The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, February 04, 1893, Image 1

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Huh X larger oil'dil In.n 1'iin i'. '.the!
newspaper print. 1 ii t ' 1 1 1 n i i t' t'lnl , i"Hi
- .liicnllv It I li" 1,1 ii" lll'"i '"' " I'
i ,, - i),ir in- l'i'i i- -I"' 'tli1 with
I lit- IMVIIIIVMI' . 1 l!l'''l" iH.ll. .
tnti'iestlng. bright mil in ! -ii i.i .i
o.litnrhil hit original hiiIui.I !
leading mi aopnmit of then-spi.'il hi-'i
is hub-pendent of outside diutntioii. Dm
price i one ilolUf u jettr .Tint yon try II.
Is ft eiei'iHlty tit out .lob Printing Oith.
In Snyder's IIIih k. iiit "i'l' I 'Ii Labliii
Bridge, l'.iivnliii os. Note mi i .terl'apci.
IMianiplets. Onli r Hook. .civ, Tig-,
nnil nil kind. or I'U' Mr. Ii. . mill Hale
Hills. Wedoiill win kncstlj.clieaiilr mid
rlenuly. On you need Hiitblug lu Ibis
line? tlii'ii (till hhiI mm! us, ur write us
postal onril mill we will lie nt .four service.
Lohighton, Carbon County, Penna. February 4, 1093.
$1.00 a Year in Advano
VOU XXI. No. 12
o. 2
3 L
- ft
o -
Tlicubovc cut shows out Kitchen Cahinut oikjii and closed it
conUitis Flour 15in, Spice mid foiling Pin Drawer and l)nlo
Hoard. An indespcnsible article for the kitchen. Vice $5.00
Wo have just received another laigo lot of llreech loading
Shot Gnns. llro claim to have tho tinpst lusortment of Guns
and Revolvers outside of the large cities nt popular Prices.
Come nnd be convinced. Our "Leader" Hipech-Loading Shot
Guns only $7..r0. a first class gun in every respect
Only Five Dollars Hound orSirunro nt the
Lehigh Goal & Hardware Co
Hot Prices for
Mo. H, FullSie, Complete
Kiingo, $.'(. No. 1. with No.
S top, complete, a low as 17.
Wo offer llte.p geoilsat lliese pi Ices for
ilmneit Sixty Day.. Wa lmve on turn! a
lot nl Swmul llaml, l'iist-t'ass
Parlor Double Healers,
wli itli we vAU A at vciy low fieuroa, All
of our cools aie tuaranloM to ilrae the
iiuyer or money rof iimlei.. f
Call ami ce our largo stock befor (
Unjlnc eliewticre.
lias it ever occurred to you that you can buy pist as cheap it not Varefni aiiention iuid in tim Delivery of
..''. ... . . y,.. I 1'rtftlil'iiTO rtti.l 1'nreeU In .11 nirl.
rhpaper here than you can hi
Apples and Potatoes
Are arriving daily in car load lots and are being sold nt the very
-lowest i.rlces to retailers
.Sold and delivered ut and IVequently way below city prices.
Wholesale Commission Dealer, Kast Weissporl,
Boots, Shoes
All Immense Stock
All Varieties
Prices Never so Low I
The moBt Central Location Call and be Convinced
at Tho Sign of thn Big Boot.
I ft Hfl , a S'a
U linn I all ilO
714 Hamilton Sti
"We are Stiring Things Up.i Henry Miller,
Last venr our trade wiw liitr
tlie rccortl, so arc cutting piker! wny down, and inovin gmtls' 1'ljANING ' .HILL.
a tlymg, anil il you roniinur
Ladies Rubbers lr, . Mumpm Unblmr loe.
Mei.'s Arctic lfia, All kiiida of HubUr lowpr tlmn tjia
lowest. 100 iair Ladiftu'oliCKi, prire vn $8, now cut to $1.(10.
Miss Dougola Tip, 05c, In fiirt Jill alcmjf lliflino c slicml
tli prices until tboy are vlite- )ou gi t tlip slne, and we move
bf stock just as wo intend.!.
George E. Keith,
728 Hamilton Street. Allentown.
If you rsad the Advocate then you read he New '
. t I
Sixtv !i
III tho nt ! ItlsnMI V K
and Rubbers,
and Styles!!::
i an
Ufa !RDal1llT7
eet, Allentown, Pa.
in .limitary WVwimi n lxnt
iiricea jou vtiii call tin tu win-n in
Folroal & iMte M
W. M Itaiisher,
1T0BNKV ash ' nt'NSKI.lJlR , I' i.'.W
r'lrst iloiirnlmve thf Msll.lotl Heme
il Ktatr ami t'ollntluii Aitrlu'). Win l'.uy
titi hell Intuit. (NmvyniHiitK ilmn .
In. Krtl
iti-sultt l ill
iin -I
iitriini Hmi itcrniaii
1)1... G.T. FOX,
! Mali) Sheet, ll.uli, V.i.
It KUii'iR, Huovitw itntMK, Mom
r liKTItl MIHI, H I lit I I I., MINK-!'
r A 1,1 f Mlttt . I. It Mi I KNTItAtTIII I. HP
1 lUTIt. I'll I MM 4 MiMrt IlltW"
DftU't'Kdiit-t rxtiiiDii iii In 1 i. ni
l..llU-t1 m illii'tin-' m III-
Eye.Ear, Nose &. Throat;
' f A1n. i:irniitlHi'rili(KVfi nrltt- Klliist-
Tflll Itf KtasiI'M
IF. I. SMITH, "D. f). 8.,!
ORhv utmlli. tlii'0M'rii It.iiisc
l?nnk Stiwt, .oh ' ton. I'n. I
i a:
CilHiiKHtnl niaklUK leiitiirpoi 'fctal-
CasHiliiilimterotliiuitTrelli l'xlr.uirl WITH
IH'FICI' MOUltSt 1'roiu 8 . in., ti 2 in., frf.tit
1 it, in-, to 3 in., from 7 . tn., Id h p. in,
(;oiisuUutlonilu KnjdMior liciiiuii
Hoiiriat llulctiMi -i;vt-i .s;iliml,o.
(ictw-w iv -
l!llArn iHriiK:0ri .1, (tiiilanttiiii
Liuuor h'jre.
f.iitIMn In till IU hLiucltc. Twth Kxtnicti'il
illiuiil I'uiii. ilJiiHiluiliilHtf iP(lhfiimni(-tMl.
unioi n!( vi:iM:si)AVrpHi'ii -fk.
-.ii-l M.I.KNTOWN,
ii iLftiiilK'omilt.rii.
Henry Drumbore, Prop'r,
first htpki:t. i.KijiaiiTox,
Tlio CjiiIhui lltniHP lun brrn ifiiHtutctl .uit
tnproM'tl tluouKliontj It H ctfctrtc Hyliletl uml
well onttlatoil.Htitl Uainoiitlio ltent Hotels In
tliN feci Ion of the Stato, Ttio patrotiace of tho
puMIc m solicited. Cost nccommottatloiis for
permanent him! tianlf nt custom. nmrRCa ery
iimdiT.uo. rine M'nior,l'reh ltperaml I'oilpr
Hint (iootl Clears for yale at the Kir.
Juno IB, 'ifJ-.C;
Tll I .ca ill Ii lU'atiturHiit III th 1ilj;h
r.niN- iiai.i. liuii.DiNn.
lyMra'Snna'rV, ALLUNTO VN,
'I llU l'opuliir Ilrslanrnnt lia. been thoroughly
redtnil ami rerurnhtieil, ami the Konernl acenm
inoilalli'iM iiiocl it inpeilor and ImlllORdiarae
ter. All tho dellearly. ot the scrinin nerved at
moderate i uti'i. The lur U snpplleil w It Ii mine
but tho best hiiini!. ot Wine, I.I1111014, Ale.
