The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, February 04, 1893, Image 4

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    The first law of Nature.
meeMrfltmbrela llio sueresstiil enrtlUlelr
rae"ople'.luil.-e, nml et, i.mtor nrt
known ill It , there nre iiniorliiiistes wlw kef p
iStnmit thVdmMIc remeillrs or loniif r ilsy. !
It Is fo the IntHIIKf nt rll..ij "I tl IwMle. that
the well kaou nnd Ioiik tiled I'!"'''
Utters appeal. lta.isou l;nW aulrlotf JS
erlenreln mutter ot iiiisllratlon. rhc
Ceatcutde to our toct Istlin liiliinnt expel once,
laid acreat pull lot of the I'lirlv revolutions"
UrteVSidirns exclamation iirwit; I
truth, lor mi-r n third ot u c Mitntv tire Hiiims t
3?ii. !,a.mi.tlih the endorsement ot people I
ultrrlnit Irom liver complaint. liinlsrin.cniiMi.
Siuon" thenmatli.l. drtKllty and troiib es jc
campanlrit tir Uraiiepsn. iJillerly K lieaiie.,
rtlfed ltltM Iwentlioroutlily anproieU as
reraedj for Ma grippe"
Thopeoplo in certain port ofOei
manyBaythnttlioilovU luveutort lirnr.
1y. citing a legend to pruTO II,
BtlONKUNSEKorTh. tTlCJUttll ,'"""
O.reH Horn. InTen llMa bjaitralnle.
terlnc lr. llalnee' llnliU'ii bpt-illlc.
tt n be flvcn In a glaM ot Wit, n run ol Icol
f.t Vr tra. or In ro.l, Itlnnit tho kmmlcdmor
SetiaMi-nt It is absolutely harmless, ninl nlll
Jkerta permanent and u,'.iy "ire, J;
rVe patient Is amoilerateili Inner urn i alcoholic
"reek. It has hern rjneu In thousands of rases,
55 in every instancS a perfect rnre lias i tollow
S. It never Mils The sislem "'""
iVtM with the sperlrlc. It fiot'niiii an iitlrt Im
..ll.Mllly lor the ll.(Uor nps- lie U exist. U ics
Suaranteed. pane book ol itlcuiars lie.
asdress the uouiair urn n iu
llltfi through lila titles, ponr nml pelt.
I Boundless hla wealth a wish ran t Inlmt
Despite tlioee tlllea, power anil poll. I
The wretch, conoenlrewl all In ielf, i
Urtag, ahall forfeit fair rennwii, (
And, flonbl? dying, shall v ilnwn
So the vile float from win m e lie sprung, I
Unwept, tmbonoreil and unning. ' Waller Scott, i
Areer. Cincinnati, Ohio.
Oil s ly.
Tho oloctrlc car is literally astonish
ing tho natlreo of Slugnpore, liullii.
They call it tho wind enrrhgo.
Insects In ercrythlni: ilcpenil largelj
fa good health, IJ Wilt's Larly
iiari ara iimo iieaiiu iiiuuii.mi ii"
a alnt? Then lake an "Karly liner.
T. D. Thomas.
tthe present moment tho police
system, In all its branchos, rosta Kng
land Hoso upon $20,0&0,IW0 a year.
When 1 was in college I had two very
dear friends, Jlanden and JInaterson.
We were .always together, dtupito the
fact that thero ccmld hardly have lieen
found nnywhero in tlio world Ihieo men
whose ideas on moat mbjects radloally
differed, rerhapa it wits the intellectual
pleneuro wo derived front dehatlng
among onmelvea, ith an acrimony only
poaailile among the fatcat cf friendi, tho
pros mid com of even- iiuection that
came up that wan tne ikihu ot our union.
Whatever the lmwl waa, we were cer
tainly inieparahle, and 1 think, on that
last night in New Haven, when after
four yearn of most intimate awociation
wo parted, each to walk alone hia path
tlironeh life, there were three very tear
atained pillows lwneath our roaiiectivo
lieads liefore Morpheus clnimeil our alle
giance. I know that I for ono was com
pelled to change mine, no ealnratod did
it become with thewe salt evidences of n
aincero grief which wero copiously shed
by my eyes tliat night.
'Tho iiarting between Jtarwloii and
Mastcreou and myself was geographical
rather tlwn spiritual. Mareden'a lines
fell in tho pleasant plnces of Boston:
jrasterson's in those of Baltimore, and
mine in Now York. Marsden btudled
medicine, Masterson beciinio n professor
Raeklen'a Arnlrn Huttc.
Ikaseit salve In the vtorld for Cuts, Itiiiisea,
5re, Ulcera, Salt lllicnm, t eur horn, filler,
napped Hands, Chlltilaim I'm lies, and nil bkln
arapilons, and iwsltlvely rims riles, or no pay
rMalrad. It is guaranteed lo (live perfect, s.ul
Hetlon, or money relnnrtcd. i'rlce an cents per
wi. l'or sale by Heher lhlnhion. and l.lery
Le Petit Journal of PaiTs has asalo
of nearly 1,'230,000 copies dally. Who
would not liko to own it?
The senior proprietor of this paper has
Veen subject to frequent colds for some
yean, which wero sure to lay him up If not
doctored at once. He finds that Chamber
lain's Coueh lteniody Is reliable. It opens
lbs secretions, relieves the lungs and lie
stores the system to a healthy condllion.
If freely used as soon as the cold has been
contracted, anil before It has becomo set
tied la the system it greally lessens Ibe
attack and often cures in a slnitlo day what
would otbetivlsa have been a severe cold.
Nertbwestern Hotel lteporlor, Des Moines.
Iowa. 23 and BO cent bottVs for sale b
X. 11. Iieber, Lehl?hton, nnd IV. Y. Illery,
It is 6aid that moro murders occur in
Paris In six months than In London
Berlin and Vienna in a year.
8100 Reward S100.
The readers of this p per v.111 lio pleased to
learn that there Is nt least one dreaded disease
Uiat science has been able to cm a In all Its
suces, and that Is Catarrh. Hart's Citanh Cure
lalheonlypnalthecurcknonu to the medical
ftt.-mltv f'trart-ftliphitfiL llS
ease, requires a treatment. Hall's
. .... i., ....... t. ,,, i,1,,.pl,iitK- nctlne ,! rcrtli
VUMIIII IUI.W1.MII I..,.. .... -
urion the blood and mucous surlaces oi ineKyt,
tern, thereby destroying the foundation "of ho
aisease,nnagivniK me,;iueiuMirntu, m. u
.... ih. i.aihiitlnii nml !illinj nntiiro
aolng Its work. The proprietors havo so much
talui la Its curativo powers, that they oiler One
Hundred Dollars for any case that It f alls to
curs. Send for list el testimonials.
