The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, December 24, 1892, Image 1

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    Durban slSk 3diwnt?.
son vmmmm
h n specialty at our Jol) I'm ing l 'tin
in Snyder'a Block, east hldi i " i- I.. In, it
ilrldite. Envelopes, Note am 'crl'iiper.
I'lmmplets, Order Hooks, V "rs. Talc-,
mid nil kinds or Piu Mi', Hi. und Sal.
We do all work neatly, cheutily und
idennly. I)n you neud iinythlug In tins
line? Ilion call inn) Bee us, or write us a
postal rant and wo will lie at your service.
lias a larger I'lrrulntinn H, otlici
newspaper printed liiCnrbjn county, con
sequently It Is the best nirsll 1m for adver
tisers. Our hows column BparUle with
theoomiiwnoMof the day olern, spicy,
Interesting, ls lxltt und Independent. Our
ttdltorlals Hie original, mid will batt-irUi
leading oil account of 1 heir spirit which
is independent of outsldo illr-tntlon. Our
price In one ilollnr a your. Just you I ry II.
VOL XXI. No. 6.
Lohighton, Carbon County, Ponna. Decomber 24 1892.
$1.00 a Year in Advanc
Ibniichweliarelieeiisery inilet this summer.
Vnuseetteuait Intended aj),nc oaf twines
I.... nit an illil not kftD tin
In concluded lo stay, tte isirpuse staying and
puililng- shoe buslnesi tilth all our enemy,
llavesheltcd store to relllng, iweked It ttltn
goods and are In traxllloii to furnish but shoes
Kir iihi mntMf mat fan be aolt. We w and
tvaut you to knon llial tie are read)' and are
Attain an Immense tot of candy to MirtMittoiuer.
It I put up In liandsome bote n.nch,imj will
nit appreciate. Unr unt efforts will ecin tutne
In eoinpaMon tonr future, fr r Intend .
t.ulM 1111 an imineuu trailii or Know Hie if mcwi
ami handtunie shoos -shneslhat will wcnraii.l
Kite uu the most for your money I; nnr objisl
10 wit them at low ro1liblit tntsnt Ihetn.
TlilihourfiMll.tnflW Tall caniUljtn, tnt
to bo followed by ct tuelw citurU to mane Jou
levl tlifttwlien)utn Jt.t s1nm" tlio Uve ynu
Bswito toe IMee lw fSfs?es
723 Hamilton Street. Allenlown.
Has it cvor occuvred to you Hint, you can buy jitBt as cheap ii not
cheaper here than you caabuyin the city I It is a sol'ul FACT.
Apples end Potatoes
Are arriving daily in car load lots and arc being sold at the very
lowest prices to retailers
GJoMifccfioBdeB'sgi JPteifi, Oysters,
Sold and delivered ut and frequently way below city prices.
Wholesale Commission
Hot Prices for
No. 8, Full Size, Complete
Uange, $20. No. 7. with No.
8 top, complete, as low as 17.
We offer these geoda at these prices fur
the next Sixty Days. We have on hand a
lot of Second Hand, FItst-class
Parlor Mle Healers.
nuicli we will sell at very low llaures. All
of our goods ate guararAeed to pleare the
buyer or money refunded.
Call and see our large slock hefora
buying elsewhere.
Boots, Shoes and Bobbers,
An Immense Stock
All Varieties and Styles
Prices Never so Low
The moBt Central Location
at The Sign of the Big Boot.
Kline, Loros & luschitz,
714 Hamilton Street, Allentown, Pa.
1 a
a 0
i &
cz 0
3 U
3 6
C P"
m kj
Tho above cut shows our Kitchen f'abinet open and closed it
contains Flour Bin, Spico and tolling I'in Drawer mid Hake
Board. An indcspcnsible article for the kitchen. Vice $5.00
We have just receivod another laige lot of Breech .oading
Shot Gans. We claim to have tho finest assortment of Guns
and Revolvers outside of the large cities nt popular I'rices.
Come and be convinced. Our "Leader" Breech-Loading Shot
Quns only $7.5Q. a first class gun in every respect
Only Five Dollars Round or Square at the
Lehigh Coal & Hardware Co.,
KasflT you read the Adyoeate than you rund he News '
BtOCK. but now. hSV
Dealer, East Weissnort,
Call and be Convinced
PrtaslflDal & Business Cards
W. M. Hapsher.
Flnt door Above the Mansion Haute, j
Kfol EUte and tioIlwtlKn Akine. Will liiijr
mil 1VU Kftal Kstite. Cnre)iiiirtiiK neAtly done,
foller lions ironiptlr tnwlc. KMtllnff lMntevof
Iecwlent3 a opeelaltv, Mny be mnultM In
Fnvilhh and Herman iiov.itt-vt
DR. G. T. FOX,
172 Main IStrpot, Hath, Pa,
I itllee llouri from 9 a. in. to 4 in, I'l m-tlre
Imited to dUeaies of the
Eye.Ear, Nose & Throat
f"Alo, i:olr.u-ttmiM thf Iei or thn 11 ijust
F. I. SMITH, D. D. S.,
Ofllce oplhe lite Opera Wmvte
linnk Street, Lv)i'Umt
fill Ink and making artificial dentures a ipet
tr. Local unesttietli-s ued,
1liitadndiiWerednudTeet!t Txtraetcd Wl 11 1
OITirK HOURS:-From t) . m to 12 in., from
1 t. iu. to & p. m., from 7 . in., to 8 p. m.
Ooniultatlom In 1'u-tliMinr Hennan
OiUcb Hours ut Hnrleinu-i:erv,HHtur(U.
Oct 1 5-87-1 v
r.msnl llirirn 1 Over J. W
Mnuor store.
ministry In all its brandies. Teeth Extracted
Itlimit 1'aln. (las administered when requeHti'd.
omce Days-WKUSESDAV of eaoh neek.
e o.nddie. ULENiowN,
3 yi II.eliKlicoontv.fa.