Cljjarii, 1 te.
Ladles' llliilntT In the Hear.
Oscai Cliristman,
WI'InSI'OIlT, 1'A.
Liccrij unit Kxvlutmjc Stable..
Iiiy rldlui; c.iiil.ii;e. and ..tfo iirhlni: hone.
it; i"o 1 tiiiiiodation, to
Mall and leli'ifruph oriler. pioinpllvntleiided In
(llro me a trial. mny.'l-ly
'l'ho Celebrated
Cy)ress Shiiiti'lc.
( full U-iiftth.
'I'ho very licst "Shingle tn tin .Market,
MHnnr.u-tiiifil l)
t'l.iremoid, Iritliila.
mil Stl.K IX U KtoMDRT 11V
All Kinds of liuildiug Lumber
Vrsielit, Bagnaae and Parcels
I John F. Hottenstein.
UrtoWaMllm Towest pilw. A share of
public pationant is rfsppcilnily boIIcIuh;.
".eave orders at S weeny 8. Koch's
or Jielbencnth's.
( (.1J AjvIjlJLi .LliiJij,
uniniioa utiuiiuui,
rioMoi't liniiilln: opposite Post Ortlce,
FinsT st.. i.Eiimii'roN. pa.
Il'ork liken In every day of the week
and promptly attended to.
Family Washlnj done at very reasonable
1 rates.
Soidel's Bakery,
r"ir(t Stiwt, t.t-hliililim, J on ulwaa flhil
rieMie.taiiil Hett
! ltye. Wheat and Vienna Bread ! Kvtry li.t). Our Menna liiead cannot
e cleaned. We iWHMictiully scllelt your ivttron.
aa. Wali-liforlhe Watfoii.
Seidel's Vienna llnkery,
Opp.Oliert'.. Hliwr r.. I.WIItlllTON, PA
The under InuaM lialuu l'rn it'toi?ilili
UeHU by slmide mtans, all? r Mid ruin lornlu-
riulr wltiiJUH-.fieluiiK aiteclbtn, aud rrl
kiiuttii to lilt teiiow kviiHererH iut iietut oiniren
Tolhusewho dMirelt, bti will i'hwitull ftihl
ui ciiNifi k i-upy ut i no prmcnwiiHiiitrfu.
whleli lliey will tludu surw cum (or Coinuinp-
l"ou A.ila. nromhUI. ail,iUll,r.iat aud
i hi
J ' th. puai ii(4i.ih. ttlllvll U III i-oal thrill iwKllllilc.
and iii i)' prow ,i iiifsitiv, win auiiicns,
IIcv. KIMVAIM) A. MIIOX, IHooklyn,
Xewr York apr jj:i, .2-"y.
1 Window and Dooh Fkaues,
i Doors, Hlmt'i'tw,
uiililnw aaaliffc.
M nuliliiiKi. Hraekeu,
i iluus, itui if-nn iii, uomm auu iu
AKI DKA1.KK IN onirtn-. d .ai c- oticerf ul uut!
1 lm.l ',,l'u""A 70 jcar--
till Kinds of Drmed Lumlier ' r:c. that
1 averi ilisj. '- my waH-kerH ganh i
Hlnn-glts, l'silinip. . -J,,'1;,- -;' :XSaWSSS;
Uanilock Luinlwr.&c.cir. "'. ,, ,, , r,,,,,,! ;,., n .11 Mulcted of wi...m I lasv
Very Lowest Prions. 1 X'riH.
jj,aie uuu priaittU ctm-p
German Remedy.
fur tli.V''.l"nthh l.ot)'i will Irt-imli
nilhtiiRMpunflpppnil ffirnrnwiwhtrflM I.
It will rnro toil uotfiMlut orcurv l!
H.M.M. .UUirMllli nftfr,liu'
thnttlroilnniliillBOiif flmniolhinliliiipil
lllLnim,ai " rXp.rltlei bunt infftliroimli tlin Mu
P'i'Mimii..iin riiii'li-.,liMiiie..
closely !oiil!nc.l i, iml Horrn. It. ly 01,
tho mill, nml work ,,cr 'J"
thopaiclcikMrhnilo tenWl will M
not proouro.nfllrlont'lnllwho TTimnTTtlZ
uroconOwJIniloor. ,m r,, I iJIVi
.hoillcl .1.0 M'LFIIPr. TlJ r wi'i 1 u
liirrr.ii.. -riioywiii '!i&fiilficSZ
not then bowcaiiiiiii ""!''iiU"
j i m.ii .in iii.twiti. Jff"!!Xn ",TrE""
tosiifi-tTfrom lllioum will tmitl j-ou lipnnil
ntlnni, hbo n Imttlo ol ;nnko you BtruDganO
SCMiiun IUTTF.H9 1 'irK'tny.
mirror fall, to mm HULriicil 1I1TTEH9
Jionl ho nltljuut ii Till make your blood
bottle. Try Itl rou pure.rlch.niliitronjr.l
will not rogrrt It unil your Oe.h hiinl.
Lniui's lu il.-Ucinr 'Iry Huuriifa 1UT
hpnlth, wlio Aro nil ters to-nlgbt. anil
run down, ,houUlnsi von will .loop well
Srf.riii'n IHttfr.. lin'l fool Iwtrerfortl.
Do you wnnt tile best Medlcjil Work nnhllalml
Pcnd .1 2ent stnmps to A. 1'. OnmVAr A Co
linntoii. Ala..., and rccclro a copr.freo.
t'ntiirrh tn New Knitland.
lily's t' lhlm gite, ratlfai:iluii 10
etctv iino iiiltiK it for catarrhal tiouble..
(i. K. Mi'llor, Drnggltt, tV'Otcc. rr, Ma..
I lielleti. KIj'b Cloain Halm i llie. Iie.t
article fur oatarrh ever ofieicl In the pub,
lie Itili & Co., Ilntsiilslj, Wutcemer,
Anarilclcnf rial mtrll. U. 1' Ahien,
PnmgUt, iiiiinuficlil, Mass.
'I lio.n uli.i ii'O it .peak liijlilr nf It.
Gen. A Hill. UrtiKglil, HprlnsfieM, Mass.
Cii'.un llalui iiaa Riven salUfacto.-y ro.
snlls. W, 1: Draper, DtiissUt, .Spring
field. .W.1M.
bovvinil lliousamls of liuir plua, In
many styles' have hecti rewovereil from
l'llcs (if mople Uavo piles, but I) Will's
tt'ltcli llazlo Silvo will cure tlifm T. 1).
t'HoJiiitr..llciul llorie and Cattle rouiler In
all caseHOfgetienil debility ainoiii t our
I'rlrctw cents per p.vckaee oil lb. full welsht. .
JlllHous of butterflies ore eaten every
vetir liy the Australian nliorlglnei.
TI10 iuteiust you lu others tithe, tlutt
Interest they will tako in you.
biunW In s!;.p, crcat tn results: Do U'ltl's
Little Uarly Klscrs. Uest pills for Consti
pation, bes. f.r Sick Headache, hest for
Soar Momach. Thev never ctlpw. T. U.
A H'iion for tlte fallli Hut U lu hliu -Am
MkiiistLile citizen o tho bouth wiltea: Troiii
ohicrvatloti coprlnu Kicat number of eaiei 1
tintifsitiitlngly piut.ouiK'e Soiatlon Oil lube
the must wtiiiUiM till iMiiely fur
The city oT .Vow Vork cares for 18,
Oik) lunaties nt n cost of i?025tn(M a year.
Oortnr Ynlirieir
ami ao money, anil perhaps your life.
