The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, January 28, 1893, Image 1

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    Eke Aftweate
ltlWH lUIW' I 'I'"" 'I' "' 1 1
newspaper i 1 1 '' 1 r " '"' ' '' '
sMipmilly It i i ' " 1 ' '"'
Users. 'iu- " 1 ' ''"'" ' 1
tin neoutrone "I Hi I v e ' i '
interosttitg, bright ui'l "i I' I ' " ' '
editorials nru orhviiiil and 'H Ii"
Hiiitliitf oil HiMJOtllltot tllKII1 bpii.i
t n specially ill our .toll Ti iiriiK "HI"
In Snyder's lllix-k. east rb' . 1 hn Lehigh
bridge. Kiiln o. NotcHi ! i ilerPnpn,
Pliatniilels. Oi.l. r IJ.ioks, V' .ets. Tags
nuil h(I kiiuN ol Pit- NIc,H..ib ami full'
Hills. We ! nil iii k tmatly, ehennly ami
cleanly. On you lire anything In I Ins
Hup? tlii call and see. lit, or write us a
Ktn! card nml we will lie at jour service.
Is Independent oftiltlsld.' liirtiitiim.
Iirlce is one dollar s year
.lust j-imtry II.
I .
Lohighton, Carbon County. Fonna. January 28, 1893.
$1.00 a Year in Advano
VOL XXI. No. 11.
V It
ft H
B a
3 c.
8 c .
Sc 0
H -! H
r t
-i rr
1 i
r ft
2. 0
Thenbovp cut shows our Ivitcliini (ViUuul opiiii ami closed it
contains Flour Hin, Spice nml A'olliii"; Pin Dinwcr ami Hake
Hoard. An indespcnsiblc article Cor the kitchen Vice l?5.00
We have just received another lnigo lot of ldcech voadipg
Shot Gans. Wc claim to haye the finest .lusortmont of Guns
and Revolvers outside of the large oitios at popular Prices.
Come and be convinced. Our "Lendar" Hraerh-Lnading -Shot
Guns only .7. ;"). a first class gun innvcry lespoct
Only Five Dollars Round or Square at the
Lehigh Goal
Hot Prices for Sixty lays
Xo. 8, Full Size, Complete
Range, $'20. No 7, with No.
ft top, complete, as low as 17,
We offer lhe.e goods at these pi Ices for
lh nest Sixty Iiy. We have on hlni! a
lot of Second Hand, Kiisl-e'ass
Parlor Doiis Heaters,
which we will tell al very low Asures, All
of our ooois ate cuaranlecd to Dleao the
luiyer or money refunded.
(ill I anJ tee our Urge itock befor
hnjlns tl.ewherc.
Has it ever occurred to you that
-'- J
cheaper here than you can buy
Apples and Fotetoe
Are arriving daily iu car load lots and arc being sold at the vory
lowest prices to retailers
Sold nnd delivered tit nnd frequently way below city prices.
Wholesale Commission Dealer, Hast Wclssport,
All Varieties and Styles
Prices Never so Low
The moHt Central Location Call and be' Convinced
at The Sign of tho Big Boot.
Kline, Loros & Muschlitz,
714 Hamilton Street, Allentown, f a.
"W e are Stiring Things Up.
Last year our trade was liit; in .Imunty Wewnnt n Inn'
the record, so are cuttingjiricen away down, and moving gootUj
allying, and if you rend our prices you will call on us when in
Ladies Rubbers ISc. .Nlysfstsi. UiiblrDts 16c.
Men's Arctic 15c. All kiuda of lUihUec lower than the
lowest. 100 pair Ladios uhooe, price whs $8, now out to $1.00.
Miss Dongola Tip, !)5o, In fact all alony the line wt eliocd
tlte prices until they are where jennet tlte hoe, and we move
the Stock just at we intendesl.
George E. Keith,
728 Hamilton Street. Allentown.
u. a i.. i ' iiiPU-e u -
!f you read the Advocate then you read he Newt 1
Si Hardware UoH
you can buvjnst as cheap u not I
,J ! ,. . i.p.p
in the cit ! It t! a t-olul r At-1 .
s - a n 1 1 li m mi umaj n tm iswm
clonal & Business Cards
W. M Hapshor, 1
I Klrt iliT nl.".' fit.' Man-don llmi.e
I MAUrll rill'SK. I'KSN A I
ml Kstute mi.1 Vnlli' Aui-iir Will H11V
,n. Hell ileal I'.slilts. Cnmcvmu Inn ih .ill .lime. I
oltfrtKHIS ltimtHljf ms.Ie. H. HI 111! K'' 'I' "f '
.ir.".li'itt n s(etlrill. Mm I.' .ei'sultcl In
nullah -itul Hi rinnn
nev 11
DK..G.T. IiX)X,
172 M.i. 1r.ri. lUtli, Ta.
T 1'AMH.H, llRllJiIlW llni -tr. MoMiUf
r t'.Krilt.KIU . St S 1101 Kl., WpM"l'A Vt.
t l l.l-MIIW ,lftUMH KNT1IAI.,Tltl Ht.Y
Vl It Mil, ntlIH- AMI KTl IID1M.
1 1 ill 1 Uour l'nim l h. hi. In i . in. I m tic
l.nU- (1 to tlNejv'" "fthi'
Fye.Ear, Nose&Throatl
-ALtn. lie rr.ii ti.ill nt till SMITH. D. D. S.,
Olllre hii iilli; I lie Oiut.i IIiiusp
I Hank Street, IaAx ;ttnn. I'n.
f-'flMiiK nt1! ntakinx nrtlilclol df nltire h H'rciat-'
Cm ji.liuliiHIfri'OiiiKl Tcrlli Fxtraiifl WITH-
PITH'i: UOriH'-FnHn nt.,l is hi.,fnm
t U. in., to A p. in., fiittti p. iu., lo H 1 1. 111.
Coniultattohs In KiiKilhor CeiMin
omct llotiMiu IliiMiui Kciv hitiinl.i
A . 8. 1 i 1 )en old ,
Iiham ii Orricr Over .1. V jtaii.lciiT.ii'.tt
Liquor Htoii.,
.in.tlitry la nil Itt liranelies. Teith Kxtracteil
vltliuutl'Hla. Iltta(lmlallcieilttnenreiuptli.rt.
DfHoelM)t WKliN'llsliAYof each week. I
i' o. a.ldien. M.I.KN10W.N,
, il IfX'linlirounry.I'.i.
Henry Urumborc, Prop'r,
first Mrm:i;r, lkhiuutk. !i:nn..
Tliet'ftrlHin IIoum hat hfi-u ri:rtiitf-il jiihI
iimrm.xi tin Aiialmiit ; It U rhrliit llulitpil ntirt
well fiitll.ite(l.nixt Is ninnDK the limt Hotels In
tlii1 nmtou of the Mate. 'J ho atron:ieo uf the
ruiiiiio i soli cited, iiett iiccoiiiinottHiioni lor
jf rinatif nt nml trailtfiil custom. CharjiP i erv
inodenile. Title l,i(itor,rrcsh Jieeriiml I'oitiT
a tut (lo hI riguio, for nlt' tit the li.r,
Lending llctnurnt In Ifio LnlilgH
I.IUN II Al l. lUlll.lUNfl,
v.aSkv. allentown,
'I IiIh Poiiit:ir I!ctauratit liai been thoroughly
reritted nml refunildied, and the nceom
inodatlon nruitr muerlor and hulllnffclmnic
tvr. All tliedellenclMof th aeanun wred at
moderate rates. The U supplied with nnno
but the best brnmU of Wines, Iduor. Al"9
Clears, ete.
