The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, October 15, 1892, Image 2

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    Tlxla Papa, haabten entered at 0ialt(ti
ton Post linn as Serond Clase Matter
The Carbon Advocate
ltatea for I.lcal Advertising-1
Chartfr Kottiw H 00
Auditor Notii es - - - - t 00
Commissioner's Notices - 4 M
Dlyorco Notices 4l
AUmlnlstrsUii i Notion - 1 S2
Biecutor'a Notices oo
Cue Dollar sml Tix-oty-Klve cents trill hero
tan b Invariably charged when mbserjiitlom
are not paid In ailriince.
ir to wish our pap r discontinued at tlio ex
piration "I our term r-LKASi liolltf uby
iMtal rard and the request will lw wmpllw
i,ith. -
Jon. N. DRKsrrr.ot raokelton, is an author
Irtd represonuUTe ot tills Wllca. All tavors
bowu hint mil be appreciated by ns.
Bona Fids Circulation Larfrer tlian Hint of
mnjr sveeaij newspaper mine voumj.
Mari-n CursK, Aug. 21, 1802.
Rd.tor or the Advocate : Some of
tax anemloa linvo been circulating the
report that 1 had made a compact with
Mr H. J. Kuntz, Hepublloau nominee
lor the Legislature, to olect him to sold
office. I desire to sny through your
oolumn"i tliat It Is false, nnd that I nm
heartily for W. P. lliery, the Demo
emtio uominxe.
Tours trulr.
Ueo. W. Esseii
The Lsnsford Record colobrato Its
fclrlbday by appearing iu nn cnlnrged
The rnESENT light for street Uluuii
nation is not sufficient. Council should j
glr the arc light some consideration.
The circulation of our paper this
week Is HCO. Tho 2000 mark Is not so
Yery far away. Will you help us get
there T
SaumtUILOAm has evidently decided
Hot to bo a candidate against Joe
Fisher for District Attorney. This
deoUIon on Sammy's part shows that
there Is some wisdom in tho south
First street wigwam.
And Ben Ki-ntz is tho father of the
local license on hucksters, butchers,
and fanners In this town. Thcro Is no
getting out of that. It brings 81000 in
the local treasury every year and lien
should not be ashamed of that. Seo 1
A LAW should bo passed that will
equalize taxation. That is n law that
will be honest to tho farm Jiolder whb
Jsnpw .assessed as high for farmland
as coal operators are for coal land that
(tan not be purchased at nny price.
This is unjust to the farmer and should
sot be.
-' IU -
. Vt bays referred so ofteu to tho
necessnyot more industries for Lo-
hlgbton Welssport that anything wo
say on the subject only seems like an
echo of somo previous remark and yet
more manufacturing industries If wo
want to moro f urthor along tho line.
Ana mate legislature v, hen It re
assembles should pass a law prohibi
ting any railroads from allowing Its emt
ployees to work moro lhan twenty
four consecutive hours without reason
able amount ot rest. When this Is
ence done there will bo fewer wrecks
and less loss of life on tho railway.
i L
Bin Kuntz ha9 joined another lodge.
This time it is the Knights of l'ythlas,
at Summit Hill. If tho campaign lasts
much longer lieu will be ablo to reach
. every town In tho county, l'oiinnatcly
r'Jhfs style of campaigning is too thin
to catch intelligent voters. Ben will
be a dead cock In tho pit on election
Candidate Bierv will bo the next
member of Assembly from Carbon
an voto lor lilm because ho represents
the manifold Interests of the masses.
There is no humbug about him. He
will go to llarrisburg and tho Interests
ot the common people will be carefully
watched. That Is just the kind of a
man wo want. You will voto for him.
Tub political horizon of Ben Kuntz
Tfhloh-once seemed bo refulgent with
promise Is not quite so clear now tho
people aro gettingou to him and begin
to uuder&tand why. In less than a vear
he joined all the secret societies In this
tnnil. Ihft cnnnnrlinn.l - in..
uunu uu4u, i-. Aim nuuiu
"Ji""" J "".V. 1111 I
. - mo
o uuv iu iu iou uotierwHUarawand
IT is amusing tu uavo Ben Kuntz
po&a as the friend of the laboring peo
ple wnen lie Is pledged to vote for
Matt Quay for United States Senator
"a-W-Bioatea to tho state legislature.
.,Ben won't be elected, the common
people can't be huinbureod bv siinli
Hallow pretences. That time is past.
your uanot. bear the name of Win,
F Blery for state representative and
an honest, conscientious young man
will represent the county In tho legislature.
Itjs hardly less than ono Tear mm
that "alirewd" Benj. Jefferson Kuntz
was telling tho pooplo of Lohighton
that he was the man who had brought
about a system of licensing huckster
and peddlers In this town that netted
tho borough a S1000 a year. Now, ho
don't want anything to do with it, but
that makes no dlirerenco, Ben Kuntz
t tho man who had the ordlnauoo
passed taxing every farmer fifteen to
twenty five cents who sold n bushel of
potatoes or a quart of cidcron our
to vote for him I Poor Ben, you're a
ly hypocrito but tho Carbon county
farmers are on to you.
lUtlotl Mar Not bo Heady.
