The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, January 07, 1893, Image 4

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    An I'.ncmr llaflfted.
Whiod nlll c ha0 tt rtOM win a II Homi- I
(nlka nrefpt- In th iMt mitiilitliHi of. lilt1
llrer rather Umn the first. wO?rlH,,,w!K i
virtue mMtPnitlv of liver troubfo TIWK'Her'f ,
Ktommrti Ulttcri t tlie tiuccesifii. eandlUntn for
mo peopirs moire, ana y, itnpuiitr ami wu
known a It In. there are unfortunate who kt i
en trying the drastic rrtnwllcn of fwrtm-r 1k.
tlio intclllrfnt doMIihi rtfthr liiil.Hr thm
theirpll known mid ion tried phtiwtt" "I iiu
Diucn appeal, iieanou animiu utj guium "
ltd a
erieoco in inn maupr ni muiiirwiun m-
w eulde to our feet Nth lamntif extwrit'nop.
am a great painoi m me rimy
ifttrlot of the early rrvonninnan
nertod. and the
Imth Veir nvar
sally nas met vltn me ennorseniriii ni iieopie
Buffering from llrer complaint, malaria, const!
pauon, riieninuii.iii, ueinuiy mm nviiuins , -cotnpantea
by dyspepsia Ijitti'rty U has He
tlared ttwlt and been Ihoronsiily approve h a
remedy Cor 'la grippe."
Faraday enunciated his theory ot
electro-magnetic rotation In 1823.
A. man who likes ovorvthlnu that is
good for him is a curiosity.
DKCNKENNUS9, or the I.ttlUOlt II AIltT,
flueed at ilome InTen lla. uyHdmlnl.-
terlnc Dr. Haines' Golden Npeclfle.
It can be (oven In a glass ot beer, a cup of oof
tee or tea, or In food, wltliout the Knowledge ot
ana patient It is absolutely harmless, and nlll
fleet a permanent and speedy cuie, whether
the patient Is a moderate drinker or an aleoliolle
wreck. It has been Riven In thousands of cases,
sVid In every instance a perfect eure has follow
ed. It never fails. The system once Impreg
nated with the specific. It becomes an niter Im
possibility for the liquor appetite to exist Uures
Siaranteed. 48 pace book ot particulars free,
ddressthe Uoldkn Spkcimo Co.. lasIlAce
Street Cincinnati, Ohio. itet. .-!.
Miss Mary Anderson Is said to be nn
enthusiastic! flsherwoman.
Noah's ark The rainbow.
When the moon gets full it keeps
late hours.
Success In everything di oends largely
upon good health. De Witt's Lhtte Early
Itlsers are little health prodncing pills. See
the point? Then take an "Karlj Ibser."
T. D. Thomas.
Tho circulation of tho blood was ills,
covered by Harvey in 1017.
Time heals all things; hut it does not
heal a pair of boots.
A lazy man aims no nothing nnd
generally hits it.
Mr. William T. Trice, a Justice of the
Peace, at IlichUnd, Nebraska, was con
lined to bli bed last winter with a severe
attack of lnmbazo; but a thorough appli
cation of Uhamberlaln'a l'ain llahn en
abled him to gel up and go to work. Sir.
l'tice says: "The ltemedy cannot bo rec
nmmendml Inn htehlv." Let anv cn3 trou
bled with rheumatism, neuralgia or lame
back give it a trial and tbty n 111 bo ot the
same opinion. 50 cent bottles for salo by
X. I). Keber, LeblgMoD, and ir. r. uicry,
Secondary clectrlo currents were dis
covered by Joseph Henry.
A room Is rarely opened to occupancy
until It is colled.
A Leader.
If vmi are not feelinc strong and healthy
try Electalo Bitters. It "La Orlppe" has
left yon weak and weaoy, use Electric Hit
lers. This remedy acts directly on the
Liver, Stomach and Kidneys, centlv aiding
those organs to perform their functions. If
von are afflicted with blck Headache, you
will And ssecdy and perinancr.t relief by
taxing .Electric miters, une iriai win cuu
vine, von that this Is tbe lcmcdv von need,
Laree battles oclv 00 cents at lleber's
Drugstore, Lehlchton, and lllerj's Drug
store, welssport.
A Fault-Findcr. "You wero nlwuys
a fault-finder 1" growled tho wife. "Yes,
clear," responded the husband meekly;
"I found you."
In this world brayln' Is too often
mistaken for brain.
Head from the treasured volume
The poem of thy choice, v
And lend to the rhyme of poetry
The beauty of tby voice.
IPlilch you cannot do If you suffer v 1th
a Cough or Cold. Kid yourself of the dis
comfort by baying a bottle of fan-Una,
tbe best rcmedv for Hoarseness and Influ
enza. Fan-Tina costs 25 cents at T. D.
Thomas' Drug Store.
rarity and strength considered. Ilutrs-Head
Flavorlna Kitrncts, vthlch are highly concen
trated and warranted pure, are the best to bo
obtained. Sold by grocers at 10 cti.
Pope Revised. It was n Boston girl
of uncertain age who Is reported to
have said that, "where singleness is
bliss 'tis folly to bo wives."
Travelers may learn a lesson from Mr.
C. D. Cone, a Dromlnent attorney of Par
ker, Dakota, who says: "I never leave
home without taking a bottle of Chamber-
laic's Colic. Cholera and Dlarrhrca Rem
edy with me, and on many occasions have
ran with It to tbe relief of some sufferer
and have never known it to fall." For
sale by Tf. D. Rcber, Lehlghton, vml W
F. Blery, irelasport.
Miss Trill: "I love to hear tho birds
sing." Jack Downright (warmly): "So
do I. They never attempt n pieco bo-
yond their ability."
Nothing so distressing as a hacking
Cough. Nothing so foolish as to suffer
from it. Nothing so dangerous if allowed
to continue. One JluuleCoiuh Cure gives
immediate relief. 1. u. Thomas
Sea Captain: "Look, gentlemen
There's a whale I" Forty male passen
gers: "Looks like tho llsh that got
away from me last summer."
A Generous Vlrio.
IKe are informed that tbe nrnnrletnrs.
Messrs. A. P. Ordway A Co., recently sent
three doten of their reliable medicine,
Sulphur Bitters, to the Catholic Home for
tbe Aged, which is highly appreciated by
the directors and Inmates. "As ye sow so
snau ye reap." Editor catholic Union.
She; "And how did you feel toward
him when he married tho girl you were
engaged to f" He: "I felt as tho man
did toward his substitute who was
killed in battle."
For Instance, Mrs. Chas. Itegers, of Bay
City, Mich., accidentally spilled scalding
water oyer her lltt'.e boy. She promptly ap
plied De Witt's Witch Haile Salve, giving
instant relief. It's a wonderfully good salve
for burns, bruises, sores and a sure cure
lor wiles, t. D. Thomas.
