The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, October 15, 1892, Image 3

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Shoes! Shoes!
Our Store is tint! will be con
sidered the place (or SHOI5S
for everybody.
In this branch we claim that our
Stock is bv far nhead of all
Competitors in Quality
What Una llltuixl in thli Ollr llnrlnit the
Week 1'ertlnetitlr KitltnlnlllMl hy Our
HrrHftl Iteponefs.
lluy your Jewelry lit I look's and
you get tlio best.
Lnrgestclreulntlon and lowest rntea
for ndvortlilnir.
Ilarvey Itougli, of Jersey City, will
movo to this town.
Wnnlod A young girl to learn tlio
millinery trndo. Apply to Mm Alvenla
Communion services will bo ob
served In Trinity Lutheran chnrch on
Sundny morning and evening.
Beautiful wedding rlng9, all alios
nnd styles and at tlio right prices, at
E. II. Hold's, Mauch Chunk.
Villi lino of Ingrain and llrustels
carpets nt Henry SchworU's.
Fluo froo luuch will lo sorvod at
W. A. l'etors' restaurant on Saturday
Bock, tho jeweler, Is showing some
new and very protty things lu rings-
nil kinds and styles.
Just make It a point to see David
TheCarbon Advocate
One of the handsomest assort
ments of Handles that has been
seen for years, the Trices at
tached to them will make them
MOVE QUTOK at all times
Ebbert when you want a team for bus!
VOU can find bargains not ol- ness or pleasure. Lowest prices.
tninablo elsewhere' Don't buy clocks of tlio Installment
I man, hock win save you ono-uaii me
f T lMTTRTtATTlYT. price u you uuy irum mm.
A cood line of buggy harness, horso
flist street, between South and Mum Slrw-ts. bianUets inp ros, whips, Ac, at very
low prices, at u. r lory's, welssport
. Do you buy Pocket Hooks, Pockot
Knives, Writing Desks and Card Comm.
Wo have a largo well selected line of
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1802. those good?. Take a look at them, at
Luckcubnch's, Mauch Chunk.
-Go to C. A. Harding's 1U cry on
North stroot for teams for pleasure
A Uuditet of Lornl Nw From is i.ltelr purposes or for wpfiuings or iiinernis.
loroucti. Lowest prices.
-The Reforme.1 congregation of "rue Kltcuen I'riuo, ' a new pioco
Weatherly will oelebrale thelreloventh of furniture without which no kitchen
anniversary on Saturday, is complete, for sale by tho Lehigh
Albert, son of LeylLontz, who was uoal 4; Hardware uo., Limited. Uall
Injured In o railroad accident at St. ana see It. lm.
Nicholas, near Tamnqua, tho other Daniel Wieaud will not movo to
(lav. has died from the effects of his Mauch Chuuk until next summer. He
Injuries. is n school director here, you know.
-Stuart, a seven year old son of T. 1). (.lauss Is thoroughly over-
Elmer Schaeffer, died on Wednesday hauling nud rebuilding his First street
morning and will be burled on Satur- residence. Just now n now and stylish
day. The boy had been a very bright front is being ndded. The linprovo-
pupll in ono of our primary schools mcnt Is great.
Nl'.NTlil) IN TlltS COUTMN.
The IlrliElit Newer Oreiireneeii of the Week
llrlefly ChronleleiHorOtir Rlmiy llemlers.
Tlirttngtioutthe Oountr unit lilsewhere.
y Krvo McDanlel, of Pleasant Comer
wlio will take the Washington Hotel at
Summit Hill, next mouth, wtw driving
between Lehightou and I'leawmt
Corner tho other day when his honi
suddenly dropped dead.
1i Tho State Convention of 1'oor Di
rectors is now in session at Erie. Tho
Middlo Coal Field Toor District is re
presented by Directors Monroe and
Nowml'ller, and G. T. Wells, steward nt
the Laurytown poor house. Thov ox
poet to return home Saturday.
i.itti.i: (Mr.
Painter Acker is repainting tho O.
A. Clauss residence,
Tho Lehigh bridge needs "screw-
lug" up and should have some paint.
It is getting rusty.
A 2500 pound bull wns n magulll-
in theObert
where he will be greatly missed by his
teacher oud his fellow pupils. Death
resulted from rotapllcntions" preceded
by mumps.
Notices aro again posted In con
spicuous places 'giving date for an
other election coucernlngour expected cent pleco of llvo stock
fire department. This time both the stock yard this week.
amount and the purpose In detail for Men's suits, boys' suits and chlld-
wblcli It Is to bo used nro specified in rcn's suits can bo bought XI per cent
the proclamation. If this had boon cheaper at Sondhoim's Tailoring Hall,
done In the first plnco no second cleo- Mauch Chunk, than elsewhere.
tlon would have been necessary. See tho pretty gold rings, studded
Another young man from town has with tho finost precious stones, nt E.
reaped the reward of railroading. Al II. Hold s Mauch Chunk JoweleryStore,
John Hauk-drives a pretty road
cart that was built by H. R. Kreldler,
of East Welssport.
M. T. Trexler 1ms finished a car
riage for Zach Horn, of tho Mansion
House, that can't bo boat anywhere In
theso diggins.
The disposition of t lie proporty
-Jeauesvllle Is to have a coal and owners on iunnoning street snows a
Iron policeman. Tcry commenunmo enterprise
James Simmons and wife nrH home "ruiKuiim isomers will my n lino
from a visit to Lehightou. ua 810110 lavement along uieir first
. . . . . . .. . , 1 cIpAat nrnnni.1 v Itt 4 lia cninn.l iniil
tiuwaru Aicuauiey nuu iiuss niary . ,..-, j - .......
Lentz, a brakemau on the Rending R.
R. system, was killed on Tuesday even.
ing at bt. Nicholas while engaged in
shifting cars at that place. His re
mains were brought to his parental
home In Weatherlyon Wednesday.
HcCauley aro to be married very soon
The "Jolly Ten" ball in Hosack
Hall, Monday ereulng, was a grand
The new breaker in course of eroe.
tlon here Is about completed, It Is
designed to ultlllzo coal culm
We are pleased to note that our
popular townsman and dentist, Dr. F.
I. Smith, of the First Word, Is on tho
the streets again after an illness of
several w eeks.
We are sorry to note tlio serious
Illness of the ostlmnble wlfo of L. H.
