The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, January 21, 1893, Image 3

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    OSlalHAUHFiP CASH STORE1 newsy orrrnRENCKs.
Our of (iocorip8 nnd
Provisions contain many delicti
cics not usually found in tins
sction. itt prices to say the least
Inr below our competitors, our
stock consists of the following
raur-ed gooods:
Com, lleans. Tent, Tomatoes, l'eaeliw
I'lneapplrs, Lobsters, Salmon, Ssmll
im In Oil or Muatud, Ojsters,
Tilled Toncne, Holland Hei
line, Itusslftn Sardines,
Mackerel, llrlck Cod
I'lsh, Imported
Llinlicrgf r mid Domestic Clioew, Durkees
Saltil Dressing Catsup. SalM Oil and
JInslatd. -
Dried Fruits and Farinaceous
Italslns, reaches, Apricots, Prunes, Apples
Currants and Citron. Dost Shaker
Corn, Xew York Marpitr Ileons.
Mma Deans, flreen l'eas,
.Split l'eas.I.entels llarlej.
Oat Meal, Avcna Hor
mlnj, Sago lllee,
Carina, Vermicelli, Corn Starcli, Slireded
Coconnut, Chocalato Cocoa, O A O Tea,
Ko Kn Tea, Oolong, Japan and Imperial
Teas, Albuckles Coffee, Our Matchless and
Golden lllo racked Coffees excell any
thing In this Valley for flavor and pi Ice.
Flint street, between Smith and I'ltim street.,
LehlRhton. Ta.
The Carbon Advocate
TnHinse Who Oito Us I'or The t-m-linn
Modesty prevents us telling you that
wo are poor and very much in neod of
the money that some of our Niiliscrl
bers owe us for the Advocate. It is
quite true, nevertheless. We ure In
need of money to meet our expenses,
we buy our pnper by tho ton nnd other
stationery in proportion so our bills
ronie liljfli. Now, yon, perhaps, owe
us, and you are cordially Invited to
send us the amount no matter whet hor
largo or small. As ti little reminder
we will for a few weeks to come mark a
bine cross (X) on your paper, and if
you are wise you will tumldo to tho
hlf.t Srtvey !
-Alfred Vanscoter, engineer on the
ynid driller, Is confined to his house
this week, okIuk to tin attack nt
-.Viss Annabel McDaule!, the oblig
ing post mistrets Is confined to her
room through illness, wo hope for her
speedy recovery.
Mrs. Virginia Dennett, Jos. N.
Bennett and wife spent last Sunday n
N'osquehoning, visiting relatives.
A number of our people took In
tho performance nt tho Lehlghton
Opera Honso on last Saturday evening,
Cellar, the great magician was tho per
former. Miss Mama, W'intling of New York
City, was Usltlnc friends nnd telatlves
in this neighborhood during the past
-Jno.F. Miller and David H. Sny
der two of Packorton's rising young
men enjoyed a slelch rido over into tho
pine swamp country on last Saturday
-The new residence of Albort Eck-
hartthe genial clerk in Ilarlaman's
store Is fast nearing completion, when
finished it will be n handsome dwelling.
-Leopold Meyers is improving his
property on tho hill, by building an
addition to the rear of the store room
-Mrs. J. liuckenstowe, of the framo
row is this week visiting friends and
relatives nt Hummelstown, Dauphin
The engine bouse at the rear of the
Forwarding Office will bo fnrnishod
with an Immense new boiler so as to
give sufflcent steam necessary to heat
tho new store house building in con
nection with the other buildings.
Chas. Bozzard scale inspector for
the I A R. R.Co., will again place In
losltlon on coal scules tho oU carry
over's or buffets, which wore discarded
some time ago for a new and altogether
different affair, the chango was not n
success Inasmuch as they did not
rome up to expectations, lienco their
their removal.
Irof. H. CI. Kldd, principal of tho
schools hero accompanied by his
scholars enjoyed a sleigh rido to tho
old McDaniel stand In the Mahoning
Valley on last Friday nfteruoou. Tho
tinin was pleasantly spent in daneing
and other amusements, after which tbo
merry party started for home ontlrcly
satisfied with the days outtlng.
-hlectlon time is fast approaching
and when the fact is taken Into con
sideration thattoiany important offices
aro to be filled particularly that of
school directors and supervisor, it
should have a tendency to awaken tho
people of this Uttlo burg to their duties,
It Is necessary to nil the position of
school director with competent nnd
worthy men, men with n fair know
ledge of educational Ideas, men that
can (.peak our mother tongue, men that
aro able to perform tho many wants to
tho sattsfactiou of one andall. To the
otllce of supervisor a man should be
elected to fill thU position that will
pay moro attention to the lower end.
Tho people will remember the condi
tion of our public roads during the
past year, they were dangerous to ped
e .terlans and the traveling public In
general, let the good people of Paoker
ton remedy tills all Important question
by electing to this office one that will
lend his services to this end of the
i.iiuai. m m i mi of noun (III l.l'.SS
What Hit Oi-i-newl in this Ottv During Hie
Wrrk' rerllnentlv llitltnmlsetl hy Our
licell lteorifrr.
fln jour jewel!?' Hi Hock's and
you net the lt.
On to C. A. Harding's livery on
North street for teams for plea-mre
purposes or for weilillnpi or funerals.
Lowest pi tees.
Fine teams for all purimses at the
South End Livery.
- -Fish, oysters, cheese, oranges and
lemons, peanuts, etc., wholesale nt 1).
F. Rickert's, Campbell's old stand,
East Welssport. tf.
Dr. Dautser, the popular nud suc
cessful eye, ear, noso and throat spec
ialist, of Hazletou, will be nt the Ex
change Hotel, on Friday, January 20.
All kinds of books nnd fine station
ery at Luckcnbnch's, Matich Chunk.
-Huckslors supplied with flali, Ac,
at D. F. Rickert's, Kast Welssport.
Cheap terms cash. tf.
Don't buy clocks of the installment
man, lloek will jnvo you one-half tho
price If you buy from him.
Just mako It a point to see David
Kbbert when you want a team for busi
ness or pleasure. Lowest prices.
Full lino of lugraiu anil Brussels
carpets at Henry Schwartz.'.
Fine free lunch will bo served nt
W. A. Peters' restaurant on Saturday
Pretty novelties In suitable effects
for holiday gifts at Luckenbach's,
Mauch Chunk.
Bock, tho joweler, is showing some
now and verv pretty things in rings
all kinds nnd .styles.
At the Ono Prlco Star Clothing
Hall, Mauch Chunk, a S10.00 note will
buy you $20.00 worth of suits or over
coats now.