Ethel: "After marriage we shall be
one. shan't we, Charlie i" Charlie:
"Theoritlcally; though 1 doubt if they
will make out tbe hotel bill in that
way "
Headache Is the direct r.iiltof In.llnu.
tlon and tsomtch disorders, ltemedy these
by using De Witt's Little Early Itlsers. and
your headache disappears. Tbe favorite
nine puis everywhere. T. D. Thomas
"I'ye brought you home u pug, my
dear," said tha fond papa, "Oh, you
dear, good papa," exclaimed the enrap
tured daughter, "It's just liko you I"
She (enthusiastically): "Oh, GeorKe,
don't you think the greatest joy in life
It the pursuit of the good, the true and
tha bwatifult" He: "That's what
I'm banter."
MlssBmllax "I like to wall with
you, Mr. Wooden; but why don't you
aver reverse J" Wooden: "Well, I hav
reverses enough in my business, with
out bringing them Into my pleasures,
A country paper has this personal
item. "Those who know old Mr. Wll
son of this place personally will regret
to bear that be was assaulted lu h bru
tal manner last week, but was not
She (her first seuton): "Ihavebeeu
hut up la a boardiug-M-hool no Ion
that I feel very awkward and timid
company. I don't know what to
with my hands." He: "I'll hold them
for ypu."
How a nailer was answered.- Caller:
Is your mlstie. lnr" Servant: "Sto,
ma'am." Caller: "When will she
in?" Servant: "I ooulda't say, rua'aui
I don t know when she's going out."
Ho enjoyed tt. Visiting frieud
"What a terrible thing It I to lie sick "
Carefully nursed patleut: "Well. I
dunno. Wife, wont you pleiue gi me
another glass of that wine?"
Sh (in affright): "Ob, Too why do
you. make such awful faoea at me!" He
(.contritely). "I can't help it, dear. My
ye-glusea are falling uif, and ) duii't
want to Ut go of yom bauds "
i-l rt P renin.
ili . nmr of th
ii in it, iml Uift
' i 1 1 1 i 1a ovrrindnl
i m i i pinfiU'lurn in
I mi , i"iiH nnil ron
i ri,tt kirn nt
in!' -1 lutn '-UtM'ts of
V Hit
notable 'ln in in
u - pnrc in - t-hI ml
fiinnnii u
uratiPiillr n il in
, lead llHit I" 1m l'
Tlir- ft-
utliickupfls iicMil 14u.1I t the dbimr tvr
'of the aht(loMiiivl 'Diphp ulteets hml
then to be t nt into li I tie cube, pliu-pd
lurrcl. ,.n,l there mi.. I
until, uy ine conmHiir .nriion, ine purck
Wore off from tin- limn culies win they
lieoauio spheroid.
Watte bail often racked his brain tn -
Ing to discover some lietter anil lww
costly scheme, bnt in vain. Finally,
after spending an evening with some
boon coinjMinionp at an alehouse, lio
went home, went to lied and soon fell
asleep. IIU slnmhers, however, were
disturbed by nnwelconio dreams, in one
which he was out with "the boys.
and as they were stumbling homo it lie
Ban to rain shot bean ti fa I globules of
polished, shining lead in such numbera
that he and his companions had to seek
In the morning Watts remembered his
curious dream and it obtruded itself on
his mind all day. lie began to wonder
what shape molten lead would assume
falling through the air, ami nnally,
set his lnlnrt at rest, lie necenueu
the top of the steeple of the chnroh
St. Mary at Radcllffe and dropped
slowly and regularly a ladleful of
molten lead into the moat below. De
scending, he took from the bottom of
the shallow pool several handfnls of the
most perfect shot he had ever seen.
Watt's fortune was made, 'for from this
eiploit emanated the idea of the Shot
tower, which ever since has been the
only means empioyeu in vue inaninac
tnro of the little missiles so important in
war ami sport Boston Commonwealth.
A Sign from Heaven.
"A queer story was related to lue
many years ago by Rev. William Simp
son, then one of the leading lights of the
Methodist church in eastern Iown and
western Illinois, said Harvey Hood
enough, a Hawkeye pioneer, at the La
clede. "While the Mormons were car
rying things with a higli hand In west
ern Illinois they converted a young
woman, a member of Elder Simpson's
flock. A few months spent nt Nauvoo
sufficed to disenchant her, nnd she re
turned home n confirmed skeptic. The
church people labored with her long and
faithfully, but without overcoming her
unbelief. Before her bedroom window
stood a large oak tree. She nnuounc.l
that she was going to pray the Loril for
sitm that she would ask him if lie
really had an existence to manifest it by
causing the great oak tree to wither, nn
Christ is said to have blasted the un
fruitful tig tree. She was to prefer he:
request for a 'sign' upon which to ground
her faith at W o clock htimlay morning.
Her resolution at ouco liecame tbe
talk of the'town, and many vWted tins
tree nnd carefully examined it. It was
perfectly sonnd, full of sap nnd cove.wl
with a profusion ot bright green leave.
At sunset every loaf was us brown and
withered as in the depths of winter. The
elder stated that with a party of men lie
cut tho tree down and dug up tho stump,
and that It was dead from the topmast
branch to the smallest root. The yonng
woman s prayer had wen answered. She
at onco re-entered tho church and de
voted her life to missionary work, spend
ing sQveral years In China nnd Jnp.ui."
St. Louis Ulobe-Deinpcrnt.
riatinuni 31lnes of
The platinum lieds of tho Ural moun
tains are the only ones in the world in
which this metal is found in sroins.
Platinum is found in Brazil and iu the
Cordilleras in the hard serpentine rocks,
but never in tho form of grains. The
ilatinum beds of tho Ural mountains
are found ill various districts in tho
north at Besserski, in tho government of
Perm, in the district of Knotoureki nnd
in the state properties of Ooroblagodat
ski, where sixty-six mining concessions
bavo been granted. All tho beds of the
northern region are situated in tho uasiu
of tho river Tourl, in that of the tribu
tary stream of Taghil and lu other trib
utaries higher up.
On the western declivity of the Ural
mountains there is another platinum
bed near the river Outka, n tributary of
the Tchonssova, and the, basins of tho
higher tributaries of the Outka, noar the
Ural river. The platinum found in
theso places is in the form of grains, in
sand frequently containing gold. The
weight of theso grains is from seventeen
to twenty-one grams to over 1,04 0 kilo
grams of sand. Exchange.
Tbe Slfxed Jtuee i.f India.
