The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, January 14, 1893, Image 2

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    CSTABUalUlD lets).
The Carbon Advocate
r&lTE9 XTBST alTURhAT nv
Harry V. Moithlmor, Sr.
r.F'CBell.r' Tllook, Nnrtn l lr.t Street,
UhlfMoa. Fft.
'lata Taper has t apetpted at (he tahlchlen Odlci si Scond Class littler.
kaeal ul Iteadlnt notices to tike run of
npif m per line for each Insertion.
TKniore' Administrators' and Auditors' lc-
thanks, reselurloas nt reepeet, antt
similar aotlcea one time 11.00.
fjoral dices of entertainments, snpperp
ftattralt, Iain, dancee, and all entertainment.
MtzaM to make mosey a cent.' p'r line, unless
leHprtnttDE baa been done for I lie name at this
iSs'plaradtertlsements, flrr Indies and oer,
fa per inch peranum.
Knbar.lntlnn nrlr. ai 0O Wh i tt.lil UMlt CSSO
t$i.stt not sopatd. Tbii ru utll lierearter
a .trloc.ntlr enforced. , .
Cams-Transient adterlltlnE and ot i-rllt-; rearij adremsinz paramo
Our Circulation 1408
Do TOO want a newspaper that owns
Itselff A newspaper that patronises
home business! A newspaper that en
courages enterprise and ondeaTors to
ito all the news of the county? Then
get the Adtocate It Is the people's
paper, always with the masses.
Den Kustz denies In an exchange
that he wrote a communication that
appeared In our columns some time
go. If there is anybody who wants to
flndfienKuntz out a falsifier let him call
at this ofuce and see the original manu
script. That will settle the difficulty
In nnt-sboU.
TntHailoh Chunk Gazette added
oie moral year to its roll with its last
Issue anA it celebrated the Important
rent trV appearing somowhat enlarged
and Imoroved in its typography. Bro
ther SJsley is meeting with success, of
whlebjwe ore pleasod to note, while nt
the tfmd tlmo we hope fortune may
continue to smile her sweetest on him.
Tfrrnonit somewhat jealous down
tofrn contemporary the Advocate's
orly fault seems to be that this paper
outstrips it at every point, we can
tand It if the Press can, ro blaze away
'with all the violence of your dozen and
' o
one amateur oultors ana oiner
wlse Interested ones. The Advocate Is
in it, and just now Is hcadoverheels in
job printing for Mauch Chunk, Slat
Ington, Allentown, Ac, which wo print
is good style and not at extortion
prices, as some people do who llvo off
the public crib.
Sbcxetart Habxitt has submitted
ls report of the State Department for
the past two years, to Governor Tattl
son. During this time tho depart
ment has issaed 1153 charters, 79 of
wmleh were to locomotive railroads and
127 to street railways. The fees re
ceived for letters patent amounted to
$71,577.50, which does not inelado the
bonus faes far the State Treasury.
The expenses of the department were
01,11.G5. With other rovenues the
excess of receipts ever expenditures is
922,152. The department issued KH5
elvll and military commissions.
Under the new Baker ballot law very
much responsibility falls upon the nu
dltors of the boroughs and townships
in the several counties of the State,
From time to time this paper published
matter in reference to the law and the
lection, and those of the auditors who
have felt sufficiently interested should
be pretty well instructed by this time.
However, for the benefit of those who
yet do not understand thxmany points
of tho new law, we will agree to en
lighten on any particular it the action
or point is marked out and sent to ns,
The reply in all cases will be published
In our columns nt the first opportunity.
There is now no question but what
Cirbon county will, during 1803, have
a new court house that will do full
redlt to our financial and business im
portance. The proposed new structure
will be erected on the site of the pres
nt buildings that is the present court
house will be transformed into publlo
Sloes and the Tacant space in the rear
of the public offices will bo the site for
the new building, which is to be a
redit to Carbon county. The Cabbox
Advocate has but one regret and that
is that Lehlghton can not be made the
County Seat, yet we are liberal enough
not to be jealous of our lucky neighbor
town, and we know that they are proud
of the coming structure.
Tha school direotors of this town
hav clearly emphasized the position
in which they stand by declaring
unanimously in favor of Frof. N, M,
Ballltt, of Normal Square, Carbon
ounty, as their choice for the high
aid responsible office of Superinten
dent ot Publlo Schools of this county.
The professor is eminently qualified
for the important office to which he
aspires and his election will demon
strate In the broadest sense that the
school directors of the county believe
In progressive Ideas and new methods
ot instruction. It will show that they
believe that this high and honorable
ffice should be placed with the teach
ers ud that those who are not teachers
hav no business to hold it contrary to
law, and common reason. Mr, Balllet
will make a good superintendent if
lac tod j he will givo all of bis time to
the Important duties pertaining there
to; he will be above petty spites and
more petty prejudices; he will be lib
eral and progressive, and like bis bro
ther, Prof. Thos. M. Balllet, nowot
Springfield, but one time of this coun
ty, will soon find a warm place in the
heart af every teacher In Carbon
aunty. A life-long acquaintance with
Mr. Balllet and with a full aud correct
appreciation of his abilities, we sin
ccrely hope to see him elevated to this
high office,
The extentlon of the civil service,
which has been promulgated by the
issuance ot an executive order by Pres
ident Harrison last Friday will elTect
the following Pennsylvania offices
given below. Hereteforo the classified
services has only extended to free de
livery Post Offices having fifty or more
employed, but the present order is
sweeping and extends to all free de
livery offices. It will bring in ontof
me wet. rrom b,uuu to iu.uoi Republican
minor officials and carriers at free de
livery offices. The order uh it applies
to the Weather Bureau will probably
Broteet from 100 to GtX itanuhlinaii
officials. By the terms of the order,
however, these oflkHala must first pass
a civil service examination, which Is
provided for, beforeobtaining immuni
ty from dismissal for partisan reasons.
After this order goes into effect there
will be about 60,000 employee under
the protection of the civil service law,
including those of the custom servioe.
