and the sermons all vy'th diaiculty he repressed aa exela
mmsIia mur o-ntn Whar a minister I .i .
i ir ti,.i.i,i.1 nf nw ! mmainiut in u church a srsat tnanv vsars ft.. n.n'. fall ti, itreuar. added to the long list of remedies that
uggcted 'that I had better see you be- thecongregatlou would after awhile be-1 bringing out each article on it with a 1 have come from many countries. It is
Many of them got to be mates, snd one
became a captain, ion uisiiuguiBuru
llnr man waa not a pure bred Indian,
but waa part negro, and probably bad a
mall though potential quantity of white
Mood. This was Cartain Lee, and any
one down toward Southampton or Sag
Harbor can tell of bis giant stature ann
Immense strength. This Captain Lee
was the eon of a still mora famous man.
Parson Lee. John O. Breed In Har
per's WeeVJy
Jest Csose.
"Wodjer black Joey's heye fur arter
he'd denied as he'd said them things
about yrt" "Denied itf Not'uul Why,
I see to 'to, 'Joerge sea you've bin corl
ing me a blackleg." And he np and sea,
'I re-pudlat the statement.' And then 1
black 'ia eye. I might ha' stood tht
cove's saytu of It one but w'en be goes
an re-pudlate it!"
London rublic Opinion.
A Cur for Snk lilt.
Another treatment for snske bite Is
When Christ fills us the first thing
he does Is to empty ua of self.
Read front the treasured volume
The poem of thy choice,
And lend to the rhyme of poetry
The besuty of thy voice.
H'hlch you cannot do If you suffer with
a Cough or Cold. Itld yourself of tbe dis
comfort by buying a bottle ot Pan-Tina,
tbe best remedy for Iloarsenete and Inftu
enzs. Pan-Tlua costs cents at T. D.
Thomas' Drug Store.
"As many as are led by tbe spirit of
God, they act) the sons of men,"
tore anvthli-K further is done and m gin to know when the barrel was turned, i wf,jra distinctness, and just In ths
you stand high la this community h
thought you would mate an eaort to
hush the matter up."
"How much la the amount?"
"Five hundred and twenty dollars, sir,
and our expense, added will maketh.
cost to you, sir, $700,"
'Very well, sir; bo seated a few mo
ments longer, Mr. Hsnlman," aaid Hen
ry, at the tame time striking a small
bell on the top of his desk. "Charles,
bring tne my private checkbook from i timora Sun
tne vault, ne sain to in. young man wh . M.n r.Un,
Borne sermons were looked forward to ' ... . v...... .i.. i,.l .w xwmm th
, . , , , , 11. I HMU. UBlWI.lH.l".'-.
Vruu niucn iniereasauuoinri wou
or less dismay. The 8ermou exchange
la to do away with all of this. It la so
longer necessary -to preach a sermon over
a second time. The preacher can tak.
an old sermon and ti. twenty-five oents
to it This b. sends to the exchange and
receive oue written by Mm. on. else
by return mall, or If h. has no sermon to
send be can get on. for fifty cents. Dal
who answered tho call.
Ex-Judge nenry E. Howhuid is cred-
When the checkbook waa given to . ,'?ZSZnJLZ;J
Henry he eat down, and with a trem- Tand 'M-bto snider
bling hand filled out wo checks-on. deit5uua eTul(m, 'tlut , ,1h
Ffr'8:;UBT'rOIST. . ' ihorrenttoour natures lu dealing with
atoonina- fiirure of a man.
He was evidently searching th. upper
drawer, aud Mr. Mnrfree gasped for joy
aa h distinguished ou the top of the cab
inet to the right of the glass the missing
"It I can only reach him," said Mr,
Mnrfree to himself, jump on him a he
said that the natives of Australia have
comparatively littl. fear of tuake bites.
Tfiey keep always at hand a piece of
string maue oi numan uair. ine smug
Is tied tightly three or four Inches above
th. bite, a small circle an eighth of an
inch deep is cut around the two fang
Tmnrtnres with a knife, and the largest
vein below the bite is slit to allow th.
blood to run out. The last stage of this
heroic treatment is th. turning on of a
Knektens Amir tiatve.
Hi beat sahe lu the world for Cuts, Bruises,
botes. I'll er, Salt lllieutn, i'ei er Sores, Tetter,
Obapped Hands, Chilblains Comes, aud sll Sklu
Kmplinna, and potlthely eures Plies, or no pay
leiiulred, It is guaranteed to eie perfect satis
fatllon, or litone) reluuded. Price 25centsper
txx. i or sAle b Heber lhlfihton. and tilery
Tri.-p"ri. .
Whenever a wise man makes a mis
take it teaches him something.
Man)' thluxs which are advertised possess DO
ratue, but who would iuv that llr. Hull's Cough
rj rup poweases no merit "' It Is the standard
reined of our age.
' God's bread ia always sweeter than
the devil'a plum puddiug.
The wind from the North blows, sharp
sod keen, and bad effects of colds are seen.
