KSTAUI.ISIIHD 1179. . The Carbon Advocate rttlKTF.D KVKRT SATITHDAT ftY Harry V. Moithlraor, Sr. OFKICE-Si'ller's niook, North First Street. Letilgtitori, fa. this Paper lias bee aceepteil at the IlilUtn l'osl oftfce as Second Class Matter. SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 11 1803. Our Circulation 1408 NEWS OF THE WEEK. Saturday. F.b. 4. Senator Gray of Delaware and eGoTer nor Bole, of Iowa hava aach refused cabinet positions -Senator Hill gives notice that he Trill call up the bill to repeal the Sher man allrer act Jlonilar Stella Bright- Tii an ot Rockvllle Center endeavored to lop with a Klckapoo Indian from a medl- etna thow New York and eastern manu facturera generally are unable to get apaot M th. WorUl'a fair Senator James Smith, Jr.. waa given a reception by New Jerssv twllUcIan. of both parties The Reading Goal company will endeavor to get a foreign trade- -Hereafter Mr. Cleveland remains at Lakewood, hit country seat, until Inauguration- The congregation of the propa ganda leaned a papal proclamation to the tJatbolla arcublshops of Amerloa reepeot tag Mgr. Satolire nomination aa apostolic delegate- There Is a possibility of all the English troops ordered to Egypt being landed there at onoe Wall street stocks were less active Jack Clifford on trial for murder in connection with Homestead riots. Judge decides that the employment of PlnVertons was legal and will not allow counsel to raise Questions upon that point Mr. Cleveland held a conference with Senators Gorman and Carlisle, DaDtel 8. Lemons, Don M. Dloklneon and Joslah Qolneey. Senator Carlisle affirmed his appointment to the cabinet The Bell Telephone company'e patent on Its receiver will expire on March 7, Rivals are coming Into the field Edward H. M. . Just, a wealthy Harlem property owner & and retired manufacturer, oemmitted eut ctde In his office Hawaiian oommlulon- era arrive In Washington and are Intro duced to the president Testing of the dynamite cruiser Vesuvius oonunues suo- cesafnl A guard la necessary over the grave of Mr. lilalne to keep vandals away United States Lawn Tenets association meets In New. York Railroads fix rate to Chicago during World's fair of fJS from New York and return and to Washington at 9 cents a mile Boston tad Maine have leased the Connecticut Hirer railroad for W years A bill has been Introduced In Minneapolis legislature against manufac ture, sale or use of the boopsklrt. Monday. Feb. 0. Mrs. Whitney, wife of Ex.Secretary of the Navy William C.Whitney, died In New York of heart failure Anna Dickinson sues the physicians who put her In the In sane asylum for 1123,000 damages Isador Straus, a prominent antisnanner of New York, is mentioned in connection with the postmaster generalship of the Cleveland cabinet Rev. Dr. John It. Davles ac eepted the pastorate of the late Dr. How ard Crosby's ahnrch, New York Dr. Cor nelius lien is critically ill in London Miss Sallte Clarlnca Koop ot Brooklyn, who was bridesmaid at her twin sister's wedding last Wednesday, committed Sul ci (Is by shooting herself four tlmsa, first having taken an ounoe of chloroform Medical Society ot the State of New York will hold Its 67th annual meeting in Al bany Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday While searching In a bllxzard at Har rison, Mich., for hts missing daughter, Henry Graham perished In the snow al most within reach of his own door The postofflce and store ot J. W, Van Hoeseu and the meat market ot L. Corcllius in Castleton, N. Y., were robbed. From the postofflce waa obtained 13 in money and over MOO worth ot stamps A warrant has been Issued for the arrest of the Rev. L. O. Stevens, ex-pastor of St. Luke's Episcopal church at St. John, N. ., charged with having alienated the affec tions of the wife of Leonard Naee. Stevens la a native of Boston and a graduate of Harvard college There Is no longer any doubt aa to the early opening of the Chero kee strip to settlement, aud business eliduses, prospective settlers and town com panies are ail preparing for the rush The Hawaiian envoys will await further advices from Honolulu, which are ex pected to reach San Francisco Wednes day At a political meeting in Essex, Canada, a vote was taken regarding annexation, with the following reaultt In statue quo, 31; independent, 13; im perial federation, 8; annexation, 418 John Dillon, antl-Parnelltte, warned the amnesty agitators in parliament that they are pntllng home rule In peril Floods In Queensland have oaused enormous lose to property The little king of Spain, who baa scarlatina, Is convalescent -Dr. William Coolldge Stone died at his home In Lakewood, N. J, Tuesday, Feb. 7. Senate refuses to repeal the silver bill, 4S to S3 Before the senate committee Chemist Veazey produced H whisky at a ooat ot 11.31. He said the stmt represented one-half the liquor business of the ooun try Governor Flower vetoed the Brook lyn bill and sharply rebuked the effort to legalize the expenditures for Kings coun ty's Columbian celebration The Ameri can oonimtuloner for King Tebnriemo of Butaritarl, one of the Gilbert islands, has forwarded to the state department a pro test from the king against the forcible seizure ot his islands by the British government, while negotiations were progressing wnn tne united states, lie asks for the protection ot the United States or for annexation Al gernon Charles Sartorls, who married Nellie, the daughter ot the late President Grant, died In Capri. The couple have not lived together for some time King George and the queen of Greece are In Zante inspecting the havoc caused by the earthquakes A new play called "Becket" waa produced In London, with Henry Ir ving In the title role Wall street stocks were' less active owing to the defeat of the motion in the senate to call np the bill for repealing tne anerman law Honorary pallbearers Included Prealil.ut Elect Cleve land tor Mrs. Whitney's funeral, which took Place at St Bartholoruew'e church, New York It Is understood that an out line ot a plan for the annexation of the Sandwich Islands has been