Win f (f mhtttt rJSU mm Eummmmu Uaapfclalty at our Job Friutluit ulliie In Snydtr's Illork, eest ildt '( i h Lrtiltih BrlilRe. Envelopa, KotaniiM . terl'apei, I'liampleta, Onltr IJuoka, . .era, Tagh, uud ufl klnilH ot I'io Me, II,., .. aud Bale lillls. We ilo all work iiently, olieoDlj- ami clntulf. Do you uewl anything lu tlila lino? tlieii call and see us, or write us a Hiatal card ami we will lie at your service. Ilaa B larger cireulHtlim thaw Kuy oIIht newspaper intml In Carbon county, con 'iiuently It li the liest medium fui biIvh tiiera. Our uewn wiliitntiR Mparkle with ( hp nocutreiii'es uf tho day olern. aplcy. interesting, bright hiiiI Independent. Our editorials ore orlirliinl and will lie wort li reading on Recount of tlielr spirit which Is Independent of oiitaide illetatlou. Our price Is one dollar a yonr. .liiatynti try It, "IN DEPENDENT" " LI VI5 AND LET LIVE." Lehighton, Carbon County, Ponna., October 22 1892. VOL ZX. No. 47. $1.00 a Year In Advanc m m m m m ' a m THE FORM OF THE OFFICIAL BALLOT. A Facsimile of it as properly marked by a voter intending to vote a STRAIGHT DEMOCRATIC ticket. This is not an official ballot and cannot be used in voting. A Cross (V) marked In the square at the right of the party appellation at the head of a group of Candidates Indicates a tote for alt the candidates In such group. A Cross (X) marked In the square at the right of the Name of n Candidate Indicates a vote for that candidate. The reader should not forget that the Marks (X) which appear as shown below are not upon the ballot when it is taken by the voter, but indicate how he is to place the marks upon it in order to vote. The names given are not those of the candidates. linriTlU.ICA.N. I1EMOCBA.T10. X Boles Penrose, 1031 Mprureetreet, I Uerard O. llrown, IT Main atreet, Philadelphia. I Ynrkana. John B. Kobinson, III) Market Href I, j " A. D. Markley, 14 Vine street, Media. I 1 artbotn'. Amos II. kfiTnT 439 E.Oranao street, M. K. MeLtonalil. Wi Chestnut street, l,ancnaler. I Mcranton. Alu. E. Tlioininon, ;i .ialu street, Uenry I). Oreen, 84U Flfill nrtft, I.jlen-. I HfaillPK. J. K.Neaetl, 47r5nruce street, "j M. C. Honnlnirer. 20 Third ml eune, To alula. I Allealown. 11. b. Parser, ISTPrioikTlii atrrrl. E. 11. I.auback, ;u .Main street, WelMnrn'. Hlealon, 8. 1), bates, siTQirkrl elrert, ' William l(. lllnes, L'liaalput atreet, Uiauiirir. I Wilkeabarre, 1 , Luther It. Keefer, In Federal at reel. W. iU IUwber, !S i'lne atreel, t'resaqna. I Maucli (.'lunik. J, M. Woods, III Charlotte atrrrl. I Urant Herring-, IU Clay street, l,e-ltnwn. . I lllnonisburg. W.McB,WUllamson,SlAniber street, Jamea ltoouey, 211 Vine street, Hnnllngdon. I Weat Auburn, John A. Lemon, J7Olranl avenue, 11. J, MoDBgnSB, Ml I'pplar atreet, HolUdaraburg, I Hhenandoab, N. Y, Crllf bfleld, .laln atreet, William I'enu Lloyd, 25 Palac.atreet, Jeuneral'roES rnada. I Mechsnlcanurg, 1 E. K. Bobbin., SW.MalnalreeC I P. Oraf Meek, 371 Montrose street, ' tlreeuslniray I Uellefunte. I 1. 11. blwnalter. MCenter atenue., Ji, If, Hloan, TTNorrla atreet, Harnbnrt'w Mllla. I ' Inrllflna. John N. Keeb. TSloekton avenue. ljarrr Alvan Hall, UJ ('brlallan atreet, Allegbeuy t'lty. 1 Pt, Mary. 1 W, JC'iWforc. JSArcUftrffr, I MallUlaa llranat, U Crml atreet, yrankllu, Ppragga. t). U. McCTeary, 0J Center avenue, VUllam 11. IJunlap, HH Water atreet, ' ' Krle. WeatllrlJgaaatcr. I U'llllaui r'Una. UQJ 1-enn avenue, j M.tOIlrti l171 '.'rj?' l'lltaburg. 1 llartatown. r A. Oaboura, 13fl Jefferaon atreet, ! 8. K. Mvlu, 111 Market elr'el, I'hlladelphla. I Cbealer. (wmufl H. Bleele, Cnin alrrtt, John 11. Fow, lai North Mb alrcit, Hreen Trei, ) l'bllaclelpbla. I J, WrifjMWW. lK,)irlen atreet, j1 ;0ho Kearna, 1CJ7 Llbrlr avenna, Philadelphia. Pittsburg. John Upperuiau, Sill Duller atreet, I Kdiraril T."Xll!Neelli, l Allen street, " ' pimburg. I ' 'Johnatoyn, Charles A. l'utler, 11U) N. 13tb atreet, W. Itush Ulllau. SO I'lno atreet, r 1'hlladelphfa. I Chambcraburi;. I A. D. Harlan. 80S lombard 1 atreet, I On,ne Yf, Ukluner, 7 Main atreet, I v roateavllle. I IHgOOTa Tannery. I John C. irW; - 173 Arch atreet. I Mamuel M. Wherry, 88 Wllllara atreet, ' Philadelphia. I Bhlppenabnrg, W'lndeld U. Smith, OM Main atreet, M. F. Haudo, OUT Bprura atreet, llalnbrldge. I Bcranton. Jacob Urouiu. 110 Cumberland at., J.J. llietef. tn Locuat atreet, Philadelphia. fotrpbe. J, 8. Fruit, ' 1J Chestnut street, John F. Farrell, M Franklin atieet, Mercer, Uoutsdale. I 11 wood Becker, I Pine atreet. ' J-rank U.WIle, II Hops street, ' Philadelphia. Telford. J, D. Flntrr, Sill Thompson atreet. J, P. Hluea, " i prant rlreet. ' " Monongahela City Htoneuoro',' Jaaaa M. Baker. jFUjjavtnue, Charles I. llaker, 4t Nrrla atreet W, b. fltcklnger. O W.tsr.aireet. T?T?r77PrMii, RTSlSIf511 "w r, . r . IP. L. Pollard, 114 Morton street, I Pittsburg. I J.F. Lonsdale, tat Weat street, llllddleliiirg. I W. 11. Marion, u tsoui b itreet, l,ebiion. REPUULICAN. DGMOCRATIC. j A. B. Watson, ii.' Dolphin street, John amlth, S41 Htato street, 1 IlE PUBLICAN, J. M. Hazard, fj Madison avenue, Jonestown. REiailLlCAN. i.'j. roier, J.O. Stout, U llnaglas street. isoiruiown. 