The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, December 03, 1892, Image 2

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    Iiirhibein nUredtllitehlfh
Ion Fait Olllte Btfoml ClHl Mutter
he Carbon Advocate
nKia for LiirAilertllnrt
Eittcr Nollrei - -
lnorce Notion I
ecutnr'a Notices
. ....... ...irMiv.ifu liiL will Iicrp
mm jwuar - ...iMArml Inn
B .Iter Do mTRrDiyuiwBru
ire net pal In it'irance.
I yo wlrti your paper dl wontlmieU 11 j the e
Hratlon ol jour term i-liw" .''"'Vj.a
tn.i mrrf and the reanest will le compnea
ltAll.ltOAl) MOTB8
Short Inniirniplil That Will lie nl IlitetMl
ta the lllllroiKl HnJ.
Heretofore nil tlie trans uecd on
the Jersey Division of the Central road
bus been molded tit Mnnolieeter, N. J.
and that used on tlio Lehigh & Sinque
liannn Division lias been put through
tho Romo process at Ashley. Recently
orders come to thelatter placeto build
additlona'l furnaces and .make other
preparations necessary to do tho mold
ing for . both divisions. About 1100
pounds of brass nro molded Into shape
for use every day, and hereafter the
molders will do the work according to
... . nn uiiinr
,zed representative ot this Mee. All taron jjj6 ,,1,, gystem.
Ira will oe appreciably... . 10)n ,, ,,,.,,,. ..
- i 11 .
ciiimcit woiiKnit.
jtcni.Rfiitnnocoi.M!iiKjoTns. 1 Our stock of gold ring in
- Tlie mitMcl.lcert riven under ' tile latest attiatio sliapOS Rtudetl
BmergeticaUy with county chairman tll0 tlmo of Brrlval) anrt mny oeopk
f.V.A Marr We hope to to the genial thlnk tlmt it not rerlain that rail
U small, weak machlno that was em
(n .Imfn faw iviali -t 1 If n rfir fit.
- . . . ...... ..f l""J " !
P" V!"S. ii :in. . ...J nt nlmnt 10 InllOS an llOUr.
IVMkl NIVIDRPCT H" - , ...
! 'i'lien IUO UirOClors DUU ftLUUIWiuiuiM :
I We bejoioe in tho prosperity of the 0f railroads constituted the meekest
(lutuiflton News. It come out insi class of cltir.ens, very uiuoronr, irom
lutin.r,.ml In twlco lis reKuiar tuo inuuentini class nt uiopnrouu
I, rm, voia lma vim and push tiaoK nnnlol Webster, in uescnuiuR tuo
If if ,i iho ncoDle of Slatlngton American railroad of that, time, said:
Ihnuiri nlvo it the proper -encourage- "Thoy are made of two stringers or
B . -. . .. tt ( Nnn
l ,! onnnnrt. A newspntwr tu vi scaaiiing, nou iiuu uiiu ira Him utu
B"-"v 1 - . . . .. i ,t
Iveoff of wind. get loose in tne grounn. upon mo
i stringers two straps oi iron, wiu wiuw
Tm rtnpLE of Bhenandoah won t . thl t .,. f trM. nr0 iiall-
Llm 11 il they all rc-Ho work heartily , Thiwn cliaiw of iron frenucntly
fnr the popular C. J (Jninn, who is an . jj at the ends, which turn
Isplrant for the l-st omco in iumi up 8tlakosi hoau9 an perce the
lown. Charley is onu 01 . n floors of tho cars." Such an accident
tcrats wo know of. Las. oar no WB acluany happened to a oar between
delegate to the state tonvention, and . . ndNow York, Then, said
lluring the present year nsa raem,,er Wobstor, "tho whoels slip on the iron
!.f thn executive comi .ltcco in m .. .r,nr.l,.llf sn much
f - " , , I DllUIIJ, 1 It IJ JIIIV.I IUJ.WI....J j
gwuntyhehas worked usrnesuy Uiat uo uopon,ienco can be placed upon
lemocratlo (.'uaricy iwvne i- ,, , ,,
lolntment which ho so richly doscrves. tolecraDhers' sendini! contest
cunitKCT ELicrmut i on:. at Schuylkill Haven .Thursday night,
Tlis final returns from Oregon make under the auspices of tho Telegraph-
It possible at last to print an exact table ors' Journal, attracted i large number
bf tho Electoral vote hi tlio estates tor or leiegrapnors wmim a rauius 01 ouo
ipresident It stands as follows: hundred miles, wen irom tlio i.eaa-
iiabuhon. . I intr. Lenich valley. I'onnsyivanla, nua
' '5 1 Each contestant was allowed to send
flvo minutes, the host man receiving a
yold medal and tho second bestasllver
modal. George C. Williams, of Read
ing, a Philadelphia k Reading man,
won tho first prize, and J. O. Iloag, of
Mauch Chunk, a Central man, captur
od tho silver medal.
X Some of the chtingesthature likely
to occur in the new tlmo tablo of tho
Valloy are spoken of as follows by tho
Whlln Haven Journal: "The Lehieh
North Dakota. s .,, .i i,i
flrpffon vaiicj will luo tt uun I lino muiu
,-jouui uhkou. nee. 4th by wulcn time tuo new uutiaio
Tottl is extension will be completed. The
This Hivos Mr. Cleveland a majority trainmen sav there will bo a groat
of 111 votes in the totol of 441, or 55 shaking up of crews and runs, and nro
more than necessary to elect, were predicting nil sorts of things. Ono of
the former Confederate Ktates to De theso Is that there will bo a new vesti
loft out, he would still have as many uUie train, to run from New ork to
AUbima II
Aikinsu. .
Oilltorola "
Connecticut v
Oel&ir&re. - 3
tlecrtU 13
llllnoif 2
Icdlftns.. 1
Kentucky. u
Lnusl&na. s
MarjUnd... ... . 8
Mlc&lran. .. c
Missouri. .. . 1'
rlew Jersey . 10
New York 30
North Carolina.. II
Onto 1
tlouUl Carolina.. 0
Tennessee. - 12
Texas IB
Virginia .. 12
West Vlrjlnla. .. . 6
Wisconsin 12
Total 21
Minnesotjl 9
Montana............. 3
New Ilamlsnulre.