Semi three 2 cent stamps to pay postage to
A. 1 Onluay A- Co., lloston, Mass., ami
reeelyoneopv of Dr. Kanfmann'a creat
Jieillcal Woik, 100 pajies, elegant colored
For CounlySnpcrintcnflentoTPiililiD School
H. Q. KIDD, '
Principal of PackHiton Schools,
a graduate of West Chester
Normal School, with thirteen
years' experience in teaching.
poll SITKUVlh'lIi,
Tiio iiiiiler.iKiicil will bo it cuiiilldate
for Supervisor of Mahoning Townihip,
at tho apiitiu election,
Heatero and
In dreat Variety nt
Samuel G raven's
'opuhu Store, Hank Street.
Roofing and Spouting a specio!
ty. Stove repairs furnished
on sliort notice
I.TnTKIM yR Ar-rKn!
it , 1 i Ilnntw .f I
VIM 1 1 llll uu in If
Klglit Yotti-s' Standtu?
-.1 VlKLU-KS'iWN IS I IlifrUill .lltLV HE
south 1-fadhiiv , Ma-..
)un ii " L.I Munb. I wai
fttrkken w itb Xvr nu I'ro'.t ral Ion
.ijp Meai da. i.nil sleeptes.
l Ufa
uiirbufolloacl. laufTi'reil
eitre,uel from aoVtiou f the KI1-
ne.M uud Sfoiiuirb. ass uat able u
attend lo laiHtiu'M of any kind, felt uo
desire tur wtUfieu. . and at hat lieruiiie
sihollj i
until let lortlioallglilcnt
IIihI turllmallgliteal
iliitiea, if I K.3 r im was a but
lire was a uinleu
te me. IV 1 L-
I w an attended by skilksl Pkysiulsui
ako i "1I in" liiralb that there s no
help forme.
SVlnee Ijklll-'
Ijkui.' "Ur Metllilu,' I U.I.
fnlll' rceopecil. I lisu-luWeu leu
I lllu' In llie l lllleo uirce
aau, sail iiisia.r ui) r-ll u ii.ihk
l(4lli!Oiilal uf the AIIDPC
iui . trull ,
Mouv nIIX
a- bms tmtriui. c. gtstit. Mtiw.
T.lkrw Inf. M Mini
Afim Urn
FIMBrrtai. Irirtttfrlas.
All nmitv i. Of '
Vi'im i i h Hinnr air.
Ami l tt wtaaf. eta
N lh.1 tk MkfM
Hk imt. .ItMwiktM
n ". m Ik Immt. rMn.
now. r. tr mw b i
w. ko tdMM MtK
-Vrlinw War. iriknr W.
1'im Wtllftn M.H
'rrMnyt "
lUeiBi Hj. m thtrtw. WBiBi
'I'll !.' II'lli I i I)
I 111. Ill 11 VI I4l 11.
Krrn TlHimi T.'- irtnHly Man f
furt wlio fwd h'm flflm ynrnhmk-
kwir firr thf pmupmwiii aiwi rt ktmm
of limn. Racim. Ijinl A '. T ananl i
iiKi'int linrjfUm. ha ndttratail an m !
ilimiiil.iiii i' wtlli Ilia pulhaawa whii ,
nlti-i iintcl on the Iwl Mad ilpWBprt ray
trrinna hinta of inuwUkawt rvmurda
I rnw tb. rnnsbt a Irartrtar tn tl a art,
i lie liml h liuralar alarm itl Ma laatngaaa
I nml n xiinttrnii. frum wtrirh Mr. Trnl
minawHKin tlw hatfit of wtlMrawtiax
1 card ills' tr fear 1m ahrmM ahant him-
.Many alofnlcaa liUrtit Ha namt In ,
protvlliu-nl.irrt tha liunaa In tha tiark In i
fpicat nf nana inlni.lar whaaa footatap
no iiimiiritr no muni, nr ran. I evary r-1
tii'lcitillidiinwa,marimtmrKtaraa, !
nml Mirpriwl hli wifr and nlaw h' tha
cxti'iit nml itii'in.icy of lit. information i
tnnt'liltiK tiio mr. Inula of tbo fnitanilty. I
Ho pluiiKfil til. -nt Into il)ith. of ilaainlr
by ilivlariii Unit ho knew It waa Iifa ilaa
tiny In wake up wnne limrnln: ami (lml
the lnmw. rnlilKil nnil (fin.titnca'a thmat
Constanci' -.w n lovely ifirl, llie iIhurIi
ter of nti ehler brother of Tinimiii. who
hail gout' ontli after thn war. lumttht n
plantation, tnki'ii tho yellow fever nml
ilieil. lenviti;,' an cutnto of which the
valim tva lUiUtiowu. Sho va a co
quette, ami h.i'l it luat nf niliuirerH who en ii-tnli'il the approval of her
uncle or i:uul. If thev wcro young
Uncle Ezra aaM they wire aniH nml
ought to bo lu tho nursery. If tliey were
old, lioKlhl they bhcmlil be in Himnold
people's home. Coustaueo laiyrlieil at
his invectives, nnil when her undo for
haile this or that man the house she met
him elMiwhcre, if heliait taken her fancy.
Among the ndmircrs who could not
fairly bo condemned to tho nursery was
Colonel Pitblado. Ho had met Constanco
nt a pmall party and had been struck by
her lmtnty and vivacity. With his nsuaj
ctrcuinsiiccliou ho had iuatilutcd inquir
ies leRardinjt her pro'iiectivo fortune.
Prom tiio nskiiluity with wliich lio pur
sued her afterward it may lw Inferred
that tho rcMilt nf tho investigation had
been satisfactory.
Much to hi. annoyance Contanco not
only did notusk hint to tho house, but
begged as n favor that ho would not
come; at any rato for the present.
"You tee, Colonel rithlado," Mid she,
"I have rather taken a fancy (o yon
and 1 don't want to loj.0 you. Now, lny
uncle, who is the best man in the world,
invariably takes it dislike lo people who
pay me attention. I have it presentiment
that if you came to the hottso he would
quarrel wilh you, and that would lo tho
end of our acquaintance."
Tho colonel argued, but it was of no
avail, Tho only concession which C311
stanco would make was that now and
then, bay ouco 11 week, sho would leave
thodoor open nfter her undo had gone
to bed, and the colonel might slip in and
spend a few minutes with her in the dark
in the lull or in the drawing room.
'I know." sho said, "that 3011 are too
much of a gentleman to inak&ine regret
my good nature; any way I think I can
take caro of myself."
Tho colonel's behavior was beautiful.
His speech was eloquent 011 tho subject
of his love, but he rarely ventured even
to press tho lingers nf hi. charmer as
they sat side by side on the sofa.
There1 they Kit one night, and Con
stance, in a subdued voice, was explain
ing her uncle's extraordinary .terror of
"lias lie ever linen robliedr'1 asked the
"1 lielieve that when ho was a child
burglars broke Into tho houso wheio he
was living and IdllM 0110 of tiio Inmates,
lie was wakened out nf lied by tho sonnd
of the shot . and he lias never got over
tho shock." .
"I can quite understand it," replied
Iho colonel. "There is something iecul
Iarly terrifying in u midnight encoun
ter with 11 man whom you cannot see,
and who has everything to gain and little,
to loso by taking your life."
"Oil!" cried Constance, "the thought
011s me nt times with such horror that 1
am as afraid of burglars as my nnclo.
I think that if I saw one in my room, I
would die of fright.
"I hojie." said tho colonel laughing,
"that 1 would not show tho white
feather. But I must say I do not hanker
to meet 11 burglar ill the flesh."
At that moment n slight noise was
heard outside the drawing room door.
It was tho faintest iiossible creak of a
weak flooring plank tinder a tread. Doth
the tenants of the sofa looked up and
held 'their breath, Avith ears on the full
Btrain. Another board creaked and pres
ently, after a wait which seemed to last
for ages, tho acute ears of the coldnel
detected it muffled treadjon the carpet of
the room in which they sat. There was
a third twrty in the room. He was shod
with wool nnd was moving noiselessly
1 and occasionally stopping as if to ll.teu
, whether he was detected. The long
I expected burglar had come.
