so Enemr BeOleit. Whli H will je have? II aoes worn w 11 some fulkinnltMa Have tti last rumlltlouot l ie " rather than the Oral. Tlirr Mriwtiwlly 4m themsrlreawllh rfireatlves lotallr nlthmrt tlrtue as alterative ollher trout.. Ilmtetter'a memach IMUTS Is tlie Sucre sslul rnmll.late lot Ilia people's tUoIci-, awl jrt. noriilm awl til known as It Is, there am iinfortmiHicmlio kern ntnlUKtli lirastl" remedies el lorliierilays. n la to Ilia Intelligent iirlliui ol the rjiMIr lliat Ilia welt known anil loin tried .niertle nl tlie Bitten appeal, Heison slmnlil lie kuIiIisI Ijb- Cerlenca ln the matter ol iiiHllratloii. ''Tlio, est EuMe to our tret nine latnnuf eaMrrlenee. aiUaiireatiiatrkit nt the early tenliittnnary iortod.anatno exclamation is l""'"' ""'J truth. Vot over a iliinl ol h rcnliirr the HHter; eaily lias met Hli tlie endorsement nt icoH uttertnulrom liter complaint, malaria, eniistl Mtn. rheumatism, dcbl My ami troiiMre e-, eerapeVed t.y dyspensl"' latterly It tea Of ! Clared melt and 1'een Ihermijhly Sipuiw( as n remedy lor 'la ailppe." The first Rlass haa. tlio moat I o'.wn In It. linimKBNNEaS. or the UtlOUlt IIA1IIT, .hj.i .inmelnTenllaVMbvadliilnls- I terlns llr. Haines' Ool.len Bpecllle. It can be ilien In a glass nt ler, a cmi of cot fee er tea, or In food, without the kuo ledge of she patient II is absolutely harmless, and will Seem permanent and speedy cure, whether Hie patient Is a moderate drinker or tin alcoholic wreck. It has been given In thousands of cases, and In erery instance a perfect cuio lias follow ed. II never fails. The aislcm once Imiirnt aated with the specific. II becomes an gutter Im passibility tor the liquor appetite lo exlat. Ourea Guaranteed. 4S page book of paitlculara tree. Andreas the tlouimt nrniric Co., iMHace Street. Cincinnati, Ohio. Oct. .-ly. A atarYlnjr man won't llntl fault with the table eletli. Satceisln everytblnt: depends Urge! upon good health. I)o lit a I.l.t e Karly ff:T,ffi11TePr T. D. Thomas. .lau-tjui 1 A suMessful hypocrite is never a anoeeas t anvthlntr else. -1 I Dneklen(a Arnica utre. Ike nest sane in tncwnri.i tor i-uis, uitusrs, ftsres. Ulcers, Halt Hheum, Kevcr SoreM, 'letter, Mapped Hands, chllbUtiii. ivmes, ami all hklu fffuptlons, and imsltlvely cures rne.s, or no imy iftulred. It Is guaranteed to plve perfect sails- nt. For sale by Ileber IfeWiaort. Letiletitolli and Itiety The devil likes to be called by immes that sound respoctable. Ur. William T. I'rice, a Justice of the Peace, at Richland, Nebraska, was con gaed to Ills bed last winter with a seven attack of lumbago; but a I borough appll Otion of Chamberlain's l'aln llalm en isled blm to eel up and to work. Mr. rrleetajs: "The Jleraedy cannot be roc oamended too highly." Let anv one Iron tied with rheumatism, iieuralgla or lame kak Eire 11 a trial and liny will be of tin (in opinion. 80 cent bottles for isle b) II. Keber, Lehighton, and II'. 1'. Ulcry, Trelnport. Unll's llead Veterinary Medicines hate been before the politic some time. '1 hey are now the Farmer's standard remedies. Try iuir-He.t Morse and Cattle Powder. Sold by all dc.ilers. Doing Trill not take us to Heaven, but not doing will keep us out. ftpeelmen Cases. 8. H. Clifford, New Cane!, Wis., was troubled lth Neuralgia and Itheuuiatlsni, sis Stomach was disordered, bis Liver was affected to an alarming degree, appetite fell away, and he was terribly reduced in Sub and strength. Three bottles of Elec tric Bitters cured blm. Ildward Shepherd, Harrlsbitrg, III., had a running sore on his leg of eight years' standing. Used three bottles of Klcctrle Bitters and ae.ven boxes of Ducklen's Ar nica Salve, and bis leg Is sound and well. John Speaker. Catawba, O., lias lire large Feier aorea on bis leg, doctors said he was hicuroble. One botilo of Electric Dltlerr aid one box of Bucklen'a Arnica Salve cored him entirely. Sold at Iteber's Drng store, Lehlgbton, and Diery'a UritRlore, Weiss port. Why weary jour throat and patience with that wretched cough when a bolllo of Dr. Hull's Ceugu Syrup will cure you promptly. As soon as a sin begins 'ttu pay It seems to become better looking. A Ood-send is Ely's Cream Ilalra. I had catarrh for three Years. Two or three tiroo? a ireek my nose would bleed. I tunugbi the sores would never heal. Your Uani bag cared me." Afrs. M. A. Jackton, Portsmouth, N, II. I vrat to much troubled witli catarr'i It seriously affected my voice. One bottle of Ely's Crtam Halm did the work. My voice is fully restored. B. T. Lelpsner, A. M.. Pastor, of the Olivet Baptist Clutch, l'bll adalpbla. Pa. Love never has to bo watched to sco that it does a full day's work, Travelers may learn a lesson from Mr. D. Cone, a prominent attorney of Par Bar, Dakota, who says: "I never leave leas without taking a bottle of Chamber tlls'i Colic, Cholera and Dlarrhcea Item ejly with me, and on many occasions have raa with il to the relief of some sufferer ui hays never J;.,rn It to fall." For ale by H. B. Iteber, Lehlgbton, und V. p. Blery, W'elssport. Hocse men tire themselves to looking for an easy place. death Nethloc so distressing as a hacking. &igh. Xotblngto foolish as tosuffet teas it. Nothing so dangerous if allowed 1 centlnue. One Af inute Couth Cure Rivt taaisdlste relief. T. I). Thomas No matter where we walk we nre sure to be followed by somebody. Headache Is the direct tesult of Indlgcs (tea and stomicb disorders. Remedy tlnu kf using De Witt's Little Early lllieri. and jr headache disappears. The favorite. uirre puis everywnere. i . u, i nomas. The devil gets a strong hold on us whenever ho gets us to fludlnc