Tli first Law of Mature. Wtiirhwlllntimnf ttdoM kmhiImm folk! nrettr to riav tl IMS conimion 01 li o IlTr rather than the BrsU Thf y Pfrpf tially dm thf rnsHvn ultti rmrgatiT. total litn M alt.ratlte.ot liter tremble. Bt.marti lmtcra Is Ih successful candidal tor rtis peoples i noico, ana j ev, i"""" Known as It u, there r iintortiinatw who a train, th draslle remedies ol former Am. It Is to tli Intolllltent portion "n P'!M'9flh"i ll well known aHd Ion tried properties pi Bitters appeal. Keason shonltl be guided liv - .rienroln ine inaticr 01 "; est tuld to our teet Istlie lampof eiprtlencj, said a treat patriot ol the early revolutionary ieriod'andtYie Mclamatlon Is nrearmnt wltft srutn. roroTeraiiiimwuy t ally has met with the endorsement or people snlerlni from llrer complaint, malaria, const! ation, rheumatism, debility ami tronh l i Spmpanled by dyspepsia, latterly It ! de clared ltwlf and been thoroughly approved as n remedy for Ma grippe." There are spots on the sun, aud yet there are people who expect n ten year old boy to be perfect. BRUHKKNN B8, or th MUtTotl ItAIlIT, Uund at il oin In Ten Iy ly adinliiU l.rlns Ur. Haines1 Ooldn Specific. , It can b siren In a flass o( beer, a cup of cot- K r tea,or In food, without the knoaledce of a patient. II is absolutely harmless, and,""! dnect a permanent and speedy cure, whether tttei patient Is a moderat drinker or an alcoholic srreck. It has been tlven In thousands of oases, and In every insunce a perfect cure has foilow idV It never fails. Th system once Imprefc Sated with the specllle. It becomes an utter lui aosslblllty for the liquor appetite to es 1st. Cures Jiaranteed. Mpago book of particulars free, address th. Ooldkn SritclFlO Co., IMKar sWt, Cincinnati. Ohio. Oct. i.-My. The Interest you In others take, that Interest they will take In you. Sues In everjthlnn depends largest nnnn mul health. De Witt's LKtle Early allien are little health producing pills We t-.a nl.. l,bA MIT.?!. 111... ' SB pUlUir lu wuu ' J ' " 1 T. U. Thomas. The reward for being Industrious and amounting to something Is being referred to asa"lncky devil." flueklen'a Arnica Salve. Ike best salve Intha world for Cuts, Bruises, stores. Ulcers, Salt ltheum, Fever botes, Teller, Chapped Hauds, Chilblains Cornes, and all kln Eruptions, and positively cures riles, or no pay reaulred. Ills guaranteed to gle perfect satis faction, or money refunded. Prloe 20 cents per box. For sale by Ueber Lehlghten; and lllery YVerssporU Ilunger and ill-temper are couvertl bio terms. Never disenss and import ant subject before breakfast. The senior proprietor of this paper has keen anblecl to freauent- colds for some years, which were sure to lay blm up If not doctored at once. lie finds that Chamber lain's Cough Remedy Is reliable. It opens the secretions, relieves Ibe lungs and re stores the system to a healthy condition. If freely nied as soon as the cold has been ontracted, and before It has become set tled in the system, it greatly lessens the attack and often cures In a single day what would otherwise have been a severe cold. Northwestern Uotel Reporter. Des Moines, Iowa. 25 and 60 cent bottVs for sale by N. 11. Iteber, Leblguton, and W. F, Uiery, WslisporU It is a plain fact that twenty per ceut. of the deatns In our larger cities ate caused by con sumption) and when v,e reflect thai this terrlblo disease can be forestalled by Dr. hull's Cough rlyrup, Shalt we condemn the siuTerers lor their negligence, or pity them tor their Ignorauce. Would you know the qualities a man lacks, examine those of which he boasts. SJIOO lie ward SHOO, The readers of this d Der will be pleased to learn that there Is at feast one dreaded disease that science has been able to cum In all Us stages, and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure known to tho medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dls ease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and macous surfaces of the sys tem, thereby destroying the foundation of the !Scase,ana RIVlUg me paueiil sirens!" uy uuuu uif nn the ennsLltutlon and aslstlmr nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith In its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred lollars for any case that It falls to cure, sena lor msi oi lesiiiiioiiiais. . . Address, F.J. CIIKNKY&O ., Toledo, 0, Esr-Bold by Drut!glsls, 75c, Kaaerness to broduee something cheao often uunus us to me iinponance oi mil thing good Uull'S'liead Flavoring Ki both cheap and good. 10 cts. a bottle, is to the linnortance of mnklui; aulue rood null s-iieaa flavoring i.xiracts are In diving to the bottom of pleasures we bring up more gravel than pearls. A Good Kecord. "I have sold Chamber- Iain's Cough Iteineily for ten s ears," says druggist , u. begg, ui vial, la., -and kave always warranted It nnd never had s bottle relumed, During the past 00 days i nave sola twelve uozeu ana it nss given perfect satisfaction In every Instance. ' It coes not dry up a cough, but loosens and rallaves it. It will cine a severe cold In less time than any other treatment, 25 sent, 60 cent and (1 bullies for sale by N. U. Reber, Lehighton, and II' F. Dlery, niispon. One terrible offset against the good said about a man on bis tombstone Is bis newpaper portrait. Two Valuable Friends. 1. & nhislrlan cannot bo always had. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sprains, Bruises and Ilurns occur often and sometimes when least eipected. Keep handy tbe friend of many households and the de stroyer of all pain, tli fa nous Red Flag Oil, 25 cents. 