Constance fainted silently oil the sofa.
I Tho colonel, in whom the presence of
danger lud awakened his righting in
1 stlnct. roso front his seat and groiml Ids
I wav uouelesalv toward the intruder,
! whom he could not see. He could ljy
low llllli- lienr ine annwiina """
oinuiiigaml koiiig.and instinct prompted
him to hold Ida own. He woM latve
given worlds for n weapon, but hla cane
una out ol reai'h. 1 lei must give battle
with hi baro lutnds against one who
probably had both pistol and knife. As
he retledeVrthe mfriiJcr VJooiiauie into
contact with n atisil. The colonel hes
itated no longer: with n enddeu spring
he was upon the invader. He had
thrown his weight iutn the spring and
felled the burglar to the ground fnoe
ilownwsrd. Than, swiftly sailing his
wrists, ho held them in n.grip of iron,
twisted tlie anna upward and sat down
on hit back.
Tlie burglur struggled, evidently striv
ing to free one lumd to use Ins knife,
bat the colonel wus now fighting for his
life. His clutch of tlie wrists did not re
lax. When tlie struggle grew weaker
and Pitblado had got liack his breath ho
'You villain! If yon don't keep your
bauds atill. Til drive my knlfa through
your vitaU. Cmo motion awl yon are a I ""' . ,"""?' T, JT.
deadtuau." I W?!?""- lJh
1 Tlwlmrguu-tnadeiwreidy. Heiaintad. I exatuple a man with. l-Hlnant
I and sounds came from him wliich to i return, imd during my requital would
1 IHblado'. e,:r s.muile.1 strangely like n CU Um '" ly- 0
sob. The . .Uonel derivl a quallfi! ' "" '' ""' ""
. asrtsfactluu from lus stillueas If he 11 w hJld ' u i,Uuut ' '"""J"''
dared to 1.H hi. clutch of theftllow-a ll-, 1 wMtiwWng Bnehemlw.y with
wrists be would have tria.1 to throttla,' lM 'nrr- ''1n,, ,U" I,.r":r1 ,uJif,i
him. but the ilaiurer of a stab in the aide ghsineil over tie-. rowd and said. -W ill
UhemofeilliU hands to the burglar.
throat was t.K. obvious
He thought nf slioutuig for help But
that would hae betiaved Ins presence
it) I 'imsliiui ev drawing room after the
liglit-v.-r-out and wluui herunclewas
mli'l lb' would lathei risk the knife
than cumnruuua bar. lie avptsjasd that
she hud fled upataks, w harass iu fact
she was us a dead taint on th sola.
What was lie to do- Waa he to stay
sitting ou that burglar all night;
I WiUtUBa ttntaekxi 14a brain for, as
nMr ftom Ihs ,
U jroall InHwaB 111 bnw ran"
Ym. I hu ." mM IttbUiloi
ir M rata nf IMm. TlMtl
rnk wra't Mti. It' t thitt m mtins
tomie Jvmtttnotat Hflhr vrorW."
mttmrl mMil rl n 0fmrrj(O
trw rrni'ii' wntrn m at. TM
'Horrnl I inM ram lUt I MH antac to
4 an llw nhnwittK to tM iwr.imrl.y
"W yntiH imly Ml yimr wvigM r4T my
taM an I ran latartlH'.'MM th tmraiar.
"Ta'4 awk at nt yma tavalh to
Mir ii IrBrttV Mn bm, artnMat ymtf
Katnarh. I'm )al lUatdtty how I 411
an yoa m.w Id Mi tin rfr
"Oh! nkl nhr inftmw thoprmtmU ,
"Wlmt an iianawiaalito Mlow rmi:
wT mW ttw i-nltawli "hurt I'm lt yon
Ht for rvr an Maay HBtwataa wWla 1
larrVni lnlilua now tofattynn tn
'-ajBar tar NtV." mfcl tha Wtrab;. '
-ni rtlahow yoa waara taa aOrarl tlaanwii. 1.. nwlilHit of llif Tlilitle
ta." I ilown I'rtrnkmm omiiwny. with (he
"Yimll araiw ma." rajara.1 tha o4o. ' hamUAiiwt ynrlit In tho lmy ami uinnoy
Hal. pntalM. I hi1i In rrlilit It with n ipililon i-nrgol
I will. I t.irr ymt tay hoikir 1 wtll.',7 Ywitli Iwanty what iln they wWjIi in
tjk. I ." aaM lUNaHn: "yon want
In fllrWr. It w.o't tin.
-What mm ym. wnatr
"I rWt rtan.'''aaMtMealnnil
yrm ahall bara a aUafla fm.
"Taka I ham all: tain thaan alt. Only
tet hw m- I '.amta'a rfcriataahar rap."
"Hv HwirwT tnnltarail lHI4lo,
ymt-n' a rtnnantk' aort f it t lwp to In
11 Imrglar.
It had by this Htw) Mwhw MatMfat
to thn enhma' thai the Mlnattnn ronkl
not lie pnanngisl fnrarjr. Ha iiatVl nnt
ait rai that Isirgtar'. lawk till mnrnlng
the tension f themasraM iif Ma arm.
waa vrcakniinr llrniM amiiahww rat
hint to the ui-araat Juln-a station. If Im
only had a r.t of lljrht'
At I list tutnnaiit n faint mina
fiom h MlfiT
'J)y llie l.iil,"1niitti'r .1 lb inl.iwl,
"ijp'fi pt an Hciimptk e.
Another annnd fnmi the safn ami Ilt-
lilailn saw thnt than wh. np. The naw
c oilier might at any ntomanl rash to the
rescue of lit. Hii-mnplh-e. Ittl4sihi had
noticed it j.iker and shovel In fmut of
llie drauiiig mum trrate. Wlthft .iubbn
spring he l-i-gaineil hla fret, let lira Intr
glar go. leaped to the grate ami sefar.1
the juker.
A wild shriek came from llie sofa awl
simultaneously tlie colonel struck a
match. By its Hare lie saw to III. antate
mcnt Connie silting upon tltewifaniel
tlie burglar lying mot look, on llieflonr.
Had h killeii the anmndrel
Another mutch lit the ga. and Connie
sprang to the burglar, took litsls-ad In
her arms and screamed lo I'ilMs.l.i:
"Ym hat c kllleil my uiK'ler
"Yonr uncle? Why. tliat's tlw bur
glar." "It's my uncle, and you luite rhokeil
him to death. He's lnenible. Oh,
help ine to bring him to."
The prostrate nun revived, and, s.-e-Ing
Connie, muttered:
"Let him take nil tlie silver, Couiilo,
except your christening cup. If lie will
spare onrlites. we'll not prccule."
It did not take, long 1 11 gat Mr. Tlln
tuins upon the sofa, and, a. fm was not
hurt, a ghnw nf ruin, administered by
the tender hand, of Connie, restored him
to hi. si'iiws Hi. lnlnil wa. still con
fnsed. He iiiu'rHiunsl:
"1 liave had narrow eapape. my puur
Constant c. I H-emeil tn liaar n iMnw In
this risitii and stepped in. when a lean
of gigantic strength lee.! .at tae. ami
was tilMiut to ki'.l ine when .ion tnnet
have api. nri'd ulid frlghteta-d him
"Tlint is not quite exact, ilear lueJe.
While you wi re struggling in the tuiMt
hemic vt .:y 1 1th n IxtrgUl' Cuaasel lit
blado lutMaaicd' Unjjataa. mtaretl the
house by h.iJIIIHHsir. which the
burglar iia.1 left inJBjIi! ilnive the fellow
away and tcscnoA yira. Alknr ine In In-tifslud'-iiiu
Mr. Thuimfna. lit
blado." -Jiihtt Honiwt-in Araaunt.
liLtirrttire fur VI .,rklHti..en
A scheiiH. for tlie itaatram-e of work-,
men iigattyvC accidents has lteeti drawn
up by the Itnssiau miniatry uf finance.