I.Hdlop Pliiluj; ICooni In the Itcur.
Oscar Christmau,
Wr.lS.lrOllT. I'A.
Liven mid Exchange Stables.
ri.yililliiKt'jril'Ofiit mid s.ito ilrhliis liorsti
Ii. ini'itiMno(latlont to ageiitstliivlcrcit
Alnll and u-leKiai'li order laeiiipilv attemleil to
Uieineatrial. may21-ly
, The Celebrated
Cypress Shingle.
i Omiruiiteed full Ix'iisib.
Tho very It Shingle in" the Market,'tuted b
v ri.iiiiuoiii, VIikIiiI.i.
8A for sm.k in Tinitsrur.T nv
All KimU of liuililiug Lumber
ir'reinlit, Bagnage aafl Parcels
1 lll'.l.lVKItlill AY
' John F. Hottenstein.
cau-fui attention t.idin thn jteiivciV f
KrclKht. IlajRieo and Parcels loallp.irl!
of tnt tIlC lowest rrices. a share of
I 27"LiAVft .mlers at Sweeny', Kucli's
I or Lei ben Ill's.
Howci's Iliiddllit: oipodle Tost Ofllce,
H'otk liken in every day of the ueek
inn prnrapuy ituemiM 10.
Riiiill) aching done al very leaKonahle
Seidol'.s Btikui'.v,
i l'irst I.fhiuhtou, jou villi .tiwavs flhtl
' rieshetand Ue"i
Uye, Wheat and Vienna Bread
1'iwU liver) l.i. Our Wcium Itu .nt ciunut
beeseelletl. Weresiettfiillv sotl. it mhu uiron
Ht Watch tor Ihe Wnmi.
Seitlcl's Vii'uun Hakcry,
Opp Obert's. IMX ST., l,i:ill(llllt)N, I'.V
The iiiidi'rsiutieil liatlnir lsen le-tersilth
I tifaltli by sliiqil.'.tuejUlf. slier siifferilnc tor - lev
mil ishi. mill rifeisrv ntiia snsnHiu, mHi esi
tlri'u.lulfejMei'mikiiiiiiitliiii.lf nhxtuiiM
knr.Mii in his fellow .nifererft Ilis iiieans utciirea
1 time n tip ilsslre It, lie ill liciei fully ssiel
(fun ot rliargsi a eoiy el Hie iirsMUlelloiiuseit,
!Hlili-llllisVHlUlinilasure rurefor Cs.ii.uini
tluu, A.lliMm, llronrlilll. mill nil tltrost suit
Iiim4 .flHlHillr.. lie buisM all Mincrw will try
rn-r i. ll is luvaliuble. 'I lioe ilesirluit
Uli' fU'Mni.lluii, utileli il .'ml llielu nutliliiu.
ana may prn.e a uisksiiik. iii I'l.-.i.e a.iuie..
Iter. LMlW.Ut!)
New oik
s.t, 'i'i-7.
Senry Miller,
lUNUPACTiiiir.i: nri
Window and Door Fhames,
Doors, aimt'i'is,
window sashes,
T v
,, , ,. ,, , ' lo drop (lit. Wi were ill flMllHlr.
MoulthnKS, lliackt'tt, llserlug PAXAS s.UlAsAl'AlflLLA
recManwude.l in a tir.iit lllood I'n-
Ml Kiarls of Dressed Laiulier
Shingle, railings.
rTa,.ll. i is.. p. e.
I Httlrll IjiiovhI. Ami th' oulv tUlDe;
- ' I& to nwluj U4of In i Herrllilo wH-
I- 1 ' dltlou, U tbc r.h.n. . I H.- thrcr
lowest Prices, i r, Upr roou wrre
Br fie Greatest Blood Ptirijier&
Tik fJ rtnrm Mi illi Eno In ?ff
chrnnoot nrnl lipst. iIom of SVlM
tMILltniXTKIt3forH.0(jtlc88thau S
ono rent n Uoac, It will cure ttic A.
to that n w rul !H,flB(i 8rrofula
OL'l'i'JIL'K llllXf.lt3 19 (ilCff S
best mwllrino to tto In tiWff
paws ot emh Ftnbborn i""lrotir Kltl-
E3 BLUE PILUO ?"V.!.,iu."E3
or mprctirj, Uicysre rtoml " t 1J.i,i ,
miLl'MUIf ItITTr.US,?,l?L"IU,t nlU
tlm imrcft and beBr001130 I
medium, mr wlo, JBIplBr Bi(er3 1 j
vUhn3-clIowritIcI;rDontwftltimtH yon
iubftnure? leTourjf art) unaMO to m nik,or .
I breath foul aodjffaro flat on your bnck,
loITcnslTe? Yonriybiitgct eonient nnof, It
I stomach Is ouiwHt cure rou. uliliur
lofonler. UwUlUen is
4amY;usXliO InTalld's Fricna.
U your I r-Storing aro Boon raatlo w ell by
lno tblck,itauM3. ltrmcmlcrwliiityou
ropj, C10.JV1Y ad here. It may &ae your
iuJj, oruro, It tins rMisl liumhvds.
uoivc wait until w-roorrow,
Try a Bottle To-day!
Are vnti lmr.otililleit nml irenlf.
or iiiilTi'rliiir from the cnpomimi ol
Vouiii' it bo. si'i.riint iiim:us
semi . i-uin Miinipi. in ... i . i.nmay iv v ....
lloeton.Mnss. for bet moilli al w nvk i.nlillilr
Battirira's Miracnlons Renicdies-
I.I liprnl 51 1 nded Pli elelniti ICitdm bh 'I'Jiem
An bciuglhe (Ireate&t
lilcoi'ry n( the Age,
I'ositHecire n ben used
hi accordance tolnstruc
lions, m utseaaea nere'
totoi'n Ao-called Incur
able. Dtphtherla, Asth
ma, hronclilth. catarrh,
i iiusesutui m mo lunK!,
tin; result tr untrnke,
unoplexy and hiuin par
alted retoieil to tlielr
naiui'iil i o.idltlon. SiiIiih
hip nml lone ruied. KheuniatUm
Stiath a.ntiiralbl.i, llrlKht'sdlse.isi. ot the Kid-ney,tlerc-nniplalnt,dHeiilery,
and walled
seartnlteasanrnentlrely I'ur.'d by pure iwtii.
oi o ut my own preparing
iil)mlnsidno)ear over to.Otm perM'iiK have
had these inedlclnet and an- llunn witnesses
el their worth. I will not go Into piactlen my
self, being our 71 earn al nxe; wltl pell my
meilh IneH oniv. I have two eminent phyielans
connnected with me to attend to enllln at the
residences idihH slek if renulied.
IVohi l'ntrlrk llurke.
I'.lltAPFl 1 riA( April G, 1HM.
I'toft-ssor Hon Iron Dear Sir- Allow inn to
send you my sn iere thaiiKiror the flood that
jour niedlclno dnno me and nu ean
publNh this tf Hit If you rhotKe, for thn bene lit
oi tho sultereis. In w filch I will Mate 1 had mv
hand crushed t oupllna tho cars and doctored
for it, and was In tlio hospital about nW woods,
and my hand became so swollen, and InfLimma
tlou taking place, some or the doctor thought I
would hneio pet mv hand nmnutnled to save
my lite, but 1 was told by one of my friends to
go to l'rof. rnudronHollice,iind get some olhU
medicine tor It, and Hint he knew It would
my hand.