2. Many a peeclous life could be saved mat is being racked to death with Ibat terrible cough. Secuie a gooj night's rest Df investing 2D cents for a bottle of I'm Tina, tbe great remedy for Coughs, Colds ana consumption. Trial Domes of ram Tina free at T. D. Thomas' Drug Store. About all some men do is to spend their time getting ready to do some thing they never do. Good taoks. a. u. Ulinord, nw uassel. wis , was troubled ub Neuralgia aud Rheumatism his Stomach was disordered, his Liver was affected to an alarming degree, appetite reii attay, anu ne was terribly reduced in USD ana sirengtu Three Dottles of Elec trie timers cured mm Edward Shepherd, ilarrlsburg, III., had a running sore ou bis leg of eight years' standing. Used three bottles of Electric Hitters and seven boies of Rucklen's Ar- nloafialve. and his lei; is sound ani well. Jono Speaker. Cauaba, 0 uas five large Feytr sores on his leg, doctors said be was Incurable. One bolll of Electric Hitlers and odk box of Uucklen's Arnica Salve urea mm entirely, bold at Itebtr's Drug, store, Lehlghton, and Illery's Drugtore, ii eissporu The girl who majrles a title very frequently turns ber fortune to count. Nothing so distiesslng as a backing tough. Nothing so foolish aa to suffer from It. Nothing so dangerous it allowed to ontlnue. One Jinute Couth Cure gives ruiuiemaie reiiei. i, u. i nomas "Why otjn't I marry the duke, papa f Ills titles are all right," Ves, but his deeds are all wrong. Headache is tha direct revolt nf in,na. tlon and stomtch disorders, ileroedy Iheae by using De Witt's Little Early Risers, and your headache disappears. The favorite nine puis everywhere. T. D. Thomas. A man never knows what he can do until be tries and then he Uolten sorry be found out. For Instance, Mrs. Chat. Rogers, of Ray City, Ulcb. , accidentally spilled scalding water oyer her lltt'.e boy. She promptly ap hUd De Witt's Witch Ilazle salve, gitlug Instant relief. It's a wouderf ully good salve tor burns, bruises, sores and a sure sure for wiles. T. D. Thomas. Woman is a greedy creature. She robbed man of a rib at tbe outset of her career, and she has been after his heart vertluce. No Woman Is beautiful with a bad skin, covered with pimples, freckles, moth or lan. I have been asked many times 'what will rciuote I bee unsightly blemishes. No face paints or powders will remove them, as Itiej are caused bv Impure blood. Tbe only pure remedy I have ever teen! Is Sulphur lilt ten, and In hundreds of case I bat never known them to fall. -Editress Fashion Osteite. The mother of a murdered man sleeps, but the mother of a murderer remains awake, EnlUlMl to CoaOdeor. Mr. T. D. Thomas, DrugjiUl, should have the coondeaee of Ibis o iwinuaUy, bis filling Is one of respuuilWiUy; very often precious lives are entrusted to bit earei laklnr tbe steaey for tailing the celebrated Red Flag OU should be guarantee, It will do all that Is etalmed for it and io rued) excels it for the oultk cure of KUtiiBatUm. Neuralgia, SinaUi aud aU bodily pain. Me A eeati, MODERN COURTSHIP. They were sitting close tomtber In a pleasant, shady nook; Tbey looked at oue anot ber With a loving, longing took. Then. Edwin broke the ellenr , Ana with emotion shook, As he softy, softly whispered, "Angelina, can you eookt" His auloiis face grew tranquil, Angelina whispered "Yes;" Ills thoughts of well cooked dinners) Ko language could express. Ills hand sought Angelina's In a lingering caress: Then he said, "Oh, Angelina, Did you make or buy that dressy" Edwin's heart grew-oh, so Joy full . For she alwaya made her f nicks. And lightly straied his fingers Uver Angelina's locka While they gated upon the roses. The pinks and hollyhocks. Then again he summoned courage, "Could you knit a pair of socks!" Poor Cupid near them hovered And he listened In dismay. Sighed be, "I'm out of fashion. I am only In the wayt Out of print's the old, old story. Pelf holds universal way!" Then he wept aa Edwin whispered, "Angelina, name the day." Boston Courier. MY FIRST DUEL. "Who Is that pretty girl who bowed to your "That Is Carmen Ellnurl de Garcia." As he spoke an amused smile passed over the face of Carlos Gonzales. This short conversation was held be tween two young men one afternoon as they stood under the arcade of La Con- flteria del Aguela, In Calle i lorida, in the city of Buenos Ayres. Both young men belonged to tho gilded youth of our city, and having very little to do were amusing themselves by watching all the pretty girls pass along tbe Calle Florida. "Whr do you smilef asked Dr. Fed- erico Pinares, who had been the first ono to speak. "You would also smile, answerea Carlos, "if you bad made a fool of your self about a woman, sent her enough flowers every day to adorn a church, stayed awake all night to write a few lines of poetry to send beri danced with her so often that every one said, 'Oh, yes, they are going to be married;' fought a duel for her, ana then naa mat very same woman pass you in the street with a cool bow and completely ignore yon otherwise." You fought a duel, whyr asked Federico. It is a long tale, nnd it happened while yon were in Paris studying medi cine. I presume you never heard of it?' "If I did, I do not remember now, answered Dr. Pinares. "Now, Carlos, tell me all about it." 'It la nearlv half oast 6. Let us go to the Cafe de Paris and have dinner. There, after dinner, I will tell you tbe story." The two young men proceeded toward Piedad street and entered tne tiniiianiiy Uehted restaurant of the Cafe de Paris. After a costly dinner, for In Buenos Ayres everything is costly, they asked for their coffee and chartreuse, and Car los Gonzales commenced his story: "Three years ago I would have gone fighting windmills, a flock of sheep, or worse, like Don Quixote, had any one told me that Carmenolta Ellaurl was not the prettiest girt In Buenos Ayres; but for that matter I could name you half a dozen men who thought the same thing, and among them was Ernesto Frlas. "You perhaps remember what great friends Ernesto and I once were, but when we both began courting Carmen all onr friendship flew away upon the wings of tbe wind. "Carmen certainly gave me reason to think that she was serious, and I sup pose she did tho same to Frias, for many people believed sne would marry mm. "One nicht it was reallv 3 o'clock In the morning we were playing cards at tho Club del Progreso, when between two games one of the men' remarked, 'By the way, Frias, when does the wed ding come off " 'What wedding" he asked. " 'Why, your marriage with Carmen clta Ellauri. " 'Now, don't be foolish,' Frias calmly said; 'go on; give me my cards,' "All the men laughed, and one of tfiem said: ".'Silence gives consent, and eo we may believe that you are engaged to her. Well, let me congratulate you,' And so saying he shipped Frias on the shoulder. "Frias only smiled complacently, and they continued their raillery until I conld stand it no longer, Inasmuch as I had been on fire daring all the conversa tion, so I Uftexl my head and said as calmly as I could: " 'Gentlemen, it is in very bad taste to thns nse the name of a lady, and any oue who does It or allows It without resent ing the insult is a coward.' "Ernesto turned pale, and pushing back ma chair rose to bis feet. " 'Am I to understand that this insult la directed to me'r he asked. " 'I care not what you understand,' I answered; 'I expressed my sentiment.' " 'And do you know what my senti ment lsi he asked. 