The pensious will amount to half ties an-
uual ealarv or the workmen at ties tftno
of their death Ties children of lite lat
ter will also receive until tltey maintain
tneir majotity an allowance in 1.1 1.1 -ru
per cent, "f'llie salary uid lo tltetr
mill' rs l'.ill'nlelplila Ledger.
ll.nitli I'sprrlearr
David ( Im .ti.' Murrui. the leerrrM,
writta: "Light or tilt t.rsng.' I was
sitting in the Htiw;,c tlub Ii tbei-ini-panyoffour
iliti-t.uislal tn-it uf let
ters. One wus tla' editor' of a Isaiikwt
daily, uud he was lalVtng rather too
humbly, as 1 thought, about his .rwn
career. 'I do not be uU,
'that any limn in my jmatiit puaMtm
has cxiH-liciHv.I in iaiutou the jwiva
tions I knew wlien I first raurx here. I
went hungry for three days, twenty
years liack. aud for three nights I slept i
in the park.' Ine of the )lly tnrrted ,
to me. xou cap tnat. i armier 1 an-'
swered, 'tour nights mi tne eniKtnk
ment, four ilays hungry.'' -My left lwuet
neighbor was u poet, and la. chimed in
laconically, 'live.' lu effect It ptwretl
(lint there was not oue of ua who ltaii
not slet in that Hotel U the BwHtifn!
Star wliich i. always laien to everyhisay.
We bad all laen ftequrtit gueata there.
aD'l now we were all nroapeetaM awl
had found olhcr aiel naire .-fflnfnHatale
Fraoco-tlenuau war nf leT.O the (ieriaau
cmieror. siting ui tie- strongly ev
iil oninhai or K
llMteut. tnat
"- J
lieet au
fat. gave orders that each soldier elaatbt
liave sen'i.l out to
htm SS arama of
fat bin on. It ia also
i a Well known fact
that fat animals (war isriratiun of fiaet
i . ..... -v " ii.
UVtier IIUUI mill wr, 4 ., ,r."j,.M "r-
n.a Hark r All.
lew sieis nan more aaunr-rs amuuc
women I nan nttrter turn, amt mis au-
tuiratiou frt.itunitly ;took pemauil form.
vw j - ' - - -1
faaldou. was ileacrtuing these ern)sHont
' ilui' luut no uiea, sue sawi. "or taa
time Uteeuleaf stieurht in Irylug to 1
tlttae puole on the street.. Soaietlmea I
be cxiuiee hotue aud auys, 'Well, tester. I j
bad hard vork to lore him, but 1 hare
loot him.'" To lid. WhtttVr lAtherr- :
ally addi.!. "But I can never haw a law."
ban l'l.iuijbi o Argonaut. i
, . '"" J"" '
" '."T" T" .
,ue emieiu...i v n r.,. u.- taems.
rise to ht f. . t - ur.onwn,) inan got up,
bill Iwfol, li- lollld do w. tldrtv-iwlru
tueu l.ii'l 1 1" n slow Ii in tin 11 fvt .ui'l I
llun'l tlllllk 1 V H - ' , I 111. Ut "llll'SI 1. "'' I
in nn hi. '1 "! .1" IM...!.
Ii hui la tu 1 1-. . . -i .-l 1)1.11 Hi" 1 isUI
rvuuirbil to 1 1 11 h .i -iiuaie in, .1 "f on.4.
varies from t,Hu lo i.H siuurt.
"The plii.n tan a. Brown, "is tue
imui wtw tells ou that you neeil chaug
tnj, Uieu ajtat aJljkfi jkjc '
l't III llir IMf.
I' , . t . .. .1 .lu. 1-uli' Ha blli.u .Ll.
sue is., link , wl.i.1.' the lly may ! ' l?" 'T. ZTU
draw for .undies ot energy ami heat 77?.!TJ L.. 7i ' ZZ . JZZZL Tm
when reuuirl. It is aUted that In Ihe I 'V.'"."lM,TW,.,i.1 f!?f . myZ
It iu 1m much rlU nature, ml m lbf
Thut Ilwf wttboni wlinf. that f mplor
lUrnnlATtil forrr Mindly without Jor
Kr lhf wlim ItumU m?iI i-rmlf ilHlthtu
The M Ikftit pMftkm in hunt iluwii ami Uj-,
Bt father tlilMrtfi uf on mtnnmii ItlrtJi,
lHwM-nlrif Iq tt!nrl fruit ft unrtli
Klolrrt n4 Ittimt to tliUilhlncr t Ujr,
I4 H-iti will far wlinlU Ml hII lioiir.
Willi tkf tnttA nvt rrl U oi1-lit
If hi hmr nml If M re 1ml
Hthn wnirritw Ha tier lu IhoM nml Wnt,
Onr hrJli f trty tw l-t-r llpnl trw.
Our Ihfttl4lttaftwr1 nmI nninii1iiiti n litr
-ArrhMatld Iainniiiltt mitlrCniiiiinl(in.
"1 rvrUliilr will try tlif rx-riiii'iit,"
itnnlli 1 hi mywlf.
Awl llxn 1 .mprtly IihiUiiI in tlio
icIiwk, m no l.'ttfr tn cnliiiliitH my
chm itialrliii..iiUl.
It wnm't i n mifBi lory mrvi'v.
I am wit a ImimIwiiih man. Itiit th.-rcV
taw ailrantnaa I .imiw th it W wnrili nil
ITw lminty in rrwillnn Tiiriiimtii. Tlil.-
Ibn latlawa aKaln.t Tuninatn TliUtlo-
i ilnwftf
Awl I ittl my i'k-t with a
eimokl" that niiill 1IV tlw I'liinV of
"Ill .In II'" 1 w...lMllnml iilitliil
lJnn-.. llardetihtis.k glsnce.1 .hvjiily
np fnxn Irf. annrhairlu the lr win-I -nu tnein rememnci-ea inepiooa
ilmvaii. hi. cigar out of hi. mouth. . W t"rn that affair, wcro taking up
Brace Is'long to our cluli luoii'. the
Hly prrllioti. jatppy that lisikj
down let a fellow from the height of hi.
six feat lw... as if under that sits
lmd any Intness to exi.t.
"What's that you're goiiu to do,
ThMlcbiwiir naked llnn-e.
"To l.i marrlcl," I addeil sloisly and
ili.tinclly, "lo Mbw 1 niinv llonl'iu."
Bntcastarteil. I had known very well
Mat tlutt would disturb hi. serens self
.wMesaioii, All llie world wit. quite
aware that lie was dangling after pretty
Fanny llorrlmi as If a cllentle-.. ytmng
lawyer had nm' tight tn-, n.plre tn' the
hat d of lie. loveliest girl in New York!
AW ymt eligas-eil to lier. .Mr. Tlli.tle-
down)" he a.Veil.
No not exact ly engugeil that i. not
as yet. leu I Inettti to lw. 1 shall I'on.ult
Mr. ttianlon this very afternisiii an old
friend ot mine. Job (lord Mi. Hell refuse
ine iHShlng."
BrtK-e llardetibn.ik iimde-no reply.
He reattnieil his newspaper ami IriM to
look Indifferent, wltii remarkably bad
So 1 jait nn my hat and strolled down
tu learrst .toll (Inrdnn'a counting room.
r. "TliistleiloTf n, Ikiw d'ye dnV" he cor
dially said. "What ran I !' for von to
dayr "A great ileal, Mr. Clonloii," 1 re.mnd
i.l. "I tun oiitrinplstinif mstriuioiiy. I
ant thinking of tlie hymeneal lsmd., sir
ailll Slut I Would like 111.' weight of
your InltiwH.' tith your danchler
V'anny. I adore Fanny, sir I worship
her and 1 don't mind telling jisi that it
Is within Iter option at this Hi'iinetit to
lietiHiie Mrs. TiM-qnaln Tliistlislnwitr
Mr. Uonbm wrung my Iwud heartily.