Henry Drumbore, Prop'r,
Itie C'libon Honto Imi been lenoMiteil und
inproted throiiRtiontj ItM eltttrlo llKhtedand
ft ell ventilated, and It nmong the Kent Hotel In
ttih section ot the State. Tim piitronnireotthe
inibllc II follelted. Het urcoinmodatlons for
permanent and transient custom. Charcei very
modeiate. Flue Llquor.treslilleerAnitrortiT
and (lotKt Clears, for sale at the nnr.
june 18, 'KX.Z
The T.radlitg ltentaurant In the Lehlffli
C1IAS. A. llWMAN,rnp,
This Popular Restaurant has been thoroughly
refitted and reftimUheil, and the general accom
modal ions are of a superior and Imltlns charac
ter. All the delicacies ot the Reason served ut
moderate rates. The bar Is supplied with none
but tle best brands ot Wine, Liquors, A1"S.
Ulnars, etc.
Ladle Dining Itoom In tlie Hear
Oscar Ohristinau,
Livery and Exchange Stables.
Kasy riding carriages and safe driving horses
Bji co mmodatlons to aeent9dilere..rt
Malt and telegraph orders r-rnmiitlvattended to
(Jive me a trial. inay21-ly
The Celebrated
Cypress Shingle.
(luarantced full Length.
The very best Shingle In the Market,
Clareiaont, Virginia.
All Kinds of liuililin'' l.timber
Freiilit, Bww auil Parcels
John F. Hottenstein.
Careful attention pih! to llieDelhery of
Freight, llasicage auil 1'areels to all pins
of town at tho lonrjt prices. A share of
public titionai;u Is respeeifully srillrll,-.'.,
jy-"I,eave orders at Sweeny'a. Koch's j
or I.rlbenKUth'a. ,
Mower HuIMIns
npptAite Tost OhMee,
II 'oik Hki'ii
in eery Jay of lb week
am! promptly attended in,
Family Washing done ui very reasonable
Soidol's Bakery,
First Stieet, l.t-hmtitun, ou will nlnays 11 hJ
rrehent und Heft
t Rye, Wlipnt nnil Vienna Broad
j Fresh Ktery lia. Unr Yleniu cannot
t.exM-lleil Weresiwelfiiltyn.-llei' )inri.itriHi-
axe. WatfhforlhetVaipm.
j nuclei's Viciiim Hukery,
! f)pp. Ohert's, KIIISTIST., I.KIIHliriON, l'A
1 The uudrrstcntd l.ailnt Ueu rrl(tediu
1 hcalih by hiuii.le meaiui, alter snlTeriiiii: for&tov
I f rat ,eurs wiih a aetere luuit ntte lion, and erl
) dread dlnease CuiiBinnptlon, H anxious to iiutk
known to his Iftlow iimerent the intinio(eureJi
ToilittKewlio desire it, he will chot'i lolly afiid
(f rc of eh.irce) a copy of Ihe prfM-rlptlouuiwU,
I whirl) ihy will Hod a aure euro for C'tiniuuii
, lion. Asthma, iinmeliltla. and all throat ami
j Inn); Maladle. lie hoies all tuitTfreis will tr
htn rrmeilv. us it U lnialu.dlH. Tiion deMiiiux
Hit' t i M'tti'n uhlrh will rot Ihfin nothlni;,
mm nuy prow u Uriiiut. ntll please ntidieNit,
Her, K1MYAKI) A. UII.SON, liinoUyn,
New York.
.i.r d, 'W-ly.
Henry Miller,
Winhow aw Door Fkamks,
Doors, Shut'ers.
window rashes,
Mouldings, Brackets,
All IMi of Dressed Lvralier
ahiugles, Pailrngs.
Hemlock Lumber, &c..&c.
Very Lowest Prices.
XSf Sle bills prinWd cheap
J"he Best and Purest MedicinoS
4VAJtwltl drlfo tho Humor from j-our
ar. atvatm. ml mnLo Tour akin I
4i. Ck. clean ml cmootli Tlioi
A, tJVtoSrcmoTe.1 to a .bort
VVaSV.?. ureal
'iS . '7. '
Jr. M
The Dose
Bpoonful. ItisUuTf
lMtt niiil hatri
mtvllrJnc. 'Vrv ft.
vnn trill m Mtliflfld.
Oet It of your DrugglsU
DontWxit. Gftitato
If you are sufferioy from Ktd
ney Dtscate, anil with to iin 1
old nge, use Bin.filUIt Dim
They ucier fall to cure.
TheU.Hi.N Advocatk Iim perfected ar-
mncementby which ue uflr I-'ttKR to our
readerift jenr'.HinbHcrlptlon to Womankind,
the popular Hi in t rated monthly journal pub
lUhednt sprlnctleld, Ohio. We will en vk a
year's Mibicrlptlon to Womankihd to each of
our readeri paj Injtayear subscription to the
AnvwwTRlnadtftHce, and to all new subvert
berHpalusl!i ndTanee. Womankind will find
a Joynu welcome m tnery dome. It Is bright.
aparkllmtandlnterettlne. IM liouteluld hints
and BiiKgefltlon are Invaltiahip, and It a1 so eon
tains a large amount of news about women In
cenornl. Itsfasblon depittment U complete,
and profusely UhHtrated, It ha a bright ntld
entertainlnK corp ot eontrlbutnro, and the
paper hetllted with rare and ability. Hit'tiUil
renilepaitment makeH Womavkind a favor
ite with tkojcmuu, und In fact tt contains much
which will interest eiery member ot every
household in Its nktrrn handsomely II
ustiated i.iKt'i. Do not delay In accepting this
oner. It will cost voo nothino toKet a full
yeui's subscript Inn to Womanmnd. Simples
can be weu at this oillee.
Tho snare drum wn brnuuht into
Kuiojio by tlio Saracens about Till.
VWcs of people have piles, but De Will's
Witch llazla S.ilvc will cure them. T. I).
Siemens' armature wan invented nnd
npplIM to practical ue in tht year
183 1.
Small 111 size, In results: lie Wilt's
UttloKarljr Hlsers Uest pills forCuustl
patlon, bos; for Sick Ifo-ulacho. best for
Sour Momacli. Tbe? never gtlpe. T.I).
Hoatora and
In Great Variety nt
Samuel G-iiateu'r
ropular Store, Bank Street.
Roofing and Spouting u specin!
ty. Stove repairs iumished
on slort notice
Rev. G. W. H. Clarke, Chaplain of the
Vermont Senate, cured of
rosiTtoN op Cliaiilulu In the VI.
Neuute, Mioi'LD us nraniDKii as tub
most iiosltlve proof of the won
derful medicinal power of DA
and brother both tiled or Kid
ney itueosc.