completed and nlll be read at the conference with Jhe Hawaiian commissioners Charles Colne, who was secretary of the American Panama committee, testified be fore the special committee ot the house of representative concerning the operations of the committee in this country John Griffla of Bralntree, Mass., and William Murphy of Australia, featherweights, (ought at Coney Island for et.OOO. The Australian was knocked out in seven rounds Mary Ann Uoody, au eccentric hermit living near Medina, N. v., was found frozen to death A petition was presented In the Massacliueette house for the abolition of the death penalty aud asking that imprisonment fur life be sub stituted Johu Cooper, alias Thomaa O'Donnell, waa sentenced In Syracuse to life Imprisonment at hard labor in Au burn state prison for the murder of George L. Cottle at Skaneatelea Junction on Nov. 9 Steven U. Boyd was admitted to prac tice law at the bar in York, Pa. Professor Boyd did not begin to read law until he was SI years old. tVeduesday, Feb. ft. World's fa r directors tell eastern manu facta re rs that It Is expected all applicants for ftpace will contribute Foreordluatlon of sinners to eicrlastlng pain rejected by the Elizabeth (N. J ) presbytery Wil liam V Alleu, Populist, is elected aenstor from Nebraska by the combined votes ot Independents and Drmi crats Wall treat stocks Inactive, but strong Evi dence obtained by the Panama Investigat ing committee of congress show enormous disbursement ot money for which the canal company did not receive an equlva lent The Russian extradition treaty has been ratified by oongress, with an amend went including attempts to kill the ozai er any member ot the royal family The house of commons voted confidence In the (Jladetone government, !f7o to 1U0 The negotiations for the transferof ths Old colony railroad to the New York, New Haven and Hartford are completed The Hlbot cabinet's refusal toluterfsre dlreotlv In the matter of getting an extension of the j'anamacauet concession was sustained uj the chamber of deputies-?, to St Wll Hem Walter Phelps waa unanimously con firmed by the New Jersey senate as lay fcage of the court of errors and appeals The bark Alios went ashore near Baroe lei Inlet, N J Three of her crew were dyowued and IS were rescued by the breech es buuy -Serious damage from floods threaten atiuburg aud eastern Ohio A iauO-000 fire occurs In the CougreM street shoe district of llostoa Water Is St) feet (teeptn the principal streets of Urlsbaue, , . ii . , bi.. .. , . , " - wee 01 cholera dsvelorjed In four dava at Map eiUee-J.li Clifford, accused of killing Plnkenon detective at Homesteail, U Aoqtuttsa iseuiensas reary aatsouuave sus aecona arctic expeoiuoa wm atan xom Phlladslptus, lo June Mssssehtt- setts UAH. eacampmeut uiests- Uis- 80a ana I htea4ro oonvene by te t onneal icul ramie msnafaaiuntfa so ret Lleuuaant (eovertwur fecieehsa aa4 4-txssmasi LocAwooJaredefendingBuf- To-dts Advocate Is an expoMtlon of the popularity ot our paper. Although wo are crowded for room, yet thl Issue speaks eloquently br to the enterprise and spirit of our people. A town Is known by Its newspaper, the Advooatb Is Lehlghton's newspaper, and we liepe to continue In the favor of all our people. I'roinpt Payment. The Ueverttns Funii Association, of Philadelphia, have through ther gene ml Agent, James II. Unger.of South liethlohem, paid to Mrs. Fianna Buck, of Franklin township) 81,000 on the II fn nf Paul Htiok-. deceased. ine oiatm was paid .10 days before It was due, which speaks volumes for the manner In which the company pays Its losses. A Chance to Hear Ell Pertains. r.it Parkins will lecture at Slatlnnton on Monday evening, Feb. 20, 1893. at 8 o'clock. Arrangements have been made with the Lehigh valley rauroaa Company to have suitable train accom modations after the lecture so that 1'arryvllle, Lohlghton and Welssport people can return home the same even lug. Committee. USE DANA'S SARSAPAR1LLA. ITS "THE KIND TIIATCURES.'' AUUKNltlEl). -The Audenrled Welch Choir was organized on Friday evening with eighty memoers. itoi. vy m. nuicmun Is the leader. A lllll to Perfect Clothing Bayers. A 810.00 bill will bur you an all wool suit or overcoat worth at least $15.00. You will And the best men's and boys' clothing by calling at the One Price Star Clothing Hall, Mauch Chunk, 1HSAVF.11 MKADOW. Coxe's Beaver Meadow colliery, which has been shut down for some time and which was expected to resume operations ou March lBt, is not itgeiy to begin work until April. The night schools of the township have closed with the exception of the Jeanesville school, which holds its hut session to-nignr. lo Yon Want Shade Trees T L. J. Heldt. of Second street, has ac cepted the agency here for a first-class nursery Arm, and will be pleased to supply all who are In need with flne fruit and shade treos, grape vines, Ac, at low prices. He also has for sale a tine lot of seed potatoes. Call and see hlra. A New Hotel Proprietor. (leorne Kimball, for many jears the proprle- lor anu lanuiurti ui uiun -, ,m. .... Irom the hotel business Slarrti.1. He Villi have a pnbllo sale to dispose ol the futures, inein coming lundbrd Is Clinton J. struuss, otTrum bauersvllle, llucks County, who Hill take pos aet.lnn Marrli 0. Mr. Straim Is an exnerlenc- m! lintel man. He nlll beailtllv the Island and the larse grounds surroundltii; the hotel, and make lury's a desirable summer resort. Mr. htraussisa brother to rhaon Htniuss, oiuoal street. The ItUht Place lor Parties. Ellas Markley, at McDanlel's old stand, Eagle Hotel, Mahoning Valley, Is nrennred to accommodate sleighing and other parties, and furnish flrst- rioss reiresnments auamttsioinr uanc lug. Rates ot charges will be found to be as low as at any other hotel In the county. Jt An Important Fact. SAturd.ly, February II, Is the last day to file certificates of nomination lor borotiRh and township officers, for the spring: election to be held on February vt next. Tuesday, February 14, Is the last dav to Hie nomination patiers. The papers uiun or uieu nun me .niiijiiau