Address, K. J. CHUNKY &.U ., Toledo, O,
tar-Sold bv Drusglsts, 7M.
JIanT CauadTan papers aro nqw bold
ly advocating a political union with
the United States,
almnle Questions Simply Answered.
U'l, .In nannle errv nften allow a Colli
in run on? Uecame they think it will
wear away. IVbv docs the Coujh that ai
tint caused no alanu become deep seated
and chionic? Uecauto the proper rcmed)
was not used. To way lo btcaic up anv
rAftii neflnM. no matter If other medl-
.ln failed In benefit vou. Is to trV 1'ftn-
Tina, the great remedy for Coughs. Colds
and consumption, so aim ou criu ,
Thomas' Drug Store,
The domestic relations of both
Thackeray and Dickens wero unhappy,
A Good lleconl. "I have sold Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy fur ten sears," says
druggist E. H. Ijege, cf Vial, Is., "and
1r ftlvaii warranted It and never bad f
bottle returned. During tho past 00 days
I have sold twelve duzen and it has given
perfect satisfaction In cverv Instance. ' It
does not dry up a cough, but loosens and
relieves It. It will cum a severe cold li
less time lb an any other treatment, 25
cent, 60 cent and il bottles for sale by
If. It. Keber, Lcblghton, an 1 11 r. lurry,
Hocbiling,s railwny bridgo at Niagara
has a spau of 831 feet, with (lfty-nino
feet deflection.
Two Valuable X'rlenili.
1. A phialclan cannot bo alwats had
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Hprains, Hrulset
gnu onrus occur otien aim sometime
wnen least expected. Keep bandy lb
friend of many households and Ibe dp
stroyer of all pain, the famous lied Flag
011,25 cents.
2. Many a peeclous life could be saved
tuatisneing racked to death wlih thai
terrible cough. Secure a gooj lilaht'a real
T Investing 25 cents for a bottle ef Pan
Tina, the great remedy for Coughs, Colds
ana consumption. Trial bottles of ran
una free at T. U. Thomas' Drug Store.
Leonard Cletchell, of Wlnslow, Mriue,
wns a wallet whlclt ho claims is 110
years old.
Good loioka.
a. ii, bimoru, mvt lajjci, wu , was
trtublld trlth Neuralgia and Itheiiniatlim
kls Utomach was disordered, bis Llrer was
uectsd le an alarming degree, appetiti
fall away, and he was terribly reduced Ii
1Mb and strength Three bottles of Kiec
mo miters cured him
Jdward Shepherd. Ilarrlshurg, III., had
a running sore on bis lez of eight tears'
standing. Used three bottles of Electric
outers ana seven boxes of llucklen's Ar
ilea balve. aud bis leg Is sound and well,
Jehn Speaker. Calanba. o.. lias flrn tare.
lavar sorss on bis leg, doctors said be waf
bwureble. One bottle of Electric Iliuerr
M en box ul Uucklen's AruleaSalt
ssarsd him entirely. Seld at Ueber'e Drug
sUtt, Lehlgblon, and Ulery's Drujiore,
At the beginning of tho Ulghteontl
Century all Kuropean armies had pon
toon trains.
Hetklng so dlstiesalng as a hacking
Cftagh, Nothing so foolish as to suffsr
fau it. Nothing so dangerous it allowed
lv MDiiaue. One .Ulniilecoiiriicure git
fiMsstlitt relief. T. 1), Thomas
llotel proprietors, hukeis anil lioutekeeirs
saonni anora to be wliuout null s iieau naior
lagKxtracts. It Is nut exeelled by any similar
rand and Is eeld at 10 ets.
The weight required to orimb a stiuare
inoh of brick varies from 1300 to I&OO
Xataaiks is the direct result of lndlgss-
Uea aid stomseh disorders. Iteroedy these
y wlag Ds Witt's I.tltlaKarlJ llisers. and
war keadsehe disappears. The favorite
mils (Ills everywhere. T. D. Thomas
'I have been using Dr. Hall's Cough Hyrup lor
il a very
of savins
Utr. Mrs. Tnomas nlntoo, Centrevllle, X. J.
sometime. It cured mv babv
rniib 1 believe It was the mean ol savli
-There aro orange trees in Malta
ever 200 years old.
Tei- Instance, Mrs. Chas, lingers, or liar
iiy. Mleh.. accldecUUy spilled scalding
ruter ever her little boy. She promptly p
sjlsd De Will's Witch Ilaale Salve, giving
ntunt relief. It's a wonderfully good salte
for borne, brnlses, sores aud a sure cure
far wiles. T. P. Tbomij.
iwvcholotry withonr n chair, nnd I
drifted through a in'riod of misery as a
student of law into literary, sharp shoot
ing; but through it nil wo kept up it
three cornered correnimiuletu'e in which
the hopes nnd fears of onr lives wero
freely contiiled, wltn the result, l imnit,
that wo all took n more cheerful view of
existence than would otherwise have
been possible. It wns the perfect candor
of our intercourse that bellied us. What
I did not like about Jlnrsden I frankly
told him, nnd when I disapproved of
Jlasterson, Masterson wns tho hrst to
know it. nnd vice versa. It washclpful:
it wns delightful. Wo lived in n palace
of truth, which, alas! is no more.
Fivo or six years was tho duration of
our post graduato alliance, which was
broken by ileatn nrst, mm men uytnat
men is worso than ileatn madness;
and it all camo about through tho too
closo application of Jlnrsden and Master
son to their work. Mnrsdcn had nlways
been noted for his lovo of tho mysterious
nnd morbid. In the old collego days it
utcd to troublo Masterson and in;-.elf
not a little to find how excecdmgly fund
of tho depressing tldngsof life Mai sden
that is to eay, ho liked to bear and
talk about them. Ho liked to read sto
ries not only bordering upon but plung
ing into tho rniddlo of the supernatural,
and while Masterson nnd I were compil
ing scrapbooks of clippings showing how
easily Yalo crews defeated Harvard
crews, and other uiattcts ot almn mater
nal interest, Marsden was filling envel
opes with horrors stories of vampires.
talea of hallucination ami other unnat
ural tldngs.
hilo Masterson and I wero reading
such light mid airy stones as 'Tclham'
and "Pendennis," with Hcrrick as our
ideal twet, Marsden would devote his
hours of outside reading to Hoffman,
Poo and Monk Lewis, and any versifier
hoso sentiment smacked of malaria
could bo his poet for tho timo being.
think tho only point on which Master
son and I ever really agreed was in re
gard to Mnrcdcn's unhealthy passion for
tho grotesque, auu wo wero unremitting
in our efforts to bring him down to tho
real sunshiny things of life, but I can
not say that wo wero ever sangnine of
tho result of our cuorts.
