The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, November 19, 1892, Image 3

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The most fashionable find
popular Dress Fabrics are the
changeable, we have beautiful
colorings in the Cashmere Glnce
and tho Chevrons. The Prices
arc veiy low for this claw of
We nre, nnd always were and
will maintain the reputation ol
being the fountain Head for
Mourning Materials. Look at
the lino we keep :
Black Trecotin Two Grades,
Mack 5-4 Sponged Habit
Mack 6-4 Cloth,
Mack Henrietta in Three
Mack Cashmeres as above,
Ten Grades Blue and Jet
Second Mourning Goods, all
the latest nnd best, what we
claim above all, wo will save
you 20 per cent by purchasing
from us nil the latest trimmings
in Blacks and Colored.
Our Store will bo closed on Tlmliks-
giving Day tlio2llb.
KlMt Sheet, between Mouth ami I'lmitKtir
Lelilltliton, IM.
The Carbon Advocate
A r.Kl I1I.A7.K.
HO.OOO Oot.s til. In Smok mid 11m Loss
Almolt Totill.
Soniehow, noboily kuowe how, nor
never will, a lire orlRliiated In Hell
man k Heydt's mill on Monday nllit
shortly ufter six o'clock nnd n few
minutes latter tUo bnlldluir was a maw
of mad, seething flames which crept In
and around tho wood work of tho stone
building, then snread to the old home
stead occuDled by John ltcllmau, Jr.,
then Itkirted-oirto the Immense Ico
houses of Obert & Hellmnu; then over
to the large stablos and not satislled
with this It swept out of Its way with
relentless fury all the out housos oven
to tho smallest hen coop. Thero was
nothing saved from the mill, which
contained the largest amount of stock
held at any one time In ten years past.
Even the books went so that tho loss
Is a very heavy one and may go way up
Into the thousands. From tho house
most all tho furniture was saved by
the score of willing workers, nnd
carried to a point on tho hill sldo and
later was taken to the stable of John
S. Lentzncar Alum streets. In tho
stable at tho tlmo wero a number of
horses among tho number being the
valuablo animals belonging to Horace
Iteydt, Esq., son-in-law to Moses Hell
man. These wero all saved fortunately
as was also all tho other live stock,
On the Ice housos which wore tho
property of Obert it Hellman there was
was a partial Insurance, on tho mill,
dwelling house, stables, &c which bo-
long to the Lehigh Valley Railroad
Company there was no Insurance. On
the stock iu tho mill, It is also said
there was $1000 Insurance. Tho loss
therefore, Is a heavy one on our es
teemed towusinensllvilmati Mleydtand
have the sincere sympathy of nil our
people In thler misfortune.
It Is very fortunate for Lohlghton
that tho llro originated iu tho quarter
that it did. Had it broken out any
whero else In tho town, thero is noth
ing that would have saved Lehlghtoii
from perhaps, complete distraction by
tire, Thero was quite n lireezo blowing
at the tlmo ami sparks wero carried
as far north as the Catholio church,
but fortunately without doing any
harm. We have practically no llro pro
tection outxiilo of IJJuO feet of hoso,
sections of which George II. M.
Stacker, of Lehigh No. 1, had carted at
his own expense to points along Alum
street, In anticipation of tho Humes
spreading, There was no need for tho
hose. This town has a tiro company,
among tho members being our leading
business nnd professional men but tho
company is handicapped. No hose
rarrlage, no hpse house, no nothing,
but an organization, with this lesson of
lessons staring us in tho face lot nil
our people bestir themselves so that
we got the necessary protection.
The destroyed mill and dwollings
yere among tho oldest In the town and
fur many years was tho homo of Mr,
Cartl of 'llmnki.
The undersigned tenders sincere
thanks to the peoplo who so generously
have iu one was or another assisted
him sinre the accident which bofel him
Almost a your ago nt Hotlmau'a ice
bouse. Ho has now nu artificial limb
and Is otherwise restored to health.
Aarox UitEtSBicn,
Alcohol for Diphtheria.
The Medical Times says alcohol Is
the prince of antiseptics and Iu diph
therla the most perfect and reliable
medicine known. Diluted with equal
pnrts at water and given In small an
repeated doses, the mallgnaut symp
toms or this most fatal malady fcoon
disappear, ami convalescence becomes
assurod. It Is interesting to note with
what (nullity tho aloohol dissolves tho
uiphtheretlo exudation In the throat
aud the destructive action upon tLe
germs of the disease, which has been
absorbed by the glands aud gained ac
cess to the blood. Tho Times recoiu
mends that people ox noted to dip!
therla use diluted alcohol and swallow
s, little of It three or four times a day
VTr ar. l'leawa to uunoouee that we bav
mail, armufieumntj by wliU-li w. are iwpared
to supply rllKK to .aon ot our suliscrlbers
) ear's subscription to that Hell knoun monthly
Uomeantl rami journal, the American Va
m h, iiublUheil at Hlinnifflelil and Cleveland,
Ohio. We make this offer to raeh ot our sub
scribers who ulll ay ui all arrearxe on sub-
scrtntlon and one rar In advance, and toall
ucw subscribers jut) lux oue year tit advance.
The American Taumkh U strictly Hatloual
in is character. HI, a lilxhulau lllustratM
Journal Oiled Hllu entertalului; and Instructive
readlns mailer, cuutalnl.ig each mouth much
luionuatlon that Is Invaluable to agriculturists
aud of special Interest to each member l ei cry
home. It Is not a class tmblloatloii and Is suited
to all localities, belut: National tn Us ioake-uj
aud character, thus meeliug with favor In
localities. It Is strictly uou-polltleal and non
sectartan. It lias a trained corps ot contribu
tors and Is carefully edited, The various dc
lurtiueiitf of Kami, Horticulture, Hheeii
Vwlue.lue llowe.lbe Horse, aud The Jlairy,
are filled ith bright and useful mauer.
readers of the AMPRiraw r'ASMKK are univer
sal In Its pratM and look for IU loonlMy visits
iin aaw nuiieiuawoM. lue regiiur suuserlu-
tum iflee totbe AMtan'AVi Fahmkm li.eo
irr year, box by this arraugeturut It i nun w
viotuiKMtuiMwIn Uuvt great nublkiatw for
utwHw IkiDMuXa) in (alias adsacUaasf
bis o(r, but cal at our. of sm1 Ui your sub
.frlatton aisd al tie Am o vau'l the Ansa
iL'tri ft. mm eh tor only tM.