I eilliBjivaiiii.. .
Rlioile Island....
ldauo ....
votes as Harrison and Weaver together.
Buffalo, a distance of 43G miles, in ten
It will make flvo stops Las
j, .. - t ,
The Baku ballot law, under which iin,it,m nti. pimnv nn,l
the recent eloctlon was held, provides Bayr0( besldes water st0ps. Some lmvo
that any political party which polls 3 lt that lhe train w,u gQ over the cut olf
per cent, of the entire vote of the sUito tj L & B Junction aml thus save 0 to
St the election next precodingat which 10mlI m, a iocal train will run
any state was voted lor, may mawnuu ahcaaand plck up passeBgers. Tho
certify nominations. Tho totals in the cabooso commUteo has many changos
'state ore as follows: For P in viow, among them beluc the making
judge, Don (R-), 51092; Heydrick (D.), of through trains of present local ones,
440,001-, Brlggs (P.), 22,302; McCombs nud clmngiug tho runs so they will bo
CPeople's Party), 7031; Trlest ("a11" from Jersey City to Easton, Easlon to
iADor;,(Hu; making a wtui ui Sayre, and Sayre to Buffalo. Accord
and 3 per cent, or this total wouiu ue ....,.,,,,,,. WnrlrV.
29585, so that tho Prohibitionists 1' Falr frains wm go over tho cut off,
naKUeiowtno numoer neceasury 6klpplng Wilkosbarro, and making
Rive them tho right to nominate can. .hl HaTcn tbe dm,n station ,n
dlcates. While wo have very little Butas the committee's plans uovcr
sympathy with the Prohibition 1 arty matcriaUzo tn tu0 schedules, wo will
ss a partisan organization, yet tho fact have to wait until tho tlmo tablos ap
that thoy area political parly can not poar to see what, If nnv, changes are
bo disputed, and they have sometimes tQ b() ma(lo
even in Pennsylvtmla held the balance fi ,nnk of ,own who wft3 lUg.
of power. Thoy are, therefore, entitled cliarged from tho IjChlgh Valley ser-
to have their candidates piaceu upon ... . reinstated
Slioeiiinker,MnwiircT Worker, I'lijrale Inn
and Tailor.
It is pleasing for me this week to
present tho pencil photograph of the
esteemed pastor of the Methodist
Episcopal church, to t'10 Advocate
Tho subject of this sketch, George
Washington Dungau, was ono of a
family of seven children born to the
latoMr.ond Mrs. Uoujamin Dungan,
native Phlladelphlans who moved to
Monroe county, this state, where Mr.
Dungan first sow the light of day on
tho 2nd of May, 1819. Tho father of
George Dungan followed tho business
of shoomaklng and In later years also
that of hatter; tho former trado was
learned by Mr. Dungan following tho
early years of school llfo. He was loss
than twenty-ono years of ogevlicn ho
bid good byo to homo and friends nnd
journeyed to Philadelphia, whero for
n tlmo ho was u sort of general utility
man In a dally newspaper ollloe in
Gcrmantown. His objeetlvo point, haw
over, was to becomo n physician,' so a
little whilo later wo find him reading
medlclno with Dr. Wulker, and then in
1870 ho graduatos from tho Hahncmau
Medical Collego, Philadelphia. For
live years ho followed this profession
when in 18S1 tlio M. E. conference in
session ntPhlladolphlt, licensed him
to preach. His first chargo was at
Tannersville, Monroe county, where ho
was stationed for tliroo years; then lie
filled a charge at Richmond, North
ampton county, for three years, follow
ing which fer three more yoars ho
filled a charge nt Tromont, Schuylkill
county; nnd ho isnowfllllng his fourth
consccutlvo yearly nppolntinont hero
In this city. Rev. Dungan. is marrlod
to Emma, a daughtor of William Mo-
Donough, also of Monroe county.
Thoy havo two children, Robert, who
Is Iti Baltimore, Mil., and JHss Mary,
who is at home.
During the past year Rev. O. W
Dungau has had charge of the M. E.
church at Packertou also. Ho Is a
hard, earnest, sincere worker, and is a
preacher who "has something to say
and says it right wheu ho does say It."
During his pastorate tho M. E. church
has been enlarged, remodeled, Improv
ed and beautified, until lt is safo to
say that it is ono of tho prettiest and
co.lcst edifices In this town or alley.
Tho church building nt Packerton also I
has been greatly improved and remod-
eled through his exertions. Besides
his church work Rev. Dungan has suc
ceeded la establishing a freo reading
room in the M. E. church..
HU reappointment to tho charge
hero at oach conference for four con
secutive years, something altogether
unusual shows that both himself nnd
family aro fully appreciated by Ills
congregation. Tho conference limits
tho reappointment of pastors to ono
chargo for a greater length of time
than flvo years, and it is the expressed
wish of his congregation that wheu
conference reassembles it will reap
point him to tho chargo here.
the auspices of the Students' Mission
ary Society of Muhlenberg College in
the chapel on the evening of Nov. 22,
was a decided success. The offerings
amounted lo over fourteen dollars.
Doerr, TC, and Beck, 1)2, spent
Thanksgiving among the boys here
and with the friends in tottn.
Quito a number of the students
went home to spent Thanksgiving.
iTho halls lack tho customary life nud
muslo so inspiring to college students.
The Qnarto-Ccntonnlal Memorial
Volnmo of Muhlenberg College Is l eody
for delivery to subscribers. The vol
ume contains 581 pnges and is illus
trated with n front and rear tlew of
tho college building, tho pottrolts of
the Presidents and Professors of the
lnstltut Ion. Lutheran.