Eurasia lias no boundaries. It lies, a
varying social fact, all over India, thick
in tho great cities, thickest in Calcutta,
where the con ditionsof climatoandbrenil
winning are most suitable, nud where,
moreover, Eurasian charities are most
numerous. "Wheretcr European:) have
come and gone theso people have sprung
up in weedy testimony of them thefee
people who do not go, who have received
Bomewhat In tho feeble inheritance of
their blood that makes it possible for
theni to live and ilio in India, xsothing
will ever exterminate Eurasia; it dings
to the suu anil tho soil, uud is tnurvel
onsly propagativo within its borders.
Sara J, Duncan in Popular Science
It At us 7,t Stunir.
A contentious church member in a
western town recently attempted tohave
his pastor disciplined for using the slang
pnrase "not lu It tn tbe pulpit, but tbe
bottom dropped out of his charge when
the clergyman produced the manuscript
of his sermon and read this t-entence
from it, "In n word, uiy Christian hear
ers, tbe ark was aminiatureworld;theiu
was no form of life that was not in it."
New York Tribune.
KauiUlurlljr llrtrds Cuulenijit.
Judge Dolly How dare you come
Into court so? Take your bat ofl I
Tramp But, judge, you know Im
not a stranger here. Texas Siftinita,
Her Oulv Thought.
It was one of the davs when the wind I
mows suauenly and suarply around Uw
corners, when the dust whirls iu oloodk
and the air lias a hard, cold dnptilM
Yvuitu guee etmigut uirougn-any coal
except a fur one. Away up town or.
one of tho western avenues where cheon
shops are kept on the ground floor of
cueap iiav nouses a woman stoo.1 ly a
window with a baby In her arms. Her
drees wag shabby and so thin that the
wind went through it as through a sieve.
Tho baby had n woolen frock and a
worsted coat and cap, and seemed to Iw
warm enough m he burrowed upon the
woman's shoulder and dug his sprawl
ing little fingers into her eyes.
in ine suop wnuiow were displayed
two kinds of garments. On one aide
were women's woolen petticoats and all
kinds of heavy cotton underclothing,
which looked warm and comfortable.
But this woman did not see them, for
she was looking on the other side of the
window, where were shown little knitted
hoods and tippeU of white, flossy stnff.
anu names- mittens ana babies shoo,
and babies' faucy caps, with ribbons in
them. New York Times.
Sir John Lubbock, who probably
knows more abont bet' i thau any other
man in the world. lmn or dead, hays
that theie isNtrong tvtilcnco that the
queen bee bun tbe pow r of coutrulling
the sax of the eg.
Ybeu argument tal:t-- the plute of
epithet hurling the victor) of n-ht inn
oi pies will dawn, foripitmt-. in.iy Lo
hurled by any one, but -uul av;i mint
Ss possible only ou the ude uf tin i
Tlie consumption of mi uif m this uu
tryischietiy by dipping, una thu bulk
of the tobatt-u jnauaf act unit iu this
shape is cuusutuoU below Mason uud Dij
on's hue
Telesctipic olwer4tiontf show that the
planet t-nu apju ar- to i dwtant ol
aerver far uior ut-ail) liku ii . nth
tha thus Hara.
otoftiiev.aitTewiUiau!Uiofrller hop, of hew watted uu .uo.
N. H. Downs' Elixir
Has stood the test for BTXTT TUAJIS
9 known lor the cure of Coniumptton,!?
Cough, Colda, Wfioapinff Cavgh, onrf H
all lAtng JXtease In young or old. a
l.ln VLr. JCftn asifl ! fM tiat rwuHal V
' EZirxr, nmw t utl, myi., lulnrlta, VI.
Sold by W. 1'. Bicrv.
Drug :: Store,
Don't orgtt-tlmttte keep tho
IJest Line of Pocket Knivus
TCazoi, T!hor SlropV Soon,
Ac. Hre gutmuiice every
llnzor or will rjsclifingo.
nr commended ontlio Ilcst. IX
Lk Mars, Fx.?hovtii Co,, I a.. Mar, 1889.
I mffered from temporary tleei'leBsneea Xrom
overwork for two years, tot which I used Tat tor
Eocnlg'fl NerTe Tonic, and can recommend eame
as tbe beat medicine for ftlmiltir tronblei.
I j: tract I'rom nJ-cticr
ef tha Rer. J. McGowan, CadyrlUo, New Tork :
"I recommend 70a to Bond for Blx bottlon ot
TaBtor Koenlg'B Keno Tonic, and let her tiso 16
as directed. It enrol several In my parish,"
East Glemntuxr, N. Y., Oct, 10. 1890.
I nsed one bottle ot Paator Eoenlg'a Kerva
Tonic for dluineas and nervona headache, and
It did all you claim for It and even more. I had
teen ufferlER for year. MRS. 1. HANGE.
A Valuable nook i i
ZleiiMM Mat fit-ft 1 .'i v l
and iioor patlecTb cm o
tills iiixLcluo liec 'f 4
tanow lunoBMd H
KO?.)HC K1BB. OO., CH!c-x
I3&I.I by Drareista n J jptr j
rroWMu 81.73.
Tino ll'incs, Liquois and Cigars.
Froeh Doer and Fori or.
IT1HK I.UNOH every day from 1UH) to
120 n. ni., nnd overy Saturday oven
InR. Call and see me. I will treat
you right. 1
I liiiiiiAito lite Cnrrli.K" Wiirl.,
North First Street, Lehigliton.
IIU 1 1 U IIU . j)r. j, u. mayrr, 881 Arch
St . Phlt&.lflnl.lft. 111.. S. Jone l'lillltiv. Ken-
neliquare, Pa.; T. A. Kreiii, tilatldBton, 1'tt.
11, M. Small, Mount Alto, Vn.t Iter. w. u. ouer
mer, Sunhurr. l'.i 1. J. Uellet, "iH 8. Tweltili
St., ReadlnK. 1'a.; Wm. l)lx. IVM Wont row St..
1'hlUttellihia; II. I. Kuwe, MiO hltn t., Keadlnx,
l'a.t (lenrKO and l-'Ji. Uurkart, 4W IocuU St.,
lieosllnK, n. Send ftir ctrealar.
A--s n a aev principle
reeul.iw tiHB Jlwr, Btom-Jl I
unit 1uwmLi thraiiok it
ntrtei. V&. Xlaxv Tola
Amid Uvet ftTld COOBttptv'
tton. SmftllMtf niil'Jtet,
tmteett DOiloae3.20cto.
To Contractors anil Bnlers.
Tim i.ftdeptiiipMl .unnounoeK to (Am trot-tor
mu Builders that he lias now 4iem-t! lilt xtuite
cjuiirn , ax leaver Iluu. hihI U i epai vi toNiiily
Building' (Stones '
in any qiwhtitv nt re-uonable ralws, lie Mm
kmisunjlr at htt reHiileiu-tv on HKOM)
8TKBET. to uppl limnwtiate ,lttimiul.