The members of the Jeanesvlllo romstein, or mini street, nnu trust
TJterarv Soclelv held a moetlnir last " '" w' R'1 " convalescent,
Frldav evenlna and made all noressarv J. W. Raudonbush was doing tho
orrangements for the opening meeting "crying" nt the personal property salo
of the which will be held nt an of J-T- "anlel, Pleasant Comer, on
earlv date. A number of now members Tuesday and Wednesday,
were admitted and the nrosnects are Tho first year of tho licensing of
fnmml.lB for o vppv Minraufiil nrmml. hucksters and other peddlors 111 this
zatlon the coming winter.
The compound Duplex pump which
was built at the Jeanesvlllo shops a
short time ago for the No. 1 Audenried
colliery was put In operation for the
first time last Sunday. It Is ono of the
largest mine pumps in this region nud
on Its trial has given entlro satisfac
tion. It can be worked eighty-six
strokes per minute, but was only run
town Is up,
Now that it Is about finished Jere
Roth has one of the prettiest little
house in the south end.
Lewis Klepplngor has n sleigh that
Is n 100 years old. It is still lu good
Progressive eucliro proscnts in
small silver articles, a nlco selection,
nt E. II. Hold's Jewelery Store, Mauch
A I.tleljr Community llrlelly Itemized lir
n llrlKtit 1'encll 1'tisher.
During lost Wook Levi George
caught ovon raccoons and ono ground
Aaron ItelmW.h is at present en
gaged In painting Frank Wagner's
Mrs. Daniel Serfnss is on tho sick
llst,her many friends wish for hern
speedy rocovery.
Tho public schools of this district
opened on .Monday Oct., 3rd with a
fair attendance.
Henry Tielshlor nud wlfo, of
Daulclsvlllo, Northampton county,
were visiting in this.sectlon the guests
of Geo. M. Henry and wife, on Sunday
Ash's school, E. II. Mooncy teach
ers, was closed on Thursday last, In
order to give the teacher nud pupils
an opportunity to attend the fair.
Frank Wagner and wife, of this
place, were visiting in Kuiikoltown tho
guests of l'Tancls Encler nnd wife, on
Sunday last.
Josiah It. Sillies who for the last
three years with Obcrt's Pork Packing
Establishment, has resigned and has
accepted a more lucrative position In
Schwartz's furniture establishment of
We nro sorry to announco the sad
accident happened to Owen Lerch, of
near this place. While sitting on an
empty barrel on his wagon, the butt'
commenced to roll nnd off ho fell to
tho ground breaking his bronst bono.
-Among thoso who are drawn as
jurors for tlio October term of court
from this district are, Martin Zlegen
fuss, D. A. Christmnn, Honry Slides,
Lovl Boyer, Goo. M, Heury, Adam
Kuukel. Wilson Roth and August Kopf.
ri:ori.n ox thi; oo.
Who Will Weill, Ktlleiic In the. County
ouris next wek..
The October Court of Quarter Set.
sious of C'nrbou county convened in
tho Court House, at. Wauch Chunk, nt
1.IW o'clock Monday afternoon. His
Honor, Judge 8. S. Dreher, and Asso
ciate Judges C. H. Seldel ami S. II.
Price, were on tlio bench.
Tho constable from tho different
districts In the rounty made sworn re
ports lu reference to their respecllro
The Ornud Jury wns sworn nnd G.
R. Leonard, of Lansford, was selected
ns foreman.
Julius Klehos, Frank Jilerti, John
Strohl nnd William Solp were appoint
ed tipstaves for tho session.
Arutr, Thos. Jr., farmer, Mahoning.
Buck, Allen, carpenter, Franklin.
Brown, Frederic, fireman, B. Meadow.
Beltz, David, contractor, E. M. Chunk.
Flory, Milton, saddler, weUwtport,
Gohring, Chns. W., Inn keeper, Mnucli
Chunk, 2nd Ward.
Gnngwere, Edw., teamster, Lansford,
East Ward,
llerron. John 8.. laborer. Audenried.
Jpnai, Joseph, miner, Lansford, W. W.
Kopf, August, laborer, Bowmanstonu.
Ifroldor, Wm., clerk, ir. Chunk. 1st W.
Lconnrd, G. It., painter, Lansford, M.
McGintr. Josenh. miner. .Teanosvllln.
MoMlchnel, John, brakemnn, Lansford,
East Ward.
Nothstelu, L. H.,carpenter,Lehlghtou.
Neff, Charles, salesman. East Ponn.
Ochsenfcld, Frnnk, bhicksmlth, Lnus-
foru, Al. Wnnl.
Romig, Enhralm. enrnenter. Franklin.
Smltli, Owen, farmer, Mahoning.
Sherry, George, fnrmer, Parryville.
Sltli, Michael, laborer, Nosquehonlng.
Schnffor, A., blacksmith, Weathorly.
Troxel, Lewis, farmer, Bowmanstown.
Zcigenftis, Martin, farmer, Little Gap,
Uoyer, Levi, farmer, Mlllpoit.
Boyle, George, miner, Iansford, M.
Bowman, Wilson, laborer, East Peuu.
Buchmau, Harry, merchant, E. Mauch
Behreus, August, farmer, Penn Forest.
Boyle, Bernard P., miner, Lansford, E.
Boylo. Condy, miner. Beaver Meadow.
Collins, Chns., brnkeman, East Mauch
Cassler, Chas., freight agent,Weatherly.
uuggen, uonn, urcman, iinucn uimnu,
2nd Ward.
Dunbar, Calvin, farmer, Towanieusing.
Enrley, John, laborer, Beaver Meadow.
Earley, Wm., laboier, Beaver Moadow.
Evans, Owen, miner, Audenried,
Eckhart, F inn kocper, Penn Forest.
Frederic, Wm., blacksmith, Packertou.
Gardner, John, miner, Nesquehonlug.
G.issner, Wm., clerk, E. Mauoh Chunk.
Hlttlngcr, Jacob, laborer, Weatherly.
Henry. George M.. farmer. Little GaD.
James, Richard, miner, Beaver Meadow.
msiior, r. j., gentleman, Liewgnton.
Klechner, Joseph, clerk, Mauch Chunk,
-nu waru.
Kunkel, Adam, farmor. Mlllnoi t.
Lorenz, Jacob, tailor, E. Mauch Chunk.
