The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, January 21, 1893, Image 4

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    An ICnemy Baffled.
Wbtolt wit) )e have? Itrio seem m If me 1
folki prefer to hare the last condition ot Ibe i
1lr rather titan theflrst. liter Wlftuafiy
denalhenifielves with rurcatlvpi totally without
Ttrtut as alteratlre or llrer trouble. IFoWMtrr'! 1
HUtnarh Hitters l the Bucoeeoiil ranrtldate for
tbe peoDU'i choice, and ret. lonnUr and well
known a It lit there are unfortunates w ho keep
vu .riiiiK wis urnMiu reniruir i lunnrr uayj,
It la to the intelligent ttortlon r Hit public that
peHeneelu the matter of ro flleaUon. ''Tlie
Vert ealda to our feet lithe lam
urexpenence," ,
aald a treat patriot or the -m
EK?' fflS.Wff,,tS5B5BASB '
eallyjias mot with the endors -merit ot nco.l i
r.non, rheumatism, debility unit troubles ac
cempanled by l-atterly tt lias de
clared It.elthiid been ihorooslilv tnnrovM m s
.remedy for -i.-va-rlprif.''
The llsht nlvon by an ordinary cnnl
ffaa flams is due to tho prosouco of
snrben particles in a hlRlily heated and
glowing cwd.ticn.
Vmni at .loin. InT.n Day. Iiyadnilnl.-
t.rl.a- Dr. names' tioiilen rtliecino.
It an b. clren In a zlxs. ot lieer. a run of if.
le. .r tern, or In food, without the knowledooot
tti. patient. It is absolutely liarmloae, and mil
nffect a permanent and speedy cure, tit-ther
lb. patient Is ft moderate drinker or an alcoholic
rcek. it lias been given m inouMniu ni cae,
and In etery tusiance ft penci-i cure nm ioiin
d. ttnerer fails. The astem onco Imnrec-
aated with the specific. It become, nil utter Im-
possibility lor the liquor appetite to esist. Uures
naranteed. 4Space book ot ptmicutara irec.
Address tb. loujr..v srrriric Co., lMliace
: pnrtlculara free.
ntreet, Cincinnati, unio.
Oct. i.-iy.
An instrument will be used at the
new psychological laboratory at Yale
College, capable of measuring time to
01 of a second.
Snecessln overythlnu depends larcMi
eon gooi health. De Witt's Ll.tle Karly
Users ar. little health pioductng pills See
Iks point? Then lane an "r.ariy inser.
T. D. Thomas
A shoemaker in Berlin, Oormany, has
Invented an artificial solo of stono for
use In shoes. It is elastic and easy on
the feet, and is calculated to last for
Buoklen. Arnica Salve.
Iks best salr. lathe wolld for Cuts, Hiuhes,
J .res. Ulcers, Bait ltheum, fever Sore;, tMr,
Sapped Hands, Chilblains corncs, and all skin
Kruptlons, and positively cures riles, or no pay
i eaulred. Jt Is guaranteed to ch o irfect sails
licuon, or money refunded, l'rlce as cents per
For sale by lleber Lchljihlon; nnd lllery
Buy Bull'sIIead Ilorso nnd Cnillo I'onilcr.
Hash package coutalns lnforumtlon aluable to
Ike farmer and sunk raiser. It Is tho best In
ns. rrlco a cents. -On sale t nil dealers.
Fleetwood, Penn., claims to havo a
quince whlth weighs twenty-eight
uneM and measures sixteen Inches in
Mr. William T. l'rlce, a Justice of the
Teace, at Illchlanii, Nebraska, was con
lined to bis bed last ' winter with a severe
attack of lumbago; but a tiiorongn appli
cation of Chamberlain's Tain Dahn en
abled him to get up and go to work. Sir.
rrlceeaji: "Tho Itemeily cannot be rec
mm.ndiri ton hlt-lilr." I.ct anv one trou-
13 with rheumatism, neuralgia or lame
tack give 11 a trial and tiny 111 be of the
tame opinion. 60 cent bottles for tale b
N. B. R.ber, LehUbton, and II'. F. lllery,
The accuracy of surveying in aucinut
engineering is marvelous, considering
the mdenoss of the instruments.
Don't Quarrel
With neoole when they safier with
Rheumatism or Neuralelatthe pain Is slm
ply t.rrlkle; no ancl.nt tortoro was more
nalnfnl! but Deocle oueht to be blamed It
baring Rheumatism or Keuralgla and
won't use Red Flag Oil; It has cured bun
'rireds of suff.rers and costs only 23 cents
at T. D. Thomas' Drug Store,
The death rate of British soldiers in
India is only fifteen per 1000 now,
where In 1859 it was slxty-ulne per llwo
Il.Tf nr. of Swindlers.
Wn have .zrjosed. darlnc tho last leaf.
aay swindlers who adio. Use, under the
aasse of medicine, vile compounds which
nly Increase human suffering. To all who
seed a pare medicine and blood purifier.
wt can nonesuy recommemi awpuur mv
Vrs. Editor Sun.
Everywhere the Honor of obedience
is intelligence. Ooey a man with cor
dial loyalty and you will understand
Specimen Cases.
S. II. Clifford, N.w Cassel, Wis , was
troubled llh Neuralgia and Rheumatism,
his Stomach was disordered, hie Liter was
affected to an alarming degree, appetite
fell away, and he was terribly reduced In
flesh and strength. Three bottles of Klec-
tne Bitters cured him
Edward Shepherd. Harrlsburg, III , had
a runnlni aora on his lex of ebbt years'
standing. Used three bottles of Electric
flitters and se.ven boxes of Ilucklen's Ar
nica Salve, and bis lee Is sound anj well,
John Speaker. Catawba. O., uas five large
Fever sores on his leg, doctors said lis was
Incurable. One bottle of Electric Hitters
aid one box of Ilucklen's Arnica Salve
cured him entirely. Sold at Iteber s Drug
store, Lehtghton, and Blery's Druglore,
Welsiport. f
The Sandwich Islanders become
hilarious on the juice of a vegetable
resembling tho beet root.