IIAULINtl r every il'orlit ion. promptly nt
irudd la
JMitt'ont4nily tn haol .1 full miH'lv. rihf
Flour and Feed,
Khfch he will sell at fAweM Market PrlsM.
Now is Your1 Time!
Building Lots ForSaje!
Don't it. iHit omo t ouoe
and buy one of these lieautiftilly
located lot. Yoti will lw wir
prisetl nt tho visw they nftbrd
and the price will lx sure to
yileaw you. No trouble to show
you around. Oall on either
or li .1 JIllMiF.N,
Eat WeKhport Pa
1 Sin pl
nlll tonl I
' IIIK "lUll'r.. I I til .1 " ' "'l "I Ultl.
: SHGPP S vv;,'i,.-.,fiTisiiiv
! UllilL u tulmmi AitellU uiUI
M I' ' 1 Mril Li. . Ml . !
l rr 10UU I
W lUl sue
1. ... 1
iMrvard iU
k. Imkimis. a
,j;:,'::;,'nf p Wnflfli
lls-talit yaW ','"' " "
rJ?:'' !
J&k: Department
Vp offer just now a special in
vitation to our friend nntl
mtroni to cortie nnd see ug.
The glimmer is Hist Hooting
nnd we will mnko special
prices to ell out our summer
good in order to lmvo a full
swing on our fall nnd winter
stock of Dry ffootls, Notions
mid Keady-Mnde Clottiing.
AVe have no tobm to quote
prices, but thoy are low
enough. Don't miss this
opportunity but come nt
nco' Then too, wc arc the
recognized headquarters for
lor nil kinds of
JFruils & Vegetables
in Season
at the lowest of very low
price. -TOinpt and cortcous
trofltmcnt to all and it is no
trouble to show goods,
Cniinl IltMg
Bast Weisspoi t.
Robt. JNT. Anthony,
(Kiiecwtir to .1. 1-'. Hex. Hint WeUJK,it.)
.Fnrnitnre, Flotir & Feed.
i at tlio Jiwetl'lU'fS.
tlivo us a call. No trouble t snow
111-' vai.uaiii.i:
A three htorv double framo ilwolllni?
house contniniiitt two lino store rooms
street in Lehifthton is oirered for side
rump nnil nn onsv ternm. The htilld-
inc is suitable for it hotel plant mid
lin stable uud other out. lmlldiiiirs.
1'or further particulars ami terms cull
in or iiddresn
Ktstler's Kcstnurant,
Aug. 1.1, 3m. Knighton l'n
2tawrartasQunl!tla n, artml'v
nn'.'aati&tr two borM of onyoth.r brnrt. Not
1 2oeuJ L boat. SJ"J i:i i ll ii:.N UI.V K.
ran sau cr j as nKsrnaLLY. ;r
Instructions on the Piano
and Organ given by
Third St., Lchighton.
All tho new and improved
methods of instruction. Satisfac
tion guaranteed.
For Terms call on or address as
riic IVoplr's Vapor.
IWe Make
Fine Job Work
A SiHicinlly.
At l.owoat l'rires.
'Orricat North First Strnot,
Ijohighton, Pa.,
AAre hsive tilso
opened a first-class
in Aaron Snyder' ut-w bloek, at
tlie Eastern end ol tlio Lehigh
Bridge, in the BOROUGH OF
WEISSI'OBT, wlierell orders
lor Job Printing will b ov-
jHHuuouMy nnu cnetjny exe-
' euted.
Subtcriptinng lor theCatbon
xiavocate uisn rn civoi
rt i'iiti (l for
11. V. MOKTlllMKtt,
j . In Advannc.
Ai ianllli-ent Morlimiit of Men'
,-oals ni pery d.sclipilon.,11 ,if
pr.ces. Ask lu see them
Fine Neckweai just received. A variety of pretty shades hoA
rich designs. Nothing nicer ever seen In puffs, eearfi. toor-tn-hands.
shield and all ap anil nscon y.icli an MtdrtWaiit
to rare to ml"
A combine of Mali iuallty and low price. ttatMMl MfeeO
(jm ate offered In our Immense assort menu of HftMi Md ttl
uaitettilta of men and hots. Here's a elMne too If) Hffo
Ktouf Speelal Ilargalni weolfer.
0r weather predictions. Iflbedtysste clear yon met 'We
et to onr CblWfefl's Department ci entiled iti tmte ttMrd
lug theft lntru by sflettlut, from wtr lianJeome-sttekc-l Hill
Hays' Olrthlhg. ,
UteMlXovellhM In Winter Underwear. Gteveo, Sliltls, ni
Hosiery. We believe this to bo our lanmt ami llneH illpVy
'V owti. Ifge variety and gorsl qualities rttavs at Hi few
OwSriteliv-IIle':Tallflr.JIa,le Coat to Measure. Xleaytnt
f tilt hw ami Trotwrlngs at iliunttal prlee. Wo liiviie lmifWt.
teiftB oiir Bfieclal Attractions in our Cirliom Department. Onr
yUiiinerjnlil for branty ami eslra nmllHss at most MMer-
Koch. fe Sliankweiler.
Largest ana Finest Clotbinc House m the Valley,
The Cheapest Place in Town
For Willi Paper, Borders and Decora
tions at
Owen Rehrig
jr J-i. f f 111 -iiKi
Diitkirau Wmm
Are you all run down? ScotSs Emul
sion of Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil
and Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda
will build you up and put flesh on you
and give you a good appetite.
Scott's Emulsion cares Coughs,
Colds, Consumption, Scrofula and
all Anaemic and Wasting- Diseases.
Prevents wasting in children. Al
most a. palatnblc as milk. Retonly
I lie genuine. Prepared by Scott A
llowno, Chemists, Now York. Sold by
all Dnisslsts.
n k f j . rron
Bank Street, Lehigh ton, Pa
Beautiful Pictures
Just The Thing For
I don't merely make these liberal offers, but I onrry them out
to the letter. Do you want a Matter Upright Piaiwr Organ t
which othtr agents sell from $ 12ft, to $150 dollar, I y ill wll
you nil you wnnt for $85, on easy payment. A Cornctt Up
right Pintio for $250 dollars that other agents ak $360. I can
get almost any make Organ or Piano that is made, and 1 will
hero say go and got price cltaivhere, bring the Catalogue with
you and I will guarantee-that 1 can save jmi from $'2f to $75 on
an Orgarvand from $100 to $200 dollars on a Piano. . Zton't be
nfrnidto onlland seo me.- I won't woiry the life out of you to
sell, ner will I put an instrument in tlie house, unlcsyou want
me lo do so. I will sell Von the Lawrence T-octave Piano Organ
for $85, now, an to Allentoun tmcl sec if ynti ran buy, one li,r
less than $125.
l)o you want a Standard Sewing Jacliine, that other agents
sell at $50. My price is $30. Tlie Davis at $25, $30 and 5.