I vfiit i hero ninl ent tho niedlcine. nttd In two
weekt the swclllnj; all went down, and lhad the
nfl ot mv nnirers'. 'Ihenlwent to work, nnd
consider mj sell well, and earnestly reeorninend
lUC rrlllruy m u iiiiiu icu iiixw nie. i uric n
nothing In tho world like It to destroy blood
lOlson. reuuee snuihiik, nuniunaiu imii, iefnn
nir action In the nerves, and circulation tn the
Idoodj there t nothing to compare to It,
l.epetjiiiiiiv iiiiiif,
I'Aimci; r.uiiKi:. i
iTOlN.ntliM., rhlhtdelhm, I'.i. :
Trout Joocph Kliktirr.
Miilli St l oct,,
I'leaso allow mutoaddinvtesllmoiiy to jour
llavluz been uunsiniek Ihiee times durlnci
yveaia, thn last lime It vvat m bad that I
fl heif for four months: had the verv best
ot doctors but was still pining aw.ij. wtttinn
neiltB poor, and great puln all over me. At
tempted logo out, but could not stand the sun,
w mild often di up dow u whlleat'empt lug to walk
tneease wnseonaldercda very bailone; t w-ns
incnneo io urn on congestion oi inn oi.uu. was
then iccommeuded to 1'iof, Itoixlinu' medicine
and I made nut to got In his oltlce, 17i7 N. 10th
street, nmt 1 got the until cine nnd In three I
weeks tluio I wus nblo to bo nut ami tending In
my business, though one oi my 1ioimh dlcil In
the meantlmo from the head, while I stood tl.
and am able to attend lohiMucssmnv. Th.iiiKs
to(lol Aluilubty and to riot. Uomliou's medl-1
cine, which 1 will recommend forever to any
poor fciiiferer as 1 was, would bo pleased to have I
anv one call and see me for outlier Information,
HespceUiilly voiirn ,
.JIHU'H KIltKl.lf.
omen innl Liboiatorv unen d.tllv fiom 7 a. in. I
loku in. I ),i II or w rltn to
A l.l. At ' 'l.Ii Iil'K I'lllH',
it.:; Noith'lendi Mrei t.
dec. 10. Vj-ly. l'hll.ule)phl.t, I'.i.
HcndSeent fl.oup for vahi.iUle book. (
Heatern and
In Great Variety at
Sam. jul G ha vin.'R
ropular Store, Hank Street.
Rooting nnd Hpoutingn specin!
ty. Stove repairs furnished
on short notice
Scrofula in its Worst Stages
Boston Specialist Baffled but
the King of Blood Pu
rifiers Wins 1 1
- I
MfN 111 sll If. X. II..
Dana .s.vh.sai'ii.ili. to..
f,V,ilf.,.. Willi a - lt
uf deep
trrstiliul.t 111 (Mil sss. IGS" Ue-.lUs.w i w lu
iratluule Iu mil IE f beat is. v
to add our l. -ti 1 ri C inuulul tu the
larva lUtof i-urrsyuur (alt II VT Jl
ItilAl. Iu p. i fonm-d.
sntttn fi.tts it-urs tun. Ol'l Itul. ilillltlhli-r
I Ihillle, then t i-.u-'..f ue, Ik' ou l.tho
I The disease l. ipldh luireaiM-d. Wecou
I sultrsl one or ir I Kl r t he !
I'lilsdclailH IV I iH U Iu Hie
Clt). s-lis. In, iu u' "i .. t .ti. .thir.lait
Utetead ot iiii.ulu.' Hi. ' ruplill)
! Illlf IIIICOll. We I-, i .nil.' IllJIlli.'d. Touk
herlo llostou uixl I .1 li.-r nailer the
I rare of u famous NjiiH'lHllst.lait
i lit snlte uf ills skill
iViuui: sours roiiF.i
on (110m cut ports ot ho IkhIv. The llu
r of bcr T" U A V "Uht haiul
HHelUfl to 1 HH I tuice their
nulurulsiie.Siiipersitloii nroiiuil
tliu flirfse f tlicm
rlllrr, we, us a mat rcssori. . me-
I ed to try it. At Urn Ii si , nn .1 In bun b. t .
We read the lUiectiou-. m-Iu.-I tin- Umm-
to Ulf
a-at. niA lt'.,tOOUXUl
larirM lx.ltLsl W (' ssiiU IU UTO 1 C U lit.
- She hn u uknt urUt l .tileit una 11
mi: a s!i: iv
Pftu SsVTMiitvuli Qe
Mill .
hall, niy life'.rmi
111 ..-..mi i. hi .ill rnrrtern'it.
N. m v ... t ll lion ilioi foml rMjr
f rf ri 11I tj urt 1m 1
t hi hVN itl1 n.. t
1 ; ' en mimti thtiTitfi.l
k i nwHIInirly,
Wlitt nrA tlu'r nttii llic
rloiin tleath u
1 'Y
'I l i.-tf I Know for .-tin, ilti oltiM-ilivait..
IV.1 'iiK nor iiiittmi mm rin Itill t rwtt
M -.ui. ii ui Hirnj. tt liferent lnverai h&h,
'lit- in n to ' 'tii tut on ill rWw xrcro
Htiinrt "I T.- "f Mh tnl AntcefrO
1 ' '
(. the ilrenlhiit" if the iimirle! Hnw
j vat if vn: never enilliin it finnl to !
Clui-i . nt (die Ktivl in the ilnnrwav of i
their iidoho cottage mid riiewI willy off
toward the liorthxvetl. where a herd of
licet t mild lit stn. i
'How ciiu t1ify li1 on the tlry Kro, !
and how ran (.'h.tilie ovennretfinltiliki' ;
it, thn liorrihlt', lonely lifoin such ilewo- !
hilion .itul Iol.itioti! TTiuli, hahy.tlear, j
I am lomiup. How tho imcqnitfie ami j
files t cuse nmt tonnrnt him, jioor little
wHIipHuk Mooin lort vpttho hai felt!
Iho blight." !
Thr pint rivw hislfr: the wind blew
harder, and it woiunil in hntp a tpurh of
'I wonder why bubyV chicka are bo ;
rvd; can bo lw wrinn1y ill? Papa won't
be in until evening, dnrlinc;: ninmma
will do tbt liopt fh ran."
(Inirlit Diu wondrreil why no wife
Wfl vihiblc lw apitroaohcil home;
wmnltTHl inorn why no smoko i-Kiiel
Irom the chiinti'v, a-4 was uminl at nup
portfmf. Had u tl.iuir 1 a pinned, he
wondorcl. baMenimf bis naturally nlow
'I ho riTiie that mot I is (pice as ho en
tered hi- heint waMiNiievor t ci be for
gotten. His wife lu' prt-tty littlo irlu-li wife
ho had bniut'lit from her city home I.iy
bark in tho woihIph rocker white ami
still, while the baby, tho Httb x-lnonthw-old
Walter, wa motionlw-4
within her arnirt, and tho sweet face
wore n look the horrified fatber under
stood. 'Clare! Clare! ho cried brokenly.
' "Baby oh, my loed onfM"
J Then Claro opened In r eyes and ir
1 mitted him to place tho ( hild in Uh cra
i die a. cradle ho had made out of a
1 wooden box.
In a voice ho wnrcoly jeeoiized tho
R.iid :
"You know tho life I was Ui nhare out
here; why did o;i not tell me'"
"Hut he teemed well this junrniu
well a he has lus-ti lalely, I mean. Oh,
I never xiKrted lhi! The ranch is no
loutHer thsm Inindmls of other. I never
"Xo, but jouhau b.'.d to thiuk now.