JfcUanlel, Reuben, section boss, Lans-
ioru, wost wnru.
Miller, Henry, teamster, Mauch Ckunk,
-nu wnru,
II i:n I'ltAMK UllptoiO :f W 1 1 1 K A w A ll r;
at flftv-Bix when tho troughs could not Chunk,
carry the water from It, It was built Brinkmnn Bros, monununt builders
under the supen-lslon of Superlnten- ""'0 the agency for the Standard
dent Rood and his foreman, John copper iironzo Monument, or unicago.
Davles. lluy these goods at homo.
Tho Carbon County Improvement
Company want Lehlghton to give them
Tnhn rvnnnll nf PiM,,f ltlll twonijr year m ruuiueir
i suburb, has purchased the Mansion wltltbr0"K'1 ,tl'13 ,own(
House at Mahanoy City. He will lonve
here this week.
-On the 20th the Audenried Dra
matlo Club will render the "Social
-On Thursday last Hugh Wlldeu, of
Honey Brook, and Miss Kate Fnhnlny,
of Philadelphia, were married by Rev.
Carr at Audenried,
-Joseph Carre is dead. Interment
nas made on Sunday afternoon.
Key, Joseph L. Connor celebrated
his firbt mass in St. Patrick's church,
Audenried, on Sunday Father Connor
will have charge of the Audenried
parish until the arrival of Rev. T. J.
Mnrrfin from his European trin. when
It Is expected bo will remain as curate,
.,nA,l.nkA.lAn n,(h. Cn,K whn
months, left on Saturday for Phlladel
phla, from which he will go to the
Cathollo University lu Washington,
The. Tenclier' Iuttltut
tVality" Superintendent of publlo Lection.
-Thero will be a meeting of the Le
highton Firo Co., nt tho office of J. &
H,'Seaboldt next H'odnesday. There
wllCbe election of olflcors. All mem
bers turn out.
-Yrhe frlouds of Mrs. IVnuk Ackor,
on South street, pleasantly surptlsed
her on Saturday evening, the occasion
of her birthday auulverfcary
We are much pleased to note that
our old friend George Derhauier Is out
again after a few weeks HIiiohh is oio
of Lehlghton's oldest anil most
esteemed citizens.
Ladles', misses' nud chlldren'i
coats and jackets should be bought nt
tho One Price Star Clothing Hall,
Mauch Chuuk, where you can save X
por cent on your purchases.
The Carbon Advocate Job Rooms
this week shipped finished jobs to
Philadelphia, Shenandoah and to
Wilkeftbarre. Do you ueed auythlng
In this line, it so, call and see us.
Don't miss seeing E. II. Hold's
graud display of new silverware, noth
ing like it can be seen elsewhere in this
None but the highest grade
schools T. A, Sayder Is already at work
In the arrangements for me annual in
stitute which convenes at Lansford on
December 5.
lntriii-lnra Dr. E. O. Lvte. of Mil
flcrvllle. Supt. M. G. Brumbaugh, of , ,h W(kiT vew,.
Huntingdon Couuty; Pro'. I lning Uightou's first rPr, were dumped
mnay.or Delaware, ami ur. - i am0DC the other mbbUh. The poner
goods kept In stock, nnd the prices are
really lower than other dealers ask for
inferior goods.
The other day when the cellar of
the Valley dpot was cleaned out soy.
was publeshed bs O. M. Ijoyle.
Phillips, of West Chester.
lue lecturing iorco win munu- n n w ,,, -nmif
George W." Bain, the eloquent I , ,IeaUU oUloer aa retary of the
entiicman buu bC... new Board of Health. The annoint.
Flnsli rlrluree of Vamlllnr FaeeH Cntnlnff
anil Clolnv,
Clins. Lilly, of Pittston, wns liero
this week.
Milton Hunsicker,of Freelnnd, wns
hero on Friday.
. .Theo. Fonner, of tho Third Ward,
wns at the Bloomsburg fair this week.
Major ICnufman and Chas. Ryan,
of Allentown, circled hero on Monday.
Otto Dlttmar and wife, of Bank-
way, spent last Friday nt Hazletou.
"Bob" Bitting Is back from a three
weeks bicycle trip to Philadelphia and
other points.
Harry E. Sweeny nnd wife, of Drif-
ton, have roturned homo after n week's
visit to relatives In town.
..Frank Kershner and family, of
New Tripoli, Lehigh county, were In
town for a few days last week.
Harry Ettluger, of tho Press office,
has returcd to his home In Bristol.. Ho
is succecdod by David McCormick.
Councilman J, L. Gable, and family
of First street, spent Sunday very
pleasantly with Unlonvllle, Ta., friends.
. .Samuel KIstler, Esq., and wife, of
Saegersville, were guests of Dr. W. G.
M. Selple nnd wife, on South street for
a few days last week.
..Mrs. Dennis Gilbert and Miss
Emma Tonge, of Philadelphia, spent n
fow days very delightfully with rela
tives nnd friends hero this week.
..Jamos Simmons nnd wife, of
Jeanosvllle, spent a fow days last week
with C. Fortwnnglor and family on
Second street.
. .Misses Ada Webb.Eya Collins, and
Maggie Collins, of Mauch Chuuk, spent
a week vcry pleasantly with Miss
Mamlo Semmel, on north First street.
. . Rev. B. II. Chubb, wife nnd son, of
Pottstown, are visiting Dr. N. B.Rober
and family this week.
. . Miss Annie Lackoy, one of Allcn-
town'a pretty daughters, Is visiting
Mahlon Relchard and family ou Third
. .Loonard Schoch, of Ilokendauqua,
was In town on Wednesday attending
the funeral of Chas. Schoch, deceased.
Prof. Hoppes, the well-known prin.
clpnl of tho Bowmanstown public
schools, was lu town on Wednesday
and made our office a pleasant call,
Misses Nellie and Sue Hauer, of
Lebanon; Miss KIstler, of Allentown,
and Rev. KIstler, of White Haven, were
guests of It. L. Sweeny and wife, on
lrst street, Sunday,
. .T. II. Snyder.of LeibyvllIe,J'a.,was
here last Friday. Mr, Snyder carries
on nu extensive business at the former
place whero he has a large foundry for
the manufacture of iron fence railing,
Christ Cook, of this town. Is one of
Mr.Bnyder'o employees.
e had a pleasant oall on last
Thursday from Lewis Gulhlner and
wife, of est Penn. who were here at
tending tho fair. They were the guests
of Owen Grossoup and family while in
town. Mr. Gulhlner formerly lived
Thos. J. Nusbauui, of Lansford.
was In town tho other day for a tew
hours. He took In the fair and closed
digits with many old friends while
here. Tom Is one of Lansford's sue
coasful merchants.