1IJ llalJnln atreel, Aanvllle. HEri 11L1CAX. A. T. Oral;, la Norton atreet. lilooinlngloii. E RKPIIIIUCAn! DKMOCItATIC. uv DOMINATION I-AI'i:ni. UiSliarm.. venue. JpUn V. Uvls. W Unrue. utM, ' JS,?ijj,aaffinr,'e3 "Aum-llle""' I John itougiut, J An'io'ustrttt" Win ron. Prccxsional & Business Cards DRaG.a FOX, 172 MaluStre. Ualli, Fi. it BANocllaoAuWAVtiousr. tloKiiara. AT KASTUN. SWAN IIOTRL, TUMDATa. AT HlCTlll.KHKU. HUN llOTEI. WKUN PJllUN . AF ALI.RNTOWJ4, nRANU rKNTRAITHUHallAT it Bath, Fridays amp UATtiKDAva. omeelloiira-From a. la. to 4 p. m. Praetlca HUlieu tu UI.ea.M's vi lue Eye.Ear, Nose & Throat (9Al.(i, Relrael lull ir the K)e or the aajust iheutolaiavtes. f . rSMlfrX D.D.Si", tinea upoalta Ilia 0ra llaua. Hank Street, ieh ;l ton, I 'a. llrNHSTIlV IN AM. rr llltANUIIEH. Kiliiua and uumua artloelal ilenturea a aUl t. IflealaneallietleauseJ. ailuilul.tereil aail Teeth Kxlraeleil WITH OUT I'AIN. -rl-"l(K IIOUKS. Froia . in., toll m.,frwi I u m . ti 6 p. iu.. trom 7 p. iu., tu 8 i. m. ( iiusuiullaas lu Kiurlhlior lirnuau tin. -r llouraal llarlelou-Kerv haluidav. llJ. v A.S.Rabeiiold, Bin i u iiiajcst i Over J. W.lUurteni.u . IJiiuor Store, BANK BTRBIiT. MilliallTtlN ...uiuirvln all lis hraaehea. Teth KUrMli-J .liluuui raiD. Ia admHiUieiMl hen riuel.l. .lltlca lar -WEDNKBDAV oi li k. r adJies.. VMOTOWN. IWHilHWtulv.l'a. W M. Ransher. sTTOKNBY 4o OOUSSELWB AT LAW, rlrHWtl alio, tlie SISUMim jiuuse, v. . iifil rllUNK. PESN'A. neal EsUla and 0jfW-JIWt tieeidenu a apeeiaity. aiaj p ioall.h and Herman iwv.W-Tl THE CARBON HOUSE, Hpn-y Dnimiinrp, Prop'r, ,lRal- I.TBBKT, MiUIUIITOM. PRNN'A Ihet'atliaB llw Us ben raoaaated and liuprotMl lWini"'d. KU elaetrte lajMadaud ..i,...t mbA u uuuu tha &aat llateaa la Vi ru i .. - - - tun teclMoeltfca - Tin palrea. oi tfce .. ..JIMtavl HaMt A.l.tLil.. kw LiUitllC W teriuaneoi aa trtuaiem euatMa. OfautMtary . - - I Ui.n.. Viiuik ltar anai V .hr la. t ft 0 004 ClfiW. Wsf SsMt M uw I'ltESlUEXTlAL ELKO1' TWC FPU HA C0S0UES.S Af LAltllP- i i i Mortimer F. Klllolt.7 Orange atreet, U Wellsboro. C tt alter Km uuier, m icus, airevi. Wllllamsport. JUDGE OP SVl'HEHK I Ueorge iioss. C0MIUr.SS. V SESATE. ypTE FOK O.NE. DEMOCRATIC. 1 John Drown, HEPRESEXTATI VES. lir.MOCltATIC. X Tuumaa RoaeT Derry Towoshlii, i lebannn county. 1 JUU0E OF THE COUltT OF CO DEMOCRATIC. X DISTRICT ATT0HXEV' VOTEFOB O.NU. iiiitF.ctou of tiii: iCharlea E. Unde, tin North tJih street, leliannn. Henry Miller; LEHIGHTON. PLANING - MLL. MANUPAOTUtiKlt ill- 1 Window AKn Pooh 1'ihues, lOoors. aimtwi. window taslii'u, Mouldings, Itnickfls, AND IIKAI.KK IN All KiPfls of Dressed Luuita ShinleSs l'nilings. Hemlock Lumber; &n.,&c. Lowcsl Pricos. -ao to WILSON FRANTZ Tl8 New Jeweler, Bankway, . l.eliifjhton, I'll., Fin; ''Vntchtis, Clocks and Jewelry averydaaerlptlau, at pile. Iiiarr llian rlaa aWre. l-artleiaUr alteulaan iaid la Repairing or Kvery Dosoription. A uraolhtai asuertMm al ur Cmi taara eiiahteauw to guarautee aalllUfilait lu wen VtHir iatro4ttj It rwiHvl (ully aulletled. WILSON r'ltANTZ.tlVankway oet, X, 1WI To Contractors and Builders. Tito uiulr.ttoK4 aanMUMM to Guutruri and llutMeri that he has uow uphm4 stone iuarrr, ai Umi rr Kuo, and Npfepare! u supply Kuildiug' Stones (II ativ iiiumur a raaapnalile rM. lie aAu HAULINtl of ersnr deserlnlloa. tmunlv mt. teR4d ta 1 Also, wuOMtlk un haiul a full sMf4r. of Iba bestbnndsuf Flour and Food, a ale b U will aell al Loweal Uaikal Hrlew. CHARLES TRAINER, SECOND 5IUEI, LEHIUBTOH. PA 11 V NOMINATION I'AI'IMIS. W. V. llaenn, 47 Mailt atreet, I'riiUlblllnn tmrlr. tlreeii'ibiira'. 15autuTJrnroH-i. "Ill MtluVliett, rrohibilion ariy. ult)aimrg. Alfre.1 lieige, ST ItTix avenue. Prohibition imrty. lHi) letowu. Alirahnm A.Itarl er. Of! Xloaham atreet. iToniuition pa, 1 1 . jounaiown. .:, I n rr-... ..u . r.. Prohlhlllon Itty, W.-M (Mieater, Joseph Cort, tl.i.i ihri arei(ile Prohibition part). ilrenabiirir. Marvin M. Klaum.uni'1 atreet. Prohibition tvarll. Vi.rk. "rtamiiel W. Kdgar. I'lu.lmtg atreet. iToiuoiiioni'ari), niri.r. William T.Kveraon.ftl 'IVMIi street, Prohibition iarly. I'rwbmg, T. Potts (Ireen, "TTS'luth a'ireet, T'Tohlblllon pnrly. Wnalilnaton. it. Thoi, If Icktuan, f SoTuli atrtt, I'roitioiiion pany. rontarst'i, rl.U.M.Ilollopeter. SI'J Mai ill) atreet, i romuiiiou puny, Aiiruitw, T. P. Hershbcrger, Sll .Market Mrret. prouiauion party, A'iJ'ii'", llavld 0, Jeremy, 7 iJepwon elreetT lrohlblllon ntirlv. Knitliiir. John A. MCnnneli, C31 Plne'afrect, i'rolilbltlnn party. palltia. A. It. Miller, JIO liubard atreet, j.fgmnuioil pariy, m iwik me. "Alfred B. Miller," fit llrlgua street, I'roniituion pariy, lwlsiown, l.aln. U' Mill.. ft? Ul.ll, .Irul Charles W. Miller, K SI nil alreet. Prohibition parly. Kazlelon. Btninet 1 1). Nichols, 40 Urecnalreet, Prohibition parly. Wanebnrg. beymoUF jTffoble. 