Colonel W. Hayes Grler, superinten
dent of publlo printing and bludlng,
cays U Is a practical impossibility to
have printod the election ballots under
the new law in tlmo for election. It
will require, he says, 11,000 reams of
white and tinted paper In equal quaul
ties, which will weigh nearly 400 tons.
There are few I'resses iu the State
upon which the tieket can be printed.
Three regular and three speolmen bal
lots will be regulred for eaeh voter.
The official ballot now being printed
It is stated that there is not enough
paper in the country of tho kind re
quired to supply all the ballots needed.
Cape overooatc, storm overooaU,
light and dark kersey, beaver and
chinchilla svercoats for men, boys aud
children at a saving of 33 per cent can
b bought at Sondhelm's Tailoring
llielleetat Nam Chilled from a Multi
tude of Sourres.
Abraham Slpllng, of Statkstown,
Barnbrldge, Lancaster county, died on
Sunday from taking two doses of parls
Ned Irish, superintendent of the
Cornwall and Lebanon Railroad, on
Saturday tendered his resignation as
general seperlnteudent ot tho road, to
take effect on November 1.
John Bowman, ot Lancaster, died
Sunday night from tho effects ot a fall.
Ho had been down tho street, and on
his way home fell, striking his head
upon the pavement.
Joseph Day, of Blackwood, Schuyl
kill county, died Jlonday morning from
Injuries recelvod by tailing down a
manway at Blackwood colliory, where
ho was employed.
Albert Lenta, n brakoman on the
Reading railroad, was caught between
the cars at St. Nicholas Monday after
noon and had his head so badly crushed
that ho died a few minutes later.
Thomas Cooke, aged t!5, a brakemau
on tho Lehigh Valley Railroad, while
climbing to the top of a box car at
Plltston Monday morning, fell on the
track and was run over and instantly
Wallace Strohm, charged with at
tempted assault upon a little girl near
his home at Lcesburg, and who had
escaped from the county jail, was
arrested at Easton Sunday and Is now
in jail at Carlisle.
Irrln Henninger, a prominent
undertaker of Reading, a member of
tho firm of Chas. Henninger & Sou
diod Monday morning, of hoart dis
ease, after a short Illness. Ho was well
known lu Masonic circles.
F. Flukbahort a railroad employo, of
Coatosvlllo, jumped from a freight
train running at tho rnto of twenty
miles an hour Monday afternoon and
fell under tho cars. Half ot tho train
passed over him and ho was Instantly
killed. .
William O. Maurer, a prominent
business man of GlrnrclvlUo, diod at
his home Tuesday ot heart failure
Monday night the largo grist mill
and dwelling house of Henry II. Stoh
man, In Manor township, Lancaster
county, was destroyed by a tiro.
At midnight Monday masked thieves
visited Mr. aud Mrs. Joseph Easterly,
an aged couple living near Hereford,
Berk's, county,' and after shamefully
abuslug them ransackod tho house.
They got twenty-five cents.
The cadets at tho Pennsylvania Mili
tary Academy, Chester, have reorgan
ized tho foot-ball team for this season.
The team is an excellent one, and
promises to do somo good work this
The congregation of the First l'ros
bytcrlan Church, West Chester, have
extended a unanimous call to Rev.
William. U. tnlnl, of Now Castle, Ta.,
to fill tho vacancy Incurred a few
months ago by tho roslgualiou of their
pastor, Rev. Or. J. C, Culdwell.
Thomas Matthews, of Philadelphia,
a Iiouso painter, whllo at work In Lan
caster Monday fell from a step ladder
to tho pavement, n distance of forty
feet. Ills head was cut, body, arms and
legs bruised, and ho was injured inter
nally, fatally, it Is feared.
Tho special feature of Monday's pro
ceedings In tho Pittsburg A. M. E.
Conference at Oil City was the matter
of organic union of tho African Meth
odist Episcopal Church and tho Sec
ond African Methodist Episcopal
Church. Tho voto stood forty-two In
fnvor and two against.
Francis Dcloy, a prominent lumber
man, at Williamsport, was run over by
n Fall Brook train and killed.
Instead of having diod from cholcrn
as was feared, Tlios. Qlgllott, of Potts.
villo, died from congestion of tho brain.
While running to extinguish a lire at
his slaughter house, Win, Rhode, of
Johnstown, fell from oxhausatlon and
will dio.
Rather than be n burden to his fam
ily, 7.1 year-old A brum Sipling, of
Stackstown, Lancaster county, Bwal
lowed parls green and died.
Ciovcrnor Pattlson has granted a
pardon to Francis Si'gmau, Jr., Easton.
Joseph Day, of Blackwood, died from
injuries received by falling down a
manway at the Blackwood colliery.
Samuel Bickel, of Myorslown, fell
from a chestnut tree breaking both
arms, fracturing his chest bone and a
number of ribs, besides receiving so
vero Internal injuries. Ho was 40 feet
above ground when he fell.