ST. Aliians,
That I, O. II, AV. Clarke, of St. Albans,
VI., n Treacher of the Nonpel In the M. K,
Church, Member ot the S, II. Conference
31 j ears, ami of theX. K. Conference 10
ears, have liccn aflllcteil with the
KIDNEY t'05imiT t'OIt IS YEAltS,
and for the last 4 ) cars so badly as to not
HI lilt' lo 18kO a ri'KUlur .Jtari', I'm,
hwr of the wonderful cure, of Kidney
Trouble by DANA'S SAltSAl'AHILLA,
1 was Induced to orocuic It for mvself.
have, taken slc bottle, tilth ,ery hMIs
Inctory reu!U, and 1 feel uulte sure
that KMnerancc lu taking It Wll bring a
pcrmtinent rure. lu fact. I am so
much luiiiroied that I ptpeet to take
Hiiollicr Clmrse.
I w III alo frtalu that one ear ago lu.t
Spring I was attacked i UU
cau'dby uierworl. slid my brealh be
came mi fclmrt that it as t cry difncult for
me to walk, ct en ii Ith a cant. T1m riiy
sleUiit aald 1 uuit be lcry inreful about
walllne or exerting uiwlf. DANA'S
EAltSAl'Allli.LA lervwoiirelleiedlne,
ami lam now entirely It'Itl'.llfroin
lll-.UtT TIIOIIAI.K. I feel Ibat
DANA'S SAltAl'AltllXA has produo
tbla happy result. To tho (irmt Head of
the Church I all Ihe glory. 1 am TU years
of age, and have Weil In the Matter, serv
ice nitre than half a century.
Gratefully yours,
No. 34 Hub Street.
l.ATi: It. Under date of Oi l. l.t, Mr.
Clarke rites that he lin iHken a
S'liurire i I'alrfai. Vt.. aud attends
three lurrting" n Nabbalh, two
meeting durliu the week, UUing bU
SuUUIuhea on fool,, walkliw ,i
Oava H r lu lilllcH. 'ml la wtmueriul
fer a luau 7f jeara oM. tuat lu. Imu a vie.
thuof dlMM'for)tra. Ilecluwsbysay
a( ' It U In my Ucatl to ' nraUe Clod from
wtMMU an ll 'lliK" nuu .
Dau Saruf-ifllk So., Belfast, He.
Estate or Attn, C. BrOuheai
IMtsa-sof a.UukuiUi.liuii on lite Male of
Asraw v. mawMPM. uie- "i i ii. nuronsn ui
SttH, ti.IMaasiw. Ntwtuaiaptuii cutron, tvu..
aytjaia, iliruli il.tor. Smu xranwd to OarrM
syljMla, ommsmI. tov. Hw xrsnud to Harm
Syffl-'-V'y.. Kr?Ga5i
, to ffhMa all tttraM. la,
rqaMSpdUi pa
efeslros or deniaiMls, mrtll
I Mat. an
U. 1MM airuf
knoitn the mum wttsajut delav
I Nut .'. ASulaltlraUir
(LIH'tstmas, 892
TIs CI It'maii In de rab'n,
Tho1 1 am Uh array;
TlsCI.riintM IndecAt)
1 kno de bressrd dj !
An dnr de mock'btrds nt'itln
Mak glad do happy upot,
An all be flow'rs am bloomla
Around my little cot.
De flowrs my platitM TT
V gulden itvlaeinliie.
Do pink azalea blossoms
An honeysuckle t Ine.
Iter io' old han'a am foldrit.
Her weary wo'k all done,
llut jet tho blossoms lifting
Kmile up to greet the sun.
TU ChrUmii In de cabin,
De chimes sweep thro1 de du
Whar nsed to be dar footsteps,
II y thlllun turn no morel
De flr'place hoi bo embers,
De do Is opin wide j
De winder's dim an duky
Whar moonlight po'd Its tldel
Tls ChrU'mas 1u de cabin,
An de rlbbermurmure deep,
Hlte banjti Ktrlugs nm brokcu,
TIs time to go to sleep!'' '
Do rlbbfr sing In
Hy de bend so fah ati ay,
Whar I used to Addle, honey, ' t
Da livelong Chrh'mufi day
Is ilngln non-Jus lKtenl
Wid Liza by my side,
I cllin'dealarry stairway
OU bresi-d Chrls'uias title.
Frank Leslie's Weekly.
Christmas eve, 1T93, nnil bitterly cold.
It kail snowed all the day beforo and all
tho night, and had only held tip nliont
noon on tho day which was now nearlng
its close.
In those days Uie distance from Kew
York in the direction of what is now the
town of Fordham was (rn versed liystnge
coaches, drawn liy spanking four horse
teams, traveling by the old Boston post
road. On this Christmas eve the leaders
plunged and plowed their way through
the snow, suortins nnd emitting donds
ot steam from their nostrils.
After awhile the vehicle iiansed be
fore a wayside tavern in Winchester
county, bearing a swinging and anti
revolutionary sign, the presentment of
a scarlet clad and handsome cavalier,
nd the inscription, "llaninls of Clare
niont Arms." There were but two pas
sengers in the coach that night a tall
traveler in a slouched hat and shaggy
overcoat, and a little girl whom he car
ried in bis arms.
As the horses were baited and the
coachman and groom went in for a
"drop of something hot," the traveler
alighting turned quickly up a road lead
ing northward from the inn. The man
was good looking, though foreign und
sunburned of aspect. Vet he did not
seem a stranger to the place.
Uu through the snow clad lanes and
by tho white fences he went his way,
finally turning up a private walk through
the piled up drifts toward old Deacon
Marshall's homestead.
"Tls sweet to hear the honest watch
dog's bark, bay deep mouthed welcome
as wo draw near home" but this man
fervently prayed that no watchdog be
aroused by his noiseless approach to the
old home.
He saw the old farmhouse as he had so
often seen it in boyhood, with its red
walls and white capped roof, with the
candle light faintly shining through the
rims ot the window panes.
Occasionally a sigh so deep as to be
almost a sob burst from the man's
bosom. The child was bushed and con
tent in Its father's arms.
As he passed through the trim yard
gate, past the old familiar butternut
tree, he said to himself, "They will be
glad to see her and lore her; but oh.