X God-send is Ely's Cream Balm. I had
catarrh for three years.- Two or three tunes
aweakmv nos. would bleeii. I tnaucm
the sores woulJ never hea1. Your lla'm
has cured me." Hit. M. A. Jackson,
J'ortimouth, N. II.
I was so much troubled with calarr'i It
seriously affected ray voice. One bnttlo of
Ely's Cream Balm did the work. My voice
is fully restored. it. r . lueipsner, a. m.,
l'aator, ot the Olivet Baptist Chmcli. I'M I
aaeipma, ra
in the Eleventh Century both ling.
llsh and French dandiex covered their
arms with bracelets.
A Hard lltlit.
The combined forces ot the weather dur
Inc the winter season are exerted to de
slroj health. Coughs and Colds attack us,
which, If neglected, result In Tneumonla
and Consumption: these diseases usually
result seriously. Send for I'an-Tlna, the
great Cough and Consumption cure, ani
save doctor bills. Trial bottles of Tan-Tina
free at T 11. Thomas' Drug Store.
The State ot Washington is one ot
the heaviest consumers ot condensed
milk In the country.
Travelers may learn a lesson from II r.
O. D. Cone, a prominent attorney of Tar-
Her, Dakota, who says: "I never leave
aetae without taking a bottle of Chamber
Uta'a Colic. Cholera and DIarrhcea Rem
edy with me, and on many occasions have
ran with It to the relief of some sufferer
asd have never known It to fall." For
sale by N. B. Reber, I.ehlghlou, suit V,
F Blery, TVelasporl.
After tho passago of the cinnamon,
vanilla, cloves, nutmeg and pepper
came Into use.
Nethlir so. distressing as a hacking
Milk, Homing so foolish as to suffer
fro as It. Nothing so dangerous if allowed
to c.nllous. One Jflnule Comh Cure give.
inaseiiate rener. I. u. Thomas
Ilea Jache Is tb. direct re. nil of IuiIIim
ties ant stomech disorders. Remedy these
y using De Witt's Little Ea-ly Risers, and
yonr headache disappears. The favorite
utile pills everywhere. T. I). Thomas.
Sonet of the railroads nre now em
ploying electrlo shovellers for cxaavat
)( purposes.
For Instance, Mrs. Chas. Rogers, of Bar
Slty, Mich., accidentally spilled scalding
water ever her little boy. Sua promptly ap-
?tled De Will's Witch Dalle Salve, cltlog
slant relief. It's a wonderfully good salve
for nra.s, bruises, seres and a sure eure
far wiles. T. D. Thomas.
The object of punishment is preven
tion from evil; it never nan lie made
impulsive to good.
How'. This:
vr offer U.i. Hundred Dollai. Rtmard lor
.my ca of catarrh that cannot bo runa by
Hill'. Catarrh Our..
I J. CIIEXKY S CO., Prupa.rulldo. O
W. lb. uoderalirned. bavekuowuF J. Co.
mj for tbe last la V1 and brbrve blm 11
ucUr houorable in all wasluna. iruuu'tuMu
and aaaDclally able to carry out auv abllKfttlou.
mad. by their ami
VfuT s TKAt x.WkolewIe Iniirgisu.ToUdo,iJ.
Walaixu, KlUHav A Kl, WliolcMla
Drugrtsu, Toledo, O
UaU'. CiUrrli ur. I. taken mternalli, aotlftg
diracUy upon tli. blood and mu.-ou. urtao. ot
1A. SyaUUI Price. 7V (m-i IhiIII. a'ld br all
JerOft"!. rlMninllila fist
Ibl- MHNTIOX ttV A WKnK'i lt(.
INOH OS Till. 11AII-.
ftliort I'HnfgrMpli Hint Win t
I Inimical
lit tln liHllroaii lt,i.
;Thej.rey ami lading
oomtmulen havo ltMtuii to mlvertUelti
... . " t .. ,
an men uiue lauitm iinii uuiiiihuilu
exclusively in nil their engine,
thus Insuring olSinllnewi unil comfort.
tuus liisitruiK oieniiuneHs una comiurt
It linn attracted attention among roll
roml people ns n novel- luuovuUou In
the advertisements. It lintuetlintely
puts tbeVe oouipuules In contact with
competitors who use bituminous conl
I The Boston Kreo l'rMMiy: A
good tunny complimentary and richly
imerlt.d things arc being Mild nbout i
the newly appointed I-ehlgh Valley of
ficials Clou, liwt. Bupt. Wilbur and
Supt. llotiuolly, of the Iehlgh nud tho
New Jersey Divisions. This shows how
popular these gentlemen nro nud how
much their past olllcleut services nre
appreciated. Tho Ueadlngmanngcment
knew what it was about wheu these se
lections wero made They havo had a
great deul to do with casing tho public
mind concerning the Lehigh Valley's
future, the appointments being regard
ed ns meaning tlmt tho Volley road Is
to be fostered and tn bo in the hands
of old friends.
t It will interest our peoplo to learu
that tho I'ennsvlvanln Railroad Com
pany has just concluded traiUo nr
rangemoutt with tho Central Railroad
of New Jorsov wherebv neople otl tho
lino of tho Lehigh & Susquehanna Dl.
vision, from rhillipsburg to Mauch
Chunk, can hereafter get goods from
Philadelphia via the Pennsylvania.
Good's leaving Philadelphia in the
evening will arrive here early uoxt
morning, nnd tho samo rules applies
to all points between Phlllipiburg and
Mauch Ohunk.
1 The Now Jersey Central Railroad,
which lins lately cut looso from tho
combine, bus just declared a dividend
of per cent. Tho dividend will bo
payablo February 1st.
tEver slnco the opening of the 1J. a.
&S.,thotrafIlohastbccn steai-ily In;
creasing nnd additions had to bo con
stantly mado to tho rolling stock. An
order for two new ouglnes was placed
lost week, and If the increase in traffic
contluiics tho order mny be duplicated.
An cnglno has been leased from tho
Jersey Central Company to help out
until tho new ones arrive.