The ll'hite and. Domestic at $30. The American and IHiite
Cottage $35 These are eye opeuers, but Aaron is in it aud to
stay. I want tbe people to know that when they puy over $35
lor a Sewing Jachine it is money thrown away.
How about D'atliing Machines,! reduced thenrice to$f, now
anyone ran b-.iy. Ob e high
I andlJourWl,r Prit''
Near the Lehigh
YnuMiV am! l liildie i s (Iyer
tb.m elllne i hii.,.,.,!. nitty low
Corner of Second and
Iron Streets.
Christmas Presents.
P. 0., LEHIGHTOtf. PA.
price agents I am after you nnd
Bridge, Weissport.
At Low Prices.
I'nncluflc ftotn I-'frt pa(i'
i: -nil t-f Knwl (i i lot tlon nnnntineetl,
1 I H ml- v II .H
At 'it KT
ft rnni(HH (irtjiirn 1
11 "Nn uiitVil urn' tto in tlir KnulWi prliv
ll III
12 lt"-iitin,iiin i f IimI Snliftiurr'H rnlnlnlrv
l. I'lfxl-' fu.rioiitu it n ncn ci, bluet
13. Tlie emprefw tf trmiiuy pa iilrih ton,
8. Graver Cleveland elected prfldnt of tbe
United huibr: e. QrmociailQ rongrM
Muny Bin to elet linns heM. 1
B. Sccfnl new, Ion of tbe SKd consmM tened. j
I-llttm, Alirntit'titii, ftunpnlm,n m,, 1
Amoiifr Ittrretiante, llttiikem nnil ntlier I
X. Tho Commercial And Mft ring ritrnk of
KftHur, Nb., eonpemled.
. The ltfohAnto' bank of Moorebe.!.,
cloatd f u doora.
a phi i-
K. Jobn n, KfnKibury, bttnher. neelentO In
iirociwTX, . i.
Tbe MHin Olothlnc oom)Anr Mviffrmlln
St. Lonlet llabUIUw, $11010.
1. Cotr AMnrtln, jrr!n eperalMnre. failed
in uoKwgo i or 9nuu,URi.
8. Tli New Oriental bank of lndon fftfled
for over tarUMLonui
11. JolinMAMDjeireler.aMfRiietHnNewVork
It. McConntll ft Sbawi. leather nierehtints,
fatlil in Uoston for $8ou,ouo.
19, Robert Dnnoan, lerttber tuanafMtnrer at
Woborn, Mam., aeetirned with
10. Tlie Mutual Hanking coinpanr avilftned In
SI. OobarnIeavltt.operatlnff hosiery mills
ai ijneoma, iu asaigbwit iiaiiiutleft,
9. The London Homo nnd Lund Trtint nlld-
ln society faUed for $S,(HX),000.
II. Splecell A Co., furniture dealers, rslle-l in
Chicago: lliibllltfea over 8UO.0IM.
1. Scl.ulU's private bank failed In (Berlin Tor marks.
8. A. It. Altlen ft Co., straw goods manufac
turers In New York pit), assigned, liabil
ities, iioaorn.
UfX lltirkbAltr A Co., wholesale grofers Inew
lone city, aMgnitii nabtutieji, fTdi.miO.
Ift. Mommer A Co., imimrtere, aslgnctl (ti New
Vurkcltj! liabilities, 8120,(110.
uwcm iieiu
6. Carow and Ilnitels, brokers, nsslgnpil In
Hamburg: liabilities, 7itD,uiiiinHrkn.
Uauipnlgus llneugcmi'iitM mill Cotnpnt-
nUettln the U'ar of (Jajtlliil utnl ImUut.
12. 3Eji,0fM mat miners In (I rent ttrtinln went
on strike.
15. Thograulto flrmiuf New Kngland lockeil
outiUlO vtirkmenovernUmtn about
coutraclH. -jui.v.-
0. Fighting nt llumestoad Iron works, Pitts.
burg, bvtneen strikers unil Tinkerton
me in U killHlain, many Injured,
to. Tbo entire nutluual (ruardof IVnimylvnnta
ordered to llomeatead.
11. 4 kllletl In n strikers' riot nt,Ofii, Ida.
lu. (ieDdarmw tired ujton a band of striker
reapeM nt Itebar. Iltititriirr. killing 13
and bounding otheis.
A I'll L'NT.
L. The ellit tioitr bill for fircruineiil em
plojees slgntnl by the .irtisidoiit.
li Swltcliuivii Iu tho IlittTalo yards of the
Hrie. the Heading and tho UiifTalo Crtwk
rallromU struck for Inortiaaoitf irv and
shorter time.
II New York inllitiu ordered to UnfTalo to
lirotiHJt rallroitd projierty from violence
of striking switchmen.
17, Mlnersrapinretl acfnict sttickadeat Oll
er Springs, Tenn.
13-19. Coll Islous between mlllll.i and Btrlklns.
snitehmen ut HulTulo; also between cltl
rens' iosHoand militia and miners at Coal
Creek, Tenn.; "i-ltlrens killed,
24. The switchmen's strike ended at flu (Tali.
SI. IC7 llomestend rioters Indicted for murUer
U. Tlio Pittsburg grand jury Indicted tbo
Homestead strikers' adliory b:trd nnd
tbe managors of tho Carnegie mllM.
SI. The Homestead strlko declared off.
Summary of the Sporting llecord fur tbe
Year 1892,,
11. Elliott won the Tcnuessco Derby nt Nash
ville MAY.
10. JudgoMnrrownoutho Ilrooklyu handicap.
13. Montana won tho Suburban handlcup at
Sheepish cad tlay.
1. Yale defeated Harvard In the varsity boat
race, at New Loudon, Conn.
17 Nancy Hanks madu a record of COTlj In
22. Tho lacbt Wasp noa tho$l,O()0cup ntNew
port, beating tho Harpoon and (llorlana,
3L Nancy I lank a trotted "a mile In 2 OCAf at ln
dependence, la,
1. Martha Wilkes trotted In 3.03 at I ndepend.
vnce, la.
C 3IcAulllTo defeated Meyer for the light
weight champfomdilp of the world at New
7. Corbett defeated Sullivan for tbo world's
championship at New Orleaus.
ti. Mascot towered tlio pelng record tof-M at
Terra Haute, Ind.
NOV EM liKn,
IX Yale defeated the UnUerslty of Pennsyl
vania at football in New York cltyi score,
23. fitamboul lowered the stallion record to
at Btockton, Cal.'