A sleighing party composed of our
young townspeople on Monday even
ing were over the Mahoning Mountain
enjoying tho hospitality of Mluo Host
llliam Werner at the "Dry Tavern."
Ellas Mnrkley, at McDaulcl's old
stand, Eaglo Hotel, Mahoning Valley,
Is prepared to accommodate sleighing
and other parties, nnil fuiulsh llrst
class refreshments and music for, danc
ing. Kates ot charges will be found to
be as low as at any other hotel in the
county. "t
Our young friend and felloiv towns
man, J. Albert Darling, is now safely
at 1 ale College, ono of America's finest
institutions ot learning. He passed a
rigid examination with great credit,
which will certaiuly bo very pleasant
intelligence to his many young frlonds
in this lively little city.
Aaron Kmm Is tho new owner of
Win. Werner's framo dwelling house
on north First street. Aaron is becom
ing quite a holder of property. Ho now
owns four or flvo dwellings In this city.
Henry Crow, a stone mason, resid
ing at Beaver Run", died on Monday
afternoon, after a short Illness. Ho
was an old soldier, and leaves a wife
and six or soven clillilron.
Theo. Schnffer, of Uankwuy, for n
long time the genial nssistnnt superin
tendent of tho Prudential Insurance
Company, with nn office in this towu,
has tendered ids resignation to tho
company and ho will hereafter act in
tho capacity of soliciting agent for tho
same company.
Wo aro much pleased to note that
our popular young townsman, Wilson
Frantz, tho south end jeweler, is mak
ing a success of his business. He has
just placed in position a line clock case
that extends across the f-outh side of
his cozy littlo stoio room and reaches
from tho floor to tho ceiling. Tho case
was made by the Franklin Planing
Mill of Welssport and it sets Jlr.
Frnntz's store off in fine style.
Jeff Bretney, of Fourth street, who
for many yenrs rnn a freight nud bag-
gago delivery in this town, has bought
out the news stand of John Illose and
will take possession on the first of the
coming month. He will occupy the
same staud and in conuection with his
dally newspapers carry a full stock of
tobaccos, cigars and confectionery. Mr.
John Hottenstein has purchased Mr.
B's freight delivery outfit.
Tho wonderful popularity nttalned
uv Hood's Sarsaparilla Calendar last
year, will bo repeated by Hood's Houso
hould Calendar-Almanac for 189.'), just
published. A happier combination of
calendar and almanac, of beauty and
utility, of nrt and advertising, has
seldom been produced. The lovely
picture of ''Tho Young Discovorers''
lithocranhed in inanv delicAte ealnrs
will be welcomo everywhere, while the
pad is attractively printed in colors
but with sharp, plain figures. Copies
may be obtained of the druggists, or by
sending six cents in .-.tamps for one
copy, or ten cents for two, to 0. 1. Hood
& Co., Lowell, Mass.
lUi'DKMiirti,. In ttiU town on Shtunlay. ju,
ii itpjj, j. iv. lutuaHiDti&n, aifMi sujeart ft
rnpQths ami MUH. latrrnwu x mmip rm
IlHllflHI!, sJ-BM ,
The coldVenther brings with It the
necesslfy of warmr coverings. You
don't need to think .of this the fact
forces itself upon you, but where to
buy the bestaml the cheapest Is the
point Let us make u suggestion
We are ready to sell you blankets and
comforts of tho best quality at the
Lowest Pricei. If you doubt this, oall
and see us, "go over our Stock, examine
and compare and then we are sure you
will be convinced that we tell you the
truth, Under this head too, oome
Of Zlou's Itrronucil Cliuri-lt, lelilslitou.
The Key to tho Free of Christianity
is Mission Work. '-Go work in my
vineyard, wiltli tho Lord." -Preach the
Gospel to every creature." Tho mis.
sionary principle rests upon this sim
ple fact, that all men aro mado to be
helpers and -deliverers of their broth
ors. Somo fifty little girls of the Zion's
Reformed Church realizothls fact, this
truth and their obligations, and con.
sequeutly huve orgauizod themselvoj
into n "Band," a little more that a year
ago. They manifest groat interest in
the work, nnd have beeu quite success
ful in their endeavors. Tho officers of
the Band, in order to compensate the
dear little ones nnd keep alive their
benevolent spirit, have promised them
a treat by engaging Dr. nud Mn. J. 1
Moore, who will give Illustrated leo
tures in the church on Thursday even
ing, January 20. Dr. Moore will speak
on Japan ami present a number ot flue
views of that country. Thoy are mis.
slonarles of the Reformed Demount-
tlon, and will return to their Held tho
latter part of April. We feel ourselves
highly Mattered by the consent of their
presence for their engagements were
In constant demand since their return
total--, their country. We hope by
their presence and their interesting
addresses to nwaken increased Interest
In mission work. We Invite all, and
hope to have a good attendance. Ad
mission free, but Ihrre will bo a silver
snAAtnls-' uspim vtliil wmii.n m.
Customers In Ills More.
.1. W. Raudenbush is dead I
'Hie peopH'nf. this town were giently
surprised on Saturday evening when
the 1'fqioit spread that .1. W. TtHiiden
bush bad died suddenly ut apoplexy in
his place of business on Fit st street,
near the hour of five o'clock, whilo en
gaged waiting on some customers,
Denth was instantaneous. After , ho
fell to the Iloor lie gasped once or twice
and then his spirit lied to its Maker.
In his liquor store at thotimovere
Harry Painter, Michael MoAutee and
others. Drs. Horn and Itcbcr were
quickly summoned, but the "Jovial old
Jako" was beyond tho reach of medical
science or eaithly skill. Undertaker
Henry Schwartz was summouedaud
tho corpse was placed upon a stretcher
and bore quietly end gently to his late
home by T. Webster Clauss, Luther
(Hasser, Laf Schoolr, (1. W. Morthimer,
and Henry Schwarte, from where he
was buried on Wednesday afternoon in
tho cemetery heio.
Deceased was born iu Bucks county,
near the Trappe, iu the year 1833 and
on tho llrst dBy of September. Inj
youth he learned the cigar making
trade nt Bethlehem and from 1833 un
til the second year In 1800 conducted u
cigar manufactory at Welssport. Dur- j
lug the early part of 1802 lie moved to
Packerton, or what was then called
Burlington, nnd took possession of the
hotel now occupied by tho post office
in I hat littlo village. Hero he was utr
tll tho decade of 1870 when he was
elected sheriff over the late John Pain
ter, of Mauch Chunk. Ho filled his
three years of office with credit and
satisfaction to n large constituency.