At the fourth annual convention
of tho Collego Association of tho Mid
dlo States and Maryland held nt
Bwarthmoro Collego on Friday nnd
Saturday, Nov. 25 nnd 20, Rev. Prof.
M. H. Richards, D. D., of iluhlenberg
Collego. wits co-rofereowlth Dr. Horace
Javno. Dean of tho University of Pcnn
sylvanio, on tho subject, "Host meth
ods of determining nnd recording
scholarship of students." Dally City
with the finest stones to bo
found in New York City, is tho
choicest lot ever brought to
Mauch Chunk, now on snle nt
E. II. Hold's, Mauch Chunk
Jewelry Store.
The IMItor. Mill Meet.
Tho Editorial Association of tho
Lehigh Vulley will convene In regular
quarterly nssembly nt tlio Grand Cen
tral Hotel, in tho city of Allontown.on
Tuesday, tlio 13th day of December, at
10:30 o'clock a. m. Tho Association is
composed of the editors nud proprie
tors of the papers extending from
Hazletonto l'hllllpsburg, N.J. Tho
purpose of this Association Is n strict
ly business one, nnd their meetings,
which nro held nnartorly, brings' to-
gotlier n class of raeu who, in a social,
business way, speud . t pleasant day In
each others company.
Christmas nt K H. Ilohl's,
Mauch Chunk.
the tioket in tho regular way and with-
out the difficulties that now tand- in
the way. This is one feature of tho
Baker ballot law that should positively
be amended in tho next legislature.
and will go back on his old run about
January 1st, 1893.
X By a recent decision of tlio Rend
ing manogomcnt all tho old style black
coal cars must be done away with bo-
foro January 1, 1891, to bo replaced tiy
self coupling hopper cars. As the old
cars become damaged they are. con
WomniNOTON's Illustrated Maoa
zlno is essentially a homo magazine.
Its whole Idea is centered intho homo; ...i-.p-.i.,..! .md .wtrovod.
every detail, from leading articles Wuat rairoajers would llko to havo is
down to a rhyme for the child too coal ot uform 8izc, There is
young to read for itself, will be pro- many a maimod iiand that silently tes-
pared with reperenco to homo and fam- titles to criminal ueBllienco on the
lly life; every pogo Is instructive in- part of tuo . railroad companies, bo-
spiriting, and entertaining. As an over causo of tho proctiCo of makltig up n
welcome guest who comes laden with coai train in which thcro are cats ol
good gifts for all, it enters thousands different size nnd styles.
of homes and wins tho respect aud at- j An ordcr was Posted on Sunday at
fectionof a host of readers. Rvory tue D. L." i. W. station In Scrauton to
number will contain illustrated articles thi H t nomincinra Dromoted
of general interest and permanent withln the past four yoars will l.ovoto
value, written by well-known authors, gQ bnck tQ 0,5 alld n,0 brakemeu
and will be fully and appropriately who wero recently appointed will be
Illustrated in tho best and most attrac- lal(1 offi About a dozen conductors will
Uvo style of modern art. Its fiction bo a(fectcd by this order. A lull In the
will be wholesome, cheerful, nnd cle- coa, mi5iei wlilch makes it neces
rated In tone; its poems rellnod, and sary to take off some trains, is rospon
pervaded by uo false sentimentality, Bible for the setting back of tho con
and the younger members of the fam- dactors . Scranton Republican.
Uy, even tho vory youngest, will always j Tbe Now york Sunday Advert Iser
find something bright and inviting in 0f aroceutdate,contnlnedtho follow-
pages set apart specially for them. In ,Dg. it was only a few months go the
every detail itB definite purpose, cheer- country learned with astonishment
ful helpfulness with teachings wise thnt , phiindolnliln .t Readinc Rail-
ana stimulating, snail tie oieany "P- road Company had combined under
1 ono management all tho roads in tho
anthracite coal region and its outlets
I to New York, Philadelphia, und minor
cities. The intelligence seemed to
strike thoso mast interested with
sort of bewildering effect, and the first
As the tlmo is near ai hand for the
meeting of the Legislature or 18111, it
may be interesting to our readers to
note Senator Rapsher's reoord during t .- ti,nr ti,n mmlilns.
the session of 1891 as reported by the .mi,-..,i nit,ii nf awinnn nm
Committee of the Knights of Labor to figures were reolly much below
tbe members of the Order in this tbat but stm bIg 8nough to
State. The uommittee mauo two re- gmo capitalists. Now the combine
ports, lue majority report 01 tnat ba, uken ln tbe Boston i Maine Road
Committee nas tno iouowing in reior- Bnd lta teMl nnoe and taking all
ence to a Constitutional oonventlon. tblnR8 ,nto consideration, probably
(See page 8). "Foremost among those tho greatest corporation ln the world,
opposing we are compelled to notoas VanderbUt System has more miles of
follows: Senators Ross, Lloyd and roadi88-and has 125,000 employes,
Dunlap: and those favoring and and tb Atohl50n System embraces
strongly advocating: Senators Rapsher, 10,100 miles and 75,000 employes, but
Green. Hlnes and Brown." In refer- the 50,000 men, or thereabouts, in the
ence to all the labor bills we copy the Reading's coal property put it ahead.
foUowing extract from the same report Tbe systemi a8 now or8anl!!edi bas
on page 10. "Wo now prooeed to give ,.. nf a,,, rl .,n
special notice ami mention to socn, about 300,u00,000 ln bona fide, capital,
and BPCHONiT. as were found to be 1 at and 130,000 men in Us employ-over
all times "up and doing for our bills." flve times the standing army of the
-owuuors ivapuer, iwouey, Unltedguteg At ,he beftd of tbu
Logan, Markley and Laulmob, with Londerful combination, as presidsut
otnerson tne uemoeratto ue, were of tbe principal roads and trustee or
always wUh us In spirit and with their ,e8g60 or otberSi a man only 45 yoa
votes." The minority report of the old,wbo began his career as a roadman
same Knights of Labor Committee on tb0 Northern Paolflo line. Archibald
apema .u tuo Km.mij Angus MoLeod, this new monarch of
On page 2 we Ond the following: u nf .