34, Yalo beat Princeton at football In New
York city 13 to a
8, In tho prizo fight at Coney Island, N Y,
Qoddard wblpptMl Maher
IVstlvnl. auil Ccrelnoiii.. tn Ciiiiiiii.iihm
rnta yntitM. ltiuiiu. i:ti
1. KcntucltjrcetebratMl tlie lUltlt ainilvtTHarr
of tier ailUitMiou Into tb. Union.
" Patcrwn, N. J., twfiuli relebrtloii uf li.r
St. OloDnMler, .Ma&k, ulbruteil thu 'JfKitli uu.
lihcriwrrtirtUofetttlenieutuf tliat touu.
X. Ce.lratloii of Hi. Aiinhfriutrr of
Woburu. Alau.
IS. IliolOUtli HiiitherMry if tlio jltomery ot
Ainvrtcu citt.britlwl.
SI. Columbu, Day (l.bratwl Kn.i-allr
tUruilctiout Oiu UlittMl butw.
Tlio Uoluuibiaa eiiwIltof bulldlnii. itetll
ctutl ut Ublragu.
38. CunsriMOf IheSfthallon AriitrMMHUbleu
lu Naw York du.
I.o'rI Cliri.nulocy.
1. Kliprlff U'.bb ibovmI tu the I'lHiutv Neat.
ti. I Hw.rny aasuliml eontplHv itiulrul ut , v unwr iHoir, i.noirti) rnmijr
A Hon.
II. .1. llretnpv. Ml.r In 1'lrst National llanL.
4. Ullllsm 1. Itadrr, klllnl on Hie rallnu.1 at
Deatli of Rtinlali Milker, a.r.1 4 yrar..
3. Iloktou annherwiry t-elabruthin of Alr.aDit
Air.. lwi, i.rarrr.
s. netitii of Mr.. Kliu dhlve. born May . 11T,
to. Iiefwdte flatirauMnt a .llgbt flri ut ilio rml
dttioH of WllllMin 2alintT.
tl. Ultima", liatorlal Aavielatlonof tlw !tur
luuii t auy in anonon at in. .'.iuiuw
of Mev J. II. huuor
II. AI. Cauinu.ll movMt lit. Jewelry linalue.. to
la. Dr. r I HmiUi aold lil fast liunui Illll H
to a New .lenity party for cm
Ctiarle. t!auutater lufureU at faekerlou.
VI. lMt. tlrater. ilaad: fairu Januar. l.Ll.
II. wMllalu WeMw aaMllneU 4Hieconlilp of
Webb's mtaunul.
31. Dorinn 1Kb rnonUi UlilgliUm llolwry MIU
mwra i,.u oani nuae w. city oral.,..
The bUHlueM dotttt WM flHlt.
4. Oharter aranled for Oarlain County Kleetrie
riaath ill TUoaiMM Akli born Slav. I..1B
. DLhof Vriltuun r.TTeTluaiiu.aneM u lean.
t. Th. Iblgtiton OemMery Contiiany eUwtM
Miller and Jolm MoKelvej .
s. UastH of Mrs. JhIui Oariln.
ill. Prd llnrlaebar I VHuni llouw.
Uaaiui olMnu WMDuuii rlbln.ter, atH .w
13. FjMUuniry ww
ti. Tn Kvnnct-Ucal
hi M. ti. Chun-ii.
uw ivwiwiBst uvjoera: iTeaioeui, runif
MUler. vkpfestd.ut. Jainas Boyar
Mcrctary, earn, waua. treasurer, Itoben
L. Saraejir.
'alas, treasurer, ItobeK
It. O, U. M. Mocker twk ciiarga of tbe 1'reU
It tiler reataurant.
is. lleSlfiaf Ur..Cailianue Eaeh.aged 117 years.
Death of Mm. J W. Kaudaunusli, aged u
S3. A. K. Milter pureuaiied tlie Ni..uaum if,M
arty U S7iuu.
ST. Kranci. Hitler killed ou the Villll-J rullioad.
s. Marruwe of 1'haou siioeiuak.i to Ml Mary
u MaUsUtarlr.A ..bei, .,. Ml,, Bmnut
W Ueall Knzimi UmW pon,itm .r lh.- old1
Kaiuel dorf
ill l..wer. lui'l to i!lWt
h i tti ii"" inn. tjiroti
Jt I be U'lllKlllo-l Ill4el Mill 1 llil "li
JT. DtNilli ol l' Iit i.ali rl. ik
tiihiie IIiHii
&. ItM-CUTaUl
of tin-
hljfc.irlb I
Cuv NttUaOtmt BptsruiisU i Uui
Keuntou ot Uit- csMtmiHnc ooaArniMl dur
HiK Kov. J. II. kiular IUt eM ikin
t4nittt ot ihf 1 utlwriin riiun-li
3u Mt-1 no i utl In trbiur.t'd
M hi
nee II
I raola lo
trrlla tlotltJ
4 T Mf nl) i( hlli
.111111,11 vii , HI III.'
III 111- I!Hrl,
M4rruF:' of I .1 1 0114
iu t'lkriilHii 11 am nltiii ,llil
M t-Mlil iUiN' Ik
ii.. Ulii) lit
Hi, ii
I i 11 1 . A H Aocsl a fluji hr tli jiubln
leatlillaiti(aa Wr-bi j-d i-4i
1 U lijllHr ui CdKl oll all. tll llcv
n Kdrfffc Puntwr drowned tn t.Htlftli rivrr
tlu UeKth of Adam Merlikam, tmrn Hi it s, imjI.
Marriitife iif p. A. Cmtg to Ml Wai.
4 AlMli IIolT'iMt. kdltMl nn It.-- I - !
Ituihfutil tit CVitilMt.
it 'utpy
II M iriliw ( .li.hii f. l.i'iil ( Mi
Healii of Thnrle Wtind, need '-' m
It. AHprt U.'iman killed mi fhe l-tilu
ItMilm.m nt Wnlte lluven
iili. !
t Muritaire or Imrtei Trexlor (
A llct
ft. 6, 7, fi rbon Coutil Fair. Ill uteres In
every uartlrular.
t. IkMUhmOhM. 4ihafli' Iwirn Niv IT. ILtA
V7. Drain uf Mm.l.ri. Noilifltein. iHirttAmil,
!. 1,. A. Krum sustained Injnrte on Uie Utilxb
Itnni iMiniini intra which im inni i lrw
a)-s later.
18. lleilnmn's Mill and (Nin & Heiltnan's Ire
ittmsfs nrnwOT y me.
ttw km n rift .
7. Oeatli of .fcrome.H. llgel, aged Si yrars.
Tlio Hum to Ort Married On.