The Pennsylvania offices which will
b placed under the protection otthe
elvll service law by the President's
erdar arc as follows Allentown,
Altoona, Beaver Falls, llellefoate,
Bethlehem, tlutler, Carbondale. Car
lisle, Chester, Corry, Franklin, Greens
boro, Harrisburg, Hotleton, Hunting
don, Johnstown, Lancaster. Lebanon,
Lock' Haven, McKeecport, Mabanoy
City.Meadvtlle, Nantiooke, New Castle,
NorrUtown, lltUfleld, llttstoti, Potta
vllle, South Bethlehem, Tituavillc,
Towsnda, Union town, Warren, West
Cnsster. Wllkeabarre. WiUitniport
tiik rniST mhiitinu oftiik um.iniB
in Tin: kkw YHAit.
llrport of tne lloar.1 ir llmltb, Ullla Ap
proved ami Tat Collector Krti.dle Makes
The liorough fathers met in regular
monthly aeealou nt the office of the
secretary, Q. IV. Morthlmor, on Alum
street, Tuesday evenlrijt.
The burgess presided.
Members in attendatico James l.
Smith, J. I.. Oable, It. T. Strain) and
U J. Heldt.
The Borough 8olicitor,11oraco lleydt,
Esq., llilghton' popular young bar
rister, was present.
The secretary read the minutes of
the previous moetiug and thoy were
adopted as a correct journal of that
Mr. Wilson K. Beunlnger, as a com
mittee from Lehigh Fire Co., No. 1,
was before oouncil with a request to
make the present truck house iuoro
The following bills wore prosentcd
and on motion properly seconded, were
ordered to be paid.
n. Y. Dower, Health Ofllcer, salary. tllM
waier uompanj. a raonins serrice oiow
W K. Ash, flagging 1 10
Dividing Iihlghton Into Wards
John Craig
li. H. Heiuuleinan 3 40
UMKrtim 3 10
Total S601 0
The hecrotary reported 85.23 received
from tho M. E. Church for work dono
by tho borough In 1891.
The Board of Health reported for
the month ending December HI, 1802,
as follows:
Number of births, 0.
Number of marriage, 0.
;N umber of cases, communicable di
seases, G.
Numberof death certificates issued!.
Number of transient certificates re
ceived, 3.
Number of burial permits granted,8.
Number of nuisances abated, 2.
Tax Collector William Sebadle was
present and reported hi final settle
ment as follows: Amount of exonera
tions, 27.00; amount of additional tax
collected outside of duplicate, 8197.15.
The total taxes were apportioned as
follows, including supplement, and mo
tive per eent. after December 18, 1802:
liorongh tat
A mount of duplicate lM
(supplement !
five per rein, miumtinai ou
Tola! .
,. 31.151 40
Water and tight lax-
A mount of duplicate '. S2.MS 3
Supplement TJ 21
r lc per rcui. auuiuuuiu.... .- it w
Total.... (2,112 77
Bonded Indebtedness
Amount of duplicate
353 70
U 71
J 10
i' 11 e per rent. auuuiuimi.
Total e:o n
Special tax-
Amount of duplicate (U17 28
Supplement... M 72
Five percent, additional 10 C2
Total S1.KUC2
Of these amounts the tax collector
has his usual rebate for collections.
Messrs. Gable. Heldt and Hellman
were appointed a committee to view
the truck house and to act in their
judgment in tho matter.
It was moved and agreed to sell Win
Werner a street lamp.
Council adjourned.
llift Ilrst of New Cullrd From Multl
lude of Source.
Schuylkill county staeeM under a
deut or euu.uuu.
OrwigsbuiRs various shoe factoriea
employ ou Hands.
A Ildsboro, furnace idle for two
years has resumed.
Allentown'a real estate assessment
aggregates $15,413,100.
Diphtheria has closed the public
schools or Freemaustmrg.
Cumberland county's marriage license
record iorl8i?J was 01 J.
Thero were 651 marriage licenses is
sued in Lehigh county last year.
There are eighty-five applications
tor licenses In (Jolumuia count'.
There were 5,364 pupils enrolled in
tne wiikesuarre scnoois during uecem
ber( VJ.
In Lancaster 1.120 marriage licenses
were issued last year, rather above the
average run.
A South Dickinson twp.. Cumberland
county, farmer recently killed a porker
that weighed GS9 pounds.
Last vear 33A33 trains passed over
the middle division of tho Pennsylvania increase or i,y.w trams
over 1801.
Personal taxes amounting to $90,715.
to the oredit of Lancaster county - for
1892. were paid State Treasurer iuorns
on the other day.
For State purposes the value of
property taxable is given at ?G0C.C80,4C4,
and the total debt of all the counties
aggregates 8G3,C0202.
Ji sewing needle worked its way
through the arm of Mrs.Wm. Jarrlstof
Shamokiu, and she doesn't know how
It got there.
During the past year 5,000,000 pack,
ages and 810,000 pieces of baggage were
handled at Union Station, Pittsburg.
Xo census of tho pieces of profanity is
Pottsyllle will claim a rebate of fifty
Eer cent, from the Ebison Electric
Ight Company, because their lights
are only 9G3-candle power Instead of
2,000, as guaranteed.
During 1802 there were 231 wills filed
In tho Register's office of Berks, and
238 letters of administration crranted
seven more wills and four more letters
of administration than In 1S91,
Ilcv. V. M. Stearns, the Bible lecturer,
last year held G21 Hi bio and preaching
services, traveled 17,500 miles in visit
ing the different classes, and sent
$0,500 to foreign missions in various
parts of the world.
Win. 11. Iluth, residing near Itiegels
ville, Bucks count v. a few days ago cut
down a sassafras tree on the farm of
Uriah 11111 pot, sixty-seven feet long and
measured eighteen inches across tho
stump. On counting the rings on the
reo he found it to be 150 yearm old.
Character luupr.ouatlou,
Mr. Kirk's entertainment in the old
Presbyterian Church Inst Thursday
night, has the best of the kind this
place was had in a long time. Mr. Kirk
ims improved vory much since his ap
pearance here lost winter, a fact that
was plainly noticeable in the few se
lections that he repeated by request.
His Impersonation and characteriza
tion of Dioken's "Old Fagin" in Oliver
Twist, proved that bla talent was of no
ordinary order. lUsoou.eptlon of the
character seemed In full accord with
the meaning of the celebrated author,
Otsego Journal, Aug. 8, 1888.