'I think that you are the greatest coward for daring to take that lady's name as a basis for a scandal and a quarrel.' "Blind with fury, I advanced toward Frias, and with my open palm smote his cheek lightly. Ernesto clinched bis flats and made a move toward me, bnt some Of his friends held him back, as others were holding me. Ernesto took out his cardcase, and with trembling fingers opened It, got a card, threw it on the ta ble and said : 'I hope that Senor Gonzales will not be coward enough to refuse to meet me. Tomorrow, or rather today, at 10 o'clock In'the morning, I will send hhn my seconds.' " 'Mine will bo ready to meet those of Senor Frias,' I ceremoniously answered. " 'Well,' I thonght on leaving the clnb, here I am engaged lu a duel, but I don't care; I wad defending her; besides I shall have the choice of weapons, and cer tainly I shall choose swords.' "I was an expert with the sword, as I bad taken lessons from the oelebrated Italian professor, Signor Spadachuii, an my mind was perfectly at peace. "When I reached home I wrote two or three letters to friends of mine, who I knew would be my seconds, ordered my servant to take the letters to their re spective addresses aa soon as It became light, and then went to bed and slept calmly until 8 o'clock. "At about S I saw my seconds and gave them my instructions. I was rather excited until I saw them again, nearly four hours later, when tbey acquainted me with the result of their Interview. Wa were' to go to Montevideo to fight, for, as you know, dueling is forbidden on Argentine soil. The meeting would taae place next day at 2 o clock p. in. In the country house of a friend of one of my seconds. "In the meantime the Itory of our quarrel had become publia property and me arternoon papers were full, of it. I managed to elnde all the reporters, and, safe from annoyance, took the steamer bound for Montevideo that evening. Next morning I landed In that city very much the worse for a terrible storm that we bad encountered. lu crossing over. "I slept nearly all the morning, and at noon tbey vailed me' to dinner. I conld not eat a mouthful of anything, and by a quarter pat 1 1 stepped Into tho carriage that wa to oouteyme to the inettting place. "W arriv.l there hJI too soon, it seemed to me; but no, Ernesto Frias, with bis seconds, was there, and also a physi cian ready for whatever emergency might arise. "When all the naual formalities bad been observed we beron our duel. "ErneV la a good swnrdunan and so am L We both went through the forms ef attack and defeus with a itch skill that It would have made glad the heart of our teachers bad they seen us. "One mortal hour elapsed and not a senuh bad either of ns received. The thing was getting to be, to say the least, slightly luovoiuiioua, and so I began to charge mora impetuous.," Friaa de fedSedlumself in a masterly manner. I began to lose my bead. Presently I felt atjhjgg op),! ajj ahax g yjtrof mj tipper arm. in nrawnig out tne swora ' blood followed It. Our seconds tmine- , diately stepped Wween ., a ,d the doc- , tore tore off the sleeve or my left arm , and dlsclowd to my eyw a small wound betTreeu the elbow anil the shoulder. "Frlas declared that he was mitlsfieil. i and so woe I, so our eeconds solemnly said, 'The honor of both gentlemen Is vindicated.' Onr courage was now un questionable. Wo shook hands, and so ended my first and only affaire d'hon neur," "Yes, but what of the rest, the lady, etc.," asked Dr. Pinares. "Oh, the papers wero full of It some praising, a few censnrlng, but on the whole It was very flattering toFrias, and a little to myself, As for her well," laughing, "that Is what amused me. She would not see either of us after the af fair, and a month later she married Don Pablo Garcia, a very wealthy merchant. It seems that she was engaged to htm during all the time when she was mak ing fools of Fries and me." Translated from the Spanish or .ram A, icuareo for Romance by Amalla Solano. Shyster lawyers. J. L. Reese, of Brooklyn, holds In special detestation the shyster lawyer and his methods for obtaining business. Mr. Reese is at the Grand Pacific and said that some weeks ago while crossing street in New York city ho was knocked down bv n wagon Hint was going at a rapid rate, but which be could bavo avoided if he had been more careful and not In such a hurry. He was carried into a drug store, and the driver, almost as scared as be was, was one of the first by bis side. Ue gave Ids name and address to a policeman, who constituted himself the first judge In the case. - In a few honrs he was not much the worse for the accident nnd went home, lie had hardly finished breakfast the next morning when a lawyer called who insisted that he knew all about the case and dilated at some length on reckless street driving in general and the care lessness of the driver in this case in par ticular. He was informod that if Mr. Keese determined to prosecute the case he would be informed. Before noon four other lawyers called, and each tried his best to induce the injured man to go to law alxvtit it. Mr. Reese finally gave orders that If any one else asked for hlra to find out If he were a lawyer before