fault. cor iaalance, Mrs. Clias. ltogers, of Bay Sty, Mleh.. accidentally spilled scalding water ever her little bov. .the nrnmntlv in. Bed De Wilt's Witch llatle Salre, giving. lassaat relief, lis a wonderfully good salti rr koris, bruises, sores and a .sure sure r viies. T. D. Thomas. It Is much easier to bo contented wltkont riches than itis with them. How'. This! Hundred JlolUrs HeftarJ for my ae ot Catarrh that cannot tw cured by Hall's CaUrrh (hire. ' r.J. UHKNETi eo.,PropsToleUo.O Tfe the undersigned, have known 1-'. .1. Che uef tor the Hit is years, and beltere blm per faelly honorable in all busluess transactions and financially able to rarry out auv abllgatlons uade by their firm. wist a Taanx, Wholesale Hrurglsts.ToIedo.o. Vt'ALniia, Kirnik. I Unl. WhoUsale Uruiiliti. Toledo, U. Hall e CaUrrh Cure Is la uan a uaurru cure is lateu inltrually, acllug dlreetlv UDOn the blood anil innmu. ui,f.. nt ttiesysum. rrlte.ise. per bottle. eld hy all Kragnsts. MeMalaH tree. The nearer we get to bristthe more we can lift on the burdens of other people. A Mucli'Marrled Woman, Urs. Fowler, of this cits,, was uiarrled last January to her sixth husband, and atraage as I: may seem, five of them died exactly two years from their manlaee dai. Mer present husband has been sick for the last lour months with chronic laundlce, and was given up br fonr of our best pbv s!elans;asa last resort he began using aaipnur miters, and vesterdrv told our re porter that they baa saved bis life, emit Ingly saving that he guessed Mrs. Fowler weald be unable to take a seventh better naif tor some time to come. Eichange, It doesn't take the man who Is nux lous to serve the Lord long to find a place to go to work. 0 for an eye more clear lo see, A mind to (rasp mote earnestly, For every good intent. That to the sick and dee patriae 1 bring tbte a peerless cure. Pan-Tina, the great remedy for Coughs, loies ana uontampuon, v ana w rents 8old at T. D. Thomas' Drug Store. Whenever a church bell rings it means that God is still willing to hovo mercy upon the sinner. When does a man really steal? When lie robs a house, or when he makes up lils mind that be will? What Am 1 To !' This Is the oft expression of the weary sufferer wltb Rheumatism. Neuralgia and other painful diseases. Tlie wbele human frame la toitured a ad reeked wltb pain. It Is well to remember no known medleioe equals lied Flag Oil for Hueuioellsai. Neu ralgia, Bpraloa aad bruises I'rice 2-' sou aiT. P Tbooaae' Drug Mure. WINTER MONTHB, Utlote.1 one, did yna imnlBie tblnk- Bltllist four ilieerfnt hearth heMe. i While r-iMirmia Inils through every chink llfdn.faud.a-- : nt :. .amd and .lhed - That, aftei ..iitinn.r- daye are dnne, Hnme t imll -ti l.lnls nnnr reckless things! - Me ft rive tlimiiKh mnrrsa to nsscli the ann, lint apread tno late their fragile a Incst Alee liow,i .am. dear. lnu-t dl. flf those and, shivering i-mlaireiital At ttxmtht nf it lean, rlwl ymi eye; I flng ehnlt wo miss their Joynns chants. Tonight you lnve me; and you aa) That their return with earing la ante. Hut not those, bints who flew todarf And yon- ahl will yonr love endure --Vlorence i lennlker In Temple liar. A ST It A3, GE TONGUE. ProfesMir JidiatUnn Dominic Adams was n very great scholar. As everybody know who knew anything, he was con sidered the authority on the Greek iwets and everything appertaining to tho Greek language, lioth ancient and modern. Greek was his hobby, his pleasure, tho dream of his life, the ulphn and omega of his every day'B ex istence, and to nny one who would or could not converse on his favorito topio tho professor was most decidedly a 1iore. Dr, Adams was stifflciently n man of the world to know that he owed his lio- ing iu a very great measure ton woman. ,j0 re am ,mt ijp, tholicro- LI, books there women whu movexl in the outer world, Jjnt lieyoinl this knowleilpo he know nothing of tlie weaker sex, to whom Oleek, In moRt rnses, was hut a word nml nothing more. Therefore it was with the greatest consternation Hint ono anm- mer evening, as he was strolling home ward across tho Green paik. ho caught himself thinking, not of his favorito and only topic, but of a woman, und that woman a very sweet nnd pretty creature of twentv-five. Dr. Adams tiled Ills liaiileet to bring his thoughts into their usual and to him proper channel, but to no nvnll. To his horror he found that he had even forgot ten some lines of Homer, but that he could not forget u pair of bright bluo eyes and tho smile of rosy lips. To the credit of the profession it must bo said that ho gave up tho stmsglo and for the remainder of tho evening dreamed of Miss Julia Drewry, while Homer for the time being was dethroned. Now while Professor Jonathan Adams was dreaming of Miss Julia Drewry, Miss Julia Drewry was dreaming of Professor Jonathan Adams, thinking of him and tho study of Greek literature. For slio also was n great hcliolar, hav- ing left Girton with all tho honors that it was possible for tho fair student, to take away with her. But, although she know everything that thero was to bo known about divinity, classics, mathe matics, natural science, moral science, history, German, Anglo-Saxons etc.. her favorite subject was Greek. Somcwliat to her father's dismay be perceived that his daughter ignored the natural pleasures of youth, wliilo she pestered him from morning till night with dissertations on this dead language. Learned man ns he was himself, nnd an old collego friend of Dr. Adams, he would have preferred Julia to take more interest in her surroundings nnd mix freely witli her fellow