Indicted for fraud and conspiracy at
the last torm of court, Architect IS. E,
Beebo, of Buffalo, N. Y., the architect
ot the new court house at Fottsville,
and Contractor R. B. Taylor, filed
bonds and gave sureties. Beebe'x bond
wa? ?10,00u and Taylor's 20,000.
A ten per cent reduction in wages
has been ordered by the Crescent steel
works company. The wages of eight
hundred employes of the firm will be
reduced on October 20.
Frank Finkbaher, employed lu the
yard of the Pennsylvania Railroad at
Philadelphia, attempted to get on a
freight train running at tho rate of
thirty miles an hour at Coatsvillo. His
left arm was pulled from his body and
he was thrown under the train and
mangled. Ho was about 23 years of
ago aud leaves a wife and two children.
A epidemic of scarlet fever and dlph'
theria has broken out at Juniata, a su
burb ot Altoona. Over 35 cases are
already reported. The public school
has been closed, and at least 2ft pupils
aro sick. Refuse ot all kinds has been
ecently dumped near tho public school
building, and tho appearanro of the
disease has been traced to this.
An Interesting ltelume of the Strike Rta-
tUtlcufottlie 1'aet Year.
In the last year there were 101 labor
strike or lockouts In tho State of
Pennsylvania. Of these 81 were strikes
at coal mines. Of this number 78 were
at soft coal mines in other parts ot the
State. There were six strikes in the
Anthracite region distributed as fol
lows: Luzerne .1; Schuylkill 2 and
Northumberland 1.
The Luzorno strikes woro caused by
a demand tor nn Increase of wages.
Both wero failures. Tho Schuylkill
strikes were both failures. One was
for semi-monthly pay and the other
was a difficulty about tho price of mine
supolles. The Northumberland strike
was nlso a failure.
It will thus b6 seen that the anthra
cl(e coal region aro free from strikes,
much more eh) than , any other section
ot the State, but their strikes are all
It Is a common Idea that a strike Is
never successful. You are always told,
If you are a workman; that you can't
point out n single instance whore the
strikers won. On tho contrary, out of
the 191 strikes, 21 were In favor of the
strikers, three were unsettled at the
time of the closing up of the figures
and 101 resulted In tho defeat of the
- Coal minors and slate quarrymen
were tho only ones who won. Tho lat
ter had perhaps the most excellent
reason for striking as thov struck for
back pay and the courts hadn't any
chances to run strikers of that class lu
for treason, aud quarry owners who
cant pay their workmen the, wages due
them are rarely nble to stand up n
railroad for a private car for judges.
Of the 81 coal mtno strikes 79 were
ordered by labor organizations.
Iu a list of 101 strikes we find that
32,073 men were engaged In the strikes
and tho ostimated loss to tho workmen
was $7,070,203.1)0. Of this amount $4,
000,000 can bo charged up to the fa
mous coka strike In the Connelsvlllo
region. Tho loss of the employers Is
estimated at $9,2GC,309.41. But In many
cases tho employers placed tho estl
mate on their losses while it struck
them harder than the men. Altogether
thcro were 00 Btrlkes for lucreaso of
ages, 23 of which succeeded and 70
of which, failed.
One ot tho greatest strikes lu the
history of the Stato next to our Home
stead strike of to-day and the longest
perhaps Is tho strike ot the Pittsburg
printers. On October lsty 1801, the job
printers and pressmen of that city
struck for a working day of nine hours.
There nro 194 men out to-day and are
as llrm ns ever. The strikers maintain
cd largely by contributions from tho
Typographical Union. The strike is
far from being settled yet.
11 rill uc IWM ut ucvi. mw vm vw-
. i . . ... i., l.uul kvMhMit tll k IIIITlHallia (il
utq pat it-in li is atwolutely Uanule. auTwtir
i tU i mailt uv nun fiwvuj cure, whmiw
ilia ntifni i a iuuderiU drinker or nBtotmll
. kr 1 1 ii.i illAU In ttlmi.L.iilfi uf t-lUM'8
Am iuBkfiv lUttUmd m i ill i mt- liD lulkm
1 It noT UilL Tin -mnmh . ue lniirtic
mufti wit the ii utlfr iin
IIMMIOU"' ii in ni- in t i mrft
li.-fttiUiUl fur tbll
AUIlfS Hit ti'lUUR-
1 1 uu Uavo never botn iu tuitviil
w iuiva uLier found out who yuur
. 1 fiieudi aio
The llev. Win, Major, of the M. U, Church,
The Rer. William Major, lmstor ot
the Fritz Memorial M. E. Church,
Bethlehem, has made arrangements to
preach a seriea ot sermons to working
men and their friends. The Rev. Mr.
Major is a profound student of the
labor and industrial problems, says
the Bethlehem Times, though ho will
not discuss them extensively lit these
The sermons will bo delivered on
Sunday evening. The ilrat on October
10 and another every ronseoutlve Sun
day night until tho series of five has
been exhausted. Tho subjects in sue
eeaslve order are: "The Dignity of
Labor," "The Rights of Labor," "Tho
Dangers of Ijabor," "Tho Working Man
and the Sabbath," and "The Working
Man and True Religion." Christ, wh
himself wa a working man, will form
the lioati foundation of all the ser
The llev. Mr. Major uaa sent out a
thousand cards ot welcome aud hopes
to. have twnraeentatire congregations
during the delivery ot the aerlea.
hearty welcome is extended to all to
Now that school is open it
tfont bo out of the way to talk
for a moment about TABLETS
anil to bring in incidentally a
wort! in referencu to stationery
cf all kinds. Now, in Tablets,
we haven't got the largest or
best assortment in the world,
but we have ns nice nn assort
ment no can be found hereabout
nnd the prices are very low.