admitting him. If nny more called ho didn't hear of it. Chicago Tribune. Loss of Teeth Afreets Ing-th of Life, The loss of the masticating teeth be fore the thirtieth year moans a shorten ing of the life of the indlvidial of from two to five years. To know the extent to which many of these teeth are lost, even before the fifteenth year, one has only to turn to the reports of the ex amination of the teeth of children in tbe schools and orphan homes of London and elsewhere. If some effective meas ures are not adopted for combating the ravages of dental decay it looks very much as though another half century would find the poorer clase of English people practically edentulous before tbe twentieth yenr. New York Commercial Advertiser. Yearning fur City and Country Life. The man who lives in the country yearns for the city, the man who lives in the city yenrns for tho country. The fanner would seek jient precincts of the town and bend over ledgers; the clerk, already bent double over his ledgers, craves the free air and the unconfined horizons of tho farm, the distant hills and tho brosd acres between. Variety, is It not, which they both seek? In oppotlto currents, doubtless, but both continually by immutable tenden cies. Such is certainly the optimistic theory of tho situation implied by these "abandoned" farm pamphlets. Is It the true oue? Appleton Morgan In Popular Science Monthly. A Naiel Dlvlnf Hell. Archibald Price, one of tho pioneer settlers of Kanawha valley, west Vir giubi, was making maple sugar in a grove across the river from his house, when lib caught sight of tliruo Indians skulking in the vicinity. "The var mints!" he said to himself. "So they menu to l-ounco ou mo when I've two pails o sap a boam. He whs just Ktnrtitif! for some of the more distant trees. Of course ho changed his pnrOHe on Hie iusniut, but he wut qnick wijted enough to give no Bign of the tact, and for n tew moments busied himself about tbe boiling place, whistling merrily. If bo set on acro-w the river in his canoe, the Indiana would pursue and shoot hijn. He had a brother who was a sea diver. From bim -he had learned something about diving bells, and he now took a sudden resolve to make hla kettle serve him in that capacity. He emptied it, bnt in such a way that an observer at ft little distance wonld have supposed he was filling it from a tub atanding near. As soon as it was emptied ho lifted It quickly, -and hurried down the river bank, whero ho raised it, in an inverted position, over Ids head, the rim resting on his shonlders, nnd walked Into the water. The bank was steep; and the water was noon up to bis shoulders. Keeping a firm hold of tbe kettle, he proceeded. The water got deeper and deeper until it was several feet over the top of the kettle. The improvised diving bell answered its purpose excellently, supplying air for .him to breathe until he emerged on the home side o( the river. So Mr. Price saved himself and his iron kettle from falling into the hands of the siivngea. Youth's Companion. The Ills and Fall or Families. A family, liko a ruco or a nation, does indeed bud, flower and run to seed, and the seed must be transplanted to new oil in order to bud and flower again. Now a part of the foolish ancestorship of the past resulted in the creation of aristocracies built on the foundation of an illustrious nnceetor. We are get ting wiser and better. We are putting onr aristocracies closer to the primal source. We are learning no longer to respect a man because his ancestor was better than himself, but becauso he him self is an ancestor, The farce of royalty is played out; the farce of rank and caste la lu a moribund condition. All men will soon learn to laugh at the claims of long descent. Many men laugh at them now. And this in itBelf is an Immense step in advance. Snobbery, vulgarity, pretension these hideous traits will soon be of the past, Onr grandchildren, freed from tbe ab surd Ideas, the absurd restrictions of semisavHge inception, will bo larger, more generous, more tolerant better, in short, than ourselves. Fresh and vigor ous blood will intermix with the worn out descendant of great men, and in dne time greater men from the stock will be born to the future. Every suc ceeding age sees the abandonment of some superstition which has checked the progress and development of tbe race hi tho past William & Walsh In New York World. A h'ew rhotogTaphl r-roeeta. An effective and greatly simplified method of producing a photographic representation in the form of an intaglio engraving, or, as it is generally called, u "photogravure," is being Introduced. Tho new method Is Intended to rednoe the time occupied In the process, which usually takes many days to a few hours, and to dispense entirely with the supple mentary aid of the skillful engraver. Its essential feature lies in tbe fact that the picture,, instead of being obtained from a grad uated depth of the engraving. Is produced from a sunken surface of uniform depth, the gradations of light, half tone and shade being effected by minute lines and stipples of varying thickness, but of uniform distance apart from center to center. The pictura is made up of equidistant stipples, varying from a microscopic point up to a alw where tbey coalesce In a solid black, the half tones consisting of stipples about 1-UUtb of nn inch In di ameter. If a roaree sMpplo is used the effect varies from that of nusotint and approachea more nearly that of a line of Leturravtug, tho tight siyidea being made up w ptuwpuuw lines and atsppiea, UXa the elf ecu of a steel or copper plate ea tTjtiaj( ol entts ltarv"V Mootbs. " "j had a Mg ' J said a .. ..,. - ,,. reason, lie jnmied overbonnl. There 1 whs a little rongn, anu it was quite awhile before we got the bouts lowered, and we lost sight of him. Bnt we pulled back n little way, and I soon saw him swimming with all his might, bnt in tho opposite direction from the boat I yelled to him, and when he saw he was discovered he mane no runner enon to get away. . And where be was going is more than I know, for it