creatures, instead of spoiling her pretty eyes with continu ous study. Btif no; Miss Jnlia turned up her llttlo noe nt tho girls she met, and at tho young men, too, for up to the present sho had not fonnd ono with whom sho could talk upon tho subjects which engrossed her mind. Her father liad ono slight convolution, and that was that the gill, with all her faults, took an interest in her personal appearance, dressing well, if in tlie Greek style. Whether sheworo blue stockings ho never innnired, and ol courso we cannot; besides, it has until ing whatever to do with the story. It so happened that one day. while tak ing his morning constitutional, Mr. Drewry stumbled across Dr. Adams; or, to put it more correctly. Dr. Adams ntlllnliled m'pr Mr- Tlrnwrv. Tho worlttv professor, instead of looking whero he was going, was walking along with Ins eyes fixed on the ground in a brown study. "Bless my heart!'' exclaimed Drewry; "why, it's Adams. How aro you how are you? What an ago it is Miico wo liavo met I" "It must bo ten years ten long years; nnd yet it seems only yesterday." replied Adams. "Long enough for many changes. My poor wifo has beeti dead these ten years; but, thank God, I have n daughter to look after mo. You saw her when she was fifteen. And you, liro you innrriedi "No, indeed," said tho professor: "I am but wedded to my work." "Ah, yes; 1 have seen your nainu men tioned now nnd again in connection with your Gicek studies. But don't let lis stand here talking; come homo with me. Julia has often expressed a wish to see you again. Sho lias questions to nsk you and some theories to propound, for she also is Greek very much so. The two friends walked homo to Mr. Drowry's humble hut neat little cottage in Fulham, aad from that moment and I tell it with sorrow Mr. Drewry had, to put it ulgurly, to tako n back seat. 1 lie professor found Jnlia charm ing, and Julia considered tlie professor dolightful, while iioor Mr. Drewry had to listen to endless arguments upon tlie eternal Greek. At first ho endeavored to divert his guet and draw him out about old college days, but th e minute after Dr. Adams would turn to the daughter and tako up the conversation at the point where he had lieen inter rupted. The next day tlie profeeeor called again, and also on the next and so on and ao on until ho was regarded in the light of a tame cat. Mr. Drewrv took to Ms newspdiiers and his books, leaving nis guest lor hours with nts daughter And what were tho consequencefr Why, that Professor Adams after six weexi found his eyes wondering to tin fiJrJuBi'a face Instead of keeping them fipon the books the two wero studying together. And Miss Drewry would' think to herself as she waited fur the professor's diurnal visit that she had at last met a man whom she would be ha) py to marry, despite the fact he was on the wrong side of forty and had a very hald head. Matters had come to this serious point on the day Dr. Adams walked across the Green park, and when the image of the girl totally obliterated tho image of Homer. That night the professor, as has already been told, gave himself up lo dreaming about Miss Julia, nnd tho fol lowing afternoon he put two questions to her. The first was whether she would be willing to help him with a work lie pro posed to bring out in twenty volume , namely, the "Live of the Greek Poets," with criticisms on their poems, the whole to be written in Greek. To thie proposi tion Julia readily consented. The second question was that as tho undertaking would be a work of years, nuc? they would have to bo continually together, would bIiu object to beooroing his wife to facilitate the plan. To this Mies Drewry, after u iiroper amount of womanly indecision, also consented. Mr. Drowry at first wiuewlutt natu rally objected to the marriage, but lie was very boon overruled, and in two months the wedding took place. Al though autumn was united to summer the oombiuatiou turned out a bright and happy one. The profewsor ceme to live at the cottage in Fulham, Mr. Drewry remaining witli Ids daughter, and a more peaceful and contented trio never ex isted. The "Liven of the Greek Poet'' went oujlourishlngly. The first volume ap peared aud was received with great fa vor by the critics. Dut when the second volume was but halt written a sudden interruption took place. It wag a very natural one aad one to lie wished for a young Master Adams made his appear. once uiion the scene, of course tn the overthrow of his mother's work. "For tho time being only, I trust," tbe vrufessur would say to uluuelf as he laid dowu hu iisu to act the part of errand boi fur lie was continually being de- i sursd lo nui l .r either the baby's bottle, nr liiiiowatfr or siuh lifco infantile roq tiiaitea. Thru he wan nekeil li step up ataira ami two ilia soli smile for the first time, and now anil strain was even re-1 nTi ... u 1'-' l.IT' .. .1.1 ! customed wmiKitlon Dr. Adams lie came itnfwticnt for his wifo to return to the study and help him to rarry " the work they had conflncnced together. So after hinting many times that be wished for her assistance, which hinting site wined to ignore, lie-decided one morn ing to ask her imint plank to iriil) the babv In charge nf the nurse nnd devote af. 