When school opens you will
need a Tablet, then why not
buy it here! Low prices, good
paper, etc. In writing paper
nnd envelopes we enn sell you
a good article very cheap; why
not buy here we will appreci
ate joiir patronnge and treat you
right, Come and see us.
BIERY, The Druggist.
sxcitKT Nociirrr nossii'.
of-letyTld-llllfl r Intereit to the Mem
ber of the Fraternity.
On Friday evening, November 4,
Stroh Council, 731, Jr.O. U.A. M.,of
East Welssport, will be one year old
and the auspicious event will bo cele
brated in a very appropriate mannor
by the Council. Prominent members
f the order will bo present and speak.
The P. O. S. of A. convention, at
Lebanon last week, adopted a fuucral
dirge composed by II. Ed. BuiBugton,
llarrisburg. It will be used all over
the United States, and sung to the ntr
of "Nearer My God to Thee." It Is as
Farewell I Oh, ltrotherdear I
'lliy earthly toll
Muw steena so ttllcnt In
Ihv Native soli,
rlothrd lu lied, While aud lllue
i n y utfti9, so loyal, true,
We with our tears hedew.
Our tears beden.
No more hi earthly Camp,
Thy lace appears.
Sov'retfiii of Mherty
Thy voice now lieais.
With 1'ulrlots of old.
Hod's huule call has told
Thy duellliigs, there to hold,
liic'ainis of gold.
ThoDeltcho Tcntonla Verlne will
meet in regular session on Afauday
It Is expected that tho three de
grees will be conferral on at least 50
candidates at tho School of Instruc
tion, Oct. 17. District firand Chief
' rancis P. Hunsickor will have charge
of the ceremonies, which will be con
noted in tho hall of Livingston Cas
tle, No. 233, Allentowu.
Columbus Day will be celebrated
with three great Golden Eagle demon
strations at Slatlngton, Altoona aud
St. Lawrenco Castle, No. 103, of St.
Lawrence, Berks county, will be Insti
tuted Oct. 19 by District Orand Chief
Howard L. Boas and staff. This is the
third Castle organized by Bro. Boos lu
tho past three mouths.
What ! KlertroaolieT And What Will It
'I lie Klectrouolse has been 111 use for four
eais, and Is well known In some sections ot the
United mates, but there are a fireat many sut
fereis that hare neier heard the name, 'those
that have heard ot It and seen something o! its
wonderful power, are curious to know how an
instrument so small and so simple can accom
plish cures so itreat. Now, while the Electro
poise Is very wouderlul, It is not at all myster
ious. Its operation falls lu with what we know
ot science, and nny one all ftmlllar Willi the
simplest Mcts ol lllolosy aud l'hsiocan under-
How It operates. The way In which the i:iec
troiKilse accomplishes its cures Is very simple
and natural. It consists ota polarizer, which Is
connected bya woven wire cord with a small
plate and garter. This polarizer Is Immersed In
cold water, or put on Ice. 'I he plate at the other
end ol the col it is attached to ihe w am. body of
the patient, iscuerally at the ankle. From t be
Inherent nature ot this polarizer It becomes
charged, negatively liy the well known laws ol
Induction, the plate, and with it the body ot the
patient, becomes positively charged. Ihe body
thereby becomes a centre oi attraction lor ne
gative iHHlles. Oiygen Is the most negative torm
ol matter in uatme. Hence the bodv.baUied In
the atmosphere, drinks In thollte-glvlng oTjgeu
ut every pore. Kvery process ot life is thereby
dulckeued. The temperature rises; the pulse
lure lis Willi ululler beat; the skin tingles with
new Pllei every organ acts nun rcieru vikui,
and the eflete Violsonous products ot the budv
h Muin ttf wit ll .tf.
Ilia aulckened change of matter w hich oxygen
produces throughout the sj stem, Is accompanied
by a largely Increaseu genesis ot nerve uorce,
Organs halt dead and staguant are born again,
u...i in iierfnrin their wonted functions.
The heart, the lungs, the liver, the organs ot the
external senses, the orgaus ot reproduction all
these throw oil their derangement aud w eak
ness, and even the disordered Intellect ot oft
times reenthroned. Where disease lias not
uln adv made loo great ravages, restoiatlon to
Derlect health Is Inevitable. The hlectropolse
HMneraUyused at night while the patient is
asreen, but may be applied, ot course, at any
time, and to several persons during the twenty,
lour holir". 11 will lista llle-lline. never weais
out nor loses Its strength, never n-eds mending
"onlleS'iauilli will render that family
largely ' independent ot doctors and druggists,
aiiitlms will save every year many times Its
"'Kotanelectncalappllalice.-Tlie Hlectropolse
Is hot In any way akliVto Ui numerous electri
cal appliances, such as belts, insoles, corsets,
shields. &.C, pilmed off upon the public. It has
no method o generating a current, nor means
otcSnctlnE "lie. It acts upon well-known
b ologicil pilnclptes. and is heartily endorsed
by ma ny ol the best physicians Inthis and other
p" cllce. 'it ts pronounced by them the greatest
discovery In the history of medicine. In that it
does away w lib the use ot medicines.