Mr. Kirk will give one ot his imltl
able performances In the Opera House,
In town, Friday evening, Jan. 20th, for
the benefit of the High School Literary
Society. Admission 15 ct, 'J5 cts and
35 cents, ,
ll.raaln Kal.s.
Oar stock of men's nnd boye' over
coats will be sold at t former prices
which means a S10.00 cost to you for
JS.00, a fine 812.00 coat we s.ll for M.OO,
a -J0.CO coat tor 810.00. Call early for
bargains at the One Price Star Cloth
ing Hall, Mauch Chunk.
Smtni Ward Democrat
Will please meet at the Exchange
Hotel ou Saturday evening, January
21, to nominate candidates for the
several ward and borough offices to be
voted for attbe spring election.
. II. Ndsbidm,
M. T. Tbeiler,
W.O. Obsbt,
All First Ward D.luera4.
Are earnestly invited to meet in
convention at the Valley House on tha
evening of Saturday, January SI, for
me purpose oi putiuiff la nomination
offlosrs for the several offices to be
flllsd at the February eleetiou. Let the
meeting lie a large one aud all Demo
crats aUeti')
J lass p. tituTH,
DkJ.O. Zcbk,
li W MoBTaixiE,
TtitirMlaj elan. A.
Nftturttl gM MploOwl fttlHHiohtte&Hen-
Hiberry', Chteugn, killing neven It 1
tww propO"d tlwt tl city of York
tAilM the nrtMdwAy underground railroad
A street war 1 on In Kfrport. N. J,
ttAkrrUlt) (N. C.) nioli lynched n tntir
tUrer after eleven deputies and m many of
their own smiR were Killed Thirty-three
ftddltlonal typhus caes in New York
1'hrre thousand Tammany braves will
march at the Inaugural Oovernor Morris
laAugur&ted at New Haven; Governor
HulU'Iey had held over two years because
tf a deadlock in legislature Henry Ca
bot Lodge will be the Republican senator
from IMasNtchitsetts Gas explosion at
Troy wrecked bnlldlng corner Ferry and
Third streets Professional Skater Don
oghue isnues sweepstakes challenge
Mr. Blaine's condition critical Mar
tin U Willanl, Auburn, selected by
Adjutant General Porter ns clerk in the
military department Wall street stocks
dull and speculation narrow; money easy
Nurse In Black well's island almshouse
died of typhus fever New York's legis
lature passed hill to hold constitutional
convention Charles A. Orr Is United
States pension agent In Buffalo- Nellie
Miller, Buflalo, escaped In safety from
burning building, but went back to look
ror a pet dog and died Hansom iteeu
and his former wife, divorced sixteen years,
were remarried at YUcher's Ferry, Sara-
toa county Martin Williams, of St.
Johnsville (N. Y.) Agricultural works,
assigned to F. S. Van Dusen Nel
son 11. Yaudenhurgh, of Ballstou, N. Y.
fell headlong from a scaffold in the new
Methodist Episcopal church twenty feet
Macungle furnace, of the Crane Iron
company, has been again lighted after Idle
ness of some months Uev. T. B. Aruell
elected archdeacon of archdeaconry of Har
risburg At Strausstown, Pa., Jacob
Klehl was attacked by a vicious bulldog
and the flesh of his lower Jaw torn off.
Fridfir, Jan. 6,
Philadelphia city hall impropriation of
$1,200,000 vetoed by Mayor .Stuart War
department expects trouble on Texas bor
ders Old employees are being reinstated
at Carnegie mills Martrou D. Lewis,
Democrat, -will succeed St. Louis, default
ing treasurer New York exhibitors tin-
tble to cet space at Chlcaso fair Owing
to brewery war in St. Ixmis leer sells for
half price, four dollars a barrel Dr. uoit,
Amherst araduate. inaugurates camnaicn
of soap and water In slums of New York
William li. tihattucK kins nis nnae ot
three months, who accused him of unfaith
fulness, Albany Grace Vllon, claimant
tor Crouso millions at byrAcuw, was ui
vorccd and married an Australian Tam
many at Albany will oppose national quar
antine "The Knickerbockers," new
opera by Do Koven and Smith, well received
at Boston Developments show that Miss
Stradler, who fainted at tho marriage
altar at Brldgeton, N. J., did so purposely.
The wedding is off Nebraska senate
deadlock may defer Governor Cronnse's
Inauguration -Kansas supreme court de
cided for Stubba In legislative contest,
which will permit Ilepublicans to organ
ize the house Michigan Ilepublicans re
nominate Senator Stockbridge Riot and
carnage at Bakersville pronounced a hoax
Massachusetts supreme court sustained
verdict of $10,701 against General Benja
min F. Butler. General Butler Indorsed
for $12,500, receiving Its value Freeman
D. Somerby, Dr. Charles II. Baker and
Joseph Gladding, of Order of Iron Hall,
arraigned in Philadelphia for raising
$200,000 to sustain Mutual Hanking and
Trust company of Philadelphia Eng
lish capitalists will build brewerhw at
San Francisco, Denver, Baltimore, De
troit, Rochester, Portsmouth, N. II., New
ark and Mexico M r. J oh n Husk in
dangerously 111 from brain disease -
Uovernors or .Maine. rew Hampshire, .Mas
sachusetts and Michigan inaugurated
One hundred typhus cases thus far in New
York Wall street stocks dull, except
Reading. Money easy -Alleged that M,
Charles de Leeseps and M. Mart us Fon
taine, of Panama Canal company, made
confessions Gail Hamilton assails Glad
stone as murderer of Mrs. May brick.
Saturday, Jan. 7.