Uharley ienser, who fcomo years
ago kept a little cobbler shop on south
First street, was in town for a few days
lat week from Freeland where he now
resides, Charles looks as natural as
of yore with the exception perhaps
that his hair Is just tinged with gray.
Miller, Lewis, loilermaker, Summit
O'Douuell, EdwnrJ, Inn keeper, Sum--mit
Osborne, John, gentleman, M. Chunk,
ist wnru.
Peters, Horoco, carponter, Wentherly.
Roth. Wilson, fnrmer. Little Gan.
Shafer, Samuel, carpenter, Weatherly.
Selp, Wm., railroader, Mauch Chunk,
2nd Ward.
Strohl, Dennis, farmer, Towanieusing.
Sweeney, Patrick, miner, Lansford, W.
Shuler, Calvin, clerk, East Ponn.
Sandherr, Christian, patternmaker, M
uuuuk, isi vv nra.
Weiss, Charlos, blacksmith, Lansford,
East Ward.
Ward, Neal, watchman, East -Vauch
i.i. r rldiihtv iAAnliera: Prof. I . . .! ...
.. i t If i . - l 1 - n
ui U Irving Handy, of Delaware.
The hitter's subject will probably be
"Tlio African In America." ansa .Mag
gie Dotts, of Baltimore, la down for
births In this town.
Our young friend George Kibbler,
for a long tlmo with James Walp, the
plumber, will launuh In business far
one of her noted elocutionary enter- ,,,, t Rfrortl in jouroe county.
talnments, This entertainment Is to
be supplemented by choral slngiug In
which It Is expected that all the innsl
cal talent of the Panther Creek Valley
will participate.
Patrick O'Dounell is lu the Hasle
ton Hospital suffering with a orushad
right leg. He was squeezed ltwen
two rars.
Jury Uommlaslouer Comtell la
cununea wuu a uauir nijurau
Beaver Meadow u to liate a gauie
TlioHohoolChlhlrenof the lloroucli I're.
paring nu Intereitinic l'rogxnm.
Tho exercises for Columbus Day
promlso to be Interesting in every re.
spect. The teachers nnd pnplls are at
work with vigor, and no effort will bo
spared to observo tho day In n credit
ablo manner. Tho Official Program,
as prepared by the Executlvo Commit
tee, Youth's Companion ODlce, Boston,
Mnss., forms tho basis of tho plan far
this national publloschool celebration
Each school will bo represented by n
pupil orpupilswho will recite patriotic
recitations or slug patriotlo songs.
Tho Patriotlo Sons of America nud
tho members of the G. A. R. have been
invited to participate lu tho demon
stration. Tho Arion Cornet Band is
expected to furnish muslo for the oc
caslon. Devotional exercises will bo
conducted by several ministers. All
parents nud patrons of the schools nro
cordially invited to bo present.
The oxercises will bo held in tho
forenoon on tho campus of the school
building. Tho schools should assem
ble, as usual, nt 8.40 A. if., in their
various rooms. C. J. Walter, principal.
Chatle Schoch llenil.
Charles Schoch died on Sunday after
an illness dating back u long time,
Deceasod was born in Welssport on
the 17th of November, lu the year 18.13.
He was twice married nud tho follow.
Ing children survlyo with the widow,
trvin, William, Tlllie, Lizzie, Daniel,
Mamie and Mrs, A. Campbell. Inter
ment was made on Wednesday after'
noon from the M, E. church, Key. G,
W, Dungau, the pastor, officiating.
For thirty years past deceasod was
employed on the Lehigh Valley Rail
road, 27 years of which he was n loco
motive fireman.
A Cold Weather Hleti.
The chipmuuks aro said to be stor
ing up an extra supply of piuo nuts
this year, of which there is a more
plentiful crop than for many years
past. This is said to denote a coming
hard Winter, but tho goose bone is yet
to be heard from. Dou't buy too many
seal skin sacques until the goose yield:
up his protentous bones though on
second thought we doubt whether the
goose bone is to be entirely relied
upou. lt was caught In a lie last year,
aud the year bfore, too, for that mat
ter. Perhaps the chipmunk Is n better
weather prophet.
Souillieliii'e Cloak llepatluieut.
In this department you will find
large stock of laities', misses' nnd ohll
dreu'n coats and jaakete In all the 1st
est styles, at the lowest oath prloes, at
the One Prloe Star Clothing Hall
Mauch Chunk.
Elegant wedding silver oau now
Is teen at E. H. Hold's Mauch Chunk
J.-wtlery Store.
We wish George a full share of success,
Jams Walp has sold his entire
plumbing tinware house furnishing
business to J. A. aud f&Auuel Walp.
The new firm will take poaneasloii of
the business ou Monday, the 18th Inst,
James Walp will in the future give his
entire attention to bis steam aud Itot
water heating business. He tuts work
In operation at present at Taioaqua,
Allentown and Freeman sburg.
Tne most carefully seleoted stock
of the Quest grade watches In the hand
somest gold oases you ever laid your
yes ou, for ladies and gentlemen, are
now displayed at E. II. Hold's Mauoh
Chuuk Jewelery Store. Over 21 years
of experience euables me to give the
oest ft aim ror we least money
F. P. Hell repairs and furnishes
parts to all kinds of sewing machine.
Plaiuyour fall advertisements In
the Advocate and reap your reward in
a big trade.
Over-sleeping made Impossible by
the use of tho Never Fall Racket Alarm
Clock, sold by E. II. Hold, at Mauoh
John llrenuer, carpet woaver,
on Second near Coal street, will re
move on or about October Uth to the
corner of 6th and Cypress streets
he will continue to weave a flntt-elaas
oarpet. St
On the evening of November 1,
KIstler A Iteloliard the new Exchange
Hotel men, will entertain everybody st
a graud free Innob, Ac, lu the base
ment of the hotel. You want to be
Jack Walters, who hasn't played a
lead ThUd retail).