Tho rule governing employees of.
tho Philadelphia A Heading Railroad
Company forbid thom smoking while
on duty. On some of tho long night
runs tho employes nro prone to light a
cigar in tho early morning hours. This
has cost one them tbreo months wnges.
James McAllister, a conductur on one
of tho night Hues between Enston nnd
Wnvcrly, N. Y., lit a cigar in thoamoker
when tho train was about at Sugar
Notch, tho other morning at 1 o'clock.
Soino spotter "gnvo him away," nnd on
Wednesday ho received n notlcu from
tho company that ho conld take n rest
forthreo months.
JTho Lehigh Valley nud Ccntial
Railroads nro having n merry time
over n new bridge which the Inst named
corporation was building over the
Morris Canal at Jersey Avenue, Jersey
City. Lato Wednebday night the Lo
high Vnlley Company sent n gang of
men nud n locomotive to Jersey Avenue
and destroyed the abutments which
had been built nnd then towed a canal
boat loaded with lumber to n point be
yond Pacific Avenue. Then tho
gine was backed down to Jersey
Avenue again nnd left in it position
whero it will net ns n check to further
operations by the Central. Tho Le
high Vnlley objects to the rival cor
poration building n bridgo ucroes tho
canal bocauso it is intended to bo
draw bridge.
X The report of President McLood of
tho operations of tho Philadelphia &
Reading Railroad for tho fiscal yent
ended Nov. 30, 1802, submitted to the
stockholders' annual meeting at Phila
delphia Monday, shows it net traffic
for the year of 81 1,100,012.10. From this
is deducted $3,041,893.28 for rentals, In
terest, equipment, etc., b-avlng n profit
for the yoar of 83,157,117.12. Tho float
ing debt of the Railroad Company, the
report says, was somewhat Increased
during the yoar, mainly on accounf of
aid rendered tho Coal und Iron Com
pnny, which, owing to Its enlarged op
eratious, required a considerable in
crease of working capital. The report
rotors to the lease of tho Lohlgh Valley
Railroad System and says tho net traf-
flo earnings on this svtom have already
boeu increased about 81,000,000 since its
acquisition by tho Reading Company.
X At Monday morning's meeting of
tho stockholders the Reading Rallroar
tho only chango in the management
was tho election of Joseph F. Blnnott
in placo of tieorgo Dell. Kcim, The
following were elected: President. A
A. McLeod: managers, A. J. Antelo,
Tbomns Doku, James Boyd, Samuel II
a u nior. i-.iisna l . wuuur. unit josepu
V. Blnnott; treasurer, Wm. A. Church,
nud secretary, Win, R. Tartos. Judgt
Campbell's resolution wus adopted by
tno same vote as otucers wero elected
by. Upon tho announcement of the
voto tho moetine ndiouruod. The an
nual meeting of tho Philadelphia Coal
and Iron Company wns held at tho of
fice ot tho company Monday morning.
Mr. McLeod was re-elected president
and tho following were elected as p
board of managers: S. P. Wolvcrton,
ueo, ueu. lieim. xnos. uoenran, n. A
Duponl, Richard V. Cook, and Charlo
mague Tower. Tho last three gentle
men are new members of tho hoard.
ANOTIIIIIt CUlllU'Olt llIl'IITIirillA.
Another Specific for that All Dread
From the Ladles' Homo J tirnal.
First, strips of linen nr cotton fabric,
about eight lnehes wide, folded several
times, and long enough to reach from
ear to ear. snould Do wrung out ol lot
watertlt in wiuterUind if in summet
put directly upon ice, and then npplleu
externally to the throat, and as fast o
one cloth eeta warm another should be
ready to take its place. If the child t...i.. i-
miuwlliiua ui uvdik txjiu, lis lev, uiiu
hands should bo bathed in as hot water
as it can stand. When tho child is vers
youug, It may be readily ascertained if
It Do com or not. uy leeung us iinmu
and head. Under no circumstance,
should hot applications be made to
tnotnroat. if luociuiuisouienougn,
it raav lie clven broken l e to suck con
stautiv. even It the water is spit out
The oold applications stops the growth
of the mlorobes. The patleut'a baud
should be washed frequently and let
me say so snould tiioso or tne attend
ants nnd the vessel used f.r tho nur,
pose should not be used by any one else
The patient's clothing needs pro
teotiou In front. This may be done by
plnnlng,baek ot tho neck a largo piece
ot linen or oottou fabrlo which will
cover the whole front ot tho child and
reach as far as the kneel. A material
should lie used whieh can easily be
boiled or burned when soiled. The
little patient, If old enough, will want
to spit, and for a spittoon u small
wooden box. 1th on Inch of utwdust
on the bottom, is capital. Fresh saw
dust should be supplied at least oooe a
day three times uday would be better
and that whieh baa been used should
be emiHled upon a aood. hot fire, and
thus burned at the time the chauge is
made. If there are any files about the
box it should be kept covered, and, as
a matter of course, ouly imoovered
when the uatleat dtwlree to spit: other
wis, the flies alighting upon t ill spittle
would carry the germs of the disease
with them, aud then alighting upou the
taoiUy'a food and drluk noeeMarily
infect them, and thus Indirectly infect
the whole family This is by uo means
eklmerleal, but a wall established fast.
Anecdote. by n Man Mini Haw soul, j
Strang. Tiling. liven Tliott(-ti II. Ilml n
Gnu-Tli. Crow Ill.llkeil Certain Kind,
of Ahlra.l. II. Wa. n llrrnt Hunter. I
"When this region was nearly nil i
woods sixty years ego," said nil old
resident of Bell Meadow, "I picked a
young crow out of the mnd in Tamarack
swamp, where lio had tninliled out ol
the nest before he wns old enough to fly.