'w lionrs to tho "Llvi-a of the Greek lVwts." Willi tills intention lie went tip stairs to bis wife's room, and o the door was open lie heard her addressing souieliody or something in n very peculiar uud to htm entirely new language, lie panseu on the landing and listened. If he had had any hair on the top of his head it wou W hnvo st ood on eniL Conld tills lie his clslsical Julia speaking this extraor dinary jargon? This is part of what ho heard; "Didnms then love bis icle Imrtby wart hy? The danling iclo 1 wysey-woyeey t Agool Agoo! Didums try and bite the spongey-wongpy? Naughty iclo singi Naughty icle sing to make hlslsickas stiff as n lioker. Dr. Adams peciied through the open ing of the door and lielield his wife washing the lasby. He continued to listen. "Agoo! Agoo! Didums want to cry den when lie's takin out of de nicey warm water. There, then, does him want to kick, kicky-wieky, kieky-wicky nurse, where is the jiowder? All! thank you was him licing lmstcd, then, like n icle chicken? oh, I could eat him up. my pretty lietly-wcttyl Ilnbhimso! All, poor."iHHr ii'lo wee t'ing! Diduins hnve the hiccough"? Nntigl : . naughty hlo coughsl Shall mummy in at the horrid, nasty hiccoughs then nurse, pass ine tho sugar, jilcat e. Perhaps tlint will do the little darling good. No'sugar up licre? Just ask Dr. Adams to fetth tho sugar basin from the dining room cupboard." Professor Adams brat n precipitate re treat, nnd on gaining the ball weired his hat and woit out fur long walk. With lila hands thrust deep info his pockets, and hih(tt placed mer ids eyes lie gave himself tin to very deeii thought, lint he thought not of tlie Greek language, but of tl. 1,1'tv tongue hu had just henid. At fii"t his face was u-ry stem, but it gradiMlly nnd gradually relaxed until it Ivaincd tortli into n cry pleas ant and iiwect smile. "Ah. what n fool I lull e been!" ho ex claimed. " What a pretty picture it was to sco her trending o er my baby lioy . and speaking ir language tobini that ho only conld understand! Greek In fiiturerhnll bo fur me. Iiaby in future e-linll be for Julia, with just 'n iittlo bit of him for moalxi. Women can lw and are very great, but what n llttlo thing will upset their greatnewi aud mnke them wlmt they ought to lie sweeter and nnd well why, women!'' Tho "Lives of the Greek Poets" caine out, but at longer intervals than was at first intended, for Dr. Adams did all tho work himself. His wifo was always ready to listtn to tho MS. when he road it aloud to her, and tho professor was glad to get any adyice that she might lie nblo and willing to give. Mrs. Adams in future attended to t be comforts of her husband, her liuby and her father, and wns also glad to get nny advice they wero willing and able to give. Mr. Drewry was nmro happy than be had been for many a long day, for be could now get his daughter and son-in-law to talk on subjects other than Greek. But if he wns ever r.t n loss for compan ionship, lie conld nhv.iys resort to the new lingua-re. in which he was very proficient, and converse by the bom- with his gnu.iKiii lo their Mutual benclit and pleasure.- latric Vredenbiirg In Wit and Wisdom. CAUKOnNIA HERMITS. Men I 'ui.ilii Tlirlr I.Ues In Idle Solitude til 111,, 3,..liuluill lops. Is man """ntiallyn animal? Tho scientists my i. Bat in tlio mountains of California there uio almost enough men who lor ynrs have led a life of ut ter bolitndrt to disprove tho geaeraliza tion. These mountain hermits en i be found scattered thrungh the and tho coast mugc from one end of the state to the other. They are piuticnlarly nu merous thiongb tin s region, entering about the Yosemite alley nnd i ntend ing far back into the high Sierra. Some of them werr once guides in the valley, others have been miners, and some again seem to have taken up the life of solitude simply because they like it. To this class belongs old P. It. Gibson "Old Gib," ns ho is generally called who lives on a mountain ranch. Ho i seventy-rive years old, but is poss'sssedof na much physical streugthnndeuduranco as the nverago man of luilf his age. He caine thirty years axo from Tennessee, where ho Jft a wife and n large family of childrtu. Ono of bis sons came to see him recently and tried lo induce ldm to visit his former homo, but "Old Gib' steadfastly lefused to Ieavo his little rancli nnd : olitary cabin. He has never S4s?u a railroad, and tlio stage drivers from the nearest station try their utmost to lier&undo him to 'go to town and at least look nt a train of cars. But his In variable answer is: "Do you think I'm going down thero to lie Mowed upliy ono of them there blamed engines? Not much!'' Xraily nil tlie miii vhu Uo this lifoLderly. of bolitiule very louir m-t a liit iiuwr iu tlio liciul, mill "Olil (lili" H no excpjitlou lo tlio ml,'. Hp lins u riftinnriilo ilencrin tiou of lilniM'lf which iluvUren that ho is "the btt imiii in the Utiittsl Btutea or niljoiiiiiiR ti-rritories, i-ither directly or indirectly, financially, commercially, ec rleeiaetically oriinchiiriliifieil." TlioolJ innn U ft liarJ worker, mul when ho h not busy mi his ranch ho ii working cnergtticully uiakiiifr "ahakeH" thnt is, clapboards Kjillt nndnnwed liyhamlfrom liig nine trees. . Old man LuiuWt, w Uo hus a cabin lu i tho liixh HiMTaa aome thirty miltw hack of the Yoaeinite. in another of the moun tain hermit.