413 North Third a, tTonioition pany. punana, James W. Orr, IH4 Hnulh atreet, t'rouioiuon party. r.aston. Ueorge B. lassiuur,4il lclattaraatenue, iTouiunmn part). ..icttia. JpUn, B, patlonj ilscolego avenue. 'Prohibition parly. linncatter, ' Erra -Heist, ,0 Mercer atreet. Toniouionpariy. aiercer. J, Calvin Hummel, iKIl Jackson atreet. rpiuiuiiluil I'arty, prunion, fjodfrey Hrlnger, ail Heilford avenue. ITohlbltfon, rarly. ' lied fowl. (ieorge V.fiuyder. 123 Montgomery at.. Prohibition party. Norrl'town. Tacob II, tianto, VS Elk avenue, Prohibition narlp. ltlduwav. "William p. niden, til llontloitdon at., Prohibition party. llunllngilon. James Thomas. VI Ponn avenue. iTonipition party. I'lltauurtr. And.W.WIlson, Br., plaj Walnut alreeC Irohlblllon paTty. Tjebanon. Samuel Wnnder. Jr., 1714 Memphis at V0TE W TWO, PV NOMIKATION PAI-nill. J. It. bhowatter, 72Centeraenue, Prohlhlllon parly. tlreensburg. j, t) ),.UoDi HI James atreet. l'mblbltlon pnrly. l.ancaler. fl0PBT' YTK r0lt 0 1Y NOMINATION P.IPKUS. Amos Hrlffjfs, IJUJ N. liroai utreet, IroblbUruq party. Hilltiilplpliln. I 0TE F0H 0X11 nV NOMINATION PAPEItS. bamuel M. Kennedy, 41 a H. 15th street. UV NOMINATION PAI'EUS. William Drown, m bouth street, VOTE FPU TWO. I1Y NOMINATION PAPERS, Morrla A. Wilson, Jcuulngs Btrt-t't, Prohibition party. t'ornwall. John F. Myers, (! DU'kensou streeU HMstlwwaMs VLUH- V": 1IY NOMINATION PAPERS. H.T.Ames, VM Pine street, JjhpJIajwOj Poon. vote ron one. RV NOMINATION PAPERS, Johu It. Middleton, I'.U Llluorlh strtU, Prohibition )mrt. .Innei.tiMvn. PROF. ALEXANDER B0ODR0U, lllSCOVKItEltOK BonWs Miraculous Remetties. Liberal Sllndetl Vhyclelana Kndorau Tlinui AabeliiLt tiii) (irealest Diseoery oi the Aice, foftltlve eitre w hen unetl In aceonlanee to luMrur tion In dlM-ars here tolore o-called Incur able. Diphtheria, ant li ma, brnnehitK catarrh, rongfsiion of the brain, apoplexy, and limbs laral)zeu reatored to their natural condition. Hiine,hliandboaedieaiaecureil. Uiieuniatlsm Mlatlaa, neuralitla, llrJRht'a disease oftheald ueys, lUereumpIalut, Uysenterv. uud totalled lifartdi4iMtare eutfreU cured In pure medi cine oi my on n preiiarihu. Uiirlnic idne jei" over W.WW persons have UHeltheatuedlriueR and are Ihlus witnenHcn ot their worth, 1 will not go into practice my self, belns oer 7j eura of axe. v ill sell my uhhI if I lie oiiM . 1 hat e two eminent phMtieiaui eon netted wttlt me to attend Uicatlluit at tlie ivul ilemea of the alck if reiulrel. TKMTIMONlAlS. . , NKWTOM'N, I't-b. 17, 11 Iwr Sir - To thou auHeriiiiC frmi Spinal truii hie. Neuralgia, HcUllea, ilaart iHaw and KheiiinatlftM, 1 would highly reuummciid I'nif. UtHHlroirarMuetlita, I wai a snBVroi of theae ow4alDUfor earat iIium. waa hard!) able toirtore; eouhl iwtttrahthtenmiiielf The ialn aihl agony w.ti hiexprelhle. Iortoml with aerrnil plijeleUui for jari; found but little relief, not ermantm, until I was niml hyhl telieUir.; itit u uiuuriwMwl. would hfslil) rMomroend Trot. iMtttlron s Hutment and iuh el nea to all uinerm. IIMpM'tlllll) jour Al. J. auaitd'iteu, Newton. Iliu-k c.. Pa N'KWTOX, Full. IT, ltl. l'uop. iiounuor, Uawr &r -AlWw m tu write ou a teJ I ) Of vonr nie HHiit. I eli sa to all those aulfer luKHlUiwUaHiUof my (lewirlptioii, wotiUr MnineiHt I'rul. JkHMtnai's Mdliu. Had ter rilJe pain In my aMnaeh for a lona t)tn. M tata im ean hirdly lw deaerlutl by words, I. deprlllaalalpatulltllta; i auntlliEHltll latla larlioaraata 1tltaral i.liyaMauai Their i far la ltlla raalat a una. but ummiLI -rneMiueotaieenatiUttliU; wvuid lleawat n lime. iNieiomi .lM,lk.,.A, u,l, Mf awhile rrtleie me, but vmtiA twMtli lone I heir Oral; l;y ualiijt Vnt. H.w.liHm's rriMnllea uaie um niiiini mrrii: imim rwaaaroeiui ilia rem- t aldTeA Itul tawjllhal; wjlh alMilUir (tHaplalitta. Drajawllm rauarlauLaUaru. Newton, Uueksou., I'm. Ofte awl IjiUtratory open daily from T a. m. loip-i"- or writ to Af.KXANUKH 1)UD1U)U, IT7 N'orUi Teuili Ktret. uov. T, tn-ir. liaulelilila. ta hjkI a tHit stamp toe taluaUW buuk. Soidol's Bailor,)', I"iru allreei, MalgMou, ton will alaars tm Kraattaat utl Uaal BREAD AND CAKES. Rye. Wheat and Vionnn Hread Praak Kray laay. Our Vamaa Haaaal m jWaaaalled. VYa i aai artlally aailatt your aatrua , w. Wales bar tfc. Watua. Sridel'i Vienna llakery, Opp. Oftrfa. riMT ST.. LKUCBTON. TA The voter may Insert below the name ot ny person irhoar name U not printed on tht rtfw for wlmm badealraalo te. 'ww .i..i The voter may Insert below the namo of inr person irwifte iionie u not iirimcu on wlflnl for whom ho desires to vote. '1 lio voter may Insert below I he uameof anr iteraon Khoc name u not jwimea on Mflot for whom he dPHlrpw to vote. 