I named him Abe and tamed him, and
ho developed into the brightest bird I
ever saw. Liko all tnme crows. Abe
was mischievous and Inquisitive. There
was n knothole in the floor of our cistern,
and tho crow couldn't find out what wa!
under it, although he tried very hard,
"Soveral times a day Abo flow down
to the creek, hunted up n pebblo nnd
carried it in his bill to tho floor of the
cistern, whero lie dropped it through the
knothole. Tho Instant ho let the pebble
drop ho would put his ear close to the
hole and listen. lie could hear the peb
blo strlko tho water, and the nolso out
ct his sight excited his curiosity so much
that ho dropped a half bushel of pebble:
Into the cistern before lie gnvo up.
"Abenccompanied mo on all my hunt
ing trips in the fall nud winter, .j In
saw mo 1:111 fire or six wolves, half a
dozen wildcats and several deer. The
woods were fnll of deer, nnd thero were
so many wolves that wo couldn't keep
any sheep. Abo took ft great liking tc
deer and rabbits, but ho hated wolves
and wildcats, seeming to understand
that they were destructive and danger
ous. One afternoon, the summer thai
he was u year old, Ab flew into oui
little clearing nnd caw ed and fluttered
about as it ho wanted mo to leave rav
'1 knew the crow had seen something
that displeased him, and so I picked uf
see wnat no wouiu uo. lie went squnu-
lng through the air toward Bell Meadow
brook, and when ho alighted on a
uo Kept ycning nnu looking uowu
ravine. 1 looked, too, little expecting tc
Bee what I did. A pair of wolves were
tearing nt a doe they had pounced on
and pulled down. I killed them both
before they got three leaps from the doe.
nnd when Abe bow that they couldn't
move ho cawed nnd croaked ns though
he was glad.
"The next winter there weto three feet
nnd a half of snow on the lovel, aud we
had to wear snowskoes to get around.
While- 1 was splitting wood near .the
houso one cold morning the crow came
sailing nnd Equalling to tho settlement
from tho direction of Lake Henry. He
was excited nbout something, nud he
perched on tho log nnd went to flappiug
his wings and dancing up and down. I
understood him well enough to know
that ho had seen something that he
didn't liko the looks of up in the
toward the lake, bo 1 and my brother
and cousin put on our Euowslioes, shoul
dered live loaded rifles nnd started into
the woods. Abo lending the way and
'Ilo led us to tho lake, wheio wo saw
a sight that 1 shall never forget. In a
spaco where the wind had blown the
snow from the ico a Hock of seven deer
had been cornet ed by a pack of five
wolves. Tho deer couldn't getTout on
account of tho deepsuow,nnd the wolves
had killed three of them when we got
there. While we wero blazing away at
tho brutes tho crow flew overhead and
shouted hit approval. Wo killed the
whole pack, and Abe felt to good that
he rolled over on tho crust several times.
Ouo day in the spi lng tho crow taw
a fisher catch a rabbit and carry it to u
hole in a uasswoon tree, thirty feet from
tiio ground. My brother nnd 1 were
chopping hour by, and Abe squalled
urmiiKl mi he n trncteii nur atten
tion, when he Hew up to the hole
where tho hshcr was coucenle.1. We
chopped the Uisswood down, aud the
Usher skipped out nud ran up hemlock
treo to whero the leaves were bo thick
wo couldn t Abe flew up.nllghted
above the llilier aud began to squall, nnd
squinting through the foliage below him
1 could see enough or the ruber to lire at.
I banged away, nud down came Mr.
Fisher with a bullet in his head. Abe
fairly laughed when the lUher tumbled.
'One morning I tonnd tlx pullets on
the floor of the hen sliamj. A mink had
killed them, and that night I set two
steel traps and put one of the pullets be
tween. In tho morning a mink had its
foro feet in one of tho traps and one of
its hind feet in the other. Abo tagged
mo in, aud when he saw tho mink strug
gling to get out ho ran up iu trout ot it
and began to yell in its face. I let the
crow torment it, nnd while my back was
turned the mink caught Abo by the neck
and hit hint so hard that he died in n
few minutes." Cor. Now York Tribune.
Vitro Narcollo Death.
Under chloroform, as under all auies-
thetio gases and vupors, there 13 a mode
of death which may be called the final
or natural. It need never lie produced,
and never could bo except under the
most unskillful management, nnd It 13 a
long time in its progress. When death
does occur in ibis manner it is by the
slow extinction of tho natural animal
zymosis, and Is illustrated, as to method,
perfectly by tho simple experiment ot
gradually extinguishing n candle in a
conliued space by introducing vapor of
chloroform into the air that tills the
- It run lie Illustrated also by the ex
periment of stopping ordinary fermenta
tion by tho presence of chloroform, and
even by tho simpler process ot using
chloroform vapor as n preservative ot
animal tissues from decomposition. All
anaesthetics nro open to kill In this man
ner, but that ts tbe Barest anaxthetlc
which puts out life in no other manner,
which does not, that ts to say, cause
either of the reflexes of spasmodlo char
acter dnringadministration. Ascleptad.
Vt hen Jay Gould Was u Hoy.
"At one, time," said Mr. Woolhlser,
who as a boy worked in the same store
with Jay Uould, "while Oould was In
tho employ of Burnham be fell sick.
My father, who was a general nurse and
something uf a doctor, attended him
and brought litiu around all right.
Not long after he lecovered he met my
father and said, - You saved my life, and
If at any time i on are in need and I can
holp you I shall do so with pleasure.'
I-or tune has ut smiled on my poor old
father of late, aud lielng In absolute
need lie wrote to Mr. (iould, telling him
of his condition and asking for help.
No reply w.i- ever received. 1 think
that our letters nerur leached Mr. Uould,
or he would lively hat o helped us. I
wroto to hint ouly u few days before his
death for the fourth or fifth time, Oould
was always a good boy, aud for awhile
we slept together In the same bed In tno
old store in Roxbury. Jay never missed
saying his nightly prayers Wore retir
ing." New lork World.
Th. Study of Philately.
Philately is a study. It Is a pursuit
that adds moro to tbe lite of the young
collector than any other of hi. pleas
urea. Philately in the present genera
tion is assuming va.t proportions as an
Instructive science and is oven now a
formidable rival of mtmiematiM. No
longer is it called a mania or a craze,
but a science teaching tbe geography,
history, language and the morals of a
country. Our philatelists are not mere
schoolboys and girls, although they col
lect stamps, hut ueu of mature minds-,
men well established iu business and
professions, ineu of sound judgment,
intellectual and thoughtful men. And
It is this fact that gives the young col.
lector encouragement, tbe knowledge
that such nun do exist in the ranks of
philatelist. Ohio Stale Journal.-
A Krrlory Youth.