Nu man liaa a right to tret inarried rm
1M thnu 1 ,500 a year. At leant that is
0t conclaaion reached Hie other day nt
the close of a long digenmion on thin
tmbjwst. Of cottrap that means if the
man 1 going to take for lila brid a
fireet ami lovely ynnnjc woman, who
while Ijetng happily ttrorided for at
hoHie has not been overiudnlged in ex
travagances, nud who has tho tense to
know that ahe can hardly espect t box
nt the opera and lots of diamonds from
the you ii g man who lias only so lately
firmly established himself in business.
And even if the girl is one of those who
has known what it is to bo out in the
world at work for herself, she can hardly
bo explbted to marry a fellow who can
not do as well for her as she did for her
self. She has managed to get along
beautifully by herself on fifty or sixty
dollarsatnonth. with plenty of nice. sen
sible clothes, a trip to the theater every
now and then, and every summer, or
maybe every other summer, a nice little
jnunt away somewhere, to forget the
little unpleasantnesses of cverydu office
life. And the way this money wns to go
wa very nicely settled too.
The young mnn won't be likely to
have a home of his own to take his. win
some bride to, nnd there it the unfailing
call of the landlord on the first of the
month to be met, and that meeting
means twenty dollars sure, and maybe
more. Sixty dollars will disappear early
in tho action by the time the butcher
and baker and candlestick umker'tt and
some other people's monthly bills have
been settled; $150 a year is placing the
estimate at very modest figures for the
wearing apparel of each during the
year, and when all this U added up
$1,200 is cared for, and something must
be,put away for rainy days and doctors
bills and occasional treats to the theater
aud the lake, ami $1,600 is gonel Still
there aro others who think they can get
along first rate with a good deal less
than this. Boston Herald.
A TliouglitleR. Olil (ieutlemaii.
Jt wu8 the night "rush hour" on the
Brooklyn briilge trrtlna. Jloro peoiile
were crowiliHUnto one of the cant at tho
New York terminus than ltnd nny risht
to bo there without risking bu(T oration.
Through the siile entrance to tlie cur
came three yonng anil pretty nith,
swept on by the tide of humanity. The
car was crowded, but that didn't mat
ter. In the crush tho girls were help
lees. They couldn't help being pushed
into the car, anil nn instant later they
couldn't withstand tho eounterpush
which fenteil ono of them, willy nilly,
ou tho knees of an old gentleman. In
the jam her two companions were thrnst
against this young woman, and pre
vented her from rising. It was not un
til the train was well on its trip toward
Brooklyn that the crowd gave way a
littlo and eho was enabled to regain her
footing. She begged tho old man's par
don sweetly enough, but to her friends
she said not a word until the threo wero
safely out of tho car und on the platform
of tho Brooklyn station. Then she freed
her mind.
"That's what I call an Impolite man,"
sho declared.
"Why?" said one of her companions,
"I thought ho behaved beautifully, lie
didn't say n word."
"That's just the trouble," snapped the
other. "He didn't have the grnco oven
to say, 'Keep your scat, madam.' "New
York Times.
Twenty Girl. Unoitgh.
In the Quaker City there is a well
known business and society man who
pursues a strikingly original line of con
duct. In his business he is quiet, reg
ular and industrious, and particularly
prides himself upon the neatness and
accuracy which characterized his books
of account. During the social season
he flits about from entertainment to en
tertainment, frequently attending operas
and playhouses, always having with him
somo one of u wore of girls to whom he
pays more or less attention. W a? krd
why he had so many gir,ls he Ka. I: "Oh.
all girls talk as they write ver nnu h
alike, but still there Is more vai.jivni
twenty thau in one. Bebides, I krep a
regular set of books at home in which 1
enter every cent I spend on them, and it
affords ine considerable amusemen .
For instance, I chargo cost of theater
tickets, flowers, supiier uud carriage
hire, and then credit it with the amount
of pleasure I had 'Passable time en
joyed,' 'Unjoyed the evening hugely,'
etc. Tbe girls who afford mo the most
enjoyment receive the greater number
ofninvitatious, so I think I may fairly
say that I eek lelaxation aud pleasure
In the same way that I attend lo my
businett on a system," Philadelphia
Press. x
Odd Cuitoui 111 llrazll.
A woman lately returned from Uracil
tella of the eurtou. nomenolatnru of the
streets of Para. They are Biblical or
commemorative of some event iti the
Ikaitlian hi. lory. It seemed t her
quite irreverent to be told that a desira
ble location was "at the comer of St.
John the Baptist aud St. John the Lvau
gelist streets." She went with herunrle,
who was on bnsineas, tu dine ut the
house of a wealthy merchant.
Everything was very gorgeous aud tu South American stylo, but ou
leaving she was amazed to huve her
hospitable host say to her, "If ou
have any washing send it here." It is a
custom there, it seems, for wealthy
household to take in lauudry work as
an employment for their large retinues
ot servants. Cor. Utica Herald.
"Old 1'" CraMTord.
Ueneral H. W. Crawford was called
"Old Physics" because in the brginmug
of his military career he was a surgeon.
lie was with Major Andersou durinv
the bombardment of Kurt Uuuiter, uud
saved the life of linger A. Poor, of Vir
ginia, who, while under a flag of truce
inside the fort, nncereinomoiudy picked
up a glass of liquid from a table und
drank it for a "whisky straight." It
proved to he iodide of potassinui, bat
"OU1 Pliysics" pumped him out and
saved his life. Washington Star
Vkwnlre. In liulaua.
When the West Indies were first dis
covered hogs were put ou some ot tho
ielaads; theso in tune lucruaand won
derfully, so as to become vast herds, af
fording a supply of trash meat to thu
manner sick of the scurvy, iu Uiuauu,
however, these animals never bevumu
fmmou' bu' 0,B tUB contrary reqmr. ,1
the greatest of care tu in-trvt- thtwu
fmm th vismmnuL n- ;imiu.i!a.
i like inn. Bleep at nilir. uml Uti the
lU have lue uU vantage or tiioui, w lain
the wild quadruped uf the frft ruuu
and feed at the hauie liiue a their tutu
gvnnary enemy. Ueuce it has follow!
that teccariett roam tecurely und are
quite free fruiu the vaiu.urve, while thttir
domestiewted cousunn tmi&t bo hautwd
and caged. Luuguau'H Magazine.
bbtxkcMl Utar lb Irv. 1
The Voice frujn theTclepbone I wh j
you'd cut off the hea-ds uf ono Mrit, Jltl- j
ton Ilobbf, uue Mrn. hjrah Joiu'u, two
AlphiL'Ud Hard uml u IV ter Piukertou,
and (Mfiid tln'iu o uiy lwuo Ibis ueutu
in blue for duiutr.