Ilirectlons for iisliiK.-Accoiiipauvlngeac i In
strument is a book of rustrucuons fully explain
lug lis uses. Its method ot cure I; so simple
ami free from danger, that the un nl lated and
ell cniiuien can un " i--
success. ,. ,,.... h an.
Kd tonal ill liosion uutnuii """V"
ocate ot Ulble Holiness. Repte mbe r s. 1 I:
"A method ot treatment ot. disease, without
the use ot any medicines or .drugs, Jir;
been quietly extending Itself over all parts of
llwUiiilS States during the past three) ears
lin very graiuvinK rcsui.n. .
We are slow lo commend new dlscov f ries ot
any klud. tor tlieieasonlliatsoliianyotiiieiii
rove to lie woniiica. uu.. ..
:iectroiioise as a saie aim rurwno vt.""
storef . We pretend to explain uie uiiiiusupiir
ot is woi mugs, uui, in.iu ""i,",y,
llclal effects, we call speak of Its result. About
one vear ago we recommended It tu Ilro.1. 1).
Ware.otHiiladelphla, tor his son. who wasft
reat sufferer iroin ociauca. no jiu
i.tiii various ways and found none, lie was
The Cheapest Place in Town
For Wnll Paper, Borders and Decora
tion is at
Owen Rehrig;'or,,In,n'er """
The AHHortiiieiBt
T1IK SlNflKlt.'
Nothing Like it. It Heats the World for
Thero was quite a rivalry at the fair
amongst tho different sowing machines
that were on exhibition, but the others
dldn t appear to be in it, with the
Singer Sewing Machine they had the
greatest variety of sewing machines
from tho Light Automatio used exten
sively for gloves and umbrella and cap
and hat making down to the shoemaker
machine. Tho display of needle work
done ou tho singer was immense, iu
fact too beautiful to be described, but
Its nothing wonderful when you nee
the machine on which it is executed.
The well-known and deserved popu
larity of this excellent machine makes
It one machine ot the world and per
haps to this end a brief sketch of tho
Singer will not be out of order:
ThoSlngor factory turns out five
complete machines per minute the
year round. Ships from 8,000 to 14,000
machines per week, the crates for
which use 8,000,000 feet of lumber per
year. One steamer, Edward Clark, la
bept busy transporting goods and ma
terial to and from New York, and this
Is only one ot the bIx factories owned
aud operated by this corporation. The
factory at Kllbowle, Scotland, Is as
large as the Klliabethport factory,
The other factories are located at
flouth Bend, Ind.s Cairo, Ills.; Mout
real, Canada, and Vienna, Austria. In
their several factories the Singer com
pany have over forty acros of floor
space covered with machinery, twelve
thousand peeple employed in making
their machines, and over three times
this number employed lu making them
they have their own ofllees and sal
uried employees In every city In the
civilized world.
Besides their three styles of family
maehlues. they make machines for
over one hundred and eighteen differ
ent kinds of manufacturing. It is the
boast of this company they never make
a statement that they cannot back up
by the figures aud the proofs. They
sell 800,000 machines a year, or nearly
three-fourths ot all tho machines sold
In the world. Three machines out of
every four are Singers, leaving the
other one to be divided between the
149 other sewing machines ot the world,
Mr. C. J. yulnn, a pleasant and tool
able gentleman from Hbeuandean,
finf I va UUV Mild fOlind
almost helpless, and rapidly decll'illli!. The use
ot the mectropolse restored luni i to
lolcliujasonewhohas found gi eat spoil. Wo
have aeeii testimonials ot most remarkable
cures. Tills notice ot the Blectroiwlso Is wit ,
out solicitation, and entirely gratuitous. We do
It tor the good it the antlcted. We haye no per
Bonal Interest In Itand ale not paid for what
WThe!inowlKdltorlal In Central Methodist,
Cnllettsburg. Ky., was written by Zephaunlah
aieek, u. v., euitori , ,
"Unless about ten thousand men. mainly pro
fessional men. law) ers, doctors, editors, preach
..., n,t,u-luus. Iiicliianie the writer.
are' very much mistaken, the Electropoise effects
cures and elves rebel where all oilier known
remedies liave tailed, especially II ;ls 'efficacious
In the case ot delicate women ami iu ...
dreu. 1 have used one for the past two years,
....i .....I i, n l iMimtlva aent.1
names oi pronuoeu. pcuiutj i., ...
Ihe U. H. generally can be furnished on. appli
cation. Our cures cover all parts oltneuuiieu
Mates ana Europe, uver wv i-jup.o ..
been Heated with the most gratifying results.