A child four years old is the sou of a
mau who Is altnust abnormally pious.
This yonth wiu told to go to -et a fami
ly visltjr whu hud lui-uulioasly altown
an iuteroni m him luu-ad uf doing so
he liackt-d iu, lixlged himself in a
corner, andsvitli a ouviucing shake ot
the head and nourish uf the fteU ex
claimed: "I uout, I won't, I won't, for
JegyV Rake Amen " N.w York Rr
oordar '
Uf. Mould It. Mighty Dc.nlat. VUtliout
Sweet Words Much More lle.ntlfnl
Conld YV. Make This llilitrnc. If IV.
Took Moro I'nln. In Talking.
IIow would yon enjoy life with sweet
words left outf My littlest one runs to
mo and with both arms about my neck
pulls me down to kiss me, and whispers
ns ir It wero a new secret: "Papa, I love
yon. Oh, how I just do love, love youl''
What it pest it is to be pulled about bo
when one is busy! IIow it dislocates
one's collar aud one's thoughts! Bnt
what would you take for snch prattle?
IIow would von liko It checked, nnd in
stead of such spontaneity be compelled
to lmaglno you nre loved? Dear me, old
man. but why so fussy? Do you not
know yon are loved? Do not actions
speak louder than words? Does not yonr
wife cook your meals, and does not your
girl put your room in order? Must you
also be mussed over and gabbled to in
order to bo satisfied? '
Then conies my oldest boy, a grand
fellow, stout nnd wholesome and brainy,
and before 1 am aware his arm is about
my neck, nnd ho pulls my head over on
Ids shoulder with it kiss and n "Vara,
you are awful dear tome." Pshaw, what
is there in words? A few sounds noth
ing elsel 1 am not so certain about that.
I only know that I would not tnkenmint
of money for that small bouquet of ray
boy's words. No, not for tho world would
I have to guess nt his affection and get
hungry for a solid certainty. There is not
enough such eloquence, as I havo looked
about tho world. Aud yet It should not
flow too easily. Tongny love Is quite
another thing from open heartedness, In
my opinion we should bring up our
vounir folk to easily nnd frnuklv esm-ese
their feellnes. onlv not to express nnv
moro than they feel. The nrt nnd trick
of speech Is to be more eloquent than
true, nnd bo to turn lovo into n lie,
Somewhere Lliave lately read n good
story of a married couple that Irani
60mo spleen vowed not to speak to each
other. Well, If they had not really loved
they could havo got on without talk, but
In this case they could not. So by happy
Inspiration they used the household cat
as a go between. "Go," said Betsy,
"and tell John that dinner is ready."
"Go," answered John, "nnd tell Betsy
1 am on hand." "Here, puss," says John,
"tell Betsy this pudding is remarkably
good, nnd 1 will take another pinto of it
If she pleases." "Uo tell John," answers
Betsy, "that 1 am glad ho likes this
peach shortcake, nnd ho shall hnvo three
pieces If he will."
So for years they kept their vows, but
told their lovo and got on famously. It
ts a general fact that friendship grows
stronger by a Bhort separation and cor
respondence by pen. A mnn or woman
will say sweet or true thlugs in a letter
that they would not say first by mouth.
I do not quite understand this, but 1
know it is true. Friends treasure let
ters, and friendship never is quite itself
until a few letters havo paw. ... I en
courage young folk to wiite letters to
learn tho art ot talking well. One wnnld
supposo it would bo the other wu
good talkers should write well.
How came it about that tin, i i.itue
aud adjacent organs got control bt lan
guage? Possibly Dido can explain ul-i
Sho leaps and bounds about mo in ,
whelming joy. ner nose is In my f .tee
and her paws on my chest. At last, ut
terly unable to express nil her emotion,
she throws back her head nnd explode
in a bark. It is nothing but nn cxplu
sion, but it is a great relief to her
That is tho beginning of speech iu nil
creatures only a noise made by tho
rush of emotion through the mouth.
By and by this noise is modified to ex
press different emotions. Tho dog can ex
press n dozen passions and resentments,
and yet most ot these nro told by the
tail and tho body in general.
The next step ts, or was, to modify
these sounds into musical roles. The
bird does not enunciate first, bnt sings.
Tho lower ra,ccs sing well nnd talk
badly. The highest art is to sing well
and talk equally well. So language
slowly gets stolen by a certain set of
organs that nt first had little to do with
it. The legs and hands come less Into
play to tell emotions; tho tall, which
has done so much animal talking, is
aborted. I think it is aborted mainly
because Its functions aro mostly passed
over to the tongue. I havo not heard
whether the tailed tribe of Africans wag
thoso appendages in friendly greeting
like dogs or not. I would not own a
tuilloss cat or havo a horse's tall even
clipped of its hair. It is to abbreviato
speech; it is to lop off the organ of ex
pression. You will tee that my theory about the
development of language accounts for
many abnormal forms of speech. Pro
fanity is n mere explosion of Bound,
closely allied to the dog's bark and the
cat's squall. It is not so wicked ns it is
beastly. It is tho natural langnnge of a
vulgar fellow who has no art of high
language. Halt tho world talks by ex
plosion and expletives. The more beast
ly a man's habits the more profano he
becomes by necessity. It is bis natural
language. What a stretch it is from
such a man to Coleridge or Emerson or
1 heard of a man the other day, "Ah,
he is a great scientist, to bo sure, bnt ho
is also shell a splendid talker," The art
of saying lino things finely you cannot
afford to bo without. "Livo with wolves
and you will learn to howl," says the
Spanish proverb. We ought to bo able
to odd, "Livo with men nud you will
learu to talk well." Bnt that is not bo.
Tbore are too few really good talkers
really wise and witty tongues. E. P.