"April 28th, 1891, Senator Rapsher. of Amprlcan brth,born in 1817. Beginning
i-aroon.introaucea a resosution , m-. bUe bt B ,ad , M ,owwt wa,kgof
reeling publlo attention to the failure Abroad life, 1 rose so rapidly that in
of the Elections Committee to report 1 1(tM ,1B W14, frolu (ll8 ,lort,.wua
sixitt.r socii:tv fiossii".
Society 'lltl-ltllH of Interest to the Mem
bers nftlic l'rnternltr
Rev. G. W. Dungan, pastor of tho
Methodist Episcopal church, preached
a special discourse to tho members of
Lehigh Council, 101, Jr. O. U. A. M in
his church on Inst Suudny evening. Ho
used as Ills text on this occasion part
of the tenth vorso in tho third chapter
of first Corinthlanf.
Juntlco of tho Peuco W. A. Kvans
Saturday morning decided tho case of
Mrs. Herbert D. Yocom against True
Friendship Chambor, No. 22, Knights
of Friendship, giving judgment in fa
vor ot tho defendant. Tho plaintiff
brought suit through her attorney, K.
Long, for $75 funeral benefits for
her husband, but as her husband was
not in good stand lug at tho time ho was
taken ill tho Justice decided that ho w as
lebarrcd from all benefits. Saturday's
Norristown Timos.
Tho appended table prepared by
District Deputy Albert E. Rlnn, shows
fho membership of the Odd Fellows in
Lehigh county of 1892. Therols a won
derful growth nt present iu tho order
In this country and many of tho lodges
seem to be engaged in a friendly rival
ry as to which can secure the largest
number of now membore: Allen, No.
1, Allentowu, 201; Mystic, No. 75,
Emails, 05; Lehigh, No. 83, Allentowu,
311; Friendly, No. 85, Macungle, 92;
Jordiin, No. 192, Schnccksvlllo, 05; Ma-
cunglo, No. 231, Fogclsvllle, 152; Rluo
Mountain, No. 219, Steiusvllle, 105;
Catasauqua, No. 209, Cutasanqua, 231;
Coopcrsburg, No. 390, Coopersburg,
121; Slatlngton, N. C2i, Slatlngton, 101;
Central, No. 030, Pleasant Corner, fit
Vienna, No. 817, Allentowu, 100.
Capt. A. G. Weissort, commander
Iu chief of the G. A. R.,has just settled
a quostlon that for 11 long time kept
the organization In n state of ferment.
Almost since tho formation of the
Grand Army there has botn trouble
south of Mason aud Dixon's lino when
ever n colored post was about to be
organized. Charters havo often been
refused by the state departments
where colored veterans made applica
tion., A protest;oame to the order tho
other day from a colored post in Texas
saying that neither of tho departments
ot Louisiana or Texas would Issue a
charter. A letter had previously been
received from the department of Texas
olttng tho same instance and asking
for instructions. Capt. Weissert im
mediately ordered the charter to be
issued and declared that unless this
was done bo would take steps to force
tho white veterans to obedience or
drive them out ot tho Grand Army,
Philadelphia Press,
lmllr, fliimlity. uvlt.r.
which is
Gleau, Unseosational anUiist Tie
rAIT.n for the
The Pitnss has Mi best mmllile orcani.... Ion
to secure news (mm the most Important xouices
unu wuii penny wcorresiHinueiui in ruii-ni-YiiiiU,
New Jersey and Delaware, tlie State nnd
liear-ut-hoinenewsla cohered v.llh a routine
iarerulne and attention to deUll not eten at
tempted by any other paper. , .
lhe Press has ft! the best nf correspondent
h. nil Hit. iMtli nf thll HllttPd btatei. AS
well n and railroad experts... Chicago
and ino west, wno Keep me imprr muic
ahrerutt with events. , ,
tiia columns of the Sundar Press are enriched
by contributions from those whoso names are
wruien nig" in uiir mis m Kicai. u ii,
nn-p(st. p.viit.. n wpII ns from men of Jiluli
rank in public life. Tho bestauthors know that
their best audiences are the raaders ot the
1ml tv. Siindav nnd Wppklv Press.
In politics 'lhe Press knows no other master
than tho people and the past 3 ear li s been seen
as has been Keen before, the marked fact that It
Is subservient to no political bois. It lias no
political ambitious to foster, but looks ofter the
1 me rr sis vi 11 rcuutrri.iiiiu ucikcis huh
th Uutittti nf tiiiKinv In ftinnnnerhoth frank and
, fcnrlPM. Ipttlnrr th fact unaak for theinsehes
and e adlnit no Issues, but meetlnc: thom all on
Hie uuns ui i.iir I'liiv iu n iiicu tit un nnin. j n
panes kuow no distinctions and the rights of
uno class oer another are neither recosnl?ed
nor supported.
Advertisements ol lleln Wanted mav be In
serted In The Press for One Out n Word.
Advertisements or ruinations wanted h uent a
word. Hpfdauuys lor advciuiemenis, miii-
day, edni'sday, Saturday.
Christinas Presents
ron vm
Ilepanne we have the very larcwl as
nottmmWoMlwtfriun at the most
llMMmable I'rlen. This Is roaHlvely
tine at jon will And on an Itiipectlon.
Some of lliethlnie we have are Hand
some Hooks; Fine Stationery, lleaull
fill Pictures, 1'aney Toilet Cases,
PotkM Donks, Torses, U'lltltiR Desks,
Ink Standi, Clulstmas and New Tear
Cards, f.'ard Oases, Oatnes, Toys of all
kinds and a hundred and one oilier
things that we haven't got toom lo
mention. Come and see us before ymi
buy. We aie sure to please you.
(II Broadway, Mnuch Chunk
Reading R System
Lehigh Valley Division,
Anthracite Coal used exclusively,
insuring cleanllnoss nnd comfort.