Retiring from office be moved to this
town, nnd for almost It year and a half
conducted tho Valley House, of wbjch
Mr. K. v . Clous is tho present pro
prietor. Then ho bought the Carbon
Housi.and immediately took posses
sion. Here he was until the year 1870
when tho Democratic party, of which
he was always u strong adherent,called
him ngalu to tho fore as their candl
date for the office of sheriff. His op
ponent this tlmo was John Hoover,
late of Weathorly. Tho campaign was
short, hot and decisive, but Mr. Rau
denbush was successful. It was during
this latter term as sheriff that the
Mollio Maguiro troubles shook the
county and terrorized our people.
Thank God this band of secret emme
saries was broken up. In the county
prison six were hanged I It fell to him,
this great, solemn, fearful duty nnd lie
executed the mandates of n higher au
thority as a bravo man should. Ho
never willingly referred to this great
event iu after life when ho could avoid
it. Iu speaking of this trying ordeal
long nfler with a brother of one whom
had paid the penalty of tho great crlmo
of murder, his frame shook With sobs
that could not bo suppressed. Under
neath a rough exterior there was a
heart that appreciated any kindness,
and a sentiment that always mado'liira
put forth a helping hand to those who
might need it. The writer knew him
nt his best, lilg-hearted. jovial, with a
wider acquaintance ot men than per
haps any other mau iu this county or
stato for that matter. When ho retired
from his second term as sheriff, during
which time Frank P. Sennnel was his
deputy, ho came back to Lehighton
nnd took charge of his Carbon House.
This hostlery hocouducted until some
time during 18Sj when he disposed ot
the same to Jonnthau Kistler. He then
purchased tho wholesale liquor stand
near Clauss Bros.' tailoring establish
ment, which he conducted nt the. time
of his death. Besides the high offlco
of sheriff of Carbon county, Mr. Rau
denbush had also served hU town in
smaller offices. In these minor places,
as iu higher positions, he was tho ser
vant of tho people and did his duty
honestly and faithfully. Moro neod
not be said than this of any man who
wants a record tor official integrity
that cannot be appreciated.
It was during tho year 1E00 that the
deceased was wedded to his late wife,
Matilda Roth, of Franklin township.
Of tho children who were born to them
tho followlngsurvive: Ed Raudenbush,
of Perth Amboy, N. J.j Mrs. Al Neff,
and Sallle and Annie Raudenbush, all
of ton u.
Deceased was it stockholder and an
active worker iu the Interests of the
Carbon County Industrial Society. Ho
was also nn Odd Fellow, being con
nected with "Old Hundred Lodge, of
Mauch Chunk; he also belonged to tho
Kulghts of Honor, of the same town,
and to Poho Poco Tribo of Red Mcu,
of Welssport, to the Order of Tonti of
this place and to Lehigh Firo Company,
No, 1, of which ho had lecoutlybeen
elected assistant treasurer. We know
of no one who in death will be more
missed than this jovial hearted and
liberal deceased who know everybody
aud was known by everybody in re
turn. Ills life was an exposition of
push and energy uud his death was
what he bad always desired that It
should be, for although during the last
month or two he had beeu nt times in
disposed, yet for a few days preceedlug
his sudden demise he had been feeling
unusually well. He was burled on
W'odnosday afternoon In the cemetery
hero beside his wife. Together there
they will sleep death's long sleep.
Faithful daughters will during summer
time strew flowers on the mounds until
they too shall be called lienoe and
numbered with the dead, until they
too, are called to the silent oity of the
dead to sleep the final sleep. Broken
hearted nud sorrowing we tender to
tho bereaved a bympathy that Is deep
aud sincere, n sympathy that comes
from life long equaiutttuce, and iu
their sorrow direct them to Him who
moves in a mysterious way his wonders
to perform. To the dead we wv "Rest
In peaoe." Farewell !
Illllllr ITI-.MK l)l I'VltrA I'UHSONAI.
CnlirernlltK l'rople. Whn t llt Hnil On
VUlllnir llrrc Tliernsml llinrj-ntierfi.
Hurry L. Prey, who lias been Iu
SI'lLV IIAl'1'1
iniNus nmnri.v mimto.
'I he lining otllie Week liilrrlrnilcl Willi
1'rrsoliRl Mentlnns,
J. S. Miller nnd Robert Anthony
Till! DI11NI1S Of
Iliirltia Ilie 1'ttSl lli-vlt llr
lor Our llenil i
HI'HT or.Mm- selelr Hil-lllls r Interest In the Mhii
j bersof the rrnlernllr.
chronicled , Kd C. Ueicuard, of Camp, No. 0, S.
of ., Allentown, installed the newly
Chicago for several mouths were at Heidlebcrg on Sunday,
TtifRSDVY. I officers of CttDt. .1. S. Webb Camp. No,
WilHou Heilmau, a Lehighton youth I Itt, S. of V., on last Friday evening.
homo Wednesday.
. .George Httnslckei- uud Jos. Aruer,
two first-class Summit Hill Democrats,
were visitors in town on Wednesday.
..Win. lleckeudorf, operulor at
Pittstou, spent n fow days last week
with his grand father Henry Becken
dorf, and friends.
.Our old townsman and staunch
Republican Win. 15ex,of Slatlnglon, ac-
couiimuled by his wife and daughter,
spent Sunday In towu.
.Miss 1111a, tho estimable daughter
of II. H. Peters, is home from Detroit,
Miohlgnu, where she took a course In
. Misses Kstolht Sellers uud Daisy
Werts, estimable young ladles from
Slatiugtou, were guests of Chas. Daux
dater nud family on Third street Inst
. Miss Nora C. Rhnads nud Miss
Mnmo Ludwlg returned from Phila
delphia, accompanied by Miss Lottie
Hatlsmnti, who Intends to spend a fow
weeks at the home of Norn C. Rhoads.
,M, T. Trexler, Lehlghton's popular
carriage and wagon builder, was ut Al
lentown on last Thursday. lie was
accompanied by ins wife. Both were
in attendance at tho funeral nf a
MAUCH ciuyK.
Jacob Ifcusler, a olo legged drunk
en tramp, was in durance vile over
Sunday. Ho was drunk and Officer
McLoan "pulled him in." Heusler was
before the court last weok for larceny.
Blazlus Zeiser has bought the Mt.
Pisgah Hotel in tho Second Wnnl from
J. II. Henry. Tho price paid was 8.,200.
Zeiser is tho present proprietor of the
Pennsylvania House on Susquehanna
Mrs. K. Dover, nn aged lady of this
town, had both feet amputated ut St.
Luko's Hospital, South Bethlehem, on
last Friday. Both feet had beeu frozen
a year ago and in order to save her life
amputation was necessary.