-. Ho lute neither ranch nor mining claim, ln.t liww by wliat he blioota and liy an uccoaional few dollara earned from camping Jirtim. He has lived alone in thi aawe ejiot for yeare and yearn, aud will in a)l likelihood btay thero until lie iliih. Theie are months nt a time tlitu lie doea not aee another human lieinn. A party of vaiuiiera one summer fouml him makliig a huge atone wall that nnnual to liave no mrpoe wliatever. in mirpriav they aJtwl him wliat lie it liiliuK np those ktouea for. " Why." he Hci l. -a niau'a got to do tomethjn. uti hern alone, or lie'll go wrontc. muv." Cor.AiiRiiatattta.lLlirou icle. bchoollui; at Tnt-nts JlMllars h Year, However luodcr. te tlie eiptnaef of a fctudent of the ins? cut time may bo tly can hardly reach the extremely modeet mm which t.nfficel lur Jeau Martuontel, a French licet, dnriitit the reign of Louie XV, for a year schooling. In Ida "Memoira" he apeak of hie hehool life a follows: I was lodged, as was tlie custom of tlie school, with five other sclioUra at tlie house of an honest loeclianic. My jirovlsious for a weak consisted of a largo loaf of rye bread, a little cheese, a piece of bacon and two or three rounds of ls-f. 3iy mother had added to them u, doxtii apples. ITiis was the weekljvftfowsiou ot the bast fel scholar of tho school. The mis tress of the Iiouh couked for ua, aud for bar trouble, hi r fire, her letup, her bwlc, law houseriKiui, including even the vege tables of her little garden which site used for our soap, each of us gave her twelva vesica halfpenny a month lteckoninH everything except lay clothes, I cost my father betwtseu four aud five pouiuli a j ear This was roach to loin nnd au e.'.itiiw ,,f svhich I was , very anxiMiia la st-e linn rilii e.l Man t crmi 1'lca. A 11. ii juuji h:rmft'ht .,1.1 und I Vl"j1' vault ...r i InniL-r .'im time;, ii, own ht'j'Ja ll ti. in i ..iiUl .Iwphix ua uiut-h Ugil't Ii. . .1 ,;n u ull ,i mile hljgll ' at a ft.n'li ni.i ii ! i ftiKI imnu as i far forwud i . . . r..m,' i., hi iiht Ma Kca can he could uuJie it trips around i the World at .,ne l.-ap St l.oiits R.-mb- lie CYCLING FOR CHILDREN. Oreot fare alionl.1 1!.- T lines Nol llrsull Dr. i: J Tin ii-1 i-i quisstion In t In i "'i' tween the in," .- it should be allowed 1" ' lowed how uiiu li th" the pastime without im of injury, maintain-, tl V, ii 'Inst Injury I fi'.m II i I'll -idem.; the X illlldlen lv- ix and t w Im'. 1 1 1- and if a in. i' indulge in nl im - ilio rink i it th- -libjci t is uuo on which no inai aa i uliouiH'e iloamiaticallvorhiN .h.wi trn t and in variable I tiles ivnci tiling. What for one email loy or k"' might be merely henlthv and lieneflcia) exerciye. for in I other might mean physi nl ruin. Bnt wliilo each case must lie judgeit on us merits, one fundamental principle must bo clearly enunciated namely, that no young child with any organic weakness, whether of heart, lungs, joints or nerv ous system, should bo allowed to mount a machine under nny clrcnmstnucef wlmtever. Betting aside such natural disqualifi cations, the exercise of cycling, properly regulated nnd adjusted to the capabilities of the individual, is nnqtiMtionably one of the best forms of recreation that can lie imrtaken of by chuMrcn of both sexes at an early age. It develops tho body, nnd the self reliance and resource en tailed by tlie management of a machinc tend to "strengthen and cnlarge the men- till and intellectual faculties. A few simple precautions, however, may Insure good and nvert evil results. As to the age that n child should liogin, for most children six is quite early, and even for some six Is too early. Giwit care should bo taken in choosing and fitting n ma chine to n young rider. An old, ill fitting crock may prodnca deformity or disease. Two things that innst 1 insisted on In buying either n Idcycle orn tricycle for n young rider nre that the jieak of the . saddle shonld lie two Inches lieldnd the crank axle, and that the ban. lies should bo M) brought around and b.'i lt that the child can sit perfectly upritriit on the machine, As to tlie distance the child may ride no nlieoluto rule can be laid down. Overexertion must la- carefully guarded against, and n sleepless night nnd n distaste for food is one of the Indi cations that the system is pni),nned by the nrodncts of its own waste. It must be lememliercd that excesci've siieed is moro injurious than excessive distnnce, nnd cxeeseive hill climbing than either. The conclusion arrived nl by Dr. Tur ner is that n sound child, six yearn old, properly fitted with n machine, and rill ing in proper form and position, may cyclu within the limits of moderation aud derive liencfit and snflVr no harm from the exercise. St. Louis Globe- Democrat. Mtpetttltlons of Scotch rKlicri.ieit, Some still exiitiug superstitions nmong fishermen mo communicated hy n 181. dent. At tho beginning of tho heirina wason the ciew nil try to seize the her ring fin t on board to we if it be n male or female. If it Is a male their fishing iiihv lie cxiiected to be n poor one: if a female n good one. Sometimes, how 'ever, the aMppcr secures it nnd hides it nway, sailing it nnd laying it aside for the season. Tho Imnt must not lie turned against the sun. Certain nnimals considered of ill omen must not be spoken of in tho boat, and ministers in this l opect occupy the same place ns rabbits, bares, and pigs, i lsli- ermeu do not like to lend anything to a neighboring boat lest their luck should go with it. If they lend n match thej will contrive secretly If possible tc break it nnd keep part, hoping thereby to retain their luck. Their disliko to have anything stolen is increased by the fear that the thief may have stolen their luck with it. To nek (be question. "Whero aro you going?' of any. ono who is going on board is equivalent to ile- ttroying all his chances tor that tlmo. Persons with certain names aro held to bo of bad omen, tho dreaded names bo iug different in different villages. Fraserbnre Free preaj The Malidl, The tnnhdi's outward appearance was strangely fascinating; he was n man ot strong constitution, very dark complex ion and Ids face always wore a pleasant smile, to which lie had, by long