all hiipponed In mldocean. Wo hauled him Into the boat aud made for the ship. It was four months before we made port, and yet in all that time Sandy, for that was his name, never spoke a word. No ono on board could get a sonnd from him, "Sometimes he would lie down on the deck and seem to bo asleep and some of the crew would slip up and stick him with a pin. At first he wonld twitch a little and then would not move at all. We made a bed for him down below and kept him away from a knife or other weapon. You could tell him to take the wheel nnd ho would steer right enough, bnt if you asked him what course the shin was making lie was silent as tne grave. And when we mado the first port he went ashore, and I never saw him again. But some of tho crew said he regained his tongue on land and thought hniuulbeen 'playing us 'all tho time. But it was a strange case." San Francisco Examiner. Mens About London Duties, I wish to aniinuticu for the benefit sole ly of the youth who desires to be English, that the turning up of llio trousers at the feet is quito the thing nnd Indicative of "squally weather In London; that It Is also quito the thing to 1 very slow, painfully slow, in speech, and that to be tray interest in anything or anybody is n serions fault in tho makeup. The advice to preserve on all occasions n fixed and Btony gaze is trite and altogether un necessary, I am quite well assured that tho man who writes a book on bow to be English, if he goes to his grave un wept, unhonored and unsnng, will at least have mudo enough out of the work to defray the expenses of his burial. But I want to say that tho thing above all others is to have a small appetite, par ticularly at luncheon. In the near neighborhood of tbe city hall is a "hole in the wall," where many of our most successful lawyers take their midday bite in some cases a most sub stantial bite. Thoro was quite n gather ing in this resort tho other day at noon, when the very latest in London makeup arrived. Leisurely walking to the bar the "Londoner" drawled, "Walter, give me a bit, just a bit, of toast and a glass of milk," In the silence that ensued up on this light demand, it Is related that tho waiter, in tho excitement of tho mo ment, buttered the toast and neglected to pnt waiter in the milk. Washington News, Looked Too Worldly. An Anbnm man was rebuked for In dulging in a pleasantry in a prayer meet ing not long ago, but (till daring spirits occasionally transgress in that way with out being gridirened. It is related at a re cent parish meeting in Richmond, Me., to see about culling a pastor, a well known citizen prominent in church af fairs took occasion to remark on the ap parent indifference of church members to tho object for which the meeting had been called. Ue had hoped, he said, to see the church membership fully represented, but It was with much regret that he noted their ab sence. At tbe conclusion of tho gentle man's remarks a woman in the congrega tion who bad grown uneasy under bis criticism ventured to suggest that there was a fair representation of tho ecclesi astical body present, Indicating by a wave of her hand several church members occupying seats in different parta of the house. For a moment It looked like a knock out in favor of the woman, bnt the gen tleman was equal to tbe occasion, and straightening up ho remarked with his usual gravity, "It may bo that our members look and appear so much liko the world's people that I did not' recog nize them," Lewiston Journal. IVIilttler't Designation. Hero is a beautiful extract of ono of Whlttier's letters to Elizabeth Stuart Phelps: I have just been reading Canon Far rar's sermons on the "Eternal Hope," and I agree with bim in the title of one of them, that "Life Is Worth living," even If one can't sleep the biggest part of It away. Thee and I get more out of it, after all, than these sleek headed folk who sleep o' night. I quite sympathlzo with thee in what thee say of the "causes," Against all my natural Incli nations I have been fighting for them half my life, "Woe is me, my motherH I can say with the old prophet, "who has .borne me, n man of strife and conten tion." I have suffered dreadfully from coarseness, eelf seeking, vanity and Btn pidity among associates, as well as from the coldness, open hostility, and, worst, the ridicule of the outside vorld; bnt I now see that it was best, aud that I needed it all. Century. Palling Memory. Leech was at his best as anntcrtainer in bis own home. Dean Hole asked him one day, after Leeci had given blm a delectable dinner at his lodgings In Scar borough, how be made such good cham pagne cup. "Tha Ingredients," he re plied, 'iof wh,ich this refreshing bever age is composed, and which is highly recommended by the faculty for officers going abroad and all other persons stop ping at home, are champagne, Ice and aerated water, but In consequence of ad vancing years, U&vays forget the selt zersExchange!' W Don't Uell.T It. i nusband (to -wife at tbe theater) Have you bronght the opera glass? Wife Yes, but I can't tise It. "Why nott" ' "I forgot to bring my diamond brace let." Texas Sittings. An Chance llt. A decade had elapsed. In that iriod vast clianges hail been wrought, women were admitted to all fields of human endeavor and the avoca tions formerly considered to belong to the sterner sex exclusively were open to all. In a quiet resort, somewhat removed from tho busiest thoroughfare, one man chanced to ask another for a chew of to bacco. Thence the conversation turned by easy stages npon the evils of tha day. ."Bill" - The man with a look of settled despair In his dark brown eyes was Bnbdued in his address. "it's getting so a fellow without a wife has Just alwut got to starve." "Yes." "It's a shame tho way the women have crowded ns out of business." "True," Both remained in silent meditation for a moment. "But then" The look of settled despair was some what less pronounced for a moment. "we should be grateful that Prov idence has left us pre-eminent in one call ing, Thank heaven, they can't compete with us lu