It was Mart-dcn's horrible nddiction to
such mitters that led Masterson into tho
study of psychology and Marsden him
self into medicine, nnd it Maraden would
havo gonont it in tho coldly scientific
manner of Masterson I think lio would
havo been nil right, although Masterson
carried his coolness a degrvo too far in
that he did not recognize the fact that
minits, liko machines, biioedily go to
pieces if not kept m repnu . It wns whilo
trying to comprehend Mnrsden's inind
that Masterson became interested in
mental science, and it wns Marsden'
passion for tho iusauo that decided him
to become a physician, ho that ho might
como into actual contact with thoso who
suffered the tldngs of which he read.
Each succeeded m reaching his goal,
Masterson at tho ago of thirty found
himself an accepted nuthority on psycho
logical matters. Marsden at twenty-nino
was actively connected with tho medical
staff of an asylum for tho insane in Mas
sachusetts, nnd then tho cud came. Mas-
terson's cnndlo had been burned nt both
ends, mid ho was nigh unto death. I was
tho nrst to hear of it. becauso my duties
wero such that I had lieen ablo to visit
Masterson nt Baltimore which Marsden
owing to his moro or lews confined duties.
could not very well do, and so was known
to Masterson's family, who immediately
wired mo of the precarious condition of
my old friend. Tho telegram I received
at V o clock in tho morning of n ficptem
oeruny, nnti l immediately repeated it
to Marsden in Boston, adding that it was
my intcutiou to leave Isew ork forBal-
timoro that night.
Two hours later I nct-iveil u messuiro
from Marsden faying: -Waitforme. Ho
must not die.
in twin nyttw firfw iswr iiwnit i
shriek, and I lietne convinced tint !
Mnrstlcn and I could not go on to Balti
more that night TinlM I wns willing to
constitute rayse-lf ttffl (Warlinn of n ma
niac. "I 1 am qnlle nn upset, Tom." 1 re
plied. "Quito ns deeply gripveil mrr
tho tiossiblllty of Jock'n death."
"Don't speitk ot it-utn't r- ' of itr
he Blmdiltred, rowerit ; I . intu the
comer of (he cub and hiding his face 1
with his 1ihui1. "" i
"Hartly, I don't lielievo you "nder
utand," lie added, gravely, after n minute
or two of silence. "Do you understand i
that it means oblivion? Do ou com
prehend that it lneatia absolute Bunlhiln
Hon, destruction, a blotting out forever?
Do you do yon realign tlnttV ,
He fairly shook mo with bin grip on
my nrm ns lio'gnsped this ont.
"No. I daunt." I answered shortly. "I
believe, ns yon used to lielieVp, in ii God
in heaven, and I havo not changed, and
I know Hint Mnstereon has no reason to
fear death. His soul is the purest"
I am not thinking of Masternou, bo
ried, and then, his voico sinking into n
lustier. li muttered. "I refer to our
selves. Wo shall vnnieh: wo shall bo
blotted nut. Masterson's soul is all
right, but onrs wo have mi souls. With
his death we are, plunged into rnnnleas
ness wo become geros"
Mv dear Mitrsden. I said, trying
liari to conceal my iiertiirbation, for 1
ns now convincest that he was mail.
my dear Tom, Hon t taiK mat way.
Keep quiet. All will go well. All
It cannot: no rctnrteii, "it jaeK .Mns-
terson dirs. If Jack Masterson dice, we
Hartly, do you realize what yon nre,
what I am? I. with nil my hopes, all my
ambitions, lily Imes. my hatrw. every
thing, am lint a iigmeut In I Ho nrain ot
Jack Mr.terson. Yon nro the same, I
knov. I havo efudied I hav wen.
When that mind cea:. . to work nnd
that imagination to firuy, you nnd I,
John Hartly, ceaso to bei , , .
As Mrtrsden siKiko tho fill) stopiieil nt
my door and we entered the house. I
wns tduiply appalled nt the "horror of
Jlarwleii's'hellucinationand nt the new
esnonsibilitj- for his welfare that had
temporarily devolved trpou ine. He was
mad; but how mad? Wns it curable or
not? I feared. I felt that but one tlung
wns heedM to upset his mind altogether,
nnd that' was Masterson's death. Nor
had 1 any In run that that was n blow to
bo averted. What t" do w..s tho ques
tion, and my own feelings were that un
less that question were speedily solved
thould lirywlf stand ill i.n-.ital peril.
We went to my apartments, and
tlioved ' under tho door I found n tele
gram awaiting me. To open it was tho
work of n moment, and then Marsden,
feeling that it must bo from Baltimore,
snatched it from mo and tried to rend it,
but fortunately ho .could not, his-eyes
wero so filled with the tears of fear.
Read HP he cried, trembling with
excitement. "Head it!"
I took it. and cnstiiui my eyes over the
lino saw tho announcement of the fatal
termination of Jack's illness. "Jack
died at .1 o'clock this iiflernoou." it 8Jid
but I did not dare rend it aloud.
What does it Bay?'' gasped Marsden.
The danger is over, and thero is no
i:ced ofour going to Baltimore.'
My llltV ue , omen In mo
In herrmwy Utile iilgbiironn
Asut krrtssledonn in iu kness,
And 1 fancy mst ihlld snarl
Isforallnir m mM
As she says l,er llllle piniernovor
With lirr hands upon her brrnst-
'Nn I lay ine," she v,lilrs r
In low s-rrlce, 'Mown h sleep.
1 ptar the lnl"-nd the Woe rjes
I lal t cIO-"my anol In kep.
If 1 hoitM lite"- oh. the uhlrer
At my IienHl "before 1 wake,
I pray Ih Iml"-ml 11 eyelids
Droop low"my soul It, lake."
Then 1 lift up Ibe Utile one, elaspmit
Her close, to iny losiiw lMarl,
Ami ulve her warm, nood ultlit klseee
Till the l-lourd lids break apart
As the leaves do, folding a flower,
Ami the vlohrte of lier eyes
book up In tlirlr drov. sy fashloll
Ami einlle at me angelwlee,
"lloixl iibrlit," she whtspers mo softly
And sleepily, with a kins
That llnsere with me In slumber,
And stirs my Inert with Miss,
As I think of tin little one ilreemliiK
Willi her Instil hp I net my breaM,
Till my sleep Is as foil ot rapture
As her drramlnir la of real.
-Rben l:. Itetford.