1 n the large majority ol cases ot cures have beeu
ipeeay, uui pur claims aio muuea., ouw ...
Tanrir.. .h,nni Miaea von cannot expect
siieedy cures. We positively retuse to mi me
Kleclroiiotse 111 nopeiesscjv-ws.
la book ol testimonials or for any Informa
tion, send hiamp or an at
riertropotse Treatment company,
1311 Arrh Mreel.
ti. iiniiriened hereby notify all persons
that hunting, fishing and nutting on their prem
ises In Kast I'enn and Mahoning township Is
tlrlcUy lorblddeu, all persona fouml trespassing
aim ulsregaruiiiK mis ..... r- r'
dealt w Itb arenrutug lo law i
viuit the new l'Vltg Church.
Key. Major was foituerlv I mat or of the general manager iu this district.
the M K Church in this place. and the agent here Is r. r. lien.
notice to Trespassers.
II. lMlombert.
Jonas ifOinbert,
James K. Tetfr,
CliaUM K. Kelu lK.
Moses ii. nex,
Ktluin U. IVIer,
1). U. J (HI ley,
A. M. btttler.
J.I). Kttlllt-t, Knlb,
A. 1'. HU-lt'erwall,
Wm. II. Keber,
Nathan Kf muley,
Daniel Hex,
Auam jiiiit
Jonathan I-aucMier,
..evi bieigernnii,
T. W. htferwalt.
Kniery Hotue,
I.V. lioppwi,
U. A. Anureaa.
TtAubMi KbLwrt.
(Jforge Career,
David Whr,
ctiarlea MMigel,
I'hlliu ttei.tx'U,
Ijw II. KrurliT.
Uarofiua llatxriiwu.
name i iiacuraau.
Dank 1 1 Frill,
David L. Frill.
Abraham mtu-r,
Hainan uon.nau,
lteury SemmrJ,
Aarou IWrniuaii,
Wm. liutbt
J. B. HelnUleman,
lliomas llanej-,.
(Mdm Krhrlif,
Natltau (leriiiiin,
A. u. Hihaiikvt eller.
)ui) an KolD,
I!. T. Schlf Ifhtr,
Kiln Smith,
K. KfrrouiiTff,
JefTrraoQ A. Writ man,
tl. H.FIuk,
Dtnii.s Ilex,
Merman l'eltr.
Kraucli ttteljifiwalt,
J, (ieorge,
A.M. SttlKtrwalt,
Iwli tauc liner,
Uwd Btelt;erwalt.
Jokhua Htvlizerv.ait,
Ibomas Itucli,
John Stuuh,
Jacob HtelRervtalt.
Iwla Kucn,
WilsiHi tbbf rt,
Ihtvld Miltar,
Alfred Wertmaii,
Charles Itrhrlic,
Daniel Shelly,
Kdwlu DengkT.
KeutxHi Nen,
Htunuel Hjivder,
Uarrlwu HWftraH,
John 1 Fritz.
Udward HitUr,
Joteph Hopeps,
K. v. Helirlif.
Harry A. FlvMlw.
flas. OlBtr,
IWgh. AbdrMS.
l A K H V V I LI.K.
Just Received n lnrgo nnd benutiful line of '
All Silk nt only 37 Jc. per ard.
Is n new wnsh fabric, printed on light and dark grounds, all new
designs, beautiful finisli,
Aie ono of tlis newest of the fine wash goods for the season. IPc
have them in a variety of colorings and styles.
New things in lllack and White
! LACES. ;
In skirt and rtifilo width, including the popular 'l'oint de
Irlindt. Our stock of
is complete and is up to the times in the new shades and differ
ent weaves, including many novelties not to be found elsewhere.
hensonnble underwear lor ladies, men nnd children.
C. A. REX.
Mauch Oliunlc, Pa
to Buyers.
We offer just now n special in-
wiuuon 10 our iricnU4 nnd
patrons to come 'und see us.
The summer is fust .fleeting
and wo will make special
prices to sell out our summer
goods in order to have n full
swing on our full nnd winter
stock of Dry Goods, Notions
and Ready-Mado fJlotiiing.
Wo have no room to quote
prices, but they arc low
enough. Don't miss this
opportunity but come at
viicc Then tyo, we aro the
recognized headquarters for
for all kinds of
JTruits & Vegetables
in Season
nt the lowest- of very low
prices. A-ompt and cortcous
treatment to nil aud it is no
trouble to show goods,
Cannl llildge. Kuntz k Co.
East Weisspoi t.
v 1 New
and '
Halu and Sonnets
At Lowest Prices at
Miss Alvoiiia, Graver, LeSgLt
First Street,
on, Fa
And we are confident thnt it will be to your iuterest to call
and eee us before you buy olsewhere. you can select hero with
tho same ndvnntago as in the larger cities, prices nnd quality of
Roods being tho same, and in some instances better. We
also have a
At Our Usual Low Prices.
Though we have been ery quiet this summer,
You see wo had httendert selling our buatness
here and so did uot keep up slock, but now, hav
ing concluded to tay, we purpose staying and
puatilnp shoo business with all our energy.