Arrangeinert of Faueneer
tcnut.i: is ErrrcT
Nov. 1.1. 18112.
For Neark and New Vorkuta. 7.i, anil 11.12,
n in fin.1 r. m 7 'N h. ,11.
Kiir tlanunkaCluink anil IMvlilere B.2S, 7.10
1 l.o, a. in. i 12.07, 4 si anil ".as pro.
l'or Lanibertvllle anil Trenton 5.", 0.00 ami
11.12 anil 12.51 37 p. in.
H.liern, anil llaston, 6.28, c7. 7.W, 0 no, 9 M, 11.12
a. ill, 2.1 j, a.wt .ii,d.;z-, 1." unu i- "
ljy mall, postase fiee In the United stales,
Dally (except Sumtaj), one year
M " one month - - -'
tlnchidtiifi Sunday) one jear - -"
" one mouth
Sunday ono ) ear
Wiekly Press, one year
- 2 0,)
- 1.00
Drafts. Checks aud other ltemittauees sliouti
wie innue payaoie tne orucr 01
Tbe Press Company. Limited.
ForCoDulySopcriiitcMeiil of Public Scbco:
Principal of l'ackerton Schools,
a graduate of West Chester
Normal School, with thirteen
years' experience in teaching,
j J-' Scud
lillailelnlilaand nouns south M 5,0.47,
i.lii, H.ri aim 11.1a a.
7.'i p. in.
, 111.: 2.42, 3.(10. 4 :17, cxianil
Kor mid Il.12a.n1,
ion, a:a una 7.211 pin.
rv's. White Hall, Copiay, una iioKenautiqia
0.4, 0.00 0.S4 51 11,12 IU 111.: 12J)7, .1.',
l.'rXInnMifrii'llU R.K. 7.4.1. fl.Sfl. 1I.!K) atlll 11.53
a.m.: 1.10, 3.IU, 4.(W, n.20, 7.2a, s.v,uti p. iii.hiiii
12.12 KlKllt. . ,
ror veatneriy ami jia7ieioni..ov,.uy..wttiiu
,, Ki n . A m R "HI 7 Ill Ml ,1.1,1.
For ilahanoy City, Slienaniloah anrt Ashlaud
0.52, 7.4 9 M anrt 1 1.53 a.m.; 4.05, 6.20 & 7 p ni.
For Alt. uarinei ami Miuinoain u.u-, ,.i.taiui
,, r. a ,11 . R m . wi
l'or 1'oltsvillB C.52. 7.43. 7.40. 0M 11.12 and 11.53
a. in., 3.011, 4.i, 7.22 ami 7 20 p.m
For While liaten, wniteHuarro nmi crniniuu
.43,11.30 allilll3 n.lll.;4.u5, o.m, nun if.u-
Vor Plltston anil I & B. Junct., 7.43, 9,30, and
11.53 a.m.: 4.a 0.20. 7.22 ana ioj,:i p, 111.
l'or Ttmkhannock 7,43 and 11.53 a. m.i 4.05,
K 'O nml
ForOweRo, Anburn, Ithaca and Oeiievall.53
a.111.: 10.59 p.m.
I or 1-lccjviue. 1 owanua, oaj 1 e, , mi-ri), &.i-
mlrn, Itociwster, liuilalo, M'acara rails and the
West 11.53 n.m.i ana 10.5'i p. 111.
rnrKlinlrn nndlhn West Ma Htlanunra at
l.05p. 111. w
l'or New Y01 k 0.07 and j 0 17 and
p. 111.
l'or l'lilladelnlila 7.67 a. 111.: 2.52, 5.17 and
For Kaiton and Intermediate, HL-itlons, ,1.07,
T-17. 11.21 A.111.! 12 52. 2.52. 5.17 aild D.02 II. 111.
For Mauch Chunk 8.14, 0.50, 11.20, 11.3s 11.53
n. 111. 1 3.10, 5.15, 8.44. and 0.33 p. 111.
I.',ir I , And In v ul II n? . ,n., 9 5-i RHil T.?ft II. III.
For llailetou 'J.M, and 11 53, 3.10 and 10.53
11. m.
For Haliniioy city and Hhcnandoali 0.50,11.53
a. 111., unu jvi p. in.
1,'nr l'otbivllli' nt 2.52 II. Ill .
l'or White Haven. Wilkes-llane. J'itUtou,
TnnUliinnnrk .Tiiunml.i. fi.-ivre. Itliaea. (leiieva.
Auhurn, Klmirn, lioohester, buttalo. Nlajtant
Falls and tlio West 11.53 a. in. ami I OKI p. m.
For further particulars Ininilieot AKentsfor
Tlmo Tables.
A SWniQAKO.UenMManaiter.
(). HANCOCK, Ceneral I'asseniter Alsent,
1'lilladelphla, Fa.
W. NONNKMACIIEli. Ass't tlencral I'as
senser Agent, Houtli Hi Ihleliem, l'a.
lt rerlalnly is no exaactra
lion for tis to say tliat our
slock resembles a fairy Land
nllli our I inmensn display of
Christmas and New Year
floods tliat are now erowillnc
our shelves and rotinters and
bringing eajer pnrcliasers
liere. We eclipse all our
forme.r elTorts In this display
both as to quality, assortment
and price. Hut In eclipsing
onrself we also knock coin
petctlon sky Well. We will
mention a few things as spacn
permits: Toilet Clues, Wotk
iioxes, llililes, Handsomely
llonnil Volutnes by Ktnlnent
Atuthors, Olove Cares, lland
kerchelf Cases, Cuff and
Collar Boxes, Wlilsp Holders,
Hand Mirrors, Albums, Dolls
Head Hosts, Ink Stands
lleaiillful Christmas Cards,
nnd a Hundred and one other
things that will please anil
Interest ynti. Come nnd see
ns simii. .