N. H. Downs' Elixir
Has sloo.1 the test for HIXTY THAJIS
nnd has proved itself tho best remedy
known for tho euro of Coiiwij,tfon
Cough, Cnhlt, nUonplni) Cou!i, and
all Lug nlteatn in young or Old.
Price 25,, coo., nnd lioio per bottle.
SMUT, J03S3C17 1 LOSI, Pnjl., Sarlltjlos, Vt,
I Sucl?
A slrmitfo llealh.
Tliomas Odell, n young man of twenty-two
years, living seven miles back of
Llreennp, Ky has met death in a strange
manner, lio had been a puslo to phy
sicians for several years. Ho was affected
by what he ate to nnch an extent that
when ho indulged in beef eating about
nu hour nflerwnrd ho would liecome
restless and wander out in search of
cattle and 1 How es an ox, mid wonld
get down tin his luiuds and knees and
eat grass like a cow. When ho partook
of mutton his actions were thoeo of a
Bbeep, and he would plaintively blent
liko n lamb. When lie ate cldcken he
wonld go out uud bcratch for worms,
which ho would devour with oppnrent
After eating fish he would wander to
the creek and no in sw immiug. One day
his' father hilled severs! squirrels, of
which the son ate heartily for dinner.
He left the honso shortly after and was
followed by the fnther. The r.r. Her saw
him enter an oak grove, and roon saw
Ills eon jumping nimbly from limb to
limb, at the hamo time barking liko a
squirrel. Ho called for him to come
down, but this only seemed to make the
boy want to escape, and ho attempted to
jump from ono treo to miother, bnt
mieseil and fell to the ground, n m:m
gled, breathless mass of humanity, and
expired in loss than fivo minutes. At
lanta Constitution.
! Sold by W. F. Blerv.
Makes an every-day convenience of an
olJ-tlmi luxury. Pure and wholesome.
Prepared with scrupulous care. Highest
award at all Pure Food Expositions. Bach
package makes two large pies. Avoid
imitations and Insist on having the
NONE SUCH brand.
MEHRELL & SOUt.B. Syracuse. N. Y.
will be paid for a recipe enabling
u. to make Wotrr's Acme Ulack
inc; at such a prico tltat the retailer
can profitably sell itat loc.abottle.
At present the retail price is 20c.
This offer Is open until Imiary 1st., 1803. Tor
aniculsrs address the undenlgned.
Acmb Huickinc is made of pure alcohol,
ol'i.'f liquid dressings nre made of water.
Water costs nothing. Alcohol is dear. Who
cm show us how to make it without alcohol
10 that we can make Acme nuicKiNa as cheep
as water dressing, or put It in fancy pack
i;cs like many of the water dressings, nnd
then charge for the outside appearance in.
stead of charging for the contents ef llie
botlle ?
WOW!" & UANIIOLPn, Philadelphia.
Is '.tie name of a paint of which a 25c botlle
is tnough to make six scratched nnd dalled
eh- ,v chairs look like newly fni.lied ma,
hi'eanl ltwlll do manyolbcr remarkable
things hiclT no other paint can do.
All retailers sell it.
aro so nicely illustrated that it would be
"Thank God!" cried Marsden, falling la thousand pities to use it in tho manner
on his knees and then with .1 groan link
ing in 11 faint to tho Hour.
Marsden is still connected witli the
asylum in Massachusetts, ho thinks us n
consulting physician, but as tho world
knows, us rv patient, and I I liear the
bnrden of my deceit in that horrible
night by conducting tho covresiwndence
of two comtrs of our triangle of love
iny own corner und that of Masterson,
of whoso death Martslen lias never heard.
for tho cxnerts mv that were be ever to
hear of hli friends deceive, so strongly
docs he Ir Iicvo himself 11 part of modem
mini's ilnv ilivnmp. tho small remainder
of bis once tdrongirtind would beuttcrly
blotted out. II. w. Jtarline8S 111 t ranK
The Mmiber "Three" In llie Jllkle.
When tho orlil was el eated wo find
it aud its Burrouiidliigsi oiiiposed of three
clemtnls air. water and bind the
whole lighted by the sun, moon and
stars, Adam bad three sons mentioned
by name, and so did Noah the patriarch.
Daniel was thrown into a rleti with three
lions for tho crime of praying three
times. Shailrnch, -Mis-Imi Ii and Abed-
ncgo wero rescued from 1 he fiery f ur-
unto. .lob hail three ejietlal friends.
Thero wero three patriarch Abraham,
Isaac and Jacoli. Samuel was culled
threo times; Elijah prostrated himself
three times 011 tliudeiul lnnlyof tbochild;
Samson deceived Delilah three times be
fore sho discoveied tho secret of bis
grent power, and tho Ten Command
ments wero dellveied on the third day.
Jonah was three days and nights in
tho whale's belly. "Simon, loveet thou
me?" was icpeated threo times, Paul
makes mention of tho Three Graces
Faith, Hope and Charity. Tho famous
allegorical dreams of the baker and but
ler were to como to pass in three days.
Then wo have the Holy Trinity Father,
Sou and Holy Ubost; tho sacred letters
on the cros were three in number, they
being 1. II. S.; so also tho famous Ro
man motto was composed of three words
viz., In boo signo. St. Louis Republic.
A Mllllnrj- llamlkerililer.
Permission for soldiers to carry pocket
handkerchiefs will now probably be
given, for I see tho war office authorities
havo sanctioned a military linndkerchicf
being patented by Lieutenant Colonel
Tit ton.
On this handkerchief is prinledall
sorts of useful information concerning
tho use nnd construction of tho Lec-Mct-ford
rifle, tho nlpbabet used by army
signalers, general rules to bo observed in
any position in which n soldier may find
himself on campaign, tho various bugle
calls and other things, many or wmch
Fi.orn & Kr.r.D.
Robt. "N. Anthony,
(Sneeessor to .1. V. lies, test VelssKilt.)
Fnrnitnre, Floor & M
at Hie Irfiwest 1'rlrrs.
Give us 11 rail. No trouble to show
IustruotioDB on.the Fiano
and Organ given by
hiss nv m
Tliiid'St., - -'pj - Lcliiylilim.
All llio new nml inipiovcd
methods of instruction. t-ntiMnc-
tion gunrnntml.
Foil 'l'l.HMS cull 011 or nddiorsas
to Buyers.
We offer just now n spccinl in
vitntion to our friends nnd
patrons to romo und see u.
The summer is fust llectiii"
nnd we will mrtle siecinl
jiriecs to sell out onr summer
goods in order to have n full
swing on our full nnd winter
stock of Dry (7oods, Notions
nnd Kendy-Mnde f7lotnin,'.