Godl it's hard to part with her."
When lie reached the farmhouse door
he set the little one down on her feet in
the square, old fashioned porch.
"Now, baby, remember never to be
afraid to do what papa tells you to do.
You are going to see grandpa and grand
ma, and when your visit is out papa
will come and bring you lots of sweeties
and to) s. Now you must go right in
when they open the door, nnd papa will
go away for a little while."
The child clung to him for a moment
a terrible moment tohiin and then
stood bravely quiet as he gave three
rousing blows to tho old brats knocker
and then Mviftly tetreated Into the
shadow of the trees.
ITn BftW llin flnnr mwn Ami nn ..1.1
I white haired man with n candle in his
; hand look out, He saw the gleam ot
the fireside In the old home for the first
I time in many years, lie saw the child,
! fearless and confident ot welcome, enter.
I and then lie still, brave heart he saw
his mother, a tall, gentle faced old ma
tron with snow white hair, advance,
stoop and lift the child in her arms and
kiss it, as one who drinks after long
The door closed, and n few moments
later the man outside was in the return
coach for New York, on his way to be
lost umonirtUti unknown thousands of
1 the great city.
Ten iiiln'iles before this sceuo Deacon
Marshall and bis good wife sat before
the blaiiuu' Ore in the clean, snug old
fashioned kitchen, while the buy house
maid, a stout, rosy uutcn lass of eight'
een, plied her ovrning tasks. Tho ap
petizing Miiell ot browning griddle
rakes and fragrant tea filled the room,
The hitter winds howled outMde, en
hancing the blessed sense of home
warmth aud cotuforth.
"It's mighty bad weather. I hojie all
the ciillurer. will git Here tomorrow,
wife." said the deacon.
"All the children, Ezra" answered
the old lady in a tone of reproach, " ou
know one will not In here. I always
think of him in the holidays away out
yonder In A. 'Xico cr Texas among them
outlandish eople.
"Oh, Uzru, he was a wild boy aud a
headstrong, but there's more sorts ot sin
than one. uid you were worso tlmu he
when you drove tho boy out Into the
wide world twenty years ago twenty
years airo come New Year's eve."
Had the deacon lived in this Ago he
would have mug the "chestuuf bell,"
for he had heard sermons from his wife
on his sorely repented sin f nil many a
time and oft.
The best of wouu n v ill preach.
"1 have such a strange feeling about
me this minute. I feel as it my lioy was
right here by inc." sue went on, forget
ting that her "boy" was now a man of
thirty-live or more.
At this lnstiint three startling rui on
the knocker sounded through the old
"It's that good for nothin Jake 11 tllen
waiting till this time ' night to fetch
them groceriM. IXrnt leave the lap
jaeks, Katrine; I II open the door.
And the deacon took up a candle aud
stalked Ibrough the parage to the front
door. He i pened it. What a strange
sight to see!
Against the dark background of night
and storm the figure of a cherub child,
a we tnald ot fire years, fair as a iarl,
with bright eager eyes of lieavenly blue,
and a soft fleecy mass of pal gold es
caping from her blue saUnhood and
falling over her white fur ooat.
She advanced fearlessly and piped out:
"I'm llaby Marshall, and papa's
bought jn to danroa. My mamma's
dead Ion time ago, and 1m' summer my
1 1aek fcr. "". "d baby
wsai bo uaiuoa.
Another moment and the grand
mother, with the thrilling try i.f a
woman's soul tu au answersHl prayer
iltod br gTanfctiilst w bar hurt.
OH, the dear' contact! vt is It real
the firm, warm, little hand she clasped,
the pressure o the smiling rosy lips?
"Where is papa? Oh, my dear, where
is papa?" sho cried, while the deacon
looked on as one raised from the dead,
and Katrine gazed on the new found
treasure and thought of the stories she
had read In Dutch folklore of the angel
ot the Chrlstmastlde.
"Papa dou,"cooedthe little one. "He
turn for, baby after 'while. Take dls,"
and searching the recesses ot her little
pockets she produced a letter,
The grandfather with shaking hands
and faltering tones read:
MOTTlkR, IIbak Moth eh 1 bav. brilliant
you my motherless and only child. 1 know
tbat rou will tore and oar. for her as tour
eirn.aod 1 dun't IMqk eren father tilll be
bard to lier. tYueu I want her I tt 111 cooie for
her, but'lt may bo lune eara first. It aver. I
lead an honest bat a wild life, and aT.ian
ranch or a ltlo Uraodo campfls nuttb. stars
for her. For mr child's saV. I .art from her.
lie bwmI lo her, mother. Your lorlos son,
William K. MananALi.
A moment later an old man was
struggling through the snowdrifts to
ward the village as fast as his rheumatic
legs could carry him. Too latel He
only heard the echo of the coachman's
horn as the horses tore down llio turn
pike to New York. ,
Baby Marshall was in her grandmoth
er's lap and smiling brightly in her face.
Katrine piled the table with hot grid
dle cakes, fragrant tea, sweet butter aud
golden honey.
Farther aad farther the stage carried
the wanderer from the old home.
. .
Christmas bells ringing mer the land!
Christmas sunshine glinting the far
reaching carpet of snow, and picturesque
treo boughs hung with icy diamonds.
In the churches music and song swelling
on on the clear, frosty air.
Unto us a son is born,
Unto ns a kins !i given,
Clirl.t, the Lord!
Old Mrs. Marshall always walked to
church Christmas morning, and as she
listened to the sweet tide of song her
head belit lowly down and a prayer
welled up from the poor old mother's
soul: "Lord, 1 have waited so long.
Let me see niv lioy's face again before 1
In that moment tho church clock
chimed 13 meridian.
In that moment, as she recalled after
ward, peace spread its white wings
above her, and an angel voice seemed to
whisper, "All is well." When she re
turned tliB family had assembled for the
Christmas dinner.
There was llube, who had a good
farm in the highlands Kube, the steady
going a broad shouldered, sturdy
Saxon, with his pretty, dark eyed wif.'.
dressed in a new black silk with a real
lace colt tr and cniTs; Marianne, the belle
of the family, and the youngest, a lass of
eighteen, blond, debonair and roguish,
with her good looking fiance horeriug
beside her, the sun of a well to do farmer
in the vicinity, whose daughter Marianne
had jns. beeu visiting for a few days.