Hon. Michael Cassldy, of tho law
Arm of Rapsher & Cassldy, was at
Hariisburg this week attending a
meeting of the Democratic State Com
mittee. The genial John O'Donnell, better
knowu as "Top," of East Mauch Chunk,
has been honored with the nomination
for burgess by tho Democratic party
of his town. "Top" will bo elected be
cause ho is ono-of that town's best
young citizens nud deserves it.
The Iiiisforfl Klslcihlrinl.
Tho Eisteddfod to be held at Laus
ford ou March 31st promises to be a
very interesting evciitiu Welsh musical
circles. The grand choral competition
will bo: "Now tho Impotuous Torrents
Rise," composer D. Jenkins, prizo 8200,
and to each unsuccessful leader, S10.
Tho second important competition will
be Gwent's, "The Sprlug," for a choir
of not less than fifty voices. Prize,
8100, and to overy unsuccessful leader
83. A prize of 8100 is also offered to
brass bands for the best rendition of
an overture from the opera "Nebuchad
nezzar." For tho best rendition of
"Cambraia Song of Freedom." for male
party of not less than twenty, a prize
of KiO Is offered.
Cliaauuqu Sofleti.
A very interesting meeting of tbo
Chautauqua Literary -omd Solentlflo
Circle was held at the home of Prof. C.
J. Walter on Friday eveolug last, for
the purpose of completing its organi
sation, etc. The following persons
have been elected to fill the various
lleMillilloim of Oonilolrlice.
At a sneelm mm! 1 110 nf I hlrli 1 iiii,v
No. 1. 01 Lehlshtou. tne uudertthruiMl ieia
pulutt-a a cominiuee tu drslt tetuititlons or coh-
uuieuue 011 ine ueaui j. w .
WHERKti. llMftlll liu kiiHH,llv ,.Aut .ituu, .1
W. ltaiuleuuusti, wliu for luauy years was aueal-im'iiili,-r
01 this CoroiNUA. therefore be It
.i-i,lh , i., ,t in lils death the Ooinuuiy
1(huw a fftNMl meniber unit fdtthri,!m.ut,l.Ar an. I
nil lauiUl a kliul fnllier ami the lon a cood
jtKui.iu, inai in tueir a.u uaieaieroent
Leblgli rire i o., No. l.tender u earnest sm
palliy to the laiullysad reunite nl tne deceased
nd la tlwlr sore niniMlou direct them to flod
or s4rltual consolation and coniU,rt.
HKoi.VKr, Thai the tanilb be tendered a copy
ot Ulese lewhuloiM, that tbey be spread on the
minutes and printed la the Cabhom aovocatp.
O. W. HOUTIIIMKB. roininlltee.
W. II. Wool. l
J n. 1, 1i.
Character Impel inuHtUin.
Mr, Kirk's entertainment in the old
Presbyterian Church last Thursday
night, has the best of tho kind this
placo was had In n long time. Mr. Kirk
Uas improved very much since his ap
pearance here last winter, 11 fuct that
was plainly noticeable in the few se
lections that he lepeated by request.
His Impersonation and characteriza
tion of Dickon's "Old Fogiu" In Oliver
Twist, proved that his taleut was of no
ordinary order. His conception of tho
character seemod In full accord with
tho meaning of the celebrated author.
Otsego Journal, Aug. 8, 1S8S.
Mr. Kirk will give one of his inimit
able performances in the Opera House,
in towu, Friday evenlug, Jan. 20th, for
tho benefit of the High School Literary
Society. Admission 15 ct, 25 cts and
35 cents.
Lehighton was honored with a visit
from Kcllar last Saturday evening and
ou tho occasiou tho towu did itself
proud by giving him an audience that
filled the Opera House to its fullest
capacity. Tho program was ono of the
best of its kind uud ut its conclusion
the audience voted Kellar, the living
wonder ot the age in which we live.
Somo of the tricks are marvels of
wonder and mystify tho lookers on.
Kellar was billed for this town through
the efforts of the genial and successful
John H. Fnga,of Concert Hall, Mauch
Chunk, who we (rticularly desire to
congratulate in ids evident success.
Kellar may return here duriug May,
if he does he will have even a bigger
audience than before if that lsiosslbIe.
Kellar Kiiterlalnrtl
T. Webster Clauss entertained Kellar
and wife and Miss Robinson at the res
idence ot ids brother, O. A. Clauss, ou
First street following the entertoln
nicut iu the Opera House, Saturday
evening. Thero were present besides
the distinguished above mentioned
people, John II. Fuga, the popular and
successful manager of Concert Hall,
Mauch Chunk; Miss Nora Hartmau, of
Allentown; Ella aud Floy Clauss, John
J. Kutz and wife, Harvey Morgan, Wni.
Obert and ieorge Iteickard. The even
ing was most delightfully spent by all
in the usual enjoyable oonvivalities.
following which there were refresh
; ments served in the finest style.
Carbon's Insane at Ouutllle
The insane from this county, who
are confined in the Danville Insane
Asylum, ure: Charles Schultz, Martin
Snyder, Zaoh Hartmau, Michael Boyle,
Milton Deibert, Jams Snohu, Mary
Kattner, John Schllll. The county
pays all bilU direct to the asylum and
iu turn then collects from the several
districts from which the several pa
tients are liable.
Samuel Welch, of Sugar Loaf, Is a
guest of Tax Collector Samuel Welch.
-Spurg Weston, ot Allontown, was
hero over Sunday, the guest of many
old friends.
RobRehiig is hu inmate or the
Jefferson Hospital at Philadelphia.
II. T. Smawley is out after a very
serious illness.
- John Esrang left ou Monday night
for Chicago, III., where expects to per
manently locate.
Mm. Sarah Markley has letiunod
from u pleasant visit among Jersey
City, N. J., relatives and friends.
The citizens of this town will meet
on Saturday evening ul the Fort Alleu
House to nominate u ticket to bo voted
for at tho coming spring election. The
ticket will be on the same style us
heretofore, that is all who want office
cau have their name on the ticket.
-For the first lime iu our local
history our peoplo will elect a burgoss
through tho people, ut the election
next month. For this honorable posi
tion Dr. W. L. Kutz nnd J. S. Miller
bayo beeu named already.
- The members of the Evangelical
Suuday school were treated to u most
delightful sleigh ride on Monday.
On their return home tho were cuter
taiued at a delectable little luncheon
set out in Jake Straussberger's verv
best stylo.
We are much pleased to chroulcle
the return to bettor health ot Mr.
Henry T. Smawley, of the east side.
ntteravery serious illness of some
weeks. Mr. Smawley holds u verv re-
spousiblo.position at Packerton under
tho Reading Railroad System where ho
is mush esteemed by his co laboicrs.