vt iiinu nhip auditors. Dr. Danzer at the Exchange Hotel. Dr. W. F. Danzer, the well-known eye, ear and nose specialist of tiazle tou will be at the Exchange Hotel, on Friday, the 24th. Persons desiring bis services will please call. Heed Potatoes for Sale. A nice lot ot choice seed potatoes, also agent for prime nursery stock, guaranteed true to name, L. J. Heldt, agent, north Second street. Feb, 1, 5w 110 ! FOR ENZIANS ! Everybody Is on the rush to EN. ZI.VNS popular north end store where thov buy Pretty Umbrellas. Society Emblems, Beautiful Lamps In great as sortment at tno lowest prices possime. Join the big rush and some and see sis. Wanted. A number of young girls and boys can find hteady employment at good wages, by applying immediately to Johu Yost, superintendent Lehlghtou Hosiery Mill. tr. NKWSl'AI'KllS. tvtlte alnays Interesting and neasy Hazle- ion i i in Dueaaer is on lis inn volume wun 9 future that is ery bright. t:ry"The Democrat. Oaretle. Ttecord and Ad V(k.'atk print Carbon's annual statement. USE DANA'S SAHSAPARII.LA, lis "itir. ki.mj iiiAt liuitra. DIED. llimwN-At Phlladehibm. Hundav. Feb. 4. iar. Charles Hrovn, aced 35 ears. lutenuent Man mane ai jui aiaucu uiiuiib. O'Doksei.l At Sailors Hill, Audenrled, Feb. 7th, Itrtdicet Veronica, daughter of John and MaryO'Oonuel, aeed 10 months. Interment In Frenchtown cemetery. Law Mrs. Theodore Law, suddenly at her Hume minis place, on Meuuewiay ui imunixai bia.Vi. Annual Statement or THE PECEIPTSanu EXPENDITURES or CARBON COUNTY, For the Year Ending December 3M, 1892. JAMES T. MULHEAKN, Treasurer, in account with the County of Carbon. Dit. Jsn 2. I8U2 to halsrice cash on hsml as per last report 113,811 33 lteeelpts for Taxes. J.J Srfeecey.nanksTownshlp 'Dl.f 1,027 51 J. Sieigerwelt, Gsst PeDn,Twp.,92. 41 10 Msrlln Uhrlstmsn, K. M unuas -yi ids oo Milton Setssr, Frsnklln Twp,9l tM 61 W. 1). Itebrie. Ublrhton. ' 740 88 Jsoob Potter, Lacsanne " 22 27 Wm. Lewis, Mauch Chunk. 403 tfll J. J. Oerhsrt, Pscker, Top . " 48 3 J. V. Christmsn, Fenn Forest " 114 50 Ksllisnlel ureen, rarryyllle Us 30 Win. Milieu, Summit Hill, 07 01 O. II. Green, Towsmersing ' 129 12 W. W. Buck. Westherly ' 1,000 (0 JscobSsndel, Msucb Chunk, 1,110 53 Win lieuter, Lsullor.l, 173 13 Millsrd (Jets, Peon Forest '02 132 00 Wm. lleieter, LaDsford, ' 3,031 12 Jsoob 8tlerwall, Fsst Tenn, " all S3 O. II. Green, Towaroensing " 700 00 Wm. Shadel, Lehltbtou, " 3,0)1 20 J. J. Gerhsrt, Pscker, ' 1157 42 L. L. FinJley, Summit 1II1I, ' eoi 43 T. II. Evsns, M such Chunk, Twn. " 324 48 Milton Setter, Frsnklln, Twp, " 00.0 00 C. It Hoover, Westherly, " ,T0 00 II. H. Gumbert, Mahoning, 2,471 lr Ira Gets, Kidder, Twp., " 311 tl A. A. Washburn, Bast Bide, " 60 30 Geo. Kunkle,IvrerTewsuisusing" l5 II II. J. Doyle, Bsnks, Top,, " 2,033 77 II. J. Frits, letlgb. Twp., - 233 40 John Poller, Lausanne Twp., " 08 C8 Samuel Welch, Welssport, " 532 U0 Jaoob Sandel, Msueb Chunk, " 7,788 78 O, B F.ttr, E. M. Chunk, " 1,748 60 W J. Uuer, rsrryville, " 738 32 t!7,753 37 lteeelpts of Pnseate.1 liul Tales. Bsaks twp., lues 18W) 01 74 " 44 interest 44 44 Us.ee 1M1 44 44 Interest JOT 30 nast reiiTp.,tate, law m . ititvrvst 44 " 44 usee Isw.. Fraakllu Twp., law laeereei su -4" " tatss test 4 u IfttsaiaurhCtiuBk bor., Iais,w) Urn' .. .. - HrtVjm.. ! oo 44 " 44 44 lates PW it jo 44 44 " latweet.. 3t bssweriwp.. sassa, isw . lit It iwersei.. 44 Uses MM 44 latexi Lenten T p.. usee 1 i 44 taaee ipm.. laHlieS lA.werTowajnensttsj Tp 1JJO8 tl ft ., .. ui'.iiii ad Tv " " " intere.i 1 ! ; Tl taxes lMil. Inlerest IliU-rest . -lav. s tsal juUreal . S3 881 21 8 04 8 20 J8 2 IB II 01 8 list tie Si u tmm It 88 111 tMiai Fenn Forest Twn., taxes 1890 " " Interest.... ' " taxes 11 .. 44 . " 44 Interest .... let eft tl 98 an TowamenslnrTsp., taxes UW " Interest... Interest... tr " l.tn lull Interest.. Bis rarryvllle llor., taxes 44 interest 1S " " taxes net e Manelt Chunk Twp.,taves 1M0. M interest 4 11 taxes mi... 7ll " " Interest ll Weatlierly bor- taxes two 1M - mirresi." For Itenls raid. Keystone cttili, cue year woo noueit jiioiz . ' si no 10 oo J.J. UoiIe, coal Old Material Sold. .lolinCutv, old lumber I 9N I Horn, old Iron 1 no A. strotil, old lumber 3 oo ltedemptlon of Unseated t.ands Standard Metallic Paint Uom pany LTowamensingTvin.,.-! s tl ' P. A. IVirnMv' trapt. Kinder.. 37X20 Temporary Loan. Vn.lnnol KftnV urderto. aw... w County Share of ltetall Liquor LI censes. 06 Licenses, at tw each ssjioo no tl " " "0 each 3.070 on 1-8 due county tl 00 UilTm'.. Com. llooo at 0 per cent. 9 BO 00 luuuar i per cenv. v w ws at 1-3 per cent, 2 7 I 02 97 Danville Asvlam. Middle Uoat Field Poor Olst..f 615 is Penn Forest Ttrp Satis l.ov. cr lowamensniE xivp.,... soa i Taxes ltefande.1. State o( rennijlvAula 1 102 47 51 lur nr.w.. ,so- " " MforlSOI.... 1.4MJ7 Penn Forest Tp 12 75 isusanne iwp a I 3,103 30 For Lease of Lantl.t A. Kelper t Don ll. lienntng o "" For Taxes on Docket. $ 3 7 4 04 Election Expenses. state of Pennsylvania I Commissioners' IndSale olOnseated Lamis.. Total Receipts.. CK. Dy vouchers examined & op proved.. Bal on hand. Jan. 1 113 50 173 40 ..... 0,7i 79 - flLLOJI 1 Orders raid ns oer Vouchers Kxatiilned by the Andltors. 4nrt Expenses. Drand Jurors a 701 00 Traverse Jurors sou oj rem jurors..: i,ra Constables quarterly returns i aud tlpstave 414 IS Court stenographer 1H0 73 Court Crier. . toe on District Attorney 411 U Clerk of CourtsliViolhouotary 6i St Slierllt 's fee 107 CO Justices' fees , 143 3D Constables' lees 313 nil Witness fees 471 37 8 3,(03 07 Assessments and Itejrletratlon. Balance due from 2891. Banks Twp.. Jeanesville, dls. Itlchard coyle I 12 70 Lehtghton.Oeo. W. Diehl 44 40 Franltlln. W. 11. lleber 31 S3 Welssport, Austen Boyer 12 S3 rarr vine, Harrison llenrltzy. 7 23 lllooiulngdale.C. E. Kemaley., s ol E M. Chunk, lllram Hontz.... 30 CO Munch Chunk, 2 w. F.ll.MIUer 4M e.1 1'ackertou, M. A. Fegley 11 43 112 71 Unseated fjtnd Assessment. Mauch ChunkTnp., II. Bartolst 2 in I.Towaincnslngtwp.,W.Hnyder lo oo Lehigh tnp., A. Luhman tO( Special Assessment. K Mauch Chnnk.C. Stem 2 00 Franklin tnp., w. II. Iteber... lo oo 12 00 Triennial Assessment and Appeal. Banks tvp., Aiulenreld Dtst: Bernard Ferry, assessment.. C4 oo 44 44 appeal 10 on 74 00 Beaver Meadow t 8. E. Fatrow, assessment... 