President Harrison extended civil service
law to Include 601 free delivery post offices
and weather bureau employees, making
8,000 persons placed under civil service
during present administration Ellen
Moody and family, pauper Immigffenta at
Philadelphia, who claimed to bevisHors
only, under law oruered returned Ex
Bank Examiner Drew asks for investiga
tion or bis connection with Keystone bank
failure Brooklyn board supervisors and
other officials indicted for alleged dls-1
honest expenditure of Columbian cele
bration funds Mrs. Parnell arranged
to pay preferred creditors Charles
Schatcable held for bigamy. Union
Hill, N. J. President Arrlngton, Vice ;
President Troth, Glassblowers' National
union, indicted for conspiracy at New
Brighton, N. J. Jack Ashton, Sullivan's
sparring partner, dead New coast de
fense vessel Monterey pronounced great
success Mrs. tuntu bteele neid a prison-
or by her huband at Gllsey House, New
York William S. Ladd, Pacific coast
millionaire banker, dead Fire destroyed
$100,000 worth poroperty, Coney Island
N. Y. .Nebraska legislature deadlock
broken by combination of Republlo
ans and four Democrats, who electeJ
Cowell (Rep.) president senate Call
lornia Democratic legislative caucus
nominated White for United SUtcj
senator James Smith, Jr., said he would
defeat Governor Abbett for senator in Nev
Jersey Bandmaster Cappa dead
Freight Conductor Charles T. Holland auj
Kasper Thorcxen and Joseph A. Sandhold
er, trainmen, arrested at East Hartford,
Conn., for robbing freight cars Ex-Governor
Miller, Connecticut, chosen orator
for next Yale law school commencement
Officially declared that no cholera
exists at tho Arkansas penitentiary
Patrolmen Peter E. Hill and Michael
Dempsey, who killed the Italian Frank
Carlzzlo, exonerated by grand jury, Cleve
land Miss King, who accidentally killed
Albert McCoy during charade, San Fran
cisco, declared not guilty of murder
New trial for Grossman, Moll tor's mur
derer, refused, Alpena, Mich. Major
James P. Frost, financial editor of Boston
Globe, dead Harvey Burget, millionaire,
dead, Itatbbonevllle, N. Y. A disorder
ly anti-Semitic meeting broken up in Paris
Stocks dull; feJ.000,000 In gold exported
Five New York police captains trans
ferred because captains allowed gambling
and disorderly houses in their precincts
Professor Peter E. Tarpey, New York,
dead General Alger clothed 700 Detroit
newsboys Beading railroad to get a loan
and pay interest on preference bonds
Professor Thomson, Lynn, Mass., declares
that he can construct a machine that will
make 50-foot thunderbolts French roy
alists denounce Count of Paris for not
boldly declaring himself emperor Attor
ney F. M. Deal killed Attorney F. R. Mc-
Kinnon, Guthrie, O. T. Eagle brewery,
Newark, N J., burned Henry Clay
Evana, of Tenneeaee, appointed first aawtst-
antpost.mai4r general Henry II. Moire,
of Washlogtoii, appointed Vulted Htatea
consul at Three Itlvem, Canada Gaa ex
plosion, Pittsburg. kllU Mr. and Mr,
Xhomas Dovey nnd Infant daueliter
Banker Kugene Mehler. Ner York, deatl
aiunday, Jan. V.
Senate considers Immigration restriction
The suggestion of Adjutant General
Doutflass, of Maryland, tbatcongreaa enact
a law to provide for ad encampment ot
100,000 United State and atate troops at
World' fair, aeut to the Rfoate Indicted
Brooklyn ofllclal do not fear conviction
Cholera deaths in Kurope number nearly
100,000 Mrs. Carrie E. Vandergrlft, al
leged poisoner, drops dead, Bordentown, K
J. Mary Price, Corning, N. Y., Indicted
for bigamy Colonel Samuel McCurdy,
Mexlouu war veteran, died at Carlisle, Pa.
Jaciee H. Yall made executive man
ager Connecticut World' Mr xklbl(
Congreaairun JoUu L. MUbJl dying
BUllardUt Sloem eiiU,uj.f ttuy man
la the world for IJ.OuO a kide Ice
gorge lu Ohio river Imperil shipping-
Joslah Qulney r-elecied chair man Massa
cbn&etts Democratic statu committee
General Collins, of liostou, confer with
Cleveland about war department portfolio
Judge T. F UargotNf, Kentucky, men
tioned as Senator Carille' encoeaor If
Carlisle aoeepu oaUoet petition Penu -
srlranla railroad IrelaLc handlers warned
to leave their union lij (ianeral Agent
PetTj, Indianapolis New York, l'resa
club complete. H 00,00) building lund
Packer Jobn P. Squirts dead. Carnbrldg.,
Mass. Dr. Henry Carar, llrookljn,
giTH B.t. Fattier UcOlynn (1,000
Report In Chicago that formal charges
bare beeu prfrred aealnst ArabbUhop
Corrlgan, New York, by ArsbbUbop Ire
land, St. Paul, to tbe effect tbat Corrlgan
baa conspired to diagrams ArchUabop Ire
land and Mgr. Satolll, tbe papal delegate
to America Ex -Secretary lllafne report
ed vraalcar and tb ead oaid to be uar
Louise Potueroy-Klllot, dlrorwd wife of
Ilrtok Pomeroy, dead Four Ituadui nl-
blUria amwtMl, Paris Formidable grain
blockada, St. Louia Presidential .lectors
meat is .very state and sign oertifieatea u
to raault of lecact eleriion Employeea
of tbe Praaukbraatb of tbe New York Life
Insura&a. com pony abaund with flfjUK)
Yim through train, from tbe aoat eours
Smile ow tb. UrvM K or t her a railroad
Calvary fiplaeopal church HummU, X
J , burned loss, ta.ut) Ratattvas of
Uraos WUsou, mmbu of tbe child claiming
fl KlfU. CmiiuIb .lll(nn. Law ...
belt r&ys be wilt fight MltcBsii. 1
TnaiitiT. Jul lO.
Breaker Suiter announce his commit-1
a " s irA. s1stnHl
oolite was: Cl.reland, 78; Harrison, 1M;
it si,. t- ru..i.. At. hlHllt ma I
v rarer, -rt, mr. vjccimiu y mi . w
IWdcnt Harrison, 1M. and his majoritj
otct all. 103 Allegfd Instructions IMum
to Populist. In Montana, ualirornia ana
Wyoming not to vote for s Democrat tar
United States senator Clauds Matthews
Inaugurated governor of Indians Wa.
ler Warner to hang March 15 Ilreak In
the Heading coal combine by tha with
drawal of the Central of Mew Jer
sey New national quarantine bill re
ported to the house Mr. Blaine near
death's door; all hope abandoned
Vandnlla isllroad makes war on
tho Freight Handlera' union Henry
Day. noted New York lawyer, dead
The France-Russian alliance said to be
an assured thing Profamor Frederick
Knapp, Boston, dead Big wire trust
formed st Pittsburg; capital, $23,000,000
Princess Marie of Cdlnourgn sua
Prince Ferdlnnnd of lloumsnls married,
Germany Miss Virginia Fair, San Fran
cisco, engaged to marry rnnce roniatow
skl of Poland Archbishop Ireland denies
that he has sent charges against Arcn
bishop Corrlgan to Home Trial of Pan
ama canal suspects beglna, Paris Pope'a
Jubilee opens at the Vatican Senator
Kenna out of danger Two new typhus
esses nnd fire deaths. New York -Colorado
senate's deadlock broken by combine
of Populists and Democrats Charles D.