Powell in St. Louis UIobe-Democrat.
If. Ku.w.
Judge Come, you'd hetterrilead (fnll
ty. You'll net oil easier.
Prisoner Ah, I twig yen lay. Ver
want to get homo to ilinnerl London
,V Waterloo Veteran.
On Sept. 27, 1803, Oeneral Karl Tried,
rich Mnller, of the Hanoverian army,
died at Hanover in his ninety-seventh
year. The deceased general waspresent
on tho 16th, 17th and 18th of October,
1813, at the famous "Battle ot the Na
tions," an engagement that cost Na
poleon 78,000 men, 900 cannon and 1,000
Karl Friedrielt Muller was preterit at
Qoatre Bras on the 10th and at Water
loo on the 18th of Jnne, 1815. After the
victory he marched with hie liattery of
artillery to I'aris and remained in the
French capital during tbe whole period
of occupation by the allied armies. Karl
Muller, who began his military oareer at
fifteen, was never wounded mul m&e to
the rank of a areneral in the Hanoverian
He retired on a pension not lung
whose misfortunes he sympathised, and
to whose cause he remained strongly at-
tached. Ou HepL 30, iu presence of a
vast concourse of people, this dUtju
guislieil man was buried with full lalll
tary honors, and tbe Identical colors
carried by tbe brave Hanoverians at
Waterloo were unfurled around his
grave. Notes and Queries,
liaus.r Iu Furuac. Ilesl.tar
"I can tell you of one danger that ia
generally overloolied," said a friend,
"and that is in letting inflammatory sob
stances fall through the register. The
other day I had a case of china unpacked
In tbe dining room. Tbe box was Ailed
with 'excelsior' packing, and after the
dishes had been taken out I told tbe
maid to clear up the litter ou the flour
A little later I came into the room and
smelted a strong odor of burning. It was
a very oold day, and there was a hot fire
in the furnace, and as tbe smell seemed
to come from the register I lifted it en
tlrelv out and stock a beat noker aa far
A IKa tiin. u a T Annlrl r.arl,
a lot of dust aud rabnah I brouaht un a
quantity of exoeUlor shaviag. which
ware custtnctly acorcUed by tba lieat. It
was tbe first time that I had ever thought
of th danger of 'sweepings' connected
with th open registers." N.w York
Ar ,J
. H. Downs' Elixir
Uas stood th. test for SIXTT TEAltB
and has proved Itself the best remedy
known xor the euro or u.iwMtnjiiwm,
Coughl, Colds, Whooping Couffli, end
Tnfl Jyifnp Disease. In young or old.
9 l'rlce 5c., Mo., mid tl.00perbottle.
Z EIOTT, j:nxs:u un, rnpi., Buiiirta, Tt.
We Cmft do it
b :c willing to pay for learning how to
n-.-i' o as good an arliclo ns Wolff's Acmb
Bi ackino of cheap material so that a
retallT can profitably sell It at 10c.
Our price is 20c.
'lb - retailer says the pnlllo will not pay
it. Wo say tho public wilt, liccftnsa they
v ill always pay a fair price for a good
artiolc. To show both tho trade and tho
P'lMic that wo want to give them the best
fir the least money, we will pay
For aliovo information ; thU offer Is open
until January 1st, 1893.
Pi-Ilon Is the name of a paint wbloh
docs work that no other paint can do. Ss'ew
wt-iii tulutfd with It looks liko the natural
' nod m itcn It is statnednnd arnlRhed.
' l ' fnd It prontablo to Investigate All
ire- Mill It.
For n Thorough Training It.
It will pay junto vl'll I ho
Centre SQrAnK. Alloutnwn. Pa.
The most Tliorouul'. Itcit lEcuutatfit. hlitl
Flne,n;i-nipppil Pomincrt'iM 'I rtiiiilhtt Hrliool
in i t'niisj it hiit,
13E i; i-A htm KNTS
X-IIIjIXIj iNVritl 10)19.
most rniciic u uoiirst-f nt Jionm icntt
Heturei. iKWand -too rttmlcnts iiiiiutally.
simlcnls assliteil ti I'.tjlitj; poMMi-tH. S
for rataloffuc or cull nt uttlce.
tifJ 'lease inenoiou tins paper. c-?7-cm
pick HeatUfho unl rcllevn HI tbotronUis Inot
dent to a tlllona eUto ot tho yatm, moh
tlzxlnCB, Kauiea, Drcrwalneai, HUtresa alter
utlnR. 1'aln In tho fil Jo. to, Whilo their nvufi
ItmarkfvUe aacceu am Men thovn la curlrjj
neatSacLe, yet Carter' TJtUo Liver FlllH tua
TjallyTaliiabloinOonatlpatloii,curln8and pro
tenting thli anno jlna complain twhllo they alao
correct aUdlaoKloraoftheawiiuchjiUmulatatha
KTerandrcgulAteLtiobowclJ. EvcaUUuro&Iy
Acl) Itey would be almoi t prlceloM to thoso wha
ftnffer from thli dlatrMatng complaint) but fortu
nately IhelrrooJntjM does notend horend thoes
trhoonce try thom will find thetwlittlopllisvain.
Able in bo many wayi that they will not b wit
llitj to da without tliom. Bat after oJlelcktea
ill tbe bane of so many Urea that hero Is what
vamakeourgretitboaat. Our pllla cur it while)
others do not.
Carter! Little Liver Fills aro Tery aniall ani
wry eaay to take. OnoortwoTilllimakaadoae.
They are etrlctly reeoUble and do not gripe cr
puree, feat, by their fraotle action pleaae nil whd
liaethun. InvialaatMcenta, nvafortl. 0olJ
fcT drocslata everywhere, or tv&t ly mall.
Sclentlfia American
For information and free Handbook writs to
. MUNN A CO., kl DltuiuwAT. New VfiiiR.-.
Oldect tmreftu for nccurinff patents la America.