One Minnie Cough Cure so safe and sure,
will quickly perform a wonderous cure. T
I). Thomas.
is bending oTer. and secure the revpivsr "r," t lha .ff.l8.i rVrt and
b.for.h. recover, hiiuself-it. a good ffjSS
tSStfiX&SX. M-a'r. S 'twenty minutc-HtUburg
rdaftarall" Uupatin.
With a mighty effort he braced him
self aud advanced cautiously, keeping
his eye on the bent figure.
Tha Xuinber Thr la IJallr Lit.
In the nursery rhymes and tale of
..i.ii.ihrv.l who cannot remember the
Tn ll.. nnn.rl.ln Htrht th DISS looked ! irTnnu, Wis Mmi of Gotham" who took ,
t4 and the other payable to th trea- j mtMt worlll Uk. that iu a proldbi- unnaturally large and heavy, and seemed . I()Jag. In a bowl, not to mention
urerof the "Neversleep Detective agen- .. . . Main., where a lank and I oh ooud to b ou th. point of rising, th. luckless trio of blind mice whoa. ,
red nosed conntrymsn called into a drng Indeed, aa Mr. Mnrfre reached th. ceu- tails were cut off by the fanner's wife? I
store and placing a demijohn on th. I Ur table b. thought all waa over, and , Example f this sort might be tnulti-
.... ..I 1 ... n. .I..V "1 nr.nt A oral, inruilr down behind it deHtialrinElr. ntlA In.luii ni tl V but OOmillaT dOWtt to
treasurer', imlirsement will be sum-1 , , i... .iv , th. nn. I ih,t frtnriwss kind: thelinraiarstill 1 ...rrJav Ilf. our meals are reirulated
oient for the other. And now, air, th. I j. ,.urrle (or u dvantag. eng. ' searched buaily. and Mr. Murfree. gath- by the rule of three, while tlie tick pa
check on which Is the forged Indorse-1 Zteil by the answer of th. rector of a wing himself for a grand effort and tient would lie guilty of treason to his
ment Thanks; that wUI do. Have a i ni,h who W1U revising hu nerved to the point of desperation, made ! doctor if he refuse.! to take his medioln.
Ball's Head Uorae and Cattle Powder Is S sure
ptssentlre of hou cholera, and eures conch,
iiiealeaan1selled necks. Price 31 cents per
package ot one laaind. At all dealers.
The surest way to win th. love of
people is to beoome lovable.
"They that are In the fle)l uncon
v.rtedj ranuot pleaM God."
A gentleman In Union County, Ma., who
It too modest a uisn lo hate his nam.
mentioned In the newspspers, wss enred
of rheumatism by l liambeilaln'a Pain
llalni, sfter trying other metllcints and
treatments for thirteen years. 50 cent
bottles for sale by N. IX lteber, Lehighton,
and W. F. Bleiy, H'elssport.
Triaerrt air- nljA cHvsi m s rrVeltlt
for tliti check to Ctutell Your
cigar, air? Good day, air, and thank
again for your kinduee and considera
tion." For folly 15 minute. Henry Morton
gazed upou th. terrible evidence of hi
brother's guilt, and then opening a little
iron box in which h. kept all personal
papers he mechanically tossed It in,
locked the box, went out of th. private
office smoking a cigar, met his partner
Douglas with his usual welcome and
idunged again Into th. twatnw. of Us
daily life.
sermon on Sunday morning aud waa a flying leap, aud lauding with terrific three time a day. New York New.
waited upon tn his study by his organ- force upon me uurgiar s swumier
1st, who asked what he should plsy. '1 , grabbed th. revolver, yelling. "Police! j s.r.... of t.iut. ri.aik
on't lmow- sail th. rector, absent- ' thl.v! oh" The question, "Is light or dartae.
mlndedly; "what kind of a hand hav. , Over he went, lmmpety bump, and aa conducive to tbe growth of anMeetn.
BtUlltat Stfesa-t4 SSaflsjaiT aVwart -
you gotr"-New York World.
It WeaUn't Pay.
Th. North Carolina boy who went eat
to shoot birds with a gun mad. of a
bra tub. tlwt hiBUf of oourea. 4
w. don't know th w ar. erven assay
for hi ratafat. It wouUaot rj(JTo
h. found himself prwrtrat. on tlte floor, , plantr wa recently discuss.! by a de
. .i,.i, ..wi.njnil.iuanJtarvlihu-k hatinir soctetv in a western college
over Mm, be h -tithed bis exclaraatioa I Bom. sUte.1 that light was. because if
wt,B .. ttr I no lamp wr lit there would b no
"Oh. UlytsMl riyser screatued Mr, profit, wall, others said that darkest
i r t ,.ni,n Il.1' in th W- was. because tf thrr was so darkae
clothe ia her Iffrt to iu. "Hlp! i ther. would be no uwd of Ughts. Th aim, Mrnim .irnsit Uir.i t ,t,'i
WhaVsaaoyour d.UU flsullyj Uvn.tJ. u, .draw.- m
I Absolutely Pure.
R c ex
i.r t.