Hamilton re-eiecteu president uucago
board ot trade Kansas state officers In
augurated Her. Dr. Edward L. Clark,
Now York, resigns because ha has views
similar to Dr. Brlggs England gives
Turkey twenty-four hours to pay Indem
nity for the murder of a British aubject by
native police.
Y.dncd.r, Jan. 11.
Edward Murphy nominated for United
8tates senator from New York by Demo
cratic caucus of legislature by vote of 85 to
5 Mr. Blaine rallies and his friends be
lieve ho may live several weeks Thirty
men drowned in Wheel and Owl mine. Pen-
ranee, England Ten men convicted of
riot at Duquesne, Pa. Senstor Cockrell,
ot Missouri, mentioned for s cabinet posi
tion Ex-Treasurer Foerestal, ot St.
Louis, not to be sued for his son's embez
zlement Columbian government sus
pends action on Panama canal, franchise
renewal on account of scandal in Paris
Pennsylvania railroad officials deny that
they are making war on unions Donog
hue refuses to skate Ennis snd Franklin
Pension Commissioner Hauru esti
mates pension deficiency for year ot $13,-
800,000 Harvey's World's Fair hotel,
Chicago, burned; losa, JS0.OO0 Egbert
Judson, millionaire, of San Francisco,
dead Louis I3. iAvy, president of sev
eral New York insurance companies, ac
cused of Irregularities Miss Phosbe Cou-
sens abandons her suit to compel her rein
statement as secretary to the board ot lady
managers of the world's air benstor
Carlisle said to have accepted treasury
portfolio A. A. McLeod re-elected presi
dent ot the Philadelphia and Reading road.
Fire starts in Hecht Bros.' building,
219 Federal street, Boston; causes I1,S00,-
000 damages Officially announced that
Prince ot Wales will not attend World's
fair John Ward abandons bar tball for
tho law business Premier Hlbot'a cab
inet, France, resigns on account of Panama
scandal. Hlbot, at President Co. mot's re
quest, reconstructs cabinet as follows: M.
Hlbot, premier and minister ot interior;
M. Develle. foreign affairs; M, Tlrard,
finance; M. Bourgeois, Justice; General
.Lotzlllon, war; M. Burdeau. colonies and
marine; M. Dupuy, Instruction; M. Viger,
agriculture; M. Siegfried, commerce; M.
Vlette, works Pope Leo said to
have intimated that Cardinal Vanu
telli, of Bologna, will succeed him
Philadelphia presbytery decides to con
sider revision of Westminister confession.
General Benjamin F. Butler dies of
heart failsre Seven new coses smsllpox,
Akron, O. Bill giving president $1,000,-
000 to prohibit Introduction of cholera sua-
poets and provide proper quarantine for
United States passes senate Bishops of
United States asked to report to pope their
opinions of Mgr. Satolll's plana concerning
the parochial school question Coast de
fense vessel Monterey accepted Allen
and Sachteleben, bicyclists, resume globe
girdling tour at San Francisco Governor
Eagle, Arkansas, dying Skater Norseng
challenges Joe Donoghue to skate three
races Victorious Populists Installed,
rhllllns has numerous wavs of de.
celving the people. He approached a
Eiano customer of mine and this was
is story: "Do yon want a pianolike
Snyder keeps for sale T I'll sell you one
for $170; but I would advise you te let
hands is trash; they are no good.
Now, I will sell you a good piano, the
New England, for 1300, then you have
something you can depend on." Now,
I would hereby Inform the public, that
1 can show that his New England costs
the same as the Cable, and it there is
anyone who does not believe It, I will
set him the same piano for (200 that
runups sens at 3uo. in cannot aoir.
1 will give the purchaser 150 as a gift,
Again, he wanted to wagtr money I
oould not set the Holler Organ, but be
either had no money to wager, or was
a coward. I got the Organ, and the
same Btyle he sold for $133, for $35. He
claimed be could sell the Laurence
Piano Organ for $70: I sent him
customer, and he advised the party to
go to Allentown, where he could get
all he wanted for $70, which wasa bare
faced He, for they are sold at $125 cash,
or $140 on time, bv all the dealers in
Allentown. Heals claimed he was
satisfied with a profit ot $5, on an
organ, I will give him one hundred
dollars for every new organ ho sold
that he did not make $20 clear, if he
gives me $10 for everyone I can show
he made from $20 to 850 on. This offer
he' can accept anytime he sees nt. I
mean business, and am determined the
people shall know that Phillips stoops
to falsehood to make sales, and uses
language unbecoming a man of busi
ness. A. P. SNYDER,
East end of Lehigh Bridge,
Welssport, Pa.
Troat Fry for tb. Asking.
The Pennsylvania Commissioners of
Fisheries are now prepared to receive
applications tor brook trout fry. Appll
cations should be sent to the following
commissioners: Henry C. Ford, No.
823 Vine street, Philadelphia: W. L.
Powell, Harrisburg; S. B. StUlwell,
Scranton; II. C. Demutt, Lancaster;
Louis Steuber, Erie; O. VT. Welchans,
Pittsburg. One can of trout fry, con
taining 1,500 flsh, will be sent free to
the nearest railroad station of eacb
Administrator's Notice.
Estate ot Polly Kresge late of Franklin Twd.
it?, ra.. deceased. All Dei
ra., aeee
dehted to aald Estate are resouested to make Im
mediate payment and those haTlng legal claims
apulDit the same wlU present them without de
Ut Id proDcr order for settlement.
Jan ll.USMa Admuilstrator.