dressmaking." It was a comforting thought, to be tare, Detroit Tribune, ' Lav1 StraLffr. An Ingenuity worthy of a better cause was shown by a man and his wife in the lockup at llath the other day. They were in separate bat adjoining cells, and managed to keep up domestics happiness under these difficulties by playing a game of btgb-low-jack through a crack In the partition. Lewiston Journal, SonllMs Corporations, Child I don't believe the canal oom panles cares much for children. Mother Why notr Child In the summer they put the water In, so well get drowned, and In the winter they let the water out, so we can't skate. Uood New. La grippe has made aooh terrible rav agesamoBg-ns that tbe smile that once arose when rf enttee waa made to It has bow changed Into a grave and very sni os axpreaalaa. ( N. H. Downs' Elixir WILL CURB THAT Cold AND STOP THAT Cough. n&i tood the teat for 8IXTT TEAJtt vnd bee proTcd Itself tha beet remedy known for the cure of Cn$umption, Cought, Cotdt, Whooping Couff, and tl Lung It$a4e in young or old, Price Ko., 60o., and 11.00 per bottle. SOLD EVERYWHERE. BoldbyW.F.nterr. will be paid for a recipe enabling us to make Wolff's Acme Black ing at such a price that the retailer can profitably sell it at iocabottle. At present the retail price is 20c This eSr h open until Jsmisrr 1st., 1893. For particuljre address the unucrslgDtu. Acme Blacking is made of pure alcohol, other liquid dressings are made of water. Water costs nothing. Alcohol is dear. Who can show us how to make it without alcohol so that we can nuke Acme U lacking as cheap as water dressing, or put it in fancy pack ages like many of the water dressings, and then charge for the outside appearance in stead of charging for the contents of the bottle? WOLFF & ItANDOLPII, Philadelphia. P8K-ROSSS Is tne name of a paint of which a 25c bottle 1-, enough to make six scratched and dalled cherry chairs look like newly finished ma. hoganies. Itwilldo many other remarkable things which no other paint ctin do. All retailers sell it, For aTliorough Training In BUSINESS or SHORTHAND. It will pay jou to visit the AMERICAN BUSINESS Collene, Centre Square, Allentown, Pa. Tli ft molt Thorouirfc. Rest ItetulateiL And Finest Equipped Commercial Training School In Pennsylvania, Qi SKPAItATK 13C DEl'AKTMENTS T!5 rrlif- CoMrETKST fJXgUb IsmuUCTORS. Mast fraction. Course at Honest Kates. Uetneen30Uaml 400 Mtulf ntt Annually. Student AHv-WtM in i)ninir tmiitinni. Httiil for catnioKue or call at offlce. O 0. DORNEY, Prin. t3T" Pleaw mention this paper. 0-27-Cm CURE Elck SwtUche and roller nil tha tnrablM fncf dent to a btlltms Uta of tha rttem, inoh a Ilulnei, Ktvosea, Drowilneu, DUtru After eating. PUn la tho fildo, &o. Willi tlielrmoati resaukablo anccua taa Wa taowa la coxing , 1 Held tclie, yet Carter's Llttla XJrer TOlM u equally vtvltiablalii Conatipatton. curing and pre venting UiinnojlBff 00m plaint whlla thejalaa cormtaUdUonlenofthestomacnUmuUtatho llrerandregtiUtaUiaboweU. JEraolf Uwjoaly HEAD AebatheywouUtlmotrclewtottif3MwtiiJ utter from tbia diatrelng complaint, but form nataly their goodneudoea notend bere,and t hoca whooncetry them will find theaa little plllaTalo able In to many wayi that they will sot be wil lisg to do without Uifim. Bui after aU tick hea4 ACHE 'ii tea b&cft ef ao many Urea that hora la vharl wsaakecmrgTeatboaat. OurpLllacuraltwhlla other do sot. Certer'a .Little Iirer PMj ire very araall an4 Tery caiy to take. Oueor twoflllamakdadoee. They are atrtotly vegetable and do not gripe or purpfl. bnt by Uvsfr gentle action pleaaaatl whu twethem. IarlalsatSSceutt j flveforSL Sola by drucgU eTexjnlwre. or eent by mall. CARTER MEOI01NK CO., New York. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICt CAVEATS. DESIGN PATENTS. COPYRIGHTS, ato. Rrerr Mtent taken out br n 1 brntisht h. , Am, to pubtla bj a nolle gltea f re of chars, in laa Larrest circulation of any sclealjfl. paper In tb world, eplendldlr lUustrmUa. No lutaUlgent man should b without It. Wvrktr, 3,(Jt a part SUO SIS months. Address MDNN A CO UBLuuim, 30 1 llroadwar, Nsw Vot t Gtr. PElR(E (OLLKE or BUSIES A b ft. cUm oommercKs tchool tffordintf rMnflet Muiini'Bl Ii UinnMB life) lu. tnxn U i rii lt taut, lur U-Bvl t41 tu ft I i.mmm IXtrmiuixU) IMWTOpbj aAU betlU tvdtjtxi to ' LU'lOstt ' 0T1 Ot ItiHrucUto.Bnd a pelolly r. .tw '.to ofvuilt Utiun hM bsMtQ intjuAcd ilh new furnttar. Ac Mlfitx oj-n mil nmm r n atitm ullmrt, ifftfUmf Ftvll ind W'utT urn ymglat TuUf 6pt, Ctb, tt J.ppllMlifmWiiknoiydjr rt nroilmQt uouta Fnr d Ik AcDUil, 8hothru. AnwMnrvtnent GruaiMiic rW i b, . .11 or adJrMt TBoa Mat PiiitrE I'ii I I'tIdcIM nd Fuaodar. ftMnrlBuildinc r'i;ttyUriuitbl..TbUa(Ulr4uUi' 1 1 your Uieta otw mlM m Croup, hv( Muitj isd U taken TDH) jndot 1 Lavt plijakua c ni4 m- IUUMT 1011, Belditi's Remedy I tatttUsjM,bnar pnvtfer.ud I the txilf aifs-mar, or iiMaa . rriev c. a tutu t MairW J Mttfuta.MV4 IW nth ' FATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL. CONFIDENTIAL. it i. v. r. nmi, m wilts Tiimi. cn:ii8.ia LADIES Atfti -VBSE8 Coats tkJackets ln-lhe verr Neatest Styles anil al the Lowest Trices at E. JET. Snyder's,- alw a tub He ef Fino Dfess Goods, That can't be matched lu this tovn or eount; tot Style Quality orPrieet, See Our Goods Before You Buy. FOR SALE. A fasrm sMoa4d la TomMiMUur tawnsitlD. Otirloa ouftty, Pa.. aMMa ila aUhM Irom Writ piMrt, oa ra4 Mullag toatatalM uawasrds ol ajtmtrfckatv. I irn ssMpUe to Krase- Umd (Wlta mmi ntstolsur all(K nar rmino. aud with sJlnfc-r miibulkll! atnnts nmprtsluir a TWO HToH UtAMK DWBL tlNU nOl'SK lH.'l (el, illi a wiiii; Uslut. a frame biuk bum lti wngou M0 (t nnd 4tll ttther uecer outliuililliigk Titrnis ut nltr will b mii'lv hnntvit it JOUs, KtBIUt, . larrtt . ) a. ift iifiri 1 b ii iiiiii if iUyUUU CARTERS! BRITTLE n pills. Sttfio American M 11 lb, suvet 1 (mi m bmv betur tfcU I wotild r4 lA jislT't " J 1 UB bit, KIAflM; aU rrn . Way. WlllMttwtw sUl J Sucb 5 COKDEHSED Aeat Makes in everyday convenience of an old-time luxury. Pure and wholesome. Prepared with scrupulous care. Highest