OnRiiT's In.ocK, lhightnu, l'a
T, A 11 IKS mi, VISSKS
Coats & Jackets
111 Itiu very Neatest Styles
and nt lhe Lowest Prices ot
E. JET. Snyder's,
alio it full line of
Pino Dress Goods,
That can't be matched In this
town or county for Style
Quality or Trices,
See Our Goods Boforo
You Buy.
Notice lo Trespassers.
Tim .mil oral rrnfxl liprpliv tiotlfv all IKTROllS
tlvit tinnrlntr lltthlnfr mitl IiuttltllF Oil tlielr lll'ein
ists lii Kast Tenn nml Matiotiing township it
Rirlttly lor Wilde u, all persons roiinl trwpas'.mB
una imreKuraiiiK mn iiwiuu "in
II. 1. Oombeit.
.Inniis (iombprt.
.lame F. 1'eter,
Cliarle u uenriK,
iMosei P. Jlex,
Kdwln O. I'pter.
l). miley,
A. M. Blttler,
.l.D. Ualllet. ,
Stephen Steificrhalt,
John Illegle.
Natluin I.. II. ICnllt,
A. r. stelEeroalt,
Wm.ll. lteler.
J, leLonR,
Natlian Uematey,
D.inlel Hex,
Adam Jllll,
.lonatlian Uinrliner,
A If ml Cinder.
I.ev. Htelgerwalt,
T. W. stelcenalt.
Kmery liotne,
tl, W. Iloppes,
0. A.Aiulreat,
Jteubrn Kbbert,
tleorRO Berjjer,
liaM Wehr,
Cliarles Mensel,
1'lillip Hclioch.
IenWlI. ItelirKt.
Daniel Had mi an,
Daniel L. Trltz,
Davia L. rnft
AUralum Miller,
Natlian ItoHnian,
Ilenry Seminel,
Aaron How man,
Win. Unci),
8. ltelntzlemaii.
Tliomaa lianey,
nideon ItelirlK,
Natlian (Jerman.
1 A.O.leliaiikeHer,
.lonai Kolo.
V. T. Pchlelclier,
KUa hmllh.
II. H. Kennnerer.
.IctTerflon A. Weilman
(J, II. 11 UK,
Den n In Ilex.
Herman I'eter,
Kranels htelyerwalt,
r, (HorRe,
A.M. telc;enaH,
1-M Schleicher,
lienls Kiuc liner,
Dwen titelgerwalt,
.loglina stelgerualt,
'lllOIUBS Iiucli,
John smith,
Jacob HfelRtrwalt,
I.CttlS ltnch,
Wilson Kbhert,
Daitd Miller,
Alfred Wert man,
Charles ItehrlR,
Daniel Sliellv.
Kdwln Denpler,
lteubcn NeiT,
Samuel Snyder,
Harrison HtelRerwall,
John L. Fritz,
Kdward sutler.
Joseph llonept,
K. W. ItelirlK.
Harry A. Follweller,
Clias. (ilnter.
llljih. Andres,
Henry Fronhelser.
Executors' Sale,
Of Valuable Real Estate !
The undersigned Executors' of tho Kstate of
OeorueWalck, deceased, lato of Towamenslng
Tow nshlp. Carbon eonmy.lM., HI sell at puhllc
sale on the premised leUeeiiMlllportaiul Ultie
(lap, nu
at one o'clock p. m.. Hie follonlng Ileal Httata
to wit All Hint certain tract or jdeco or laud
situated as above, bounded by lands of tleorK
Kunkel.JeMi'ostenbaderand I-vl Iloter ron
talnliiGiM) ACUHS more or less, about ino acres
are clear and under a Rood state of cultivation,
the b-ilanen belnp-itooil limber l-ind, llm im
provements thereon are
Tiinuu DWur.LiNn hdusks,
lafne llainaud other necessary out bulIdlnRi
Term and condition will be made known at
lime and place of sale by
Honso Bill No. 2 on Ballot Reform." I
Tbe Eame report on page W mja:
"Senator Rapsher, ot Carbon county,
was foroiable and inore atlvooate
of the Australian sjetem of voting."
And on pago 07. "Senator Rapsher
was an earnest advocate of raaur im
portant labor bills."
A Jtoll.r KipliMlM.
The boiler of tbe engine asjH for
boistiDK purpoaee in tbe sMattM of
the new power houee f or Ur flttbM
County Kiectrii' Railway oaapnv w
ploded before seven o'oloii; VliHndar
morning Three men net ia)and.
ttanois Uorward and a uao named
M rijil.t friim I VaiikUu, und auutlie:
nai. ti :i. Uau, h t'liuuk Low wtttei
frsi ' c ..-Mil the tiilo.iuu
by parties Interested in the Heading
Road, and made Its general toaoaffer
He rapidly reuovatml the entire line,
inaugurated a new and more etUoiant
train servioe, and bad already aonuired
a high atandlm; as a praeUoal railroad
man wheu be ueUmlehftd tlie world by
engineering tbe great ootaUne of last
Ijdiee and Gentlemen n
boU watrhen, you never saw
tlie likes ot Uu' liuiiilsoiiif line
E. II. HoLl, the Mauch Chunk I
Jeweler is now showing tir the
Holiday trade. Learn prices!
In fwi imrrhabin; eluewlitie il
i ili ij .in oiijjci iu you
10,000 iiAHAniln.
A Rernnlon Man Get. 810,000 for Ileitis
Injureil nt Mnd Ituu,
The last echo front the great Mud
Run disafter on the Lehigh Valley
Railroad on October 10, 1888, whereby
03 persons wero killed and over 100 In
jnred, was the payment the other day
by tho railroad oompony $10,000 to
Andrew Mouurren, of Scranton, iu
settlement ot his olairas for datntiges,
Of the nwuy claims for damages for
injuries and loss ot Ufa filed against
the company all were settled long ovo,
except tliat of Mofiurren, and with the
payment ot this the great catastrophe
passes into history. The oost of tbe
aooident, one of tne greatest in Ameri
oan railroad history, lo tbe Lehigh
Valley Railroad approximates 00,0n0.
ranging in amounts from a few bun
dred dollars to tWXO. It is a remark
able faet that while a few of the claims
for damages reach the courts, not one
ot them came before a jury All wan
settled liy the attorney uf the nonv
I'lrlHrs for CHtrlM4 1'rwlils.