104 ro Thus. Brogan, -v 44 M oo S. E. Farrow, appeal 22 ol Jeanesvlltet It. J. Co) le, assessment 38 oo It. J. Colle, appeal 3 23 East Mauch Chunk: II. Hontz, assessment and appeal... East Peon Township: C. Keltrlg.assessmcut and appeal Franklin Twp i W. H, Kwber assessment and appeal . Kidder Northi D. (1. McLaud assessment & appeal Kidder south i Emory (leu, assessment and appeal l,Musanne Tup t Neil Bresltn assessment and appeal lohlghton Borough i (leo. Dield assessment and appeal.. Lehigh Tvp.i - A D. Luhman assessment Si appeal I., 'lowamelistngTwp.. Millport Dlsl: W. Mnydefassessiiient and appeal. Little Uap District! Geo. M. Henry assessment ft appeal nrntmsnstoHn District! . II. IMtz assessment and appeal Lausford Borou&hKast Wanli E. K. shoemaker assessmcnt&sppeal Lansford llor. West Ward i John Breslin assessment and appeal Lansford Dor. Middle Wardi J. L.Lewis assessment and appeal.. Mauch Chunk tup. Nesquelionfng Dist; W. H. Watktns assessment and appeal M Chunk Twp., Hackleberule Dlsti L A. Miller assessment and appeal Bloomingdale Dtst. Chas. lteroaley assessment & appeal Mauch Oliunk bor First Ward i A. ii, Peters assessment aud appeal Mauch Chun k bor- Second Ward i F. Ii. Miller assessment and appeal Mahoning Iwp Mahoning Dlsti A.U. M Uler assessessnient and appeal Malionlog T p-Fackerton Dlst : M. A. Fegley assessment and appeal Packer Tup., J.i , Blttner, appeal Parmlllebori II. llenrltzy.issessment and appeal 46 00 J. M.Bov, man assistant 10 10 Penn Forest Twpi LevlKucbner assessment and appeal.... A Summit Hill bor i M.J. Stout assessment and appeal 132 K Jas. MeMlchael assessment and appeal SO 00 Jas. McCounetl assessment and appeal so to Towainenslng Twpi N. btemler assessment and appeal . . 41 23 133 63 lis 33 174 00 35 71 57 W 50 70 86 00 105 00 103 00 102 00 00 48 OO 172 83 VYeatherly Don J it. liodsou. assessment aun apiieai Welssport bnrt a iiHti, lim er assessment and anneal Al Wmttlngdam delherlng assessment nouces lo nasi rron iuu ftiniiuiiing Jos. smith assessment notices II. W. Ksser 44 A. U. Peters wilting and serving notices... 300 27 HI 12 U) rirst lteglstry of Voters 1802. Banks Twp. Audenrled District John flurry 28 Banks Tnp. Jeanesville Dlst.- 11. j, fjo.ie ii 1 Banks Twp. Beaver Meadow Dlst. J P. Bles 32 75 Kast ttauch chunk, O. Stein.. . to as Fast renu.C. K- ltehrlg le 43 Franklin, Levi Horn 34 M Kast Side bor, N. M, Sml h 10 M Kidder North, D. (I. McLaud... 12 39 Kidder South. O. Wernet 10 10 Lausanne Twp. P. J. tlonnleg- ham 12 00 Lchlghum First Ward, w, 0. Miller. 20 20 Lehlgbton Second Ward.U. W, Dlehl 87 So Lehlgbton Third Ward,Samu'l Seller 21 13 L-rblgb Twp. A. Iailiraan 16 78 uiwrr J nwaiiieuaiag, aiiupois Jacob Wagner 17 20 LowerTowameiislng, Bowiaao4s E.J. Kuehner 1128 Lower Towamenslur, Little Gap, O.M. Henry 15 20 Lansford East Ward, W. W. Bobst 18 DO Lansford West Ward, james Brlsltn 2000 Lansford Middle WardJ. I Lewls 30 M Mauch ChuukTwn.Nesqurhna lng.lt. Norwood 28 70 Mauch Chunk Twp. Blooming dale, D. Ii. Scott 12 00 Mauch Chunk Twp. Hackle berule. II. J. Danzer Ii 00 Mauch Chunk bor. First Ward, &.U. reters as 10 Mauch Chunk Second Ward. N. Sterner 7; M IS Mahoning Twp. Mahoning Dlst, A. U. miiirr...-. v w Mnhoolng Twp., Paekerton Dlst. Alfred Backey IS 46 Packer Tnp. J. u, inttner It 70 Parryvllle bor, 11. Hrnrttzy 6 se Peuu Forest Tap. J. B. Snyder ll 30 Summit lllll bor. M. Boner,... HIM fowameuslng Iwp. Jonas 0. Beer II A Westherly ber. Robert Tall. . . 41 so Weissporl Daniel Graver 13 70 Second lteglstry, 1862, Banks Twp, Beaver Meadow, p. F McUarvey 8M 20 East Mauch Cbuak, o. stein... as to East Side nor., M. D. Smith.... 8 50 Kast Penn Iwp.. Chas. Kehrig. 17 00 Franklin Levi Horn.... 84 so Kidder North, D. G Mi-Laud.. IS 80 - South, C. K. Wemet.... 10 H Lausanne Twp J. Kennedy.... 13 aft Lesughion, First Ward, George Mlfier 31 10 Letilghton, Seeoad Ward, Geo. LehtijnVThVi'ward,'ri'm tk-IUr.... 1128 Xiih Twn. A. Luhman II M Isblih Twp.. A. LHbnun,., Lower Towameoiliig, MHlport, Jacob Wagner 14 16 Low r Tewameiutng, Little Osn,n.M. Henry 1888 Low er Towameoslrig.BowinAfts Laulord. But ward. W. W. Bobst , 90 78 Lssstsrd. West Want. James BrsslU),.. 19 38 ion .Tumi K -iwp., neso,ue- u.rxnorwooo. ts so ia iwp., tHoosuing- ikTss . Haukie- (1 Peters. v Moo Mauch UhunV, Beeoipt Ward, N. Sterner ,. 32 10 Mahoning Twp., Mahoning, A. D. Miller. 30 00 Mahoning Twp., fackerton, Alfred Raekev U i Pucker Tap., ,1. C. lilttner II on Parryvllle. II. llenrltzy 18 30 Penn Forest Twp., J. B-Snydcr. 14 30 Hnminit Hill. Manns Roner..!.. 31 10 Tms amensing Twp.oI. O. Beer. 1 vieftineriy. itooert tan ww Welssport. W. L. Kutf II J 441 Unseated Land Taxes. raid to Bchool Directors, Over seers or tne l-oor ana ouper- t-lsnr. their portion Middle Coal Field Poor District f 29 11 Penn Forest Twp........ 46 M mauer lownsuip ib wi lUnkft 4 1.10 63 Lower Tov.amenslngTwp...... 7 60 8402 40 Itoad Damages. Austin Boyer 8173 oo Andrews A Leopold. 23 oo AbrahamHenry 150 00 II. F. Frelndt... 20 00 Lewis Hartman 23 oo AleveslaHolt is 0 lletiben Sou 60 oo Cenoty Ttrldgee. Fast Mauch Chunk Bridge F. Mackl, measuring masorry 82 50 P. A. J. Binder, bal. pointing piers. 4121 Aaron Beting, railing for sidewalk 46 04 tv22 Parryvllle Bridge Levi Horn, labor and material 810 03 Adam Bachcs.lahorand (330 00 tnaienai S3 23 13 8 00 Polio Poco Bridge at Buck's Paul Btick.repatrs Bowman's Bridge Klstle & Horn.labor and material 8217 02 Samuel Seller, lumber... 63 to Maurice Bowman, re pairs 43 24 312 16 Poho Poco Bridge at Schoenbereer's Augustus Volt, stones.. 821 30 Nelson fit Buchsnannew bridge ... 2,100 CO Layma n Ziegenf ussfoun datlon , 14 80 2,138 80 Rockport Bridge Lev! Horn, masonry... 8562 50 Franz Alack), services.. 3 00 Nelson & Buchanan, bridge 373 00 1,140 50 Pennsvllle Bridge Jas. Balllett, materials, etc (l s, Mojer's Bridge Dennis Mover, repairs 23 8a Herman's Bridge James Balllett, repairs.....,,.. 