award at all Pure Food Expositions. Each package makes two large pies. Avoid Imitations and Insist on having the NONE SUCH brand. MERRELL & SOULE, Syracuse, N. V. FUItNITUHE, UNDEUTAKimt FLOUlt FEED. Robt. N. Anthony, (Successor to J. F. Ttei, Kast Welssport.) WILL CONTINUE TO BE THE BEST PLAOE TO BUY Furniture, Flour & Feed. at th Lovtest Prices. Give us a call. No trouble to show Goods, H. N. ANTHONY. GO TO SWEENY' "Corner Store" Dranaes, " Lemons, Bananas, Nuts, Apples, Cfilejy, Cranlrc, Grapes, Table Raisins, Confec tions, Fancy Baskets, Qieens- ware, ani a Ml line of Nice Groceries. Lowest prices, good treatment, prompt delivery Call and See Us. Corner Store, LEHIGHTON PA. Now is Your Time! 20 RtiilHintr I nts Fnr Salfi! , 0 - - - Don't wait, but come at once and buy one of these beautifully located lota. You will be sur prised at tho view they afford and the price will be sure to please you. . No trouble to. show you around. C7all on either A". P. SNYDER, or II. J. HONQEN. East Welssport Fa ELYS Catarrh Cleanses the XasalPssseges3 Allays Tain and Inflammation, Heals tin Ceres, Kestores the Senses of Taste and Smell. TBYT EES .HA1 A particle Is applied Into each nottrlland Is agreeable, rrlc SO cents at Druggists; by mall. Registered, v KI,Y BKOS8 Wai arr.n St., Nan York Actministrator's Notice. Kfttoteof rETERDHKlSBACIIjAteof Frank UnTwrk. Carbon county. Pi., deceased. AU persons lndebte4 to said Klat are requested to make ImmedlMe payment, anrf ttions rtavliut lesal clatmi it gain it the same Hill present thni without delay tu uroier order for settlf meet to H. I. LKVAN, AtTin. Jos. Fibber. Attorney. Mailt. Chunk. Dee 31, inyi fcw? . Administrator's Notice. Estate of Polly Kresge, late of Franklin Two.. Carbon county, Va., defused. All persoua m dehted to said estate are resauested to make 1m mediate payment and those natlng legal claims apalutt the same will present them without de lay In proper order torsettlemsnu AUSTIN BOTER. Jan ll,lM4w Adraiulitrator Act on a nc principle lerolstt the Utw, Momach and bowtda tkrwgh Ou iurvdi. Db. Milks' Pcxa ' ipesdltv curt fcllionsneaii, torpid Urir tad coaitlp a KM AXLE GREASE BEST IX THE WORLD. llfWMrloi QUsUltlMr mwirpssail. svcttuTl CRiUIbsj two txvsi of ur otber brtvnd. Not FOR 81LE BTDEALgESOEUERALLT. lift Cnrt ConamDtln. Coarha. CrtraD. Sor Throt So'd iY all Dranitiu oa On For a Lam side, uack or cheu onuon'a rorooa Plaster will fits trwi suUtctto $ casta, 8HILOH'S VITALIZBR. af ra. T. 8. Hawkins, OinU.noj.a,T8niisTS tontidritUubatremiiforadciattatdMitem Itnrmti." Far Drtpiipria, Urar or Kttntj truubl It eieala. Prteeltcta. CATARRH REMEDY. IlaTSTOUQatarritl TrTtolsBemeajr. Iltrul rellrr aid (Jure jott. iPru:. 60 a This 1 1 lector for tu suoMMf nl ireatinent Is furobb4 frM. HhtUih'. itameai. are eoldbr us oa a I (uarantMteitvstatlafactlun, 1 FOK SALK Br Dr. 0 T. Horn, LehiRliton, Pa IEWIS' 98 LYi lm 73WII1Q AKS fttriTXXO (fATSMYaU) T. f-f-W s4 irt). Lf4t). rl tfc4 L. ti U4.. ft MsW mmt ltU ta fm mUt. iwiaUl tU. tM mmm- V ye rtmif sW m Witt rit M fasttMV UaUtWatM eta. a. , TiSS4 ra ij, n X72tff swaawS v'c Iaa1 if -FEVER V aUJ biu ' W " two. muaurrjca. (iiiuvb -t UAZ-s" eurtt 1 o n dotw.2 5 ots. f p r Ramptai) urn as drutrsxltt. CTi" I ferTlllM 14. tV, EUUrt, tkL I eHJLOH'S A POINTER td Buyers. We offer just now a special in- "viiauon to our mends and patrons to come and see us. The summer is fast fleeting and we will make special prices to sell out our summer goods in order to hnve n full swing on our full and winter stock of Dry Goods, Notions and Ready-Made 71otliing. We have no room to quote prices, but they are low enough. Don't miss this opportunity hut come at incc Then too, we are the recognized headquarters for lor all kinds of Groceries, Fruits & Vegetables in Season at the lowest of very low prices. Prompt and corteous treatment to all and it is no trouble to show goods, Orer ,. Kuntz &Co. Canal Bililge East Weisspoi t. THOMAS' Drug :: Store FIKST STREET, LEHIOnTOX. PA "Ton't foigrt that wo kpep the J--' Boat Line of Pocket Knives Raeore, Razor Strops, Soap, &c. Hre guarantee every Razor or will exchange. Fine TFines, Liquors nnd Cigars. Fresh Beer and Porter. FREE LUNCH every day from D:00 to 12:00 a. m., and every Saturday even. Ing. Call and see me. I will treat you right. ' Opposite th Carries; Works, North First Street, Lehighton. THE SUN.. During 1893 THE SUX will be of surpassing excellence and will print more news and more pure literature than ever before In Us history. The Sunday Sun Is the greatest Sunday Newspaper lu th world. Price Be. a copy. By mall, 82 a year mall, Mb year Dally and Suntly, by mall $3 a year Address THE SUN, New York. Executor's Notice. Estate ot ADAM RROEL, late of Franklin T p.. Car tHMi conn ty.l'u., deceased. All person indebted to said Katate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having legal viauiia natiJ3i. iiir saiiir itiu iirrsrnt liioni Willi- out aeluy In jiroper order for wttletneut to Al'N'lIN BOYKR, Jan. M, tsm-Tw Kxecutor. Executor's Notice. Estate ot JANE 110YHI1, late of Franklin Th p.. Carbon county la drfrasd. All peraons Inilrlitisl to aald Kstate are rwiuestr il t4i uiakt Immtillaie pa)in?nt, and thus hating Iraal claims against the same will present them with. nut ii.i.v ii, urimrr omcr i"r sriiivmrui in AUSTIN HOVKH, DM23,tB9J- ' Eirculor. Plana anil Ors-an Tantnt; anil ltpalrlnr, R. E. Smith, graduate In tuning of tbe New England Conservatory of Muslo, Boston, Mass. Work guaranteed Simile tuniug of pianos, 2; 4 times a year, K. Address, Manch Chunk, it Attention! Busincss Men BANKERS, BROKERS, BOOKCEPEltlS, LAWVKM, OFFICIAL. Abstract Makers. Insurance Wrlterr. Clerks. And all nhose Business Requires Wrlituii. Do not deface your books by scratching. Use Tb Ink Eraslna Elertroslne feucll wttlcrj works Instanlancously and docs not abrade the paper. A neat and clean s( ot Books Is apprettated h$ flotMl Business lieu. Address all orders to (let) eralAsent K. V. KimilNlilt. Htemleisvllle, Uarb in county. Pa. frlc as, 6 and To cents. 