A runaway team tho other dav
dashod at breakneck speed across the
caual bridge aud collided with the
guard gates at the Central crossing,
breaking tho gato stand. The horse
then dashed on down the railroad
tracks and then jumped over an em
bankment. The horse was unhurt but
the sleigh, was badly smashed, The
occupants of the sleigh, too, wcio uninjured.
The exeicises of the Union Literarv
Society this Friday evening will con
sist of n teu minutes talk on electi Icy
by Geo. Yuudt, n ten minute talk ou
politics by Prof. SolSmyser. Follow,
ing these exercises ttiern will hn ., ..
election for officers. Tho following
nominations took place at tho meeting
of tho societv last Week- .'nr- iiroel.
dent, Richard L. Woodrlng and Prof.
Smvser;for vico president, William
vt Ittlnghnui and Calvin Arner: tnr
secretary, Josso Solt and Mamie Horn:
u, juua ouii. iue election
promises to boa spirited ono.
Our young friend Aaron Snr.w
opened the door of the furnace In the
celler of his residence on Union Hill
the other night and tho gas that had
accumulated broke forth in irrenl
volume, burning Mr. Snyder's eyo
brows and eye lashes, hair nml mus
tache. Tho injury might have been
much worse, as it is the genial nnd
good-looking Aaron is only tempornrly
disfigured. Ho is still on duty how
ever selling washers, organs, pianos and
sewingmachines cheaper than competitors.
Grand jury uftor grand inrv i,n.-
recommended a new bridge over the
canal and ns steadily condemned tho
old structure, yet the Lehigh Coal &
iNavigatiou uompany, with the con
tempt of ail corporations for tho law
steadily maintains a stolid inditforenco
Is there no power that will mako them
act ? Must our people staud idly by
aud see this contempt carried so far
that eventually the old, rotten struct
ure will collapse, perhaps, with fatal
results i tau ine courts do nothing ?
Where are we at ? Why our laws ?
Aro they not for rich and poor
alike 1 If It was some Door f ellnw's
fence or side walk Hint ii,rat.,,,i
public safety, away it would go iu a
mo nun iue pompous minions of the
aw would Btrut about in their rwnt
importance and macniflcenr. nnrnl
with all the dignity of a game cock.
The old canal bridgo is dangerous and
ii must ou. uoes me Lehigh Coal &
Navigation Company hear tho slogun ?
Undertaker E. F. Warner, during
tho year 1S92, conducted 89 funerals.
Of those 02 burials were made in the
Union Cemetery, Weatherly; 0 in the
Catholic Cemetery, Weatherly; 2 In the
Catholic Cemetery, Laurytowu; 19 iu
the Union Cemetery, near Rockport: i
in tho Church Ce-notery in Quakake: I
In tho Hartz Cemetery in Quakake,
and 11 wero takeu to various other
cemeteries outsiile of town. Tho above
aeuius tnu not all occur in Weatherly,
however. His records show tlmt with.
in the limits of Weatherly borough, 00
persons died during the year. Of tho
most promineut mo
noted: Mrs. Dav
Jonas loung.
Jenkins. Daniel Derr, Simon Heller,
Amos iuukio, unristy Corcoran, Tim.
othy llouser, Mrs, John Bloomlugdale,
Mrs. James Beatty. Miss Ella Brong,
and Al. Smith, of Weatherly; William
Krop, of Packer, and Mrs. Al, Gabrlo,
of 10, stole apait of tobacco from the
rrelght nouse nt tne leutrni statiou,
Lehighton. On Tuesday he was ar
rested and Thursday morning he was
convicted, in manuer nud form as In
dicted. He is a bad lot, when discover
ed, be was out through the country
disposing of the tobacco m small
qttuiit ities.
At 11 o'clock a. m., tho District At
torney announced himself ready to try
tho charge of gambling preferred by
Joseph E. Hawk ngnlnst John Rehrlg,
Nathnu Lalllerand John O.Weiss. The
defendants appeared at the bar aud
were surrounded by their attorneys,
.Messrs. E. M. Mulhesrn, Fred. Berto
lette and Michael Cassldy.
The interest In the case was Intense
and the nttendanre large. Attorney
Bertolette asked for fifteen minutes
grace, during which lie and his associ
ates wished to examine thoroughly into
the bill of indictment. He said it was
a matter of importance to tho defen
dants and ulso to the court, because, if
he was correctly imformed, this case
was only a forerunner of many others
to follow and It was important that
Conrt stnrt right. The request was
grauted. After the attorneys returned
from the ante room, then the jurors
were selected. This took some time,
but fiualiy both sides expressed them
selvos sntisllod. The jurors wero as
Frank Scally, North Kidder.
Ephriaui Rlnker, Audenrled.
William G. Browu, Weatherly.
John F. Rchacffer, Weatherly.
Charles Cinder, East Mauch Chunk.
Francis Bobst, Summit Hill.
James Bachman, East Peuu.
Amos Strohl, Townmensing.
Nathan Hcilmnn, Lehighton.
Johu II. llcigbe, East Mauch Chunk.
William N. Henry, Summit Hill.
II. i Kuehiier, East Msnch Chunk.
Ou Satuidav sentence was iirouoiinc-
od ou John Kueas, Grant, Jacob and
Milton Strauss, and Oscar Zimmerman,
ail of Mahoning Valley, who wero con
victed at the (January term, 1892, of
dlsturblug religious worship. Tho do.
fcndauls were mombers of ono of the
Dubs faction iu tho Evangelical Asso
ciation, and when the disturbance oc
curred both factions wero contesting
for the possession of tbochurch edifice.
When the matter came up on Saturday
foronoou opportunity was offered to
tho uttorneys of both sides to plead In
behalf of their respective clients.
Attvs. Ifevdt and Cassldv. iu bohalf of
tho defendants, argued that practically
tho.demands of tho law had been com
plied with. Tho defendants had paid
the costs of the suit, and u nominal
fine should now be sufficient to satisfy
all reasonable people, Senator Craig
argued that the defeudauts should bo
treated exactly tho same as all evil
doers. Tho defendants wero sentenced
to pay a Hue of 81 each. Judge Dreher,
Iu passing sentence, said that in this
contention ho had no personal feeling
whatever. He had no desire to bo so
vcro aud sincerely hoped that until
tills unfoitunate split was settled by
tho supreme court both sides would
endeavor to get along in peace.
After hustling along with it from
last Friday, tho Mike Dtidor murder
trial camo to au abrupt .close Monday
afternoon about 2 o'clock, by Dttdor,
through his couusel, withdrawing his
plea of not guilty and substantiating a
plea of guilty in the second degree.