21 M hast Haten Bridge C. Kleckner. repairs... 83S0 32 i... nrrner. panning... ice wi s. U. Best, repairs 48 23 K 87 Little Gfin Brldee- lieo. M. Henry, repairs Weatherlv Bridge Nelson &. Buchanan, . sidewalks 8350 ro J. C. Sendel, paid lor painting 13 04 ua 04 strnhl's Bridge N. F. Rtrohl, labor.. ... Joel Strotil, tear'g down Old lirtilirA . 88 03 11 37 sratjo Ivl Horn, masonry. 11 neoer, nuing III approaches 60 00 Nelson & Buchanan, new bridge 1,275 00 W. H, Keber. labor 30 00 Uhlghton Bridge- 8,S" C0 Jacob Strnussberiree. nfllnllnrr. ru M Taancry Bridge .1.11. nennei, lanor giO S5 D. G. McLaud, labor,... 2500 851 S3 87,411 87 , riming, A.ivertising ana Stationery, P.J5. Faust, advertising 818s on 44 printing,,,. 0 00 liai An E. II. Ranch & Jon, ad- vertlsing 8189 00 K. 11. Bauch ti son, printing 46 29 9AS 9S Lehlgbton Advocate,ad- vertlsing., 8IS0HI lehlghtou Advocate, printing 52 jo J.W. Malloy, advertls- IKS4SIISSStlSt41tt flls41.) UO J. W. Malloy, printing . 73 to -MM SO O. B. slKley,ad vertlsing. 8M2 10 priming.,..- 123 73 W.O.Watsnn,advertls'g 807 60 K H priiuuig.. au 20 w. A. Feist, advertising T, J. C. I-sher. nrlntlnip 97 70 1 SO 23 38 122 23 8 60 40 62 18 00 1 32 62 90- 222 28 480 00 10 00 J. II. Wright, blanks, etc .... .1. II. Handwerk, stationery.... E. F. Luckeobach. .... Kay&Bro., 44 ,,,, George Hex, express. w. a Mann, & Co., blankj,et. Wm.Murphy'sSons Coblauks, stationery, etc A, K. White. Indexe "i.4 Meiers, pamphlets. K. II. ltaueli a- Hnn U-tl.n tickets 840 00 83.003 13 Bonds lledeemed. Ellen O'Donnell, Nos. sso, 287, 28H . 8760 00 Paul Laftlad. No. 233 25000 Bvran 51cCcrmadk,Nos.229.233 cuo 00 AdamBeer,Nos.230,231,232... 750 00 Margaret Daly.Nos.237,238,233 760 00 Jonas Miller, No, 230 250 00 Mrs. Thus. Arner.No.2S3 250 00 Mrs. to m. E. Beed, No. 282 230 00 Henry Trapp, Nos. 225, 226, 227, 228 i,ono 00 Knuna Deppe, Nos. 221, 222 ro to David Koons, No. 192 250 90 Theodore Smith, No. 198 2S0 OO Catharine Brophy. No. 2C6 600 00 Sebastian Hann, No. 199 250 00 uriugei nresun, iso.20b.,. Paul Lamad, No. 197 Blaslus Zelger. Na 273 Joseph Smith. No. 277 , 250 00 600 00 250 OO 500 O0 1,000 00 250 01 eioiea rteyer, isos. 207., Jacob Wanner. No. trtl. Mary D. Thomas, Nos. 272, 273, . 1,300 CO 110,750 00 Interest paid on bonds Burial of Deceased Soldiers Nathan Ruas.. 33 Oil 35 10 33 00 35 OO 33 ro 33 ft) Philip Schoch Kllllan HotTeeker chas.D. Wundt Wm. flreenszwtg... Ir'rederlrk Sutter Salaries. J. T. Mulheam Tres. 11-91 '921.817 75 H. p. !.evan janitor .-jjo 0.1 P.P. liiwlor Coin's Clerk.... 923 00 F. P. Sliarkey Corn's Solicitor. 320 24 Jury Commissioners no 3s County Auditors. John S. Miller cs 80 Geo. W. Morthlmcr..... 58 44 A . 'I. Peters 57 60 J. .1, O'Brlati, clerk tfl 00 208 74 County Commissioners. Henry Miller traveling expenses 83 70 Daniel Cantioa salaiy.. 650 00 J. C Sendel satsry tv.o 00 1,183 70 Sheriff. J.S. Webb, boardlug prisoners 2.171 C3 Drawing Jurors M 20 Com ej lug prlsouen tol'enlten. Gary 48 50 2,378 33 Court House Expenditures. Postage and expressage 87 67 Gas and repairs 6t 63 coal, fuel and water rents Ac too 00 Telephone 81 general repairs.. 133 22 Court House aud oft.ee supplies 17 37 Jail Expenditures. Coal and fuel 319 76 Gas aud repairs,... 22437 Water rent 32 50 Clothing and bedding 04 73 Medical attendance 126 87 General repairs... Ill 13 Suujiort of convicts In Pentten nary , IJJ sti 1,411 tl Election Expenses. Spring election l.oct Kteetion furniture Bulldtug election house TowamenslDg Twp . 1,171 ss . 1,191 It 2C8 09 Redemption ot Unseated Land. Reuben Zelgenfus 9 71 Henry Neeb 20 93 F. Bertnlette attorney 273 29 N. M. Ynungkln...... I 49 Loans and Discounts, Lluderman National Banknote . todays 3,00000 Intereeton above. II 10 Scalp Bounty. Paid to sundry persons . Inquisitions. Austin Boyer 10 93 It. F. Haas is 13 Dennis Mojer 21 79 ! II Care of Insane. State Hoipltal, Danville State Tax. J. T. Mulheran, Treasurer , Tax on Bonds. County Heads, 1691 ls2 103 80 98 00 Overpaid Taxes Refunded. John Strohl ... 7 40 Henry Gumbert n W. It. ltehrlg 23 4i W. G. Jreyman 24 11 Emory Geti yl 41 Iteuben Bresllo , t le Henry Henulng to jo Kmory Getz.unseated lands tag 4 40 Wm Helster i 77 Miscellaneous, L. n. Barber, auditing Pro- thonotary's accounts M 00 J. C. Seudel, election furniture 3 09 Henry Miller. 44 44 4 02 A. tagesMr.dellvrring election papers 9 80 Robu Uresltn coats refunded... 441 Wm. Winkler, decorating 10 00 E. D. Wsrner, fse BlBsrne rlg. . 8 00 II. P. Uvan, crying tale 8 SK Vim L Grubcr, borjlcg un known man 11 00 Franz Msekl.survellnr. atss J. A. MtOmtev. sprinkling.... It 00 New Indexes, JsauM II Hudwerk 850 09 Recorder's Fees. Handwerk 29 00 8ubserlptles. Lasulerd Reeerd 1 M csibae Adrtieate i oo ' Mauch Cheats Deeaeerat 4 to too 8 M.ITA 41 Resapltulatlon ef Expeitdltures Boyds Kedeeaud uju ot swge AUFebMs 7,411 ir Vnrt expense. M3S 07 salaries is i ?Assessrnents&t Iteglsllatlon 4.rtM 01 State Tax 4.834 is lection Kipense. rusn r emporary Loan at discount.. 3.000 so Timing, aareni.iil, aim stationary Sheriff's fees SjtlTA tfl . IX' 31 . 1,454 tl e tl 788 00 492 40 too OO Ml oe ian expenses Interest on bonds Care ot Insane unseated Lena taxes. Road Damages Conrt House expenses.. ne.ius'-iih.i.. w v, so 00 lienempiioi- oi unseaieu lanns sis Burial of Soldiers 210 (m State tax on bonds Miscellaneous Scalp Bounty. Inquisitions Overpaid taxes 199 50 III 1.1 100 OO M 14 Vt 13 W OO 11 no li 0 7 00 lieuoruer lees Unseated land assessment... Special assessment SubscrlDtlons.... SS.173 40 Individual Accounts of County SJommls sloners. Hworn Statement Jt-'lled, B RNRT MILLER, 207 days at 83.se per day S7tt 50 Team hire and traveling ex penses to ruisniirg. S3 70 IH trips to Mauch Chunk 17 CO CB. Dsc 13. Bv order sal 18.1 70 752 10 Jan. 7, 1893. By order 916.. DANIlt, CANStOn. 200 days at 83.60 per day 1700 00 Traveling expenses to Mauch .Chunk iss c Inspecting county work, travel ing expenses 1375 Convention at Pittsburg 95(0 927 '8 i a. By orders 2C2. 