Ererr patent taken out by tjs It broutfLt befra
tho puLuo bj a notice gireu free of charge la Ui
Largest circulation of any sclentlfto barer In tba
world, bpliuiutdlr lUu.tnite4. Mo IntelllireDt
nun should b. without It. WKkTr. ftj,(i0
A b th fl c)ifBrl'il actio I r- rriina-
IkWnciMiu.aMl a pw (ally fifUi.r fjtUin 1 1 tejntt
Utiao baa Uo lntMlin(l itl. trrw funutura. 1c
tjtfuZf Fall indVmiu c iu 1 him luetday.
b.ut.tb,.W9 AldlfMhla iradi lf
ArinoQuteti.i'ni tirt i"ri -t ii l I'll"
lUtXMdBttlldilii: fl "X linM"
iumivf num.
trearvtlhaaMfavlallsMl. itntir h
orfrouia. frtc. . ami. i-
m St. sits H
iitCui'i '
;:MZT. i?'"!JZY.
r- -akt i."ew
' w- f- Wt- ""t". e.kSIt,Ul
lu the very Nosiest gtyU-s
and at I lie Irfiwevt Prices at
E. IT. Snyder's,
nlw a full lln. of
Fine Dress Goods,
Thai can't be uulotit In Itil.
lowu or eounlj (nr Sly I
" Quality or Prices.
See Our Goods Before
You Buy.
A Urm .ItuutMl In Towanien.iot tswnalilp,
:J . I.n,,'. emu aaiJoiac lo Iran
vl, It,
: .,, .n uulr, nuihuiiati
ruiitiiiia aonna mi wo
Miib all iwesaarr oulbulldlnes
, n;rtjffi JXL r.Ii'KJ. JJiJKEf.
i tX Mu bmdSM im. agon .hrf !
' M and all other nere.san ootbulldlua.
renin or ui iu oiH. u; ".J.
Unrln 1-.1
. i
C 'Art S
Makes an evtry-day cenfenltnce of an
old-time luxuty. Pure and wholesome.
Prepared witn scrupulous care, mgnesi
award at all Pure Food Expositions. Each
package makes two Urge pies. Avoid
Imitations and Insist on having the
NONB SUCH brand.
MERRELL Bi SOULE, Syracuse, N. Y.
Robt. N. Anthony,
(Sneceseor to J. r. Hex. East Wdioit.)
Furniture, Floor & Fed
at tho Intet I'llces.
Olvousnonll. No tronblo to show
Instructions on tho Piano
and Organ given by
Tliird St., - .jg - - l.i'hightoii.
Jill 'tlio new find improved
methods of instruction. Sntisfno
tion ytinrnntcpd.
For Terms cull on or nddirssas
"Corner Store"
Orates, Lemons, Bananas, lis,
Apples, Celery, CracK
"Grapes Table Raisins, Confec
tions, Fancy Baskets, Qneens
ware, and a fnll line of Nice
Lowest prices, gootl treatment,
prompt delivery
Call and See Us.
Cohner Store,
Now is Your Time!
Building Lots For Sale!
Don't wait, but come at once
and buy one of these beautifully
located lot You will be sur
prised at the vi3w they afford
und the price will be sure to
please you. No trouble to show
you nround. Call on cither
or R. J. HOXUEN,
Enst Welssport Vn
To Contraclors and Bnilflers.
The umlerslgr.ed announces to Contractors
and llullders that lie has now opened Ills stono
nuarrv. at Heaver ltuu.and Is prepared to supply
Building' Stones
In nnv quantity at reasonable rates He r1o
keeps n supply at Ms renldencfl ou 3KC0M)
A nllitT, to supply Immediate demand.
1IAULTXU of every description, promptly at
tended to.
AUo, constantly mi hand a full supply, of the
best traiuH vt
PI onr aud Feed,
n a L' tv principle
j.i tic liver t
ir, eiomr. a
L, r-,.m 1lD 111 I IT PfTfd
. iitv curt billoaBsese,
tonla llTer &&d coMtlpi
lioa. Smelleet, jolldtMt,
enrwt! QpdOBdll,28ctfi,
JtawwarlotniialiUfK iron t uiiMd.actn'ls
m-'lestin.twott-. a, rmiiL-li-r brand. Hob 1.-t.. V illl-OENt lMi,
rosajtiErvr- r- i.'.vrnuxr. Jtrr
Care Conin rapt Ion, Concha, Croup, Sore
Throat Sold by U DiafcUia on a Ouaranttt,
rr a Lame Sil, Back or Cht BMIob'a Pereut
PUlttrwallgive graat latUfactloo. j CCDtt.
Wra. T. 8. Uawklna,Cbatuinnoi,'len..eaT t
vmftliT U tht bat reiauor o iWfll(atdfW(m
naMl , Kuiatr -pj s.v an x.iriv. .
i reef two. ' or7.pepia,uveruriuuiu;
trouble It exoela. fneeroou.
rhf Trrtbll!Mdy. ItTOl
von. Frloe so ma This in
tre.. Btdlob.'a Remedtea are sold by ns on a
guaramee to giro aanwasuuu.
rm: hale tij
I)r. 0 T. Horn, Lehighton, Pa
' 98 Li r.
JV,: xiXia$S?&)A
r u, i . w. Vj'
iH.rie.pi.iwya.iilii .
' ,.'"J. "ISSUST.
w ' w
RKCoxn KmnuT, i.EiuonTON', pa ,
I - 1 R9lTB
I iHF hinn a Venn
i i '- i i n ulna an 'piih
to Buyers.
We offer just now n secinl in.
viinuon lo our Irrcntis nnd
patrons to como and sec us.
The summer is fast fleeting
and we will maltc special
priccj to sell out our summer
goods in order to have a full
swing on our fall nnd winter
stock of Dry Goods, Notions
and Rcady-Mndo fTlotning.
We have no room to quote
prices, but they are low
enough. Don't miss this
opportunity but come at
incc Then too, we are tho
recognized hendqunvtcrs for
for all kinds of
Fruits & Vegetables
in Season
at the lowest of very low
prices. Prompt and corteous
treatment to all nnd it is no
trouble to show goods,
Canal Ilitilgc,
Kuntz &Co.
East Weisspoi t.