Executor's Notice.
Estate of ADAM PEG EL. late of Franklin
Twp., Carbon county.l'a., deceased. All persons
indebted to aald Esute are requested (o make
Immediate payment, and those having legal
claims against ine same wttl present them wtU.
out delay in proper order tor settlement to
Jan. 11. 13 Executor.
Executor's Notice.
Estate o( JANK HO YE It. lata ot FraakUn
Tup., Carbon county la deceased. All persons
Indebted to said Ustateare requested to make
Immediate payment, and those hating lecal
rUlms against the same will present them with
out delay in proper order for settlement to
Pc J3, 18M e Executor.
Afiistratort Notice.
' ErtaJta of JOUNO. FHV.UUof FrankUaTwp
dehted to said Estau ara rtnusiud fa taaka 1m,
ua X.S1
mediate payment, andtbos. having Ut si claims
axslnstth.saa.wiu present them without de
lay In proper ordr tor settlejn.otto
Dec ). H9!- italn?st5tr.
Daring 1833 THE BUS will be of
surpassing eisellenea and will print
mora news and more pur literature
than ever before in Ha history.
The Sunday Sun
is the grtstest Sunday Xewtpaper in
tha world.
Price So. aoopr. By mall, 2 ajsar
DaJJ.b mall, ... $6 a year
ally asd Stdy, by mall - W a year
Aiirss. mi int, yty rtit.
But we are still hers for business.
During this year we will steadily en
deavor to cater to the taste of our peo
ple In always having in great assort
ment. Tojs of all kinds, Prettr Dolls,
Fine Slverware, Beautiful Jewelry,
Games of all kinds. Toilet and M'ari
cure Set), In fact everything usually
kept in our line, including out st the
most complete assortments of Station
ery and Tablets In town at tha very
lowest prices. The ladles particularly
are Invited to see this line ot goods
while the school children will smile all
over at the big Tablets we are almost
giving away. Then too, w will con'
tinue to lead In Choice Confectionery,
Nuts and Fruits. Will you kindly tall
when In need ot anything lu our line.
ire will show goods with pleasure.
B. K. Culton.
For the Prettiest Jewelry and lbs
Hest Watches, Clocks and Silverware
the people of Carbon eounty must
came to our store. We not only have
the goods but esell them at pilces
that are low and perhaps a lltlla lower
ttan the same goods can be bought for'
elsewhere. We are not telling shoddy
stuff for vhe best because we don't
bell. re In misrepresentation. Our
motto Is "good honest goods at tha
very lowest prices." Before you buy
elsewhere we would be pleased '.o have
yon call and see us.
Toys, Finn Cigars,
Stationery, Dolls, etc.
We carry In our usual full and com
plete lias all the above goods at the
very lowest prices. Mike It a point
to call and see us when you need any
thing in oar Una and we are confident
that It will pay you cash returns for
your trouble.
C. H. Nusbaum,
IlrWre Street, - - Welssport, ra.
"Wnti" of nil klndi. "To Lett "For Sal.
r Ui JVCUt, AIC..IUK11VU uuuil sun m am ek
one penny a word per week. No single Inwr-
Uon IGT less UIBU tCU CDUIS. VUCllc uu uvmt
ftdTeEtlsln obtainable Cash must atwayi ac
company tne copy unless ftiberwtie arranged
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Tttumiay.
I jr. VUUUt juui nviui ku ww su uu
UIBL waifTao a. fooa nri v Qoaouie wont,
at the Gilbert lioufre. Good waxes and steady
position. Gall or address H. A Uellenderfer,
Weatbsrly, l'a.
FobBkkt A six room dwell.Pi house on
liriue tireet opposue me square, n eiaspvrt,
rentiooaytar. Apply to Jos. Uctar. Mauch
For Sale a so d No. t Victor Hinge. Ap
ply ton. v. aaonmmer, jr.
Boo S'KKKFkb Situation wanted as assistant
book-keeper la a Hour mill, am a talr penman
nd undersund book-keeping and conducting
Correspondence pretty well. For further re
ference apply K. E. w.t Harrity. ra. 13-2tu.
Gibl Wamtw-A good rlrl to do housework
In a small family,
12-27 U.
High Prices have no place in
our store our patrons will tell
you that and consequently we
want your trade. We can save
you money. If you doubt it
come and sec.
JUan's Overcoats, 13, and up.
Jfeu'a Suits, ta, and up.
We also have a Nice Line of
Boys' Suits and Overcoats at
Closing out Prices.
Shoes for Also at tl and up
Shoes for Women at I and np
We also line of well made Shoes
for Children at 40 cents and up.
Slippers as low as 40 cents,
Rubbers for Boys and Girls at 30c,
Rubbers f lien,
Rubbers for Women,
Beautiful Blanks & Comforts.
Go from $1 to $4,50.
New Dress Goods
Almost endless In variety snd certainly
Lower In Prices than von can lbs
same quality of goods for else
where In town.
Groceries & Provisiona,
of the best quality and at tbe lowest prices.
Choice Plour and I'Ved.
Fresh Country Produce.
lTashing Machines & lVringers
of tbe but makes at low prices.
ire bava a Roomy, Pleattnt Store,
alaetrlc lighted. Come and sea us
North First Street, I.hlghton.
duy youk
Christmas Presents
Frank eibenguth's.
where also can be found a
Fine Una ot Fine Orocerie,
Fruits, Candles, Green Vece
table. In seaaoa, o, attbsTery
Lowest Prices. Prompt at ten
Hen and food foods.
QSTfL AN 813 8.
Reading R. R. System. '
'Lehigh Valley Division.!
Anthracite Coal used, exoluairrly,
insuring olcnnlinesa and comfort. I
Arrangemert of Patseager ;
scnsDtiLK in Effect I
Vko. . 160.
For Newark and New York tM.lM. sudllls-
am.; so. &2i ei 7.26p.m.
For Manunka chunk and Ftelrldcre 7.4ft
.oo, a. m. 1 12.07, 4-37 and 7.20 n m.
ror LamtmnTiiio suu Arciuou p.w .mi
11.11 a.m.1 and 1157 & 4 S7 p. m.