413, 61L 873, Is sued In 1892 (SSO 00 By order 911, Issued Jan., iss3. . 277 75 827 :s 2. 0.SKNUIL ' ITS days attorn tra 00 Traveling expenses ill oo Convention at Pittsburg ,, 2300 772 CO CR. By orders 215, sec, 510, ui. Is- sued in 1KB 8&50 00 By balance 122 so 779 60 Statement of llesourcea of Carbon County. Due irom Tax Collectors. Hugh Boyle, Banks Twp., taxes, Hoa.. Jacob steigernalt. East Penn, taxes. 1S92..,, ,,,, C. K Foster, East Mauch Chunk'jaies, 8424 86 88 78 Milton Setzer, Franklin, tas.es,ieta..., Krnorv Oetz. Kidder Twn.. Uses. 112 Wm. Helster, Unsford, taxes, lst. , , Oeorge Kunkle, Lower Towamenslng, taxes, 1882 ' H. J. Fritz, Lehigh Twp., taxes, 181,2. . . Jarob Sandel, Slauch Oliunk, taxes, T. II. EvansVMauch Chunk T 1192,...., 7;.'A4 ""rJS'werTwn.JAxel69i' Millard Getz, Penn Forest Twn..taiea. 941 31 941 63 100 00 173 W 184 12 66 1 2,029 N 3,286 19 18 43 1HT2 ; jj, 17 JV. J. Lnuer, Parryvllle, taxeaTlsot.. . . 12s si h if !'"lley. summit Hlh, taxes, 18C2. 2,oit oa X ," S""4. saaes, ism . 61 v., ,ta i.uuiL-i, n c.iicriy, isxes, JStTi,, Samuel Welch, Welssport, taxes, 18U3. Aug. Washburn,EastSlde,uxes,ln.2. Martin Chrlstman.liast Mauch Chunk. taxes, 1891 4 Jacob Sandel, Mauch Chtink,taxes,1891 Wm. Lewis, MauchChunk iVptaxes, lest ' ' .n,.'..M.l."e4?4 summit Hill, taxes U91 . W. W. Buck, Westherly, taxes, 1891... 1,147 33 2D.1 87 22 31 109 76 206 U 312 39 3 40 C8 II 814.903 63 Borough ami Townships O wins tneCountr for Maintaining Insane at Asylum, Middle Coal Field Poor District 335 00 Lower Towamenslng, Martin Suyder.. 38 3 Welssport, Wilton iSelbert mn Penn ForestTwp.,MaryKattnere.... 390 11 81,113 91 Bridge Account. Monroe Co., bal Tobyhanna Bridge..4............ 17 10 Mweriic uu. uai lruigu lan. nery Bridge Luzerne Co. t, cost paint East Haven Bridge Luzerne Co. H cost repairs East 20 13 91 00 iiaven xiriuge. 24 13 Luzerne Co. cost repairs Tannery Bridge..,. 1 22 Luzerne Co. H cost paint Tan- nery Bridge 25 in Room Rent. E. M.Mulhearn, office rent..., 3000 Due from Prothonotary. Costs In cases Ne. 21 January Terra 1191 24 17 Costs In cases No. 6 April Term 1192 11 37 Costs In cases No. 1 October Terra 1892...,. 16 48 Costs In cases No. 8 October Term IF92... 17 72 Costs In cases No 9 October Term 1122 6 20 NOTE: Thefollowlngamounts haie been received by the Co., Treasurer since Dec 1 31 tS92t W. w. Buck, Weatherly bal due 1191 taxes cs 11 I. L. Flndley, Summit Hill, taxes 1892.: 1,90000 T. H. Evans, 81 Chunk Twp.... 2,41031 M. Setzer. Frankllu Township, taxesllti 180 00 W, Helster, Lansford taxes '92 113 12 H. J, Boyle Bsnks twp, tax Iri 130 00 C. It, Uoover.Wratherly tax V2 350 00 1st National Bank rent 12 no D. (I. Watktns, costs In Com. monwealtn cases 82 32 Wm. Helster, Lansford, tax 92 113 82 5.330 22 Indebtedness of Carbon County January 1st 1803. County Bonds. Amount of bonds outstanding, bearing Interest a 4 per cent.10 000 00 Amount of bonds due. Interest ceased 1.0000 18.000 00 For School, Itoed and Poor Taxes on Pu eeated Lauds. Bast Penn Townshipt School tax, 1890 and 4ti 16 no Road tax llto aud "ot 933 Poor lax mo and 1191 1 00 jo 33 East Mauch Chunk! School taiHto and 1191 1201 Road tax 1190 and itei eon Poor tax 1990 and lilt I co 20 CI Franklin Townshlpi School lax 1190 and '91 9 33 Road tax liou and 1B91 a 42 Poor tax livo and 1191 4 06 19 12 Banks Township! . School tax 1W0 and Hot 114 41 RoadUI lis) ami lltl HO S9 Poor tax 1190 and 1891 80 lit Kidder South! School tax lira and 1191 let 42 Road tax 18'ju aud Inn 117 to Poor tax lino aud mi 30 80 Lehigh Township! School Ui liot and 1194 19121 ltoad tax uto and ism 22070 Poor tax lira and lsot 1U 82 Lower Towamenslng Township : School tax tlao and 18it 16 91 Road tax 11.0 and 18K1 121s Poor tax li-o and UI Sit Lausanne Township School tax, isto and 1891 11 53 Road 44 44 29 vt Poor 44 44 13 71 Packer Township School tax, law and lull 12131 Road ' 121 31 Poor 44 44 13 17 Penn Forest Townshlu School Ui. 100 aud MM 164 21 itoaa 44 ' 144 ve Poor 41 44 120 13 Towamenslng Townshln School tax, IMiO and lnil 8198 Koad 44 44 24 el Poor 44 44 19 49 Parrvvllle Borough- School tax, ISM and lsl 77 nuaa -- -- go Poor 44 44 43 Weatberlv Borough- School Us, IsnO and 191 3 20 noaa 44 7 Poor 44 14 1 is MauchChunk Township- School tax. llttand 1991 100 II Poor 44 30 41 139 32 2,1H 80 We, the undersigned4, Andltors of Carbon County, Btste of Fennsylvanls, elected and daly sworn according te law, do report that we rest In tbe office of the County Comrale sleosrs, at Msoch Chunk, audited, adjusted aad tsltled according to law the asoounta ol James T. Uulhrarn, fressurer, Henry Milter, Daniel Cannon and J. C. Sendel, Commission en, and Joseph B. Webb, Sheriff of said county, for the yesr ending Deo 31st, 1E92, commenc ing cor work on the first Mondsy of January. A. D., 1P93, being the sewtltl dsy of ths month, and completing It on the twenty eighth day of January, A. D., 1MJ, and that the an counts settled as abuye aod filed lo the office of tbe Frcihoootary ara cornet. Tbe above statement Is not such ss Is re quired by law to be made of tbe receipts and expenditures of the county, for the rear o a I bst no separata account Is kept of lbs tsxes Isyicd for gensral purposes aud of the tsx levied for tbe payment of the bonded debt aod Interest tbereoB. Tbe Auditors sre unable to slate tbe exact stoourl cf specisl tsxes received, or whether all niooey realized Irom tbe speelal tax assessment was applied to the psymsnt of of the bonded debt aoa lotsteet. We woold tkerefore reoomuend that all tsxes collected be apporUooed for the sped do purpose for which tbe levy is made, aod that aspsrsle tad distinct accounts be kept. In ae ccrdsnce with the provisions cf tbe Act of As sembly. Tbe money realised from the special tsx levy should be eppllei solely to the pay ment of the bonded debt and interest tbereon, and t separate account of this should be shows on the books of the ceuaty. Tbe account of money realised from the tax levy for gensral purposes should be kspt asperate, aod entirely independent of tbe spseisl