Wo hnvc no room lo quote
prices, but tliey nro low
tnough. Don't urns (his
opportunity but como nt
Mice Then too, wo nre the
recognized hcndqitnrtcrs for
for nil kinds of
Fruits &Vegetnl).os
in Season
nt the lowest of crv low , l ottnge So
them 011
J (Ion t mnifilv innke tliiso iilnirnl oflrrs, but 1
to the letter. Do you wmit n iloller Upriuht
which otntv agents soil irom l V.), tn$lfi() dolliirs, 1 will sell
yon nil joit wnht for $8fi, on onsy payments. Coinett l'p.
right Finno lor $2J5() tlollni-sjlint otlicr ngentis mk 5:tr(). I , ,,
get utmost any innke Orgnn or Pinno thnt is mnde, nnd w,n
licre sny go nnd get prices elsewhere, bring the Cntnlogue with
you mid 1 wilt guninntec thnt 1 enn stive jou from $'2h to $",, oi,
nn OrgRiijuul from 101) to $200 dolldts on n Pinno. Jipn'i be
nfrnid to rait nnd mt inc. I won't ivoiry the life out of you to
sell, ncr will I pntnn instiument in the housv. unlets joii vnn
me to do so. T will sell you the Lnwienro 7.orsbnVoi'inno Organ
for $85, now, go to Alleiitown nnd see if you c:in buy one ftir
less than $125.
Do you wnnt a Stnndnrd Wowing Jneliine, lhnt other ngunts
sell nt $50. My price is $00. The Dnvie nt $25, $30 and fio.
l nc line and uomeslic nt feiitl. J lio Anieiicnii nnd lDiite
Tlieso nre eve oncnern. tint Aaron is in it nml h.
naturally prompted by a cutting "nor'-
caster.' Leeds .Mercury.
Iu n natlrnnd Wreek.
"Say, tlieso things are mighty funny
afterward," saiiUtbo baggageman, "but
when they happen it's nothing to laugh
about. When wo bumped into that
freight Just out of Chicago three years
ago I was sitting back in the car check
ini nn. it threw mo down nnd then 1
started to crawl for tho back door. Tne
tender telescoped and came through nt
mo, It didn't stop till I was within four
feet of the liack of tho car, and I wit there
waiting for it to catch me. I remember
it bad '4ST iu red figures, and as it came
griudln thiough at mo ever' figure
looked ten feet high, WJien it stopped
I could reach rut and touch it." Chicago
A lteuutlful Toast.
On u (rand day in tho old chlvalric
times, when the lady of each knightly
heart was plodded by name, when it
came to St. Leon's turn ho lifted tho
sparkling cup on high and gave them
tills: "I drink to one," ho said, "whose
image never may depart, deep cawen on
tho human heart, till memory is dead."
With that ho paused" as if ho would not
breathe her naino in careless mood thus
lightly to another, then bent his noblo
head as thongh to give that word the
reverence due, aud gently Niid "my
.mother!" London Tit-Bits.
l"'or n Thorough Training It.
Ii will niiy outo sirll llie
Centre SyrAitu, AUentmin, 1'n.
Tim most TlwntiKl:, Jltt ltcgutnlefl, ami
rilK'it KquiptM'tl litillilPn.-iil Tmlnlnn Mrliool
III I'MlllSjiVtlHl.t.
Tnirvl-. CoMTirrrNr
JIot rniclIvJ'lConrsi-iiit Honest ItrtifB.
lirlwicn yoouml -iborituflciils aniuully.
Mll(l('nUllUtftl to I'Ullnjt I'odttlolts. .flld
for catalogui; or v;l at inre.
O 0 DOUNEV, Frin
tirifaseiiicnelon tins nicr. c-27-Cni
Btck Hoadaeho and relloTe all too trembles !nct
dent to a fcUloui elsto of the f estem. euoh aa
Ulzzloets, Haoiea, Drowsiness, Distress aner
catlap. Tola In tho Side, Lo. Whllo their most
remsrksUe saccess has boon shown la curUJS
Headache, ret Cartera Utile Llror MM are
equally valnaUo In ConflUpatloo,carina and pre
scDtlnathlsannorlnRcomplalnt,whllothoyalfla corrcctalldlaonlcrsortheatoinachtiDiuUtethe
llTcrandrosulatoUiobowoIl. CvealttUcjonlj
Tills was more or less uusettlinir. To
wait for Marsden was the very tiling it
would please ino most to do, but to havo
him tiring his mwage to a closo with
those four words gratis! on my nerves.
iliry ilnl not touml exactly right.
An hour later n second telesrram ar
rived from Marsden, which read: "Am
just leaving Boston. For (lod'sKtikowait
for me! '
Aud so it went all that afternoon.
every stopping place along tho lino from
Boston to New York Marsden forjvarded
to nio tho most nervo disturbing vnes-
ragee. thomind could well conceive of,
$eoechlng toe to await his coraing nl-
ways, and In four separato instances as
suming a power on my part to avert the
expected death of Masterson that made
me suspect that Mnrsdeu himself was in
n precarious state mentally anyhow. I
ureauoti meeting mm, but was neverthe
less on hand nt tho station on tho arrival
of Ids train and what n shock it was to
mo wlien I caught sight of Marsden!
ItU face was white a a sheet: hla shoul
ders were bint as with some load by far
too great for them to bear, aud Ids hands
trembled ns though they wrro palmed.
When be saw me he threw bis arms
about my neck, and burying his pallid
face on my shoulder cried like a child.
"Don't take on so, Tom," I said, giving
him an affectionate tap on tho arm and
drawing away. "It may not be so bad
as wo think."
"Not if he lives!" he replied, slinking his
bead sadly aud looking nervously about
bun. "Hut I fear Jack is on the verge
of dissolution. I feel so faint now that
I believe I believe it is nearly all over."
He staggered slightly as he spoko and
would have fallen if I had not caught
him by tlto arm.
"Brace up, my dear boyP I cried,
"Don't make a scene here. Come. Get
Into this oab and we'll ride down to my
He was so limp by this time that I
bundled him almost head over lieels into
a convenient hackney, ami giving tho
driver directions h to where to go fol
lowed and sat down beside him. He lay
back against the cushions, his eyes
closed, Ids lips quivering like a child's
under punitiuueot. To an ordinary ob
server it wouui nave stomal as if Mars-
A Tnle iif Tsii llama.
There wa3.11 man named Ilibbs who
bought a farm, built n large, stately
dwelling at tho end of n long, shady
avenue of maples and settled down to
enjoy the comfort aud independence of
a farmer's life. He built n cozy littlo
barn of togs nnd shingled it with clap
lioards. There was another man ot tho name
of Hiibbs who bought a farm in the
samo neighborhood, built it cozy little
dwelling of logs, shingled it with clap
boards ami settled down to the hard,
grinding monotony of a farmer's life.