"Torqnatns." lie ejacnlstnl brratd
lessly. "jiat're n trniup. My lUiightef,
Mrs. rrtroleitm CoiiqMny no. I don't
mean that exactly Imt - hut I onlyhope
ymt aren't too later
" laler I gaapnl, tiuking a clutch
at lny yellow r41k j.kat handkerchief
and wtpiHg the dnqia away from the
bald tqiol im Ihe crown ol my IhmiI.
-'There waa a yimag fellow here this
very nea-ning.'' went 011 Mr. Oorfon,
rHtuplln hi. hair .with one hand In a
ilWnwle.1 manHer
ni ties self same
bwainese. and"
Hat lira.-.' lUniealai.iVr
..- u- I l..K-.l.u.L I... .
l-m- Hml I It44 Mm l.lm I
My miM-limi .mmI Vt W ttt up i
lu nl,v .l4Hnff W to Uvk im i
beet tat ion in taenia lymi'ttntrl he gen
t Hunan who wonhl prp"-e It her tbl.
1 gave 11 f..'lile aasii and rnbhd my
"But," nW. l lb old aanlb-nun, with
a sudden in Miratinfi, "I .lUln'l meutlon
any natnea. thank Bjoettneae. and ! don't
Me. itf. at wy warn, i ihe note
'ehanhln't answer fin yeai jnt a. wail as
fur Brace HerileHtonofc. if yan tly get
there a llllrs aheaA of Mm "
Ijumpail op awl made a rp at lny
"Ouil.ln't -ntaUnl ya g" with mer"
"Ilpslil4 I have two meat U1-
tawtaat apButntnamts. bat won't, No siugle Ihiug lis. routribute.1 more
nre.1 Hes Ihe hola pave the any. ItnM to tha eomfnrt nf tnO'letn life than the
evenhtg. TaeehMtsi., I vrMi you all p.- ' Pull nun rar. It. Inventor, George M.
ll4e mrreuT Irullmin. worked out the detail of hit
As I hatred ihe ueatat owuilw. awl i
leaped la, the Iron tnngHa nt old Trinity
tailed tl tu .leaf rsu. ia.iiu.rlla tees.
1'erhaiM -lsrrtMiM I Might e be bi time
(lerhaus Rrwe Hanlenln.iV might le
Jnet awta a font a. lu he MMng away the
preriun. auawaria in that Uf easy chair ,
at the rlaatnnttys. II wa. barely poesi-1
Me. an my heart gaee a hatssl at the
Fanny was at houa-
ball I saw the antler
.a an am- j
stress from tie- French wtadowa that
opetwl Usm Ihe hakwy-aaa lh next
inutuent she admitted ma harsrW- a tali. I
haMMfal girt, with heigaw hrw hah-
Wkarl away from a low whtw fare-
head, ami eyea like eluay watt. f Hht.
"Hear use. Mr TnastteaWa. is it
4JiMlurf rt- in ktfialr. Kmc
my ,li,g th.; door, the safrefe. are
nate to Mk hael Nutaabnrly a wair aaal
I'm all ahme."
Aia .uttrrii anaw. i.a- a naaUKa-
' ' " elah r lera
with my liHte. haadkerrhrrf aa4 hnhUr
with my.pnrhaa.
i T . ' . . .. .
, " . . T
i " was .assrr. s. i.s-r.. jaanjrasj ir,
brook was there, hat t.ien. Jisssgtae; W
wa atiwaranre. ae aa.1 oaui Ji : vima.
mv ikv m. IS? is.1 a,., mi aiarrr.
conWn't hava Wen rrMtt or aaot eWar
i . . ,
Now WMy time. how was a fat -
low to aaaVe lot with Nrnee Hseilni-
bruok'a raM. critical eyea fnll exs hm,
; ami tae tnsrat rnrsr .a an nf .aryiaa;
t arary won) I apnar-
.-i w ihinktmr g y.
1 . mvuwf
"Yes. Mr. Tbielh-I.wn. '
Hat my mraawTwlad at tnw event-
fal btatm
-It yon-re saarb m-We-l with ia
Hxitoe In tUa sssisrhr-e-.l
Xol al all.
lVr wm UatyMaa wf;
but I ktwrtssrl lo keaV lo Waa. I Mt a. if
I bad beast taktafc a hath iu HsntM axes ,
Was I lo I- trMterl wtrn ttin.. .nerar
"Fanny." I re-atmr.1. r..liiieli lam
t hi"
' But she jnmis-d np nl. .s"tael
little ai-ream
I ,.Huill. WMU't lhM . .,, Iu
(u Uallf I am r. I lMra it
, Kathleen has left the shea- aM-di-d ana
the lion, is fall of rohheea ami worrier
era! i. Mr. Thiatle.wn eh. rt" ran
. ,
She .l.muk int.. a nrsa with tax
IWMte.t ...wsr-lne I hadaee,.- haw
,.U , . Kliwt, thtnt
,, ,m ,
pan. aUrlr
partial I" lb" .-ouiiaa, of Imrglar. aaal
boojwliirakrrt lml attai was a man to
do thus 1 liariuiiigty atHa-abi I"'
"l.n 1 la. afraid )ann said 1
laiihing it, the guiui asr ..lianil.
making f 1 the l-.wrr rt ..I llw honse
with that w ,-Ki. ..f agair- . c'oaas
ou, Haaenhrouk aril maaa "a. ass.
rownd prattT liirl) wsll k..w lb
aaaou why '"
Hardenbruu), fuUuwaet rathe, tusittary
w iu joyiijtasi fcH lair '?
in. reinamuig rs-nina tn i-imort inn
frighteiieil dove in the blue tnu!ln fenth- '
"Yon look litthekllrheii.TIiitlleilown, '
and I'll nxaiuine tin" cellar," lie said, and
1 promptly nl-eycd. I lucked under the
dresser, behind the table., even beneath ;
ths great bras, kettle in the corner, but
theto ws. no burglar lln-ie.
"It luit.t lwrelm-u the cat, llanlen- 1
brisik," lmwletl I. "fur -tho deuce, how '
came this il.s.r shut':" ,
I gave the lnndlo of the door an ener- I
getlc turn it wn. fast locked! I
And now the truth ls'gau In dawn
dimly itii my pertiirlieil -m.l exciteil
brain the cua.t wa. t'lear, and victory
belonge-l to Brnco I
In vain I shouted until my lung, weio
lmat'se in tsiti I rattled tiio tTienlless
dtsir; lmtluiig but the irlm rewarded my
elforts. or was the scene of my invol
ttutary cnnliiii'inent ikirlicularly invit
ing. It was daik, cloe, and intensely
hot a cirenin.lanc.' easily accounted
for by the fact of a white hot lire glow
ing away In the lunge and no jiartlcnlar
circulation except of Croton bugs t
across the liixir! I sat down in the brass
kettlo nnd wiped the streams of per.pi
ration from uiy foi-eln-ad- a modem St. ,
I'd my teeth and up't 11 Viholn
colony of frying pans In despair.
I sprang up and rattled the door ouco
more, shouting at the top nf my lungs,
but all In 110 avail. I at the walls
1 lient n tnttnn on the bias, kettlo with
the guitar case. sin efforts. I might
a. well have attempted to make myself
''""rd from tho gifat dnnseonof Iho Ba-
stairs and ntlered a hollow groan.
"If ever I get out of this fiery furnace
alive," said I to myself energetically,
"I'll let girls and matrimony alone!"
So the time crept away, every moment 1
seeming like an hour, and I heard the 1
sharp little kitchen clock strike 8, 0 and
11), with a keen senation of despair at
every time. Should I never escape? Was
I doomed to be roasted alive? 1
At length the monotony of silence was I
relieved by the sound of footsteps coming
down the narrow stair., and -lob Gor-)
don's voice exclaimed:
"Mary Hannah Kathleen where
the mischief are you all? What's tho j
kitchen lwked for? I'lt dischargo
every skin of jou, or hello! thieves! i
murder! police!" .