tax account Uls very necessary at this lime that the law apper talcing to this matter should be followed strictly. In view ef tbe fact that It Is proposed to largely increase tbe bonded indebtedness ol the eounty. The Auditors bsve heretofore reeotnmended that a system ol book keeping be established between tbe County Comnissloatra and lb County Treasurer, so thai when money dot tbe county from any source Is paid iato the treasury prompt and peeper credit can be given oa the OemmlseMoere4 books. We again re port the itseramendatien, aod respectfully urge that 11 be put late epersUea at the ear II est moroeoL We tod the geteral seeausta of ths ceanly te be laleHlgesUy sal ssUmsUestly kspt by IheOommlssloaers' Clerk, Mr. Pstrlck Lan'.or. ... uiuiiuiuu ir. uieior mr nil rmeieos . iD ll.e discharge of his duties, nr extend I'aatika for courtesies shown and ssslslsnee rndsrerl h htm hll mini.. 11.. enaaren dIKb cfour duii v "' 'n n wiiness wnsreer, vrt have hereunte set J.'nu"?A.BD.88Vh,, A, U. FETEnrt. rlt' 9AM0.IiTniMER, Is sal. ... . nji.i.i,. iiaiL. Aiiesi: jcsirj U-Batest. Clerk. Valentines! Valentines! Valentines! Valentines! -AT B. K. Culton. Opposite the Park. mm High Prices have no place in our store our patrons will tell you that and consequently we want your trade. We can save you money. If you doubt it come and see. -Vcn's Overcoats, 13, and tip. Aen's Suits, M. tntl up. We also have a Nice Line oi Boys' Suits and Overcoats at Closing out Trices. Shoes for Men at $1 and up Shoes for Women at tl anil up We also line of well made Shoes for Children at 40 cents and up. Slippers as low as 40 cents, Rubbers for Boys anil Girls at 30c, Rubbers fir Uen, Rubbers for Women, Beantifil Blankets & Comforts. Go from $1 to $4.50. New Dress Goods Almost endless 'In variety anil certainly Lower In Trlcei than you can ths same quality of goods for else where In town. Groceries & Provisions, of the best quality and at the lowest prices. Choice Flour and Feed, Fresh Country Produce. hashing Machines & lYringers of tbe best makes at low prices. ALL GOODS ARE DELIVERED FREE. H'e have a Roomy, TMeasint Store, electric lighted. Come and tee us 1 GEO H. ENZIAN, North First Street, Lehighton. ADMINISTBATllR'S SALE OF VERY VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. Ut virtue of an order of tilt OrDhnns Court of ('Aibou fountr, there ntll be extotti1 in Public rtsvlf. on the nremlaet. in Pnuiklln Toinblu. Cstrbon rounly, fa., on SATURDAY, MARCH 18, at two o'clock p. m., tbe folio wing Real ft-tUte, Uie the property of hoLI.V KltLsUE, Ibxva- All that certain lot or piece of pound Ituate lo Krauklln Township, Carbon com.tr, ra oounutMi iqu uescno-ni a luiiuns, 10 wir Dtjclnnlng at a pott, tbeoee by land of Lewli Horn. aoiiLb -Uuerreeti, -eatSand a-19 iuercbes to a.post, thence By tbe aante south. M degree eait a and M perches to a atone In a Public ruvau icaainK irom neiuponuiine na aiana Workntheuco In uld road north sVldeirreea. east a ana 2-10 perches to a atone in sal J road thence by land ol Lewis Horn aouth 41 degree , eut 4 and H perches to a post; thence by the time north 4tf degnjes.eat 3 and 3 10 perches to a post, thence by Una of Christopher (J root dohu tw aenrres wen e wirnn awl o-v ioine place ol bexlnntn. Uotitalnlnx so PKKCllta ftlthln said bounds more or leas. The idi prove ments thereon consist of a TWO-atOHV FRAME DWELLING Honie with Kitchen attached and all neceatanr Out Build lorn. Terms and conditions VrlU be maae aoonn at time ana puce oi saie, n Wendesday, Feb. ih. 83, t Hen' at ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF VERY VALUABLE REAE ESTATE. By slrtns of an order of the Orobani' Court of Carbon count?, tbere will be ex posM to Public Sale, on tbe premises, la t rsnxiin lownsmp, uaroon countT, SATURDAY, March 25th, 93 at ONE O'CLOCK P. II., tbe followln described Real Estate, late tba propertj of JOHN O. FRET, deceased, to wit: All that certain TRACT OR PIECE OP LAND situate la Franklin Township, Carbon cootHy, Pa., bonnded and described as follows, to wlf BeclDDlni at a atone tbenca bj land ot Wm. Kemerer north 64 1-3 deireea, east 21 perches to a stone; tbence bj tbe same aouth 18 detrreee, exit 14 perrs.es to a stone; tbence by the same north 67 degrees, rsst 20 perrhes to a stooe; tbence be land ot Pan) Hack north 13 1-4 defrees, east IS perches to a white oak tree, tbence bj the same north 20 1-2 depeee, east 43 perches to a stone; tbence bj the tame north 6 1-2 deireea, rut 34 Perthes to a stoos; tbence bj land 1st of J. and D. Lantr south 83 t-2 dearees, west 63 perches to a pine knot; thence bj the same eonio octrees, west ou jrerroee to the place of beginning, containing 31 ACnka. and 120 te rebel strict taeasnte. The improfements tbereon consist of a two a rum rnuc DWELLING HOUSE, LAROESIFISS BARM and otter necess ary OQlbulldlDd, Tense and conditions will be made known at lima and place of safe, by AUSTW BOVHR, n slasusj. jris, ib -ve. sau i. WEISSPORT, PA. Just now in a brief way we want to again remind the peo pie in general thnt we are the leading headquarters here for all kinds of drugs and chemi cles, patent medicines, perfum ery, cigars, liquors, fine station ery, &e, wo mark all our goods at the very lowest prices. The quality is the very -best, will you piease call when in need oi anything ir. our line. BIERY, The Druggist. Comuetetioa Is The Nerre Of 2$ CD PU CD o 3 cs ft 2. o 22 GO GO M g. a a co F g: e o le t" CD 2 , -I p 2 ft CD C9 2 M S s o & CD is CD CD cn t3 i I s? 3 a C9 Ps 73 CD CD P 13" CD CD O 5 . S5" O ft I'M CD o, t O B Cheap For Cash, Tales First Rate. Reading R. R, System Lehigh Valley Division. Anthracite Coal used exclusively, Insuring cleanliness and comfort. Arraniremert of Passener Trains. SciiKnui.E in Effect dkc.4. 1802. TRAINS LKAVK LKniOIITOK For Newark and New York 13S, 7.46,atid 1113,, am.: 3.06. & T.28 tl. ITI. For Manunka Chunk and Kelvldere 7,48 8.00, a. tn. ; 12.87, 4J7 OIKI 7.36 p m. For Lambertvllle and lrenton 8.09 and 11.12 a.m.i anu IK.07 & sr p. 111. For Slutlugton, Causauqua, Allentown, Beth a.hem, and Kaston,C42, 7.48, 9.uo, 9M, 11.111 a, tn ,18.87. 