This change ot base ou the part of the
defense, was no doubt tho means of
Raving Dudor from a conviction by the
jury of murder iu tho first decree. Tho
Commonwealth, utter a consultation,
decided to accept the Change of pica.
Immediately after the plea had been
entered, Judge Dreher commanded
Dudor to stand up. He spoke of tho
caoandof the earnest efforts mado
by defendant's counsel to.provent the
admission of statements made. Tho
Court had decided to overrule the ob
jections, and admit the statements or
Earts oi tnem. ino uommomveann
ad now accepted a plea of murder in
the secoud degree, thus closing the
Judge Dreher then sentenced Dudor
to pay n fluo of 8100. tho costs ot pro
secution, nud to undergo an Imprlsou-
mem lor uio term ot eleven years auu
nine mouths nt hard labor, with separ
ate or solitary confinement in tho
Last ci u Penitentiary.
Mef-llng of l.iilhei an lniir.
Tho Lutheran Pastorul Association
of tho Upper Lehigh Valley held Its
monthly meeting Monday at the house
of Rev. J. H. Kuder, ou Fourth street.
There were present Revs. E. A. Bauer.
wm. ii. ijtruuss unci ,i. II. iviuier, or
Lehighton; A. C. Wuchter, Welssport;
l). u. Ucrbrlck, entherlyj A.illcmuel
ler, Frcoland; II. 1). Soibott, Summit"
IIUI, and I. Llndenstntth, Mauch
Rev. Wuchter presented u sketch of
a sermon which was discussed nt length,
and then read a carefully prepared
paper ou the fifth petition of tho lord's
Prayer, which also called forth an iu
terestlug discussion. The question of
the manner of receiving membere of
other demonstrations into tho Luth
eran Church was tho next topic of
Rev. Seibott conducted a cutecheticul
exercUe aud about an hour aud a half
was devoted to reading the Cth chapter
of St. Johu in the original Greek. The
Past Captain Phaou Strauss, of
Capt. Webb Camp, No. WS,8. of'.,of
towu, was nt Sclota, Mouroo county,
on Saturday evenlug, wGero he Instal
led the newly elected oflioers of Camp
S. of V 15fl.
The'new officers of Sttoh Council,
Jr., O. U. A. M, of Franklin arct P. C,
Isaac Bartholomew; C, TJd Dltesbnchi
V. C, F. A. Hinver; A. R. S Chailes
Hangen; Com!., C, W. Kern; W., Jonas
Moyer: I. 8., Fled Ileitis; O. 8., JJ. A,
Beaver; trustees, C. W. Schwab and S.
L. Rnydorj rep. to F. II. Assn., W. II,
Whitehead, Jr.
The following newly elected officers
ot Lausford Castle, No. 00, K. G. Ji, of
Lansford, were installed by 1), G, C,
H. V. Morthimer. Jr., and staff ou Mon.
day evening, January 2: Past chief,"
Fred Stevens: noble chief. Johu Davis;
vice chief. Wm. R. Johu; high priest,
Goo. C. McLean; vcuerublo hermit,
John Bowcu; master of records, I). 11.
Davis; clerk of exchequer, J.- L. Lewis;
keeper of exchequer, Edward Williams;
sir herald, EvauFhilipsjrepreseiitative
to Grand Castle. I). B.Davis.
Mr. M. J. Csok, Deputy Stulc Coun
cilor Jr. O. U. A. M on Thursday eve
lug ofMast week installed the following
officers of Silver Star Council, Summit
Hill, for the current term: Post Con
ductor, J. Wintersteeu; Conductor, O.
S. Shoemaker; Vico Couductor, O, E.
Fonstermucher; Fin. Sec'y.Robt. Lynn,
Jr.: Treas., I). M. Wenuer; Rec. Seo'y,
W. W. Ilobst; Ass. Seo'y, A. L. Davis;
Warden, Philip LliiebachiTruslees, W,
KcttrnandC. M. Ingersol; In. Senti
nel, Malilon Lynn; Out-Sentinel, Hobt.
Law. The Council has a membership
of 130.
Tho fair aud festival of Guades
Hutten Castle, K. O. Ti, iu Gabel's
Hall, ou Friday and Saturday evenlug
last was n grand success, the castle
clearing over S150. The members of
tho committee deservo to be highly
complimented for their efforts.
The follow ing newly elected officers
of Carbon CastlerNo. 111. K. O. E.,of
town, n ere publicly installed on Mon
day evening, iu Gabel's Hall. District
Grand Chief H. V. Morthimer, Jr., pre
sided us Grand Chief, with the follow
ing Past Chiefs as acting Grand Offi
cers: P. G. C, C.T. Horn; O. V. C,
Daniel Ballzar: G. 11 P., II. R. Kreld
ler; G. K. of E., F. P. Hell; G. C. of E.,
If. II. Peters; y.. M. of R., John E.
Ssldle; G. S. II., Dildine bnyder. Past
chief, G. B. M. Stockor; noble chief, C.
1). Fritz; vico chief, G. F. Pettit; high
priest, T. C. Cntell; venerable hermit,
Dildlno Snyder; master of i e'eords, C.
W. Bower; clerk of exchequer, R. P.
llelcrs; keeper of exchequer, M. T.
Trexler; sir herald, C.J. Moutz; worthy
bard, J. Ii Hummel; worthy chamber
lain,. T. O. Ebbert; ensign, H. W. Smith;
esquiie, F. O. Stocker; first guardsman,
L. J. Heldt; second guardsman, W. B.
Anthony; representative to tho .Grand
Castle, W. 11. Anthony. The following
interesting programmo v-as rendered:
Opening odo; prayer, high priest T. C.
Catell; overture, Cuckoo Club; Instal
lation ceremonies; musical selection,
Cuckoo Club; solo, "Little Katie Con-'
nor," Kutio Dulling; musical selection,
Cuckoo Club; recitation, "Our Motto
Fidcllty.Valor nud Honor." Little Hazel
Andrews: quartette, "Moonlight Come
Again," Misses Ella uud Grace Peters,
C. W. Kroidler and Alleu Peters; farce,
in one act, Messrs. Lawfer, Follweiler
and Horn; guitar duet, Wilson Fmntz
nud Harry Lawfer. The program was
excellently reudeicd us tho talent
guaranteed, but of particular notice
wero tho solo of Lehlghton's little
favorito, Katio Durllng and the recita
tion by Little Hazel Andrews, of Frank
lin. Tho littlo ladies eveu surpassed
themselves and tho expectation of their
host of udmlrei-,. Little Huzel is only
flvo years of ago aud shows raro pro
llolencv for one so vouue. To snecially
refer to oach performer wontd occupy
too much space, suffieo to say that all
acquittod themselves with great credit
and the verdict was--etceiient!
ltl,1hHn(l,"p1Ui, "1 noxt meeting will again bo held at tho
Mm "raKmet HaVry1 1 , r ""' - j
Announcement Nest Week will inter
est you. Please keep youir
Eyo on thiH space.