Drug :: Store
Don't (orgt t that vtc kf op the
l?est Line of Pocket Knives
Razors, Razor Strops, Soap
&c. Tl guarnntee every
Razor or will exchange.
Fine .Vines, Liquors and Cigars.
Fresh Beer and Porter.
FREE LUNCH every day from 0:00 to
12:00 n. m., nud overy Snturday ovon
Inp. Call nod see me, I will treat
you right. Hi. Carriage Work.,
North First Street, Lehighton.
flic People's Paper.
Ki A wsAffS5f,vi
I Ar, jKK!82!XTt
We Make
Fine Job Work .
A Specialty.
At Lowest Pricof. -
Orrioe Xorth First Street,
Lehighton. Pa.,
We have also
opened a first-class
in Aaron Snyder's nuw block, at
the Eastern end of thu Lehigh
Bridge, in tho BOItOUGH OF
WE1SSPOHT, whore all orders
for Job Printing will bo ex
peditiously and cheaply oxe
recMptl Ibr.
1 . V. i
8 ' '
I don't merely mnke these liberal offers. Imt T pni't'l- tlinm mil
to the letter. Do you want a ilollor Upright Piano Organ
which other ngents sell from $125, to$150 dollms, I
you all you want for $85, on easy payments. A Cornclt thi-
-t i n .fitt.t i ii .
ngni nano ior vau dollars mat other agents ink 350. I can
get almost any make Organ or I'inno that is made, and I will
hpre say go nnd got prices elsewhere, bring the Catalogue with
you and T will guarantee; that 1 enn save you from $25 to $75 on
an Organ and from $100 to $200 dollars on a Pinno. VWt be
afraid to call and see me. I won't wnirv the life out of von to
sell, ner will I put an instrument in the house, unless you want
mo to do so. I will sell you the Lawrence 7'Ocrnvc Piano Organ
for $85, now, go to Allontown and see if you ran buy one fi.r
less than $125.
Do Vnil tfftllt. n Sitjinrlnvfl KmiMnrr 1nliii.u .l
.7 'a.V ............ . ....,b t - tiuiur uuuiiiH
sell at $50. My price is-$30. The Davis nt $25, $30 nnd ,15.
The White and Domestic nt $80. The Anicricnn nnd TFliite
Cottage $25 Theso arc eye openers, bnt Aaron is in it and to
stay. I want the peoplo to know that when they pay over $86
Inr n Sintvitlre Ifnnliinn if !. v,r,i.., .1... ..... ..
.... u,'ij ....owiiut. it, is. iituiicjr II1I1IIV11 ItvtUJ .
IIow about Washing Machines, I reduced the price lo$5,now
anyone can buy. Oh yc high price agents 1 am after you and
your irnr Prices. Hcspectfully,
Near the Lehigh
viWtiphISJ ru)i mi? nVi'e,1Sd2V .V.Jj,Sml,e (!"''lt retribution ot HEN'S.
?anilk. llu.,liEiS Si,ui1H,1,,,,0VKI!l;OA1a "ver our counters, lluyinz In lane
? j'ivti tlTi'l-f . '3 "i?" c??. " "ry ,nw I?.'- 0ur moclt N"' tnh andTleasonable
fclr" 1 1... Ji ?. L'f rt !i,are' !'l",l "e Piorjwe lo dl.posc of rather than carry to snnother sea
SPPt.iJ'iA! I,."y.!,IMe.?!' n""' rls.tnce-to siliHie-in the opportunities tiblch will be afforded,
aUn oilUMl e"r,l,p"-"tnndvnt.Mi,ilaliicsoHeiiil In every pitnient ot tieio:
.S'pt'tinl Oveicoat Mention.
All oi-r I'll e sif. Ouretnii ikIihkI to 0; 413 10,aiiiliotocr.
iJ.l!VAWrVi'.,Tllt!i':,f.Il1' ""; f".".''.1' V"."!1111? rnif Me Iu llio newest sliades. Ilea
i rcd.of OvKltCOATM must be .old nt the nomlellii pi res, t.'.to. Is M and M, Over twi ot oiu
line sioaml jnhtt ami tortii.t:oatslntlray,lironail oifoido'loTsiMii u?cloSTOistM
ATion'c Sinfc 150 .Stplisn All-wool uits formerly
1YJ.L11 & 510 now $7.51). 250 tfoed, Service-
able Business uSiiits formerly $8.50 now $5.50.
500 Pairs Stylish Phntaloons, positively worth $3.50. we sell
them at $'2.
1000 2Wrs Heavy Pantaloons, all bright, new fftods worth $2;
our price $1.25.
200 Children's Suits, 4 to 13 years, worth $1.50 came in too
late for the season; will be sold at $1.2.V
450 Childien's Overcoats and Storm coats all to be closrd out to
make room for Spring Goods.
If you want to save dollars-you can do it here best of anywhere.
Happy' Hew ifear to Yon! Wishinz Yen One pf Onr 0?ercoats or Suit?.
Koch & Shankweiler.
Largest ana Finest Clolhini Honsein Ik Valley,
Paints, Varnishes, Glass,
Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa
leautiful Pictures
Pwlov, Siffioitfp Moons ov Med
Just The Thing For
It is a wonderful remedy, which is alike benefi
cial to you and your children. Such is Scott's Emulsion
of Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil and Hypophos
phites of Lime and Soda. It checks wasting in the
children and produces sound, healthy flesh. It keeps
them from taking cold and it will do the same for you
Bebtt's Emulsion carta Ooagnj,
Colds, Consumption, Scrofula and
all Anaemic and Wasting DU.asee.
Prevents wasting la children. XU
runt as palatable ae milk. Gel only
lie genuine. Prepared by Seott
Bonn., Chemists, New York Sold by
all DnjggbU.
The Cheapest Place in Town
For Wnll Papor, Borders and Decora
tions at
Owen Rehrig,Co""ii::ofsSsnd nA
The IHgiseNt Ansortiiieiit in
tlio fouitty in select i'roiia
Bridge, Weissport.
At Low Prices,
Christmas Presents.
Tsirf iriitllMiii