There, too, was Alfred, the doctor, a
portly, well meaning man, and a little
ot n dandy In hi dress, as became a
physician and bauhelor popular among
the Invalid ladies of Westchester.
The deacon trudged in from hid own
meeting house, where minister and dea
con had been holding a private session
of two hours over the backsliding of
some iioor soul predoomed according to
their belief to damnation. There m a
generul handshaking of father and kiss
ing of mother. The deacon did not le
lieve in kissing or indulging in the
profane luxury of a smile on the Sab
bath day, but Christmas, even accord
ing to his creed, was made for rejoicing.
Among all the family that day a
queen had been enthroned the waif
who had anivedtlie night liefore. A
big box had come for her by Sam Dolan,
the carrier, aud its contents showed that
the wild Texan rover bad not spared
expense on his little daughter. Qay in
blue silk and lace and ribbons, the little
thing tossed her ur!s and beamed de
lightedly. Utst ou one. then on another,
conscious of licnm tlie- object of every
body's admiration,
At last sue cuddled up In her grand
mother's arms and fell softly asleep.
1'oor graudma! She telt repaid for those
years of waiting and weariness as she
cradled the Utile one's head ou her
bf east and brusued her pale face against
the fluffy, silken hair. Just as every
body grew keenly hungry Katrine rang
forth a welcome peal from the dinner
After the dejcoif s grace what a chorus
of praises .went up! Was there ever suph
adoliclous, fat,brown tnrkeyas mother's?
WhooTcr made such clear jelly? And
tho tiny pig roasled whole with tho
apple in its month! And the mince pies,
and whole pitcheri of rnset
Thj perfumes of Ar.iby the blest arose
from the bauqnet.
But every feast must hare its end.
The day lowered as evening came on;
gusty clouds chased each other across
the sky, and llube. full to repletion.
pushed back his chair and said he must
be "gettin up hit team pretty soon, as
he'd promised bis wife they'd stay at
her mother's, seven miles farther up, for
the night." Jnst at this moment Ka
trine, who had gone to the well for a
pitcher ot fresh water, looked in at the
door and beckoned mysteriously to old
Airs. Marshall, which caused her to
make excuse, and leaving the room to
seek the spot to which the girl pointed,
In the gloaming, beside the old "moss
covered bucket that hung in the well
stood n tail, stalwart man, who, as his
mother advanced, trembling and uncer
tain, held out his arms.
"Mother! oh, mother!" he said with a
hoarse sob in his voice.
With such a cry as only n mother
could understand, the poor, fragile crea
ture threw herself upon the broad, sturdy
bosom of the man before her her lost
child of so many years. What prayers
what silent tears, what longing ot heart
had drained his mother's life of strength
for his sake!
"Mother, 1 told yon I had lived an
honest life.
"Willie, do you think 1 did not feel
that to be Mr
"Well, I mean to say that I am
ashamed to face no one; but when
went away that day I expected never to
return until my baby was a young
woman. I waudered down to the city
and felt lonelier amid all those strange
faces than I would on leagues of prairie
with not a living thine In sight.
heard the bells ot old Trinity chiming
and pealing, and just because I was so
lonesome 1 turned Into the chnicli.
had not been in such a place for years,
The muslo lifted me risht out ot my
self, mother, and as I thought ot the
old boms I bowed my bead and said a
prayer, the first for many a year, that 1
might return there and find a welcome.
I will always letneinber that just then
the rlook tolled out IS. It marked the
hoar when I made up my inind to ro
home again. "
She led biui along as when he was a
little child up the olden path into Ihe
well remembered room.
"My sou baby's father has come
back homer she said with a quiver in
her voiee, and burst into paMlonate
Baby aor earned joyously, "Papal
papal" Every one rose to their feet
with startled cries of welootse except
the deacon, who turned ashen pal, aad
with a groan fell back in Lis otiair. Ills
son sprang to bis side. "Why, father ."
be said eheerily, "is thU your welcome?"
His tips touched the white soaut hairs;
a tear gmi.u.a on we out wan s taoe.
"My sou that was dead ami is alive,'
the deacon murmured. "Thauk Un-I
thank God' Ltsai P (,'utler in Home
How tb. Children hi Itulolie Ohierve
ChrlitniM. Ii.;.
In Belgintn the children 1111 thHrshims
with beans nnd carrots mi ChritaiiM
eve, and set them in the chlniin-y place
for the good saint a linrv. In Ihe morn
ing they expect to find them filled with
sweetmeats and fruit in return fur tli.-li
good behavior.
In Holland the children hah? tin their
woolen stockings by the tiled chimney
piece, and then go sderly to lied quite
lure that good St. Nicholas will vi-!t
them, provided they do not illturli Ii ins
In his visit.
Bohemian children li-len iiuxion-lyiMi
Christmas me for tho chariot and ttliitu
horses of the "Christ child" as ho mines
flying through the air with Ids krlpiio
full of presents; but the Italian children
go gravely vilh thelrparentstorhurclius
and cathedral to see tho bambino, or
saint, who presents them Willi llieir
Christmas gifts.
The Spanish children hid their sho-s
or slippers in the bushes on Chi Utiiius
eve, and find them tilled with fruit nnd
sugar plums ou Christina lnoi nl.i.
In Franco the young people stand their
shoes in a convenient place for the gil.s
to be dropjicd into. Sometime if the
shoe of a bad boy is among them he
finds a whip in it in the morning, and he
must be a stupid fellow whucaniiot lake
so sharp a hint. Very different tire Ihe
feelings of a German child. He waits
with feelings of mingled awo and pleas
ure ror me coming or two important
personages the "Christ child" and the
"Knecht lluppert." The. latler lwrsnn
questions nanghty children and threat
ens them with punishment till tho
"Christ child's" intercession sate tli.
culprit and wins its pardon. Then thwe
two Christmas apparitions lay down
their burdens of gifts and depart.
In some parts of Germany the good
saint will have n Christmas tree bril
liantly illuminated with wax caudles to
hang its gifts on. He is not satisfied
simply with the stocking in the chim
ney, and it is from this whim of ids
salntship that the custom has spread into
other countries and como over to our
own. The Christmas tree of today, how
ever, is only a successor to its prototype,
the ancient legendary ydgnafil, or eter
nal treo, that had its roots in earth nnd
its top in heaven.