And honest .lob fired hi. revolver aim-'
lessly into Hi" kitchen and flung a heavy
chair after it.
"Cordon! stiq hold 011 it's I Tor-'
quatns Thistledown!"
"Thistledown in my kitchen! I don't !
Iwlieve a word of it! Police, I say!" !
'But It I. Land I'm nearly dead. Stop
your bawling and li.ten to reaon," 1
said rather vindictively, for the slender
thread of my patience wasrapidlydiniin
i.hing down to nothing at nit. "Let mo
out where there's a breath of fresh air,
and I'll explain tilings."
Tlie astounded old gentleman led me
up stairs Into the ga. lighted hall, mar
veling much at the wiltM appearance
that 1 presented,
"Now, then, will jou bo good enough
to tell me what all this isalwint? Iconw
home at 10 o'clock and find my houso
open and empty. 1 go down into my
kitchen and find the pri-siilent of the
Thistledown rettoleiim comjuny mured
up among tlie mts and pan! Ant I
asleep and dreaming, or have I iK-en be
reft of hi. sne.?"
"First." I iiiterrnplcd. 'wheio aro
Hanlenhrook and Fanny?" '
"Where? How should I knou? An-1
other in? stery, 1 prenme."
"No mystery at all. sir," said 11 well
Known voice a. tirnce itaruennrooK came
quietly up the front sieM and into the
ball, with Faiuty his arm, tlie
l-umegniimte cheeks a shade rodder than
ever, mm tuc origin pair glistening
around her face; "here we Isith are."
"And whi hat yon Wji?"
-Stftrrlil -n-lm-l'llr. i.r.nn.
toM iim in 3mr note. iuiw. to
Mt-Mt Intii i-nmiiitl ." Ijilteml rauny.
"lUt I ilMn't rnptfev t'u werepwng
tu h rimpt it nil " naitl the dis-
ffilllfltP! tWW.
I reuwipl to 11.1 no iiKin Whatdt
ftfl xnr varf i hniffrntul nuney
llw w-rtiw nf lii runt himI iltit'omtttnre?
Turning a deaf iwr to Onrdun's apologies
and entireties -resi-lmg Bnices hjpo
critical isaololriiie and r'anuy's melting
eye, wliere laughter and i-ouipanion
bletuleil inlo lewit. hiiig lights- -I put on
iiij iui huh rier's i.m iiurv lu iiimi mail'
sion off tuy feet at once and forever.
And tlwt was )uy lat courtship. Bnf
ftlo News. .
TS. rlr.l SI.. ph.. Car,
Q.ntli while a merchant in Colorado
In 1539. Iuisflths rarrled his Idea to
Oihugo and rmiaoye.1 a master car
builder of the Alton road at n taliry of
flisia month to snperiiitend the con
troelieu nf a in'siei car. The inrsntor
wa, determined that it .lion id be tlie
ban.l.emr.1 ear in all respects that hid
Trr Ims made in the couutry. He
msi. on to New York and here lisp
''J? V. nUf u I red to meet th. artist who had just
.Urofate.1 M lml
hum of Haiausl .1. Tit
Afu Ju w ,) rlosad with this artist,
llB, Vrt, Kml Mm , worlt dfC.
otaltaa" the car
vi,tM tln noor was liniehe.1 it had
ta t,aoreUnary anm irf l.0W,ft
u mMi nw ,i,(pjng air.
It aa. a a tax's taatalP 1 arar hsrall tf It Wll
th ...). ndtU iu.rv4oui
, i,, Ulm, ww adrertised
f.r wasr t.v lb. unMi.n and br
railroad men, and soma f the latter I-
, MlMa .k.. ika tdaaa uf the in-
van lor after all were practicable. N"w
A SaM al HSU. (UlM' CWlk.
The twead Mil that WUkw CaUtat
tmirlktMd ia l"xlUaMpbia as ha pswj
UHtMich the city a.t maay jaars am it
.till ' - TV- u-JUi Im- mi4AJtt
rraaaa aaw thai ha hr-njarht .nrer
by ealllv
ilkaaa Bsaraaka astssr aaaaal - '
! -Jj iXmuTnl street lo invest ia a
, M.r,-.
. i ... .i.
i mm m - - v ...
, Caali, ttnirn.'teil the tailor to anal the
,.,1,1 iaM ,n HH tm wnH V.
, fct, ih chaMer said "Are
' tWaathorof 'XoXasae' and 'Arasi'
ititY " Willi ie had to own p and lb
uiW was -.roo-u. with 4ea.ore. at-
iseaattftaaT laa aa waa lav. aasi rineete
tAmtnr sf CViUtae 111 Aiarica. Ua-
f . tka ull w. ... - Jti a.
bal the aorelkM bad loo much debraey
' maraaiat ,u Umdzir with lb
Lsct. av tb. aarnseat. -ware rahajstad
' w iHura, fcj. ttei'i attic, where thay
1 nmasaed . ganaratim. -FbUadef
: tJll4
A gratlitnaii twrtiHrmed the rttwer I
faal at a Hrtatetjbam Khaaraaaee dab
nf yr ulna Ihe lueet uf lb Boat . for ma.i'sa .ears ail boat re
iuaj btnteeK a faal ahkh muat of
n. wilt an, t
A tiaMM I ii) maa .wsllowad a aVasr
k ., sari, -a m.ainir Th Traatoa ,
tato. Tnbaae aa.s ah. tab aahv
tahea hi- iimmsMi f"l a k-. a.
reform at ",i.e
Tb leuildr ol tfl
.i tab.ini
uBlsI fears
II.. IM MIS- ,
ahnh as. abool an r'eii kna.1
in lailMla, as. I f t4 lh nr f
.lllri-Ma. ,.(
lib ! '
1 1 I lt" 1
I ' T l- I
avir l.l- i.l
l tUlt I
Use I Will
llfissk tbM Watrv tlM t WUM 4
1I1 ivt4u fsraisM tussl U ft tkmml M "i
f Wmmi 1 f ft SMMTV HftaM vaf muim fhiv-f' '--1 I ' V-
ftirto -'
A Itrpnrtrr liitralienlr ml pulitlo
rMrioiiiiitttnliitlim, mut flint
Mnrr WnnW iitl'Milte HtL-Mt than Tnb-lUht-il.
Tlie Mimiir l- uci.i rmunmrndallon
nml pTiMTiciKi'i whl h liarrfvi froqurntlj
apiiearfMl In tin varlniH tl.tlTv paiwrs.
fxrlletl llio curlo-ity of llie KJilor ul the
JlMtny AryH I li imnliint lo know ai to
Hie p'nniiH'tH'ii of Hip piiMIhf( ilorn
inent, placed I hi- innMcr In I lie IinnoN of
ono nt tliplr rriMiitnr, Jlr. ItdbiTt A
Male, the fmeinnn nf ViinSIrVeJe
llortoifa Ttilncfn Tartory, on Hroailuay
Albany. X. Y wt llrtrallfil upon, find
uliow 11 the fnllowirjff ;
"About tn j-Mrt K t lml a pri-at ilal fif
t"mihl ntthMutiplii trttila(llrr. ntnl I liaj to
nl'ti.lf to an oH'rntlon Uut Hi .M trotiliie rp
pirnri mitt 1 finrwl llmt unoiher oitraticni
tuiuM ifTiwwnrv. A fiJpml ti(crt.twt that
1 trr vr. KmhwI rnvoilto j.cmiilr of Hid
douj. N. Y , oftpr .ru I bo mfHle.-fnf a ulirirt
Tliile, I touml It waiilfint;mi9irno'l. J contin
ual lt mitl ini huppv to mr It fnttrelT
ruril mr I ink It nhrncrpr 1 fwl a littl tiut
nr rtit, oii'l Uiltri iliai Htp Knot, liutfor
Milrie'T or itrlniirr tr-mbtf (.f un kirJ 1 ma
proof or its 1'urailve tvwrrtv
Mr. 3Inlo 8ftM every ronl wa true nnd
nnd lio would not 1.r wllhotit Hint vnlu
nhlo preparntlon
Sir y. ('. rotiXfil.ecpve,X,Y.,
wlio Jiiinou eipcrirncc piil)litil!
aV Si-rnp nf l'npcr " JMrking
n ncmn or paper
tip In tlie street one
day, found It con
mlnctl Dr. Ken
nrdy' Fr vorlte
Itpinnly tidrertise
nicnt, nnd niltpar
tkulnrly hit hit,
cafe, bought the
medicine nnd found
llie help he lift (I
been prnrfnjr for.