ForSlattniton, Cauuauqua, Allentown, Betti
a.bem,and Kasun,e.4i. 1.40, n.oo, .M, 11. IJ
a, ru , is 57, 2.42, 3 00, 4.37, S.23, 7.2(1 and 10.27 p ni.
For l'htiadelpula ana points soutb 46 4.4t,
7.40, IM and U.lja.m.; 2.42, 3.00.4-37, .2! and
7.2 p. m.
troriiesaingananarrisDurK.x9(7..u anau.ix
s.oe, 6.22 and ije p.m.
For Bowmsns, Lehigh Gap. Cherrytord, uu-
rrs. wniie nan. ropiay, ann uoae
s.42, .oo t
For'M.uchCDurk eja, 7.4J, 0 JC, 11.20 and HM
e-rn.t i.i,,.aJ.ia. p.
For Weatherlr and llazteton&s,7.U9J0and
tt t . tn .11V K9n 7.99 Ifl M tt.m
For Mahanoy City, Shenandoah and Ashland
S.52, 7.43, j snd 11.U a.m.; 4.15, 6.20 & 7.22 p.m.
. Can
tor ail. uirmei arm onamuiuii mi, imrim
11.53 a, m.i 6.20 p.m.
For rottsvllls e!c2.7.t3. 7.40. tM 11.12 and 1 1.63
a. m., 8.08, 4.15, 7.22 and 7.20 p.m
For While listen, Wrttesbarre and Scranton
7.43,9.34 and 11.53 a.m.; 4.15, 5.20, 7.33 and 10.59
''For Pltuton,7.43, ,30, and
11.53 a.m. s 4.15, 5.20. 7.22 and 10.69 p. m.
For lunkhannock 7,43 and 11.53 a. ro. 4.13,
6.20 and 109 p.m. ..
For Oweio, Auburn, Ithaca and Ueneva 11.53
a.m.i 10.68 p.m. ,
For Laceyvllle. Towsnda, Havre. Waverlr, El
mlra, Koehester, Butlalo, K'atitra Fulls and the
West 11.63 and 10.6s p. ni.
ForKlmlra and the West ia Halomanea at
4.13 p. ra.
For Hew York 4,23 6.07 and 11.12 a.m. S.17 and
7.26 p. m.
Forrhlladelohla 4,25 7.57 n. in.: 2.S4, 6.17.nnd
1M p. m.
For Easton and Intermediate Stations, e.07,
T.ST, ll.ia a.m.t ia67,2Ja. 5.17and .03P.m.
For Mauch Chunk S.14, 9M, 11.20, 11.39 11.63
. ra.j 1.10, cu, 8.4t, ana v.3t. 111.
For Heading at 6.07 a. ra. : 2.52 and 7.20 p. m.
For llazleton 9.6C. and 11 63,a.m.i 3.18 and 10.69
p. in.
For Uabanov Cltr and Shenandoah 9.36, 11.63
a. in., and 316 p. m.
rorroiuviueaix.aip. m
Vnr Whltn Haven. WllkS-llarre. Ilttston.
Tunkhannoek, Towsnda. Sayre, Ithaca, U.nera,
Falls and tha West 11.53 a. in. and 1059 p. m.
For runner parucumrs inmure 01 AKems tor
rime Tables.
I, A SWEICIAIU), C.en'l Marwrjer.
O. O. HANCOCK. General l'asenger Aitcnt.
rniiaaeipnia, ra.
A. W. NONNF.MAUHKi;. Ass't (lenerat Pas
senger Agent, Houtn ueinieurin. ra,
Mav 14. '
The South End Jeweler.
Watches, Scarf Pins, Clocks,
Watch ChainB, Necklaces,
Gold Pencils, Ear Rings,
Rings, Bracelets, Silverware,
Society Emblems, TFatch
You can buy them and many more at nur
rosniar btore on uanxway.
In all Its branches carelully attended in at
low prices.
Wilson Frantz,
Bankway, Lehighton.
Wall Paper.
From Cheap Blanks to Fine, Gilt and
Pressed Papers. Also, Felts and Ingsalns,
with ITandsome Frelies.
PICTURE R013 4ND (70 VE.
Window Shades
ready to hang, or put up ta order. '
Paint, Oil, Varnish,
Glass, Brnbes. Painting and Paper
Hanging, by competent workmen. In any
part at tbe county.
Books, (Stationery nnd Faney
Goods, always a largo stock nt
61 Broadway, Mauch Chunk.
MEDICINES, genuine and best
SOAPS, large l'nc nrd cheap
WINES,Kf'0(i for medicinal use
CIGARS, the best made.
SFECTACLES. n extensive
and increasing trade. I guar
an tee satislaction to i:ery
Central Drug Store,
Dr. C. T.
Nervous Prostration, i Itlrk Mntt Xcrrona
ss.mmsi.. siiu'stam. iiii.lnraa.Jioi
bid rears, llos Flash... nmms
tj .trUs.Dallnftu, Confuslan. nra.
Irrla.ilt.. hi. Vilu.' Unue. Uplom
Uabtt.alruut.ussM. le., are cured
by Dr. 3111.. IlMUireMve .M.rvlne.
eas rvoMr.tloa for Sour yvara. eoolJ nos l.p,
seisins talrea bio ooiil a. used Or. Miles'
atoratlva Manrlnal b. is now wUU yis. books
amrriua. Pi. Miles1 H.rve and
UTernila, Udow tat s ar. ta. best
rasMar lor buioumm., Torpla Mrer, sta. .te,
Sold br T. D. Thomas.
Principal of Packerton Schools,
a graduate of West Chester
Normal School, with thirteen
yean' experience in teaching.
Wo again desirn to rail your
nttention to our excellent line
ot Stationery which includes
everything that you may want.
Box Paper and Envelopes, Ink
Pens nnd Pencils, all kinds,
quality nnd styles of Tnblets,
which am being sold at tho very
lowest prices over heard of in
this town or talloy. Will you
come and see us when you need
anything in this line.
BIERY, The Druggist.
Attention! Business Men
Abstract Makers. tn,itrni.n Writ., ru.i..
And all Khose Iluslness ltequlres Writing!