practice. accustomed himself. Under this smile gleamed a tet of singularly white teeth. and between tho two upper middle ones was a V (dinped space, which in tho Sou dan is considered a sign that tho owner will lw lucky. Tho mahdi was well versed in tho at t of winning over lieoplc, His unruffled smile, pleasant mnnncrs. generosity and equable trinperament, though nt times somewhat severe, all tended to enhanco the popular idea oi him. Ho attributed the execution of Said Pash.t nnd All Bey Sherif (tho vali ant defenders ot El Obeid) to the Khalifa Abdullnh, and when the two little sous of tho latter wens brought to him the smiling hyiwrite. wept for their father's fate. Tlio belief in him and his cause almost amounted to worship, Women especially raved about him and thought him tho most linndsome ot men, His virtues wero extolled in poems, nnd constant reference was made to Ids good looks, wisdom, stnturo nnd to his re peated victories over tho Turks. The beggars used to learn off by heart iiecial laudator)-verses, and by reciting them from nonso to notice tney were snro tc bo given alms. "Ten Yi-nrs' Captivity in thfT Mahdi's Camp." llu Thmr Auay Hit. Clsnr. 'Qeoro," alio saiil softly, v tht lookeil trustingly into lila oyea. 'What H It, ilrarMtr lie iiakul tou 'Uou't sou think, Geoige,' sho said klowly, "that you lrnd lietter throw away that cigar!" "Do you object tn amiike. pi t'" he nskeil. "Oh, no, Oeorge, dear Cteorgc; not nt all," ahe replied quickly. "I rather like tho smell of a good cigar, but but" "Does yonr mother object to cigar imokoin the house?" "Oil," no; pupa smokes hole all the time, but but" "Hut what, dearest!" "But you aie so forgetful, (Jeorttc and and if you should forget to take tho cigar out of your month you might veii a slight burn on my check, you know, would cause comment." The cigar went into the grate, aud a minute later there was nothing bnt a on a fair cheek to indicate that George would take n broad hint. De troit 1'ieo Pi es. IxineeTltr III KiiiElanil. Tlif iltiilli rate in tlx Peak of Derby shire is mi low that the ilistrii't rivul in salnhrity tlie AmerioHii villaK i.'hich was ao extraordinarily lieelthy tluit the iuluhltauts who vrishal to "oliufrlo off this mortal coir Iwl to mlgrata into a neighboring town. Tlie mortality at Huston is nine r 1,000; nt the adjacent hamlet of Hash It is said that death takes only the very young and very old, the infant anil the natriardi. The sexton can almost tell whose grave lie will next dig. Iu u similar manner at Male, un der the shadow of Kindersonnt. death goes hy seniority. At Tidoswell, also in the "i'eoke Coun trie," there was, quite recently, tlie fu neral of a man sixty-four years of age, wliose father and mother were still liv ing In tlie parish, having been married sixty-seven years. gala's Journal. ot lu lie tliiliWnr. Governor Turuey, of Tennessee, telle a good story and lias a keen appreciation ot fun. Onoe while his regiment was in winter quarters with a Georgia legtment a religiotM rssrival was started lu Ba. An oMoer told liim one day that twelve of the Georgians heal beeii cotirerted. "How many of our men professed CurlstianityT lie aelusl. "None, sir." "AVhatl wliat r lie said, "uoue of soy men converted? It will never do for Georgia to get ahead of Ten n esses. Ser ges nt, detail eighteen of my loau for Iwp ttsin at once." Xew York 'World. Merely a HjriMilliefel.. One remarkable thiuar iu Julian u the mr.l O.noll l.ll.1 ... 1 I...U.J. which are strapped to the ba k of other child reu. Heaven ool knons where they come from. Iu deruuts v t here is a legend lo tlie effect that storks bring babies. Perhaps the great number of stork in Japan are engaged iu the same pursuit. Baltimore Ameiicau !!)cure;, Atsjiutu? q a vaw feisty;. Dlllouo-093, Dyspopsln, I Indigestion, Diseases of I tho Kldnoys.Torpltl Liver I I nl.-..4.l-.. TU..U... V kii:i;u!iiukiB!iif Lie.iiic7oav a Sick t-iaadache, Leas of I Appotito, Jaundice, Erup 7 lions and Skin Diseases. T I Mts 23'. V" sui, RUtrsUBngtiiti. irai,MI!HltU.rrH., r.irlljl! tl. X t49 & mw9fmw9wm'ti9 SoldbyW.I-MJlery, IVe Can't do it In I ; -e willing to pay for learning how to at. I n us (rood an article ns IVoirr s Acme! Hi. sr kino of cliGiip material so that a le'iili r ran profitably sell It at 10c. Our nrlco Is 20c. 'ilr retailer isaya the public will not nay il. Wo siyjhe public will, because they .1 will always pay a lair price lor a goou ar 'i le. To show both the trado ami Tlie ri ' li" that wo want to give them the beet lor the least money, wo will pay For We information ; tills offer is open mtil Junuvry 1st, 1893. tVOI.ffF4EAWDOLFn,Fhiladolphle, P!k-!!o:i t the name of a paint which iot"! ui k that no other paint can do. yut fi'i i-Hliiioil nlth It looks llhothe natural 1 lion It U atatned nnd veratabed. mmm and mmm i.i r ml it nriifltablo to Investigate. All - ' "..res sell It. l'or a Thorough Trnmitw n JUMKESS or SHOPTH.VivD It Hill fU VUII ( ilF.t 111- iffillCAN BUSINESS Colltffi. C'r.XTRESQi AnF, Allentowii, Va. Tlio limit Tlioronttl . Rt'nt lit dilute.!, nm Int'st Kqnlppcil t'uniir1"1 'i mlniiTji School n iviinsIvnti... Hi:rAi:.TK F!irvU- CoMi' rFxr eUlllb lmTitt'ions Host I'un'I If 1 Cotirura at Honest ).ites. Itt'twei'ii SOOoml Stttilehis HimuHlly, Mudcnls HSHiiteit to 11:13 Uii; ptitttlofrf. woin. or cal.iltvn t all .tl otvv. O O DOHNBy, Prin "I'li-ii'st; mcnclou tUii p.tper i2T-Cn CARTER'S fITTLE i P3LI.S. BIclc UMtflacljo and telle ill tho troubles lad rtent to atllioni BUteof Iho Bj8tom,ucb a4 DIzzIogh, Ktvusca, JroTsinoM, DJstrosa after nice, Tola In the Side, to