(', A. (loth has just rei'sired a finely
selocujil assortment of beautiful pic
urea (hat are quite suitable for Christ
mi aud Nen ear presents Tbe pnoes
urt erv iov. Don't fall tu see them
Here as never before, can bo had a niullilinl" of stillaMe things
that aro ju'tllio right tblnn for Cbrlitinai or Ne Vaar l'resenls.
No expense or trouble has been spared to colise all former ex
hibition. WE ARE ASUCCKSS. Our gonds ami our prices tesll
(y to tills quite pnsslllrely. Let us Fiiiinipriilc a few just lo show
liat we nave:
Watches, Clocks, Dolls, Jewelry of all khi.ll. Kings. Neck
laces, Hair l'Ins, Silverware. Klnn Asiortment of Standard
Hooks, Toilet Cases, Albums, Toy. of .-ill kinds anil then Con
fectionery In enJIess (juantlcs.
There are no Taney prices. Figures nre just
right and you will find here just exnrtly whut you
want at just exactly the price you enn nltonl to
pay for it. Came and sec us-
Chas. H. Musbaum,
Special Notice.
We the undersignednnnouncc
to the public that .1. A. rhillip:
of Weissport, Pa., is solo agent
lor the sale ol JWoiier organs mr
North Eastern Pennsylvania
And we advise the public that
A. 1". onydcr who advertises
our organs lor sale is not our
asrent and we shall reluso and
advise our agents notto sell him
nnv of our organs under any
circumstances and we shall not
guarantee tiny Mollcr Organs
tbat aro soul tlirotiRli A. i',
Snvder. M. P. Moli.eii,
Ilagerstown. Md
Cattle Powder nnd
Uqrso iiwdor are al
mo'st always a necessity
in tlm 9tablc and the
place to buy is here
because wo havo a half
dozen different brands
fit Prices that WILL
suit. Gome and see
it Won't Cost You One Cent.
HV nre always doing tomeihing to meet the pleasure of our
patrons. IFe arc now making the best offer or the senson. To
every subscriber who pays all nircarnges and a year in advrnct
for the Carbon Advooatk which is OIE HOLj'.AIt we will give
you your choice ol either of the two journals Here mentioned.
WOMANKIND 10 pnges, lull of bricht nnd interesting
nndgossiyfor women or THE AMERICAN FAIiKtKl ik
pages, with reading matter thnt will interest every farmer.
lie want to have 2000 AnvooATr. Subscribers. anil lo Mint end
this offer stnnds good for nil who send $100 for n one year's sul
sr.ription, whether new renders or old, all are treated alike.
Send in your names with the $1.00 and wo will send you the
Advocate and your choice of the cxoellent premiums. Remem-
oer oniy jji.uu rays lor the advocate nnd either ol the above
monthly perioticals.
end UsYourName and $1.0
BIERY, The Druggist.
r AWFElt, tlio bmbcr. opposite the Optra
House, cuts hair, shines and Joes eery
thing In first-class stylo Drop In and eeehtin
Closed on Sumltus. Tultet'ArllcIes for saV.
HsVoiiATF OPFirit. 1h hfiLUQiiartprs fur
tttintine.haircuttlneanU shampooing, rartlcu
mr aufiiiion imm iu ciiiiuiii utuifs uuuk aim
Children's Hair, 'lollct articles tor Rale. Choice
Clears. OAi.i-
GO TO FRS. KODEIlKR, under the
Hotel. Bank street, lor a smooth shaia ora
iKhlonahle hair cut. Closed on Hnnday's
Ituetier s jiiinoniCi cuies uanarun. eoarrj'
in HtAolc a full line ot fancy toilet articles at low
eat irlces, and we are the only place In town
wheie ou can otiy Hentler's CreJin lor tlieiare,
EP. CAMmEM. over the Canal HrlilRe, East
Woissport cuts hall , shaves and shampoos
Instjle. (llveine a call. Vou can also buy
li.iyKum, Hair Tonics, &c, nt lhe. ery lowest
CoBipetelioii Is Tie toe 0
I don't merely make these liberal offers, but I earrv them out
to the letter. Do you want a Jloller Upright Piano Organ 1
which othtr agents sell from $125, to$150 dollars, 1 will sell
you all you want for $85, on easy payments. A Cornett Up
right Piano for $250'dollars that other agents ask 350. I can
get almost any make Organ or Pinno that is made, and I will
hero say go and get prices elsewhere, bring the Catalogue with
you and I will guarantee thnt 1 can save jau from $25 to $75 on
an Organ and irom $100 to $200 dollars on a Piano. Uon't be
afraid to call and see me., I won't wmry the life out of you to
sell, ncr will I put an instrument in the house, unlets you want
me to do so. I will sell you the Lntvrence 7-octave Piano Organ
for $85, now, go to Allentown nnd see if you ran buy one lor
less than $125.
Do you want a Standard Sewing ilachine, that other agents
sell at $50. My price is $30. The Davis at $25, $30 and 85.
The THiite nnd Domestic at $30. The American and TThite
Cottage $25. These are eye openers, but Aaron is in it and to
stay. I want the people to know that when they pay over $35
lor a Sewing ilachine it is money thrown away.
How about Failing Machines, I reduced the price to $5, now
anyone can buy. Ofi ye 1tigh prire agents 1 am after vou and
your War Prices. Respectfully,
Near the Lehigh Bridge, Weissport.
you are in need of Wall Paper, Window Shades, Curtain
Poles, Stain and Sash Eo s, R6om Mouldings. Station
ary, all kinds ot 7?rushes, Paint and Painters Supplies go to
miller tlie full
Some ulMTflrJ say tlat they Buy and Sell or
Ctuk md thereby are able lo w'l heti)tt r tlmu other.
This Is Not So, For At
Popular Carriage Works.