This man Hnbbs built 11 large, stately
barn at the end of a long, shady nvenua
ot maples. At the end of ten years
Hlbbs' big house had broken him up, aud
Hubbs' big barn bad enabled him to buy
Ilibbs' stately dwelling for nbout half
price and move it over on ids own farm.
Hubbs has 11 big dwelling aud n big
barn and lepresents his county in the
state legislature. Ilibbs has a littlo log
cabin and n little log stable and is try
ing to sell out to Hubbs. lie wants to
quit fanning and travel with a peddling
wagon. Toronto Mail.
i:ii;lUli Law anil lllddcu Treubiire.
It may bo home encouragement to Eng
lish treasure seekers, if any such thero
bo iu these enlightened days, to know
that tho luws of tivnsuro trovo only ap
ply to such as is discovered by accident.
Ti easure discovered by systematic search
would not como within this description,
neither would finds discovered by astro
logical or cabalistic sciences or by the po
tent influence of the divining J od. All
tho Year Houud.
Modern Malrliuons.
Jones (calling on Smith in the even
ing) I thought I wonld find you at
home. You don't go out much nt night
Smith No. I'vcgHenupall iny clubs
and societies. 1 should bo glad to havo
yon como up and spend an evening with
me occasionally.
Jones But your wife might think 1110
iu the way.
Smith Ob, she's noycr homo at night
till late. Tonight she's at a meeting of
the Ladles' Society, for Supplying Thim
bles to tho Destitute Poor. Tomorrow
night sho goes to the Queen's Daugh
ters, neit night to the sociable of the
Hoyal Women, and so on every night.
Como up and see n fellow. It's awfully
lonely to bo married, 1 can tell yon.
New York Press.
eoifor from this distressing complaint: but f orta
xuUsly their goodnossdoea notend herend thus
smooBceiry mem iruiuiui uiusa hum, iuu,
"Corner Store"
Orauacs, Lemons, Bananas, Nits,
ApIes, Celt-iy, Cranlis,
Grapes Table Raisins, Confec
tions, Fancy Baskets, Queens-
ware, and a Ml line of Nice
Lowest prices, gooil tirnlmeiit,
prompt delivery
Call and See Us
Corker Store,
Now is
Your Time!
Building Lots For Sale !
Able In so many a?s that thoy will not be vrll-
ling to uo wuaout inen
Dut af tar aUstclc boa1
lor h Sewini' Jncliine it is inoiiuv thrown nwnv.
How iilioul Wmliiii" Mncliiinjs, T mliicul tli'p price loSo.iiotv
myotic can buy. Oh ye high price agents 1 tun nl'Krr um find
your War
Uespi ctfully,
- prices. Vompt niiiicortcou9s,n'' I 'nllt tho people u know lhnt w!hm tJiej pay over $8f
treatment to nil nnd it is no
trouble to show ;;ooils,
Cnaiil ll.iilgc. Kuntz &Co.
East Weisspot t.
Drug :: Store
KlIiST SUtKKT, I.l'.IIK.inoN. PA.
Near the Lehigh Bridge, Weisspoit
VorTipL,,l.,li'iMu? WstrlliMli.n ,t MEN'S,
lObTII S!lll.m!l!.l!lliyHSlJIIHtl.llO Hllt'OAIS OUT l lir (mllltirs. Ilujlllll III l.iri!l
'.'.'K'il'J V.!"ll,'!',m. ".erftl iinmla Htseiylun em-fs. Our tJImk nt New, I rrslia'ld Seasonable
(.Mil Ill.M. .111 Imnl Islnrte.nlili li iMi'insi.tiiiluuisroIrallierlliaiii'sri to niinr.ther srs
son, Hint nil nil) liuietin eniint (tuiiu'i-toKKUein I he minnrluultips wlilih mil 1, uHnriim
I iVlVi.'T MMli'lNll'" ' ' K'"" "ilwsoffeieil III fi-ry rieimttntiit uf iraiii,
Don't ioig t I lint e kfep the
l?cst Line of Tocliet Knives
Iinnors. llnzor Strops, Sonp
&c. He imvanlee every
Rnzor or will exchange.
U the bane cf so many Uros that here Is vheril
sronnaeonrrrrMtoast. OarriUlscureltvhila
others do not. a
Carter's Little Ltrcr fills sro TtrT small an4
vsry easy to take. One or two rills make a doso.
They arestrlclly vegotable and Uo not gripe or
rnrce, lint by their gentle action please all whs
use them. In vlslaatSS cental live fori 1. f3oU
by drasglsta everywhere, or sent by mall.
J)on't unit, but come nt once
nnd buy one of these beautifully
locnted lotv vou will be sur
prised nt the view thev afford
and the , price will be sure to
plcnse you. No troublo to show
you around. Cull on cither
A. P. SNYDEli,
or R. J. HOXOEN,
East Welssport l'n
Fine H'ines, Liquors nndCignrs.
Fresh Beer and Porter.
FREE LUNCH every ilny iroin 0:00 to
12:C0 a. 111., and every Saturday even
lug. Call nml free rue. T will treat
you rlglit..
Opposite the Carting" Works,
North First Street, Lehighton.
.S'pccinl Oveicoat Mention.
All i 1 1 II e Sir. imtei r.'. ixVisrl to f 10; 412 I,. tjn, mill SI0I0K.
TliewliinlMslmliule nfll iiuule carmrms In llie lienin sluiitrs. llun
1 reilrot Ot H1CIIAT8 Miull e solilnl lliiMMin,lirIlilirlies.M.Mi,,i.5iiaiiil M. otrr Till ef mil
Hue 9iunnilt-.'Mirt nml kioi m titiutliitirny, IiiiiimiiiikI ofiiiio,iiors nlll Im.oiusii outHts.',.!
TVIIt'c Quite '"I i'tplisli All-wool (S'ttits formerly
Xrj.Lll a OLUlft S10 now SISO. 250t7ood, Service,
able Business Suits formerly $S SO now $5.50.
500 Pairs Stylish Pantaloons, positively worth $3.50. we sell
' them nt 552.
1000 i'airs Heavy Pantaloons, nil bright, new (7tods worth $2;
our price 1.25.
200 Children's iS'uits, 4 to 13 years, worth $1 50 came in too
late for the senson; will ho sold at 1.25'
150 Children's Overcoats and Storm coats nil to he closed out tn
make room for .Vprmg Goods.