We have just bought a large stock of
men's and boys' suits aud overcoats
tor cash and now otfer you the greatest
bargains ever heard of for easli only
a saving of .13 per oent Is assured. We
will sell you men's good suits or over
floats at il.00, S5.00, $7.00, J 10.00 and up
to rlSXU A boys good suit or overcoat
at gUQ, 2JS0, 8SJ0, KtfW and upward
ou can save a day's wages and oar
fare if you buy your winter clothing
at Soudhelm's Tailoring Hall, Mauch
The "Stroller" SetifelMr Kplloiulie I
IInplenttiK ot thU Town ami Vlllnlly In
tile Venal llrlshl Mtvle.
Miss Ella Detbett, of Lansford,
Sunday ed here.
J. J. Mnrkley, of Philadelphia, was
home during the week.
Mis Annie Larch, of Danlelsyllle,
is visiting Mm. Frauds Selp on Union
'-Arthur Miller Mid wife, of Slat-
lngtou, were guestajai Jf. Snyder this
Reuben Hall and wife, of Daniels-
vllle, aro guests of Jacob VVeutu, on
Union Hill.
-MisnBlIa DeLmifT, of Lltltz,Pn.,
Is visiting Ale flilfer and family nt
Phifer's Corner.
Miss Ella Keous, an estimable
young lady of Freeland, Is visiting ro
latires In town.
Misses, Heckle Wintllug nnd Edna
Graver spent last Sunday among
Hazletou relatives.
Lewis Deppoy of Wnlcksvllle, will
sell cows, shouts nnd personal prop
erty on Tuosday, SMh.
Ervlu Snyder, of Union Hill, was
at Slatlngton on Monday nttcndlngthe
funeral of his grandfather tho late
David Remaley.
A horse belonging to Abo Henry,
of Big Creek, suddenly diod the other
day while It was boing driven through
this place.
Johu Rchrlg this week moved his
cifocts from the Franklin Houso Into
his private residence.
Jos. F. Rex Is at Heldleborg this
week visiting his parents. We nro
pleased to note that Joe, who has been
111 for some time past is gradually con
valescing. Robert N. Anthony, Monday,
moved from his Indian Hill farm into
Ben F. Kuhn's dw'olllng lu East Weiss
port. Johu Miller'has been appointed u
town councilman to bucceed the late
Daniel Grayer, aud Milton Emery has
been clectod Burgess.
Butchor Billg, of Woatherly, Is tho
owner of a fine new wagon purchased
from II. R. Kreldlor, Enst Welssport,
It Is n dandy I
Ed Campbell Is rapidly converting
his barber shop from a dingy hole Into
as cozy u Httlo shop ns can bo found
nnywhero in the couuty.
Wm. Lelkel and wife, and Mrs.
Amanda Solt aud daughter, spent last
Sunday very pleasantly with Jacob
Arncr nt Harrity.
Miss Cassie Krosgo, of East Welss
port, entertained n few friends at a
pleasant little supper on Saturday
-Will Lelkel, tho jolly Franklin
butcher, ' who was burned out somo
eeks ago, will be ready for business
next week and. ho hopes his friends
won't forget him.
Lewis Knauss, employed lu
Snyder's Planing Mill, lost tho Httlo
linger on his right hand Tuesday, by
coming In too close quarters with one
f tho saws.
Gcorgo Welch Is buck homo from u
trip through Indiana. Mr. Welch ex
acts to go In tho store business some
time soon In Luzerno -county.
Harry Rlekert Is n clerk lu Laury's
ore, ou Saturday ho wus cutting dried
beef when his hand slipped and he cut
the ends olf of several fingers on his
left hand.
Rev. J. S. Reuuluger nnd wife, of
Allentown, made a brief visit at tho
homo of Ed Nothsteln, this week, while
on their way home from Stroudsburg.
Frank Mertz, who had his leg am
putated some weeks ago by Drs. Zern,
Kutz nnd Reber, ns the only means to
snvo his life, may recover. Mertz wns
suffering with n severe case of gang
rcno, -
Levi Harlemau and it. J. Hongcii
have just purchased a largo tract of
fine timber laud lu Lower Towanieus
ing from John Anthouy, of Mooro
township, Northampton couuty.
M Ivrosge, of tho castsido, who has
beeu quite 111 for somo time, Js said
now to be ou a fair way to complete re
covery. Mr. Kresge is visiting in
Schuylkill county. Jrs. K. who 1ms
bocu with him all along was back
for a few days this week but returned
again Thursday.
The Franklin Social Club uro get
ting there with both feet. They have
had their room in Snyder's block, nice
ly papered and carpeted, und it is jnst
as cozy ns can be. The club expect to
have an adjoining room and fit it up
In similar style.
JohnW. Heller, the Prohibitlou
candidate for tho Legislature, Is still
lu tho field. Although Mr. Heller will
uot be elected, nevertheless If circum
stances should put him in the State
assembly, ho could fill the bill. Mr,
Heller is a gentleman nnd nn honest,
enterprising citizen.
-Jacob fotraussberger has upeued
the oyster season at ids rostuuraut and
Is now prepared to serve soups, stews,
irys and raws by the plate or to supply
families at very low rate. The patron
age of the publlo is solicited aud satis-
fuctlou is guaranteed. Restaurant,
Bridge street, next to Blery's drug.
store. 3t
WEissronT, Pa., Sept. 28, 1802.
Kditob or the Carbon- Advocate.
There Is aud has'beeu for somo tlmo
past a rumor in circulation thut Mr.
John W. Heller, the Prohibition oaudi
date for Representative, had withdrawn
his name. This is absolutely false and
without foundation. The report ovi
dently having been put in circulation
by some malicious person ur persous.
Oct. 1. 5 W. OOMHITTEK,
A little girl ot WiUlam Brown, of
East elusport, was attempting to get
on the heavy wugon of Jacob Drelble
bles, of Lehlghton, ou Monday, when
she slipped and fell under the wheels
which passed over her lower extremities
Mr. Dreiblebles Is lu no way to blame
fur the accident. The little girl was
seriously injured. This should be a
warning to others who are In the habit
of jumping on wagons aud carriages.
Last Saturday the following ladles
and gentlemen spent a few hours nt
Selberllug's iiopular hostlery: Spurg
Weston, of Allentown; Rev. Morgan
Peters and Buehmau, of East
Mauoh Chuuk; Misses Mar)' Snyder,
und Tlllie Snyder.of town; and Miss
Eckert, of Reading. They enjoyed one
of Frank's finely preiarwl soiqiers.