Ha died an hoar ap. I could not leave
him to t-vvk you it did not matter after
that. I'll nbUT fnrsriw you ffd'briuffinR
mo out to thiV
"Clare! You knew I owned the rani h.
You kneW I was poor." w
"I ncv er jpiesed what it wuld be, es in a cam hk thIV itointint! to
4ier child. "I littlo realized what it wai
to bo n wom.iu."
"Let her mill:," ho said, 'the enjoys it.
Anyway, I'll find other friend."
Andliodid. He secured tlte hervieei
of n hoy in Uioe cure he left the r1iuc)i,
nnd went oil' Hlinot daily to n littlo
town, a jdeasint rido for liiin of only fif
teen uillei. When there. hi jil.ifo of
lomiKiin; ( an he eniily Rnee-ed.
"It's Claio'i doin." he miiMil: "wo
men like to end men to th. ilns."
If Chile Kiiwnnylhiiuf iii"ietli.m iiiinal
ho reni.iinel f-ihot. Son.etinies when
he Willi1 home rlutoid too '.tt j'ld to talk
ho caught a Khmi'i-e 'f t'ontemiit jn tin)
cold oj oh of hn Mife. IRr nilencewai
fairly maddening.
"Why don't hc lural and ftonn liko
other wonun'f" he innttereil. "Sho never
even we)t over the Why. I'd ive a
Kood disii to hh) her cry jni't once."
The finnmiev liad K"ne and winter had
corae; nf timnl on Safuday morning,
Chnrlio had ridden away in the direction
of the town without u woid ot farewell.
"Two years ajro." mid I'laro latterly,
"he might mo in that cozy home of my
aunt', witli its soft i-nrnetr. it loving
friendi1. in d he persuaded me to marry
him and como out to this dreiry place,
whero ha ha even forgotten to lie hu
mane." Then glautins toward the northwest
, sho saw a maw of clouds lying, a threat
ening aspect growing over all tho sky,
' "Thero's n storm coming and I'm glad.
Ono of tha freaki ill my makeup if tliat I
I like Ktonus, particularly now. Had 1
i been n timid las I would long niueo have
died of fright. 1 have felt kometinien
j even u lieur coming in at tho door would
1 bo a change," and Clara smiled nadlyns
j the lnaaeen of black clondf increased and
the wind toil) around, the little mud
ranch fitli friahtfnl violence.
"Don't detain me, lsiys. I must go
"Impoiblo in such u storm as this.
You'd lie dead iu less than an hour. Take
tilings coouy, v-narne. vn, . u u.o
f.rt time I ever saw you aiuions . otir
wife'a all right: lieing snowed iu a few
days don't surprise folks in tlnx parts."
"But sho's suit of flour: she made
biscuits this morniug, and there was
only enough and she"
"Oh. ho, she's got other things, trust a
woman for tlsat: there's canned fruit,
dried corn, there's beans nnd no danger t
no "auger
of her suffering. Anyway you can't help
her; an army
could not fore1 its way ;
over tlio-" nius.
"Oisl fmiflve lue." thought Cliarlie
Deau, his face iu bis bauds, "and God
lielp lier. for 1 .know how precious little
tho Kuiall houisiuUius. I've seen her
limiting among tho wetals for something
green to lielp out the salt pork and
i.i.d. 1 know how site's tried to cook
.. meriting we csnld cat when I brought
Iter l.oiuo almost nothing. She may
i luive something for dinner after tliat
Oh, Iienvetis, lioys, I t.mst go home! be
' cried aloud.
You'll not k a .piarter of a utile 1
fore yimH l deud. mk1 then your wife
will Imv.o no helti from oti. and by and
by the expviMi .f Imrylng yon If the
wolvea don't rind you."
! Such a storm liwl not liesai known for
I years ev-eu hi that cmiulry wlssre fright
fnl storm Mere common.
four days from tlte time Cluirlle Dean
had left lsome lie slowly and jierisWently
forced his way lawk thnHigh lwavy
siuiwdrifts until with trciubliug nugers
heralMsl Ihe latch df Ids door ami eo
terwL ' Blind. 1 by Use aaiuw, lie cssuld see
nothiinr at lirst. but bv autl bv he be
I , u ...i-ntn,. if Itu, ivtLt Wrtb. llie
awful silence and (last the little lumse
was iinsty. It did not esreu bold a
Toe wearied uutu sank down upon a
' chair ami gased slsmit hlin blankly,
The bed was uesttly uuule, the floor
swtspt, everything wa pUcol in its
ustUsl orderly fashion, awl her ilreM
i buutf upuu tlw wall lumv Wm tiie old
Wowu cffcUeo hv had woru the U.t time
be liad heea W.
Hone " he Miid dadl'; "nne '
.iwT thfU oueuf tUe U', who had felt
trauge wiiiii uJP 4 hl ftilloWMl him,
' What did ku ku ( hrlie U bh
gone Vhv, liutt oaldn't be. tU'J
nev ei l w b a foul u Vftur mt m
that aturiii If aha did - poor allow . he'
; fsii&i4r
I It was some time ts-fiiro Climlti" Dean 1
1 reviled. Ho was very weary, iid the
iiwfultiess of what lia.l leu through lils
HHRlwt finite o-rrwvrrpii lrini,
v "TliHrc. j-nn'n- brttT nnw." rll Iris
.friend. "Wlmt ili jtoi think fonlil liare
oHnwsl her to linve the lionw. nml where
did he anT
"I don't litiow. lllileet to the rtahle. 1 .
IikhI left n little torn there. "
Cliarlie," ntid liln friend sternly, "yon j
nevirlelt voiirwifelnnirhiicondltlony" 1
lint C'lmrlle oulv noildttl. 1
Iexiiei'tedtoliehoine.jonknow hut !
don't look at me like that! fin lmnitheil .
enough! She't dead Hiiiiewliein under 1
I tin- niiow. my iwir llltlo Clare
They fRiliil In finil her. Jn i'rn win
minein. If if true, lint they fnnmt 110th-
lint In mi lmii'h nt to jmlnt the way
' v hither ehe h:v1 irone.
Chiirlieleiin was 11 ch:ii'.j.i J lmiu onro
more. To lilt Imwhi nmitvininit he ftald
K"11y, and ninny of Ibem never forRot
t'"1 ll'i i '.v''. nnitnlth
''".''V''' w1'0'" . ",,JI1;S ;
It'll not goinv to kill him." Niid tho
friend who had lieen WHtching him to
sis1 that he did nothing lnsli. "No, it's
going to nuke such a man out ot him n
we never dreamed of. The one thing
now that lux iiowcfuioii of hint ! work,
ill order that ho may forget. It's n good
medicine. I think I'll try home inyelf."
Three years later, well to do, with
money to fpare, for noun of it was r
eou.mdered now, Charlie Dean oncoii'
fought th" faraway city where ho
first met and won hi, wife.
A strange longing had come over him
to once moio -e that place, and travel
stained nnd bronzed he walked by the
house almost expecting to hearhertourh the piano and the sound of her
sweet voice.
IVwildered, amazed, half believing
himelf out of hi head, ho did hear her
voice once more.
"There' u man drunk leaning on the
fence." he heard a strange voice exclaim.
Then the playing cea-ed. and a voice
that clmot caused him to faint a second
time responded:
'Dinukcn men are only too common.