If you want lo save dollars-) on can do it hero best of any where,
Happy Ktw Year to Yon! Wisirias Yon One cT Onr Oyercoals or Soil?.
. Koch 8c Shankweiler.
Largest anil Finest Clothine House iu the Valley,
To Contractors ami Builders.
The umterslgr.eil announces to Contractors
mill ItulUlrrs that lie lias now opened Ills stono
qmi rv, at Heat er I'.nn, anil Is prepared In supply j
SI t?BBef.4f 9
eflo American
I - vesa 'X Kmr-
I 1 'MIBl'XS&
TRADE M An If 9.
lulon una ttm TTkndhtviic writAtn
k cx- bti Diiuauwav, isrw To air.
htiruu foi unsrurlfisf natftntsa In Amnrlivi-
Fiery patent taken out br ua la trounfit beforu
Ua i)uUo bj a uuttoe glfea Ubq ot charge tu tho
OlJtut bare
ntlflfl paper In tbj
il. Nit Intftlllimnt.
.New York Cut
I tn anv miantitV nt reasonaMo r;.tp, lie rUo
j is.ponsH supply uc lili renldenre on H1XON1)
t STllKbT. to supply InimeillHte dfiimml.
' ltAUnNUorefryiipifnptlon, rromptly tit
1 ttl)t(. tu.
i jMso,ronsi.ant!yot. hnmt a full nupplri nHli
: Flour aud Feed,
ulilrli lie nlll sell at Invest Mai Vet I'llces.
Laivest clreulatlon of any seientlfle paper In tfae
wuriu. ciiuuuiuir iuu.ii.wi. .u
man should be without lu Weeklj
TtWI ,iJns nwuiu ftuuruw
t viluuiEiu, uus xiroauiTBj!
Orcr 1700 diirerent kinds of sonp I dsn liaJ Ukesi too mudi atrim drink
ai known. to ln- w" knew that lis did uot drink,
. . . j hlaittoditionwaautuu-imtuitaUe. Moved
w both were by tue liumlnMt dentil of
a dear friend, but the emotion of Mrs
dasl was out of all jiroiiortidn tn tUe sitn
ftaddeuly lu Kiaeiwd null llio a nil
and sat tip inifrly and groaiiod
"All" bo tughed in a nionmnt
ihuuitht it m .ii, till o er tlifu. ily liea oni,
Huith1 li.. li,,uttil ns he turucd ln
All s 1 , llii - . , . - Imlinn. n.l ui,.
IIH ssilnj tbat lie guessed Mrs. rosier ingly full of some tarrlble tlreSMl. "How
Sfiiald ss unable to take a sere6ib better I call yi.u dt there so nuiuored? Howcan
U (er tens 'Ims t eeuae -Jtsehin,e , yufc-bow a?ou-uow tan ynl"
A Itucli-Merrlnl Woiuau. I
Mrs. Fowler, ef tbls till, was untried I
last January to bar slatb busband, and .
streets as 1. may seem, five of them died
isult two years from ibair ruuiUee das. 1
Hsr vrsscot husband has been slek for the
last four pwmbs with chronic Isumln e.
and was pren up bt faiur ef 0111 i, t phs ,
atslans;asa Usl roaorl be lician nsnif
Sulphur BUleil. and yaatei I v in!.' "ur re 1
orttr tuat tney nsu saved uis uii, ami
L'neoiiscluus I'euiliilne C'ruftl).
"Let mo off nt Thirteenth street, con
iluctor," suid it woniim us- sho paid her
faro on n Drnndvray car at Cortlandt
Tim car wits packed, tlie place just two
miles away ami the woman n New
Yorker. 1'ioiu 5(1 to 100 ieople would
Ket ouend off, half ubundrcsl atone were
to bo made mid souii'thlni; like n half to
turee-quarters or an nonr would im con
sumed before witching Thirteenth street.
Yet this uoiiiuii, ho bore evidence
of morn th. in ordinary lntflligenco in
her fute and from her tuy self asaur.
mice every indication of Mug nble to
take care of herself, expected the con
ductor lo remember her lequest and to
put her oil at the right street.
The Broadwuy conductors are the
hardest worked, most abused and criti
cised railroad officials in this city, but
this Is the sort of thing they aro called
upon to endure every hour In the day.
It is usually at tlie luiuda ot women, and
is unnecessary, foolish and cruelly Iu
considerate. New York Herald.
flie llrjgbt of (he Aluiuipliere.
Calculations, luted on the ohaerra
Uou of the lefraetiott of light, have
caused it lo be supposed tliat tho air be.
oowee so rare at the lieight of about six
ty lailee Uiat tbat distance may be re
garded m the limit to lta sensible extent ;
but other ealc uiat lone, made during (he
present century, of the distance from
the earth at which meteors ignite Indi
cate tbat the attuoapheie extends to up
ward of a hundred miles. Philadelphia
Tan Mrlklnc llelsbls.
hir William Don, when quartered with,
bis r-PKiineut at Nottingham, was walk
ing in the tuuiket pUce, and was met by
two nif t Oanii i- uiio of wh mi thru ad
dresl linn mi William, n, and my
.n.iif a. i.t i uf i ijuur: 1 1 ale about
,i and wo ttuiiis 1., kuuw jor 'ight"
I bar Wllluuu suiawerad, "My height is
feet 7, and you is is the-beight of Ubpa
deuce." Londou Journal.
I tltt l.eT
A h vli c!am iaii,ertlO b.'bl rf. t
sMuiuBMiil tier but-iiHsssa Iik it n
UeXsUmr UU noau u l'-ss .i
lattuo haa txtm iitliinJ" d itti
iJrudinf Kail and W i i
Bail fltb. 1J AnHi.
oHHauuit ls . ewn-v I
Aaaoantetun i (rt
THOfl kUV I ' Is. I I
fUcUilBuiiiiti i.
If srrllUUr nivialal ije tAkon TD-MTMr
a Ptsjuii. wbat wMUd luu tlu Vfluai -iu con
Uim I Duals,
H f I'ninnis;
1 1, sn' i' urt0 '
i )i ti n ft dijIi
n.'f ti limn. a 4.
,i I i- .1 nn (
in 1 f'tirw Tuidr,
i niial hluiiinaod
i t-!llrridrat
,i ;, I a t ,1 l""Utidf,
t '.nlaJuluUtaj
I a taUkM,baJvasM uowos
M taiaratl hsvs) net Tar fsUresl. i
orintutua. AMruli.r -i
TUI SHe CUDiH rtttTH'l
1. lbB fiur
a Iniiiswl far kbit '
sis risk
bufTiicated by 6ueet Odors.