Tho Joauesville Iron works Sutur
day received an order for two pumps
from the LolilgU valley Uoal Co. One
is a Duplex pump for tho Yerktowu
Mm Tnl... ti... m T. '
Samuel 1 llorn and Vred SmUhcorWof "f ' '!'? fe' .a.c,1?iL0,md
s McGinty. ofi .u.
I'.esolutlons of Coniloleore.
nui, The Great Reaper, lieaUi. Ui his
I lent Hruriutttioai, has suddenly ceiled hMe
J. W, llaiMeBhush, an estesniM and laifti rc
snsemd member ot the "Old OstliMket
Club ot 8. r. Assuclaitou, It hu bean dTy
UUMni.VHIl. That tA the titr.wtnv hiUrn
ofilees of the Circle, and from the pres. K hwt,"sy'auSh
ent outlook its suooess seems uasnnul: w ine aenuu auuesitiou
All first Ynrtl lleruuvrats
Are earnestly invited to meet in
oonveution at the Valley House on the
evening of Saturday, January 11, for
the purpose of putting in nomination
officers for the several offices to be
Rockport, and Maunus McGintv.
W ilkes-llarre. Mauch Chunk Times.
.vri)ENnn:n. ,
The work of slnkluga new slope in
the No, -1 miues nt Audenrled was be
gun last woek. The slope Is being sunk
for the purpose of obtaining the coal
from the Warton, which underlies tne
big vein" there.
-The St. Aloyius T. A. B. Society of
Beaver Brook have already secured the
Audenrled Hosaok Hall for holding
their annual ball ou March the 17th.
This organization lias already dis
tinguished itself by eclipsing every
thing In the enjoyment line in former
seasons. No ono should fail to attend
as a merry good time is antloijiated.
By some unknown means an engine
house, owned by Dick nnd ntnntz, at
No, 8, Honey Brook, was destroyed by
fire last Saturday evening. A pair of
double acting engines were badly
uiu ueu.
Mike bocihsky, a young Slovak of
Pleasant Hill, while ou his way home
from tho city last Saturday night, was
held up aud robbed of nearly ten
,lr,llaMl Mcl, 1.1.1... t .'-1
,.--'-- -- "' 0-5 i inuuv imii- ui i
kid gloves, whloh composed the chief '
PKri. m June a .American make up.
The Iwuns of marriage have beeu
published between Miss Kate Mo
Namam aud Dennis Brogau.
Samuel Wer, who has been out
side boss at Carter's Coleralne colliery
for upwards of tweuty-flvo years will
take charge ot the Company's stable
at Beaver Meadow. Jack Derr, of
Hajletun will take Mr. Weir's place.
The Beaver Meadow Social Club
will present on Saturday evening to
the St. Aloysius Society of that place a
fine painting of Father Matthew, the
temperance Apostle.
l or the Nest 30 Duj.J
iu ue i ,,. ., , in.i ii i i jus
Ailed at the February election. L the I Tana". Vnd SvVrcoli. , SfblZnl
aiming um a large one sua an nemo- ever snown neiore, also auu ladles coals
orals attend.
ent outlook its suooesa seems assured
Presideut, Prof. C. J. Walter; Vice lbxl hence to the
appreciation of the aenlal duuealliou awl kind i
ur, kmmh oi nun woo Miussuaaeniy ass d
goud of etilch e hear so
President, Prof. Geo. Gray; Secretory rKS;uJU?hSiK ,
and Treeeurer, Mies Uuhrman; Com-, VAl&S!ii&? .'.e.tft i
warm Clothing. Rubbers and IWn vr ... ri..7 .. '.iTT "jSto'"!"'
- - uiivttw, . . ftm i j uiwij, tmisiv 1. i - - ... ... ' -B.'IB 1VW All.
ana btioe for winter. Iu this too, we Koons and Prof. Grey. The Circle al
ran meet your wants at the very Lowest I ready numbers more Uuui a dozen
Prices. We e,td an invitation to nt, "p1
have you oall before yu buy elsewhere. lay iu whole or in part, are most cor:
; dlslly Invited to join, and thereby give
James P. Smith,
Pi. J. G. Zux,
O. W. Moftiaiuu,
i will be sacrificed at a great red notion,.
, wumjii wwjs great saving, v. nil at
the One Price Star Clothing Kali,
, Mauch Cbunk,for your winter clothlug.
Robert WalpiWr
i ' ' of reading!
t'irit street, Op. Bound HouSSl.
res ead Circle the benefits de
out iue verv aitmiratile innrn..
readings and advantages thai lUt
u a. v. snorts
Hkuhan C SlaaTiai.i-
south Bethlehem, Pre
T W emu. Se'cysTrca
Util.liton. ra.
Llenrine Sale
i ill sell our large stock of ladies
and uii-.e-.' coat at 25c cm the dollar
wlucb meau). foi ou a 12.UO coal you
can luij for M.OO, 4c . at Sviidlieim's
Tailoring- Usui,
The riionocraph.
luui'h-talked ol pbonoiraylt Louu-rt Is
It ana d thoroueli BiieeMa I'halr had
to McttrrHKi id to ueip seat tne interested uuai-
I lb,
Second Ward ileruoerats
Will please meet at the Exchange
Hotel ou Saturday evening. Januarv
91 r,. immlnil,, mkiIIIm. f.. n,a ooeratina the wonderful machine. Hie Sale
ji. to nominate cauamatea roi tne ofauciion furniture." the -Prodiiiai sou and
i several ward aud 1k rough offices to be "suiiiil ul iiature. er, vers inucii apnreciai
voted foi ui the spring election
enoc. f he phonograph . did all aud eteu more Ueuded every day during
than was expeoteiTeJ It, and the t-ihlbltor, Li ' rZ-.Z it W
1 uian Howe, of Wilkes Tlarre, proved hi- skill In , are I arre Is. 1 UCHei , V
H N't'SBAt'M.
r Tatim.
O (lust.