Mr, r. (J. Ilrliik.
In nnwer m lo the truth of the article.
Sir. lkiok wld he wns nlwnij pleased to
synrooil ord fur Fnvotllc Itemed),
and r?rerrrd llie writer lo the follQwiog
letter lately piibll-lied In the liigfiktep
tie Eagle,
Out t? rum : -Kiveirln tnaiiy letters from All
ortr the t uu nt rr. iv.kinc us to the truth of to
adrrrt lament piintwl in your paper, cl'lnff mp
fifrlfnctJ villi Mr I'arlil Kennedy Farorite
Remedy, I Mf-h to mv It was pleniure to
fcire that rrroiiiini'iidiillon lo Pr Kenned", anj
when t Mill I K-riHcur-rt nf catarrh of the btad
dor and ihiuiilu lldm S il'vaoe, I wrote Hmjfr
roryeivrln'ro-. In eA ihH rntuablemeiliclne,
I mitTcreil fiMiii mfn.i. v tinutlea, pain In rny
hark and n tn-iioiii. r-lfeplriM oiiditlon, yet
Wfore 1 lmd taki'i thi- f..uilU Imt tie I wag cured,
nounil and well I l,atr p-plifHl to thtfft letters
and aiii willmp to do similar xi'ir'xe tn those
nffliftHt, p I I in ke ihln nulnlit! ftatement
hoping ft im . i' leh t 'i-jeotlhemilTerer, and
wire me p isori.,t o-i ii,ii(lrnutf, fur at my agn
letter vt It nr-. ifi' i . .
2tThoiiijmrn -'r- V. C. TiftUK.
Mr. IMrr Lnulrr. thief engineer of
Mcsr. ( nine .Ho- Pnpcr JIHF, Dalton.
Mam., miM :
'I don't lin'l. ri'h like a dead man, but I as
prrtiy n-nr on 1 o, lltlifn eat 1 iiuffereU
piiui in n y n-iif iu
uHne wan aiihj.i t lo
violent top(i ite. and
pflen tlnui'd with
Mood. 1 1 -li.
appetit an lr- nth
I connlted net i-rel
phyntcian ilf nl I t
as auHerdiK: Irt-m
prael and liifli"'
atlmi of thf kl.iiw -i
and that 1 could lire
Initanhorttime Ur
John Spencer of rin-"
fl-'d. lfarnluz ot my -
r-onrlitlmi. Mitl " doirt lUi.rrlrr lwler.
botliT wtlli tho dfx:ttrn lake Ir. David Ken
nedy'! l-atorite llftnuiy and lap cured " 1st
one wut for the tame and bad taken only part
Of the Ivoitle when two phi?tt4 vt stne wti
my bladder, and i ownmeoilrelv well. lx!
rte'i and rbciinirtWni Iron hie me no more and I
feel like a new man 1 hanks entirely to It.
Kennedy's favorite IV mnly.
Mr. I. I. rnrson. head liooli keeper
Wholesale Drv (iood House of S. .1
.vriioiu t,v t u.,
itorlicatcr, N Y .
lutd n similar tx
pcrlcnce. Hclz d
oncdaytvlth pain in
his back, next enme
Rioppnttp of urine
Medical ndvlo waa
-ouilit, nnd prono-
hlidder. In writ
fni to a friend Ira
5ii is :
sir. I:. 1. l'ari,.in.
"I snffrleil tie.iond woi-il. l-l .tesrnlie. Nonr
of Ike mean, t.ken iinoiueeil anr Iteneni, imlll
1 besan the ine er ir Keutieilr's F.rorite Item
rdTwkli-h'll i'l 111" fclone. the s!Dirit"lli.
liexaa tn jield. Ill" (-"In ceAvnt and from tbl.
time mr reorerv w, cr.rnplete. t'.nt.ftei
Ibl. eiperiei'.'epM-Bli ton hlghlj etthat wbk-U mj l.f.-!
' I can -peiik in hlher praise than I
have wrillin," are llie wonl.of cieryisT
son I talked willi, which proves the great
popularily of this rtnirdy, isiscseslng
what no oilier medicine ha., tlie
power to i-ave life, Ji can ! iiied with
aafelj' by nil ag' s
I lie worst t im . ot nerxoiisprotraiion.
slpleiies.. licadailies anil digestive
troubles, j ieid to Its curative power. Palt
thrum, ecrxnin. rlicnniaii.m, scrofula, or
anv dlease arising from inumro blood.
are bant.heil by this brain, nerve and
Dlooii tonic, Dr. Dauil Jvcnncciy s favor
ite Bcmtdy,
Tiio value of Hood's Karssnarilla a. a
reined)-turcatarrli l.tomlie.! fur liytlmisind,
of peoi'le ulii'in II lias euieil
Yale College has l'JSI students,
Wliyl.Tl tTTr ll.t?
1 It cures Coughs and Cold,.
2 StrcDsthens ueak Lungs,
a lielieve, and cures Aslhnta.
4 Iniutes jou against I,a (tiippe.
5 Robs Uioiipof its terrors.
6 Cures ivlieti all else falls 5 and )
cents. Trial Lollies of ran-Tina free at
T. I). Thomas Dtug Stors. -
Electric omniliuses are to be intio-
diice1 nn Liverpool street, iu London
Sweet biralli, taeet stomach, tweet tem
per, and result from the use of He Wilt's
Utile Katlr lllsert, the fani'.us little pills
T. 1). Tlwuui.
I'leldllig, Ihe novelist, nmrrie.1 his
inatd servant ami was miserable.
The wind from Uir North bloat sharp
aud keea, anil bad etlaeta of ooldsare seen.
One Minute Cure so safe and lure,
wlllqulcklr perform a Tottderoui cure T
I). Thomas
Ksredeu has a larger area nf woodland
thau nur other country in Kurope
All rrre.
ll elll ciaVjou nothing saj will surely
do yaa good, tr ou Iwmi a Cough, Cold, or
any troMnw will, Tliroat, Ch or I.unjs.
Dr. Kiss's New lils.'iivery forC'onsump
Itsst, resells and o'als It guatanterd to
lt raliet. or woiicv will re paid bark
talleraft froui las liiippc fouad it just tbo
tishte and uislrr lit we had a speedr and
taeuverr. t ry a sample tsatie ai
aw eapacte ami learn for jonritll lusi
ha toad a thing it is. Trial bottles free
at Baker1. Iiiusetoir, Itiichton. and
Bieif's lViiUoir. Walttport.
The lktusa are said lo lend tin
woild a butter makers.
A aautlrman In Talon Ceant). klo., who
Is too nioneti a wan to have bit name
asenlioned In ilu neaspaper.. was etued
of rheumatism l Cbassbeilaln't Fain
Halm, alirr irylnt: other medlelntt and
tualmant. for llilrtren rear. .'si
trSllr. Im tale l. N II llrber, l.ehilhion.
aud W. K. Ilteri, Meissjairt.
Atlirtely Pure.