Whilo their most, rcmtikablo buccom liu beca fibown In curU3 neafi&che. yet Carter's Uttlo Llrar PIU-I M4 cgnall7TaluablolnConBtIpatlon,curli)itBndrre cntlng tb.aannoyin3eompU.nt, white thoTalsu correct all (lioordoM of thoetomichtlruulD.te thr llTerandrcuUitothelOTrclj. ErenUtheyonlj curcu ttkChB tbey xroold bo ttmoB t priceless to thosa who eulftjr fromthUtllalrtwlEgcciraplalDtt but fortu nately thelrgoodneeadooB notenJhfjrfj.antUhoM who oncstry them will find tbeso llttlo pllUTalii able In no many mra that they will not bo vril liOgtodQTTithoutthcm, Butaftar aliolcltliiMvl la the bone of bo many Htm that hero la v hen nem&kooarereatboast. Oar pUlscurf ItwhllJ Others do not. Cartera Liltl Liver Hlla ero very small and very eaay to tako. One or two pills liirtko a dona They are strictly vegetable and do not firipa or purge, bat by their centla action pleuo all vhi usethem. lnTlalaat25cenUi Hvoforll. OcU by druggiaU every wheic, cr scntliy m&U. CARTER MLDICIHE CO., New York. SMALL PILL. SMALL DQSE. SMALL PRICE Cclentlflo American Aoency for OAVFATfl. TnAne mark'!. DESIGN PATCNT3. COPVniCHTS. Atr. ot inrormatimi ona Tree xranaiioob writo to ttUsNaS & CO.. m UUOAUHAV, AEW YOItS. Oitleut bureau for leciirlntf teiilt la America. Erorr ratunt taLun out by list la bmuKiit l-eforu the puuia tanutico givtn freo oi cburgs la tbe tuvestrtR worlai,. fcpi PEIRCE (tHiECE BUSlNES! jiSr.ORrHAlii) ,11, f a inrlrle M ! ..... . I l..r- I. ii. C. tm ttcl I I . 1 r, . i.n. . I , 'I'.. n I.m. ( ieit, ill w 1.HI..UII,. S I, in I, tilrt- TirMlar. i , it to I". l-,rli l ' 1 1.. .1 .uorth-.Qd .. . ilII hmUiiS i'iiii I r I rnlSi.r, i I nilwjelphiaj's bu n trsv.1 m w.-li buen . InMfucfusi. utl s iKS- . 1 ills al'lwitn'i Full si.,1 1 SeiSlb I! Afill Mtfolltu.t.t m I AdOooik , m . . - Taos Mat i , I' RMflrUllm tit t i I I,-t 1. ww.i llll ! a tsuiedaM, b4waUsM torn jstt h. mm ns luOm oi HttU.asUI ml m tnus a atr.tor teWt I vejuM mi 11 ,W e4 U fit risk ht I srae, s,m kntk wfti-A Ms! ocd ef llu cWj I n-tuntnsMst r. t Imlwwii t tat ssJesr; finn sUktir. ft 2l (si isetrj. If Measac. at keMs1 fear rtpty." PATIiNTt 1RCMC0 Vt MAIL. OMtWENTIAl. Ur-sv uel teiii, s, HMrtM. isMaserlieiei, ar taMl vfacltv tm psMlsi-ttissf atslstreavs, Ul OMfc t MaM, Dt c w. r. ntm. M vfwits with, wtm, m I.ADIK8 ASh AIS.SKS Coats& Jackets In w very Hentetl 8tU and i Die lowest I'rletii ut E. H. Snyder's, aleoa(ulUe sf Fine Drss GoocU, Thai can't be uatched 1 1 town or county for Style Qoolltj or Pries. See Our Goods Before You Buy. POll SALE. A I.. I 111 mm. I -mi I. .mm f. -iv ii II . Innn Wcl,. ..tut Mia. i-liKusif - it rs I. ii i i 'I Ihi -1.1, i,t M i .IHI.. Oaruui mumii l' f sT., I'll tOllll i s..,l vettr ii toiiM.n si.i. 1 1. a nr n n i im, not er ii ii i (laun' teet ion I.-n.. IUHS KKUKR Harrltv 1 a $10,000.60 Reward VS. elffi-! Malces an cvery-day convenience of an old-time luxury. Pure and wholesome. Prepared with scrupulous care. Highest (award at all Pure Food Expositions. Bach package makes two large pies. Avokl Imitations and Insist on having th: NOND SUCH brand. MERRBLL St SOULE, Syracuse, N. V. FURNITUnD. UNUKUTAKIMI VI.OVII & FEED. Robt. N. Anthony, (Sinsmsnr ti, .1. P. Ilex. I'aet tVelaapotl.) WILIiCONTIXUU TO HE Tim BRSTt-PiiACT. TO 1IUV Fnrnitnre, Floor & M at the tones! 4'rlccs. Give tie n nail. N'o trouble to show Goods. R. N. ANTHONY, Instructions onthc Piano and Organ given by ' 1SS AIT'I AUEll, niinl St., - -g. l.oliiyhtcm. All tlio new tuitl iuiiirovod Ht'thotls of iiistniotititi. Snlisrnc. f'ou Tkiims cull 011 nr ntldrofsn ibovc. SWEENY'S "Cornor Sr.oro" )mm, imm, Mm, Nets, Apples, Celery, Crailis. - Grape';, We Raisins, Confec tions, Fancy Baskets, Qneeus ware, and a foil line of Hict Lowest prices, good treatment, 'iironipt delivriy Call and See Us. Corner Store, LEHIGHT0N PA. Now is Your Time! SO""- Building Lots For Sale! Don't wait, but come nt once and buy one of these beautifully located lot. You will be sur prised at the view they nfTord and the price will be sure to please yon. No trouble to show you nronud. -Call on cither A. V. SNYDER, or li. J. 1IOXGEX, East Wt'Upurt l'n ! To Contractors aid Eni Ttio uuilersigi.H nnnoiinctja to Oontrnctors 1 Hiiil HiilMt rs tliut he 1ms now (eutd liU stone I 'liiarry, m ltav(.rHiu),HiHi IsprfitarcU totuilv lluildiiia iStoiics , ui uiiv f,uai)iitv At rpflinnnHe ifttci, Ho nUn hii-cns it fjupply at reltlenfe on 81XONI) S niEUT. to supply iiuiDCillute Ut iiiaiul. i HAUMN'iurcvco''Tlptlon, pronii-tly at- mleU to. I Also, roiiMftiitly nn Imi1 ii full ai.H'H, orthc I nest bratitUt'f ! iPlonr aud lced, ( v iiin lio will sell at lowest Market T'rfcM, t CHARLES TRAINER. 8KCOND STni:rT, t.r.nioiiTON. iw il m.l tif.? hfifeTiafifl 1 n iS V W i.,ir. eiam throMUh , Mi, J Pr krautfh tkd rj DUlOtU iu ii. r roa cwwyp f t r. HtlM IIW M (. I Ul.t RAZER BE8T IV Till: WORLD. i "i4sv4rlaefiitH'. . -suro a isttruueed. actually two t- ... ct invo.i.r hranrt. Nat -. -UKl L.y lio.-t. J r.I' i:ailC.HJ FonBXLri'VM .Tin-o' LIIALLT. ur CnrM Connmptlon, Cong be. Croop.Gor Tlaivaosv fioia bv alt DrUsWIfct OB ft OlUrUlM, For a Ume b,. Back or Cht.t Sbllob'a Porou gutter wUl (ivt ywat mUfaciian.