In Germany the schoolboys and chor
isters make the midnight air ring with
their merry carols. The "Three Kings
ot the East, the Angel Gabriel and the
Star Singers" parade the streetf, and
similar processions go about in Italy,
France and Spain. In former years,
and perhaps even now in some localities
In England, the Christmas waits young
lads make the air vocal with lotoly
Christmas carols, but in our country
these are reserved to be heard in church
and Sunday school, and sometimes they
ring out iu chimes from thechnrch t ee
rie. Cincinnati Commercial Gazette.
At Clirl.t'. lllrlhliUre.
In Bethlehem of Judea there is xreat i
gladness today just such gladness us is
lelt iu every great city nnd in every
quiet hamlet of civilized Europe and
This is for Bethlehem the one great
season of the year, for was not Christ
born in this picturesque Old World
eastern town, and will not the thoughts
ot all believers in Christ be tinned
thither during Ihe anniversary of his
birth? Being honored thus above all
other places of the earth, Bethlehem
never forgets to do honor to the Christ
who has made her famous.
Ou Christmas eve they will begin.
Daring the evening of that day the be
lievers of Jei maleni will gather together
and flock out of the city, with tbeirfaces
set for the famous Church of the Nativ
ity in Bethlehem.
Down through the valle" of Gihon,
the old boundary lietween Benjamin and
Judah, the people of Jerusalem will
march. They will see, ns they vu, the
tree ou which the traitor Judas is mid
to have hanged himself, and the well
out of which the wise men drew water
after they had left Herod. Within their
view will also be the Convent of Elijah,
erected on t tie site where the prophet
rested during his Might from Jezebel.
As they come to the end of their six
mile march the iwople of Bethlehem will
come out to meet them, aad then, pre
ceded by gayly attired wand bearing her
alds and followed by an immense throng
of men, women and children, the bishop,
robed iu full vestments, will lead the
way toward the Church of the Nativity,
which is the oldest monument of Chris
tian architecture iu tho world. There
mass will be celebrated, while armed
Turkish soldiers, wearing their full uni
form of red fezzes, blue jackets and
haggy trousers, stand on gnaid. New
York Herald.
Cu.toiu. tf Iceland nd Lapland,
In a country not far from where "the
two spirits of the globe, the magnetic
ana the electric,' according to jticiioiet,
da nightly hold carnival in the polar
circle, the poor Icelanders are allowed
as a rare treat to have bread to cut with
their Christinas mutton and milk iir.
In southern Lapland, should tho horse
holder neglect to provide an ample store
of fael for the season's needs, in jmpnlar
belief, the disgnited ynle swains o:
Christmas goblins will so befoul tne
woodpile that there shall 1m no gettin
at its contents,
There also It is that the girl who
wishes, nuptially speaking, to learn her
fate places a table iu the. center of a
vacant chamber, and on it two glares
the one of water, the other of brandy,
Then, taking broom, she must .weep
the room three times ratefully, against
the sun, ami it she is to enter the mar
ried state her futnru husband will np
pear before she completes the third
round, and drink from the water glae
if a sober man, or from the brandy tum
bler if he be a drunkard.
Again, if a Laplander at Christinas,
before retiring, pulls off his Units aud
flings them over his left shoulder, he
shall know, from the shoes pointing to
ward the door, whether a long journey
or death shall be his jiortion during the
new year, but if on the other hand the
boot toes turn inward he can reel as.
sored of another twelve mouths' lease of
his present existence. Selected.
Lute. gofl.nlMg;
It is remarkable bow far little evi
dences of love and confidence iu the
home circle go toward perfecting the
moral character and habits of men.
Many a man who, wife presents him
With a Ihjx ot cigars ou Christmas will
swear oil suioklug on Itew i ear . Mil
waukee News.
An CMvxtiecivtl 1iujiu1
SnU Cliu Httllo; wlmt'i .liU
ft toe king inltl of eigbl?
AMistunt Ym, sir. I forgot tu UU
you. There wa h luiiruf twin Idhu
here last night. Select!.
Tha HMIitur.
OU, 41 at utW tf (ha mkifeUMt,
ttswdisg mr lioy off to loswc
All UU tutftll rowm wiih fUt prfuM I wif.
A twxl4 mlatlerr cf rtol4.
ThoMabeUbi U Uu lUtvu roUa uf rlssl
Caasfhi tb grMM twMMfh Ut tUrk wonn teriotu
Breevkta U Wilt l iut with kal . ? ut ul4
ThoMdtFt tsT not fto Am m kuat I Id .
A ioTleftl din, wUu JoU? CbrltWkMtia
JTHtdfclHLinUwlUi Mirth. Ur lu. It.
SffHt WM ll itiVU. bnih Or vlnlUtow,
To sftteh pru j nuM kttrtt ktu hrr ma!
Ob. dMT wu )titlUr kr-bsiMii I La Uiuith.
AnAdsirUs kiMM ft ibsra. 1 trun.
nillwHt th stays wa waver 041 ftrgi.
.tat, fch, MiatMrufra UI ba twrjatai ymi'
In llalj llio I'ulitlit Ini, Sl,i-lier,li, Come
llown fr.,n, Ihe Muiiiitaliis 1,, (Irect Ibe
Child J.mis ttllb son, s.t.eel Nwl...
tlneer Slti.le vt tbe I'urlHii
To review evm liilelly the wonderful
Christmas singing and playing in the
riilrteenth, Fmirtcenlli ami Fifteenth
Centuries is lievoud uir limits, yt-t what
icenes, splendid, nitiiniitic . 'id glowing
with life, form and color, mention of
those old pageants ran summon up! Ac
count books of the diiv, prt'.".'TV!d in the
Brlti-di museum, show wont tat snnis
were spent upon Iheui (1ieain!de,
Tower hill, Southwnrk. own forlorn
and fallen Whllech.-ipel, were scenes of
inch festivities. They wal:o tu life as
we read of the caroliii'; processions of
the olden time; yet. as may well bo im
agined, such redundant doin rs led to
excesses, nnd then uuthtiritv hn.t tu step
In. Ministers and priests fnrlmle much
that had been customary, whilewltli the
Puritans came an absolute law a-aain-d
even the singfng of carols
Uueer dinning music, tuueles unit e
pressing, was that of Cromwell's
yet here and there, in the In ..r :
better clashes, voices were nut i
silenced, Had they not the pi . - -i- !