TueVoK't-.ii 'i laii-uutUT Urv:it
guns! VVhai.'
TiMuK- fiuiu liM Telepfajuif 4 h
j excuse toe. I've gqt th wrong i.ujuUi
Tboogbt )wM,arM Uiubb thu thrv-.
I aathtutiUii i;r'Her 1 buugo ,t ,
Mskes an every-day convenience of an
okl tlme luxury. Pure and wholetome
Prtpsred with scrupulous care. Highest
award at all Pure Pood Expositions. Eaih
package makes two large pics. AvolJ
Imitations and Insist on having th-
NOND SUCH brand.
MBRRBI.L & SOULE, Syracuse, N. Y.
ACME BLACKING is clieai..
at 20 cents a bottle than e i
other Dressing at 5 cents
lxY-111,0 shoes once blackened lrith .
Ik' Lent clean by washing them with v, i
Pi opto in moderate circumstances und
piolitablo to liny it at 20o. a bottle, ho
w hnt they spend for Blacking they ea 1
pline leather.
It Is the dies pest blacking conslai i
Its quality, and yet we want o s i
clieajicr if tt can be done. Wo will p -
$10,000 Reward
for n recipe that will enable us tc'8 Ache Blackiko nt such
that a retailer can profitably sell it in
hotllc. Thisoflerisopcn until Jan. I-t
WOLrF&KANDOLPn.PhllsdelJ,) .
Old furniture painted with
(this Is the name of the paint), Iookt like
stained and varnished newufnifsre. ' m.
coat will do It A child can apply It v
ran change a pino to a walnut, or a cli i
to mahogany; tlicro Is no limit to r
fiuieies. All retailers sell it.
1'or o Thorough Training ii.
ltillli:i soiitoi-IMlh
Centre Sqtrii:, Allentown, l'n.
KilitM Kiiuipi.tMl OuiiniiiTctrtl l lulntiu1 Hi'1m1
lu 1 eimlYiirtlii,
"Rio-hf tMi'i ini
XJifaul' iNrhueroita
Wont Coiirst-i at Ifoiifst Italic.
ItiMHffii :rOaml wmiult'iiti jnuumllv
Miitlcnli.wshtelto luxfnt' ioiitloH' Vmft
ftn VHiitlofjiit ur mil in ouht
O U, DORNEY, Prin.
MTriease uicnclon tins paper. C T-Cni
Cnron Comnmptlon. Conshn. Croup. Sore
Ttiroat. Sold ty all UntExitt on a Guanntw,
For a Lame Side, mclc or Chest ShUoh's Porous
Platter will jive peit taiUfactloa. $ cent
Mrs. T. 6. Hawkins, Cbnttanoogn, Tenn., naya j
"ShUoh'fiVitaUxcr SAVED MV LIFE. I
leverwuW For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney
trouble It eicela. rncoYScts.
ItavoyouCatarrtir TrrttilSKciriear. Itwlll
relieve and Curo you. Trice fio eta. This lu
lector for Its successful treatment (.furnished
free. Shlloh's Iteni'Hlles nresotdby us on a
guarantee to give satisfaction.
nut sale rty
Dr. (J T. Horn, Lchifjhton, l'n.
..rflPiwn tK
K&" V Per month lir.
"fO I.'" harmteu lierbol
Minnillaa that tit Tint tnJ
Jure tb hoalth or lntertirfl without 'u biigloesa or
plfunni. It builda np aiiil jmprotai the freoerAl
No rlokK or ilubblDfWt follow thit trvutmcnt,
liwlortsfJ by phyniauia and letullait socletr ladit.
llarahe. HatMnln, 8Bii I uiti In itarnri, f.r partUulan U
Blclt EaaJacbe and rellers all tho troctblat focS
dost tu atUioua atatoof tbo ajatam, aaoh M
PuaJneaa, Kaoaaa, Provalneaa, Dial row aftar
eatlnn. X'alu in tbo tudo, La, Whlla their moat
romu-aatlo auccoaa hta beea shown la CIUI213 4
Jljivliche. yet CarUr'fl IJttl3 Lint PtUs ara
equally valnaMola Conatlpation, curing and pro
QtIU( thlaacnoylBR eompUlnt,vr htla they alas
JlTeraDtlKBUUtfttheboweU. Ereaittltejoulj
'AoLa thr vonld ba almoa t priooloaa fctHiaM wha
auiavr from this dUtrefdrigc implalni, butfortu
mataly tuelreooJneaf doea noteniUiorana thosj
wLo 0000 try tlicm will find thalittla paiaTalo.
nt4e la aomany a ttiai thny Will not to wil
UOfS to do without tlrt ia. But after allslckhcM
'XatbsteMcf Mtuaoyliro tbat haralawbarj
'mroakaonr great Ut. OttrpUlacttraitwtuU
otaaradoiiot ...
Carter UtUa Llrer rilla aro Tary omall ani
very eaay to take. Ona or two pills wakaa doaa,
Ttuiy ara atrtotly TaeUbIo aud du not grlpo or
runw. but by tbdrnentlaBCtloD pleaaoali wh
UMtbNQ XavlataMUoBDU: fiTeforll. tttU
Ly drootsis crtrjvUw ox st by maii.
us (fotip, what
tuiifvr KSit.
UjnltLuMtBrlia-a. Oil
ut iu. met, 6". iui 1
llil Bft. Hlltl MO. i.
PElR(E (0Lf.LvE
. of BliSl&iESi
A birt euw aeainj"!. "Mi' 1 , "'1!'1"'
, S4ta B .ISPS;!,' I"
Xtma inltud'""1 "'' IhiuIuHj
all tumm" I ' ' ,r 1 ' "' ' ' 1 '
Va.ll and Wintrr ttni I mm l"itfls
JSiSaiatlll Mi'-I'" 1
aMUUc(i'iut i.rifttiai ii r r ir. . ai d0rr
Tk0 Wai 1'iriai P i J i'r. ii "i1 Ti uuder
Br1- Hmttlum yl t'.J ,itfinii-i li UJ. li tuJ
3 ttm 1 latnniu'i.iK vr4til
Bt tsJtsiri ollt liT list Ik liHUutt hf,ih.
I fur sM-teurliMr- Etsitt.iiLai In Ah.4m
ebyaaritoafftrtofrMti)! oL4xsu.LUt
Lamat tfroaUttaa of any adestbl
raari fUu sJz inootba. AOdrtta att'NN A. OOZ
ru MiIMS, 3 U 1 SroadwayrKsw Yurk Cur.
iEWIS' 98 LY
staf I t it L Im avvarr Ad r
in .! ijs xikUrkl. iy
IS, N A A! , kl'I-
I1 If.1'
rtvm f
I smr