--3 cents. SHILOH'S VITALIZER. , Mie-T. 8. H"kli.riwtWmi,gn TenaajariJ "ShaalftYtlaLur'HAVED UY LtTSf I eanlderttfieMniau.w-ailalasUltsetm i eeer ueca. ror jivepepsw. wvw or uuutj trouble It exoola, rrioeTftcts. CATARRH REMEDY. r0 atsSU UUfV lUUi a sv sew vesaa, i'es I lor Itaeurceaafut treataent tafurnlsMd Ahitah'a liamediee are sold br us on a guarantee tc give sauenwswu. , ' Foil HAI.E Bjr Dr. C T. Horn, Lehinhton, Pa 1 FUMS' 98 LY- I , r-SEff-r 1 I Bill Mbing A POINTER We orTcr just now sjh'cihI in vitntioti tn our irientls ami jmtroii8 to conic and seo ut. The uininer is fht fleeting nnd we will mnko specinl prices to soil out our umincr yoods in order to lmve n full Swilllf Oil Otir fall find wintnr stock oI'Dry Goods, Notions nnd Itcndy-Mndo fJlotning. Wo have no room to quote prices, but they nre low enough. Don't miss this opportunity but come nt nee- Then too, wo nre the ' recognized hrndqunrters for lor nil kinds or Groceries, Fruits & Vegetables in Season nt the lowest oi' ery low pricrs. Aompt nnri cortcous ticntmcnt to nil nnd it is no trouble to show goods, Cilliill 11 lilirr. Kuntz &Co. East Weisspo. t. THOMAS' Drue: ::" Store KIllST hTIli:KT, MlllltiU'lON, l'A. TTjon't foigt t that wo krep the Best I .ino of Pocket Knives Ilnzors, llazor Strops, Soap, &c. We guarantee every ftazor or will exchange. Fine IJ'inps, liquors and Cigars, Fresh Beer and Porter. FREK LUNCH every dny from 9:00 to 12:00 a. m., nnd every Saturday evon Ing. Call and see mo. I will treat you right. Opposite tlie Carriage Works, North First Street, Lcliighton. THE Tho People's Paper. 9 1SJ RATE We Make I Fine Job Work A Specialty. At I.owuet Pricos'. OrncK Xotth l'"irl Stitwt, Lehighton, Pa. Wo have also opened a first-class in Anron Snj tier's nuw block, at tlie ERttcru end of lliu Lehigh HriilKe, in the HOUOUGII OF VEISSP011T, where all orderf for Job Printing ill lw sx lediliously and eheaply extv culed. Subsci iiitiuus tor UieCarbon Advocate nlo received and ri i cipti il liir. II. V MOUTH IMBB, Propr. 8 .mimd'H- s"i HARD NUTS T0 GRAOK. 1 dojt't merfly.mnho thefO llbornl offers, bnt. 1 enrn them ou lo the letter. Do you wnnt rt Joller Upright 1'iniio Orinii ? uhieli othtr ngoiirs soli from'.?li5, toSUn dollnrs, 1 will coll you nil you wnnt for $85, on ensy pnymrnts. A Corned l'p. right Pinno for $!fi() dollnrs thnt othev ngents ni-k $n50. I cmi get almnRt nny mnke Organ or Pinno thnt is mnde, und I will here say go nnd get prices elfnwhere, bring the Catalogue with you mid I will guarantee thnt lenn snvo you from $io to $1ton mi Orgnn nnd from $100 to $200 dollar on n Piano. yAm't be afraid to mil and sue nm. I won't ivoiry the life out of you to wU, nor will I put nn instrument iu the hottst'. unloisyou wnn me to do so, T w ill soil you tlie Lnwronoj 7-orlav l'inno Orgnn for $85, now, ko to Allontown nndseoifynu ran buy ono f, r less tlmu $12-5. Do you want a tstnndnrd Sowing Jnchine, that other uL'nt sell nt !50. My price is $80. The Dnvie nt $25, $.10 nnd f!5. 1 lit v. lute anil Domestic nt ?!!(). The Anioiicnn nnd Tniitc Cotliigo$2G- Thoc tire eye openers, hut .A111011 is in it nnd to stay. 1 want the people to know thnt when thoy pay ever $8fi lor a Sewing Jnebino it is inonoy thrown away. How nbout Wmhing Wnehines.I reduced the price lo$5,now anyone can buy. Oh ye high pritv agents 1 am nftcr toi nnd your ll'ar Prices. Iteqxctfullv, Near the Lehigh mm A HAPPY NEW YEAR Ym'W " lllslrllmtlon at MEXK, .V....i,i.. 1 " iV 11"'1!,,r;J M!eiliiiilOM:;niAT8 our our Huilna; III laraf V ' oi lilX onfia 3 lSKiW,:i."ill,1.,.,rl:,,cf,''' r?''N'.r-reahVSVasoMlS5 ,,', 4i,im ,. S 1 L'?."s'" '' wcriiri'liiilhPosecfrallii.rlIiaiiiairy to annollier sea son, lliat all luiv Itaiuan enual cliaiu'c tnsli.iui m xht oMMirtunllirs wtilcli mil bp uffordMi aYi.l'cUin'ilMl' ' Km" ''r"M'"' '" "IT"?" fll 0-r'irttril.t ot Kaina' .S'pctinl Oxeicoat Mention. All 0111'i'.nlio 0;$I2 lo t.!Hi, io lost .i..7Jlfws'.?lW l.:,.,i'Lt!",l.,!1, ""; t15".'1 lu'n mtmntt In Mm iwwtsi slia.Vs Hub '!J,i t '.ll!A? " l1' f!'"1 "" """"ciliil ptK'os.aiAii. (.1 m anil M. (m r ;il of ni'r fll 0 flO1t1.1l I2 Mii-t noil Morni.Cont. in nrar, llr.m n i nil Oxlnnl t!.ilos l iVrfns, " ant 1 1 ?"i M Pll'c JSnitc 1;" nblc Unsincfs ,S'ni(s foruu'rly 8 V w MEN'S PANTALOONS SPECIAL. . ;)()() Pairs .S'tlish 'nntaloons, imsitively worth $ wc sell tliPin at 1000 7Jairs Heavy Pantaloons, all bright, new r7coils worth $2; our price $1.'J5. 200 'Children's (Suits, 4 to V,) years, worth 1.50 ranio in tno late for the season; will be sold at $1.25- ISO Childirn's Oveicoats and Storm eoatsall to lie dosed out to malic mom for Spring Gooc's. ; II" yen want to save dollars-you HapBYjuW Year lo Yon! wislitoe Yoa One ff Our Orercoats or Suits. Kocli 8c Sliankweiler. largest and Finesst ClolMi House in the Valley, CENTRE SQUARE, ALLENTOWX. PA. l mm IS IIEAJJUlIAUTKPvS FOUt GENERA I , H AR DW A R l fm ariifsfi6S, Class, KIND OF COAL, OPS. PUHLIC SQUARE, Bank Street, LeJiighton,Pa leautiful Pictures Win t'B'fWBBsissf yHovBg go WntB'IiPB') UHBB$$ MitoGBBB OB ISeti Just The Thing For BOWER'S BLOCK. Opposite n IU1 HniMYhn l iSi Are you all run clown? Scot? s Emul sion of Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda will build you up and put flesh .on you and give you a good appetite. text's Emulsion cures Coughs, Colis, Ccmnmptiou, Scrofula and all Anaemic and Wasting Diseases. Prevents waiting in children. Al luu.t as ialal aliens milk. Cctonly I lie Rcnulnr. Prepared' by Soott A lxiwue, Ohemlste, Kew YotL. Bold by n I fiiuggtsts. Tlie Cheapest Place in Town For "Willi Paper, Borders and Decora tionfi at Ocsmn Onhfirv Corner oi' Socontl nnd m HO llllg, Iron Shoots. Tin" llled tin Vmuity U SNYDER, Bridge, Weissjiort. mm 'tplisn All-wool iS'uits formerly fr ' " vu 1 u wuii. t jri TILT" 50 now $5.50. can do it here best of anywheie. At Low Prices. Christmas Presents. P. 0., LEHIGHTON, PA. cott s Emulsion I.14-J.41i!i JsHSorfniCMt ifii select I'vtnn.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers