The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, December 17, 1892, Image 1

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Hit ii Im din ubithm thin any utbui
nefqinp-i- piloted liiCmbui oolllity,ooti
s-npietitly It i the liest medium for adver
ser. Our news .mIuuiui sparkle with
lltecweiiireDoiHof the day olcru, spicy,
Interesting, bright unit Independent. Our
editorials arc original nnd will be worth
reading on npoonntof lliolrnplrtt whloh
is Independent of ontshlo nictation. Our
price I ono dollar n year. .Tint ynu I ry It.
Is a specialty l ..hp Job Pin lug I'll'
In Snyder's. Block, east hM. !. Lofux'i
llrldgo Kiirn1oi0. Note hi itei IVis i ,
1'humplelH, Order Books, V.. . nors, Tug-,
and all kinds of Tic Nip, lli.p-e nnd Nil.
lillls. Wo dn nil workneally, cheaply and
olmnly. Do joii need tinylliltig in I Ins
llnoJ tben cull and mo ii, or write tut k
postal cnnl nnd ne will bo at your sendee.
VOL XXI. No. 5
Lohighton, Carbon County, Ponna. December 17 1892.
$1.00 a Year in Advane
rimnsh we have t"e n sew quiet this yiminer.
You nee we hail Intended selling our iHitineet
here ami no did not Veen up siock-. bin now. hav
Mm concluded to stay, we Mirimse sla)OK hii.I
pu.hlnit shoe business Willi all our enerj).
Ilateiheltert store to celling, tacked It ylui
mods anil ore In ihisIIIoii to iiunuli but shoes
mr the money that can bo sold, vie know and
want yen tn know that we nre ready tnl ate
main nu linmenw lot of enmly tnonrriHtoirter.
It I put up tu liamUmnc hnxfi v-hidi rm MM
Ml Our past HTurt will neem tanw
ineoinpiiKontaimr fu1nr for wt Intend tit
iMitld tin lt Itnmeuif tradf or know thf rraon
aiitl hand wmeahnp Min?.tiat will wearamt
Klvttin the most for yutir money ii "r objeii
In M-l tlifin ht l.-w f.ioflU l-iit UAt Www.
niUlionrnritMiotoniie Full caii.pi..n, 1-ut
lo be followed hy cran-IeM fltort to maKp vru
lei that when Jon w.iitt. ".Ikm' the jtl.iee o
wunt to ro H tu
0&vilegiR toe Wxim Sfcae Sitae
123 Hamilton Street, Allentown.
Has it ever occurred to you that, you can buy just as cheap it not
cheaper here than you rnnbnyin tlm citv ! It i n solid FACT
Apples and Potatoes
Arc nrriving daily in car load lots and arc bciny sold at the very
- lowest prices to retailers
Confection r j , Vih9 Oyuiers,
Sold and delivered ut and frequently way below city prices.
, mmmrn,
Wholcstilo Commission Denier, East Weissnort,
Hot Prices for
No. 8. FiillSie, Complete
Uange, $'20. No. 7. with No.
8 top, complete, n low as $11,
We offer lliene at tliese jitlen for
tbeneUSInly Day. We have on bind n
lot ol Seeniul Ilaml, Fltat-o'ao
Parlor Oonlile Heaters.
wllrli we aid srll at verv loa- tliurej, All
nf our gonla ate jjnaranteed In ileae tlie
hnjer or money refunded.
Call and see our largo sloes Mora
l,ulne eliewhere.
Boots, Shoes and Rubbers,
An Immense Stock
- OF
All Varieties and Styles
Prices Never so Low
The moat Central Location Call and be Convinced
at The Sign of the Big Boot.
Kline, Loros
714 Hamilton Street, Allentown, Pa.
5 rn
1 s
a o
" S
2 9?
1 F
8 &
3 S
I I.
1 1
2, o
i s.
T '
sbbbbp w mm m
TIeiibove f.iit sliQiys our Kilclu n Cabinet oiu u nml closed i
fO)lni(is Foir Uiii.tSpicfi nnd Collin Pin llmiver nud Hake
Hoard. A inilespensilije qj-'ic'e K tlje lUf ljeij Vice $5.00
We liaye nist received ruiotbi r laifje Joi nl Hreecli .oadinu
Sot dans, Ve plajm to liuye
nnd Revolvers outside of the
Come nnd be (jotivinced. Our
(inns only f7.!in,a first class gun ineverv leijiect
Only Five Dollars Round orNqiiuie nt the
Lehigh Coal &
gojf'If you read ths Advocat tlien you rad heKewg!
Sixty Days
& Muschlitz,
tle rincst aasnrtineiit ol Guns
forge cities nt pouular I'lices,
"Leader" Hreecb.I.oading Sbol
Hardware Co.,
FftMlDDjl & Bnslness Cards
ritt donr abotetht ManMnn Moute,
ie4 tUte aihI rvttlertion tf(iT, Will Ouy
tnd Sell Ileal Ilstnte. ConTeyanclim neatly tlone.
t'ollertion prompt ly tnnde. Settling JUuateiof
lieo.'denti a ipeelalt. ,Mav oa tonstilled In
KnirlUhanJOerrnan uot.22-t!
172 Main Street. HaIU, P.
IT UN'n0,nKO4DWAV HOtftr, MflNItWl,
4 r hfthlkhpm. 8tx llori-u WriKMv.
l IHTll, FltIIAft A!tnMiTl'IA(t.
Otllre flours Froia 8 a. tn. to 4 p. m, I'r.ictice
imitedto tlheaw of the
Eye.Ear, Nose &. Throat
ttf'AMo. Helrartinnnf the Kve or the i
F. I. SMITH, D. D. S.,
Offlne opposite the Opera Itone
Hank Street, Aelt ?i ton, T'a.
KlJiing and making urti Octal dentures a nprt'lat-
ty. Local aneslhetlrs tied,
Ian admlnUtered nnd Teeth I'xtraeied WITH
-iKl'ICt HOURS i From a . m.,lo 12 in., hont
I t. to., to D p. m., front " n, in., to 8 p. m.
(.met Honraat Ha7leton
Oct in-s;-i?
uoniuiNiiinui in ivnUHiiur nrriu n
HaiNPH OiTirr; i Over .1. W fiauriVnbti.n'
Muor Store,
,.iallMryin all Its branebes. Teetb xtracleit
Alltioutl'aln. (iauiliiilnlttcreilwben requeued.
Offlce l)a)i-WF.I)NESlXV ot each eel.
l'0.adlie, M.T.KSIOWN,
3)1 ILebuhcountr.ra.
Henry Drumbore, Prop'r,
tirst htri:kt Lr.inoiiTo.'A.
'1 li Pni-ltnn 1liiiie hn heen irnitvated nnd
m proved throimhtut; It 1 electric llchted and
well ventilated, and It anions the liest Hotels tn
trili ftettlon or the state. The natronase ot the
public i solicited. Best arcom mod attune for
nertnanent and transient ciisw.m, t'oarcei very
moderate. Fine Llqnor,Freh Hf erand Porter
ami Hood riKar, tor sale at the uar.
Juiih IP, 'P2--.:
I.eadlnK Iteturant In tli Ihtch
H. K. Cor. Ill ,17VTO VN
(Vntre Squan. VIjL.U: H'ni
ThM Popular Itestaurant ha been IhorotiKlily
reQttrd and refnrnHlied, and the xeneral aeeom
tnodallona are o a superior and InrltlnKcbarac.
ter. All the lellracles ot the aeawnaertedat
moderate rate. Tho bar U aunnlled with none
hut the best brand or W'lne, Uquon, AIM
Ladlea' JlnlnK Itoota In the Itear.
Oscar Oiirisfcman,
WrlSSrOItT, I'A.
Liver find Exchange Stables.
Eny tiding earrlaves and aale driving horaea
J, :ie.j inmodatlona to agentsdalere..rt
1UII and telegranh orders promptlv attended to
Give me a trial. inay2l-ly
The Celebrated
Cypress Shing'le.
fluaranteed full Length,
Thevory best Shtuele n the Market,
Man nurtured hy
Clareionnt, Vliglnia.
All Kinds of Building Lumber.
Freiilit, BaiiaiB aid Parcels
John F. Hottenstein.
Careful attention paid to the Delivery of
Freight, U.iRcafe anil I'arcels tn all parts
of town at the laneit pi Ire j. A share of
public pationage la resperlfitlly snllellril.
liyl-eavo onlers at Sweenj'a, Knob's
or i.eioenemn e.
flower's llullilliig nppoalle Tost Office,
FtllST ST., I.KIII'lllTOX.r-A.
Il'otk taken In rvrry day of Ibe Keek
and promptly attended tn.
Klinlh Waiblng dune at very reasonable
l'ATKONAur. soi.tfirKn.
Soidel's Rakory,
KirtStiect, Leltlslilmi, mt Kill aHvnt tlnd
rtebetonl Het
Rye, Wheat and Viennn Bread
Kirili Every Hay. Our Vienna P.rrad cannot
beexerlled, Wefe.pettfull) soiled j our patron
age. Wntihtorttie Wagon.
Scidel's- Vienna llakery,
The underpinned batlns been rrxlorrdih
beatth by kiiai'U ineant, aderMiaertnic forMov
erul tear ltli ;i never lung attrukui, and ret
dreud dlteau Cuntumntlna. aiixlmn to niiik
kuo u io nu leiiuw Mine rrrs i ue lurani nirurea
Tollioewbrt rtelrelt, lie will clitterlully ip4
!(rre ot r liaise a cop unite preM-riidluuiifU, 1
wlileh they will tindu wire i ill e Tor Coaiurup.
Hod, Atihntift. HronrhltU audullthntut uud
lunjt MaUdle. llelioie ull fninerern hID ti)
tin remedy. h It i luuhwMe, lliose deMiInc
Lln ! i in ii Mititi will ,Httt Ihein liolhiiiir.
aud uuy ifuin n I'titiiK, will iUaue add res
Vaw Vork. apr 21, P-'-7)'.
Hoary Miller,
alANffACTl'ltliK OK
Window anu Dook Fkamks,
Doors, Slmti's,
window fashes.
Mouldings, Brackets,
All Mi of Dressed mk
Hhingles, Failings,
Hemlock Lumber, &c..&c.
Vefy Lcivest Prices.
i ISk Sftla bills printed cheap,
Jho Best and Purest McdicIneS
kaytticm, anu biiim juur m
nies una itimrneii
ltfhtnnr rour leautVi
aroraaned liTlmpurt-
a.uiooa. unit ran oe
Vk. renwTpd I n a then-i
lri, rA, ' V. .tunr, it yon are
1 J.ji.,i -A.." '27. thrt rrrnnl
i t& v,ATo t'v.r1:"??i,i"
Send S Jent Btamps to A r. Ontway A Co.,
Ooftton,Maie., for hett medical work MiOIUhed
Mr. nnd Mr, .Ih. W. Slmltlt.
Ro3torod to Health.
A Stricken Household
Made Happy.
J. a ffi'f Vr.i. .nml H'. Rhaltlt, of llwwf.
, Vl:-r Co., JV. I'., nr4 one ef tht
unt Ttspcr'alfmni'liei offamtn tn Hi
i- "i id j. li'ilh luing ttntk tn with tfiirat:
'ale their happy recoari.
VooDrncK, TJUtcr To., April 2.1, 1802.
Hit David Kkkxkdy:
I l.'.tr Sir Naturally encrpcllfl I found
It lianl lo le the ylrtlra nf fell illcase. I
v.i lenlbly troubled wlih my stnm.
nob, uiv foou would break up sour aHer
("jf" eitlnR would waVo tip every
1 I lilglit with a bnrninir, sour ill
trecil feeling there, that niado my
It fe almost nnbearnble. I doctored w lib
pTtj nlclans and took many so-called cures
fait bono helped roc j seeing In the news
napjrsnf the wonderful cures perfonntd
by Dr. fl.tyld Kenuedy'i Farorlle
lteinedy, ot ltondont, Y I deter
mined to try it; after ulng It a lillle
while relief came and Morel bad fin
ished the third bottle I was entirely
ritrcil. Just think or It stranger, from
a sick iiinn-KKTIKKLY CUltKl).
was ennatantty cmntlpatcd and have
lint been troubled that way since. But
the greatest blessing waa the cure it per
formed for my wife, who previous to tak
ing it was troubled with sickness common
to all women She was so ill that
she could hardly drag herself about the
liiiine; she too tried all kinds of so-called
potlllvc cures but wllb no avail until tho
began using Vavnrlle ljomedy, and that
was the medicine we bad been praying
fur. After using it but a short while
she began lo pick un In beallh and
strength and i
is a wen woman io-uay.
I honestly believe bad
It not been for Dr.
Kennedy' Vatorlle Remedy she would
have been In her graro to-day. It's the
greatest medicine on earth, lt't
north Its weight In gold.
Yours truly. JAME3.W. 8HTJLTI8.
Read this over again ye sceptic
and Inoredulous onoal Ought you
not to u so this valuablo medlclno
andenl ty health and happiness?
Xot uhnt wo any, but hat tlto
iicnnlo sar Is what sells DANAS
made lu llelfaM, Jlolue. i
"Canker in the Stomach
unfited me for work."
Ma. Ulocin has long bees known
Blacksmith Shop on 1'ranklin St.,
r.osK FOR HIM.
Ij:wisto, Me.,
Gentlemen: I have lKen a'l-ouliiuial
auflererfor a long time with Canker
iu the Moiuucli, Tliroal mill
BS IS! SSI yiOUlll lo
I flC tVIIVIV muih that
suy llis Uuve ftciilibisl aiidNnol
I had a terrible bad feeling lu my Mom
ach. bad tatb in my moiitb. tau.iu a itreat
ileal of splttlng-at times I was
I coiuulu-d a number of l'h .h-iuns. and
was treated tiy several as goo.1 ones a I
could llnd
Lakt 3farch, a loy panned me an adrer-
I Uemrnt of II ANA'S HAlWAl'Al Il.l.A
I read It and deuldl In try a bottle. The
Pl.t tjouiu ureal ly relies t-il site.
buttle and by the time that waa taken, 1 had
an.1 wonderfully aurprlMnl to Uiul iiij
ell well. I know HANA'H h.mi.-
l'Aiui.UA nan eureu ine.
LxwiiTOX. Mr... Ma) in, 11.
The abate J. n . llloulu ptrmuul ajw
pearedaad auhaerlhed aud on- to tlu
Iniln of the above atateuu-nt. before tw.
-tf. AV. WAU.ACE, Notary I' .
Osaa SsrissarUU C... BtUs.t, MaUi.
Estate of Abraham C. Brcdb&aa
Letters of adwlautratiou on the tnutt
Abfam O. Broauaal. late 1 the Boruuali
ttortti BeiatefceM. yortaaiaptoo oouui, IVua
avttaata, daeeaae4. baia nin sriuiled to tlarrcs
B.Uadirmreauualntae aakl Homujdi ot
MOM BMHsSan, wW. all pansas ladekted
MWUl eilar at e rcaMSed to mskr pa, meat.
aoa taoM aanss claims or or
Kaatra fu saatt asUioul dla;
uw dmandt.
in makr
astaoul dlal
Tho no.o liVVV n
mall-only a tea?7., t-V-Oj.
but and elieaMtz -
mertlclne. Try ft, aniV&i y, ,?'w
you will lm safltOed. "ki WajT'
i Get Hot your Drasslit. ""'Ar
U you are eunVrlny from KblW
nev ulaeaee. anil wln to lue to
Tbey never fall to euro.
Alan, ulna, ebeii!
lliit tb nVr l only blue ' .
To leather from the gmn . .v.
Tim rnlnani! ,li.w.
Ala'.lliat ejres nro frtlrt
lliarietiri, inar calher lliera-
MIM ml tl, htmdlli of alflll
Krom tbc nmr-h of rape.
AU. aim. eliou!
That we mrrt hat to hid .Ileal
1 bat the niml In Tlme'a aiteient laa
Aro fco nwlft ami few.
Alan, nlas. rhvn!
1 bat th heart U only I roe
To Khlhrr, where fal-r fet Jftfa,
Tbr thorn mnd rue.
- Kxettni ce.
Charles Hiirconrt waa imo of tbo mmt
Intrepid habitues of tlie Cbattwiu Itouge
and I.a (Irnmle Chnmnirrej in fnct uf
nil lhoe cbovengraphic twtablthbnieiits
which Hie 1'jriidnn grielte viilts regu
larly in order to lose her heart and not
Infrequently lier rosy cheeks aud tbe
freshness of her youth.
llarcourt pretended to study medicine,
nud it was imioug llH'e jiretty girlii
sellers of flower, embroiderers nf linen,
and painters' luiiilei'a that be managed
lo forget il.o terrors of the hospital nud
the scene i' the surgical amphitheater,
Charles Havcnnit bad just nrrived nt
the lime of lift, when a roft down shows
on the Hp, when love knocks nt the
breast, and when the beart resembles n
Insty tree, full of vigor, from which has
fallen as jt neither leaT nor fruit.
The tromliones of the orchestra roar,
like fhnndrr on a Mutiny sen: the vio
lins scream like sea gulls nliove the
wavest the music rolla nnd growls like
some linugry beast. All is contusion.
White shoulders and gold lace gleam
through tho heavy air. The innocent
nnd tbe guilly dunce together In tho
same delirious motion.
While llio dancers turn and whirl,
advancing wildly and in wildly reheat
ing, far in a ciirnessils a slender girl
watching the dunce willi uu air of sad
ness. Her mournful eyes follow- the
crazy motions of t lie crowd with aston
ishment, and a light Righ moves the
folds of mull on her breast.
In tbe lnidst of this indescribable
confusion, this pellir.ell of figures and
voices, appears that of a handsome boy
of twenty-two, remarkable for bin vivac
ity and the boldness ot his sptccb and
gesture. Finally, when tbe violins have
ended their agonizing cries and tbe
lamp, aie dying before the oncoming
daylight, this lioy, whom his friends sa
lute as llarcourt, leaves the ball, a new
conquest upon bis arm it is the slender
brunette of the corner.
Charles ITart ourt nupvnred no more
at tho bnlln of the Latin quarter, but
spent bis days at IYKcole de Medicine,
passing bis tirst examinations with dis
tinction. In one of those fascinating
little bousei such tiro Beranger pro
tends to have inhabited at twenty
Charles made bis home, guarding jeal
ously the diingernns happiness of a
union contracted without the help of
lo maire and which is called morganatic
tu avoid the use of a K-ss delicate phrase.
His conquest of the ball was named
Mina. Khe was a good and affectionate
cbilil, and in spile of tbe anacreontic
quadrilles of the Latin quarter, she was
innocent, hlia had kept her heart in
tact, It was her sole economy. Charles
and Mina loved one another like two of
La Fontaine's doves. But Mina was a
consumptive, ami Charles rend witli af
fright the death of bis happiness in the
paling face of bis beloved,
His care of her Tvas uutinug; but this
implacable malady never releases, and
Boon in a kiss Charles received bis mis
tress's last sigh. Mina died in tbe ho
pitalj her long illness having exhausted
their feeble resources, and Charles b.ul
the cruel courage lo deliver the lody of
bis beloved to tbe invesiigations of tbe
pathologist. He wished to pursue, even
In tbe flesh, Ibis rival who bad killed
lier. lie made use of n cynical usage to
preserve tho skull. This, with a plaster
mask molded upon tho emaciated body
of the dead girl, was all that remained
to him.
Miua'a los affected Charles profound
ly. Out of a character frivolous and
careless, devoted only to coarse pleas,
tires, had grown a deep and serious love
This honest and generous affection bad
Stifled the genus of eil. Jlinn dead.
he was seized as by u vertigo, aud ho
plunged into the abyss. He found him
self face to face wflh evil, and throw to
this monster the rest of bis youth.
In this ocrHii of false pleasures the re
membrance of illna waa drowned, and
a petulant little grlsette called Marielle
took lier place. One night iu Xorember
Marielte and one of her friends, Charles,
and one of his companions were together
in a little bouse on the Hue Ores. The
night was cold and sinister; masses i
heavy clonds were driven across a gray
skv, the moon showed lier lnounful face
only at intervals, sudden showers lieat
upon the windows, and the wind howled
at tbe cracks.
These four young iieuplo drank and
sang, unaffected by the storm and their
strange environment. It was tbe stran
medley of the student's life that showed
in tbe small room here signs of wurk,
and there the broken Imtllrs of a driuk
iMiut. A small table held a driei
tibia, a pile ot medical woiks. some
empty wine bottles und some niticles of
the toilet, mere, loo, waa the plaster
ast of the dead Mina. a figure slender
to meagernesf, tbe eyes cavernous an
emptv. the litis distorted into a tiainfu!
sinile.lbe planter discolored by theklwes
lscil upon llno him lu eternal fare
well. Uihui the chimney were a candle.
a small clock aud human skull, At
one -ide a tiny couch, on tho walls racks
for on anil toine cheap lithographs.
Marielle and her friend Host, lounged
about iu untidy dishabille. )jrne
made a pretense of study, while Chailes,
dulled by the warm and heavy air of
the room, leaned on lue 1"H table 1
silence. It was a urtHip worthy of tl
brush of Calb.t.
What Is ihe liiatUr Willi l'barlr"
r:?l Krnt, h'iuing hi lsuilc noisily
'he is u Milwr as u luercliant."
"He is thinking of Mlna." said Marl-
ette, bitterly.
when auvUlieMls liurId,tliatouiUt
to end the affair, said droiaedly
But often, evtn whan 1 am here,
find bin, sttiingliefore that pUtrrrnit
said Marietta, aulleuly.
'Ob, It's rfi'i tly pi. Home, ' laughed
'Ilabr said Hose; "you ilon't object
to a plaster rival, do jour"
"To the health of Mlna. cried la ntst.
Charles looked up quickly, These
jiliea cut bim to Iliu heart,
Jltua was a good glii, ba soul,
That remain tulieaeeti," crifd Mnri-
ette: "1 unt a gtssl girl, too, am I ind
You will be when yiai are dead
lnncked Hriiest.
Charles." said Marwtte. "uoufeas
you love Minn 8(111!
".Not 1 doiiotr
"More l ban yosi love loer
"No, not I love yon,"
"Very wll, theu prove It. There Is
that horrid skull that )-uh keen as a
sacred relic. I've seen It grinning up
there long enough. Let us ntake tbe
punch in It!"
"Ah, that's an original Idnfl!" cried
Ernest. "fjarUMe, yon have the luiug
inatioa of a pot."
"So be it tben," aoM Charles, aud
rising he placed I be skull in (he widdle
of the table.
"I am the uue to light it, saiUc Marl
ette triuwubantly. pouring Use liquor
into this ghastly cup.
Suddenly the punch wee ailre. tbe
tongues of blue fhuua nuxifig auua oiuly
th the smoke of toe cigtm. Au odor
skufl. I'lio-phoiwent Haines rose nnd .
fell in strange colors of decay, and the '
smoke lose in pntple spirals into the air. 1
Charles felt a shiver clutch hi in in tta
cold ringers from bend lo foot. Marietta
showed her leeth In the horriblo Joy of
a secured -vengeance. Tho rain "fell
heavily outside, tlio windows shook,
Little by little drunkenness overcame
these ribald lieinga who jested with the
sacred mysteries ol death. Then Marielle
began to sing a amis rommsM bv
Charles for Mlna. nnklnirlv hoffc-lnir
nun not 10 w een.
As L'barles lienrd tho words of tlm
song chanted iu her pitiless voice, litis
heart lieat fast, something rosn in bis
throat, bis voice failed and his fell
heavily forwanl niion tho table. His
sudden movement overturned the eknll,
and the burning brandy touched the
in louts ef Jlariettosdress. Herawfnl
cry of terror wus lnt iu Hie dimes
bleb enveloped her.
diaries remained in a delirious con.
dition. Idiot Ic cries burst from his lips,
and in spile nf himself, be rested bis
es upon the mask of plaster, whose
eyes remained Hied upon his with a
steady persistence that held his own.
began to lepeat tho words nf bis
early love and those of Mlna when she
was happy with him, and finally those
that she had uttered when she felt the
end of all their happiness approaching:
i love you ao nearly, my Deiored one.
cannot give you up. 1 shall come back
sometimes at night to sneak to von."
Fovetish und tremblinc: he drank irreed-
ily the last glass nf punch at his elbow.
Suddenly the cist detached itself from
the wall and came forward throneh tlm
clouds of smoke. He felt the sweat
start from every iore.
A sigh fell iiixiii the air: he felt It nans
his cheek, moist and terrible: a breath
from the lomb. A cry struggled to his
Hps, but died there. His voice choked
i bis throat. Tho figure aimroaebed.
and the student recognized the beloved
of his yniilh. Silent tears were flowing
from the hollow sockets of tbe eyes, and
as she lient toward hlin Charles felt her
lips upon bis forehead lips as bard and
cold as marble. Then the phantom
raised her hand, pointing with her
Skeleton finger to the clock, which was
at the stroke of :. Ah Charles felt his
eart fall in his breast and his veins turn
to ice the vision faded.
Day was just lioginniugs the tirst ravs
f a bright snu lit nn the windows of
the little room In UioHno Ore Charles
woko from a profound sleen. He looked
about sleepily uism the confusion which
surrounded bim and endeavored to recall
tbe events of tho past night.
"Jtiiese glnvcs and empty botllesithat
natural," lie muttered, "and I have
ept here on the table, but what tlnui
s if?"
He wnlki.l dizzily to the chimney.
The hands were nt the hour of 3.
and tho clccl: bad stopped. He reniem-
lered the iilghtfnl vision of the nlcht
and the accident to Mariette, and ho
hurried to the adjoining room.
Mariette, .Muriettel" he cried. No
body answered. Charles opened the
door violently. Hrnest and Hoao were
upon their knees beside the bed.
Manotte! cried Charles.
She is dead," replied Ernest.
-Yes. at :1 o'clock."
Minn is avenged!" said Charles slnk
upon hi Adapted for Ar
gonaut from tbe French of
When the I'rhiee (.'ailed nil Telili.M.O.
Tbero is ono slory that will lie historic
f a call which tho Prince of Wales once
made iqinn Tonmsou. He had a new
page boy, who knew not tho prince, and
ho nail ben warueil against admitting
langeis lo the liou-e nu anv pretext.
Olio day the prince walked over ft out
OslHimo tu sew tlto poi. He gained the
entrance, whn-li wa of itself no easy
taste, auil uiu-Ki-tt ai the qoor. "
er's not iu." he wa toll. Tho nvinco
detecting this iv.i n promiscuous
answer, wnh-'i it v.-.t Urn p.ig lioy s in
shuciioiis lo ,ii.' to all coiiurs, said,
Will nu kindly tell l;iui tbe Prince of
alls wish, s to si. himV
Tbelsiv eieil the visitor with au Irri
tatingly knowing look, and replied
walker: which was equivalent to say-
ig. "Do you -io any thing green in my
eye: this rude temaik ainused thai
prim o very niii'-b. but the lioy would
certainly 1mm- -innned tho door iu his
face if TeunVMin him-elf, who had lieen
tcuiii;; tn the i iuver-atlou. had not
put in .in .-io.i -.t'-a,i.'e nml welcomed the to iiik i leeiiwiiter home. jsew
lotw li:liui:.-.
fll.yul, Whollwn Aluerlean l.od.
According to the information and be
lief ot a wide aw.iko meiulier of the
Heal Kstato exchange, nearly all nf the
foreign isiteutato am investors iu New
York real estate. He declares that tbe
purchase of a valuable piece of prn)K.Tty
til Nassau street, made about a year ago
by a forego banking house, was au in
vestment of Qneeu Victoria'. "Tbe
queen owns other real estate iu tlds
city, said the well isteil man, "ami
she has lamght thousand of acres of
land out west. The royal family of
Oermany has extensive investments in
this city and elsewhere, and so baa tbe
king of Sweden. The ex-Eniprea Isa
bella of Spain own several pieces of
property lu this cily and in other parts
of tbe liuitcu states, nue isnwomau
of great foresight. The laud on which
the Western Union building stands waa
once the proirty of the Empress En-
genie, and 1 pieeuitie that she still lias
some Investments bete.
Kins Humbert of Italy U reputed to
be a judicious buyer of proirty in this
couutry, aud jiersous suspected of being
agents of tbe czar of Itussta have lieen
looking about on this side of the water
for tint class Investments. I tell yon
those people who ale in the king busi
ness In l-nioi. aie snrewil. lney can
not tell bow sieiu they may 1 shaken
off their thrones by tsditioalrevolntions,
aud they mean lo have something tn fall
back on lu this land or the free, now
much lietter oft Doni Pedro wonld liave
been if he had invested a few millions of
Brazilian money here several years ago,
New York Times.
(.tui,iitnlrtliir with I'arls.
Tlie uiethisla employed by the Parisian
authorities for communicating with the
provinces during tlie siege of Paris were
persevering Hint ingenious, me priiio
iial means of sendiug letters was hy lal
loons and carrier pigeon, but tnuuy
oilier pi. in were tried. It was almost
lioiioaklble for a meseenger to get tbrongli
tbe Herman line, llveu when other
dlftiunllies could lu overcome the dsu
ger of a search and a discovery of the
dlsiHttch was great.
Many of the nieseengeli. made liicielons
In the skin and hid a dispatch under tlw
epidermis. Others provided themselves
with hollow tf u centime pi .- or led
low keys, which could lie otsriied like n
box and iu w hleh ditpak'hea could he
hiddeu. One waa accustomed to hide
hi dispatch under an arlinilal hollow
tooth. Tbesw dispatches of course were
ten in rfplier, aiai rovers.! only a
ment of paiier.
Attemiitfl were made U. cross tlie
enemr'a hue by following the naves and
natural tunnel under tlie left branch of
live Seine, and hy diving aud crowing
the bed of the nver lq diving suits, but
these iilau failed.
A curious scbeute wa the putting uf
letter into hills Itollow sphere of sine.
and IbwwlHf these sphere into Ik
Seine or it trtbatarie. henins; tbsl they
would float to Pari. They did float to
Paris. I ait uot until after the arsuuuive.
It wsa uppud that they were slupiied
by dania, or tliat tbev were iliaeosero.1
and held back In the Oeruana uutil the
aiage waa St au vud outu' Compau
Tha billsld, hissed In re.1 and soldi
The fields bail baroed to unibrr:
The air crisp, iter et too bold.
As down ft wlmllog nay 1 hawlnl
With Jensls on a Mtimtor.
BwM JsmqU, Willi Usr tbeillilit hair.
Iter ristulsti eyes sail lauffht.r:
llow proad was J lhat she was fain
Hoe kU,4 waa 1 to sw lier llivr.
And know that tmti came aflerl
Oh, 1reia ef happr days icmic hyl
Wa spoke of autumn mI t
And wliea I seemed tn hear her slab
1 lisped her naitia. I know not why - she palsied Itsrily.
I lisped her name, and growing l.,ld
No wonder she crew soor.
Or that the wheels so slowly ri,ll.d
Alone the sualll, leaf aire wit mold
This rare day la Orl.iWr.
t lisped her name and headline low
White pedals turned at ratiuom -Till
cheek touelied t-beek I - hut Joa know
Of courts 'twas wrong lo treat her .o.
ttweet Jennie on a tandem.
rr.m H.I Honk.
In one ot the older maunals of tho
common council of New York there ap
pears an interesting directory nf this
city for the year llVM. Then there
were exactly twenty streets and it pop
ulation of Broadway at lhat timo
was Da Heere straat (the principal
street). Tbe Uatlery was Aim deHtrandt
van de N, Heeir. Wall street waa Dp
Waal, l'earl street was De l'erol stiaat,
Whitehall sheet wasDe Winckel straat,
William street was lu de Sniits vulloy
(In the smith's valley), and Broadway
above Wall street was Buyten de Lant
Poort (outside (be land gate). AU nf
the residenU were of Dutch extraction,
with the exception of one whoso name
appears In tho list as Jacob, the French
man. Theru were Uooeevelta, Beekmaus, De
Peyslers, De Puys, Van Corrlaudts and
Verplancks in those days. Clam, nys
ters and hsh formed the principal food
of the settlers at that period. Occasion
ally iu the spring New York wa visited
by "such amazing flights of wild pigeons
that the sun waa hut by their llockafrom
sbinine; on Hie earth for a considerable
time; then it was that the native laid
in a KEgat store of them against a day of
need. sfctJew York Times.
Ab.nisl it le, II Is Tn.iRttl
tlie I'lihlle "chi,t.
How many iiersons know that New
York city has a dialect all its own, nnd
one that it maintains in purity by teach
ing it iu the public schools? Many per
sons have commented en the precision
with which a New Yorker can spot a
arranger the instant the stranger under
takes to prouotiuce thoziaineof tho prin
cipal strootn in the town. We call it
Broadway, emphasizing tbe last sylla
ble very strongly. It nppears to ls quite
a trick to do this, and it is evidently an
unnatural ronnncialioii, for we notice
that tbe very great majority of stran
gers say Broa-wn. So we spot them on
tbe instant and ask tbem from what
part of the country tbey hall, jnst to
show them that there Is something nlwnt
them tlutt is not city-lied, and to set
them puzzling about whether it is in the
ahape of their hat, or tbe style of their
shoes, ur what 11 Is.
People from th" south letriiy the fact
by calling our Houston street "Hewstou
street," as lhat name is prononneoil from
Texas to tbe Chesapeake, but we play
as strange a trick: with, another name,
for we call Coenties slip "Qnincy alip.'
As uo one would do that naturally, we
detect strangers bv that pronnnciaUon.
Tbe name nf Hnboken is another that
we trifle with, calling it Habbnckeu
But in ways and bywords otber than
these I can pick out a New Yorker any
where that be and I may meet, whether
it be in Boston or in the Rocky noun-
tains. 1 can do this by noticing how lis
pronounce the "nr" souud in snh
word? .is birth, bitd, , 'trlb, hoard, sto.
All the rest of Ibe connliy pronunno
those words bnrlb. hard, nrlh and hurd.
Not so the New York, r. He is care
fully taught not to do so Iu all the pub
lic schools, us well a by bis parents at
Tlie queer little twi.t that euiers so
largely tntoonr language In marring one
of the cardinal sounds that com)se it'is
thns expressed by our tongues; nr-yith
is how we say earth, bur-yid is how we
say bird. We say hnr-yid for heard
and inur-yiil-uer for inuruer. All ot us
who were born iu New York have heard
the public school teachers insisting upon
this liecullar twist, commanding the
pupils to put on the trademark as light
mg men once wore ttie coat nf arms ox
their feudal masters. Most of ns, txi,
have heard nice, careful little girls on
the way home from schisd correcting
careless companions by insisting lhat
you inussint ssy tmrd; you mnst say it
nicely, lmr-yid."
Of all the senseless imft unmusical ami
bad things that are done ttt English that
1 one of the worst, because one expects
to hear a language at its liest In the
greatest city of a country, and thither
foreigners repair to study English aud
then perhaps to go Iwk home ami teach
it with s whole lot of little tricks like
that in theirheuls, tolte solemnly taught
and scattered, until no one knows where
the mischief will end. Of course 1 d(
not want Ibe reader to understand, that
very nice people uiurder the language
in these or any other ways, but the great
masses of New Yorkers, those who get
their learning iu the public schools and
whose tongues were trained In Old new-
York homes ot Ibe middle class -these
are the victims of this most petmtlai
habit. Cor. Providence Journal
atweplnr; ahewtders.
AnroisM of ronnd shoulders, I decided
the other day as I sat in a great public
gathering, drawn from all part ui tin
land, that what we need most is not more
currency, or lee taxes, or anew hanking
system, but a law to entorco sitting up
straight. Take 100 Americans- men and
women, and you could not find enough
good shoulders among them to make up
a table at whist. Till defect nf car
riage used to lw thought peoidiar tu the
rural district!. H il not so. City peo
ple show it leas, but this is due to the
cunning of their tailors, and not t sn
virtue of their own,
I am opposed to meddlesoiue legisla
tion, but I should welcome the appoint
ment of officials who wonld go about
I ,1.. .u...l.An .1, .,,.1 .,un,l
erect, a the, old worthies of the Puritan
meeting honse rmopelled Ibe rongrega
Hon to keep awake. It such a statute
were enacted, iu two generations we
wonld not knots- ourselvta -or rather
oar descendant so great would be the
improvement In health, physique and
dignity.- Rate new wasnmgiwi.
Caramel, and 1'etH.laj.ey.
lu one of the large i-idifetiklunery
storm on Chetnut street the girls win
nave lieen mere a long uu.e snow issi
. .
tell how long the awrrO. entanglement
has been pending. They also are pretty
well posted a to what euggeweut are
broken. The reason U that one nf the
things Ibe engaged, yonng man b sup
posed tn do u V keep hi flanene sup
plied with randy. I'suslly when a
yenpg man let up on bis supply of
candy it is a sign either uf a misunder
standing or that tbe wedding day is near
at hand, for, strange lu say, with Hw
approach ot the nuptial date the belde
groom elect generally get eoonomioal
in sweetmeat, poeelhly because he ui
saving np for tbe bridal honqnet.
Philadeiphta Tines..
Soua isMpla prefer to line lliMi ote
with powers' clay instead ef brisk aud
tt is said to answer tbe purpose very
wy. .
A Yonlli Who Han Away rr.,t lf,,nm
an.l Wei,! t. the ?Ielropill tlrew lo
lie N Very surtes.rnl Men haot Ilia
Wife' shnr,. In III. (.real tiroes.
A gisnl evntniile nf how fortune are
nmdo lu New York citr isiilTortletl lrv
the life and business operations of Mil-1
lard Fillmote Tompkins, who died attho I
nge oi inirty-mne years. -ir. inmpKiLS
waa almost penniless win n. a mere Isiy,
he first camo to this cily. He understood
his business, however, and be bad tbe
courage to strike out into n new path.
Tbe result wn that building his busi
ness up little by little be died witrtb
tfi0H,0uu. To his wife, fully us lunch as
to himself, this success i dne, and Mr.
Tompkins was always the first to no-
knowledgo this.
When Mr. Tompkins was fourteen
years old he ran away from the home
where he was born, at Newport, II. 1.,
and came to this city, with the nsnal
resolvo of making n fortune fur him
self. He had ten dollars In his pocket
when he started. This, with what.
knowledge of groceries be bad picked
np at llio markets near his home, consti
tuted his stock in trade. Naturally on
reaching the city be drifted to the gro
cery districts, nnd got work as dork In
grocery storo on Catharine street.
Tho proprietor ot the store nt first paid
the lad barely enough to keep bun alive,
but realizing that young Tompkins was
getting so thorough a knowledge of the
trade as to make hlin valuable ho raised
)iis wages very eoon.
Instead of living iu accordance with
his Increased means, Tompkins contin
ued to live In tbe same manner as be
foro, pntting asldo all his surplns money
for the pnrposnnf buying a horse snd
track. A picture of him taken shortly
after his fifteenth birthday look more
like that ol a man of twcniy-elght than
a yotuig boy. ne wa then tall and well
devclojied, with a good sized mustache
and "sidebnrns," Il was more than two
years before the young clerk had saved
enongh to bny such a horso nnd truck
as ho wanted. When at length he went
into Ibe truck business he made money
eo rapidly that at tho end ot two years
he was enabled losell out and establish
a retail grocery store in Sipring street,
near Clinton market.
It had lx!?n his idea since his arrival
In New York to own a grocery store.
There were at that time no cheap cash
down groceries iu the city. Tompkins
made up his mind that lliero was money
to bo mndo iu a purely cash Imsiness,
with a cheap scale of rrices tor trndo
among the isiorer people. Following
out this idea ho Increased his Inisinessto
such an extent lhat he soon moved to a
larger store, and then to a still larger
one. Within two tears utter the pur
chase nf his first store Mr. Tompkins,
now tw only-one years old, bought out
tho large grocery at Spring and Sullivan
streets, and hired another building for a
storehouse near by. It was about Oils
time that b met Mina Josephlue Coop
er, of 27 Charlton street. He fell In lovo
with her, and after n sboit couitehip,
notwithstanding that Miss Cooper was
only rirtoeii year old, tbey were mar
ried. Trom that lime on Mr. Tompkins
bad a partner in Ins business as well us
lu his life.
"You go en nnd extend tho business,"
said young Mrs, Tompkins to her hus
band, "lean manage the Spring street
Storo while tnu look after the general
matters." And she did. With n school
knowledge nf llgnfcs and bookkeeping
she went into die Spring street store,
mastered ibe business in ever)' detail,
nnd alone and unaided lias cotiduclcd It
up to tho present timo in such ,i manner
as to make it tho most successful estab
lishment owned by Mr. Tompkins. The
business spread steadily, new stores 1h
iDg established in Bleerkcr street, Ninth
and Sixth avenues, and in otber place
in this city and Jersey City, until ut the
timo of bis death Mr. Tompkins owned
eleven retail stores, besides tbe two
wholcalo establishments at S3-0I (Janse
voort sheet.
From the first Mr. Tompkins stuck by
his principles of cash lwyraents. Ho
discounted all bis bills, ami thus was
able to buy where others could not,
dealers who wen in need ot ready
money often coming to bim in prefer
ence to others, as they knew that they
could get cash tor their goods. H was
his idua to drop gradually lit retail
trade and go Into the wholesale luisl
nesa entirely. The care of so many es
tablishments was wearing on him, but
be absolutely refnsetl to let any one else
take-part iu tbe management.
"I have built up the business and I
will run it, be eald, "I want no part
ners nr mauagen to tell me what to do.
When 1 want advice I cau go to ray
wife. I would rather hnTt1 lier judg.
ment on matters connected with tho
grocery business than that of any man
lu Ncvf York. I have been guided al
ways by her advice, and lo her fully as
much, if not mure than tit myself, tbe
success of our business is due. New
York Sun.
Jlnw Sullivan
Sir Arthur Sullivan, the ooiupoiir,
was recently asked where he was able
to compose best, ami tinner wuat cir
cumstances his idensflowed most freely.
He replied that there wa no idace
in which he had so many inspirations as
in a railway carriage. Theie is some
thing in Ihe rapidity of Hie motion, in
tbe claiming of the iron and in thcwiitr
ring of the wheels which seems to ex
cite bis imagination ami supplies mate
rial for a host of haruioniss. -Isradoa
Star. .
In I'rclli-t u Hlonii.
By placing two Iron bars at seven or
eight yards instance from encu other.
and putting them iu cuuiiuiinicalioii on
onto aide by an Inaiuatod wire and on tho
other side with a teleplmies, it is said that
n storm can lw predicted twelve hoar
abend through a certain dead sound
heard In tbe receiver. Philadelphia
rnlterssllty nf the Klgst Ittiguatfe,
It is a fact woi th noting that the signs
used by tho Indians of North America
are identical in may instance with t)ue
employed by the deaf mutes of today,
A short tuna ago it rnnt of the writer,
! 1,0,n5li 'f eon?"""9 " "f f
tbe Iudiaus, but who had never talked
wllb a deaf mute before, conversed with
some pupils of the New York institution
by mean of signs which he had learned
from the red men. -Where are you go
icir?" and "I am going away on horse-
Iwck," were tbe name- when given by the
deaf mute and by the visitor
Another instance showing the "iifu
laumiare to 1 a universal one wm
when ihe motlier of the writer, herself
a deaf person, while atUndiug a con
u - , iBtrK.toi', ,,f tim deaf in
with a mute friend by mean ot sign.
The French lady had no know bulge ot
tbe English UngHage, while ttie Ameri
ean knew liardly a word of Preach.
Seri biter'.
Am l:sperleoee.l Artist
SMar Tbi it a vet v gocsl play, but it
will have to be leriewl ooueldsrauly.
Draaiatiet liapusslblo, sir.
Star Oh. it must be. Yost wake th
hero appear In every act. That wont
ihl. The hero in net lie taken out of tit
flrti act, and also out of the but.
Drsawtiet- What' Otn and close
' the play without ibe heruf
j iMar ( larwunly. on see i aut my
j own nwuager, and I shall be busy iu
(be bus oMce daring the tkrst act, aud
I very often busy with tho aherut daring
I tt but sot-New York Weekly
The Ailverlletiig
j III IIihkI' sarsaparllla Is alwav wiihin un
J lMn! iI res-toll heeane 111 true l sis n.
, sppealiito the stiln r, eiimmon sense ol llnnklni:
I people Iteoause It i true; and It I nle, ,i fully
stllnlsnllHtt.t lv eliilorM-melit whleh. in tht
I tlnanclal eorM, wwitd Im' aceepteil a it hour a
1 iii.ntieiit's hesiliitloii.
Knr H jreoerul fSlllllv I'Hthaitli
reisttiiltteint lltHMt. I'llls.
What iloos It protlt u man lo drink
to ilrlvo auay truublo? He simtdv tx
chaugra ono load for another.
Hut Men's Arntea Halte.
Hie nest salts Initio soitd fin fnls. I
roiiptlon. anil piHttlvel i-iiri' I'llt-
nr no pa
1 njuiICO,
s i-iiaralili-d In ape tN-rrece alh-
fai Hull, or money lefiiniletl. rrloe .-1 , etiu jier
Istx. for sale hy lli'her Lcliixhlon Slot Ul
'J'hc cnslest way for n deaf man lo
get his hearing 1 to commit nn offfa- e
that will cause bin arrest.
Tw i. Ynlnahle I'l lends.
1. A phjsielan cannot be always bad.
Ilheumatlsin, Neuralgia, Sprains, Bruises
nnd Hums occur often and sometimes
when least expected. Keep handy the
friend of many households and Ihede
slroyerof all pain, the famous lied Flag
Oil, a:, cents.
S. Many a pecrious life could be savnd
that Is being racked to death with that
terrible cough. Sccme a good night's rest
by Investing 25 cents for a bottle cfl'an
'lina, the great remedy lor Coughs, f old
and Consumption. Trial bottles of Pan
Tina free at T. D. Thomas' Drug Store.
It seems somewhat paradoxical that
Iitly Frederick Cavendish should ob
ject lo smoking lobucco.
Strength and Health.
If you are not feeling shone and healthy
try Kleclalc Hitlers, if "La lirlppe" has
left yon weak and a-eaoy, u.e Kleclrlc illl
ters. This remedy acts directly on Ilia
Llyer, Stomach and Kidneys, gentle aiding
those organs lo perform their functions. If
you are afflicted wllb hick Headache, you
villi find aseedy and permanent rebel hy
taking Electric Bitters, One trial will con
vlnce yon that this Is the leincdy you need.
Laigo botllss only ,10 cents at Better's
Drugstore, Lcblcbton, and tilery's Drug
store, Welssport.
"Anything now on foot.'
"What is it?" "Our baby
learned lo walk."
"1 C9 "
He'' just
For pain In tin! stomach, colic and ebo).
era moibns tbero Is uothlng better than
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dlar
rbiea Iteiaedy. FortsalebyN. B. lieber,
..cuigmon, nnu or. r. uiery, wissspnrt.
Coal contracts. That' why your
pocket book Is so small when you have
oaleil tip for tho winter. r
simple (Jtietlon81uiplr Answered.
Whv do people verv often allow a Couch
o run our Because they thluk It wilt wear
airav. 11 by doss the Cough tbal at first
caused no alarm become deep scaled and
uronic.' Hecause me proper remeur was
ot used. The war lo break ud anv Couch
or Cold, no mailer if other medicines fall.
eil to uetictll you, is to try I'an-Tlna, the '
great remuly for Coughs, Colds and Cou
lumptliin. a-l and Ml ccnls nl T D,
Thomas' Drug Store,
It Is a question whether the poker
ooni should be called the ante room
or the drawing room.
1 hate been h ouhled with chronic ca.
srrh for veals. Kit's Cream Ilalm la llio
only reuiotv aruoug the many that I bare
nru tiiai .morns me relict. I-., w Wlllar.t.
Druggist, Jolllett, III.
t have been troubled wllb catarrh for
ten years and have tried a number of rem
edies, !mt found nn relief until I mircbased
a bottle ot Ely's Cream Balm, I consider
it the most reliable preparation ror catarrh
aril cold In the bead. (teo. E. t'randall,
r. M., Oiinnocbawiitaug, It, 1.
Some restrurnnt table cloths are like
it country fair.
When sluggers meet lu the ring It. is
stnnd.nlf in Ibe beginnlug of the
first rdund.
'or unlit of it nail Die shoe wi hi.,1. Lit
want of ashoe Hie hoise was loit,'' says poor
u.nuiii! sou ior usiiioi nun -neaa liorse sna
"stile I'ottder mailt home ale iluilv lo.l I'rtrit
Z.1 cent per package, l-'or sale hy all dealers.
If uuy young man wants to find out
ttbatlhe wild waves are saying let
him go lu sea.
Tlm Coiiitiiaiitler-ln-Cliler
of the Urand Army of tbeliepabllc, Major
George S. Mel rill. Few lemeilles are bet
ter knowp in llil vicinity tnan Sulphur
Hitters; tneir sale lias ueen very general
Ihioiuibout Ibis section, and fie number
of reliable and well-attested cases of ben'
flclal results and recovery hy their use, h
large and bevond dlspnte.
The bouuot that turns a woman's
head is tbe bonnot Hint some other
woman wears.
Sweet breath, sweet stomach, sweet leoi
ner, and result from the use of De Will's
Little Early Itisers, the famous lillle pills
I, if. 1 nomas.
ill o man who will not work deserve1'
no credit, and can get none nt Ihe
grocery store.
The wind from the Norlh blows sharp
aud keen, and bad effects of colds sre teen.
Line .Minute Longti cure to sate and snre
will quickly perform a -rnnderons cure T
11. Tltamas.
Woman is a onmiunilriiiu t
the world bus never found an
up to date.
.Small iu else, ersal In remit.: De Will's
Little Karlv Itlsrrs. Best pills for Consti
tution, best for Mck Headache, best for
Sour Stomach. Tbev never Slip T I".
A big man groans most when be
gels sick because there 1 more of him
to anlfer
Piles of people have !r5, but De Witt's
Witch nttle Salve will euro them. T l
TheCAasnv Alivts a-rr hat nerf?, leu r
rauseiHetiis by which we uiTsr KicKK tour
readers a year' suonurlptleu to WOMAStaiKu
toe popular niuMrateu inouiinv jourusi pno
ll.bedat r-prtiMteld, Ohio. We ivIllt.lMta
yesr's sutwerlpll.iii tn Womahkisi' toe.olio,
isir readers paylutf a year's suhst-riplton to ties
AotncOKluadvauce, and to all wen siiherl
hers partus In utltam e. Wna.skiMi w ill 'lim
a Joyous wehsune in even home It i- bruin,
uparkhiot and linen-. tins Its household hmt .
ah.) snxfisstloiis are lotaluahle, and It a'i on
talus fsrjre amount of news utstui women m
general. Il.Ushloii department 1 oninuUP
suit prulusel! Illustrated, II has a brulil aUJ
entertaialnir onriis ol loiurllHiloi. ami tne
Istpt-r te eatied with tare and anility Ii etui i
rt ii sdesirtmetit ni ikes Womsnkiso a fav i
lie utth tbe ..stag, suit lii lai-t ti contain- uiui'li
tttikli tvlll Inteiesi ,-ieit us mber o( et-n
household In Us sixteen Urse. napdsoii.elv I'
uuirated rstKes. lu not delay In ae.tpiingtin,
OHer. Itwiu i-iiarTotr soiniao i-set a Inn
year's sidisi-iiplloii lo W'-Mtsstse rlsmi
enli h ren .it thj- i.n-. e
Absolutely Puro.
A i-ni l
till IU lt-et villi" n
llitvrriiitit lit ( i
lKcvl ti "
eitsa fronijJ.