Let him alone. Some jmlici-iiian will be
along presently."
Then the niiv-io struck np again, this
time into a wild galop, as if the plajcr's
thought wire running away with her.
"B it he'i. still there." continued the
strange oico. "lie's peculiar lookingj
Do look out. Clare. 1 declare I feel nerv
ous.'' Cliatlie Mood up Squarely now, pttalied
his lint back slightly and looked full nnd
straight into the ej en of his wife.
She fell back with a crytho place was
empty, and scarcely knowing what he
did Charlie was turning away when
some ono came flying down thoso steps
nnd and, yes, had her hand in his, and
in a tearful nice was saying: "Charlie,
oh, Charlie! You've come at latl"
"I want lii-know." he said when in
the cozy parlor still i lingingtoherhand,
"I want to know how yon got away from
tho ranch during awful stouii."
Clare IIumIihU but aniwored unhesitat
ingly: "I was a good walker. I felt no fear
of the storm. You had left me almost
nothing to cat. and I lc.illy thought I
should hue my mind if 1 loinained there
many more days all alone.
"I took the little money 1 still pos
sessed and started soon alter you did,
only I went in an opjssiite direction. I
had scarcely reached the main trail when
a two horse wagon i nine, dashing up, tho
man a stranger, but Hod bl"i him, for
lie saved my life jumped out and
snatched me upbefole 1 could say 'by
your leave." and away we tore like mail.
Tho liorws Wei- very strong ami switt,
and we seemed tube oulridingtliestnrm.
We reached shelter at 1 it. just beforo
Us fury brok". and I thanked him m
beid I could., when the loads wcra
cjenr. I started for my old home, but 1
had to st oil and work awhile before 1 got
liere. Aunt h.ii nevei heard all the
story: 1 couldn't talk of thing"."
"I thou-rlil you " ...1 t'haibe.
"I if yoimmld ' ' 1 lute suf
fered. Oh. ("1 . sr; j-oso yon
could lurjrfvc!"
"Ilorgavoyou iong ago. I was Mima
to blame. I ought to have tried to havo
lieon happier. I wrote to your old home,
but thry t"ld l ii'imi lud gon" away."
Shall . 1 inn over. ('Lire for whi n
you were ;tiU" I i..mid out how 1 loved
"Oh. i s, and v. in rever you 'i I'll try
to inuki th it li.n . happy."
"And rils-iM!' it Is a 1-i.iin-in .vhieli
to ls haimv."i!-.. : il Charlie, with a
tremble j:i hi une . Abbie C. Jtc
Keever i-i '..nice.- i'lei '.
ItaUIni; I miarj lllnl.
In (lenaaiiy tlio poorer classes nr
tioavlyall engaged iu iaiing ciiatries.
Several hnii'lred thouand are shipped
t-reiy year lo all psits of the world.
There is no indnstiy like it in eSisteuce.
Tlio birds aro strong and haidyand re
qiilro very little attention; roiuequentlr
among tiie i-eaaantry every family has
if aviary, which if u constant sourco of
income, independent of the proceeds of
their daily toil. The buyers for tho
Now York houses luako periodical trips
thn .i theconiitryithebirilsare bought
and are soon on their way to America,
where they quickly become accustomed
to their gilded cages, I'ittsburg Heconl,
Sli.i.rf fur 1'ubllns Napkin.
About 1050 Pierie David published the
'ilaistto d'Hostel," "which teaches how
t , , , ,,roirly, and how to
iV, ',, ,'., , ,V.,...i. .n
fold all klrrdf of table napkins in all
kinds of sliaisM."
The shapes were: "Square, twisted,
folded in lsiuds and iu Ihe forms of A
double and twisted shell, single shell,
double melon, single melon; cock, hen
and chickens; two chickens, pi-eoti in a
basket, partridge, pheasant, ty,i capons
, ,-,,,,,, S,it-
" j. ,. tnrbot ' ,.
ter, turkey, tortoise, tiie holy eross and
tho Lorraine cross." Youth's Coinpan-
Cause fur Itcervt.
i Ladv I dou't like this picture so well
al 1 did the last one you look of me.
Photographer Ah, madam, I have
not the artistic taste that I had when 1
was young, and Iswides my earner.. Is
getting old. New York Weekly. II I'r.U l lie Ina Itallnt.) Wrnk,
'A man who has never liceu in a
wreck wouldn't believe how long it takes
for the cars to get through idling up,"
said another. "After the first cta.h
theruis nielsHiud clear to the 1 tack of
the train, and then the whole tiling takes
anotltsr lunge, souietltinjr ghes way, and
may be tbiee or four more cars telescope.
Then there's auotlier jerk backward and
another lunge, aud it seems us if the
cracking aud griMiiing nud tumbling
Keep on ror live imunTes. uen a man
is uiixe.1 up sj-itli ihe tnuk. under th.
wliuk stai k it seeiiis like an hour.
..m .1.. (..,,. i..,s ...,.i i..if ui.i
tx-hralcenuui as he scratched bis auw
with the onlv rtawBke fiocer letHainiue
I at tlte end of
twisted and siirtveJe 1
Tlu. n,r.i tfiusw li.u-
stump of a baud,
let had leu dug out wiUi a derrick ami
lMiuhe.1 at Ihe joke. -Chi. ago News-
KIuk' DMuchtert In Tuil).
biuvnui. Turkv.v, Iia uu attive
uf Kiiig'ci Danjrlitt-r engaged in tin- prac
tial rltaritahlt wt.rk for whu h tliw or
tier i in te.l. Bv H'WUib' finhmide'ruiK,
tx ruhbiiiK floor hW-keiiuig r
uni vvmk f"i whhh iutiipv wuaM Ih
IMiid. Ihe h.ivi- dittrilmtod tu und(-al
aiiit'iiK the (n.i'i mii''1 lit uV tlu
iutet t !ullr'ii, j-i v nl-t n.nht nn jmnk
reut aud dinn lhri uuiUi ai-t. of
shanlv iii lu'tida;! Lh di- nh into
i fjiuiiiit u-- fcr the tmrjMUM of de4-or.itm.x
the i Kim v Iu 1 1- letjf.i faiujh'- live and
piovidniu Miuall itfiueuihrKiH-r for the
chiidxwa JKw Vurk boo.
O iTVWT'iri'VrTI IT T) liVT V" C1
M.i I li.liV.N I A il bnliSbo
Hie rulnlfr of riKurrt It .NtturHllr 11...
mniitle .nil l.iy IIm.I1 anil Very llenit
y I'alU In livr III liiemiiei llnwatrr
liriPII hervm Ii. Krrp 11 la.. Mnglr.
Veiyfewof mir joiiniffr artittt are
luarrieil, but itm.iy lM'eeei)tcilata faet
Hint they all want to lie. Cnjild fiudt ie
mark m lenintiie to hi aliaft at that
presented by a lttunter nt his easel.
Studio life and sentiment ere almost
synonymous terms. "Why this -'mold
bo so is easily explained. An artist's lite
Is almost invariably a lonely one. No
matter how sociable his temperament
may lie, his working hours arc generally
Ss?iit in silence and seclu"Ion. IVing
essentially of a seiiillc nature he boon
for such sympathy as women nhmccan
give. Tho failnie of u pit lure or lis
complete success) are matters iKit in
quire more condolence or congratulation
than can be expressed by a brother
paintf r. Tin kindliest of ueighlun. ran
hot go further than to say: "lasik here,
old fellow, I am awful sorry that thev
sent your picture back fiom ihe acade
my. It's u beastly shame. Thnf- what j
I call il." Or: "Br .love, old num. you're
111 luck. I know lots of fellows with a
big name who have been winking for n
year back to catch the Shaw or Kvans
prize, and yen got It away from em all.