1AWFER, tha barber, opposite the Opera House, cuts hair, shares and does every thing In nrst-claasstil Drop In and see hint. Closed on Sundays. Toilet Article, (or sale. a TUBEK'S H1IAVINU HALOOI. opposite the advocate Office. Is hxdnurtra harinir. bair cuttluz and ihiununotiir. Fart !. lar attention paid to cutting ladles taut and tillUrcu'i lUlr. Toilet arllelea for tale. I.'liolc CiRan, Call. GO TU KRS. KODKItEK, undettbe Kxebanxr Hotel. Bank street, (or a ainoutb aUaiikora ishlonable hair cut. tV Cloaed on HnbtUy'a Koeder1 IIlr tonic, cure Dandruff. We earn In utock a full line ol f ncy toilet art Idea at tow estprlcei. and o are tho oolypUcv In town where you can buy liender'i Cream lor thef are. pU.CAMfDKLL.overthe Canal Hrt.Ue.Eait - WelMiiort, cutihah. aliavca and tiAiijino In atyla. Give me a cftlL You can also uj Hy num. Hair tortlff.&e , at the err loueti price!, PENNY-A-WORD COLUMN. Waiita" of alt kind, To Lett." "For Hale," "For Kent," Kte.. InMrUd under thU ltd at one peunyamord iemeek. No alncle Iuut tlon tor leja than tvn ceoU. Olitaiest and lxi adrertlilnitobtalDAble Cuh iuot alwaya ae eonpny the copy u1mb otherwU arranved for. Uouat your Mordt iiut tend rui. Uiw Monday. Tueadar. Wediwday or Tliur4a . Von Kent-A six room dwriliec houfte on Brtdektreetof)puttb rtoiure, Wtupan mHfjOOafear. Apply to Jm. I.iclar. Mai-rb Chunk. 1.711 BooK-KtaJ-ra-KtuaUoii wuted JuawManl hook-keeptrin a flMrnill aui lair oenroiu and undenland book'keepirtjt and eonditetlai unipofidfAW prfUy well. Fur turtber re ft rent apply B, k w.HarrttyPa. unit Oibl Wamvu A good xri to do hoiuvtwoik lUgbt 111) A WJ Ml C. 11. tVMH, ur Ightoo, ma vuitr mu or lyb Wd U r4inm aM Vi km aokl Appi r Mra p K, CutWa, Both In flni bep for ch HARD NUTS I don't merely make tluitc llbernl ofTfr. hut I ram lliatn net S to the letter. Do vou wnnt n "r't?"' uinu i winch otlicragenH sell from $125, to $150 dnllnrs, I will soli jou nil you want for $85, on easy payments. A domett Up. right Piano for $250 dollars that other agents as.k 350. I can get almost any make Organ or Piano that is made, and I will here say go and get prices elsewhere, bring the Catalogue with ttnn ntirl T .lit a .1 . 1 . J"u y "i guarantee-mat icnn savoyou rrom $V5 to $75 on nn Organ anil from $100 to &KiO dnlln rg nn n I'mnn unl, - avu t tir nfraid to mil and sue me. I won't woiry th liA? out of you to sen, ncr wm i put an instrument in the house, unless you want me fo do so. I will sell you the Lawrence 7-ootave Piano Organ for $85, now, go to Allontown and sea if'vnu ran , nn - j wa i uui tn less than $125. Do you want n Standard Sewing JUnehine, that other agenU sell at $50. My price is $30. The Davis at $25, $80 and 85. nuu iuuii-nuu m .j.jti. cottage !Ji5. I liese are eye openers, hut Aiiron is in it and to stay. I want tho people to know that when they pay orer $S6 tor a Sewing Jnchine it is money thrown away. How about, Wuehing Machines, I roduced the price to $6, now anyone can buy. Oh ye high price agents I am after you and your TTar Prioes. Respectfully, A. Near, the Lehigh mm A HAPPY NEW YEAR MaR! lth us NEW noons and rsneaed cITorta i""A!:?andkVHILU.KKJf'ss"SandOVKHC()ATS over our coinwrs. BiyRa U lim Ki nil iNfTSS'h'.,11. Mr low " stock olXw.Pr.tu and VSim ion t&& 2tf 5.5S kill !MC" "f lcJf w P.roI dispose ol rather than carry to annoSSrsii: S?i..?2t,v f ,'i?7.&iT,?M ? equal Shnin 10 nf m oppnrtunltls which UI b. aaordedi aW8Lf iilftf grcatand unusual salaeaoffereJl In erery deparlmsat t Sasoo Special Overcoat Mention. All onr Tin lis Over.oals redufed to 110; $11 to lxo, and 110 toll. ire Jfol9c!&i,JiliSill?!&XA VB'S. "nnents In tha newesfthadea. HQ. ureas 01 uvaitcuATS mnst b sold at th wontlertnl prices. f2o. s.10 and as Oreeroe ornV On io and u Shetland stonHOoat.ln tlray, Brown and oilorti Clolora wffi ?cloMdout aMrSt lVTpn'Q Snita 150 sS'tplish All-wool Suits formerly nble Business Suite formerly $8.50 now $5.50. MEN'S PANTALOONS-SPECIAL. 500 Pairs (Stylish Pantaloons, positively worth $3.50. we sell them at $2. 1000 Pairs Heavy Pantaloons, all bright, new ffcods worth $?; our price 1.25. 200 Children's Suits, 4 to 13 years, worth $1.50 came in too late for the season; will be sold at $1.25- 450 Children's Overcoats and Storm coats nil to lie closed out to make room for Spring Goods. If you want to save dollars-you can do it here-best of anywhere. Happy New Year lo Yon! Wisbinz Yon (&ib of Oor Orercosts or SniU. Kocli & Sliankweiler. Lamest aifl .Finest (Mini. House in tne Valley, CENTRE SQUARE, ALLEN f OWN. PA. IS HEADQUARTERS FOR GENERAL HARDWARE, Paints, Varnishes, Glass, ALL KIND OF COAL, OPS. PUBLIC SQUARE, Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa Wall P.apers. Borders, Decorations, Pictures. C. .A.. GOTH. BOWER'S BIOCE, Opposite ItT&ste Good One reason why Scott's Emulston of Pure Nor wegian Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda has had such a large sale is because it is "Almost as palatable as juilU;" biir the best reason is that its curative properties are unequalled, It cures the cough, - supplier the waste of tissues, produces flesh and builds up the entire system. Beott's Kmulslon cures Cougha, Colds, Consumption, Scrofula, - and ull Anaemic and Wasting Diseases. Prevents wasting; In children, almo.l a. palatable as milk, Uti unljr Iiir crnulnr. ft. )rl liy doott & Ilowne, Ctifmisu, New jork. Hold by all Druggists. he Cheapest For Wnll Pnpor, Borders nnd Decorn tionB at Owen Relrig;oT:Vtrer' The li,-CHt ANortnieut in Hie Comity tosefkt from. THE POSITIVE CURE. TO CRACK. a. vi a mi UK UI IflsJ JolIpr TTni-ll.t p;.n'ft xnc American and rVhite F. SNYDER, Bridge; Weissport. mm to I For tho next few months tho great question of interior decor, ntion nnd house painting, will he the leading consideration of property owners Let us make n suggestion lor ybu You want done rigM ; we can do it for you at reasonable figureH, or wo wilt sell you the wnll pnper nnd decorations. Come nnd see; let us tnlk the matter over ami we know thnt we can please you. P, p., LEHIGBTOH, PA. Emulsion Place in Town rra