Whnt llasllcrnrml In tills Oltr DnrlliK the
Week t'ertlnently lIlMtnmllfil by IMir
Rpeelrtl lte.oriers.
It won't oust y u n cent. Redd It,
Buy your jewelry at Hook's aud
yon get tho best.
Fine teams for all purposes at tho
South End Livery.
l'lno free lunch will bo served ot
V. A. Peters' rostaurnnt on Saturday
Full lino of Ingrain and Brussels
carpets at Henry Schwarte's.
Single buggy harness nt $7.00 nnd
upwards nt M. Flory's Wolssport. it.
Read our premium olfer. It won't
cost you a cent.
Flno gold and silver headed canes
nt K. II. Hold's, Mauch Chunk.
Rend our promlum oilier. It won t
cost you a cent.
2100 men s nnd boys' ovorcoats
from S2.00 tip at Sondhcim'a Tailoring
Hall, Mnuch Chunk.
Handsome lino of parlor clocks nt
IX H. Hold's, Mnuch Chunk.
Tho stone stops In front of I ho
Herman Catholic church, on Third
street, have been Improved,
Plain gold wedding rings latost
shapes ut E. It. Hold's, Mauch Chunk.
Jonathan Klstlor, of Second street,
has secured n position with the Wilkes
bnrro Coal Co., as sales agent.
John Swartwood, of Coal street, is
qulto seriously 111 with typhoid fever.
Our young filond Harry Frey Is
now located at Chlcngo, 111.
People nt Hazleton on Monday
night seen the reflection of tho flames
of tho Hellman mill lire.
it won't cost you n cent. Read It,
1500 ladles' nnd mlssos' jackets,
latest styles at lowost price, nt the
Ono Prlco Stnr Clothing Hall, Mauch
Railroad men don't get left, buy tho
wnko up alarm clock sold by E. II
Hold, Mauch Chunk.
Wilson Frnutz, the popular and
successful jeweler on liaiikwny, has
just added ti lino now lnreo safo to his
storo room furniture.
Uueqnnllzed for beauty nnd dura
bility tho Duebor Hampden watch
sold by E. II. Hold, Mauch Chunk,
Frank Wciulaud this week finished
painting the Interior of Petor Helm's
First street residence.
Gold spectacles and oye glasses
with superior lenses at K. II, Hohl's,
Mauch Chunk.
Joseph Horn is quite seriously 111
Ho Is making his homo with Snmuol
Graver on First street.
Aspirauts for the post ofllco hero
are William H. Xusbnum, and Oliver
A. Clauss. Ilotli nro Democrats,
It is said that Wm. Wcldaw will
apply for a saloon nnd restaurant
license at tho January term of our
county court.
Tho largost meeting of Lehigh
Fire Company held iu somo tlmo was
on last Weduesdny evening. At this
meeting thero was ono election to
membership nnd four propositions,
The next meeting will be held on tho
llrst Wednesday In December.
Prof. J. D. Holt, of Tamaqua, will
open a dancing school hero next Wed
nesday evening, providing ho can so-
euro n suitable room.
On tho 6th instant lionovlllo'Ruch
nud Miss Emma KIstler, both ot East
Penii, wero happily wedded. Rov. E,
A. llaucr, of town, tied tho silken kuot,
Have you seen tho olegant assort
ment of pretty gold jewelry E.H. Hold
tho Mauch Chunk Jeweler is now dis
playing. Don't miss seeing it.
Do you buy Pocket Hooks, Pocket
Knives, Writing Desks and Card Cases,
Wo have ti large well seloctod line of
these goods. Take a look at them, nt
Luckenbach'u, Mauch Chunk.
Reuben Rehrig, who has n green
grocery storo on First street, was show
ing n sixteen pound head of cabbage to
his oustomers this week.
We will allow a cash discount of 5
per cent on all goods bought for car
fare, at Sondhelm's Oue Prlco Slnr
Clothing Hall, Mauch Chunk.
It won't cost vou a cent, Read It.
Go to C. A. Harding's livery on
North stroot for teams for pleasure
purposes or for weddings or funerals,
Lowest prices.
Don't buy clocks of the Installment
man, Hock will save you ouo-half the
price if you buy from him,
Just niako it a point to seo David
Ebbert when you want a team for bust
hess or pleasure. Lowest prlcos.
Bock, tho joneler, 1 showing somo
newandvorv pretty thlugs in rings
all kinds and styles.
Read our premium. It won't cost
you n cent.
Thomas Koous has built n Fair
bank's standard scale opposlto tho
Lehigh bridge, on this side, aud near
by he nlso has placed n foundation on
hlch he will erect nn olllce,
Work Is hi lsk nt tho Lchlghton
Hosiery Mill aud It looks now as If
they would have all the work they can
possibly turn out until noit July.
Don't buy a gold or silver watch
till you havo learned E. H. Hold's ro
duced prices for tho holiday season
you will miss it If you don't look nt
the mnguiuceut new stock that we nro
now displaying.
Our clonk department comprises
tho latest styles of ladies' and misses'
jackets at 8.1.00, 91.50 and 5.00, each
garment worth w.00. Call at tho Ono
Price Star Clothing Hall, Mauch
-Dr. F. I. Smith, tho dcntUt, drove
over to East Pcnu last Sunday, nud
while stopping at n water trough to
water his horse the annimal became
frighteuod aud threw tho doctor anil
he was badly, though not seriously In
Remember our stock of overcoats
and suits must bo sold regardless ot
co-it. Meu's overcoats wo sell nt $1.00,
W.00, ?"..), 10.00 nnd up, boys' over
coats at 92.00, 93.00, 95.00 und up. This
means 33 per cent saving at Sondheim'b
Tailoring Hall, Mauch Chunk.