Have shelved store to celling, packed It nltn
coods and are In position to turnish best shoes
lor the money that can be sold. We know and
want you to know that wo are ready and are
attain an Immense lot ol candy to our customers.
It Is put up lu handsome boxes which jou Mill
all appreciate. Our past efforts will seem tame
lu comparison to our future, tor we Intend to
build up an linmenie trade or kuovv the reason
and handsome slioes shoes that will wear aud
five you the most for your money It our object
o sell t tie m at low profits but lots of them.
This Is our first shot of the Fall campaign, but
to be followed by ceaseless efforts to make ou
feel that when jou want shoes the place jou
want to go Is tu
Babies! ime Wflm $fee fifoce
3 Hamilton Street, AUontown.
l.U.1. llalus ii f Nts.
l'lie folluKiiiK t'arbou county 10
uttcml the Webt 1'bw.ler Blate . , iHu.krton llotol
Vor Haul ur Bala.
A uluslile utore property,
V. It. Traub rejoice oyer the ar
rival of a lirlnht baby boy.
W. 11. Ramaley lias Just rebuilt
aud beautifully renalntfal "LlMle," No,
4 euglne of the Carbon Iron anil Bleel
Clmrlea llelfonl, of lire Line, ! all
tmlles over a baby girl arrival.
I'lana aud Oreau Tuuluif.
Mr. K. K. Smith recently from the
New England Conservatory of Music,
Iloston, ilaiw., Is looated at Mauch
Chunk; he iloes work at a reasonable
price anil guarantees it. As to his
ability he would refer you to Professore
Klelutop and others for whom he has
done tuuiug.
A beautiful antique oak or walnut
33 Inches high, elohwl glass door, 8-day
striking and alarm dock, fully war
ranted, for only WM, at E. II. Hohl's,
Mauch Chunk; other dealers ask 5.00
for the same Identical clock. TbU Is
.ltuated , ,-at attclouk bargain ever offered.
MEDICINES, genuine and best
SOAP?, large line nnd clienp.
WINES,ff('0 fr medicinal use
CIGARS, tlie ,,est nmi'e-
SPECTACLES, nn extensive
nnd increasing tiade. I guar
antee satisfaction to uiery
AT the
Central Drug Store,
Dr. G. T. HORN.
Hot Prices for Sixty Days
No. 8, Full Size, Complete
Hnngc, $'20. No. 1." with No.
8 top, complete, as low as $17,
We offer these geods at these prices for
the next Slily Days. We have on hand a
lot of Becmul Ilaiul, First-class
Parlor Doulle Heaters.
which we will tell at very low flitures. All
of our too Js are guaranteed to please Ihe
buyer or money refunded.
Call and lea our large alock before
uiijliig elsewhere.
Fino H'ines, Liquors nnd Cigars.
Fresh Deer and Porter.
PUBB LUNCH every day from 00 to
12:00 a. m., and every Saturday even
ing. Cull and see ine. I will treat
ljiioftlte the Carriage Works,
North First Street, l.ehighton.
To Trespassers.
All penes are tmtby eautlaaad sjalaat
Itlr for
lwnllug. futiBsor iiulllwi. . rvtMuufauKMltraa-
pasili wm a dean un iu
triuii&atllMr tin tha Itfouellv ft tbe tinui
loaatMluiiie uufiMaiiei iiiunmi. wiw ier
u fall aitabt af tLa
Noriusvl bubuol. Margaret Jones,
lAUfford; Courad aud George Wen
dell, Tiesekow.
right. Apply to Leopold Mayers, oo
the premises or ut CaBoi Adixx-xie
offloe. 10-1-M
Terras tarae ouautities for cash en
O w-
able us to sell at these ridiculously
low prioes.
InstructiorjH on the Piano
and Organ given by
Third St., Lehighton.
All the now and improved
methods otinatriiLtion. Satislki
tion guaranteed.
Fob Terju call on or addresa as
A three story double frame dwelllug
uuuna uuu.aiuiiijr mu uiie store rooms
and twenty other rooms on north llrst
street In Lehighton ia offered for sale
cheap ana on easy terms. The build
ing is suitable for a hotel plant aud
has stable and other out bulldiims.
For further particulars aud terms call
on or auurees
Hlstler's Restaurant,
Aug. 13, 3m. Lehlgbtou .I'a
Robt. N. Anthony,
(Sueeeewr to J. r. Rfs; East Wlssoif.)
Fnrnitnre, Flour & Feed.
at the Lowest Prices.
Oire us a call. No trouble to show
Executor's Snlo
a THoaouort
All the Newest Things in
Wall Paper and Decorations,
Window Shading, &c,
Now on Exhihitilioii nt
Lowest Prices. Give us a Call.
Dress Boon's,
"Wo have laigf and varied,
lines of Di ets Goods at 75c and
50o a yard in Plain nnd ' Fancy
Heaves and Mixtures, jt 75c
a jard a great many of the fancy
Weaves nre dress lengths only.
They nre worth exnniining.