9.42, 3.06, 4.37, 6.22, 7.20 and 10.27 p m. rui t lllismsrilJUt 08iu tjviuw evutu irw thie. 7.46, D.M and 11.12 a. ni.;2,-t2, 3.00, -S .T7, S.and 7.26 p, in. For KfullnffandJIarnsburK 4,23, T.4C and 11.12 a.oo,o.zz ana i.w phi. n w , . , For bowman s. Lelilfth Hap, Cherryford, Lau rr's. White Hall, coplay, and Ilokenrtauqua e.42. 9.0o S.M a. in.; 127, 2.42, 4.37. and lisOTti tn. For Mauch Cliurk 6.62, 7.43, 9., u.20 and 1 1-M a.m.i 1.10, 3.10, 4.13, O.VW,7.a,B.,r-JO p. in. For Wf atbt rly and llazle ton e.M, 7.43 9.50 and Il.Ma.m.1 4.13,6.30. 7.22, 10.89 p.IU. For Mahanoy City, Mlienandoali and A&hland 2, 7.4S, p.38 and i f Ja a,m. ; 4.13. B.20 Si tea p m. For MU Carmel and HUamoklneu, 7.43 and ii aiil m - ft mi n. m. For rottsvllle 6.K. 7.43, 7.43, 9J6 11.13 and 11.53 a. m., a.ws i.ia, i,a ami i.xo p.m For White HaTni. Wllkeibarre and Hcranton 7.43,9.36 and a.m.i 4.L 6,20, 7.i.-2 and tf.fis For Mttston and L. & H. Jnnct., 7.43, 9,36, and 11J.3 a.m.; 4.15, 6.20. 7.22 and 10A9 p,ni. ' For Tun bannock 7,13 and 11.63 a. m.; 4,13. 3.20 and lOetMi p.ui. ForOwetco, Auburn, Ithaca and Geneva 11,63 a.m.; 10X9 p.tn. , , . For Laceyrllle, Towanda. Hayre, Warfrly, El rulra, Kochester, Buffalo. N'agura Full J and the West 11X3 aJiw; and 10.M p. tn. ForElmint and the West via Salamanca at 4.13 p. in SUNDAY TRAINS, For New York 4.23 6.07 and 11.12a.m. t 6.17 aud 7.26 p. ni. For l'hlladelPhla 4.36 7.67 a. in.i 2J2.ft.17 and 1M p. m, ... ror casioa auu init-rinruissii? nuaiiuui, vM,t 7.67, ll.Mfc.tii.1 12 67,2X2. 5.17 and 9.02 p. m. For MauchChunk 8.14. 9X6, 11.20, 11.33 U.53 a. m. i a.16, 6X a.44. and 9.36 p. m. . ror JUNtaiiiK m o.ii tu in. i z.osi stuu (o p. hi. For UazKton 9.66, and it ut,a.m. ; 3.16 and 10.69 j For MahauoyCIty aud Hlienandnah9.66,U M : a. m., anu 3 16 p. in. Var White Hven. WllktM-Barre. Ilttt01K TunLluiunock. Towanda. Nay re.ltliaca, Uenera, j A.uburn, Kimira, itocnpsur, unnaiu, niKtoink Falls and tbe W'lmI 11X3 a. in. and 10 6 p. in. For further partlcnlarilnqulrrol Ajr.tn.tA for Time TabloR. I, A HVElUAK1),IfuT Manantr. O. (1. flANCOCK, (if urral I'awenker Afient, i rniiAdeinnia, m. A, W. KUN N KM ACM Eli. Ata't (1-fnrral las-1 Rrncr Acriu, wtuni leeuuviifiii, i. MavU.D2,lV jfauiii,( For tbe rretllfst Jew.lrj anil the Best Witches, Clocks and Silverware the people of Carbon county must co rue to our itore. We not only bave tlieitooJs but we sell tliera at pi Ices that are low and perhaps a llttla lower tl an tbe same goods can be bouf.nl for elsewhere. We are not telling shoddy tuff for the belt because we don't tellers In misrepresentation. Oar motto ll 4'roo4 honest goods at tbe eerj lowest prlcei." Before ou buy elsewhere we wonld he pleased to hare Tou call and see Its. Confectionery, Finn Cigars, Stationery, Polls, etc We cany In -our usual full am) com plete line all tbe abore goods at the very lowest prices. Mske It a point to call and see vs when you need any. thing In our line ami we arc confident tbat It will pal yen essb returns for your trouble. O. EE. Nutsbaum, Brtfge Street, - WeisstaHt, Pa. Atlministrdtor's Notice. rWeefJOUN B.JKMV. U4e at ITaaHe Tp OirU-n wMiif. f-tsW iMmim tea i make mi i4bUe fjmt tUMiasMsp liaviDtf ktut.1 cliiiiHi DSI3I, 1MO-I. AaeMnuuiwr. pi The ladies ol'the rounty will continue to find us headquar ters Tor all the new and pretty things in Millinery at the lower prices. You need not go to -Ulcntown or Philadelphia, we will sell vou cheatier than vou can buv in flip 1 - are always employedihere. T O you nve in need of Wall Paper, Window Shades, Curtain Poles, Stain and Sash Rose, Room Mouldings, Station ary, all kinds ol rushes, Paint and Painters Supplies go to First Street, Lehighton, Lowest Prices. 'W e are Stiring Things Up. Last year our trade was big in January We wnnt to beat the record, so are cutting prices an ay down, and moving goods allying, and if you read our prices yon will coll on us when in Allentown. Ladies Rubbers 18e. Misses Rubbers l&c. Men's Arctic Inc. All kinds of Rubbors lower than the lowest. 100 pair Ladies shoes, price was 3, nbw cut to $1.60, Miss Dongola Tip, Otic, In fnct all along thaline we sliced the prices until they are where the stock just ns we intended. George T23 Hamilton m x O x H O CP -a O D CZ J3 m 30 Has it ever occurred to you that yon can buy just as cheap ii not cheaper here than yon tan buy in the city! It is a solid FACT. Apples and Potatoes Are arriving daily in car load lots and are being sold at the very lowest prices to retailers Z'oiifecfionci'y, Wisls, Oysters, FRUITS, NUTS, AND CIGARS, Soltl and delivered ut and frequently way below city prices. Wholesale ComoiRslon Dealer, East Welssport, The above cut shows our Kitchen Cabinet oen and closed i contains Flour Bin, Spire nnd spoiling Pin Drawer and Bake Board. An indespensible article lor the kitchen. Vice $5.00 We have just received nnother laige lot of Breech .Loading Shot Gans. ire claim to have the " finest assortment ol Guns and Revolvers outside of the large cities at popular Prites. Come and be convinced. Our "Leader" Breech-Loading Shot Guns only $7.i50. a. first class gun in everv iepfct WASHING MACHINES Only Five Dollars Round or Square at the Lehigh Goal & Hardware Go., A certain dealer sayg ,4examlne'ray mmpetitor'a stock and I am nitre you nlll then hny from me.". This Is NotSo, For At M. T. TBEXLEB'S , Popular ('arria'G Works. YOU CAN BUY All Kinds of Wagons, Carriages, Phaetons, Carts, Sleighs, &c.. Cleaner Than Yod Cai Boy Elsewliere Id Ik Valley OUIl WORK IS WORKOPHONOR. 1Tb can sell you Factory or Shoddy work just as low, yrs a little lower jjinn other dottier, can afford to sail you the same article but we don't reeommend it but Our Own Wort We Da Recount The pretticBt line o1Fa!.i. and Winter Coats, Jackets, Cloaks, AND Trimmed Hats ! ever put on sale in Cnrbon coun tv ran nntv lie seen at Millinery Stores, Lehighton & Weissport - wi.j IIIIIIIIILI3 Andrew Bayer, Give us a Call. you get the shoes, and we move E. Keith,""; Street.AHenlown.