'lha voter may Insert below the name of anr person trtoae name it tio( prt.itftl on the la(h)t for whom hedenlren to ote. The voter may Insert below the name of I any person irhote name it not printed on the I iximn ror wpom iib newirt o vnip. I! The voter may Insert below the name my person wnoe name u nui pnni nftfit for whom lie de-drew to iota. - 'lhe voter may Insert below the name of iDy iterson whtwe name U not printed on (fie aufiot for whom he desires to vote. The voter mar Insert below lhe namuof l any pernon whose name it not printed on the H tmli'it for w liom he deslr to ote. G The voter may Insert below tho name of ny person whote name U tut prlnttd on the utiit for whom ha delre tovfilc Reading R. R. System.' Lobigli Valley Division. Arrange inert of raasenje r Tralni. SriiMH.K ix EFFr Mxv 15 ,im. TltAINS f.KAVK I.KIIK11ITON For Newark and New York MA, 7.10. aal ll.l, j Mm. , 3 00, ii I JX p. iu. Fur Alanunka L'tiimk ami IlelvlOere fi.a, fl.2tn 11.0, a. in. ; rt.w, t.17 ami 7.-.H p m. , For Lambertrllle and Tretitou D00 and ! .l.'a.m.; and 12 08 a. 4 37 p.m. leForKlatlncton, Cauaaiwiua, Allentown. iwtti a.liem.aiid,7.ta,9.IJO,9.a4.1l.lll m . lint. ., XX. i at, 5.JS. T.w and tain p in. 7 For 1'lilladelplilaana poiou aottth at 5.2. a 17, . a.M and 11. 1J a. in : '.'.12. a.01. 4'.I7, a il am 7 'JO p. in. For HeadliHtalul Harriabui a T.4D and 11.12, 1.00, S.22 and 7.20 p.111. For llowinans. Leliiali tlap, C'lierrtlord, Ijau rv'a, White Hall, Coplay, and lloVeiidauqua V28.I1.I7, 00 D.M a. 111.: 12-12, 2 .', 1.37. a.22, and 10 27 II. IU. For Haueh (fniirk CM. 7.U. !U8, ll is anj .w a.m.:, :i.07, Ill, 7.17., luaiit. m. and 12 no Main. Fur Weallirrly and llazlrtau c J2. 7.U a M ami li.viain.:, a.u.7.17, iom v,m. I or aUnaum- ulr. Stutuandoah anu Aaliland 0.1a!, 7.s,ja aud iijaaw.: .M.a.ia&:.i7pm. 1 ror ML Uurmal and Hhaiiaikln 0.62. 7. It and' ii.iua. in.: a u p. in. For FollstiIleuM.7.i3, 7.1a, aju 11.12 uud 11. si a. ill., u.i.i. 4.1U, 7.17 and 7 tat p.m For Wlilte llavan, WiUtttabar ami Hi-runt 1 7.t3,SJa) and lja a.ln.: l.lo, 6.1a, 7.17 and iu. -1 p. 111. For Ftttwoii and I- & ll. Juuet., 7 u u,i. and 11,-u a.m.: 4.1a, a.i 7.17 hj ioji p, m. For 'rnukhauthwk 7,12 and I1J1S a. m.. 1 10. VIS ami 10.54 p.111, ForOwaflo, Auburu, lIlAaca aud (lent-tall 53 a.iu.; ULMm. For Laeeytllle. Towauda. bairc, Warerh. Kl lulra, lloelmler, buffalo, Vajjara Fall, and llw Weat list a.111.; and IQUH p. ta. ForKImlra audtlie Weal via HaUtinniii a at 1. 10 p HI. SUNDAY TltAINrt. Fur New York 0.07 aud 11 17 a 111 : 317 anil 70 p. m . For riilUdeluliU 7.JJ a. m.: 2.a, r. 17 and 7.JU i. ni. For Eastou au.1 lalenuiallale Klaliona. ajir 7.17, u.17 a.ia,; ly tt, HJat. a.17 and may p. iu. For MauaiiUouuk All, a2j0, 11. ia iijs 11m a. in.t axat. ail ah. BMlaLMb.iu. l-.or Itaadliiit at AB7 a. iu.: tM and 7J6 p. m. For llaaletan Ml, ami II BAjum. ; AOs and iai p. in. For MahauoyOHy aud Kuenaml,iahajw,llJU a. u.. ana AOs p. iu. Par FultarUle at Lot p. ui . For vnitte llaveu, IvTlkea-IUrre, Htuton, Tiikliauijk,Towuda, wjTe, lllaaa, 0nea, Auturn, Binfw, Itoaiieattr, iMiifaU., Niagara Falls ana tba Wast tt p.u. Forjtjtlww parlanilars tiKiuIra ol Axentstur A 8WEIIlAllll,(leut llauaaer. 'ri.4eSi-a!',,fla VMtt" W. NOMNKMACIIEII. Aaat (lateral I'aa- Asnn, mawn ranuapHew, i a. aiarii, "W. lv The Bolwrt's Safety Lantern. J. B SOHOLL, agt,. Ulisltiliiil. Caruoa aouiiu . It ia mt UOMag, Kou-Bxploa4r, wMli ft SM Wlek ItogHUtaw. Juit Right for Railroad Men ! Price Plalu. tl . Nkkle,u Don't buy aay otkar uulll ou haft anas Uua popular lantarm. - THE FORM OF THE OrFIOTAX l&AULOT. A Facsimile of it as properly marked by a voter intending to vote a STRAIGHT REPUBLICAN ticket This js not an official ballot and cannot be used in voting. ' A Cros (X) markeJ ,n the ( A Cross (X) marked in the f The reader should not forget that indicate how he is to iiKrvnucAx. X ItaMiJamln F. Joi, Wlrwln aTcnue, Allealtny t'tt y. William Wood. atol nm-ii atreet. W. lienrr fiaven. ttn.l nr.r i.iwniaTlti llflware count r. J. Frauds Dnnlan, 448oiitbTrutIanst TZXawiooT IKS Mtmce Mreet, John Mundell, 119? Ingriiittiiu. Jobn Hunter, lHoinliBtrM't, -inianeipiiia Alex. frow. tTrSU3prnttiartenKt.. i 'Ji imficipi.ia, 4 Tin LeipefTtreet, Charle U. Slncr, Krftnkronl, IMiila. Maxwell Cloner. K. nrandvviTtie Wt.. yheater county. I it miam ij.urunuy.uis iiaucune street, Traill Ureca, Jamea K.'Moaaer, KMprtngUardenat., ivaMon. ilanorer t owiuLtp, J.M.W.Ucist, 15Tf!annnKitiTi7T' uanraier. Henry A."Kuapi, aoi'Qaincy avenue, , . hf rani on. William J. tfarvey li H. Franklin at.. tt iiKpiitnrre. Jamei Mulr, Wi IMahantonKost iollNVl e. JohnU.bUelljley, CarlUle atreet. iew uioomneui. Coo Darlantt, !KMXlalnitreet7 iniriprHiHir, IMerre A.Slebblna.'AUoiTUPDy avenue, (Joudernporl. Lloyd T, Itol irbacli,41 cbivitnut alrcvC Snnlmry. H. rl, Htbocli, Market urccl, .Mlililleburit. J.rcbainVllhelm,M Kaat Marltct st., Louis J, McOresor, FU-t avenue, j llyndmnn. James li. Lam, tflV, IUbunjUsU iireennimrg. obc'rWitcalrn, Cor. Araberson &"RTl-1 worth av., lLtbjBhi I James 11, Lindsay, 1T4 IH'lao avcntio. AUeghenyCliy.. 400.9, ti, uncoiD.uor. 3iarketd: tireene ats., CarmlchaelV. I bjivctter I). Hell, 131 K. Diamond et Matthew H.'laylor, 15") West Uthstreet, f Krle. Cbarlea y. Barclay, Public hlchway, ninnaniauoniDg. 1 9 E. Dale, Kast Lons atreet, 1 1 m noiB. Wtlllata LUlr, 67 II roadway. aiaaru uuonlc. AlexanUer McUonetl, 4 at htato atreet. sliarnn. '.E.Cor. Alleauony A: ( .Tonfi wtn.. HnlHdw Blmrg. I KEI-UUMCAN. xj PnMOCnATIC A."-Watson. M, JoUnbml.b. -'';et. lMUd?lpMrt iMMrfMHpaMsMMWsMVMiMHsaMafaW REniHLICAN. X J, M Hazard, REPIWLICAN. J, J i'oley, U Douglas street, , Norrltown. i J.O. tftout, liTiTaidwIn street, C Annvllle. I ItEl'UHLICAN. X DEMOCRATIC. A.T.Cr.,g. 1, Norton ..reel. , Andrew ArpuM, 4. Hay street, , RKrURLlCAN. X T. H. Jones, John Douglas, The Best and Purest MedicineS EVER MADE. Itwllldrlrcthelliimorfromyoui Ik. ..em. and maLo your aklt IW. ' -1 .. .. .. . n. I .muJli. Tttna jjllmplea aud llloteheaj urn mar your ueauij canaea by impure soil can ue Temovetl Ina short 1 it yon are IIIIU UIK a-, 'o " : q great bltKMlnu . Ol.J aT nuer, Q r. a 4f Tha Dosa amflll nulvi siaooof ul. It Is tho best and l.eaic naHlLrJni-.. TrV ft. .. ulll tu tuifUrtMl. UUtllUalUUl A B"" a DOSllWAJT. CETITATOat Tf nn Bra auitTirlDir from Kid aa. fllu9i. Itul uTh tu live I out ace, use 6ULT1IUU MlTKlfO X OBJ UV1VT UU iU aAlC. 8eDd S t-ceut stamps to A. l Onlwar ft Co.. lOosUiniMass tor test mcdleal work puClUhoif Now is Your Time! 20 Building. Lots For Sale! Don't wnit. but oomaat once arid buy one ol these uanutimllv located lot,. You will lie sur prised at the visw they afford and the price will bo sure to please you. No trouble to show you around. Call on either A. P. 8KVDBR, or It. J. 1IOXURK. Hut WisfMrt Pa AUENTS WANTED tialarr Malt ipUa t(. Addnaw W. & T. BiilTlI CO., Uauuva Knntf, 0B4ra, X. 1', BaUbUaliexl 1846. "are nt the right of the party appellation at the head of a Oroup for all the candidates In such group. square at the right of the Name of a Candidate Indicates n vote for the Marks (X) which appear as shown below are not upon the ballot when it is taken by the voter but place the marks upon it in order to vote. The names in Republican State ticket onlv .ire cnri- DKMOCnATIC. terardC-'. Drown, A. D. Markley, 4 Main alrret, 1 orkana. II Vine Htr-et, IlarilxiriV. St ri. Mcltonald, 2ll Uhetttmt street, HenrylMireen, vflO Flftt iffta. ui-atiipg. yi. C. itcnnlnger, SU Third avenue, K, li. laubaek. W .Main atreet, Mentnn., rit'lientnntsirttt. iiKesntirre. A . 1M. ltapbher, i l'inp street, Jauics Itooney. 2TJI Vino wtreeti" 1 West Auburn. 1 D. Ja Monagban, wTT'riplsr street, t" Shenandoah. I William Deuuliloyd, iSi 1'alaccatreet, I Merhanlcsburp;. I 1. tiray AfeeV, a71 Monltie street," ( Delle fontpj I H. K. ijloau, 61 No rfTi lf eeC " Indiotio I Harry Alvau Halt, 117 Christian street, . Wt. Mary. Matthias Drandt, 1- Cross street, I William It. Dun Iaii. (VU Wntrr ntrtMl. ii, J. Ixvan, 71 Main street, iiariBtnwu. 10 Market street," Chenler. S. E. Klvln," John H. i'ui lUNiirthmhstreef, I i-iiimuripniH. SohnlCcariis, lt(J7 Tiberty avenue, 1'lttsburtf. lTduard 'l ifcKeells, 49 Allen street, I Johnntown. I W. Hush (JiiTito, annHne street, 1 ChamhersburK. I OeorgeAV. bkiuner, 27 Main street, Dlgt'oya Tannery. tiamuel SiTSviierry.W William street. riiiipensTnn, SIT'. Hando, TTXlilererT" 2M Spruce street. ccraoion. 4J7 ljocunt atreet. lat robot it oh n 1'. I'urr el 1, ' ' id' t rn n k Dontnlale. t'rank tlvTleT lHToimidrTet, jrejfnrd. HOratittteet, Klmu'bnru'. JPTHluw, Charles I, Dakcr, 4lNorrlftr(ct, Nort isimii. Peter J. CrUlc, H Pnlmtp atreet, Mlhf.ii. rox(Jiii:ssATi.Ai!()R V0Tk ion two. I!. I Mortimer 1'. Ulllott,.7 Orauce atrccl, I Wtllslwro. I Walter li. Hitter, 21 Lwust street. I Wlllinm.port. I jmflE or surnoK c I Ueorce Doss, I Q C0N0R1CSS. SEXATE. Y0TK K0R 0XK. m.MOcR.Tir, ni.ritI.SKNT ATI VKS. DEMOCRATIC. Thomas Hose, JUUOE or THE COlltT oi- to 1I1STIUCT ATT0HNT IIE3IOCRATIC. John Lew In, IM raprnca street, 1 almnnn. DiitErron or tiii: i rles b. Unite, I" N- RHEUMATISM PREVALENT. Caused bjr tha Sadden Chances of Temperature. PEOPLE WHO tUVE FOUND RELIEF. Rheumatism U more preyolenl ltete tban crer before. Whea this" tllsease fojtens upon an In dividual nlth Its eorenesi and pain, welling the jolnta, rendering him lielplesa In hU movemenU. and shattering his use fulness, lie Is Indeed in object of pity. The slight pain In the back, pain or stiff nesa of the joints or muscles. Is a warning Indication of an ImproTished condition of the blood, a low title of health, and If not attended to at once, means rheu matism. Rheumatism can now be relieved and cured. Blnce the Introduction of Favorite Rem edy, by Dr. David Kennedy, of Hondout, N. Y., there has been fewer sufferers than ever before. Favorite Remedy drive out rheumatic poison from the blood, restores the circu lation, strengthens the nerve power. The beat proof ot Its value Is the good It has done. "I was afflicted with Inflammatory rheuma tism for fifteen yeara. wrltesMr G r. Tayer, of Eaat Nassau. It Y. Bo eevrre that I waa aun poaad to b. a cripple tor Ufa. Under pbjslelaaa Ireatmeat I erear worse. Dr Kennedr'a Farc-r-lta Remade helped me from tbe time I first used It, and entire! j cured me Hav.ftltno trac of the dlaaaaa since, and that waa three jearsaco ' The beautiful daughter of Sir. James Mc Farland, of DeMoInea, la., wis help less for months with sciatic rheumatism. After a few doses of Dr Kennedy's Fav orite ltemedf, she began to grow better, appetite Unpro ved, slept well, and con tinuing Its use, was cured. "I waa confined to my bed with rheumatism bear my heart, wr Ilea Mr C. L of Ilir. nuncham. Conn., anduaedDr Kennedy ala.or It. Remedy but a abort wblla before it drove the rheumatism out ot my- system." Mr. O. Lansing, of Troy. N. Y., had rheumatism so bad that he had to be turned over In bed. at After using Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy but a short while .was restored to health. inWhat reason ,thn for suffering with rheumatism or neuralgia. This medicine .will help you if given a trial. Stoves, Tinware. . Heaters and Ranges, In Great Variety at Samuel Gkavek's 'opular Store, Hank Street. Rooting und Upoutiug a apevia: ty. Stove rejiair furnished on short notioe Reasonable! fHV NOMINATIOV lAIKKS. Y; -.!Ia9n ' Main street. lTohlbition party. tlreeMsbiirtf. Hamn,nTiniwn, " 11 T Main Blreet, rrohlbltlon party. tietn bnrg. Alfred Heiirc, " iwltos avenue. Prohibition party. lto Abraham A.Iiarker, t7 Moxnatn streef, l'mhlhitlon party. .Inliti-town. Hamuel t. Uase, iWt'UfHUr aifnov. I'mhthltlfln party. -t t'hewlrr. 'loseph I'ort, u; Ilawtiiorn avunue 1 iToniiiiimn part y. h eftiishtirv. I "5-arvin ai.KanioD, ll.ll iiikuVtreet, ' "f - I'hibltlftn part. York. "Snmuel XV. KdRar," 1 Ml t 1rct I . Prohibition party. piitiyr. William T.Kerin,VrTenth st reut. , T- pDltatlrrcn. Prohibition prtv. v asbtnitton. D. TJion.'illekinan. 17 HnitTiri,Mt Prohibition pnrly. Kiuierhet. Ha.fa llollopeter, si ' ManliTainxt, T. P. Henihberirer, Ml MaikotHtrrul Pmbibjtlon prlv. Allentnnn. Ivhl O. .Jeremy, 0S2 Cn-s"on sin ct. Inhibition pjirt. ICvaiisInrtf. 2 oKn A . M cOon tie 1 1 , SJ 1 i'lua atreet. A. 1U Miller, 71rt linbHnt street, lrohlbilloii part ) . 1 Irnok vU Ip. Al'eSJiniler, CiDnitirs street, Prohibition party. liewiniown. Charlei wTSilller. irtfiith Mreet J, n, 11 ' iiMifiun. Emmet 1 1), Nichols, 44 Ureeu street, lYohlblilon party Waynewborit. Heymonr J. Noble, ftlH KofOPl'talrtt st., Tooiomon party. Indiana, JameTWTOrr. !IU Uoiith street. 'rouihitmn party. tension. Owrste D. PiujBuiur, li Delau aro avenuel' Prohibition party. Meilta. John li. Put ton, ill Prohibition nartr. loilczo atenue. Ezra Heist, 6"Jlercer street. Prohibition Dart V. Rlerrrr. J.Calvin Itummel, iui aekiwn street, . I'ronlbltlon party. Hcrwnttm. YioSfreyHtrlnitcr, 311 Dedfnnl nveuue. Prohibition party. Hwlfnrd. orPeV,Hu,er IsViilonteomef y bt., Prohlblt Ion party. Norrlstow n . "Jacob II. Hunto, liVElk avenufl iTonummn party. UMgway. vmiam(J.lilden, UlHuntl nation ai., J lroh ihl t Ion pa rt y. linnl i'lcdnn. T Jamea Thomas, 4-'l TVmi nvrouc. ' j j iToniou on party, I'ltlHhnrg. 0 And.y.Wllson, Sr 8l!nVlnurfcir?et7 1 Prohibition party. Lebanon. L Samuel Wundcr, Jr., K U-MemthW t.. I1V NOMINATION rArllRS. J. 11. Mjowaltcr. 75Ccnler avenue, rrohlbltlomiarly. t.reetisburg. II. V. Tattoa. U21 James atrecf, ProlillilHon parly. Ijinrater. oukt. totk ron oxr. 11V NOMINATION PAI'KUS. Amoa Hrfpn, 1J"I1 N. It road atreet, I Vqte FOK 0NL II V NOMINATION PAPERS. bamuelM. Kennedy, 4U H. 15th street. Prohibit Inn pnrty. Dnnrannou. JIY NOMINATION TAPERS. William Druwn, HXJ hniuh si reet. votk ron two. 1IY NOMINATION PAPER-. Morris A. Wilson, Jennm Prohibition party. 4. B "John P. Myers, tU Dii i niminnpnrTvii jimon vluxs. votj: ron onk IIY 7403I1NATIIIN PPERS. I 11. T. ,B lrobl v. voir, rou one. uv nomixation r.ii-iir.a. James 1', Clark. tut Market alrei t, lrnliMhUJmijinvAnnvlJlp 0011. VOTi: FOK ONE. IIY NOMINITION PlIT.Rv Jobn K MUlilU'toii, i,U l.llhivorth hirtvi ITfthliill ion ;wrix. n. A Minute Only. Nineteenth century methods of trading allow no old loggyisni or Ioggardism. They are relics of the last decade. New ideas, original methods, push, pluck and enterpife are the exigen cies of the present age. We admit no dull season. Hverything must bo kept on a coustnnt move. Trade must be stirred up with tho . same activity at the ond of tlie season, as hi the be ginning. tlre think we have struck the rigiit chord when wo started our present Low H'ater Mark Prices. Warm weather doesn't stop it Old Sol's burning rays cnuiiof clo-r our wheel of com merce. Now in the time and we note the fact that vo aro head quitrtersfor all kinds ol'SrhooI Suppl es and carry fllty different styli s or Tablets at fifty different prices. Fine Stationery, Hooks and Mag - azines ol all kinds, Pocket Hooks, Frei.cli Tissue, Tojs, Games and Novelties. HAGERMAN'S Obert's Ulook, Lehighton, l'a. J. A. PHILLIPS, - DKAIJHt I Pianos and Organs, WKIMIUHT. PA. Vn, , -Cardinal Keaauaa Wky Yuu Mwiultl Hu ruur ivum aud Oraan. al l-hlUiaai AAffi&ea, fjrliulllsai liaai l-il'.nias i trr-rSUriaw oan uum riaaaia utt urcam- Subscribe for the Carbon Advocate, the cheapest and best local newspaper published in the eountv of Candidates Indicates a vote ' that candidate. Ibatroter marltMrt Iwloiv il nim of any iwrson trlma mmt ftvnl )r(, ml on Ihr Iwlptf for whom lHtl.alH. tn wa. lb totcr may Insert IjtIow tho nainoof lot person irhoHf name U not printed im the tnllnt for u bom ho dlrri to ynlv. The voter may-instrt trlnwtba namool iny trersonirfioeitfuorjic ts tt'-t rinttlm the mlhit fnr whom hn d Irea It vott. Theoter may Insert below the name of any person trhona name U not prlnrrrt on the ttnUnt for hnm tn rfrmlrrw to vot. '1 ho voter may insert beltm tho namo of '1 ho voter may Insert below the name of any portion irhotwt name is not pitrifrdnn the Itnnitt for 1m lin tltmlrww to ynt. 'lha olerntny iitM-rt larln Hio nam of any person trh'iw name U tint printta on the line m w .lrMi l iHV4tx ior w mini n 'lhe oter mar Insert below the name of 'lhe voter may Insert In low lltunameof any eron vnoM natnf U ijtff printni ttn the ttofhtt for lloin km lwln' tu mti.. Popular Store NoKTii Fiiist St., Lkiiiuiiton. si'coiALiaY ArntAcrriVK U)V 1'RIdES AS AS INCKXTIVKTO F.ARLY l'ALIi VUnCJIARimS. wsj am; nuw allowing I lie lurcmt hiiiI intaat tioniplote uutl vurled ntock of Dry (iooils ever otforod for sale iu tills violnity. und at nttntetively Ixiv 1'ricw. XuvvltliM ill Draaw Fulniota linil t oiiibiiiutiou Di'twi l'utterua urti hero uud III uunoit eiullwaa variety, uml will Mintwre more thmi faror- nlily with the nirerluica of the lieait City Iloiiaes. While ure tiira will ahow a deulileil kntrlnir or from 25 tnSl1, pertxajit. Vuu ohii aak fur uotlituK in thU Huh tlwt w Io uut have ami ut ItriooH ax low aiut irhaw n littlv tit luwer tliuii you wilt bur elae- wlier. 8ieoial cure it md to Kt-1 . tiuh'aud mIUuk the purest uutl' iMtetthliKm uiider thin hettd Im- hu( we meuu to uiuk mir itturv i the leudltiK bture lu tbU town. Vt might quote prloex, but you will be ImUer shUhIIwI by oullUiK. BOOTS A ourefullr aolaotaal aaaaoKmaul tvt a CotublnMtLoii I low 1'riosaa. ' Wol Blankets ; Wei liMVe) aouin and tlmy will auuu I iw aMetlsvi Tin' prlatea. are very 1 LOW 1'iioie and ifi ii- llujr liere; we a-, liver Rtd to all part of towu frar. GEO. H. ENZIAN, North First Street, Lehighton TO 3fAllT A BALLOT. AN INTEHE8TINO OBJECT LESSON FOR DEMOCRATIC VOTERS. rialu Diree-tlmifl iu ( ltit Proper Method if Marktf Ilia Nrw ORIelal Ilallot lu Order to Vote u strulcbt Parly Ticket or In Split lif llrkel. Klsewheroln tliliwjMr w ill ba fouutl n faoalmllo nf tlie new form of Iwllot that vrlltbouapi! ou Nov. 8, mnrkcl lu accord ancuwlth the recent opinion of Attorney Oenernl llcnel on tbl point. It aliould be notwlthflttho naniea that appear In this saroplo ballot nre not llioe of lhe candi dates to bo voted for, tho names having been filled In At random to give the appear ance of the real ballot. A little study ot tbe form will show that tho new ballot la not nearly bo Intricate and formidable nu it Appears at first sight To vote tho straight Democratic ticket, without any scratching, the voter marks hi ticket na ahown. In other words, he mti a crosn (X) in the viunre to the right , of tho tcorii "emottraUr,t wherever U ot-1 curs in the trcond Column; manycroaaei as there aro groups in the Democratic column tho word "Demo cratic," ai often as it may occur, Indicating the tteginnlng of n distinct Democratic group. The only dimculiiea lu the use of the now ballot being those whlrh arise from nn attempt to rote n mixed or "scratched' ticket, Democratic? voter atu cautioned against votinnnv but a alralirht ticket (except fer good cause, and then only after i careful Instruction), a to do so is attended' with danger that the entire ticket may be I invalidated. It Is nccfiwary lu oljwrru the groupings' carefully, as indicated by the heavy black lines. Where a straight vote Iscast for the candidates in h group tho cross should be opposite the namo of tho party, never op posite the name of tho nominee or nomi nees. Where h voter wNhen to M-ratch his ticket the marking U dltfennt With mora than onenaraeinagrotip, the cross is omitted from ontrOiIte tho name of the party at tbe head of n group and must ba put opposite the namo or every candidate in the group for whom the voter wishes to vote. With but one name in the irroun the crovs should ho put opposite the name of the party. in the case of the I'mhi bit tomtits. v hose candidates Imvo a place nit the ballot thi-ough nomination tmpers. the name of every candidate voted for must be marked separately. Kvcrv presidential elector must bo marked, w here n Prohibitionist. desires to vote for a Democratic or Repub lican candldato In preference to one of his own party, he (mould place n cross opposite that name, leaving a blank In his own list The voters of tho People a nartv. not hav ing filed any nomination papers at Harrii burg, will voto by writing In the names of their candidates In. the blank bpace reserved fnt thnt Kitrruu.1 nl l, .tnl. I.. ...I .1.1 the ballot. No marks aro necessary in this case. In tho same way any Ilepubllcan, Democrat or Prohibitionist wishing to vote for any candidate whose munoMoes not ap pear on the ballot, such as an independent candldato for the legislature, can write his name tn tho blank space lu that group. manK column on the extreme rhrht of the ballot Is Intended to permit the voter to cast his vote for ft ncnon or persons whose names aro not ou tho ballot under any of the ticket headings. In order to do jx uuoer erto do voter to in tbtP this It will bo necessary for the voter t wrlto the name or his candidate Hank anaco opposite to tho title of the of- flco. Should he Intend to vote fdr either Democratic. Itenublicaii or Prohibition candidates for offices comprised in the samo irroun. lie must make the cross oddo- slte tho name of each person for whom he Intends to vote in that group. Jiy paying a mue attention to these di rections no voter need iiao any trouble la preparing his ballot correctly and expedi tiously. tin the Way to Prtrndiic. Wllhll Ulll t ll:t' It fI.wM oin iKlftnm folk at Iirofpr til liuvw I hn tjatf nniiHIHnn n rha, liver rather than the llntt. They perpetually tlote theitiHelven wltli purgative totally without virtue as alterath e nt ller trouble. Ilontetter Htoimuii hitters is the successful ramlUlate for uie pf-opie 1 1 uoice, anil yet, popular ana wen nnunii i ii, 11. iiicm hto iiiiiuriiii)iira n no Keep on tnlnn: tlie ftrastli! remedies of former days. iv is iu i iic Hiit-iuBcm jHiniuu oi mo puuiic inar tlia well kuon-itaudloiiK tilttl properties of the Hitlers appeal. Keanou should be Ruldetl by ex- iTririH n in me mautr oi ineci nation, "ine iet k'ihio in our teet is l no unnioi experience. aim ti ureal patriot n the early revolutlonarr n-itini, huh we ewiamauon it pregnani wiui .ruth. Fur ntr u Ihinl nf 14 i-cnturv lht ItlltAr dally hat met with the enJnrhenient of people HUlTerlnit front liver eoiiipi.iii.t, malana, constl- ixaiiun, 1 iiviniiaiiaiu, tiei'iiiiy ana irouuierVJ; i-i.irtMi unfit niiii iiecu 1 11010 ir 1 v aimrovea a. iriBir ilTl'JI 111 HVlrV "Tho rebellious dwell in dryland'' There is never My rainfall In the devUH Loiiutrj. I)nikii Am Ira Halve. Tlifl litwit nxUh la Mia unrlil frtr f'nfat Itntl Sole. ITh-eiK. Kail lilu-iuii. l'MVir Mir. TUr Clia)rt-d llaiirta. Chilblains tTornes, aud all bkln 11 uh iuiis, niiii Hisuiveiy cures i lies, or no pay requlrrtl. It Is guaranteed to cUe perfect aatU lavt Ion, or money refunded, rrlee 25 eenta pr l-oit. For sale by Heber Ihlchton and lllen- Wel9Soit. Thu oulv lieonle whom (.nil ran not help nre tuoso who think this world Is their home. There is nn use or any suffering with tho cholcia tvlieu Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ami Dlarrlura Itemed? can be procured. It will give relief in a few min utes ami cure in a short I lino. I have tried It ami Ituon. W. II. Clinton, Helmetta, .V. J. The epidemic at Helmetta was at first believed to lie cholera, but subsequent Investigation proved It to be a violent form of l).entcry. almost as dangerous as chol era. This liemra'y was used there wllb treat success. For sale by N 11. He lie r. Lelilchtou. and W. 11. Illery, Welsipori it m n i:ooi plan to keep a little niouey in your pocket Hint belonea en tltely In (lo.l. Uull'a ltea.1 ilorae anil Oatllo l'oader lias been In na lnreara. Farmera preler It to all ntliers, aiai lliev set tlielr innney. wortb. as cli laarkaaTe enutaiua une imhiiuI Soltl lit all ileailers. The Ixsuple who dlaappolut Uod tbe moat are tlioM. who try to light their own IxittlcM. A flatter. Since IU lirat introduction. .Electric till Ura lias galneit rapidly In popular favor until now p. Is clearly In the lead among pure medicinal tonics ami alteratives con tabling nothing which peimits Its nse as a beverage or Intoxicant, it Is recognized as the beat and purest medicine for all ail luents ot htoinacli, I.lver or Kldnevs. It will cure Sick Headache, Indigestion, C'on slliiatloii, ami drive Malaria from the svs teni. Satisfaction guaranteed with eaeh bottle or llie.moiiay will be refunded 1 'lice only 50c. per bottle. Sold atlteber s Dllifalore, Ihigblnn, and Itlerj's Dm)! store, Welssport. A reatdeut of Waltaburff, Wash . rap tured a red iMit a abort time nno It Sle Shuar Yvu what a aaylni: I have nuilu during the liai yanr by being my own doctor I.ut yeai 1 paid out elHl.-.T) for doclois and their tmallclne; Ibis vear 1 paid 13.00 for all boUUi of Sulphur Ulltcrs, and they have kept health In my whole family They are the best ami purest medicine evei inatle. Chailes King, on Temple Mreet floatou. Mass. AKlK15 POWDER Absolutely Pure. all in It-u.f Uuiiniiiiri .1 Kuval u i