Uie angels? As Jeremy Tat', .- i
that first Christmas music.
those blessed choristers l-u l n
Christmas carol, and tannin ' '
ahyran to put intoher ofiic- i. i .
tho anniversary of this fe-.niiy i
angels relumed to lieaven;"lhi'iri.irhlv
message sung for all a waking Chn ",:in
world. Meantime in other lauds the
people had caught up the song of the na
tivity. Jn Italy tbe mtislu of Christmas day
for centuries was famous, the Sistlne
chapel being historic for its work of
praise that great day, and from the
sweep of the "Bencdlctus" and "Magnif
icat we reach the sweet soft notes or
those Calabrinn shepherds, called Pif
ferari, who come down from the moun
tains to sing Christinas hymns from
plsce to place, visiting chiefly stables,
where they have n tradition the Child
Jesus has passed by.
To dictate precisely what should and
what should nut constitute good Christ
mas singing is not possible, but of course
there are, us in every branch of tho di
vine art, certain guiding tulcs, the first
one Iteiug that nil muslo appropriate for
the asmr suoulit be joyous aim cxpresslvo
of thanks to God, while there are solemn
parts of every service of such thanks
giving, of course, ns with every deep joy
Is the "stillness" in heart and voice and
utterance. No home but should have Its
own festival ot rejoicing, and let those
who seek for home harmonies rearch
only the nowelsor carols of France, or the
hymns of those l.uglisli writers who had
vast cathedral aisles to fill, yet contrived
to preserve an exquisite simplicity in all
their woik.
We need to prcservo every Christian
tradition dearly. If the yule log cannot
be lighted, yet from year to year we can
snrely keep a fire of good will and cheer,
and rekindle the old flame, as they who
have the yule are wont to do. In the
old times, after the Christmas dinner
had been enjoyed, the loving cup was
passed around, doors atone end of the
long hall were thrown open, and there
entered a company of iierhaps fifty ir
sons guests of the host, htiniblo men
and women and childieu, invited from
far and wide. After u word of welcome
all arose, and ns with one voice snug
that most perfect of old Liuistmas
bynius, "Willi Hearts Truly Grateful.'
Centuries ago other enrols were sung
there, and, as now, n feast provided for
one and all, while the question of rank
was for that day forgotten. Later, in
the orchards, the songs of the season
were sung a tradition prevailing that
this insures a good crop for all during
the coiuins: year.
Our theiue is endless, yet It Is em
bodied in ono dominant idea. Whether
the notes of a grest organ fill a cathedral,
whether the humblest little, Kind of
waifs" go from door to door, there
should lie one thought upwrinot we
slug the message of Ihe angels, we praise
God, and our hearts should remember
that peace on earth is the glory uf the
day. Lucy U. Lillie in Harper's Hazar
lloU.d Turk.jr and llj.ler halt...
Boiled turkey should 1 Hied exactly
like roast turkey, except that after being
trussed it is bound in u white cloth and
boiled continuously for from one hour
and a quarter to one and it half, accord
ing as its weight varies from six to ten
pounds. It is usually dished with oyster
sauce. To make oyster sauce, save all
the juice in opening the oysters; cut off
the beards and pnt them to lioil in the j
liqnor, with a bit of mace and lemon
peel; put tbe oysters into cold water aud !
drain them: strain the liquor; ndd to it
tho oysters just drained from the cold
water, with a lump of butter rnblwd in
a little flour and enough milk to make
the amount of sauce required. Put on
the lire aud let it boil u few moment,
stirring constantly Serve at once. A
little squeeze of lemon is nn improve
ment. Philadelphia Record.
tlnw the God f Oratory nnd I'erlry
Illrd A l.ccinil or Ihe North.
The mythology of the north unfolds
us tho fatul power of the mistletoe iu
ihe charming myth of Baldnr, theyoung
rod of oratory and of jioetry.
Ualuur tne hikxi was me luvorite eon
at Odin, andlieloved of all the gods es
pecially for his marvelous beauty and
eonrage. I roui a succession ot terrible
dreams he lielieved himself doomed to
leath and related Ihe hideous vision to
the assembled gods, who with one ac
cord determined to avert from him all
danger and to this end coujuied all
thing. Frlgga, his mother, exacted
from the elements and rrom all tilings
In nature, animate and inanimate, a vow
under no ciiotini.tances to do him harm.
Thus protected Baldnr, as of yore, led
the chase and courted danger in protean
form, giving himself as target for the
other gods' arrows, liattleaxes and
other weapons, who, believing that, do
what they would, they could do him no
hurt, thus sorted with his valor, deem
ing honor jul.t to Baldur.
Loki, the detractor of tbe gods and
the author of all their mUfortniie., an
gered that no harm could twfall Baldnr,
and filled with envy and jealousy at Ihe
tribute thus luld to him by the other
gods, resorted to strategy to find some
way to work him evil. Assumiug the
disguise of a woman, he sought the
abode of Frigga, ami iwked her if she
knew how the go-Is were employed.
She replied to the question, and to the
rlouate lore and inide of tbe mother
her darling, gifted son, that they
were testing their skill and tbe Merita
ef their, weapuus upon Ilaldur. who wm
unseat bed by tbwii.
"Aye, aye," l'rijfga made answer;
"naught chu hurt Haider. 1 bare ex
exacted au oath from all lhlaa to do
him no harm."
"What!" axchtluud tit lissssiven
I "have all things really sworn to sor
"All Ihiugs," returned PftsW, "er
oept an iuetguirk-ant pluit that grow
i uear Walhalla, called 'uisthttoef auy
, thing so weak eould do hiw no harm."
Hastily Loki left the lanaMstee ot
frigga, aud rteuutiug bis own shape
sMrsifaed for aud found tb. frail plsust.