A Mneelat Writer Telle tl.e M rr of the
Week In llreeey ftenteneee. I'ereonnl
anil OtheArlte.
O. B. Slgley, wife and daughter are
lu New York this week.
James McOlnty, of Buck Moun
tain, was hero. On Wednesday.
Mrs. A, J. Durllng nnd Miss Tlllie
Leuokcl, ot Lehlghton, were here on
Tho Chi bou Couuty lusuruuoo As
sociation met lu regular meeting on
last Friday afternoon. President Johu
Seuboldt, of Lehlghton, presided,
Charles Lauth, n Lehigh Valley
railroad brakemuu, was run over and
killed a short dlstnnco below the sta
tion on Friday morning. Lauth step
ped off of the locomotlyo lu front ot nn
approaching train nnd was killed in
stantly. He was horribly mangled.
-J. W. Powers In "Fairy's WoH"wlll
bo tho attraction at Concert Hull ou
noxt Tuesday evening. Tho program
is pretty girls, good dancing, fine sing
ing, Ac.
The, following uro tlio nowdlroo,
tors of tho Equitable Building and
Loan Association: W. O. Frcymau,
Johu Nichol, J. M. Dreisbach, J. J.
IJovati, D. McFudden, Horoco Hoydt,
Eugene. Nothsteln, J. A. Mayer and
Washington Hinder. The Association
Is ono year old.
Short 1'arnfrniilu That Will he of Inlereel
to the Italtroatl Here.
t Elmer B. Hufford, engineer of the
Lehigh Valley llyer lietween this place
and Wilkes-Barre, has secured a leave
of absence for thirty days, and has
gone to St. Louis to look at n position
ho has been offered thero at better pay,
John MoNally Is runuliigthe flyerdur-
luglluffonl's absence, and Ambrose
Hat maker Is running the night holper
ill placa. of MoNally.
I The new semaphore signal, which
is being introduced by tho Central
Railroad, consists of a tower, from the
top of which two arms extend over the
trnok, one being red nnd tho other
white. When everything in clear and
trains uro lo proceed as scheduled, the
wmto signal Is displayed, otherwise
the red appears. These arms nro nj.
eratod by two levers located lir the
telegraph office, und similar to the ro-
verso levers in a locomotive. They
are to bo usod at every station along
the lino.
t Work in tlio Central Railroad shuns
at Ashley has resumed its old time no-
tlvlty. Men suspended lust Spring are
being relnstulod, nnd many new men
nro finding employment. It Is reported
that all the brass mouldings for Its
Hue, and all for its divisions, are to be
made lu future at Ashley.
Ileautlful Hcenerr.
Ill among tho mountains of Carbon
county a fair which closed Friday
night was held lust woek. It wus tho
annual meeting of the Carbon County j
Agricultural society at Leiugntou.
The grounds are on a bluff a mile west
of the town. From this plateau can
be seen one of tho most beautiful pano
ramas in the state. To tho enst aro
the high humps, glorious with autumn
hues, that fringe tho Lehigh and cub
mlnuto lu the Munch Chunk bky
To the west Is spreud out u magulll
cent vista Including n valloy ten miles
long. It consists of ridges, trees and
furms. To complete the view tho
secondary ridge of tho Blue Mouutalus
spans the southern horizon and tho
mountains near Mauch Chuuk Hue tho
sky to tho north. From correspond
ence to u city paper.
in: landed in rnisox.
A Once Well to llu Farmer Who Loteit tu I
I.our nnd Drink. j
The Wolss-Murphy nuptials uro still i
fresh lu the memories of residents of
the upper part of tho county. Five
yenrs ago, Edwin Weiss, sou of Uwou
Weiss, a well to do farmer nt Ilrod
headsvllle, near Baylor's Lake, wedded
a daughter of Jouas Murphy, who was
regarded among the richest farmors lu
that region. Weiss loved drink and
loafing better than auythlng else. Ho
concluded his rich futher-ln-lnw ought
to keep him und his family, which Mr.
Murphy did for several years, even
taking the "ne'er do well" Into his owu
house. But Weiss went from bad to
worse aud was driven out. A few
months ngo the large barn of Mr. Mur
phy burned down at night, fire break
ing out at threo places. Weiss was
suspected as the iucendury. His arrest
followed aud u few days ngo he was
convicted ut Stroudsburg nud Judge
Dreher seut him to the penitentiary
for four years. Bothlohom Times.
Eyesighi SavecT
Alter Scarlet Fever, Wphtherla, Pneomonl
and other prostrating diseases. Hood's Barsa-
parilla Is unequalled to
thoronihljr purify tho
Mood and giro needed
au-encth. Read thlsi
"Hr hoy had Scarlet
leaTlng him very weak
and with blood poll
ened srllh canker.
His eyes became In
flamed, his sufferings
were Intense, and for 7
weeks ho could notevca
oncn his eves. I took
Mm to the Eye and r.r Inflrmarr, hut their
remedies did htm po good. 1 hej.ui gl tins him
Hood's Sarsaparilla
which loon cured lllm. I know It enves hie
llhi.lf not Ills very life.' Annie V. llura
MAM. 5883 Washington St., IlojUn, Mass.
HOOD'S PILL8 ire the best af ter-olnoer rilli,
aitlil dlsf lUoo, cure hladiclie and bUlouiuesi.
CUfl ortt Blaekinan.
vnCir tlfottl Pr. ilCC I. At nil druggltt,.
JjAWFKII, the barber, opposite tho Opera
House, cuts lMlr, shavesamliliHstuvi-rv.
tiling In flrst-tLiss sit le Drop In and see htm.
Closed ou Sundays. Toilet Articles for saliv
ADVOCATIt Omcr.. Is ImnHV,,! ,VfI.. .! '5
shannK.haircuUIn!.' ami shampooing, l'artlci.
Ur attention mid lo cuitlnc julle, lmi,K, a, il
r Iillitreii's Hair. 7ollcl articles for sale. Vliolee
Cigars. Call.
Itesolutloni of Coiiilolcme.