Hut you always wero n lucky dog."
A woman does these things lietlor.
That is the i".isou he wnnts In marry
her. The painter is naturally romantic
In his opinion girlhood is always an
gelic. He may have iiidhiilnnl pref
erence for blonda or brunettes, for littlo
or tall or intellectual or womanly wom
en, but tho entire sex is still beautiful
to him, not perhaps iu its physical fea
tures, but iu its mental jiossibilliies.
llenco he is always in oe and rest rained
from matrimony only by the difticnlty
of supporting two laople ou an income
Hint is barely sufficient for one. To be
an arti-t you must 1h an idealit. Stu
dio life has extraordinary vicissitudes at
times, hut It is always made up more or
f less of visionary elements. Occasionally
tho artist's ilieams turn iiitonightmares,
nnd ho has a very bad quarter of nu
hour. But when events disillusionize
him ho mopes for a short period and pro
ceeds to fail in lovowith a new ch.inuer.
Last spring two young men, one n
jiaintcr, his comi,iantoii it sculptor, were
joint occupants of a studio iu New
York. These departments of art do not
always ngrce, inasmuch as the dust and
dirt of a sculptor's modeling plat form in
terfere toti.-idcrably with tho puiity of n
portrait maker's paints. Hut neither, of
the young fellows wai rich, and by club
bing together they managed lo pay tho
rent of a l-irger studio than they could
have had icpu-itely." Thosculptormadu
as little dust as possible and kept it well
down by frequently using a water
sprinkler. Not to is liehindhaud in
courtesy, tho painlerwas patient, nnd by
keeping a sheet of drapery in constant
readiness wa enabled instantly to cover
his canvas when his comrade unavoid
ably threw out a cloud of imwdered
plaster of pans. They v.ero comrades
in every sense of tlio word, nnd had a
nniou of iMs'ketbooks as well as of sym
pathies. On one occasion tin. sculptor
was so hard up on the final receipt of ij
commission for a large statue that he
wns unable to buy the clay necessary for
his model, whereupon tho painter de
nied himself tigars, took to a pipe and
by this economy got enough monex to
pay for the necessary materials.
Some time nftrrward tin artist re
ceived an imi.rtnnt order and had not
tho wherewithal to purchase the large
canvas essential for its execution. The
sculptor ssi.l nothing, but putting on
his street coat went out forn walk. An he came back accompanied
by a lno . anil Is'twei-n them they car
ried a canvas t.velvo fii't long by six
wide. U was n windy day. and the
sculptor was quite exhausted by the
effort of getting his unruly burden iost
gusty comer.!. But utter a few minutes'
breathing sp'tl tho two friends em
braced bsu.i other airectionitely am'
went to work in theirresioctive corners.
So ideal a friendship as this ought to
have lasted throughout a lifetime. lint
nil event lupis'iusl which changed
the cm rent or amiability iu tho studio
nnd estranged tho two young men so
that nt present they aro not eien uod
ding acquaintances,
Ono dny the painter leccivisl an order
for a sketch of u man in armor. The
sculptor readily consented to iso for
Ids friend, and after somo effort finally
cot himself bmkled into u suit of mall,
Uy one of thoso accidents tlmt some-
hines isvur at the most uioppoiiuuo
times tho sculptor's fiancee happened to
call at the studio chapei-oned by a lively
uinrried lelnlive. In order to get into
the armor ihe sculptor. hi i of largo
frame, had to strip to tho skin. To get
out of tho suit of mail was not to be con
sidered. So ho had to stand awkwardly
listening to the merry laughter of the la
dle over his comical appearance. Ilis
fiancee, encouraged by tho witty com
ments of her friend, made such fun of
the unfortunate sculptor that he liecamo
f mi. ins and broke off the engagement.
Tliat evening h"' employed a truckman
and removisl all hi things from the stu
dio without vonchsalingas much as good
by to his ihmn. The exicrieiiee effected
ail entire lunge iu his opinion of Ihe la
dies. His first inamorata was a tall, dis
tinguished l wkiug brunette. He Is now
engaged to a little, louii.l faced blond,
who, despite her rcciublanetoa French
doll, is ileclaied b him to lie the epi
tome of nil the charms and graces of
womanhood. New York Sun.
trtllirlsl Tl Isr.
A miniature thunder factory has lieen
constructed fur the science slid art de
lwrtmeut nt r-outh Kensi,ngton. Kughiud,
witli plates eel en feet In iiiameier. wmcii,
it is Is-lieved. would give sparks thirty
inches lung, but no Leyden jar liave
been found to stand its charge, all Mug
pierced by the enormous tension. New
York Telegram.
A l.lrH.
Ill certain Loudon l-vsiatiraut. each
customer is allowssl to make his tor her)
own tea. The waitress light, the gas
burner, which is affixed Ui each table
and sets tbeitsni a silver kotllx. Then
lie presents to the leaiuaker asilrer
caddy divided iuio louiiiartiueuu and
offering choice of Sonchoog. Cej loo or
green tsa. Any one wlio is coMqHslleil to
drink the lukewarm stuff called tea, at
restaurants will appreciate t he new idea.
j lui(i letter.
, ' ,
. There are s many ways uf
' illlg the name of C.luHjhw M there
' y ""i"' "." "
"yTT'r ",,"' ' " '." "-""
medal he is called I hi isiophorotui tai-
, h"''" '" In- i- 1 liri.topiioru.
CLmi... The uew Milanese ,.,tlcolls
' Ii' Hi (.TlH-.rii chin. in., vviiiit nr wn
him i'riiotof.
tutsslul liri him plum l In i-iiphr ('olum
I ui. A for l'hni";itt r hiuaelf. ba
MjMlltd hi- wnui-.' rluu --IK-sS'oii Herald.
Nriir Itrml I rlih I in
Mr .niid x th. i iiiim ut l-ani.tii'. U
tlartthut -ui" Mil lia.-s i,.irlv icad
a vntu bm that Uah-iii jwifwl ujioii hit
Miiging In tht vf.ii In - takm
Mrvt-relv to tn-k lm a ( ifninini nl the
BirmuiC" f 'I'w.l ,,nl il. i i...nk i-f
the canetic cntii o aire. t-l h.ui 'hi' h"
lUtetininil to nad m )! nti-iaui.
If other pfitonnfrs. tliriii;i;ihttl iuid
UOt diatuiyuiflheil, wi.ulil t.dl.iw thu eje
k!Dpl what hriltiuuniff wonM ba
Mved: iAdUiub Tit hit.
I ttintigtil I entil.t ii.t lies ir na wrie k-osi.
Hut Iff. lis tunnlii me .rt..r iIiIiik-.
TH blril nlin.. nmtv l lli. mi
Mv, Hves nlnl uliux
IVrllSIS htss'illir Ims n ui,- I ilii.i.-
.IMIUIS ir Iwn tit I'Hltt,
Tin .Hesl.r iiinle i II lit lis loom iomIi Milnnr.
Tlisii sni. IlLrl.usl.".-. r.ll -null.
I Mitt IMS.HIS )..IO (I SHI ' II. " l'll I.I..IIU
Alsl llintltlit litis ws. h.rr. r tlsixl It, ii,.,
My life lin.Wsrll Ih-i .e r' Llnriun ..inlillil
Ati.1 i.s,-r iiiois no li.-Nit e.,ii!, lip.y I. lln.e liim isiiulit ins mini.) IsiHlsrtrlilhs- lift? ean wl...ll lis miMsst.