Do not deface your books by scratching. Use
inn ina erasing ttietlrosine Fenrll
which norksinstantaneously anil
dns Bnt uhrttlM Ih. n. ur
A neat and clean set of Uooks U nnnrM.iat mi hv
Gorxl llusiness lien. aridrMNtlnrHMtnii.n.
eralAeent K. V. KUKUNKR, Htemleisrllle,
Uarbjn county. Pa. Price 33, Bo and cents.
JAWFEE, the barber, opposite the Opera
House, cuts hair, shaves and does overr
uling In lirsUsbu, style Drop In and see him,
Closed on Sundays. Toilet Articles for sale.
STUnElt'S 8HAV1NQ SALOON, opposite the
advooatk omen, is headquarters fur
lar attention paid to cutting ladles hangs and
V..1I1U, tu .imii. i iiiir. uuiriciigr fuir. 1 linice
Clfrars. tiai.u
QO TO Fits. IIOOERER, under theExchanw
Hotel. Uank street, tor a smooth share ora
lashlonable balr cut. fjrr- Closed on Sunday's
lEoeder'slJalrtonlc, cures Dandruff. Weoarry
In stock a full line of fancy toilet articles at low
est prices, and sve are the only place In town
niiciojuuinimm iinmcr wan IQf ineiace.
W D. CAM rB ELL. oer tbe Canal Bridge, East
Welssport, cuts bail, shaves and shampoos
In stle. Olveme a call. You can also buy
Day Kura, Hair Tonics, &c, at the very lowest
Competetioa Is The Herre Of
B" O
9 rr
Cheap For Cash. Tate First-
After Holiday anH
Befeie Stock We
ADytilngtbatwehiveinaoy ot ttie depart
mtnuwlll be sold at saerlflcloi pticej before
we take our
Tf you want to fill a room
don't neglect and take advan
tage ol this sale.
Don't buy a
ItUIyouh&TetecnourMylM and prkM all at
and btlowcMt
Dreu Goodt, silks, N'fttloot, MiuIIdk. Gle
, hama,Tiekloa,SoH etrythlng at prlc that
w.HunSIGker S
Comer 8th and Hamilton Sts.
The undersigned will ba a nsndldato
tor Supervisor of Mahoning Township, I
at tha spring ejactlou. !
A farm iHuated Id TowatntnilBg toimihlp.
VetlUUU wuiili, av., auvu, 91 lUilCa3((UHI n CilS-
with mil nMKiiirr nut buHdlnvsi
unu iiuusK uut imi, un awuixitxit im.
a rrama baak barn Si&U (eat, wacen ibed an
te and ail Mber neccsurr outbuftdlaca.
Tru irf aale will be naae ktwwn by
tt. liarrUy. fa.
ishei,, the .Leading ihoto.
grapher. Lehighton.
ra... p. i
V,UU1UHI. a-uutugiupus x. burger
Sires, Views of Residences
in town and county at the very
Itweit pti8.
New Bee Hive,
A certaltijilealer say "examine ray ooraptltor,
atoek and I am aura you erlU than bny from me."
This Is NotSo.For At
Popular Carriag-e Works.
Kinds of Wagons, Carriages, Phaetons,
Carts, Sleighs, &c.
Cheaper Than Yoa Can Bay Quito li The Vallii
n i:mc?rn Bdl y0U Factor7 or ShoddT wk just us low. yei
Oar Own Wort We Do Reenoiieii.
IF JPV arec "1 nec .f PbP. Window Shado.. Curtain
nTv 'p-SaehRos.Room MouldlnRt, StatST
nry, all kind, ot J?ru8hs, Paint and Painters Supplies go to
First Street, Lehighton.
Lowest Prices.
The ladies of the county will continue to find usheadquau
ters for nil the new and pretty things in Millinery at the lowe
priced. You need not go to Allentown or Philadelphia, we will
sell you cheaper than you can buy in the cities. City milliners
are always employcdthere.
1 - 1 J . i UJ LJJS
French Dress Robes
"Ve are offering a Lot of French Dress Hobes at Greatly He.
duced Prices. The Styles and Colorings are excellent, and all
are to be closed out as follows:
"415,00 were Import.! to sell for $10,00.
" t,00
" $10,00
" 12,!0
" $20,00
634 Hamilton
W e are Stiring Things Up.
Last year our trade was big in January We want to beat
the record, so are cutting prices away down, and moving goods
a flying, and if you read our prices you will call on us when in
Ladies Rubbers 18c. Misses Rubbers lflc.
Men's Arctic 15c. All kinds of Rubbers lower than the
lowest. 100 pair Ladies shoes, price was $3, now cut to $1,60.
Miss Dongola Tip, 95c, In fact all alopg the line we sliced
the prices until they are where you get the shoes, and we move
the stock just as we intendrd.
George E. Keith,
723 Hamilton treot, Allentown.
Look for New Ad in this
Space Next Week.
Administrator's Nodes.
Fjits ot PTTTLEt UKEianiCM. lata ef rts
lie Ten.. Carbon ceaatr. fa. dstasMl,
rioas ind.bud so Mtaesui. ara tnu.talt.
waae iniac.ia,. paviu.Bi. ... um Bens.
lesai ciaiias sceiaai ta. wn. wuj laeas
elUout a.lsy ta pcvpM tHiilwiiaiaaisits
I ixs at, lf!
Andrew Bayer,
Give us
a aw.
The prettiest line of Fall snd
Coats, Jackets, Cloaks.
Trimmed Hats!
ever put on sale in Carbon coun
ty can now be seen at
Millinery Stores,
Lehighton & Weissport
U,00 uti 110,00.
$17,00 an J tSO.OB.
St.. Allentown.
Want everybody in Lehighton
to buy at their sre bocause
they have not only an ex
Jceflently assorted linr
of fine
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Boots, Shoes, &c,
but because their prices are low
er than these goods can be
bought for elsewhere in fown.
We show goods with pleas
ure, quote prices and deliver
all purchases. Don't forget,
bnt call and sec u,
la tbe very Keatast Styles
saj at lb Lowtst PiiMeat
E. JET. Snyder's,
ujo a roll Use of
Fine Dreso Goodtr,
That can't be sutthej la this
town or manly for Style
Quality or Trices.
Sea Our Qooda Befors
Tea itHy.
..eesisll Cro2ls S nt ssll i 1 i ml n i It il
as ii iiina'i"r;is I'J'ianeWsj,, k