Tho following prcamblo and resolu
tion wus unanimously passed by the
Borough Council, of Welssport, Pu.,
Tuesday, October Uh 1802:
Wiikiikah. It has nle.iHitt Almlnhtv IIimI Im
Ills Infinite ulsdoiu lo rctnoo from our inltUt
our honored mid uoitby tellovr member Daniel
(Initer, and
Wiikiivas, The plcasunt nnd intimate rc
latloHSMlilclifor the Dust few wars he held with
InirgfSH make it eminently nuiiigtiiainetilioum
plan ujou record our feelings of appreciation vt
his senlcea and 1 egret for Ills loss; therefore
lltBtH.VKii. TliHtlbis Uolllit-ll Mill evr lutbl
lu grateful remembrance, ttic sterling bustnm
'luanlles, tlio lutlence Integrity ui'd clear
slglitedtiess (llsil.t)e1 hy our Utu ft-ttoir ineiu.
ber, Daniel Uruvcr, In the work oftliti Council.
ltF.tHW.VM, lliat me luoileu removal by
ili'Hlli of mir exleemed fellow c-ili7en frmii llu.
H)sitiou which lie tietd as upublluotllcercrcates
a vacancy not easll tilled unit that his fellow
nicmbcrs fullv realize and (tenloie the loss oc
casioned tu themselves and to the public at
Um.oi.vku. That wo hercbv exlend our ileeu-
eitsjmiiatliy to tlio bereaved fauill), relalhes
and friends of ttio dec eased, hoping that ever in
tlio sadness of their atlllctlou they may et find
some consolation lu knowing that the worth of
Ids pmate iiualltiea and tbo salue of his public
services aic l'n'l:ilj ttiiiucs-Miou.
Hkkoi.v vn. That a conv of these resolutions bo
mint 10 tlio lamuy 01 our tuieaseu leuow mcin
ier anil mat nicy no miuiisueu in me uaruon
a UIOCATK nuu rctwuru on iiiiriiuuuio dook.
MlLlw: ciuutii,
.1. A. l'l'.NNKU,
Members of Council.
TOX. I'Mina.. at tho dote, of business. Hent.
90tli, in!.
I JkllUMIul IllsetllllltS SIlO AlM 07
Oierilrafls, secured and uisecured... 190,53
U. w. Itonds tosectire circulation ' no
stocks, securities, etc os.350 oo
line iroiuunproteu reserve agents so
Due from other National llauks Orjes 31
Ikiuklug house . furniture, and fixtures e;o ui
Current expenses and taxes isild KUM
Premiums ou U. 8. Mouits aioo 00
Checks and other cash Items 7
llltla of other Hanks l.s&u oo
l-racttoual itaiwr currency, tilckels,aud
cents I0i 0
Sitccle 13.0D0 00
iSii lenuer noioa..... ie,uio uu
Itedemptlou fund with It. H. 1 reasurer
s per cent, circulation) tno oo
O TO Pits. lioOKlttEII, under thoHxchur.g
r ""lei. Hank jtreel, for a smooth shave oia
fashlouablo haircut, try closed ou Holiday's
Howler's Hi If tonic, cures Dandruff. We oarry
In stock a full tine of fancy toilet articles at low
est prices, and we are llm only place In town
w here i ou can buy licnder's Creain lor Ihefacc
TJD.CAMl'Illil.UovertheCanat Iirhtge, East
, Wclsspprt, cuts hall, shaves and shampoos
In stile, tllve me a call. You can also huv
llayltum, Hair Tonics, &c at Ihe very lowest
What 1 hey Did at Their Hegular Jtonll.lj
The regular monthly session of
Council convened on Tuesday even
ing The minutes of the previous meet
ings were read and approved.
It. F. HofTord was before council as n
committee from the Board of Health
relntlvo to the salary of tho health
officer and secretary and to learn what
dliosltlon was to bo made of garbage.
It wus resolved that the health
officer unit secretary should compute
Ids own salnry for the first month to
bo approved by thu Board of Health
who aro also authorized to secure the
proper books, blanks, Ac, nud present
bill fur the sumo to council.
A petition trout Mnhoniug street
proiierty holders praying that council
order pavements laid along that street
wns read. Thero wero 01 signers.
It was resolved that pavement be
laid ou that street ns follows: On
both sides from 1th to Gth- streets and
only on tho south side from fith
to lnili.
Property owners will be given thirty
days tlmo to do this work.
The following bills were ordered
D. H. Stoup, sal and postage..,. 23 UU
Carbon Co., Imp Co. light Sept. . Ki U0
O. Itehrlg, stationery 'B0
God. Frantis rcjialrs 7 10
Lalior Sept 217 48
J. J. Hummel, police service 5 25
Total 20n m
Thu committee nn placing electric
lights ou Jahouiiig street reported
that lights bo placed on the south side
of said streets from 5th to 12th, one at
1th and Cypress nnd ono on Third be
tween Alum and Union. The recom
mendations were approved.
Atitherr'L.elilglitoii Kuilronder Itatlly In
jured While fin Duty.
The Allentown Critic gives this ac
count of an accident that befel our
youug townsman, Al Noll, on Inst
Tuesday, at that place.
"Between 3 and -1 o'clock Tuesday
afternoon n serious accident befel Al
Noll, u biakcman ou tho Valley road,
nt tho old Lehigh Valley passenger
Tho train on which Noll was employ
ed wns on a siding to allow tho passen
ger train, duo here nt ,t.4i p. in., to
pass, Tv'hllu standing on the west
bound track engine No. 110 came along
and struck him. Tho engine passed
over him and when he was picked up
It wus found that he was seriously
Threo toes of his right foot were cut
off, his hcud und body were bruised
and ho suffered lutonsely from Internal
injuries. His clothing was almost torn
from his body. Noll was taken to the
Valley depot aud ou the 3.17 train was
seut to St. Luke's Hospltql.
A 1'lcasant Iteuiilun.
Lust Thursday there was n pleasant
Httlo re union ut the pretty home of I.
S. Koch and family on Second street.
It was the first time lu somo years that
tho brothers und sisters were together
and It was made a porlod of rejoicing.
Thero were Mrs. Sarah Masters, tho
venoruble and kindly mother, I. S.
Koch, wife and daughter Mattle, of
town; Wm. Masters, wife and daughter
of Wllkesbarre; Mrs. Pearshall, of
Now York city; George .Vlnnlch and
wlfo of Slatlngton.
Switchback Tluie Tuhle.
CJt leaves Switchback Depot, Upper Mauch
Chunk at 8.10. 10.10 and n, in., I .oo, 2.20,
Xls and 5.3o p. lu.