634 Hamilton St., Allentown.
Bast Cks W kl.4tala,
)T.tPVTFa CaM iaoakttair. Ttttmc TUtlM ta
IT UrPL1t Bsxsu Hm wtb sWakkMWtf. Rstltnl
MOtl T(Mk'aV
Answers an oft asked Ques
tion, namely :"
Why can Kreidler paint so
cheap and sell new wag
ons chepaer than others?
Because liBliiissaiiu sells for Cash!
Tho good customers don't
need to pay for the had payer's
joh. I am using just as good
material as the others.
I want to do business after
this season. Examine my work
then give me a trial, h it I want
my Cash, then my goods are
cheap, and only then,
Yours, in good spirits,
East Wcissport, - PcnnV
m i vmpn Wtdfrft wake worker eterywliifre for
nnililnJ hupi niuiiigrriii. ol ut
U'orld," the grwlt look ou wirtli eol
I DC IIW.HUU; rVlatll l V IHW JI luw run,
n tt ti n nm mammoth Illustrated circular and
XH H.rr Xteruislree; dally ontmK overlWO
Muui m volume. ARrms huu wuiivue-
eM. Mr.Tbos. L. Martiu, CntreTHiiexat,
tf-JSf. flU Pnntnirpanh? SOS'Jit
IlsaV Adii.;i.UUlUlilUUUIl K.l
liuwaril Mullii, Lyons. N. J..ioi lu 7 hours
a boiuuirai liuigiilllnni out-np fnl.. UrnnU
niouin.wi. nooks ourrwnt u tjp wnr n
Frelgtt laid. Ad. lllobe U "",l,1U
liibln rublulilns Co ,ra Ulmtnut Ht , Plilla..
I'a., or aso nrarboru St., Chicago, ill.
The prettiest line of Fall nnd
Coats, Jackets, Cloaks,
Trimmed Hats !
ever put on sale in Carbon coun
ty can now be seen at
Millinery Stores,
Lehighlon &. Weissport
The ladies of the county will continue to find us headquart
ers for all the new and pretty things in Millinery at the lowest
prices. You need not go tj Allentown or I'uiladelplua, we will
sell you eheniier than you can buy in the cities. City milliners
are always emploj-ed here.
Pic Nics and Parties supplied on short notice.
Wo nlso hnve a full line of
Fine Groceries, Seasonable Fruits
and Pretty Jewelry.
J owest prices run on everything, (live us a call.
B. K, Culton, Lehighton, Pe.
Are among the new things now on exhibition in our store. We
believe that nowhere in this county can you find a prettier
assortment to select from nt lower prices. Our goods are not
trash but good honest goods ot lowest prices.
The forme in all delectnblo dainties, and everything seasonable
in the lntter. Sunday schools, festivals supplied at low prices
All the Very Latest Novelties in Toys
Lowest prices nnd biggest assort nient.
Clias. H. Nusbaum,
It eft I frlHtitta !
Mary SllWr. Ku el tl ltrMtii i Yiiuartt
dfCMbfteU, wftl aril at uVtealOMtnH-fwlfa,
in WfriMpott, Carbou
OOTOHER 22. 1892,
si two o'aloes u. iu., tUa fulWwlss larr Tal4aLU
lam .Miin
uifLOajlMaauair, I'a-. lwo4l Uy Ud
II. BUMS' sbsjoso a. ai
llMl !fe(aW.tou
lilt 1'IHIIHIU
sUa at KrisVw MrfM. I
All I Lu. lata mi lulu IJI
of mtnukii, nuut ou is Ksnti
in saw tsorauvo or waiaa-
s oil;.
aadJoboS. Millar, uuon
Uiu) ffft atul iixM, rueclivWy, iili ail
urMir uultHiUulutti TbUru(Mrly I vt
oltlbl Iutaim1, and wouM inaav a art
bualufM itUiiil. autl tU b twltl 1ukI1ii
Miuaraui at lu uvuuu m iiw a-ouir
lvriuJ autl cuiMiULows Mill Lr miaUc iuow
llwe tout plac nl aaW by
la the plaoa to buy
Dry Goods, Notions,
Dress Goods. Proilsions.
Oroceiies. Flour. Poiate.
And everything olse to be found
in a thoroughly firnt-class Gen
eral Store. Wo havo every
thing ou wont nnd wo guaran
tee to savo you n little monay
on everthing you buy of us. We
want your trade nnd cordially
invite you to call and see us.
(IV will iim' von richt. show
iwcoatao oulbuuulug" Tula pro(M.rly la fi, . . ,
laiUI loralad. and oukl luak. a Sr.l ,-u our uoods al)(l OUOle pHCCS With
MislUfsa staua. aud IU ba soul lugeturr ut 1 I
. (mm i mmx
Wliolesalo Commission Dcnlor, Kast Wclssjiort,
Fruits & Vegetables in Season
Special attention will be pRid te Supplying PIC-NICS and
FUS'nVAii with '
Fruits of all Kinds, Confect
tion my, Cigars, &c.,
At the very lowost prices and on the very beet conditions.
Don't niarke arrangement until you have seen me.
East Weissport.
pleasure When you buy your
next bill of goods please try us.
Mf - - - Lsssss.------m...aaailaaaaaaiaMMasaSaaaM