He C K Snndt aud Buruek!. lllll. r ilLd
uitUMr riioDuaiapli with good result- Tle
.interne sang -uia ituoureii' at
and the pliono
uiapii repeated it Inn very dlsttm-t inuiiuei
twnit-neni imuy mues. Hires 16, IK. oi- al tne iehlahl
ui the evening of 1111- for the benefit of
Council. Jr. O CAM Bui a ticket
House on
I aud
al tne iehlahlou unern 1
in.- Deiicst of NbUuui Gombert
A new steam shovel will shortlv be
placed at tbo No 1 stripping here.
The new shovel will lie placed west of
the team road leading to Tresckow At
present there is a good piece of coal
tripped but if the breakers would work
steady it would ho found hard to keep
ahead of the. miners.
-Charles Bauni, of Tresckow, lias
nine pigeons for which lie is willing to
make a wager that none of the pigeon
shooters in Jeauesvillecuu kill live out
ot the nine. Wo cau boast of some of
the beet marksmen of the region in our
town and there Is no doubt but the oiler
made by Mr. Baum will be accepted
and the match to take place noxt month.
The funeral of Jacob Snhniear took
place Saturday afternoon services wero
conducted at the M. K. Church where
Rev. J. S, Lelbach precahed a very
appropriate sermon and paid a worthy
tribute to the deceased. Mr. Schmear
was held in high esteem by his large 1
circle of acquaintances, the best evi-!
deuoe of which the large funeral cortege
which accompanied his remains to t heir
llnal resting plaoe Interment was
made in Jesues ille cemetery
- The funeral of Thomas Keagau, uu
old and highly respected resident ot
this town, took place from his home ut
Ceuttown Suuday afternoon Deceased
has been a resident of this section for
the past forty years, duripg wldch time
he has had the well wish and highest
esteem of all who kuew him. Services
were conduoted at St. Mary's church,
Beaver Meadow, aud interment as
made in St. Mary's cemetery.
tlirtiiKellra! C'uiirercneei.
The Kast Pennsylvania Con faience
of the Bowman-Belter party of the
Evangelical Association will be held the
latter part of next month In Beading.
Bishop Bowman will preside. It is
thought that the Rev. S. T. Leopold, of
Allentown. will be transferred to Head
lug as the suooeasor of Rev. A. Krecker.
conference win meet at
Bethlehem. It will trau.fer the Bev
J. W. Hoover fretu Ebeuezer Church,
Allentown, to some other charge, his
three-year term baying about expired.
HeiMirt o( ilenver Hun School.
l-'or the third month ending Jamuu y
11th, 1893. Number of scholars en
rolled 28. Average atteudanoe 'XI. Per
cent of attendance ev. Those who at
the mouth
ui. Tucker.
Wm KchnlKi, Lester Hsupt and Auou
Exner The visitors were Revs
Smith, Ne hurt, and Holler. Kd Lelu
hart, Chas llanpt. Ed Tucker. Bertha
EickhoK, Arthur Tucker, Geo. Exner,
Atno Evert. Usury Exner, Wilson
Hell. Maagie Merta, Geo. Geiger,
t Gorntiert imi 1 Ieutz.
ilr. Ilarvev JTeed
I-acerviuc. O.
Catarrh, Heart Failure, Pa
ralysis of the Throat
'I J Thank flod and Wood's Saria
partlta for 1'erfect Itealth."
" Gentlemen. Tor uis benefit ot untiring- hu
manity I wish to state a tew (acts : For severs!
jesrs I have suffered from catarrh and hear!
failure, getting so bad I could not work and
Could Scarcely Walk
I had a very bad spell ol paralysis ot the throat
some time aco. My throat seemed closed and
1 ceuld nee ewnllovr. The doctors satd It
was caused by heart failure, and cave medicine,
which 1 took according to directions, but It did
not seem to do me any good. Ilr wife urged
ma to try Hood's Hartaparltla. telling ma of Mr.
Joseph C. Smith, who had been
At Death's Door
but was onUrely cured by Hood's garsaparllta.
Alter talking with Mr. Smith, I concluded to
try Hood's Harsaparllla. When I had taken
two bottles I felt very much better. I hare
continued taking!!, aud am nowssjwllng excel
lent. I thank Ood, and
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and my wlfs for my restoration to perfect
health." IIARYEX Hi tD. LaCCTTlilQ, O,
IIOOll S TILLS de not parte, sla er gripe,
bat set promptly, ssilly end sfflelsntly. Sis.
F r the cure of
C 'lrhs.Colds, Croup,
II arseness, Asthma,
and for tin1 1
Consiimptn t- r
A Holiday Suggestion,
What is thero morn suitnlilf for a t7hristmn.8 or New Y;ar present
than a Pretty Rocker, a Handsome Parlor or Httl
Room Suite, a Beautiful Hall Rack, Bonk
Cases Side Board . Table, Couch or
Roll Top Desk !
H'liy nothing, of course. Then come to our laip! and popular,
tore and make an investigation of what we have in this line
at the very Lowest Prices.
Hen ry Schwartz's,
. First street, Lehighton.
a MKar.R BtnPLra,
Irtrir Icome,
Assurance ari! a "
1891 K "uoEii amount or lwl,
$323,118,331 VkvkSbw5r"" $39,854,943
'j 2,376IDeatli;ciims Paid In 1891, $8,946,162,72.
For Hates mill fuitlier information adiiress.
W. P. LONG. Special Agent LeHightoa, Peii'a
A. Sell & Co.,
ItaioiHble PrlcM.
Can be kept out of the House very effectively and
all your rooms and halls made warm and comfort,
able if you buy your Stoves and Ranges and
Heaters lor us. Our prices are always very low
mid satisfaction is always guaranteed. We aso
carry the usual large line of Tinware of all
kinds at our usual low prices.
Opposite the Round House, ..ehighten,
ranch Store. Snyder's Block Weissport.
French Dress Robes
Ve are ottering a Lot of French Dress Robes at Gteatly lte
duced Prices. The Stylos and (7olorins arc excellent, and all
are to he rlosed out as follows;
we IniKrtl tu sell foi $10,11",
" W,W " ' " 15."D ml $15,110-
' 10,00 ' " " 17,00nt ,8(1,(1.1.
" HS,5U " " " " " Ht.W
634 Hamilton St., Allentown.
I CHEW1,',-"!!'
Or tat rMM 4-
A oertalu dealer t-ayn "examlue'iuy competitor!
t stock and I am "nre you will then bny from me."
i'l'liis Is NotSo, Foi- At
Popular Carriag'e Works.
All Kinds of Wagons, Carriages, Phaetons,
Carts, Sleighs, &c.
Cleaner Than Yob Can Boy Elsewhere In Tie Vallej
TJV can sell you Factory or Shoddy Work just as low; yw
' a little lower than other dealers can afford to sell you the sartle
artic!e but we don't recommend it but
Our Owe Work We Do Recomffleni.