Appearing amid the god. with a branch
ot taUslUtoe. h. direoud u with aim so
sure that Baldur was pierced through
toe heart and expired instantly. New
York Ledger
Commander James S. Dean, of General
Grant Post. G. A. 11 . lliindouf. N Y
contracted an ag
gravatrd stomach
trouble IntheArmv
which mulled In
i hronlo dyspepsia
number prescribed
but he suffered un
told misery until
he used Dr David
3 Kennedy's favor
' ile Itomedv. ot
Commander rje.n. Ilondoilt, N Y
"Afler using it o week, ssys Comman
der Dean, I felt belter, and In a short
while was entirely cured, that terrible
distress and food breaking up sour In my
thront had all gone. To-day, Ihere Isn't
a healthier man on earth. Comrades 1
if you're not well, try this great medicine
on my recommendation, It's guaranteed
10 cure or money reiunaca.
"i ucsire, says
Quartermaster Wil
bur I. Hale, of Pratt
Pot, 0. A. II., King,
ston, N. Y-, lo re
quest my Comrades
to use Dr. Kennedy's
I'avorlte Remedy. If
troubled with Scrofu
la, cjaltllticum, Consti
pation. Rheumatism.
Kidnev or Urinarv
Troubles, It cureil OaarternasttrHa!..
me of a most horrible case of Salt Rheum,
Physicians gsve me up but Kavorlte Rem
edy healed every sore, strengthened my
nerves and muscles. I now enjoy life."
lliickleu. ArnliM Suite.
The best salte in the Meilil for Cuts, Jliius.".
Sores, fleers, Hatr Illieum, I'eter Sores, Teller.
Cliiipiieit IlniMts, Chilblains Coi lies, ami all Skin
.eruptions, ami iHislllrely cures files, or nona.
required. It Is guaranteed to irKe erfect satl
faction, or liione) lefliliileil, Price L'',cents par
litis, l'orsale hy llebrr Ix-lilnlitim. and I'.lery
Pour boiling water over rasitis and
let them stand a moment before seed
ing. U lessens tho labor wonderfully
Ti, ViiIuhMo rrlrnda.
1. A physician cannot he always hsd.
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sprains. Bruise'
aud .Uurns occur often and sometimes
when least expected. Keep handy tbe
ft lend of many households and thede
stroycrof all pain, the famous Red Flar.
011,2.", cents.
Many a pecclous Ufa could he saved
that Is being racked to death with that
terrible coujh. Secnie a good nlihl's rest
bv Investing !!S cents for a bottle of Pats
Tina, tho great remedy for C'onshe, Colds
and Consumption. Trial bottles of Pan
Tina Tree at T. D. Thomas' Drug Store
There Is as much illfferenco between
independence iiiiilc-hiirllnhtiess as there
U botweeu almonds nnd uloes
For palu In the stomach, colic and chol
era uioi bus there Is nothing better than
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dlar
rhira Remedy, I'or.salehyN. II, Reber.
Lehlghton, and VT. V. Blery, Wlsssport.
Deer nro reported to be so plentiful
in a Michigan town that they have to
bo (.toned out of tho turnip fields.
The only royal road there Is Is the
one that leads to ruin.
I have been troubled with chronic -tarth
for yeais. Elv's Cream Balm Is the
only remedy among the many that I have
used that affords me relief. E. W. Wlllard,
Druggist, Jollictl, III.
I have been troubled with catarrh for
ten years and have tried a number of rem
edies, but found no relief until I purchased
a bottle of Ely's Cream Balm. I consider
It the most reliable preparation for catarrh
and cold In the head. Geo. E. t'randall.
P. M., (nonochawntati, It. I,
Pencil writinir may beset by breath
ing on it, or, better still, by passing
the tongue over tho writing,
Tho father of Plus IV was n peasaut
A Million l-rlend..
These Ilcures represent the number of
bottles of Dr. King's New Discovety for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds, which
were sold In the United States from ,1arcli
TU to March, 'IU'. Two Jlllion, Two
Hundred and Twenly-KlEht Thousand.
Six Hundred and Sevenlv-Two bottles sold
lu oue year, and each and evetv liottle was
sold nn a positive auarantee that monev
ttould be refunded irsatlsrac'ory lesults
did not follow Its use. Tho secret of Its
success Is plain. It never d!sappoln:s and
can alwaye be depended on as the very
best remedy for Cotichs. Colds, etc- Price
.'Oc. aud -t .!. At Rcbrr's Drugstore.
Lehlehton, and Illery's Dittgslnre. H'elss
port, Tho father of Rabelius, the French
satirist, was it i-ervniit In an Inn, or.
nomo (.ay, an innkeeper.
Fools make fwtsts, und wise men eat
Kiilillrd In Commence.
Mr. T. D. Thomas. Drusaist. should
have Ihe confidence of this community, bis
calling Is one ot responsibility; veryolten
precious lives are entrusted lo his rare,
taking the anency for selling the celebrated
Red l lag Oil should be a guarantee, It will
do all that Is claimed for It, and no remedy
excels It for the nnlck cure or Rheumatism,
neuralgia, bpraios ami all nodlly pain
rnce a., cents.
Oklahoma cuttle are being bothered
by a email black liy, which is doiiii.
considerable daniugn.
'Haider, tour lieat horse uou't f uttttlilni
"(lite bliu at once three tAblennonnfuli of Dull -
iienu i.onw Hiiuiiiiie rovturr in awann ni isn
Nothing more lovely ran be imagiued
tlmu ii beautiful wnniiiu In u Greek
harp costume.
The CninmMiid.r-ln-CIil.r
of the Grand Array of the Republic, Major
George S. Meirlll. Kew remedies are bet
ter known lu this vicinity than Sulpbui
Hllters; their sale lias been veryceneial
llirouchout this section, and the number
of reliable and well-atletled cues of bene
tidal results and recovery b: I heir use, is
large and beyond dispute.
Rouelli'n typoeleetrio telegraph wa.
trieil between Liverpool and Manches
ter in 1G1.
Sweet breath, swert stomach, sweet tern
rwr. and result from the use ot De Witt's
Little Early Risers, the famous little piiK
T. D. Thomas.
fieuenil Henry W. Helleck was do
rUIvely nicknamed "Old Brains' by
his soldiers.
Tbe ttind from the North blows limp
and keen, and bad effects of col Js are seen.
Ona Minute Cough Cure so safe and sure,
will quickly perform a -tonilerous cure T
D. Thomas,
At tho summer hotel the paint
fresher thau the milk und butter
Absolutoly Pure,
A 1 1 fit i ii of larur luV nk .
all tu IrjttfiituK -itfiijtiii i !,
I (ttrtfriimriif I i nt l;r. ii
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