Our popular young townsman W-
E. Ash, of Third street, special ageut
for the American Firo Insurance Com
pany, of Philadelphia, has been con
fined to the house for some days
through illness. We hope for his
speedy recovery.
The addition now being built to tho
Methodist Episcopal church, on south
llrst street, will add very much to the
appearance of that already very pretty I
edlllce. The pastor, Rev. (I. W. Dun
gan, is n spirited worker aud is to be
congratulated on the splendid Microns
of his efforts to build and. Improve the
Reference Ui the death ot Nicholas
Eslen.of Philadelphia, who was sudden
ly killed nt the Ihlgh Valley station
pn the morning of NoveHibor 5, was
Osvlllo Acker Is quite serlonily ill
with typhoid fever.
Ira Everllt Is reported qulto 111.
Ills frlen 's hops for his swedy re
covery. - A. F. Delfendorfer W home from n
two weeks stay nt Twkowood on Chau
tauqua. Mrs. Wilson Mehrkamdled on Fri
day of consumption. To the bereaved
family nud relatives wo tender n sin
cere sympathy.
We aro pleased to note the fact that
Miss Lltwlo Martin has secured n posi
tion as saleslady at. Iho restaurant and
uowstnnd at the L. V. depot, Mauch
Don't you want the Advocate. 91
n year; 50 cents for 0 months; 25 cents
fer 3 months. Learo your onler with
Jos. N. Ilenuet forntrlat trip. Regular
weekly news letter from Tackerton.
Hon. Will F. Blery rccelvod a very
flattering vote In this place. Mr. B Is
n gentleman of ability and genuine
integrity nud will represent Carbon
couuty peoplo with distinction. Rah I
for Blery, tho peoplo s friend.
Caspor Yost, n greaser Iu the Pack.
ottnu yards, finished work on Monday
night and wanted to get homo. In his
hurry he tried to run across the track
In front of n passenger train. Ho was
hit and fatally Injured. He lived at
Mnuch Chunk nnd wns married and
had n wifo and three children.
Tho young peoplo attending the
schools lu tho lower cud have organized
a debating socloty. This is n very good
move. Tho olllcer9 nro: president,
John Dolnn; vice president, Charles
It. Dennett; secretary, Miss Annie
Bennett; assistant secretary, Miss
Sadlo Harlcmau; editor, Edward
A very pleasant party was enter
tallied nt the resldenco of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas J. Harleman, ou tho Hill, last
Thursday evening. Music, slnglugand
pleasant repartco wero tho evening's
pleasures nnd nt a Into hour a very
appetizing luncheon wns served. Those
attending wero Mr. nnd Mrs. R. W. II
Pettlt, Harry Pcttlt and wife, Frank
Rinkcr and wife, Miss Belle Connor,
Misses Jennie nnd Mattlo Pcttlt, Mr.
McAunfce, Miss Ada Anthony, DUdlne
Snyder nud wifo, of Parry vlllo; J, L.
Harlcmau and wife, Jos. N. Bennett
and wife, Mrs. Virginia Bennett, of
tills place.
Carrie, wife of William Long, died
at hor homo on Friday r.t tho age of
thirty.ono years. No children survive.
Deceased was born nt Mauch Chunk
nnd was n daughter of Benjamin Zim
merman. Interment was made at Lo
hlghton ou Monday afternoon and
was tho largest attended of any funeral
tn tho neighborhood for years. Do
ceased was loved and esteemed by
friends nnd neighbors, nnd her death
is therefore much regretted. Tho sor
rowing relatives and friends have our
slncero sympathy in tho oUIIctlon.
U. O. Hough, of Jersey City, N. J,
Is n new resident here. He Is employed
on the Central railroad.
John Couuell, Caibou cotiutv's
popular young Jury Commissioner,,
with residence nt Audenried, was In'i
town for a few hours ou Saturday.
George Peoples, an old citizen of
Mauch Chunk, died Tuesday afternoon.
He came to Mauch Chunk in 181 1, but
was carried to the west with the gold
fever lu the early fifties. Ho was 82
years old nnd during his evoutf ul ca
reer In the west had made and lost for
tunes. At the time of his death he was
possessod of a comfortablo competence.
-William Powell, a train conductor
ou tho Central Railroad, met with a
distressing accident, while at work at
12.20 o'clock Saturday. The train had
just returned from White Haven load
ed, and stopped In tho Coalport yards
to drill out nine cars ot canal coal.
Mr. Powell uncoupled tho cars while
the train was moving slowly, and In
stepping back from the track his cloth
ing cauglft on the bumpers. He was
knocked down and tho wheels passed
over both legs, crushing them. The
right leg was severed above the knee
nud the left bulow. The unfortunate
man was picked up by the trainmen
and removed to tho baggage room of
the Central depot. Drs.F.rnin,Horn nud
Klrby were summoned, and upon their
nrriral the patient was made as com
fortable as possible. At 2.30 o clock ho
was removed to St. Luke's Hospital, at
South Bethlehem.
The Bethlohom Times speaks thus
of our Dr. Erwin: The Kodak Man
Friday afternoon had the pleasure of
greeting tho genial physician, Dr. B. 1".
Erwln, of Mauch Chunk, who spent a
a few hours In this his native town
Among 'uumerous topics hurriedly
Jlscussed tho late revolution on elec
tion day, ot course, had to be np
proached iu some way. The doctor
smiled blandly In approval of the re
suit. He told tho Kodak Man that
opinions as to the cause of the sudden
"change all round" tn Uncle Sam's
political domains were being freely
expressod by the literati, mechanics,
laboring men, nnd various bodies pre
fesslonal throughout the country. Tho
doctor consented to give his views on
the subject, although ho wished It un
derstood that ho was not officially rep
resenting the entire Cody of physicians
of tho United States, However, he
teld the Kodak Man, saying it with
great gravity, that "tho doctors who
have diagnosed the case pronounce it
a severe caso 'eptdemocratlo grip,' nnd
there are no hopes for the victims."
Roscoo Harrison, while out hunt
In on Monday, accidentally shot olf the
first two fingers on his left hand.
Samuel Hrong, who Is employed by
L. C. Nuss, the tinsmith, on Monday
while using tho big shears, clipped olf
tho tip of ono of tho fingers on the
right hand.
The live pigeon shooting match in
Tamaqua on Saturday afternoon, in
which George Freed, of Woathorly, was
Interested, was won by Cooper aud
Clayton. Tho match was for $200
sldo and gate money, which amounted
Frank Tyson Awlio runs ono of the
planers In the car shops at Weatherly,
met with n painful accident Tuesday.
While engaged in oiling the shafting he
slipped and fell fracturing several ribs.
Dr. Long was immediately summoned
and had tho Injured man removed to
his homo lu wost Weatherly.
The following business of Interest
was transacted at a lato council meet-
tug: As n result of tho almost unani
mous expression by ballot on election
day, this town expects to have com
ploto protection throughout tho entire
town. A commlttco ot three from tho
council was appointed to locate all tho
plugs necessary and to report at nu
adjourned meeting to be held Thurs
day evening, Nov. 17th. Warner, Hor
lacher and Vnudyke aro ou tho coni'
mlttco. Another committee was ap
pointed to select sites for tho erection
of engine, hook and ladder, and hose
housos also council chambers aud
lockup which couslsts ot Soudel, Suae
fer and Kuntii. The commltteo is to
report ut tho meeting Nov. IT. Notice
has been given to the different manu
facturers ot plugs that council will re
ceive bids at tho next meeting after
which bids will bo reclved for hose.
engine, housos, eto. Bids will nlso be
received for thirty-year bonds on 87,500
at tho next meeting.
George it. Henry transacted busi
ness at the county seat on Wednes
day last.
Austin Boyer, Esq., of Wcissport,
Is at present hero surveying n tract of
land for Frank Wagner.
Joslah M. Sillies aud wife, of Le
hlghton, weio visiting in this section
over Sunday.
George M. Henry, of this place,
transacted business at Danlelsville,
Northampton county, on Monday.
Alvin H. Sillies, teacher of George's
school, informs us that his roll num
bers 10 nnd that 7 nttended every day
lost month. The following are their
names: Preston a. ueorge, Aatnau 11.
George, Lucetta George. Clara A.
George, Amanda L. George, Hattlo M.
Georgo and Mary A. Smith. The abovo
school was closed on Tuesday last, be
cause the teacher was clerk at election.
Florence, a daughter of Mr, and
Mrs. Levi George, died on Monday
afternoon. The causo of hor death was
duo to membraneous croup. She was
aged five years, ten months and two
days. Funeral will take place on Fri
day. Burial will be made In the Jeru
salem church, at Trachsvllle. The pall
bearers aro Sylvester Eckhart, Milton
J. Buck, James Correll and August
Christian. Rev. Smith ofuciates.
F. D. Kllngorman and wifo spent
Sunday In West Penu.
Our school board held its regular
monthly meeting at Pleasant Corner
last Saturday.
Two opossums, an animal rarely
seou iu these ports, wero caught by
sportsmen last week.
-The sacrament of tho Lord's Sup
per was administered In the Evangeli
cal church last Sunday.
A party from the Valley was hunt
ing In Monroe county during the week.
Mrs. Stephen Fenstermacher was
visiting relatives at Stcmlersvllle and
Stroudsburg this week.
-John Sltler while out hunting the
other day shot a genuine gray fox. Dor
John wor bissel forshrukaower ah Is
uuw uu lecui.
-The candidacy of Prof. N. M, Bal-
llet for county superintendent of pub-
11c schools Is well received here.
Ar'ewJIetns of tlenernt llileirsl To All
HrTho following is always npprop.
rlate at this season: y
A man,
A dojf.
A loaded gnu,
No man,
No dog,
Thy will be done.
ISrOlarance Shafer, son ot Peter
Shafer, living at Hrodheadsyille, last
Wednesday evening acctdently sent n
toad of shot through his arm. He had
been gunning during tho day and wns
returning home when tn some manner
the gun wns discharged making a holo
as big as a walnut through his left nrm
above the elbow.
t3f"Lnf Schoch never goes with his
"old reliable" unloss he "bgs" something.
tSTStinson Hagermau Is more than
threo scoro and ten, but ho still enjoys
day In tho woods nnd generally
"bags" something for his trouble, Mr.
Hagormau lives hero.
tJTThls is the time of tho year when
excited hunters mistake their follow
hunters for deer and partridges with
taiai results; wuen mey uiowtJito ino
gun barrel to seo if its loadoo?, when
they march single file and the rear one
stumbles and falls and perforates his
companions; when they sit on nn old
fence and the top rail breaks down and
oue will do his hunting' hereafter in
the "happy hunting grounds above,"
and last but not least, when they go
bunting for pheasants and the next
day havo chicken for dinner.
tSTLlnes Groo, son-in-law to II. II,
Peters, the tailor, was here this week
from New York city, and was giving
his attention to tho pleasure of gun
ning. Mr. Groo Is an excellent shot
and bagged a goodly amount of game,
SPA gun exploded for Charles Gal
lagher at Levlston tho other day and
ho narrowly escaped death.
ISTSaturday seemed to be quite n
successful day with the many south
side hunters who went off on a hunt
Ing tour. Thomas and William Itamer,
of Jeancsrille, took home ten rabbits,
flftecn pheasants and Are quail from
Couyngham. David Poller, of Audeu
rled, who spent the day near Rtngtown,
had six pheasants and four rab'.dts
with him, while In addition ton variety
ot other game, James Gallagher, of
JcanesvIIIo, downed a large and hand
some red fox in Quakake. Hazleton
Plain Speaker,
IS" Francis Florence, a school tench
er ot South Bethlehem, with n party
was gunning last Friday, on tho Blue
Mountains, near Bowman's Station.
The gun was accidentally discharged
aud Mr. Floronee's foot was badly lac
erated. A doctor was summoned and
the Injury dressed. On Saturday Mr.