I . sl.tiot Ills hII I'.tisl) hi Iti1 ...irl.l of
lt-f'Mile t loirsl lie), tlmr. Ilis Is-sl.
Tl.e li'li.lsl' So.. I tint luiir s.i etiifli lei ins
I alsilll lake, fsel
My lioe jou, iletir uns, hn- nsnksi
M) liiurl Us alsitrti nml lss.1
I lovo Inn IIsaI, riit.1 ...( Mrtvnlnnl desren,
Vrt, lllto the lrini WliS.s I. isle Is ie.!.s.
I l 111 tan Unit h Ismlsr Ji In h.vli.y. . l-h 0. tlsll fi.tsisr lists nlutts.
-NifitM. I. I'rfll.
Ills Srii-. ill Sn.sll III lliej.
Dugs are-able to track their masting
through ciowdeil strels. wheielecogni
tion by sight is nolle inipoMhle, and
can lind n bidden biscuit even when its
faint smelt Is still fui liter disguised by
etui de cologne. In some experiments
Mr. lii.maiies lately inadu with a dog ho
found that it could easily (nick him
when lie was far out of sight, though no
fpwcr than eleven people had followed
him, stepping exactly iu his footprint
In onler to confuse the scent.
The dog semiis, I to track him chiefly
by the smell of his Wts, for when will)
nut or with lien lniols ou it failed,
hut followed, though slowly ami hesitat
ingly, when his master was without
either boots orstockings. Doirs and cats
certainly get more information by means
of Ibis sense than a man can. They often
get greatly excited over coi tain smells
and lcmemuer them for very long pe
riods. Chambers' Journal,
Th. V..Nit.s, ker. limits.
The wimsI pecker's home is vory like
the kingfisher's, lint it is tin.' iu totlen
wood iiisle.ul of being bored iu a bank
of eaith. from the great ivory hilled
61ecics down to the little downy fellow
of our orchard, the woodpeekeis build
their nest, or rather exraste llieni, ou
the same general plait. The hole nt first
goes straight into the wood, thru tuins
downward, widening as it descends, un
til it gives loom for the iiuih. If you
will go into any bit of unshorn wood
land during early spring and will keep
your eye open, you will see a bright red
head thrust out of a round window in
some decaying trunk or hough, and the
woodpecker will sing out. "I'eerl peeil"
which always seems lo mean that his or
Ittfi- lioiim 1 ii most .,r,,ln..r,.' ,"'"''" """ '' "''"" OI rau-
.... ...... . . ... .. ............. .
joyable place. Maurico Thnnipson in
Golden Utile.
A. Gtmil N. D. l.MTv.
A leproof which vas jnijt and not dia
tom leous was out o ad.liessed to a young
rector who lu.l been leared under tho
i..'i...., ..r ..1......1. .i.... i wi.A
held that clergymen of all other ilenoini-'
nations are without authority and not
entitled to lie called miuisteis of the
Gospel. One evening at a social gather
ing he was introducted to a Baptist
clergiman, llegieeted the elder man
with much manner and ostentation.
"Sir," he said, "1 am glad to shake
hands will' you as a gentleman, though
I cannot admit that yon ate a clergy
man.'' There was n moment's pause,
ai.d then the other said. Willi a quiet
significance tliat mado Ihe words he left
unsaid emphatic, "Sir. I am glad to
shake hands with you as u clergyman "
San rraticisco Argonaut
lxsti.lile lua rmialrlrlni ..
Portions of tho South l'a.lific ocean
produce n wou lrrful ss-cis of the sea-wii-d
ciil'nl tl "oglable l...a constric
tor." Tliey an. Ii!, dy t.i be met w ith st
any .stint le-t-veen th' hii..-r nl
soiitln rii Calif.trni and the Sandwich
Islands o-i tin one side and ls-tween !hili
nud Australia on tl.e o:b-r. These vine
like strnnglers !- Ire,(nently found
tightly entwbi. abiittt i!ie of a
dead whale, sark or poris.i. butsvheth-
cr they had fa-tened upon Ihe llies fl ( ubont tlru same as throwing away Ihe
these dead sea i.n'uml lwfore life had wnfi book
become extinct or had only ventured tc '
attack the remains after Ihe vital spark '
had fled are conunidniins which oi fhainherfalu it Co., Dei Maine,., J0ws.
conmeaniTot lie r.xperiiurnti ' dftln to lofsnn the public that they ale
niailo with Ibia cm Inns vine and llis iuir. I D'sliufaclurfre of Ihe most stiecessful ure
niado with tliw i m ions ilns mi'l tl.- ut l , ,Uil ,laJ n , prodncetl for
cass of a ionxase washed ashore in tiie couch5. ant! cioui.. It will lameu
harlair at Apia tend to prove that the' RIKi relicts a severe cold la less time than
Tine, like tliat of our Is-aii, will ' any other Ireatinrnt. The article referred
not entwine itself tironnd anytldiigdead, 16 is Clistnbtrlaln', Coitsh Itemed. It is
whether that thing be of vegetable ot ' wedlclns that hai wen lime and popu
aidmil creation lllriljealls laeills slid oao thitcanal-
Dr Chsdls inie itl his nnals of ' ," 'P"Ma upon. It Is th, only
i . i T i i f I kuowrj remeilT that will pteient croup, it
the Caroline Islands, says: 'I bars U1!t be lrlr , ba apI,rfcUcl, u (JMl
often seen monster siiecimein of niacri-, up in oj cent, M cent and ft bellies. For
cyslis (tjie giant seaweed) with every I sale hi X . I). Jleher, Lehiiliinn, sad W
vestage of lite espievKsl out of them by I P. Blsry, Wrlsspoi t.
tliat ocean demon, thn constrictor Tine,
which is itself a si.cies of seaweed
Jdacricysistis often grows to Is from
?rtlonfH.,el,e.ft. .llameter and IMS! to
-fw.i r-i iu ltnziii, wmieiiiT(MiirimcFr
vhi.. siddoni exceed. Its) feet in length
pound and a half salmon can. It is thel
'squeeze snake' of the ocean, however, '
and woo to the nnlnckv man. animal oi
..I,,, ,1..t ,n,s. rrlll.ii, It- T...-V. S
1 "."" -
i- i...t.i:-....
sVeUUI tH-JMIllVrtll. I
Why ttt thlhl C'rltxl. i
1 ...... ..v. I1..,ll,..,.l
recently attriiding a family where tl.s
littlo man of (ho hninw was In a some -
what refractory limner, and thinking to
quiet him he said, "How would Jon like
It now if to punish you I should take
your littl. sister away from jun.' Th.
Im.v sulked and did not leply, lil as tbt
doctor arose to take his leave the child
burst into a woeful blubbering, lie was
askedwltat was the matter. "Pootor's
goin away without takiu sUler." he an -
swered. New York Recorder
., " Try 'Ibl..
. .. , , ,.' . t .i ilwilli-ost JOU nothing sud will serely
A I'arii fnrnitme dealtr reoenlly ,i , .m.i, u , veaCougb, Colli, e.