Car leaves Hiimnilt Hill at U.40 and 11.10 a. in ,
and l.rvi, e.20, 1.35 ami 0.13 p. ni,
Leave Sa inhbackitepnt Mauch Chuuk at 1.S0
ami 2.33 p. m.
I .cave Summit Hill nt 3.23 and 4.00 p. ni.
H..I.JMUMl-'OI!D..Supt. ii fas. AgL
A Word About Shoes!
We nre sellers of 6'ootl Shoes. Our first thought, is uhvavs
Quality.- Wo insist that tho mnrauiacturer shall give us, first of
nil, Good bliocs ; we nlso insist upon having' shoes that are styl
ish. Our business career in Lehightou speaks for itself ; we
claim to sell good, reliable shoes of all kinds, at as low prices a
ninny others charge for shoes that arc manufactured on purpose
to sell cheap. Persons who want
win oner aung the present
week the following lines ot
goods that we consider very
good value and muny of them
cannot be duplicated again this
A yery good article of Ladies
Ribbed Vests at 25 ents, they
are specially well made ot a
superior selected cotton and well
worth the price.
Another line of Ladies Plain
Jnrino Vests at 37$ cents, we
think this value bettor than
generally offered for the money.
One case of Men's Grey
.Mixed Shirts and Drawers at
25 csnts each, this lot cannot be
duplicated at the price as they
are the regular 37 J cent quality.
will come and sec us.
Tula! NIT.m.10
GaplUl stuck iahl lu n.000 00
Undivided pruuU 11,009 Oo
National Bank uufoa uutaUndiim ia,ooo oo
Dividends tuiiaui , , MO no
liHllvJ)laldeiHdtaMUJc4uelieek.. IKMW m
(lerulesleheeki 01
Oiililer's cheek auwtiuidlHg VI IS
Hue In ut her N'aUonal ltauka 1 lt: 30
DtwtuKWte llanksniwl Hankers .. .. 8,410 00
Total. U7,ni
Scat is or rKKKavLVAMa. t.
I, Jnu. T. Hentutel. Cashier g the auovettauiwl
.iwsnwHiun Bnewriiittiitieauute-MSHjNHsiiii
a lo me uwt u tny kiiom leuge ana iieuet.
lUu k , U s4enmly sw fwr I hat t he al
JOBK T. gRMHKI. liMllr.
tubtT Ibed aatl swuru 14 before me tills srd day
ui October, IsK!.
Go nil SAT -An KMT:
It. P. Hm-rouu.
J. t). Zkun, VI)Ueirfi.
A. J. nunuvn.
October II. law.
Salary and expenses paid. Addrets
W. Jt T. SMITH CO., Geneva Nursery,
Geuevu, N. Y., Eatuhllshed 1M0.
John JIauk's lc Max,
The lWthUhem Timet, sayi. of hut
Tuumday't fair:
"An Interesting feature of the at
tractions woe an exhibition bj a Le-
I highton trotting dog The anutmal la
a stoutly built EuglUh tetter, a year
I old, and lias a tiptop gait. He h owned
I by John Hauk, Jr., aud vvaa driven by
dame of pool In a yr, droppod in at i u" 'T,. , ,SJ . .
Widaw'b itool roam the other night ""-
and caught a coupi of export, for B"lid"", ""' "r; "uk u
throe gUBM. Jack oan push a oue aa wouldu t take t300 for "Holiest Max,"
well as he oan posh a tovar. I as the dog it called.
A bpook Without a Head.
The story oomes from up arouud
Treaokow that the place where Mike
Cislyatko was murdered lit now haunt
ed. The "spook" la said to be headless,
aud the supposition is that it is Mike
himself, going arouud looking for hia
head whlon was amputated with a
grubbing hoe at the time of the ttoro
nei'- luquest.
RN, Lehightou, Pa.
Wo are showing by fur a prettier and more complete line of
All Kinds of FURNITURE,
Than ever before, All the new effects ii Bed Room nnd Parlor
Suites, iVide Hoards, Hall Hacks, Jook Cases. Dining Room
Tablos and Fancy Rockers at n marvel of low prices. It will
positively pay you to Guy here for our prices aro in many oases
much lower than you onn buy tho same goods in the city.
Henry Schwartz's,
First street, Lehigh ton.
Nervous Prostration.
MtepIeMn, ftlrk nntl Nervous
Ueadaclir, tlarkarli, I!tilaw,fefor
bid Frtirs Hot Flmibe, Nwrtoui
IrrU. f lu, hi. Vltu Iaar, Uiluiu
llAbl.. Ilrunbf nnna. elf .. tre rurod
by Dr. Slllrs Xteslorallva IVcrvlae. I
It iIom Dot ri'ttun. opUlQA. Un. 8ohU C
ivrowBiM, DttL-rrvi, tiu., usra WILD BNtpi;
We announce this week tlmt wo nro ready for your trade at
Both Our Stores,
-in Lehlghton and Weissport,-
with a full line of
for GO rft simI U'silttes lu t eonipletooiirs. J
(l.l s l'r Kelt VVe.k.
I Isut. will t I i. I WIm. KiU. Omu,
... , ,. . ' ,, w FMMIIoii hi ,,t, inn, uH i il
specimen of three bslloU, aooordluei nUMbpiiiimutiit,u4Dr. miis
tni..n 1.0. .m n . tMii. t'?"'A"!n.lfe'.M'!.1?
Kepublioan; straifbt Ueuooratlo aud a
mixed ticket. This is, or at least should
be worth Use attention ot all our read
ers. Orders for extra oopies must be
sent ia before Wednesday.
Kr l druuUt.
ussrputs. u ouws tor jhsu u u ua
Or. Miles' Nans and
KMi for BStaiisosis. vttrssa Uvsr. sis. ote.
Dr. Miles' Modloal Co.,Elkhnrt,lnd.
Soldbr T.U.Thomas
Ranges, Heaters &
at Lowest Prices.
This diivo is probably the best
artscle of Checked Shirtfngs
ever offered at 6 cents a yard,
there are only about 1000 yards
in the lot.
Ladies iriiite Embroidered
Handkerchiefs in a creat variety
cf styles and qualitiaa1 Special
values at 10c. 12c and 15c,
none bettor anywhwe.
No. 705 HamiltonStreet,
Allentown, pa.