All. Kinds of Wagons, Carriages, Phaetons,
Carts, Sleighs, &c.
Cheaper Than You Can Boy Etata In The Valley
H'e can sell you Factory or Shoddy ork just ns low, yos
a little lower than other dealers can afford to sell you the snmo
article, hut we don't recommend it but
Our Own Work We Do Recomini.
Trespass Notice.
All miranni nr hfl fhV fftutlonfll lint tu tlPS-
iia-is on tho proiwrty ol tlio uuderMxtieti located
In Malionlujc toxwislitp, uirunn county, ru.
liuntniK, n s in tig, mm ins, &c
peuauy vi law.
Nathan Zimmerman,
lt. K. Mosser,
V. It. rranu,
(J.M. ltev,
NokU llettler,
.lolm Orow,
.Nathan (Iron-,
Utnry (Irow,
Allretl Hmit,
I hit u Ohl.
John lltMiiijlion,
Cliarle ltemaly,
Jacob Ctinfer,
James (inmbert,
Nathan duniuerr,
William Me rt.
Henry H. (Juinbert,
A. t). Miller,
i A. lcix.
i:. tl. M.-ilz.
NatlLin Welir.
riiarlet Ncumojt-r,
.It tier son 1'ieUerick,
.luepli Obert,
On en Kinltli.
Dennis Hont
2 "2
3 2 ft
h3 (-t- cc
S3 O
c5 oj '-n y
"3 ft h
i ?r r o cd
t o, s S;
h3 tS 2. "
I-- W O CD
cd Kb-
I 1 ? i Andrew
6 W.h . o
Cheap For Cash, Takes First- fe
. . sessaraKigaiKarasreSKsT
lew Bee Hive,
First Street, Lehighton.
Lowest Prices. Give us a Call.
The prettiest line of Fall nnd
Coats, Jackets, Cloaks,
Trimmed Hats !
ever put on sale in Carbon coun
ty can now be seen at
Estate of AHsn C. BroH.
Ij'tird at admlnUtratioir mi thu itata ol
Abram O. lirodheaii, late ot the Itoroudh of
South ftethtehetn, Northampton oounty, l'eiih
ttlntnlA, ttwl, liate been KrantM to UurrH
il. unurnnan, rmiuius in in natu iwnHwii ii
houtli lletlilehtmi, to niioni alt persons Imlebtwt
to altl eoiAte are renieted to make payment,
t delav.
(JAliltiail. LINDBRMAN
ami tlKHMt liavius claims r rteiaaudt,
Knonn inn same wbibcmi aeia
RiSfiHL, the Lending Photo
grapher. Lehighton.
Cabinet Photographs & Larger
Sizes, Views of Residences
in town nnd county at the very
lowest prices.
Sunday School Committees
Tor Christmas Celebrations.
It Will Pay You to Buy"!All Your
Candy and Fruits,
Bags and Boxes,
- -FROM-
O. J. Saeger, Wholeaale Dealer
The Largest and Best as well as the Chewiest .iiu
Hoatora and
In Great, Variety at
Samuel G haven's
Popular Store, Hank Street.
Hoofing and Spouting a specin
ty. Move repairs liunislirrt
on abort notice
Cream Balm
Cleansfi lit
Allays rio anil
SmIi tio Soni.
llnlore, the
8uim of TMie
and Hniell
A ptrticl I" ftPplloO iuto wli uoiItII and
i. H!iwbl. 1'rfc 51) oeou l llruuitu;
l.y wail, rwialxad, aoe
From now on, until the end of
the season, we will try and lead
in the Valley in our
In Stylo.Quality, Quantity
Perfect fits guaranteed to
Corner 8th anil Hamilton 6ts.
. Millinery Stores,
Lehighton & Weissport
The ladies of tho county will continue to find us headquart
ers for all the new and pretty things in 'Millinery at the lowest
prices. Ydu need not go to Allentown or Philadelphia, we will
sell you cheaper than you ran buy iu the citieR. City milliners
nre always employed here.
French Dress Robe
"Ve are offering a Lot of French Dress Robes at Gieatly Re
duced Prices. The Styles nnd Colorings nre excellent,- ond all
nre to be closed out as follows:
M tfi.OQ vri(t ImporlM In aril
" 8,00 " ' " '
' 10,00 " " " "
" $12,50 " " " "
" tso.on " " "
for $10,00,
' 12,(XI anJ ls.onr
" $17,00 and 20,00.
" H,50
,aa Warrvu St., New York
nl'(iool8 in
Carbon county run be found here. All goodn
promptl) aud free of charge
delivered canes at
and silver
H. IIohl ?,
f30 TO
"Corner Store"
Orames, Lemons, Bananas, Nits,
Apples, Celery, Cranes.
Grape?, TaWe Raisias, Coafec
tions. Fancy Baskets. Qneens
ware, and a foil line of Nice
Lowest prices, good treatment,
prompt delivery
Call and See Us.
Corner Store,
634 Hamilton St., Allentown.
The CUrli KlDClelho worlj lm r?er kuon oouljn'l bill
riali tli Jilg AuortniMt of IJoIldaj Oeodi now on eililbltloq al
enr popular itore. To Klya jou an Idea ot what w lia?e wowl
but mcolton 1'luih Toilet Caiei, Smoker Set$, Album,, ir aolcura
Scti, Jlanderkercbelf Cum, Olotba IUmpri, Delia la todlett
tatletj and at I'rlcea tbat are almoat tltlot thein away, Wl na St
I.Dionaile and H altrSMi, Work Uaiet, ok fciuodi, Toji Id (b
crcatrat Tarlatr em ibown lo tbla lenn, Cbrltlmaa Tree Orona.
loteti. Beautiful Jewelry. line Silverware, Pocket Uooke. Sejap
AlUimi, jd tbeKlnert and Obeapeat Uoeof Oesfeelleiury In the
VaHey. Omm aad tee ui before jaa bay ebewhen
B. K. Culton, Lehighton, Pa.