Ismglit fiom an architect an old writing any tumble with Thioat, the.t or Loafs
table, and in overiiaulltig it he fimud a I pr. Kiss's New Dlicotrrt for t onineap
jacket containing 1. BOO francs He al , ibn, Cwi-li ami t'ekls it gusrsateed to
ouee iuformeil the former owner of hit Sif rellel. or ummmt will -be psid baifc
find, and ho wat tewarded by an honest K".3"" !'""? U?, f,rlpI .,(,i'"J "Ja,l.""(
declautiououlhepartof ' architect
that the latter knew nothing whaterer ; our eiveK itlA learn for yenrsslf itu'
about the money and would not accept i bow good a thing it l. Trial bottles free
it. Paris Letter.
Alvrsy. Vflltiiiff, Iw la.NH.
.Merchant U peislttent peildleo-Oh,
don't bother me this morniug I with ',
you'd kindly leave me alone.
Jdorris Abnnat (proilnciug wad) j
Why, slierlinly, my freut, lam lunch i
and rot inderesht vll! yon gift Kale
field's Wasliuigtoii
sum. Ira Ituiraliss. Iti Vlr.
The buffaloes iu Sumatra, according
tit an Buglish traveler, iu fear of the
tiger take refuge at night Iu Ilea rirers.
where they rest iu lac ami comfort,
with ouly their horut and noaee sticking
f hUv. ,Ur
lUndltii h btHk with apjMriit re- i
m-t or diarceiieft 1 of voiue t90 fan
Uftiiu m tUmlaid lo U acopt. literal
ly, eiuv phvaidl AwkwarlMaor nerr
oueueaa mav Iw reon4bie for hami
rather limn .1 lack of meiiUl
At th iIIm ofC'amhcerMHlur2n
of in; te.,iiNiU nae arrel, Urou;Wt en h
four f'h.iaitfti, pretftlesl hj two flatliU,
four ioliniKis and a ttwUa uardiwan
halirt-i'l .'i hatnl
riiaii' i N C txNuea of a doable
td ed . tat Dim si'Li U claiiued to be
a l i r t tfpir ssputaiuMi of a bear ait'
the ofl.wi, u u aid, la a fair mold of a
Hi t,huile, Mo , tlunug lla viuuiwe
haa Ufti under the donuoion of tbree
Oaf--uaiuely, Spain, Fraaca and the
Commander Jsrurs S. II. an .fi eneril
Grant I'osi. 0. A H . lloiiilnui. 1
isitiirsetrd sn
gi armed slmincli
wlili h n ntllrd In
llirnni. i!rpe.niifn
riit.lclans nillioiil
ntunlier prescribed
hut he suffered no
told misery tint!!
lie neil l)r Dsfld
Kenneilv's rvor-
itp It e tried v of ltoildnilt. ei x"
" Afler using It a week, ssys Corotnsn
der Dean, 1 felt la-tlcr, and In a short
wlillo a entirely cured, tint ttrrible
ilitref and food f.te sklng tip lour In my
throat had all gone. To-diy, there Isn't
n healthier msu on earth. Cotnraur,
if you're not well, try this crest medicine
on my rccornmcndsllon. It's guaranteed
io cure or money reiunueil
i ueiire, s.t yt
Quarletmapr Wil
bur L. lisle, of Trait
'ot. 0. A. 1!., King
ston, X. T., lo re
quest my Comrades
louse Dr. Kennedy's
I'avorile ltemedy, If
troubled wilhfitrofii.
piiion. lllieunialfm,
Kidner or l'rirmrv
TrouhVs. It rurcil 0.rlrt.l.r Kls.
me of s most boniblfcnse of SsltTtlieum.
I'liysli lans pare ins up hut Kavnrlte Rem
rdy healed every sore, ilrengthrncil my
nerves and muscles. I lion enjoy life."
l.i-llar flalnh ut Mir IisjiI mu.s
nif. tli-lnevti.rl.t. ii.lniiieit la r.s..s rlly urn Itu
IKJ J" 'i'."!" k """""''Is '.I it..1,,!,! ii n lllfi
JiSiV..'.' hV '.' I"""'r ,"" aiiyotfin
' rilUeiiip cntMt!nntl,iM In
- - .iia, irtiiiMitr
t.'od did not send Ilis Son into the
world to coudsMii II, but to save it
Tact, are reror.uer.s who neTrtkitik
it rrotth while to Wotk st thsir trade
on theiasslrfv.
Tnti VeliiaMs i
I A pkislrlaii esniioi lis alnas had,
I.UfMinsllsin, X.uial-la, .Ipraln. Uralses
slid Hums eccnr oiien asH semeniass
it tea Uan esitct-teil. Keep ImbsSj the
friend or iiuhj I.iiu-.Ii.iI.I. nuii ihelte
flrotcrofall pain, the fusinu lied Flag
Oil, cuts.
.'. tlsnja itcriioHs life ctnil.l he saved
thst li helms rseked to Jmtli with tint
lernhle coiijh. seeur. a jot nl-ht's rest
hr liiTeslliisS.-i cents for a bottle flui.
lliia, the gnat icmeilj for C'oushs. i:olda
, .,, ii. -j nomas' lirtigsteri.
Don't look lot- rauch'growtli iu grace
as long as you keep jonr hands in
Tour pockets.
It salvation means anything t
means, a complete uud elenul dlrnm.
fr,,m hi"
flweet breath, sivtst stomach, awej;t
tier, and losult from the use of De Witt's
Little l.'arly lilsers, ihe fainnu, Utile Mils
1. I). Thomas. '
The Crlstlan rellgtim is the only
lell'gion on earth that Is not afraid of
the light.
The moment n Jlhristiati stotis look
ing straight at Christ he begins to
walk crooked.-
The wind flout the North liluirs sharp
and keen, and had effects ofeoltlsare st'en.
One Minnie t onsil Cure so safe antl sure,
will quickly perioral a -ron.l.rens care. T.
I). 'Itioma..
'I haie nseil tsalrslli.ti oil for f. e
nlitl sats.clif ana fuunft it ttt l.e llie bst iciut
e.lx en earth. Jlr. ilaj-ie Nenler, .Ml Pleas
ai.l, We.liii.irlaml Co., ra."
W' are not doing much to pltsjte
Hod as long as wo are not hiring out
Tearing n lent out of the Bible la
'Hi. ttt ttumilarlly ate tl) iiialltv.
ititti a nra.i i lavorwc r.sirana
'("i".'"," "!"",.. tl.l''LV..1.' S"'S"ief., snn
i iii (ti irv i onijr ju ri-.. h iHtiiiv.
I'll ri'ir tn liai Hfitnatlimltr In flaoiitii
,s u ,,,, , lwMy n
I'll" V1 hire piles, kut De Witt's
' "
1 'l,.,.,
' ,l"n1'
j 'vl'" """''"g """""g
' -
, Sii.kII In size, In results lie Witt's
, LUlle fairly lilsers. llsst pills for Censti
P-Uon. best for Sick Ilea.lai'he, rto.
1 ft1'1" hJl"md'' ,h" nenrsilne. 1 I.
1 '
! The enly people eho can come out
' wrong aie those who do not statl
1 right,
at licber s Diusitnie, Lelil jblon. ana
Bitjy's Drusilore, ltrlfiport.
It is not whst we think about Hod.
but what we know aliont Iliin tliat the
rlerll Is afraid ef.
Dm tor Yuriir
and I4Vj liiouM' and perhaus jour life
d thrre 2 ceui tani to rT rxisttie to
A. I. Ordwa; A- to.. 1 lout on. Mats , and
leoetve a (npv of Pr. Kaufmann'a treat
.Vedlcal Work. -4ei. clecant rnlnred
Absolutely Pure,
1, :
ul ill'in.1 "h.
I t.oritM-i"ii' r "tu