Florence was able to proceed to his
homo at South Bethlehem.
tfTIIimtiug or gunning upon the
lands ot another with the consent of
tho owner Is provided for nnd punish
ed by the following section of an act
of assembly. It should he notice to
Section 3 If any person or persons
snail presume to carry any gun, or
hunt on any enclosed or improved
lands of any inhabitant of this pro
vince, other than his own, unloss ho
shall havo license or permission from
the owner ot such lands, br shall pre
sume to fire a guu on or near any of
the king's highways, and shall be
thereof convicted, either upon view of
any justice ot tho peace with this pro
vince, or by the oath or affirmation ot
any one or more witnesses, before any
justice ot the peace, he shall, for every
such olfouse, forfeit the sum ot 10
The law was enacted by the legisla
ture of Pennsylvania on April 0, 17G0.
It is still In force, and its operation
can bo, and often is, Invoked to protect
the owners of laud, and to prevent and
punish such trespasses as gunning
upon lands without the consent ot the
owner or owners thereof. The gun
ning nuisance Is now being Inflicted
upon the farmers of the county, and
it is particularly opportune that the
law be published.
t3s.Pat Clark, David Kreamer aud
"Boss" Clauss hunted at Pine Run this
week one day. They come home with
six rabbits, two pheasants and three
t guest among friends lu j
The St. Aloysius T. A. B. will hold
a grand fair and festival during next
A literary society was organized
by tho young men of town In the school
house on Friday evening. A good
crowd was iu attendance and many
consented to join. After organization
had been elfocted IV J. Kelly, J. Brls
lln and D. F. McGce debated on a sub
ject as nn event of the first meeting.
Tho judgos decided lu Mr. Brlslln'
favor. They will meet every Friday
evening and may at some future time
admit the public to their exercises.
It is now a positive fact that Coxe
Bros.' Heaver Meadow colliery has
closed down for an Indefinite period,
says a correspondent. All hands, with
the exception of ono engineer, a car
penter nud nblacksmlth have been sus
pended. Some ot tho maohlnlsts, car.
pouters and company hands were told
Friday that they would bo given work
in the stripping loading clay It they
wished to work for Hungarian wages,
00 cents and 91.00 per day. It is hardly
possible that any of them will accept
tho olfer. It was rumored last evening
that all tho miners would be given
work nt the Oneida, colliery nnd that
the company had decided to haul
them tn nnd from work dally.
Paul Buck Is quite seriously ill.
Misses Clara Cheesman and Lizzie
Nebb, young ladles of Mauch Chunk,
spent Sunday here.
Last Saturdoy night W. F. Snyder
and Charles Kern were driving home
to Dig Creek when they missed the
road bridge at Harrlty and landed In
the Creek, not badly hurt b ut fearfully
Will Worlj lladlr Hurl.
William Werley, of Jamestown, em.
ployed on tho Lehigh Valley Railroad
as a brakemam on the train of which
Will Sltler, of town, Is engineer, was
turning a switch on Wednesday night
wheu the engineer reversed his engine
and pushed back against Werley, who
was very seriously injured about the
lower extremetles.
Fred Hofacker spent veral days
last week lu Delano.
Edwin Leves shot two foxes last
week. 'Jood boy, Ed
A young fellow not far from, here
had lots ot fun by locking the door on
his ater bfiftu.
Misses Emma Stemlerand Jeanetta
Kresge vlsltvd friends In WeUwport
one day wt vmk
-3. W. Halm shut 18 rabbit and two
vt ood cooks last week. He Is making
JVrty Hour Dt.Vi.tion will -.tait
the OathoUe ehiireb next Sunday.
quits u report) ju a aiwWmau,
unavotdwUy orowded out of our lt A nw Utwen bonm ownad by
wmMs issue, Decease brother I JKine llrouat and Milton BtotuUx- will
vaXutflf7rVear;: IU IwSd 'ke ou ' Lrf'tahtou
here at oue lime, HO yearn ago. Inter urounus io nay trriuayi.
Had ItuuMway,
Thursday morning while driving up
First street, Dr. F. I. Smith's horse ran
away. The doctor and his little son
Ervln wero in the cart. At Clauss'
store there was a collision and both
were thrown out. rue doctor was
scratched and bruised and the little
boy sustained a two aud-a half Inch
scalp wound at the temple. The little
fellow bore his suffering with wonder
ful pluck.
Uient was made at Philadelphia, aud
wasatteuded by Mrs T. A. Kuydur uu.l
Miss AgKlc Ilauk Kleu leave, a
fauiily, uue duughter, Minx Duloj, I.,
inirwell klltmu heie. havlDii freuuent U
I been the guetst f her -tiniable aunt,
Mm. John llauk.
John lluud, of Jeanevil'e,
Miss lluliuau Hweeuey.of Treftcow,
le murriod ou the 4th.
Our 91.50 and 91,03 fur trimmed J
ladles' jackets cost you elsewhere 90.0O:
and should be bought at the One Price
Star Clothing Hall, Mauch Chunk,
where extra cash discounts ot 5 per
cent will be allowed on all goods
bought to pay oar fare.
Secretary Edge, ot the State Board
of Agriculture, Is preparing a list of
the manufacturers of fertilizers who
have failed to take out a llceasss un
der the act of June 28, 1878. Agents or
unlicensed dealers will also be pro
secuted. -Misses Ella Rapp and Lillie Mus-
i selman managed a delightful surprise
I party iu honor ot MU8tlla Plumnwr
on Wednesday evening. Guests were
and preseut from Lehighton and Wels
n in i port The evening was speut in a de
' rightful manuer aad at one o'clock a
I vary tempting repast was served.
FIakIi I'ictures of Familiar Fares Coiulns
and clolius,
. .Miss Gertie Peters visited Slating
ton friends,
..Homer Adams, of Easton, spent
Sunday tn town.
. . Mrs. Owen Rehrig, of Second street
was at Allentowu on Friday.
. .Thompson McDaniel, of Pleasant
Corner, was In town Monday.
. . JAss Laura Bauer, ot Alleutown,
Is visiting her parents on Third street.
. .Miss Annie Lawfer, ot Bankway,
was among friends at Wllkesbarre last
..Mrs. Daniel Williams and family,
of Fourth street, spent Wednesday nt
Jauch Chunk.
Geo. II. Enzlan, the popular north
end merchant, transacted business in
Allentown Wednosday.
.B.K.Cultonwas at Philadelphia
this week making purchases of holiday
goods which will soon arrive.
..Miss Blanche Eck, of Mauch
Chunk, Is the guest ot Miss Jennie
Morthlmer, on First street.
. . Ellas Markley, the genial host of
the Eagle Hotel at Pleasant Corner,
was circling hero on Thursday atter.
. .Lewis Zelgentus was a whole-souled
Democrat in town from Mlllioit
one day this week,
..Sirs. August Beltzner, of Johns
town, visited at Fred Miller's on llrst
street this week.
. .Miss Mary Chrlste.of Second street
will participate In a wedding at Read
ing on Saturday,
Moses llouser und Al Campbell,
two Lnnstord people, circled here for
a few hours on Tuesday.
. Mrs. Frank Gerber has returned
to Audenried after a tew weeks speut
with relatives here and In Mahoning.
.11. L. Lapp and family, ot Bethle
hem, were guests at the home ot Bur
gess Kuntz this week.
..Miss Jennie Seoger, an estimable
young lady ot Kreldersvllle, speut
Saturday very pleasantly with Mrs,
Thus. E, Morthlmer, on Bankway.
. H. D. Snyder, of Parryville, was lu
town on Monday afternoon. Mr. Buy
der Is one of the lower end's best Re
publicans, and last year was a candi
date before his party for Prothonotary.
..Wilson Behler, of Stemlersville,
made us a pleasant call on Monday.
Wilson dropped a dollar in the slot
and received u receipt for the Advocate
for a year.
. .I'enn Qowmau, of Howmanstown,
wns here on Friday. Mr. Bautnan is
oue of that town's successful young
businessmen, and a member of the
firm ot Boyer & llauman.
luteal lliii.enliiES of Intri -t mllnrHSH,
--Miwdafffrn Croutbktii- !, of Benja
Inln, WT, Is a
Lewis Fronhelser was at Scrntiton
ou Sunday nttendlug the funeral ot
Mrs. Moyer, n former resldeut here.
Mrs. Samuel Welch, who was
stricken with paralysis almost a year
ago, continues 111 much to the regret
of her many friends and neighbors.
Enthusiastic Democrats will have
a big ox roast here ou Saturday even
ing when prominent Democrats will
make addresses. Everybody is invited
to be present aud participate lutho
grand jubilee.
Ike Ux and family havo moved
to Howmanstown und are now living
cozlly In the old Joslah Bowman home
stead which Mr. Ux recently purchased
from the Bowman estate. The homers
the prettiest in that lively little town.
There are two applicants for the
postoCQce here. They are Charles II,
Nusbaum and Jacob Strnussberger.
Both nre busluess men. They havo
their petitions out anil both have sign
ers though Charley is In tho lend at
this time.
-Will Voght, son of the late B
Voght, is tn town after long absence.
For years ho has been with Haruum's
greatest show of earth. During the
winter he sails ou the ocean blue as it
sailor. Will looks good and has ex-
perlcnces enough to fill a good sized
The Franklin Social Club aro get
ting there. This week they have n
carpenter at work remodeling the In
terior of their rooms lu Snyder's block.
The two rooms will connect by an nrch.
Both will be nicely furnished.
Tho Central Railroad Company
after being repeatedly notified to lny
side walks along both sides ot the
street adjacent with their property
have at last made an effort. A walk
extends on both sides of the street
about five feet. It should reach, how
ever, to Straussberger's on one side to
Everltt's Hotel on the other. If the
Central company won't obey the law
our council should compel them to. A
corporation Is no better than tho In
dividual aud many times not so good.
Make them lay the pavement.
E. II. Vundt, formerly of this town
nud sou of Francis Vuudt, chief clerk
In Mr. Caffrcy's office at Bethlehem,
has lately received new responsibilities.
Iu addition to his duties as chief clerk
in tho office of the supervisor of the
Eastern Division, he has lately assum
ed the charge ot the accounting de.
partment of the Lehigh Division. This
promotion is certatuly u just recogni
tion ot bis work us u careful, energetic.
clerk. For n number of years Mr.
Vuudt had charge of the accounts In
Mr. Cnffroy's ofllco nt White Haven.
His ability as an accountant earned
for him tho esteem and confidence of
hls'superylsors, nnd his kind and alfa
ble manner has made him n host of
The Franklin House is being re
roofed. It was necessary.
Two car loads of Vork State ap
ples arrived at Saeger's this week.
Miss Ella Delbert is home from au
extended sojourn with her sister, Mrs,
Thos. J, Nusbaum, at Lansford.
Henry Berlin has reopened his
blacksmith shop. All work will be
done promptly. It.
O.J. Saeger is building n Hsu and
oyster house near the canal. Tho
building will be 20x21 feet in dimen
Miss S. C. Whitehead, our popular
and successful milliner, spent last
Sunday at Allentown with her brother
-A, A. Oplinger, of Danlelsville, Pa.,
for some time past employed us n
salesman wlth'O. J. S-ieger, has resign
ed and returned home.
Henry Welch Is nursing u thumb
ou bis right hand that was badly
mashed a week or more ago, at Packer-
ton. Henry has lots of nerve and will
pull through.
Tho interior of Ed Campbell's bar
ber shop looks like new. This week It
was nicely papered and painted and
generally ro-arranged so that now It is
just as cozy as can be and almost as
good looking as the boss himself,
lira, ttttaboth Uoter
IMtltnore, Md,
Rescued from Death
8ld 6he Could
Not Live a
Alive and Wctl Thankt
llood'M SartaparlUa.
" I must praise Hood's Barvaparllla, for It Is
wonderful medicine. I suffered 10 years with
Neuralgia nnd Dyspepsia
and fnlnifas epell. Ronietlmes I would
be almost stiff with cold perspiration. I spent
a ftTeat deal of money for mculcal attendance,
hut 1 did not get any benefit until mr daughter
toldmoaboiltlloiHl'sKnrsapartll.t.nnd 1 began
totaVelL t weighed less than loulbvnnd viai
A Picture of Misery
Every one who saw me thought t could not
live another month. Itut I began to Improve
atones after beginning with Mood's Harsapa
rllla, and hare gradually mined until I am now
perfrcltr cured. I eat well, sleep well, and
am In perfect henlih. I owe alibi
Hood's Sarsaparilla
In tend of being dead now, 1 Am alJve and
wrlgH I4'J lb. Mh. Klizaukth Mksser,
19 Bait Barney Street, llalttmorr, Md.
noon's FILLS r purtlr vegetable, per
feeUj bitmUM,ftlwa;irelUQtDl beneficial.
y t
Fine ll'ines, Liquors mid Cigars.
Fresh Beer and Porter.
FRRK LUNCJil every day from 0:00 to
12:00 a. in., nnd every Saturday oven
Ing. Call nnd seo me. I will treat
you right.
Itppo.lte the Ciirrlnge Works,
North First Street, Lehighton.
Try Them !
Hoys' nnd Youths' Fine (7nlf nnd Veal CM. Misses' and CIS
rpn's Dnngoln Kid, I'obble Goat, and pure Oak
Tan Bright Grain Shoes.
For Sale at
If there is nujr one place in this county vhere you
enn find just whnt you want in tho Furniture line
at just the price you think u paying, then you
will surely find that place to be
Our stock is very extensive nnd includes Bed
Room and Parlor Suits, Hnll Racks, Book Cases
Tables,- Hide Boards. Couches, Carpets, nnd any
and everything else usually wnnted fn the furni
ture line, Come and see us-
Henry Schwartz's,
First street, Lehighton.
For CoiintySnperintendBut nfPaic Schools
Principal of l'ackerton Schools,
n graduate of West Chester
Normal School, with thirteen
years' experience in teaching.
Reading R. R. System
Lehigh Valley Division.
Anthracite Coal used exclusively.
Insuring cleanliness nnd comfort.
ArranReiuert of Tassenjcr
Nov. la, 1692.
For Newark am! New Yor!t5.28.?.4J. and 11,12,
a in.! aon.ft.i 7.'jn n. in.
i-or niannnKa uiiuiik mm utriviucir ...u
11.0,a.m.i 12JS7, 1.37 and 7.20 p m.
For Lainliertville and Trenton B.2, 0.00 ami
11.11 u in., uml l1 R7 X: 1 .17 n. in.
lel-'orbUtlngton, CAUsawiuH. Allentown, lletli
a.hein, nnd lliston. 5.28, 6. 17, 7.40, u.oo. 9.M. 11.12
a, IU , 12.57, 2.42, 3.0Q, 07, 5.22, 7.2(1 and 10.27 p 111.
For I'liltndelnlila and points south at 5s, 6-47.
7.4H, 0.51 and 11.12 a. Ill.l 2.12, 3.IK. I'37, 5.22 aiui
7.20 p. 111.
l or itcaaiiiKHuuiiHrnvi'irK i.-iti mm ii.ixiuiii,
..... X ,
2,370 Death Claims Paid in 1801, $8,946,102,72.
Vor Rates and further information K(ldres9,
f . P. LONG, Le&IchtGD, Carbon Count? Penn'a.
A.n;,6.' and i.m.
Ii'nr Ititu mailt. Iphl
rv's, White Halt, Cuplay, Hint Hokciulauqua
"Pop" .Zimmerman Is out affalu
after a few days Illness.
Prof. Smyser and the popular It.
J, Ilongen cirri oil at Millport on last
Mrs, Andrew Weiss and son Harry,
visited Catasauqua and Alleutown
friends over Sunday.
II. J. Hongen and Solomeu Veakel
spent a few hours last Sunday at the
bedside of Paul Iluck, of lilt; Creek.
who is quite seriously ill.
Soon a beautiful marble mouu
nient will be placed iu the cemetery
here for John Zelgenfus. It Is now in
course of construction by Urinkman
Uros., Lehighton.
The attraction at the Union Liter
ary Society this Friday evening will bo
a mock court trial. We believe that
jolly Hlchard .Wood ring Is to be the
mau to uuuenro trial. Jr. tni is
and Andrew Weiss geU ou tho jury,
then good-bye Uichard. because
Andrew owes Idchard one point or
two for a hollow-eve trick of a few
weeks ago.
ILptolutloui of touiluleur.
WiiEiiKAt.. AlmlffMyUfxt In hU wIm-ihhy,
tttfin-e lias removed irtm m hy ileal h, Mr. 1
II. N'nthatftri. thprc rre.
ItKfeoi.vjU), Ttut whilst we humbly Uw to the
, witlol Illtn wltodoetli alt tbtnei well.jctUe
i.lor tier caily removal, kttowtus ttiat sun nlll
no unra in u i no uciminncuin ui uur ijiuicu
work. , i,ThAt we hereby eiprensuur ulun l
appreciation ot her Chritlau eharurter aud
W51UJT IU ll Iiio wuift mm nniirauiuui mir
tetoletl and consistent member.
UKsoL.vED.That we suread theta reMulntloiii
iir'iii mir mtnutaa. hate them nriiitert In the
Caebom AmocAiK, and that copy be handed
to tier utility.
IP BO J E.VsailU'cilvai MlluriAU 11 III i II, sr-uiKir Ctwmforrt, lau
L'unlav. and Hokciulaunua
6.2M.C.4?, 0.00 8.54 & 11.12 lu 111.; 12-57, .!, 4. J7,
0.x:, una iu.xi p. in.
For Maucli Chunk G.52, 7.43, 0.36, 11.20 Hlld 1 1.50
a.m. t, 3.u;, 4.00, &.'.', 7.-"i, 8.s. 01 p. in. mid
U.U Mifht.
For Weatherly and 1 lazh-ton 6.5J, 7.43 9.30 and 4 05, 5.20, 7.-- lo.&u p.m.
For Malianoy City, ishoiiriiuhuli and Ashland
O.O;, U ttllU ll.iU 111. j I.UI1O..W Ca, i. 11,111.
tor Ait. uarmei ana MuinoKin b.d-'. i.wana m.; 5.20 p. m.
t or j oiiswiiu u.ot:, 7.13, i.iu, yw 1 1.12 ami ii.rvt
a. 111., 3 oil, 4.UG, 7.22 ami 7.2(1 u.m
For White Haven, Wllkesbarre and Scran ton
7.13,0.36 and 11.53 H.m.; 4.lfi, 6.20, 7.22 and 10.59
run luanjii ttsiu ij. n n. i uncw,, p,oi, aim
MAI a.m. 1 4.05. 6.20. 7.22 and 10.&311. III.
For Tuukhanuock 7.43 and 11JU a m.: 1.00.
5.10 and p.m.
ForOweico, Auburn, Ithaca and Geneva 11.53
a,iii., i'Ihv p.m.
ror utceyviue. itmanaa. nayre, ttavenr, r.i
111 Ira, Rochester, Buffalo, Magara Falls and the
west 11.53 a.ra.i anu iujwi u. 111.
ror Liinuu anu me wen naiaiuaut-n at
1.03 p. 10.
For New York 6.07 nnd U.12a.m.i 6.17 and
11. nt.
ror 1 HUrtticiiHiii 1.01 . 111. i mw, aim s u
p. in
For Kaston and Intermediate Ktattou. 6.07.
T.57. ll.iM a.lll.1 1 5 "Kl. 9.1T and 0.02 D. III.
ror luauen ununit 8.1 w.&e, it.jy, 11.39 hjw
a. in. t s.iu, g.44. ana 9.33 p. m.
ror Ktutuiiiir ill 0.U1 in.: z.rci aim i. d. hi.
For Hazleton u.5ti, and 11 6S,a.m. 1 3-16 and 10.69
11. in.
ror jtiaiiaiioy tjiiy aim niienuwioan v.mj, 11.00
, 111., HIIU U" p. III.
For l'nttsvtlle at 2.62 p. m .
For White Haven. Wilkea-llarrH. 1'lttaton.
Tunkhaunock.Towauda, ba)re.ltIiaca,Ueueva,
Aumirn, r.unira, uociKwier, uunaiu, niagara
rails and me weu a, uu ana iu-Ki p. m.
For further particulars Inquire o( Agents lor
l line inuim
A BWKIiMUO.tleu'lMauaxer.
l. HANCOCK, tienerat rawnger A Rent,
I'liiiaaeipuia, ia.
W., Ass't (Jenerat rv
sender Ageiu, rwui 1 iicuuenem, in.
May 14, 1H, U
ton, !'
ii1! iAif f Alii
A. Sell & Co.,
lira of Oira Housr, Iran Strrrt
Teams for all ftirposes lilr.d oirf at rerr
Iteasonable Prlcrs.
w-rr.KASK mvE v a ham,
Tailoring lartw..l.
All wool suits ttndGTereiviUof latwt
t j1b of good a mads to orIm at 816X0
IW.OO, 2.".ou and up, at Sondhelm's
Tailoring Hall, Mauru ChunL.wuo will
allow a diauouut yf i yf owtt to
pay (or ear far.
For Ladies' Mile Boctf tt
Piaio and Orp Bnyers.
It Phillips, the aitent (or Moller Or
gans, had sense enough to mind hla
own business, I would not have adver
tised their organs for sale, but If he
beard where! sold an instrument ho
would go there and condemn the organ
or nlano and ruin tho price. lie claim
ed the; sold the Lebr and Lawrence j
Upright l'lano Organ lu Alleutown (or
tTU, and be knew he was telling a (also
hood, they cost more at the factory. !
I can show anyone Interested that the .
Moller llano Onran don't cost me any i
more than the original Lawrence or
Lehr Piano Organ, and I will sell them
at tho same price 85, with a handsome
piano stool, and give you 15 months to
pay (or It. lie sella them from tl.'X)
down to (100, 1 am told, thus you see
be doea not have one price for all I
will wager one hundred dollars the
Estey Parlor Organs are a higher
Frlced organ than the Moller ana yet
sell them far below what Phillips
sells the Moller at Come and see (or
yourfcdf, don't pay U60, 1130, lJo or
even flOO dollar (at an organ, when
you .an set the same article (or 8T
dollar. I mean what I say, and will do
what I claim. ltespectfully,
Near Lehigh Dridge, Welssport, Pa.
VnLIT tl9UlP"t I0L(I. At alt Imgillf.
IJIdCKdC ratal. SI... ab.u.r .
Mot.IIm AsIUi. HMi ssS au.tkrl.
A d.w .Uoorarr br tb .ralMDl ludlsoa eMUI-ut-
A. r. D..U, HUw ami, Nrt.,an.r ualoir
(Mr UMif of 11 ElttT c it ill; r. it miS
tasa b. ksd for Iwr. jmts. ulr tfalny ) kti
IroaU. wllto llrt IMmsmi Iwo txrttlM of
DR. MILKS' HART CUI ourd m -I.tI
Ixkui. BwHiaosa. ailek." . D. SWni.
Ruikg, a. , tu USvi OR. MILES' 1 1 CART
CUR K for HMiitmSi wttb smmnmH. In.
I. B.r, nu&oufS. SlMii . ru III fur U jam uh
Ran PI...... asd t. Mr. uoih. wmp. iwm oa
ur.MHsa-nHnuHrs faa
mil tloS aft Imti saajlist
book h R1S as
Dr.Mlletv' Msdleat Co,
Slid lit T O TUegias
din be kept out of the House very effectively and
nil your rooms nnd halls mndo warm nnd comfort
able if you buy your Stoves and Ranges and
Heaters for us, Our prices are always very low
nnd satisfaction is nlwnys guaranteed. -Wo aso
carry the usual large line of Tinware of all
kinds at our usual low prices.
Opposite the Hound House, Zchigliton,
iiranch Store, Snyder's Block Weis3port
The Cheapest Place in Town
For Wnll Paper, Borders and Decora
tion is at
Corner of Second and
Iron Streets.
Assortment in
Owen Rehrig,'
tlie C1HKBt.v to seEecf IVoebb
And we are confident that it will he to your iuteiest to call
snd sec us beforo you buy olsewliere. VTou can select here witli
the same advantage as in the larger cities, prices and quality of
goods being line same, and in some
also hare a
instances bettor. We
ftftCMi. .Lift .13 OI3 iiltl
At Our Usual Low Prices.
Respe( ifulh ,
JC r