The Sybarites slept on beds stuffed
with roee'leavea; the tyrant Dionysius
had hU couch filled with them; Versus
would travel with n gurland on his head
and around his neck, and over his Utter
he had n thin net, with rose leaves Inter
twined. Antiochus luxuriated tijion a
bed of blooms even in winter days and
lights, and when Cleopatra entertained
Antony she haiul roses covering the floor
to the depth, It is said, of an ell.
We are told that Ilellogabalus sup
plied so many nt ono of his baucmets
that several of his guests wero suffocated
in the endeavor to extricate themselves
from the abundance victims of a sur
feit of sweet odors. Philadelphia Time s
Aiuiuonla In Coal.
Some 111,000,000 tons of coal are burned
in London yearly. About 4,000,000 are
utilized by the gas manufacturiug com
panies; 0,000,000 are burned in house
hold aud industrial tiro graUis Each
ton contains snflicieut ammonia to pro
duce, if treated with sulphuric acid,
twenty-two to twenty-eight jtounds of
sulphate of ammonia. The total loss uf
this fertilising agout is therefore, say,
V.tMHl tons, s the price of sulphate of
ammonia is 0 10s. the ton, the mone
tary loss Is 1)1,005 every year. If we
were lees wasteful we should not be so
much obliged to ransack CtilH and Peru
for artificial manures. National Its-
Hard lo I'liul.
Walter Satterlee, the artist, auys one
of the greatest difficulties he meets is
the lack of models in this country whose
hair is so black tbat it has blue or pur
ple lights in it, lie adds that what lis
wants it common In Europe, but al
most unattainable here. Philadelphia
A' h reel l-fetm.
lie was in Ids study on a Saturday
night when a visitor was aunonneed,
and there entered one of his subterra
nean parishioners, who, having cau
tiously looked round to see tbat there
A ll.fruu. ...V, I.J- .1
T wesgy- A hum sittiatt il
man with an air of Brave, mysterious i cariioo cunti. r.
imnortance: "If eater whit-worth vnn'v i pon. on If-tiUu;, ...l.l nimr to Hastr
luipuiwuue .seiner llliwurill, jou n fjlt, ...m,,,,,,,, Uumi, i,i rj . ol rlKr
been very kind to myould ul when land wiiu s-kwI ruuiiiui. pnnt wnti.i all the
alia wi.l- .1. If mi In-io" n.lwte anil 1 wor Ir. lsi rmililT. ali'l Willi nil li. i-syir) ..illUiillilllliil
doyerttgood turn, and 1 can du icr t
good tun.. There's going to oe the
gradeliest dog fight In this placo to
morrow, and I can get yer into the
inner rug: Dean Hide's ' Memories "
t ; if Ti ii ii ii ti r i ri rm i i nil in i
5' rfeivl
iaasJ -l'sa- - I I J "
. i tulaclple
. Urer, etMuseri
(IroueA JAs
lia. IrliLss' Pnxa
'.ii nis huIOBsaess.
I.. ..a liver ana corjatlpa
tion. fniallut, ralldes
esroatl 0pdess,ascte.
&uj.ului free at orosetsta.
r, SUV. Itii Cs . tttaut, lal.
I'lic IVoplc's Paiicr.
We Make
Fiijo Job Work
A Spucirtlty.
At l.otvost l'riws-.
J ba put healt Wheat I s
af tin aaasasB. t iscaMMsn-,4
ksMhr. WIU aoesser U IfequM.
ai ,.k M aSastsasr lares.!
tm srtta llsVras, dHk t sBaUia Hiasfci.
IL S. . f. MWI. M tWlll TKlTf I. CHC1M, III
In llio very Naalest 8iles
and at the Lowest Prices at
E. IT. Snyder's,
also a full Ha a4
Fine Dress Goods,
That eah'l be matched 1 1 tbls
leu or eouuty for style
Kawsarlae ens! 1 1 l-s nr u isu Aiaaaed. octaalls
out: i iter twn In vt i.voil er brand KiB
efiecUMS Ly beat, trol, S' Tils. t l-.MjlM
FORSAiriiTr" it; nsoi .hully. ur
Cur4 Cspnuiinption, Coughs Croap.Sor
Fnibni Stda, tack or CU( Shiloh'i Porout
Platter .U gi great mi fafitoo."-s cU,
Sire T. aiIsnklris,aiatlnowa,Teon.,aVSI
1 "s(W' Vi(dliirr'4Tl.'D ir Wtm. I
' trouble It exeeu.
Isiieuela, Idver or
lOSJIlfOfPrlees. TTai, catarrh I TWtblsBoaiedr. ItwUl
Our aoodf. Before dttteSZJ&J&t&VZ
hU gbilori'a BemedUs are sou by us oo a
jae5SiK sire satiafaestw.
1 rim xai.b d,
T)r. t) T. IIorn.LelLfr.liloii, Pa
You Buy.
iwaiufnsitit; tnwRalilp,
il l Hi Ufa Mum WSBat,
LlNi Hl SF 14 It-it y.ltii Hln,.IUIK(UI
li (rami l.uik l-iit .vir lt-t-1 L"ii lirxl XX
Wrt nml .ill sit iu i 1 1 twift diitli jiliniig-
kiiii t
tl EWIS1 98 LYt
ntk,., t- . i. i a By" l' .
ir lit r ft l-t W ( L 1 r -
if..." . I.. """
Offici: North First Stret,
cliighton, l'a.
AYe hare also
opened a first-class
iu Anron Suyiler's new blook, at
the. Eastern ninl of tho Lehigh
Briilgo, in the BOIIOUGII OF
WEISSPORT, wliereall orderp
for Job Printing will w ex
peditioiuly anil clifwply exo
ctiU'tl. SubtariitionB Cur thoCarbon
Advocate alsxi rivel and
rwoititrd lor.
Paints, Varnishes, Glass,
Bank Street, Lehightoii, Pa
9 itiifot$g liomBi or Metf
At Low Prices.
Just The Tiling For Christmas Presents,
It Will
ufldnfou U
Arc you all run down? Scott's Emu
sion of Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil
and ITypophosphites of Lime and Soda
will build you up and put flesh on you
and give you a gdod appetite.
Eeott's Emulsion cares Cengbi,
Colds, Consumption, Scrofula and
all Anaemic and Wasting Diseases.
Prevents wasting in children. Al
most ns palatable aa itilllt. Uetonlr
(he srenulnr, J.'reore4 by Soolt k
H'.wno, Cliemisli, Kew York 80IJ by
b'1 Iiruaaista.
The Cheapest Place in Town
Foi Wall I,a)er, Borders and Decora
tions at
rflieiiKi rinUiArv Corner of Socond and
Iron Streets.
tho Vimnty UHvltsvA from